Page created by Julie Oliver
            MARKETING (TOP-UP)
The programme is developed, fully taught and awarded by the University of Southampton, UK
02              04
           Welcome         SIM

CONTENTS   Messages


           University of   Bachelor of Science
           Southampton     (Honours) in Marketing

06              07
Student         Student Learning
Life            Centre

and Admission

                   Welcome to SIM Global Education          We also aim to inspire passion in
                   (SIM GE) – A global campus with          them to excel and to strive for
                   over 10 top ranking international        bigger goals.
                   universities from the UK, the US,
                   Europe and Australia. As a premier       In today’s fast-changing world, the
                   institution of higher learning, we are   ability to adapt and evolve will give
                   a gateway to the world with a            you an edge. With our multicultural
                   wide range of academic                   learning environment and diverse
                   programmes to choose your ideal          campus life, you will gain the skills,
                   learning pathways from.                  knowledge and insights you need,
                                                            to be career ready. These will
                   SIM GE is the global education           enable you to gain a Global Edge
                   arm of the Singapore Institute of        as you make your mark in the
                   Management (SIM Group) which is          global workplace of the future.
                   an initiative of the Economic
                   Development Board to support             I invite you to come and be a
                   Singapore's industrialisation. As        member of our community, and
Gain a Global      one of the largest and leading
                   private educational institutions in
                                                            discover how, like them, you can
                                                            fulfil your aspirations by
Edge at SIM GE     Singapore, we take pride in our
                   reputation for quality academic
                                                            embarking on an exciting
                                                            educational journey with us.
for the global     standards and a vibrant student
workplace in the   At SIM GE, we are committed to
                                                            Dr Lee Kwok Cheong
                                                            Chief Executive Officer
future economy     delivering a holistic education to
                   empower individuals in their
                                                            SIM Global Education

                   respective fields and communities.

Welcome to the Bachelor of            offers a distinctive, integrated
                    Science (Honours) in Marketing        approach to learning. Our research
                    degree which is offered through       shapes future business practice
                    the Southampton Business School       and we provide a responsible
                    at the University of Southampton.     educational experience that
                    The University has a reputation for   connects people and organisations
                    academic excellence and is ranked     to deliver groundbreaking social
                    87th in the world (QS World           and economic impact. As well as
                    University Rankings 2016/2017).       giving you a strong academic
                                                          grounding in your chosen field,
                    Today in the Faculty of Business,     our courses are designed to help
                    Law and Art, there are around         you to develop the transferable
                    5,000 students studying               skills that employers prioritise.
                    programmes in Southampton,
                    Winchester, China and Malaysia.       I invite you to become a graduate
                    We combine academic excellence        of the Southampton Business
                    with an innovative and                School so that you can, like many
The University      entrepreneurial approach to
                    research, supporting a culture that
                                                          of our graduates before, aspire to
                                                          a position of influence in the
has a reputation    engages and challenges students
                    in their pursuit of learning. As a
                                                          business world and, after you have
                                                          completed your studies with us,
for academic        founder member of the United
                    Kingdom’s Russell Group of 24
                                                          become part of the University of
                                                          Southampton’s global community
excellence and      major research-intensive
                    universities, as well as the
                                                          of over 200,000 alumni.

is ranked 87th in   Worldwide Universities Network,
                    we offer students a high-calibre      Professor Paul Whittaker
the world           learning experience.                  Dean
                                                          Faculty of Business, Law and Art
                    For ambitious leaders who want        University of Southampton
                    to change the world, the
                    Southampton Business School


SIM Global Education
A leading private education

SIM Global Education is the global
education arm of the Singapore
Institute of Management (SIM
Group). Founded in 1964 on the
initiative of the Economic
Development Board to support
Singapore’s industrialisation, the
SIM Group is today a diverse and
vibrant organisation with a wide
range of programmes, activities
and services.

SIM Global Education (SIM GE)
offers quality overseas academic

programmes awarded by top
ranking and reputable universities
from the United Kingdom, the
United States, Europe and
Australia. SIM GE’s approach
towards a holistic education is to
develop students with a global          COUNTRIES

edge for the global workplace
with ability and adaptability for
employability in the future
economy. With 142,000 alumni
and about 20,000 students from
over 40 countries, SIM GE is a
leading private education
institution in Singapore.

