Meeting the Needs of Modern Healthcare - RCSI

Page created by Danielle Castro
Meeting the Needs of Modern Healthcare - RCSI

the Needs
of Modern
               FROM TUES, 23 FEBRUARY ~
               WED, 03 MARCH 2021

                                                             YEAR OF
                                                             HEALTH AND
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Meeting the Needs of Modern Healthcare - RCSI
                                         MEETING THE NEEDS OF MODERN HEALTHCARE

                                                  WEEK 1: PLENARY WEEK

 Day                           TUESDAY,                                WEDNESDAY,                               THURSDAY,
                           23 FEBRUARY 2021                         24 FEBRUARY 2021                        25 FEBRUARY 2021
 Time                           10.00-11.30am                          14.00 - 15.30pm                          10.00-11.30am

 Theme                           WORKFORCE                       RECOVERY & WELLNESS                                SERVICE
                                  PLANNING                        IN A COVID-19 WORLD                              REDESIGN

 Welcome Address                   Prof. Michael Shannon                   Prof. Michael Shannon                   Prof. Michael Shannon
                                   Dean, Faculty of Nursing                Dean, Faculty of Nursing                Dean, Faculty of Nursing
                                   & Midwifery, RCSI                       & Midwifery, RCSI                       & Midwifery, RCSI

 Opening Address                   Dame Donna Kinnair DBE                  Ms Sheila McClelland                    Ms Annette Kennedy
                                   Chief Executive and                     Chief Executive Officer,                President, International
                                   General Secretary, Royal                Nursing and Midwifery                   Council of Nurses (ICN),
                                   College of Nursing,                     Board of Ireland (NMBI),                Geneva, Switzerland
                                   London, UK                              Dublin, Ireland

 Keynote Address                   Mr Jim Campbell                         Prof. Jean Watson                       Ms Laura Magahy
                                   Director, Health Workforce              Retired Distinguished                   Executive Director,
                                   Department, World Health                Professor and Founder of                Sláintecare Programme
                                   Organization, Geneva,                   the Watson Caring Science               Implementation Office,
                                   Switzerland                             Institute for Recovery and              Department of Health,
                                                                           Wellness                                Ireland

 Keynote Address                   Ms Rachel Kenna                         Prof. Mary Jo Kreitzer                  Prof. Owen Barr
                                   Chief Nursing Officer,                  Director, Earl E. Bakken                Professor of Nursing and
                                   Department of Health,                   Center for Spirituality &               Intellectual Disabilities,
                                   Ireland                                 Healing, Professor, School              School of Nursing, Ulster
                                                                           of Nursing, University of               University, Londonderry,
                                                                           Minnesota, USA                          Northern Ireland

 Panel Discussion       Dame Donna Kinnair                      Prof. Jean Watson                       Ms Laura Magahy
                        Chief Executive and General             Retired Distinguished Professor and     Executive Director, Sláintecare
                        Secretary, Royal College of Nursing,    Founder of the Watson Caring Science    Programme Implementation Office,
                        London, UK                              Institute for Recovery and wellness     Department of Health, Ireland

                        Mr Jim Campbell                         Prof. Mary Jo Kreitzer                  Prof. Owen Barr
                        Director, Health Workforce              Director, Earl E. Bakken Center for     Professor of Nursing and Intellectual
                        Department, World Health                Spirituality & Healing, Professor,      Disabilities, School of Nursing,
                        Organization, Geneva, Switzerland       School of Nursing, University of        Ulster University, Londonderry,
Prof. Thomas Kearns
                                                                Minnesota, Minnesota, USA               Northern Ireland
  Executive Director,   Ms Rachel Kenna
  Faculty of Nursing    Chief Nursing Officer, Department       Ms Sheila McClelland                    Ms Annette Kennedy
 and Midwifery, RCSI    of Health, Ireland                      Chief Executive Officer, Nursing and    President, International Council of
                                                                Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI),      Nurses (ICN), Geneva, Switzerland
                        Dr Geraldine Shaw                       Dublin, Ireland
                        Nursing & Midwifery Services                                                    Ms Margeret Quigley
                        Director & Assistant National           Prof. Ciaran O’Boyle                    National Lead for Midwifery, Office
                        Director, Office of the Nursing &       Professor of Psychology & Founding      of the Nursing & Midwifery Services
                        Midwifery Services Director, Health     Director, RCSI Centre for Positive      Director (ONMSD), Health Services
                        Service Executive, Dublin, Ireland      Psychology and Health, Dublin,          Executive, Ireland

 Conclusion             Prof. Michael Shannon                   Prof. Michael Shannon                   Prof. Michael Shannon
                        Dean, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery,   Dean, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery,   Dean, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery,
                        RCSI                                    RCSI                                    RCSI

                  All sessions will be recorded and available on demand after the event as part of the Conference 21 Boxset.

                                                  RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences
                                        MEETING THE NEEDS OF MODERN HEALTHCARE

                               TUESDAY, 2 3 F EBRUARY 2021, 10.00-11.30am
                                        WORKFO RC E PLANNIN G

           Prof. Michael Shannon                             Dame Donna Kinnair DBE                       Mr Jim Campbell
           Dean, Faculty of Nursing                          Chief Executive and                          Director, Health Workforce
           & Midwifery, RCSI                                 General Secretary, Royal College             Department, World Health
                                                             of Nursing, London, UK                       Organization, Geneva,

