Metrolina Christian academy - MICAH 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to ...

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Metrolina Christian academy - MICAH 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to ...
Metrolina Christian academy


     “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what
   does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and
  to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
                       MICAH 6:8
Metrolina Christian academy - MICAH 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to ...
Resolve and Resilience
                         The 2019-20            MCA experience was a much needed and
                         school year was        welcomed achievement. You truly could
                         certainly out of the   sense the pride and courage of all the
                         ordinary in so         seniors as they were able to come                       CONTENTS
                         many ways.             together one last time to celebrate life
                                                                                                From Our Senior Pastor            2
                         COVID-19 was           with each other.
                                                                                                From Our Head of School           3
                         totally unexpected
                                                                                                The Class of 2020                 4
                         and frankly            The highlight of the evening to me was
                                                                                                Academics                         6
                         unwelcomed. But        when we were all made aware of how
                                                                                                Discipleship & Missions           7
                         the resilience of      many of the senior class had received
                                                                                                The Arts                          8
                         our staff, faculty     Jesus Christ as their savior and were
 Dr. Michael T. Whitson                                                                         Athletics                         9
                        and   students met,     baptized at some point during the school
       Senior Pastor                                                                            MCA Families                     10
   First Baptist Church and   exceeded the      year. That is what MCA is surely about,
                                                                                                Project Serve                    12
        Indian Trail    challenge that the      using the platform of education to
                                                                                                From our Director of
                        virus presented.        produce students who graduate with a
                                                                                                  Advancement                    13
The interruption of the spring sports and       biblical world view spawned by a
                                                                                                2019-20 by the Numbers           13
activity calendar for MCA was                   personal relationship with Christ.
                                                                                                Make Your Gift Today             14
heartbreaking to say the least. So many of
                                                Thank you, parents, for entrusting your         Highlighting Major
these gifted athletes worked their whole
                                                students to us. Thank you, faculty, for           Enhancements                   15
life for the chance to prove their skills,
                                                earning that trust. Thank you, staff, for the   The Cornerstone Fund
only to be denied. Our hearts go out to
                                                leadership that displays that trust.              Donors                         16

Graduation exercises displayed the
resolve and patience of all the MCA
family. Bringing some closure to their

                           Connect with us!

    Metrolina Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, national, and
                                                                                                The Annual Report is a publication of
    ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally
                                                                                                the Advancement Office of Metrolina
    accorded or made available to students at the school. The Academy does not
                                                                                                    Christian Academy and is also
    discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, scholarships,
                                                                                                 available at,
    athletic, and other school programs. We will admit children with special needs if
                                                                                                    Support MCA, Annual Report.
    services can be provided with reasonable accommodation.

2                                                      Metrolina Christian Academy
Metrolina Christian academy - MICAH 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to ...
One Focus
                        As I sit and look     Our chapel experience has never been           senior year. I am proud to say that they
                        back on 2019-         more powerful as we saw 149 students           have handled it with such grace, love, and
                        2020, I do not        commit their lives to Jesus Christ. We also    humility. The Class of 2020 will always be
                        believe there         had the privilege to baptize 49 students       remembered for the overcoming spirit
                        could have ever       this school year. #One Focus was so            that they have displayed throughout this
                        been a more           evident in the spiritual atmosphere of our     difficult time in our world.
                        appropriate           school. To God be the glory! What a
                        school theme than     blessing it is to be in a place where we are   They are such an academically gifted
                        the one the Lord      so regularly able to see God move so           group but more importantly their love and
                        gave us in            powerfully.                                    passion for the Lord was so evident. Now,
                        #OneFocus. The                                                       they are transitioning to the next stage of
   Rev. Rick Calloway
    Head of School      interruption of our   In serving others, our students and staff      life where I am confident that they will
   Metrolina Christian  school year with      had One Focus to so many in our                leave a mark for Christ.
       Academy          COVID-19 not only     immediate area and around the world.
                        ended our on-         Locally, our students served throughout        Finally, the “#OneFocus” Cornerstone
campus classes early and caused a switch      the year in Project Serve in nursing           Fund of 2019-2020 made such a
to distance learning, but it also drew us     homes, neighborhoods, churches, Title 1        difference for the cause of Christ.
closer to the Lord in ways we could have      schools, and so many other places.             The Cornerstone Fund has helped us to
never imagined.                                                                              make so many more enhancements to our
                                               In academics, we saw our focus on             program that you will see in this Annual
One of the blessings of this time was that     excellence continue to produce                Report. Through the generous gifts of so
it caused our focus and our dependence         outstanding standardized test and             many, the Cornerstone Fund is making a
to be on the Lord. Our theme verse of          College Board scores that were well           difference that will impact hundreds of
Micah 6:8 reminded us of what our focus        above the national average. We saw            students with the life changing message
should be.                                     growth in our Gifted and STEAM                of Jesus Christ.
                                               programs. Our academic program
“No, O people, the Lord has told you what continues to rise.                                 Will you pray about how you might be
is good, and this is what he requires of                                                     involved in making a difference for the
you: to do what is right, to love mercy,             What a blessing it is to be in a        cause of Christ here on our campus? Our
and to walk humbly with your God.”                   place where we are so                   building plans continue, and we need
                                                     regularly able to see God               more partners who will help us to reshape
                                                     move so powerfully.
This unusual season of our school year still                                                 our campus and do so debt free.
did not diminish all that the Lord has
                                               Our 100 seniors from the Class of 2020        As we turn to the future, we are more
accomplished in our school family this
                                               have left a mark on the MCA campus.           excited than ever to see what God has in
year. This was still an incredible year in the
                                               What a blessing they have been to our         store for our school. I am convinced that
life of our school.
                                               school with their lives and testimonies.      God has so much more in store for us as a
                                               This has been a very difficult season on      school and my prayer is that we trust,
                                               them as they have missed so much of their     follow, and obey Him as never before.

                                                    2019-2020 Annual gift giving                                                      3
Metrolina Christian academy - MICAH 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to ...
Focus on the class of 2020
    For the Class of 2020, the         One of the highlights of graduation each      events and other memories, yet they have
    idea of being a Metrolina          year is our annual Overcomer’s Award.         been such Warriors! They have been so
    Warrior has proven to be           Typically, this award is given to two         grateful for when they could have been
                                       members of the senior class who faced         bitter.
    more than just a mascot; it’s
                                       difficult circumstances in life and
    a state of mind.                   overcame those obstacles by                   It is my privilege and pleasure to present
                                       demonstrating a faith that has persevered     this year’s “Overcomer” award to the
    Here are a few of our              and honored the Lord. However, the            entire Class of 2020 of Metrolina
    seniors’ thoughts of what it       2019-20 school was anything but typical.      Christian Academy. Never have we seen
                                                                                     such an overcoming spirit than what you
    means to be a Warrior:
                                       One of the key verses that drives this        shown us during these difficult days.”
                                       award is Revelation 21:7 - “All who            – Rick Calloway, Head of School
    Tyler Moore: “MCA Warrior          overcome will inherit all these blessings,
    is one of the most important       and I will be their God, and they will be     To recognize their incredible attitudes,
    titles I have ever held. It is a   my children.”                                 resilience and perseverance as a class, a
                                                                                     bronze plaque will be displayed forever
    calling and purpose to fight       As Mr. Calloway was studying this verse       outside our Math & Science Building that
    for God’s Plan with                and seeking the Lord in prayer, God           reads, “This building is dedicated to the
    humanity.”                         revealed so much to him about the             Class of 2020 in honor of their
                                       character and the resilience of the Class     overcoming spirit.”
                                       of 2020.
    Karsten Shields: “Being a
                                                                                  Congratulations Class of 2020!! We love
    Warrior to me is being one         “Contemplating who I might choose for      you!
    who perseveres for Christ          this award caused me to be reminded
    regardless of the                  that much of this class was born in 2001
    circumstances.”                    shortly after the devastating events of
                                       9/11. Now to come to their senior year
                                       and face another worldwide crisis event
                                       with the Corona Virus. It is rare that two
    Maddie Dooley:                     worldwide crisis moments occur this early
    “Circumstance isn’t what           in one’s life. Moments that could be
    makes a person a Warrior,          defined as something you would never
    but the faith they possess in      forget.
    the face of fear!”
                                       So, the decision to choose two
                                       overcomers has been so difficult. For you
                                       see, crisis so often reveals character. The
                                       crisis of this spring revealed the heart of
                                       this class. They have lost so much in

4                                           Metrolina Christian Academy
Metrolina Christian academy - MICAH 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to ...
Focus on the class of 2020

                                            Senior Class Picture here

  Seniors graduated on
                                          23        National Honor
                                                    Society graduates            19         Students given ACSI
                                                                                            outstanding achievement in
                                                                                            key areas - Academics,
  Friday, June 19, 2020                                                                     Leadership, Fine Arts, Athletes,
                                                                                            and Christian Service.

