Manchester Science Festival - Thursday 18 October - Sunday 28 October - Science and Industry Museum

Page created by Amber Burns
Manchester Science Festival - Thursday 18 October - Sunday 28 October - Science and Industry Museum
Manchester    Thursday 18 October –
Science          Sunday 28 October


Produced by
Manchester Science Festival - Thursday 18 October - Sunday 28 October - Science and Industry Museum
Welcome to
    Manchester Science Festival
    It’s a huge pleasure to introduce this      Create, play and experiment with science
    year’s programme.                           at this year's Manchester Science Festival.

    This Festival started life twelve years     Experience what it's like to step inside a
    ago as a small, grassroots event and        black hole with Distortions in Spacetime,
    has grown steadily to become the            a brand new immersive artwork by
    largest, most playful and most popular      cutting-edge audiovisual pioneers
    Science Festival in the country.            Marshmallow Laser Feast. Play among
                                                gravitational waves and encounter one
    Here at the Science and Industry            of the biggest mysteries of the universe.
    Museum we’re immensely proud to
    produce the Festival each year as it is     Electricity: The spark of life is our
    an incredible opportunity to work with      headline exhibition for 2018. Explore
    wonderful partners and venues across        with us this vital but invisible force
    Greater Manchester. All of our partners     from its discovery in nature to our
    continue to surprise us with new ideas      high tech dependence on it today.
    for ways to get more people excited         Award-winning data design studio
    about the science that shapes our lives.    Tekja has created a new “electric”
                                                installation that captures the sheer
    On behalf of the wider Festival             scale of electricity used in the North
    community, I would like to extend           West. This beautiful and thought-
    a particularly warm welcome to all our      provoking experience will encourage
    new partners this year, from community      you to imagine the new ways electricity
    interest company Reform Radio to            might be made and used in the future.
    acclaimed choreographer Shobana             Tekja’s work joins that of international

    Jeyasingh and Germany-based European        film artist Bill Morrison and digital
    Southern Observatory to name a few.         sculptor John Gerrard to create
                                                a triptych of interpretive art.
    Thank you also to our fantastic sponsors.
    We simply could not produce the Festival    Biotechnology is advancing at incredible
    without your support and commitment.        speed. Step into the future at You Have                             4        Headline Programme
                                                Been Upgraded, a bold and inspiring
    Whatever events you’re attending,
    I promise you insights, inspiration
                                                showcase of human enhancement and
                                                biohacking with Unlimited Theatre.
                                                                                                                    7               Fun For All Ages
    and surprises!
                                                It takes great collaborations to create
                                                                                                                    18           Art Meets Science
    Sally MacDonald                             Manchester Science Festival. We are
    Director                                    working with more than 100 partners                                 25          Make, Do and Hack
    Science and Industry Museum                 to offer you the opportunity to explore,
                                                discover and celebrate science by                                   33               Conversations
                                                participating in bold, creative and
                                                ambitious events taking place in                                    36          Science After Dark
                                                more than 65 venues across Greater
                                                Manchester and beyond.                                              39          Science On Screen
                                                I look forward to seeing you                                        41             Walks and Tours
                                                at the Festival.
                                                                                                                    42          At-a-Glance Guide
                                                Antonio Benitez
                                                Director                                                            46        General Information
                                                Manchester Science Festival

2   Cover Image: Marshmallow Laser Feast                                                      Image: Chris Foster      3
Manchester Science Festival - Thursday 18 October - Sunday 28 October - Science and Industry Museum
Headline Programme
                                                                                                     You Have Been Upgraded
    Explore life, the universe and pretty much everything else in between at this                    Welcome to the world of tomorrow
    year’s Manchester Science Festival. Experience what it might be like to step into                where fantastical start-up firm Unlimited
    a black hole with the stunning Distortions in Spacetime. Test the limits of human                Enhancement Technologies will help you
    enhancement with You Have Been Upgraded. Then discover more about the spark                      upgrade your operating system and indulge
    that powers the world around us in Electricity: The spark of life.                               your inner Iron Man. Test the limits of human
                                                                                                     enhancement by checking out high-tech
                                                                                                     prosthetics and see how virtual reality
                                                                                                     is revolutionising medicine. You might also
                                                                                                     come face to face with a real life cyborg
                                                                                                     as for one night only the museum hosts
                                                                                                     a biohacking bash where science fiction
    Distortions in Spacetime                                                                         and science fact collide.

    What would it feel like to step into a black                                                     Audience: Adults and teenagers 16+
    hole? Prepare to be stretched, squashed                                                          Venue: Science and Industry Museum
    and spaghettified as a spacetime singularity                                                     Date: Thursday 18 October
    pops up in the 1830 Warehouse. Distortions                                                       Time: 7.30pm – 10pm (doors 7pm)
    in Spacetime is the latest sensory creation                                                      Cost and booking info: £5. Booking required
    by cutting-edge audiovisual pioneers
    Marshmallow Laser Feast. Play among the                                                          Also see Future Bodies (page 18)
    particle jets and see the light as you journey
    through the depths of space and experience
    one of the biggest mysteries of the universe
    unravel all around you. It’s going to be out
    of this world.

    Audience: Adults and families 7+
    Venue: Science and Industry Museum
    Date: Thursday 18 October –
    Sunday 28 October
    Time: 10am – 5pm (Adults and families 7+).
    Check website for special after hours
    openings (Adults 18+)
    Cost and booking info:
    Free. Booking required (limited tickets
    available to book on the day at the venue,
    see website for more info)

4                                                                   Image: Marshmallow Laser Feast                                                   5
Manchester Science Festival - Thursday 18 October - Sunday 28 October - Science and Industry Museum
Electricity: The spark of life                       Fun For All Ages
    Electricity is a powerful force of nature,           Bust some moves to the sound of light, pedal for your power and find out how
    spectacular and thrilling. For centuries,
    humans battled to harness and control it.            you can save the world with fish poo. A renewable source of fun for everyone –
    Today electricity is central to our existence.       with gadgets, gizmos and goo galore.
    We use it without thinking about it and only
    notice it when it isn’t there.

    Featuring stunning commissions from three            Frankenstein's Frogs                                Mirror Pillar
    contemporary artists, Electricity: The spark
    of life examines how scientists experimented         They’re… ALIVE! Hop to it and discover how          Take a peek into the mirror universe. Look
    with electricity and how mass generation             electricity powers nature. Make your own            at any of these artworks directly and you’ll
    and distribution changed our lives.                  folded paper frog, then bring your little           see a complete mess, but glance through
                                                         amphibian amigo to life using static electricity,   the Mirror Pillar, and all will be suddenly
    Through iconic objects such as Edison                the pulsating force found in everything from        revealed. As the mirror bends, bounces
    lightbulbs and emerging smart technologies,          buzzing bees to lightning flashes. Just like        and contorts light, you’ll see the artworks
    we uncover how supply companies                      the experiments that sparked Mary Shelley’s         as they’re meant to be. Gawp, marvel, then
    convinced us of electricity’s importance             imagination and powered up Frankenstein,            make your own twisted creation in the
    and explore electricity’s place in a low             come and create your own franken-frog               reflective world of mirror art.
    carbon future.                                       in this fun-filled craft activity.
                                                                                                             Audience: Families 10+
    This is a Wellcome Collection exhibition             Audience: Families 5+                               Date, venue and time:
    in collaboration with Teylers Museum,                Venue: Science and Industry Museum                  Central Library,
    Netherlands and the Science and Industry             Date and time: Thursday 18 October –                Saturday 20 October, 10am – 4pm
    Museum, Manchester                                   Friday 19 October, 2.30pm – 4.30pm,                 Google Digital Garage,
                                                         Saturday 20 October – Sunday 28 October,            Sunday 21 October, 11am – 4pm
    Audience: Adults                                     11am – 4.30pm                                       Lime Square, Openshaw,
    Venue: Science and Industry Museum                   Cost and booking info:                              Monday 22 October, 10am – 4pm
    Date: Thursday 18 October –                          Free. Drop in any time                              Harpurhey Shopping Centre,
    Sunday 28 April 2019                                                                                     Tuesday 23 October, 10am – 4pm
    Time: 10am – 5pm                                                                                         Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time
    Cost and booking info:
    Free. Drop in any time                               Conservation Science:
                                                         Preventing Extinction
                                                                                                             Power Playground
                                                         Join the conservation conversation. Wander
                                                         through Chester Zoo and The University              Generate a whole lot of energy at our action
                                                         of Manchester’s pop-up lab and discover             packed weekend. Discover environmentally
                                                         how they are working together to save some          friendly future fuel cells and fire them up
                                                         of the world’s most endangered species.             to snap a selfie with a thermal camera. See
                                                         Sulawesi crested macaques, Asian songbirds,         what the future holds and explore a virtual
                                                         black rhinos and mountain zebras, they’re           wind farm using drones, make your own
                                                         all featured and they all need your help.           solar powered car and much, much more.
                                                         Do your bit by catching up with conservation
                                                         scientists, exploring research from the field       Audience: All ages
                                                         and taking part in a live link with a Kenyan lab.   Venue: Science and Industry Museum
                                                                                                             Date: Saturday 20 October –
                                                         Audience: Families 10+                              Sunday 21 October
                                                         Venue: Great Northern                               Time: 10am – 5pm
                                                         Date and time: Thursday 18 October –                Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time
                                                         Sunday 28 October, open 24 hours
                                                         (staff from Chester Zoo will be around
                                                         to chat on Saturday 20 October –
                                                         Tuesday 23 October, 2pm – 7pm)
                                                         Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time

