Mission 2021 QUARTER 1 EURO-ASIA DIVISION - AdventistMission.org - Adventist Mission

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Mission 2021 QUARTER 1 EURO-ASIA DIVISION - AdventistMission.org - Adventist Mission
          YOUTH & ADULT


Mission 2021 QUARTER 1 EURO-ASIA DIVISION - AdventistMission.org - Adventist Mission
                                       O n t he Cover: Olga Noshin, 34, survived a terrible car crash without a scratch, forever changing
                                                       her marriage and her walk with God in Zaoksky, Russia. Story, page 14.

                                       RUSSIA                                                          KYRGYZSTAN
                                         4 Memory Stick Controversy | Jan. 2                             22 Sports Changes Lives | March 6
                                         6 Gift of Tongues | Jan. 9
                                                                                                         24 A Book and a School | March 13
                                         8 A New Person | Jan. 16
                                        10 Making Friends With God | Jan. 23                           UKRAINE
                                        12 Ivan’s Greatest Day | Jan. 30
                                                                                                         26 Rowdy First Grader | March 20
                                        14 Life-Shattering Crash | Feb. 6
                                        16 Skipping School for Church | Feb. 13                          28 Thirteenth Sabbath: Teach Us to Pray | March 27
                                        18 Astonished Physician | Feb. 20                                30 Future Thirteenth Sabbath Projects

                                       VEILED COUNTRY*                                                   31 Leader’s Resources
                                        20 Thanking God for the Table | Feb. 27                          32 Map

                                         = stories of special interest to teens
                                       *A “veiled country” is a country that Adventist Mission has chosen
                                       not to identify because of regional sensitivities involving Christianity.

                                                         Yo u r O f f e r i n g s a t W o r k
Adventist Mission Euro-Asia Division

                                              Your Thirteenth Sabbath Offering three years
                                           ago helped construct this gym at South Union                                         © 2021 General Conference of
                                                                                                                          Seventh-day Adventists ® • All rights reserved
                                           Adventist College in Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan. Read                                          12501 Old Columbia Pike,
                                                                                                                                Silver Spring, MD 20904-6601
                                           stories from the school on pages 22-25.                                          1-800-648-5824 • AdventistMission.org

Mission 2021 QUARTER 1 EURO-ASIA DIVISION - AdventistMission.org - Adventist Mission
D e a r S a b b a t h S c h o o l L e a d e r,         Andrew McChesney

   A remarkable story is unfolding across      first Protestant seminary
the Euro-Asia Division, where the number       in the Soviet Union when
of church schools has surged from 14 in        the institution now known as Zaoksky
2012 to more than 50 today.                    Adventist University opened outside
   “There are many reasons why schools         Moscow in 1988. But compared with
are opening quickly now, but one of the        other parts of the world, Adventist
main reasons is it is the right time and the   schools got a slow start in the vast
right place for God to fulfill His plans,”     territory of the Euro-Asia Division, partly
Mikhail Kaminskiy told me during his           because of the seven decades of Soviet
2015-20 term as president of the Euro-         rule. Brave Adventists who surreptitiously
                                               translated church cofounder Ellen White’s
Asia Division.
                                               writings into Russian intentionally
   Your Thirteenth Sabbath Offering
                                               omitted her advice to open church
will make a big difference to Adventist
                                               schools over fears of needlessly provoking
education by helping two schools construct
                                               the authorities.
their own buildings on the campuses of            As a result, it was only after the 1991
Zaoksky Adventist University in Russia         Soviet collapse that church members
and the Ukrainian Adventist Center             began to read White’s counsel such
of Higher Education, a college located         as: “In all our churches, and wherever
outside Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv. Currently     there is a company of believers, church
the combined elementary schools and high       schools should be established: and in
schools borrow classroom space from the        these schools there should be teachers
Russian university and Ukrainian college.      who have the true missionary spirit for
   The Adventist Church established the        the children are to be trained to become
                                               missionaries” (The Southern Review, July
                                               18, 1899). The first elementary school was
 Opportunities                                 opened in 1990 at Zaoksky.
     The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering              The Euro-Asia Division is home to
     this quarter will help the Euro-Asia      330.4 million people, including 107,252
     Division to:                              Adventists in 13 countries. That’s a ratio
                                               of one Adventist for 3,080 people.
  Construct three-story preschool,               You can download PDFs of the youth
   elementary school, and high school on the   and adult Mission magazine at bit.ly/
   campus of Ukrainian Adventist Center of
   Higher Education in Bucha, Ukraine          adultmission and the Children’s Mission
                                               magazine at bit.ly/childrensmission.

  Construct two-story preschool,                 If I can be of assistance, contact me at
   elementary school, and high school
   on the campus of Zaoksky Adventist          mcchesneya@gc.adventist.org.
   University in Tula region, Russia              Thank you for encouraging your church
                                               to be mission-minded! 
Mission 2021 QUARTER 1 EURO-ASIA DIVISION - AdventistMission.org - Adventist Mission
Memory Stick Controversy
                                                                                      RUSSIA | January 2
                                                                                      Alyona Pirozhok, 20

                                                                                      filling station. The man was very kind and
                                                                                      gave them unlimited cups of free herbal
                                                                                      tea to drink as they waited.
                                                                                         Finally, the bus was fixed and ready to
                                                                                      go. The students boarded the vehicle,
                                                                                      thanked Alyona’s father for his assistance,
                                                                                      and resumed the trip to Minsk.
                                                                                         About an hour later, Alyona suddenly
                                                                                      felt a strong desire to return to the filling
                                                                                      station. She wanted to give the kind
                                                                                      worker a memory stick with Ellen White’s

                                       A    lyona wanted to return to Zaoksky
                                            Adventist University when the
                                       lights went out and the heat stopped
                                                                                      “The Great Controversy.” The memory
                                                                                      stick was a witnessing tool that she and
                                                                                      her friends liked to give strangers.
                                       working during a cold, winter bus trip.           “We need to return to the gas station,”
                                          The other students in her singing group     she announced.
                                       felt the same way. They were tired, and           The group groaned.
                                       they didn’t know whether the bus could            “We should give a memory stick to that
                                       be fixed. The bus with ten people was five     man,” she persisted.
                                       hours into a 12-hour trip from Zaoksky,           “Yes, we should have given him a
                                       Russia, to Minsk, Belarus.                     memory stick,” said a student, Nikita.
                                          The students decided to call Alyona’s       “But we’re not going to go back.”
                                       father back at the university to see whether      The students discussed the dilemma
                                       he could help. Alyona’s father, who knew       for 10 minutes. They wanted to give the
                                       a lot about fixing cars and buses, told them   memory stick to the kind worker, but it
Adventist Mission Euro-Asia Division

                                       to wait at the next filling station and he     didn’t seem like a good use of time to turn
                                       would drive over to take a look.               around. Nikita was the most adamant in
                                          The students waited four hours for          insisting that they keep driving to Belarus.
                                       Alyona’s father to arrive. Then they              Suddenly, Nikita changed his mind.
                                       waited another two hours as he fixed the          “We have to go back,” he said.
                                       bus. While they waited, they spoke with           “Why!” everyone exclaimed in unison.
                                       a tall, muscular man who worked at the            Nikita looked embarrassed.
“I forgot my cell phone at the filling