             92    will start college
                                                   Distinguished graduates

                                                                                             20          Students on the High
                                                                                                         Honor Roll

             7   will enter the workforce

             1   will join the Military
                                                   21      MCA Lifers
                                                                                             22          Students on the
                                                                                                         Honor Roll

                                                    Students attending MCA since

   58                                                               SAT & ACT Averages
  accepted MCA graduates                                                                                      SAT
                                                                                                             M+CR          ACT
                                            Metrolina Christian Academy                                      1110          21.0
           The number of service
                                            National                                                         1039*         20.1**
           hours accumulated by
           13 Warrior Servant
                                            North Carolina                                                   1091*         19.0**
           Leadership graduates.             *
                                               Source: The North Carolina 2019 SAT Report
                                               Source: 2019 Public Schools of NC - Accountability Services Division

                                                  2019-2020 Annual gift giving                                                    5
Metrolina Christian academy - MICAH 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to ...
Focus on Academics

                 28 MS Students Participated | 4 Placed
                 8 LS Students Participated

Math Olympics     18 Students Participated | 9 Placed

NHS inductees    30 National Honor Society Inductees
                                                             Our goal at Metrolina Christian Academy is to focus on both the
                                                             intellectual and spiritual development of our students. Christian
                                                             education provides the framework for a true education by using
                                                             the Bible as the standard for truth. The source of all truth is the
                                                             Bible and an education without the Bible will give students the
                                                             basis for an inaccurate worldview.

NjHS inductees   37 National Junior Honor Society
                 Inductees                                   Christian education is distinctive at Metrolina Christian Academy
                                                              • We do not run or hide from the world but rather we
                                                                embrace and pursue the mind of Christ.
                                                              • We prepare young people for the kingdom of heaven and
                                                                the marketplace of ideas.
                                                              • We emphasize Christ-centeredness in a very self-centered
          With each passing year, we are                        world.
                                                              • We focus on spiritual formation in addition to the intellectual
          convinced that MCA is the best
                                                                development of a student.
        investment we will ever make in our
                                                              • We offer a fast paced, college preparatory program that
                 daughter’s life.                               enables our students to excel academically.
                   - The Easton Family

                                                               “The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge,
                                                                        for the ears of the wise seek it out. ”
                                                                                  - Proverbs 18:15

6                                                Metrolina Christian Academy
Metrolina Christian academy - MICAH 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to ...
Focus on Faith

 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
                       the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” - Matthew 28:19

At Metrolina Christian Academy, we are committed to our mission of “lovingly leading and equipping our students
for Kingdom living.” In keeping with that mission, we seek to lead our students to personally own their faith and to
not only possess but live out a Biblical worldview. It is our belief that we should seek to develop a detailed portrait of
what a graduate of Metrolina Christian Academy should look like.

We have used Luke 2:52 as a guidepost for developing this plan. This verse of scripture describes the maturation of
Jesus as a young man in four areas. The Bible says in this verse that Jesus grew in wisdom, stature, favor with God,
and favor with man. We seek to follow this model in developing our students.

         149 students made a
                                                   49 student baptisms                       30 chapel services
          profession of faith

                                               2019-2020 Annual gift giving                                              7
Metrolina Christian academy - MICAH 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to ...
Focus on ARTS
                                                    Within our fine arts department we have many students with God-
                                                    given talents. At Metrolina Christian Academy, we have offerings from
                  134 Students Participated         Lower School through Upper School that allow students to not only
                                                    discover where their talents may lie but also to thrive in their area of
                                                    interest and to hone their particular skills.

                                                    Throughout the year, our fine arts students were given opportunities
                                                    to “show off” their talents with competitions, recitals, and shows. This
                                                    year, the 7th & 8th Grades band achieved an overall Excellent rating at
                  163 Students Participated         their MPA competition. Art students were able to compete in several
                                                    art shows such as the Mint Hill Arts 2020 Student Show. Potter and
                                                    Company awarded two students top winning spots in their Christmas
                                                    card contest. Our choir and drama students treated us with
                                                    performances from the Fall Showcase and our Christmas band concert
                                                    was a delight.

                  99 Students Participated          These students also shared something more with our community –
                                                    God’s love. With nine Senior band members in tow, Mr. Owens
                                                    delivered over 200 donated toys to the Levine Children’s Hospital.
                                                    The students were able to see how much the donations help the
                                                    children and their families. Our choir delivered a homemade
                                                    Thanksgiving dinner and a monetary gift to a lady who was dealing
                                                    the loss of a daughter in an accident. Their only objective was to bring
                  54 Students Participated          some amount of joy during a difficult time.

                                                    Mrs. Dolin took a different approach this year. She wanted current
                                                    students, using ceiling tiles as canvases, to paint something that would
                                                    leave a lasting impression for future students, something with an
                                                    eternal meaning. One student, in particular, chose to paint a picture of
                                                    Jesus with His arms open, inviting the gazer in for a hug. Matthew 6:30
    Really great art going on at Metrolina!         was referenced for the piece. (photo in lower left corner)
              - Sandra Smith, Judge
         Mint Hill Arts 2020 Student Show           Mrs. Dolin said it best, “These are the types of students that graduate
                                                    from MCA that will impact the kingdom and spread the gospel!”

8                                             Metrolina Christian Academy
Metrolina Christian academy - MICAH 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to ...
Focus on ATHLETICs

 14    Middle School Teams
                                                     This past year in athletics, our students focused on “seeking
                                                     the Lord” using Gods Word as our primary source of
                                                     encouragement and teaching. It was certainly
   High School Teams
                            20                       demonstrated as we maintained an overall A average every
                                                     quarter, logged countless hours of serving, and consistently
                                                     honored the Lord with our effort during practices and
                                                     games. We are the Warriors!

 371 Middle & HighAthletes

      Collegiate Athletic
                             9                      “You will seek me and find me when
                                                      you seek me with all your heart ”
                                                              - Jeremiah 29:13

  3    All-Conference Teams

  Three-Sport Athletes

 14    Scholar Athletes

      All-State Athletes

 32    MAC All-Conference Athletes

                                     2019-2020 Annual gift giving                                                    9
Metrolina Christian academy - MICAH 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to ...
Focus on family
     Metrolina Christian Academy focuses on family by:

      • Providing training and resources to help parents establish a Christ-centered home.
      • Providing Christian education that is affordable to the average Christian family.
      • Establishing a program that will provide Christian education for children with different learning styles and
        academic abilities.

     Additionally, MCA provides resources such as devotions, chapels, Right Now media, and Prayer ministry for
     families to utilize to deepen their walk with the Lord. MCA’s commitment to focusing on families has proven year
     after year to be impactful.

     Director of Admissions, Monique Pouges, said this about the impact MCA has on families:

     “The reasons for families choosing MCA vary, yet our reasons for admitting them stays the same – so that the
     generation to come might know Him. The ministry does not stop with students. Families are being impacted.
     Fathers and mothers who do not know Christ are getting to know Him through their children. One dad tells the
     story of his son coming home with the news that he had two fathers – his earthly father and his heavenly father.
     This dad was so touched that he has been energized to learn more about Christ and continues to spread the
     message that his son has given him. One Focus can touch the lives of many!”

     “That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and
     declare them to their children. That they might set their hope in God, and forget not the works of God, but keep
                                            His commandments.” - Psalm 78:6-7

“We decided to move our three kids to MCA because we wanted a Christian
environment for them and also a solid academic curriculum. After they shadowed one
day all three knew immediately that MCA was where they belonged. They were able to
attend on Chapel Day and they saw first hand the presence of the Lord.

God is everywhere in the school and the entire staff is just amazing as they show the love
of God in and out of the classroom. Mr. Calloway and his administration pray over every
decision and over every student at MCA. We have made many new friends at MCA, and our gracious welcome into Metrolina
Christian Academy makes us feel like we have been here for years. We are so blessed to be a part of Metrolina Christian
Academy. Metrolina Christian Academy is not only God’s plan for our children but for our entire family.”

10                                              Metrolina Christian Academy
Focus on family

“MCA has provided our daughter, Taylor, many opportunities to grow both spiritually
and fundamentally. She was saved at an MCA chapel event and we cannot think of
anything that has meant more to us as parents than her salvation. Taylor has been able
to participate in an array of activities such as Student Government, drama/art
organizations, various sports, and the Leap of Faith Dance program. We have seen her
self-confidence grow as the MCA staff have invested their time in her personally
through the biblical world view education she receives, their unprecedented caring/
encouragement and by lifting her up in prayer.

