MOPS ACIP 2018-2019 Mount Olive Primary School - Russell County School System - Russell County ...

Page created by Jamie Rodriguez
MOPS ACIP 2018-2019

                         Mount Olive Primary School
                            Russell County School System

                                     Mr. Larry Saulsberry, Principal
                                           454 Highway 165
                                     Fort Mitchell, AL 36856-4303

Document Generated On September 18, 2018

Overview                                                                                                                 1

Goals Summary                                                                                                            2
 Goal 1: All faculty and staff members will foster a culture that motivates professional learning, student achievement, and
 parental/family engagement.                                                                                             3
 Goal 2: All students will increase their fluency and comprehension skills in reading.                                   7
 Goal 3: All students will increase their computational skills in mathematics.                                          11
 Goal 4: Increase academic achievement and improve language proficiency.                                                12

Activity Summary by Funding Source                                                                                      15
MOPS ACIP 2018-2019
Mount Olive Primary School


Plan Name

MOPS ACIP 2018-2019

Plan Description

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MOPS ACIP 2018-2019
Mount Olive Primary School

Goals Summary

The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section.

#      Goal Name                                                 Goal Details                       Goal Type               Total Funding
1      All faculty and staff members will foster a culture       Objectives:2                       Organizational          $28695
       that motivates professional learning, student             Strategies:2
       achievement, and parental/family engagement.              Activities:10
2      All students will increase their fluency and              Objectives:1                       Organizational          $11000
       comprehension skills in reading.                          Strategies:1
3      All students will increase their computational skills     Objectives:1                       Organizational          $1500
       in mathematics.                                           Strategies:1
4      Increase academic achievement and improve                 Objectives:1                       Organizational          $800
       language proficiency.                                     Strategies:1

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MOPS ACIP 2018-2019
Mount Olive Primary School

Goal 1: All faculty and staff members will foster a culture that motivates professional learning,
student achievement, and parental/family engagement.

Measurable Objective 1:
increase student growth in the areas of attendance, discipline, and promotion by 05/22/2019 as measured by overall student data and stakeholder engagement

Strategy 1:
School to Home Partnership - There will be an increased focus upon the partnership of the school and home to increase collaboration about ways to increase student
attendance, discipline, and promotion rates. There will be also be a focus upon family engagement and volunteerism within the school.

Research Cited: Epstein, J. L., et al. (2009). School, family, and community partnerships: Your handbook for action, second edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Activity - Academic Incentives/STAR Students of the Month                         Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding      Responsible
Administration and teachers will recognize students with end-of-the-year          Parent            08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $2000      General Fund Principal,
Awards' Day, Pre-K Celebration, and Kindergarten Graduation ceremonies.           Involvement,                                                        Leadership
Also, there will be quarterly Honor Roll celebrations for students to receive     Extra                                                               Team, STAR
certificates of achievement and other incentives throughout the year. There       Curricular,                                                         Student/Hono
will me monthly STAR Students of the Month awards celebrations leading            Behavioral                                                          r Roll/Awards'
up to two students being recognized from each classroom as STAR                   Support                                                             Day/Pre-K
Students of the Year. Also, to be a STAR Student of the Month/Year,               Program,                                                            Celebration/Ki
students must be nominated by their classroom teachers for following "The         Academic                                                            ndergarten
Cub Way" of being respectful, responsible, and ready. STAR Students will          Support                                                             Graduation
be awarded by walking the red carpet to music and receiving the following:        Program                                                             Committees,
award certificates, restaurant certificates, prizes, and photos with the                                                                              Secretary,
principal and with star props.                                                                                                                        and

Activity - Attendance Awareness/Helping Families Initiative                       Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding      Responsible

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The school will place a focus on daily student attendance via the marquee,        Recruitment       08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $500       General Fund Principal,
website, parent/student handbook, and SchoolCast and newsletter                   and                                                                 Secretary,
announcements. During Attendance Awareness Month in September,                    Retention,                                                          Leadership
resources will be shared with parents and guardians on the importance of          Policy and                                                          Team, Perfect
attendance. The truancy policy will also be followed closely during the year      Process,                                                            Attendance/e
through a partnership with the Helping Families Initiative of the Russell         Academic                                                            S2S/Public
County District Attorney's office; Chalkable InformationNOW (including its        Support                                                             Relations
INFocus component) will be monitored for attendance data. There will be           Program                                                             Committees,
early warning conferences for students and parents to explore root causes                                                                             and
of any attendance problems. In addition, quarterly and end-of-year awards                                                                             Classroom
for perfect attendance will be given at celebrations throughout the year and                                                                          Teachers
at annual awards' day, Pre-K celebration, and kindergarten graduation

Activity - Decreased Disciplinary Infractions                                     Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of        Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding          Responsible
In order to address issues of increased disciplinary referrals among              Behavioral        08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $4695      General          Principal,
students, teachers will be expected to enact classroom behavioral                 Support                                                Fund, District   Leadership
incentives, positive phone calls home, one parent conference per                  Program,                                               Funding          Team, STAR
semester, a break-out plan in partnership with other teachers to allow            Academic                                                                Student and
students time away from the area where infractions occurred, and a                Support                                                                 Cool Cubs
progressive discipline ladder before referring students to the principal. For     Program                                                                 Committees,
professional learning regarding behavior and its proactive approaches,                                                                                    Secretary,
refresher courses on Managing Behavior and Crisis by Mr. Robert Hudson                                                                                    Classroom
of Glenwood, Inc. will be implemented. For school-wide incentives, there                                                                                  Teachers,
will be quarterly Cool Cubs celebrations for outstanding conduct and STAR                                                                                 and Support
Students of the Month/Year awards. In order to qualify to be a cool cub,                                                                                  Staff
students must earn a conduct score of 90% or above and have no                                                                                            Members
bus/office disciplinary referrals for the corresponding nine weeks. Also, to
be a STAR Student of the Month/Year, students must be nominated by
their classroom teachers for following "The Cub Way" of being respectful,
responsible, and ready. STAR Students will be awarded by walking the red
carpet to music and receiving the following: award certificates, restaurant
certificates, prizes, and photos with the principal and with star props.