                                                                                              R U S S I A
station,” he said, hanging his head.            Stor y Tips
   The bus turned around. Everyone
onboard was happy. Alyona was especially          Find Zaoksky, Russia, on the map. It
                                                   is south of Moscow. Show the route to
happy. They wanted to witness to the               Minsk, Belarus.
worker. But then Nikita remembered that
he was big and muscular. “Maybe he won’t          Watch Alyona on YouTube:
take the memory stick,” he said. “He
obviously isn’t a Christian, and we saw           Download photos on Facebook
that he was smoking while we waited.”
   For the next hour, the students debated        Download ESD Mission Posts and Fast
whether the worker would accept the gift.          Facts at: bit.ly/2021-ESD.
As the bus drew near to the filling station,
Alyona prayed for the group. “Dear Jesus,       Mission Post
please open the worker’s heart so he will         The Russian Federation is comprised of
accept the memory stick and read the               the West Russian Union Conference,
information on it,” she said.                      with seven conferences; the East Russian
                                                   Union Mission, with three missions;
   As the bus pulled up to the filling             the Caucasus Union Mission, with two
station, the worker stepped out of the             conferences and a mission; and the Far
building. In his hand was Nikita’s cell            Eastern Union of Churches Mission.
phone. He had been waiting.                       There are 640 churches and 719
   Alyona went up to the man. She felt             companies in Russia, with 42,466
shy and small next to him, but she pulled          members. With a population of
out the memory stick.                              154,842,000, there are 3,646 people for
                                                   each church member.
   “Please take this,” she said. “We are
Christians and believe in Jesus. We want
to give this gift to you. Maybe it will help
you in your life.”                             underestimate the power of the Holy
   All the students looked at the man.         Spirit. He is very powerful. People also are
                                               kinder than we think, and they actually
Would he take the memory stick?
                                               want to know about Jesus.” 
   The man’s lips spread into a large smile.
His face positively beamed.
                                                 This quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath
   “Thank you so much!” he said. “I will
                                               Offering will help Zaoksky Christian
definitely take a look at the memory stick.”
                                               School, where Alyona attended grade
   Alyona doesn’t know whether the man
                                               school and high school, construct its
kept his promise, but she isn’t worried.
                                               own school building on the campus of
Whether he was convicted to read “The
                                               Zaoksky Adventist University. Currently
Great Controversy” was the work of the         the school borrows classrooms from the

Holy Spirit. The students’ part was only to    university, and your offering will help the
share the memory stick.                        children meet in their own classrooms.
   “There is no reason to be afraid
about sharing Jesus,” Alyona said. “We         By Andrew McChesney

RUSSIA | January 9

                                                                                      Gift of
                                                                                      Anatoly Golovizin, 28

                                                                                      and Mother agreed to go with him to
                                                                                      Taldikurga, the nearest city with a college
                                                                                      that offered English classes. Anatoly failed
                                                                                      the entrance exam, and he and Mother
                                                                                      sadly returned home.
                                                                                         But Anatoly couldn’t forget the idea.
                                       Anatoly promised God to work as a
                                        pastor after being healed of a long           One day, he was reading the Bible under
                                                                                      a tree and he realized for the first time
                                       illness in Kazakhstan, but he didn’t
                                       have any hope of entering the seminary.        that the ability to speak various languages
                                       He came from a poor family in an               is a gift from the Holy Spirit. He read,
                                       impoverished village, and he had no            “For to one is given the word of wisdom
                                       money. Reluctantly, Anatoly moved to           through the Spirit, to another the word of
                                       Russia to work.                                knowledge through the same Spirit, … to
                                                                                      another different kinds of tongues, [and]
                                          “God what do you want from me?” he
                                                                                      to another the interpretation of tongues”
                                       prayed daily.
                                                                                      (1 Corinthians 12:8, 10).
                                          As he prayed, he sensed God answer,
                                                                                         Anatoly bowed his head and prayed,
                                       “Study to be a language interpreter.”
                                                                                      “God, please give me this gift.”
                                          Anatoly laughed. He wasn’t a good              A month later, he was walking along
                                       student. Moreover, everyone in his family      train tracks and found a conversational
                                       worked as engineers. No one knew any           English textbook on the ground. Back at
                                       foreign languages. Unable to forget the idea   home, he opened the book and read simple
                                       of taking language classes, he returned to     phrases in English and Russian. After
Adventist Mission Euro-Asia Division

                                       his mother in Ushtobe, Kazakhstan.             reading two pages, he closed the book
                                          “Mother, I want to study to become an       and pondered what he had just read. He
                                       interpreter,” he said.                         remembered every word that he had just
                                          Mother was surprised. “Son, you only        read in English. Stunned, he repeated every
                                       know Russian and Kazakh,” she said.            English word again and again in his mind.
                                       “That kind of work is not for you.”               “This is impossible,” he thought. “This
                                          The idea persisted in Anatoly’s mind,       is some kind of fantasy.”
He opened the book and read 10

                                                                                                R U S S I A
more pages. Closing the book, he gave           Stor y Tips
it to Mother. “Mother, read anything
                                                Show Zaoksky, Russia, on the map. It is
from this book in Russian,” he said.             south of Moscow. Also show Kazakhstan,
   She read several phrases, and Anatoly         Kyrgyzstan, and Argentina on the map.
interpreted them into English. With
                                                Download photos on Facebook
shock, he wondered whether he had                (bit.ly/fb-mq).
received the gift of tongues that he had
                                                Download ESD Mission Posts and Fast
prayed for.
                                                 Facts at: bit.ly/2021-ESD.
   Anatoly entered an English course in
his hometown and in two months reached
the intermediate level. Then he went to        sent to Zaoksky Adventist University.
harvest watermelons. With the money, he           Anatoly firmly believes that the gift of
bought his first laptop. He harvested more     tongues and other gifts of the Spirit were not
watermelons and used the money to get          only for the early Christian church in Acts.
the Internet and a cellphone. With the new        “God is the same today as He was
possessions, he learned more English online.   yesterday,” he said. “If we ask for His
   The next year he enrolled in the college    gifts, He will give them to us. Why don’t
where he had failed the entrance exam.         we have gifts of the Spirit? It is simply
This time, he received a perfect score. His    because we don’t ask.”
English was so good that the college sent         A friend once told Anatoly that he had
him to a national contest. The college         never received a gift of the Spirit. Anatoly
president, who had been scolding Anatoly       asked him if he had ever asked. He looked
for missing Saturday classes, changed his      at Anatoly with surprise. “No, I have
mind when he placed second and won             never asked,” he said.
U.S.$200 in the national contest.                 Anatoly plans to return to Kazakhstan
   “Go to church!” the president said. “In     and serve God as a pastor after graduation.
fact, I’ll go with you.” And he did.              “Imagine, a poor Kazakh boy
   Anatoly graduated with honors in two        speaking so many languages,” Anatoly
languages, English and Turkish.                said. “God is great!” 
   He didn’t stop with Russian, Kazakh,
English, and Turkish. He learned Spanish          Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath
while studying for four months at an           Offering will help Zaoksky Christian
Adventist school in Kyrgyzstan. Then           School construct its own school building
church leaders sent him to Argentina           on the campus of Zaoksky Adventist
to fine-tune his Spanish, and there he         University. Currently the school borrows
learned Portuguese. When he returned,          classrooms from the university, and your
he worked as an interpreter and language       offering will help the children meet in their

teacher for the Adventist Church in            own classrooms. Thank you for planning a
Kazakhstan for three years. Then his           generous offering.
dream came true. Nine years after
promising God to serve as a pastor, he was     By Andrew McChesney
RUSSIA | January 16

