Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm, Forty Acre Lane, Longridge, PR3 2TY - Planning Statement

Page created by Jamie Juarez
Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm, Forty Acre Lane, Longridge, PR3 2TY - Planning Statement
Planning Statement
Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm                 14 January 2019

                                       Meadow Cottage
                                        at Hill Top Farm,
                                        Forty Acre Lane,
                                       Longridge, PR3 2TY

                                           Proposed use of
                                       residential annex and
                                         timber outbuilding
                                             as holiday let

                                       Planning Statement

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Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm, Forty Acre Lane, Longridge, PR3 2TY - Planning Statement
Planning Statement
      Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm                           14 January 2019


1.1   This Planning Statement supports a retrospective planning application to
      allow the use of a single storey detached residential annex and timber
      outbuilding at Hill Top Farm, Thornley with Wheatley, Longridge, as a
      holiday-let cottage.

1.2   The structure was originally constructed in 2013 under (Application ref
      no. 3/2012/1008 ) to provide an office, secure storeroom, meeting
      room, catering facilities and ground source heat pump plant room and
      bulk storage space by refurbishment of an existing timber garage for
      the business operations of Strobe Solutions Ltd. The building was then
      named ‘The Shippon’ at Hill Top Farm.

1.3   In early 2018, the applicant started to run down his business in readiness
      for retirement and collapsed his business operations into the study in the
      main house at Hill Top Farm. This made the separate office premises

1.4   The intention was then to make use of the significant structure and
      facilities as a domestic annex for visiting relatives and a change of use
      from commercial to residential C3 was granted under (Application ref
      no. 3/2018/ 0508) Condition 4 of that permission stated that the building
      ”shall not become a separate planning unit.”

1.5   Almost at the same time, there was a significant reduction in the
      requirement for visiting relatives’ accommodation as the daughter of
      the applicant, her husband and two children had decided to move to
      Longridge in a new property less than 1 mile from the applicant’s home.
      Also 2 elderly parents living abroad became chronically unwell and are
      now medically forbidden to travel to the UK to visit the applicants. These
      developments drastically reduced the need for family visitor

1.6   Faced with the prospect of having a significant building standing idle
      for most of the year, the applicant researched alternative options and
      then became aware of the attractions of using the building as a holiday
      let ‘cottage’.

1.7   The applicant was under the (mistaken) impression that the grant of a
      C3 residential approval would allow such use and therefore renamed
      the premises to ‘Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm’ and entered into a
      contract with Sykes Holiday Cottages acting as booking agents to
      promote the business. Sykes then automatically broadcast the cottage

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Planning Statement
      Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm                             14 January 2019

      across numerous other ‘sister’ web sites and the applicant also set up his
      own dedicated web site. (

1.8   The results have been very positive with an immediate take-up of
      customers and a strong booking calendar well into 2019.


2.1   The main property at Hill Top Farm is an architect designed 4
      bedroomed detached house. The property was built in 2014 under
      (Application ref no. 3/2013/0434 )

2.2   Hill Top Farm House and Meadow Cottage form part of the same tight-
      knit group of buildings. Meadow Cottage stands only 2.5 metres from
      the main farm house and forms part of a ‘U’ shaped development all
      facing onto a shared landscaped / garden area. (PHOTOGRAPH –
      ANNEX 002)

2.3   All of the buildings at Hill Top Farm are located over the brow of the hill
      at the end of a 180metre private drive, so they are not visible to
      pedestrians or vehicles using Forty Acre Lane.

2.4   The nearest buildings to Meadow Cottage are the 4 terraced houses at
      Hill Top Cottages situated approximately 100 metres away. The gap
      between Meadow Cottage and the nearest building at 3 Hill Top
      Cottages is grazing pasture owned by the applicant. There is also a
      farm track linking Hill Top Farm to the track servicing Hill Top Cottages,
      but this is only used occasionally by agricultural service vehicles.

2.5   Hill Top Farm is located outside of the Ribble Valley Area of Natural

2.6   The following planning applications have relevance to the application
      site:-Application 3/2012/0527 : Mr T Blackburn – Proposed Annex (re-
      submission) Application 3/2012/1008 : Mr R Marsden – Demolish
      outbuildings and new office Application 3/2013/0434 : Mr R Marsden –
      Demolish farm house and build new Application 3/2015/ 0420 : Mr R
      Marsden – Discharge of Conditions – materials Application 3/2018/
      0508 : Mr R Marsden – Change of Use – Office to C3 residential

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Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm, Forty Acre Lane, Longridge, PR3 2TY - Planning Statement
Planning Statement
      Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm                             14 January 2019


3.1   As above, following the grant for change of use to C3 Residential, the
      applicant has already renamed the building to ‘Meadow Cottage’ and
      has started to use it as short-term holiday cottage letting. This
      application is for retrospective planning permission to allow for
      continuing use of the cottage and timber outbuilding as a holiday let
      with disabled access.