Activity - Grade Level Promotion and Transition                                   Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of        Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding          Responsible
Mount Olive Primary will work to decrease the number of students being            Behavioral        08/06/2018   08/01/2019   $3000      District         Principal,
retained in each grade level by providing intensive and consistent                Support                                                Funding          Classroom
academic support and screening/intervening academically through using             Program,                                                                Teachers, K-2
the S.P.I.R.E. program with students early. The school will host a                Academic                                                                Elementary
Transition Day in which current Pre-Kindergarten through first graders will       Support                                                                 Teacher,
be able to experience the upcoming grade's classroom to be introduced to          Program                                                                 Instructional
expectations and procedures. Plans will be discussed with third grade                                                                                     Assistants,
teachers to assist with transition as well. Transition Day will also include                                                                              Special
opportunities for nearby daycare/preschool centers to tour the school and                                                                                 Services
kindergarten classrooms. Incoming kindergarten students will be offered                                                                                   Teachers,
the opportunity to participate in the Kick Start Summer Kindergarten                                                                                      Media
Transition Program.                                                                                                                                       Specialist,
                                                                                                                                                          and Reading
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Activity - Assemblies and Field Trips                                             Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource       Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned       Funding      Responsible
There will be school-wide character and book author presentations during          Parent       08/06/2018        05/22/2019   $10000         General Fund Principal,
the year. Each grade level will have the opportunity to participate in grade      Involvement,                                                            Classroom
level and school-wide field trips primarily focused on fine arts.                 Field Trip,                                                             Teachers, K-2
                                                                                  Extra                                                                   Elementary
                                                                                  Curricular,                                                             Teacher,
                                                                                  Technology,                                                             Instructional
                                                                                  Community                                                               Assistants,
                                                                                  Engagement,                                                             Special
                                                                                  Behavioral                                                              Services
                                                                                  Support                                                                 Teachers,
                                                                                  Program,                                                                Media
                                                                                  Academic                                                                Specialist,
                                                                                  Support                                                                 P.E. Teacher,
                                                                                  Program                                                                 and

Activity - Parental Engagement and Volunteerism                                   Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource       Source Of       Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned       Funding         Responsible
Families will engage in a minimum of two parent-teacher conferences each          Parent       08/06/2018        05/22/2019   $1500          District        Principal,
year (one at the beginning of each semester) to increase knowledge of             Involvement,                                               Funding,        Classroom
students' progress in the areas of academics, test-taking, fine arts,             Professional                                               General Fund    Teachers, K-2
communication skills, and behavior. Parenting materials, supplies, and            Learning,                                                                  Elementary
parent-student handbooks/resource guides will be purchased and                    Community                                                                  Teacher,
distributed to parents to help increase student achievement and                   Engagement,                                                                Instructional
disseminate information for best practices on parent and family                   Behavioral                                                                 Assistants,
engagement. News articles will be developed to inform and update the              Support                                                                    Special
community of school events, etc. Parents will have opportunities to engage        Program,                                                                   Services
in bi-monthly parent-school meetings and/or workshops to discuss and              Academic                                                                   Teachers,
learn skills and strategies to strengthen the partnerships with their children    Support                                                                    Media
and faculty/staff members. Parents will also engage in trainings to learn the     Program                                                                    Specialist,
appropriate skills and expectations for serving as volunteers within                                                                                         P.E. Teacher,
classrooms and the entire school. Pre-K parents will engage in completing                                                                                    and
at minimum the required twelve volunteer hours for the program. Faculty                                                                                      Counselor
and staff will also be trained on how to increase effectiveness of parent
conferences and continuous communication efforts.

Measurable Objective 2:
collaborate to incorporate partnership principles into the learning and development of faculty/staff members and students' families by 05/22/2019 as measured by
overall stakeholder engagement levels and feedback.
Strategy 1:
Partnership Learning for Educators - Jim Knight has seven partnership principles that he defines for professionals to engage in true partnership learning. Riane Eisler
says, “…Partnership can best be understood as one of two ways of understanding life–the other thing being what she calls the dominator approach to relationships.”
(Knight, 2002, p. 7) The seven principles include equality, choice, voice, reflection, dialogue, praxis, and reciprocity. “A group can start to think as one big mind, one
group of differently talented, unique individuals sharing the joy of muddling over a problem” (p. 16). The principles will be evident in professional learning sessions
implemented throughout the year.
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Mount Olive Primary School

Research Cited: Knight, J. (2007). Instructional coaching: A partnership approach to improving instruction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Knight, J. (2002). Partnership learning fieldbook. Lawrence, KS: The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning.

Activity - Book Study: The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth                           Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding      Responsible
A second annual cohort will engage in a book study of John Maxwell's The Professional               08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $2000      General Fund Principal,
15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. There will be quarterly meetings throughout Learning                                                                    Book Study
the year in which a consultant will be contracted to present sessions to                                                                              Cohort, and
address how each professional can grow in his/her profession and                                                                                      John Maxwell
personal life while encouraging the same growth principles in their                                                                                   Certified
students.                                                                                                                                             Consultant

Activity - Leadership Team Development                                            Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding      Responsible
Through monthly leadership team meetings every third Monday, teacher          Professional          08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $3000      General Fund Principal,
leaders will be trained for how to best lead others in their grade levels and Learning                                                                Leadership
departments. The leadership team and faculty members members will                                                                                     Team, and
participate in school improvement retreats. Consultants will be contracted                                                                            Consultants
to present sessions that will address increasing leadership, growth, and
academic skills. There will be increased opportunities for teachers to be
leaders across the school through the enactment of new committees and
reassigned roles for prior committees. The committees for the year will be
as follows: Leadership Team, Testing, Safety, Guidance Advisory, Section
504, EL, Fundraising/Grant Writing, Technology, Campus
Beautification/Visual, Honor Roll, Public Relations, Yearbook,
eS2S/Welcoming, Tutoring, Positive Behavioral Supports/Cool Cubs,
Talent Show, Spelling Bee, Kindergarten Graduation, Awards Day, Star
Students of the Month, Sunshine, Extended Day, United Way, Lupus
Awareness, March of Dimes – March for Babies, and Relay for Life.

Activity - Book Study: What Great Teachers Do Differently                         Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding      Responsible
All faculty members and instructional assistants will participate in a book       Professional      08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0         No Funding   Principal as
study titled What Great Teachers Do Differently: 17 Things That Matter            Learning                                               Required     Book Study
Most by Todd Whitaker. Some of the areas to focus upon will include                                                                                   Facilitator,
positivity, purposeful planning, high expectations, making decisions,                                                                                 Faculty
student learning, and consistent improvement.                                                                                                         Members,

Activity - Teacher and Support Staff Mentoring                                    Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding      Responsible

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Mount Olive Primary School

All first-year teachers and support staff members will be assigned mentors        Recruitment       08/06/2018   05/22/2019    $2000           State Funds     Principal,
who are veterans in the school or in the profession; new teachers/support         and                                                                          Mentors,
staff to the school will also be assigned mentors for their first two to three    Retention,                                                                   Mentees, and
years. Mentors are selected based upon their years of experience, time            Professional                                                                 Novice
served in the school/district/profession, ability to get along with others, and   Learning                                                                     Teachers/Sup
level of competence in their respective areas. All novice teachers/support                                                                                     port Staff
staff with less than three years of experience will be provided instructional                                                                                  Members

Goal 2: All students will increase their fluency and comprehension skills in reading.

