Local Control and Accountability Plan and Annual Update Template

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§ 15497. Local Control and Accountability Plan and Annual Update Template.

LEA: _San Juan Unified School District          Contact: Donna O’Neil, Asst. Supt. Ed Services 916.971.7216 (doneil@sanjuan.edu)   LCAP Year: 2014-15

                                     Local Control and Accountability Plan and Annual Update Template
The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and annual update template shall be used to provide details regarding local educational
agencies’ (LEAs) actions and expenditures to support pupil outcomes and overall performance pursuant to Education Code sections 52060, 52066,
47605, 47605.5, and 47606.5.

For school districts, pursuant to Education Code section 52060, the LCAP must describe, for the school district and each school within the district,
goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils identified in Education Code section 52052, including
pupils with disabilities, for each of the state priorities and any locally identified priorities.

For county offices of education, pursuant to Education Code section 52066, the LCAP must describe, for each county office of education-operated
school and program, goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils identified in Education Code
section 52052, including pupils with disabilities, who are funded through the county office of education Local Control Funding Formula as
identified in Education Code section 2574 (pupils attending juvenile court schools, on probation or parole, or mandatorily expelled) for each of the
state priorities and any locally identified priorities. School districts and county offices of education may additionally coordinate and describe in
their LCAPs services provided to pupils funded by a school district but attending county-operated schools and programs, including special
education programs.

Charter schools, pursuant to Education Code sections 47605, 47605.5, and 47606.5, must describe goals and specific actions to achieve those
goals for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils identified in Education Code section 52052, including pupils with disabilities, for each of the state
priorities as applicable and any locally identified priorities. For charter schools, the inclusion and description of goals for state priorities in the
LCAP may be modified to meet the grade levels served and the nature of the programs provided, including modifications to reflect only the
statutory requirements explicitly applicable to charter schools in the Education Code.

The LCAP is intended to be a comprehensive planning tool. LEAs may reference and describe actions and expenditures in other plans and funded
by a variety of other fund sources when detailing goals, actions, and expenditures related to the state and local priorities. LCAPs must be
consistent with school plans submitted pursuant to Education Code section 64001. The information contained in the LCAP, or annual update, may
be supplemented by information contained in other plans (including the LEA plan pursuant to Section 1112 of Subpart 1 of Part A of Title I of
Public Law 107-110) that are incorporated or referenced as relevant in this document.

For each section of the template, LEAs should comply with instructions and use the guiding questions as prompts (but not limits) for completing
the information as required by statute. Guiding questions do not require separate narrative responses. Data referenced in the LCAP must be
consistent with the school accountability report card where appropriate. LEAs may resize pages or attach additional pages as necessary to
facilitate completion of the LCAP.

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                                                                             State Priorities
The state priorities listed in Education Code sections 52060 and 52066 can be categorized as specified below for planning purposes, however,
school districts and county offices of education must address each of the state priorities in their LCAP. Charter schools must address the priorities
in Education Code section 52060(d) that apply to the grade levels served, or the nature of the program operated, by the charter school.

A. Conditions of Learning:

Basic: degree to which teachers are appropriately assigned pursuant to Education Code section 44258.9, and fully credentialed in the subject
areas and for the pupils they are teaching; pupils have access to standards-aligned instructional materials pursuant to Education Code section
60119; and school facilities are maintained in good repair pursuant to Education Code section 17002(d). (Priority 1)

Implementation of State Standards: implementation of academic content and performance standards adopted by the state board for all pupils,
including English learners. (Priority 2)

Course access: pupil enrollment in a broad course of study that includes all of the subject areas described in Education Code section 51210 and
subdivisions (a) to (i), inclusive, of Section 51220, as applicable. (Priority 7)

Expelled pupils (for county offices of education only): coordination of instruction of expelled pupils pursuant to Education Code section 48926.
(Priority 9)

Foster youth (for county offices of education only): coordination of services, including working with the county child welfare agency to share
information, responding to the needs of the juvenile court system, and ensuring transfer of health and education records. (Priority 10)

B. Pupil Outcomes:

Pupil achievement: performance on standardized tests, score on Academic Performance Index, share of pupils that are college and career ready,
share of English learners that become English proficient, English learner reclassification rate, share of pupils that pass Advanced Placement
exams with 3 or higher, share of pupils determined prepared for college by the Early Assessment Program. (Priority 4)

Other pupil outcomes: pupil outcomes in the subject areas described in Education Code section 51210 and subdivisions (a) to (i), inclusive, of
Education Code section 51220, as applicable. (Priority 8)

C. Engagement:

Parent involvement: efforts to seek parent input in decision making, promotion of parent participation in programs for unduplicated pupils and
special need subgroups. (Priority 3)

Pupil engagement: school attendance rates, chronic absenteeism rates, middle school dropout rates, high school dropout rates, high school
graduations rates. (Priority 5)

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School climate: pupil suspension rates, pupil expulsion rates, other local measures including surveys of pupils, parents and teachers on the sense
of safety and school connectedness. (Priority 6)

Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement

Meaningful engagement of parents, pupils, and other stakeholders, including those representing the subgroups identified in Education Code
section 52052, is critical to the LCAP and budget process. Education Code sections 52062 and 52063 specify the minimum requirements for school
districts; Education Code sections 52068 and 52069 specify the minimum requirements for county offices of education, and Education Code
section 47606.5 specifies the minimum requirements for charter schools. In addition, Education Code section 48985 specifies the requirements for
translation of documents.

Instructions: Describe the process used to engage parents, pupils, and the community and how this engagement contributed to development of
the LCAP or annual update. Note that the LEA’s goals related to the state priority of parental involvement are to be described separately in
Section 2, and the related actions and expenditures are to be described in Section 3.

Guiding Questions:

     1) How have parents, community members, pupils, local bargaining units, and other stakeholders (e.g., LEA personnel, county child welfare
          agencies, county office of education foster youth services programs, court-appointed special advocates, foster youth, foster parents,
          education rights holders and other foster youth stakeholders, English learner parents, community organizations representing English
          learners, and others as appropriate) been engaged and involved in developing, reviewing, and supporting implementation of the LCAP?
     2)   How have stakeholders been included in the LEA’s process in a timely manner to allow for engagement in the development of the LCAP?
     3)   What information (e.g., quantitative and qualitative data/metrics) was made available to stakeholders related to the state priorities and
          used by the LEA to inform the LCAP goal setting process?
     4)   What changes, if any, were made in the LCAP prior to adoption as a result of written comments or other feedback received by the LEA
          through any of the LEA’s engagement processes?
     5)   What specific actions were taken to meet statutory requirements for stakeholder engagement pursuant to Education Code sections
          52062, 52068, and 47606.5, including engagement with representative parents of pupils identified in Education Code section 42238.01?
     6)   In the annual update, how has the involvement of these stakeholders supported improved outcomes for pupils related to the state

