WELCOME TO TARNEIT SENIOR COLLEGE New student information booklet

Page created by Erin Davidson
WELCOME TO TARNEIT SENIOR COLLEGE New student information booklet
 New student information booklet
WELCOME TO TARNEIT SENIOR COLLEGE New student information booklet
* All information in the handbook is current for 2017 and may be
subject to change in 2018
WELCOME TO TARNEIT SENIOR COLLEGE New student information booklet
Welcome to Tarneit Senior College
  Starting at a new school can be a nerve-wracking experience. At TSC you will
  not be the only ‘new kid’ so you won’t be the only one feeling the nerves and
 anxiety of a new learning environment. But that doesn’t mean you have to be
 alone and not do anything about it. There are many staff at the college whose
      job it is to make you feel welcome and confident in your new school.

 All staff at the college are here to help and give you direction but the following
  staff in particular will be able to help you whenever you need it and make up
the Student Engagement and Well-being team: Suzie Gerada, Stephen
   Baker, Nick Hooper, Casey Moseley, Kaitlin Every, Nicole Gray, Nahide Dolu
 (room 18) and Ben Scicluna, Kessia Ianzano, Bronwyn Cutrale and David Ayual
                               in the Well Being Centre.

 Our College captains and student leaders are also here to help you if needed.
 The 2017 College Captains are Barisa Degal, Amie Crawford, Ana Saleuplou
                             and Raine Oliveira

It is important that you give yourself some time to settle in to your new school.
Don’t worry if you go home after day one and you haven’t met any new friends.
    Sometimes it takes time to form new friendships. This is normal. Focus on
 learning about your new school; get into regular study patterns for your new
             subjects and the social side of school will come along.

  This booklet is designed to help provide answers to the numerous questions
that you may have. If there are still unanswered questions then do not hesitate
                        in approaching any staff member.

Michael Fawcett                    Suzie Gerada                    Martin Mielimaka
   Principal                     Assistant Principal               Assistant Principal
WELCOME TO TARNEIT SENIOR COLLEGE New student information booklet

Student Code of Conduct                   5

Classroom Rules & Expectations            6

Uniform Policy                            7-8

Attendance Policy                         9

Compass                                   10

Promotion Policy                          11

Class Times                               12

Student Engagement Team                   13

Student Welfare Team                      14

Careers & Pathways                        14

2017 Student Leaders                      14

2017 Staff                               15-16

Other Important Information               17

Map                                       19

WELCOME TO TARNEIT SENIOR COLLEGE New student information booklet
Student Code of Conduct
Bund                             ❶
❶ Students are to show consideration for others and ensure their
                  words and actions cause no harm.
❶ Students are to show consideration for oth-
ers andStudents
         ensure      their words ❷ and actions cause no
                are to show respect for the school environment and the
harm.                     property of others.

             Students should expect to be taught by teachers who are
professional and encourage them to excel and they should be prepared to
❷     Students       are to show respect for the school
                take responsibility for their own learning.
environment and the property of others.
              Students should expect to be treated respectfully, to show
   respect for others, and to follow reasonable instructions from teachers.

❸ Students should expect          ❺       to be taught by
teachers   who
      Students     are
               are to    professional
                      move                   and
                            in a manner that is     encourage
                                                non-disruptive and safe for
                        others and themselves.
them to excel and they should be prepared to
take responsibility        for their
                                  ❻ own learning.
           Students are to attend school and class punctually and be
                          prepared for all activities.

        Students are not to use or distribute any form of legal drugs such as
         cigarettes, alcohol and prescription drugs, or illegal drugs.

              All students are to wear school uniform which promotes a
positive image of the College to the wider community, to and from school and
                          at school related activities.

WELCOME TO TARNEIT SENIOR COLLEGE New student information booklet
Classroom Rules and Expectations

    Students must be in full college uniform at all times. This includes black
   leather school shoes. Students out of uniform without a note from home
  or a valid reason will be sent home to change. During sport related classes,
interschool sports and some excursions the college PE uniform must be worn.

 Student phones should never be visible. Please ensure phones are not seen
during the school day. If you have a phone, then lock it away in your locker. If
it is seen out either in class or during school hours then it will be confiscated.
You can then collect this from the House Leaders office at the end of the day.
     If it is confiscated more than three times then it will be parent pick up.

 Students should be using their ICT personal devices responsibly and should
not be looking at content that is not related to the class work. If you are using
             a device inappropriately then it will be confiscated.

