Long-term job vacancies in Canada - Insights on Canadian Society - Statistics Canada

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Catalogue no. 75-006-X
ISSN 2291-0840

 Insights on Canadian Society

Long-term job vacancies in Canada

by Manon Langevin

Release date: February 20, 2018
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Long-term job vacancies in Canada
by Manon Langevin

                                               Overview of the study

   This study uses data from the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS) to examine the characteristics of long-term
   job vacancies, defined as positions for which recruitment efforts had been ongoing for 90 days or more on the
   day of the survey. Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions: What is the prevalence of long-
   term job vacancies in Canada? How do these vacancies differ from other vacant jobs? Is there a link between
   the duration of the vacancy and the offered wage?

   •   In 2016, long-term job vacancies (i.e., positions vacant for 90 days or more) represented 9% of Canada’s
       377,500 job vacancies. As a proportion of total labour demand (i.e., job vacancies and occupied jobs),
       the long-term vacancy rate was 0.23%.
   •   The percentage of long-term job vacancies varies by province and territory. In 2016, the North had
       the highest prevalence of long-term job vacancies, with a proportion of 17% in Nunavut.
   •   Occupations in health (16%), management (16%) and natural and applied sciences and related fields
       (14%) had the highest proportions of long-term job vacancies. The lowest proportion was sales and
       service occupations (5%).
   •   In 2016, 19% of vacancies requiring a university degree above the bachelor level had been vacant for
       90 days or more, compared with 6% for positions with no educational requirements.
   •   Offered wages were higher for long-term job vacancies. Even after accounting for the difference in
       characteristics of long-term job vacancies and other vacancies, offered wages were 5% higher for full-
       time long-term job vacancies than they were for those who had been vacant for less than 15 days.

Businesses invest time and money to attract and hire           tighten up. Fewer people are looking for jobs, and there
candidates who possess the skills needed to carry out the      is more competition between employers as businesses
duties of the positions they want to fill. Some positions      expand and increase their workforce, a phenomenon
require minimal skills, experience or education, while         referred to as a congestion effect. As a result of these
others require specific knowledge and skills, making           factors, finding new employees takes longer.
them more difficult to fill. For businesses, it is important
                                                               This effect is even more pronounced among businesses
to understand the factors that affect the duration of
                                                               that are seeking skilled workers.2 Other studies have
vacant positions since long-term job vacancies can
                                                               shown that the duration of a vacancy is positively
lead to additional costs and challenges (e.g., decreased
                                                               correlated with more demanding hiring criteria such as
production or lost business opportunities). For workers,
                                                               age, level of education and years of required experience.3
a better understanding of the characteristics of long-
                                                               Positions left vacant for longer periods are also more
term job vacancies can help them make better decisions
                                                               likely to be removed from the market prior to being
about training and career choices.
The duration of job vacancies varies depending on
                                                               Sometimes, vacant positions can be difficult to fill because
economic and labour market conditions. 1 When
                                                               of the type of work required5 or working conditions (work
the economy is doing well and approaching its full
                                                               schedule, wages and benefits). Jobs that involve working
employment potential, the labour market tends to

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Long-term job vacancies in Canada

at night or performing dangerous             Long-term job vacancies                                       about 9% of all job vacancies in
tasks are examples of positions              represent 9% of all vacancies                                 Canada (Chart 1) and 0.23% of
that are more difficult to fill. These                                                                     total labour demand (i.e., the total
types of positions are not a good fit        According to a previous study, the                            number of filled and unfilled positions
for everyone, and employers must             most common reasons provided                                  in Canada). The results were similar
often provide additional benefits in         by employers for long-term job                                in 2015.13
order to attract a sufficient number         vacancies were a smaller pool of
                                             candidates and a lack of experience                           Long-term job vacancies, however,
of candidates.
                                             among applicants. 9 Even though                               do not affect all regions of Canada
Finally, positions can be more difficult     vacancy duration should not be                                and industries in the same way.
to fill when the demand for certain          used exclusively to identify sectors                          Regional differences are examined
skills or educational requirements           where labour demand exceeds                                   in the next section.
exceeds the supply—that is, when             supply, it can offer a cautionary tale
there is a labour shortage. In such          for those sectors.10 When labour                              Long-term job vacancies are
cases, employers may compete                 demand increases, the number of                               more prevalent in the North,
between themselves to select the             unemployed workers often declines                             in oil-producing provinces,
best candidate, which may result in          which, in turn, brings an increase                            and in British Columbia
higher offered wages and in a longer         in the duration of job vacancies.
period of time to find qualified                                                                           The proportion of long-term job
                                             When this happens, the probability
candidates.                                                                                                vacancies varies by province and
                                             of a position remaining vacant long
                                                                                                           territory. In 2016, the percentage of
The issue of long-term job vacancies         enough to be observed increases,11
                                                                                                           positions vacant for 90 days or more
has not been studied recently in             which exerts upward pressure on
                                                                                                           varied from less than 6% in Prince
Canada, largely because there was a          vacancy rates (all else being equal).
                                                                                                           Edward Island to nearly 17% in
lack of detailed data on job vacancies.6     In 2016, the number of positions                              Nunavut (Table 1). In general, there
This situation changed with the              vacants for 90 days or more                                   was a higher percentage of long-
introduction of the Job Vacancy              averaged 35,200, 12 representing                              term job vacancies in the territories
and Wage Survey (JVWS), which
collects data on the characteristics
of job vacancies in Canada, including        Chart 1
the number of days that employers            Distribution of job vacancies, by vacancy duration at the time of the survey,
spent recruiting (see Data sources,          2015 and 2016
methods and definitions.) In this study,
a long-term job vacancy is defined
as a position for which recruitment
efforts had been ongoing for 90 days7
or more on the day of the survey.8
The following questions are                  20
examined in the study:
  1. What is the prevalence of long-
     term job vacancies in Canada?
  2. How do long-term job vacancies
     differ from other vacant jobs?
  3. Is there a link between the
     duration of the vacancy and the          0
     offered wage?                                     Less than 15           15 to 29          30 to 59            60 to 89                     90 or more
                                                                               Number of days the position has been vacant
                                                                           2015                                             2016
                                             Note: The percentages do not add up to 100 because vacant positions for which employers are constantly recruiting have
                                             no duration.
                                             Source: Statistics Canada, Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2015 and 2016.