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        Involvement Process                                                  Impact on LCAP
        January 13 and 14, 2014 LCAP 35 Meetings                             Creation of critical issues that if not addressed would move us
        Parent representatives from all district advisory committees, San    further away from the goals of the District Strategic Plan, Local
        Juan Teachers Association, San Juan Professional Educators           Education Agency (LEA) Plan, English Learner (EL) Master Plan,
        Association, San Juan Administrators Association, Board Member,      and Comprehensive Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Plan.
        and students met all day to review current district data, district    Seven critical issues were identified by this group:
        plans and develop critical issues that would drive LCAP goals and        1. Unify stakeholders, implement programs consistently and
        action steps.                                                                be accountable for results for all subgroups
        Parent advisory committees include:                                      2. Focus on improving student achievement in lower grades
            • Community Advisory Committee (CAC – for parents of                     through CCSS to close achievement gaps
                special ed. students)                                            3. Improve access to educational programs
            • Curriculum and Standards Committee (C&S)                           4. Implement culturally responsive CCSS instruction
            • District Advisory Committee (DAC)                                  5. Use data to align resources
            • District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)                6. Increase student engagement in learning process
            • Equity Focus Group (parents, staff and students focused            7. Raise expectations for students and parents and give
                on needs of African American students)                               them more voice in decision-making.
            • English Learner Master Plan Advisory Committee
                (ELMPAC)                                                     Assisted in ranking the critical issues
            • Parent Advisory Committee (PAC – for parent liaisons)
            • Superintendent’s Parent Advisory Committee (SPAC)              Creation of six Guiding Statements that if implemented
            • Facilities, Transportation and Finance Committee (FT&F)        successfully would move us closer to the goals of the District
                                                                             Strategic Plan, LEA Plan, EL Master Plan, and CEIS Plan, namely
        January 15-February 12, 2014                                         raising academic achievement for all students while closing
        Each member of the LCAP 35 reported back to their ‘home group’:      achievement gaps.
        District committee, labor group, and student group in order to get
        feedback on the critical issues                                       1. We will improve and support student achievement at all
                                                                                 levels (Early Childhood Education, Elementary and
        February 13, 2014                                                        Secondary) through quality instruction by focusing resources
        The LCAP 35 reconvened for an all-day meeting after receiving            and professional development to close achievement gaps to
        feedback on the critical issues from their home groups                   ensure all students are college and career ready.
                                                                              2. We will ensure all students have access to challenging,
                                                                                 meaningful educational programs and social and academic
                                                                                 support services that will improve equity and achievement
                                                                                 across the district. With consideration for Transportation and
                                                                                 Special Programs – Rapid Learner, Career Technical,
                                                                                 Education, Internships, Advanced Placement etc.

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        February 24 – March 7, 2014                                              3. We will acknowledge and respect the cultural and economic
        Every school in the district held an LCFF/LCAP family meeting at            diversity within San Juan Unified School District’s population
        their school site to review the six Guiding Statements and discuss          and implement research based instructional and support
        the current actions of their sites related to the Guiding                   practices to meet student’s individual needs
        Statements. The principals then asked for feedback, input and            4. We will actively engage ALL students in their learning
        potential actions from the families in attendance. The family               process by providing safe school environments that honor
        feedback was submitted to the LCAP writing team.                            and respect each student’s strengths, meet their academic
                                                                                    and social/emotional needs, and inspire them to pursue their
        March 17-21, 2014                                                           own rigorous learning goals.
        The district conducted student listening circles from multiple
        secondary school sites in order for students to provide input and        5. We will collaborate with family, students and community
        information.                                                                stakeholders in our decision making processes and raise
                                                                                    expectations of what we ask of our education community to
        April 28 – May 15                                                           support closing achievement gaps and preparing our
        The district invited all district committees, labor groups, families,       students to be college and career ready
        students and community members to review a draft of the LCAP             6. We will utilize valid data at the school site and district level
        plan and provide additional feedback and input during three                 to align our resources in support of student success
        community forums, Curriculum and Standards Committee                    The LCAP writing team reviewed the Six Guiding Statements
        meeting and through an online survey.                                   developed by the LCAP 35, comprised of community stakeholders,
                                                                                and translated them into two overarching goals:
        May 7, 2014
        District Advisory Council (DAC) meeting to review, provide input            1. Improve and support student learning to close
        and comment on the LCAP draft. All comments were responded                     achievement gaps and ensure all students graduate
        to in writing by the Superintendent and placed on the District                 college and career ready.
        website.                                                                    2. Foster respectful, collaborative, and reflective school and
                                                                                       district cultures that ensure academic and social/
        The district utilized the auto-dialer system in order to request that          emotional well-being for each student.
        all interested parties access the second draft of the LCAP online
                                                                                Students clearly identified the need for high expectations,
        and provide feedback via the web.
                                                                                relationship with school staff, and need to improve student
                                                                                engagement as key areas that impact their learning.
        The Chief Academic Officer presented the final draft of the LCAP
        at a Board Workshop on May 27, 2014 and conducted a public
                                                                                Equity Focus Group comprised of parent and staff leaders
        hearing at the Board Meeting on June 10, 2014.
                                                                                committed to closing the achievement gaps with our African
                                                                                American and non-EL Hispanic students was formed. This group
        The San Juan Unified School District Board of Education approved
                                                                                will advise the district as it goes forward in developing academic
        the LCAP on June 24, 2014 during open session of their scheduled
                                                                                and social-emotional interventions for students.
        board meeting.

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        August 5, 2014                                                       The three community forums were held in early to mid-May to
        District Advisory Council (DELAC) meeting to review, provide input   seek feedback on the first draft of the LCAP plan. Information was
        and comment on the LCAP. All comments were responded to in           also solicited through a districtwide survey. As a result of the
        writing by the Superintendent and placed on the District website.    community forums that were held on May 6th (2 forums held at
                                                                             Will Rogers Middle School) and on May 13th (St. Matthews
                                                                             Church), as well as feedback submitted through our online survey,
                                                                             the changes below were made to the first draft of the LCAP plan:
                                                                             1. Reduce class sizes in TK-3 based on pending agreement
                                                                             between the San Juan Unified School District and the San Juan
                                                                             Teachers Association.
                                                                             2. Additional counselor staffing:
                                                                                      .50 FTE at each comprehensive HS in 2014-15 (4.5 FTE)
                                                                                      .50 FTE at each comprehensive HS in 2015-16 (4.5 FTE)
                                                                                      .50 FTE at each MS in 2015-16 (4.5 FTE)
                                                                                      1.0 FTE to support K-8 schools in 2015-16 (1.0 FTE)
                                                                                      .50 FTE at each comprehensive HS in 2016-17 (4.5 FTE)
                                                                             3. Principal Network facilitators- 8 elementary principals and 4
                                                                             secondary principals
                                                                             4. System of Professional Growth
                                                                                      Prototype in 2014-15
                                                                                      Pilot in 2015-16
                                                                                      Expand in 2016-17
                                                                             5. Provide additional English Learner Classes via Adult Education
                                                                             6. Adjustments:
                                                                                      Director of Equity & Intervention-Move from 2014-15 to
                                                                             7. Deletions:
                                                                                      Coordinator of Special Programs
                                                                                      Administrative Assistant to Director of Equity &
                                                                                      Administrative Assistant to Director K-8
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Section 2: Goals and Progress Indicators

For school districts, Education Code sections 52060 and 52061, for county offices of education, Education Code sections 52066 and 52067, and for
charter schools, Education Code section 47606.5 require(s) the LCAP to include a description of the annual goals, for all pupils and each subgroup
of pupils, for each state priority and any local priorities and require the annual update to include a review of progress towards the goals and
describe any changes to the goals.

Instructions: Describe annual goals and expected and actual progress toward meeting goals. This section must include specifics projected for
the applicable term of the LCAP, and in each annual update year, a review of progress made in the past fiscal year based on an identified metric.
Charter schools may adjust the chart below to align with the term of the charter school’s budget that is submitted to the school’s authorizer
pursuant to Education Code section 47604.33. The metrics may be quantitative or qualitative, although LEAs must, at minimum, use the specific
metrics that statute explicitly references as required elements for measuring progress within a particular state priority area. Goals must address
each of the state priorities and any additional local priorities; however, one goal may address multiple priorities. The LEA may identify which
school sites and subgroups have the same goals, and group and describe those goals together. The LEA may also indicate those goals that are not
applicable to a specific subgroup or school site. The goals must reflect outcomes for all pupils and include specific goals for school sites and
specific subgroups, including pupils with disabilities, both at the LEA level and, where applicable, at the school site level. To facilitate alignment
between the LCAP and school plans, the LCAP shall identify and incorporate school-specific goals related to the state and local priorities from the
school plans submitted pursuant to Education Code section 64001. Furthermore, the LCAP should be shared with, and input requested from,
school site-level advisory groups (e.g., school site councils, English Learner Advisory Councils, pupil advisory groups, etc.) to facilitate alignment
between school-site and district-level goals and actions. An LEA may incorporate or reference actions described in other plans that are being
undertaken to meet the goal.

