Lotuslink - Genesis Centre

Page created by Brian Craig
Lotuslink - Genesis Centre

lotus link
Connecting the Northeast Calgary Communities of

                          Genesis Centre Special
                                Events Calendar
                                                        Pages 14-15
                                            Meet Your New Councillor
                                        George Chahal
                                                  Martindale Ice Rink
                                             Go Skating!
                                            Fitness Park
                                                       Saddle Ridge
                                     New Playground
Lotuslink - Genesis Centre
Lotuslink - Genesis Centre

Connecting the Northeast Calgary Communities of
Martindale, Taradale and Saddle Ridge.

Table of Contents
Message from the President                           2
Community Sport Hub                                  3
New Ice Rink / Family Skate Day                      4
Halloween 2017                                       5
Casino Announcement                                  6

Message from the President                         8
Taradale Fitness Park                              9
Volunteer Meet & Greet                            10
City of Calgary Cart Pickup Dates                 11
Seniors Corner                                    11

Message from the SCA                              16
Making a Difference                               16
SCA 50th Anniversary Celebration                  17
New School Playground
Volunteer Recognition – Judy Brown
                                                  19               from all the staff at
Car Idling: Turn It Off                           20
                                                                     Genesis Centre
George Chahal – New Councillor                  12-13
Special Events Winter Calendar                  14-15    Lotus Link is published 4 times per year by the Genesis
TaeKwon-Do Tournament                              23    Centre. To submit stories and photos contact your
North of McKnight & Surrounding Areas Coalition    24    Community Association Board or email the Lotus Link
LEEDing the Way                                    27    editor at gmarr@genesis-centre.ca
Sport & Program Partners                  Back Cover     Interested in advertising in future issues of the Lotus
                                                         Link? Contact the editor at gmarr@genesis-centre.ca

                                                         Genesis Centre                   403-590-2833
                                                         YMCA                             403-237-2393
                                                         Calgary Public Library           403-260-2600
                                                         1000 Voices                      403-930-3370
For hours of operation visit calgarylibrary.ca           Genesis Medical Clinic           403-475-2500
                                                         Genesis Physiotherapy            403-453-2420
                                                         Jugo Juice                       587-351-0957
                                                         Pre-Kindergarten Office          403-992-2404

              For hours of operation visit

                      For hours of operation visit       #10, 7555 Falconridge Blvd. NE
                      aspenfamily.org/what-we-do/        Calgary, AB T3J 0C9
                      community-development/             info@genesis-centre.ca
                      1000-voices                        www.genesis-centre.ca
                                                                                     Lotus Link Winter 2018 Page 1
Lotuslink - Genesis Centre
Message from the President
Hello again to all residents of Martindale. Winter – yuk.   Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 25 percent
Here are a few tips that may help you get through it.       of winter-related fatalities occur when people are
                                                            caught unprepared out in a storm.
Staying comfy in the cold, whether you’re hiking urban      You can acclimatize yourself to cold weather. People
canyons or hip deep in backcountry snow, requires           who are outside a lot and spend time in the cold can
paying attention to the science of heat transfer. Two       actually reduce their ‘set point,’ it’s called, before
key principles: conduction and convection.                  they respond to cold. The mechanism through which
                                                            this reset happens is not fully understood, but a
Conduction is the transfer of heat between two              type of body fat called brown fat may play a role,
solid surfaces that are in direct contact with each         recent research suggests. Unlike regular “white”
other, such as when you stand on icy pavement.              body fat, that stores extra calories, brown fat actually
Convection is the transfer between a mass (such as          consumes calories, and releases the energy as
your body) and a moving fluid or gas (such as an icy        heat. Newborns and hibernating mammals have lots
wind that whips around every square inch of you).           of brown fat, which is thought to generate heat in
Understanding both of these chilling mechanisms,            animals that cannot shiver. And studies in animals and
as well as the workings of your body’s built-in             humans have shown that cold acclimation increases
thermoregulatory system, will help keep you warm            brown fat’s heat-generating capacity. Some research
and safe when the next polar vortex comes to town.          also suggests that exposure to cold actually boosts
                                                            the amount of brown fat in the body. Being physically
You lose heat through conduction whenever your              fit also makes it easier for people to cope with cold.
body comes into direct contact with something cold,         But being too thin can be a disadvantage, because
like when you sit on chilly ground. Wind steals your        body fat helps keep you warm. Stay warm and safe
body heat through convection. But you can insulate          everyone, summer is just around the corner.
yourself against both types of heat loss by wearing
                                                            Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish
layers. Your base layer, think long underwear and
                                                            the entire community a Merry Christmas and a
thick, wool socks, keeps you from losing heat through       prosperous New Year. Thanks again to the dedicated
conduction. And wearing an external, wind- and              MCA board, we have a wonderful team of individuals.
water-proof but breathable layer will protect you           The MCA would also like to congratulate our new
from heat loss though convection. Anything that             councilor George Chahal. We look forward to working
you can build around you (to enclose yourself) in a         with you. Together we will all accomplish more.
microenvironment that will help insulate from the
effects of the cold, which is a good thing. Think of        Kelly Jones
shivering as a warming sign that you need to get            Martindale Community Association President
yourself someplace warmer, fast. When your skin
temperature drops, shivering kicks in to keep your
core temperature from falling, too. The spasmodic
contracting and relaxing of your muscles consumes                    Monthly MCA Meeting
calories, and it generates heat to replace the heat            The Martindale Community Association meets
your body is losing through convection or conduction.             on the first Monday of each month from
But that means once you start shivering, that’s your            September to June from 7 pm to 9 pm in the
brain telling your body it’s time to get to a place             NECCS Boardroom across from the Genesis
where you’re warmer. Heed weather warnings, and                Medical Clinic downstairs. Please contact the
stock your car with water, calorie-dense foods, warm            MCA secretary to be added to an upcoming
blankets and extra sets of dry clothes just in case.                          agenda as a guest.
According to the research conducted by the National

