Medicare-Eligible Retiree Plans - 2020 The Boeing Company - Blue Cross and Blue Shield ...

Page created by Ben Tran
Medicare-Eligible Retiree Plans - 2020 The Boeing Company - Blue Cross and Blue Shield ...
The Boeing Company
This is a                        Member
Boeing Well Being Partner    Information Guide


      Medicare-Eligible Retiree Plans                888-802-8776
Medicare-Eligible Retiree Plans - 2020 The Boeing Company - Blue Cross and Blue Shield ...

Welcome to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois..................................................................... 2
Frequently Asked Questions.......................................................................................................... 5
Using Your Online Resources......................................................................................................... 7
Blue Cross Blue Shield Global® Core............................................................................................ 9
Blue Distinction® Specialty Care.................................................................................................. 11
Filing a Claim................................................................................................................................... 13
Understanding Your Explanation of Benefits Statement....................................................... 15
Health Insurance Fraud................................................................................................................ 17
Fitness Program............................................................................................................................. 19
Behavioral Health.......................................................................................................................... 20
24/7 Nurseline................................................................................................................................ 21
Other Boeing Benefits.................................................................................................................. 22
Express Scripts® Prescription Benefit Services........................................................................ 23
Davis VisionSM................................................................................................................................. 24
Important Information................................................................................................................. 25
Contact Information At a Glance..................................................................................Back Cover
                                                                          1                                                            888-802-8776
Medicare-Eligible Retiree Plans - 2020 The Boeing Company - Blue Cross and Blue Shield ...
Welcome to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois
Preventive care may help you have a healthier life, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL)
understands this. For more than 80 years, BCBSIL has provided health care benefits and services to
the members and communities we serve. Through these covered services plans, BCBSIL provides
members with access to programs and support to help them become knowledgeable health care
consumers, make smart health care choices and manage their well-being.
This information guide is for Boeing Medicare Retiree members enrolled in a plan administered
• Traditional and Basic Indemnity plans              • 80/20 Traditional Medical Plan Indemnity
• Catastrophic plan                                  • 80/20 HSM plan
• 90/10 Indemnity plan                               • 80/20 Indemnity plan
                                                  2                                    888-802-8776
We Are Here to Help

BCBSIL knows that the choices you make
every day can affect your health now and in                 If You Have Questions
the future. We have a wide variety of tools
                                                            For details on your medical coverage, including
and resources to help you plan and manage                   deductibles, copayments, coinsurance and covered
your health care.                                           services, call Boeing Member Services. Health Advocates
If you have questions, call Boeing Member Services at       can answer questions about your medical benefits.
888-802-8776. A Health Advocate is available Monday         You can also go to, which is
through Friday from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT (8 a.m. to 8 p.m.   your source for benefits information and tools. There,
ET and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT). Whether you are trying to      you can register for Blue Access for MembersSM, a
improve your health or reach the next level of wellness,    secure member portal, where you can find answers to
BCBSIL is here to help.                                     your questions, send a secure email directly to Member
                                                            Services or chat live with them.
How to Use This Guide
Please take a few minutes to review this guide, which       Please note: This booklet is meant to be a summary of administrative
is intended to help you learn more about your BCBSIL        services only. Benefits and coverage levels vary by plan option and are
                                                            explained in more detail in the applicable summary plan descriptions,
benefits, such as how to find a physician, contact          insurance contracts and other formal plan documents. In the event
                                                            of a conflict between this booklet and the formal plan documents, the
dedicated clinicians, submit a claim and understand your    plan documents will govern.
explanation of benefits (EOB) statements.                   * Not all plans include vision care.
For most plans, Boeing contracts with different service
representatives for pharmacy and vision care.* An
overview of benefits is provided for people enrolled in
those services.
                                                          3                                               888-802-8776
Watch for Your ID Cards.
Member ID cards will arrive by mail for subscribers who
elect a new plan in 2020. For those who choose to stay
in their current plan for 2020, you will continue to
use your current ID card. If you need a temporary or
additional ID card or need to request a replacement
card, go online to or call
Boeing Member Services. You can access a digital ID card
on Blue Access for Members. Remember to show
your ID card to each provider you see so he or
she can update your records and help ensure
that your claims are paid in a timely manner.
                                             4             888-802-8776
Frequently Asked Questions
What is BCBSIL?                                              What type of information will Provider Finder
BCBSIL provides health care coverage to more than            give me?
8.1 million members. We started in the height of the Great   Searching for a network doctor is now easier than ever
Depression in 1936 in Chicago and grew out of a shared       with the enhanced Provider Finder tool. Members can
interest to protect individuals and families.                now compare providers on a single page, view and sort
Today, we remain member-owned. We answer to our              providers by quality, cost and accessibility. Members can
members. Our company is the fourth-largest health            also estimate costs for over 1,600 procedures and tests.
insurer in the U.S.                                          Provider and facility profiles are also available, which
                                                             include information about a provider’s specialty and areas
How do I find a physician or hospital?                       of expertise as well as detailed member reviews and an
Keep in mind that Medicare is primary and your Boeing        overall quality rating.
plan provides secondary coverage to Medicare. Your plan
does not include a network requirement, but you may          Do I need to select a primary care physician or
wish to confirm with your provider that he or she accepts    obtain a referral to see a specialist?
Medicare reimbursement.                                      You are not required to select a primary care physician or
The Provider Finder® tool helps you locate doctors and       obtain a referral to see a specialist. However, an ongoing
other health care providers that meet criteria you set.      relationship with a primary care physician can help you
You can view the most current list of providers online       manage your health and address any concerns you have.
by visiting Click Menu,               You can use Provider Finder from your computer or
select Find a Doctor or Hospital and then choose             mobile phone web browser to search for primary care
Provider Finder.                                             physicians for you and your covered family members in
                                                             specialties, such as internal medicine and family practice.

