London named top global city - New Prime Minister - new deal? INSIDE

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London named top global city - New Prime Minister - new deal? INSIDE
(Print) ISSN 1469-5162
                                                                             (Online) ISSN 2051-9524

                                  Issue 157 | Jul-Aug 2019   INSIDE
                                                             New Prime Minister
                                                             – new deal?
                                                             Page 4


London named
top global city
Page 3
London named top global city - New Prime Minister - new deal? INSIDE
2     July/August 2019 Issue 157                                                                                                          (Print) ISSN 1469-5162 (Online) ISSN 2051-9524

                                                                                                                                 LCCI trade missions
                                                                                                                                 Africa, Asia and the Middle East
                                                                                                                                 Page 13
                                                                                                                                 Overseas business opportunities
                                                                                                                                 Page 15
                                                                                                                                 Networking opportunities in the extensive
                                                                                                                                 LCCI programme
                                                                                                                                 Pages 22-24
                                                                                                                                               Two minute interview
                                                                                                                                               Adrian Powell of Active Workplace
                                                                                                                                               Page 28

                                                                                                                                               Enterprise Europe Network
                                                                                                                                               News and events
                                                                                                                                               Pages 40 and 42-43

                                                                                                                                 New members
               Behind the scenes at Thames Water The largest water and wastewater                                                Who has joined the LCCI in the last month?
      6-7      company in the UK is facing up to population growth and climate change                                            Page 44

                          BREXIT                                            London architecture
                                                                            Showcased in Piccadilly
                                                                                                                                                    Costa Rica
                                                                                                                                                    Productivity in paradise
      New Prime Minister – new deal?                         8                                                                  14
      Brexit Q&A Page 4
                                                                            Trade                                                                   Exporting
      Stockpiling to hit economic                                           Cristina Stoian on                                                      New guidelines on the
      growth                                                                sustainable SME                                                         origin of goods
      Page 5
                                                            16                                                                  17
      European elections – the results
                                                                            Uganda                                                                  India
      Pages 10-11                                                                                                                                   UK can help PM Modi
                                                                            East Africa’s sleeping giant
      UK nationals in the EU
      Page 38
                                                            18                                                                  20

                              Royal review                                  Artificial Intelligence                                                 EY
                              Jo Wallis tests out the                       Brave new world of                                                      Supporting London’s
                              Macdonald Windsor Hotel                       opportunity                                                             entrepreneurs

      26                                                    30                                                                  35
      Front cover: London overlooking City Hall and Tower Bridge

                                              London Business Matters is edited by                                                           London Business Matters is published
                                                                                                                                             on behalf of London Chamber
                                              Peter Bishop –
                                                                                                                                             of Commerce and Industry by
    Official Publication of                  International business                BRANCH CONTACTS
    London Chamber of Commerce               Vanessa Vlotides – 020 7203 1838      Croydon Chamber
    33 Queen Street, London EC4R 1AP         Membership sales                      Annabel Fogden – 020 7556 2389
    Tel: 020 7248 4444                       Josie Rogers – 020 7203 1881
    Fax: 020 7489 0391                                                             East London Chamber of Commerce                           Crosby Associates Media Limited
                                             Member support                                                                                  Liverpool (Head Office):                  Nick Charles – 0207 203 1957          Irene Fatuzzo – 020 7203 1965
                                                                                                                                             Burlington House. Crosby Road North
    CHAMBER CONTACTS                         Patron members                                                                                  Liverpool L22 0PJ
                                             Ian Binns – 020 7203 1954                                                                       Tel: 0330 124 3780
    Victoria Jayne – 020 7203 1875           International trade events                                   PEFC Certified

                                             Zuzana Brutenicova – 020 7203 1823
    Export Documents
                                                                                                          This product is

                                             Media relations
                                                                                                          from sustainably
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    Davor McKinley – 020 7203 1856
                                                                                                          managed forests and
                                                                                                          controlled sources
                                             Steven Reilly-Hii – 020 7203 1897                                                               Advertising sales
    Enterprise Europe Network                                                            PEFC/16-33-254

    Elena Molinari – 020 7203 1929           Sponsorship opportunities                                                                       Gina Forshaw – 0161 274 9329
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    Alexa Michael – 020 7203 1866                                                                                                            Production/design
                                                                                                                                             Andy Bellis – 0161 274 9326 |                                                                   
London named top global city - New Prime Minister - new deal? INSIDE
July/August 2019                                                                                                                                                News                      3

London named
as top global city
Despite the uncertainty around
                                                                                                                                              While the true
Brexit, London has taken the
top spot as the leading city in                                                                                                               impact of Brexit is
A T Kearney’s annual Global
Cities Outlook                                                                                                                                yet to come,
       ombining the Global Cities
       Index and Global Cities Out-                                                                                                           consistently strong
       look to assess the best places
for businesses to invest now and in                                                                                                           performance in
the future, the report looks into the                                                                                                         recent years puts the
current performance of the world’s
top cities and the potential of up-                                                                                                           city in good stead for
coming powerhouses. London has
moved up to first place in the Out-
                                                                                                                                              the future.
look for 2019, having been placed                                                   gling to keep up. After four years
third in last year’s rankings.                                                      at the top of the Outlook, San                         The other cities in the top ten are
                                                                                    Francisco has dropped to third                         Singapore, Amsterdam, Paris, To-
     Next generation                                                                place – still scoring high in inno-                    kyo, Boston, Munich, Dublin and
   While the index reflects cities’                                                 vation, but up-and-coming cities                       Stockholm.
current performance, the Outlook                                                    are outpacing the tech hub in per-
reveals which cities are primed to be                                               sonal wellbeing and governance.              
the next generation of global hubs
by assessing four metrics: personal
wellbeing, economics, innovation,
and governance. Across these met-
rics a number of previously leading
outlook cities have faltered recent-
ly, and this coupled with London’s
historically steady performance has
resulted in this year’s top position
for the UK capital. London’s ranking
is in part due to investment in cul-      tourism this year.
tural experiences, where the capital         “While the true impact of Brexit
was the highest-ranked in three out       is yet to come, London’s consistently
of five categories: international trav-   strong performance in recent years
ellers, sporting events, and culinary     puts the city in good stead for the
experiences. Also boosting London’s       future. Commitment to key areas
ranking is increased investment in        such as innovation, cultural experi-                          MAKE YOUR AMBITIONS
                                                                                                        HAPPEN SOONER WITH
governance and personal wellbeing,        ences, and human capital will be the                          AUGUST OR OCTOBER 2019
including additional security meas-       defining factor in the next genera-                           START DATES IN LONDON.
ures and improvements to the quali-       tion of the world’s most influential                          Courses include Accounting,
                                                                                                        Finance, Tourism, Public Health,
ty of private and public healthcare in    cities. Cultural and creative indus-                          Nursing, Business, MBA’s and
the city.                                 tries contribute £47 billion to Lon-                          Health & Social Care.