6                              Image: Museum of London                                                                7
Manchester Science Festival - Thursday 18 October - Sunday 28 October - Science and Industry Museum
The Sound of Light                                                                                Lead educational partner
    Get light on your feet and bust some
    moves through the beats and beams in this                                                                                    GameLab is back with puzzles, problem-
    audio-visual extravaganza of light and sound.                                                                                solving and experimental gaming. We’re
    Lose yourself in Noise Orchestra’s immersive                                                                                 teaming up with VR Manchester to bring
    art installation, which transforms light into                                                                                you everything from virtual reality to e-sport.
    a feast for the ears using electronic gadgets                                                                                Plus, you can have a go at coding drones
    and paper stencils. Dance with your shadows                                                                                  and experience first-hand how cutting-edge
    and prepare to make some shapes.                                                                                             research across science, tech and media
                                                                                                                                 is changing the world.
    Audience: All ages
    Venue: Science and Industry Museum                                                                                           Audience: Families 5+
    Date: Saturday 20 October –                                                                                                  Venue: MediaCityUK campus,
    Sunday 28 October                                                                                                            University of Salford
    Time: 10.30am – 4pm                                                                                                          Date: Saturday 20 October –
    Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time                                                                                Sunday 21 October
                                                                                                                                 Time: 11am – 5pm
                                                                                                                                 Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time

    Science Spectacular                             The Flash Bang Show                                                          As part of GameLab, you can also enjoy:
    Colourful chemistry, phagecraft                 It’s going off in a big way. Doing exactly what
    and supersymmetry all in one place?             it says on the (exploding syrup) tin, come                                   Community Science Showcase
    It can mean only one thing: Science             and be blasted with colourful explosions
    Spectacular is back! Discover the bugs so       and chemical reactions. Witness everything                                   Brilliant things can happen with the power
    infectious they actually infect other bugs,     from rapid colour changes to clock reactions,                                of the community. Makers, scientists and
    hunt for meteorites and get elementary          gun cotton, sticky tape bombs, indoor                                        community groups come together to solve
    with dark matter. With tonnes of have-a-go      fireworks, hydrogen rockets, water fires and                                 problems, create tools and use data to make
    activities to do and spectacular shows to       phosphorus globes, and start your festival                                   discoveries about where they live. From
    see, it’s guaranteed fun for all the family.    with a bang.                                                                 growing food, to monitoring air quality and
                                                                                                                                 the weather, we invite you to help us shape
    Audience: Families 5+                           Audience: Families 5+                                                        the future of our neighbourhoods and make
    Venue: Whitworth Hall and Manchester            Venue: The Met                                                               them a better place to live.
    Museum, The University of Manchester            Date: Saturday 20 October
    Date: Saturday 20 October                       Time: 4pm – 5pm                                                              Audience: Adults and families 12+
    Time: 11am – 4pm                                Cost and booking info: £5. Booking required                                  Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time
    Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time

                                                                                                                                 Look who’s coming to dinner. And to the
                                                                                                                                 bathroom. And to the kitchen… Some house
                                                                                                                                 guests just don’t know when to leave, and
                                                                                                                                 thankfully, the organisms that live in your
                                                                                                                                 body are no exception. Explore the eclectic
                                                                                                                                 microbial world within you, listen to their
                                                                                                                                 DNA signatures, make “bioselfies” and sink
                                                                                                                                 beneath the biofilm on a virtual reality tour.

                                                                                                                                 Audience: Families 5+
                                                                                                                                 Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time

                                                                                                                                 Check the website for full details
                                                                                                                                 of our activities