                                                                                       A New
                                                                                       Andrei Abramyan, 22

                                       W       hen I was 15, I spent the summer
                                               training to be a boxer. One day, as I
                                       traveled home from training, the thought
                                                                                       hormonal changes. “I’ll just finish cutting
                                                                                       your hair.”
                                                                                          “I’m dying,” I said.
                                       popped into my mind, “You’re sick.”                Grandmother thought that I was
                                          I shrugged off the thought. At home,         seeking attention. I actually wanted to
                                       though, I began to feel depressed. I asked      commit suicide, but I couldn’t do it. After
                                       my parents to take me to a therapist. But       Grandmother finished cutting my hair,
                                       then I realized that I might be expelled        she sat down. Mother was sitting nearby.
                                       from school if people thought I was             I remained in the chair. Looking up to
                                       mentally ill. I didn’t go for counseling.       the ceiling, I prayed silently, “God, if You
                                          Two weeks later, another frightening         exist, help me.”
                                       thought popped into my mind: “You will             Nothing happened.
                                       die in a month.”                                   I felt a strong desire to go to the
                                          I felt worse and worse. Life lost all        bathroom and kill myself.
                                       meaning. Everyone thought that I was               At that moment, I saw a light
                                       seeking attention, but I was in deep            come down from the ceiling like a
Adventist Mission Euro-Asia Division

                                       pain and no one believed me. I didn’t           bolt of lightning. It went into my
                                       understand what was happening.                  chest. I cannot describe how it felt. It
                                          At the end of the month, Grandmother         was pleasant. I felt eternity in me. It
                                       gave me a haircut in our home. As she cut       happened in a split second.
                                       my hair, I wept.                                   I jumped up from the chair and
                                          “It’s OK,” said Grandmother, who             exclaimed, “Praise God! God healed me!”
                                       thought I was going through some                   Mother and Grandmother hadn’t
seen the light, and they looked at me

                                                                                                R U S S I A
with concern.                                     Stor y Tips
   “Calm down,” Grandmother said.
                                                   Ask a man, preferably a young adult, to
“Everything will be OK.”                            share this first-person testimony.
   Elatedly, I hugged my mother. It was
                                                   Download photos on Facebook
like I hadn’t seen her in weeks.                    (bit.ly/fb-mq).
   “God healed me,” I said.
                                                   Download ESD Mission Posts and Fast
   I found my twin brother, Vadim, playing          Facts at: bit.ly/2021-ESD.
on the computer. I told him about the
light. “God healed me,” I said.                   Mission Post
   He didn’t believe me. He thought I was
                                                   Adventism in Russia began as a lay
making up a story.                                  missionary movement by German
   Grandmother thought that I was                   colonists who had emigrated from Russia
mentally ill.                                       to America in the 1870s. After being
                                                    converted to Seventh-day Adventism,
   I understood that I had nearly killed            they began to send Adventist
myself, but Someone had saved me. At                publications in the German language to
that moment I realized that God exists.             their friends and family in Russia.
   That day began a long journey                   In the “purges” of the early 1930s many
toward Jesus.                                       Adventist ministers and church members
   Today I am studying to be a pastor               in Russia were arrested and exiled, often
                                                    without any actual charges being made
at Zaoksky Adventist University. My
                                                    against them. The remaining ministers
family is happy for me. They say I am a             were denied full civil rights and were
new person.                                         not allotted food rations, and their
                                                    children were not allowed into schools.
   I believe that God brought healing into          In addition, the ministers had to pay a
my life, and I have not been the same               special “professional tax,” which often
since. I cried out to Him, and He heard             exceeded their income, forcing them to
                                                    leave the work.
me. I praise Him for being a God who
hears and answers prayers. 
                                                  Fa s t Fa c t s
   Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath       Russia spans eleven time zones.
Offering will help Zaoksky Christian               Russia paved the way in space travel.
School construct its own school building            Although the U.S., in 1969, was the first
on the campus of Zaoksky Adventist                  country to put a man on the moon, the
                                                    Soviets had launched the first orbiting
University. Currently the school borrows            satellite in 1957 and made the first
classrooms from the university, and your            human trip into space in 1961. Other
offering will help the children meet in their       accomplishments included the first

                                                    spacewalk, the first spacecrafts to land
own classrooms. Thank you for planning a            on the moon, Venus, and Mars, and the
generous offering.                                  launch of the first space stations.

By Andrei Abramyan, as told to Andrew McChesney
Making Friends With God
                                                                                     RUSSIA | January 23
                                                                                     Masha, 17

                                                                                        The pastor was pleased with her
                                                                                     decision and invited her to join a
                                                                                     baptismal class with eight older children.
                                                                                     The class was very interesting. But after a
                                                                                     year, when Masha was 11, the pastor was
                                                                                     transferred to another church. The new

                                       W    hen Masha was 5, her older sister        pastor refused to baptize her. “I’m sorry,
                                            got baptized in the Siberian city        but you are too young,” he said.
                                       of Novokuznetsk in Russia.                       Masha felt keenly disappointed. She
                                          Masha watched intently as her              didn’t talk to the new pastor for a while.
                                       sister went down into the water in the           When she was 12, she decided to ask
                                       baptismal tank. She heard the pastor and      him again whether she could be baptized.
                                       other church members congratulate her         The pastor agreed and invited her to join
                                       afterward. She thought that the baptism       his baptismal class. Masha attended for
                                       was a wonderful occasion — and she            four months. But for some reason the class
                                       pondered it for a whole year.                 didn’t seem interesting anymore. All she
                                          When she was 6, she decided that she       could think about was how long she had
                                       was old enough to be baptized.                wanted to be baptized and how the pastor
                                          “I want to get baptized,” she announced    had refused to baptize her. She dropped
                                       to her mother.                                out of the baptismal class and considered
                                          But then she got to thinking. Maybe 6      leaving the church.
Adventist Mission Euro-Asia Division

                                       was too young to be baptized. Ten sounded        Outside church, Masha didn’t enjoy her
                                       like a better age. Masha decided to wait      school or her life. She didn’t have many
                                       until she was 10.                             friends. The future seemed dreary.
                                          The years passed. As her 10th birthday        One day Mother asked Masha whether
                                       approached, Masha remembered her              she would like to go to Zaoksky Christian
                                       decision and approached the church            School, a Seventh-day Adventist day and
                                       pastor. “I want to get baptized,” she said.   boarding school. Masha wanted a new
start with new people, so she agreed to go.