Professor Michael Shannon, PhD, MBA,              Professor Dame Donna Kinnair, DBE, RGN,     Jim Campbell is the Director of the Health
FFFNRCSI, BSc, Dip Ed, PG Cert Imp Sc, is         HV, LLB, MA, CMI is the Chief Executive and Workforce Department at the World Health
Adjunct Associate Professor, UCD School of        General Secretary of the Royal College of   Organization (WHO). He oversees the
Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems and         Nursing. The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) development and implementation of global
Adjunct Associate Professor, TCD School of        is the voice of nursing across the UK. The  public goods, evidence and tools to inform
Nursing and Midwifery.                            RCN promotes patient and nursing interests  national and international investments in
                                                  on a wide range of issues by working closelythe education, development and retention
Michael has extensive experience in
                                                  with the Government, the UK parliaments     of the health and social sector workforce in
corporate, strategic, management and clinical
                                                  and other national and European political   pursuit of global health security, universal
leadership in Ireland, England and the Middle
                                                  institutions, trade unions, professional bodies
                                                                                              health coverage and the Sustainable
East. He is proprietor of Global Leadership
                                                  and voluntary organisations.                Development Goals. The department’s work
Consultancy (GLC) which was established
                                                                                              includes the State of the World’s Nursing
in January, 2019. Global Leadership            Working with the RCN Council and the
                                                                                              Report, WHO’s Global Strategy on Human
Consultancy (GLC) is an international          Executive Team Donna is responsible for
                                                                                              Resources for Health: Workforce 2030, the
development company which focuses on           delivering the RCN’s strategic and operational
                                                                                              report of the High-level Commission on
leadership development across healthcare,      plans. Donna joined the RCN as Head of
                                                                                              Health Employment and Economic Growth
education and service industries. He also      Nursing in 2015, she was then promoted and
                                                                                              and the subsequent adoption of the ILO,
works as a consultant with the World Health    joined the RCN Executive Team to Director
                                                                                              OECD, WHO action plan on Working for
Organization.                                  of Nursing, Policy and Practice in 2016, where
                                                                                              Health to implement the Commission’s
                                               her key role is to work with UK-wide RCN
Michael was appointed Programme Director                                                      recommendations. He coordinates the Global
                                               staff to drive and implement the future RCN
at the Institute of Leadership, RCSI Bahrain                                                  Health Workforce Network engaging member
                                               professional nursing, policy and practice
in 2015 where he directed two Masters                                                         states and relevant partners in WHO’s work.
programmes in Healthcare Management and
                                                                                              Prior to joining WHO and GHWA he spent
Quality and Safety. His role also incorporated Prior to joining the RCN Donna held various
                                                                                              eight years as the founder/Director of a not-
expert healthcare consultancy. He has advised roles including Clinical Director of Emergency
                                                                                              for-profit research institute. His publications
organisations in Dubai, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait,    Medicine; Executive Director of Nursing and
                                                                                              include A Universal Truth: No Health Without a
Oman and Jordan and the Ministry of Health, Director of Commissioning.
                                                                                              Workforce (2013), and the State of the World’s
                                               Donna advised the PM’s Commission on the       Midwifery reports (2011 and 2014). He is a
Michael has worked as a senior Policy Maker    future of Nursing and Midwifery in 2010 and    Board member of the International Institute
as National Nursing & Midwifery Services       served as nurse/child health assessor to the   for Educational Planning.
Director for the Health Service Executive,     Victoria Climbié Inquiry.
Ireland. Michael’s extensive experience
supported leadership development in building
partnerships and alliances, driving change
and supporting professions in times of major
challenge and reform. He developed and
implemented strategic projects and initiatives
regionally, nationally and internationally.
Michael was appointed as the first Nurse
Advisor at the Department of Health and
Children in Ireland. His role included advising
the Chief Nursing Officer, Minister and
Officials on healthcare policy nationally and
Michael also held a number of senior posts
including Area Director of Nursing and
Midwifery, Dublin Mid Leinster and Director of
Nursing and Midwifery and Palliative Care at
Letterkenny and Sligo University Hospitals and
Our Lady’s Hospital, Navan.
He has co-authored a number of book
chapters and has published in various
international publications.

                                                  RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences
                                          MEETING THE NEEDS OF MODERN HEALTHCARE

                                TUESDAY, 2 3 F EBRUARY 2021, 10.00-11.30am
                                         WORKFO RC E PLANNIN G

            Ms Rachel Kenna                                     Dr Geraldine Shaw                                  Prof. Thomas Kearns
            Chief Nursing Officer,                              Nursing and Midwifery Service                      Executive Director, Faculty of
            Department of Health, Ireland                       Director of the Office of Nursing                  Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI
                                                                & Midwifery Services Director                      University of Medicine & Health