Over 10
                                                                               1 global

                                                                                           for Virtual
                                                                                         Campus Tour

    Why Study at SIM GE?
    Top 3 Best Private Institute for     Wi-Fi enabled campus with              BURSARY
    eight consecutive years in the       comprehensive facilities for           Scholarships are available to
    annual AsiaOne People’s Choice       students’ academic and recreation      students who excel in academics,
    Awards.                              needs.                                 sports or arts.

    Over 80 full-time and part-time      Participate in over 70 student         A multitude of learning resources
    academic programmes through          clubs with year-round activities in    and networking events for students
    over 10 partner universities at      arts, culture and sports.              and graduates o­ffered through SIM
    diploma, undergraduate and                                                  GE platforms and SIM Membership.

    postgraduate levels.                 DEDICATED STUDENT SUPPORT
                                         Support services include               ALUMNI ENGAGEMENT
    GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES &                academic support at Student            Stay connected even after
    INSIGHTS                             Learning Centre, a dedicated           graduation – benefit from events
    Exposure to diverse cultures and a   Student Services Centre, Student       organised by SIM GE Alumni
    global network of faculty and        Wellness Centre, and initiatives       Office or volunteer your time
    peers bring broader perspectives     such as financial assistance           through initiatives such as
    to learning.                         schemes and counselling services.      Structured Alumni Mentorship.


24                                         CAREER DEVELOPMENT                           STUDENT DEVELOPMENT
hours in 1 day...                          Raise your employability quotient            Sharpen your leadership and social

                                           through industry internships or              skills or pursue your passion in the
                                           career-readiness initiatives like the        arts and sports with more than 70
                                           Talent Development Programme,                student councils and clubs available.
days in 1 year...                          Career Chapters, Mentorship

                                           Programme offered by Career                  STUDENT CARE
                                           Connect.                                     Boost your well-being in healthy
                                                                                        living and wellness programmes,
days in 3 years...                         GLOBAL LEARNING                              or learn more from peer mentors
                                           Gain international exposure                  at our dedicated Student Wellness
                                           through overseas academic                    Centre.
Seize the now.                             exchange programmes, study
                                           trips, internships and workshops.
Make the most of your time
in SIM GE.

Grooming achievers outside the classroom   Global exposure and learning opportunities   Career fair offering internships and jobs


The Student                               PEER-ASSISTED LEARNING
                                                                              PROFESSIONAL SKILLS
                                                                              Develop professional skills that
Learning Centre                           A student-to-student support        are highly valued by employers
(SLC) is a one-stop centre                network that provides academic      through well-structured training
                                          assistance for selected modules.    programmes.
for student academic
support. Boost your                       WORKSHOP SERIES                     CONSULTATION SERVICES
                                          Attend complimentary workshops      Work with our advisors to improve
academic performance with                 on academic writing, study skills   your skills in written and oral
our SLC resources.                        and personal effectiveness to       presentation.
                                          hone effective learning skills.

Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) in session   Digital Literacy Workshop           Student Learning Centre


The University of Southampton is       member of the United Kingdom’s         Our students learn from
a forward-thinking institution that    Russell Group of 24 major              researchers and experts in their
aspires to change the world for        research-intensive universities, as    fields about the latest world-
the better. Through education,         well as the Worldwide Universities     changing research as it happens.
research, innovation and enterprise,   Network, we offer students a           With access to some of the best
we provide opportunities that          high-calibre learning experience.      research facilities and equipment
transform the lives of our students,                                          in the world, from super
our community, society and the         The University of Southampton          computers and wind tunnels to
economy. We have a reputation          offers excellent opportunities and     major historical archives and a
for academic excellence and are        facilities for study and research      concert hall, they will have a
ranked 87th in the world (QS World     across a wide range of subjects        competitive technical edge. Our
University Rankings 2016/2017).        including law, arts, humanities,       challenging programmes
                                       social sciences, medicine, health      encourage the critical thinking
Since receiving a Royal Charter in     science, engineering and               and independent learning that are
1952, the University of Southampton    mathematics.                           essential for the next generation
has expanded significantly and                                                of leaders and decision makers.
built a reputation for research and    The University of Southampton is
teaching excellence. Today there       one of the leading research            The Bachelor of Science
are over 23,500 students studying      universities in the recent Research    (Honours) in Marketing degree is
across our six campuses in             Excellence Framework (REF2014).        offered through the Southampton
Southampton, Winchester and            Our interdisciplinary approach         Business School. The School is
Malaysia, and the University           brings researchers from across the     one of the UK’s leading business
employs 6,500 staff. We combine        University together to address         schools, with high academic
academic excellence with an            global challenges such as climate      standards and an impressive
innovative and entrepreneurial         change, global health, hi-tech         success rate in educating
approach to research, supporting       crime and our ageing population,       tomorrow’s business leaders.
a culture that engages and             crossing the boundaries that
challenges students in their           traditionally separate subject areas
pursuit of learning. As a founder      to pioneer innovative solutions.