                                                             Will I receive a provider directory?
                                                             Provider directories are not printed because they are
                                                             updated frequently. You may view the current list of
                                                             providers online by visiting
                                                             Click Menu, select Find a Doctor or Hospital and then
                                                             choose Provider Finder.

                                                             How can I get more information about
                                                             my health care coverage through BCBSIL?
                                                             Please visit for additional
                                                             information about your health care coverage, or call
                                                             Boeing Member Services.
                                                      5                                             888-802-8776
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I get a summary of my benefits?                             How do I submit a claim?
You may view your plan benefits online by visiting                    If you use a Medicare provider, the provider will submit Click Menu, select                             claims directly to Medicare and then to BCBSIL. Be sure
Coverage and Plans and then choose Medical                            to show your new ID card to each provider you see. If you
Benefits. You can also call Member Services or view                   need to file a claim yourself, you must fill out and submit a
your plan benefits via Boeing Worklife.                               claim following the instructions on page 13.

When will I receive ID cards?                                         How and when can I call BCBSIL Member Services?
Member ID cards will arrive by mail for subscribers who               You can reach Member Services at 888-802-8776 from
elect a new plan in 2020. Please be sure to show your new             5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET and 7 a.m. to
ID card to each provider you see so he or she can update              7 p.m. CT). Health Advocates are available to explain
their billing systems with your new information. Show your            your benefits, answer questions about claims or assist
member ID card when seeking behavioral health services.               with many other matters. Call Boeing Member Services
Digital ID cards are also available on Blue Access for                or visit and log in to Blue
Members. Text* BCBSILAPP to 33633 to use the                          Access for Members to use Live Chat. You can also
BCBSIL App.                                                           find other helpful plan information online at any time.

Why do the ID cards have only the subscriber’s name                   Can I email questions directly to BCBSIL?
and not all family members’ names?                                    Yes. Once you register for Blue Access for Members, the
The member ID cards display only the subscriber                       secure member portal at, you
(employee or retiree) name. The cards are to be used                  can send a secure email directly to Member Services.
for all eligible family members even though their
names are not printed on the card. If you need an
additional card, you can request one by contacting
Boeing Member Services.

If you have other questions about
BCBSIL, call Boeing Member Services
at 888-802-8776.
Health Advocates are available Monday
through Friday from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT
(8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT).

*Message and data rates apply. Terms, conditions and privacy policy
are at
                                                                      6                                       888-802-8776
Using Your Online Resources

BCBSIL Provides Tools and Resources to                                 BCBSIL App
Help You Manage Your Health and Benefits                               You can access your health coverage and wellness
Once you receive your new member ID card, you can                      information conveniently and securely via your mobile
register for Blue Access for Members and use this                      device anytime, anywhere. You can even access your ID
secure website to manage your benefits and health. Go                  card information.
to click Member Log In and                       Text* BCBSILAPP to 33633 to get the BCBSIL App that
follow the steps to register.                                          lets you use Blue Access for Members while you’re on
                                                                       the go.
Manage Your Benefits
Once you register and log in, Blue Access for Members                  Provider Finder
allows you to:                                                         You can also use Provider Finder to locate doctors and
• Review your coverage.                                                hospitals in your network. Filter the search results by

• Review who is covered under your plan.                               provider type, specialty, ZIP code, language and gender.
                                                                       Plus, get door-to-door directions.
• Find and compare providers or facilities.
• Check the status of a claim.                                         With Provider Finder, it’s easy to:

• Sign up to receive email notifications when a claim                  • Compare providers on a single page
  is finalized.                                                        • View and sort providers by quality, cost and accessibility
• View and print your explanation of benefits statements               • Estimate costs for over 1,600 procedures and tests
  and opt out of receiving printed copies in the mail.
• Request a replacement or additional ID card and print a
  temporary one.

*Message and data rates apply. Terms, conditions and privacy policy are at
                                                               7                                                888-802-8776
Find What You Need with Blue Access for Members

                                           8                                                                           9           10

                     1                 2           3             4                 5



  1   My
       Coverage: Review benefit details for you and the                  6   Message Center: Receive notification of pending
      family members who are covered under your plan.                         and finalized claims and other updates via secure
  2   Claims
             Center: View and organize details such as
      payments, dates of service, provider names, claims                  7   Quick
                                                                                    Links: Go directly to some of the most
      status and more.                                                        popular pages, such as replacement ID cards, manage
                                                                              preferences, stop receiving paper statements and
  3   My
       Health: Make more informed health care
      decisions by reading about health and wellness topics
      and researching specific conditions.                                8   Settings:
                                                                                       Set up notifications and alerts to receive
                                                                              updates via text messaging and email, review your
  4   Doctors
               & Hospitals: Use Provider Finder to locate
                                                                              member information and change your secure
      a network doctor, hospital or other health care
                                                                              password at any time.
      provider, and get driving directions.
                                                                          9   Help:
                                                                                   Visit Health Care School to learn more about
  5   Forms
           & Documents: Use the form finder to get
                                                                              using your health care benefits.
      medical claim and other forms quickly and easily.
                                                                         10   Contact
                                                                                      Us: Submit a question or connect to a
                                                                              Health Advocate via Live Chat.