                                                                (ONMSD) & Assistant National                       Sciences, Dublin, Ireland
                                                                Director, Office of the Chief
Rachel Kenna is a Registered Children’s and                     Clinical Officer, Health Service         Professor Thomas Kearns is the Executive
General Nurse (RCN/RGN) and has extensive                       Executive (HSE), Dublin, Ireland         Director of the Faculty of Nursing and
clinical and managerial experience spanning         Dr Geraldine Shaw RGN, PhD, MA, BA, is               Midwifery at RCSI University of Medicine
29 years in both in Ireland and the UK.             Nursing and Midwifery Service Director of            and Health Sciences in Dublin, Ireland. He
                                                    the  Office  of  Nursing  & Midwifery    Services    is responsible for leading and delivering on
Rachel worked as a Deputy Chief Nursing
                                                    Director   (ONMSD)     &  Assistant  National        the strategic intent and operational activity
Officer in the Department of Health since 2018
                                                    Director, Office of the Chief Clinical Officer,      of the Faculty. His career in nursing started in
and her primary area of responsibility was
                                                    Health   Service   Executive  (HSE).  She            1980 and over the last 20 years Thomas has
nursing policy in the area spanning patient
                                                    strategically   leads and  manages     the ONMSD     worked in professional regulation, nursing
systems and clinical governance. Before that
Rachel held the Director of Nursing post            to ensure the provision of professional nursing and health policy and higher education. He
                                                    and midwifery guidance and expertise at              is both a general and psychiatric nurse, he
in Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin
                                                    a corporate and service level to develop             has a primary degree in Nursing, a Master’s
                                                    the capacity and capability of nursing and           Degree in Education and a Fellowship
Rachel has a particular interest in policy          midwifery professions to maximise their              from the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery
development through the voice of nursing            contribution to safe patient centred care.           RCSI. Thomas’ doctorate is in the area of
and midwifery, patient safety and quality care.                                                          continuing professional development and the
As Director of Nursing, she has overseen            Geraldine actively contributes to the ongoing maintenance of professional competence.
the development of new nursing services             development of nursing & midwifery and
                                                    its integration into new forms of healthcare         In 2017-2018, Thomas worked as interim
in the hospital and community setting and
                                                    delivery as informed by policy. Geraldine            CEO of the International Council of Nursing,
is passionate about developing policy to
                                                    is an  experienced    leader  and  innovator         an NGO based in Geneva working closely
support change and innovation in a complex
                                                    in challenging and busy environments                 with the World Health Organization. Thomas
system. Rachel has also been a member of
                                                    incorporating     both  acute  hospital  operational is a Non-Executive Director of Axia Digital
several national expert groups representing
                                                    and   strategic  at Directorate  / Hospital  / Group Ireland, a company that develops software to
nursing and wider health care issues.
                                                    / Executive Board / and Corporate level.             support learning and development based in
Rachel holds a MSc in Child Protection and          Analysing and planning for the improvement           the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. He is a
Welfare from Trinity College Dublin, a BSc          of patient services is her passion with a track      member of the Rotunda Hospital Audit and
in Nursing Management from UCD, a H Dip             record of delivering innovations. She has first- Risk committee and is a member of the RCSI
Professional Practice including PICU qualification, hand knowledge and experience of healthcare Hospital Group Directors Executive. Thomas
a Diploma in Leadership and Quality in              systems in both Ireland and the United               is a member of the Advisory Board of the
Healthcare (RCPI 2015) a Diploma in Human           Kingdom (UK).                                        International Network of Health Workforce
Rights and Equality (IPA, 2017), and a professional                                                      Education (INHWE). The Faculty is the
Diploma in Governance (IPA, 2019). Rachel is                                                             Academic Partner for the European Council of
very proud to have been selected as a Florence                                                           Nurse Regulators (ENC).
Nightingale Leadership Scholar, especially as
                                                                                                         Thomas has developed a Centre for Nursing
2020 is the year of the Nurse and Midwife.
                                                                                                         and Midwifery Advancement across the RCSI
The Chief Nursing Officer role has an                                                                    Hospital Group. He developed and directs
important strategic leadership and influencing                                                           a European Centre of Research Excellence
role that includes the provision of professional                                                         (CPD) with colleagues from over 20 European
policy direction and evidence-based expert                                                               countries and a number of pan national
advice for the nursing and midwifery and                                                                 organisational members. Thomas joined the
general health policy agenda. The role                                                                   Board of Dublin Simon in April 2020 and is
incorporating professional regulation,                                                                   Chair of its Clinical Governance Committee.
strategic workforce planning, and Health and
Social Care Professionals provides an exciting
opportunity to develop and strengthen the
contribution to collaborative working across
government and the wider public service to
advance the public service reform programme
and maintain a network of key contacts to
support this collaborative approach.