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Manchester Science Festival - Thursday 18 October - Sunday 28 October - Science and Industry Museum
Snowtek 2018                                       Been Through the Mill                                                                                 Science Busking on Tour
     Let’s get radical at this not-so-chilled           The mill at Quarry Bank was a gory, gruesome                                                          It’s time to make some slime, from gloopy
     out ski slope snowfest. Chill Factore has          place. Millworkers found themselves getting                                                           goo to slippery slop in whatever colour you
     teamed up with sports engineers to help ice        all sorts of horrible injuries, and you can get                                                       can create. Take the fork and cork balancing
     enthusiasts fire up their game. Showcasing         an eyeful of all the nitty-gritty, grisly details.                                                    challenge and get out of a quantum tangle
     everything from the physics of flips to            Discover what it would have been like to work                                                         with string experiments. Keep your reflexes
     the latest advances in body armour, snow           with a disability in the 19th century, meet                                                           sharp and brain on the ball with these crazy,
     aficionados will get fascinating insights into     an actual mill doctor and compare historical                                                          quickfire experiments at our pop-up lab
     what goes on behind the scenes of the              treatments with today’s medical advances.                                                             packed with laughter and silliness.
     world’s coolest sports.
                                                        Audience: Families 3+                                Slime and Crime                                  Audience: Families 6+
     Some of the demos and showcases take               Venue: Quarry Bank, National Trust                                                                    Venue, date and time:
     place on the main slope, so you’ll need            Date: Monday 22 October –                            Lawbreakers are roving about: slimy crimey       Newton Heath Library,
     to be a competent skier to take part.              Friday 26 October                                    types and grubby fingered felons. It’s up to     Monday 22 October, 11.30am – 12.30pm
                                                        Time: 11am – 4pm                                     you to catch them. Choose who you want           Abraham Moss Library,
     Audience: Adults and families 5+                   Cost and booking info:                               to pursue in our mobile lab, exploring the       Monday 22 October, 2.30pm – 3.30pm
     Venue: Chill Factore                               Free (included in venue admission fee).              weird and wonderful world of chemical            Longsight Library,
     Date: Sunday 21 October                            No need to book                                      investigation. Prepare to get messy with         Tuesday 23 October, 11.30am – 12.30pm
     Time: 6pm – 10pm                                                                                        slime making or make your own unique             Moss Side Powerhouse Library,
     Cost and booking info: Most of the event                                                                fingerprint keyrings to take home. But be        Tuesday 23 October, 3.30pm – 4.30pm
     is free to enjoy, but you’ll need to buy a lift    Science Showdown: Electricity                        quick, the baddies are about to get away…        Central Library,
     pass to ski on the slope. Reduced rate lift                                                                                                              Wednesday 24 October,
     passes for skiers start from £10                   Who’d win in a fight: a bulb or a blender?           Audience: Families 4+                            11.30am – 12.30pm, 2.30pm – 3.30pm
                                                        Household items go to war in this electrifying       (under 6s to be accompanied by an adult)         Didsbury Library,
                                                        show. Featuring live experiments and oodles          Venue: Various locations,                        Thursday 25 October, 11.30am – 12.30pm
     Hidden Treasure Tour                               of audience participation, you are invited to        see website for more info                        Chorlton Library,
                                                        come and explore the power of electricity            Date: Monday 22 October –                        Thursday 25 October, 2.30pm – 3.30pm
     Walk like an Egyptian, right into the treasure     and decide once and for all which electrical         Friday 26 October                                Cost and booking info:
     vaults of ancient history. This magical            item will be crowned champion of the                 Time: 11am – 11.45am, 12pm – 12.45pm,            Free. Booking required
     mystery tour begins with a secret. The             Science Showdown.                                    1.30pm – 2.15pm, 2.30pm – 3.15pm
     location will only be released 48 hours                                                                 Cost and booking info:                           Also see Science@Central (page 13)
     before the event, giving you just enough time      Audience: Families 5+                                Free. Book on the day at the venue
     to crack out your hat, whip and leather coat       Venue: Science and Industry Museum
     before you can start exploring the hidden          Date: Monday 22 October –
     treasures of Rochdale’s Egyptian collection.       Friday 26 October
                                                        Time: 11am – 11.20am, 12pm – 12.20pm,
     Audience: Families 7+                              1pm – 1.20pm, 2pm – 2.20pm, 3pm – 3.20pm             Deep Ocean Lab
     Venue: Secret location in Rochdale,
     revealed 48 hours before the event
                                                        Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book
                                                                                                             with Greg Foot
     Date: Monday 22 October
                                                                                                             Time to get deep. No, deeper. Deeper even
     Time: 10am – 11am, 1pm – 2pm
                                                                                                             than that. So deep the blue turns to black…
     Cost and booking info: £4. Booking required
                                                                                                             Join Blue Peter science guy Greg Foot as
                                                                                                             he recounts the fascinating story of his
                                                                                                             adventure on a deep sea research vessel. He’ll
                                                                                                             talk you through his job, editing and hosting
     Half Earth Day                                                                                          videos from 1000ft down as he explored one
                                                                                                             of the world’s most mysterious ecosystems.
     Half Earth Day will be buzzing with brilliant      Audience: Families 5+
     minds sharing ideas to celebrate this global       Venue: Manchester Museum                             Audience: Families 8+
     campaign to save half the world for all of life.   Date: Monday 22 October                              Venue: The Lowry
     See plastic coughed up by seabirds, discover       Time: 11am – 4pm                                     Date: Monday 22 October
     ancient Egyptian beehives and find out more        Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time        Time: 2pm – 2.45pm
     about our living colonies on the roof. Take                                                             Cost and booking info:
     a closer look at the museum’s rich collection                                                           £13 / £9 (concessions available, booking
     and the stories it can tell us about our                                                                fees may apply). Booking required
     precious planet Earth.

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Manchester Science Festival - Thursday 18 October - Sunday 28 October - Science and Industry Museum
Manchester Mills Demos                          Wunderkammer
                                                   Wheels churn like the clackers. Machines        May wunders never cease. Welcome the
                                                   roar like thunder. Looms leap into life. Wrap   ‘wunderkammer,’ also known as a cabinet of
                                                   yourselves up in the mystery of the mills as    curiosity. We’re inviting you to throw it open
                                                   we weave together the world of Manchester’s     and goggle at all the weird and wonderful
                                                   diverse community of millworkers. Feel the      objects from the natural and medical world.
                                                   frenzy of industry as we bring to life our      Discover the mysterious histories behind
                                                   most prized collection of objects and turn      these bizarre trinkets as they tell a story that
                                                   raw cotton into fine products like calico       stretches from the depths of scientific past
                                                   cloth. This special edition of our regular      to the present and beyond.
                                                   demo will run in both English and Bengali,
                                                   in honour of the many Bangladeshi mill          Audience: Families 7+
                                                   workers who contributed significantly           Venue: The John Rylands Library
                                                   to Manchester’s Cottonopolis story.             Date: Tuesday 23 October and
                                                                                                   Thursday 25 October
                                                   Audience: Adults and families 5+                Time: 2pm – 4pm
                                                   Venue: Science and Industry Museum              Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time      Science@Central
                                                   Date and time: Tuesday 23 October, 10.30am
                                                   – 11.15am (families 5+), Sunday 28 October,                                                        Take a leaf out of our book and explore
                                                   4pm – 4.45pm (adults)                                                                              the story-filled shelves and scientific
                                                   Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book    Waters Wacky Science Lab                           secrets of Manchester’s historic Central
                                                                                                                                                      Library. Meet the people in charge of looking
                                                                                                   Grab your lab coats and join Waters                after this trove of treasures and blow off
                                                                                                   scientists for this fun-filled activity session    some dust as you dig around in the archives.
                                                                                                   for all the family. Get ready to play with         We’ll also be getting digital with doodle pen
     Ibn al-Haytham: Mysteries of How We See                                                       quicksand, experiment with magnets, build          activities and more.
                                                                                                   megastructures, set off stixplosions, rockets
                                                                                                   and much, much more…                               Audience: Families 6+
                                                                                                                                                      Venue: Central Library
                                                                                                   Audience: Families 5+                              Date: Wednesday 24 October
                                                                                                   Venue: Science and Industry Museum                 Time: 11am – 4pm
                                                                                                   Date: Wednesday 24 October                         Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time
                                                                                                   Time: 10am – 4pm
                                                                                                   Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time      Also see Science Busking on Tour (page 11)

                                                                                                                                                      Electricycle Avenue
                                                                                                                                                      You’ve heard of singing for your supper, but
                                                                                                                                                      how about pedalling for your power? Pedals
                                                                                                                                                      power almost everything at this cycling
                                                                                                                                                      extravaganza. Fancy a drink? Pedal harder.
                                                                                                                                                      More music? Pedal harder! Once you’ve done
                                                                                                                                                      your bit, step off the bikes and hear from
                                                                                                                                                      author and TV personality Dr Emily Grossman.
                                                                                                                                                      You’ll also get to dive into a treasure hunt
                                                                                                                                                      and meet some very special cycling guests.
     Join 1001 Inventions and discover the world
                                                   Audience: Families 7+
     of 10th century Arabian scientist Ibn                                                                                                            Audience: Adults and families 5+
                                                   Venue: Central Library
     al-Haytham. Watch legendary actor Omar                                                                                                           Venue: Manchester Technology Centre
                                                   Date and time: Tuesday 23 October,
     Sharif in an exciting short film, explore                                                                                                        and Hatch
                                                   Wednesday 24 October and
     how we see with a camera obscura, learn                                                                                                          Date: Thursday 25 October
                                                   Friday 26 October, 11am – 8pm,
     about optical illusions and engage in fun                                                                                                        Time: 11am – 3pm (families 5+),
                                                   Saturday 27 October, 11am – 5pm
     demonstrations of light, optics and vision.                                                                                                      5pm – 10pm (adults 18+)
                                                   Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time
                                                                                                                                                      Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required