Measurable Objective 1:
increase student growth in fluency, standards, and skills to 75% proficiency in the area of reading/English language arts by 05/22/2019 as measured by DIBELS Next
and PowerSchool Assessments. Students will also demonstrate growth as measured by STAR and STAR Early Literacy Assessments..

Strategy 1:
Targeted Instruction - Teachers will individualize instruction for each student depending on the students' abilities and growth goals. The abilities are not just reflected by
academic abilities but also by culture, socioeconomic status, gender, and language. Teachers will target instruction by utilizing weekly classroom formative and/or
summative assessments and PowerSchool assessments.
Research Cited: The intent of targeted instruction is to use assessments and observations to determine the most appropriate ability groups to
implement lessons best suited to encourage growth (Center for Education Innovations). To differentiate instruction is to recognize students varying background
knowledge, readiness, language, preferences in learning, interests, and to react responsively. Differentiated instruction is a process to approach teaching and learning
for students of differing abilities in the same classes. The intent of differentiating instruction is to maximize each student’s growth and individual success by meeting
each student where he or she is and assisting in the learning process (National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum).

Activity - Differentiation in Centers Through Levelized Texts and                 Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date      Resource        Source Of       Staff
Questioning                                                                                                                    Assigned        Funding         Responsible
Students will participate in reading centers daily to practice and improve        Academic          08/06/2018   05/22/2019    $3000           State Funds     All Classroom
letter naming fluency, nonsense word fluency, phoneme segmentation                Support                                                                      Teachers,
fluency, oral reading fluency, and reading comprehension skills. Reading          Program                                                                      Instructional
centers will be differentiated based on individual students' needs and will                                                                                    Assistants, K-
include Word Work, writing, reading comprehension (levelized texts),                                                                                           2 Elementary
listening, and technology (e.g., Education Galaxy, Osmo activities,                                                                                            Teacher,
BrainPOP Jr., StarFall, IXL, and iPad apps).                                                                                                                   Special
                                                                                                                                                               Local Budget
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Mount Olive Primary School

Activity - Application of Real World Skills                                       Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding      Responsible
Students will have increased opportunities to be exposed to real world            Academic          08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0         No Funding   All Classroom
skills and connect reading passes and lessons to their experiences.               Support                                                Required     Teachers,
                                                                                  Program                                                             Instructional
                                                                                                                                                      Assistants, K-
                                                                                                                                                      2 Elementary
                                                                                                                                                      and Media

Activity - Usage of Academic Language                                             Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding      Responsible
Students will increase the use of academic language in their student and          Academic          08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0         No Funding   All Classroom
teacher discourse.                                                                Support                                                Required     Teachers,
                                                                                  Program                                                             Instructional
                                                                                                                                                      Assistants, K-
                                                                                                                                                      2 Elementary
                                                                                                                                                      and Media

Activity - Text Complexity, Citation, and Justification                           Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding      Responsible
Students will increase their abilities to respond to complex texts through        Academic          08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0         No Funding   All Classroom
citing and justifying their responses to text-dependent questions.                Support                                                Required     Teachers,
                                                                                  Program                                                             Instructional
                                                                                                                                                      Assistants, K-
                                                                                                                                                      2 Elementary
                                                                                                                                                      and Media

Activity - Student Usage of Technology                                            Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding      Responsible

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MOPS ACIP 2018-2019
Mount Olive Primary School

All students will access technology daily and weekly for individual and           Technology,       08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $5000      State Funds   All Classroom
collaborative learning while completing reading activities in the classroom,      Academic                                                             Teachers,
computer lab, and media center. Education Galaxy, BrainPOP Jr., STAR              Support                                                              Instructional
Reading, and Accelerated Reader 360 will be components of this learning.          Program                                                              Assistants, K-
This will involve the usage of iPads, iPods, Google Chromebooks, all-in-                                                                               2 Elementary
one/desktop computers, SMARTBoards, projectors, Hovercams, and                                                                                         Teacher,
headphones, etc.                                                                                                                                       Special
                                                                                                                                                       Local Budget

Activity - S.P.I.R.E. Intervention Program for Tiers II and III                   Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of     Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding       Responsible
For RtI tiers II and III instructional interventions outside of the classroom, Academic             08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0         No Funding    RtI PST
students who are in need of the most academic support will engage in four Support                                                        Required      Committee
to five weekly intervention lessons in the content area of reading.            Program                                                                 Members, All
Kindergarten and first grade lessons will be taught by a non-classroom                                                                                 Classroom
teacher, and second grade lessons will be taught by a non-classroom                                                                                    Teachers,
teacher and a reading coach. The program to be implemented is titled                                                                                   Instructional
Specialized Program Individualizing Reading Excellence (S.P.I.R.E.). As                                                                                Assistants, K-
students show adequate growth, the                                                                                                                     2 Elementary
groups will fluidly rotate.                                                                                                                            Teacher,
                                                                                                                                                       and Reading

Activity - Fry Word Hall of Fame                                                  Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of     Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding       Responsible

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MOPS ACIP 2018-2019
Mount Olive Primary School

Fry words include the most common words that kids would encounter while           Parent            08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0         No Funding    Principal,
reading a book, newspaper, or website. All students will receive a starting       Involvement,                                           Required      Media
100 word list from their teachers at the beginning of the year.                   Academic                                                             Specialist,
Kindergartners will start at the fifty word level and will have to achieve this   Support                                                              Classroom
goal on a mini-race track before moving up to the Fry Word Hall of Fame.          Program                                                              Teachers,
Parents will be asked to practice the words with their children daily; parents                                                                         Special
will also be asked to volunteer to listen to students read Fry words. If a                                                                             Services
student can say each word list with 95% accuracy, he/she will receive a                                                                                Teachers,
certificate, treat, recognition during morning announcements, and name                                                                                 Instructional
displayed on the school-wide Fry Word Hall of Fame.                                                                                                    Assistants,