Please note: The information above is representative of the resources available through Blue Access for Members. However, the resources
available to you may vary, based on the particular plan you have enrolled in. Contact Boeing Member Services with any questions.
                                                                     8                                              888-802-8776
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Global Core
You’re Never Far from Health Care Services —
Even When You’re Far from Home
Like your passport, always carry your member ID card
with you when you travel or live abroad. Through the Blue
Cross Blue Shield Global Core program, you have access to
doctors, hospitals and other health services in nearly 200
countries and territories around the world.

How Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core Works
To take advantage of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Global
Core program, review this information:
• Before you leave home, contact BCBSIL for coverage
  details. Your coverage outside the United States may
  be different.
• Always carry your member ID card.
• In an emergency, go directly to the nearest hospital.
• The Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core Service
  center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a
  week toll free at 800-810-BLUE (2583) or by
  calling collect at 804-673-1177.

   Call the Service Center in these situations:
   • You need to locate a doctor or hospital or need medical
      services. An assistance coordinator, in conjunction with a medical
      professional, will arrange a physician appointment or hospital stay.
   • You need inpatient care. After calling the Service Center, you should
      also call BCBSIL Customer Service for precertification or pre-approval.
      You can find the telephone number on the back of your ID card. This
      number is different than the Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core Service
      Center number shown here.

GeoBlue is the trade name of Worldwide Insurance
Services, LLC (Worldwide Services Insurance Agency,
LLC in California and New York), an independent
licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
                                                                                Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core
GeoBlue is the administrator of coverage provided                               is there if you need medical care
under insurance policies issued by 4 Ever Life
International Limited, Bermuda, an independent                                  outside the U.S.
licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
                                                          9                                  888-802-8776
Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core
Payment Information                                             Claim Filing
• For participating Blue Cross Blue Shield                      • The hospital will file your claim if the Blue Cross
 Global Core hospitals –                                          Blue Shield Global Core Service Center arranged your
 In most cases, you should not need to pay up front for           hospital stay. You will need to pay the hospital for the
 inpatient care at participating hospitals except for the         usual out-of-pocket expenses.
 usual out-of-pocket expenses (non-covered services,
                                                                • You must file the claim for outpatient and doctor care
 deductibles, copayments and/or coinsurance). The                 or inpatient care not arranged through the Blue Cross
 hospital should submit the claim on your behalf.                 Blue Shield Global Core Service Center. You will need to
• For doctors and/or non-participating hospitals –                pay the health care provider and submit an international
 You will need to pay up front for services. Then you             claim form with the original bill(s).
 can complete a Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core
 international claim form and send it with the bill(s) to the   Claim Forms
 Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core Service Center at the       International claim forms are available from BCBSIL, the
 address on the form. You can also submit your claim            Service Center or
 online or through the Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core
 mobile app. The claim form is available from your
                                                                Remember to take this information with
 Blue Cross Blue Shield company or online at                                            you when you travel or live outside the U.S.
                                                                Blue Cross Blue Shield Global
                                                                Core Service Center
                                                                Toll-free: 800-810-2583
                                                                Collect: 804-673-1177
                                                      10                                              888-802-8776
Blue Distinction                                                  Nationwide Access
Specialty Care                                                    There are approximately 1,900 Blue Distinction
Choosing Quality Care for You and                                 Centers nationwide. Use Provider Finder to find
                                                                  one near you:
Your Family
With Blue Distinction® Centers, you have access to                  1   Go
                                                                         to and click Menu.
designated specialty care facilities that have met national
measures for quality and cost-efficient care. When you use
                                                                    2   Select
                                                                              Find a Doctor or Hospital in the menu,
a Blue Distinction Center, you will receive the most from               click Blue Distinction Centers and then choose
your benefits and know that the facility has a record of                Find a Blue Distinction® Specialty Care Facility.
providing proven, effective specialty care.
                                                                    3   You
                                                                         may search for a specific area of specialty
Blue Distinction Centers are available for the following                care or view a complete list of Blue Distinction
specialty health care services:                                         Centers by state.
Blue Distinction® Centers for Bariatric Surgery
Postoperative, follow-up and patient education                  Note: Designation as Blue Distinction Centers means these
                                                                facilities’ overall experience and aggregate data met objective
Blue Distinction Centers for Cardiac Care
                                                                criteria established in collaboration with expert clinicians’ and leading
Cardiac care, cardiac rehabilitation, cardiac catheterization   professional organizations’ recommendations. Individual outcomes
                                                                may vary. To find out which services are covered under your policy
and cardiac surgery                                             at any facilities, please call your local Blue Cross and Blue Shield
                                                                Plan. Call your provider before making an appointment, to verify
Blue Distinction® Centers for Knee and                          the most current information on their Network participation status.
                                                                Neither Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association nor any of its
Hip Replacement                                                 licensees are responsible for any damages, losses, or non-covered
Knee and hip replacement surgeries and services                 charges that may result from receiving care from a provider
                                                                designated as a Blue Distinction Center.
Blue Distinction® Centers for Cellular
Treatments for immune system diseases; chimeric antigen
receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapies
Blue Distinction® Centers for Gene Therapy
(coming in 2020)
Gene therapies for inherited disorders, including ocular
Blue Distinction® Centers for Spine Surgery
Spine surgery services, including discectomy, fusion and
decompression procedures
Blue Distinction® Centers for Transplants
Transplant and support services