We feel blessed to be a part of the MCA family and we cannot express enough our
sincere gratitude to Mr. Calloway and his ENTIRE staff for all that they do for the
students and families at the school. We know every decision that is made through
prayer and a strong biblical worldview. In today’s world, there is no other school that we
would want our daughter to attend as we know they are preparing her to be a leader for
His kingdom. We know the roots that are being planted now in Taylor will run deep and
we pray they will be her foundation for the days ahead. With each passing year we are convinced that MCA is the best
investment we will ever make in Taylor’s life. “

                                      “Our goal was that our kids would thrive spiritually, intellectually, physically and socially.
                                      We felt like Metrolina was the place that would offer those opportunities for our kids.

                                      At Metrolina, we know that our kids are loved. We love that our kids love MCA. We love
                                      that they are getting a quality education but at the same time they are being pointed to
                                      Jesus every day. The leadership and teachers pour into the kids and truly care about
                                      their walk with the Lord and at the same time they are preparing them for the next stage
                                      of life.

                                      In a very unsettled world that we live in, the impact MCA has had on our family is that
                                      there is peace everyday knowing our kids are safe and being challenged to grow
                                      spiritually, academically and socially.“

                                                 2019-2020 Annual gift giving                                                          11
Focus on serving

 “In December, our Hospitality team had the privilege to serve        The annual MCA Staff Service Day has become one of
 the staff of East Elementary. We provided a BBQ lunch with           the highlights of each school year. God continues to
 all the fixings, as well as desserts and several fun door prizes.    bless MCA as our faculty and staff reach outside the walls
 It was a joy to see their smiles and excitement. It gives us a       of our school campus. We are always amazed at how
 sense of fulfillment to show the love of Jesus by serving            God works out even the smallest of details!
 others and we always look forward to these opportunities to
 love on others outside the walls of MCA.”                            This year the MCA staff joined with Senior Adults from
                                                                      FBCIT to serve at several locations throughout the Union
 - Leslie Reynolds, Hospitality Team Coordinator                      County community. It was a joy to serve with those who
                                                                      have paved the way for us in ministry. Local Union
                                                                      County Public Schools - Wingate Elementary, East
                                                                      Elementary and Monroe Middle School along with The
                                                                      Closet Ministry and Cotton Street Residents were
                                                                      blessed by the willingness of the MCA Staff to be the
                                                                      hands of feet of Jesus in our community.

                                                                      This past March, the Health Sciences Academy at
                                                                      Monroe Middle School was able to host volunteers from
                                                                      Metrolina Christian Academy. During this time, these
                                                                      amazing people worked all over the building. They
                                                                      supported the EC classroom and in the library by
                                                                      helping sort and shelve many books. The volunteers also
                                                                      helped with bulletin boards, doing laundry for many of
                                                                      our students who are unable to do their own laundry, as
                                                                      well supporting our teachers in the lunch room while
                                                                      they were on duty-free lunch. Another great support was
                                                                      during our Men in the Making and Women in the Making
                                                                      groups. The volunteers worked with the students for
                                                                      about an hour in the groups on how to improve
                                                                      themselves in their daily lives. It was an amazing
                                                                      opportunity not only for the volunteers, but the impact
                                                                      they each had with students and staff. We always
                                                                      appreciate the time and energy MCA students and staff
                                                                      put in while they are at HSA@MMS.

                                                                      - Staff-Health Sciences Academy at
                                                                        Monroe Middle School

12                                                 Metrolina Christian Academy
Focus on giving
                         The 2019-20 school year marked            strong and growing. We are excited to share that we exceeded
                         another year of Kingdom education at      our financial goals for The Annual Cornerstone Fund - an
                         Metrolina Christian Academy - our         excellent marker that you believe in the work we are doing for
                         27th. To God be the glory, great things   the cause of Christ.
                         He has done!
                                                                   During the year, you had many opportunities to invest your
                        Our school theme for the year was          resources in Kingdom education at Metrolina Christian
                        “One Focus”, and we drew our               Academy. Whether you contributed to the Kick-Off Event,
                        inspiration from Micah 6:8 – “He has       served as an event sponsor for the Warrior Clay Classic or
                        told you, O man, what is good and          Golfers’ Challenge, supported the Boosterthon Fun/Color Runs
                        what does the Lord require of you, but     or designated a gift to a specific project, please know your
    Ms. Dana Bostic
Director of Advancement
                        to do justice, and to love kindness, and   generosity didn’t just provide ‘more things’. You invested in the
   Metrolina Christian  to walk humbly with your God?”             lives of young people who are being trained to be world
       Academy                                                     changers for Christ.
                         This was most evident when 149 of our
students accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior, 49 students     Because of you, MCA is fulfilling our mission to equip young
received baptism during Upper School chapel and so many            people for Kingdom living, who will impact their homes,
more students grew in their personal relationship with Christ      churches, communities, and beyond as Warriors for Christ. You
during the school year.                                            are leaving a legacy…”so that the generation to come might
                                                                   know Him.” – Psalm 78:6
Our “One Focus” theme was also evident in you, our
stakeholders. Because of your generous investment of time,         Thank you for your faithful support that is advancing the mission
talent, and finances, Metrolina Christian Academy is 27 years      of Metrolina Christian Academy!

                                                                                           Scan this QR code to Give Online!
                                                                                           Not sure how? Follow these simple
                                                                                           1. Open the camera on your phone
                                                                                           2. Point the camera at the QR code
                                                                                           3. Click the pop-up link
                                                                                           4. Give online


                                                                                          Mail: Metrolina Christian Academy
                                                                                                Attn: Advancement Office
                                                                                                PO Box 1460 Indian Trail, NC 28079

                                                                                          Email or Call:

*Event cancelled due to COVID-19

                                                  2019-2020 Annual gift giving                                                       13
                                                                         MAKE YOUR GIFT TODAY

        Give  theGift
        Give the  Giftofof Kingdom
                         Kingdom    Education…Give
                                 Education…Give      to Metrolina
                                                to Metrolina         Christian
                                                             Christian Academy
     Every gift is a blessing, regardless of its size. Your gift enhances the quality of biblically-based Kingdom education for each and
     every student at Metrolina Christian Academy. Make your contribution today and make a difference for the cause of Christ. Help
     us continue
        continue the
                   the work
                       work God
                             God is
                                  is doing
                                     doing through
                                           through Metrolina
                                                     Metrolina Christian
                                                                 Christian Academy.

  YES! I/We would like to make an eternal difference at Metrolina Christian Academy!
   YES! I/We
 DESIGNATE   would
           MY/OUR   like
                  GIFT   to make anTO:
                       SPECIFICALLY eternal difference at Metrolina Christian Academy!
              MY/OUR Fund
   The Annual Cornerstone GIFT2020-2021
                               SPECIFICALLY       TO: program for MCA)
                                        (yearly giving

  The Annual Cornerstone
                Building Campaign
                           Fund 2018-2019 (yearly giving program for MCA)

  Sponsor-A-Child  2020-2021
   The Limitless Building     (includes
                          Campaign      all families who need financial assistance to make possible Christian education at MCA)

  Other ______________________________________________________________
   Sponsor-A-Child 2018-2019 (includes all families who need financial assistance to make possible Christian education at MCA)

     (Please check relationship to school):  Parent  Grandparent  Relative  Friend  Student  Employee  Alumni  Alumni Parent
      Other ______________________________________________________________
     (Please check relationship to school): Parent     Grandparent   Relative   Friend   Student   Employee   Alumni   Alumni Parent
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 PHONE                                                                  EMAIL
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                                                                                                      My/Our gift will be matched by (name of company):
  One-Time
                of $$_______________________ (enclosed)
                     ____________________________   (enclosed)                                          My/Our gift will be matched by (name of company):
   Pledge of Gift
  Recurring $ __________________________
                  of $ ____________________ (to
                                             be  fulfilled by
                                                Monthly      06/30/2019,
                                                               Quarterly reminders emailed
                                                                           Other____________        ________________________________________________
                                                                                                      I have enclosed a corporate matching gift form.
 (to be fulfilled by 06/30/2021, reminders emailed monthly)
                                                                                                        I have enclosed a corporate matching gift form.
                                                                                                      I have electronically filed my corporate matching gift
  Matching
   Matching Gift
            Gift Amount
                 Amount of
                        of $_______________________
                           $____________________________                                                form.
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14                                                              Metrolina Christian Academy
Focus on Enhancements
Your support of the Annual
Cornerstone Fund provided for the
following improvements and
enhancements that greatly benefitted
and impacted the development,
achievement and safety of our
students, staff and families. Listed
below is an overview of the major
enhancements for 2019-2020.