Page 2 Lotus Link Winter 2018
Lotuslink - Genesis Centre
Community Sport Hub                                                   DIRECTORY
The City of Calgary and other sport partners are piloting a
                                                                      Martindale Community
project called the Community Sport Hub (CSH) to provide
more sport opportunities in the community of Martindale and
neighbouring communities. Children and youth between the              Office:
ages of 4 and 18years will be receiving FREE coaching from            7555 Falconridge Blvd NE
qualified, friendly community coaches at school (Crossing             (basement across from Physio)
Park School) and within the community.                                Calgary, AB T3J 0C9
                                                                      Mailing Address:
What is a Community Sport Hub?
                                                                      110 Martin Crossing Park NE
The Martindale Community Sport Hub (CSH) is a program that            Calgary, AB
will provide children and youth with additional opportunities to      T3J 3N7
be more active, more often, through quality sport experiences.
The CSH will do this by introducing seven different sport
organizations to the Martindale community and neighbouring
communities. The roster of sports to participate in include
athletics, tennis, wrestling, volleyball, field hockey, cricket and   Email:
outdoor literacy. The Martindale Community Sport Hub will be          martindale_community@yahoo.ca
held at Crossing Park School and throughout the community             Facebook:
of Martindale beginning in September 2017 and running                 Martindale Community Association
through June 2018.                                                    Web:
Free Community Sport Program                                          calgaryarea.com/index.
Dates: Start - Thursday November 2 to December 7
Length of Program: 6 weeks                                            Board of Directors 2018
Times: 5 pm to 7 pm                                                   Kelly Jones President
Ages: 6 to 8 (5 pm to 6 pm) and 9-11 (6 pm to 7 pm)                   Chris Clark Vice President
For boys and girls                                                    Trevor Sitter
Cost: FREE                                                               Secretary / 2nd Vice President
                                                                      Nancy Perry Membership Director
Location: Crossing Park School, 500 Martindale Blvd NE
                                                                      Mary Prasad MDAC Representative
Learning Outcomes: skills, teamwork, communication,                   Sukhman Hehar
fitness, health                                                          Newsletter / Facebook Director
Equipment: all equipment provided                                     Vince Singh Director at Large
                                                                      Sherri Sitter Director at Large
                                                                      Terry Lyn Martin Director at Large
                                                                      Anomi Denagamage
                                                                         Director at Large
                                                                      Doug Dueck Director at Large
                                                                      Pradeep David Director at Large
                                                                      Steve Saunders Director at Large
Register at www.fieldhockey.ab.ca
Martindale Community Sport Hub in partnership
with the City of Calgary.

                                                                                  Lotus Link Winter 2018 Page 3
Lotuslink - Genesis Centre
                                                    Ice Rink
                                                    Wipe away those winter blues! Grab your skates and join
                    Be a                            us throughout the winter season at the Martindale Outdoor
                                                    Ice Rink behind the Crossing Park Elementary School!
                    Snow                            Enjoy some fresh air with family and friends and don’t forget
                                                    to take a picture with the beautiful mural painted by the
                    Angel                           students of Crossing Park Elementary School behind the
                                                    rink. Check out these pictures below to see the new lights
                    Help a                          installed by volunteers to make sure you have the best and
                                                    brightest skating experience possible!
                    neighbour out

Be a Snow Angel!
Lucky and proud. That’s how a lot of people
describe their feelings when they nominate
a Snow Angel. Many are seniors without the
strength to clear their walks. Others may be
on the mend from surgery or an illness and
their physical ability is limited. Sometimes it’s
a neighbour who is just having trouble coping
with added responsibilities in his/her life. When
you pick up your shovel to clear your walk
this winter, take a few extra minutes to help a
neighbour too. You’ll make it easier for everyone
to travel your neighbourhood and build a sense
of community at the same time. For more
information visit calgary.ca/snowangels.

                                                    Family Day Skate Day!
CLASSIFIEDS                                         Every year, families have the opportunity to enjoy a free
If you are a licensed Martindale home-based         Family Day skate at the Crossing Park outdoor skating rink!
business, we would be happy to print your           This year, Family Day falls on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH
name and contact information in our new             so make sure you plan ahead and take advantage of the
directory in Lotus Link and on our website.         free skate rentals offered by the Skate Shack and enjoy a
Please contact the MCA for more information.        barbeque with your entire family!

Page 4 Lotus Link Winter 2018
Lotuslink - Genesis Centre
Hope you all had a fun
Halloween in 2017!                                          Halloween in Canada
Absolutely astonishing to see so many families out          Halloween is observed annually on the night of 31
there despite a low of minus 3 degrees weather! What a      October. It is believed to have originated primarily
fantastic way for children and adults alike to spend time   as a Celtic celebration marking the division
together and get some exercise. Included here on this       of the light and dark halves of the year, when
page is a brief history of Halloween in Canada for you      the boundary between the living and the dead
                                                            was believed to be at its thinnest. Halloween
to enjoy. And check out the picture below of a house
                                                            customs, such as wearing disguises to ward off
in Martindale all decorated for Halloween. Have some        ghosts and offering food to appease malevolent
spooky pictures of your own decorations? Send it to us      spirits, were brought to Canada in the mid-to-late
so we can showcase it on our Facebook page!                 1800s by Irish and Scottish immigrants. North
                                                            America’s first recorded instance of dressing in
                                                            disguise on Halloween was in Vancouver, British
                                                            Columbia, in 1898, while the first recorded use of
                                                            the term trick or treat was in Lethbridge, Alberta,
                                                            in 1927. Halloween became increasingly popular
                                                            with adults beginning in the 1990s and by 2014
                                                            was estimated to be a $1-billion industry in
                                                            Canada, making it the second most commercially
                                                            successful holiday behind Christmas.

