Page created by Julia Schroeder

LAUNCHING LEADERS CONFERENCE 2018                                                                                                                                   2

“WE MUST BECOME THE                                                     Monday 9 April, 2018

 CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE”                                                 8.30 - 8.45am   REGISTRATION
- Mahatma Gandhi                                                        8.50am 		 WELCOME BY MC, JOEL BOUZAID & COLLEGE HEADMASTER
                                                                        		Joel Bouzaid, Director of Leadership, Scots College
The aim of any education            We hold this event annually         		        Graeme Yule, Headmaster, Scots College
is to provide well rounded          and I would hope that you
                                                                        9.00am          KEYNOTE ADDRESS 1
individuals who can contribute      can return to your respective            		         Hannah McQueen, enableMe
positively to their society.        schools and mentor others. I
Increasingly all sectors of         trust you will enjoy the day. You   9.45am		        KEYNOTE ADDRESS 2
society are seeking young           are the future leaders of our       		              Justin Lester, Mayor of Wellington City
people with leadership skills.      cities, nation and world. You       9.55am		 BREAK - MORNING TEA
Young people have a passion         can and will make a difference.     		Bean quesadillas, classic cheese rolls in wholemeal bread, shitake steamed dumplings,
for many causes and offer                                               		       chunky vegan guacamole with bruschetta sticks, cut fruit platters
                                    I would also like to take this
much. The aim of an event like
                                    opportunity to thank all those      10.10am		 WORKSHOP BRIEFING
the one you attend today, is to                                         		Libby Carson
                                    who have participated in
provide a forum for discussion
                                    making this day happen from         10.15am		 WORKSHOPS COMMENCE
and some motivation from
                                    organisers to presenters and        		Each student will participate in 4 workshops.
those who are already in
                                    sponsors. Events of this scale
leadership positions.                                                   		              Workshops are 40 minutes long - allowing 5 minutes to move between rooms.
                                    do not happen without the
I congratulate you on making        efforts of many people. To you                      LOCATION            PRESENTER
the decision to be part of this     all, a very sincere thank you.                      CL1		               Hannah McQueen, enable Me
event and it is my hope that                                                            C11		               Noa Woolloff, Inspiring Stories
                                    Yours sincerely                                     AR1		               Pera Barrett, Shoebox Christmas Aotearoa
you will take something from
                                    Graeme Yule                                         Hall		              James McCulloch, Inspire Group
the day that will benefit you
                                    Headmaster,                                         AR2		               Irene Wakefield, Prepair NZ
and the others you lead. I
                                    Scots College                                       GR1		               Bonnie Howland, Inidgo & Iris
believe that service is a major                                                         GR2		               Samantha Hannah, Wellbeing Academy
component of leadership and it
is my sincere hope that in doing                                        1.15pm		 BREAK FOR LUNCH
this you can assist others via                                          		Packed salad (vegan and gluten free), a wrap, choice of muesli bar or fruit
the leadership roles you hold or                                        1.45pm		        KEYNOTE ADDRESS 3
aspire to.                                                              		              Noa Woolloff, Inspiring Stories
                                                                        2.30pm		        KEYNOTE ADDRESS 4
                                                                        		              Pera Barrett, Shoebox Christmas Aotearoa
                                                                        3.15pm		        CLOSING ADDRESS FROM MC
                                                                        3.30pm		        CONFERENCE CLOSES
LAUNCHING LEADERS CONFERENCE 2018                                                                                                                                                                               4