The goal of Blue Distinction Centers is to help you find
consistent specialty care, while encouraging health care
professionals to improve the overall quality and delivery
of care nationwide.
                                                   11                                                        888-802-8776
                        12   888-802-8776
Filing a Claim

Guidelines to Help Ensure Your Claims Are                           •    lace where service was received (hospital, office
Submitted Quickly                                                       or clinic)
                                                                    •   Diagnosis of illness or injury; if an injury, give the date
Provider-Submitted Claims
                                                                        it happened
Most physicians, hospitals and other providers will file a          •   Description of service received
claim directly with Medicare. Show your member ID card
to providers when checking in to confirm that they will file        •   Date of each treatment or surgical procedure
claims directly to BCBSIL after Medicare has paid.                  •   Charge for each treatment or surgical procedure

Member-Submitted Claims                                           • Itemized bills for ambulance service should include:
If you need to file a claim yourself, you will need to fill out     •   Date(s) when service was used
and submit a form to Medicare. You may call 888-802-8776            •   Base rate and mileage
for assistance, or you may download a form online:
                                                                    •   Place where patient was picked up and driven to
 1     Go to and click Menu.               •   If patient was transferred from one location to
 2    Click Forms.                                                   another, a letter from the attending physician giving
                                                                        the reason for the transfer must be attached to the bill
      Click Medical Claim Form and print the form
         and instructions.                                        • Itemized bills for rental of durable medical equipment
                                                                    should include:
Then, fill out the form completely, attach a copy of the
original itemized bill and mail to the address shown on the         •   A statement from the attending physician that’s
claim form.                                                             attached to the bill and states why the equipment was
Tips for Submitting Claims
                                                                    •   An estimate of how long the equipment will be used
Help us avoid unnecessary delays by answering all
                                                                        and the purchase price of the equipment; if for long-
questions completely and accurately and including original
                                                                        term use, remember that rental is paid only up to the
itemized bills that contain the information we need to
                                                                        purchase price of the equipment
process claims.
• If your claim is submitted through Medicare first, BCBSIL       • Please remember to attach original bills to the claim
                                                                    form. We recommend that you make copies of each
  will process your benefits covered by Boeing.
                                                                    bill for your personal records. The original bills will not
• Show the instructions accompanying the claim form to              be returned.
  the persons providing your care and ask them to provide
  bills that follow the instructions.
• Itemized bills for medical treatment or surgery
  should include:
  •   Provider’s name, address and phone number
  •   Provider’s tax identification number
  •    ull name of patient (not just name of person to whom
      bill is addressed)
                                                      13                                                     888-802-8776
Filing a Claim

                                                                                                                                                         Claim Form
                                                                                                                                    to Pay Insured/Subscriber
        P.O. Box 805107 • Chicago, Illinois 60680-4112

                                                          Each item on this form needs to be completed.
                                                    Instructions for completion are listed on the reverse side.
        Please print or type.
             Insured/Subscriber Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)                            Group Number                  Insured/Subscriber Identification Number (from ID card)

             Mailing Address                                                                  Patient’s Full Name (Last, First, Middle)

         1   City and State                                         ZIP Code             2    Patient’s Sex                 Patient’s Date of Birth       Month        Day        Year

                                                                                                                                                        __________ /__________ /_____________
             Insured Employed?                       Date of Retirement:
                                                     Month        Day        Year             Patient’s Relationship to Insured

             £ Yes £ No £ Retired               __________ /__________ /_____________         £ Self £ Spouse £ Child £ Other (explain) _______________________________________

             Type of treatment received:                                                                                                                   Month        Day       Year
             Check only one type and attach itemized statements. Please use                  £ Injury — Date of accident:                              __________ /__________ /_____________
             a separate claim form for each different type of treatment.
         3                                                                                   £ Illness — Date of first symptom:                        __________ /__________ /_____________
             Please note: Preventive care includes immunizations, routine
             well baby care, routine physical examinations, vision and                       £ Pregnancy — Date of conception:                         __________ /__________ /_____________
             hearing exams.                                                                  £ Preventive — Date of service:                           __________ /__________ /_____________

             Describe: Diagnosis, symptoms of illness or injury or explain preventive or routine care received.



