Lost & Found Brooklyn's Children Share Stories of the Pandemic - A collection of essays from the - The Ezra ...

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Lost & Found Brooklyn's Children Share Stories of the Pandemic - A collection of essays from the - The Ezra ...
Lost & Found
Brooklyn’s Children Share
 Stories of the Pandemic

   A collection of essays from the
 Ezra Jack Keats 2021 Essay Contest

    Sponsored by the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation

Lost & Found Brooklyn's Children Share Stories of the Pandemic - A collection of essays from the - The Ezra ...
Lost and Found:                                                         Table of Contents
    Brooklyn’s Children Share
    Stories of the Pandemic                                                 About the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation.....................................................4
                                                                            Letter from Deborah Pope.............................................................................5

                                                                            First Place
    A collection of essays from the                                         Serena Prince...................................................................................................6
    Ezra Jack Keats 2021 Essay Contest                                      Second Place
                                                                            Saphira Li.........................................................................................................8
    For 34 years, New York City public schoolchildren have written
                                                                            Third Place
    and illustrated enough books to fill a small library by participating
                                                                            Lucia Weissman.............................................................................................10
    in the Ezra Jack Keats Bookmaking Competition. The program is
    the result of a longstanding partnership between the Ezra Jack          Honors
    Keats Foundation, Brooklyn Public Library, and the New York City        Linh Kirk Soffer.............................................................................................12
    Department of Education. Due to the pandemic, the competition           Lorelei Schaary..............................................................................................14
    was postponed in 2021. In its place, Brooklyn Public Library had        Esther Motia...................................................................................................16
    the honor of hosting a unique essay contest for children in grades      Chase Aberle...................................................................................................18
                                                                            Billie Jordan...................................................................................................20
                                                                            Honorable Mentions
    Focusing on current events, students were encouraged to
                                                                            Ariana Abreu...........................................................................................................22
    write about their circumstances around the pandemic, lack of            Jamie McNair......................................................................................................... 24
    socialization, coping skills, anti-racism, school and family life,      Halcyanna Pasternak.................................................................................. 26
    the election, and any emotions that may be coming up for them           Anaya Wilson.................................................................................................. 28
    during these turbulent times in support of positive social emotional
                                                                            With excerpts from essays by
                                                                            Jard Wilson.......................................................................................................7
                                                                            Judera Burnham.............................................................................................9
                                                                            Clara Cabnet-Galarza..................................................................................11
                                                                            Zara Habib Baig............................................................................................13
                                                                            Zoe Giammanco.............................................................................................15
                                                                            Rayyan Ali Jivraj..........................................................................................17
                                                                            Scarlet Palmgren...........................................................................................19
                                                                            Aniela Coughlin.............................................................................................21
                                                                            Michael Kotsar...............................................................................................23
                                                                            Eliza Cohen.....................................................................................................25
                                                                            Eva Mendes de Leon.....................................................................................29
                                                                            Catalina Skinner...........................................................................................27

                                                                            All other essay entries..................................................................................30
                                                                            Project Teams.................................................................................................35
    Cover photo by Theresa Aberle

Lost & Found Brooklyn's Children Share Stories of the Pandemic - A collection of essays from the - The Ezra ...
About the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation                                                                    From Deborah Pope, Executive Director,
                                                                                                            Ezra Jack Keats Foundation

    The EJK Award, Bookmaking Competition and Mini-Grant Program together                    Dear Students, Educators and Families,
    further the two central goals of the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation to support public
    education and to promote the creation of outstanding diverse literature for              Students, you have conquered an extraordinary challenge. This has been a difficult
    children.                                                                                year for everyone and we see a level of understanding and compassion in these
                                                                                             essays that are well beyond your years. It’s a big accomplishment to get through
    The Ezra Jack Keats Award, now in its 34th year, recognizes children’s authors           hard times as you all have done. It’s another major accomplishment to think deeply
    and illustrators early in their careers, encouraging them to continue creating           about the problems you, your family and friends have faced, and to express your
    exceptional books that reflect our diverse culture. Many past winners are now            feelings as clearly as these essays demonstrate.
    celebrated leaders in the field.
                                                                                             Under normal circumstances your essays would inspire pride, pleasure and great
    The Ezra Jack Keats Bookmaking Competition was designed to give teachers                 expectations. But now, having come through the COVID-19 pandemic your work is
    an effective teaching tool and demonstrate to students that learning can be fun.         even more important. We have a greater need for events and accomplishments that
    The program has flourished in New York City for over 30 years and has expanded to        bring us joy and spark hope, as do your essays. This is why we thank you and it is
    San Francisco and Atlanta.                                                               how you’ve made the world a better place.

    Ezra Jack Keats Mini-Grants support public school teachers and librarians                Educators and families, thank you for supporting the creativity and determination
    for their own special programs that enhance the learning experience. Since 1986          of these young people. This is a perilous time but the work you do with your
    thousands of grants have been awarded to educators in all 50 states.                     children and students builds a bridge to a future for all of us. You cultivate our
                                                                                             greatest natural resource.
    The Ezra Jack Keats Foundation was established by the late children’s book
    author and illustrator, Ezra Jack Keats, whose 1962 book The Snowy Day, broke the        Great thanks go to Kimberly Grad, who designed and implemented this program,
    color barrier in children’s publishing. More recently, The Snowy Day was adapted         assembling the outstanding professional development support for teachers and
    by Amazon as a holiday special (and winner of two Emmy Awards); a set of The             librarians, and facilitating their participation in this program. Kim organized
    Snowy Day stamps were issued by the U.S. Postal Service; and the New York                outreach, managed the collation of essays, assembled the jury, guided the
    Public Library announced that The Snowy Day was the most checked out book in             deliberations and served as the conduit for communication between students,
    their 125 year history, as part of the celebration of that anniversary. For more about   families, educators and administrators. This could not have happened without her.
    all of the Foundation’s activities, visit www.ezra-jack-keats.org.
                                                                                             We aslo thank Linda E. Johnson, President and C.E.O. of Brooklyn Public Library
                                                                                             (BPL), who gives us such a warm home in the Central Branch, and to Judy
    Ezra Jack Keats (1916-1983)                                                              Zuckerman, BPL Director of Youth & Family Services, as well as to the illustrious
    Ezra Jack Keats was born in Brooklyn. His parents were Polish immigrants and the         members of the jury, who have all contributed to making this essay competition a
    family was very poor. Even when he was very young, he loved to draw. In junior           success. Deepest thanks to all of you!
    high he won a medal for drawing, which he treasured his whole life because it
    encouraged him to persevere and become an artist.
                                                                                             Keep each other safe!
    The first book Ezra illustrated and authored was The Snowy Day. It won the
    Caldecott Medal in 1963, the highest honor a children’s book could win at that time,     Sincerely,
    and it remains a beloved classic.

    Ezra went on to write and illustrate over 20 children’s books, including Goggles!,
    A Letter to Amy, and Peter’s Chair. He is considered a pioneer in the field for his
    realistic, urban, multicultural portrayal of childhood. He believed no child should
    be an outsider and wanted to cultivate a love of reading and learning that would
    last a lifetime.