Activity - Afterschool Tutorial Program                                           Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding      Responsible
The Afterschool Tutorial Program will provide additional support in reading       Tutoring,         01/23/2019   04/25/2019   $1000      General Fund Principal and
to students who need additional tiers of instruction. Students will work on       Academic                                                            Certified
basic skills in reading such as building fluency and increasing                   Support                                                             Faculty
comprehension.                                                                    Program                                                             Members

Activity - Professional Learning                                                  Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding      Responsible
Faculty and staff members will participate in professional learning sessions      Direct            08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $2000      General Fund Principal,
to enhance their professional knowledge of the following areas: content           Instruction,                                                        Media
area standards (through Alabama Insight Tool, etc.), Word Work 101,               Professional                                                        Specialist,
differentiation, content literacy strategies, reading text                        Learning,                                                           Classroom
levelizing/complexity/citation/justification, rigor, multi-sensory strategies,    Technology,                                                         Teachers,
and student usage of technology to increase student learning and                  Academic                                                            Special
achievement in the content area of reading. Substitute teachers will be           Support                                                             Services
hired for sessions held during the day.                                           Program                                                             Teachers,
                                                                                                                                                      Coach, K-5
                                                                                                                                                      Director, and

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MOPS ACIP 2018-2019
Mount Olive Primary School

Goal 3: All students will increase their computational skills in mathematics.

Measurable Objective 1:
increase student growth in computational skills in mathematics to 75% proficiency by 05/22/2019 as measured by PowerSchool assessments. Students will also
demonstrate growth in STAR Math and Early Literacy assessments..

Strategy 1:
Targeted Instruction - Teachers will individualize instruction for each student depending on the students' abilities and growth goals. The abilities are not just reflected by
academic abilities but also by culture, socioeconomic status, gender, and language. Teachers will target instruction by utilizing weekly classroom formative and/or
summative GO Math! assessments and PowerSchool assessments.
Research Cited: The intent of targeted instruction is to use assessments and observations to determine the most appropriate ability groups to
implement lessons best suited to encourage growth (Center for Education Innovations).

Activity - Differentiation in Mathematics Centers                                 Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date      Resource        Source Of       Staff
                                                                                                                               Assigned        Funding         Responsible
Students will participate in mathematics centers daily to practice and            Technology,       08/06/2018   05/22/2019    $0              No Funding      All Classroom
improve basic mathematics skills. Mathematics centers will include but will       Academic                                                     Required        Teachers,
not be limited to Word Work, writing, math facts, problem solving, and            Support                                                                      Instructional
technology (e.g., IXL, BrainPOP Jr., XtraMath, Osmo activities, and iPad          Program                                                                      Assistants, K-
apps).                                                                                                                                                         2 Elementary
                                                                                                                                                               Local Budget

Activity - Application of Real World Skills                                       Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date      Resource        Source Of       Staff
                                                                                                                               Assigned        Funding         Responsible
Students will have increased opportunities to be exposed to real world            Academic          08/06/2018   05/22/2019    $0              No Funding      All Classroom
skills and connect mathematics lessons to their experiences.                      Support                                                      Required        Teachers,
                                                                                  Program                                                                      Instructional
                                                                                                                                                               and Special

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Mount Olive Primary School

Activity - Student Usage of Technology                                            Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of     Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding       Responsible
All students will access technology daily and weekly for learning to              Technology,       08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0         No Funding    All Classroom
reinforce standards and computational skills in mathematics in the                Academic                                               Required      Teachers,
classroom, computer lab, and media center. Education Galaxy, STAR                 Support                                                              Instructional
Early Literacy, and STAR Math, etc. will be components of this                    Program                                                              Assistants, K-
learning.This will involve the usage of iPads, iPods, Google Chromebooks,                                                                              2 Elementary
all-in-one/desktop computers, SMARTBoards, projectors, Hovercams, and                                                                                  Teacher,
headphones, etc.                                                                                                                                       Special
                                                                                                                                                       and Media

Activity - Afterschool Tutorial Program                                           Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding      Responsible
The Afterschool Tutorial Program will provide additional support in               Tutoring,         01/23/2019   04/25/2019   $1000      General Fund Principal and
mathematics to students who need additional tiers of instruction. Students        Academic                                                            Certified
will work on basic skills in mathematics such as identifying and writing          Support                                                             Faculty
numbers, counting, one-to-one correspondence, addition, and subtraction.          Program                                                             Members

Activity - Professional Learning                                                  Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of    Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding      Responsible
Faculty and staff members will participate in professional learning sessions Professional           08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $500       General Fund Principal,
to enhance their professional knowledge of the following areas: content      Learning                                                                 Media
area standards (through Alabama Insight Tool, etc.), differentiation,                                                                                 Specialist,
explanation/justification of responses, rigor, multi-sensory strategies, and                                                                          Classroom
student usage of technology to increase student learning and achievement                                                                              Teachers,
in the content area of mathematics. Substitute teachers will be hired for                                                                             Special
sessions held during the day.                                                                                                                         Services
                                                                                                                                                      Coach, K-5
                                                                                                                                                      Director, and

Goal 4: Increase academic achievement and improve language proficiency.

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MOPS ACIP 2018-2019
Mount Olive Primary School

Measurable Objective 1:
increase student growth knowing and using social English and some specific academic language with visual support in reading by 05/22/2019 as measured by
05/22/2019 as measured by the ACCESS test.

Strategy 1:
Targeted Instruction - Teachers will individualize instruction for each student depending on the students' abilities and growth goals. The abilities are not just reflected by
academic abilities but also by culture, socioeconomic status, gender, and language. Teachers will target instruction by utilizing weekly classroom formative and/or
summative assessments and PowerSchool assessments.
Research Cited: The intent of targeted instruction is to use assessments and observations to determine the most appropriate ability groups to
implement lessons best suited to encourage growth (Center for Education Innovations).

According to Rebecca Greene (October 25, 2013) in her article, "5 Key Strategies for ELL Instruction," English Language Learners (ELLs) face the double challenge of
learning academic content as well as the language in which it is presented. Teachers have traditionally treated language learning as a process of imparting words and
structures or rules to students separate from the process of teaching content knowledge. This approach has left ELLs especially unprepared to work with the complex
texts and the academic types of language that are required to engage in content area practices, such as solving word problems in mathematics, or deconstructing an
author’s reasoning and evidence in English language arts. ELLs need to be given frequent, extended opportunities to speak about content material and work through
complex texts in English with small groups of classmates.