         5   Was illness or injury work connected?         £ Yes £ No                   Name and address of employer

         6   If injury, was a motor vehicle involved?       £ Yes £ No                  ______________________________________________________________________________________________

             Is patient covered under any other health benefits plan (besides Medicaid, Medicare or CHAMPUS)? £ Yes                 £ No
             Insurance Co. _____________________________________________________________________                                                        Month         Day        Year

             Address __________________________________________________________________________     Effective date of coverage                      ___________ /___________ /______________
         7   Employer _________________________________________________________________________     Sex of Insured    £ Male £ Female
             Insured name ____________________________________________________________________      Date of birth of insured                        ___________ /___________ /______________
             Policy # ___________________________________________________________________________   Relationship to patient _________________________________________________________

             If the other coverage is primary, attach the other insurance company’s Explanation of Benefits.

             Medicare — Is the patient:                                                                                                                 Month        Day         Year
             a) Entitled to benefits under Medicare insurance (Part A)?                         £ Yes £ No                     Effective            ___________ /___________ /______________
             b) Entitled to benefits under Medicare insurance (Part B)?                         £ Yes £ No                     Effective            ___________ /___________ /______________
             c) Entitled to benefits under Medicare due to a disability?                        £ Yes £ No                     Effective            ___________ /___________ /______________

             Patient’s Medicare Identification Number. (From Medicare ID card) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

             I certify the above is complete and correct and that I am claiming benefits only for charges incurred by the patient named above.
             Authorization is hereby given to any Hospital, Physician, Dentist, Provider, Insurance Carrier or other entity to give Blue Cross and
             Blue Shield of Illinois, upon request, any medical information which the Plans in their judgment deem necessary to the adjudication of this
             claim. Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for the payment of a loss is guilty of a crime and may be subject to
             fines and confinement in state prison.

             Signature of Insured                                                                   Date                                   Daytime telephone number

             Total amount for ALL covered services and supplies received.                                                                  $
             Itemized Bill(s) for covered services and supplies must be attached. (See Instructions on reverse side.)
                                                                                 14                                                                                             888-802-8776
Understanding Your EOB

An explanation of benefits (EOB) statement                   What You Can Find
is a notification form provided to members                     1   Account name (member’s company or organization)
when a health care benefits claim is                           2   Date claim was finalized
processed by BCBSIL. The EOB displays the
                                                               3   Toll-free number to call for additional information
expenses submitted by the provider and
shows how the claim was processed.                             4    Member’s name and mailing address
                                                               5   Messages
The EOB has four sections:
                                                               6   Member’s name
• Claim Information includes the member and patient
  name, the member’s group and ID numbers and the              7   Employer and/or group identification number*
  claim number.                                                8   Identification number that appears on the ID card*
• Summary highlights the financial information — the           9   Claim number*
  amount billed, the total benefits approved and the
  amount you may owe the provider.                            10   Person who received the services*

• Service Information identifies the health care              11   Provider
                                                                             name (top line) and description of
  provider, dates of service and charges.                           service (below)

• Coverage Information shows what was paid to whom,           12    Beginning and ending service dates
  what discounts and deductions apply and what part of
                                                              13   Amount billed by the provider for each service
  the total expense was not covered.
                                                              14   Portion
                                                                          of the billed amount not covered by the plan
The EOB may include additional information:                        (a footnote will explain the reason)
• Amounts Not Covered will show provider discounts,           15    Amount covered by the plan*
  or what benefit limitations or exclusions apply.
                                                              16   Total charges included on this claim
• Out-of-Pocket Expenses will show an amount when a
  claim applies toward your deductible or counts toward       17   Plan
                                                                       reductions subtracted from billed amount, such
  your out-of-pocket expenses.                                     as PPO allowances

• Appeals explains your rights regarding review of claim      18    Deductible
                                                                              and copayment or coinsurance amounts;
  denials.                                                           can also display applicable penalties
• Fraud Hotline is a toll-free number to call if you think           and/or reductions for failure to pre-authorize
  you are being charged for services you did not receive      19   Payment
                                                                        amounts approved for benefits
  or if you suspect any fraudulent activity.
                                                              20    Amount the member may be responsible for paying
                                                              21   Total benefits approved for provider
                                                              22   Summary
                                                                             box, including the total billed by the
                                                                    provider for the services, the benefits approved
                                                                    and paid by BCBSIL, and the remainder you may
                                                                    owe (see also 13, 19 and 20)

                                                             * Please provide this information when contacting us about a claim.
                                                     15                                                    888-802-8776
Understanding Your EOB
                                                                                          Your EOBs Are Available Online!
                                                                                          Go to
                                  2                                                       and sign up for Blue Access
                                                                                          for Members. You’ll get quick,
                                                                                          convenient and confidential
         ANTHONY DOE              3
         100 BLUEBIRD LANE                                                                access to your claim information
         CHICAGO, IL 60601-7332                                                           and history.
                                  5        Check here for BCBSIL messages.
                                                                                          To support our commitment to
                                                                                          eco-friendly business practices,
                                  6                                                       you can choose to opt out of
                                                                                          receiving EOBs by mail.
                                                         10                               This saves resources and offers
                                                                                          you additional confidentiality. Just
                                                                                          go to,
11                        12          13            14               15
                                                                                          log in to Blue Access for Members,
                                                                                          click Settings at the top and select