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Long-term job vacancies in Canada

(Nunavut, the Northwest Territories                              Yukon, the Northwest Territories                            The prevalence of long-term
and Yukon), which also had the                                   and Nunavut, long-term vacancies                            job vacancies is higher in
highest percentages of workplaces                                represented 0.42% to 0.50% of                               the health care and social
reporting long-term job vacancies.                               total labour demand in those parts of                       assistance and professional,
Long-term job vacancies also                                     the country. Among the provinces,                           scientific and technical
represented a larger proportion of                               British Columbia had the highest                            services sectors
vacant positions in the oil-producing                            rate (0.33%). The lowest rate was
provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan                                 in Prince Edward Island, where                              In 2016, the health care and social
and Newfoundland and Labrador)                                   long-term job vacancies represented                         assistance sector (14%) and the
and in British Columbia.                                         0.11% of total labour demand.14                             professional, scientific and technical
                                                                                                                             services sector (11%) had the
In the territories, long-term job                                The territories, however, represent a                       highest prevalence of long-term
vacancies did not only affect a                                  small fraction of Canada’s long-term                        job vacancies (Table 2). 15 The
higher percentage of workplaces,                                 job vacancies with 1% of the total                          professional, scientific and technical
but each workplace also reported                                 in 2016. Much like total vacancies,                         services sector also posted the
a higher proportion of long-term                                 most long-term job vacancies could                          highest long-term job vacancy rate
job vacancies. Factors that may                                  be found in Ontario (41%), British                          (0.31%). The lowest long-term
contribute to labour shortages in this                           Columbia (20%), Quebec (16%)                                vacancy rate was in educational
part of Canada include remoteness                                and Alberta (13%).The disparities                           services, which represented 0.07%
from large urban centres and greater                             between provinces may reflect                               of labour demand.
challenges in finding workers in this                            other regional differences related
part of the country.                                             to occupations and industries. These                        Long-term job vacancies also
                                                                 differences are examined in the next                        varied by occupation. Those in
When expressed in relation to                                                                                                health (16%), management (16%)
total labour demand, the rate                                                                                                and natural and applied sciences
was also higher in the North. In                                                                                             and related fields (14%) had the
                                                                                                                             highest proportions of long-term
Table 1                                                                                                                      job vacancies (Chart 2). For these
Total number of job vacancies and percentage of positions vacant for 90 days or                                              occupations, the percentage of such
more, by province and territory, 2016                                                                                        vacancies was approximately three
                                                                                                                             times higher than the proportion
                                                                                       of positions                          observed for occupations in sales
                                                                                        vacant for                           and services (5%). Such results
                                        Number of job                   Job             90 days or        Long-term job      reflect the aging of the population,
                                          vacancies1            vacancy rate                  more         vacancy rate2
                                                                                                                             which exerts upward pressure on
                                           thousands                                  percent
                                                                                                                             the demand for health services, and
Canada                                             377.5                    2.4                  9.3                  0.23
Newfoundland and Labrador                            3.6                    1.8                 10.6                  0.19
                                                                                                                             could possibly reflect the importance
Prince Edward Island                                 1.2                    2.0                  5.6                  0.11   of scientific and management skills in
Nova Scotia                                          8.6                    2.2                  9.1                  0.20   the Canadian labour market.
New Brunswick                                        6.3                    2.1                  8.0                  0.17
Quebec                                              62.5                    1.8                  9.0                  0.17   The proportion of long-term job
Ontario                                            160.2                    2.6                  9.0                  0.24   vacancies was also calculated for
Manitoba                                            11.2                    1.9                  7.1                  0.14   each occupational skill category.
Saskatchewan                                         9.3                    2.0                 10.6                  0.21
Alberta                                             42.1                    2.2                 10.7                  0.23   To do so, job vacancies were
British Columbia                                    71.0                    3.4                  9.7                  0.33   divided into four broad categories:
Yukon                                                0.6                    3.4                 14.8                  0.50   management positions (senior and
Northwest Territories                                0.6                    2.6                 16.2                  0.42   intermediate), positions requiring a
Nunavut                                              0.3                    2.8                 16.9                  0.47
                                                                                                                             university education (professionals),
1. The number of vacant positions includes positions for which employers are constantly recruiting.
2. The long-term job vacancy rate can be obtained by dividing the number of positions vacant for 90 days or more by the
                                                                                                                             positions requiring a college
total number of job vacancies and occupied jobs.                                                                             education (technical personnel and
Source: Statistics Canada, Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2016.                                                                supervisors) and positions requiring
                                                                                                                             a high school diploma or less (support

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Long-term job vacancies in Canada

                                                                                                                                  The results indicate that
Table 2                                                                                                                           management and professional
Total number of job vacancies and percentage of positions vacant for 90 days or                                                   positions were the most likely to
more, by main industrial sector, 2016                                                                                             remain vacant for 90 days or more
                                                                                       Percentage                                 (Chart 3). The percentage of long-
                                                                                       of positions
                                                                                        vacant for
                                                                                                                                  term job vacancies for management
                                        Number of job                   Job             90 days or         Long-term job          positions (16%) was nearly three
                                          vacancies1            vacancy rate                  more          vacancy rate2         times higher than the rate observed
                                           thousands                                  percent                                     for support staff (6%). Among
All sectors                                        377.5                    2.4                  9.3                   0.23       health occupations, more than 1
Construction                                        24.2                    2.4                  8.6                   0.21       in 5 (22%) vacant professional
Manufacturing                                       30.1                    2.0                  8.5                   0.17
Wholesale trade                                     15.1                    1.9                  9.6                   0.18
                                                                                                                                  positions were long-term vacancies
Retail trade                                        53.4                    2.7                  9.3                   0.25       while less than 1 in 10 (8%) vacant
Transportation and warehousing                      17.4                    2.3                  9.5                   0.22       support staff positions were long-
Professional, scientific                                                                                                          term vacancies.
 and technical services                             25.5                    2.9                 10.9                   0.31
Administrative and support services                 30.7                    3.8                  6.3                   0.24
Educational services                                 9.7                    0.8                  8.9                   0.07
Health care and social assistance                   37.9                    2.0                 13.7                   0.27
Accommodation and food services                     52.5                    4.0                  7.1                   0.28
Other                                               80.9                    2.4                  9.9                   0.24
1. The number of vacant positions includes positions for which employers are constantly recruiting.
2. The long-term job vacancy rate can be obtained by dividing the number of positions vacant for 90 days or more by the
total number of job vacancies and occupied jobs.
Source: Statistics Canada, Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2016.