                                                    RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences
                                        MEETING THE NEEDS OF MODERN HEALTHCARE

                         W EDNESDAY, 2 4 F EBRUARY 2021 - 14.00-15.30PM
                            RECOVERY & WELLNESS IN A COVID-19 WORLD

           Prof. Michael Shannon                           Ms Sheila McClelland                            Prof. Jean Watson
           Dean, Faculty of Nursing                        Chief Executive Officer, Nursing                Retired Distinguished Professor
           & Midwifery, RCSI                               and Midwifery Board of Ireland                  and Founder of the Watson
                                                           (NMBI), Dublin, Ireland                         Caring Science Institute for
                                                                                                           Recovery and Wellness

Professor Michael Shannon, PhD, MBA,            Sheila McClelland is the CEO of the Nursing     Professor Jean Watson, PhD, RN, AHN-BC,
FFFNRCSI, BSc, Dip Ed, PG Cert Imp Sc, is       and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI),          FAAN, LL (AAN) is Distinguished Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor, UCD School of      the independent, statutory organisation         and Dean Emerita, University of Colorado
Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems and       which regulates the nursing and midwifery       College of Nursing Anschutz Medical Center,
Adjunct Associate Professor, TCD School of      professions in Ireland.                         USA; founder of the original Center for Human
Nursing and Midwifery.                                                                          Caring in Colorado; a Fellow of the American
                                                Since joining in mid-2019 Sheila has
                                                                                                Academy of Nursing (FAAN); Founder and
Michael has extensive experience in             energetically supported the internal team
                                                                                                Director of non-profit organization, Watson
corporate, strategic, management and clinical through a review of the ‘process and
                                                                                                Caring Science Institute; past President of the
leadership in Ireland, England and the Middle execution’ of the organisation, with the aim of
                                                                                                National League for Nursing and founding
East. He is proprietor of Global Leadership     ensuring that the NMBI brief and output are fit
                                                                                                member of the International Association
Consultancy (GLC) which was established         for purpose as our sector evolves.
                                                                                                in Human Caring and International Caritas
in January, 2019. Global Leadership
                                                Under her guidance the organisation has         Consortium.
Consultancy (GLC) is an international
                                                conducted a number of consultations with
development company which focuses on                                                            She held the nation’s first endowed chair in
                                                its key stakeholders, most important among
leadership development across healthcare,                                                       Caring Science for 16 years and holds fifteen
                                                which are the 79,000+ NMBI registered nurses
education and service industries. He also                                                       (15) Honorary Doctoral Degrees, including 12
                                                and midwives. Sheila is also supporting
works as a consultant with the World Health                                                     International Honorary Doctorates. Her work
                                                the registration team as it works to deliver
Organization.                                                                                   is studied and implemented around the world.
                                                MyNMBI, a new online registration system
                                                                                                She is a widely published author and recipient
Michael was appointed Programme Director        that will support students, graduates, HEIs,
                                                                                                of many awards and honors and has authored
at the Institute of Leadership, RCSI Bahrain    applicants and registrants.
                                                                                                and co-authored over 30 books on caring. In
in 2015 where he directed two Masters
                                                Sheila and her team have worked hard during 2013, Prof. Watson was inducted as a Living
programmes in Healthcare Management and
                                                the pandemic to facilitate all those who meet Legend by the American Academy of Nursing,
Quality and Safety. His role also incorporated
                                                Irish standards the opportunity to enter the    its highest honor.
expert healthcare consultancy. He has advised
                                                Irish healthcare system, expediting over 2,000
organisations in Dubai, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait,                                                     Prof. Watson’s primary fields include:
                                                new registrations and restorations, making the
Oman and Jordan and the Ministry of Health,                                                     Philosophy -Theory of Human Caring Nursing;
                                                Register of Nurses and Midwives the largest it
Bahrain.                                                                                        Unitary Human Caring Science; Caring Theory:
                                                has ever been.
                                                                                                Practice, education, research, administration.
Michael has worked as a senior Policy Maker
                                                During this period NMBI has also played a key
as National Nursing & Midwifery Services
                                                role with the Department of Health, the HSE
Director for the Health Service Executive,
                                                and the academic community, developing
Ireland. Michael’s extensive experience
                                                solutions for student nurses and midwives to
supported leadership development in building
                                                maximise learning and service delivery in the
partnerships and alliances, driving change
                                                context of the pandemic and the standards
and supporting professions in times of major
                                                required for registration.
challenge and reform. He developed and
implemented strategic projects and initiatives Sheila’s commitment to public service has
regionally, nationally and internationally.     been steadfast during the career. Sheila has
                                                been an expert panel member of the UK
Michael was appointed as the first Nurse
                                                Competition and Markets Authority since
Advisor at the Department of Health and
                                                October 2017. She has also been the Chair
Children in Ireland. His role included advising
                                                of the Consumer Council of Northern Ireland
the Chief Nursing Officer, Minister and
                                                since April 2015. Sheila was appointed as a
Officials on healthcare policy nationally and
                                                transformation change director in the Council
                                                for Curriculum, Education and Assessment,
Michael also held a number of senior posts      was Chief Executive in a local authority and
including Area Director of Nursing and          worked in the political system at the Northern
Midwifery, Dublin Mid Leinster and Director of Ireland Assembly, the Northern Ireland Office
Nursing and Midwifery and Palliative Care at    and Westminster.
Letterkenny and Sligo University Hospitals and
Our Lady’s Hospital, Navan.
He has co-authored a number of book
chapters and has published in various
international publications.