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Lost & Found Brooklyn's Children Share Stories of the Pandemic - A collection of essays from the - The Ezra ...
First Place                                                                            sister see you cry. You made a vow to          Jamaica for a while and you won’t be
                                                                                           mommy to take care of your little sister       able to explain the feeling because you
    Serena Prince                                                                          as she would. It was so hard to remain         didn’t want to leave mommy, but you
    Grade:		5                                                                              strong for both of you. It was worse           wanted to go to Grandma.
    School:		 P.S. 119 Amersfort                                                           still because you couldn’t leave the
                                                                                                                                          But a warm hug from grandma changed
    Teacher:		 Yolanda Fields                                                              house. You couldn’t go where anyone
    Principal:		 Denise Nopper
                                                                                                                                          everything and for the first time in a
                                                                                           else was in the house. All you could
                                                                                                                                          long time you will feel like everything
                                                                                           do was watch movies and you always
                                                                                                                                          will be just fine. The weather was warm,
                                                                                           seem to end up watching the news. As
                                                                                                                                          and you could play outside, finally.
                                                                                           the death toll rose, so will your worries,
                                                                                                                                          You still had to practice the same
                                                                                           scared that you wouldn’t see mommy
    Dear me,                                    By mid-January mommy explained                                                            precautionary measures, but it was so
                                                                                           again. But every evening when she
                                                to you that you wouldn’t be going to                                                      much better. Aunty Tish will take you to
                                                                                           calls, your heart will leap with joy. Her
    You will start the year with high                                                                                                     the beach and cook delicious Jamaican
                                                school every day of the week. You were     voice soothes your worries and for a few
    expectations. You will find yourself in                                                                                               foods.
                                                confused, you will try to keep your        minutes everything was ok.
    a new country, about to start a new         friends by texting, but I won’t be the
    school. You will be excited to make new                                                                                               You will be fully aware of the problems
                                                same and you and your friends will         When mommy finally came home you
    friends but nothing will prepare you for                                                                                              taking place in the world; you will
                                                grow apart. Virtual learning will be       were ecstatic. I remembered you
    the chaos that is 2020.                                                                                                               worry about mommy. You will feel guilt
                                                confusing and prove difficult at first,    cried, tears of happiness -- glad that
                                                                                                                                          because you had left her all alone, there
                                                but you will get hang of it. By April of   the burden you carried for three weeks
    Many disastrous events will change                                                                                                    in America. What if she got sick again?
                                                2020 you would have fully comprehend       was finally over. But that happiness was
    the world you know and change your                                                                                                    Who would take care of her? The guilt
                                                the effects of Covid-19 and it would       short lived as soon after daddy lost his
    prospective on many things.                                                                                                           and the fear will follow you into 2021.
                                                start to affect your everyday life.        job and mommy would have to work
                                                                                                                                          You will only be a year older in age,
    I remember how you celebrated New           By then the virus would have killed        even more hours.
                                                                                                                                          but you would have grown so much in
    Year’s Day, you were especially happy       hundreds of people. You will be scared
                                                                                           In July mommy said that would be               heart, fully understanding that life is a
    because you had gotten exactly what         to go to the park or to the mall; the
                                                                                           visiting Aunty Tish and Grandma in             precious but fragile thing.
    you wanted for your Christmas present;      very thought of going outside will
    mommy had started a new job, daddy          be frightening. You will be scared to
    had gotten a new car and your little        communicate face to face with the
    sister was giving you a break. Sigh, life   very friends you so missed, even from
    was good, had you only known what           behind a mask.
    was around the corner later that very
    month.                                      It was May 19, 2020, you had just put               “This pandemic is helping me to understand life.
                                                your little sister to bed and were about            Things could be worse. I laugh and smile to stay
    You remember mommy and daddy                to snuggle under the sheets of your                 positive, because I know one day this rollercoaster
    talking about the fire in Australia, but    own bed when daddy came to tell                     will stop and life will become normal again.”
    it was far away, and you couldn’t fully     you that mommy wouldn’t be coming
    comprehend the damage it was doing,         home for a while. You cried that night,
    you were fine, it didn’t affect you and     you didn’t sleep. To learn that your
    you were too happy to think how             very own mother had Covid-19 was           Jard Wilson
    selfish that thought was.                   devastating. For many nights you cried     Grade:    5                                    Teacher:		 Ms. Chambers
                                                silently, not wanting to let you baby      School: P.S. 194 The Raoul Wallenberg School   Principal: Jay Mendelsohn

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Second Place                                                             will be targeted for something      My parents tell me to learn
                                                                             we are not guilty of. I am afraid   from my past mistakes to make
    Saphira Li                                                               my grandparent will be pushed       a better future. Racism against
    Grade: 		 3
                                                                             or punched in the back of the       people has been happening for
    School: 		 P.S. 11
    Teacher: 		 Ms. Banyan-Shepherd
                                                                             head for no other reason than       a long time. The past should
    Principal: Abidemi Hope                                                  being Asian. Currently in school    not be the present as we should
                                                                             my class is reading A Jar of        be learning the lessons of past
                                                                             Dreams by Yoshika Uchida. I         mistakes. I am hopeful that as
                                                                             can connect to the Japanese         my class discusses the topic of
                                                                             family in the novel as they faced   racism and seeing the movement
    Have you ever felt that you          due to an experience at school.
                                                                             discrimination in California        of Black Lives Matter, we
    were judged by the color of your     When the pandemic started, I
                                                                             during the 1930s. This Japanese     will cancel out prejudice and
    skin and ethnicity? Well I didn’t    didn’t think anything of it until
                                                                             family faced harassments and        racism for understanding and
    know how it felt until the year      I was in the school bathroom
                                                                             attacks from their communities      compassion.
    2019 when Coronavirus started        when a girl walked up to me and
                                                                             for being Japanese just as many
    happening. When I heard              said, “China started the virus.”
                                                                             Asians are currently facing. I
    President Donald Trump and           I didn’t understand why she
                                                                             wish that people would stop
    political leaders called the virus   said that to me until my mom
                                                                             blaming Asians for starting a
    the Wuhan Flu, Kung Flu, and         explained that people believed
                                                                             virus when we should be working
    China virus the world changed        China has caused the virus. This
                                                                             together to end this pandemic.  
    for me as an Asian American. It      made me feel hurt because it
    made me realize that I stood out     was my first-time experiencing
    just because I am Asian and face     discrimination. I was also angry
    the chance of discrimination.        that this girl blamed me for
                                         causing the virus when I didn’t
     Since the pandemic, I have
                                         cause it. I am born in America,              “As a Black girl, I understand the need for
    been doing remote school. I find
                                         but my culture is different. I am            Black Lives Matter. Although I am afraid, I
    remote school hard as I find it
                                         proud of my Chinese culture and
    difficult to concentrate in front                                                 wish I could participate. I love the different
                                         proud to be an American.
    of a screen for a long period of                                                  murals and paintings on the streets. When I
    time and the interaction with the    Another reason I am glad to                  saw the protests for BLM in London as well
    teacher is not the same. I miss      be home is the attacks against               in the United States, it made me proud.”
    playing with my friends during       Asians. When I heard my parents
    lunchtime and saying hi and bye      talking about the rise of Asian
    to friends. However, I am glad to    attacks it made me scared to        Judera Burnham
    be at home during the pandemic       go out. I am afraid my family
                                                                             Grade:   5                          Teacher: Lizette Williams
                                                                             School: P.S. 21 Crispus Attucks     Principal: Leslie Frazier