                                                                   If you have questions about an EOB, call Boeing Member Services.
                                                  16                                                       888-802-8776
Health Insurance Fraud: What You Should Know

Don’t Be a Victim
Identifying Fraud
Commonly identified schemes involving providers include:
• Misrepresenting services
  Intentionally billing procedures under different names
  or codes to obtain coverage for services that aren’t
  included in a member’s plan.
• Upcoding
  Deliberately charging for more complex or more
  expensive services than those actually provided.
• Non-rendered and/or “free” services
  Some providers intentionally bill for tests or services
  never provided. This can also mean that the provider
  offered “free” services to bill the insurance company for
  services not performed or needed.
• Kickbacks, bribes or rebates
  Referring patients to a provider or facility where the
  referring provider has a financial interest.
Commonly identified member schemes include:
• Identity swapping
  Allowing an uninsured individual to use your
  insurance card.
• Identity theft
  Using false identification to gain employment and the
  health insurance benefits that come with it.
• Non-eligible members
  Adding someone to a policy who is not eligible
  or failing to remove someone when that person               Fraud Affects Everyone.
  becomes ineligible.
                                                              Fraud may cost the health care industry
• Prescription medicine and abuse diversion
  Controlled substances can be obtained through               (public and private payers) more than
  deception or dishonesty for personal use or sale “on        $200 billion each year. This fraud may
  the street.” Prescription medications can be obtained
  through doctor shopping, visiting several emergency         cause you to face rising premiums,
  rooms or stealing doctors’ prescription pads.               increased copayments and deductibles

                                                              and the elimination of certain benefits.
                                                   17                                           888-802-8776
Health Insurance Fraud: What You Should Know
BCBSIL Offers Tips for Fighting Fraud                        Preventing Health Care Fraud
• Know your own benefits and scope of coverage.              BCBSIL created the Special Investigations Department
                                                             (SID) to fight fraud and help lower health care costs. The
• Review all EOB statements. Make sure the exams,
 procedures and tests billed were the ones you actually      staff includes individuals with medical, insurance and
 had with the provider who treated you.                      law enforcement backgrounds as well as data analysts
                                                             experienced in detecting fraudulent billing schemes. The
• Understand your responsibility to pay deductibles          SID aggressively investigates allegations of fraud and refers
 and copayments, and what you can and cannot be              appropriate cases for criminal prosecution.
 balance-billed (an amount your provider may bill you) for
 once your claim has been processed.                         Fraud Isn’t Fair — Help Us Fight It
• Guard your health insurance card and personal              Reducing health care fraud is a collaborative effort
 insurance information. Notify BCBSIL immediately if         between BCBSIL, its providers and its members. Additional
 your card or insurance information is lost or stolen.       information — including a “fighting fraud checklist” — is
                                                             available through the SID website at
• Sign and date only one claim form per office visit.
                                                             We also encourage you to report any suspected
• Never lend your member ID card to another person.
                                                             incidence of fraud by calling our Health Care Fraud
• Don’t give out insurance or personal information           Hotline, completing a form online or sending us a note in
 if services are offered as “free.” Be sure you understand   the mail. Suspicions of fraud can be reported to the SID
 what is “free” and what you or your insurance company       anonymously.
 will be charged for.
                                                             3 Ways to Report Fraud to BCBSIL
• Ask your doctors exactly what tests or procedures
 they want you to have and why they are necessary            The SID is here to help you. You can contact the SID
 before you have them.                                       in any of the following ways:
• Be sure any referrals you receive from your                 1   800-543-0867
 network provider are to other network doctors                    The toll-free Health Care Fraud Hotline operates
 or facilities.                                                   24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can remain
 If you’re not sure, ask.                                         anonymous or provide information if you want to be
• Monitor your prescription use at                                contacted by a member of the SID. or your Pharmacy                       2
 Benefit Manager. Make sure the medications billed                This website address links to an online fraud-reporting
 to your insurance are accurate.                                  form that you can complete and send to the SID
                                                              3   U.S.
                                                                  You can write the SID at:
                                                                  Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois
                                                                  Special Investigations Department
                                                                  300 E. Randolph Street
                                                                  Chicago, Illinois 60601
                                                    18                                              888-802-8776
Fitness Program

Make Your Fitness Program Membership Work for You!
Fitness can be easy, fun and affordable. Available exclusively to
members and their covered dependents (age 18 and older), the
Fitness Program provides:
• Flexible membership, no long-term contract required. The Fitness
  Program offers a flexible option to get in shape and stay active. Choose
  from a nationwide network of fitness centers that can work with your
  lifestyle, whether you are at home or on the road. Membership is
  month to month with no long-term contract.*
• Unlimited access to a nationwide network of more than 10,000
  participating fitness centers.
• Online fitness location search functionality and view your visits
• Easy online enrollment; automatic monthly payment withdrawal.
• Access to discounts through a nationwide network of 40,000 health
  and well-being providers, such as acupuncturists, massage therapists
  and personal trainers.

Are You Ready for Fitness?
Enroll today online by logging in to Blue Access for Members at Click Fitness Program under
“Quick Links” and follow the steps. Prefer to sign up by phone? Call 888-762-BLUE (2583) toll-free, Monday through Friday,
5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT (6 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT).

