"Measurement Olympics" - For further information contact - Polk County Public Schools

Page created by Henry Fleming
"Measurement Olympics" - For further information contact - Polk County Public Schools
“Measurement Olympics”
                                               For further information contact…

                                               Leslie Fernbaugh
                                                 Churchwell Elementary
                                              8201 Park Byrd Road • RTE A
                                                   Lakeland, FL 33810

                               2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence

n PROGR AM OVERVIEW                          Death Grip students squeeze a wet                        Measurement Olympics can be
                                             sponge with one hand one time above                 implemented for any grade level or
     Measurement Olympics was
                                             a measuring cup to measure how much                 number of students. It is a completely
designed to be a culminating hands-on
                                             water they are able to squeeze from the             flexible program capable of meeting the
activity at the end of the second grade
                                             sponge.                                             needs of the students and the resources
measurement unit. The objective of
                                                  A t C h u r c h w e l l E l e m e n t a r y,   available to the teachers.
the program is to provide students with
multiple hands-on opportunities using        Measurement Olympics is held on
standard and alternative measurement         one day. Each second grade teacher
tools to measure a variety of lengths        manages one event. At the end of the                n OVER ALL VALUE
in inches, feet, and centimeters and         day, students participate in the Closing
                                                                                                     I believe Measurement Olympics
capacity in cups. This program will allow    Ceremony where medals are given.
                                                                                                 is a powerful program that will create
students to increase their measurement       Classrooms are teamed together, and
                                                                                                 everlasting memories of measurement.
abilities. This program also promotes        the top three measurement winners for
                                                                                                 Students are actively engaged in every
social interactions as students encourage    each event between the two classes
                                                                                                 event and are allowed to take ownership
each other during each event.                receive a gold, silver, or bronze medal
                                                                                                 of the hands-on measurement tasks
                                             for their respective achievement. Since
    This program was developed to                                                                instead of just completing a reproduced
                                             there are six second grade classes,
provide all second grade students at                                                             worksheet.
                                             there are three gold medal winners,
Churchwell Elementary School more                                                                     This program not only provides
                                             three silver medal winners, and three
opportunities for hands-on measurement                                                           multiple measurement opportunities,
                                             bronze medal winners for each event.
practice. All students, including ESE                                                            it also promotes valuable skills like
                                             Measurement Olympics c an be
(E xc eptional Student Educ ation)                                                               cooperation and teamwork. Students
                                             implemented as a grade level or by an
students, are able to participate in this                                                        encourage one another and help build
                                             individual teacher. It may be completed
program. Measurement Olympics can                                                                a positive nonthreatening learning
                                             in one day where students rotate from
be adapted for grades K-5.                                                                       environment. Seeing the smiles of
                                             one event to another event or over
     Measurement Olympics is a series        several different days. Volunteers were             the students as they participate in
of six events and culminates with an         also invited to participate in making this          this program will make every teacher
awards ceremony. Students participate        program run smoothly.                               realize what a wonder ful program
in an Opening Ceremony where they                                                                Measurement Olympics is for every
                                                  Churchwell Elementary School is a
are introduced to the history of the                                                             student.
                                             Title 1 school that has not met AYP since
Olympics before beginning any of the
                                             the 2006-2007 school year. The first
events. Students will experience events
                                             year this program was implemented, 122
such as Olympic Golf where a cotton
                                             second graders were able to participate
ball is hit with a golf club and measure
                                             in the program. In the 2010-2011 school
the distance they were able to hit the
                                             year, 77 second graders participated in
cotton ball in feet and inches. In Olympic
                                             Measurement Olympics.
"Measurement Olympics" - For further information contact - Polk County Public Schools
“Measurement Olympics”                                    Leslie Fernbaugh