                                                                                                 R U S S I A
   The summer before school started, she        Stor y Tips
finally was baptized. At summer camp
she noticed that she seemed to be the            Download photos on Facebook
only teen who wasn’t baptized. She was
baptized at 16. But life didn’t change after     Masha is not identified by her full name
                                                  because she is a minor.
baptism. She was the same person.
   The first few weeks at Zaoksky were
lonely. Masha wasn’t sure how to make           Fa s t Fa c t s
friends. She felt sad. A theology student        The matryoshka is a Russian nesting doll,
at Zaoksky University, which is on the            a set of wooden figures that can be pulled
same campus, noticed her loneliness and           apart to reveal a similar but smaller figure
                                                  inside, with usually six or more in total.
befriended her. “God knows our needs,”            The shape of the doll is usually smoothly
he said. “He is nearby, and we can talk to        cylindrical with all the decoration being
Him like a friend.”                               painted on, often elaborately. The most
   Masha didn’t have many close friends,          common theme is usually peasant girls
                                                  in traditional dress, but it can be almost
and she decided to try to talk to God.            anything, including political figures and
Finding a quiet place, she poured out her         fairy tales.
heart to God.
                                                 Traditional Russian cuisine is diverse,
   “Forgive me for not talking to You for         reflecting the vast territory of the
such a long time,” she said, weeping. “I’m        country, and was originally based on a
sorry for not getting to know You. I was          hearty diet intended for people working
wrong to be angry with the pastor for not         outside in harsh climates, with lots of
                                                  protein from meat, and carbohydrates
baptizing me.”                                    from various grains, including rye, barley
   Peace flooded over her as she prayed.          and wheat. Soups and stews made from
For the first time in her life, she felt that     vegetables, meat, and fish are prevalent.
God was near.                                     In recent centuries, more refined culinary
                                                  techniques and food imports from abroad
   From that moment, life has not been            have been creatively incorporated into
the same. “Before I always longed for             Russian cuisine.
friends,” she said. “But now I have a
Friend that I can talk to at any time, and I     During the twentieth century, particularly
                                                  during the Soviet years, Russia produced
don’t need to look for Him to talk.”             internationally famous ballet stars,
                                                  including Anna Pavlova, Vaslav Nijinsky,
  Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth               Maya Plisetskaya, Rudolf Nureyev, and
Sabbath Offering will help Zaoksky                Mikhail Baryshnikov.
Christian School construct its own               Lake Baikal, in Siberia, is the largest
school building on the campus of Zaoksky          lake, by volume, in the world, with 5,670
Adventist University. Currently the               cubic miles (23,615 cubic km) of water:
                                                  nearly a quarter of the world’s fresh
school borrows classrooms from the

                                                  surface water. At its deepest, it reaches
university, and your offering will help the       5,387 feet (1,642 m), making it the
children meet in their own classrooms.            world’s deepest lake as well.

By Andrew McChesney
Ivan’s Greatest Day
                                                                                    RUSSIA | January 30
                                                                                    I v a n S h a r o n o v, 2 7

                                                                                    he had two options: pay a double fine
                                                                                    immediately, or go to jail for 15 days.
                                                                                       Ivan couldn’t believe the terrible day
                                                                                    that he was having. As the judge spoke,
                                                                                    images of the end of the world and
                                                                                    Judgment Day flashed through Ivan’s
                                                                                    mind. “If I don’t repent now and return to
                                                                                    God, I will end up on the wrong side on
                                                                                    Judgment Day,” he thought.
                                                                                       Ivan wasn’t raised in a Christian home,
                                                                                    but he believed in God. His mother
                                                                                    had been baptized into the Seventh-
                                                                                    day Adventist Church when he was a
                                                                                    teenager, and he had attended a small

                                       LifeIvanseemed perfect until one day when
                                                 was 22.
                                                                                    group with her and other Adventists for
                                                                                    a year. But then he entered the university
                                          First, he had a big argument with his     and forgot about God.
                                       mother during a visit to his hometown           Now in court, he found the money to
                                       outside Kazan, Russia. Then his landlord     pay the fine. Receiving back his driving
                                       called to evict him from the apartment       license, he drove carefully to his mother.
                                       that he rented near his university in           A day later he came down with a
                                       Kazan. That afternoon, he failed an exam     high temperature, and he lay in bed for
                                       at the university. Later that day, the       three days, feeling awful. He opened a
                                       police stopped him as he drove back to his   Bible, and his eyes fell on Matthew 6:33,
                                       mother’s house and discovered that he had    “Seek first the kingdom of God and His
                                       an unpaid fine for speeding.                 righteousness and all these things shall be
                                          “You didn’t want to pay your fine,” the   added unto you.”
Adventist Mission Euro-Asia Division

                                       police officer said. “Now you will have to      Jesus’ words touched his heart. He had
                                       go to court.”                                never noticed them before. He realized
                                          The officer confiscated Ivan’s driving    that he had been putting his studies and
                                       license and told him to drive behind him     even his family before God. Even though
                                       to the courthouse. In court, the officer     he still had a high temperature, he wanted
                                       explained the situation to the judge.        to leave the house to spend some quiet
                                       The judge sternly informed Ivan that         time with God. He drove to a quiet spot
by a river. There he poured out his sorrow

                                                                                                R U S S I A
and deep personal repentance to God.             Stor y Tips
   “I want to return to You,” he prayed. “I
                                                  Show Zaoksky, Russia, on the map. It is
want You to be near to me.”
                                                   south of Moscow. Also find Kazan.
   From that moment, Ivan began to make
God first in everything. He prayed a lot.         Download photos on Facebook
He read the Bible every morning and
evening. He read “Early Writings” and             Download ESD Mission Posts and Fast
other Ellen White books. He was baptized           Facts at: bit.ly/2021-ESD.
and became a church youth leader.
   Before giving his heart to Jesus, Ivan had    Fa s t Fa c t s
organized a highly successful fitness club        In 1885, Tsar Alexander III
in Kazan. City authorities had noticed his         commissioned Peter Carl Fabergé, a
work and invited him to organize public            jeweler in St. Petersburg, to create a
                                                   jeweled egg to give as an Easter gift to
workout sessions during local holidays. He
                                                   his wife, Maria. The egg was made of
had been featured in local newspapers.             gold, with a white enameled “shell”
   Now he gave up the fitness club and             that opened up to show a yellow yolk.
opened a new one that worked only with             This in turn opened to reveal a tiny
                                                   hen, and inside this was a replica of the
children. Soon he was training 20 children         imperial crown, made from a diamond.
for free in a public park. The children            Maria loved it so much that Alexander
noticed that Ivan loved Jesus and began            appointed Fabergé as the official imperial
asking questions. A 16-year-old girl started       goldsmith. Each year he created a new,
                                                   and more elaborate egg for Maria, and
attending church.                                  after Alexander’s death in 1894, his son,
   After graduating with an engineering            Nicholas II, continued the tradition,
degree from the university, Ivan felt that         ordering one for his mother, Maria, and
God was calling him to study theology and          one for his wife, Alexandra. In total, 52
                                                   imperial eggs were made, 46 of which
to become a pastor. He moved to Zaoksky            still survive.
Adventist University, where he is a third-
year student. Every summer, he returns to
Kazan to train children to be physically
fit and also good citizens. He organizes        Christian School construct its own
community service activities such as            school building on the campus of Zaoksky
picking up garbage from city streets.           Adventist University. Currently the day
   Ivan doesn’t have any bad memories           and boarding school borrows classrooms
about that dreadful day five years ago.         from the university, and your offering
   “That was an awful day back then,”           will help the children meet in their own
he said. “But now I understand that it          classrooms. Among the students at the
was the most wonderful day of my life           boarding school is the girl who joined the

because God used it to save me.”               church through Ivan’s fitness club. Thank
                                                you for planning a generous offering.
  Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth
Sabbath Offering will help Zaoksky              By Andrew McChesney