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Lost & Found Brooklyn's Children Share Stories of the Pandemic - A collection of essays from the - The Ezra ...
Third Place                                                                         needed to social distance with my       nearly enough. Even that was okay,
                                                                                         friends and would only go to school     because my best friend lived in the
     Lucia Weissman                                                                      twice a week, it came as a blow. But    same room as me.
     Grade: 		 5                                                                         it wasn’t like Cape Cod. The room
     School: 		 P.S. 39 The Henry Bristow School                                                                                 The pandemic has been a terrible,
                                                                                         I shared with Cosi was brighter.
     Teacher: Matthew Strong                                                                                                     upsetting time. But Cosi is with me,
                                                                                         In school, the teachers were more
     Principal: Sara Panag                                                                                                       helping me, and bringing stability
                                                                                         attentive. I joined pods with friends
                                                                                                                                 and love.
                                                                                         and played outside. But really, the
                                                                                         reason that life was better again
                                                                                         was Cosima. She could crawl on
     My sister’s name is Cosima. It                but I knew it confirmed our belief    her own now and little noises that
     means order and responsibility.               that we should leave. And then, all   were beginning to sound like words.
     We laugh now because she zips                 the thrill was gone. I was scared.    Every morning, I was woken up
     through the house, making messes              Cosi was barely 5 months, but         by her soft cooing. And as I would
     and causing chaos everywhere she              something in her brain understood,    sit at my desk on zoom meetings,
     goes. But in small ways, she has              and she wrapped her tiny hand         Cosi would be beneath me, playing
     lived up to her name. Without her,            around my finger. She was a small     with my toes and grinning. I did
     I wouldn’t have survived the worst            bit of order during a chaotic time.   get to see my friends, but not
     months of the pandemic. Without
                                                   Spring in Cape Cod is miserable,
     her, my mind would’ve been in
                                                   and I barely got to go outside. But
     complete disorder. She was there
                                                   in the morning, I would take Cosi
     to hold my hand as we rushed out
                                                   from her crib and into my bed. We
     of Brooklyn. She was my tiny spark
                                                   would climb under the covers and               “A lot of my friends got to go upstate and quarantine,
     of light during cold, gloomy days
                                                   play games. Even though she could              where there was open space where they could run
     in Cape Cod. And she was my best
                                                   barely understand me, she smiled               around without masks. But that was their family,
     friend as I adapted to life during the
                                                   and laughed. It was probably the               MY family was stuck in our apartment in a busy city
                                                   only good part of my day. Those
                                                                                                  where you couldn’t go out at all without fear of getting
      A year ago, we had talked about              months in Cape Cod hurt so much.
                                                                                                  infected. I felt so left out of everything. But as I got used
     school possibly closing due to this           Without those special moments
                                                                                                  to being inside, sometimes I didn’t even want to go
     new virus, which seemed thrilling             with Cosi, I don’t know what I
     at the time. I wasn’t worried. But            would’ve done.
                                                                                                  outside. Over time, I started to realize that maybe this
     as the days went by, it got scarier.                                                         was the right setting for me, so I accepted knowing that
                                                   A couple of months later, we were              I was in the right environment.”
     On Thursday, I stayed home from
                                                   on our way back to Brooklyn. I had
     school. By nightfall I was packing.
                                                   daydreamed about coming home
     The next night, we were on our way
     to my nana’s house in Cape Cod. As
                                                   and subconsciously connected it       Clara Cabnet-Galarza
                                                   to a return to normal. So, when I
     we drove, my parents turned on the                                                  Grade:    5                             Teacher: 		 Sophia Phillip
                                                   did get home and realized I still
     news. I forget exactly what it said,                                                School: Brooklyn Friends School         Principal: Crissy Cáceres, Head of School

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Honor                                                                             The music made me feel happy,       more now because of the time we
                                                                                       but I worried that COVID-19         were apart.
     Linh Kirk Soffer                                                                  might not end.
     Grade: 		 4                                                                                                           Upstate we went fishing. I
     School: 		 P.S. 139 Alexine A Fenty School                                        When COVID-19 got a little bit      caught some. My little brother
     Teacher: 		 Roshini Samlal
                                                                                       better, a playground opened.        fished too, and he caught more
     Principal: Mary McDonald
                                                                                       My friends and I played there.      fish than I did, and he won five
                                                                                       We had to wear masks and we         dollars because he caught more
                                                                                       also had to stay 6 feet apart. We   than my uncle! I can’t believe
                                                                                       played football, catch and hide     that, because my brother was
     During COVID-19 I’ve been                    The worst thing I heard about        and seek.                           only 4 and I was 9 and also my
     inside too much. I looked at                 during COVID-19 was the                                                  uncle was really good at fishing
                                                                                       Now at least I get to go upstate to
     the same walls. I slept in the               death of George Floyd and                                                and he knew all the good spots.
                                                                                       my grandmother’s house because
     same beds all the time. I sat on             the racism that caused it. My                                            What was my 4-year-old brother
                                                                                       people are getting vaccinated. I
     the same couch. I saw the same               mother is Vietnamese, so racism                                          going to do with five dollars in a
                                                                                       get to see my baby cousin. He’s
     chairs and I sat in them every               scares me. The Capitol riot also                                         pandemic?
                                                                                       SO CUTE. I also have a dog up
     day.                                         happened, and a few people
                                                                                       there. He’s 63 in dog years. My     COVID-19 has been one of my
                                                  died. Donald Trump wanted
     My parents might have had a                                                       aunt and Uncle went to live there teachers. It taught me to be
                                                  them to riot because he said
     plan to limit my screen time, but                                                 with their baby and dog because     careful. It taught me my time
                                                  that the election was “stolen”
     COVID-19 changed their plans.                                                     of COVID-19. I smile when I see     with my friends and family is
                                                  from him! During the riot people
     Before COVID-19 I had lots of                                                     my cousin and my Uncle’s dog        worth a million diamonds to me.
                                                  were attacking places like the
     friends to play with, I could also
                                                  Capitol building. In the paper
     go to their houses and I could
                                                  they threatened they would
     go to the playground or park
                                                  attack the Capitol of every state
     with them! It was fun. I also
                                                  in U.S.A. I kept thinking about
     liked going into the building for
                                                  hiding under the bed if they
     school. During the pandemic,
                                                  chose to attack near my house!
     I do everything online. I was
     stuck inside, and it was hard,               One way I got through COVID-19               “A huge tip is to make the place you stay
     and I was a little lonely. Still, I          was by practicing my violin                  most often clean and tidy. Trust me this
     knew I had it better than a lot of           every day. It’s really fun because           will be a life changing tip.”
     people, and that made me even                there are so many pieces to play
     sadder.                                      and you usually don’t get bored.
                                                                                       Zara Habib Baig
                                                                                       Grade   5                           Teacher: 		 Yolanda Fields
                                                                                       School: P.S. 119 Amersfort          Principal: Denise Nopper

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     Lorelei Schaary
     Grade: 		 4
     School: 		 German School Brooklyn
     Teacher: 		 Jane Marie Hutcheson
     Principal: Kathryn Nagle, Executive Director

     Hybrid or Remote                               I can’t even remember the time
                                                    before we had two schedules to
     Since the pandemic started, I
                                                    go between. We must have been
     have had an extremely hard time
                                                    so happy because we didn’t have
     knowing which school schedule I
                                                    to read all our emails and ask the
     have to use.
                                                    teachers what schedule to use. I
     One day, I was all ready and up for            didn’t even know computers existed
     school. I walked up to my dad and              back then. What I remember most
     said, “Why are you still in pajamas?”          was hugging everyone.

     “Whoa kiddo you don’t think you                But now I know almost everything
     are going to school, do you?” he               I can know about the computer.
     said.                                          Whoops! looks like I have class
                                                    soon! (Who knows which type: in-
     But I did. So, I went back to my               person or zoom.)
     room and unpacked my backpack.
                                                    But there is one thing I know about            “If I could describe 2020 in two words, it would
     Another time I was taking out                  the computer that makes almost                 be complex and teachable. 2020 can be complex
     my computer getting ready for                  everything better: I know how to               because everyday life changed for everyone. 2020
     homeschooling but then my dad                  call my friends and family when I              was teachable because it taught you to be grateful,
     came in.                                       need support. My best friend Caie              and taught everyone to get out of their comfort
                                                    always has my back when I am
     “What do you think you are doing?                                                             zone and adapt to the “new normal”. Be prepared
                                                    down… on Zoom that is!
     We have to get to school! In-person                                                           for the new “normal” in the year 2020. Best of luck,
     school that is.” So, I really quickly          Looks like I gotta go! Bye!                    stay calm, and everything will be okay.”
     got ready for school.