n LESSON PLAN TITLES                       n MATERIALS                                 n ABOUT THE DEVELOPER
 1. Opening Ceremony                           At Churchwell Elementary School,              Leslie Fernbaugh received her
 2. Olympic Golf                           the second grade teachers and students      Bachelor of Arts degree in 2004 from
                                           spend the afternoon outside where           Augustana College in Rock Island,
 3. Olympic Smiles                         students rotate from one event area         Illinois. In 2009, she earned her Master
 4. Olympic Frisbee                        to another.                                 of Scienc e degree from Walden
                                               This program can be implemented in      University. She is certified to teach
 5. Olympic Flying High
                                           several ways. Measurement Olympics          Elementary Education, English Speakers
 6. Olympic Death Grip                                                                 of Other Languages, and Middle School
                                           may take place inside the classroom
 7. Olympic High Jump                      or outside. Materials for each activity     Language Arts.
 8. Closing Ceremony                       are listed in the lesson plan. Computer,        She began teaching in Osceola
                                           projector, CD player, rulers, scissors,     County in 2004, and has taught second
 The lessons for the specific events can
                                           chart paper, pencil, and paper are          grade at Churchwell Elementary School
   be arranged in any order.
                                           materials supplied by school. The           in Polk County since August 2007.
                                           materials budget, found after the lesson
                                           plan, includes the list of supplies not                    HHH
                                           provided by the school, including pricing
                                           and vendors.

                             2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence
"Measurement Olympics" - For further information contact - Polk County Public Schools
“Measurement Olympics”                                         Leslie Fernbaugh
                                       Lesson Plan No 1: Opening Ceremony

n SUBJECTS COVERED                               n DIRECTIONS                                   n EVALUATION /
Social Studies, Mathematics                           Gather all of the students who will be      ASSESSMENT
                                                 participating in Measurement Olympics              Students will be informally assessed
                                                 to one location that is equipped with a        through their summarizer and through
n GR ADES                                        projector and a computer. As students          teacher observation as they share with
Second                                           enter the room, have the song “Bugler’s        classmates.
                                                 Dream and Olympic Fanfare Medley”
                                                 by NBC Presents Summon the Heroes
n OBJECTIVES                                     playing. This song is NBC’s theme song
                                                 for the Olympics and will help set the
                                                                                                n ADDITIONAL
•    Students will learn about the history       tone for the events.                             INFORMATION
     of the Olympics                                                                                Request a copy of the PowerPoint
                                                     With the use of a PowerPoint
•    Students will be introduced to the          presentation, students will learn about        presentation on the Olympics by
     Measurement Olympics Events.                the history of the Olympics. They will         contacting the developer.
                                                 learn why the Olympics started, what the
                                                 colors of the rings mean, and how the
n SUNSHINE STATE                                 Olympics have change over time.
  STANDARDS                                           After that, students will be introduced                  HHH
SS.2.A.1.2: Utilize the media center,            to the events of Measurement Olympics.
   technology, or other informational            Students will hear a description of each
   sources to locate information that            event and the type of measurement that
   provides answers to questions                 is required. The teacher will explain the
   about a historical topic.                     Measurement Olympic Data sheet where
                                                 students will record their estimates and
M A . 2 .G . 3 .1: E s t i m a t e a n d u s e   actual measurements for each event.
    standard units, including inches             Discuss how students are responsible
    and centimeters, to partition and            for the sheet and should keep it in a
    measure lengths of objects.                  safe place such as a folder while they
MA.2.G.5.4: Measure weight/mass                  are participating in all the events for
  and capacity/volume of objects.                the day.
  Including the use of appropriate unit               On a piece of paper, students
  of measure and their abbreviations             will write a summary that includes
  including cups, pints, quarts, gallons,        three things they learned about the
  ounces (oz), pounds (lb), grams (g),           Olympics, two events they are excited
  kilograms (kg), milliliters (mL), and          for, and one sentence about how
  liters (L).                                    they will use measurement in the
                                                 events. Once all students are done,
n MATERIALS                                      have students Mix Pair Share what
    • Computer                                   they wrote. Collect all papers before
    • Projector                                  students leave for events.
    • “Bugler’s Dream and Olympic
      Fanfare Medley” by NBC Presents
      Summon the Heroes
    • CD player
    • PowerPoint presentation on the
    • Paper
    • Pencil