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Manchester Science Festival - Thursday 18 October - Sunday 28 October - Science and Industry Museum
Fish Poo Can Save the World                         In a Right Pickle
     Ever wondered how far your food has                 Does a little crisp and crunchy veg pickle
     travelled before it reaches your plate? What        your fancy? Get stuck in to making your own
     if we could grow our own, much closer               pickles and take them home to keep for the
     to home? Well, we can, thanks to some               winter. It’s a great way to use up spare greens
     amazing farming techniques and a special            and do your bit for the local food revolution.
     ingredient – fish poo! Meet the Tilapia fish,       We'll make veg crowns with accompanying
     say “hi” to the worms and check out what’s          little ones and have loads of recipes, and
     growing in the Geodome.                             pickles, to play with too. Remember to bring
                                                         your own recycled jar and lid.
     Audience: Families 10+
     Venue: Real Food Wythenshawe                        Audience: Adults and families 10+
     Geodome, The Manchester College                     Venue: Real Food Wythenshawe Tent, The
     (Wythenshawe Campus)                                Manchester College (Wythenshawe Campus)           Science Stories                                   The Ugly Animal Roadshow
     Date: Friday 26 October                             Date: Friday 26 October
     Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm                             Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm                           What do you get when you mix imagination,         Cute don’t cut it in the animal kingdom.
     Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time                                                         experimentation and a whole heap of fun?          So, we’re booting adorable out the door,
                                                         Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time
                                                                                                           Science Stories! Get ready to make, write,        and welcoming in the most monstrous,
                                                                                                           draw and more at this year’s family friendly      hideous, odious, fabulous creatures we
                                                                                                           extravaganza. Wrap your head around the           could find, letting you explore the incredible
     Image: Feedback. Photo by Perry Bindelglass         Dolly the Onion: Giant Growing                    mathematics of weaving and feed your              biology of the world’s ugliest animals. Find
                                                                                                           curiosity for food technology. Sit back, relax    out what adaptations make them amazing
                                                         Want to be a giant in the garden or a leek        and enjoy our poetry and storytelling sessions,   and how such hideous creatures evolved
                                                         geek? Get your gardening gloves on and            then be inspired to put pen to paper              in the first place.
                                                         come meet Real Food Wythenshawe’s                 and create your own.
                                                         gardening guru, who’ll show you how to grow                                                         Audience: Families 6+
                                                         enormous onions and larger-than-life leeks.       Audience: Families 5 – 11                         Venue: Gallery Oldham
                                                         Think big, grow big, and find out how you can     Venue: Wythenshawe Forum                          Date: Saturday 27 October
                                                         make the most of your vegetable patch.            Date: Saturday 27 October                         Time: 1pm – 2pm, 3pm – 4pm
                                                                                                           Time: 11am – 3pm                                  Cost and booking info: £2. Booking required
                                                         Audience: Families 10+                            Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time
                                                         Venue: Horticultural Centre Glasshouse,
                                                         Wythenshawe Park
                                                         Date: Friday 26 October
                                                         Time: 1.30pm – 3pm
                                                         Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time     Image: Big Fish Little Fish Events                Big Fish Little Fish presents
                                                                                                                                                             Animal Fantastical
                                                                                                                                                             Revel in the animal madness of this
     Ready Steady Rocket                                 Every Contact Leaves a Trace                                                                        family-friendly rave up. Come dance
                                                                                                                                                             as a family while Hacienda legend DJ Chad
     Go ‘loco’ and celebrate the return of               A crime has been committed and you’re our                                                           Jackson spins banger after banger. Sink
     Stephenson’s Rocket to Manchester for the           only hope. Pick up your clipboard and start                                                         your teeth into everything from bubbles
     first time in over 180 years. Rocket was built to   poking around our mobile lab taking ink                                                             to confetti cannons, balloons, crafting tables
     run on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway,        fingerprints, checking footprints and using                                                         and colouring-in murals. Meet Safari Phil’s
     now home to the Science and Industry                digital microscopes to unravel the mystery                                                          animals, have a roaringly good time with
     Museum. Build your own balloon transport,           with tricks of the trade from our forensic                                                          fun and games from the author of Dinosaur
     follow the rail trail and race your very own        scientist. It’d be criminal to miss it.                                                             Atlas and much, much more.
     Rocket at our special family day, developed
     with children from a local primary school.          Audience: Families 4+                                                                               Audience: Families 0 – 8
                                                         (under 6s to be accompanied by an adult)                                                            Venue: The Birdcage
     Audience: Families 5+                               Venue: Commonplace double decker bus,                                                               Date: Sunday 28 October
     Venue: Science and Industry Museum                  One New Bailey                                                                                      Time: 2pm – 4.30pm
     Date: Saturday 27 October –                         Date: Saturday 27 October –                                                                         Cost and booking info:
     Sunday 28 October                                   Sunday 28 October                                                                                   £8.50 / £6.50 (concessions available, free
     Time: 10am – 5pm                                    Time: 11am – 3.30pm                                                                                 for pre-walking babies). Booking required
     Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time       Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time

14                                                                                                                                                                     15
Manchester Science Festival - Thursday 18 October - Sunday 28 October - Science and Industry Museum
Fun For All Ages:                                                                                 The Problem with Plastic                          Awesome Animals and
                                                                                                                                                         Epic Engineers
     Platform for Investigation                                                                        Plastic? It’s the final straw! Piles of single-
                                                                                                       use packets and products are polluting our        How would it feel to see like a sea creature?
                                                                                                       planet to devasting effect and it’s going take    How do bioengineers make materials that
     Powered by                                                                                        a lot of bottle (not plastic ones) to start       mimic mayfly wings or glow like a jellyfish?
                                                                                                       turning back the tide. From banning shopping      Unearth the amazing ways in which evolution
                                                                                                       bags to revolutionising recycling, come and       and animal mechanics are inspiring engineers
                                                                                                       find out what’s being done, and what you          to develop new sensors, substances and
     Come face to face with some of the brightest brains with our Platform for                         can do to help.                                   materials that will transform our future,
     Investigation (Pi) powered by Siemens. Wake up to the future of artificial                                                                          where biology meets eye-popping design.
                                                                                                       Audience: Families 7+
     intelligence, turn your eyes to the skies with the folk behind an extremely large                 Venue: Science and Industry Museum                Audience: Families 7+
     telescope, wise up on allergy busting and get under the skin of human evolution.                  Date: Wednesday 24 October                        Venue: Science and Industry Museum
                                                                                                       Time: 10.30am – 4pm                               Date: Saturday 27 October
                                                                                                       Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time     Time: 10.30am – 4pm
     Me vs Machine                                    Best Foot Forward                                                                                  Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time

     Artificial intelligence making you feel thick?   Garlic wards off vampires, but can it ward
     Worried machines might steal your job? Fret      off diabetes? The greatest minds of our          The Superhuman Body
     not: computer scientists are here to help        generation are thinking on their feet in the                                                       Human Evolution
     you beat the machines at their own game.         fight against this debilitating condition, and   Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s your
     Grapple with coding, graphics and software       we’re inviting you to pick their brains. Zoom    body: home to the most powerful team              What skeletons are lurking in the closet of
     design and get stuck into activities like        around our ‘driving with diabetes’ simulator,    of superheroes in existence. Fight viruses,       human evolution? Time to get under the skin
     PixelArt, ‘I, Teacher’ and Bots of Fun.          try out our FootSnap app to see how healthy      power up your immune system, fly around           of our species’ history and find out. Explore
                                                      your feet are and leave your own footprint       your circulatory system and take on evil          the timeline of ‘human’ evolution, discovering
     Audience: Families 7+                            for our mural.                                   supervillains as you discover that superhero      differences between the human skeleton
     Venue: Science and Industry Museum                                                                powers really were inside you the whole time.     and those of our ancestors and how that
     Date: Saturday 20 October                        Audience: Families 7+                                                                              influenced our capacity for speech, music,
     Time: 10.30am – 4pm                              Venue: Science and Industry Museum               Audience: Families 7+                             artwork and even our belief systems.
     Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time    Date: Monday 22 October                          Venue: Science and Industry Museum
                                                      Time: 10.30am – 4pm                              Date: Thursday 25 October                         Audience: Families 7+
                                                      Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time    Time: 10.30am – 4pm                               Venue: Science and Industry Museum
                                                                                                       Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time     Date: Sunday 28 October
     Allergy Busters                                  Also see Seven Thousand Feet (page 20)                                                             Time: 10.30am – 4pm
                                                                                                                                                         Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time
     Crack out the tissues and stock up on
     antihistamines – it’s time to take a nosey                                                        Biggest Eyes to the Skies
     at the wonderful world of allergies. Poke        For the Kids, By the Kids
     around our giant nose to find out what’s                                                          Something extremely big is going down
     making you sneeze. You can also get              The kids are alright. Abraham Moss’s budding     in Chile. For one day only, grab a sneak
     experimental with microscopes, airway            scientists have been busy: building cranes,      peek into the fascinating universe of
     models and peak flow tests to find out           investigating hydraulics, testing reaction       The Extremely Large Telescope from the
     what makes us allergic, and help our team        times and guillotining chocolate. Now            brains behind the project at the European
     discover the treatments of the future.           it’s time to present their findings. Come        Southern Observatory. Build a telescope
                                                      and be schooled by kids who’ll prove             using mirrors and lasers, snap infrared
     Audience: Families 7+                            to you once and for all that when it comes       pictures of exotic planets and discover
     Venue: Science and Industry Museum               to science, there really is no age limit.        how to see through dustclouds.
     Date: Sunday 21 October
     Time: 10.30am – 4pm                              Audience: Families 7+                            Audience: Families 7+
     Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time    Venue: Science and Industry Museum               Venue: Science and Industry Museum
                                                      Date: Tuesday 23 October                         Date: Friday 26 October
                                                      Time: 10.30am – 4pm                              Time: 10.30am – 4pm
                                                      Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time    Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time