3.2   The timber outbuilding was used to house ground source plant &
      equipment with spare space being used to store more bulky items for
      business. The requirement for this storage space is now redundant so
      has been reconfigured as a second bedroom.

3.3   Because the building was originally constructed as an office premise,
      there are excellent facilities for guests with limited mobility. viz:
      wheelchair access ramp from car park to main entrance door; outward
      opening extra wide door to shower/wet room; raised disability WC;
      emergency pull chord; facilities for disabled persons to take ‘sit down’
      wet room showers.

3.4   The cottage can house up to 4 residents with both bedrooms having zip
      & link beds offering choice of king-sized double beds or two x 3ft
      singles. There is also a slide out trundle bed in bedroom 1 for use by
      younger guests making bedroom 1 an optional family room.

3.5   There are 2 dedicated parking spaces with tarmac hard standing
      allocated to the cottage but there are at least 6 other parking spaces
      available at Hill Top Farm yard to cope with any short-term demand.
      However, most bookings to date have involved only 1 vehicle. Either
      middle aged couples with teenage children, middle aged couples with
      elderly parents or couples.

3.6   Guest vehicle movements to and from the cottage appear to be
      limited to one or possibly two per day – which is a significant reduction
      from vehicle movements when the building was previously used an
      office. Even so, there were no reported issues or problems during that

3.7   There is also a bicycle rack for 4 cycles to support parties of cyclists on
      activity holidays .

3.8   Meadow Cottage is fully sustainable and ‘GREEN ENERGY’ compliant.
      There is underfloor heating throughout powered by a ground source

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Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm, Forty Acre Lane, Longridge, PR3 2TY - Planning Statement
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      Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm                           14 January 2019

      heat pump working from ground source installation underneath the
      lower meadow. This system also provides hot water but is also
      supplemented by solar water heating panels on the roof. These panels
      are ‘conservation’ grade – designed to look like standard Velux type
      windows, thereby minimising any visual impact. There is a small HETAS
      APPROVED log burning stove installed in the lounge area.

3.9   Meadow Cottage has been internally finished to a very high standard
      both inside and out and has been awarded a 5* category rating by
      Sykes Holiday Cottages and TripAdvisor. The pricing of holiday rentals at
      the cottage has been set to reflect this and marketing is targeted
      predominantly towards middle aged, retired, family, disabled and
      ‘activity holiday’ guests. Because the cottage is so closely situated to
      the applicant’s home, great steps have been taken to ensure that
      unsuitable or rowdy guests will not be allowed. (e.g. hen and stag
      parties and smokers, are not allowed and, despite strong
      recommendations to the contrary by Sykes Cottages, a conscious
      decision not to have a ‘hot tub’ was also taken to prevent any outside
      noisy ‘party’ type activities)


4.1   Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 states
      that decisions should be made in accordance with the development
      plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The
      Development Plan for the purposes of this application comprises the
      Ribble Valley Core Strategy (adopted 2014) and the National Planning
      Policy Framework (NPPF) (2012)

4.2   The Core Strategy forms the central document of the Local
      Development Framework (LDF), 'establishing the vision, underlying
      objectives and key principles that will guide the development of the
      area to 2028. A number of strategic objectives underpin the Core
      Strategy. One of those is to co-ordinate, innovate and diversify
      sustainable tourism, building on our strengths and developing new
      initiatives". The introductory section to the Core Strategy elaborates on
      this Strategic Objective by stating 'tourism was identified at the issues
      and options stage of developing the Core Strategy following intensive
      consultation as an area that should be developed. In order to achieve
      successful tourism development however it is necessary that the
      reasons people visit the Valley in the first place is not destroyed. The
      outstanding natural beauty of the Ribble Valley attracts high numbers of
      visitors each year and tourism. development in the future should be
      sympathetic to this. The concept of sustainable tourism is one that

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      Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm                             14 January 2019

      allows development that will not prejudice the natural environment and
      reason for potential tourism in the first place".