Guiding Questions:

     1) What are the LEA’s goal(s) to address state priorities related to “Conditions of Learning”?
     2) What are the LEA’s goal(s) to address state priorities related to “Pupil Outcomes”?
     3) What are the LEA’s goal(s) to address state priorities related to “Engagement” (e.g., pupil and parent)?
     4) What are the LEA’s goal(s) to address locally-identified priorities?
     5) How have the unique needs of individual school sites been evaluated to inform the development of meaningful district and/or individual
        school site goals (e.g., input from site level advisory groups, staff, parents, community, pupils; review of school level plans; in-depth
        school level data analysis, etc.)?
     6) What are the unique goals for subgroups as defined in Education Code sections 42238.01 and 52052 that are different from the LEA’s
        goals for all pupils?
     7) What are the specific predicted outcomes/metrics/noticeable changes associated with each of the goals annually and over the term of
        the LCAP?
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     8) What information (e.g., quantitative and qualitative data/metrics) was considered/reviewed to develop goals to address each state or
         local priority and/or to review progress toward goals in the annual update?
     9) What information was considered/reviewed for individual school sites?
     10) What information was considered/reviewed for subgroups identified in Education Code section 52052?
     11) In the annual update, what changes/progress have been realized and how do these compare to changes/progress predicted? What
         modifications are being made to the LCAP as a result of this comparison?
                                               Goals                                           What will be different/improved for students?           Related State
                                                                                                        (based on identified metric)                     and Local
   Identified                                                                                                                                           (Identify specific
   Need and                                 Applicable
                                                                    School(s)       Annual                                                             state priority. For
     Metric                                                         Affected                                                                                 districts and
                                            Subgroups                              Update:
  (What needs                                                 (Indicate “all” if                                                                               COEs, all
   have been                                   (Identify
                                                              the goal applies     Analysis                                                                  priorities in
                      Description of          applicable                                        LCAP YEAR
 identified and                                               to all schools in       of                         Year 2: 2015-16    Year 3: 2016-17     statute must be
                          Goal             subgroups (as                                      Year 1: 2014-15
what metrics are
                                           defined in EC
                                                                 the LEA, or       Progress                                                                 included and
used to measure                                                 alternatively,                                                                           identified; each
   progress?)                                 52052) or                                                                                                      goal may be
                                                              all high schools,
                                            indicate “all”                                                                                                linked to more
                                                                for example.)
                                           for all pupils.)                                                                                            than one priority
                                                                                                                                                         if appropriate.)
API is below                              All Groups          All                             N/A                All groups         All groups         Student
state target of                                                                                                  Meet/exceed        Meet/exceed        Achievement
800                                                                                                              growth target      growth target
                      Improve and
ELA proficiency                           All Groups          All                             All groups         All groups         All groups         Pupil
rates are low:                                                                                Increase pct of    Increase pct of    Increase pct of    Outcomes/
                      learning to
K-2 Reading                                                                                   students reading   students reading   students reading   Other
using text level                                                                              at/above GL by     at/above GL by     at/above GL by     Measures
measure                                                                                       5% (to 90%)        8% (to 90%)        10% (to 90%)
                      gaps and
                      ensure all
Gr. 3-11                                  All Groups          All                             All groups         All groups         All groups         Student
English-                                                                                      Increase rate      Increase rate by   Increase rate by   Achievement
language arts                                                                                 at/above GL by     3% (MAP gr 3-9,    5% (to >85%)
                      college and
                                                                                              3% (MAP gr 3-9,    CAHSEE gr 10);
                      career ready
                                                                                              CAHSEE gr 10)      Adjust baseline
                                                                                              (to >85%)          for CAASPP (to
English Lang          Improve and         English             All                             All groups         All groups         All groups         Student
Development:          support             Learners;                                           Increase pct       Increase pct       Increase pct       Achievement
Growth in Dev         student             Long Term ELs                                       growing 1+         growing 1+         growing 1+
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                                               Goals                                           What will be different/improved for students?              Related State
                                                                                                        (based on identified metric)                        and Local
   Identified                                                                                                                                              (Identify specific
   Need and                                 Applicable
                                                                    School(s)       Annual                                                                state priority. For
     Metric                                                         Affected                                                                                    districts and
                                            Subgroups                              Update:
  (What needs                                                 (Indicate “all” if                                                                                  COEs, all
   have been                                   (Identify
                                                              the goal applies     Analysis                                                                     priorities in
                      Description of          applicable                                        LCAP YEAR
 identified and                                               to all schools in       of                          Year 2: 2015-16     Year 3: 2016-17      statute must be
                          Goal             subgroups (as                                      Year 1: 2014-15
what metrics are
                                           defined in EC
                                                                 the LEA, or       Progress                                                                    included and
used to measure                                                 alternatively,                                                                              identified; each
   progress?)                                 52052) or                                                                                                         goal may be
                                                              all high schools,
                                            indicate “all”                                                                                                   linked to more
                                                                for example.)
                                           for all pupils.)                                                                                               than one priority
                                                                                                                                                            if appropriate.)
of Eng (AMAO 1)       learning to                                                             level/year by 2%    level/year by 3%    level/year by 4%
                      close                                                                   (to state target)   (to state target)   (to state target)
                      gaps and
                      ensure all
English Lang                              English             ALL                             EL’s                EL’s                EL’s
                      college and
Development:                              Learners;                                           Increase by 2%      Increase by 3%      Increase by 5%
                      career ready
Fluency on                                Long term                                           LTELS               LTELS               LTELS
CELDT (AMAO2)                             EL’s                                                Increase by 4%      Increase by 6%      Increase by 6%
                                                                                              (to State Target)   (to State Target)   (to State Target)
English Lang                              English             All                             ELs:                ELs:                ELs:                Student
Development:                              Learners;                                           Increase by 2%      Increase by 3%      Increase by 5%      Achievement
EL                                        Long term                                           LTELS:              LTELS:              LTELS:
Redesignation                             Eng. learners                                       Increase rate by    Increase rate by    Increase rate by
                                          (LTEL)                                              4% (to 30%)         6% (to 30%)         6% (to 30%)
Math                                      All Groups          Elementary &                    Identify & pilot    Set baseline        Revisit targets     Pupil
proficiency                                                   K-8 schools                     CCSS-aligned        levels of           based on            Outcomes/
rates are low:                                                                                assmt. tool(s)      performance         performance         Other
K-2 Math                                                                                                                                                  Measures
Math                                      All Groups          All                             All groups          All groups          All groups          Student
proficiency                                                                                   Increase rate by    Increase rate by    Increase rate by    Achievement
rates are low:                                                                                3% (to >85%)        3%; Adjust          5% (to >85%)
Gr. 3-11 Math                                                                                                     baseline with
(gr. 3-9 MAP;                                                                                                     CAASPP (to
gr. 10 CAHSEE)                                                                                                    >85%)

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                                               Goals                                           What will be different/improved for students?           Related State
                                                                                                        (based on identified metric)                     and Local
   Identified                                                                                                                                           (Identify specific
   Need and                                 Applicable
                                                                    School(s)       Annual                                                             state priority. For
     Metric                                                         Affected                                                                                 districts and
                                            Subgroups                              Update:
  (What needs                                                 (Indicate “all” if                                                                               COEs, all
   have been                                   (Identify
                                                              the goal applies     Analysis                                                                  priorities in
                      Description of          applicable                                        LCAP YEAR
 identified and                                               to all schools in       of                         Year 2: 2015-16    Year 3: 2016-17     statute must be
                          Goal             subgroups (as                                      Year 1: 2014-15
what metrics are
                                           defined in EC
                                                                 the LEA, or       Progress                                                                 included and
used to measure                                                 alternatively,                                                                           identified; each
   progress?)                                 52052) or                                                                                                      goal may be
                                                              all high schools,
                                            indicate “all”                                                                                                linked to more
                                                                for example.)
                                           for all pupils.)                                                                                            than one priority
                                                                                                                                                         if appropriate.)