                                                                                                             WORKSHOP 5                        WORKSHOP 6                         WORKSHOP 7
                                                                                                             Location: AR2                     Location: GR1                      Location: GR2
                                                                                                             Irene Wakefield, Prepair NZ       Bonnie Howland, Indigo & Iris      Samantha Hannah,
                                                                                                             No matter where we are, or        How to be a Boss                   Wellbeing Academy
                                                                                                             what we’re doing, we are          In this workshop Bonnie will       The Mindful Future Leader
Everyone will participate in four of the following seven workshops. You can choose which workshop to         leaders in our own right.         share clearly - step by step       In this workshop, Sam will
attend and these work on a first come first serve basis until the workshop is full. Each workshop will run
                                                                                                             Everything from what you          - how she started and grew         talk about why it is vital that
four times, each session 40 minutes long with five minutes in between each.
                                                                                                             choose to post on social          Indigo & Iris and ways you can     our future leaders learn to
WORKSHOP 1                           WORKSHOP 2                          How would you spend your            media, to the way that you lead   creatively make your career        lead mindfully, and how this
Location: CL1                        Location: C11                       next summer if you knew it was      people, demands an element        something you love doing while     impacts on engagement,
                                                                         your last? Pera can’t answer        of leadership. Making the right   being your own boss. She will      mental health outcomes and
Hannah McQueen, enableMe             Noa Woolloff, Inspiring Stories
                                                                         that for you, but he hopes his      decisions for ourselves and our   share her advice on how to         effective leadership. Sam
Property and Business -              Finding Your Feet                                                       people is made easier when we     come up with a business idea       will share her experiences of
                                                                         workshop encourages you to
how to stop being scared,            Noa will talk through how                                               understand what it is that we     and then execute it, making        burnout while she was at the
                                                                         come up with the answer.
and start being strategic            he has driven his business to                                           value most.                       yourself really proud and          top of her game - think two TV
We need to plan for our              success and what drives him to      WORKSHOP 4                                                            opening up opportunities for       shows, a successful nationwide
retirement - okay, we get it. But    give back to the world. He will     Location: Hall                      Along the journey there have      your life. There will be time to   business built from nothing,
can we plan to have fun too?         share his struggles, challenges,    James McCulloch, Inspire            been challenges, difficult        ask questions and Bonnie will      training for a half Ironman and
Can we plan to retire BEFORE         successes and highlights of         Group                               decisions and many changes.       answer all and any questions!      playing premier level netball,
65? Can we plan to take a year       setting up his business, working                                        One thing that has always                                            while juggling kids, marriage
                                                                         10 ways to soar as a leader
off and travel the world without     alongside people with their own                                         remained the same are Irene’s                                        and friends. You’ll discover how
                                                                         in 2018
having to backpack and hostel        inspiring stories and how he                                            values and her organisation’s                                        mindfulness played a crucial
                                                                         Working in leadership               values. Our values are like our                                      part in Sam realigning her
our way through it? The answer       is helping bring leadership to
                                                                         development is a wonderful          true north star. But, we can                                         world, which took her business
is yes. So the next question is,     youth.
                                                                         privilege. You get to dip in        only use them if we know what                                        and personal life to new
                                     WORKSHOP 3                          and out of a whole range            they are.                                                            heights of success, and how
Hannah will step you through         Location: AR1                       of locations, cultures and                                                                               you can introduce essential
what leverage is, how you can        Pera Barrett, Shoebox               environments - meeting an           During this presentation you                                         mindfulness practices into your
use it to build a business or play   Christmas Aotearoa                  equally diverse bunch of people     will hear the leadership story                                       life immediately.
monopoly for real, and why                                               along the way.                      of Irene Wakefield, CEO &
                                     Counting down your days
you should stop being scared                                                                                 Founder of Prepair NZ. It will
                                     This session will break down        But that same elevation
of these big ideas, and start                                                                                help you tap into your own
                                     the important things in life, and   beyond what some would call a
putting a strategy into place.                                                                               values, uncover why they’re
                                     how many (few) of those we          ‘normal’ job gives another role
                                                                                                             important and begin to develop
The return on a successful           actually get. Pera will spend       - one of trusted advisor. This is
                                                                                                             a blueprint around how they
business not only sets you up        some time talking through how       when the client, learner or next
                                                                                                             might play out for you as a
for life, but provides a sense of    to make decisions in a way that     person in the coffee queue asks
purpose and satisfaction that        delivers the most value from        about YOUR leadership journey
can be hard to find elsewhere.       each of those moments and days.     and the nuggets of personal
                                                                         advice you would give.
                                     He will provide a visual break
                                     down of how many days each          In this workshop, James will
                                     of us have left, then how many      explore this further with you
                                     summers, how many days with         and give you his insights into
                                     friends, parents and so on and      how to become a successful
                                     how to make the most of those       leader in 2018.
                                     days and value them like we
LAUNCHING LEADERS CONFERENCE 2018                                                                                                   MC                                                                                            6