It’s Easy to Sign Up
 1   Go
      to and log in to Blue Access for Members.
 2   Under
         Quick Links, choose Fitness Program. On this page, you can enroll, search for fitness centers near you by
     ZIP code and learn more about the program.
 3   Click
        Search Locations, then search and select the fitness location that is best for you.
 4   Verify
         your personal information and method of payment. Print or download your Fitness Program membership ID
     card. You may also request to receive the ID card in the mail.
 5   Visit
        a facility today! Remember, you can visit any participating fitness center after you sign up.

Make new friends, take a class and try something new! Join the Fitness Program today.

* The one-time enrollment fee and monthly membership fee for the Fitness Program are both subject to applicable taxes.
 The Fitness Program is provided by Tivity HealthTM, an independent contractor that administers the Prime Network of fitness centers.
 The Prime Network is made up of independently owned and managed fitness centers.
                                                          19                                                           888-802-8776
Behavioral Health

Feeling Worried? Sad? Anxious?                                  Member communications and information from the program are not
                                                                meant to replace the advice of health care professionals. Members are
With help, you can start to feel better.                        encouraged to seek the advice of their doctors or behavioral health
                                                                specialist to discuss their health care needs. Decisions regarding course
Most people have times when they don’t feel their best. But     and place of treatment remain with the member and his or her health
                                                                care providers.
when negative feelings get in the way of normal activities or
last a long time, you may need extra support.
The good news is there are many treatments and support
systems available. With help, you can learn to help control
your symptoms and live a full life.
Your health care plan includes behavioral health benefits so
you and your covered family members can get the support
you may need for issues such as:
• Alcohol and substance use disorder
• Anxiety and panic disorders
• Attention deficit disorders
• Autism spectrum disorder
• Bipolar disorder
• Depression
• Eating disorders
• Schizophrenia and other mental health conditions
Need More Help?
To find a behavioral health provider in your area, go to or call Boeing Member
Services. Behavioral health professionals on the Boeing Care
Management Team at BCBSIL can assist you in getting help.

Most people know someone who is dealing
with a behavioral health issue. Seeking
help is a sign of strength and a first step in
getting better.
                                                     20                                                      888-802-8776
24/7 Nurseline
Toll-Free Support

Health happens — good or bad, 24 hours a                                    You can also call the 24/7 Nurseline whenever you or
day, seven days a week. That is why we have                                 your covered family members need answers to health
registered nurses waiting to talk to you                                    questions about:
whenever you call our 24/7 Nurseline at                                     • Asthma, back pain or a chronic health issue
800-765-7298.                                                               • Dizziness or severe headaches
Our nurses can answer your health questions and try to                      • Cuts or burns
help you decide whether you should go to the emergency                      • A grandchild’s high fever or nonstop crying
room or urgent care center or make an appointment with
your doctor.                                                                • And much more
                                                                            Plus, when you call, you can access an audio library of
                                                                            more than 1,000 health topics – with more than 500 topics
                                                                            available in Spanish.

Note: For medical emergencies, call 911 or your local emergency services first. 24/7 Nurseline is not a substitute for a doctor’s care.
Talk to your doctor about any health questions or concerns.
                                                            21                                                             888-802-8776
Other Boeing Benefits

In addition to the medical coverage provided through BCBSIL, you may
also receive coverage for specialized services through vendors with
whom Boeing has contracted, as described in this section. Specific
offerings may depend on employment status, union agreements and
other factors.
The benefits described in this section are not administered by BCBSIL.
The vendors mentioned are independent companies that do not provide
BCBSIL products or services. These vendors are solely responsible for
the products and services described.
                                        22                               888-802-8776
Express Scripts, Inc.
Prescription Benefit

Unless you are enrolled in a Catastrophic                   Express Scripts Specialist Pharmacists
medical plan, your prescription drug                        If you or your family members take medications to treat
benefit is administered by Express Scripts.                 certain long-term conditions, you can take advantage of
They provide personalized care designed                     the personalized care and expertise of Express Scripts
to help improve and maintain your and                       Specialist Pharmacists. They’re available by phone
your family’s health while helping you                      24 hours a day, seven days a week to work with you and
                                                            your physician to help ensure that your medications work
save on the medications you take every
                                                            safely together and work well for you. These pharmacists
day.                                                        have specialized training in the medications used to treat
Convenient Mail-Order Service and More                      specific ongoing conditions, such as high cholesterol,
                                                            high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, asthma,
Express Scripts offers you convenience, safety and
                                                            osteoporosis and cancer. To contact an Express Scripts
savings through the Express Scripts mail-order
                                                            Specialist Pharmacist, call 877-505-3224.
pharmacy. With the Express Scripts mail-order
pharmacy, you can get up to a 90-day supply of
                                                            Contact Express Scripts
medications you take to treat an ongoing condition
(e.g., high blood pressure or high cholesterol) delivered   To start taking advantage of everything your Express
to you for just one copayment. Take advantage of the        Scripts prescription drug benefit offers, call Medicare
Express Scripts mail-order pharmacy and get:                Member Services toll-free at 877-505-3224. Or visit
• Phone access to pharmacists who can talk to you
  about your prescriptions 24 hours a day, seven days       Catastrophic Plan
  a week.
                                                            Members enrolled in the Catastrophic plan should contact
• Easy refills online, over the phone or by mail.           BCBSIL directly at 888-802-8776 to learn how to submit
• Peace of mind in knowing that your prescriptions are      pharmacy claims or how your pharmacy benefit works.
  undergoing safety and advanced quality checks to
  help prevent harmful drug interactions. For short-
  term prescriptions, such as antibiotics, continue using
  a participating retail pharmacy.
You can also save with generic drugs. FDA-approved
generics meet the same FDA quality standards as
brand-name drugs, yet they can cost much less. The
My Rx Choices® prescription savings program lets you
go online to to              Express Scripts is an independent company that is contracted
                                                            through Boeing. Express Scripts does not provide Blue Cross and
view potential savings opportunities. Print them out and
                                                            Blue Shield of Illinois products or services. Express Scripts is solely
share them with your physician.                             responsible for the products and services it offers.
                                                   23                                                        888-802-8776
Davis Vision