                                                            The first recorded use of the term trick or treat
                                                            in North America was in the Lethbridge Herald
                                                            on 4 November 1927 in reference to festivities in
                                                            nearby Blackie, Alberta:

                                                               Halloween provided an opportunity for real
                                                               strenuous fun. No real damage was done
                                                               except to the temper of some who had to hunt
                                                               for wagon wheels, gates, wagons, barrels,
                                                               etc., much of which decorated the front street.
                                                               The youthful tormentors were at back door
                                                               and front demanding edible plunder by the
                                                               word “trick or treat” to which the inmates
                                                               gladly responded and sent the robbers away

                                                            Trick or treating, along with the kind of mischief
                                                            referred to above — which originated in Britain in
                                                            the late-18th century and came to be associated
                                                            with the night of 30 October, also known as
                                                            Devil’s Night — had become commonplace in
                                                            Canada by the 1920s. Trick or treating waned
                                                            during the Second World War, due primarily to
                                                            sugar rations, but was revived with renewed
                                                            vigour with the rise of the suburbs in the 1950s.

                                                                                     Lotus Link Winter 2018 Page 5
Lotuslink - Genesis Centre
Casino Announcement
Tuesday and Wednesday. We need approximately 40
volunteers to make this Casino a success. Thank you to
volunteers who have helped in previous years and we hope
                                                                The MARTINDALE DEVELOPMENT AND
you can help us again.
                                                                ACTION COMMITTEE (MD&AC) is an
Volunteer Descriptions and Positions:                           involved group of Martindale residents who
General Manager: Participates in the opening and closing of     have come together to look at ways to make
the casino.                                                     their community a great place to live; where
Banker: Fills chip orders, assists General Manager, witnesses   people have opportunities to know their
Cash Outs.                                                      neighbors and to feel safe and secure in their
Cashier: Cash handling is strongly advised. Redeems
player’s chips for cash.
                                                                You are welcome to attend our next meeting
Chip Runner: A courier for chip orders. Participates in the     on the third Wednesday of each month
opening and closing of games.                                   at 6:00 pm at 1000 Voices at the Genesis
Count Room Staff: 6 people. Inputs the count from each          Center (7555 Falconridge blvd NE).
drop box, opens and sorts the cash from the drop boxes.
One person is required to input count from each drop            This is part of the Strong Neighbourhood
box in computer. Runs cash through money machines,              Initiative with the City of Calgary. We would
amalgamates each drop box.                                      like to hear from you!
Day Shift 		10:45 am to 7:30 pm                                 Contact Kiima.Bailey@Calgary.ca
Night Shift  6:45 pm to 3:30 am

Count Room 		11 pm to 3:30 am
All volunteers must bring picture ID.
Volunteers ARE NOT permitted to play (gamble) at the tables
or slot machines during the 2 days of the casino.
The consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited before or             MARTINDALE ANNUAL
during your shift.                                                       GENERAL MEETING
Dress is casual. You may want to bring a book for quiet times           MONDAY, APRIL 30TH
during your shift.                                                        GENESIS CENTRE
A meal is provided during your shift.
Please leave your name and contact number for
Chris Clarke 403-930-6188 ext 2.

Martindale Community
Memberships are available for $10.00 a year per family.
For more information please call 403-930-6188 ext.2.
Your membership goes towards Neighbourhood Cleanup
Day and maintaining the ice rink so we can put on the skating
party on Family Day as well as other activities put on by
the community.
Page 6 Lotus Link Winter 2018
Lotuslink - Genesis Centre
Lotuslink - Genesis Centre
Message from the President
                          I am sure that everyone        from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. We work together to help keep
                          has enjoyed the beautiful      Taradale a friendly, safe, and welcoming neighborhood.
                          fall colors, and a wonderful   We work with residents to address concerns that affect
                          Canadian Summer full           Taradale. Please take a moment on one of these days to
                          of activities. Now having      come and share your ideas, comments, suggestions, or
                          said all that, let’s accept    concerns with us. Let’s work together to keep Taradale a
                          the fact that winter is        safe and vibrant community. I encourage each one of you
                          here. Although as adults       to get to know each other and watch out for each other.
                          we may not like the cold       I would like to challenge everyone to get to personally
                          weather as much as we          know at least five neighbors on your street.
used to, it certainly brings happiness for most
children. We watch as they learn to play in the          Please be safe while you enjoy the 2017 Holiday Season
snow, make snow angels, or enjoy tobogganing.            and we wish everyone a Happy & Prosperous New Year!
Let’s admit it, when you see the little angels
playing and having fun, it brings our childhood          Harwinder Kang
memories back and puts a smile on our faces.             President, Taradale Community Association
Winter is here! Enjoy the outside, whether that’s
hockey, skiing, snowboarding, ice skating or just
simply enjoying a family stroll around one of our
community’s ponds. Be a snow angel one day
and surprise your neighbors by shoveling their
side walk, it’s a good way to get a bit of exercise,
get to know your neighbors, and to help the
community stay safe in these next few months of          PLEASE KEEP OUR
snow and ice.
                                                         NEIGHBOURHOOD CLEAN!
By the time you will be reading this message,            Please do not throw your junk mail on the ground
we will be just around the corner from the festive       around your mailbox and litter the area. Be kind
season. I would like to personally wish everyone         and take it home to recycle. Lets show pride for our
a safe and memorable Holiday Season. As we               community.
are moving towards the end of 2017 it’s time to
reconcile the year, celebrate the successes, joys,
and the lessons learned over this past year. It’s
also the time to take a moment to plan for the
upcoming new year and set some goals. We
live in a very vibrant, multi-cultural community
and everyone might have different goals such as
                                                                High School/University Student
fitness goals, business goals, educational goals,              Taradale Community Association is looking for
personal development goals. Whatever it is for                a student that can help produce and coordinate
you, take a moment to plan and follow through.                articles for the Taradale portion of the quarterly
                                                                            Lotus Link Newsletter.
As a community association, our goal is to
encourage people to participate and be part of the                Please contact us via Facebook:
Taradale Community Association, be a Member,                facebook.com/taradalecommunityassociation
a Volunteer, or a Director. We meet every 2nd
Wednesday of each month at Genesis Center

Page 8 Lotus Link Winter 2018
                                                                   Taradale Community