Campus Improvements:
• Inward boot kit - prevents the
  classroom door from being kicked
• Remodeled the 2nd floor of the
  Lower School Building
• New flooring on 1st & 3rd levels of
  Upper School Educational building
• Licensing requirements for building
  of new educational building and
  track & field
• Increased campus security with
  additional card access-only entry
  and security cameras

• Furniture/Toys/Books/Curriculum
  for Early Education
• Band equipment
• Collaborative desks and lockers for
  the Lower School classrooms
• New teacher desks and bookcases
  for the Lower School and Middle
  School classrooms
• Science equipment for Middle
  School and Upper School
• Classroom STEAM resources for
  every learning level through the
  Early Education and Lower School
• STEAM Lab table and stools

• STEAM—Project Lead the Way
  curriculum (Robots, supplies,
  teacher training, maker spaces, etc.)
• Dash Robot
• Classroom projectors
• 2 MacBooks and 1 iMac for
• 1 MacBook for Lower School Media
                         2019-20 FAITH GOAL: $350,000
• 1 Canon EOS Rebel Ti7 camera for
  Photography and Communications
• 24 laptops for the computer lab
• Expanded/strengthened Wi-Fi on

                                          2019-2020 Annual gift giving   15
Focus on Donors
316 Sports - FBCIT          Anonymous (33)                 Beighle, Jordan and Amanda
84 Lumber                   Anytime Storage Site, LLC      Beil, Renate                            The following pages gratefully
Absher, Jake and Hope       Anzaldi, Lee and Marsha        Belcher, Jennifer               acknowledge parents, grandparents,
Absher, Randy and Kelly     Architect Sports & Physical    Beldner, Dennis and Nancy               faculty, staff, students, alumni,
Aceta, Brad and Sharon        Therapy, Inc.                Beldner, Tim and Meagan
                                                                                              business partners and friends who
Acevedo, Donna              Armstrong, Kristen             Belk, Cullen
Ackerman, Melissa           Arp, Dean and Anne             Belluz, Marco and Kristi             generously supported Metrolina
Acosta, Kelley              Arrington, Jane                Belluz, Sigrid                   Christian Academy during the 2019-
Acuff, Jan                  Arru, Mariel                   Belter, Charles and Lynda          20 school year. These ‘Warriors for
Adams, Charles and Joyce    Asbury, Andrew and Katie       Belter, Matthew and Rachael      Christ’ donors contributed from July
Adams, Darren and Wava      Ashlock, Andrew and Laura      Belter, Wesley and Judy
                                                                                            1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and
Ahrens, Thomas and          Ashlock, Scott and Ruthie      Beltran, Patricia
  Christine                 Austin, Jason                  Beltz, Christian and Nicky                  raised $559,788.34 for The
Alexander Homestead         Auvil, Michael and Penny       Benham, Jordan and                     Cornerstone Fund at Metrolina
  Weddings                  AXA Foundation                   Christina                                  Christian Academy. These
Alexander, Deanna           Aycoth, Lisa                   Benitez, Leslie                    contributions assisted in providing
Alexander, Holly            Aycoth, Matthew and            Bennett, Christopher
                                                                                               sustainable resources to fulfill our
Alexander, John               Stephanie                    Berger, Chris and Shawna
Alight Solution             Babinov, Michael               Berrier, Cynthia                mission of excellence for Christ. Each
All Type Sheet Metal        Babiy, Svetlana                Berry, Dennis and Angela         donor shared in making a difference
  Fabrication, Inc.         Babuca, Bobby                  Berry, Kathryn                  in the life of our school and students,
Allred, Kevin               Bak, Tatyana                   Bezek, Eric and Jody              and each has our eternal gratitude.
Allstate Foundation         Bakalenko, Daniel and Olga     Bezek, Jordan Class of 2021
                                                                                                                     God bless you!
Ally Financial Inc.         Bakalenko, Vasiliy and Luda    Bhaer, David
Altmeyer, Jackie            Baker, Cynthia                 Bibby, Jackie
Alyea, Dennis               Baker, Patricia                Bibby, Tamara
Amazon Smiles               Baker, Rachel                  Bible, Jerry and Michelle
American Metals, Inc.       Baldwin, Jarrod                Bissette, Marshall and
                                                                                                  “Jesus is the stone you
Amerson, Beth               Baldwin, Jerry and Teri          Christine
Amos, Alex                  Ballard, Christine             Black, Jonathan
                                                                                                builders rejected, which has
Anbro, David and Judy       Banguero, Diana                Black, Melissa                        become the cornerstone.”
Andersen, Lori              Bank of America Foundation     Black, Wes and Dona                           - Acts 4:11
Anderson, Blake and Carol   Bankhead, Noel and Cheri       Blackwelder, Ginger and
Anderson, Brian and Leigh   Banks, John                      Sandy
Anderson, Kathryn           Bannister, Jason and Ashley    Blake, John and Sharon
Anderson, Keith and Susan   Bannister, Randy and Kathy     Blakeney, Linda
Anderson, Matthew and       Barbee, Mark and Robin         Blakeney, Tennie and Caryn
  Heather                   Barber, Amanda                 Blalock, Andy and Faith
Anderson, Micah             Barbour, Jon and Susan         Blanchard, Dryw and Amy
Andrew, Adam and Kerri      Barbrow, Robin                 Blanco Martinez, Sarai
Anema, Cheyenne             Barkan, Chris and Ashley       Blanco, Berenisse
Anema, Cody and Cheri       Barkan, Leon                   Blanco, Nydia
Anema, Trevor               Barkan, Mark                   Blankenberg, Melissa
Anema, Vern                 Barker, Jon and Angie          Blanton, Connie
                            Barkley, Matthew and Jill      Blessing, Rick
                            Barnes, Jeremy and Angela      Blowers, Kayla                 Scan this QR code to Give Online!
                            Barnett, Jason and Teresa      Boggs, Christopher and         Not sure how? Follow these simple
                            Barnett, Norris and Shelly       Suzanne                      instructions:
                            Barnette, Marcia               Boland, Cassie
                                                                                          1. Open the camera on your phone
                            Barnhill, Georgianna           Boland, Hiram
                            Barringer Construction         Boland, Michelle               2. Point the camera at the QR code
                            Barry, Thomas and Lynn         Bolger, Patrick and Shawna     3. Click the pop-up link
                            Bartlett, Craig and Jennifer   Bolick, Mike                   4. Give online
                            Bartlett, Lee                  Bonacasa, Dino and Mary
                            Bascom-Morgan, Semone          Bond, Mark and Sharon
                            Baucom, Ken and Christy        Boney, Bryan and Heather
                            Baucom, Mallory                Bongiorno, Frank and Jenny
                            Baucom, Randy and Nancy        Boosterthon                   Website:
                            Baucom, Teddy and Bobbi        Boratea, Jackie
                            Bauer, Laura                   Bostic, Dana                  Mail: Metrolina Christian Academy
                            Bauldree, Angela               Bostic, Jim and Hilda               Attn: Advancement Office
                            Bay, John and Amanda           Bostic, Paul and Tracina            PO Box 1460 Indian Trail, NC 28079
                            Beatty, Charles and Angela     Bounds, Buster and Vicki
                            Beatty, Kathryn                Bounds, Chris                 Email or Call:
                            Beaver, Chris and Ashley       Boutcher, Sheila                   
                            Beaver, Joyce                  Bowlin, Rob and Robin                        704.882.3375
                            Becker, Brittney               Boyce, Michael and Tiffany