                                          don’s economy every year and the
                                                                                                        Study in South Quay
                                          Mayor of London recently invested                             Course enquiries:
                                                                                                        +44 (0)20 7531 7333
   London currently has 72 of the         an initial £7 million to develop cre-
world’s Michelin star restaurants,        ative enterprise zones in different
according to the 2018 Michelin            parts of the city. As London contin-
Guide, so it is unsurprising that         ues to invest in strategies for the fu-
consumers continue to head to             ture, London may top the rankings
the capital for some of the world’s       of both the Index and the Outlook
best dining experiences. With the         next year,” said Andrew Stewart,
city playing host to major sporting       managing partner, UK & Ireland at
events such as Wimbledon, the ICC         A T Kearney.
Cricket World Cup and the US NFL
London Championships in 2019                        Innovation
too, London will continue to see an         While London takes the top
influx of sport-driven international      spot, other urban hubs are strug-
                                                                                    28481_DLR_CAMPAIGN_6SHEET_1200x1800_@25%_AW.indd 2                                   10/09/2018 09:53
London named top global city - New Prime Minister - new deal? INSIDE
4    Brexit Q&A                                                                                                                               July/August 2019

    New Prime Minister – new deal?
    Brexit: what                                                                                                                             Another General

                                            Photo by NHS Confederation/

                                                                                     Photo by OPCW/
    happened after                                                                                                                              Election
                                                                                                                                           The new Prime Minister could call
    the Prime Minister                                                                                                                  a General Election to break the Par-
    resigned?                                                                                                                           liamentary deadlock but is unlikely
                                                                                                                                        to want to do so before Brexit is con-
    The Prime Minister’s resignation                                                                                                    cluded. Under the Fixed Term Parlia-
    triggered a leadership contest among                                                                                                ments Act, MPs would have to vote to
    Conservative MPs which officially                                                                                                   call an early election.
    began on 10 June. The original slate
    of ten candidates was whittled down                                                                                                  Vote of no confidence
    to two following a series of votes by                                                                                                  The Opposition could table a vote
    Conservative MPs. The two remain-                                                                                                   of no confidence in the new Prime
    ing candidates, Boris Johnson MP        EU without a deal but that the UK              EU leaders ‘unanimous’ there                 Minister’s government at any time.
    and Jeremy Hunt MP, will be put to a    must leave by 31 October 2019 re-              will be no renegotiation of                  Were the government to lose, there
    ballot of the estimated 160,000 Con-    gardless of whether a deal has been            Brexit deal, says Juncker                    would be a 14-day ‘countdown’ peri-
    servative Party members. The winner     reached. He has spoken of there                n                     od to try to form a new administra-
    will be appointed as Conservative       being “a catastrophic loss of confi-                                                        tion. If this is not possible, an early
    Party Leader and Prime Minister in      dence in politics” if the UK does not          UK heading for no-deal Brexit                General Election would be called.
    the week beginning Monday 22 July.      leave the EU by the end of October,            on 31 October, EU leaders
                                            adding that it is “eminently feasible”         conclude                                             Cancel Brexit
    Theresa May resigns over                to do so.                                      n                        The European Court of Justice has
    Brexit: What happened?                     Johnson says that the current                                                            ruled that the UK could unilaterally
    n                Withdrawal Agreement is dead,                  Brexit: what could                           revoke Article 50 to cancel Brexit.

    Tory leadership: Party members
                                            having been overwhelmingly reject-
                                            ed by Parliament three times. He
                                                                                           happen next?                                 However, the government is highly
                                                                                                                                        unlikely even to consider this option.
    to choose between Boris                 says that he is confident that the UK                                     No deal
    Johnson and Jeremy Hunt for             can strike a new Brexit deal which                Although leaving with no formal             Existing Withdrawal
    new PM                                  will address MPs’ concerns. In addi-           deal is not the preferred choice of either      Agreement returns
    n                tion, he wants to request a transition         Conservative Party leadership candi-            Although the existing Withdrawal
                                            period without the adoption of the             date, it remains the default position if     Agreement has been rejected by Par-
    Where do the                            full Brexit agreement. It is Johnson’s
                                            belief that MPs now realise they
                                                                                           no negotiated deal can be agreed and
                                                                                           the 31 October deadline is not extend-
                                                                                                                                        liament three times to date, it is still
                                                                                                                                        possible that it could return to Par-
    remaining candidates                    must deliver Brexit or else face dev-          ed. At time of writing, the prospect of      liament for a fourth time. Some MPs
    stand on Brexit?                        astating consequences for trust in             leaving the EU with no formal deal is        might support it either to prevent no
                                            British democracy.                             more likely than in the past.                deal or no Brexit.

            Jeremy Hunt                     Tory leadership candidates’                                            Renegotiation               Another Brexit
       Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt        Brexit plans in a nutshell                        The government could try to re-                    extension
    supported Remain during the             n                       negotiate a Brexit deal. However, this          There would have to be a very
    2016 referendum. Like his rival,                                                       would have to be an entirely new deal        good reason for EU leaders to extend
    he is aiming to reach a negotiated      Tory leadership race: Boris                    as EU leaders are adamant they will          the Brexit deadline a third time. Pos-
    agreement with the EU in pref-          Johnson vs Jeremy Hunt – how                   not re-open discussion on the ex-            sible reasons could be to allow more
    erence to leaving with no deal.         do they compare?                               isting Withdrawal Agreement. It is           time for a completely new deal to be
    However, he is less hardline about      n                       highly unlikely that a completely new        finalised, or to hold a second referen-
    sticking to the 31 October dead-                                                       agreement would be concluded by 31           dum or General Election.
    line, saying that he would “delay       How likely is the                              October, so another extension would
    a bit longer” if a deal was within                                                     need to be granted.                          Brexit: what happens now?
    reach. However, he will pursue a        EU to renegotiate                                                                           n
    no deal Brexit if all else fails and    the Withdrawal                                                      A second referendum
                                                                                                                                        Leo Varadkar warns of
    there is no chance of an acceptable
    negotiated deal.
                                            Agreement?                                        MPs could vote to hold a sec-
                                                                                           ond referendum. However, they                ‘enormous’ EU hostility to
       Hunt has pledged to give Brussels       The EU’s leaders made it plain at           would have to determine whether              Brexit delay
    a “credible Brexit plan” with a new     their Brussels summit on 21 June               the referendum is advisory like the          n
    negotiating team. He believes that      that they will not renegotiate the ex-         2016 vote or binding i.e. Parliament
    a proposed deal will be accepted by     isting Withdrawal Agreement. The               would have to adhere to the result.
    Parliament if the backstop – a key      Irish Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, said            The majority of MPs who want an-              Brexit Q&A is researched
    sticking point – can be changed so      the bloc’s leaders have “lost patience         other referendum favour the latter            and written by Alexa
    that there is no risk of UK being       with the UK”. They have rejected               approach. The Electoral Commis-               Michael, LCCI business
    trapped permanently in the EU           Boris Johnson’s request for a tran-            sion would need to be consulted               information executive.
    Customs Union.                          sition period without first adopting           to agree how the questions are                LBM readers are invited to
                                            the Withdrawal Agreement in its                worded. There would also have to              submit their own questions
           Boris Johnson                    entirety. The EU leaders’ unanimous            be a statutory ‘referendum period’            for responses to be
       Boris Johnson campaigned for         position is that any further discus-           before the ballot takes place, so it          published in future issues.
    Leave during the 2016 referendum.       sion will be confined solely to the            couldn’t happen before 31 October.
                                                                                                                                         Send them to amichael@
    The former Foreign Secretary in-        UK’s future relationship with the              The EU would have to agree to ex-
    sists he is not aiming to leave the     EU.                                            tend the deadline.
London named top global city - New Prime Minister - new deal? INSIDE
July/August 2019                                                                                                                       Brexit                     5