Activity - Differentiation of Small Group Instruction                             Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date      Resource        Source Of       Staff
                                                                                                                               Assigned        Funding         Responsible
Teachers will instruct English learner students in a small group setting          Academic          08/06/2018   05/22/2019    $0              No Funding      Principal,
daily.                                                                            Support                                                      Required        Classroom
                                                                                  Program                                                                      Teachers,
                                                                                                                                                               District EL
                                                                                                                                                               Assistants, K-
                                                                                                                                                               2 Elementary

Activity - SAMUEL Trainings                                                       Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date      Resource        Source Of       Staff
                                                                                                                               Assigned        Funding         Responsible

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Teachers will participate in professional development (e.g., SAMUEL               Professional      08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $300       General Fund Principal,
trainings) to enhance their professional knowledge and implement                  Learning                                                            Classroom
standards of World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA),                                                                                  Teachers,
SAMUEL, Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE)                                                                                    and District
Engagement Strategies, and the Can Do Descriptors to shelter instruction                                                                              EL Teacher
and improve the following skills of ELL students: listening, speaking,
reading, writing, oral language, literacy, and comprehension.

Activity - Afterschool Tutorial Program                                           Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of     Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding       Responsible
The Afterschool Tutorial Program will provide additional support in reading       Tutoring,         01/23/2019   04/25/2019   $500       District      Principal,
and mathematics to students. In reading, students will work on basic skills       Academic                                               Funding       Certified
such as letter identification, letter writing, phonics, phonemic awareness,       Support                                                              Faculty
building fluency, and increasing comprehension. In mathematics, students          Program                                                              Members,
will work on basic skills such as identifying and writing numbers, counting,                                                                           and District
one-to-one correspondence, addition, and subtraction.                                                                                                  EL Teacher

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Activity Summary by Funding Source

Below is a breakdown of your activities by funding source

No Funding Required

Activity Name                    Activity Description                                               Activity Type   Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Staff
                                                                                                                                              Assigned   Responsible
Student Usage of                 All students will access technology daily and weekly for           Technology,     08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0         All Classroom
Technology                       learning to reinforce standards and computational skills in        Academic                                             Teachers,
                                 mathematics in the                                                 Support                                              Instructional
                                 classroom, computer lab, and media center. Education               Program                                              Assistants, K-
                                 Galaxy, STAR Early Literacy, and STAR Math, etc. will be                                                                2 Elementary
                                 components of this learning.This will involve the usage of                                                              Teacher,
                                 iPads, iPods, Google Chromebooks, all-in-one/desktop                                                                    Special
                                 computers, SMARTBoards, projectors, Hovercams, and                                                                      Services
                                 headphones, etc.                                                                                                        Teachers,
                                                                                                                                                         and Media
Fry Word Hall of Fame            Fry words include the most common words that kids would            Parent          08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0         Principal,
                                 encounter while reading a book, newspaper, or website. All         Involvement,                                         Media
                                 students will receive a starting 100 word list from their          Academic                                             Specialist,
                                 teachers at the beginning of the year. Kindergartners will         Support                                              Classroom
                                 start at the fifty word level and will have to achieve this goal   Program                                              Teachers,
                                 on a mini-race track before moving up to the Fry Word Hall                                                              Special
                                 of Fame. Parents will be asked to practice the words with                                                               Services
                                 their children daily; parents will also be asked to volunteer                                                           Teachers,
                                 to listen to students read Fry words. If a student can say                                                              Instructional
                                 each word list with 95% accuracy, he/she will receive a                                                                 Assistants,
                                 certificate, treat, recognition during morning                                                                          School
                                 announcements, and name displayed on the school-wide                                                                    Secretary,
                                 Fry Word Hall of Fame.                                                                                                  and
Book Study: What Great           All faculty members and instructional assistants will              Professional    08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0         Principal as
Teachers Do Differently          participate in a book study titled What Great Teachers Do          Learning                                             Book Study
                                 Differently: 17 Things That Matter Most by Todd Whitaker.                                                               Facilitator,
                                 Some of the areas to focus upon will include positivity,                                                                Faculty
                                 purposeful planning, high expectations, making decisions,                                                               Members,
                                 student learning, and consistent improvement.                                                                           and

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Application of Real World        Students will have increased opportunities to be exposed to Academic       08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0   All Classroom
Skills                           real world skills and connect reading passes and lessons to Support                                       Teachers,
                                 their experiences.                                          Program                                       Instructional
                                                                                                                                           Assistants, K-
                                                                                                                                           2 Elementary
                                                                                                                                           and Media
Usage of Academic                Students will increase the use of academic language in their Academic      08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0   All Classroom
Language                         student and teacher discourse.                               Support                                      Teachers,
                                                                                              Program                                      Instructional
                                                                                                                                           Assistants, K-
                                                                                                                                           2 Elementary
                                                                                                                                           and Media
Application of Real World        Students will have increased opportunities to be exposed to Academic       08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0   All Classroom
Skills                           real world skills and connect mathematics lessons to their  Support                                       Teachers,
                                 experiences.                                                Program                                       Instructional
                                                                                                                                           and Special
S.P.I.R.E. Intervention          For RtI tiers II and III instructional interventions outside of Academic   08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0   RtI PST
Program for Tiers II and III     the classroom, students who are in need of the most             Support                                   Committee
                                 academic support will engage in four to five weekly             Program                                   Members, All
                                 intervention lessons in the content area of reading.                                                      Classroom
                                 Kindergarten and first grade lessons will be taught by a                                                  Teachers,
                                 non-classroom teacher, and second grade lessons will be                                                   Instructional
                                 taught by a non-classroom teacher and a reading coach.                                                    Assistants, K-
                                 The program to be implemented is titled Specialized                                                       2 Elementary
                                 Program Individualizing Reading Excellence (S.P.I.R.E.). As                                               Teacher,
                                 students show adequate growth, the                                                                        Special
                                 groups will fluidly rotate.                                                                               Services
                                                                                                                                           and Reading