                                                RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences
                                       MEETING THE NEEDS OF MODERN HEALTHCARE

                          W EDNESDAY, 2 4 F EBRUARY 2021 - 14.00-15.30PM
                             RECOVERY & WELLNESS IN A COVID-19 WORLD

           Prof. Mary Jo Kreitzer                          Prof. Ciaran O’Boyle                               Prof. Thomas Kearns
           Director, Earl E. Bakken Center                 Professor of Psychology &                          Executive Director, Faculty of
           for Spirituality & Healing,                     Founding Director, RCSI Centre                     Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI
           Professor, School of Nursing,                   for Positive Psychology and                        University of Medicine & Health
           University of Minnesota,                        Health, Dublin, Ireland                            Sciences, Dublin, Ireland
           Minnesota, USA
Mary Jo Kreitzer, PhD, RN, FAAN is the          Dr Ciaran O’Boyle is a Professor of Psychology    Professor Thomas Kearns is the Executive
Founder and Director of the Earl E. Bakken      at the RCSI University of Medicine and Health     Director of the Faculty of Nursing and
Center for Spirituality & Healing at the        Sciences with over 35 years’ experience as        Midwifery at RCSI University of Medicine
University of Minnesota where she also          an educator, researcher and trainer. He is        and Health Sciences in Dublin, Ireland. He
serves as a tenured professor in the School     currently Director of the new RCSI Centre         is responsible for leading and delivering on
of Nursing. Within the School of Nursing,       for Positive Psychology and Health which          the strategic intent and operational activity
Professor Kreitzer is the co-lead of the        he founded in 2019. He established the first      of the Faculty. His career in nursing started in
Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) program     Department of Psychology in an Irish Medical      1980 and over the last 20 years Thomas has
in integrative health and healing. She has      School in 1987 and, in 2005, he led the           worked in professional regulation, nursing
served as the principal investigator or co-     team that established the RCSI’s Institute of     and health policy and higher education. He
principal investigator of numerous clinical     Leadership which he directed for 15 years.        is both a general and psychiatric nurse, he
trials focusing on mindfulness meditation                                                         has a primary degree in Nursing, a Master’s
                                                He established RCSI Dubai in 2007 and led it
with persons with chronic disease including                                                       Degree in Education and a Fellowship
                                                until 2019. Ciaran has published extensively,
studies focusing on solid organ transplant,                                                       from the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery
                                                with over 100 scientific publications, in the
cardiovascular disease, chronic insomnia,                                                         RCSI. Thomas’ doctorate is in the area of
                                                fields of pharmacology and psychology.
diabetes, and caregivers of people with                                                           continuing professional development and the
                                                He lectures extensively in Ireland and
Alzheimer’s disease. Current studies include                                                      maintenance of professional competence.
                                                internationally and spends considerable
the use of social technology to enhance
                                                time in the Middle East and in Sub-Saharan        In 2017-2018, Thomas worked as interim
healing and wellbeing and the impact of
                                                Africa. He also has extensive experience          CEO of the International Council of Nursing,
mindfulness on brain-computer interface
                                                as a consultant psychologist for a range of       an NGO based in Geneva working closely
                                                national and international public and private     with the World Health Organization. Thomas
Prof. Kreitzer has authored over 150            sector organisations in the military, aviation,   is a Non-Executive Director of Axia Digital
publications and is the co-editor of the text   financial services, education, government and     Ireland, a company that develops software to
Integrative Nursing 2nd Edition published in    healthcare sectors.                               support learning and development based in
2018 by Oxford University Press.                                                                  the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. He is a
                                                                                                  member of the Rotunda Hospital Audit and
She earned her doctoral degree in public
                                                                                                  Risk committee and is a member of the RCSI
health focused on health services research,
                                                                                                  Hospital Group Directors Executive. Thomas
policy and administration, and her master’s
                                                                                                  is a member of the Advisory Board of the
and bachelor’s degrees in nursing.
                                                                                                  International Network of Health Workforce
                                                                                                  Education (INHWE). The Faculty is the
                                                                                                  Academic Partner for the European Council of
                                                                                                  Nurse Regulators (ENC).
                                                                                                  Thomas has developed a Centre for Nursing
                                                                                                  and Midwifery Advancement across the RCSI
                                                                                                  Hospital Group. He developed and directs
                                                                                                  a European Centre of Research Excellence
                                                                                                  (CPD) with colleagues from over 20 European
                                                                                                  countries and a number of pan national
                                                                                                  organisational members. Thomas joined the
                                                                                                  Board of Dublin Simon in April 2020 and is
                                                                                                  Chair of its Clinical Governance Committee.

                                                RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences
                                        MEETING THE NEEDS OF MODERN HEALTHCARE

                            THURSDAY, 2 5 F EBRUARY 2020 - 10.00-11.30AM
                                         SERV IC E REDES IGN

           Prof. Michael Shannon                             Ms Annette Kennedy                                Ms Laura Magahy
           Dean, Faculty of Nursing                          President, International Council                  Executive Director, Sláintecare
           & Midwifery, RCSI                                 of Nurses (ICN), Geneva,                          Programme Implementation
                                                             Switzerland                                       Office, Department of Health,