Brexit stockpiling to
hit economic growth
 The British Chambers of                   “The deteriorating outlook for business                                         into a more pronounced deteriora-
 Commerce have upgraded                                                                                                    tion in economic conditions.”
 their growth expectations                 investment is a key concern as it limits the
 for the UK in 2019 to 1.3
 per cent from 1.2 per cent.
                                           UK’s productivity potential and long-term                                          Responding to the forecast, Adam
 But they have downgraded                  growth prospects.”                                                              Marshall, BCC director general of
 growth forecast for 2020 to                                                                                               the British Chambers of Commerce,
 one per cent (from 1.3 per             conditions for UK exporters. In con-      ingly subdued growth path for some       added: “While politicians are dis-
 cent) and to 1.2 per cent              trast, consumer spending is expect-       time to come.                            tracted, businesses are left with no
 (from 1.4 per cent) in 2021            ed to remain resilient with earnings                                               choice but to try and prepare for the
                                                                                    Downward pressure

                                        growth forecast to continue to exceed                                              unwanted possibility of leaving the
       he chamber business group        price growth over the forecast period        “It is increasingly likely that the   European Union on 31st October
       has slightly upgraded its        and unemployment forecasted to re-        temporary boost from historically        without a deal and transition period.
       growth forecast for 2019,        main low by historic standards.           high stockpiling in Q1, which has        Businesses are putting resources into
driven by the exceptionally rap-           The BCC’s latest forecast is a         marginally improved the growth out-      contingency plans, such as stockpil-
id stock-building early in the year.    warning sign that the next Prime          look for this year, will be surpassed    ing, rather than investing in ventures
However, the immediate boost to         Minister must set out a clear roadm-      over the medium-term by the nega-        that would positively contribute to
UK GDP is forecast to come at the       ap for how the political impasse in       tive impact from the running down        long-term economic growth. This
cost of more subdued growth in 2020     Westminster can be broken and an          of these inventories. The downward       is simply not sustainable. Business
and 2021 as the unwinding of histor-    agreement reached to prevent fur-         pressure on business activity and        communities expect the next Prime
ically-high inventory levels, coupled   ther slowdown in the economy.             investment intentions from the un-       Minister to quickly find a sensible
with weaker business investment,                                                  winding of stocks is likely to be ex-    and pragmatic way forward to avoid
weigh on economic activity.                 Domestic agenda                       acerbated somewhat by increasing         a messy and disorderly Brexit.
                                           The BCC is also calling for a strong   cost pressures and Brexit uncertain-        “The UK’s low-growth trajectory
           Impasse                      and clear strategy on the domestic        ty, slowing overall economic growth      makes clear that we can’t afford for
   Business investment is forecast to   agenda, including urging the next         across the forecast period.              Westminster to keep turning a blind
contract at a faster rate in 2019 and   government to use the forthcoming            “The deteriorating outlook for        eye to the domestic agenda. The up-
recover more slowly in 2020 than ex-    Comprehensive Spending Review to          business investment is a key con-        coming Comprehensive Spending
pected in our previous forecast. The    affirm its commitment to delivering       cern as it limits the UK’s productiv-    Review is an opportunity for the next
continued Brexit impasse, including     major infrastructure projects, such as    ity potential and long-term growth       government to affirm its commit-
the growing possibility of a no-deal    HS2, that underpin economic growth.       prospects. On the upside, household      ment to support economic growth,
exit, together with the high upfront       The BCC forecast assumes that          spending, a key driver of UK eco-        including investment in the skills and
cost of doing business in the UK and    the UK avoids a messy and disor-          nomic output, is expected to be sup-     training system and infrastructure
the running down of excess stock, is    derly exit from the EU. Another sce-      ported by relatively low unemploy-       projects, such as high-speed rail and
expected to suffocate investment ac-    nario would lead to revisions in the      ment and positive real wage growth.      the city regeneration schemes linked
tivity over the near term.              next forecast.                               “A messy and disorderly exit from     to them. Businesses will also be ex-
   Trade is projected to make a neg-       Commenting on the forecast,            the EU remains the main downside         pecting action to alleviate the heavy
ative contribution over the forecast    Suren Thiru, BCC head of econom-          risk to the UK’s economic outlook        burden of upfront costs which stunt
period as exchange rate volatility,     ics, said: “The revisions to our fore-    as the disruption caused would in-       growth.”
Brexit uncertainty and a subdued        cast suggest that the UK economy          crease the likelihood of the UK’s
global economy, weaken trading          is likely to remain on a disappoint-      weak growth trajectory translating

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London named top global city - New Prime Minister - new deal? INSIDE
6     Your business                                                                                                                  July/August 2019

    Behind the Scenes at Thames Water
    Chamber members were
    recently taken by Thames
    Water on a Behind the Scenes
    tour of Coppermills Water
    Treatment Works and the
    Walthamstow Wetlands, one
    of the seven water works the
    company operates in North
    East London. Stuart Pick was

             oppermills supplies water to
             3.5 million customers across
             the City of London and the
    borough of Tower Hamlets. A safe,
    reliable and plentiful water supply is
    fundamental to business in the cap-
    ital and the work Thames Water is
    doing to safeguard this for the future
    is vital.
       Thames Water is the largest wa-
    ter and wastewater company in
    the UK and has a huge geographic
    region to operate in, providing 15
    million customers in the region
    with either water or wastewater
    services. There are 102 water treat-                     Challenges                 cluding a growing population and
                                                                                                                                    It is estimated that
    ment works, 308 pumping stations,              Thames Water’s business plan         climate change. It is estimated that by
    235 service reservoirs and 33 raw           2020-2025 sets out how it intends to    2045, two million people will be liv-       by 2045, two million
    water reservoirs across 31,000 km           make its water systems more resilient   ing in the Thames area alone, which
    of network.                                 to a range of future challenges – in-   combined with forecasts of contin-          people will be living
                                                                                        ued overall reduction in rainfall and
                                                                                        an increase in extreme temperatures
                                                                                                                                    in the Thames area
                                                                                        will increase strain on the water sys-      alone.
                                                                                           An ageing infrastructure is a
                                                                                        challenge with the average age of        Coppermills treatment
                                                                                        pipes being 79 years old. New, in-                    works
                                                                                        novative technologies are being            Built in 1972, Coppermills is the
                                                                                        employed to identify and repair largest water treatment works in
                                                                                        leaks quicker. Thames Water is east London and as such has the ca-
                                                                                        working in collaboration with oth- pacity to employ different cost-sav-
                                                                                        er utility providers to replace the ing methods, in turn producing a
                                                                                        pipes with minimal destruction high-quality water at a reduced cost.
                                                                                        – the aim is to dig up the roads           There are several stages of wa-
                                                                                                   to fixCIPD
                                                                                                          all the qualification
                                                                                                                  problems in ter filtration involved in the treat-
                                                                                        one go.                                 ment process. Site manager James
                                                                                           Thames Water are looking to in- Townsend pointed out the rapid

                                                                                        vest more in the network over the gravity filters, large open-top tanks
                                                                                        next five years to deliver reduced through which any large particles
                                                                                        bills for customers, reduced water such as twigs, feathers and other bits
                                             PASS RATE                                  leakage from pipes and reduced are removed. Water then moves in
                                             COMPARED TO 72%
                                             NATIONALLY IN THE UK
                                                                                        pollution incidents.                    to tanks where ozone gas is added to

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London named top global city - New Prime Minister - new deal? INSIDE
Your business                                                                                                              July/August 2019                7