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Differentiation of Small         Teachers will instruct English learner students in a small         Academic        08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0         Principal,
Group Instruction                group setting daily.                                               Support                                              Classroom
                                                                                                    Program                                              Teachers,
                                                                                                                                                         District EL
                                                                                                                                                         Assistants, K-
                                                                                                                                                         2 Elementary
Text Complexity, Citation,       Students will increase their abilities to respond to complex       Academic        08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0         All Classroom
and Justification                texts through citing and justifying their responses to text-       Support                                              Teachers,
                                 dependent questions.                                               Program                                              Instructional
                                                                                                                                                         Assistants, K-
                                                                                                                                                         2 Elementary
                                                                                                                                                         and Media
Differentiation in               Students will participate in mathematics centers daily to          Technology,     08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $0         All Classroom
Mathematics Centers              practice and improve basic mathematics skills. Mathematics         Academic                                             Teachers,
                                 centers will include but will not be limited to Word Work,         Support                                              Instructional
                                 writing, math facts, problem solving, and technology (e.g.,        Program                                              Assistants, K-
                                 IXL, BrainPOP Jr., XtraMath, Osmo activities, and iPad                                                                  2 Elementary
                                 apps).                                                                                                                  Teacher,
                                                                                                                                                         Local Budget
                                                                                                                                 Total        $0

District Funding

Activity Name                    Activity Description                                               Activity Type   Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Staff
                                                                                                                                              Assigned   Responsible

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Grade Level Promotion and        Mount Olive Primary will work to decrease the number of            Behavioral   08/06/2018   08/01/2019   $3000   Principal,
Transition                       students being retained in each grade level by providing           Support                                        Classroom
                                 intensive and consistent academic support and                      Program,                                       Teachers, K-2
                                 screening/intervening academically through using the               Academic                                       Elementary
                                 S.P.I.R.E. program with students early. The school will host       Support                                        Teacher,
                                 a Transition Day in which current Pre-Kindergarten through         Program                                        Instructional
                                 first graders will be able to experience the upcoming                                                             Assistants,
                                 grade's classroom to be introduced to expectations and                                                            Special
                                 procedures. Plans will be discussed with third grade                                                              Services
                                 teachers to assist with transition as well. Transition Day will                                                   Teachers,
                                 also include opportunities for nearby daycare/preschool                                                           Media
                                 centers to tour the school and kindergarten classrooms.                                                           Specialist,
                                 Incoming kindergarten students will be offered the                                                                and Reading
                                 opportunity to participate in the Kick Start Summer                                                               Coach
                                 Kindergarten Transition Program.
Decreased Disciplinary           In order to address issues of increased disciplinary referrals     Behavioral   08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $1695   Principal,
Infractions                      among students, teachers will be expected to enact                 Support                                        Leadership
                                 classroom behavioral incentives, positive phone calls home,        Program,                                       Team, STAR
                                 one parent conference per semester, a break-out plan in            Academic                                       Student and
                                 partnership with other teachers to allow students time away        Support                                        Cool Cubs
                                 from the area where infractions occurred, and a progressive        Program                                        Committees,
                                 discipline ladder before referring students to the principal.                                                     Secretary,
                                 For professional learning regarding behavior and its                                                              Classroom
                                 proactive approaches, refresher courses on Managing                                                               Teachers,
                                 Behavior and Crisis by Mr. Robert Hudson of Glenwood,                                                             and Support
                                 Inc. will be implemented. For school-wide incentives, there                                                       Staff
                                 will be quarterly Cool Cubs celebrations for outstanding                                                          Members
                                 conduct and STAR Students of the Month/Year awards. In
                                 order to qualify to be a cool cub, students must earn a
                                 conduct score of 90% or above and have no bus/office
                                 disciplinary referrals for the corresponding nine weeks.
                                 Also, to be a STAR Student of the Month/Year, students
                                 must be nominated by their classroom teachers for
                                 following "The Cub Way" of being respectful, responsible,
                                 and ready. STAR Students will be awarded by walking the
                                 red carpet to music and receiving the following: award
                                 certificates, restaurant certificates, prizes, and photos with
                                 the principal and with star props.

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Parental Engagement and      Families will engage in a minimum of two parent-teacher                Parent       08/06/2018      05/22/2019   $1000      Principal,
Volunteerism                 conferences each year (one at the beginning of each                    Involvement,                                         Classroom
                             semester) to increase knowledge of students' progress in               Professional                                         Teachers, K-2
                             the areas of academics, test-taking, fine arts,                        Learning,                                            Elementary
                             communication skills, and behavior. Parenting materials,               Community                                            Teacher,
                             supplies, and parent-student handbooks/resource guides                 Engagement,                                          Instructional
                             will be purchased and distributed to parents to help                   Behavioral                                           Assistants,
                             increase student achievement and disseminate information               Support                                              Special
                             for best practices on parent and family engagement. News               Program,                                             Services
                             articles will be developed to inform and update the                    Academic                                             Teachers,
                             community of school events, etc. Parents will have                     Support                                              Media
                             opportunities to engage in bi-monthly parent-school                    Program                                              Specialist,
                             meetings and/or workshops to discuss and learn skills and                                                                   P.E. Teacher,
                             strategies to strengthen the partnerships with their children                                                               and
                             and faculty/staff members. Parents will also engage in                                                                      Counselor
                             trainings to learn the appropriate skills and expectations for
                             serving as volunteers within classrooms and the entire
                             school. Pre-K parents will engage in completing at minimum
                             the required twelve volunteer hours for the program. Faculty
                             and staff will also be trained on how to increase
                             effectiveness of parent conferences and continuous
                             communication efforts.
Afterschool Tutorial Program The Afterschool Tutorial Program will provide additional               Tutoring,       01/23/2019   04/25/2019   $500       Principal,
                             support in reading                                                     Academic                                             Certified
                             and mathematics to students. In reading, students will work            Support                                              Faculty
                             on basic skills                                                        Program                                              Members,
                             such as letter identification, letter writing, phonics,                                                                     and District
                             phonemic awareness,                                                                                                         EL Teacher
                             building fluency, and increasing comprehension. In
                             mathematics, students
                             will work on basic skills such as identifying and writing
                             numbers, counting,
                             one-to-one correspondence, addition, and subtraction.
                                                                                                                                 Total        $6195

General Fund

Activity Name                    Activity Description                                               Activity Type   Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Staff
                                                                                                                                              Assigned   Responsible