                                  2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence
"Measurement Olympics" - For further information contact - Polk County Public Schools
“Measurement Olympics”                                         Leslie Fernbaugh
                                             Lesson Plan No 2: Olympic Golf

n SUBJECTS COVERED                               n DIRECTIONS                                    n EVALUATION /
Mathematics                                            All materials for this event are stored     ASSESSMENT
                                                 in a 16 quart container for convenience.        1.   Teachers will observe students at
                                                 The teacher will set up the materials and            each event.
n GR ADES                                        the two cones. One cone is where all
                                                                                                 2. Students will record estimate and
Second                                           students will tee up their cotton ball and
                                                                                                    measurement data on a chart.
                                                 hit from. The second cone is for students
                                                 to line up behind so that they stay a safe      3. Students’ skills will be assessed
                                                 distance away from the golfer as he or             based on criteria established from
n OBJECTIVES                                                                                        the rubric to determine their level of
                                                 she swings the club.
•     Students will measure how far they                                                            mastery.
      are able to hit a cotton ball with a           The teacher will model the event for
      golf club in inches and feet.              the students, explaining that the way the
                                                 face of the club is aimed is where the
                                                 cotton ball will go and how to measure          n ADDITIONAL
                                                 from the cone to the cotton ball using a          INFORMATION
n SUNSHINE STATE                                 tape measure.                                       See attached Measurement Olympic
  STANDARDS                                           All students will take turns to practice   Rubric for Evaluation and Assessment
M A . 2 .G . 3 .1: E s t i m a t e a n d u s e   hitting a cotton ball with a golf club. After   Information
    standard units, including inches             practicing, students will estimate how far
    and centimeters, to partition and            they think they can hit the cotton ball.
    measure lengths of objects.
                                                     Students will partner up to find a
                                                 measurement buddy. This person will
                                                 help hold the end of the tape measure
n MATERIALS                                      at measurement time.
    • 2 plastic golf clubs                            A cotton ball will be placed next to
    • Bag of cotton balls                        the cone to mark where the cotton ball
                                                 is teed up. One student will hit the cotton
    • Tape measure                               ball. Using a tape measure, one student
    • 2 cones                                    will hold the end of the tape measure at
    • 16 quart container                         the starting cone, while the golfer takes
                                                 the tape measure out to the cotton ball
                                                 and reads the measurement. Students
                                                 will measure the distance the cotton ball
                                                 traveled in feet and inches and record it
                                                 on their chart. Partners will switch roles
                                                 and repeat the process.
                                                     All students will participate. While
                                                 not golfing, all students are expected
                                                 to cheer on their classmates during
                                                 the event.

                                  2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence
"Measurement Olympics" - For further information contact - Polk County Public Schools
“Measurement Olympics”                                         Leslie Fernbaugh
                                           Lesson Plan No 3: Olympic Smiles

n SUBJECTS COVERED                               n DIRECTIONS                                       Students will record the measurement
                                                                                                of how wide their smile is on their data
Mathematics                                           All materials for this event are stored   chart. Be sure to explain that even
                                                 in a 16 quart container for convenience.       though they are measuring the width
                                                 The teacher will need to precut string         of their partner’s smile, they are only
n GR ADES                                        ahead of the event. At the event, teacher      recording the width of their smile.
Second                                           will need to lay out the materials needed      Partners will switch roles and repeat
                                                 for the event so they can easily pass out      the process.
                                                 all of the materials.
n OBJECTIVES                                          The teacher will model the event
•     Students will measure how wide             for the students, explaining how to use        n EVALUATION /
                                                 the string to measure a smile and then
      their smile is using a piece of yarn
                                                 figure out the measurement of the string
      as an alternative measuring tool and
                                                 by using a ruler.                              1.   Teachers will observe students at
      then measure the piece of yarn in
                                                                                                     each event.
      centimeters using a ruler.                      Students will estimate how wide they
                                                 think their smiles are in centimeters on       2. Students will record estimate and
                                                 their date chart.                                 measurement data on a chart.
n SUNSHINE STATE                                     Students will partner up to find a         3. Students’ skills will be assessed
  STANDARDS                                      measurement buddy. The teacher will               based on criteria established from
                                                 pass out two pieces of string and one             the rubric to determine their level of
M A . 2 .G . 3 .1: E s t i m a t e a n d u s e                                                     mastery.
                                                 ruler to each set of partners.
    standard units, including inches
    and centimeters, to partition and                 Partner one will measure the smile
    measure lengths of objects.                  of partner two by holding a piece of
                                                 string to their smile. Students will pinch     n ADDITIONAL
                                                 the ends of the string at the corners of         INFORMATION
                                                 their partner’s mouth.                             See attached Measurement Olympic
                                                     Once the yarn is pinched off to the        Rubric for Evaluation and Assessment
    • Skein of yarn                              correct measurement, partner two will          Information
    • One pair of scissors                       hold the ruler up so the partner one
    • Eight rulers                               may measure the length of the yarn in
    • 16 quart container
                                                 centimeters to determine the width of his                     HHH
                                                 or her partner’s smile.