Math                  Improve and         All Groups          K-8, MS, HS                     African Am-Eng     African Am-        African Am-        Pupil
proficiency           support                                                                 Learner-Foster     English Learner-   English Learner-   Outcomes/
rates are low:        student                                                                 Youth-St           Foster Youth-St    Foster Youth-St    Other
Complete              learning to                                                             w/Disab            w/Disab            w/Disab            Measures
Algebra 1 by gr       close                                                                   Increase rate by   Increase rate by   Increase rate by
9                     achievement                                                             5% (to >85%)       8% (to >85%)       10% (to >85%)
                      gaps and                                                                All other groups   All other groups   All other groups
                      ensure all                                                              Increase rate by   Increase rate by   Increase rate by
                      students                                                                3% (to >85%)       5% (to >85%)       7% (to >85%)
Transition for        graduate            Foster Youth        All                             All Schools        All Schools        All Schools        Basic Services
Foster Youth:         college and                                                             Maintain 2 day     Maintain 2 day     Maintain 2 day
Prompt                career ready                                                            avg for            avg for            avg for
Enrollment and                                                                                enrollment/        enrollment/        enrollment/
Scheduling                                                                                    scheduling         scheduling         scheduling

                                                                                              Establish a        Reduce avg days    Reduce avg days
Promptly                                                                                      baseline time      needed to          needed to
update records/                                                                               for completing     complete           complete
transcripts w/                                                                                academic           academic           academic
credit for prior                                                                              history            history            history
school/ work

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                                               Goals                                           What will be different/improved for students?        Related State
                                                                                                        (based on identified metric)                  and Local
   Identified                                                                                                                                        (Identify specific
   Need and                                 Applicable
                                                                 School(s)          Annual                                                          state priority. For
     Metric                                                      Affected                                                                                 districts and
                                            Subgroups                              Update:
  (What needs                                                 (Indicate “all” if                                                                            COEs, all
   have been                                   (Identify
                                                              the goal applies     Analysis                                                               priorities in
                      Description of          applicable                                        LCAP YEAR
 identified and                                               to all schools in       of                        Year 2: 2015-16   Year 3: 2016-17    statute must be
                          Goal             subgroups (as                                      Year 1: 2014-15
what metrics are
                                           defined in EC
                                                                 the LEA, or       Progress                                                              included and
used to measure                                                 alternatively,                                                                        identified; each
   progress?)                                 52052) or                                                                                                   goal may be
                                                              all high schools,
                                            indicate “all”                                                                                             linked to more
                                                                for example.)
                                           for all pupils.)                                                                                         than one priority
                                                                                                                                                      if appropriate.)

Increase college      Improve and         All Groups          High Schools                    All Groups        All Groups        All Groups        Student
readiness:            support                                                                 Increase          Increase          Increase number   Achievement
AP/IB scores          student                                                                 number of         number of         of students
                      learning to                                                             students w/qual   students w/qual   w/qual score by
                      close                                                                   score by 3%       score by 5%       7%

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                                               Goals                                           What will be different/improved for students?           Related State
                                                                                                        (based on identified metric)                     and Local
   Identified                                                                                                                                           (Identify specific
   Need and                                 Applicable
                                                                 School(s)          Annual                                                             state priority. For
     Metric                                                      Affected                                                                                    districts and
                                            Subgroups                              Update:
  (What needs                                                 (Indicate “all” if                                                                               COEs, all
   have been                                   (Identify
                                                              the goal applies     Analysis                                                                  priorities in
                      Description of          applicable                                        LCAP YEAR
 identified and                                               to all schools in       of                         Year 2: 2015-16    Year 3: 2016-17     statute must be
                          Goal             subgroups (as                                      Year 1: 2014-15
what metrics are
                                           defined in EC
                                                                 the LEA, or       Progress                                                                 included and
used to measure                                                 alternatively,                                                                           identified; each
   progress?)                                 52052) or                                                                                                      goal may be
                                                              all high schools,
                                            indicate “all”                                                                                                linked to more
                                                                for example.)
                                           for all pupils.)                                                                                            than one priority
                                                                                                                                                         if appropriate.)
Increase college      achievement         All Groups          High Schools                    All Groups         All Groups         All Groups         Student
readiness:            gaps and                                                                Establish          Increase           Increase number    Achievement
EAP indicator of      ensure all                                                              baselines in ELA   number of          of “ready”
College               students                                                                and math for       “ready”            students in ELA
Readiness after       graduate                                                                college            students in ELA    by 10%
grade 11              college and                                                             readiness as       by 5%
                      career ready                                                            measured by        All Groups         All Groups
                                                                                              grade 11           Increase           Increase number
                                                                                              Smarter            number of          of “ready”
                                                                                              Balanced Assmt     “ready”            students in
                                                                                                                 students in        math by 10% (to
                                                                                                                 math by 5% (to     60%)
Increase college                          All Groups          High Schools                    All Groups         All Groups         All Groups         Student
readiness:                                                                                    Increase rate of   Increase rate of   Increase rate of   Achievement
A-G and/or CTE                                                                                A-G completers     A-G completers     A-G completers
Completion                                                                                    by 3% (to 80%)     by 5% (to 80%)     by 8% (to 80%)
                                                                                              All Groups         All Groups         All Groups
                                                                                              Increase rate of   Increase rate of   Increase rate of
                                                                                              students who       CTE completers     CTE completers
                                                                                              complete a         by 4% (to 25%)     by 5% (to 25%)
                                                                                              capstone course
                                                                                              in Career
                                                                                              sequence by 3%
                                                                                              (to 25%)

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                                               Goals                                           What will be different/improved for students?            Related State
                                                                                                        (based on identified metric)                      and Local
   Identified                                                                                                                                            (Identify specific
   Need and                                 Applicable
                                                                 School(s)          Annual                                                              state priority. For
     Metric                                                      Affected                                                                                     districts and
                                            Subgroups                              Update:
  (What needs                                                 (Indicate “all” if                                                                                COEs, all
   have been                                   (Identify
                                                              the goal applies     Analysis                                                                   priorities in
                      Description of          applicable                                        LCAP YEAR
 identified and                                               to all schools in       of                          Year 2: 2015-16    Year 3: 2016-17     statute must be
                          Goal             subgroups (as                                      Year 1: 2014-15
what metrics are
                                           defined in EC
                                                                 the LEA, or       Progress                                                                  included and
used to measure                                                 alternatively,                                                                            identified; each
   progress?)                                 52052) or                                                                                                       goal may be
                                                              all high schools,
                                            indicate “all”                                                                                                 linked to more
                                                                for example.)
                                           for all pupils.)                                                                                             than one priority
                                                                                                                                                          if appropriate.)
Comprehensive                             All Groups          Elementary;                     All Schools         All Schools        All Schools        Course Access
Course of                                                     K-8s                            Establish           Evidence of        Evidence of
Study:                                                                                        baseline for use    increased          increased
Elementary                                                                                    of time for core    balance across     balance across
                                                                                              subjects and        full course of     full course of
                                                                                              interventions for   study for all      study for all
                                                                                              targeted            students and       students and
                                                                                              students            targeted groups    targeted groups
                      Improve and
Comprehensive                             All Groups          K-8; MS; HS                     All Schools         All Schools        All Schools        Course Access
Course of                                                                                     Establish           Identify and       Identify and
Study:                                                                                        baseline for        address access     address access
                      learning to
Secondary                                                                                     comprehensive       issues around      issues around
                                                                                              course of study     course of study    course of study
Increase                                  African             K-8, MS                         African Am-         African Am-        African Am-        Course Access
                      gaps and
enrollment                                American;                                           Hispanic-EL-Low     Hispanic-EL-Low    Hispanic-EL-Low
                      ensure all
specialized/                              Hispanic; Eng                                       Income-Foster       Income-Foster      Income-Foster      Pupil
honors courses:                           Learner; Low                                        Youth-St            Youth-St           Youth-St           Engagement
MS Honors/IB                              Income;                                             w/Disab             w/Disab            w/Disab
                      college and
                                          Foster Youth;                                       Increase rate by    Increase rate by   Increase rate by
                      career ready
                                          St w/Disab                                          2%                  4%                 6%
Increase                                  All Groups          High Schools                    All Groups          All Groups         All Groups         Course Access
enrollment                                African Am.;                                        Increase pct of     Increase pct of    Increase pct of
specialized                               Hispanic; Eng                                       students taking     students taking    students taking    Pupil
courses:                                  Learner; Low                                        1+ honors/IB/AP     1+ honors/IB/AP    1+ honors/IB/AP    Engagement
HS Accel/AP/                              Income;                                             class by 2%         class by 4%        class by 6%
IB/Honors                                 Foster Youth;                                       Targ Groups         Targ Groups        Targ Groups
classes                                   St w/Disab                                          Increase by 5%      Increase by 5%     Increase by 10%