Life-Shattering Crash
                                                                                      RUSSIA | February 6
                                                                                      Olga Noshin, 34

                                                                                      to lose several years of our lives paying for
                                                                                      the Mercedes,” he said.
                                                                                         At that moment, Olga realized that the
                                                                                      accident came at a high price. Roman
                                                                                      owned minimal insurance, and it wouldn’t
                                                                                      cover the cost of the expensive car. Olga
                                                                                      walked away from the wrecked cars and
                                                                                      into a roadside vineyard. Falling onto her
                                                                                      knees, she prayed, “Please help us.” She
                                                                                      opened her eyes and stood up. The wrecked
                                                                                      cars remained on the road.
                                                                                         The other driver, Musa, was talking
                                                                                      sternly to Roman. “Give me all your

                                                 accident shattered Olga and
                                                      Black Sea vacation.
                                                young couple, married only three
                                                                                      documents,” he said. “Pay me for the car,
                                                                                      and I’ll give them back to you.”
                                                                                         Roman handed over his driving license.
                                       years, were driving between seaside cities        After the police finished their
                                       when Roman missed a turn. He slowed            paperwork, someone came for Musa.
                                       down and made a U-turn in the middle of        Roman and Olga had no way to travel
                                       the road. As he turned, a white Mercedes       on. While waiting for the tow truck, they
                                       car came barreling down the highway and        went to the vineyard to talk. There had
                                       struck the side of the Volkswagen. The         been tensions in their relationship in
                                       Volkswagen spun around for what seemed         recent weeks, and now the emotions came
                                       like an eternity. Finally, it stopped. The     spilling out. Olga realized that they had
                                       windows were shattered, and the doors          been near divorce. The couple asked each
                                       were jammed shut. Olga and Roman               other and God for forgiveness.
                                       climbed out of a broken window. They              That night, Roman and Olga slept
                                       hadn’t suffered a scratch, but the car was a   on the seashore. In the morning, Musa
Adventist Mission Euro-Asia Division

                                       crumpled mess.                                 called and invited them to stay at his
                                          Roman and Olga looked over at the           house. He had a second car, and he drove
                                       Mercedes. It also was totaled, and the         them around for the next week as they
                                       driver was fine.                               sorted out the insurance and other legal
                                          The police arrived and deemed Roman         paperwork. He was surprised to learn that
                                       responsible for the accident. Roman            Roman and Olga didn’t eat meat. His
                                       buried his face in his hands. “We are going    surprise grew when he found out that they
didn’t drink alcohol. “You are strange

                                                                                                       R U S S I A
people,” he said. “Who are you?”                    Stor y Tips
   “We are Seventh-day Adventists,”                   Watch Olga on YouTube:
Olga said.                                             bit.ly/Olga-ESD.
   “No kidding,” he said. “You are the
                                                      Download photos on Facebook
second Adventist that I have met in                    (bit.ly/fb-mq).
my life.”
   It turned out that Musa was not a                  Download ESD Mission Posts and Fast
                                                       Facts at: bit.ly/2021-ESD.
Christian and he had two wives. He also was
overcome with guilt. He told his guests that
he had forced his second wife to have an
                                                    Fa s t Fa c t s
abortion just a few days before the accident.         Russian authors Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor
   “I think the accident was God’s                     Dostoyevsky are considered by many
                                                       literary critics as the greatest novelists of
punishment,” he said.                                  all time.
   He had loved the Mercedes and
purchased it on special order a week
before the accident.                                  The next year was very difficult as
   Roman and Olga called friends back              they repaid their debt, but Olga thanked
home in Zaoksky, Russia, to borrow money           God for the accident. It had saved their
to pay for the car. Within three days they         marriage. As she thanked God, she
had raised the money, but friends kept             received a raise at work and Roman got a
calling to offer more money and to ask             new job with a higher salary. They were
whether they could help in other ways.             able to repay their debt in only a year.
   Musa overheard the phone calls and wept.           “We have never wanted anything,” she
   “I’m rich,” he said. “I have many               said. “God has provided all our needs.” 
connections. I have helped a lot of people
earn a lot of money. But not one of my                Olga was among the first
friends has called to see if I am fine after the   schoolchildren to attend Zaoksky
accident. You are poor and have nothing,           Christian School, entering the first grade
but your friends care about you.”                  in 1993. She finished grade school and
   At the end of the week, the money               high school there and went on to graduate
was repaid, and Musa returned Roman’s              from Zaoksky Adventist University. Part
driving license. He also declared that he          of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath
needed to go to another city for a few days        Offering will help Zaoksky Christian
— the same city to which Roman and                 School construct its own school building
Olga had been traveling at the time of the         on the campus of Zaoksky Adventist
accident. “Would you like to stay with             University. Currently the boarding school
me?” he asked.                                     borrows classrooms from the university,

   Roman and Olga spent the next two               and your offering will help the children
days in the most luxurious house that they         meet in their own classrooms.
had ever seen. Afterward they took the
train back to Zaoksky.                             By Andrew McChesney

Skipping School for Church
                                                                                        RUSSIA | February 13
                                                                                        Ye l e n a , 1 6

                                                                                           Yelena’s parents divorced when she was
                                                                                        small, but they had taken her to church
                                                                                        until she was 5. Then they had gotten tired
                                                                                        of seeing each other in church and quit
                                                                                        going to church all together. Yelena went
                                                                                        to public school and had classes six days a
                                                                                        week, from Monday through Saturday.
                                                                                           As soon as school ended at 1 p.m.
                                                                                        the next Sabbath, Yelena immediately
                                                                                        returned to church. She didn’t understand
                                                                                        the sermon, but she tried to make sense
                                                                                        of it. She liked being in the church where
                                                                                        she used to worship as a small girl. She

                                       E leven-year-old Yelena was walking
                                         home from school in Dmitrovgrad,
                                       Russia, on a Saturday afternoon when she
                                                                                        liked being among the other children in
                                                                                        the church.
                                                                                           After a while, she started skipping
                                       suddenly remembered that she used to go          classes at school so she could go to church
                                       to church on Saturday.                           earlier on Sabbath. A month passed, and
                                         She hadn’t thought about church for a          she invited her older sister, Oksana, to
                                       long time, and she wasn’t sure why she was       go with her. Oksana, who was 13, agreed,
                                       thinking about church now. But an unusual        and the two went together. Then Mother
                                       desire welled up in her heart to go to church.   noticed that Yelena and Oksana were
                                       She called Mother on her cell phone.             going to church, and she started going
                                         “Mother, remember we used to go to             with them.
                                       church on Sabbath?” she said. “Can I go             But then some church children moved
                                       there now?”                                      away with their parents. Other children
                                         “Of course, you can go,” Mother said.          stopped going to church. Then Mother
                                       “You don’t have to ask.”                         stopped going. Yelena also stopped going
Adventist Mission Euro-Asia Division

                                         Yelena arrived just in time for the            every Sabbath.
                                       sermon. She slid into a seat in the back            A church member noticed Yelena’s
                                       and listened. Afterward, she saw her old         absence and asked her to help with the
                                       Sabbath School teacher.                          sound system. Yelena agreed, and now
                                         “Come again,” the teacher said.                she had to go to church every Sabbath
                                         Yelena smiled shyly. She wanted to             because the church members needed her.
                                       come back.                                       As she went, she also began reading the
Bible and books by Ellen White regularly.