                                                                   Do you want to volunteer or be a
                                                                   board member?
                                                                   We welcome all to come out and
                                                                   be active in helping us provide
                                                                   more events and activities for our
Taradale’s Fitness Park                                            community.
Now OPEN!                                                          info@taradalecommunity.ca
Thousands of communities across North America have
discovered the many benefits of the unique amenities of an
outdoor fitness park and now Taradale has one too! This park
was funded through fundraising efforts of the Community            Web:
Association and their dedicated volunteers and will be a legacy    www.taradaleca.ca
for the area, providing every community member, regardless         Board of Directors 2018
of ability, the opportunity to exercise alone or with family and
friends. Studies have found that these outdoor gyms increase       Executive
the number of new users at parks, and also increased energy        Harwinder Kang President
expenditure, helping people connect and stay healthier.            Noshy Karbani Vice President
Everyone from youth to seniors now have the opportunity to         Rahil Gul Treasurer
improve their health and wellness with activities appropriate to   Rachelle Christopher Secretary
their needs. We welcome all residents to visit the park located
on the south side of 80th Ave, between Taradale Drive and
Taralake Way NE.                                                   Khalil Karbani
                                                                   Terri Littau
                                                                   Allan Barton
                                                                   Jane Barton
                                                                   Akhtar Khawaja
                                                                   Pritpal Matharu
                                                                   Rukhshanda B
                                                                   Tushar Yadav
                                                                   Shaukat Hayat
             Monthly Board Meetings
       Taradale Community Association meets on the
    second Wednesday of each month from September
    to June at 7pm. We meet in the NECCS Boardroom
    across from the Genesis Medical Clinic downstairs.
                  Everyone is welcome.

                                                                                 Lotus Link Winter 2018 Page 9
Old Fashioned
Shortbread Cookies
Just in time for Christmas
PREP TIME: 20 MINUTES COOK TIME: 20 MINUTES                           New Years Resolutions
INGREDIENTS                                                                     Get more sleep
•   2 cups butter at room temperature (1 pound)                                Drink more water
•   1 cup icing sugar (powdered sugar)                                         Get more exercise
•   2 tsp vanilla extract                                                         Read more
•   1/2 cup corn starch                                                       Get more organized
•   3 cups flour
                                                                               Clean more often
•   Optional maraschino cherries or baking gums for centers
                                                                                 Explore more
INSTRUCTIONS                                                                      Relax more
1. Cream together the butter and icing sugar very well until                  Have more patience
    very smooth and creamy. No lumps of butter should be                      Forget doing “more”
2. Blend in the vanilla extract.                                          JUST TRY YOUR BEST!
3. Sift together the flour and corn starch.
4. Blend slowly into the creamed mixture until a soft dough
5. Split dough into 2 equal round portions.
6. Wrap the dough rounds in plastic wrap and chill for a
    couple of hours at least.
                                                                   Taradale CA Volunteer
7. You can freeze one of the cookie dough portions for later
    if you like.
                                                                   Meet & Greet
8. This dough will also last in the fridge for 3-4 days so that    We love our Community!
    you can bake a few up at a time and enjoy them fresh           And we want to share it with you!
    from the oven if you like.                                     Taradale Community Association is hosting
9. To bake the cookies preheat the oven to 350 degrees F           a Volunteer Meet & Greet event. Looking for
    and line cookie sheets with parchment paper.                   volunteering opportunities? Come on out and
10. Roll the dough out to a little less than 1/4 of an inch on     meet your Community Association and find
    a lightly floured surface. Use a 2 inch cookie cutter (or      out about the fun things we do.
    holiday shaped cookie cutters) to cut out the cookies.
11. Place the cookies on the parchment paper a half inch           Genesis Centre, MP Room, Main Floor
    apart. Add a half maraschino or glacé cherry to the center,    Saturday, January 13th from 2 - 4 pm
    or a baking gumdrop if you like.                               Meet the Board and volunteers of the
12. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until they just start to turn        Taradale Community Association. We would
    brown at the edges.                                            love to meet you. Learn about the exciting
13. Let cool for 10 minutes on the pan before transferring         things we do in our community and about the
    them to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in an airtight   volunteer opportunities available. Coffee and
    container.                                                     snacks will be served. Hope to see you
14. These cookies will freeze quite well for several weeks.        all there!

Page 10 Lotus Link Winter 2018
City of Calgary Winter                          Seniors Corner
Collection Schedule                             —by Aziza Hakda

                                                Older Active Adults – is a program that is run by the
                                                Genesis Centre for Senior Citizens. It runs everyday,
                                                Monday – Friday from 9:00 am to 12 noon and the
                                                program is paired with Alberta Health Services/Mosaic
                                                Primary Care Network.

                                                I wanted to let other seniors in the area know about
                                                this fantastic program. There is so much to do and so
                                                much support for people of our age. All the activities and
                                                programs are geared towards the older adult and are not
                                                intimidating at all. There are nurses and dietitians on hand
                                                and you can even have your blood pressure and blood
GREEN CART FOOD & WASTE                         sugar levels checked regularly.
PICK UP EVERY WEDNESDAY                         I have met so many interesting people and made lots of
                                                new friends by coming to the programs at the Genesis
                                                Centre. I do what I can and work at my own pace and
                                                look forward to the group classes. The instructors are very
                                                qualified and encouraging. Classes range from Gentle
                                                Yoga, Balance & Stretch, Gentle Strength & Movement,
                                                to more intense Gym Time, then graduating to Butts and
                                                Guts! I will say they are so popular that you must come
                                                early to sign up for that day’s class! There are Healthy
                                                Eating & Cooking Classes and a variety of seminars on
                                                Stress Management. The best part is, it is all FREE!