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                                                Goals                                          What will be different/improved for students?          Related State
                                                                                                        (based on identified metric)                    and Local
   Identified                                                                                                                                          (Identify specific
   Need and                                 Applicable
                                                                    School(s)       Annual                                                            state priority. For
     Metric                                                         Affected                                                                                districts and
                                            Subgroups                              Update:
  (What needs                                                 (Indicate “all” if                                                                              COEs, all
   have been                                   (Identify
                                                              the goal applies     Analysis                                                                 priorities in
                      Description of          applicable                                        LCAP YEAR
 identified and                                               to all schools in       of                        Year 2: 2015-16    Year 3: 2016-17     statute must be
                          Goal             subgroups (as                                      Year 1: 2014-15
what metrics are
                                           defined in EC
                                                                 the LEA, or       Progress                                                                included and
used to measure                                                 alternatively,                                                                          identified; each
   progress?)                                 52052) or                                                                                                     goal may be
                                                              all high schools,
                                            indicate “all”                                                                                               linked to more
                                                                for example.)
                                           for all pupils.)                                                                                           than one priority
                                                                                                                                                        if appropriate.)
Increase                                  All Groups          K-8; MS; HS                     All Groups        All Groups         All Groups         Pupil
successful                                                                                    Establish         Increase rate of   Increase rate of   Outcomes/
completion of                                                                                 baseline:         course             course             Other
courses (grades                                                                               successful        completion by      completion by      Measures
earned)                                                                                       course            3% (to 95%)        3% (to 95%)
                                                                                              completion by
                      Improve and
Highly Skilled                            All                 All                             All Teachers      All Teachers       All Teachers       Basic Services
Teachers:                                                                                     5 fewer (from     5 fewer (from      5 fewer (from
Highly Qualified                                                                              45) not HQT       45) not HQT        45) not HQT
                      learning to
                                                                                              All Schools       All Schools        All Schools
Misassignments                                                                                4 fewer (from     4 fewer (from      4 fewer (from
                      gaps and
                                                                                              19) misassigned   19) misassigned    19) misassigned
                      ensure all
Need for stds-                            All                 All                             All Schools       All Schools        All Schools        Basic Services
aligned                                                                                       Maintain 100%     Maintain 100%      Maintain 100%
                      college and
instructional                                                                                 sufficiency       sufficiency (new   sufficiency (new
                      career ready
materials                                                                                                       math)              ELA)

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                                                Goals                                          What will be different/improved for students?           Related State
                                                                                                        (based on identified metric)                     and Local
   Identified                                                                                                                                           (Identify specific
   Need and                                 Applicable
                                                                    School(s)       Annual                                                             state priority. For
     Metric                                                         Affected                                                                                 districts and
                                            Subgroups                              Update:
  (What needs                                                 (Indicate “all” if                                                                               COEs, all
   have been                                   (Identify
                                                              the goal applies     Analysis                                                                  priorities in
                      Description of          applicable                                        LCAP YEAR
 identified and                                               to all schools in       of                           Year 2: 2015-16   Year 3: 2016-17    statute must be
                          Goal             subgroups (as                                      Year 1: 2014-15
what metrics are
                                           defined in EC
                                                                 the LEA, or       Progress                                                                 included and
used to measure                                                 alternatively,                                                                           identified; each
   progress?)                                 52052) or                                                                                                      goal may be
                                                              all high schools,
                                            indicate “all”                                                                                                linked to more
                                                                for example.)
                                           for all pupils.)                                                                                            than one priority
                                                                                                                                                         if appropriate.)
Implementation                            All                 All                             All Schools          All Schools                         Standards
of new                                                                                        100% of tchrs        100% of tchrs                       Implementation
standards:            Improve and                                                             trained in basics    trained in
Common Core           support                                                                 of CCSS & ELD &      intermediate
State Standards       student                                                                 NGSS as              application of
(CCSS), English       learning to                                                             applicable to        CCSS & ELD
Language              close                                                                   their grade/         &NGSS in their
Development           achievement                                                             content              grade/ content
Standards (ELD)       gaps and
&                     ensure all                                                              All Schools          All Schools       All Schools
Next                  students                                                                Identify a tool to   Increase          Increase
Generations           graduate                                                                measure CCSS/        implementation    implementation
Science               college and                                                             ELD/NGSS             of CCSS/          of CCSS/
Standards             career ready                                                            implementation;      ELD/NGSS by       ELD/NGSS to
(NGSS)                                                                                        establish a          20% of classes    100% of classes