               GATE 3

                                    ALL WEATHER

Workshops Map                                                              PREP SCHOOL                                              Joel Bouzaid

                                                                                                                                    Director of Leadership, Scots College

                                                                                                                                                                Joel Bouzaid is the Director of    Joel is an advocate of getting
             CHARTRES                                                                                                                                           Leadership at Scots College.       folks to think for themselves
               HALL                                                                                                                                             Having been appointed in           and increase self-awareness
                                                                                                                                                                2015, he is responsible for the    with regard to ‘the message we
                                                                                                                                                                Leadership Programme at the        send the world’.
                                                                                                                                                                College and has a large focus
                                                                                                                                                                                                   A businessman, father, coach
                                                                                                                                                                working closely with the Year
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and trainer, Joel’s purpose at
                                                                                                                                                                13 Prefects.
                                                                                        HEALTH                                                                                                     Scots College is to increase
                                                                                                                                                                Joel comes in by appointment       personal excellence, possibility
                                                                                                                                                                only to work specifically to       and leadership in every boy he
                        INNER QUAD                                                                                                                              certain outcomes. Currently        comes in contact with.

                        Ground Level                                                                       GATE 2
                                                                                                                                                                Joel is working with the
                                                              STAFF ROOM                                                                                        Year 13, 12 and 11 levels to
                                                                                                                                                                ensure Leadership is woven
                                                                           CPAC Foyer

                                                                                                      CL1                                                       throughout the three final years

                                                                                                                                                                at Scots College.
                                                                                        Lower Level CPAC

                                                                                                                    MONORGAN ROAD

                                                                                          Lower Level

                                    C11     GR2           GR1
                                                                   6                          CHAPEL/
                                                                                           ASSEMBLY HALL

                                     AR2                AR1

                                                                 3                                    4
                           5              TOP FLOOR CPAC
                              2018 1                                                                            KEYNOTE SPEAKER 2                                                          8


Hannah McQueen                                                                                                  Justin Lester
enableMe                                                                                                        Mayor of Wellington