     And those are only SOME of the
     times that happened. There were a                                                    Zoe Giammanco
     lot of other times too.                                                              Grade:    3                               Teacher: 		 Christine Luo
                                                                                          School: P.S. 154 Windsor Terrace School   Principal: Jason Foreman

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Honor                                                                          Even though there has been a lot of      to see change and I would like to
                                                                                    frustration but when Joe Biden won       progress in helping change. My view
     Esther Motia                                                                   the election, I remember feeling         has changed, and I want to use my
     Grade: 		 5                                                                    that all the concerns on the topic of    knowledge to help problems I see.
     School: 		 P.S. 321 William Penn                                               climate change or global warming
     Teacher: 		 Kyla MacDonald
                                                                                    or racism had a shot at being fixed.
     Principal: Liz Philipps
                                                                                    The Saturday that the results of
                                                                                    the election were announced was a
                                                                                    day I will never forget. Throughout
                                                                                    Prospect Park, cheering could
     In COVID times I have started          people were being killed because        be heard. Music could be heard
     to learn a lot more about the          of their differences. I have started    everywhere. I could say the music
     government and how our country         to be more aware in conversations       could be heard for miles but that
     is run. It has changed my view of      about government and I realize how      would be exaggerating.
     things and it has made me try to       important it is to know how our
                                                                                    It felt like the worries that had hung
     be as open minded as possible and      country is run.
                                                                                    over our heads like a toxic cloud
     not look at things as a one-sided
                                            It made me angry when I found           had been lifted giving everyone
     story. I thought everything was fair
                                            out that when our nation’s capitol      a sense of overall joy! I know the
     and no one could ever be racist or
                                            was stormed on January 6th, some        world isn’t perfect, but I would like
     sexist. I used to think the world
                                            people in the crowd who claimed
     was one way and that way was right
                                            they were fighting for their country
     but when I started to see protests
                                            chose to wear Nazi shirts reminding
     on TV it made me realize how
                                            us of one of the most horrendous
     imperfect our country is.
                                            and consequential times in history!              “I have learned to be grateful for things that
     Before COVID hit I would never         It made me frustrated knowing that               I thought were normal. Things that I thought
     include myself in conversations        there was MILITARY weaponry at                   everybody had. For example, I thought everybody
     with my parents about these topics.    Black Lives Matter protests, but
                                                                                             had computers, iPads, phones and internet but
     But now I am realizing that there      there were just some police officers
                                                                                             I learned that a lot of people don’t. I thought that
     are things in our country that need    and guards when the capitol was
                                                                                             everybody had access to space, but I learned that
     to be fixed, so I have tried to find   stormed. Why would there be more
     my voice and speak my concerns         concern about people standing up
                                                                                             a lot of people are in tiny apartments with no
     and thoughts. I now know that          for their rights and less focus on               access to any place to do work or school or exercise
     having a different opinion might       the terrorists that broke the law                outdoors.”
     not be bad and that you should         and raided a SACRED BUILDING?
     never hold back from stating what      It’s puzzling to me that people still
     you feel. I have started to pay more   want to change the election and are     Rayyan Ali Jivraj
     attention to the news, asking more     “attacking” the new President.          Grade:    4                              Teacher: 		 Kerri Manson
     questions, wanting to know why                                                 School: The Ella Baker School            Principal: Joshua Satin

16                                                                                                                                                                 17
Lost & Found Brooklyn's Children Share Stories of the Pandemic - A collection of essays from the - The Ezra ...
Honor                                                                                   on with my real-life virtual reality
                                                                                             except I never wanted to play this
     Chase Aberle                                                                            game this way.
     Grade: 		 4
     School: 		 German School Brooklyn                                                       Some would say it’s GAME OVER
     Teacher: 		 Jane Marie Hutcheson                                                        because we had a very hard 2020.
     Principal: Kathryn Nagle, Executive Director
                                                                                             So many things happened to not
                                                                                             just my family and friends but to
                                                                                             the whole world. Everyone and
                                                                                             everything have been affected
     GAME ON!!!!                                    things started to happen, things         in some way because of COVID.
                                                    I did not even wish for or think         For example: I can’t interact with
     January 2020 was filled with                                                            friends, I can’t do sleepovers,
                                                    would ever happen! I found out
     possibilities! My family and I                                                          I can’t do playdates. All these
                                                    that I was not going to go to
     made maps of where we were and                                                          “can’t’s” started to make me feel
                                                    school for two whole weeks and
     where we wanted to go by the end                                                        lonely.
                                                    that we would do school virtually.
     of the year. We were having fun
                                                    Virtual school? Unexpectedly,             But I am saying now that it’s
     together thinking about all of the
                                                    my dad even showed up after              “GAME ON!!!!!!” My map is back
     possibilities. Our maps had lists
                                                    traveling for work, and that was         and so am I!!!!
     of each of our hopes and dreams
                                                    the best news yet. This year was
     that we wanted to try to fulfill. We
                                                    getting better and better as each
     even noticed some of our dreams
                                                    day passed. I could not imagine
     were the same.
                                                    what was coming next!
     In February, some of these things
                                                    Guess what? Really, guess what?
     from our maps started to come
                                                    This great year, with perfect 20/20              “Despite all the pros and cons, the
     true. We even stayed in a nice
                                                    vision and 100% excitement,                     pandemic was a very unexpected learning
     hotel and went to see The Lion
                                                    started tumbling down on me
     King on Broadway with friends                                                                  experience. I believe that this pandemic
                                                    and hard. Little by little, I felt all
     and family. The city looked less
                                                    my hopes and dreams fade away.
                                                                                                    took a lot of opportunities from people that
     crowded than usual but that made
                                                    I tried to hold on to them, but                 were active and wanted to be spontaneous.
     it even more fun! My mom was                                                                   This pandemic also taught us things like we
                                                    they slipped away like a slithering
     also really excited because we
                                                    snake.                                          should always be grateful for our things.”
     got a big upgrade at the hotel for
     free. Everything was great, and I              I tried to remind everybody about
     was excited for what more would                our maps but there was no more
     come true in this year of 2020.                direction. I didn’t know what to
                                                                                             Scarlet Palmgren
                                                                                             Grade: 		 5                            Teacher: 		 Kat Miner
                                                    do so I kept quiet and continued
     All of the sudden, more great                                                           School: P.S. 321 William Penn          Principal: Elizabeth Phillips

18                                                                                                                                                                  19
Honor                                                                                   fall in and the way the light was shining      Minecraft. You will try new stuff that
                                                                                             off the water was so majestic.                 you wouldn’t usually do if it wasn’t for
     Billie Jordan                                                                                                                          Coronavirus. Coronavirus is scary, sad,
                                                                                             If I could describe this year in one word,
     Grade: 		 3                                                                                                                            and challenging but someday we will
                                                                                             it would be different. You’ll learn a
     School: 		 P.S.130 The Parkside School                                                                                                 overcome this tragedy.
                                                                                             bunch of new things, including how to
     Teacher: 		 Mauren Campbell
     Principal: Stephanie Parsons
                                                                                             macramé, about the forest in Prospect          Yours truly, Billie from 2021
                                                                                             Park, and how to play Roblox and