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                                                   Goals                                                 What will be different/improved for              Related State
                                                                                                        students? (based on identified metric)              and Local
   Identified                                                                                                                                               Priorities
   Need and                                    Applicable                                                                                                   (Identify specific
                                                 Pupil                School(s)            Annual                                                          state priority. For
                                               Subgroups          Affected (Indicate      Update:                                                                districts and
  (What needs
                                                 (Identify          “all” if the goal     Analysis     LCAP YEAR                                          COEs, all priorities
   have been
                       Description of           applicable           applies to all                                     Year 2: 2015-    Year 3: 2016-    in statute must be
 identified and                                                                              of       Year 1: 2014-
                           Goal               subgroups (as       schools in the LEA,                                        16               17                included and
what metrics are
                                              defined in EC       or alternatively, all   Progress         15                                                identified; each
used to measure
                                                52052) or          high schools, for                                                                             goal may be
                                            indicate “all” for         example.)                                                                              linked to more
                                                all pupils.)                                                                                               than one priority
                                                                                                                                                             if appropriate.)
HS Cohort                                   All Groups            High Schools                       All groups         All groups       All groups       Pupil
Graduation                                  St w/disab                                               Increase 4-        Increase 4-      Increase 4-      Engagement
rates lower                                                                                          year cohort        year cohort      year cohort
than target of                                                                                       rate by 3% (to     rate by 3% (to   rate by 3% (to
95%                                                                                                  95%)               95%)             95%)
                                                                                                                        Stdts w/disab    Stdts w/disab
                                                                                                     Stdts w/disab      Increase 6-yr    Increase 6-yr
                                                                                                     Increase 5-yr      cohort rate by   cohort rate by
                      Foster                                                                         cohort rate by     3% (to 95%)      3% (to 95%)
                      respectful,                                                                    3% (to 95%)
Dropout rates         collaborative,        All (gr 9-12)         All                                All groups         African Am.,     African Am.,     Pupil
among HS              and reflective        African Am;                                              Reduce rates       Hispanic, Low    Hispanic, Low    Engagement
students are          school and            Hispanic;                                                by 1% (to
Page 17 of 71
                                                   Goals                                                 What will be different/improved for           Related State
                                                                                                        students? (based on identified metric)           and Local
   Identified                                                                                                                                            Priorities
   Need and                                    Applicable                                                                                                (Identify specific
                                                 Pupil                School(s)            Annual                                                       state priority. For
                                               Subgroups          Affected (Indicate      Update:                                                             districts and
  (What needs
                                                 (Identify          “all” if the goal     Analysis    LCAP YEAR                                        COEs, all priorities
   have been
                       Description of           applicable           applies to all                                   Year 2: 2015-   Year 3: 2016-    in statute must be
 identified and                                                                              of      Year 1: 2014-
                           Goal               subgroups (as       schools in the LEA,                                      16              17                included and
what metrics are
                                              defined in EC       or alternatively, all   Progress        15                                              identified; each
used to measure
                                                52052) or          high schools, for                                                                          goal may be
                                            indicate “all” for         example.)                                                                           linked to more
                                                all pupils.)                                                                                            than one priority
                                                                                                                                                          if appropriate.)
non-Attenders         respectful,                                                                    Reduce           Reduce          Reduce           Engagement
are excessive         collaborative,                                                                 percent of       percent of      percent of
for some              and reflective                                                                 students by 1%   students by     students by
student groups        school and                                                                     (to
Page 18 of 71
                                                   Goals                                                 What will be different/improved for            Related State
                                                                                                        students? (based on identified metric)            and Local
   Identified                                                                                                                                             Priorities
   Need and                                    Applicable                                                                                                 (Identify specific
                                                 Pupil                School(s)            Annual                                                        state priority. For
                                               Subgroups          Affected (Indicate      Update:                                                              districts and
  (What needs
                                                 (Identify          “all” if the goal     Analysis    LCAP YEAR                                         COEs, all priorities
   have been
                       Description of           applicable           applies to all                                   Year 2: 2015-    Year 3: 2016-    in statute must be
 identified and                                                                              of      Year 1: 2014-
                           Goal               subgroups (as       schools in the LEA,                                      16               17                included and
what metrics are
                                              defined in EC       or alternatively, all   Progress        15                                               identified; each
used to measure
                                                52052) or          high schools, for                                                                           goal may be
                                            indicate “all” for         example.)                                                                            linked to more
                                                all pupils.)                                                                                             than one priority
                                                                                                                                                           if appropriate.)
campus safety         collaborative,                                                                 strongly/agree   strongly/        strongly/agree
(parent,              and reflective                                                                 5%               agree 5%         10%
student, staff)       school and
Increase              district cultures     All                   All Schools                        All groups       All groups       All groups       Parental
opportunities         that ensure                                                                    Increased        Increased        Increased        Involvement
for parents/          academic and                                                                   opportunities    opportunities    opportunities
families to           social/emotiona                                                                to provide       to provide       to provide
provide input to      l well-being for                                                               input on         input on         input on
school/ district      each student                                                                   decisions by     decisions by     decisions by
decisions                                                                                            5%               10%              10%
Increase                                    All Groups            All                                All Groups       All Groups       All Groups       Parental
participation of                            Low Income-                                              Increase         Increase         Increase         Involvement
parents in                                  English                                                  offerings by 4   offerings by 4   offerings by 4
programs to                                 Learner- Foster                                          Targ. Groups     Targ. Groups     Targ. Groups
support student                             Youth                                                    Increase         Increase         Increase
learning                                                                                             participation    participation    participation
                                                                                                     of parents by    of parents by    of parents by
                                                                                                     10%              10%              10%
Well                                        All                   All Schools                        Maintain 100%    Maintain         Maintain         Basic Services
maintained                                                                                           Exemplary/       100%             100%
facilities                                                                                           Good Overall     Exemplary/       Exemplary/
                                                                                                     Ratings          Good Overall     Good Overall
                                                                                                                      Ratings          Ratings

Section 3: Actions, Services, and Expenditures

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For school districts, Education Code sections 52060 and 52061, for county offices of education, Education Code sections 52066 and 52067, and for
charter schools, Education Code section 47606.5 require the LCAP to include a description of the specific actions an LEA will take to meet the
goals identified. Additionally Education Code section 52604 requires a listing and description of the expenditures required to implement the
specific actions.

Instructions: Identify annual actions to be performed to meet the goals described in Section 2, and describe expenditures to implement each
action, and where these expenditures can be found in the LEA’s budget. Actions may describe a group of services that are implemented to
achieve identified goals. The actions and expenditures must reflect details within a goal for the specific subgroups identified in Education Code
section 52052, including pupils with disabilities, and for specific school sites as applicable. In describing the actions and expenditures that will
serve low-income, English learner, and/or foster youth pupils as defined in Education Code section 42238.01, the LEA must identify whether
supplemental and concentration funds are used in a districtwide, schoolwide, countywide, or charterwide manner. In the annual update, the
LEA must describe any changes to actions as a result of a review of progress. The LEA must reference all fund sources used to support actions
and services. Expenditures must be classified using the California School Accounting Manual as required by Education Code sections 52061,
52067, and 47606.5.

Guiding Questions:

     1) What actions/services will be provided to all pupils, to subgroups of pupils identified pursuant to Education Code section 52052, to
        specific school sites, to English learners, to low-income pupils, and/or to foster youth to achieve goals identified in the LCAP?
     2) How do these actions/services link to identified goals and performance indicators?
     3) What expenditures support changes to actions/services as a result of the goal identified? Where can these expenditures be found in the
        LEA’s budget?
     4) In the annual update, how have the actions/services addressed the needs of all pupils and did the provisions of those services result in
        the desired outcomes?
     5) In the annual update, how have the actions/services addressed the needs of all subgroups of pupils identified pursuant to Education
        Code section 52052, including, but not limited to, English learners, low-income pupils, and foster youth; and did the provision of those
        actions/services result in the desired outcomes?
     6) In the annual update, how have the actions/services addressed the identified needs and goals of specific school sites and did the
        provision of those actions/services result in the desired outcomes?
     7) In the annual update, what changes in actions, services, and expenditures have been made as a result of reviewing past progress and/or
        changes to goals?

     A. What annual actions, and the LEA may include any services that support these actions, are to be performed to meet the goals described
        in Section 2 for ALL pupils and the goals specifically for subgroups of pupils identified in Education Code section 52052 but not listed in
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          Table 3A below (e.g., Ethnic subgroups and pupils with disabilities)? List and describe expenditures for each fiscal year implementing
          these actions, including where these expenditures can be found in the LEA’s budget.

                                                                                                  What actions are performed or services provided in each year (and are
                                                                         Level of     Annual
                                                                                                  projected to be provided in years 2 and 3)? What are the anticipated
         Goal            Related State            Actions and                         Update:
       (Include and
                                                                         Service                        expenditures for each action (including funding source)?
                           and Local               Services               (Indicate   Review
    identify all goals
     from Section 2)       Priorities                                    if school-      of              LCAP YEAR
                         (from Section 2)                                  wide or    actions/         Year 1: 2014-15             Year 2: 2015-16            Year 3: 2016-17
                                                                         LEA-wide)    services
    Improve and          Basic Services        In order to               LEA-wide                Certificated Staff          Certificated Staff         Certificated Staff
    support                                    improve student                                   Total Cost: $163,673,515    Total Cost: $163,673,515   Total Cost: $163,673,515
    student                                    learning, close                                   Source: Base Grant          Source: Base Grant         Source: Base Grant
    learning to                                achievement gaps,                                 Resp: Various               Resp: Various              Resp: Various
    close                Pupil                 and ensure                                        Goal: Various               Goal: Various              Goal: Various
    achievement          Engagement            students graduate                                 Object: 1000                Object: 1000               Object: 1000
    gaps and                                   college and career                                Cost: $123,754,719          Cost: $123,754,719         Cost: $123,754,719
    ensure all                                 ready, SJUSD will                                 Object: 3000                Object: 3000               Object: 3000
                         of State
    students                                   provide:                                          Cost: $39,918,796           Cost: $39,918,796          Cost: $39,918,796
    college and          Course Access         1. Professional                                   Classified Staff            Classified Staff           Classified Staff
    career ready                               Development for                                   Total Cost: 52,269,316      Total Cost: 52,269,316     Total Cost: 52,269,316
                                               Quality First                                     Source: Base Grant          Source: Base Grant         Source: Base Grant
                                               Instruction in                                    Resp: Various               Resp: Various              Resp: Various
                                               support of student                                Goal: Various               Goal: Various              Goal: Various
                                               learning (research                                Object: 2000                Object: 2000               Object: 2000
                                               based instructional                               Cost: $35,227,270           Cost: $35,227,270          Cost: $35,227,270
                                               practices which                                   Object: 3000                Object: 3000               Object: 3000
                                               acknowledge and                                   Cost: $17,042,046           Cost: $17,042,046          Cost: $17,042,046
                                               respect cultural
                                               and economic                                      Early Childhood
                                               diversity)                                        Education to support
                                                                                                 instruction of CCSS early
                                                                                                 literacy skills