16                                                                                                                                                                 17
Manchester Science Festival - Thursday 18 October - Sunday 28 October - Science and Industry Museum
Art Meets Science                                                                              Man on the Moon                                 Changing Textiles: Ya-Chu Kang
                                                                                                    Journey through space and time in this          If you’re curious about textiles, Cottonopolis
     Get your teenage kicks with experimental dance and visual explosions, as laser                 moving performance fuelled by love, fear        is the place to be. Internationally renowned
                                                                                                    and Afrofuturism. Writer Keisha Thompson        Taipei-based artist Ya-Chu Kang weaves
     shows meet laboratory, movement merges with music and concerts create colour.                  paints us a poignant, autobiographical          her way to Manchester to soak up some
     From virtual soundscapes to Taiwanese textiles, you’ll never see or think about                picture of fatherhood, creating a compelling    inspiration for her UK premiere exhibition
     science in quite the same way.                                                                 protagonist out of her own experiences,         Changing Textiles. Ya-Chu will craft a new
                                                                                                    one who uses mathematical and scientific        artwork that uncovers the fabric of the city’s
                                                                                                    references to explore the Black British         industrial past and threads together the
                                                                                                    experience, masculinity and mental health.      untold stories that have left a lasting imprint
                                                                                                                                                    on the Manchester we know today.
                                                                                                    Audience: Adults and families 12+
     Future Bodies                                   Clod Ensemble’s Placebo                        Venue: STUN Studio at Z-arts                    Audience: All ages
                                                                                                    Date and time: Tuesday 16 October –             Venue: Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art
     Death isn’t final, it’s just a glitch.          Seven dancers and an audience. A room full     Friday 19 October, 7.30pm – 9pm,                Date: Thursday 18 October – Sunday 28
     This collaboration between Unlimited            of expectation, suggestion and infectious      Wednesday 17 October, Thursday 18 October       October (except Monday 22 October)
     Theatre and RashDash interrogates the idea      rhythm. What is fake? What is real? What       and Saturday 20 October, 1pm – 2.30pm           Time: 10am – 5pm
     that human enhancement technologies             is movement and what is medicine? Be           Cost and booking info: £13 / £7                 Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time
     mean immortality is finally within reach.       enthralled by this beguiling, bewitching and   (concessions available). Booking required
     Exploring brain implants, smart drugs, and      thought-provoking dance show, one that
     artificial intelligence, this creative marvel   celebrates the power of placebos and our       Also see Beyond Man on the Moon: Poetry
     smashes together science fact and fiction       incredible ability to make ourselves feel      and Mathematics (page 26), Beyond Man on        Changing Textiles:
     in a kaleidoscopic montage of words, music
     and movement.
                                                     better, even when things are falling apart.    the Moon: Loop Pedalling and Songwriting        A Closer Look
                                                                                                    (page 26) and Beyond Man on the Moon:
                                                     Audience: Adults and teenagers 14+             Afrofuturism and Poetry (page 30)               Meet the artist and find out more about
     Audience: Adults and teenagers 16+              Venue: The Lowry                                                                               Ya-Chu Kang’s fascination with the city’s
     Venue: HOME                                     Date: Thursday 11 October –                                                                    textile heritage and its impact on the wider
     Date and time: Friday 28 September –            Saturday 13 October                                                                            world. Hear how she weaves science and
     Saturday 13 October 7.45pm – 9pm,               Time: 8pm – 9pm                                                                                technology into her work and discuss the
     Saturday 6 October, Wednesday 10 October        Cost and booking info:                         Cluster                                         possibilities presented by graphene, another
     and Saturday 13 October, 2.45pm – 4pm           £15 / £12 (concessions available,                                                              game-changing discovery that happened
     Cost and booking info:                          booking fees apply). Booking required          Science and art collide in this visual and      right here in Manchester.
     £12.50 / £10.50 (concessions available,                                                        sound exhibition that draws charge from
     booking fees may apply). Booking required                                                      both fields. Each featured artist has drawn     Audience: Adults and families 12+
                                                                                                    on scientific research to create artwork        Venue: Science and Industry Museum
                                                     Placebo: A Closer Look                         tackling everything from DNA breakdown to       Date: Wednesday 24 October
                                                                                                    mental health stigma and cancer treatment,      Time: 11am – 3pm
     Touch Tour: Future Bodies                       Join Clod Ensemble Artistic Directors Suzy     sparking all sorts of ideas about how close     Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time
                                                     Willson and Paul Clark for a post-show         art and science really are.
     This special event invites visually             Q&A, chaired by Gianna Bouchard, as they                                                       Also see Live and Let Dye (page 29)
     impaired visitors to get to know the set,       explore the ideas and research that underpin   Audience: Adults and families 12+
     explore key props and costumes and meet         the performance and inspired its carefully     Venue: OA Studios
     the performers.                                 crafted choreography.                          Date: Thursday 18 October –
                                                                                                    Sunday 28 October
     Audience: Adults and teenagers 16+              Audience: Adults and teenagers 14+             Time: 9am – 5pm
     Venue: HOME                                     Venue: The Lowry                               Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time
     Date and time: Saturday 13 October,             Date: Friday 12 October
     1pm – 2pm                                       Time: 9pm – 9.30pm                             Also see Going Out With a BANG (page 38)
     Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required   Cost and booking info:
                                                     Free to ticket holders. No need to book
     Also see You Have Been Upgraded (page 5)
                                                     Also see Placebo: Doctor You (page 25),
                                                     Placebo: The Power of the Placebo Effect
                                                     (page 34), Placebo: Sound Affects (page 34),
                                                     and Placebo: Social Prescription (page 34)
                                                                                                                                                                           Image: Artwork by Ya-Chu Kang