                                                If you have not been you should come and try it out. There
                                                is lots to do, or you can just walk around the track if you
                                                like. There is a great atmosphere and it is a wonderful
PICK UP EVERY OTHER TUESDAY                     community connector for seniors. I highly recommend
DECEMBER 12TH & 26TH                            trying out even if it is for once or twice a week. Once you
JANUARY 9TH & 23RD                              try it you will be hooked!
For more information on the City of Calgary’s
Collection Services and to access the full
calendar for your area go to:

                                                                               Lotus Link Winter 2018 Page 11
Meet Your New Councillor!
George Chahal
                              Among a group of          initiatives. I would also encourage each and every
                              6 candidates vying        resident to reach out through email, Facebook
                              for Ward 5 City           and Twitter and let us know what is important to
                              Councillor, George        them and how we can work together to keep our
                              Chahal rose to victory    communities great.
                              capturing 40.6% of
                              the popular vote.         Q: What are the major challenges you see facing our
                              George was born           communities?
                              in Calgary, raised        A: There are many challenges we as a community
                              in Saddle Ridge           are facing, but we also have many challenges as
                              and attended the          a city, province, and country as well. Locally, all
                              University of Calgary     Calgarians have had to endure tough times as we
                              where he gained a BA      have seen oil prices crash and the recovery has
                              in Economics, as well     been modest at best. Although we are optimistic
as a Masters Degree in Planning from the Faculty of     about where we are headed, we are also realistic
Environmental Design. George has been a long-time       about what these indicators are telling us. We as
volunteer in the communities of Ward 5.                 a city have to make tough decisions, be fiscally
                                                        prudent and ensure our residents are receiving a
Q: Congrats! You’ve been elected! How are you           high quality of services they deserve.
feeling now?
A: I feel honored and grateful to go to work for the    Q: What makes Ward 5 unique?
residents of Ward 5. I have started to assemble a       A: Ward 5 is one of the most diverse wards in our
great team at City Hall and we are excited to roll up   City. We have individuals that are born and raised
our sleeves and get to the real work that has begun     Canadians, but we also have many newcomers
after the election.                                     to our communities from all across Canada and
                                                        around the world that bring something unique and
Q: What are you most excited to work on?                amazing to the table. I feel that our diversity is our
A: There are a wide range of issues that are very       strength, and I will be working very hard with all of
important to the residents of Ward 5. We will work      the residents to build a stronger community and city.
closely with them and our colleagues at City Hall to
make sure concerns such as fiscal responsibility,       Q: What’s the best thing about Ward 5?
infrastructure, transit, safer communities,             A: The residents that make up the community. I was
recreational accessibility, and the needs of our        fortunate enough to knock on many doors during
diverse communities are met. The most exciting part     the campaign and was humbled by a number of
will be the opportunities to work side by side with     individuals opening up about their lives, issues,
the amazing community associations and residents        and successes in our community. From different
of this Ward through community engagement               socioeconomic groups to different ethnic groups, it

      For more info or to book contact
      Glenda Marr (403) 930-6180

Page 12 Lotus Link Winter 2018
is truly amazing to see everyone working together         community. The only thing I am focused on at the
with their neighbors and communities to make a            moment is working efficiently and effectively for
better Ward 5 for all.                                    the residents and business owners of Ward 5 and
                                                          the City of Calgary. There are many issues and
Q: How will you work with the other Councillors and       obstacles we are facing as a whole and it is going
mayor Nenshi?                                             to take a team effort to get things done. The only
A: It is imperative that we have open lines of            desire I have is to make sure Ward 5 is represented
communication with all of our Councilors and have a       at City Hall with a strong voice that represents our
can-do attitude. A healthy democracy incorporates         residents.
differences into open and honest debates, and I will
have a very fair approach to many common sense            Q: Is there anything else you would like to share with
issues. It is important for the Councilors and the        the communities you now represent?
Mayor to put their ideological differences aside and      A: I want to once again thank everyone for giving
work collaboratively at City Hall to keep our great       me their vote of confidence and allowing me
city moving forward.                                      to represent them at City Hall. The work will be
                                                          difficult; however, it is imperative we face these
Q: How will you work with other layers of                 challenges together! The only way to overcome
government (MLA and MP)?                                  these challenges is to have great dialogue with
A: We will ensure we foster great working                 the residents and communities at large – I invite all
relationships with all of our partners in the different   of your readers in Ward 5 to get in touch with my
levels of government. We believe having open              office, or join us on Facebook and/or Twitter to let
and transparent lines of communication with all           us know about their issues, challenges, and any
stakeholders, including the residents at the grassroots   other feedback they may have. Make sure all of you
level, will be imperative in achieving our goals.         stay connected as we are excited to work with each
                                                          and every one of you!
Q: Is this the start of a political career? Any desire
to run for other positions in the future? Provincially?   Warmest regards,
Federally?                                                George Chahal
A: Great question. As a local kid that was born in        Facebook/Twitter @ChahalGeorge
Calgary and raised in Saddle Ridge, I just felt like      Calgary.ca/ward5
this was a great time in my life to give back to my

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                                                                                   Lotus Link Winter 2018 Page 13
Genesis Centre
Special Events Winter Calendar

                                                                  IT’S COLD
                                                               OUTSIDE WINTER

                                                                 BLOOD DONOR

 WINTERFEST!                                        SOCCER
                                     BOXING DAY
     OPEN                                         TOURNAMENT
   9AM - 8PM                            OPEN
                                      9AM - 8PM

 New Year’s          DEC 27 – 30TH
                    GENESIS CENTRE
   Eve!                 OPEN
 OPEN 9AM - 8PM       9AM – 10PM

                  OPEN 9AM - 5PM     RESUME

                                                               MEET & GREET
                                                                2PM - 4PM

                                                               PATHWAYS CSA
                                                               ANNUAL ROUND

                                                               MILAD ANNABI
Visit our website www.genesis-centre.ca for an
up-to-date schedule of drop-in times and activities.