Professor Michael Shannon, PhD, MBA,              Annette Kennedy was elected 28th President       Laura Magahy, BA, MBA, is the Executive
FFFNRCSI, BSc, Dip Ed, PG Cert Imp Sc, is         of the International Council of Nurses (ICN)     Director of the Sláintcare Programme
Adjunct Associate Professor, UCD School of        in June 2017 after serving four years as Vice    Implementation Office. Previously she has
Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems and         President. Annette was a Commissioner on the     led some of Ireland’s most significant and
Adjunct Associate Professor, TCD School of        WHO Independent High–Level Commission            transformational public-sector projects on
Nursing and Midwifery.                            on NCDs (2017- 2019). Annette is currently a     behalf of government.
                                                  Board member of the Nursing Now Campaign
Michael has extensive experience in                                                                Laura Magahy is a Fellow and past President
                                                  Board and is a Ministerial appointment
corporate, strategic, management and clinical                                                      of the Institute of Directors and is one of
                                                  to Sláintecare’s Advisory Implementation
leadership in Ireland, England and the Middle                                                      Ireland’s top Level A Project Directors. She is
                                                  Committee, 2018-2021 (Irish Health & Social
East. He is proprietor of Global Leadership                                                        an Honorary member of the Royal Institute
                                                  Care 10-year Strategy).
Consultancy (GLC) which was established                                                            of Architects in Ireland and has served on
in January, 2019. Global Leadership               Previously, she held the position of President   numerous public, private and plc boards
Consultancy (GLC) is an international             of the European Federation of Nurses (EFN)       as Chairman, Non-Executive Director, and
development company which focuses on              and was active in lobbying the European          Executive Director.
leadership development across healthcare,         Parliament, Commission and Council.
education and service industries. He also
                                               Annette is a registered nurse and midwife and
works as a consultant with the World Health
                                               holds a BA in Nursing Studies and an MSc in
                                               Public Sector Analysis. Annette was conferred
Michael was appointed Programme Director       with an Honorary Fellowship by the Faculty of
at the Institute of Leadership, RCSI Bahrain   Nursing and Midwifery at the Royal College
in 2015 where he directed two Masters          of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) in recognition
programmes in Healthcare Management and of her leadership on both the national and
Quality and Safety. His role also incorporated international stage. Annette was the Director
expert healthcare consultancy. He has advised of Professional Development for the Irish
organisations in Dubai, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait,    Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO)
Oman and Jordan and the Ministry of Health, for 19 years and established the INMO’s very
Bahrain.                                       successful Education, Research and Resource
Michael has worked as a senior Policy Maker
as National Nursing & Midwifery Services
Director for the Health Service Executive,
Ireland. Michael’s extensive experience
supported leadership development in building
partnerships and alliances, driving change
and supporting professions in times of major
challenge and reform. He developed and
implemented strategic projects and initiatives
regionally, nationally and internationally.
Michael was appointed as the first Nurse
Advisor at the Department of Health and
Children in Ireland. His role included advising
the Chief Nursing Officer, Minister and
Officials on healthcare policy nationally and
Michael also held a number of senior posts
including Area Director of Nursing and
Midwifery, Dublin Mid Leinster and Director of
Nursing and Midwifery and Palliative Care at
Letterkenny and Sligo University Hospitals and
Our Lady’s Hospital, Navan.
He has co-authored a number of book
chapters and has published in various
international publications.

                                                  RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences
                                         MEETING THE NEEDS OF MODERN HEALTHCARE

                            THURSDAY, 2 5 F EBRUARY 2020 - 10.00-11.30AM
                                         SERV IC E REDES IGN

           Prof. Owen Barr                                   Ms Margeret Quigley                                 Prof. Thomas Kearns
           Professor of Nursing and                          National Lead for Midwifery,                        Executive Director, Faculty of
           Intellectual Disabilities, School                 Office of the Nursing & Midwifery                   Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI
           of Nursing, Ulster University,                    Services Director (ONMSD),                          University of Medicine & Health
           Londonderry, Northern Ireland                     Health Services Executive, Ireland                  Sciences, Dublin, Ireland

Professor Owen Barr is a Registered General        Margaret Quigley is the National Lead for         Professor Thomas Kearns is the Executive
Nurse. He is also a Registered Nurse Learning      Midwifery in the Office of the Nursing and        Director of the Faculty of Nursing and
Disability and completed a Community               Midwifery Services Director (ONMSD) in the        Midwifery at RCSI University of Medicine
Nursing Course: Learning Disabilities. He          Health Service Executive (HSE), Ireland. Her      and Health Sciences in Dublin, Ireland. He
has worked in a number of hospital and             role is to provide midwifery expert leadership,   is responsible for leading and delivering on
community nursing posts in learning disability     guidance and support to the ONMSD Director        the strategic intent and operational activity
services in England and Northern Ireland           and work collaboratively with the Director of     of the Faculty. His career in nursing started in
before entering nurse education in 1994.           Midwifery in the National Women and Infants       1980 and over the last 20 years Thomas has
Owen is now the Professor of Nursing and           Programme to assist in the implementation         worked in professional regulation, nursing
Intellectual Disabilities at Ulster University.    of the National Maternity Strategy (2016).        and health policy and higher education. He
                                                   Margaret has been a midwife for over 33 years     is both a general and psychiatric nurse, he
He has particular teaching and research
                                                   in various clinical, management, operational,     has a primary degree in Nursing, a Master’s
interests in health needs of people with
                                                   education and leadership roles both in the UK     Degree in Education and a Fellowship
intellectual disabilities. This includes access to
                                                   and in Ireland. Her most recent post was as       from the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery
and equity of outcome from primary care and
                                                   Director of Midwifery in UL Hospitals Group       RCSI. Thomas’ doctorate is in the area of
wider general healthcare services people for
                                                   up until October 2019.                            continuing professional development and the
intellectual disabilities. Owen was a member
                                                                                                     maintenance of professional competence.
of a Regulation and Quality Improvement            Margaret holds an MSc in Healthcare
Authority review team in 2014 that focused on Management, a BSc (Hons) in Midwifery                  In 2017-2018, Thomas worked as interim
access to general hospital care for people with Studies and is a graduate of the Timoney             CEO of the International Council of Nursing,
intellectual disabilities. He was chair of the     Leadership Institute –Advanced Leadership         an NGO based in Geneva working closely
Regional General Hospital Forum: Learning          Programme (2019). Margaret is the                 with the World Health Organization. Thomas
Disabilities which lead led the development        Chairperson of the National Director of           is a Non-Executive Director of Axia Digital
of the Regional Hospital Passport for people       Midwifery Forum and is well networked with        Ireland, a company that develops software to
with learning disabilities, which was launched the Directors of Midwifery in the 19 maternity        support learning and development based in
in May 2017 and replaced all the previous          units/hospitals in the country. In addition,      the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. He is a
hospital passports used in Northern Ireland.       Margaret is an Adjunct Associate Clinical         member of the Rotunda Hospital Audit and
This document is now the subject of a PhD          Professor with University of Limerick.            Risk committee and is a member of the RCSI
study in Letterkenny and Sligo University                                                            Hospital Group Directors Executive. Thomas
                                                   Margaret’s current projects include providing
Hospitals. He has also been involved in                                                              is a member of the Advisory Board of the
                                                   professional and strategic leadership to
research about the end of life care for people                                                       International Network of Health Workforce
                                                   support increased Advanced Midwifery
with intellectual disabilities. Owen has been                                                        Education (INHWE). The Faculty is the
                                                   Practice posts; supporting the provision
involved in reviewing and commenting on                                                              Academic Partner for the European Council of
                                                   of online antenatal education services/
the care provided to people with intellectual                                                        Nurse Regulators (ENC).
                                                   telehealth during COVID-19; competency
disabilities with intellectual disability services
                                                   development for newly appointed perinatal         Thomas has developed a Centre for Nursing
in the UK and Ireland.
                                                   mental health midwives, initiatives to raise      and Midwifery Advancement across the RCSI
Owen is recognised nationally and                  the profile of midwifery and midwifery as a       Hospital Group. He developed and directs
internationally as an established author and       career choice and supporting midwifery led        a European Centre of Research Excellence
teacher. He holds a Principal Fellowship of the care in the hospital and community. Margaret         (CPD) with colleagues from over 20 European
Higher Education Academy and was awarded leads out on the recruitment and sponsorship                countries and a number of pan national
a National Teaching Fellowship in 2020. Owen campaign for the 18-month Higher Diploma                organisational members. Thomas joined the
has written widely, with over 100 publications, in Midwifery Programme –an important access          Board of Dublin Simon in April 2020 and is
including being joint Editor of the Oxford         route to midwifery for Registered General         Chair of its Clinical Governance Committee.
Handbook of Learning and Intellectual              Nurses. Margaret represents the ONMSD on
Disability Nursing (2nd Edition).                  several national advisory groups the most
                                                   recent being the HSE Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
                                                   Disorders (FADS) Advisory Group. Margaret
                                                   is passionate about midwifery, the promotion
                                                   of the profession as a unique profession and
                                                   the opportunities that exist for midwives to
                                                   develop and expand midwifery led services
                                                   within Sláintecare and in the National
                                                   Maternity Strategy.