18                                                                                                                                                                  19
Ice Queens: Fashion                                 Joule: Energy and Engines                         Virtual Soundscapes
     and the Antarctic
                                                         Celebrate steam engines, mesmerising              Prick up your virtual ears and step into          Audience: Adults and teenagers 13+
     The catwalk’s frozen over. High fashion             mechanical models and the 200th birthday          musical history with a little help from           Venue: Central Library
     meets the Antarctic tundra in this remarkable       of Salford resident and experimenter in all       a virtual reality headset. Wander around two      Date: Thursday 18 October –
     collaboration between the British Antarctic         things electricity and energy, James Joule.       magical historical venues, St Cecilia’s Hall in   Saturday 27 October (except Sundays)
     Survey and fashion designer Andrea Zapp.            See the instruments he used to develop            Edinburgh and the Chapel Royal at Linlithgow      Time: 9am – 8pm (Monday – Thursday),
     Exploring how data and rare Antarctic               his ideas and get to know the man who             Palace, experiencing not only the music of        9am – 5pm (Friday and Saturday)
     photography can be used as a basis for fabric       gave his name to an international unit of         the era you’re seeing, but the sights and         Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time
     design, this stunning display projects scientific   measurement at this special display, which        sensations of the spaces themselves.
     data over an array of clothes and garments          shines a light on Joule’s world-changing work.
     to create a fashion line like no other.
                                                         Audience: Adults
                                                         Venue: Central Library
     Audience: Adults and families 12+
     Venue: St Ann’s Church                              Date: Thursday 18 October –                       Scored in Silence                                 Depths of my Mind
     Date: Thursday 18 October –                         December 2018 (except Sundays)
                                                         Time: 9am – 8pm (Monday – Thursday),              The atomic bombs that fell on Japan changed       Beautiful minds make for breathtaking
     Saturday 20 October,                                                                                  the world, but deaf concept artist and            backdrops in this stunning live show.
     Tuesday 23 October – Saturday 27 October            9am – 5pm (Friday and Saturday)
                                                         Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time     choreographer Chisato Minamimura wants            Through a carefully choreographed mastery
     Time: 10am – 5pm                                                                                      to share with you how they changed people.        of aerial acrobatics, visual theatre and
     Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time                                                         Experience this mesmerising live signed           stunning projections of the teenage
                                                                                                           performance exploring the stories of the deaf     brain, you can explore just how beautiful
                                                                                                           ‘hibakusha’, survivors of the A-bombs in 1945,    our minds really are. Using the latest
                                                         Image: Christine Wilcox-Baker
                                                                                                           blending sound, vibration and sign language       developments in neuroimaging, Scarabeus
     Nature Through Roman Eyes:                                                                            with wearable vibrotactile technology.            Aerial Theatre will bring the teenage mind
     A Closer Look                                                                                                                                           to life in a completely new way.
                                                                                                           Audience: Adults and teenagers 14+
     Author, naturalist, natural philosopher,                                                              Venue: International Anthony                      Audience: Families 10+
     soldier; Pliny the Elder had quite the life,                                                          Burgess Foundation                                Venue: The Lowry
     and this is your last chance to see it                                                                Date and time: Friday 19 October,                 Date and time: Friday 19 October,
     up close. Walk amongst the exhibits and                                                               2pm – 3.30pm, 8pm – 9.30pm,                       7.30pm – 8.30pm, Saturday 20 October,
     gain a startling insight into how Romans                                                              Saturday 20 October, 8pm – 9.30pm                 3pm – 4pm, 7.30pm – 8.30pm
     understood and made use of the natural                                                                Cost and booking info: £5 / £3                    Cost and booking info:
     world, from wonders of the animal kingdom           Seven Thousand Feet                               (concessions available). Booking required         £16 / £14 (concessions available,
     to botany’s finest plants and trees. Keep                                                                                                               booking fees apply). Booking required
     an eye out for our pop-up station, where            Marvel at the sight of seven thousand socks
     researchers will be on hand to showcase             hanging high, as artist Christine Wilcox-Baker    Scored in Silence:
     how the natural world has influenced
     modern medicine, like developments
                                                         socks it to diabetes with an epic installation.
                                                                                                           A Closer Look                                     Depths of my Mind:
                                                         Every year, over seven thousand lower limbs
     in anti-inflammatory drugs.                         are amputated in the UK due to diabetes and                                                         A Closer Look
                                                                                                           Stick around after the performance
                                                         this giant artwork brings that home. There’ll
                                                                                                           for a D/deaf-friendly Q&A session with            Join us for a post event discussion with
     Audience: Adults and families 12+                   be games to play, art to do and people in
                                                                                                           the artist. Find out more about the tech          Artistic Director of Scarabeus Aerial Theatre
     (exhibition), All ages (pop-up station)             the know to meet, so you can discover more
                                                                                                           used in the performance and gain a deeper         Daniela Essart, Child and Adolescent
     Venue: Manchester Museum                            about how we can defeat this condition.
                                                                                                           insight in to the history and experiences         Psychiatrist Professor Ian Goodyer and young
     Date and time: Thursday 18 October –
                                                                                                           of deaf people in nuclear fallout, from           people involved in the creation of the show.
     Sunday 28 October, 10am – 5pm                       Check the website for full details of our
                                                                                                           the effects of chemicals to the power
     (researchers will be around to chat                 daily activities
                                                                                                           of the human spirit.                              Audience: Families 10+
     on Tuesday 23 October – Thursday
     25 October, 1pm – 3pm)                              Audience: All ages                                                                                  Venue: The Lowry
                                                                                                           Audience: Adults and teenagers 14+                Date and time: Friday 19 October,
     Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time       Venue: Central Library
                                                                                                           Venue: International Anthony                      8.45pm – 9pm
                                                         Date: Thursday 18 October – Wednesday 14
                                                                                                           Burgess Foundation                                Cost and booking info:
                                                         November (except Sundays)
                                                                                                           Date and time: Friday 19 October,                 Free to ticket holders. No need to book
                                                         Time: 9am – 8pm (Monday – Thursday),
                                                                                                           3.35pm – 4.15pm, 9.35pm – 10.15pm,
                                                         9am – 5pm (Friday and Saturday)
                                                                                                           Saturday 20 October, 9.35pm – 10.15pm
                                                         Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time
                                                                                                           Cost and booking info:
                                                                                                           Free to ticket holders. No need to book
                                                         Also see Best Foot Forward (page 16)