                                                                                                              SPONSORED COLUMN

                                                                                The world is changing,
                                                                                and mistakes cost.
                                                                                Are you IP savvy?
                                                                                Victor Caddy, Partner, Wynne-Jones IP

                                                                                Brands now have more
                                                                                visibility in today’s digital
                                                                                world than ever before. We
                                                                                live online, in print, on the
                                                                                high street and are now even
                                                                                connected when flying in
                                                                                the air; brands are around
                                                                                us any time, any place,
                                                                                anywhere. Which is why
                                                                                protection is more important
                                                                                than ever. Competition is
                                                                                tough, market intelligence
                                                                                is vital and IP protection
                                                                                can make a massive
                                                                                difference in your brand’s
                                                                                success or failure. Here’s
                                                                                the basic do’s and don’ts:
   Walthamstow Wetlands is a fully operational
                                                                                The Wynne-Jones IP Do’s:
   211-hectare Thames Water reservoir site                                      •   Do determine what IP you have
   which is the main source of water supply for                                     in your business and consider
                                                                                    whether or not you wish to
   3.5 million people.                                                              protect it. Do also make sure
                                                                                    your decision makers know
remove pesticides and organic matter.    Water, the grant-holder London             why you are investing in IP;
   A vast area is dedicated to the       Borough of Waltham Forest, and             if you are the decision maker
slow sand filtration stage, which cul    London Wildlife Trust, the con-            ensure the team around you
minates in chlorination and dichlo-      servation delivery partner. Of the         understand. Without realising
rination in specially-designed tanks     £10.6 million required to renovate         the importance and value of
that destroy any harmful micro-or-       and prepare the site, £4.5 million         IP protection it is difficult for          Protecting
ganisms before the water is sent into    was funded by the Heritage Lottery         people to buy into its strategy          your brand isn’t
the distribution networks.
   Water quality is a priority, with
                                         Fund, £1.8 million from Thames
                                         Water and £1.8 million from the
                                                                                    across the business as a whole.          rocket science.
                                                                                •   Do publicise that you have
500,000 water quality tests carried      London Borough of Waltham For-             rights and educate the public
out annually across the water net-       est. £750k was also received from          about what they are.
work. Thames Water is proud that         the Greater London Authority to
its tap water is amongst the best        support the 2km cycle path through     The Wynne-Jones IP Don’ts:
quality water in the world.              the site.                              •   Don’t choose a new name or
                                            The wetlands are connected to           logo without first checking         Businesses of all sizes should put
           Wetlands                      the Coppermills Water Treatment            that it is available for use and    protection at the heart of their
   Walthamstow Wetlands is a ful-        Works and is integral to it working        registration. Don’t use a logo      business strategy. Mistaking
ly operational 211-hectare Thames        effectively, an example of which is        if you don’t own copyright in       the importance of protection
Water reservoir site which is the        the use of silt from Coppermills           it and check any designers          and assuming it’s going to be
main source of water supply for 3.5      which ordinarily would have gone           you use sign a copyright            too costly is a common error.
million people. It is also Europe’s      to landfill is instead used to form        assignment in your favour.          Don’t let your business suffer
largest urban wetlands and an in-        reed plant beds along the waterways.   •   Don’t copy someone else’s           and work with partners who
ternationally important nature re-                                                  design or technology                can guide you, help you manage
serve, providing home and shelter        Stuart Pick is senior patron               without searching to see if         your IP affordably and effectively
to a wide range of wildlife, from rare   account manager at LCCI                    it is protected by patents or       so that you reap the rewards.
waterfowl to majestic birds of prey.                      registered designs. You could
Since opening to the public in 2017,                face a lawsuit and have to          T: London - +44 (0)20 3146 7888
(for the first time in 150 years) the                                               pay the rights owners a lot         W:
reserve has been a huge success, at-                                                of money as well as losing
tracting over 420,000 visitors in its                                               all your investment in the
first year alone.                                                                   project up to that point.
   Kirsty Halford, the Walthamstow
Wetlands project lead, explained
that the opening of the reserve was
only possible due to a partnership
between the landowner Thames
London named top global city - New Prime Minister - new deal? INSIDE
8       Your business                                                                                                                 July/August 2019

    Architecture and modern life
       n June Heart of London – rep-                                                                                             erating some truly great Instagram
       resenting St James’s, Piccadilly                                                                                          moments.”
       Circus, and Leicester Square
    – made its debut as a festival hub                                                                                                      Themes
    for the London Festival of Ar-                                                                                                  Consisting of six designs, each
    chitecture and played host to a                                                                                              row of banners explores the lim-
    thought-provoking flag instal-                                                                                               itations of London with themes
    lation on the famous street of                                                                                               including: greater London and its
    Piccadilly.                                                                                                                  boroughs, the river Thames and
       Designed by world-renowned                                                                                                arterial routes, London’s parks and
    architecture firm Rogers Stirk Har-                                                                                          squares, suburban housing and
    bour + Partners, vibrant flag de-                                                                                            large-scale interruptions and the
    signs explored the festival theme                                                                                            private dwelling.
    of ‘boundaries’ and encouraged                                                                                                  An accompanying exhibition
    visitors to take the time to explore                                                                                         was hosted in the St James’s Church
    London’s physical, political, social                                                                                         gardens, where visitors could fur-
    and economic boundaries that exist                                                                                           ther appreciate each design and the
    in modern life.                                                                                                              questions they pose. Exploring the
                                                                                                                                 London Festival of Architectures
    Colourful intervention                                                                                                       theme ‘Boundaries’, the colourful
       John McElgunn, partner at Rog-                                                      Ros Morgan of Heart of London         and spirited flag installation and
    ers Stirk Harbour + Partners said:                                                     Business Alliance                     exhibition also endorse the work
    “It is our hope that this series of ban-                                                                                     of the Heart of London Business
    ners above Piccadilly will encourage       this study is to effect a lively and col-      We were delighted to be able to    Alliance’s mission to tackle home-
    all passers to contemplate some of         ourful intervention along Piccadilly        work with the Heart of London as      lessness in the West End.
    the political, physical, visual, spa-      for all to enjoy — a splash of colour       part of the London Festival of Ar-
    tial, social and boundaries that exist     and the opportunity to provoke a            chitecture and we hope that these
    within the city around us.                 thought, a smile, or even just a nice       banners will brighten up a few days   www.
       “More importantly, our aim for          photo opportunity.                          in the month of June, perhaps gen-

         Morley College London is one of the UK’s largest providers of
         adult education. We offer a range of arts, music and languages
         courses to boost staff wellbeing and creativity.
         Our range of Summer Shorts, a series of taster classes,
         workshops and short courses, are available from 15th - 27th July

         LCCI members are eligible for discounts on courses at Morley

London named top global city - New Prime Minister - new deal? INSIDE
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London named top global city - New Prime Minister - new deal? INSIDE
10                 Brexit                                                                                                                July/August 2019

     European elections 2019
              Alexa Michael provides
              the analysis

           he 2019 European elections
           in the UK were not scheduled
           and were held because the EU
     agreed to delay the UK’s departure
     date until 31 October 2019, having
     already extended the leaving date
     once. As a condition of delay, the
     UK was required to hold elections
     to the European Parliament on 23
     May, or else quit the bloc with no
     deal on 1 July.