                                                                NEW YEAR
                                                              SADDLE RIDGE
     10AM - 6PM                                               ANNIVERSARY

                                                              MIKEY BUSTOS
                                                                AB. TOUR

                    Happy                         MY WORLD
                  Family Day!                    CONFERENCE
Message from the Saddle Ridge
Community Association
Communities in Calgary are maintained with the             Community work can bring wonders to an area:
dedication and determination of their own residents
                                                           1. The maintenance and beautification of our parks,
volunteering. Community Associations not only
                                                              playgrounds and pathways.
provide the platform to sit together but also help
                                                           2. Cleanliness in our community.
channel the efforts of our residents.
                                                           3. Well-connected resident support for the welfare
                                                              of each other.
Saddle Ridge Community Association was
established in 1967. Since then we have taken an           In return, real estate prices increase and the
integral part in forming public opinion, affecting         enjoyment of living in the community becomes a
municipal government decisions and providing               draw for new residents.
feedback to urban development agencies for the
improvement of our community. What has been                It is important to our association for our residents
done so far cannot be explained in a few words             to have both an inner and outer sense of wellness.
or lines – it’s a culmination of people’s passion,         As a community association working along-side the
sacrifices and perseverance. There has been                Genesis Centre and the organizations it houses, it
so much done and much more is still required.              is important to us that you, the residents of Saddle
Therefore, the effort has to go on with the same           Ridge, are able to have a say in what is offered to the
intensity, enthusiasm and hope. That’s why we need         community in which you reside. To enjoy life in the
your time, support and feedback.                           community takes a very small amount of energy.

Making a Difference . . .
I would like to challenge all of you to “make a            • Become a member of your Community
difference” in our community over the next 12 months         Association – for a very small fee your contribution
– something to make our community a better place             to sports, social events and other community
in which to live – cleaner, friendlier, more attractive.     events will ensure their continuing for years to
There are a number of ways to do this, many of which         come.
require little or no time or money and only a small        • SMILE! A smile at those you meet on the
bit of attention and commitment. If each of us do            street often gets passed on. This simple act of
three things each month, I believe it will make a big        friendliness can spread a lot of goodwill within a
difference at the end of one year.                           community and make someone’s day.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:                   I would like to challenge all of you to do three positive
• Be respectful of community property – don’t litter       things each month – either from the above list, or
  or put up signs. Remind your children to throw           make up your own. Then, let us know what you
  their garbage in the garbage bins not on the             did and how it turned out. You can use the contact
  sidewalk or grass.                                       page at www.mysrca.ca. Let’s see what we can
                                                           accomplish together in our community!
• Get to know your neighbours and keep an eye out
  for things that seem out of place. A neighbourhood
  where everyone watches out for each other is safer       Carol Steiner
  for everyone.                                            Director, Saddle Ridge Community Association

Page 16 Lotus Link Winter 2018
                                                               Saddle Ridge Community
                                                               27 7555 Falconridge Blvd NE
                                                               Calgary T3J 0C9
                                                               Phone: (403) 590-2833

     Saddle Ridge                                              Email:
  Community Association                                        To contact the board please email
   50 Years Serving the Community                              Web:
Our special 50th anniversary community celebration
will take place at the Genesis Centre in the community
                                                               Board of Directors 2018
gymnasium. We invite you and your family to join us!
              FEBRUARY 10TH 2018                               Susan Clark President
                Doors open at 5:30 pm                          Asim Baig Vice President
      Buffet dinner served promptly at 6:00 pm                 Carol Steiner Senior Treasurer
                                                               Pragati Grewal Treasurer
                 $15 PER PERSON                                Angie Bailie Secretary
         ($10 for children age 10 and under)                   Judy Brown Land Use

Advance registration is required by December 31st, 2017.
 No tickets will be sold at the door. Entrance fee includes
                                                               Aman Khan
    catered dinner, five on-stage musical performances,        Greg Steiner
  recognition of dignitaries, displays and exhibits, special   Riyaz Khawaja
     children’s corner and a 2018 SRCA Membership.             Sukhvinder Malhotra
                                                               Rishi Nagar
      For advance registration and information contact:        Ramesh Chevli
                    Greg Steiner
           steinerg@shaw.ca 403-285-2621
Limited number of tickets available. Reserve yours today!

                                                                           Lotus Link Winter 2018 Page 17
Saddle Ridge Elementary School
Welcomes a Playground
After years in the works since it’s opening seven     securing the equipment. The build itself occurred
years ago, Saddle Ridge Elementary School can now     over two days of rainy weather and involved over 30
proudly say that it has a playground to accompany     volunteers from the school itself, Devon Energy staff,
it. The construction of the Saddle Ridge School       Genesis Centre staff, and passionate community
Playground has an interesting back story and is the   residents. The finished product features some
result of over four years of planning, dedication,    unique exciting features such as a taller than average
and fundraising. Led by a contingent of parents       climbing wall, a roller slide, and interconnected parts.
who joined to form Saddle Ridge School Society,       The playground will forever serve as a symbol of
a charitable organization born out of Saddle Ridge    community and promote healthy living to our youth
School Council, the organization’s sole objective     while also creating a fun environment. Thanks to all
was to raise enough money to build the playground.    who were involved in this project!
At a cost of $245,000, the funding came
from several sources. While the bulk came
from community grants and the provincial
government, the school also hosted several
fundraising ventures such as pajama days,
pizza slice sales, bake sales, and bottle drives.
These activities showed a desire from the
community for the playground, as well as a
need. Compared to Calgary’s other quadrants,
the NE has a lower volume of playgrounds,
as many of the communities are still growing
and expanding. Once the money was raised,
the design was created and included a unique
surfacing model that involves rubber flooring
instead of typical gravel surfacing, which is
safer, more visually aesthetic, and is better at