     Dear Billie from 2020,                      the window and hearing the pipes in
                                                 the wall because of the quietness. The
     Hey, I’m Billie from 2021. It’s March and   sights are the same, like when you
     Coronavirus is still happening. When        could only see darkness when you
     you figured out it was going to be all      close your eyes. And the things you felt
     remote school you were so happy, but        are the same, like the faux fur on your
     you feel different now. When you first      pajamas and the pencil in your hand.
     heard about the Coronavirus you were
     still in school, I think you remember. At   Here’s some advice so you can pass the
     that point, you weren’t really thinking     time in the house because Coronavirus
     about how it could affect the whole         for you mostly means at least five
     entire world, you were just thinking        times a week you’ll get bored. Play
     about the fact that you were safe, and      more chess with Daddy so you can
     the Coronavirus couldn’t get to you.        learn more about it and get better.
     But unfortunately, you were wrong.          Try focusing more on your work with
                                                 remote school and don’t play music too
     Since I’m from the future, you might        often while you’re working. Whenever
     be wondering, “does it look different?”     you’re scared to do something, just do               How to Cure Boredom:
     The outside world does look different,                                                           (especially if you don’t want to sit around staring at a screen all day)
                                                 it, because later you’ll regret not doing
     no floating cars or trains on buildings,    it. I was scared to go to the Prospect               •       Spend time with a pet…or take your neighbor’s dog for a quick walk
     but a bunch of restaurants and places       Park forest because I am not really a                •       Take on a hobby or learn a new language
     people went to are closed. You can          nature person. I mean, the only kind                 •       Create a magazine
     barely recognize who anyone is              of bug I like is the rose-haired spider              •       Build a village out of dried beans, sticks and tissue paper
     because masks cover half of their
                                                 when it’s in a cage. I didn’t really want            •       Take on baking or cooking
     face. When writing this, I’m sitting        to be in the forest because after 30                 •       Have a family game night to play board games or charades
     on a new bed with a room with new           minutes of walking my feet were killing
     sprinkle wallpaper, a new desk, and         me. I was really happy that I held all
     a beanbag. I’m wearing new unicorn          the pain in and just did it because when
     pajamas. It’s late at night and Mommy       we got there, there was a beautiful         Aniela Coughlin
     thinks I’m asleep. The sounds are still     waterfall. The waterfall had giant          Grade:       4                                 Teacher:		 Isabelle Belneau
     the same, like the wind tapping against     boulders on the edges so no one could       School: The Ecole                              Principal: Jean-Yves Vesseau, Head of School

20                                                                                                                                                                                         21
Honorable Mention                                                                 favorite project! She is a famous      best part of Covid-19 because I
                                                                                       mathematician who worked for           had so much time with my family.
     Ariana Abreu                                                                      NASA. I love math and she is my
     Grade: 		 3                                                                                                              The other thing that my grandpa
                                                                                       hero. Did you know she lived to be
     School: 		 P.S. 312 Bergen Beach Brooklyn                                                                                got me into over Covid-19
                                                                                       101 years old? I want to follow my
     Teacher: Mrs. Collins                                                                                                    was politics. He taught me
     Principal: Jamie Yoo
                                                                                       dreams just like she did.
                                                                                                                              about elections, voting and the
                                                                                       Another thing my family did was        President. We watched all the
                                                                                       cooking and baking. My grandma         news about the election. It came
                                                                                       and grandpa cook the most              between Joe Biden and President
     2020 had lots of ups and downs.             differences are what make us          amazing food. We had dinner            Donald Trump. Biden won and
     It started when Covid-19 came.              special.                              together every night. My grandma       that made me happy because I
     Covid-19 made people sick and                                                     let me cook with her. One of my        think he is a good leader and a fair
                                                 Due to all of that we were forced     favorite dishes was my grandma’s       President.
     I worried that my grandma and
                                                 to stay home. My family spent         chicken parmesan and salad and
     grandpa could get it. It also meant                                                                                      I have hope that 2021 is a better
                                                 time in front of the house making     my grandpa’s burgers. I learned a
     me, my sister and mom could get                                                                                          year!
                                                 chalk art. We made rainbows and       lot of new recipes and lots of fancy
     it. A few days later school was
                                                 hearts. We thanked the frontline      ways to set the table! That was the
     closed. I was happy to be home
                                                 workers and wrote messages of
     and get to spend all this extra
                                                 peace and love for everyone to
     time with my family! Soon after
                                                 see. It mattered to me because I
     I began to miss my friends and
                                                 wanted to show my appreciation
     I was sad. Everybody was stuck
                                                 and help bring people together.
     inside and I was very bored.                                                               “My Great-Grandpa is an excellent chess
                                                 The other big change in my life                player. He beat me more times than I can
     One thing I did was to watch
                                                 was school. Since school was
     the news with my grandpa.                                                                  count. But somehow, that day, I beat him in
                                                 closed, we went to school online.
     The biggest news story besides                                                             this exquisite sport. I knew me winning was
                                                 It was hard to make new friends. I
     Covid-19 was the murder of
                                                 had a lot of homework and Google               probably just luck. Even though he lost to
     George Floyd. He was a black
     man killed by a white police
                                                 meets. It was frustrating because              me that day, I knew that he would not lose
     officer. It made me feel very sad
                                                 learning online was so different. I            the battle against Covid-19. He would fight
                                                 was lucky to have great teachers.              and beat it as he beat me so many times on
     because of how he was treated.
                                                 My teachers worked hard to
     There were riots and protests. My                                                          the checkered board.”
                                                 help us learn and encourage us
     family didn’t want me to be sad.
                                                 to stay positive. I did a lot of
     They reminded me that we don’t
                                                 reading, I researched about the
     treat people like that. You never
                                                 Dominican Republic and about
                                                                                       Michael Kotsar
     judge a book by its cover and our                                                 Grade:   4                             Teacher: Marilyn Jackle
                                                 Katherine Johnson. That was my
                                                                                       School: P.S. 206 Joseph F. Lamb        Principal: Ellen Quigley

22                                                                                                                                                                   23
Honorable Mention                                                    your class back home. How              lifespan is about 200, you will
                                                                          awesome is that. Now animals           have to deal with your parents
     Jamie McNair                                                         roam free. Sometimes we see            barging in your room for a long
     Grade: 		 4
     School:		 P.S. 312 Bergen Beach
                                                                          lions with their cubs. You can         time. You will really like the
     Teacher: 		 Ms. Canrella                                             Play with the adorable little          school in the future, you will
     Principal: Jamie Yoo                                                 cubs, but you might get sad            get to see your teacher as a
                                                                          because the cubs must go home          hologram, and your friends too.
                                                                          at night. This is the best part        Now we are free, if you ask me,
                                                                          right!                                 free is the best life ever.
     The letter from the future        about what happened with my        The future is amazing, so now          Written by Jamie Ann McNair
                                       family. My 109-year-old great      you see that the future is okay.
     Hello I am Kasey, and I am in
                                       grandmother, and my 129-year-      Trust me, I know that since the
     the year 2121. A lot of crazy
                                       old great, great Grandfather
     things happened, but trust me,
                                       made a Medical Rise like never
     I know everything is going to
                                       before. Before The average
     be okay. In my time, Covid-19
                                       lifespan was about 75 but now
     is all gone, and a lot of other
                                       It’s around 200! The cool thing
     bad things are gone, too. Now
                                       is that there are about 0 deadly
     we can Live with Family and go
     to our friends’ houses and not                                                “Whenever I can get the vaccine, I’ll be
     worry about Covid-19.             This is the best part, the LOVE
                                                                                   jumping at the chance. I’m sure that
                                       OF ALL MOVEMENT, we get
     Let’s go back a bit to when
                                       a whole small town to live with             the more people that get vaccinated,
     Covid-19 started. So after the                                                the sooner this will be over. Even if
                                       family, and friends that want
     vaccines came out, things
                                       to live in the town. The cool               Coronavirus is not fully defeated and
     started to get way better in
     the whole world, it seems like
                                       thing is that we get to explore             becomes like the flu, I don’t mind
                                       the world for free with your                wearing a mask for another year or
     Covid-19 became a whisper.
                                       friend and of course with your
     But I only read this in my                                                    two. No matter what happens, nobody
                                       family, you even have food and
     textbooks so I don’t know
                                       stays for FREE! SCHOOL IS
                                                                                   knows. But I know that Covid has to end
     much more about it. That
                                       AWESOME! If we were visiting                sometime, right?”
     was just what happened in
                                       Egypt, we can go to a school
     the world, now I will tell you
                                       there or have a hologram of
                                                                          Eliza Cohen
                                                                          Grade:   3                             Teacher: Mauren Campbell
                                                                          School: P.S. 130 The Parkside School   Principal: Stephanie Parsons