                                       worked with the University of        Hannah is a Chartered                                                     Justin’s priorities as Mayor
                                       Auckland to create a calculus        Accountant, holds a Masters                                               include kick-starting the
                                       formula that would enable her        of Taxation, is the founder                                               economy, making housing
                                       to pay her loan off as quickly       and managing director of                                                  affordable, improving
                                       as possible, with as much            enableMe, the author of three                                             Wellington’s transport,
                                       flexibility as possible. Realising   books, a mother of two and the                                            replacing outdated bylaws and
                                       she was on to something,             go-to media commentator on                                                prioritising arts funding. He also
                                       she patented the formula.            personal finance issues.                                                  wants to establish the country’s
                                       Helping people understand the                                                                                  first wet house. His Council
                                                                            Today Hannah will be                                                      has already established a rates
                                       psychology of their spending,
                                                                            addressing How not to follow                                              rebate for first-home builders
                                       create a plan and generate a
Hannah McQueen is a financial                                               your passion into a dead end.
                                       surplus to make the most of                                                                                    and is working on creating
force of nature who is driven by                                            A successful career and happy
                                       that formula is the foundation                                                                                 the world’s first predator-free
a desire to make Kiwis smarter                                              life are made up of more than
                                       of enableMe.                                                                                                   capital.
about money. She’s proud                                                    just following our passion. True,
of the fact she been able to           Hannah is now turning her            to enjoy our work we have to                                              Justin grew up in Invercargill
change the lives of thousands          attention to making kids more        be interested in it, but being      Justin Lester was elected Mayor       with his mother and two
of clients, by giving them             financially capable, sooner.         interested and being passionate     in 2016. He joined Wellington         brothers. He has an LLB
control over their finances. She       In researching her latest            are not the same thing.             City Council as a Northern            and a BA (German) from the
has no time for doubters. If           book “From Pocket Money                                                  Ward Councillor in 2010 and           University of Otago and a
someone tells her she can’t, she                                            In the first place, to follow our                                         Masters of Laws (LLM) from
                                       to Property” she realised that                                           served as Deputy Mayor from
will – and she has.                                                         passion we need to have the                                               the University of Heidelberg
                                       while this generation will need                                          2013 until 2016.
                                                                            cash to do it. We also need the                                           in Germany. In his mid-
                                       to be much more financially
Hannah’s business, enableMe                                                 cash to live the lifestyle we       During his time as a Councillor,
                                       astute than their parents, no                                                                                  twenties he co-founded Kapai a
– Financial Personal Trainers,                                              want.                               Justin championed the living
                                       one is equipping them for that                                                                                 Wellington food enterprise.
has been a game changer for                                                                                     wage, prioritised good quality
                                       reality. In 2018 Hannah will be
thousands of Kiwis since she                                                                                    local services and supported
                                       launching a new online tool to
founded it 10 years ago. It                                                                                     local businesses. He feels
                                       teach teens the money skills
now has 10 branches around                                                                                      strongly that good local
                                       they desperately need, and a
the country, but its roots lie in                                                                               government services make
                                       coaching programme to help
Hannah’s own experience of                                                                                      a huge difference in people’s
                                       teenagers select and work
her first mortgage. Running the                                                                                 lives.
                                       towards a fulfilling career.
sums, she realised no matter
how good the rate, she’d be
paying three times the original
loan back to the bank. So, she
          LEADERS     WORKSHOP
                  CONFERENCE   HOST 2
                             2018                                           KEYNOTE SPEAKER 4 & WORKSHOP HOST 3                                         10

COUNTING DOWN YOUR DAYS                                                     A VIEW INTO THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE –
                                                                            THE LOCAL AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE

Noa Woolloff                                                                Pera Barrett
Inspiring Stories                                                           Shoebox Christmas Aotearoa

                                        Since his TedX Talk in                                                      novel called The Man Who
                                        Wellington, Noa has spoken                                                  Writes the Dreams, in his words,
                                        to more than 6,000 people                                                   “to show my daughter that if
                                        in schools and leadership                                                   she wants to write a book, she
                                        conventions. Noa is helping                                                 can.”
                                        other young parents find their
                                                                                                                    He works on other charity
                                        feet by raising cash to send
                                                                                                                    initiatives and projects aimed
                                        them on leadership courses.
                                                                                                                    at making life better, especially
                                        Noa, then 18, hit the headlines     Between being a father of two           for the young and vulnerable,
                                        in 2017 after being made Head       and husband, Pera Barrett is            and is currently working with a
                                        Boy at his high school, Aotea       a social entrepreneur, author,          team of software developers to
                                        College, following the birth of     rapper, and leader at BNZ               build a Maori language learning
                                        his daughter Kyla.                  Digital.                                app.
                                        Since leaving College, Noa          He started Shoebox Christmas            Pera gives talks based on his
                                        has begun working full time at      Wellington in 2014, a project           philosophy and approach to
                                        Inspiring Stories as the Youth      which last year connected 3,000         life, often centred around a car
                                        Engagement Manager, and             volunteers and delivered 4,500          accident he survived, sharing
                                        on his ‘side hustle’ Increase       Christmas presents to children          his experience to uplift others
                                        Clothing. Increase Clothing sells   in low decile schools across            and increase capability.
                                        t-shirts of which 100% of           the greater Wellington region.          Pera is a director of Kapiti
                                        profits are used to provide other   As a rapper he has performed            Island Nature Tours and Kapiti
                                        teen parents the opportunity        alongside some of the biggest           Island Honey. He is originally
                                        to further their leadership         names in New Zealand hiphop,            from Otaki, Wellington and is
                                        development by attending            his music video Whoa is still           of Ngati Toa, Te Ati Awa, and
                                        courses such as Outward Bound       being looked to as one of               Ngati Raukawa descent.
                                        and Festival for the Future.        Wellington’s best hip hop videos
                                                                            of all time.
                                                                            He is the author of an ongoing
                                                                            series of letters to his daughter
                                                                            and son based on lessons he
                                                                            learns throughout life. He self-
                                                                            published his first book last
                                                                            year, a Young Adult fantasy
          LEADERS                                                       WORKSHOP HOST 5                                                         12