Page 18 Lotus Link Winter 2018
Recognizing a valuable volunteer
Judy Brown
                            Dave and I moved to Calgary
                            from Nelson BC in 1970,
                            because Dave had finished
                            his apprenticeship as a
                            newspaper pressman, and
                            the available jobs were either   50 has never looked so good!
                            in Calgary or Kamloops. We
                            never regretted the choice.      Call for
                            After living in various parts
                            of Calgary, we moved to          Volunteers
                            Saddle Ridge from the south
                                                             Fifty is often when you start to daydream about
east community of Dover in June of 2000, attracted
                                                             retirement, while hoping your body keeps it
by the opportunities for bird watching, and having
                                                             together enough to see you through that time
found the perfect “empty nest” home (one of the many,
                                                             of your life. That is not the case with the Saddle
many Winston models built by Elite homes). At that
                                                             Ridge Community Association. Heading into their
time there were only about 200 homes, in addition to
                                                             50th year in operation the association is as lively
about 40 acreages, but there was a thriving community
                                                             and active as ever. Led by President Sue Clark,
association, which we soon joined. Dave was involved
                                                             the Saddle Ridge Community Association is
on the land use committee, adopt a park, and as
                                                             continually working on projects and initiatives to
co-editor and advertising salesman of the monthly
                                                             enhance the lives of their community members
newsletter. I was involved in organizing craft sales (back
                                                             while celebrating and relishing past successes.
when we had our own hall), was Vice President for three
years and President for five. I’m currently the chairman     Of course, all this work is not possible without
of the Land Use and Development Committee, and the           the effort and dedication of the SRCA board and
organizer of the annual community cleanup.                   volunteers. Want to get involved and give back?
                                                             It can be a one-time commitment, or more,
Although Dave passed away from ALS in 2000, I intend         whatever works for your life and schedule.
to stay in our home and remain a part of the community
association for the foreseeable future.                      Contact Sue Clark at president@mysrca.ca.

                                                              First President of the Saddle Ridge
                                                              Communtiy Association

                                                              Did you know?
                                                              Saddle Ridge got its name from a ridge
                                                              approximately 100 feet high within the
                                                              boundaries of the community, and an
                                                              average of at least one saddle in each
                                                              household. Because of these two factors,
                                                              Saddle Ridge received the majority votes
                                                              for the community name.

                                                                                   Lotus LinkWinter 2018 Page 19
Turn It Off
Did you know turning of your car for five minutes and restarting
it is more fuel-efficient than leaving it idling. Plus, todays engines
can run in cold weather less than three minutes after being started.

These are just two messages the “Be Idle Free” campaign in
Edmonton is trying to get across. But what about here in Calgary,
what are we doing to combat this unnecessary pollution? The
City of Calgary “Community Standards Bylaw” prohibits trucks
in residential areas from idling for longer than 20 minutes when
the truck is stationary or within 150 meters of a residential
development. To help reduce idling, the City has developed a sign
that can be posted in problem areas and can be downloaded from
the City of Calgary website. They also make available for free a
green plastic sign (right).

City of Calgary Police also want you to turn off your vehicle. The
#1 reason for vehicle theft is due to unattended vehicles running
with the keys in the ignition. Seems like a no-brainer, but last
winter saw a staggering number of vehicles stolen this way and in
fact saw a 60% surge over the previous year. Sadly, the Northeast
has one of the highest incidents of vehicle theft in the City. It’s
simple – TURN IT OFF!

                                                               FAMILY PASS FEE SUBSIDY
                                                       Families who qualify for the City of Calgary Fair Entry
                                                          program are also eligible to receive a subsidized
                                                         Genesis Centre Family Pass for $25/month. This is
                                                       50% off the regular rate & setup fees are also waived.
                                                       Our Fee Subsidy program is designed to help families
                                                       create lasting memories by getting more active more
                                                                often. Individual passes do no apply.
                                                       Those wishing to make use of this program, must first
                                                         acquire a “Fair Entry” approval letter from the City.
                                                        This can be found via this link on the City of Calgary

   Visit our website www.genesis-centre.ca for an up-to-date schedule of drop-in times and activities.

Page 20 Lotus Link Winter 2018
Submit a photo of your community
in all its glory on or before
Thursday, February 15th.

Winner receives a $50 Gift Card
to Boston Pizza and their
photo on the cover of the
Spring Lotus Link!

For more information and to
submit photos email:
Destiny Martial Arts
TaeKwon-Do Challenge Tournament

On Saturday November 4th, the Genesis Centre hosted the Destiny Martial Arts Challenge Tournament.
This exciting TaeKwon-Do Tournament featured patterns and continuous sparring from colour belts to
black belt. There was even a ‘Kinder Kickers’ competition for kids age 4-6 years. The event drew a large
crowd of spectators and did not disappoint as the athletes who train through Destiny Martial Arts were
victorious, earning many of the medals in all categories. We congratulate their efforts.

                                                        Aadeeb Mundi                               Kinza Little-Shields 2 bronze
                                                        Aaryan Gosai        1 silver               Kyle Carmichael      1 bronze, 1 silver
                                                        Aasta Guraya        1 bronze               Kylian Pigoue        2 gold
                                                        Abyan Ahmed         1 silver               Maria Khalil
                                                        Alyssa Mae Colon    1 gold 1 silver        Mustasim Ahmed 1 silver, 1 bronze
                                                        Amritvir Dhillon    1 silver               Najib Ajmal          1 silver
                                                        Anshpreet Grewal    1 silver, 1 bronze     Nikki Pham           2 silver
                                                        Anuj Kalia          1 silver 1 bronze      Noah Sanchez         1 bronze
                                                        Arshpreet Grewal    1 silver, 1 bronze     Ounkar Randhawa
                                                        Ayva Hlushak        1 silver               Patricia Ann Sanchez 1 silver, 1 bronze
                                                        Breah Mai           1 gold, 1 silver       Perika Gill          1 bronze
                                                        Bryan Ann Nacomel   1 gold, 1 silver       Puneet Dhadda
                                                        Eli Halge           1 gold 1 Silver        Raminque Randhawa 1 gold
                                                        Gurshan Chandi                             Ria Chouhan          1 gold, 1 bronze
                                                        Hania Niazi         1 gold, 1 silver       Ruhani Nangal        1 silver
                                                        Iqra Azad           1 bronze               Russell Gowan        1 gold, 1 bronze
                                                        Isaac Mai           1 silver               Rylan Holman         1 gold
                                                        Ishaan Dhillon                             Samip Kc             1 gold, 1 silver
                                                        Jacob Nacomel       1 bronze               Sayed Ajmal          1 silver
                                                        Jaimen Randhawa     1 bronze               Sehajpal Purba       1 gold, 1 silver
                                                        Jaiveer Toor        1 gold                 Talha Yousuf         1 bronze
                                                        John Magnaye        1 silver               Turhir Otolorin      2 bronze
                                                        John Nyugen         1 gold, 1 bronze       Veronica Huynh       2 gold
                                                        Jordan Nacomel      1 gold 1 silver        Vipasna Nangal       2 gold
                                                        Kawser Azad         2 gold