Chart 2
Percentage of positions vacant for 90 days or more, by occupational category, 2016

Occupational category

                Natural and applied sciences and related occupations
                                                            All occupations
Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
 Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations
    Education, law and social, community and government services
                                   Business, finance and administration
                                               Manufacturing and utilities
                                        Art, culture, recreation and sport
                                                         Sales and service
                                                                                  0        2           4           6          8             10   12    14     16      18

Source: Statistics Canada, Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2015 and 2016.

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Long-term job vacancies in Canada

Large workplaces are more
likely to have long-term job                   Chart 3
vacancies                                      Percentage of positions vacant for 90 days or more, by skill level, 2016

In 2016, the highest prevalence of             percent
positions vacant for 90 days or more           18
was found in larger workplaces 16              16                                                                                                         *
(500 employees or more), which                                                                                                 *
posted a 14% long-term vacancy
rate. In comparison, the proportion            12                                               *
of positions vacant for 90 days or             10
more was 6% in workplaces with
20 to 99 employees, 9% for those
with 100 to 499 employees, and                  6
10% in workplaces with less than                4
20 employees (Table 3).
Wo r k p l a c e s w i t h l e s s t h a n
20 employees, however, had the                             Support staff             Technical personnel          Professionals              Senior and intermediate
highest long-term vacancy rate                                                         and supervisors                                              managers
(0.30% of labour demand). Since                                                                       Skill level
smaller workplaces do not have the             * significantly different from reference category (support staff) (p < 0.05)
same human resources or staffing               Source: Statistics Canada, Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2016.
recruitment tools as larger ones, it
is possible that smaller workplaces
face greater recruitment or hiring             Table 3
challenges. Small companies also               Total number of job vacancies and percentage of positions vacant for 90 days or
have higher staff turnover rates than          more, by workplace size, 2016
large businesses,17 which increases                                                                                                   Percentage
                                                                                                                                      of positions
the probability that they have to                                                                                                      vacant for
recruit for positions that take longer                                                  Number of job                   Job            90 days or        Long-term job
to fill.                                                                                  vacancies1            vacancy rate                 more         vacancy rate2
                                                                                           thousands                                 percent
While smaller workplaces                       All workplaces                                       377.5                     2.4               9.3                  0.23
represent the majority of Canadian             Less than 20 employees                               127.1                     3.0              10.0                  0.30
workplaces, 18 relatively few had              20 to 99 employees                                   112.8                     2.5               6.2                  0.16
vacant positions for 90 days or more           100 to 499 employees                                  82.8                     2.4               9.1                  0.22
                                               500 employees or more                                 54.8                     1.6              14.4                  0.23
(Chart 4). In 2016, 1% of workplaces
with less than 20 employees had at             1. The number of vacant positions includes positions for which employers are constantly recruiting.
                                               2. The long-term job vacancy rate can be obtained by dividing the number of positions vacant for 90 days or more by the
least one long-term vacancy, while             total number of job vacancies and occupied jobs.
8% had a vacant position for less              Source: Statistics Canada, Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2016.
than 90 days and 91% had no job
                                               Positions with higher                                             advanced skills would be more likely
Among larger workplaces, 28%                   education and experience                                          to use a more comprehensive hiring
had at least one position that had             requirements take longer to                                       process in order to evaluate the
been vacant for 90 days or more,               fill                                                              candidates. They are more inclined
and 18% had no job vacancies. This                                                                               to spend more hours per candidate21
result is not surprising, given that           Previous studies have indicated that                              and on average they interview more
larger workplaces may be more                  it takes longer to fill positions with a                          candidates before making a job
likely to fill highly skilled positions,       high level of required education and                              offer.22 This cautious approach to
which typically take longer. Larger            work experience. 20 Not only are                                  candidate selection can in large part
workplaces may also have more rigid            such qualifications more difficult to                             be explained by the high cost of
hiring processes.19                            find, but employers looking for more                              terminating a qualified worker and

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Long-term job vacancies in Canada