     What was the
     Nigel Farage’s newly-formed Brex-
     it Party won the largest number
     of Member of the European Par-
     liament (MEP) seats. A total of 29         the United Kingdom Independence          on 2014, losing votes to the Liberal      London with just under 24 per cent
     Brexit Party candidates were elected       Party (UKIP) saw a wholesale shift       Democrats and the Greens.                 of the vote. They saw their share of
     UK-wide with almost 32 per cent of         in their vote to the Brexit Party and                                              the vote fall by 12.7 per cent on 2014
     the total vote, despite the party hav-     lost all their remaining seats. Of the   What happened in                          and lost one of their MEP seats. De-
     ing been established just six weeks
     earlier. The Brexit Party came first
                                                smaller parties, the Scottish Nation-
                                                alists took three MEP seats, while
                                                                                         London?                                   spite this setback, Labour still came
                                                                                                                                   top in 13 London Boroughs, mostly
     in every country or region except          Plaid Cymru won a seat in Wales.         At the EU referendum, London (to-         in East and West London and also
     London (won by the Liberal Demo-           In Northern Ireland, the pro-Brexit      gether with Scotland), was the most       in Croydon. It is likely that the high
     crats), Scotland (won by the Scottish      Democratic Unionist Party and the        pro-EU region of the United King-         proportion of black and minority
     Nationalists) and Northern Ireland         pro-Remain Sinn Féin and Alliance        dom with 60 per cent of voters elect-     ethnic voters in those areas helped
     (where they did not stand).                Parties each won a seat.                 ing to remain in the EU. The capital      the Labour vote. The Brexit Party
        The Liberal Democrats polled just          Total turnout was just under 37       has remained strongly Remain and          made more modest gains, winning
     over 20 per cent nationally and in-        per cent, the second highest since       this was reflected in the European        18 per cent of the vote London-wide
     creased their representation in the        European elections were first held       Election poll almost three years later.   which gave them two MEP seats.
     European Parliament from one MEP           in 1979.                                 The staunchly pro-Remain Liber-           However, they achieved the high-
     in 2014 to 16. Labour took ten of the         Just under a third of voters na-      al Democrats topped the poll in the       est share of the vote in four outer
     73 seats with just under 15 per cent of    tionally backed the Brexit Party         capital with just over 27 per cent of     London boroughs, namely Bexley,
     the vote. The Green Party saw its best     while the Conservatives won less         the vote, an increase of 20.4 per cent    Bromley, Havering and Hillington.
     performance since 1989 and won sev-        than nine per cent of the total vote     on 2014. They took three of the eight        The Conservatives fared very poor-
     en seats, up from three in 2014. The       share, their worst-ever performance      MEP seats, having won none in 2014.       ly throughout London with just 7.9
     Conservatives came in fifth with just      in a national poll. In 2014, the Con-    The Liberal Democrats came first in       per cent of the vote, a drop of 14.6 per
     four MEP seats nationally, one each        servatives had won 19 seats, which       16 out of 32 London Boroughs, most-       cent on 2014. A very large proportion
     in the South East, Eastern Region, the     was actually a loss of seven from        ly in Central and South West London       of pro-Brexit Conservatives voted
     West Midlands and Scotland.                the previous set of European Elec-       but they also beat Labour into second     for the Brexit Party, while pro-Re-
        The newly-formed Change UK              tions five years earlier. Meanwhile      place in their stronghold of Islington.   main Conservatives ‘lent’ their votes
     Party failed to take a single seat while   Labour saw a net loss of eight seats        Labour won two MEP seats in            to the Liberal Democrats. Neither of
                                                                                                                                   the two sitting Conservative MEPs,
                                                                                                                                   Syed Kamall and Charles Tannock,
                                                                                                                                   were re-elected, thus wiping the Con-
                                                                                                                                   servatives out of London in terms of
                                                                                                                                   MEP seats. The Greens took 12.4 per
                                                                                                                                   cent of the capital’s votes and retained
                                                                                                                                   their one seat but former UKIP leader
                                                                                                                                   Gerard Batten failed to be re-elected.
                                                                                                                                      Turnout in London was higher
                                                                                                                                   than the national average at 41.3 per

                                                                                                                                   The Brexit factor
                                                                                                                                   Unsurprisingly, the Brexit Party re-
                                                                                                                                   ceived more than half the vote in
                                                                                                                                   the strongest Leave areas of the UK
                                                                                                                                   while the Liberal Democrats had
                                                                                                                                   their strongest showing in pro-Re-
July/August 2019                                                                                                                   Brexit                      11

main areas such as London. This was         Overall, nationalist and Eurosceptic parties                               and newer – parties gained support.
also true of the Green Party vote, al-                                                                                 In France, National Rally topped the
beit with lower levels of support.          increased their representation in the European                             polls with 22 seats, as did Lega Nord
   Labour performed most strongly
in pro-Remain areas but still failed
                                            Parliament, reflecting Europeans’ concerns                                 in Italy. However, in France Macron’s
                                                                                                                       En Marche party came just behind
to win even 20 per cent of the vote         with issues such as economic uncertainty and                               with 21 seats. In Germany, the
share there. The Conservatives’                                                                                        Christian Democrats won 29 MEP
vote share was poor throughout the          mass migration                                                             seats but the Greens were not far be-
country (even falling below that of                                                                                    hind with 21. In Hungary, the ruling
Change UK in some parts of Lon-          Labour Parties. The Conservatives      don, the East Midlands, the North      FIDESZ/KDNP coalition won 13
don) but it was exceptionally weak       had failed to deliver Brexit by 29     East, the North West, Yorkshire and    MEP seats, well ahead of its nearest
in heavily Remain areas.                 March (and then by 12 April) while     Humber and the South West are all      rival on four. Overall, nationalist and
   Some commentators dubbed the          Labour’s position was ambivalent.      Conservative MEP-free zones.           Eurosceptic parties increased their
European elections as an unoffi-         Voters were seeking clarity on Brex-                                          representation in the European Par-
cial ‘second referendum’. Certainly      it, whether they wished to leave or    The wider picture                      liament, reflecting Europeans’ con-
those political parties who made
their stance on Brexit clear i.e. the
                                         remain in the EU. There is now no
                                         Labour MEP representation in the
                                                                                across the EU                          cerns with issues such as economic
                                                                                                                       uncertainty and mass migration.
Brexit Party (for) and the Liberal       Eastern and South West regions of      The UK result was reflected across
Democrats (against) did vastly bet-      England or in Scotland, formerly a     the EU, with the established larger    Alexa Michael is business
ter than both the Conservative and       Labour heartland. Meanwhile, Lon-      parties faring badly while smaller –   information executive at LCCI

 More river crossings needed
 London needs more river                 welcomed the commitment to             scrutinised by the London
 crossings, especially east of           building the Silvertown Tunnel,        Assembly recently.
 Tower Bridge, as East London            but we and businesses can’t
                                                                                “This late major project delivery
 continues to grow rapidly so            welcome the opening being
                                                                                has to stop. Businesses and
 the recent announcement of              delayed a further year to 2025.
                                                                                residents make investment
 a further year’s delay to the
                                         “There are too many delayed            decisions based upon project
 Silvertown Tunnel is unwelcome.
                                         TfL infrastructure projects            timelines and Silvertown is yet
 London Chamber David Frost              in the capital at present –            another major scheme failing to
 chief executive said: “LCCI             something that was rightly             be delivered on time.”