16                                                 Metrolina Christian Academy
Focus on Donors
Boyd, Chuck and Cindy             Calloway, Katie Class of 2011
Bradley, Lance and Andrea         Calloway, Lindsay Class of 2006
Brady, Nena                       Calloway, Madison Class of 2016
Brady, Veronica                   Calloway, Mark and Lisa
Brandes, Doug and Yvonne          Calloway, Rick and Karen
Brasfield, Tanner                 Cameron's Inc.
Braswell, Bradley and Elizabeth   Camilo, James and Kalee
Braswell, Steven and Shea         Campbell, Amy
Bray, Ray and Margie              Campbell, Paula
Breault, Tim                      Campbell, William and Juanita
Breen, Kara                       Camps, Jim and Debbie
Brewer, Cindy                     Cannon, Patrick
Brewer, Clark and Samantha        Carey, John and Jennie
Brewer, Daniel                    Carlino, Ryan and Kerri
Brewer, Danny and MaryBeth        Carmichael, David and Lori
Brewer, David                     Carolina Hauling Pros             Cook, Tommy and Paula               Deaton, Gary
Bricken, JD and Myra              Carolina Kids Dentistry           Cooper, Allison                     Decker, Paul and Amy
Bridgewater, Robert               Carr, Al and Lois                 Copeland, Randy and Charlene        Del-Cher Smith, Inc.
Broadway, Sarah                   Carr, Courtney                    Copley, Sheila                      Dempsey, Christine
Brock, Cornelia                   Carr, Dwayne and Blair            Cordes, Kim                         Deppen, Michael and Juanita
Brock, Shamia                     Carr, Wayne                       Corless, David and Kathy            Desarno, James and Susan
Brockmann, Matt and Paige         Carter, Thad and Trista           Cornerstone Marketplace             Dexter Insurance Associates, Inc.
Broeils, Don and Pam              Case, Jack and Tabatha            Covington, Jim                      Diaz, Elizabeth
Brooks, Douglas and Terry         Casten, Michael and Cindy         Cox, Carlton and Peggy              Digh, George and Mary
Brooks, Jason and Tessa           Castoro, Michael and Courtney     Cox, Marion and Sharron             Dilling, Jason and Patricia
Brooks, Reggie                    Castoro, Michael and Karen        Craft, Danielle                     DiMarco, Dianne
Broome, Dana                      Cauthen, Chris and Sharon         Craft, Richard                      Diri, Mandy
Broome, Lawrence and Judy         Cauthen, Larry and Joye           Craig, Greg                         Dixon, Dickie and Jenny
Broome, Todd and Hollie           Cervantes, Elizabeth              Craig, Tamela                       Dixon, Lance and Ashley
Broome, William and Martha        Chad Lewis Bail Bonding           Crainer, Sue                        Dixon, Virgil and Linda
Broviak, Pam                      Champion Fence Builders           Craver, Ben and Cara                Doege, Darcy
Brower, Cara                      Chaney, David                     Crawford, Lawrence                  Dolin, Johnny and Pamela
Brower, Wanda                     Chapman, Doug and Dianne          Crawford, Scott and Erica           Donoghue, Carol
Brown, Carolina                   Chapman, Philip and Patricia      Crawford, Tom and Louise            Doshi, Ramesh and Mackly
Brown, Chelsee                    Charette, Gene and Amy            Creative Carolina Landscapes Inc.   Doshi, Ravi and Erika
Brown, Elaine                     Charity, Chris and Amy            Crew, Gail                          Dotson, Bobby
Brown, Stacy                      Chick-fil-A Indian Trail          Crider, Christi                     Dotson, William and Jennifer
Brown, Steven                     Chivers, Dena                     Crider, John and Phyllis            Douglas, Amy
Bruce, Shane and Jenny            Choir Life Group - FBCIT          Crowder, Beth                       Douthwaite, Richard and Jane
Bruton, Clint                     Christian, Leslie                 Cruise, Ben and Susan               Doyle, Warren and Amy
Bruton, Curtis and Jennifer       Clark, Gary and Verna             Crum, Danyelle                      Drake, Keith and Rochelle
Bryant, James and Brenna          Clemmer, David and Brooke         Crum, Jenna                         Drake, Larry and Debra
Bryant, Robert and Kimberly       Clowers, Melissa                  CSC Industrial Sales and Service    Drake, Vivian
Bryant, Tammy                     Cobb, Marietta                    Culbreth, John                      Driedger, Paul and Julie
Bucci, Charles                    Coble, Kelly                      Culpepper, Perry and Carrie         Drummond, Kirsten
Bucci, Melinda                    Cochrane, Casey and Shelley       Cummings, David                     DuBois, Alan and Shannon
Buchanan, Ben and Cassie          Cochrane, Richard                 Curlee, Barry and Carrie            DuBois, Cynthia
Buchanan, Brian                   Coddington, Henry                 Curlee, Brianna                     Duckett, Brandon
Buchanan, Steve                   Coffey, Mary                      Curlee, Sandra                      Duke Energy Foundation
Bullard, Amanda                   Colletta, Davide and Lois         Curtis, Melissa                     Duke, David and Shara
Burch, Jack and Heather           Colletta, Jake                    Daleus, Chris                       Dulin, Russell and Lori
Burchfield, Robert                Collins, Cindie                   Darling, Lyman and Anastasia        Duncan, Lee
Burdick, Susan                    Collins, Justin and Haley         Daubenmire, Richard and Martha      Duncan, Michelle
Burnette, Jason and Lara          Collins, Melissa                  Davenport, Myra                     Dyal, Gabby
Burnette, Matthew and Lori        Collins, Stephen and Kimberly     Davis, Bradley and Jenn             Dyer, Jacob and Miranda
Burney, Timothy and Tammy         Colwell, Kevin and Amanda         Davis, Chad and Tara                Dyke, Jeanie
Bushman, Tiffany                  Commander, Beth                   Davis, Everett and Amy              Dyke, Jeff and Jody
Business Forms Plus, Inc.         Commander, Carla                  Davis, Mike and Joy                 Dyson, Anthony and Jennifer
Buttion, Ann                      Connell, Bradley and Patti        Davis, Rhett and Kara               Dyson, Michael
Buu, Dien                         Connell, Marlene                  Davis, Roger                        Eaker, Katherine
Byrd, Bari                        Conover, Sheldon                  Davis, Scott and Andrea             Easton, Travis and Michelle
Byrd, Kevin and Debbie            Conrad, Chelsea                   Davis, Valerie                      Edenfield, Joseph and Jennifer
Byrne, Emily                      Conrad, Denise                    Davis, Wayne and Nancy              Ediger, Faye
Byrum, Mark and Selina            Contreras, Dennisse               Dearing, Bridget                    Edmisten, Jeff and Dana
Cain, Elizabeth                   Cook, Craig and Rachel            Deason, Nick and Carrie             Edwards, Dion and Mika
Cain, Jason and Laura             Cook, Katie                       Deason, Stephanie                   Edwards, Larry
Caldwell, Debbie                  Cook, Patrick and Shaina          Deason, Tony and Terry              Edwards, Rick and Linda