                                  2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence
"Measurement Olympics" - For further information contact - Polk County Public Schools
“Measurement Olympics”                                        Leslie Fernbaugh
                                          Lesson Plan No 4: Olympic Frisbee

n SUBJECTS COVERED                               n DIRECTIONS                                    reads the measurement. Students will
                                                                                                 measure the distance the paper plate
Mathematics                                            All materials for this event are stored   traveled in feet and inches and record it
                                                 in a 16 quart container for convenience.        on their chart. Partners will switch roles
                                                 The teacher will set up the materials           and repeat the process.
n GR ADES                                        and the two cones. One cone is where
                                                 all students will throw their paper plate            All students will participate. While
Second                                                                                           not throwing, all students are expected
                                                 from. The second cone is for students
                                                 to line up behind so that they stay a safe      to cheer on their classmates during
                                                 distance away from the participant.             the event.
•       Students will measure how far they            The teacher will model the event for
        are able to throw a paper plate like     the students and explain how to measure
                                                 from the cone to the paper plate using a        n EVALUATION /
        a Frisbee using feet and inches.
                                                 tape measure.                                     ASSESSMENT
                                                     All students will take turns to practice    1.   Teachers will observe students at
                                                 throwing the paper plate like a Frisbee.             each event.
                                                 After practicing, students will estimate        2. Students will record estimate and
  STANDARDS                                      how far they think they can throw the              measurement data on a chart.
M A . 2 .G . 3 .1: E s t i m a t e a n d u s e   paper plate.
    standard units, including inches                                                             3. Students’ skills will be assessed
                                                     Students will partner up to find a             based on criteria established from
    and centimeters, to partition and
                                                 measurement buddy. This person will                the rubric to determine their level of
    measure lengths of objects.
                                                 help hold the end of the tape measure              mastery.
                                                 at measurement time.
                                                      One student will throw his or her
n MATERIALS                                      Frisbee from the cone. With their               n ADDITIONAL
    •   Package of paper plates                  partner, students will measure the                INFORMATION
    •   Two cones                                distance his or her Frisbee was able
                                                 to travel in inches and feet. Using a               See attached Measurement Olympic
    •   Tape measure                                                                             Rubric for Evaluation and Assessment
                                                 tape measure, one student will hold the
    •   16 quart container                       end of the tape measure at the starting         Information
                                                 cone, while the thrower takes the tape
                                                 measure out to the paper plate and