20                                                                                                                                                                    21
Seeing Sound:                                    The Science Studio                                  The Music of the Primes                            Image: Jason Lock
     A Chromesthesia Concert
                                                      Roll up your sleeves, as it’s time to get crafty.   Prime numbers are mysterious, but are they
     Ever wanted to taste a colour? Or feel a         Step into the studio and get up close and           musical? Mathematician Marcus du Sautoy
     smell? Or see music? This chromesthesia          personal with the chemicals, reactions and          and composer Emily Howard certainly think
     concert is for you. Based on the very real       elements artists use in their work. You’ll see      so. Last year, they told the tale of The Music
     medical condition of sensory wires in the        everything from sculpture design to clay            of Proof, and now they are returning to
     brain getting muddled, experience how            making and glass moulding and you’ll get            present the mathematical story of The Music
     technology can make this phenomenon visible      the chance to put your own creativity to the        of the Primes. Immerse yourself in sound
     for the first time. See how a string quartet’s   test. No prior experience necessary, just lots      and numbers as part of this extraordinary
     music can be transformed into a breathtaking     of enthusiasm and a big imagination.                experience, as your hosts weave music
     visual display right before your eyes.                                                               and prime numbers together to create
                                                      Audience: Adults and families 7+                    a sense of never ending time.
     Audience: Adults and families 12+                Venue: Manchester Craft and Design Centre                                                             Sentinel
     Venue: The Stoller Hall                          Date: Monday 22 October –                           Audience: Adults and families 12+
     Date: Saturday 20 October                        Saturday 27 October                                 Venue: RNCM                                       Rolling synths and electro rhythms cascade
     Time: 6pm – 6.45pm (doors 5.30pm)                Time: 12pm – 5pm (Adults and families 7+),          Date: Tuesday 23 October                          over live vocals, laser lighting and vibrant
     Cost and booking info: Free. Booking required    plus late night opening Tuesday 23 October,         Time: 7.30pm – 9.15pm (doors 7pm)                 video in this captivating show. Musician
                                                      6pm – 8pm (Adults)                                  Cost and booking info: £6                         Richard Evans and award-winning artist
                                                      Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any time       (booking fees may apply). Booking required        Valentina D'efilippo return with stunning new
                                                                                                                                                            data visualisations and music, building on
                                                                                                                                                            the success of last year’s event. Immerse
                                                                                                                                                            yourself in a multi-sensory experience of the
                                                                                                          Facing Out:                                       past, present and future of global warming
                                                                                                                                                            culled directly from climate and migrant data
                                                                                                          Healing Through Art                               and bear witness to a powerful vision of the
     Contagion                                        Contagion: A Closer Look                                                                              planet’s most urgent issue.
                                                                                                          Roll up your sleeves and unwind, as artist
     Blending an atmospheric soundscape               Hear from Shobana Jeyasingh and Professor           Lucy Burscough invites anyone directly or         Audience: Adults and families 12+
     with haunting digital imagery, acclaimed         John Oxford, leader in the field of vaccine         indirectly affected by facial cancer to take      Venue: Waterside
     choreographer Shobana Jeyasingh                  and anti-viral clinical trials, to find out more    part in a therapeutic creative arts workshop.     Date: Thursday 25 October
     commemorates the 1918 Spanish Flu                about the Spanish Flu and its influence             Lucy will gently guide you to discover more       Time: 7pm – 9.15pm (7pm – 8pm panel
     pandemic by finding beauty in the bleakness.     on the choreography and audiovisual                 about your views and perceptions of facial        discussion, 8.15pm – 9.15pm performance)
     Watch as eight female dancers contort and        experience in Contagion.                            cancer, explore the deep physical, mental         Cost and booking info: £10 / £8
     mutate together as they explore both the                                                             and emotional wound it can leave and              (concessions available). Booking required
     resilience and the vulnerability of the human    Audience: Adults and families 12+                   consider ways in which together, we can
     body against the stark backdrop of the           Venue: We’ll walk over together from the            harness the healing power of the arts. You’ll
     Imperial War Museum.                             Imperial War Museum North (IWMN) reception,         leave feeling lighter and knowing a little more
                                                      or you can meet us at Ziferblat MediaCityUK         about how slight shifts in perception and
                                                                                                          beliefs can propel us towards recovery.
     Contagion is co-commissioned by 14-18            Date: Sunday 21 October                                                                               AudioLab
     NOW, the UK’s arts programme for the First       Time: 1pm – 2pm (departing from IWMN
     World War centenary                              reception at 12.45pm)                               Audience: Adults and families 8+
                                                                                                                                                            The AudioLab supports emerging creative
                                                      Cost and booking info: Free (refreshments           Venue: Maggie's Oldham
                                                                                                                                                            talent to flourish. Tune in to Reform Radio
     Audience: Adults and families 12+                included). No need to book                          Date: Wednesday 24 October
                                                                                                                                                            and get a behind-the-scenes look at our
     Venue: Imperial War Museum North                                                                     Time: 2pm – 4pm
                                                                                                                                                            festival with a team of young creatives. With
     Date: Sunday 21 October                                                                              Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book
                                                                                                                                                            Access All Areas passes, they will be sneaking
     Time: 12pm – 12.30pm, 2.30pm – 3pm                                                                                                                     in to backstage rehearsals, getting exclusive
     Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book                                                         Also see Facing Out: Portait Masterclass
                                                                                                                                                            interviews and turning their daily experiences
                                                                                                          (page 26) and Facing Out: Talking Heads
                                                                                                                                                            into spoken word poems, debates and songs
     Also see Contagion: Second                                                                           (page 35)
                                                                                                                                                            for an hour-long radio show.
     Outbreak (page 29)
                                                                                                                                                            Audience: Adults and families 11+
                                                                                                                                                            Tune in online:
                                                                                                                                                            Date: Friday 26 October
                                                                                                                                                            Time: 2pm – 3pm
                                                                                                                                                            Cost and booking info: Free

22   Image: Chris Nash                                                                                                                                                23
Sonic Pixels                                      The Vostok K Incident                             Make, Do and Hack
     Step into a world of sound with Sonic Pixels.     It’s the darkest days of the Cold War. Paranoia
     Imagine listening to the chirping of the          reigns and a British pilot is caught up in a
     dawn chorus, or the noises of a building          bizarre Russian experiment. Welcome to The        Are you ready to touch the stars, sing to the Moon and serve up some ace
     as heating, water and ventilation systems         Vostok K Incident, an S3A and BBC drama           inventions? Discover the power of the placebo, make art out of junk,
     gurgle and hum. Experience what it would          exploring the future of radio by unlocking the    dance like a planet and more.
     feel like to be right at the heart of this        creative potential of 3D immersive sound.
     sound. Wander through the space and               Pulling together devices like laptops, mobiles
     trigger speakers in real time, as you delve       and tablets, hear extracts from the drama and
     into this amazing audio experience.               meet researchers from the University of Salford
                                                       who helped develop this groundbreaking idea.      Placebo: Doctor You                           Touch the Stars
     Audience: Adults and families 8+
     Venue: Barton Arcade                              Audience: Adults and families 11+                 How do placebos work? There’s only one        Astro-nut and Festival science
     Date and time: Friday 26 October,                 Venue: Science and Industry Museum                way to find out. Get up close and personal    communicator-in-residence, Matthew
     6pm – 10.30pm (preview evening),                  Date: Saturday 27 October                         with the evidence for mind-body healing       Allen, invites you to reach out and touch
     Saturday 27 October –                             Time: 11am – 5pm (lasts 20 minutes,               and placebo responses. Submit yourself        the stars with his multi-sensory workshop
     Sunday 28 October, 10am – 10.30pm                 repeated throughout the day)                      to a range of exercises designed to trigger   that will show that the universe really
     Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any          Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book      healing, play doctor and make your own        is open to everyone. Get to grips with
     time (booking required for preview evening)                                                         plan to harness the power of placebos.        tactile images of the sky, explore 3D
                                                                                                                                                       printed models of objects in space, use
                                                                                                         Audience: Adults and teenagers 14+            your detective skills to investigate real
                                                       Did You Come Alone?                               Venue: The Lowry                              meteorites and listen to the sound of
                                                                                                         Date: Saturday 13 October                     gravitational waves in the fun 'Black Hole
                                                       "Hi. How are you?" This is a common               Time: 10am – 2.30pm                           Hunter game'. This workshop has been
                                                       greeting used to ask about health, but            Cost and booking info:                        designed to be visually impaired friendly.
                                                       has anyone ever asked you; "did you come          £6 / £4 (concessions available).
                                                       alone?" We’ll be exploring these questions        Booking required                              Audience: All ages
                                                       in a short, interactive, one-on-one scenario.                                                   Venue: Science and Industry Museum
                                                       This is no ordinary theatre experience,           Also see Clod Ensemble’s Placebo (page 18),   Date: Thursday 18 October –
                                                       as you’ll play the protagonist, answering         Placebo: The Power of the Placebo Effect      Friday 19 October
                                                       questions and attempting tasks that will          (page 34), Placebo: Sound Affects (page 34)   Time: 11.30am – 12pm, 1pm – 1.30pm
                                                       challenge assumptions of who is involved          and Placebo: Social Prescription (page 34)    (workshops), 10am – 11am,
                                                       in human health.                                                                                2pm – 4pm (drop in)
                                                                                                                                                       Cost and booking info:
                                                       Audience: Adults and teenagers 16+                                                              Free. Booking required for workshops
                                                       Venue: Manchester Museum
                                                       Date: Saturday 27 October –
                                                       Sunday 28 October
                                                       Time: 12pm – 5pm
     Music and Mutation                                Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book

     Music morphs, modifies and mutates into
     something profound in this pioneering live        Image: William Ellis
     performance. Listen as a geneticist takes
     an experimental method of turning DNA
     sequences into musical works and puts it in
     the fine-tuned hands of performers. You’re
     invited to listen to the results, so come along
     and ‘hear’ mutations like you’ve never heard
     them before.