We combine
                                                            academic excellence
                                                            with an innovative
                                                            and entrepreneurial
                                                            approach to research,
                                                            supporting a culture
                                                            that engages and
                                                            challenges students
                                                            in their pursuit of

Why choose the University of Southampton?
Ranked 87th in the world (QS    One of the founding members        Top 20 universities in the UK
World University Rankings       of the prestigious Russell         for Marketing in the Complete
2016/2017)                      Group of 24 UK research-           University Guide 2017/2018
                                intensive universities
Top 20 universities in the UK                                      Southampton Business School
(The Complete University        Marketing degrees are              is accredited by the
Guide 2017 and Guardian         accredited by the UK’s Institute   Association of MBAs (AMBA)
University Guide 2017)          of Direct and Digital Marketing


Overview                             Objectives                              Modules
The Bachelor of Science              • Provide an appreciation of the        Year 2
(Honours) in Marketing (Top-up)        role of marketing in modern           • Analytics for Marketing
degree will provide you with an        organisations                         • Business Research
up-to-date knowledge and             • Develop an appreciation and           • Digital Marketing
understanding of the field of          understanding of the range of         • Human Resource Management
marketing.                             marketing strategies and tactics,     • International Retailing
                                       to help you prepare for or            • Living and Working on the Web
Grounded in marketing theory           develop your career                   • Marketing Communications and
and the application of principles,   • Introduce and develop a breadth         Media Management
concepts, approaches, purpose          of knowledge in key marketing         • Services Value for Digital Managers
and practice of marketing in           principles such as customers as
contemporary organisations, the        the heart of strategy, the delivery   Year 3
programme focuses on delivering        of value, accountability for          • Corporate Social Responsibility
value for both customers and           marketing spend and the               • Customer Insight
shareholders as a marketing            pervasive use of digital technology   • Data Mining for Marketing
professional, using technology in    • Provide the opportunity and           • Digital Marketing: Engaging with
both the management of                 practical training in applying          the Customer
customer experience and in             concepts and approaches learned,      • Marketing Simulation
engaging with customers through        as well as the application of tools   • Measuring Marketing
digital media.                         and techniques of key marketing         Effectiveness
                                     • Develop your ability to undertake     Students are required to complete
                                       rigorous, independent research        and pass an industrial placement
                                                                             and a 10,000 word dissertation.
                                     Duration and Intake
                                                                             The modules offered will be at the
                                      Programme Duration      Intake
                                                                             discretion of the University. Please
                                        2 Years Full-time    September       refer to SIM GE website for latest

“Marketing occupies a
                                                                   central role within forward-
                                                                   thinking organisations
                                                                   because the way customers
                                                                   interact with brands is
                                                                   increasingly complex
                                                                   and interconnected.
                                                                   Consequently, this
                                                                   programme puts digital
                                                                   marketing and analytics
                                                                   at its core. Along with
                                                                   an extensive industrial
                                                                   placement, this programme
                                                                   empowers graduates in
                                                                   their future careers as
                                                                   digital-savvy and data-
                                                                   driven marketers.” (2017)
                                                                   Dr Andrew Farrell &
                                                                   Dr Kristina Schmidt
                                 SIM – University of Southampton
                            Graduation Ceremony, 13 January 2017   Programme Directors
                                                                   Southampton Business School