24                                                                                                                                                 25
Honorable Mention                                                         worked and schooled out of our         There were a lot of frogs on the
                                                                               little, pop-up camper.                 campsite. They had bumps on
     Halcyanna                                                                                                        their backs and came out at night.
     Pasternak                                                                 “What did I do there?” you might
                                                                               ask. Well, of course, I did Zoom
                                                                                                                      Using a flashlight, I sneaked
     Grade:		 3                                                                                                       towards them, cupped my hands,
                                                                               school, but I didn’t just do school.
     School: 		 P.S. 130 Parkside School                                                                              caught them and let them go.
     Teacher: 		 Mauren Campbell
                                                                               Join me for a moment. Step into
     Principal: Stephanie Parsons                                              my boots if you please. Wade into      Catching frogs was easy, but how
                                                                               the water and look at this beautiful   would I catch the mysterious,
                                                                               dam.                                   furry animal lurking around
     Camp School                           During COVID, there have been                                              our campsite? I picked some
                                                                               Woosh-bam-slam-crash. The water
                                           a lot of changes. I am at home                                             mushrooms and placed them by its
     Shhh... be quiet or you might                                             is rushing through the rocks. One,
                                           most of the time, and my parents                                           den. Then I sat and watched. After
     spook it! Do you see what I see?                                          two, three, four... I am building on
                                           are here too – checking my work                                            a while, it waddled out. It came to
     Over there, poking its head out                                           the river’s floor. Five, six, seven,
                                           and setting timers, saying “Your                                           me… It was a woodchuck!
     of the ground. Head cocked,                                               eight... I put the rocks in their
                                           meeting is in 9 minutes!” My        place. Brrrr, the stream is cold and   And that was the end of COVID
     interested in what I am doing. It
                                           teachers are at school, but they    my hands are turning red. I am         camp school, an awesome and
     won’t dare to come close. I creep
                                           teach differently. They share       building a dam that hopscotches        unforgettable week.
     towards it ever so slowly and
                                           screens, show videos, have small    across the stream so I can make a
     quietly. And then, CRACK! I step
                                           groups, and turn off the chat       pool for frogs and fish.
     on a stick and the animal scurries
                                           when kids aren’t cooperating.
     back down its hole.
                                           I do see my friends and
     Does this sound like school to
                                           classmates every day, but not in
     you? It doesn’t sound like school
                                           person. Instead, I’m on Zoom. I
     to me, at least before COVID.
                                           can’t just get a hall pass, bump
     But now that COVID is here, we
                                           into friends and chitchat. Now I             “My mom is on the phone with my grandma
     have different opportunities, like
                                           have to schedule everything so we
     camp school! Before COVID, I                                                       arranging plans for her to come. Why aren’t
                                           can all stay safe.
     was in normal second grade. We                                                     we going there? The doorbell rings but it’s
     ate lunch with our friends. We sat    There’s one thing about COVID,               groceries not my friend. Again, it rings. It’s
     together to do math, writing, and     though, that made school really              a package but it’s not my birthday present;
     reading. We went to the blue rug      special this year: Camp school!
                                                                                        it’s masks.”
     in the front of the room for show
                                           In October, me, my parents and
     and tell. We didn’t wear masks
                                           my dog, LuluBelle, set up camp by
     and we didn’t stay six feet away
     from each other.
                                           a stream in Stokes State Forest.    Catalina Skinner
                                           For one week, we slept, played,     Grade:   5                             Teacher: 		 Gabe Gordon
                                                                               School: Brooklyn Friends School        Principal: Crissy Cáceres, Head of School

26                                                                                                                                                                27
Honorable Mention                                                          I learned how dangerous the          we can all learn to accept each
                                                                                coronavirus is and how fast          other and live in peace. Just
     Anaya Wilson                                                               it can spread from person to         because the coronavirus started
     Grade: 		 5
                                                                                person. It reached so many           in China, it does not mean every
     School: 		 The New American Academy
                Charter School
                                                                                countries around the world,          Asian person should be blamed
     Teacher: 		 Bionca Olimpio                                                 even countries I did not know        for it.
     Principal:		 Lisa Parquette Silva                                          about. It is important to learn
                                                                                                                      I am only 10 years old, I want
                                                                                the symptoms like fever, chills,
                                                                                                                     to live until I am old. With the
                                                                                cough, sore throat, and trouble
                                                                                                                     COVID-19 vaccines, I hope that
                                                                                breathing. It is also important
     The first time I heard about          million deaths. I cannot even                                             the situation will get better. I
                                                                                to continue wearing a mask
     COVID-19 or coronavirus was           understand what the numbers                                               hope that everyone can get the
                                                                                and get tested to make sure.
     around January 2020. I heard          means. But I know that it is a lot                                        vaccine. The vaccine will keep
                                                                                Also, many Asians have been
     on the news about a disease in        and I feel sad. In the U.S., there                                        us safe and make the whole
                                                                                attacked and have lived in fear
     China. Everyone questioned how        are more than 28 million cases,                                           world happy again. I believe it
                                                                                since 2020. A 75-year-old Asian
     it started and many believed it       over 500,000 deaths and over 18                                           is possible to be in the world
                                                                                man was beaten in California.
     was from eating bats. Suddenly,       million people who recovered.                                             without COVID-19 again. My
                                                                                This makes me angry. We should
     people started to blame all           My family has been very careful.                                          dream is to attend 6th grade in
                                                                                support each other to beat the
     Asians. I remember when my            We wore our masks outside.                                                person in September 2021.
                                                                                coronavirus. With police brutality
     teachers and family told me           We stayed six feet away from
                                                                                against Black people, I hope that
     about the coronavirus, mainly         others. We washed our hands
     about the symptoms and how            immediately after coming home.
     to protect ourselves from it. I       We did not visit others. But in
     did not take it seriously. I did      August 2020, my grandmother
     not think that COVID-19 was           and my uncle became sick. My
     going to be as bad as it has          baby brother did not understand               “In my mind I was dreaming that I saw
     been. When the schools shut           COVID-19. He always wanted
                                                                                         Corona in real life. He was all green and
     down, I felt disappointed about       to go see grandma, but we kept
                                                                                         sloppy. He was trying to touch my arm and
     staying away from the school          telling him it was impossible.
     and having classes at home. I am      At the end of January 2021, my                a hand sanitizer bottle appeared next to
     still disappointed about possibly     father and mother also tested                 me. I took it and squirted on him and he
     having my prom and graduation         positive for COVID-19. I was                  disappeared.”
     at home.                              worried about their health
                                           and even had nightmares.
     There are more than 111                                                    Eva Mendes de Leon
                                           Luckily, my siblings and I tested
     million COVID-19 cases
                                           negative.                            Grade:   4                           Teacher: 		 Isabelle Belneau and Mr. Fontenaud
     around the world with over 2.5                                             School: The Ecole                    Principal: Jean-Yves Vesseau, Head of School