                                                                                                 Total Cost: $80,000 c/o
                                                                                                 Source: CCSS
                                                                                                 Resp: PLI
                                                                                                 Goal: varies
                                                                                                 Object: 5000
                                                                                                 Cost: $80,000
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                                                                                                  What actions are performed or services provided in each year (and are
                                                                         Level of     Annual
                                                                                                  projected to be provided in years 2 and 3)? What are the anticipated
         Goal            Related State            Actions and                         Update:
       (Include and
                                                                         Service                        expenditures for each action (including funding source)?
                           and Local               Services               (Indicate   Review
    identify all goals
     from Section 2)       Priorities                                    if school-      of              LCAP YEAR
                         (from Section 2)                                  wide or    actions/         Year 1: 2014-15               Year 2: 2015-16              Year 3: 2016-17
                                                                         LEA-wide)    services

                                                                                                 CCSS K-3 reading             CCSS K-3 reading             CCSS K-3 reading
                                                                                                 instruction to include       instruction to include       instruction to include
                                                                                                 fluency, phonics, a range    fluency, phonics, a range    fluency, phonics, a range
                                                                                                 of reading/text              of reading/text              of reading/text
                                                                                                 complexity (1st cohort of    complexity (2nd cohort of    complexity (3rd cohort of
                                                                                                 15 schools):                 15 schools):                 15 schools):

                                                                                                 Total Cost: $600,000         Total Cost: $600,000         Total Cost: $600,000
                                                                                                 Source: CCSS/IMF             Source: CCSS/IMF             Source: CCSS/IMF
                                                                                                 Resp: PLI                    Resp: PLI                    Resp: PLI

                                                                                                 Source: CCSS $150,000        Source: Title I $150,000     Source: Title I $150,000
                                                                                                 Goal: 1621                   Goal: 1670                   Goal: 1670
                                                                                                 Object: 1000                 Object: 1000                 Object: 1000
                                                                                                 Cost: $138,540               Cost: $138,540               Cost: $138,540
                                                                                                 Object: 3000                 Object: 3000                 Object: 3000
                                                                                                 Cost: $11,460                Cost: $11,460                Cost: $11,460

                                                                                                 Source: IMF $450,000         Source: IMF $450,000         Source: IMF $450,000
                                                                                                 Goal: 1110                   Goal: 1110                   Goal: 1110
                                                                                                 Object: 5000                 Object: 5000                 Object: 5000
                                                                                                 Cost: $450,000               Cost: $450,000               Cost: $450,000

                                                                                                 Develop and support          Develop and support          Ongoing support
                                                                                                 elementary teachers’         elementary teachers’         elementary teachers’
                                                                                                 instructional practices to   instructional practices to   instructional practices to
                                                                                                 ensure all students can      ensure all students can      ensure all students can
                                                                                                 actively read text in a      actively read text in a      actively read text in a
                                                                                                 manner that promotes a       manner that promotes a       manner that promotes a
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                                                                                                  What actions are performed or services provided in each year (and are
                                                                         Level of     Annual
                                                                                                  projected to be provided in years 2 and 3)? What are the anticipated
         Goal            Related State            Actions and                         Update:
       (Include and
                                                                         Service                        expenditures for each action (including funding source)?
                           and Local               Services               (Indicate   Review
    identify all goals
     from Section 2)       Priorities                                    if school-      of              LCAP YEAR
                         (from Section 2)                                  wide or    actions/         Year 1: 2014-15            Year 2: 2015-16               Year 3: 2016-17
                                                                         LEA-wide)    services
                                                                                                 deeper understanding of   deeper understanding of       deeper understanding of
                                                                                                 print as called for in    print as called for in CCSS   print as called for in CCSS
                                                                                                 CCSS (Cohort 1)           (Cohort 2)                    (Cohort 3)

                                                                                                 Total Cost: $998,779      Total Cost: $998,779          Total Cost: $998,779
                                                                                                 Source: Title I (1670)    Source: Title I (1670)        Source: Title I (1670)
                                                                                                 Resp: OSLA                Resp: OSLA                    Resp: OSLA
                                                                                                 Goal: 1670                Goal: 1670                    Goal: 1670
                                                                                                 Object:1000               Object:1000                   Object:1000
                                                                                                 Cost: $100,000            Cost: $100,000                Cost: $100,000
                                                                                                 Object: 3000              Object: 3000                  Object: 3000
                                                                                                 Cost: $7,773              Cost: $7,773                  Cost: $7,773
                                                                                                 Object: 4000              Object: 4000                  Object: 4000
                                                                                                 Cost: $37,006             Cost: $37,006                 Cost: $37,006
                                                                                                 Object: 5000              Object: 5000                  Object: 5000
                                                                                                 Cost: $854,000            Cost: $854,00                 Cost: $854,000

    Improve and          Basic Services        In order to               LEA-wide                Secondary                 Secondary                     Secondary
    support                                    improve student                                   Comprehensive Literacy-   Comprehensive Literacy-       Comprehensive Literacy-
    student                                    learning, close                                   developing,               developing,                   developing,
    learning to                                achievement gaps,                                 implementing and          implementing and              implementing and
    close                Pupil                 and ensure                                        studying CCSS units of    studying CCSS units of        studying CCSS units of
    achievement          Engagement            students graduate                                 study (80 secondary       study (100 teachers)          study (100 teachers)
    gaps and                                   college and career                                teachers)
    ensure all                                 ready, SJUSD will
                         of State
    students                                   provide:                                          Total Cost: $182,800      Total Cost: $182,800          Total Cost: $182,800
    graduate                                                                                     Source: CCSS              Source: Title I (1670)        Source: Title I (1670)
    college and          Course Access         1. Professional                                   Resp: PLI                 Resp: OSLA                    Resp: OSLA
    career ready                                  Development                                    Goal: 1621                Goal: 1670                    Goal: 1670
                                                  for Quality First                              Object: 1000              Object: 1000                  Object: 1000
                                                  Instruction in                                 Cost: $46,114             Cost: $46,114                 Cost: $46,114
                                                  support of                                     Object: 3000              Object: 3000                  Object: 3000
                                                  student learning                               Cost: $3,886              Cost: $3,886                  Cost: $3,886
06/24/2014 Approved by the Board of Education (08/07/2014 Minor Revisions)
Page 23 of 71
                                                                                                  What actions are performed or services provided in each year (and are
                                                                         Level of     Annual
                                                                                                  projected to be provided in years 2 and 3)? What are the anticipated
         Goal            Related State            Actions and                         Update:
       (Include and
                                                                         Service                        expenditures for each action (including funding source)?
                           and Local               Services               (Indicate   Review
    identify all goals
     from Section 2)       Priorities                                    if school-      of              LCAP YEAR
                         (from Section 2)                                  wide or    actions/         Year 1: 2014-15             Year 2: 2015-16                Year 3: 2016-17
                                                                         LEA-wide)    services
                                                  (research based                                Object: 5000               Object: 5000                   Object: 5000
                                                  instructional                                  Cost: $132,800             Cost: $132,800                 Cost: $132,800
                                                  practices which
                                                  acknowledge            LEA-wide                CSU English Reading and    CSU English Reading and        CSU English Reading and
                                                  and respect                                    Writing Course – support   Writing Course –               Writing Course –
                                                  cultural and                                   instruction of critical    continue to support            continue to support
                                                  economic                                       high school and middle     instruction of critical high   instruction of critical high
                                                  diversity)                                     school CCSS                school and middle school       school and middle school
                                                                                                 reading/writing            CCSS reading/writing           CCSS reading/writing
                                                                                                 standards identified by    standards and implement        standards identified and
                                                                                                 CSU English Placement      ERWC Senior course in          implementation of ERWC
                                                                                                 Test (EAP) committee       high schools                   Senior course