4.3   The following policies are of relevance to the proposal:-

      Key Statement EC3: Visitor Economy - Proposals that contribute to and
      strengthen the visitor economy of Ribble Valley will be encouraged,
      including the creation of new accommodation and tourism facilities
      through the conversion of existing buildings or associated with existing
      attractions. Significant new attractions will be supported, in
      circumstances where they would deliver overall improvements to the
      environment and benefits to local communities and employment

      Policy DMB3: Recreation and tourism development - planning
      permission will be granted for development proposals that extend the
      range of tourism and visitor facilities in the borough. Proposals must be
      physically well related to an existing main settlement or village or to an
      existing group of buildings. The development should not undermine the
      character, quality or visual amenities of the area by virtue of its scale,
      siting, materials or design,

      Policy DMG.1 General Considerations - sets out various criteria to be
      considered in assessing planning applications, including a high
      standard of building design, proposed development being sympathetic
      to existing land uses, highway safety and not adversely affecting the
      amenities of the area.

      Policy DMB1. Supporting Business Growth and the Local Economy -
      proposals that are intended to support business growth and the local
      economy will be supported in principle. The expansion of established
      firms on land outside settlements will be allowed provided it is essential
      to maintain the existing source of employment and can be
      assimilated within the local landscape.

4.4   The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) clearly states that the
      purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of
      sustainable development' (para 6). Paragraph 197 confirms that 'in
      assessing and determining development proposals, local planning
      authorities should apply the presumption in favour of sustainable
      development'. Paragraph 14 sets this out and confirms its purpose at
      the heart of the NPPF. For decision taking this means:

      Approving development proposals that accord with the development
      plan without delay; and where the development plan is absent, silent or
      relevant policies are out of date, granting planning permission unless: -
      any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably

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          Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm                              14 January 2019

          outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this
          framework as a whole; or specific policies in this framework indicate
          development should be restricted.

4.5       The NPPF (paras 2, 11, 12 and 196) confirms that applications for
          planning permission are required to be determined in accordance with
          the development plan unless material considerations indicate

4.6       The framework lists 12 core planning principles which should underpin
          decision taking. Within the core principles (para. 17), the following policy
          references are relevant to this application:

          Support sustainable economic development to deliver the businesses...
          that the country needs take account of the different roles and
          character of different areas... recognising the intrinsic character and
          beauty of the countryside and supporting thriving rural communities
          within it ... respond positively to wider opportunities for growth ... deliver
          sufficient community and cultural facilities and services to meet local

4.7       Supporting a prosperous rural economy section of the Framework states
          that planning should support economic growth in rural areas in order to
          create jobs and prosperity by taking a positive approach to sustainable
          new development. To promote a strong rural economy, sustainable
          growth and expansion of all types of business and enterprise in rural
          areas, both through conversion of existing buildings and well-designed
          new buildings should be supported. In addition, sustainable rural tourism
          and leisure developments that benefit businesses in rural areas,
          communities and visitors, and which respect the character of the
          countryside should also be looked upon favourably according to para.


5.1       This section of the planning statement will seek to justify the
          acceptability of the proposed development and demonstrate its
          accordance with the development plan and national planning policy.
          The main points therefore to consider are:



         HIGHWAYS

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5.2   Principle of Holiday Accommodation - Both the Ribble Valley Core
      Strategy and the NPPF prioritise the growth of the rural economy and
      see the promotion of rural sustainable tourism as a way in which this can
      be achieved. Core Strategy Key Statement EC3 (Visitor Economy) sets
      out how the Council will encourage the creation of new
      accommodation and tourism facilities. Whilst the proposal comprises a
      relatively minor facility, it should be noted that smaller holiday
      accommodation including independent bed and breakfasts and single
      self-catering units contribute significantly towards the overall capacity of
      visitor accommodation across the Borough and the application
      proposal further extends the range of visitor facilities. The proposal would
      constitute the re-use of an existing building for holiday
      accommodation, consistent with Core Strategy. Key Statement EC3:
      Visitor Economy.

5.3   The location of Meadow Cottage provides multiple benefits for visitors. It
      is situated in a peaceful, secluded and secure location with stunning
      views of the Fylde Coast, Beacon Fell, Bleasdale Fells, Parlick Fell,
      Chipping and the Lowd Valley and beyond, but is within walking
      distance of Longridge centre, where there are a multitude of shops,
      pubs, restaurants, take-aways and numerous other facilities.

5.4   For activity lovers, there is a public footpath running across Hill Top Farm
      right outside Meadow Cottage giving immediate access to Longridge
      Fell eastwards or Thornley and Longridge westwards. There is a
      swimming pool at the nearby Beacon View holiday camp and
      Longridge Golf Club is about 1 mile away.