28                                                                                                                                                                    29
All Entries
     Author                Grade   School                           Teacher                          Author                Grade   School                            Teacher

     Ariana Abreu          3rd     PS 312 Bergen Beach Brooklyn     Mrs. Collins                     Frances Bause Mason   4th     German School Brooklyn            Ms Jane Marie Hutcheson

     Sarah Burnett         3rd     P.S 130 Parkside School          Ms. Mauren Campbell              Andew Chilstrom       4th     St. Bernards School               Katie Cunningham

     Emma Carr             3rd     P.S. 130 The Parkside School     Ms. Danielle & Mrs. Stewart      Jayda Conyers         4th     P.S. 21 Crispus Attucks           Ms. Marshall

     Jayleen Chang         3rd     P.S 197 Kings Highway Academy    Ms. Kaplan                       Aniela Coughlin       4th     P.S. 21 Crispus Attucks           Ms. Marshall

     India Chilov          3rd     Quad Preparatory School          Erika Flory                      Sanaa Crawford        4th     P.S. 21 Crispus Attucks           Ms. Marshall

     Anabia Choudhry       3rd     P.S 197 Kings Highway Academy    Ms. Kaplan                       Sophia DeNyse         4th     The École                         Isabelle Belneau

     Eliza Cohen           3rd     P.S. 130 The Parkside School     Ms. Mauren Campbell              Amgelo Fuentes        4th     P.S. 361                          Mr. Trimboli

     Amber-Amora Edwards   3rd     P.S. 130 The Parkside School     Ms. Mauren Campbell              ZaVera Greenidge -    4th     Crispus Attucks                   Ms. Marshall
     Juliet Gabel          3rd     P.S. 130 The Parkside School     Ms. Mauren Campbell
                                                                                                     Kiersten Haggins      4th     P.S. 21 Crispus Attucks           Ms. Marshall
     Zoe Giammanco         3rd     PS 154 Windsor Terrace School    Christine Luo
                                                                                                     Marlo Holderbaum      4th     German School Brooklyn            Jane Marie Hutcheson
     Annaliese Ginsberg    3rd     P.S. 154                         Ms. Chiu
                                                                                                     Aliana Jetha          4th     German School Brooklyn            Jane Marie Hutcheson
     Talha Hossain         3rd     P.S. 130 The Parkside School     Ms. Mauren Campbell
                                                                                                     Rayyan Ali Jivraj     4th     The Ella Baker School             Kerri Manson
     Tayyaba Hossain       3rd     P.S. 130 The Parkside School     Ms. Mauren Campbell
                                                                                                     Louise Jouvin         4th     The Ecole                         Miss Belneau & Mr Fontenaud
     Billie Jordan         3rd     P.S. 130 The Parkside School     Ms. Mauren Campbell
                                                                                                     Aveleen Kaur          4th     P.S. 139                          Ms. Samlal
     Madyson Kao           3rd     P.S. 154                         Ms. Luo
                                                                                                     Michael Kotsar        4th     P.S. 206 Joseph F. Lamb           Ms. Marilyn Jackle
     Alexander Kogan       3rd     P.S 197                          Dawn Torres
                                                                                                     Soleil Landau         4th     P.S. 21 Crispus Attucks           Ms. Marshall & Ms. Armstead
     Saphira Li            3rd     P.S. 11                          Ms. Banyan
                                                                                                     Elijah Lewis          4th     P.S. 21 Crispus Attucks           Ms. Marshall & Ms. Armstead
     Emma Lin              3rd     P.S. 130 The Parkside School     Ms. Mauren Campbell
                                                                                                     Olivia Marecheau      4th     P.S. 312                          April Carnella
     Muhammadali           3rd     P.S. 197 Kings Highway Academy   Ms.Tejiram
     Mirmuhamedov                                                                                    Jamie McNair          4th     P.S. 312                          April Carnella

     Zahra Nuwere          3rd     P.S. 312                         Mrs. Collins                     Eva Mendes de Leon    4th     The École                         Ms. Belnau & Mr. Fontenaud

     Jackson O’Connor      3rd     P.S. 130 The Parkside School     Ms. Danielle & Ms. Stewart       Ella Noseworthy       4th     The École                         Ms. Belnau & Mr. Fontenaud

     Halcyanna Pasternak   3rd     P.S. 130 The Parkside School     Ms. Mauren Campbell              Tobias Peck           4th     P.S. 38                           Mrs. Segers

     Saheim Rahim          3rd     P.S. 130 The Parkside School     Ms. Mauren Campbell              Lorelei Schaary       4th     German School Brooklyn            Jane Marie Hutcheson

     Ted Saint Paul        3rd     P.S. 115 Daniel Mucatel school   Ms. Ruiz                         Lucy Segelin          4th     German School Brooklyn            Jane Marie Hutcheson

     Faiyaz Samin          3rd     P.S. 130 The Parkside School     Ms. Mauren Campbell              Linh Kirk Soffer      4th     P.S. 139 Alexine A. Fenty         Roshini Samlal

     Penelope Siegel       3rd     P.S. 154 The Windsor School      Ms. Luo                          Julian Weston         4th     German School Brooklyn            Jane Marie Hutcheson

     Joe Stewart           3rd     P.S. 130 The Parkside School     Danielle Loccisano               Ayanna Willoughby     4th     P.S. 21 Crispus Attucks           Ms. Marshall

     Lillian Tuzo          3rd     P.S. 130 The Parkside School     Danielle Loccisano & Christina   Makayah Workman       4th     P.S. 21 Crispus Attucks           Ms. Marshall & Ms. Armstead
                                                                                                     Linura Abdunazarova   5th     P.S. 128 Bensonhurst School       Ms. Vallen & Mrs. Lewis
     Zaina Walters         3rd     P.S. 361                         Mrs. Cheung
                                                                                                     Dennis Andelman       5th     P.S. 195 Manhattan Beach School   Cara Bianchi
     Chase Aberle          4th     German School Brooklyn           Jane Marie Hutcheson
                                                                                                     Anna Andreyko         5th     P.S. 195 Manhattan Beach School   Cara Bianchi
     Joshua Alleyne        4th     P.S. 21 Crispus Attucks          Mrs. Armstead & Mrs. Marshall
                                                                                                     Calogero B.           5th     PS 321 William Penn               Ronda Matthews

30                                                                                                                                                                                                 31
All Entries continued