                                                                                              R U S S I A
She especially grew fond of “The Great         Stor y Tips
   Mother saw that Yelena liked Sabbath          Yelena is not identified by her last name
                                                  because Adventist Mission does not
School and was making good friends with           publish the surnames of minors.
the adults in the church. She started going
to church again.                                 Watch Yelena on YouTube:
   After communion service one
Sabbath, Mother turned to Yelena with            Download photos on Facebook
a serious question.                               (bit.ly/fb-mq).
   “Do you want to be baptized?” she asked.      Download ESD Mission Posts and Fast
   Yelena had already thought about it,           Facts at: bit.ly/2021-ESD.
and she immediately said that she wanted
to give her heart to Jesus.                    Fa s t Fa c t s
   Yelena took baptismal classes and was
                                                 Folk dancing is an important part of
baptized. The water in the baptismal tank         Russian culture, and one of the most
was terribly cold, but a warm joy flooded         dramatic is the squat dance, usually
over her when she came out of the water.          performed by men, in which the men
She had made the best decision of her life.       squat down, with their torsos held
                                                  upright, and then alternately kick their
She had given her heart to Jesus.                 legs out straight in front of them. The
   Yelena never went to school on                 music is usually very quick, and the
Saturday again. Mother wrote a note               performers have to have very strong legs
to the principal, asking for Yelena to            and excellent balance.
be excused from Saturday classes so she          Parts of what is now Russia were
could worship God. The school gave her            conquered and settled by Vikings,
permission. But Yelena also had to make           known in that part of the world as
up Saturday schoolwork, and she struggled         Varangians, between the ninth and
                                                  eleventh centuries.
to make good grades.
   Today, Saturday schoolwork is no
longer a problem. After that school year,
Yelena learned about Zaoksky Christian        Sabbath Offering will help Zaoksky
School, an Adventist day and boarding         Christian School construct its own
school located about 600 miles (1,000         school building on the campus of
kilometers) away from her hometown.           Zaoksky Adventist University. Currently
She couldn’t afford to pay tuition, but a     the boarding school borrows classrooms
church member offered to help. Today she      from the university, and your offering
is 16 years old and in the eleventh grade.    will help the children meet in their own
   “It is awesome to study here,” she said.   classrooms. Thank you for planning a
“The teachers are kind, and they help me      generous Thirteenth Sabbath Offering.

with my studies. I am very glad that we       Please pray for the children who are
don’t have classes on Saturday.”             studying at the school.

  Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth           By Andrew McChesney
Sabbath Car Accident
                                                                                      RUSSIA | February 20
                                                                                      A n n a Kh i z h n y a k o v a , 3 2

                                                                                      injuries, and the truck driver sustained
                                                                                      a broken leg. Anna was hospitalized in
                                                                                      a coma, and the doctor predicted she
                                                                                      wouldn’t survive. Grandmother fasted and
                                                                                      prayed and asked other church members
                                                                                      to join her. To the doctor’s surprise, Anna
                                                                                      came out of the coma in three days and
                                                                                      rapidly recovered. In two months, she was
                                                                                      back in school, and she finished tenth
                                                                                      grade with the rest of her class.
                                                                                         Grandmother moved in with Anna,

                                       M   ore than anything, 16-year-old Anna        giving her physical and spiritual support, in
                                           wanted Internet in her home in a           her family home in Novoshatinsk village
                                       remote village in the Russian Far East.        in the Primorye region. But Anna sank
                                          It was 2003, and she didn’t want to be      into dark sadness. She felt overwhelming
                                       left out of the new phenomenon.                guilt for her parents’ death. She didn’t
                                          Father and Mother agreed to drive           blame God. She knew that He doesn’t
                                       Anna to the store to buy a modem on a          cause death. But she also knew that it was
                                       Sabbath morning. They weren’t Seventh-         wrong to go shopping on Sabbath. She
                                       day Adventists. Anna, however, had been        wished that she had told her parents to
                                       baptized about a year earlier after learning   stay at home. They could have waited until
                                       about Jesus from her grandmother. She knew     after Sabbath to connect the Internet. She
                                       that it was wrong to go shopping on Sabbath,   blamed herself for their deaths.
                                       but she wanted the Internet so much.              The dark guilt followed Anna when she
                                          That last thing she remembers was           moved to the port city of Vladivostok to
                                       leaving the house and getting into the car.    enter the university. She attended the only
Adventist Mission Euro-Asia Division

                                          Grandmother later told her                  Adventist church in the city, but she didn’t
                                       what happened.                                 go every Sabbath. She went just often
                                          Father exceeded the speed limit as          enough to keep Grandmother happy. She
                                       he drove on a slick wintery road toward        knew that she wasn’t living a godly life,
                                       the store. Suddenly, the car slid into the     and her guilt deepened.
                                       oncoming lane and was hit head-on by              Grandma prayed for Anna, and she
                                       a truck. Father and Mother died of their       called every day.
“Have you read the Bible today?”

                                                                                                R U S S I A
Grandmother would ask, gently.                  Stor y Tips
    If Anna said she had, Grandmother
                                                  Download photos on Facebook
would inquire about what she had read.
   “Have you prayed today?” Grandmother
would say. “Don’t forget to pray.”                Download ESD Mission Posts and Fast
                                                   Facts at: bit.ly/2021-ESD.
   Grandmother asked Anna to share
her struggles and prayed for her over
the phone.                                      Fa s t Fa c t s
   At the university, Anna met an                 The Russian Federation is the largest
Adventist teacher who helped with her              country in the world. At 6.6 million
homework. The teacher also prayed for              square miles (17 million km2) it covers
                                                   nearly one-tenth of the earth’s land area.
her and asked the church to pray for her.
   Anna remembered her own baptism
and prayed for forgiveness.
   “I see that my life is wrong,” she             “Many people have told me that I’m
prayed. “I see that I am living in             not at fault, but I don’t think that things
darkness. Life without You is pointless.       happen by chance,” she said. “Even if the
Help me to make good friends at church.        accident was by chance, the fact remains
Give me a friendly disposition. Teach me       that it took place on Sabbath. Even today
to be open. Help me to remember to pray        I sometimes think about what might have
and read the Bible.”                           been. But the fact is that the accident
   Anna began to talk to God regularly.        happened, and it changed my life. I had
She read a copy of Ellen White’s “The          one life before the accident and another
Great Controversy” that Grandmother            life afterward.”
had given her some time earlier. She saw          Anna is grateful for the prayers of
the difficulties that Martin Luther and        Grandmother, who is 80, and other
other reformers had experienced, and she
                                               church members. She said they helped
realized that God forgives even the worst
                                               change her life.
of sinners. She gave up her bad habits.
   Anna began to call Grandmother every           “I understand that many of my problems
day instead of waiting to be called.           were solved because the church prayed for
   Her faith grew, and she joyfully went       me,” she said. “Nothing is worthwhile in
to church every Sabbath to seek God.           life without God.” 
She understood that God had forgiven
her for her sins and wasn’t going to             Part of the Thirteenth Sabbath
remind her of them. A huge weight was          Offering three years ago helped construct
lifted from her heart.                         a new building for Anna’s church in
   Today Anna is 32 and working as a           Vladivostok. Thank you for supporting

university teacher. She also is a Pathfinder   the Adventist church in Vladivostok with
leader and serves as church secretary. She     your mission offering and prayers.
has no idea why the accident happened,
but she no longer worries about it.            By Andrew McChesney
Thanking God for the Table
                                                                                                                        VEILED COUNTRY | February 27
                                       Photo by Ryan Riggins on Unsplash

