Milestone anniversary draws record Cuvée crowd - Brock University

Page created by Walter Palmer
Milestone anniversary draws record Cuvée crowd - Brock University
Spring 2018
   Summer  2013

Milestone anniversary draws record Cuvée crowd
The Cuvée Grand Tasting rang in a          grape varieties and was a pioneer in theshe has since become an “articulate
milestone 30th anniversary by bringing     quest to improve wine quality and       ambassador for the Ontario wine region
more than 850 guests together to           sustainability in vinifera varieties.   on the international stage.”
celebrate excellence in the thriving           “It is humbling to be the first         This year’s Cuvée Vineyard of
Ontario wine industry.                     recipient of this great award,” said    Excellence Award went to Albrecht
    Organized by CCOVI, a record crowd     Pavan. “It validates the passion, time, Seeger, an eighth-generation grape
came to the Scotiabank Convention          effort and commitment of over 30 years  grower in Niagara-on-the-Lake and
Centre in Niagara Falls on Friday, March   dedicated to this great wine growing    sitting member on the Ontario Grape
23 to sample from the largest selection    region and having participated in its   and Wine Research Technical
of Ontario wines under one roof and        evolution to international recognition.”Committee. Sponsored by BASF Canada
taste unique culinary dishes from local        Pavan is also a founding member and Inc., the award recognizes a grape
chefs.                                     Chair of the Vintners Quality Alliance  grower who promotes excellence in
    “The strong turnout of guests from     (VQA) Standards Development             vineyard practices.
across Ontario truly showcases the         Committee and has played a key role in      “BASF believes that we achieve
importance of our grape and wine           determining the most suitable           excellence not just by using current
industry and local culinary scene and      winemaking practices applicable in      practices to their fullest potential, but
the strong level of support they both      Ontario.                                by looking for new innovations to
garner from our community,” said              Teamwork and collaboration is also   continuously improve and evolve,” said
Cuvée manager Barb Tatarnic.               key to success, he stressed, adding “to Scott Hodgins, Crop Manager,
    The Grand Tasting also honors the      be successful and to be acknowledged    Horticulture for BASF Canada Inc. “The
talented people who work in the $4.4       for your work, one needs to contribute  Vineyard of Excellence Award provides
billion Ontario grape and wine industry.   to the industry at large and not just   the opportunity to celebrate others in
    The inaugural Winemaker of             your own operation.”                    the industry who do the same.”
Excellence Award winner was Angelo                The Tony Aspler Cuvée Award of       Alongside his wife Anja Bertelmann,
Pavan, chosen in a unanimous decision      Excellence, presented to the individual Seeger maintains a sprawling 150-acre
for his major contributions to the         or institution that best furthers the   vineyard of premium Vitis vinifera grape
industry, his commitment to excellence     aims and aspirations of Ontario’s wine  varieties and has made viticulture his
and his mentorship to winemakers           industry, was awarded to Sue-Ann Staff. life’s work. He is dedicated to being a
across Canada.                             She is a fifth-generation Niagara grape grape grower in Ontario, which he calls
    Pavan, Vice-President, Winemaker       grower and internationally recognized   “one of the best regions in the world to
and Founding Partner at Cave Spring        winemaker who has won some of the       grow grapes.”
Cellars, is known for his encyclopedic     most respected wine competitions in         CCOVI Senior Scientist Jim Willwerth
understanding of viticulture in Niagara.   the world. Staff worked for several     said Seeger “strives to produce grapes
He was among the first in the province     Niagara wineries before creating her    of the highest quality destined for world
to work with numerous vitis vinifera       own eponymous facility, and Aspler said class wine.”

A trio of award winners were recognized at the VIP reception, from left: Angelo Pavan receives the inaugural Cuvée Winemaker of
Excellence award from Donald Ziraldo; Sue-Ann Staff accepts the Tony Aspler Cuvée Award of Excellence; Mark Shillingford,
Director of Marketing at BASF Canada, presents the Cuvée Vineyard of Excellence Award to Albrecht Seeger.