                 Students are not to use headphones in class.

           No chewing gum, food or drink (apart from plain water),
                       are to be consumed in class.

                       Hats are not to be worn indoors.

 Bags are not allowed in the classroom - Students will be issued a locker and
   need to provide a lock or purchase a college lock to ensure it is secure.

                       iPods are not to be used in class
                   unless directly related to set curriculum.

Students must not leave class without a pass or diary signed by their teacher.

WELCOME TO TARNEIT SENIOR COLLEGE New student information booklet
Uniform Policy
ALL students are expected to wear FULL school uniform every day. Uniform
must be worn to and from school, at lunchtime and recess, and on all school
         The following items are                              The following items are not
         acceptable as part of the                            acceptable as part of the
         school uniform:                                      school uniform:

•   Grey school pants                              •   Denim jeans
•   College tie - optional                         •   Cargo pants
•   Black leather school shoes                     •   Pants with attached skirts
•   Blue school jumper or cardigan with            •   Pedal pushers
    school logo
                                                   •   Tracksuit pants
•   Plain white or long sleeved shirt with
    school logo                                    •   Hooded tops

•   Official black school jacket – blazer or       •   Basketball-style or straight skirts
    spray jacket – with school logo                •   Fitted 3/4 length sleeve shirts
•   Pleated school skirt                           •   Ribbed knitted skivvies
•   Grey school shorts                             •   Sleeveless black jackets
•   School sports uniform (not to be worn          •   Runners (except during PE classes
    to or from school)                                 and for lunchtime sport)
•   School cap – blue or black with T logo         •   Facial piercings that are not a clear
                                                       flat stud Facial ring piercings must
•   White, pale blue or black Hijab or
                                                       be removed
                                                   •   Any item not specified in the
                                                       'acceptable' list
Students who fail to follow the school’s Uniform Policy will be subject to the
following consequences:

        Parent contact       •         Detention          •          Further action
  If you need assistance to organise your uniform, please see your House Leader.
The college will support families in financial need in regard to the purchase of school
             uniform. Please contact the Student Welfare Coordinator.
WELCOME TO TARNEIT SENIOR COLLEGE New student information booklet
Uniform Policy

School shoes must be black leather and have a defined heel as shown here

           Flat soled shoes or black runners are not acceptable

WELCOME TO TARNEIT SENIOR COLLEGE New student information booklet
Attendance Policy
•   To maximise student learning opportunities and performance by ensuring that
    Tarneit Senior College students attend a minimum of 90% of scheduled class time
    per unit during a semester. 90% attendance must be seen as a minimum attend-
    ance rate. All students should strive for100% attendance.
•   Maximise the attendance of all students and support families in achieving regular
    attendance for their children.
•   Provide organisational structures which support the early detection and identifi-
    cation of causes of student non-attendance.
•   Ensure the efficiency and accuracy of data collection for school, legal and audit
We believe that student success is determined by good attendance at school.
Students need to attend school regularly in order to participate fully and gain
maximum benefit from their schooling. Regular attendance enables students to
access a full education, enabling them to reach their full potential. We acknowledge
that monitoring of student attendance enables identification of students at risk and
the early implementation of intervention strategies.
We also acknowledge our obligation to monitor the legal requirement for all students
under seventeen years to attend school, and that we have a duty of care for all stu-
dents including those over the compulsory school age.

Student Responsibilities:
•   Attend and be punctual for all timetabled classes.
•   Provide a medical certificate/written note to form group teacher on return to
•   Collect a late pass at the office and provide explanation if late for school.
•   Discuss with each teacher procedures for catching up on any work missed
    through lateness or absence.

Parent Responsibilities:
•   Ensure that the student attends and is punctual each school day.
•   Notify the school (preferably in advance) if a student is to be absent.
•   Provide written explanation to the school for each student absence on the day of
•   Contact the year level coordinator for assistance if a student is resistant to
    attending school or will be absent for an extended period of time.
WELCOME TO TARNEIT SENIOR COLLEGE New student information booklet
In 2016 we introduced Compass School manager to staff, parents and

The Compass Parent Portal provides parents with access to real time
information regarding your student.

Using our parent portal you will be able to:
•   Access your child’s Student Reports
•   Book your Parent/Student/Teacher interviews
•   View up-to-date class and school attendance information
•   Approve or enter upcoming or past absences for your child
•   Update your registered email and mobile number (used for SMS alerts) details

How to access and login to Compass for the first time:
•   To access the Compass Parent Portal go to the Tarneit Senior College website and
    click on the Login link (or go directly to https://tarneitsc.vic.jdlf.com.au)
•   Login using the details provided to you by the school. Upon first login, you will be
    prompted to confirm your email address and mobile phone number, and change
    your password.