10 WAYS TO SOAR AS A LEADER IN 2018                                     NO MATTER WHERE WE ARE, OR WHAT WE’RE DOING,
                                                                        WE ARE LEADERS IN OUR OWN RIGHT

James McCulloch                                                         Irene Wakefield
Inspire Group                                                           CEO & Founder, Prepair NZ

                                      James is the director of                                                meaning. Prepair NZ started
                                      leadership development at                                               as a blog and an Instagram
                                      Inspire Group. He is one of                                             account. They were launched
                                      those unflappable sorts with                                            while in the middle of
                                      a constant smile on his face                                            frantically wrapping presents
                                      and loves turning your big                                              on Christmas Eve 2015.
                                      leadership challenge into a
                                      positive.                                                               Since then, Irene has taken
                                                                                                              Prepair NZ to the TEDX stage,
                                      Having travelled the world                                              partnered with major retailer
                                      as a leader and CEO in the                                              Glassons and been responsible
                                      public, non-profit and advocacy                                         for engaging and connecting
                                      sectors, James has now made                                             hundres of thousands of NZ
                                      New Zealand and Inspire Group     Prepair NZ is best described as       women all across Aotearoa.
                                      his home, and can think of no     the older sister figure helping
                                      greater place from which to                                             One thing that remains
                                                                        young women to navigate
                                      change the face of leadership                                           constant throughout this
                                                                        relationships, emotional abuse
                                      development globally!                                                   journey of leadership and
                                                                        and self-love. Irene and her
                                                                                                              Prepair NZ is the need to build
                                      He is a positive, engaging and    team connect with young
                                                                                                              upon a foundation of solid
                                      determined guy - who loves        women nationally through
                                      to lead by example every          workshops, talks and social
                                      day, whether in growing the       media everyday.                       As a leader, what we value is
                                      leadership world at Inspire                                             what our people value.
                                                                        From a young age, Irene was
                                      Group, enticing his two boys      always creative, loved talking        When people are driven by
                                      away from the screen and into     and aspired to be an influential      values we create impact that
                                      the outdoors, or in his latest    leader. By the time Year 13           is both meaningful, purposeful
                                      crazy road cycling challenge!     rolled around, finding the right      and promotes positive change.
                                      Because leadership starts with    avenue to pursue a career in
                                      how you lead yourself!            this space was unclear. This
                                                                        meant at the age of 17 Irene
                                                                        became a banker instead of
                                                                        going to university.
                                                                        After almost 10 years in the
                                                                        bank, Irene decided to pursue
                                                                        a career path with much more
          LEADERS                                                      WORKSHOP HOST 7                                                      14

HOW TO BE A BOSS                                                       THE MINDFUL FUTURE LEADER

Bonnie Howland                                                         Samantha Hannah
Indigo & Iris                                                          Wellbeing Academy