                                                  RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences
                                                MEETING THE NEEDS OF MODERN HEALTHCARE


                                                                     02 MARCH 2021
                  STREAM ONE                                              STREAM TWO                                               STREAM THREE
            CRITICAL AND INTENSIVE                                      INNOVATIONS IN                                          EDUCATION, LEARNING
                 CARE NURSING                                          CLINICAL PRACTICE                                          AND ASSESSMENT
09.00     Chair Welcome and Introduction                 11.30    Chair Welcome and Introduction                   14.00     Chair Welcome and Introduction
- 09.05                                                  -11.35                                                    -14.05
          Ms Serena O’Brien, Chairperson, Irish                   Dr Theresa Frawley, Past Dean & Board                      Dr Kevin McKenna, Board Member, Faculty
          Association of Critical Care Nurses (IACCN)             Member, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, RCSI               of Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI
09.05     1.1 Well-Being of Critical Care Nurses:        11.35    2.1 From Face-to-Face to Virtual Chest Pain      14.05     3.1 Refining Tuning Nursing Competences:
- 09.20   Lessons From the COVID-19 Pandemic.            -11.50   Assessment: Impact of COVID-19.                  -14.20    Designing Contemporary Assessment
          Ms Nicki Credland, University of Hull, Hull,            Ms Shirley Ingram, Tallaght University
          United Kingdom.                                         Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.                                 Dr Mary Gobbi, University of Southampton,
                                                                                                                             Southampton, United Kingdom.
09.20     1.2 ICU Nurses’ Knowledge of Abdominal         11.50    2.2 Tele-Home-Care Using PEXIP
- 09.35   Compartment Syndrome and Measurement           -12.05   Videoconference Technology for Babies            14.20     3.2 Situated Cognition Learning Theory
          in Bahrain.                                             and Children with CHD During COVID-19            -14.35    Impact on Blended Learning Skills Based
                                                                  Pandemic.                                                  Programmes.
          Ms Hanan N AlAhmed, Ministry of Health
          – Bahrain/Salmaniya Medical Complex,                    Professor Marlene Sinclair, Maternal, Fetal                Ms Briege King, Dundalk Institute of
          Kingdom of Bahrain.                                     and Infant Research Centre, Ulster University,             Technology, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland.
                                                                  Jordanstown, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland.
09.35     1.3 COVID-19 Surge Experience in Critical                                                                14.35     3.3 Introducing an Online Portfolio for
- 09.50   Care - A Nursing Perspective.                  12.05    2.3 Nursing-Related Barriers to Children’s       -14.50    Practice Placement Assessment for Nurses.
                                                         -12.20   Pain Management at Selected Hospitals in
          Ms Deirdre O’Gorman, Mater Misericordiae                Ghana: A Descriptive Qualitative Study.                    Dr Ian Donaldson, Bournemouth University,
          University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.                                                                              Bournemouth, United Kingdom.
                                                                  Mr John Agyemang, University of Limerick,
09.50     1.4 Do Critical Care Outreach Teams                     Ireland.                                         14.50     3.4 Developing Online Skills Passports for
-10.05    Improve Patient Outcomes?                                                                                -15.05    Nursing in IV Therapy and Critical Care Skills.
                                                         12.20    2.4 A Dementia Re-Design Project Using
          Ms Yvonne Fehily, Galway University            -12.35   Collaborative Co-Design and Implementation                 Ms Susie Scott, CapitalNurse Health
          Hospital, Co Galway, Ireland.                           Science in an Acute Hospital Setting.                      Education England (HEE), London, UK
10.05     QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS                                   Mr Brian Magennis, Mater Misericordiae           15.05     QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
-10.15    Including each speaker from above 4                     University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.            -15.15    Including each speaker from above 4
          presentations                                                                                                      presentations
          BEST ORAL PRESENTATION AWARD                   12.35    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS                                      BEST ORAL PRESENTATION AWARD
                                                         -12.45   Including each speaker from above 4
10.15     POSTER EXHIBITION                                       presentations                                    15.15     POSTER EXHIBITION
- 10.25                                                           BEST ORAL PRESENTATION AWARD                     -15.25
10.25     POSTER PITCH INTRODUCTION                      12.45    POSTER EXHIBITION                                15.25     POSTER PITCH INTRODUCTION
- 10.26                                                  -12.55                                                    -15.26
10.26     1.5 The Continued Development of Nursing                                                                 15.26     3.5 Anxiety and Stress Among Nursing
                                                         12.55    POSTER PITCH INTRODUCTION
- 10.28   Practice in a COVID-19 Climate.                                                                          -15.28    Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic in
          Ms Melissa Meally, St. James’s Hospital,       12.56    2.5 Advancing Patient Centered
                                                                                                                             Mr Arif Nur Akhmad, Polytechnic Ministry of
          Dublin, Ireland.                               -12.58   Rheumatology Nursing Practice Virtually
                                                                                                                             Health Pontianak, Indonesia.
                                                                  and Professionally: The New Reality.
10.28     1.6 Prevention of Pressure Ulcers Among
                                                                                                                   15.28     3.6 ‘How to Invest in your Mental Health’-
-10.30    Individuals Cared for In the Prone Position:            Dr Patricia Minnock, Rheumatic &                 -15.30    Initiative and Meeting the Needs of
          Lessons for the COVID-19 Emergency.                     Musculoskeletal Disease Unit, Our Lady’s                   Healthcare Students in a Higher Education
                                                                  Hospice and Care Services, Dublin, Ireland.                Nursing Setting.
          Dr Pinar Avsar, RCSI University of Medicine
          and Health Sciences, Dublin, Ireland.          12.58    2.6 Nurse Leadership in Implementing an
                                                                                                                             Dr Rachel McHugh, Research Assistant,
                                                         -13.00   EHR in a Hospital Setting.
10.30     1.7 An Observational Study on Handover                                                                             Letterkenny Institute of Technology,
-10.32    Practices in PICU.                                      Mr Shane Kirwan, St Patrick’s Mental Health                Co.Donegal, Ireland.
                                                                  Services/TCD, Dublin, Ireland.                             3.7 Telehealth Simulation with Early
          Ms Kate Aughey, Children’s Health Ireland at                                                             15.30
          Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland.                      13.00    2.7 Implementing RPA for Rapid Analysis          -15.32    Prelicensure Nursing Students.
                                                         -13.02   and Interpretation of Microbiology Results.
10.32     1.8 Developing Online Resources to                                                                                 Professor Sally Decker, Saginaw Valley State
-10.34    Support Nurses at the Beginning of the                  Ms Jincy Jerry, Mater Misericordiae                        University, Michigan, USA.
          COVID-19 Pandemic.                                      University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.            15.32     3.8 Operation Evaluation: Development of a
          Ms Katie Wedgeworth, UCD School                13.02    2.8 The Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on       -15.34    Standardised Cross-Hospital (CHI) Student
          of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems,      -13.04   Patients with Narcolepsy.                                  Evaluation Programme.
          Dublin, Ireland.                                                                                                   Ms Marian Vaughan, Children’s Health
                                                                  Ms Lisa Slattery, St James’s Hospital, Dublin,
10.34     1.9 National Critical Care Nursing Response             Ireland.                                                   Ireland at Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland.
-10.36    to a Global Pandemic.                                                                                              3.9 How Online Portfolios Have Enabled
                                                         13.04    2.9 APN Role During COVID-19: A Case Study.      15.34
          Mr Derek Cribbin, Nurse Lead, National         -13.06                                                    -15.36    Universities to Adjust Their Practice Placement
                                                                  Professor Richard Ricciardi, Sigma Theta                   Assessment in Response to COVID-19.
          Clinical Programme for Critical Care, Health
                                                                  Tau International Honor Society of Nursing,
          Service Executive, Dublin, Ireland.                                                                                Ms Hayley Lawson-Wood, Oxford Brookes
                                                                  United States of America.
10.36     QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS                                                                                              University, Oxford, United Kingdom.
                                                         13.06    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
-10.45    Including each speaker from above 5                                                                      15.36     QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
                                                         -13.15   Including each speaker from above 5
          presentations                                                                                            -15.45    Including each speaker from above 5
          BEST POSTER PRESENTATION AWARDS                                                                                    presentations
                                                                  BEST POSTER PRESENTATION AWARDS
10.45     Chair’s Closing Remarks                                                                                            BEST POSTER PRESENTATION AWARDS
-10.50                                                   13.15    Chair’s Closing Remarks
                                                                                                                   15.45     Chair’s Closing Remarks
                                                                                                                   - 15.50