     Author                  Grade   School                          Teacher                  Author                 Grade   School                              Teacher
     Jazminn Babb            5th     Ocean Hill Collegiate Charter   Ms. Palermo              Scarlet Palmgren       5th     P.S. 321                            Kat Miner
     Zara Habib Baig         5th     P.S. 119 Amersfort              Mrs. Yolanda Fields      Maiya Pandya           5th     P.S. 10                             Mr. Feldman
     Eloise Baker-Robbins    5th     Brooklyn Friends School         Thomas Henson            Subayah Parvez         5th     P.S./I.S. 104                       Mrs.Metry
     Maya Banner             5th     P.S. 321                        Kyla Macdonald           Hannah Powell          5th     NEST+m                              Tracy Jacobs
     Deborah Bashiru         5th     P.S. 21 Crispus Attucks         Ms. Williams             Serena Prince          5th     P.S. 119 Amersfort                  Yolanda Fields
     Daniel Belenky          5th     P.S. 195 Manhattan Beach        Cara Bianchi             Sahir Rao              5th     P.S. 90 Edna Cohen School           Mrs. Sigler
     Masiela (Mazzy) Belt    5th     Brooklyn Friends School         Alison Mirylees          Dekuri Reid            5th     The New American Academy            Ms. Olimpio
     Judera Burnham          5th     P.S. 21 Crispus Attucks         Lizette Williams         Alice Rondeau          5th     P.S. 58 The Carroll School          Katie Wheeler
     Jennifer Buslovich      5th     P.S. 277                        Marguerite Burke         Isaac Rothstein        5th     Luria Academy                       Dru D’Amico
     Clara Cabnet-Galarza    5th     Brooklyn Friends School         Ms. Sophia Phillip       Edvin Saint Paul       5th     P.S. 115 Daniel Mucatel             Ms. Murray-Johnson
     Taqbir Chowdhury        5th     P.S. 171 Patrick Henry          Ms. Samuel               Lizaveta Samsonava     5th     P.S. 195 Manhattan Beach            Cara Bianchi
     Ford Cook               5th     Ford Cook                       Felix Alberto            Marium Sardar          5th     P.S. 119 Magnet School of Global    Yolanda Fields
                                                                                                                             and Ethical Studies
     Christopher Cruz        5th     P.S. 277                        Mrs. Russo & Mrs. Kid
                                                                                              Lily Seibert           5th     P.S. 39                             Ms. Ulanowsky
     Sidney Dunn             5th     Brooklyn Friends School         Gabe Gordon
                                                                                              Hifsa Shafi            5th     P.S. 119 Magnet School of Global    Yolanda Fields
     Yaretzi Flores Macedo   5th     P.S. 90                         Mr. Fries & Mr. Morton
                                                                                                                             and Ethical Studies
     Veloria Gittrich        5th     Brooklyn Friends School         Sophia Phillip
                                                                                              Veronica Simon         5th     P.S. 321                            Laurie Basloe
     Shaan Glazer            5th     Birch Wathen Lenox School       Melissa Freeman
                                                                                              Matthew Singer         5th     P.S. 195 Manhattan Beach            Cara Bianchi
     Sophie Herard           5th     P.S. 119 Amersfort              Mrs. Field
                                                                                              Catalina Skinner       5th     Brooklyn Friends School             Gabe Gordon
     Aliza Hykin             5th     P.S. 195 Manhattan Beach        Cara Bianchi
                                                                                              Michelle St. Germain   5th     The New American Academy            Mrs. Cox
     Victor Irizarry         5th     P.S. 90                         Ms Solomon                                              Charter School

     Lindsay John            5th     The New American Academy        Ms.Olimpio               Abdul Syed             5th     P.S. 119 Magnet School of Global    Yolanda Fields
                                     Charter School                                                                          and Ethical Studies

     CJ Johnston             5th     Brooklyn Friends School         Sophia Philip            Brendon Vilar          5th     P.S. 277 Gerritsen Beach            Dr. Burke

     Avian Knight            5th     The New American Academy        Ms. Olimpio              Fabiola Vulcano        5th     Brooklyn Friends School             Gabe Gordon
                                     Charter School
                                                                                              SummerLove Webb        5th     P.S. 21 Crispus Attucks             Lizette Williams
     Alan Kofman             5th     P.S. 195 Manhattan Beach        Cara Bianchi
                                                                                              Lucia Weissman         5th     PS. 39 - The Henry Bristow School   Matthew Strong
     Abbi Kotikovski         5th     P.S. 195 Manhattan Beach        Cara Bianchi
                                                                                              Sarah Williams         5th     P.S. 134 Langston Hughes School     Ms. Gillingham
     Kristina Lantushko      5th     P.S. 195 Manhattan Beach        Cara Bianchi
                                                                                              Anaya Wilson           5th     The New American Academy            Mrs. Bionca Olimpio
     Danielle Levitt         5th     Brooklyn Friends School         Gabe Gordon                                             Charter School

     Lev Markel              5th     P.S. 195 Manhattan Beach        Cara Bianchi             Jard Wilson            5th     P.S. 194                            Mrs. Chambers

     Insaf Mohamed Irfan     5th     P.S 119 Amersfort               Mrs. Fields              Kayla Yadgarov         5th     P.S. 195 Manhattan Beach            Cara Bianchi

     Esther Motia            5th     P.S. 321 Brooklyn               Kyla MacDonald           Xiya Zhuo              5th     P.S. 277                            Dr. Burke

     Avigail Muravchik       5th     P.S. 195 Manhattan Beach        Cara Bianchi             Julia Zorin            5th     P.S. 195 Manhattan Beach            Cara Bianchi

     Elmira Nebijovski       5th     P.S. 128 Bensonhurst            Mrs. Lewis

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Project Teams
              “Into the first month of the pandemic, my
                                                             Brooklyn Public Library
              father brought home Covid. He had to
                                                             Librarian partner team for workshops
              quarantine himself for a week. Within          Sheneatha Frison, Senior School Outreach Librarian, Youth and Family Services
              that week, my mom got Covid, then I            Olivia Kim, Senior Children’s Librarian, Windsor Terrace Library

              started feeling a little sick. I had a Zoom    Josh Goldstein, Senior Children’s Librarian, Coney Island Library
                                                             Lisa Goldstein, Division Chief, Central Youth Wing
              with the doctor (that’s right -- a Zoom),      Ann Lautner, Senior Children’s Librarian, Mill Basin Library
              and she reassured us that I had a “mild        Maria McGrath, Senior Children’s Librarian, Macon Library

              cold.” Turns out, I also had Covid. It took
                                                             Selection Panel
              a painful month and a half for me and
              my family to recover. After a month and        Kimberly Grad, Coordinator, School Age Services
              half of quarantine, I recovered, but I still
                                                             Selection Committee Members
              had some problems. People were afraid to       Meghan DiTommasso, Senior Children’s Librarian, Cypress Hills Library
              play with me while they still played with      Lisa Goldstein, Divison Chief, Central Library Youth Wing
                                                             Ann Lautner, Senior Children’s Librarian, Mill Basin Library
              other kids. They were probably afraid          Maria McGrath, Senior Children’s Librarian, Macon Library
              that I had “Coronas,” as they called           Yesha Naik, Senior Children’s Librarian, Youth Wing Central Library
                                                             Donette David Riker, Senior Children’s Librarian, East Flatbush Library
              Covid. That left me with no one to play        Jess Harwick, Senior Children’s Librarian, McKinley Park Library
              with and only Zoom. My family needed
              fresh air and an easy, accessible place to     Community Word Project Workshops
              swim because the pool was closed, and          Autumn Tilson, Senior Program Manager
              the salt air at the beach helped me and        Teaching artists Jashua Sa-Ra, Molly Goldman and Phyllis Capello

              my mom recover from Covid. Now I am
                                                             Ezra Jack Keats Foundation
              at a new school with new friends.”
                                                             Deborah Pope, Executive Director
                                                             Diana Vozza, Associate Director

     Isaac Rothstein                                         Project Management
     Grade:   5                     Teacher: Dru D’Amico     Kimberly Grad, Coordinator, School Age Services, Brooklyn Public Library
     School: Luria Academy                                   Jennifer Macaluso, Freelance services
                                                             Jay Boucher, Designer

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