   The £100,000 Dilemma
  How much do you earn from your business              You can decrease the denominator either by
  per hour? How much do you charge out?                drawing a hard line around your personal
  Most business owners never consider how              time or avoiding activities with a lower per-
  much their time is worth per hour. This leads        hour rate.
  to the fallacy that you save more money in           Against a list of your activities on a daily,
  the business by doing stuff yourself and not         weekly, monthly, quarterly and one-off
  hiring an extra hand.                                basis, consider what you could pay someone
  Say your yearly profit after tax (before you
  take any money out of the business) is
  £50,000 and, annually, you work 50-hour
  weeks with two weeks’ holiday. Your rate is
  £20/hour (£50,000 ÷ 2,500).
                                                                                                         hourly to do each. If the hourly rate is less
  Are you happy working at this rate? How                                                                than you are worth when doing your most
  could you increase it? The answer is: either                                                           valuable work, get someone else to do it. If
  increase the profitability of the business                                                             you focus on using more of your time to earn
  (numerator) or decrease the number of hours                                                            a higher rate per hour, your business will
  you spend on the business (denominator).                                                               be more profitable or you’ll be able to work
  You can increase the numerator by doing                                                                fewer hours.
  activities that pay more than £20/hour.                                                                How much per hour would you pay for extra
  Spend your time sourcing key customers if                                                              leisure time? How much would your partner/
  you can establish they will be worth it over                                                           child pay for an hour of your time? Is £20/
  the next few years. You could also invest                                                              hour worth the sacrifices you make?
  time in recruiting a new member of staff and
                                                                                                         Excerpted from the Amazon bestseller ‘Sparks:
  training them to be as good (valuable) as
  you. The per-hour return of this effort should                                                         Ideas to Ignite your Business Growth’ by Shweta
  be beneficial.                                                                                         Jhajharia, a leading global business coach.
                                                                                                         Claim your FREE copy at
  Unfortunately, business owners often put                                                     
  these high-value activities off.
                                                                                                         (P&P extra)
12     Your business                                                                                                                   July/August 2019

     London’s development industry –
     what must government prioritise?
                                                The expected fall in skilled construction                                           Investing in skills and
                        by Gavin Kieran
                                                workers is one of the industry’s top concerns,                                       modern methods of

             he London business commu-          and it has called on the government to adopt                                         The expected fall in skilled con-
             nities have been hanging in
             the balance over the last few
                                                an open-minded view to migration policies.                                        struction workers is one of the in-
                                                                                                                                  dustry’s top concerns, and it has
     years. Now well past the original                                                                                            called on the government to adopt
     Brexit date, it seems no one is any                                                                                          an open-minded view to migration
     wiser as to what the UK’s relation-     tivity in the capital? Logically, one       The Brexit transition                    policies. But, just as the LCCI has
     ship with the EU is going to look       would assume sorting out Brexit              Mitigating Brexit is a close third,     advocated for a labour market that
     like. As the international centre of    would be on top of the agenda,            with 31 per cent placed it in their        provides access to skills and train-
     the UK, the London business com-        especially as the Spring 2019 LDB         top two. It could be that confi-           ing, the industry has also been busy
     munity is at once both more and         was launched immediately after the        dence has been buoyed by contin-           reviewing its own capabilities in
     less susceptible to the consequenc-     missed Brexit deadline of April 12.       uing demand and inward foreign             recruiting, training and retaining
     es of the outcome.                      The results say otherwise.                investment in the last few years. It       skilled workers, as well as investi-
        But despite the uncertainty, busi-                                             could be because the industry, like        gating more efficient methods of
     ness carries on as usual, albeit with         It’s the planning                   many other businesses, has been            construction.
     new and profound challenges.                        system                        twin-tracking future planning in
        The M3 Consulting London De-            Industry calls have been con-          case of a hard Brexit. More likely is       Political headlines, not
     velopment Barometer (LDB) was           sistent since Autumn 2017: the top        that while the development indus-             industry priorities
     launched in Autumn 2017 to get a        priority is to improve the town plan-     try will continue to lobby for the            Much has been made of the gov-
     clearer understanding of how Lon-       ning process, followed by increasing      best possible Brexit outcome, the          ernment’s help-to-buy funds and
     don’s property and development          funding for local authorities, infra-     broken planning system and chron-          tacking the housing crisis, but pro-
     industry thought it would best face     structure, transport and housing          ic public underfunding have been           moting home ownership and build
     up to those challenges, and what        delivery.                                 the bigger barriers to business.           to rent policies have been the bot-
     policy makers can do to help.              There have been efforts by pol-                                                   tom two priorities since the launch
        The development industry is, like    icy makers in that period – chang-          Stamp duty and land                      of the survey.
     many businesses, concerned about        es to the National Planning Policy                supply                                The truth is that the housing
     the impact of resources and costs.      Framework, the Raynsford and                 Releasing land has slipped down         crisis continues and homes of
     LDB respondents overwhelming-           Letwin reviews, and a steady trick-       the priority list into fifth place, with   all types and tenures will be in
     ly believe that construction costs,     le of funding announcements. But,         only 21 per cent placing it in their       demand. Looking at the list of
     financing costs and construction        Whitehall’s preoccupation with            top two compared to a third in Au-         priorities and its consistency from
     skills and capacity will have a neg-    Brexit means government efforts           tumn 2017. This is likely a response       survey to survey, the industry is
     ative impact in the coming years.       have amounted to little more than         to visible efforts by local and cen-       more interested in interventions
     However, having experienced con-        tinkering.                                tral governments to release surplus        to help get the supply side through
     tinued demand following the ref-           The Mayor’s policies like the up-      land by organisations like local au-       and across all property sectors
     erendum, it is less concerned about     dated London Plan haven’t been            thorities, the NHS and Transport           in a more time and cost-efficient
     the impact of the global economy        well received either. Just over a third   for London. However, the industry          manner.
     and politics.                           believe his policies will have a pos-     is less impressed with the impact
        In this context, what do central     itive impact, down from half two          of the stamp duty revamp of 2017,          Gavin Kieran is director of M3
     and local governments need to pri-      years ago.                                with the call for improving these          Consulting
     oritise to increase development ac-                                               policies in fourth place.        

      London business has doubts about T Levels
      Ahead of the introduction of                                                                                                much support the introduction
      T Levels into the workplace in               Significant work                                                               of T-levels next year as a
      2020, new polling has shown that       They are intended to be the                                                          genuine alternative vocational
      two thirds of London business          vocational equivalent of                                                             qualification to A-Levels. But
      decision makers say that they          A-levels. But polling carried out                                                    our polling suggests that most
      would not be willing to offer paid     by ComRes on behalf of London                                                        businesses are unaware of
      or unpaid placements or work to        Chamber of Commerce and                                                              T-levels or doubtful about their
      a T Level student or graduate.         Industry has highlighted there is                                                    value to their company. The
      T Levels are a new two-year            significant work to do ahead of                                                      government will need to run
      technical programme for young          their introduction to convince                                                       a significant communications
      people aged 16 to 19, which will       employers of their merits.                                                           campaign to boost awareness if
      combine classroom study with                                                                                                T-levels are to be a success.”
                                             LCCI chief executive David
      workplace experience.                  Frost (pictured) said: “We very
International                                                                                          July/August 2019                 13

                                                                                                   SPONSORED COLUMN

global trade
                                                                        What’s my
                                                                        company worth?
                                                                        By Clare Munro, Senior Tax Partner,

                                                                        Lubbock Fine Chartered Accountants
      rade Secretary Liam Fox     complete. But he also spoke of the
      gave an upbeat keynote      need to reform the WTO rulebook
      speech at this year’s GTR   to address trade tensions in subsi-
UK, looking forward to Britain    dies, state-owned enterprises and     If you’ve established your own       For a profitable trading entity,
becoming an active, independent   technology transfer.                  business or company, you may         we would generally value on the
member of the World Trade Or-                                           well have wondered what it’s         basis of earnings, looking at the
ganisation (WTO) once Brexit is
                                                                        worth. You’ve invested personal      company’s trading past as an
                                                                        wealth, not to mention effort        indicator of future results. So, we
                                                                        and emotion, and your business       would usually calculate average
                                                                        may well form a significant          profit or earning levels over the
                                                                        part of your net worth, but,         recent past and adjust for one off
                                                                        unlike a shareholder in a listed     items of income or expenditure
                                                                        company, you have no easy            which a potential purchaser could
                                                                        way to work out its value.           not expect to recur.