                                                                                                                                 the productivity losses that result
Chart 4                                                                                                                          from matching the wrong person to
Distribution of workplaces¹ by job vacancy situation and workplace size, 2016                                                    a job. At the same time, candidates
                                                                                                                                 with higher levels of educational
                                                                                                                                 attainment are more likely to receive
                                                                                                                                 a large number of job offers and are
                                                                                                                 18              less likely to accept a job offer than
 80                                                                              37                                              their less-educated counterparts.23
                                                   67                                                                            In 2016, nearly one-quarter (23%)
 60                                                                                                                              of long-term job vacancies were
                    91                                                                                           54
                                                                                                                                 positions for which the employer
                                                                                                                                 did not specify any educational
                                                                                                                                 requirements (Table 4). However,
                                                                                                                                 the prevalence of long-term job
 20                                                30                                                                            vacancies was higher among positions
                                   1                                             12
                                                                                                                                 requiring postsecondary education.
   0                                                3                                                                            Among vacancies for jobs requiring a
       Less than 20 employees           20 to 99 employees     100 to 499 employees 500 employees or more                        bachelor’s degree, 15% were long-
                                                       Workplace size                                                            term job vacancies. For positions
                                   No job vacancies                                                                              requiring a graduate degree, the
                                   All job vacancies were vacant for less than 90 days
                                   At least one job vacancy was vacant for 90 days or more
                                                                                                                                 corresponding proportion was 19%,
                                                                                                                                 which is three times higher than
1. The unit of analysis is the workplace. The calculation is based on all workplaces.
Source: Statistics Canada, Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2016.                                                                    the proportion recorded among
                                                                                                                                 positions with no educational
                                                                                                                                 requirements (6%).
Table 4
                                                                                                                                 Similar trends can be observed
Distribution of job vacancies and percentage of positions vacant for 90 days or
                                                                                                                                 for jobs requiring professional
more, by qualifications required, 2016
                                                                                                                                 certification or work experience.
                                                                                        Distribution              Percentage
                                                                           Distribution of positions              of positions   Among vacancies for positions
                                                                           of positions  vacant for                vacant for    requiring at least eight years of
                                                                        vacant for less     90 days                   90 days    experience, 18% had been vacant
                                                                          than 90 days      or more                   or more
                                                                                                                                 for 90 days or more—double the
                                                                                                                                 percentage obtained for all vacancies.
Level of education required                                                        100.0                100.0             9.3
No minimum level of education sought                                                30.1                 22.5*            6.3
High school diploma or equivalent                                                   30.0                 26.1*            8.5    Factors related to longer
Apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma                                      7.4                  9.6*           10.9    vacancy times among vacant
College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma                       15.4                 17.1            11.2    positions
University certificate or diploma below bachelor’s degree                            4.0                  3.8            10.2
Bachelor’s degree                                                                   10.9                 16.6*           15.2    The findings presented in this section
University certificate or diploma above bachelor’s degree                            2.2                  4.3*           18.6    are from a logistic regression model.
Professional certification requested                                                                                             With this methodology, risk factors
Yes                                                                                   20.7               31.3*           13.3
No                                                                                    79.3               68.7*            8.2    affecting the probability that a vacant
Work experience required
                                                                                                                                 position will be a long-term vacancy
Less than 1 year                                                                      46.9               41.7*            7.9    can be examined simultaneously.
1 year to less than 3 years                                                           31.9               28.5*            8.6    The dependent variable is equal to
3 years to less than 5 years                                                           9.8               12.2*           12.2    1 when a position has been vacant
5 years to less than 8 years                                                           9.1               13.7*           14.7
8 years or more                                                                        2.2                3.9*           17.5
                                                                                                                                 for 90 days or more; otherwise it
                                                                                                                                 is equal to 0. The model takes into
* significantly different from reference category (positions vacant for less than 90 days) (p < 0.05)
Source: Statistics Canada, Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2016.                                                                    account several risk factors related
                                                                                                                                 to the local labour market (e.g.

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Long-term job vacancies in Canada

unemployment rate), workplace                All else equal, workplace size remains            worker behaviours are closely
characteristics (e.g., industry,             an important factor. This result                  related and the cost of labour is
size), and the position to be filled         supports the view that the duration               determined by variations in labour
(e.g., occupation type, educational          of a vacancy is not solely linked                 supply and demand. Employers who
requirements).                               to composition of employment                      are experiencing a rising demand for
                                             within large businesses, but also to              their products or a labour shortage
In general, the same trends observed
                                             factors that may be more specific to              in certain key occupations should be
in the descriptive analysis were
                                             large firms, such as a longer hiring              more inclined to offer higher salaries
found. The province, workplace
                                             process. Finally, as observed in the              and negotiate advantageous work
size, educational requirements,
                                             descriptive analysis, a significantly             arrangements.
work experience requirements,
                                             higher probability was also observed
and occupational category were                                                                 In 2016, employers were willing to
                                             for positions requiring a certain level
all significantly associated with the                                                          pay $23.61 per hour on average to
                                             of educational attainment or more
probability of a position being vacant                                                         fill long-term vacancies compared
                                             years of work experience.
for at least 90 days, even after holding                                                       with $19.63 for positions vacant for
other factors constant (Table 5).                                                              less than 90 days, amounting to a
                                             Offered wages are higher for                      difference of about 20 % (Table 6).26
The probability of a position                long-term job vacancies
remaining vacant for 90 days or                                                                Differences in the characteristics
more was significantly higher                Offered wages are an important                    of long-term job vacancies could
in the territories, and in British           indicator of the working conditions               explain the observed wage gaps.
Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan              with potential employers. According               More particularly, long-term job
and Newfoundland and Labrador.               to economic theory, employer and
This raises the possibility that the
characteristics of these regions             Table 5
and of the local workforce, along            Predicted probability that a position would be vacant for 90 days or more, by various
with provincial regulations and local        characteristics, 2016
economic fluctuations, influence                                                                                               predicted
the length of time that positions                                                                                             probability
remain vacant. For example, in               Province
the territories, it is possible that         Newfoundland and Labrador                                                            12.0*
remoteness from urban centres                Prince Edward Island                                                                  7.5
plays an important role and slows            Nova Scotia                                                                           9.9
                                             New Brunswick                                                                        11.3†
the migration of workers toward              Quebec                                                                                9.4
that part of the country.                    Ontario (ref.)                                                                        9.7
                                             Manitoba                                                                              7.4**
As observed in the descriptive analysis,     Saskatchewan                                                                         12.2**
occupations in management, health,           Alberta                                                                              12.9**
and natural and applied sciences had         British Columbia                                                                     11.4**
a significantly higher probability of        Northwest Territories                                                                19.3**
having long-term job vacancies.24            Quarter
                                             January to March                                                                      9.6†
However, the regression results              April to June (ref.)                                                                 10.5
indicate that the probability of long-       July to September                                                                     9.9
term job vacancies was significantly         October to December                                                                  11.2
lower for the professional and               Local unemployment rate below the national unemployment rate
technical services sector. This finding      Yes                                                                                  10.4
                                             No (ref.)                                                                            10.2
is contrary to the observations made
                                             Full-time job
during the descriptive analysis and
                                             Yes                                                                                  11.4**
is probably attributable to the fact         No (ref.)                                                                             8.2
that a large number of occupations           Permanent job
in natural and applied sciences can          Yes                                                                                  10.6**
be found in this sector.25                   No (ref.)                                                                             9.6

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Long-term job vacancies in Canada