                                  2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence
"Measurement Olympics" - For further information contact - Polk County Public Schools
“Measurement Olympics”                                         Leslie Fernbaugh
                                       Lesson Plan No 5: Olympic Flying High

n SUBJECTS COVERED                               n DIRECTIONS                                   n EVALUATION /
Mathematics                                           All materials for this event are stored     ASSESSMENT
                                                 in a 16 quart container for convenience.       1.   Teachers will observe students at
                                                 The teacher will set up the materials and           each event.
n GR ADES                                        the two cones. Students will stand at
                                                                                                2. Students will record estimate and
Second                                           one cone and throw their airplane. The
                                                                                                   measurement data on a chart.
                                                 second cone is for students to line up
                                                 behind so that they stay a safe distance       3. Students’ skills will be assessed
                                                 away from the participant.                        based on criteria established from
n OBJECTIVES                                                                                       the rubric to determine their level of
•       Students will make a paper airplane          The teacher will model the event for
        and measure how far they are able        the students, explaining how to measure
        to throw it using feet and inches.       from the cone to their airplane using a
                                                 tape measure. The teacher will pass out
                                                 a piece of paper to all the students.          n ADDITIONAL
                                                       Students will be given time to make        INFORMATION
                                                 a paper airplane and practice throwing             See attached Measurement Olympic
  STANDARDS                                      it. After practicing, students will estimate   Rubric for Evaluation and Assessment
M A . 2 .G . 3 .1: E s t i m a t e a n d u s e   how far they think they throw their            Information
    standard units, including inches             airplane and record that information on
    and centimeters, to partition and            their data chart.
    measure lengths of objects.
                                                     Students will partner up to find a
                                                 measurement buddy. This person will                           HHH
                                                 help hold the end of the tape measure
n MATERIALS                                      at measurement time.
    •   Ream of paper                                One student will throw his or her
    •   Two cones                                airplane from the cone to mark the
                                                 starting location. With their partner,
    •   Tape measure
                                                 students will measure the distance his
    •   16 quart container                       or her airplane was able to fly in feet
                                                 and inches. Using a tape measure, one
                                                 student will hold the end of the tape
                                                 measure at the starting cone, while
                                                 the thrower takes the tape measure
                                                 out to his or her airplane and reads the
                                                 measurement. Students will measure
                                                 the distance their airplane traveled in
                                                 feet and inches and record it on their
                                                 chart. Partners will switch roles and
                                                 repeat the process.
                                                      All students will participate. While
                                                 not throwing, all students are expected
                                                 to cheer on their classmates during
                                                 the event.

                                  2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence
"Measurement Olympics" - For further information contact - Polk County Public Schools
“Measurement Olympics”                                      Leslie Fernbaugh
                                   Lesson Plan No 6: Olympic Death Grip

n SUBJECTS COVERED                          n DIRECTIONS                                        Students will grab a sponge from
                                                                                           a bucket of water. With one hand, they
Mathematics                                      All materials for this event are stored   will squeeze the sponge one time over
                                            in a 16 quart container for convenience.       a measuring cup. Then, students will
                                            The teacher will set up three stations for     read how much water they were able
n GR ADES                                   the event. The stations can be placed          to squeeze from the sponge. Students
Second                                      on a table, desk, or the sidewalk. One         will record the measurement on their
                                            container will be placed at each station.      data chart.
                                            A measuring cup will be placed inside
                                            each container. The sponges will be                 All students will participate. While
n OBJECTIVES                                                                               waiting, all students are expected to cheer
                                            placed in the bucket of water and set in a
•    Students will measure how much         location accessible from each station.         on their classmates during the event.
     water they are able to squeeze from
     a sponge using cups                         The teacher will model the event for
                                            the student, explaining that one hand will
                                            be placed behind their back while they         n EVALUATION /
                                            will grab the sponge with the other hand         ASSESSMENT
n SUNSHINE STATE                            and squeeze the sponge one time. The           1. Teachers will observe students at
  STANDARDS                                 teacher will model how to measure the             each event.
MA.2.G.5.4: Measure weight/mass             liquid they were able to squeeze into the      2. Students will record estimate and
  and capacity/volume of objects.           measuring cup.                                    measurement data on a chart.
  Including the use of appropriate unit         All students will take turns to practice   3. Students’ skills will be assessed
  of measure and their abbreviations        squeezing the sponge one time. After              based on criteria established from
  including cups, pints, quarts, gallons,   practicing, students will estimate how            the rubric to determine their level of
  ounces (oz), pounds (lb), grams (g),      much water they are able to squeeze               mastery.
  kilograms (kg), milliliters (mL), and     from the sponge and record it on their
  liters (L).                               data chart.
                                                Students will partner up to find a         n ADDITIONAL
                                            measurement buddy. This person will              INFORMATION
n MATERIALS                                 help read the amount of liquid in the              See attached Measurement Olympic
                                            measuring cup.                                 Rubric for Evaluation and Assessment
    • Three sponges
    • Bucket of water                                                                      Information
    • Three 16 quart containers
    • Three 2 cup or larger measuring                                                                      HHH