                                                                        Value may only become important      Armed with a view of the
                                                                        when you want to sell. However,      company’s ‘maintainable’ profit,
                                                                        the value of private company         the next step is to identify an
                                                                        shares can be relevant for tax       appropriate multiple for earnings
                                                                        purposes too. Most obviously         capitalisation to arrive at a
                                                                        the value is incorporated into       company value. Private companies
                                                                        your estate on your death but        are very different from their
 Upcoming LCCI                                                          share value can also impact on       listed counterparts, so a quoted
 company missions                                                       succession planning for making       PE or index is unlikely to be a
                                                                        gifts to the next generation and     good match, but it may be the
 Myanmar                          Ethiopia                              employee incentives.                 best available. EBIT and EBITDA
 Sector: Energy                   Sector: Energy                                                             multiples are compiled from
 Date: 6-12 July                  Date: w/c 15 July                     Where a market value is required     private sale transactions and
 Contact: Vanessa Vlotides        Contact: Zuzana Brutenicova
                                                                        for tax purposes the legislation     may give a more suitable result,
 Tel: 0207 203 1838               Tel: 0207 203 1823
 Email: vvlotides@                Email: zbrutenicova@                  makes up for a lack of real market   particularly if the company has                       by requiring the valuer to imagine   significant debt as interest costs
                                                                        a transaction between a willing      can obscure the underlying value.
                                                                        buyer and seller.
                                                                                                             For tax valuations, the result
                                                                        The valuation approach will          of the imaginary transaction
                                                                        depend on the nature of the          is open to scrutiny by HMRC’s
                                                                        company’s business. With             valuation specialists. Back in the
                                                                        investment companies, the            real world a valuation can provide
                                                                        starting point is often the          a starting point for a commercial
 Kenya                            UAE, Dubai
 Sector: Energy                   Sector: Multi                         balance sheet, although if regular   transaction and can give insight
 Date: w/c 22 July                Date: 30 September - 4 October        dividends are paid one might         into the factors that a purchaser
 Contact: Zuzana Brutenicova /    Contact: Vanessa Vlotides             capitalise that income stream.       will consider. If you’d like to
 Vanessa Vlotides                 Tel: 0207 203 1838                    Investment assets may be held        talk to us about valuing your
 Tel: 0207 203 1823 /             Email: vvlotides@
                                                                        at cost and require revaluation      company, please contact
 0207 203 1838          
 Email: zbrutenicova@                                                   to bring the balance sheet up to     Clare Munro /                                                  current value.             

                                                                        Lubbock Fine
                                                                        Paternoster House
                                                                        65 St Paul’s Churchyard
                                                                        London EC4M 8AB
                                                                        t +44 (0)20 7490 7766
14               International                                                                                                          July/August 2019

     Costa Rica – productivity
     in paradise
     by Jose Luis Pal

            tunningly beautiful and as
            rich with opportunity as it is
            in biodiversity, Costa Rica’s lo-
     cation, robust platform of free trade
     agreements with preferential access
     to two-thirds of the world´s mar-
     kets, skilled workforce, track record
     and quality of life provide the nec-                                                                                          Rican exports of goods and servic-
     essary elements to enhance corpo-                                                                                             es, Costa Rica has free trade agree-
     rations´ supply chain strategies and                                                                                          ments which cover two-thirds of the
     global reach.                                                                                                                 world’s gross domestic product and
        Where else in the world can you go                                                                                         over a third of the world’s popula-
     from the Caribbean to the Pacific in                                                                                          tion. Costa Rica is the only Central
     just five hours? Costa Rica has been a                                                                                        American country with a free trade
     meeting point for cultures and trade                                                                                          agreement with China, and main-
     since its earliest days. As a crossroad                                                                                       tains 14 free trade agreements that
     in the heart of the Americas it’s easy                                                                                        provide access to 57 global trade
     to connect north to south, east to                                                                                            partners including the US, Canada
     west. Native tribes used the land as a                                                                                        and the EU.
     bridge to join their communities and                                                                                             With Costa Rica’s strategic lo-
     flourish together. That same ances-                                                                                           cation, moving goods into and out
     tral knowledge continues to be seen                                                                                           the country is easy. In 2017, some 24
     across the country today in business-      collaborative business environment,         In February, this Nether-              percent of Costa Rica’s exports left
     es, education and opportunity.             more than 300 companies can speak        lands-based company inaugurated           the country via air, 53.5 percent by
                                                highly about the nation’s true return    Costa Rica’s newest deep-water port       sea and 21 per cent on land. With
                 Numbers                        on investment.                           on the Caribbean coast. The 80-hec-       ports on both the Caribbean and
        While most Latin American                  The country has leveraged this        tare Moín Container Terminal was          Pacific Coasts, transporting prod-
     countries attract FDI – foreign di-        location to enhance it with top tal-     built on an artificial island and is on   ucts to either coast of both North
     rect investment – related to natu-         ent formation on logistics, supply       track to become the most efficient        and South America takes less time
     ral resources and domestic market          and engineering fields where uni-        port in Latin America. APM Termi-         and saves companies money.
     size, Costa Rica targets investment        versity graduates grow at over six       nals operates a global terminal net-         Costa Rica’s competitive advan-
     seeking efficiency and market ac-          per cent annually. Combined with a       work in 60 countries.                     tages are only going to continue to
     cess. This tiny country knows how          robust network of free trade agree-         “Costa Rica has inaugurated            grow as the market matures. The
     to play the numbers game, seeing           ments, growing connectivity and          much more than a container termi-         opportunities are as bountiful as the
     a consistent growth in FDI inflows         infrastructure, Costa Rica is an ideal   nal. The country is inaugurating a        land itself.
     during the past decade, growing at         site to reach the Americas and the       new era in its commercial relations
     an average of 8.4 per cent every year      world.                                   with the world, and this will have a      Jose Luis Pal is a marketing
     since 2003, accounting for a total of                                               direct impact on the country’s econ-      executive at CINDE, the Costa
     $US2.13 billion during 2018.                         Ecosystem                      omy and an important advance in           Rican Investment Promotion
        The ‘ticos’, have experienced a            Costa Rica´s dynamism of in-          the global connectivity ranking,”         Agency, which has helped
     profound diversification of its ex-        ternational trade has nurtured an        said Morten H. Engelstoft, chief ex-      hundreds of firms settle in the
     ports of goods, transitioning from         ecosystem of players and suppliers       ecutive of APM Terminals.                 country. Over the past 10 years,
     traditional agriculture up until the       ranked #1 in quality of supplier base       The state-of-the art Caribbean         the country has witnessed
     early 90s to high-tech products with       by the World Economic Forum, and         port in Costa Rica will complement        consistent growth in FDI, with an
     high R&D intensity, such as medi-          premium partners to enhance sup-         the new expansion at the Panama           average growth of 10.3 per cent
     cal devices, pharmaceuticals, digital      ply chain strategies are no different.   Canal. Though the canal has an in-        per year since 2003.
     technologies, cybersecurity, IT and           Several key investments have          creased capacity, certain PostPan-
     even rocket science. The dynamism          helped to amplify the country’s          amax vessels are too large to pass
                                                                                                                                    CINDE works closely with
     of the knowledge services, smart           logistical advantages. For instance,     through the canal. This makes Costa
                                                                                                                                    the British Chamber of
     manufacturing and life sciences sec-       Guanacaste in the North Pacific          Rica an ideal platform for freight
                                                                                                                                    Commerce in Costa Rica,
     tors is evident, with a growth rate in     have recently opened a new cargo         fragmentation, as well as a more
                                                                                                                                    established in 2012, which
     number of companies ranging from           facility at Daniel Oduber Interna-       productive point for cargo handling
                                                                                                                                    links UK and Costa Rican
     1.5x to 28x since 2000.                    tional Airport. Puntarenas in the        into Central America – a market of
                                                                                                                                    companies and promotes and
                                                Pacific Coast opened a new plat-         60 million people.
                                                                                                                                    supports business set-up and
      Return on investment                      form at the Caldera Port, and Dutch
                                                                                                                                    the cultural and commercial
        Why Costa Rica? Besides world-          titan in logistics, APM Terminals, is                Gateway                        aspects of both countries.
     class human talent, an embedded            building a brand-new $1 billion port       According to Procomer, the agen-
     innovation-fueled mindset and a            in the Caribbean coast.                  cy in charge of promoting Costa
International                                                                                                      July/August 2019                15