Milestone anniversary draws record Cuvée crowd - Brock University
Cuvée Legacy Fund yields scholarships                            Grad recognized as rising star
                                                                in Ontario’s hospitality industry
                                                                Alumna Rachel Kvas (BSc ’14)
                                                                has joined an elite group of
                                                                hospitality industry
                                                                professionals. The Oenology
                                                                and Viticulture (OEVI) grad
                                                                was recently recognized as
                                                                one of the Ontario Hostelry
                                                                Institute’s (OHI) top 30
                                                                hospitality and foodservice
                                                                professionals under the age
                                                                of 30.
                                                                    Kvas, a research and
Cuvée Manager Barb Tatarnic left, and CCOVI Director Debbie     development co-ordinator
Inglis, right, awarded Cuvée scholarships to students                                            Barb Tatarnic and Rachel Kvas
                                                                at Arterra Wines Canada,
Andréanne Hébert-Haché, Carol McLennan, Nick Pappas, and                                         toast Kvas’ 30 under 30 award.
Grant McKinnon.                                                 credits her time at Brock
                                                                with her early success after     Tatarnic said. “I look
Cuvée supports the future of          The 2018 Cuvée            graduation.                      forward to following her
the grape and wine industry       Scholarship winners are:
                                                                    “Without my degree I         accomplishments over the
by providing scholarships to       Cuvée Hosting Award for     wouldn’t be where I am           next 30 years.”
Brock students through the          Academic Excellence:        now,” she said. “Specifically        At Arterra, Kvas is
Cuvée Legacy Fund.                  Grant McKinnon
    “The Cuvée Grand Tasting                                    the exposure to winemaking,      focused on new product
                                   Cuvée Award for Academic    sensory studies and the co-      development including
is a full-circle celebration of     Excellence: Nick Pappas
excellence in our industry,                                     op program through OEVI is       running new ingredient trials
                                   Cuvée Award for Academic    really a big part of how I’ve    and testing. Lately, she has
honouring the best and
                                    Excellence in OEVC: Carol   been able to get to where I      focused on improving
brightest in the business
                                    McLennan                    am today.”                       innovation through sensory
today and looking forward to
those who will shape the           Cuvée Graduate                  Since its inception in       science and is working on
industry in the future,” said       Scholarship: Andréanne      2006, the Top 30 under 30        developing a sensory
CCOVI Director Debbie Inglis.       Hébert–Haché                program has recognized           program including sensory
                                                                young talent based on their      analysis and training.
       BASF Canada Inc. sponsorship sends                       success in their current roles       Kvas’ advice for students
          top OEVI students to Cuvée                            as well as what they bring to    and grads starting out in the
                                                                the industry through             industry is simple: always be
                                                                leadership opportunities,        curious and work hard.
                                                                community involvement,               “Put the effort in, work
                                                                industry development and         hard and be open to new
                                                                mentoring. The 2018 cohort       experiences,” she said.
                                                                was celebrated March 28 at           Kvas will be returning to
                                                                George Brown College’s           campus May 10 to share her
                                                                Centre for Hospitality and       experiences and passion for
                                                                Culinary Arts in Toronto.        science as a mentor for
                                                                    Kvas was nominated by        Brock’s Scientifically
                                                                Barb Tatarnic, Manager of        Yours program.
                                                                Outreach and Continuing
                                                                Education at CCOVI and a
                                                                fellow of the OHI.
                                                                    “From her achievements
 Front row (from left): Nadia Skorupski, Shannon Daust, Jacob   as a student to the mark
 Johnsson-Werner, Marnie Crombleholme, Robin Holford,           she’s already made on
 Emilie Jobin Poirier                                           Ontario’s wine industry,
 Back row (from left): Jennifer Kelly, Marcus Duben, Jeff       Rachel is a deserving
 Moote, Mark Shillingford BASF Canada Inc.                      recipient of this award,”

CCOVI News | Spring 2018                                                                                                     2
Milestone anniversary draws record Cuvée crowd - Brock University
Scholarships support students                                   Innovative research attracts
Four CCOVI graduate              Co-supervised by CCOVI
                                                                 international interns to CCOVI
students have recently been   Scientist Jim Willwerth and     The international reputation         “These students come in
honoured for their academic   CCOVI Director Debbie           of CCOVI’s grape and wine        with lots of talent and
achievements with             Inglis, Barker is identifying   research has attracted top       experience in labs and
scholarships that will help   the most suitable clones and    students from France for         vineyards,” Reynolds says.