                                    Mode of Delivery                       Career Prospects
Industrial Placement                Blended learning comprising:           Graduates can pursue management
                                    • Computer simulation                  roles in a range of private, public
24 weeks will be spent on an        • Consultations                        and third sector organisations
approved industrial placement       • Lectures                             (including social enterprises).
in a business organisation.         • Online learning                      Some graduates may choose to
                                    • Tutorials                            form their own businesses on
International students should
note that the placement is to       Each lesson is typically 2 hours for   graduation, or within a few years
be done in their home country       lectures; 1 hour for tutorials.        of graduation. The intent of the
unless otherwise approved by                                               programme encourages the
the University.                     Assessment                             development of enterprising
                                    • Assignments/ Projects                competencies that will enable
Our students interned at the        • Written Exams                        employability in a range of
following companies:                                                       organisations and better quality
                                    Assessment is subject to change        venture creation.
• Bates CHI & Partners
  Singapore                         by the University.
• DHL eCommerce Singapore                                                  Graduates can also go on to
                                    Candidature Period: 2 to 4 years
• Edelman Singapore                                                        professional training and graduate
                                    There will not be any refund or
• Havas Worldwide                                                          management schemes while others
                                    recourse should the student fail to
• International Flavors &                                                  begin careers in consultancy, web
                                    complete the programme within
  Fragrances (Asia Pacific)                                                design, management, accounting,
                                    the candidature period.
• Johnson & Johnson Medical                                                finance or banking. With a good
  Singapore                         Minimum Class Size: 40                 working knowledge of marketing
• Ogilvy & Mather Singapore         In the event that the class cannot     with a digital focus, graduates can
                                    commence due to low take-up            make a real contribution to the
• Porsche Asia Pacific
                                    rate, applicants will be informed      businesses they join.
• Robert Bosch (SEA)
• Singapore Press Holdings          within one month before
                                    programme commencement.                Marketing roles include Marketing
• Taylor Nelson Sofres                                                     Executive, Digital Marketing
  Singapore                                                                Executive, Market Research
• The Fullerton Hotel Singapore     Upon successful completion of the      Analyst, Sales Executive, Event
• The Nielsen Company               programme requirements, students       Management Executive, Business
  (Singapore)                       will be awarded the Bachelor of        Consultant, Marketing Data
• Volkswagen Group Singapore        Science (Honours) in Marketing         Analyst, Digital Specialist, etc.
                                    degree from the University of

Admission Criteria                        Preparatory Course in Business       Certification
• Diploma in Accounting / Banking         (UOSMS)                              A certificate of completion will be
  and Finance / International             Applicants with a Diploma from       awarded upon successfully
  Business / Management Studies           local Polytechnics who have not      passing the Preparatory Course in
  awarded by SIM; or                      completed all areas of study as      Business (UOSMS).
• Business related Diplomas from          listed in the four modules below,
  local Polytechnics;* or                 are required to complete and pass    Programme Fee
• Non-Business related Diplomas           a three-month SIM Preparatory
                                                                                   Programme             Fee
  from local Polytechnics with            Course in Business (UOSMS) for
  successful completion of the SIM        entry into the Bachelor of Science    Preparatory Course
  Preparatory Course in Business          (Honours) in Marketing (Top-up)       in Business (UOSMS)
                                                                                                      per module
                                                                                (if applicable)
  (UOSMS).                                programme.
• All other qualifications will be
  evaluated on a case-by-case             The preparatory course is            Fees are inclusive of prevailing
  basis.                                  developed and awarded by SIM,        GST and are payable in full before
                                          Singapore.                           course commencement. Fees do
*Please refer to SIM GE website for                                            not include textbooks. Please refer
a list of Business related Diplomas       Duration and Intake                  to SIM GE website for the latest
that may be eligible for advanced                                              fees.
                                           Programme Duration     Intake
standing into the two-year
programme.                                   3 Months Full-time    June