                                  Bonnie Howland is 21 years old                                         vocations. She’s had two TV
                                  and grew up in North Canterbury.                                       shows, written for several
                                  She spent one year at university                                       magazines, including NEXT and
                                  in Auckland before leaving to                                          had a regular slot in TVNZ’s
                                  start her company Indigo & Iris.                                       Good Morning Show.
                                  Running her business has taken
                                  her all over the world - New York,                                     This year Sam has expanded
                                  Kenya, Italy, Vanuatu and more.                                        her business into high schools
                                                                                                         throughout NZ by creating
                                  With no business experience
                                  she went from googling business
                                                                                                         NZQA level 1, 2, 3 and 4
                                  plans to now securing contracts                                        wellbeing workshops that help
                                  with the world’s biggest retailers                                     teenagers learn important life
                                  such as and Mecca. She                                        skills such as self-confidence
                                  has brought on a business partner,                                     and self-resilience. Sam
                                  Hannah Duder, to manage the                                            is a registered yoga and
                                  logistical side of the business                                        mindfulness teacher, life coach,
                                  while Bonnie now focuses on all                                        certified ACT therapist and
                                  things creative.                                                       soon to be author.
                                  Late last year Bonnie and            With a Bachelor of Education      When she’s not drinking
                                  Hannah raised $130k in pre-sales                                       matcha lattes and geeking
                                                                       and Diploma of Teaching,
                                  of Indigo & Iris’ first product,                                       out on wellbeing feeds on
                                                                       Sam started her career as a
                                  levitate mascara. Now they                                             Instagram, you’ll find Sam
                                                                       kindergarten and new entrance
                                  are preparing to launch sales                                          at Fit45, running in the hills
                                  worldwide next month. Indigo &       teacher. But as much as she
                                                                       adored the energy of the kids     or on her yoga mat. It’s also
                                  Iris is a social enterprise makeup
                                                                       and traveling the world using     quite possible that Sam will be
                                  company donating 50% of all
                                  profit to charities working in the   her degree, it wasn’t quite her   playing taxi driver to her two
                                  Pacific Islands.                     calling. Sam’s love of yoga,      teens or coaching a kids sports
                                                                       meditation and helping people     team, mostly netball - another
                                                                       get unstuck is where her true     passion of Sam’s.
                                                                       passion lies.
                                                                       Over the past 10 years Sam
                                                                       has cultivated a thriving
                                                                       business coaching people in all
                                                                       areas of life from overcoming
                                                                       unhappiness and overwhelm
                                                                       to personal style and life
Invited Schools
Aotea College                     Napier Boys’ High School    St Matthew’s Collegiate
Porirua                           Napier                      Masterton
Bishop Viard College              Newlands College            St Oran’s College
Porirua                           Newlands                    Lower Hutt
Central Hawkes Bay College        Onslow College              St Patrick’s College
Waipukurau                        Johnsonville                Kilbirnie
Chanel College                    Otaki College               St Patrick’s College
Masterton                         Otaki                       Silverstream
Chilton St James School           Paraparaumu College         Taita College
Lower Hutt                        Paraparaumu                 Taita
Hastings Boys’ High School        Porirua College             Tamatea High School
Hastings                          Porirua                     Napier
Hastings Girls’ High School       Queen Margaret’s College    Taradale High School
Hastings                          Thorndon                    Napier
Havelock North High School        Rathkeale College           Tawa College
Havelock North                    Masterton                   Tawa
He Huarahi Tamariki               Rongotai College            Te Aute College
Tawa                              Kilbirnie                   Otane
Heretaunga College                Sacred Heart College        Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o
Upper Hutt                        Lower Hutt                  Wairarapa
Hukarere College                  Sacred Heart College
Eskdale                           Napier                      Upper Hutt College
                                                              Upper Hutt
Hutt International Boys’ School   Samuel Marsden
Upper Hutt                        Karori                      Wainuiomata High School
Hutt Valley High School           Samuel Marsden
Lower Hutt                        Whitby                      Wairarapa College
Kapiti College                    Solway College
Paraparaumu                       Masterton                   Wairarapa Teen Parent Unit
Karamu High School                St Bernard’s College
Hastings                          Lower Hutt                  Wellington College
                                                              Mt Victoria
Kuranui College                   St Catherine’s College
Greytown                          Kilbirnie                   Wellington East Girls College
                                                              Mt Victoria
Makoura College                   St John’s College
Masterton                         Hastings                    Wellington Girls’ College
Mana College                      St Mary’s College
Porirua                           Thorndon                    Wellington High School
                                                              Mt Cook
Naenae College
Lower Hutt

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