support their research.       rootstocks for Ontario grape    summer research                  “With limited training they
   PhD candidate Margaret     growers by examining the        internships.                     can play a huge role in
Thibodeau was awarded the     vineyard performance, fruit         For Yuchan Wang, a           helping us process data and
$5,000 Harrison-Thompson      quality and winemaking          University of Bordeaux           move our research projects
Bursary Trust, the $1,830     potential for Pinot Noir,       masters student, it was the      forward.”
Donald Ziraldo and Laura      Chardonnay and Riesling         leading-edge Icewine                 With an interest in
McCain CCOVI Directors        grapes.                         research in CCOVI Director       working in viticulture Bodin,
Award and the $4,177 Dr.          PhD candidate               Debbie Inglis’ lab that          who is working with CCOVI
Jack Lightstone and Dr.       Andréanne Hébert–Haché          brought her to Brock.            Scientist Belinda Kemp, was
Dorothy Markiewicz            received the $5,000 Cuvée          With the goal of              looking for experience in a
entrance scholarship.         Graduate Scholarship.           continuing her studies at the    cool climate wine region.
   Working under the              Also co-supervised by       PhD level and returning to           “With climate change,
supervision of CCOVI          Willwerth and Inglis, Hébert    teach in China, learning the     northern countries are the
Researcher Gary Pickering,    –Haché is examining the         intricacies of producing this    vineyards of the future,”
Thibodeau is focused on       cold hardiness of clones and    delicacy was attractive.         Bodin says. “I hope to apply
understanding thermal         rootstocks and the                  “Icewine is very popular     the learnings and techniques
taste—a phenomenon by         underlying biochemical          in China,” Wang says. “Brock     from here when I go home.”
which some individuals        reasons for why there are       was the place I could learn          Poli and Bourdin are
perceive taste sensations     differences between them.       more about the production        working under the
simply by having the tip of       PhD candidate Jennifer      and making of it.”               supervision of Reynolds and
their tongue heated or        Kelly received the $340            She joins Matthieu Bodin,     are both hoping to work in
cooled. Her work looks at     OEVI Alumni Graduate            Laura Poli and Noëlle            oenology after graduation.
understanding how thermal     Award.                          Bourdin from AgroSup Dijon,          Poli says the project that
tasters differ in their          Working under the            the French national institute    her and Boudin are working
perception and liking of      supervision of both Inglis      for food and agronomic           on mapping vineyard
alcoholic beverages           and Pickering, she is           sciences, as CCOVI’s summer      variability with UAVs and
compared to non-tasters.      examining how yeast choice      internship students.             remote sensing is something
   MSc candidate Andrea       impacts wine quality and            CCOVI Researcher Andy        that they can take back with
Barker received the $1,700    consumer preference in          Reynolds says international      them and apply to vineyards
W.D. Hatch memorial           appassimento-style wine         interns have been working at     in France.
scholarship.                  made in Ontario.                the institute since 1999,            “Researchers in Dijon are
                                                              playing an important role in     using similar technology,”
                                                              the CCOVI’s research while       she says, “precision
       WHAT’S HAPPENING AT CCOVI                              developing transferable skills   agriculture could be a great
                                                              they can take back to their      help for growers.”
CONTINUING EDUCATION              CIDER AND PERRY             own wine regions.
      COURSES                   PRODUCTION TRAINING

May 12 to June 16: Online             August 13-17:
Certificate in Ontario Wine       There are a few spots
                                 available in the five day
May 12 to June 15: Online      foundation program offered
 WSET Level 2 Award in          through the Cider Institute
    Wines and Spirits                of North America
 June 9 – July 13: Online
  WSET Level 2 Award in           Visit CCOVI at the
    Wines and Spirits           ONTARIO CENTRES OF
                              EXCELLENCE CONFERENCE
 CCOVI offers a wide range
   of in-class and online      April 30 & May 1| Metro
       courses, visit:        Toronto Convention Centre for           International interns Noëlle Bourdin, Laura Poli, Matthieu
 education/ to learn more.            more info                                 Bodin and Yuchan Wang.