Applicants must obtain an average         Modules
B grade. Those with results close         • Accounting and Finance
to B average will be considered           • Business Statistics
subject to interview. No exemptions       • Economics
will be granted. All admissions are       • Marketing
based on merit and are subject to
the final approval of the University.     University of Southampton may
                                          require students to complete a
SIM Diploma graduates and local           minimum of one and up to a
Polytechnic graduates will be             maximum of four modules, per
deemed to have reached the                intake.
required English language standard.
                                          Mode of Delivery
Please visit SIM GE website for full      Blended learning comprising:
details on the programme admission        • Lectures
criteria including English proficiency.   • Online learning

Programme Fees                            Lessons are typically 3 hours, and
                                          some classes may take place in
       Total          Per Module Fee
                                          the evenings.
      S$35,952           S$2,247
Fees are inclusive of prevailing          The modules are assessed either
GST and are payable in six                by written exams, coursework or a
instalments. The amount of each           combination of both.
instalment is payable before the
commencement of each term.
Fees do not include textbooks.
Please refer to SIM GE website for
the latest fees.

Reasons to study University of Southampton's degree at SIM
A two year degree fully taught   The programme has a unique        The University of Southampton’s
by faculty from the University   compulsory 24-week industrial     research experience in digital
of Southampton, UK               placement component that          marketing offers you an edge
                                 introduces you to exciting new    in the world of marketing
                                 developments in marketing         today revolutionised by the
Curriculum is developed with
                                 practice and valuable work-       Internet and latest technology
practitioner input and has a
                                 related skills
strong emphasis on analytical,
numerical and data
management skills associated     Dissertation in the final year
with modern marketing            provides you with an
                                 opportunity to undertake a
                                 sustained piece of individually
                                 researched academic study,
                                 honing research skills

“Lecturers who are experts in their fields
gave us a comprehensive understanding
of digital marketing, and the technical
aspects of big data analytics. It was truly
an enriching experience to have the
opportunity to learn and interact with
them.” (2017)
Ebrahim Shakir
Senior Digital Specialist, Ogilvy & Mather

                                                  “The diverse yet relevant nature of
                                                  modules has significantly shaped my
                                                  adaptability and understanding towards
                                                  marketing. Having acquired both
                                                  academic knowledge and internship
                                                  experience, I am now hired by one of
                                                  the leading, local manufacturing
                                                  companies in Singapore.” (2017)
                                                  Novina Teo
                                                  Marketing Executive, Polybuilding (S) Pte Ltd

“The dynamics of the marketing industry
have evolved over the years and will constantly
evolve in the future. The programme
recognises these dynamics and allows me
to engage and embrace such changes. With
a focus on digital and analytics, the
programme equips me with specific
knowledge and skills that would bring great
value to the industry.” (2017)
Khairul Fahmi Bin Ahmad Mahbob
Student, MSc Marketing Analytics
University of Southampton

“The knowledge from university
                                            lecturers and my industrial placement
                                            with DeVries Global, exposed me to the
                                            latest trends and changing dynamics of
                                            the marketing industry which I feel is
                                            vital and essential for my career
                                            development.” (2017)
                                            Ryan Chew

“As marketing interns at SPH’s Fastjobs,
we had the chance to apply what we
learnt from school to the real world. The
industrial placement was indeed an
experience that gave us many
opportunities to explore and excel
beyond limits.” (2017)
Guo Yixin & Mabel Ngiang

                                            “Constantly emerging new technologies
                                            have evolved our everyday communications.
                                            My six-month internship with International
                                            Flavors & Fragrances (Asia Pacific) has
                                            endowed me with practical experience
                                            and career networks that not only
                                            enriched my tertiary educational
                                            experience but also groomed us to
                                            be indispensable assets to future
                                            organisations.” (2017)
                                            Easter Lim

Our students learn from
     academic experts in their
     fields and through industrial
     placements, and have the
     chance to solve real-world
     problems as part of their degree