                                                                                                               SPONSORED COLUMN

             Overseas business opportunities
Do you want to access a selection of business co-operation offers                 Can coaching help solve
made by European companies wishing to work with UK firms?
Every month Enterprise Europe Network publishes a Business
Opportunities in Europe Bulletin, which contains the latest
                                                                                  the productivity puzzle?
co-operation offers from companies across the EU and beyond.
To find out more about this issue’s listed overseas business                      With labour productivity growth
opportunities or to subscribe to the bulletin contact Enterprise                  lower over the past ten years than
Europe Network London at                    at any other time during the 20th
or 020 7248 1992.                                                                 century, we consider the factors
                                                                                  contributing to the productivity
       Italy                                                                      puzzle and explore if a coaching
        A research group has developed a new therapy to naturally                 approach could help organisations
stimulate the production of nerve growth factor to increase longevity and
                                                                                  recover from the ongoing slump.
mental capacity. The therapy is based on the administration, through a
nasal dispenser, of a physiologic solution delivered at high pressure).
A sprayer devices manufacturer capable of required                                Productivity - as measured by         creativity to unlock innovation,
specifications is sought.                                                         the amount of work produced           investing in continuous
Ref: TRIT20190513001                                                              per working hour - is the major       training, using coaching to
                                                                                  driver of economic growth and         improve staff performance and
        Spain                                                                     higher living standards. UK           empowering the workforce
        This company is a small-sized firm located in northern Spain,             productivity fell again in the        are delivering strong results.
dedicated to the online distribution of all kind of natural cosmetics,            last quarter of 2018 compared
personal hygiene and care products and natural nutritional supplements            to the same period in 2017 and        Coaching is a powerful
which come from several countries. To expand their business, they seek            the Office of National Statistics     management tool and can
European partners, possibly companies selling cosmetic natural products –
                                                                                  states the UK’s productivity          be used as a step change to
they must have an ECO/BIO certificate.
                                                                                  at this time was 18.3% below          increase individual, team and
Ref: BRES20190527001
                                                                                  its pre-downturn trend.               organisational performance
        Croatia                                                                                                         and ultimately productivity.
        This company has developed an innovative method of tracking               Caused by various factors,            Developing a coaching culture
objects in 3D multi-camera environment. The method includes a                     some of it can be attributed to       allows organisations to make
panoramic camera, PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom) full body camera, auto zoom and             Brexit holding up investment          the most of their resources,
auto-tracking of people over a wide area. They also feature high-resolution
                                                                                  decisions. Other reasons include      deal with areas that might
3D stereo images. The 3D position is marked for each pixel in the stereo
                                                                                  not using technology to improve       need improvement, encourage
image for easy, automated and fast mapping. Looking to sign a joint
venture, technical cooperation or commercial agreement with technical             efficiency and inflating pay to       a positive response to change
assistance.                                                                       negate recruitment difficulties.      amongst employees and
Ref: TOHR20190301001                                                              Most pertinent though, is the link    helps develop staff so they
                                                                                  identified by the CIPD between        can grow and learn to help
         Germany                                                                  people management practices           the business succeed.
         A company that acts as a commercial agency offers agreements             and workplace productivity.
to automotive suppliers. Products of interest include interior and exterior                                             Productive organisations get
parts as well as electronic components. The German company has many               While this link is no secret,         more out of what they have, and
years of experience and is well-established in the automotive market.             the Chartered Institute of            this enables them to increase
Modular support packages within the commercial agency agreement are
                                                                                  Management estimated that             their profits, pay their workforce
designed according to partner requirements.
                                                                                  poor management practices             higher wages and invest in their
Ref: BRDE20190529001
                                                                                  are hindering the economy             future. Productivity matters
        Poland                                                                    to the tune of £84bn a year           and companies can easily be
        This company has been active in the feather industry since 1984           in lost productivity.                 unlocking bigger capital gains
in and offers a co-production partnership. It specialises in the processing,                                            and the capability to grow just
production and sale of the highest quality goose and duck down as well            Be the Business, established by       by tweaking their management
as bedding mixes, bedding products (quilts, pillows, sleeping bags). The
                                                                                  the Government to find ways           practices for the better.
company also offers a blend of down to the customer’s order, including
                                                                                  to increase productivity, has
down and hand-made down.
The company looks for cooperation partners in all EU countries.                   made several recommendations.         The AoEC is a leading global
Ref: BOPL20190520001                                                              These include gaining better          provider of accredited coach
                                                                                  self-awareness by measuring           training and executive coaching
        Austria                                                                   performance and strengthening         within organisations. If you would
        This innovative startup is developing the project ‘Carbon-                business planning and strategy.       like to attend a regular open
trap’ which aims to capture the carbon dioxide produced by
                                                                                  Employee engagement and               event or know more, please visit
industrial plants and transform it into a product with a high market
                                                                                  leadership/management skills or call
value. The company is interested in contacting manufacturers,
distributors, financial investors and other partners that desire                  should be top of the agenda and       020 7127 5125.
carrying out innovative green development projects.                               it’s encouraging collaboration
Ref: TOAT20190529001                                                              with peers and experts to
                                                                                  help drive improvement.
        A centrally-located French supermarket specialises in the sale of
                                                                                  Be the Business has
food (grocery, meat, delicatessen, cheese, fish, fruit and vegetables). It aims
                                                                                  multiple resources including
to diversify its range of products and it is looking for manufacturers of new
products. The company offers their distribution activity to European and          benchmarking, collaborative
south American producers.                                                         networks and a mentoring
Ref: TOBE20190521001                                                              network. It’s also sharing insights
                                                                                  into how initiatives such as using
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