CCOVI News | Spring 2018                                                                                                   3
Milestone anniversary draws record Cuvée crowd - Brock University
Publications                     Sensory Reality Wine Consumer Lab. Rotary        varieties Cidres, Vins et alcools d'ici,
                                                Club of St. Catharines, ON. February 8.          Boucherville, QC. March 27-28.
Kemp, B., Condé, B., Jégou, S., Howell, K,
Vasserot, Y. and R. Marchal (2018). Chemical    Inglis, D. (2018). Appassimento Wines: The      Willwerth, J. (2018). Improving hardiness and
Compounds and Mechanisms involved in the        Canadian Story. Trends in Eastern                maintaining dormancy in grapevines using
Formation and Stabilization of Foam in          Winemaking: Appassimento-Style. US BevX          abscisic acid analogs. Ontario Fruit and
Sparkling Wines. Critical Reviews in Food       2018 Conference, Wine America, Washington,       Vegetable Convention, Niagara Falls, ON.
Science and Nutrition, https://                 DC, US. February 22.                             February, 21-22.           Kemp, B. (2018). Fruit zone leaf removal for   Hébert-Haché A., Willwerth, J., and D. Inglis
De Clercq, D., Thongpapanl, N., and M.         sparkling wine versus and red wine. Andrew       (2018). The impact of growing season on cold
Voronov (2018). Sustainability in the Face of   Peller Ltd, Grape Growers Meeting. Trius         acclimation of Riesling and Sauvignon Blanc
Institutional Adversity: Market Turbulence,     Winery, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON, April 5.        clones. Ontario Fruit and Vegetable
Network Embeddedness, and Innovative            Kemp, B. (2018). Viticulture for sparkling      Convention, Niagara Falls, ON. February 21-
Orientation, Journal of Business Ethics,        wine production. Business, Enology and           22. (poster)
Number 148, Issue 2.                            Viticulture NY (B.E.V. NY), Henrietta, New       Barker, A., Inglis. D, and J. Willwerth (2018).
Heit, C., Martin, S.J., Yang, F., and D.L.     York State, USA. February 28 - March 2, 2018.    Grapevine clone effects on fruit and wine
Inglis (2018). Osmoadaptation of wine yeast     Kemp, B. (2018). The World of Sparkling         quality. Ontario Fruit and Vegetable
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) during Icewine       Wine: International Production Methods.          Convention, Niagara Falls, ON. February 21-
fermentation leads to high levels of acetic     Business, Enology and Viticulture NY (B.E.V.     22. (poster)
acid. Journal of Applied Microbiology. doi:     NY), Henrietta, New York State, USA.             Jobin Poirier, E., Pickering, G.J. and R.
10.1111/jam.13733.                              February 28 – March 2.                           Plummer (2018). Doom, gloom or boom? -
Pickering, G.J. and J.E. Hayes (2017). The     Kemp, B., Yang, F., Wang, T., Trussler, S.,     perceptions of climate change impacts
Influence of Biological, Experiential and       Thibodeau, M., Willwerth, J. and D.L. Inglis     amongst Canadian winegrowers. The Ontario
Psychological Factors in Wine Preference        (2018). TanninAlert: Making Pinot noir wines     Fruit and Vegetable Convention, Niagara Falls,
Segmentation. Australian Journal of Grape       based on skin and seed tannin                    ON. February 21-22. (poster)
and Wine Research. doi: 10.1111/ajgw.12         concentrations. Ontario Fruit and Vegetable      Pickering, G.J. and S. Small-Kelly (2018). The
Reynolds, A.G., Knox, A. and F. DiProfio       Conference (OFVC), Niagara Falls, Ontario,       association of taste sensitivity with perception
(2018). Evaluation of macerating pectinase      Canada. February 21-22.                          and liking of beer and cider. 2018 Institute of
enzyme activity under various temperature,      Kemp, B. (2018). Leaf removal and press         Brewing and Distilling Convention - Asia
pH, and ethanol regimes. Beverages 4(10),       fractioning for sparkling wine. Oregon Wine      Pacific Section, Wellington, New Zealand               Symposium, Portland, Oregon, USA. February       March 19-23.