     Audience: Adults and families 12+
     Venue: Emmanuel Church
     Date: Saturday 27 October
     Time: 11am – 12.40pm (doors 10.15am)
     Cost and booking info: Free. No need to book

24                                                                                                                                                           25
Facing Out: Portrait Masterclass                                                          Aeon: Liberation
     Get face to face with the intricacies          Audience: Adults 18+                       It’s the near future. You’re a researcher
     of facial recognition and discover how         Venue: Maggie's Manchester                 taking a tour of a cloning facility.
     a psychological lens can help shine a light    Date: Friday 19 October                    Protesters suddenly burst in. What
     on different approaches to drawing the         Time: 10.30am – 2.30pm                     do you do? How do you react? Welcome
     human face. As part of a long-term project     Cost and booking info:                     to Aeon, an immersive theatre experience
     into facial cancer and reconstructive          Free. No need to book                      exploring the moral complexities of a
     surgery, artist Lucy Burscough invites                                                    future where cloning is a reality. As the
     anyone affected by cancer, either directly     Also see Facing Out: Healing               tension racks up, you’ll come face-to-face
     or indirectly, to a life drawing class which   Through Art (page 23) and                  with the clones whose release may pose
     redefines traditional perceptions of beauty.   Facing Out: Talking Heads (page 35)        a risk to all of humanity.

                                                                                               Audience: Adults and teenagers 15+
                                                                                               Venue: Stopford Building,
     Beyond Man on the Moon:                        Beyond Man on the Moon:                    The University of Manchester
     Poetry and Mathematics                         Loop Pedalling and Songwriting             Date and time:
                                                                                               Friday 19 October, 7pm – 8.15pm,
                                                                                               Saturday 20 October 11.30am – 12.45pm,
     Poet, performer and rising star Keisha         Keisha Thompson invites you to explore
                                                                                               1.30pm – 2.45pm and 3.30pm – 4.45pm
     Thompson will show you how she turns           the connection between mathematics
                                                                                               Cost and booking info: £8 / £6
     mathematical references into creative          and music using song and loop pedalling.
                                                                                               (concessions available). Booking required
     stimuli and will guide you to have a go        Discover Pythagoras' contribution
     yourself. You’ll take inspiration from the     to music, immerse yourself in harmony
     creative processes behind her solo show        and create your own soundscapes based
     Man on the Moon, where Keisha transforms       on the themes of psychology and mental
     fiendishly complicated scientific processes    health which are explored in her solo      An Ace History of Tennis
     like SUVAT equations, Fibonacci sequences      show Man on the Moon.                                                                      Big
     and detailed graphs into something                                                        We’ll be serving up a lovely slice of tennis    Screen
     beautiful. Creating art, music and poetry
     out of data, she'll encourage you to find
                                                    Audience: Adults and families 12+
                                                    Venue: Z-arts
                                                                                               history. Discover how technology transformed
                                                                                               the sport, figure out the subtle differences
     creativity in the most unlikely of places.     Date: Friday 19 October                    between court tennis and lawn tennis and        Grab your clapperboard and come make
                                                    Time: 1pm – 3pm                            see how rackets are strung and balls are        movie magic at this inspiring and fun
     Audience: Adults and families 12+              Cost and booking info:                     made. You can even try out your skills on       filmmaking boot camp. Unlock the power
     Venue: Z-arts                                  £5. Booking required                       court, a smashing way to spend a Saturday.      of storytelling and turn your passion for
     Date: Friday 19 October                                                                   But don’t forget your trainers.                 science, engineering and technology into
     Time: 10am – 12pm
                                                                                                                                               a three minute cinematic masterpiece.
     Cost and booking info: £5. Booking required                                               Audience: All ages (tours suitable for adults   You’ll be one of fifteen teams immersed
                                                                                               and teenagers 16+)                              in every aspect of direction, in the enviable
                                                                                               Venue: Manchester Tennis and Racquet Club       position of being guided by pros from
                                                                                               Date: Saturday 20 October                       the likes of tech giants Barclays, Google,
                                                                                               Time: 11am – 5pm, (tours run all day            Microsoft and BBC. There’ll be shiny
                                                                                               at 11.15am – 12pm, 12pm – 12.45pm,              awards for the best short films, plus
                                                                                               1pm – 1.45pm, 2pm – 2.45pm,                     the chance to see your creation on the
                                                                                               3pm – 3.34pm and 4pm – 4.45pm)                  big screen at Media City.
                                                                                               Cost and booking info: Free. Drop in any
                                                                                               time (booking required for tours)               Audience: Adults and teenagers 16+
                                                                                                                                               Venue: MediaCityUK campus,
                                                                                               Also see Hi-Tech Tennis (page 32)               University of Salford
                                                                                                                                               Date: Saturday 20 October –
                                                                                                                                               Sunday 21 October
                                                                                                                                               Time: 11am – 5pm
                                                                                                                                               Cost and booking info:
                                                                                                                                               Free. Booking required
     Also see Man on the Moon (page 19), Beyond Man on the Moon: Afrofuturism and Poetry
     (page 30).

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Live and Let Dye
                                                                                              Grab a fistful of your favourite flowers or
                                                                                              leaves and come away with a lot more than
                                                                                              green fingers. Colour, hue, iridescence and
                                                                                              pigmentation are all on show. Discover how
                                                                                              to experiment with natural colours, create
                                                                                              patterns and transform fabric swatches as
                                                                                              personal as your own memories with local
                                                                                              artist Talie Linseed, who’ll be showing you
                                                                                              how to dye like a pro. Meet us beforehand
                                                                                              at St John’s Gardens if you would like to
                                                                                              collect your own natural materials, such
                                                                                              as freshly fallen petals and twigs.

                                                                                              Audience: Adults and families 8+
                                                                                              Venue: Science and Industry Museum
                                                                                              Date: Saturday 20 October
                                                                                              Time: 1pm – 3pm, or join us at 12.30pm by
                                                                                              the stone monument in St John's Gardens
                                                                                              Cost and booking info: £10 / £6
                                                                                              (concessions apply). Booking required

     Build Your Own                                   Storytelling and                        Also see Changing Textiles: Ya-Chu Kang
                                                                                              (page 19)
     Internet of Things                               Secret Tunnels
     Modems may be a thing of the internet’s          Magic, reality and technology collide
     past, but ‘things’ are most definitely a thing   in a secret underground tunnel. Grab    Perfect Particles                               Contagion: Second Outbreak
     of the internet’s future. The Internet of        a glow stick and imagine new worlds
     Things is all around us, connecting everyday     as you drive the story, crafting your   This is the genuine particle. Pinging all       Can you dance the Flu-menco? Have you
     objects like fridges, toasters and even          own part factual and part fantastical   around us, and inside us, the universe is       caught Saturday Night Fever? If that sounds
     toilets to the net. Come along and discover      universe using drawing, writing         made of up of these building blocks and we’ll   like you, get to know the movers and shakers
     just how big the Internet of Things is about     and augmented reality.                  help you imagine them for real. Make your       at Shobana Jeyasingh Dance and delve into
     to get and what it means for our everyday                                                own particle model, get stuck into painting,    what inspired the choreographic choices
     lives. Then get stuck into building a network    Audience: Teenagers 12 – 16             decorating and writing, and celebrate the       in their show Contagion. You’ll see how the
     of your own.                                     Venue: Brickworks                       incredible way these tiny things interact.      architecture, dynamics and behaviour of the
                                                      Date: Saturday 20 October               The afternoon workshop has been designed        Spanish Flu virus shaped the choreography
     Audience: Families 10 – 18                       Time: 2pm – 4.30pm                      to be visually impaired friendly.               as you dance, move and glide alongside
     Venue: John Dalton Building,                     (including 25 minute tour)                                                              professional dancers and physically embody
     Manchester Metropolitan University               Cost and booking info:                  Audience: Families 5+                           everything from manifestations of mutation
     Date: Saturday 20 October and                    £4. Booking required                    Venue: Manchester Cathedral Visitor Centre      to World War I warfare.
     Saturday 27 October                                                                      Date: Sunday 21 October
     Time: 10.30am – 12pm                                                                     Time: 10am – 12pm,                              Audience: Adults and families 12+
     Cost and booking info: £4. Booking required                                              1pm – 3pm (visually impaired friendly)          Venue: The Dancehouse
                                                                                              Cost and booking info:                          Date: Sunday 21 October
                                                                                              £2.50. Booking required                         Time: 11am – 1pm
                                                                                                                                              Cost and booking info: £5. Booking required

                                                                                                                                              Also see Contagion (page 22)

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