                                                                                                                        at their public school. The teacher, who
                                                                                                                        was a Seventh-day Adventist, had told the
                                                                                                                        children about God during the lesson.
                                                                                                                           “Everything that you have in your
                                                                                                                        house is from God,” the teacher said. “You
                                                                           S   even-year-old Dinara accidently
                                                                               angered her mother over supper.
                                                                              Dinara looked up from her plate of
                                                                                                                        should be grateful.”
                                                                                                                           Dinara thought that she was being
                                                                           macaroni with fried onions and nodded        helpful by sharing this new knowledge
                                                                           toward the wooden table under the plate.     with Mother. But Mother was furious,
                                                                              “Mommy, did you know that God gave        and she scolded Dinara for not respecting
                                                                           us this table?” she said.                    Father for working hard to buy the table.
                                                                              Mother was shocked.                          “I’ll go to the school tomorrow to find
                                                                              “What are you talking about?” she said.   out why they are teaching children about
                                                                           “That is complete nonsense! Your father      God,” she said.
                                                                           worked hard and bought the table at the         Mother raised a storm at school the
                                                                           store. Stop acting like a silly girl.”       next day, and she got other parents
                                                                              Dinara persisted.                         involved as well. The school principal
                                                                              “No, they told me that it was God,”       promised that no one would mention God
Adventist Mission Euro-Asia Division

                                                                           she said.                                    in the classroom again.
                                                                              “Who told you that?” said Mother, who        The uproar left a deep impression on
                                                                           like many people in in their country was     Dinara. Even though she didn’t hear about
                                                                           not a Christian. “Where and when did you     God again at school, she thought about
                                                                           hear that God gave us this table?”           Him often.
                                                                              Dinara explained that she and the other      Nine years passed. The family bought a
                                                                           first graders had learned about kindness     new home when Dinara was 16, and she
She stopped going to church. She
 Stor y Tips                                     wanted to go, but she was afraid.
                                                    Seeing the ongoing struggle, her
   Dinara is a pseudonym. She lives in          husband, Nikolai, asked why she wasn’t
    a “veiled country,” a country that
    Adventist Mission has chosen not to          attending the Sabbath meetings. Dinara
    identify because of regional sensitivities   explained her confusion.

                                                                                                  CO U N T RY
    involving Christianity.                         “My parents believe that there is no
   Download ESD Mission Posts and Fast          God other than their God,” she said.
    Facts at: bit.ly/2021-ESD.                      “Why are you scared?” Nikolai said.
                                                 “There is only one God. There is no
                                                 reason to be afraid.”
found a tattered children’s Bible in the            Dinara said she thought her people were
house. The light-blue book was missing           allowed to read only their traditional holy

                                                                                                  V E I L E D
more than half its pages, but Dinara read        book, but she had a desire to read the Bible.
what remained with great interest. She              Nikolai showed her that the
didn’t understand much of what she read,         traditional holy book and the Bible had
but she understood that it was about God.        things in common.
She longed to read the whole Bible.                 Then Dinara said she worried that
   Three more years passed. Dinara started       her people were supposed to worship in
studying English at an Adventist school,         their traditional house of worship, but
and a teacher invited her and other              she had a desire to go to the Adventist
students to a Sabbath meeting.                   house of worship.
   “If you want, come to our meeting next           “That’s not a problem,” Nikolai said.
Sabbath,” the teacher said.                      “You can go to both. Feel free to go to
   Dinara went to the meeting. It was            worship with the Adventists. Nothing is
interesting. People prayed, talked about         stopping you.”
the Bible, and sang songs. Several                  Dinara resumed worshiping with the
                                                 Adventists, and she gave her heart to God.
foreigners attended the meeting, and she
                                                    Today she is happy to be able to read the
practiced her English with them.
                                                 Bible anytime she wants. She thanks God
   Dinara went to the meeting every
                                                 for the Bible and everything in her home.
Sabbath for some time. During that time,
                                                    “I say ‘thank you’ all the time!” she said.
she married a man who believed in the
                                                 “From the moment I wake up until I go to
seventh-day Sabbath and was happy to
                                                 bed at night, I thank God for life, for food,
go with her to the meetings when he
                                                 and even for the table. Everything good
wasn’t working.
                                                 comes from God.” 
   But Dinara felt increasingly
uncomfortable. While sitting in the                Thank you for supporting Seventh-
meeting one Sabbath, a thought popped            day Adventist education in the Euro-

into her mind.                                   Asia Division with your prayers and
   “Am I was doing the right thing?” she         mission offerings.
thought. “What am I doing here? My
people aren’t Christians.”                       By Andrew McChesney
Sports Changes Lives
                                                                                        KYRGYZSTAN | March 6
                                                                                        Jesús Maximiliano Gómez, 24

                                          esús nearly died during a complicated         gymnastics, your shoulder will only grow
                                          shoulder operation to repair a sports         worse,” the doctor said.
                                                After the operation, he felt a strong      Jesús didn’t want to change his major so
                                       desire to do something special for God.          close to graduation. Besides, he didn’t have
                                         But what?                                      the money to change his major and stay at
                                         Jesús resolved to thank God by                 the university for several more years.
                                       working for a month as a literature                 As Jesús contemplated the future, a
                                       evangelist after graduating from River           friend, Marcos, asked what he planned to
                                       Plate University in Argentina.                   do after graduation.
                                         He would give all his earnings from               Jesús told him about his idea to work
                                       selling books to the Seventh-day                 for a month as a literature evangelist
                                       Adventist Church.                                and to give all of his earnings to the
                                         During his last year of studies, Jesús         Adventist Church.
                                       found it challenging to participate in              Marcos liked the idea, but he had
Adventist Mission Euro-Asia Division

                                       gymnastics. His shoulder was acting              another one.
                                       up. Teachers warned that he would not               “Why don’t you go to Kyrgyzstan?”
                                       graduate as a physical education major if        he asked.
                                       he could not fulfill all the requirements.          Marcos had worked as a volunteer at an
                                         The doctor advised him to change               Adventist school in Kyrgyzstan for a year.
                                       his major.                                          Jesús had never thought about
                                         “If you continue participating in              traveling halfway around the world, but
he liked the suggestion. He prayed about
it and promised God to go to Kyrgyzstan         Stor y Tips
if he graduated that year.
                                                 Pronounce Jesús as: HYE-sus.
   When it came time to take the final
exam in gymnastics, Jesús prayed for help        Download photos on Facebook
to do the seemingly impossible exercises.