Spielmann, N. and A. Mantonakis (2018). "In    20-21.                                           Pickering, G.J. (2018). Recycle your kids, not
Virtuo: How User-Driven Interactivity in        Reynolds, A.G. (2018). Crop level               the garbage: how accurate are public
Virtual Tours Leads to Attitude Change.”        management. OMAFRA Niagara Grape Tune            perceptions of how lifestyle choices impact
Journal of Business Research.                   Up Meeting, Vineland, ON, March 19 .             climate mitigation? University of the Sunshine
                                                                                                 Coast Sustainability Research Centre Seminar
Thibodeau, M., Bajec, M. and G.J. Pickering    Reynolds, A.G., Aubie, E.A., and J. Wang        Series, Sippy Downs, Australia.
(2017). Orosensory responsiveness and alcohol   (2018). The Impacts of frozen material-other-
                                                than-grapes (MOG) on aroma compounds of          Pickering, G.J. (2017). Plonk, Plagues and
behaviour. Physiology & Behavior DOI:                                                            Platypus - the remarkable success of the
10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.04.019. 177: 91-98.      red wine varieties. Ontario Fruit & Vegetable
                                                Conference, Niagara Falls, ON, February 21-      Ontario wine industry. Department of
                      Briefs                    22.                                              Horticultural Sciences Seminar Series, Texas
                                                                                                 A&M University, College Station, United
Inglis, D. (2018) R CL at CCOVI.
                                                Willwerth, J. (2018). Production challenges     States.
Development of a Virtual, Augmented and         and managing cold-hardy hybrid grape

Experts Tasting returns                           CCOVI Lecture Series sets attendance record
One of CCOVI’s marquee events will               A diverse lineup of industry experts
return May 2 when the Experts Tasting            helped make the 2018 CCOVI Lecture
celebrates its 29th anniversary.                 Series the most popular in the series’
                                                 11 year history. More than 375 people
    The by invitation-only tasting brings        tuned in to the lectures either in
together wine writers, sommeliers,               person or by watching live online.
product consultants and wine educators               The 2018 series started off with a
to promote VQA wine.                             fitting tribute to the late wine industry   CCOVI director Debbie Inglis introduces
   If you fall into one of these categories      mogul Karl Kaiser. Veteran winemaker       David Sheppard to launch the 2018 series
                                                 David Sheppard gave a special
and would like to be placed on the list          presentation of Kaiser’s popular talk     important part of CCOVI’s mandate,”
to attend, contact with          “Pinot Noir: The savage yet seductive     said CCOVI Director Debbie Inglis. “For
your name and affiliation.                       grape” to a full crowd.                   those not able to attend in person,
    This year, the tasting will feature              As the series continued, topics       being able to share the recordings
Cabernet Franc and will explore the              ranged from promoting Canadian wine online extends our reach globally.”
                                                 internationally, the transformation and      To date CCOVI’s video archive
2013 to 2016 vintages.                           modernization of the LCBO, grapevine contains more than 60 lectures
    The VQA Promoters Awards, which              cold hardiness, and wine closure          covering all aspects of the grape and
honour outstanding achievements in the           science.                                  wine value-chain. Catch up on any
promotion of VQA wine, will also be                  “Sharing knowledge and providing      lectures you may have missed here:
                                                 outreach opportunities like this is an
handed out.
1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way., St. Catharines, Ont., Canada, L2S 3A1 Tel: 905 688 5550 x4471                                                      4
Email: Website: Twitter: @CCOVIBrockU
Milestone anniversary draws record Cuvée crowd - Brock University Milestone anniversary draws record Cuvée crowd - Brock University Milestone anniversary draws record Cuvée crowd - Brock University
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