                                                                                                     vacancies are more likely to be
Table 5                                                                                              positions with a high level of required
Predicted probability that a position would be vacant for 90 days or more, by various                education, which tend to pay more.
characteristics, 2016
                                                                                        predicted    In most cases, however, offered
                                                                                       probability   wages are higher for long-term job
Main industrial sector                                                                               vacancies than for positions vacant
Construction                                                                               10.2      for less than 90 days, regardless
Manufacturing                                                                              10.1*     of sector, occupation, educational
Wholesale trade                                                                             9.8*
Retail trade                                                                               12.0
                                                                                                     requirements or required work
Transportation and warehousing                                                             11.9      experience. The wage gap varied,
Professional, scientific and technical services                                             8.9**    depending on the characteristics
Administrative and support services                                                         7.2**    of the vacant positions. This
Educational services                                                                        8.7**    finding applies to both full-time
Health care and social assistance (ref.)                                                   12.1
Accommodation and food services                                                            11.5      and part-time positions across the
Other sectors                                                                               9.8**    entire period for which data were
Occupational category                                                                                collected. The gap, however, is
Management                                                                                 11.9**    smaller when only full-time positions
Business, finance and administration (ref.)                                                 8.6      are considered.
Natural and applied sciences and related occupations                                       12.2**
Health                                                                                     13.2**    Yet, the largest wage gaps (as a
Education, law and social, community and government services                                7.1*
                                                                                                     percentage) were not necessarily
Art, culture, recreation and sport                                                          8.2
Sales and service                                                                          11.0**    observed in the sectors or
Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations                          10.6**    occupations with higher numbers
Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations                          10.7†     or prevalence of long-term job
Manufacturing and utilities                                                                 7.5      vacancies. In 2016, the largest gaps
Workplace size                                                                                       between long-term job vacancies
Less than 20 employees                                                                     11.5
20 to 99 employees                                                                          7.5**
                                                                                                     and other job vacancies were in
100 to 499 employees                                                                       10.5*     the manufacturing (32%) and
500 employees or more                                                                      14.6**    transportation and warehousing
Level of education required                                                                          sectors (33%). The health care
No minimum level of education sought (ref.)                                                 9.2      and social assistance (21%) and
High school diploma or equivalent                                                          10.3*
Apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma                                            11.6**
                                                                                                     professional, scientific and technical
College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma                              10.4*     services sectors (18%) ranked
University certificate or diploma below bachelor’s degree                                   9.3      fourth and sixth, respectively.
Bachelor’s degree                                                                          12.2**
University certificate or diploma above bachelor’s degree                                  14.6**    With regard to required work
Work experience required                                                                             experience, the salary gap for long-
Less than 1 year (ref.)                                                                    10.2      term job vacancies for positions
1 year to less than 3 years                                                                 9.0**    requiring less than one year of
3 years to less than 5 years                                                               11.6*
5 years to less than 8 years                                                               13.3**
                                                                                                     experience was nearly five times
8 years or more                                                                            14.1**    higher (27%) than the gap observed
Professional certification requested                                                                 for positions requiring eight or more
Yes                                                                                        12.7**    years of experience (6%). This
No (ref.)                                                                                   9.7      is despite the fact that there is a
* significantly different from reference category (ref.) (p < 0.05)                                  higher prevalence of long-term job
** significantly different from reference category (ref.) (p < 0.01)
  significantly different from reference category (ref.) (p < 0.10)
                                                                                                     vacancies among positions requiring
Source: Statistics Canada, Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2016.                                        eight or more years of experience.

  8 / Insights on Canadian Society                                                                      February 2018 — Statistics Canada
Long-term job vacancies in Canada

                                                                                                                         work experience requirements. In
Table 6                                                                                                                  such cases, better wages are often
Average hourly wage offered by characteristic and duration of vacant positions, 2016                                     offered for this type of position
                                                                       All job vacancies      Full-time job vacancies    to compensate for the unpleasant
                                                                      Vacant                       Vacant                aspects of the job and to attract a
                                                                     for less       Vacant        for less     Vacant    sufficient number of applicants. In
                                                                     than 90 for 90 days          than 90 for 90 days
                                                                        days       or more           days     or more    contrast, salaries may be more rigid
                                                                                          dollars                        for positions requiring an elevated
All vacant positions                                                    19.63          23.61*           21.94   25.71*   level of education or experience.
Main industrial sector                                                                                                   To measure the extent to which
Construction                                                            22.19          24.22*           22.53   24.24
Manufacturing                                                           20.48          27.04*           20.99   27.35*   the duration of vacancies affect the
Wholesale trade                                                         22.34          26.68*           23.13   27.24*   hourly wage offered by employers,
Retail trade                                                            13.57          13.71            16.84   18.64    a linear regression model was
Transportation and warehousing                                          20.95          27.79*           22.47   30.04*   estimated with the offered wage as
Professional, scientific and technical services                         27.78          32.71*           29.20   33.23*
Administrative and support services                                     17.11          21.46*           17.99   22.50*
                                                                                                                         the dependent variable. Two models
Educational services                                                    26.82          29.64*           27.42   31.11*   were estimated. The first model
Health care and social assistance                                       22.95          27.87*           24.61   29.36*   included the duration of the vacancy
Accommodation and food services                                         12.32          14.28*           13.05   14.80*   as the only variable, whereas the
Other                                                                   22.11          25.35*           24.17   26.79*
                                                                                                                         second model added several other
Occupational category
Management                                                              33.89          37.35*           35.30   38.93*
                                                                                                                         control factors related to the region,
Business, finance and administration                                    21.69          24.17*           22.97   25.65*   job seasonality, the local labour
Natural and applied sciences and related occupations                    29.54          34.46*           29.75   34.57*   market (unemployment rate, activity
Health                                                                  25.36          29.65*           26.73   30.72*   rate, vacancy rate), workplace
Education, law and social, community
 and government services                                                23.88          27.80*           25.41   29.26*
                                                                                                                         (size, sector), job characteristics
Art, culture, recreation and sport                                      17.90          20.98*           19.50   22.39*   (occupation, required skill level) and
Sales and service                                                       13.45          14.61*           14.97   16.44*   requirements in terms of education
Trades, transport and equipment operators                                                                                and experience. Separate models
 and related occupations                                                20.19          22.06*           20.84   22.43*
Natural resources, agriculture and related
                                                                                                                         were estimated for all positions and
 production occupations                                                 14.88          14.35            15.08   14.31    for full-time positions.
Manufacturing and utilities                                             15.93          18.47*           16.20   18.64*
                                                                                                                         The results indicate that most of
Level of education required
No minimum level of education sought                                    13.70          15.24*           15.05   16.72*   the observed salary gap (slightly
High school diploma or equivalent                                       15.45          17.03*           16.59   18.62*   more than 80%) can be explained
Apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma                         21.19          21.80            22.51   22.50    by differences in the characteristics
College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate                                                                       of the vacant positions, which is
 or diploma                                                             23.05          25.07*           24.06   25.58*
University certificate or diploma below bachelor’s degree               28.43          32.49*           29.07   33.77*   not surprising since there is a high
Bachelor’s degree                                                       34.40          37.57*           34.87   38.59*   prevalence of long-term job vacancies
University certificate or diploma above bachelor’s degree               39.95          44.46*           40.62   44.90*   among well-paid occupations.
Work experience required
Less than 1 year                                                        15.46          18.93*           16.89   21.40*   However, even after taking the
1 year to less than 3 years                                             18.24          20.17*           19.16   20.19*   differences in characteristics into
3 years to less than 5 years                                            25.90          26.36            26.34   26.23    account, the offered hourly wage for
5 years to less than 8 years                                            32.48          34.70*           32.84   35.13*
                                                                                                                         full-time positions vacant for 90 days
8 years or more                                                         47.04          50.90*           48.05   50.85
                                                                                                                         or more was 5% higher than the
* significantly different from reference category (positions vacant for less than 90 days) (p < 0.05)
Source: Statistics Canada, Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2016.                                                            offered wage for positions that had
                                                                                                                         been vacant for less than 15 days
                                                                                                                         (Table 7). Thus, an employer who
It may be that salary gaps are more                                of positions offering less attractive                 offers $20 per hour27 for a full-time
closely related to the characteristics                             working conditions (such as hours                     position that has been vacant for
of the long-term job vacancies than                                of work, work environment and                         less than 15 days, would typically
to their prevalence. For example,                                  types of duties) among long-term job                  offer one more dollar per hour for
there may be a higher prevalence                                   vacancies with lower educational or                   the same position when the vacancy