Please note: Vision benefits vary by plan and                  Boeing Worklife or call your Davis Vision Boeing
populations. Some retirees do not have vision                  Member Services line at 844-770-1500.
coverage. For more information regarding                       Non-Davis Vision Providers
available vision benefits, please contact                      If you choose to see a non-Davis Vision provider, you may
Boeing Member Services at 888-802-8776.                        need to file your own claim for reimbursement. Submit
Davis Vision provides personalized vision care for you and     your claim(s) to Davis Vision within 12 months of the
your covered dependents. When you visit a doctor in Davis      date of service.
Vision’s broad network, you receive discounts on glasses,      • Log in at, select
contacts, exams and other products and services. You             Access Benefits and Forms, choose the Out of
can still see other providers, but your costs may be lower       Network Claim form and then follow the instructions.
when you visit a Davis Vision provider. Please note that not
all plans include vision coverage.                             • Reference Boeing as your employer in your
Davis Vision Providers                                         If you don’t have internet access, you can send the
To find a Davis Vision provider, log in to                     following to Davis Vision: or call 844-770-1500                • Itemized receipt listing services received
and we’ll help you find a provider who is right for you.
Davis Vision will issue you a separate ID card. When you       • Name, address and phone number of the
                                                                 non-Davis Vision provider
make your appointment, tell them you have Boeing Davis
Vision services.                                               • Patient’s name, date of birth, address, phone number
                                                                 and relationship to covered member
Check your coverage on
before you go so you have a clear idea of what’s covered.      • Reference Boeing as your employer in your
Your vision care provider will submit claims for you.            correspondence.
Benefits include:                                              • Keep copies of the claims and send the originals to:
• Vision exam                                                    Davis Vision
  Davis Vision providers do more than a quick eye check.         Non-Network Claims
  They take their time and look for eye problems and signs       P.O. Box 1740
  of other health conditions.                                    Latham, NY 12110-1740
• Choice in eyewear                                            Davis Vision is an independent company that is contracted through
                                                               Boeing. Davis Vision does not provide Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
  You can choose from a wide selection of eyewear.             Illinois products or services. Davis Vision is solely responsible for the
• Additional savings                                           products and services it provides.

  Get discounts on laser vision correction, contacts
  and more.
If you do not have vision coverage, you may participate
in the Davis Vision Discount Program that provides
members with savings on eye examinations, frames,
spectacle lenses and contacts. To learn more, visit
the Boeing Employee and Retiree Discount page on
                                                     24                                                         888-802-8776
Important Information

                                   Health care coverage is important for everyone.
      We provide free communication aids and services for anyone with a disability or who needs language assistance.
          We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, age or disability.

              To receive language or communication assistance free of charge, please call us at 855-710-6984.

  If you believe we have failed to provide a service, or think we have discriminated in another way, contact us to file a grievance.
          Office of Civil Rights Coordinator                    Phone:       855-664-7270 (voicemail)
          300 E. Randolph St.                                   TTY/TDD: 855-661-6965
          35th Floor                                            Fax:         855-661-6960
          Chicago, Illinois 60601                               Email:

  You may file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, at:
       U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services                 Phone:            800-368-1019
       200 Independence Avenue SW                            TTY/TDD:          800-537-7697
       Room 509F, HHH Building 1019                          Complaint Portal:
       Washington, DC 20201                                  Complaint Forms:
                                                      25                                          888-802-8776
Important Information

                        26           888-802-8776
Contact Information At a Glance
For information on benefits for Medicare-eligible or non-Medicare-eligible members, please contact
BCBSIL at 888-802-8776 or visit

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois
Boeing Member Services: 888-802-8776 (medical and behavioral health)
Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core: 800-810-BLUE (2583)/804-673-1177 collect
Fraud Hotline: 800-543-0867
Fitness Program: 888-762-BLUE (2583)
24/7 Nurseline: 800-765-7298

Other Boeing Benefits
Davis Vision Care: 844-770-1500
Express Scripts Prescription Benefit Services: 877-505-3224
Boeing Service Center for Health and Insurance: 866-504-4256

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company,
an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

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