                              2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence
"Measurement Olympics" - For further information contact - Polk County Public Schools
“Measurement Olympics”                                        Leslie Fernbaugh
                                       Lesson Plan No 7: Olympic High Jump

n SUBJECTS COVERED                               n DIRECTIONS                                   n EVALUATION /
Mathematics                                           All materials for this event are stored     ASSESSMENT
                                                 in a 16 quart container for convenience.       1.   Teachers will observe students at
                                                 Prior to the event, the teacher will need           each event.
n GR ADES                                        to hang a large piece of chart paper
                                                                                                2. Students will record estimate and
Second                                           to a wall. The teacher will set up the
                                                                                                   measurement data on a chart.
                                                 remaining materials and one cone. The
                                                 cone is for students to line up behind so      3. Students’ skills will be assessed
                                                 that they stay a safe distance away from          based on criteria established from
n OBJECTIVES                                                                                       the rubric to determine their level of
                                                 the participant.
•       Students will measure how high                                                             mastery.
        they are able to jump using feet and         The teacher will model the event
        inches.                                  for the student, explaining safety
                                                 precautions as they jump by the wall
                                                 and how to measure from the ground to          n ADDITIONAL
                                                 the wet mark left by the sponge using a          INFORMATION
n SUNSHINE STATE                                 tape measure.                                      See attached Measurement Olympic
  STANDARDS                                          All students will take turns to practice   Rubric for Evaluation and Assessment
M A . 2 .G . 3 .1: E s t i m a t e a n d u s e   jumping next to the wall and hitting           Information
    standard units, including inches             it without a sponge. After practicing,
    and centimeters, to partition and            students will estimate how high they
    measure lengths of objects.                  think they can jump.
                                                     Students will partner up to find a                        HHH
                                                 measurement buddy. This person will
n MATERIALS                                      help hold the end of the tape measure
                                                 at measurement time.
    •   One sponge
    •   Bucket of water                               Students will get the sponge from
                                                 the bucket of water. They will jump up
    •   Chart paper
                                                 holding the wet sponge in one hand and
    •   Tape measure                             touch the paper. With a partner, students
    •   One cone                                 will then measure how high they were
    •   16 quart container                       able to jump by measuring the distance
                                                 from the ground to the wet spot they
                                                 created on the chart paper in feet and
                                                 inches using a tape measure. Students
                                                 will record the data on their data chart.
                                                 Partners will switch roles and repeat
                                                 the process.
                                                     All students will participate. While
                                                 not jumping, all students are expected
                                                 to cheer on their classmates during
                                                 the event.

                                  2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence
"Measurement Olympics" - For further information contact - Polk County Public Schools
“Measurement Olympics”                                       Leslie Fernbaugh
                                        Lesson Plan No 8: Closing Ceremony

n SUBJECTS COVERED                               n DIRECTIONS                                 n EVALUATION /
Social Studies, Mathematics                          The teacher will collect all student       ASSESSMENT
                                                 data charts prior to closing ceremonies          Students will be informally assessed
                                                 and determine who will receive the           through their summarizer and through
n GR ADES                                        gold, silver, and bronze awards for each     teacher observation as they share with
Second                                           Measurement Olympic event.                   classmates.
                                                     All of the students who participated
                                                 in Measurement Olympics will gather
n OBJECTIVES                                     in one location. As students enter the       n ADDITIONAL
•     Students will come back together, be       room, have the song “Bugler’s Dream            INFORMATION
      recognized for their achievements,         and Olympic Fanfare Medley” by NBC
                                                 Presents Summon the Heroes playing.               Ask for a volunteer to build a podium
      and share their Measurement                                                             for the Closing Ceremony.
      Olympic experiences with others.           This song is NBC’s theme song for the
                                                 Olympics and will help set the tone for
                                                 the events.