  Statistics Canada — February 2018                                                                                           Insights on Canadian Society / 9
Long-term job vacancies in Canada

                                                                                                                       varies according to their various
Table 7                                                                                                                characteristics. The study’s findings
Percentage difference in hourly wages, by vacancy duration, 2016                                                       reveal, for instance, that there is
                                                                                                   Full-time job       a higher prevalence of long-term
                                                                            All job vacancies       vacancies
                                                                                                                       job vacancies in the territories, in
                                                                            Model 1 Model 2      Model 1 Model 2
                                                                                                                       the oil-producing provinces and in
                                                                                                                       British Columbia. There is also a
                                                                                                                       higher percentage of long-term job
Less than 15 days (ref.)                                                       ...       ...           ...      ...
15 to 29 days                                                                 5.5**    -0.3           4.9**   -0.1     vacancies in health care, management
30 to 59 days                                                                18.2**     3.4**        16.8**    3.6**   and professional positions, and in
60 to 89 days                                                                24.6**     4.1**        24.2**    5.3**   positions requiring a high level of
90 days or more                                                              25.9**     4.4**        24.3**    5.4**   education, more work experience
... not applicable                                                                                                     or professional certification.
** significantly different from reference category (ref.) (p < 0.01)
Source: Statistics Canada, Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2016.                                                          Lastly, the findings of this study
                                                                                                                       indicate that there is a link between
                                                                                                                       the offered hourly wage and the
duration is at least 90 days. The wage                                 determining their field of study. For           duration of the vacancy. The average
advantage of long-term job vacancies                                   employers, a better understanding               hourly wage for long-term job
over positions that have been vacant                                   of factors that cause long-term                 vacancies is significantly higher than
for less than 15 days was 4% when                                      job vacancies could translate into              the average hourly wage of positions
all positions were considered (i.e.,                                   improved hiring strategies that could           vacant for less than 90 days. The
part-time and full-time positions).                                    significantly reduce the time it takes          salary gap persists when differences
                                                                       to fill a position when there is a              in the characteristics of long-term job
Conclusion                                                             labour shortage or when they plan               vacancies and other vacant positions
                                                                       to expand.                                      are taken into account. These
The duration of job vacancies
provides information that may be                                       This article presents a profile of long-        findings support the conclusion that
useful for understanding future                                        term job vacancies in Canada and the            employers are willing to offer higher
fluctuations in labour demand.                                         associated risk factors. In 2016, 9%            wages for a comparable position
For individuals seeking their first                                    of Canada’s 377,500 vacant positions            when it remains vacant for 90 days
job or looking to make a career                                        remained unfilled for 90 days or                or more.
change, identifying which sectors are                                  more. Although long-term job
growing or which have insufficient                                     vacancies occur in all occupations              Manon Langevin is an analyst for
labour supply may be crucial in                                        and all regions, their prevalence               Statistics Canada’s Insights on Canadian

  10 / Insights on Canadian Society                                                                                       February 2018 — Statistics Canada
Long-term job vacancies in Canada

                                             Data sources, methods and definitions

Data sources
Data for the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS) are collected          The characteristics of vacant positions are collected at the
quarterly, with the exception of the first quarter of 2015,            occupation level. When characteristics varied among vacancies
which only covers February and March. The JVWS includes                for the same occupation, employers were instructed to declare
all workplaces in Canada except private households, religious          the characteristics of one of the positions only. For required
organizations, federal, provincial and territorial governments,        level of education, employers were asked to report the lowest
international public administrations and all other extra-territorial   level of required education among all vacancies for the same
public administrations.                                                occupation. For vacancy duration, employers were asked to
                                                                       report the amount of time it took to fill the position that
For the purposes of this study, data were classified by year           remained vacant for the longest period. Consequently, long-term
and annual estimates were obtained by taking the average for           job vacancies and positions requiring a low level of education
all quarters and giving each quarter equal weight. Classifying         may be overrepresented in the JVWS.
quarterly data minimizes the effect of seasonality and extreme
values on the estimates. Since there were no significant               Data for the JVWS are collected monthly and relate solely
differences between the estimates for 2015 and 2016, the               to positions vacant on the first day the month or positions
analysis is mainly based on the 2016 results.                          expected to be vacant during the month. Consequently, jobs
                                                                       that tend to be filled quickly (i.e., in less than four weeks) are
Job vacancies                                                          less likely to be included in the sample. Short-term vacancies
                                                                       are therefore underrepresented in this type of data.
The unit of analysis used in this study is a job vacancy (unless
otherwise indicated). A “job vacancy ” refers to a position            The JVWS, however, does not provide information on the total
that is vacant on the first day of the month or that becomes           duration of job vacancies. In other words, the total number
vacant during the course of the month. The employer must               of days between when the position became vacant and when
be actively recruiting a new employee outside its organization         it was filled is unknown. Consequently, some positions that
and have duties related to the position to perform during the          fall into the “positions vacant for less than 90 days” category,
month. The position can be full time, part time, permanent,            and very likely those vacant for 60 to 90 days, are positions
temporary or seasonal.                                                 that will still be vacant 90 days after being posted, and thus
                                                                       are actually long-term job vacancies.
Vacant positions for which recruitment efforts had been ongoing
for 90 days or more on the day of the survey are considered
long-term job vacancies.