                                                         RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences
                                                 MEETING THE NEEDS OF MODERN HEALTHCARE


                                                                     03 MARCH 2021
                STREAM FOUR                                            STREAM FIVE                                                 STREAM SIX
           COVID-19 NATIONAL AND                                   PROFESSIONAL ISSUES IN                                    ONCOLOGY, PALLIATIVE AND
         INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES                               CONTEMPORARY PRACTICE                                           ETHICAL CARE
09.00     Chair Welcome and Introduction                 11.30    Chair Welcome and Introduction                   14.00     Chair Welcome and Introduction
-09.05                                                   -11.35                                                    -14.05
          Dr Patricia Minnock, Honorary Secretary,                Dr Mary Boyd, Vice Dean, Faculty of Nursing                Ms Mary Godfrey, Honorary Treasurer,
          Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI                  and Midwifery, RCSI                                        Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI
09.05     4.1 Nurse Leaders in COVID-19: Qualitative     11.35    5.1The Impact of Missed Nursing Care on          14.05     6.1 Severity, Risk Factors and Quality of Life
-09.20    Research.                                      -11.50   Staff Nurses’ Professional Identity.             -14.20    of Patients Associated with Chemotherapy-
                                                                                                                             Induced Peripheral Neuropathy.
          Professor Monica Bianchi, University of                 Mr Hattan Alsubhi, University of Limerick,
          Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern                   Limerick, Ireland.                                         Ms Saumya Prakash Srivastava, Vivekananda
          Switzerland, Switzerland.                                                                                          Polyclinic and Institute of Medical Sciences,
                                                         11.50    5.2 Views of Generation Z Regarding Care                   Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
09.20     4.2 Team Resilience: Nurse Leaders’ Role       -12.05   and Care Careers: A Four Country Study.
-09.35    During COVID-19 in New York City.                                                                        14.20     6.2 Promoting ‘SWIFT’ Lung Cancer Detection:
                                                                  Dr Aoife Lane, University College Cork, Co.      -14.35    Focus Groups with High-Risk Individuals.
          Dr Deirdre O’Flaherty, Lenox Hill Hospital,             Cork, Ireland.
          New York, United States of America.                                                                                Dr Mohamad Saab, University College Cork,
                                                         12.05    5.3 Migration Intentions of Nursing and                    Cork, Ireland.
09.35     4.3 A Person-Centred Leadership                -12.20   Midwifery Graduating Students in Ireland.
-09.50    Perspective of the COVID-19 Crisis.                                                                      14.35     6.3 Student Nurses’ Experiences of
                                                                  Dr Pauline Meskell, University of Limerick,      -14.50    Compassion Within an Academic Setting.
          Professor Bibi Hølge-Hazelton, Zealand                  Limerick, Ireland.
          University Hospital & University of Southern                                                                       Mr Joe Treacy, Dundalk Institute of
          Denmark, Denmark.                              12.20    5.4 Nursing Leadership Through Advocacy                    Technology, Dundalk, Co Louth, Ireland.
                                                         -12.35   and Courage.
09.50     4.4 Preventing Healthcare Staff Facial                                                                   14.50     6.4 Moral Agency in Children’s Nursing:
-10.05    Pressure Injuries in COVID-19 Frontline                 Dr Elizabeth Madigan, Sigma Theta Tau            -15.05    Enablers and Barriers.
          Services.                                               International Honor Society of Nursing, United
                                                                  States of America.                                         Dr Carol Hilliard, Children’s Health Ireland at
          Professor Zena Moore, RCSI University                                                                              Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland.
          of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dublin,       12.35    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
          Ireland.                                       -12.45   Including each speaker from above 4              15.05     QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
                                                                  presentations                                    -15.15    Including each speaker from above 4
10.05     QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS                                   BEST ORAL PRESENTATION AWARD                               presentations
-10.15    Including each speaker per above 4                                                                                 BEST ORAL PRESENTATION AWARD
          presentations                                  12.45    POSTER EXHIBITION
          BEST ORAL PRESENTATION AWARD                   -12.55                                                    15.15     POSTER EXHIBITION
10.15     POSTER EXHIBITION                              12.55    POSTER PITCH INTRODUCTION
-10.25                                                   -12.56                                                    15.25     POSTER PITCH INTRODUCTION
10.25     POSTER PITCH INTRODUCTION                      12.56    5.5 Perceptions of Australian Nursing
                                                         -12.58   Students of Nursing in General Practice.         15.26     6.5 A Quantitative Study of Moral Distress
                                                                                                                   -15.28    in Emergency Department Nurse.
10.26     4.5 Bridging Theory-to-Practice Gap in Long             Ms Kaara Ray Calma, University of
                                                                  Wollongong, Australia.                                     Ms Linda Collins (Murphy), Health Service
-10.28    Term Care During a Pandemic.
                                                                                                                             Executive, South/Southwest Hospital Group,
                                                         12.58    5.6 Exploration of the Lived Experiences of
          Dr Jose Arnold Tariga, Amana Healthcare,                                                                           Ireland.
                                                         -13.00   Participating in the Florence Nightingale
          Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.                                                                                   6.6 Dying, Death and Caring: What Student
                                                                  Challenge Programme.                             15.28
10.28     4.6 Mental Health Nurse Well-Being During                                                                -15.30    Nurses Want to Know.
                                                                  Ms Sinéad Dodd, St Vincent’s University
-10.30    the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory
                                                                  Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.                                 Ms Sandra Murnane, Waterford Institute
                                                                                                                             of Technology, Waterford, Co. Waterford,
                                                         13.00    5.7 Exposing the Lay-Majority: Insider Views               Ireland.
          Ms Aoife Farrington, St. Patrick’s Mental      -13.02   from the Regulatory Boardroom.
          Health Services, Dublin, Ireland.                                                                        15.30     6.7 The Experience of Living with Heart Failure
                                                                  Mr Denis Murphy, Member of the Board of          -15.32    in Saudi Arabia: A Grounded Theory Study.
10.30     4.7 Responding to the Information Needs
                                                                  NMBI (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland),
-10.32    of our Healthcare Workers (HCWs) during                                                                            Ms Sohad Noorsaeed, The University of
                                                                  Dublin, Ireland.
          COVID-19.                                                                                                          Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom.
                                                         13.02    5.8 Psychometric Evaluation of the “Nurse
          Ms Emer Carroll, Health Service Executive,     -13.04   Clinical Reasoning Scale”: A Validation          15.32     6.8 Addressing Loneliness During COVID-19:
          Ireland.                                                Study Among Italian Nurses.                      -15.34    Older Person Residential Care Experience.
10.32     4.8 The Management of Children Presenting to                                                                       Ms Florence Horsman Hogan, Leopardstown
                                                                  Professor Ippolito Notarnicola, Centre of
-10.34    the Paediatric Emergency Department (PED)                                                                          Park Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.
                                                                  Excellence for Nursing Scholarship Ipasvi,
          with Orthopaedic Trauma and Non-Traumatic
                                                                  Rome, Italy.
          Orthopaedic Presentations During the Current                                                             15.34     6.9 An Examination of the Perceptions of
          COVID-19 Pandemic.                             13.04    5.9 The Experiences of Internationally           -15.36    Hospital Discharge Co-Ordinators on who
                                                         -13.06   Educated Nurses (IENs): From Recruitment                   Bears Responsibility for the Care of the Older
          Ms Orla Callender, Children’s Health Ireland            To Retention.                                              Person, Following Hospital Discharge Back to
          at Temple Street, Dublin, Ireland.                                                                                 the Community, Following the Implementation
                                                                  Ms Karen Mechen, University of Hull, Hull,                 of Advance Healthcare Directives.
10.34     4.9 A Collaborative Response to Managing
                                                                  United Kingdom.
-10.36    Orthopaedic Injuries from a Safe Distance.                                                                         Ms Teresa Dowling, Waterford Institute of
                                                         13.06    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS                                      Technology, Waterford, Co. Waterford, Ireland.
          Ms Caroline Fraser, Midland Regional           -13.15   Including each speaker from above 5
          Hospital Portlaoise, Co. Laois, Ireland.                presentations                                    15.36     QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
10-36     QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS                                                                                    -15.45    Including each speaker from above 5
                                                                  BEST POSTER PRESENTATION AWARDS                            presentations
-10.45    Including each speaker from above 5
          presentations                                  13.15    Chair’s Closing Remarks                                    BEST POSTER PRESENTATION AWARDS
          BEST POSTER PRESENTATION AWARDS                -13.20                                                    15.45     Chair’s Closing Remarks
10-45     Chair’s Closing Remarks                                                                                  - 15.50

                                                         RCSI University of Medicine & Health Sciences

RCSI Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Coláiste Ríoga na Máinleá in Éirinn
123 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
Tel: +353 1 402 2202

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Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery (RCSI) Continuing
Nursing & Midwifery Education Units (CNMEUs):
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Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI)
Continuing Education Units (CEUs): 1.5-2 Per
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