                                                                                                 Total Cost: $ 15,000       Total Cost: $ 10,000           Total Cost: $ 10,000
                                                                                                 Source: LCFF Base          Source: LCFF Base              Source: LCFF Base
                                                                                                 Resp: PLI                  Resp: PLI                      Resp: PLI
    Improve and                                In order to                                       Goal: 1110                 Goal: 1110                     Goal: 1110
                         Basic Services
    support                                    improve student                                   Object: 1000               Object: 1000                   Object: 1000
    student              Pupil                 learning, close                                   Cost: $13,834              Cost: $9,223                   Cost: $9,223
    learning to          Achievement           achievement gaps,                                 Object: 3000               Object: 3000                   Object: 3000
    close                Pupil                 and ensure                                        Cost: $1,166               Cost: $777                     Cost: $777
    achievement          Engagement            students graduate
    gaps and                                   college and career                                Develop CCSS-aligned       Develop CCSS-aligned           Develop CCSS-aligned
    ensure all           Implementation        ready, SJUSD will                                 expository reading and     expository reading and         expository reading and
    students             of State              provide:                                          writing skills and         writing skills and             writing skills and
    graduate             Standards                                                               practices of science       practices of science           practices of science
    college and          Course Access         1. Professional                                   teachers (6-12) (Cohort    teachers (6-12) (Cohort        teachers (6-12) (Cohort
    career ready                                                                                 1)                         2)                             3)
                                               Development for                                   Total Cost: $10,000 incl   Total Cost: $10,000            Total Cost: $10,000
                                               Quality First                                     c/o                        Source: LCFF-Base              Source: LCFF-Base
                                               Instruction in                                    Source: CCSS               Resp: PLI                      Resp: PLI
                                               support of student                                Resp: PLI                  Goal: 1110                     Goal: 1110
                                               learning (research                                Goal: 1621                 Object: 5000                   Object: 5000
                                               based instructional                               Object: 5000               Cost: $10,000                  Cost: $10,000
06/24/2014 Approved by the Board of Education (08/07/2014 Minor Revisions)
Page 24 of 71
                                                                                                  What actions are performed or services provided in each year (and are
                                                                         Level of     Annual
                                                                                                  projected to be provided in years 2 and 3)? What are the anticipated
         Goal            Related State            Actions and                         Update:
       (Include and
                                                                         Service                        expenditures for each action (including funding source)?
                           and Local               Services               (Indicate   Review
    identify all goals
     from Section 2)       Priorities                                    if school-      of              LCAP YEAR
                         (from Section 2)                                  wide or    actions/         Year 1: 2014-15             Year 2: 2015-16             Year 3: 2016-17
                                                                         LEA-wide)    services
                                               practices which                                   Cost: $10,000
                                               acknowledge and
                                               respect cultural
                                               and economic                                      Develop integrated          Implement middle school     Implement middle school
                                               diversity)                                        middle school science       science courses that        science courses that
                                                                                                 courses that integrate      integrate STEM learning     integrate STEM learning
                                                                                                 STEM learning aligned to    aligned to                  aligned to
                                                                                                 Common Core/Next            Common Core/Next            Common Core/Next
                                                                                                 Generation Science          Generation Science          Generation Science
                                                                                                 Standards (NGSS)            Standards (NGSS);           Standards (NGSS).
                                                                                                                             supported by new
                                                                                                                             Coordinator of Science.

                                                                                                 Total Cost: No              Total Cost: No additional   Total Cost: No additional
                                                                                                 additional cost             cost                        cost
                                                                                                 Source: CCSS Funds;         Source: CCSS Funds; LCFF    Source: CCSS Funds; LCFF
                                                                                                 LCFF Base                   Base                        Base

                                                                                                 UC Davis History Project-   UC Davis History Project-   UC Davis History Project-
                                                                                                 studying, using and         studying, using and         studying, using and
                                                                                                 evaluating CCSS-aligned     evaluating CCSS-aligned     evaluating CCSS-aligned
                                                                                                 history and literacy        history and literacy        history and literacy
                                                                                                 standards (100              standards (80 secondary     standards (80 teachers)
                                                                                                 secondary teachers)         teachers)

                                                                                                 Total Cost: $70,000         Total Cost: $35,000         Total Cost: $35,000
                                                                                                 Source: CCSS                Source: LCFF Base           Source: LCFF Base
                                                                                                 Resp: PLI                   Resp: PLI                   Resp: PLI
                                                                                                 Goal: 1621                  Goal: 1110                  Goal: 1110
                                                                                                 Object: 1000                Object: 1000                Object: 1000
                                                                                                 Cost: $9,223                Cost: $4,611                Cost: $4,611
                                                                                                 Object: 3000                Object: 3000                Object: 3000
06/24/2014 Approved by the Board of Education (08/07/2014 Minor Revisions)
Page 25 of 71
                                                                                                  What actions are performed or services provided in each year (and are
                                                                         Level of     Annual
                                                                                                  projected to be provided in years 2 and 3)? What are the anticipated
         Goal            Related State            Actions and                         Update:
       (Include and
                                                                         Service                        expenditures for each action (including funding source)?
                           and Local               Services               (Indicate   Review
    identify all goals
     from Section 2)       Priorities                                    if school-      of              LCAP YEAR
                         (from Section 2)                                  wide or    actions/         Year 1: 2014-15            Year 2: 2015-16              Year 3: 2016-17
                                                                         LEA-wide)    services
                                                                                                 Cost: $777                 Cost: $389                   Cost: $389
                                                                                                 Object: 5000               Object: 5000                 Object: 5000
                                                                                                 Cost: $60,000              Cost: $30,000                Cost: $30,000

                                                                                                 Build site capacity        Build site capacity around   Build site capacity around
                                                                                                 around elementary          elementary                   elementary
                                                                                                 CCSS math instruction      CCSS math instruction        CCSS math instruction
                                                                                                 including the eight CCSS   including the eight CCSS     including the eight CCSS
                                                                                                 identified mathematical    identified mathematical      identified mathematical
                                                                                                 practices (cohort 1)       practices (cohort 2)         practices (cohort 3)

                                                                                                 Total Cost: $255,000       Total Cost: $255,000         Total Cost: $255,000
                                                                                                 Source: CCSS               Source: Title I (1670)       Source: Title I (1670)
                                                                                                 Resp: PLI                  Resp: PLI                    Resp: PLI
                                                                                                 Goal: 1621                 Goal: 1670                   Goal: 1670
                                                                                                 Object: 1000               Object: 1000                 Object: 1000
                                                                                                 Cost: $69,171              Cost: $69,171                Cost: $69,171
                                                                                                 Object: 3000               Object: 3000                 Object: 3000
                                                                                                 Cost: $5,829               Cost: $5,829                 Cost: $5,829
                                                                                                 Object: 5000               Object: 5000                 Object: 5000
                                                                                                 Cost: $180,000             Cost: $180,000               Cost: $180,000
    Improve and          Basic Services        In order to               LEA-wide                CSUS Algebra: (20          CSUS Algebra: (20            CSUS Algebra: (20
    support                                    improve student                                   secondary teachers)        secondary teachers)          secondary teachers)
    student to                                 learning, close                                   Observe engineers and      Develop CCSS                 Adopt and implement
    close                                      achievement gaps,                                 develop conceptual         mathematics curriculum       CCSS mathematics
    achievement          Pupil                 and ensure                                        understanding of           and CCSS-aligned Algebra     curriculum and CCSS-
    gaps and             Engagement            students graduate                                 integrated STEM in         courses that integrate       aligned Algebra courses
    ensure all                                 college and career                                support of CCSS            STEM learning.               that integrate STEM
    students                                   ready, SJUSD will                                 mathematics                                             learning.
                         of State
    graduate                                   provide:                                          implementation.
    college and
    career ready         Course Access         1. Professional                                   Total Cost: $20,000        Total Cost: $20,000          Total Cost: $20,000
                                               Development for                                   Source: LCFF Base          Source: LCFF Base            Source: LCFF Base
06/24/2014 Approved by the Board of Education (08/07/2014 Minor Revisions)
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