Statistics Canada — February 2018                                                                   Insights on Canadian Society / 11
Long-term job vacancies in Canada

                                                          Recruitment methods used by employers

The number of days it takes to hire a new employee is largely                                Even though the recruitment methods used for long-term job
influenced by the recruitment strategies used by the employer.28                             vacancies and positions vacant for less than 90 days ranked
In general, employers do not hire the first person who applies                               similarly, there were some differences in terms of preferred
at the company. Instead, they select the best candidate from a                               methods. Employers were more likely to use professional
relatively large pool of applicants. However, the hiring process                             networking, employment agencies or headhunting firms for
can be costly for employers, who must strike a balance between                               long-term job vacancies. They were also more likely to publish
the benefits of finding the right person and the production                                  ads in newspapers.
losses associated with the job vacancy. Choosing the right
recruitment strategy is therefore very important, as it affects                              The largest difference, however, was in the number of
the likelihood of finding the right candidate for the position,                              recruitment methods used to fill the two different types of
the amount of time spent searching for the right candidate                                   vacancies. In 2016, 34% of employers seeking to fill positions
and the probability that the position will be filled.29                                      vacant for less than 90 days used four or more recruitment
                                                                                             methods. For long-term job vacancies, the corresponding
The number of methods used in the hiring process is also                                     percentage was 43% (Chart 5).
important. Using multiple recruitment channels gives employers
access to more candidates 30 or a larger pool of candidates with
more diverse personal characteristics.                                                       Chart 5
                                                                                             Number of recruitment methods used by employers,
The most common recruitment methods used by employers
include posting vacancies on online job boards, advertising                                  by vacancy duration, 2016
vacancies on the company website, and obtaining referrals
through informal networks (Table 8). More traditional methods,                               percent
such as publishing ads in newspapers, posting a sign on the                                  70
storefront of the workplace, and advertising at job fairs and
recruiting events at educational institutions, ranked last in 2016.                          60                                                            *

Table 8
Recruitment methods used by employers, by vacancy                                            40                                                                    *
duration, 2016
                                             Positions vacant Positions vacant               30
                                                 for less than      for 90 days
                                                       90 days          or more              20
Recruitment method                                                                                                                                                         *
Personal contacts, referrals,
 informal networks                                           58.5                   57.4
                                                                                                              Positions vacant                           Positions vacant
Sign on the workplace storefront                             18.4                   17.1                    for less than 90 days                      for 90 days or more
Company website                                              56.8                   60.0*
Online job boards                                            65.2                   69.6*                                 Number of methods used
Social media                                                 36.1                   39.1*                3 methods or less    4 to 7 methods     8 methods or more
Job or recruitment fairs at schools,                                                         * significantly different from reference category (positions vacant for less than 90 days)
 colleges or universities                                    15.6                   20.6*    (p < 0.05)
Government employment                                                                        Source: Statistics Canada, Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2016.
 centre or website                                           20.2                   24.2*
Professional networking, employment
 agencies or headhunting firms                               13.6                   22.6*
Newspaper ads                                                13.1                   18.4*
* significantly different from reference category (positions vacant for less than 90 days)
(p < 0.05)
Source: Statistics Canada, Job Vacancy and Wage Survey, 2016.

12 / Insights on Canadian Society                                                                                                   February 2018 — Statistics Canada
Long-term job vacancies in Canada