                                                                                               K Y R G Y Z S TA N
To his surprise, he was able to complete all     Download ESD Mission Posts and Fast
the exercises successfully.                       Facts at: bit.ly/2021-ESD.
   Afterward, the doctor examined
Jesús’ shoulder and expressed surprise.
                                                Mission Post
The old wound had healed completely.             The Kyrgyzstan Mission is part of the
It was a real miracle.                            Southern Union Mission within the
   Jesús graduated and flew to Kyrgyzstan         Euro-Asia Division. It has 11 churches
                                                  and 12 companies and a membership
one month later.                                  of 664. With a population of
   Arriving at the Adventist school in            6,457,000, there is one Adventist for
Tokmok, Jesús was placed in charge of             every 9,724 people.
physical education classes and made coach        Around 90% of the population
of an afternoon soccer class organized for        of Kyrgyzstan is Muslim, and the
neighborhood children. The soccer class           Kyrgyzstan Mission runs a ministry for
met in a new school gym built with help           Adventist-Muslim Relationships.
from a 2017 Thirteenth Sabbath Offering.
   But that’s not the end of the story. As      Fa s t Fa c t s
Jesús and the children played together,          The capital of Kyrgyzstan is Bishkek,
Jesús noticed big changes in the children’s       formerly Pishpek (and renamed Frunze
behavior. The boys used to argue and fight        during the Soviet years) and is located
a lot, but they stopped when Jesús told           near the norther border, where it was
                                                  originally a fortress built to control the
them, “We are brothers and sisters. We            caravan routes into the country. It now
don’t need to fight.”                             has a population of over a million.
   After seeing some boys drinking
                                                 The flag of Kyrgyzstan is a yellow sun
alcohol, he advised them to quit.                 on a red background. The 40 rays of the
   “It is bad for your bodies,” he said.          sun refer to the 40 tribes united under
   The boys stopped drinking.                     the ninth-century hero, Manas, to fight
   Jesús is glad that he has given a year of      off the invading Uyghurs. The diagonal
                                                  stripes in the center of the sun represent
his life to volunteering in Kyrgyzstan.           the crown of the yurt, the traditional
   “I can see a big change in my                  dwelling of the nomads of the Central
students,” he said. “Also we have never           Asian steppes.
lost a match against another school!” 
                                               you for supporting Adventist education

  Part of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering      in Kyrgyzstan and elsewhere in the Euro-
three years ago helped construct the           Asia Division.
gymnasium at the Seventh-day Adventist
school in Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan. Thank            By Andrew McChesney

A Book and a School
                                                                                     KYRGYZSTAN | March 13

                                                                                     Tatyana Sokolovskaya, 72,
                                                                                     and Andrei Sokolovsky, 37

                                                                                     Noskov printed on the last page. To her
                                                                                     surprise, the address was in the same
                                                                                     apartment building where she lived.

                                       T   atyana stopped at a used-book store
                                           on her way home from work at
                                       the Seventh-day Adventist school in
                                                                                        As she thought for the next few days
                                                                                     about Pavel being her neighbor, she
                                                                                     noticed that a teacher at the school had
                                       Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan.                           the same last name as Pavel. Tatyana took
                                          She had just started teaching Russian      the book to school and showed it to the
                                       language and literature at the school after   teacher, Arina.
                                       unexpectedly receiving a job offer from          “Are you Pavel’s wife?” she asked.
                                       the principal.                                   “Yes,” Arina said. “Pavel is my husband.”
                                          As Tatyana paid for several books, the        Tatyana learned that the family was
                                       salesclerk picked up another book.            Seventh-day Adventist and attended
                                          “Here,” she said. “You can have this       church every Sabbath. Arina invited
                                       book as a gift.”                              Tatyana and her adult son, Andrei, over
                                          Tatyana wasn’t going to turn down a        to chat with her and her husband, Pavel.
                                       free book. She took the book, paid for        During one of their meetings, Pavel told
Adventist Mission Euro-Asia Division

                                       the others, and placed them all in her        Tatyana that Adventists view Ellen White
                                       purse. At home, she curiously examined        as a beloved author and prophet. Intrigued,
                                       the free book. It was called “The Great       Tatyana read “The Great Controversy”
                                       Controversy.” She had never heard             with great interest.
                                       about the author, Ellen G. White. She            Tatyana and Andrei began attending a
                                       leafed through the pages and saw contact      small Bible study group that met weekly
                                       information for a man named Pavel             in Pavel and Arina’s home. When Pavel’s
mother fell ill and a new place was needed
for the small group, Tatyana opened her         Stor y Tips
home for the Bible studies.
                                                 Download photos on Facebook
   Just a few weeks later, a spiritual            (bit.ly/fb-mq).
crisis erupted. Tatyana and Andrei both
                                                 Download ESD Mission Posts and Fast
felt strongly that they had to make a             Facts at: bit.ly/2021-ESD.

                                                                                                K Y R G Y Z S TA N
decision to become Adventists or to stop
associating with Adventists altogether.         Fa s t Fa c t s
They told Pavel that they didn’t know
what to do.                                      The Tian Shan (The Mountains of
                                                  Heaven) is a region in Central Asia
   “Only God can save you from this               consisting of a series of mountain
crisis,” Pavel said.                              ranges. Eighty percent of Kyrgyzstan
   Tatyana and Pavel prayed and decided           lies within the Tian Shan and its
                                                  two highest peaks are found on
to attend their first worship service on
                                                  Kyrgyzstan’s borders. The highest, at
Sabbath. The experience at church                 24,406 feet (7,439 meters) is Jengish
was unlike anything they had ever                 Chokusu (Victory Peak) on the border
experienced. The church members                   with China. The second highest, at
                                                  23,000 feet (7,010 meters), is Khan
were warm and welcoming. They were                Tengri (Lord of the Spirits), on the
overjoyed to see the visitors and treated         Kazakhstan border.
them like long-lost friends. Tatyana and
                                                 Kyrgyzstan’s largest ethnic group
Andrei felt that they had come home.              (73.3%) are the Kyrgyz. Historically
   Tatyana and Andrei were baptized               nomadic, the Kyrgyz moved with their
together on April 6, 2019.                        herds of sheep, horses, and yaks, living
   Tatyana credits the Adventist school for       in portable round tents called yurts.
                                                  Most Kyrgyz herders are still semi-
leading her son and herself to God.               nomadic and take their herds into the
   “I thank this school,” she said. “If I had     mountains during the summer.
not come here to work, I would not have          Falconry is a traditional pastime in
stopped at the bookstore on the way home          Central Asia, particularly hunting
and learned that one of the neighbors in          with eagles. The Kyrgyz name for the
my building was an Adventist. I would             golden eagle is bürküt and the handler
                                                  is a bürkütchü.
not have known about the Adventist
Church. God directed our path.”                 Another indication of how important
                                                  horses are to the Kyrgyz culture is
                                                  the popularity of the drink Kumis, a
  Part of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering         fermented drink traditionally made from
three years ago helped construct a                mare’s milk.
gymnasium at the Seventh-day Adventist
                                                 For most of its history Kyrgyzstan has
school in Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan. Thank               been inhabited by various clans and
you for supporting Adventist education            tribes, although it has on occasion been

in Kyrgyzstan and elsewhere in the Euro-          occupied by foreign powers. In 1991,
                                                  after the break-up of the Soviet Union, it
Asia Division.
                                                  established itself as an independent state.
By Andrew McChesney
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