n SUNSHINE STATE                                      Students will write a summary about
                                                 what they learned by participating in                       HHH
  STANDARDS                                      Measurement Olympics. Focus student
SS.2.A.1.2: Utilize the media center,            writing on the measurement portion of
   technology, or other informational            the events. Once all students are done
   sources to locate information that            writing, have students Mix Pair Share
   provides answers to questions                 what they wrote. Collect all papers.
   about a historical topic.
                                                      Teacher will pass out Participant
M A . 2 .G . 3 .1: E s t i m a t e a n d u s e   medals to all students in recognition of
    standard units, including inches             their hard work and participation.
    and centimeters, to partition and
                                                      Then recognize the first, second, and
    measure lengths of objects.
                                                 third place winners for each event. Have
MA.2.G.5.4: Measure weight/mass                  students come and stand on podium to
  and capacity/volume of objects.                receive their medal if one is available.
  Including the use of appropriate unit          When all medals are given out, replay
  of measure and their abbreviations             the song “Bugler’s Dream and Olympic
  including cups, pints, quarts, gallons,        Fanfare Medley” as Measurement
  ounces (oz), pounds (lb), grams (g),           Olympics comes to an end.
  kilograms (kg), milliliters (mL), and
  liters (L).

    • “Bugler’s Dream and Olympic
      Fanfare Medley” by NBC Presents
      Summon the Heroes
    • CD player
    • Winner medals
    • Participant medals
    • Paper
    • Pencil
    • Podium for first, second, and third
      place (optional)

                                  2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence
“Measurement Olympics”         Leslie Fernbaugh
            Additional Information

   2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence
“Measurement Olympics”       Leslie Fernbaugh
        Measurement Olympics Rubric

   2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence
“Measurement Olympics”                                 Leslie Fernbaugh
                                    Lesson Plans Materials Budget

                                       Materials Budget
    Supplier	          Item Description	                                       Cost        Quantity	Total Cost

 Orientaltrading.com    Goldtone “Winner” Medals package of a dozen             $4.00           10              $40.00
 		                     Colorful Traffic Cones set of a dozen                  $12.99           1                $12.99
 		                     Silver “2nd Place” Medallions package of a dozen        $4.00           2                 $8.00
 		                     Bronze “3rd Place” Medallions package of a dozen        $4.00           2                 $8.00
 		                     “Super Star Gold” Medals package of a dozen             $4.00           2                 $8.00
 Jo Ann’s Fabric Store  Skein of yarn                                           $4.99           1                 $4.99
 Target		               Set of toy plastic golf clubs                           $9.99           1                 $9.99
  		                    Up & Up bag of 200 jumbo size cotton balls              $2.34           1                 $2.34
  		                    25 foot tape measure                                    $7.99           4               $31.96
  		                    Up & Up package of 120 paper plates                     $3.99           1                 $3.99
  		                    O-Cell-O 2 pack sponges                                 $1.99           3                 $5.97
  		                    14 quart pail                                           $4.14           2                 $8.28
  		                    2 1/2 cup measuring cup                                 $1.99           3                 $5.97
  		                    16 quart box container                                  $3.99           8               $31.92
 iTunes		               “Bugler’s Dream and Olympic Fanfare Medley” -
 		                     NBC Presents Summon the Heroes                          $0.99           1                 $0.99

 		                     Supply List is based on need for 120 students.
                                                                                           Subtotal           $183.39
                                                                                  Tax if applicable              $7.37
                 Leslie Fernbaugh
Teacher’s Name___________________________________                           Shipping if applicable               11.99

                 Churchwell Elementary
School:__________________________________________                                          TOTAL
                                                                                         BUDGET               $202.75

                            2011 - 2012 Idea Catalog of Excellence
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