                                                    2019-2020 Annual gift giving                                                        17
Focus on Donors
Edwards, Samuel and Judy           Forbis, Bryan and Deborah        Gordon, Larry and Margie        Harris, Kevin and Tamara
Edwards, Scott                     Forbis, Trent and Ashley         Gordon, Richard and Susan       Harris, Leigh
Efland, Chandler and Alyson        Foreman , Nikki                  Gordon, Robert and Yvonne       Harris, Mark and Beth
Ehrenberg, Courtney                Forrest & Forrest Dentistry      Gradillas, Justine              Harris, Vickie
Eller, Carol                       Foss, Sarah                      Grandjean, Scott and Karoline   Harrison, David and Debbie
Elmore, Charles and Kimberly       Foster, Steve and Lynn           Grant, Ashley                   Harrison, JD and Leslie
Encouragers Life Group - FBCIT     Foster, Travis                   Grassnickle, Ken and Betty      Harter, Eileen
Engle, Margie                      Foundation For The Carolinas     Gravelyn, Timothy and Carol     Hartis, Andrew and Jeanette
Engle, Paul                        Fowler, Greg                     Gray, Brian                     Hassay, Rob and Laura
Equinix                            Foxhoven, Shawna                 Gray, Carol                     Hawver, George
Erb, Dorothy                       Fraley, Joan                     Gray, Paul                      Hawver, Glen and Bethany
Erb, Fran                          Freeman, Heather                 Greene, Darren and Rosalie      Hawver, Thea
Escobar, Jovanna                   Fry, David and Christine         Greene, Rachel                  Hayes, Grace
Esquivel, Sandra                   Fry, Linda                       Greer, Arianne                  Heard, Brad
Esterline, Eric and Jody           FSI Office                       Greer, Gary and April           Hedrick, Chris and Deanna
Etherington, Bob                   Fuller, Ben and Letha            Griffin Masonry                 Hedrick, Ken
Eustace, Lora                      Funderburk, Amber                Griffin Motor Co.               Hedrick, Patrick and Chelsea
Evans, Billy                       Funderburk, Terence and Tammy    Griffin, Chad and Misty         Heh, Mary Ann
Evans, Jim                         Gagliano, Dianne                 Griffin, Ellie                  Heh, Steven and Amy
Evans, John                        Galindo, Ana                     Griffin, Jeff and Nancy         Helms Family
Evans, Tammy                       Gallier, Carole                  Griffin, Lawrence and Robin     Helms Heating & Air
                                                                    Griffin, Randy and Danette        Conditioning Inc.
                                                                    Griffin, Rhonda                 Helms, Aaron
      Twenty Middle School students chose to take the               Griffin, William                Helms, Amy
      next step in their faith and were baptized during             Grinchak, Julia                 Helms, Cathy
      Upper School chapel services between October                  Grindstaff, Kaycie              Helms, Chris
                                                                    Gromlovits, Jessica             Helms, Dustin and Cathlin
      2019 and March 2020. Five of the sixth grade
                                                                    Groome, Alan and Jessica        Helms, Harvel and Tamara
      boys took their decision one step further and                 Groome, Barry and Jacky         Helms, Jan
      formed a discipleship group that met weekly with              Grossman, Glenn and Caroline    Helms, Janet
      the Upper School Dean of Students, JarMark                    Grue, Linda                     Helms, Madolyn
      Parker. We are so blessed to not only help our                Grue, Tina                      Helms, Michael and Lori
                                                                    Guhl, Christian and Stacy       Helms, Renita
      students grow in their academics, but in their
                                                                    Guitard, Christy                Helms, Shirley
      spiritual walks as well. - Mrs. Paige Summey,                 Gullo, Carl                     Henderson, Brett and Melissa
      Middle School Principal, Metrolina Christian                  Guo, Ji and Wenqing             Hendrick Motors of Charlotte
      Academy                                                       Guptill, Kevin and Chanda         Mercedes Benz
                                                                    Guse, Eileen                    Hendricks, Debra
                                                                    Guse, Guse                      Hendrix, Alan
Faulkner, David                    Gardner, James and Heather       Guse, Jenny                     Hendrix, Beverly
Faulkner, Elizabeth                Garmon, Phyllis                  Gustafson, Eric and Jenny       Hendrix, Debbe
Fear, Lawrence and Nancy           Gaskin, Terrell and Barbara      Gwaltney, Kaye                  Henning, Jessica
Feher, John and Linda              Gaskins, Scott and Andria        Gyamfi, Johnson and Dorinda     Henry, Diane
Feldman, John and Carmel           Gator Pool and Spa LLC           Hacker, James and Colleen       Hensley, Mike and Charlotte
Ferguson, Dennis and Lynn          Gearhart, Margaret               Haga, Kenneth and Cathy         Herian, Nancy
Ferguson, Gene                     General Mills Box Tops for       Hall, Jeanine                   Heritage Funeral & Cremation
Ferguson, Mark and Michelle          Education                      Hall, Lloyd                       Service
Ferguson, Michael and Dawn         Germano, Michelle                Hall, Penny                     Hernandez, Blanca
Ferrell, Jerry Wayne and Christi   Geurkink, John and Patricia      Hall, Sharon                    Hesprich, Jeanne
Few, David and Erin                Ghitas, Stephanie                Hamilton, Curt and Jennifer     Higgins, Deborah
Fidelity Charitable                Gibbs, Frank and Christa         Haney, Beverly                  Hight, Jessica
Fieldsend, George and Kellie       Gibbs, Richard and Catherine     Haney, Jackson and Tiffany      Hill, Jessica
Fijan, Jack and Debbie             Gibson, Lori                     Hanford, Lauren                 Hill, Travis and Laura
Fincher, Mary Beth                 Gibson, Mavis                    Hanshaw, Robert and Amber       Hinson, Betsy
Fink, Dale and Beth                Gilbert, Jennifer                Harding, Robert and Ali         Hinson, Troyanne
Fink, Michelle                     Gillen, Randy                    Hargett, Amanda                 Hobbs, Elaine
Fink, Tammy                        Gilliam, Erin                    Hargett, Chuck                  Hobbs, Jason and Erin
First Citizens Bank & Trust        Gillis, Mitchell and Jennifer    Hargett, Ryan and Elizabeth     Hodge, Jay and Hilary
Flannery, Caitlin                  Gilmore, Lashonda                Hargett, Sandy                  Hoffner, Adam
Flannery, Shawn and Suzanne        Gilmore, Michael and Katherine   Harless, Meaghan                Hogue, Lou
Fleischman, Ed and Michele         Girard, Bobby and Meghan         Harold, Ann                     Hoist & Crane Systems, Inc.
Fleury, Joel and Molly             Goble, David                     Harper, Jennifer                Holden Realty
Flinn, Jim and Sharron             Godwin, Joe and Lisa             Harrill, Susan                  Holleman, Adam and Emily
Flowers, Jill                      Golf, Etc. Tech Studio           Harrington Family               Holloway, Bill and Carol
Foley, Courtney                    Gomez, Luis and Cheryl           Harris Teeter, Inc.             Holloway, Deborah
Foley, Jason                       Gooch, Rose                      Harris, Denzil                  Holsten, Amy
Folger, Alice                      Goodman, Shelba                  Harris, Doug and Donna          Holtzclaw, April

18                                                   Metrolina Christian Academy
Focus on Donors
Honeycutt, Brett and Jennifer    Joiner, Donny and Caroline     Kurien, George and Elizabeth        Lopes, Thiago and Brandee
Hopper, Gloria                   Joiner, Dub and Martha         Kurilov, Lucy                       Loucy, Christopher
Hornaday, Rocky and Pat          Jolly, Frank and Tracy         Kuykendall, David and Donna           and Christine
Hornbeck, Christopher and Lori   Jolly, Georgie                 Lackey, Bryan and Kimberly          Loughren, Rebecca
Hornbeck, David and Gail         Jolly, Larry                   Laguerre, Jacques and Therese       Loughren, Rory and Tiffany
Horrigan, Christina              Jones Lang Lasalle, Inc.       Laguerre, Jacques and Toinette      Loughren, Shane and Audra
Horton, Janette                  Jones, Ashley                  Laguerre, Patrick                   Lovelace, Dana
Hosaflook, Evadale               Jones, Kimberly                Lah, Innocent and Sylvia            Lowder, Chris
Houge, Michael                   Jones, Lee and Amanda          Lail, Taylor                        Lowery, Chris and Jennifer
Hough, Joe and Jennifer          Jones, Pansy                   Lamason, Tammy                      Lowery, Vivian
Howard, Duane and Monica         Jordan, Dawn                   Lamb, Barbara                       Lucas, Consuelo
Howell, Harold and Heather       Jordan, Marvin                 Lamparter, Nicholas Class of 2009   Luther, Kristin
Howell, Zeb and Ann              Josey, Erin                    Lane, Jessica                       Lytle, Paris and Lisa
Hoxit, Bobby                     Josey, Pam                     Lane, Tina                          Mabry, Clint and Carrie
Hubbard, Morgan                  Jourdan, Virginia              Laney, Ashley                       Mabry, Risden and Cynthia
Huberty, Wayne and Rachel        Juby, Anna                     Laney, Cassie                       Maciejewski, Peggy
Hucks, Kimberly                  Kachirisky, Jennifer           Laney, Darrell and Lynn             Macurda, Kim
Huddleston, Cody                 Kaminski, David and Stacy      Langley, Tabby                      Macurda, Kristin
Huey, Crystal                    Kassis, Rich                   Lankford, Andy                      Macurda, William and Nancy
Huey, Tawana                     Kastner, Amy                   Larry Helms Floor Sanding           Madan, Rick and Lena
Huey, Wilson                     Kastner, Christopher           Larry S. Helms & Associates         Madison Home Builders
Huffman, Dennis                  Katzman, Brittany              Larson, Carolyn                     Maheras, John and Katherine
Huffman, Robert and Kimberly     Katzman, Ronda                 Latta, Courtney                     MaidPro of South Charlotte
Hughes, Roy and Linda            Kegley, Diane                  Laughlin, Jeannette                 Malkemes, Mary Ann
Hugo, Chastity                   Kemp, Richard                  Laurents, John and Kelly            Malone, Gerald
Hults, Betty                     Kenley, Justin and Courtney    Law, Jay and Wendy                  Malone, Matthew and Kelli
Huneycutt, Jane Ellen            Kennington, Emily              Lawing, Donna                       Maloney, Adela
Huneycutt, Jeff and Jennifer     Kennison, Jessica              Laying It Down, Inc.                Malta, Vincent
Hunt, Jimmy                      Kent, George and Jeanne        Lazo, Erik and Jennifer             Manabat, Julio
Hunter, Andy                     Kerbyson, Jason and Amanda     LeBlanc, Hannah                     Manning, Patrick and Katie
Hurst, Donna                     Kernodle, Bucleigh             Lederer, Thomas and Dina            Manning, Ray and Daphne
Hurst, Justin and Bonnie         Kerstiens, David and Mary      Lee, Deborah                        Manus, Corey
Husband, John and Nancy          Kessler, David and Gloria      Lee, Eileen                         Manus, Ginger
Hutcheson, Angela                Kessler, Scott and Jennifer    Lee, Rhonda                         Manus, Joe and Michelle
Hutchko, Jane                    Ketchie, Shannon and Pamela    Lee, Tashawn                        Manzo, Melanie
Indian Trail Hardware            Keyser, Kim                    Legun, Alexandr                     Maoury, George and Renee
Inge, Mark and Paige             Kiker, James and Deborah       Lemmond, Ann                        Marcano, Carlos and Michelle
Inge, Nancy                      Killian, Christina             Leopard, Henry and Lauri            Marchand, Candy
Inge, Zach and Abby              Kimball, Raini                 Lerch, Colin and Christy            Marcotte, Peggy
Iosue, Tony and Barb             Kimrey, Sue                    Letourneau, Linda                   Marcoux, Jamie and Amanda
Irvin, Eric and Kristil          Kimrey, Zach and Kimberly      Letzelter, Elvia                    Marcoux, Lee
ISC                              Kindel, Breanne                Letzelter, Frances                  Marilla, Lynn
Izard, Ernest                    Kindel, Christina              Lewis, Jim and Carol                Martin, Francis and Donna
Jack Rabbit Salon                Kindel, Deborah                Lewis, Mark and Robin               Martin, Gregory and Shelia
Jackson, Eddie and Kathy         Kindel, Matthew and Nina       Libbey, Catherine
Jackson, Jan                     King Construction & Piping     Lievanos, Destry
Jackson, Lori                    King, Joe and Mary             Lightner, Brittany
Jackson, Michelle                Kingdom Seekers                Linger, Ernie
Jamison, Darenique                 Lifegroup-FBCIT              Linger, Paul and Bethany
Janusz, Ken and Nikki            Kinser, Andy and Julie         Link, Helen
Janusz, Kenneth and Barbara      Kirby, Darlene                 Linker, Marianne
Jaro, Frank                      Kirnan, John and Rosemarie     Linker, Ronald
Jarrett, Kody                    Kirnan, Peggy                  Linker, Will and Wendy
Jarvis, Mike and Terri           Kitson, David and Lori         Lisk, Steve and Rhonda
Jaynes, Erik and Jill            Klein, Michael and Alison      List, Sandra
Jenkins, Jay and Julie           Klick, Deborah                 Little, Doug
Jenkins, Marion                  Kloeppling, Ryan               Little, Mark and Polly
Jennings, John                   Kluth, John and Beth           Little, Vanessa
Jespersen, Mike                  Knight, Angela                 Liventsov, Mark
Johnson, Jim and Dawn            Knight, Randall                LiVigni, Paul and Lisa
Johnson, Josh and Ashlee         Knight, Roxanne                Lloyd, Robert and Carolin
Johnson, Larry and Charlene      Kohl's                         Loc-Doc, Inc.
Johnson, Jeremy and Lindsey      Konecny, Chris and JC          Lockhart, Isaiah and Laura
Johnson, Rebecca                 Konecny, Jody                  Loeck, Diana
Johnson, Robyn and Suzannah      Koppe, Clinton and Heather     Loeck, Kirby and Julie
Johnson, Theresa                 Krakker, Bryan and Seema       Lomax, Phil and Karen
Joiner, David and Joy            Kull, Doug and Sara            Long, Andrea