The Home Screen will appear once you have successfully logged in to Compass. This
provides you with relevant alerts that require your action or attention e.g. unex-
plained absences and student report availability, a News Feed and quick links to your
child’s profile.
Once you have logged onto Compass you can download the Compass School Man-
ager App on your iPhone or Android phone or tablet to be able to view and approve
attendance anytime and anywhere.

An SMS will be sent to parents at 9.30am each morning for any student that has not
arrived at school. This is a prompt to approve an absence on Compass or by calling
the school. Please do not reply to the SMS as it is not a school number!

For assistance with using Compass, please contact the staff in our front office; who
will be happy to assist you.

Promotion Policy
This Policy aims to:
•   Ensure students are supported by college staff in the successful completion of
    their studies.
•   Encourage and motivate students to achieve their maximum potential.
•   Provide clear expectations to students, their parents and the teaching staff.
•   Ensure students, caregivers and staff are aware of the demands of the VCE/VCAL.
•   To enable students to reach their potential in Year 12.
Guiding Principles
•   To better prepare students for the demands of the VCE/VCAL, in terms of
    meeting deadlines, submitting work, study skills, attendance and satisfactory
    completion of units.
•   To provide a clear and consistent framework within which decisions regarding
    student future pathways are made.
•   Students are also required to attend a minimum of 90% of class time over each
•   Students will be supported by MIPs/Careers Co-ordinator, Form Group Teachers
    and Year Level Co-ordinators to achieve these outcomes.

Parent interviews will be held for students who pass 4 or fewer subjects at the end
of Semester One in year 11 or 12
The purpose of the interview is to:
• Gain parental support in assisting improved student learning outcome.
• Implement strategies for improving student learning in Semester 2.
• Establish an agreed process for monitoring student learning.
• Each student will be reviewed on an individual basis.
Extenuating circumstances will be taken into consideration in determining a student’s
suitability for promotion to the next year level such as:
• Prolonged illness (with medical certificate),
• Extended absences (eg overseas),
• Time of arrival at the college.

Pathways for students on modified curriculum programs will be considered
separately, taking students’ individual learning needs into account. Consultation will
also take place between the students’ classroom teachers and the student and their
parents to determine a recommendation regarding their promotion.

Evaluation - This policy will be reviewed as part of the College 3 year cycle to
             determine its impact in relation to improved student learning.
Class Times
There are no bells to exit students from class or to signal the start of classes.
Five minutes of music will be played at the start of the school day. When the music
plays it is time for the start of the school. All staff will direct students to class as soon
as the music commences.

It is highly recommended that you arrive at school by 8.40am to avoid a detention.

                     8.50am                       Form Assembly
                     9.00am                       Session 1
                     10.00am                      Session 2
                     11.00am                      Lunch
                     11.40am                      Session 3
                     12.40pm                      Session 4
                     1.40pm                       Recess
                     2.00pm                       Session 5
                     3.00pm                       School finishes

                                              Our school values
                                             Integrity • Innovation • Focus

Student Engagement Team
                 Penrose House                              Gillard House
                 Red House Leader                           Orange House Leader
                 Kaitlyn Every                              Nicholas Hooper
                 Leading Teacher
                 Student Engagement &

                 Chirnside House                            Balak House
                 Blue House Leader                          Purple House Leader
                 Casey Moseley                              Stephen Baker

                 Assistant House                            Transitions and P-9
                 Leader                                     Liaison and Assistant
                 Nahide Dolu                                House Leader
                                                            Nicole Gray
                                                            Leading Teacher


Balak House
Home Groups: 10D, 10F, 10I, 11A, 12A, 12B
Student Purple House leader: Bobby Grover and Sarah Barbieri
Gillard House
Home Groups: 10B, 10G, 11B, 11C, 12C, 12F
Student Orange House leader: Loveyta Stevens and Kisanet Tesfu
Chirnside House
Home Groups: 10C, 10E, 11D, 12D
Student Blue House leader: Iman Aden and Joshua Christie
Penrose House
Home Groups: 10A, 11E, 11F, 12E
Student Red House leader: Tyson Young and Theresa Niu
                 Our office is in room 18. Our door is always open.
Student Welfare Team
  Student Wellbeing &                 Staff Wellbeing
  Welfare Leader                      Ben Scicluna
  Kessia Ianzano