                                                                                                 Lotus LinkWinter 2018 Page 23
North of McKnight and
Surrounding Areas Coalition
The North of McKnight and Surrounding Areas              4. Language and Thinking Skills
Coalition is made up of families, agencies and              These relate to the early academic skills including:
schools that raise awareness on the importance of        • An interest in reading, writing and
early years in childhood measured by the EDI, share         language-related activities
recent research, support grassroots initiatives in the   • Age-appropriate reading, writing and counting skills
community and promote a positive early childhood         • Recognition of shapes, sizes and colours
development in the North-East communities. These         • Can easily remember things
communities located north of Stoney Trail and
east of 16th Avenue include Pineridge, Rundle,           5. Communication Skills and General Knowledge
Whitehorn, Temple, Monterey Park, Coral Springs,            These relate to general communication skills and
Castleridge, Falconridge, Martindale, Taradale,             knowledge including:
Saddle Ridge, Savannah, City Scape, Red Stone,           • Ability to communicate needs and wants in socially
Sky View and Corner Stone.                                  appropriate ways
                                                         • Ability to tell stories
The first 2000 days of a child, from conception          • Can say words easily
to age 5, are the most important in a child’s brain      • Age-appropriate knowledge about life and the world
development. The five areas of development listed        • Ability to take part in imaginative play
below are measured by the Early Development
Index (EDI).

1. Physical Health and Well-Being
• Fine and gross motor skills (e.g. can hold a
   pen, crayons or brush, able to climb stairs).
   Independence in looking after own needs
   (e.g. able to go to the washroom independently
   most of the time)
• Physically prepared for school (e.g. dressed
   appropriately, well-nourished and rested)
• Able to sustain energy levels throughout the
   school day

2.   Social Competence
•    Plays and gets along with other children
•    Able to follow rules and instructions
•    Able to follow routines
•    Accepts responsibility for actions
•    Shows respect for others

3. Emotional Maturity
• Able to deal with feelings at an
   age-appropriate level
• Able to separate from parent/guardian
• Not too fearful, not too impulsive
• Able to focus

                         To learn more or to get involved please contact us at
             Facebook/first2000daysnorthofmcknightcoalition or call us at 403-909-9934

Page 24 Lotus Link Winter 2018

                  FEBRUARY 28, 2018 | 3:30 - 5:30 PM


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                                                      WITH SPECIAL NEEDS?

  Effective November last month, new bylaws
 require that all businesses and organizations
   divert their food and yard waste out of our
landfills. While the Genesis Centre receptacles
 and components of their waste diversion are
 being updated to reflect the new bylaws, we
 have been leading the way since opening our
                   doors in 2012.
  As a designated LEED facility, the Genesis
     Centre has been on the cutting edge of
environmental stewardship since its inception
    five years ago. Not only have we always
 recycled beverage containers, wood, metal
     and steel, paper and cardboard, we do
    not use insecticides and we let the grass
   clippings mulch back into the ground. The
outdoor sprinkler system is a SMART system,
  watering the minimum required to maintain
   the grass, and knowing when not to water
 due to rain. In addition, the we recycle water
  throughout our facility, including the YMCA
pool. The water from the pool is recycled back
  into the toilets. You may have also noticed
  that we have automated toilets, sinks, and
soap dispensers. All these LEED features add
        up, reducing our carbon footprint.
 By the end of the year, keep your eyes open
   for even more Earth-friendly compliances
around the facility. The Genesis Centre will be
introducing mixed recycling into public areas,         PACEKIDS PROGRAMS
    as well as composting in the Community               Help to apply for FSCD funding
  Kitchen and throughout staff areas. Moving
  into 2019 we are sourcing grants to change         In-home & in-school programming for
    the Feature Gym, Community Gym, and                     children with Autism
 Field House lighting from fluorescent to LED.
                                                     ECS Program with individual support &
    We also plan to create and implement an               door-to-door transportation
   environmental policy for future operational
                   guidance.                       Immediate daytime capacity in all in-home
                                                               FSCD programs

                                                  CALL 403.234.7876 ext 181
                                                  CLICK www.pacekids.ca
                                                  VISIT 808 55 ave NE

                                                                      Lotus LinkWinter 2018 Page 27
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Sport & Program Partners
                                            All Canadian Karate Union

    WINTER 2017/2018                        Calgary Bengal Tigers
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                                            403-804-1747 & 403-891-4472
    Skate Canada Sanctioned                 Calgary COED Rec Soccer
       Operating out of the                 info@calgarycoedsoccer.com
Don Hartman North East Sportsplex           www.calgarycoedsoccer.com

                                            Calgary Knights Lacrosse

                                            Calgary Minor Soccer Association

www.calgarynesa.com                         Calgary Northeast United FC
registrar@calgarynesa.com                   info@cneunited.ca
403-923-8820                                403-585-7500

                                            Calgary Sport and Social Club

                                            Calgary United Soccer Association
                                            info@cusa.ab.ca / www.cusa.ab.ca

                                            Calgary Women’s Soccer Association
                                            Office@mycwsa.ca / www.mycwsa.ca

                                            Destiny Martial Arts

                                            Eastside Memorial FC Soccer Club

                                            Hawks Field Hockey Academy Club

                                            MCAC Sports Club
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He is a true expert on Calgary’s Residential real estate market. When it comes to his neighborhood like
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