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Academic Incentives/STAR         Administration and teachers will recognize students with           Parent         08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $2000    Principal,
Students of the Month            end-of-the-year Awards' Day, Pre-K Celebration, and                Involvement,                                      Leadership
                                 Kindergarten Graduation ceremonies. Also, there will be            Extra                                             Team, STAR
                                 quarterly Honor Roll celebrations for students to receive          Curricular,                                       Student/Hono
                                 certificates of achievement and other incentives throughout        Behavioral                                        r Roll/Awards'
                                 the year. There will me monthly STAR Students of the               Support                                           Day/Pre-K
                                 Month awards celebrations leading up to two students being         Program,                                          Celebration/Ki
                                 recognized from each classroom as STAR Students of the             Academic                                          ndergarten
                                 Year. Also, to be a STAR Student of the Month/Year,                Support                                           Graduation
                                 students must be nominated by their classroom teachers for         Program                                           Committees,
                                 following "The Cub Way" of being respectful, responsible,                                                            Secretary,
                                 and ready. STAR Students will be awarded by walking the                                                              and
                                 red carpet to music and receiving the following: award                                                               Classroom
                                 certificates, restaurant certificates, prizes, and photos with                                                       Teachers
                                 the principal and with star props.
Assemblies and Field Trips       There will be school-wide character and book author                Parent       08/06/2018     05/22/2019   $10000   Principal,
                                 presentations during the year. Each grade level will have          Involvement,                                      Classroom
                                 the opportunity to participate in grade level and school-wide      Field Trip,                                       Teachers, K-2
                                 field trips primarily focused on fine arts.                        Extra                                             Elementary
                                                                                                    Curricular,                                       Teacher,
                                                                                                    Technology,                                       Instructional
                                                                                                    Community                                         Assistants,
                                                                                                    Engagement,                                       Special
                                                                                                    Behavioral                                        Services
                                                                                                    Support                                           Teachers,
                                                                                                    Program,                                          Media
                                                                                                    Academic                                          Specialist,
                                                                                                    Support                                           P.E. Teacher,
                                                                                                    Program                                           and
Leadership Team                  Through monthly leadership team meetings every third         Professional         08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $3000    Principal,
Development                      Monday, teacher leaders will be trained for how to best lead Learning                                                Leadership
                                 others in their grade levels and departments. The                                                                    Team, and
                                 leadership team and faculty members members will                                                                     Consultants
                                 participate in school improvement retreats. Consultants will
                                 be contracted to present sessions that will address
                                 increasing leadership, growth, and academic skills. There
                                 will be increased opportunities for teachers to be leaders
                                 across the school through the enactment of new
                                 committees and reassigned roles for prior committees. The
                                 committees for the year will be as follows: Leadership
                                 Team, Testing, Safety, Guidance Advisory, Section 504,
                                 EL, Fundraising/Grant Writing, Technology, Campus
                                 Beautification/Visual, Honor Roll, Public Relations,
                                 Yearbook, eS2S/Welcoming, Tutoring, Positive Behavioral
                                 Supports/Cool Cubs, Talent Show, Spelling Bee,
                                 Kindergarten Graduation, Awards Day, Star Students of the
                                 Month, Sunshine, Extended Day, United Way, Lupus
                                 Awareness, March of Dimes – March for Babies, and Relay
                                 for Life.

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Afterschool Tutorial Program The Afterschool Tutorial Program will provide additional               Tutoring,     01/23/2019   04/25/2019   $1000   Principal and
                             support in                                                             Academic                                        Certified
                             mathematics to students who need additional tiers of                   Support                                         Faculty
                             instruction. Students                                                  Program                                         Members
                             will work on basic skills in mathematics such as identifying
                             and writing
                             numbers, counting, one-to-one correspondence, addition,
                             and subtraction.
Attendance                   The school will place a focus on daily student attendance              Recruitment   08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $500    Principal,
Awareness/Helping Families via the marquee, website, parent/student handbook, and                   and                                             Secretary,
Initiative                   SchoolCast and newsletter announcements. During                        Retention,                                      Leadership
                             Attendance Awareness Month in September, resources will                Policy and                                      Team, Perfect
                             be shared with parents and guardians on the importance of              Process,                                        Attendance/e
                             attendance. The truancy policy will also be followed closely           Academic                                        S2S/Public
                             during the year through a partnership with the Helping                 Support                                         Relations
                             Families Initiative of the Russell County District Attorney's          Program                                         Committees,
                             office; Chalkable InformationNOW (including its INFocus                                                                and
                             component) will be monitored for attendance data. There                                                                Classroom
                             will be early warning conferences for students and parents                                                             Teachers
                             to explore root causes of any attendance problems. In
                             addition, quarterly and end-of-year awards for perfect
                             attendance will be given at celebrations throughout the year
                             and at annual awards' day, Pre-K celebration, and
                             kindergarten graduation ceremonies.
 Parental Engagement and     Families will engage in a minimum of two parent-teacher                Parent       08/06/2018    05/22/2019   $500    Principal,
Volunteerism                 conferences each year (one at the beginning of each                    Involvement,                                    Classroom
                             semester) to increase knowledge of students' progress in               Professional                                    Teachers, K-2
                             the areas of academics, test-taking, fine arts,                        Learning,                                       Elementary
                             communication skills, and behavior. Parenting materials,               Community                                       Teacher,
                             supplies, and parent-student handbooks/resource guides                 Engagement,                                     Instructional
                             will be purchased and distributed to parents to help                   Behavioral                                      Assistants,
                             increase student achievement and disseminate information               Support                                         Special
                             for best practices on parent and family engagement. News               Program,                                        Services
                             articles will be developed to inform and update the                    Academic                                        Teachers,
                             community of school events, etc. Parents will have                     Support                                         Media
                             opportunities to engage in bi-monthly parent-school                    Program                                         Specialist,
                             meetings and/or workshops to discuss and learn skills and                                                              P.E. Teacher,
                             strategies to strengthen the partnerships with their children                                                          and
                             and faculty/staff members. Parents will also engage in                                                                 Counselor
                             trainings to learn the appropriate skills and expectations for
                             serving as volunteers within classrooms and the entire
                             school. Pre-K parents will engage in completing at minimum
                             the required twelve volunteer hours for the program. Faculty
                             and staff will also be trained on how to increase
                             effectiveness of parent conferences and continuous
                             communication efforts.