African                  Social                   PSD
Communities              Worker                   Coordinator
David Ayual              Bronwyn                  Sindhu
Dinka                    Cutrale                  Jayaram

       Careers & Pathways
Leading                  Acting                   Pathways
Teacher                  Leading                  Officer
Pathways                 Teacher                  Tanya
Josephine                Pathways                 Robertson
Mineo                    Joanne
                         Maxwell                  Auslan

      2017 Student Leaders
School Captain                      School Captain
Barisa Degal                        Amie Crawford

Vice School Captain                  Vice School Captain
Ana Saleupolo                        Raiane Oliveira

2017 Staff

  Kathrine                Jessica            Monique          Nancy             Karyn
    Rix                   Peters              Craig           Faltas           Kirkland
   Business            Office Manager         Reception     Attendance       Administration
   Manager                                                     Arabic

Amelia Amuso           Alex Harrison        Andrew Iacano   Alicia Walsh       Bryan Field

    Brenton              Bronwyn             Conrad Cruz    Chris Duffin     Daniel Guerrieri
  O’Callaghan            Turnbull

 Daniel Peacock          Elyse Ganly         Mason Hsiao    Ingrid Gorlick    Julie Connell

Jamie Calleja Bailey   Jaclyn Levasseur      Kurt Guerin       Karl Wild      Mary Borracci
2017 Staff

 Mark Connell      Mary Kotronakis     Mark Stephens      Mary Tobin     Nerida Muller

   Phil Gatti        Reardo Luka        Robyn Paull      Ria Shmanski      Huy Le
                      Albanian                                           Vietnamese

 Sindhu Kumar     Suzanna Mehmeti     Sophie O’Shea    Thomas Cleeland    Bec Abella

Brett Dodemaide

          At Tarneit Senior College we are proud of our cultual diversity amongst both our
          students and staff.
          We have a number of staff who are able to translate if required.lease

Other Important Information
College Website: www.tarneitsc.vic.edu.au – Familiarise yourself with our website it is updat-
ed regularly and contains important college information including important dates, news and
events, monthly newsletters and policies and procedures.

Canteen: Is open during both breaks and after school for students to purchase food. It is
recommended that you pre order your lunch to avoid the queue.

Lockers: Your home group teacher is the person to see for the issue of your locker. During your
home group ask them to allocate you a locker. Once you have a locker it is yours for the whole
year. Please ensure you put a lock on it to secure all your personal and school issued items.

Academic Support: The College provides afterschool tutorial sessions for all students every
Wednesday afternoon between 3:05 – 4:15; we encourage all students to remain behind for
some additional guidance and assistance with their studies.

Three Weekly Reports: Every three weeks we report on your progress and send these reports
home for your parents to see also. This is a great way to track how you are going in your classes
and also prompt conversations with your individual classroom teachers on how you can im-
prove your results.

College Diary: Ensure you have a college diary as this will be a valuable learning tool to ensure
you stay organised and keep track of important college dates and events. These can be pur-
chased from the front office.

Late or Absent: If you are late to school or absent you need to report to the House Leader’s
office in Building B – Room 18 to sign in and get a late arrival pass before you go to class. You
also need to report to this office to hand in medical certificates for your absences and notes
from home accounting for your absences. We have a 90% attendance policy at Tarneit Senior
and students that fail to meet this requirement may risk not being promoted the following year
up a year level or graduating.

College events, excursions and camps: there are plenty of opportunities for school related
events. Leading up to these events you will be required to return permission forms and pay-
ments promptly. Failure to do this by the due date may result in you unfortunately missing out.

College Grounds: Students are to remain inside the college grounds at all times and are not
permitted to leave without parental permission. If you need to leave for some reason then
please provide a note from your parent outlining the details and provide this to the house
leader’s office.

Any further questions or just need to talk?
Do not hesitate to come in and see one of the house leaders in room 18 building
B or the Well Being Team in the Well Being Centre.



1.4km from Tarneit Railway Station

Bus route 180 from Tarneit Station
visit www.ptv.vic.gov.au/journey for other bus routes

Tarneit Senior College
         861 Leakes Road
           03 9749 0246
  tarneit.sc@edumail.vic.gov au

     Principal: Michael Fawcett
Assistant Principals: Suzie Gerada &
         Martin Mielimaka
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