How to Apply                                     Following are the requirements           SIM PL has appointed Etiqa Insurance
Visit           which Singapore Institute of             Pte. Ltd. and Lonpac Insurance Bhd
for the application process, list of             Management Pte Ltd (SIM PL) has          as our FPS insurance providers. Under
required supporting documents,                   put in place:                            the FPS insurance scheme, students’
documents verification process and                                                        fees will be insured by the insurer pre-
more information.                                PEI-Student Contract                     assigned by SIM PL. In case of events
                                                 CPE, in aiming to enhance the            as stated above, students will be
For an international applicant                   confidence of students and their         able to claim their paid fees from the
applying to a full-time programme,               parents in the quality of education      respective FPS insurance provider.
you must submit an online Student’s              in Singapore, has stipulated that
Pass (STP) application form.                     all PEIs must sign a PEI-Student         More details of the FPS can also be
Your Student’s Pass application                  Contract with students. The contract     found in the FPS Instruction Manual,
is subjected to approval of                      sets out the terms and conditions        available at
the Singapore Immigration &                      governing the relationship
Checkpoints Authority (ICA).                     between the student and PEI.             Medical Insurance
                                                 SIM PL will honour all terms and         SIM PL has in place a group medical
Application Fees                                 conditions in the contract and in all    insurance scheme for all its students.
An application fee is payable                    communication materials.                 This medical insurance scheme
for each application form that is                                                         will have a minimum coverage as
submitted. This fee (inclusive of the            Students may request for a copy of       follows: an annual coverage limit
prevailing GST) is non-refundable                the PEI-Student Contract from SIM        of S$20,000 per student, covers
and non-transferable. The fee will be            PL or view it on the CPE website         up to B2 ward in government and
fully refunded only if the intake does           (                        restructured hospitals and provides
not commence. Unpaid applications                                                         for 24 hours coverage in Singapore
will not be processed.                           Cooling-Off Period                       and overseas (if student is involved
                                                 There will be a cooling-off period of    in SIM PL-related activities)
Payment Mode: MasterCard/Visa                    7 working days after signing the PEI-    throughout the course duration.
credit cards or eNETS                            Student Contract. Students have the
                                                 right to cancel the contract within      For more information on medical
                     Local       International
                                                 the 7 working days and be refunded       insurance, visit:
  Application      applicants     applicants     the highest percentage of the fees
    Fees                                         already paid if the students submit
                    S$96.30        S$321.00*     written notice of withdrawal to SIM
                                                 PL within the cooling off period         Refund and Transfer/Withdrawal
*This does not include all fees related to       (refer to Clause 2.3 of PEI-Student      Policies
Student's Pass application.                      Contract). After the cooling-off         For refund and transfer/withdrawal
                                                 period, SIM PL’s refund policy will      policies, please refer to
Private Education Act                            apply.                         
Under the Private Education Act,
legislated in December 2009, a                   Fee Protection Scheme                    Confidentiality
Council for Private Education (CPE)              SIM PL adopts a compulsory Fee           SIM PL is committed to maintaining
was set up to regulate the private               Protection Scheme (FPS) to protect       the confidentiality of the student's
education industry in Singapore.                 the paid fees of both local and          personal information and undertakes
From 03 October 2016, the Council                international students. The FPS          not to divulge any of the student's
for Private Education became                     serves to protect the student’s          personal information to any third
part of a new statutory board -                  fees in the event that the PEI is        party without the prior written
SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). Under              unable to continue operations due        consent of the student SUBJECT TO
the new structure, the SSG Board                 to insolvency, and/or regulatory         the obligation of SIM PL to disclose
appointed the Committee for Private              closure. In addition, the FPS protects   to any Singapore government
Education (CPE) to carry out its                 the student if the PEI fails to pay      authority any information relating
functions and powers relating to                 penalties or return fees to the          to the student in compliance with
private education under the Private              student arising from judgments           the law and/or to the organisation
Education Act.                                   made against it by the Singapore         conferring/awarding the qualification.
All Private Education Institutions
(PEIs) are required to comply with
the regulations under the Act in
order to continue operations.


Singapore Institute of Management Pte Ltd                              Photo Credits
                                                                       Pages 3, 8, 9, 13 & 16: Photos courtesy of University of
461 Clementi Road                                                      Southampton, UK
Singapore 599491
Tel: +65 6248 9746                                                     This brochure contains key information, accurate
                                                                       as at time of print on 3 August 2017. For the most
Fax: +65 6462 9411                                                     updated and complete corporate and programme
                                                                       information, refer to our website at
                                                                       SIM and University of Southampton reserve the right to
E-newsletters Subscription:                  change the information, including fees, herein at any time.          
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