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Professional Learning            Faculty and staff members will participate in professional         Direct         08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $2000   Principal,
                                 learning sessions to enhance their professional knowledge          Instruction,                                     Media
                                 of the following areas: content area standards (through            Professional                                     Specialist,
                                 Alabama Insight Tool, etc.), Word Work 101, differentiation,       Learning,                                        Classroom
                                 content literacy strategies, reading text                          Technology,                                      Teachers,
                                 levelizing/complexity/citation/justification, rigor, multi-        Academic                                         Special
                                 sensory strategies, and student usage of technology to             Support                                          Services
                                 increase student learning and achievement in the content           Program                                          Teachers,
                                 area of reading. Substitute teachers will be hired for                                                              Instructional
                                 sessions held during the day.                                                                                       Assistants,
                                                                                                                                                     Coach, K-5
                                                                                                                                                     Director, and
Afterschool Tutorial Program The Afterschool Tutorial Program will provide additional               Tutoring,      01/23/2019   04/25/2019   $1000   Principal and
                             support in reading to students who need additional tiers of            Academic                                         Certified
                             instruction. Students will work on basic skills in reading             Support                                          Faculty
                             such as building fluency and increasing comprehension.                 Program                                          Members
Book Study: The 15           A second annual cohort will engage in a book study of John             Professional   08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $2000   Principal,
Invaluable Laws of Growth    Maxwell's The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. There will be              Learning                                         Book Study
                             quarterly meetings throughout the year in which a                                                                       Cohort, and
                             consultant will be contracted to present sessions to address                                                            John Maxwell
                             how each professional can grow in his/her profession and                                                                Certified
                             personal life while encouraging the same growth principles                                                              Consultant
                             in their students.
SAMUEL Trainings             Teachers will participate in professional development (e.g.,           Professional   08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $300    Principal,
                             SAMUEL                                                                 Learning                                         Classroom
                             trainings) to enhance their professional knowledge and                                                                  Teachers,
                             implement                                                                                                               and District
                             standards of World-Class Instructional Design and                                                                       EL Teacher
                             Assessment (WIDA),
                             SAMUEL, Specially Designed Academic Instruction in
                             English (SDAIE)
                             Engagement Strategies, and the Can Do Descriptors to
                             shelter instruction
                             and improve the following skills of ELL students: listening,
                             reading, writing, oral language, literacy, and

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Decreased Disciplinary           In order to address issues of increased disciplinary referrals     Behavioral      08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $3000      Principal,
Infractions                      among students, teachers will be expected to enact                 Support                                              Leadership
                                 classroom behavioral incentives, positive phone calls home,        Program,                                             Team, STAR
                                 one parent conference per semester, a break-out plan in            Academic                                             Student and
                                 partnership with other teachers to allow students time away        Support                                              Cool Cubs
                                 from the area where infractions occurred, and a progressive        Program                                              Committees,
                                 discipline ladder before referring students to the principal.                                                           Secretary,
                                 For professional learning regarding behavior and its                                                                    Classroom
                                 proactive approaches, refresher courses on Managing                                                                     Teachers,
                                 Behavior and Crisis by Mr. Robert Hudson of Glenwood,                                                                   and Support
                                 Inc. will be implemented. For school-wide incentives, there                                                             Staff
                                 will be quarterly Cool Cubs celebrations for outstanding                                                                Members
                                 conduct and STAR Students of the Month/Year awards. In
                                 order to qualify to be a cool cub, students must earn a
                                 conduct score of 90% or above and have no bus/office
                                 disciplinary referrals for the corresponding nine weeks.
                                 Also, to be a STAR Student of the Month/Year, students
                                 must be nominated by their classroom teachers for
                                 following "The Cub Way" of being respectful, responsible,
                                 and ready. STAR Students will be awarded by walking the
                                 red carpet to music and receiving the following: award
                                 certificates, restaurant certificates, prizes, and photos with
                                 the principal and with star props.
Professional Learning            Faculty and staff members will participate in professional         Professional    08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $500       Principal,
                                 learning sessions to enhance their professional knowledge          Learning                                             Media
                                 of the following areas: content area standards (through                                                                 Specialist,
                                 Alabama Insight Tool, etc.), differentiation,                                                                           Classroom
                                 explanation/justification of responses, rigor, multi-sensory                                                            Teachers,
                                 strategies, and student usage of technology to increase                                                                 Special
                                 student learning and achievement in the content area of                                                                 Services
                                 mathematics. Substitute teachers will be hired for sessions                                                             Teachers,
                                 held during the day.                                                                                                    Instructional
                                                                                                                                                         Coach, K-5
                                                                                                                                                         Director, and
                                                                                                                                 Total        $25800

State Funds

Activity Name                    Activity Description                                               Activity Type   Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Staff
                                                                                                                                              Assigned   Responsible

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Teacher and Support Staff        All first-year teachers and support staff members will be          Recruitment    08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $2000    Principal,
Mentoring                        assigned mentors who are veterans in the school or in the          and                                               Mentors,
                                 profession; new teachers/support staff to the school will          Retention,                                        Mentees, and
                                 also be assigned mentors for their first two to three years.       Professional                                      Novice
                                 Mentors are selected based upon their years of experience,         Learning                                          Teachers/Sup
                                 time served in the school/district/profession, ability to get                                                        port Staff
                                 along with others, and level of competence in their                                                                  Members
                                 respective areas. All novice teachers/support staff with less
                                 than three years of experience will be provided instructional
Student Usage of                 All students will access technology daily and weekly for           Technology,    08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $5000    All Classroom
Technology                       individual and collaborative learning while completing             Academic                                          Teachers,
                                 reading activities in the classroom, computer lab, and media       Support                                           Instructional
                                 center. Education Galaxy, BrainPOP Jr., STAR Reading,              Program                                           Assistants, K-
                                 and Accelerated Reader 360 will be components of this                                                                2 Elementary
                                 learning. This will involve the usage of iPads, iPods, Google                                                        Teacher,
                                 Chromebooks, all-in-one/desktop computers,                                                                           Special
                                 SMARTBoards, projectors, Hovercams, and headphones,                                                                  Services
                                 etc.                                                                                                                 Teachers,
                                                                                                                                                      Local Budget
Differentiation in Centers  Students will participate in reading centers daily to practice Academic                08/06/2018   05/22/2019   $3000    All Classroom
Through Levelized Texts and and improve letter naming fluency, nonsense word fluency, Support                                                         Teachers,
Questioning                 phoneme segmentation fluency, oral reading fluency, and        Program                                                    Instructional
                            reading comprehension skills. Reading centers will be                                                                     Assistants, K-
                            differentiated based on individual students' needs and will                                                               2 Elementary
                            include Word Work, writing, reading comprehension                                                                         Teacher,
                            (levelized texts), listening, and technology (e.g., Education                                                             Special
                            Galaxy, Osmo activities, BrainPOP Jr., StarFall, IXL, and                                                                 Services
                            iPad apps).                                                                                                               Teachers,
                                                                                                                                                      Local Budget
                                                                                                                                Total        $10000

Mount Olive Primary School                                                                                                                                  Page 24
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