                                                  2019-2020 Annual gift giving                                                     19
Focus on Donors
Martin, Kelly                    Mercer, Teresa                    Mrs. Hucks' 2019 Kindergarten   Owens, William and Phyllis
Martin, Natalie                  Merry, Robin                       Class                          Oxner, Shirley
Martin, Peggy                    Messenger, Nathaniel              MSA Advantage Inc.              Pages, Hector
Martin, Tony and Brenda          Messmer, Kenneth                  Mueller, Craig and Lesa         Palermo, Madi
Mathieson, James and Karen       Messmer, Barbara                  Muldrow, Jennifer               Palmer, Bradley and Cheryl
Matthews, Jeanie                 Messmer, Joe and Sandy            Mullis, Joe and Jill            Palmer, Thomas
Matthews, Rebecca                Mia Famiglia Restaurant and       Mullis, Nancy                   Panek, Shannon
Maxson, Andy and Jessie           Pizzeria                         Mullis, Rodney                  Parker, CJ Class of 2019
May, Angela                      Michalak, Doug and Angela         Mummert, Jennifer               Parker, Corinthian and Irma
Mayhew, Pamela                   Michalak, Robert and Nancy        Murphy, Eric and Renee          Parker, Jarmark and Crystal
McAlhaney, Jim                   Midgette, Elizabeth               Musselwhite, Brian              Parker, Scottie and Erin
McCabe, Judy                     Miki's Restaurant                 Nampoothiri, Rekha              Parker, Shelby
McCart, Carolyn                  Miller, Chuck                     National Christian Foundation   Parker, Stephen and Kellie
McCarthy, Jason and Sarah        Miller, Jacob and Jaclyn          Nelson, Melissa                 Parrish, Joshua and Rachel
McCay, Paige                     Miller, Jerry and Jayme           Nelson, Susan                   Parry, Adrian
McClain, Russell                 Miller, Larry and Mary            Neubauer, Joshua and Jessica    Parry, Patrick
McClain, Shawn and Debbie        Miller, Lynnette                  Newell, April                   Parry, Paula
McClimans, Shawn                 Miller, Miranda                   Newell, Charles and Nadine      Paschall, Anita
McCollum, Sarah Class of 2017    Miller, Ray and Barbara           Newton, Brent and Emily         Patel, Ruby
McCotter, Greg and Cindy         Miller, Ryan and Wallace          Nexus Dental                    Patnode, Brian
McCotter, Jason and Elizabeth                                                                      Paul, Joe and Peg
McCotter, Justin                                                                                   Paul, Laura
McCully, Cornelia                                                                                  Paulk, Joseph and Ingrid
                                         When I was a kid, I had a magnifying glass that I
McCutcheon, Dayna                                                                                  Payne, Violet
McDaniel, Jerry and Angie                would hold while the sun’s rays would come                Peachland Design and
McDonald, Craig                          through and focus on a single object. Before                 Fabrication
McDowell, Danny and Sarah                long that focus would light a fire. Our goal at           Pediatric Boulevard
McDowell, Vince and Jeanette             MCA is to help students have a laser-like focus           Penley, Tony and Kristy
McDuffie, Phyllis                                                                                  Pennigar, Lori
McFarlane, Scott
                                         on Jesus Christ, using education as an                    Penninger, Darlene
McGhee, Connor                           instrument and tool that ultimately lights a fire         Pennings, Jill
McGinn, Kathryn                          for Christ in our culture. Thank you for investing        Perdue, Bonnie
McGinty, Kara                            in our students for the cause of Christ.                  Pereira, Natalina
McGregor, Jasmine                        - Dr. Michael T. Whitson, Senior Pastor, First            Perez, Janer and Veronica
McGuirt, Daniel and Autumn                                                                         Perez, Kelley
McIntosh, Larry                          Baptist Church Indian Trail                               Performance Logistics, Inc
McKee, Tripp                                                                                       Perrin, Jane
McKibben, Melissa                                                                                  Perruquet, Kenneth
McKinley, Jim and Judy           Miller, Stephen and Amanda        Nicholas, Nellie                Perry, Jackson
McKinsey & Co                    Miller, Tori                      Nicolson, Donald                Perry, Jaral and Catherine
McKnight, Chloe Class of 2011    Mills, Larry and Sherrie          Nivens, Kyndall                 Peters, Andrew and Kathleen
McLean, Colleen                  Minnes, Matthew and Lisa          Noble, Teresa                   Peters, Brad and Tammy
McLendon, Grady                  Miser, Austin and Kaylin          Nodine, Bonnie                  Peters, Lucian
McMillan, Brian                  Miyamoto, Dianna                  Nodine, Laura                   Peterson, David and Greta
McMillan, Diane                  Moen, Brandon and Autumn          Norman, Kimberly                Pfaff, Cynthia
McMurray, Amy                    Monde, Geniece                    Norris, Dawn                    Phelps, Casey
MCT General Contractors, Inc.    Moody Bible Institute             Northstar Real Estate           Philemon, Daniel and Lindsay
McWhirter, Brandon and Hillary   Moore, Brittany                   Norwood, Patrick and Shannon    Phillips, Michael and Pamela
McWhorter, Kassie                Moore, Kay                        Nuzum, Tonya                    Piedrahita, Jorge
Meadows, Michelle                Moore, Victor                     Nwafor, Stirling                Pierce, Barbara
Meadows, Randy and Melissa       Moose, William                    O’Connor, Peggy                 Pierce, Bob and Rosemary
Medford, Bradley                 Moreau, Sharon                    O'Donoghue, Tara                Pierce, Brian
Medlin, John and Carie           Moreau, Tim Class of 2007         O'Donoghue, Thomas              Pierce, Mark and Karyn
Medlin, Nicole                   Moreno, Mark and Alesha           Ogburn, Jimmy and Trish         Pigg, Larry
Medlin, Rex and Cindy            Morgan, Joseph and Katie          Olsen, David                    Pimentel, Rebecca
Meier, Frank and Lisa            Morris, Ian                       Olsen, Howard and Jennifer      Pinto, Luis and Phyllis
Melendez, Samuel and Maudia      Morris, Richard and Denise        Olsen, Ian                      Piper Sandler Companies
Mellor, Brooke                   Morris, Sarina                    Olsen, John and Amy             Pitts, Justin
Melton, Dustin and Rebecca       Morrison, Kyle and Christine      Olsen, Nettie                   Pitts, Martha
Melton, Jo                       Morrison, Lindsey                 Omega Homes USA LLC             Pizza Spiga Italian Restaurant
Melton, Roger and Michelle       Morse, Michael and Tiffany        Orantes, Luz                    Plotseneder, Lesa
Melton, Steve and Pam            Morse, Nancy                      Ormand, Smads                   Plyler, Butch and Becky
Mendlik, Christopher and Julie   Moser, Terry and Connie           Orr, Kevin and Karen            Plyler, Ronald and Michele
Mendlik, Erik and Sarah          Mosley, Carey                     Osaka Japanese Restaurant       Polsgrove, Aaron and Wendy
Mendlik, Jane                    Mosley, Mary                      Osborne, Natalie                Polsgrove, Marilyn
Mercer, Julian and Chemika       Moss, David and Sandi             Oswalt, Elizabeth               Poole, Greg
Mercer, Kathy                    Moton, Carol                      Owens, Rob and Andrea           Potts, Andy and Teena