1.   See van Ours and Ridder (1991); Chen and Eriksson          9.   See Galarneau et al. (2001).
                                                                10. The job vacancy rate is generally used to identify labour
2.   See van Ours and Ridder (1991). Furthermore,                   shortages in a specific sector or occupation. According
     Morissette and Zhang (2001) have shown that in                 to van Ours and Ridder (1991), the duration of job
     1999, businesses in Canada with high vacancy rates             vacancies is positively correlated with the job vacancy
     were those that innovated and sought highly qualified          rate.
                                                                11. Positions that generally have very short vacancies are
3.   See Gorter and van Ommeren (1999). It also takes               underrepresented in databanks, which is attributable
     longer to fill non-manual positions (Andrews et al.            to collection periods.
     2008), high-skilled jobs (van Ours and Ridder 1991;
                                                                12. In this article, the terms “long-term job vacancies”
     Burdett and Cunningham 1998) and jobs in smaller
                                                                    and “positions vacant for 90 days or more” are used
     companies (Burdett and Cunningham 1998; Chen and
     Eriksson 2009).
                                                                13. How vacancy durations vary in accordance with
4.   See Andrews et al. (2008).
                                                                    economic cycles cannot be studied for several more
5.   See Chen and Eriksson (2009).                                  years since chronological data do not go back far
                                                                    enough in time.
6.   A better understanding of the factors affecting the
     duration of job vacancies, and especially the factors      14. In 2016, British Columbia had the lowest unemployment
     associated with long-term vacancies, is useful for             rate among all Canadian provinces (6.0%). In
     studying and measuring frictional and structural               contrast, Prince Edward Island had the second-highest
     unemployment in Canada. Frictional unemployment                unemployment rate among the provinces (10.7%).
     is unemployment resulting from the time it takes
                                                                15. Galarneau (2016) presented similar results for the
     for a person to find another job. It generally stems
                                                                    health care and social services sector, which posted
     from a lack of information among unemployed persons
                                                                    some of the highest job vacancy and long-term
     and employers. Structural unemployment is caused by
                                                                    vacancy rates in 2011. In this industry, the aging of the
     labour market adjustment problems. The sources of
                                                                    population is exerting upward pressure on demand
     these problems include changes in demographic, social
                                                                    for services (expansion demand) while the growing
     and economic structures and mechanisms that hinder
                                                                    number of retiring workers is increasing demand for
     adjustment between labour supply and demand (e.g.,
                                                                    labour (replacement demand).
     labour market regulation and taxation).
                                                                16. Data are collected at the workplace level and not at the
7.   In the 1999 Workplace and Employee Survey, positions
                                                                    company level. The economic activity of a workplace
     that were vacant for 4 months or more were considered
                                                                    occurs within a specific geographic location, whereas
     long-term vacancies. In the 1971 to 1978 Job Vacancy
                                                                    a company is a legal entity that may be comprised of
     Survey, positions that had been vacant for four weeks
                                                                    several workplaces.
     or more were considered long-term vacancies.
                                                                17. Traditionally, large businesses post lower layoff rates
8.   The Job Vacancy and Wage Survey does not collect
                                                                    (Picot et al. 1997; Bernard and Galarneau 2010) and
     information on the total duration of job vacancies.
                                                                    better employee retention rates (Morissette et al.
     Consequently, a position that was vacant for less than
                                                                    1992) than smaller businesses.
     15 days is not necessarily a position that was filled in
     15 days—this merely indicates how long the position        18. In 2016, workplaces with less than 20 employees
     had been vacant on the day of the survey. The position         accounted for 86% of workplaces in Canada. This
     may have been filled several weeks later. However, it          explains why one-third of vacant positions are at this
     is reasonable to assume that the position was filled           type of workplace despite the low proportion with at
     shortly thereafter and did not remain vacant for 90            least one vacancy.
     days. Burdett and Cunningham (1998) calculated that
     72% of job vacancies were filled within two weeks,         19. Akyeampong (2006) indicates that establishments with
     and 98% in 90 days or less. Adams et al. (2002) show           500 employees or more were much more likely to
     that 92% of vacant positions were filled in 12 weeks           require medical exams, background checks and drug
     or less. Data from other studies indicate that vacancies       testing than smaller workplaces.
     lasting 90 days or more are a clear sign of personnel      20. See Barron et al. (1985); van Ours and Ridder (1991);
     recruitment challenges.                                        Gorter and van Ommeren (1999).

 Statistics Canada — February 2018                                                        Insights on Canadian Society / 13
Long-term job vacancies in Canada

21. See Barron et al. (1985).                                     27. In 2016, the average hourly wage in Canada was
22. See van Ours and Ridder (1992); Barron et al. (1997).
                                                                  28. See Adams et al. (2002); DeVaro (2005); Sabatier
23. See Blau and Robins (1990).
24. A significantly higher probability was also observed for
                                                                  29. See Barron etal. (1997); Sabatier (2010).
    occupations in sales and services, as well as those in
    trades, transportation and machinery when other risk          30. See Barron et al. (1985); Barron and Bishop (1985);
    factors were taken into account.                                  Barron et al. (1997).
25. Occupations in natural and applied sciences accounted
    for 37% of vacant positions in this sector in 2016.
26. It is important to keep in mind that the figures given
    are for wages offered and not those negotiated and
    confirmed in an employment contract between the
    employer and employee. These amounts do not include
    bonuses or other financial benefits related to the job, or
    non-wage benefits (e.g., dental insurance), which may
    be paid in part or in full by the employer.

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   Vol. 39, no. 8. p. 1399–1416.                                      Labour and Income. May. Vol. 11, no. 5. Statistics Canada
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Akyeampong, Ernest B. 2006. “Screening job applicants.”
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    eng.htm) Perspectives on Labour and Income. May. Vol. 7,          outcomes for the employed and unemployed.” Journal
    no. 5. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75‑001‑X.                  of Political Economy. June. Vol. 98, no. 3. p. 637–655.
Andrews, M. J., S. Bradley, D. Stott and R. Upward. 2008.         Burdett, Kenneth and Elizabeth J. Cunningham. 1998.
   “Successful employer search? An empirical analysis of              “Toward a theory of vacancies.” Journal of Labor
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                                                                  Chen, Longhwa and Tor Eriksson. 2009. Vacancy Duration,
Barron, John M. and John Bishop. 1985. “Extensive search,            Wage Offers, and Job Requirements: Pre-Match Data
    intensive search, and hiring costs: New evidence on              Evidence. Working Paper 09-6. Aarhus, Denmark:
    employer hiring activity.” Economic Inquiry. July. Vol. 23,      Aarhus University.
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                                                                  DeVaro, Jed. 2005. “Employer recruitment strategies and
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    of new employees.” The Review of Economics and
                                                                  Galarneau, Diane. 2016. Job Vacancies in 2011: Results
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Barron, John M., Mark C. Berger and Dan A. Black. 1997.               pub/75-004-m/75-004-m2016001-eng.htm). Labour
    “Employer search, training, and vacancy duration.”                Statistics Research Papers. Statistics Canada Catalogue
    Economic Inquiry. January. Vol. 35, no. 1. p. 167–192.            no. 75‑004‑M – No. 1. Ottawa.

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Long-term job vacancies in Canada

Galarneau, Diane, Howard Krebs, René Morissette and             Picot, Garnett, Zhengxi Lin and Wendy Pyper.
    Xuelin Zhang. 2001. The Quest for Workers: A New                1997. Permanent Layoffs in Canada: Overview and
    Portrait of Job Vacancies in Canada (http://www.statcan.        Longitudinal Analysis      (http://www.statcan.gc.ca/
    gc.ca/pub/71-584-m/71-584-m2001002-eng.pdf). The                pub/11f0019m/11f0019m1997103-eng.pdf). Analytical
    Evolving Workplace Series. Statistics Canada Catalogue          Studies Branch Research Paper Series. Statistics Canada
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Gorter, Cees and Jos van Ommeren. 1999. “Sequencing,            Sabatier, Mareva. 2010. “Filling vacancies: Identifying the
    timing and filing rates of recruitment channels.” Applied       most efficient recruitment channel.” Economics Bulletin.
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Morissette, René, Garnett Picot and Wendy Pyper. 1992.          van Ours, Jan and Geert Ridder. 1992. “Vacancies and
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