5.5   The site location is therefore ideal for holiday accommodation, being
      within easy reach of numerous visitor attractions whilst also being
      located on the edge of the Ribble Valley Area of Natural Beauty. It is
      therefore submitted that this application is fully compliant with Core
      Strategy Policy DMB3 and would contribute towards the aims of Key
      Statement EC3 and is acceptable in principle in this location.

5.6   Amenity - Given the location, design and scale of the
      accommodation being proposed, it is suggested that permitting the
      proposal would not create any adverse amenity aspects. As outlined
      above, the building has been in continuous use for almost 5 years as
      offices and operations centre for an SME computer company and
      there have been no known concerns or representations from
      neighbouring properties in relation to vehicle movements or noise
      during that time. Again, as stated in 3.6, the number of vehicle and
      person movements to and from the site will now be dramatically
      reduced when used as holiday accommodation.

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5.7   There are no potential overlooking or privacy issues as Meadow Cottage
      is totally contained within the land owned by the applicant – with the
      nearest buildings at least 100 metres away.

5.8   It is submitted that allowing this application would have no impact on
      Amenity and as such is compliant with Policy DMG1 (General

5.9   Highways - The entrance to this site is off Forty Acre Lane. This lane is
      designated a ‘Quiet Lane’ and traffic movements along the lane during
      daylight hours is estimated at around 10 - 15 movements per hour. The
      design of the access gates, vehicle refuge curtilage and 150 metre
      private access road with vehicle passing place are all designed to
      minimise any potential traffic issues. Vehicles emerging from the site
      have an interrupted view of circa 200m metres each way. Again,
      during the last 5 years whilst used as office premises, there have been
      no reported issues of vehicular problems. The overall site at Hill top Farm
      provides 2 private garaged spaces for the applicant’s vehicles and
      circa 12 tarmac hard standing visitor parking spaces, 2 of which are
      dedicated to Meadow Cottage.

5.10 It is suggested that the reduced number of vehicle movements to and
     from the site will actually lessen any potential impact either on Forty
     Acre Lane or the local road network generally. As such it is submitted
     that the application complies with Policy DMG1 (General

5.11 Other Relevant Considerations - This proposal represents an
     economically beneficial use which not only provides a retirement
     income for the applicants, but which also contributes to the local
     economy. For instance, the contract for cottage cleaning and
     management of guest change-over days has been given to a local
     start-up contract cleaning company employing cleaners from the
     Longridge area. Laundry and ironing services have been given to
     another local lady with a start-up ironing business and garden
     maintenance and window cleaning are again locally sourced. All
     consumables and contents of guest ‘welcome packs’ are sourced from
     local grocery suppliers.

5.12 The applicant has negotiated preferential discount rates for guests
     staying at Meadow Cottage with several restaurants in the wider Ribble
     Valley area – this promotes eating out - again promoting additional
     revenue for local businesses.

5.13 The applicant has gone to a great deal of effort to actively promote
     The Ribble Valley on the Meadow Cottage website (www.meadow- He has also become an active member of The Ribble

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      Valley Tourism Association and has subscribed to advertise in the 2019
      edition of ‘Visit Ribble Valley’ magazine.

5.14 It is suggested that this development represents sustainable economic
     growth which is encouraged by government planning policy – which
     states that decision makers at all levels should do all they can to
     promote growth, particularly of the rural economy.


6.1   It is submitted that this Planning Statement supports the acceptability of
      the use of the single storey annex and timber outbuilding at Hill Top
      Farm, Forty Acre Lane as holiday accommodation.

6.2   The above information demonstrates that the proposal represents
      sustainable economic growth which is promoted within national and
      local planning policies, particularly in rural communities.

6.3   Meadow Cottage is ideally located to provide quality tourist
      accommodation and helps to sustain local services.

6.4   The information provided also demonstrates why the proposal would not
      lead to any negative amenity or adverse highways implications.

6.5   The NPPF states that local planning authorities should approach
      decision taking in a positive way to foster the delivery of sustainable
      development and look for solutions rather than problems.

6.6   Decision takers at every level of the planning process are encouraged
      to approve applications for sustainable development where possible
      and this application invites the Council to adopt this approach and
      permit this application.

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Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm                       14 January 2019

IMAGE 1 – View of Hill Top Farm with Meadow cottage including timber
outbuilding to the right

IMAGE 2 – Aerial Shot with Meadow cottage including timber
outbuilding to the bottom right

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Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm                       14 January 2019

IMAGE 3 – View of house with Meadow cottage including outbuilding to
the right

IMAGE 4 – Meadow cottage including timber outbuilding

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     Meadow Cottage at Hill Top Farm        14 January 2019


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