20                                                 Metrolina Christian Academy
Focus on Donors
Pouges, Byron and Monique            Roberson, Rick                                                    Smith, Danny
Powell, Samuel                       Roberts, Bob and Debbie                                           Smith, David and Autumn
Powell, Weldon and Tammy             Roberts, Diana                                                    Smith, Dean and Julia
Pradel, Alex                         Roberts, Nicole                                                   Smith, Derek and Ashley
Pratt, Amanda                        Robinson, Bryan and Juli                                          Smith, Diane
Premier Healthcare Solutions, Inc.   Robinson, Daniel                                                  Smith, Grainger and Phylia
Pressler, Allen and Renee            Robinson, Jeff and Melanie                                        Smith, Greg and Monica
Pressley, Larry and Carolyn          Robinson, Mark and Darhma                                         Smith, Jeffrey and Sandra
Pressley, Mike and Heather           Robinson, Sarah                                                   Smith, Jim
Pressley, Rodney and Suzanne         Robinson, Teresa                                                  Smith, Mark and Melissa
Previtte, Delores                    Roddy, Ardith                                                     Smith, Mike and Barbara
Price, Brandon and Megan             Roddy, Richard and Christy                                        Smith, Pamela
Price, Brenda                        Rodgers, Wayne and Donna                                          Smith, Rachel
Price, Donald and Beverly            Roffler, Travis and Lesa                                          Smith, Robert
Price, Jamey and Devon               Rogers, Andrew and Nicole                                         Smith, Shellie
Price, Jessica                       Rogers, Jeff and Natasha                                          Smith, Stacey
Price, Rod and Cathy                 Rogers, Lori                                                      Smith, Ted and Joyce
Pridgen, Blake                       Roland, James                                                     Smith, Troy
Pridgen, Gene and Jamie              Roland, Jason and Sharon                                          Sniatecki, Brian and Nicole
Pridgen, Sarah                       Romans, Ronnie and Deena                                          Snorf, Barry
Prince, Rodney and Candy             Ronk, Robert and Pat                                              Snow, Bobby and Elizabeth
Principi, Tom and Nancy              Rosado, Efren                                                     Snyder, Darren and Barbara
Printzlau, Fred and Donna            Rose, Justin                                                      Snyder, Matt Class of 2006 and
Privette, Amanda                     Rosen, Stuart and Niki            Shaffer, Nancy                    Heather Class of 2007
Privette, Tyler and Leighanne        Rosser, Richard and Koral         Shaffer, Robby                  Sorrentino, Louie and Andrea
Propst, Daniel and Caroline          Rowlson, Brian and Kylie          Shaktman-Dean, Camille          Sorrentino, Vittorio and Loreen
Propst, Jocqueline                   Rowlson, Janet                    Shamblin, Erik and Kelley       Soublet, Aya
Pruitt, Rex and Kathy                Royal, Leonard and Chantee        Shamblin, Shirley               Spadin, Melissa
Publix Partners                      Rozendal, Roger and Reda          Shannon, Hubert and Ruth        Sparkman, Laura
Purser, Elizabeth                    Rucker, Boone and Jerri           Sharkey, Neal and Cecile        Sparks, James
Purvis, Shane and Laura              Rucker, Rob and Krista            Shaw, Mitch and Ann             Sparks, Kyle and Tina
Pyfer, Katie                         Ruffin, Shane                     Shears, Angela                  Spence, Dave and Andrea
Qualls, Ben Class of 2020            Ruhle, Jack                       Shellman, Andy and Ann          Spencer, Tiffany
Quarino, Rosemary                    Ruhle, Morgan                     Shellman, Sondra                Spinney, Russell and Sandy
Quick, Perry and Kirsten             Rule, Kevin                       Shields, Scott and Lisa         Springer, Pamela
Rabon, Brandi                        Rule, Tyson and Tracy             Shinn, Adam and Keri            St. John Photography
Ragan, Kay                           Russell, Alysha                   Shore, Anita                    Stadler, Derek and Alexis
Railside Auto, Inc.                  Russell, Sierra                   Shore, Heather                  Stahan, Sandy Jay
Raines, Marilyn                      Rutherford, Jason and Kristie     Shore, Richard and Anita        Staley, Sandi
Raley, Tashana                       Rutledge, Sherie                  Shoup Noble, Penny              Stancil, Anna
Raley, Toni Class of 2014            S & S Maintenance, Inc.           Shropshire, Pamela              Stanley, Alice
Ramsey, Robert and Colleen           Sadler, Preston and Pamela        Shuck, Gavin and Karin          Starr & Dickens Orthodontics
Rankin, Reese                        Salazar, Nelly                    Siegfried, Matthew and Sarah    Stauffer, Zachary
Rankin, Sam                          Sanders, Kelly                    Silipigni, Robin                Stearns, Pamela
Raskin, Larry and Wendy              Sankowski, Alex and Lisa          Simmons, Kerry                  Steele, Anne
Ray Lifegroup - FBCIT                Sarvey, Andria                    Simmons, Yolanda                Steele, Mark and Melissa
Reboy, Louis and Beth                Sasser, David and Cami            Simply Wiring Services, Inc.    Steele, Robert and Rebecca
Redfearn, Derek and Roxy             Schattie, Robert and Ellen        Simpson, Bruce and Linda        Steffensen, Sarah
Reule, Bill and Sandy                Scheid, Valerie                   Simpson, Cynthia                Stegall, Donna
Reynolds Trucking LLC                Schinemann, Ismael and Elaine     Simpson, Eric and Barbara       Stephens, Susan
Reynolds, Bruce and Janice           Schmitt, Jerry and Andrea         Simpson, Jonathan               Stephenson, James
Reynolds, Bruce and Samantha         Schmitt, Russell and Kay          Simpson, Josh and Kaiti         Stephenson, Kevin
Reynolds, Matt and Leslie            Scholand, Clay                    Simpson, Norman and Renee       Stephenson, Walter and Gloria
Reynolds, Ronna                      Schopler, David and Marla         Simpson, Patricia               Sterling, Roger and Judy
Rhoden, Carla                        Schwartz, Michael                 Simpson, Will and Ronda         Sterling, Sarah
Rhodes, Arthur                       Scott, Joshua                     Sims, Laci                      Stevens, Robert and Breanne
Rhodes, Dennis and Amy               Sealy, Adam and Lucinda           Siner, Jeff                     Stewart Enterprises
Rhyne, Patrick and Jodi              Secrest, Christopher and Shelia   Singleton, Warren and Heather   Stewart, Kaylin
Rich, Leslie                         Secrest, Debra                    Skariya, Reeny                  Stewart, Sonya
Riddle, Vinita                       Seibold, Katherine                Slemp, Matthew and Chelsea      Stickley, Blake
Riley, Cobey and Monika              Seriff, Alison                    Small, Ed                       Stickley, Brian and Beckie
Rio, Mary                            Seriff, David                     Smigelsky, Jane                 Stickley, Greg and Blair
Risley, Doris                        Seward, Tony and Susan            Smigelsky, John                 Stickley, Jason and Shelby
Risley, Korey and Brandi             Seward, W. Jefferson and          Smith, Allen                    Stiene, John
Ritter, Jaron                          Sue Ellen                       Smith, Chris                    Stiene, Timothy and Amy
Robbins, Mary                        SFI, LLC                          Smith, Creg and Karen           Stokes, Phillip and Susan
Roberson, Barry and Dawn             Shadrick, Julie                   Smith, Daniel                   Stokes, Sharyn

                                                       2019-2020 Annual gift giving                                                      21
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