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VOL. 193, NO. 20 | 2019

4 | Conversation
10 | For the Record
                                   The View                                Features                                                          Time Off                            △
                                                                                                                                                                                 Morgan Lyles and
                                   Ideas, opinion,                                                                                           What to watch, read,
                                                                           After Khashoggi                                                                                       her twins Lena and
The Brief                          innovations
                                                                           Activists carrying on the legacy
                                                                                                                                             see and do
                                                                                                                                                                                 Maura at home in
News from the U.S.                 23 | Ian Bremmer                                                                                          51 | Game over.                     Columbus, Ohio,
                                   on why democracy                        of the slain journalist come under
and around the world                                                                                                                         Bring on niche TV                   on May 11
                                   is more appealing                       threat themselves
11 | How the trade
war will be fought                 to the world if it                      By Josh Meyer 26                                                  54 | Reviews:
                                   isn’t American                                                                                            The Souvenir, a new
13 | The ripple                                                                                                                              John Wick, Fleabag                  Photograph by
effects of                         25 | America’s                          Work-Life Imbalance                                               and Catch-22                        Maddie McGarvey
                                   history of                              Bulgaria, Chile—even Iraq—                                                                            for TIME
Venezuela’s crisis
                                   abortion bans                           guarantee paid maternal leave.                                    56 | Books:
14 | A Brexit                                                                                                                                baseball reads and a
                                   25 | Farming                            In the U.S., it gets more lip service                             memoir of loss
champion again
rattles Britain                    gone wrong                              than legislation
                                                                           By Abby Vesoulis 32                                               57 | Gaming
15 | Rihanna makes                                                                                                                           Jeopardy!
fashion history
                                                                       Next Generation Leaders                                              58 | Appreciation:
16 | TIME with . ..                                                        Ten trailblazers who are reshaping                                the depths of Doris
former NFL player                                                          their fields around the globe 38                                  Day
turned math whiz
John Urschel                                                                                                                                 60 | 10 Questions
                                                                                                                                             for former Supreme
18 | The siege                                                                                                                               Court Justice John
of Tripoli                                                                                                                                   Paul Stevens

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2       Time May 27, 2019
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                                                                                     NEXT GENERATION LEADERS It’s been
                                                                                     five years since TIME joined forces
                                                                                     with Rolex to launch Next Generation
                                                                                     Leaders, a biannual selection of rising
                                                                                     stars in politics, culture, science, sports
                                                                                     and business (page 38). Past honorees
                    WHAT YOU                          Photograph by
                                                                                     have won office, Oscars and Olympic
                    SAID ABOUT ...                   Hellen van Meene
                                                         for TIME                    medals. The new class includes cover
                                                                                     subjects Greta Thunberg (top), who led
 “i hAvE A plAN” Fans of Massachusetts                                               climate-change protests worldwide,
 Senator Elizabeth Warren saw Haley                                                  and Tessa Thompson, who’s shifting
 Sweetland Edwards’ May 20 profile as a                                              the conversation on representation in
 victory for the 2020 Democratic presidential                                        Hollywood. “The great thing about
 candidate. “She’s FINALLY starting to get the                                       shaping this list is highlighting young
 media attention she                                                                 people who are taking risks to create
 deserves after what’s                                                               change,” says deputy international edi-
 been an incredible         ‘I was an                                                tor Naina Bajekal, who oversees the
 early-stage                 @SenWarren               Photograph by                  project. “They aren’t afraid to break
 campaign,” tweeted          fan before              Gizelle Hernandez               boundaries.” See video profiles of the
 activist Adam               reading                     for TIME                    honorees at
 Best. Conservative          the @TIME
 pundit S.E. Cupp            profile. I’m                                                                              KUDOS On
 tweeted that the            a bigger                                                                                  May 13, TIME
 story was right             one now.’                                                                                 national corres-
 to point out that                                                                                                     pondent Molly Ball
 Warren “definitely          on Twitter
                                                                                                                       won the Gerald R.
 has real policy                                                                                                       Ford Presidential
 plans, where many                                                                                                     Distinguished
 other candidates don’t. Now it’s up to voters                                                                         Reporting on the
 to decide if they make sense.” (For her, she                                                                          Presidency Award,
 added, “they don’t.”) Rodney W. Hanson of                                                                             for work that shed
 Lacey, Wash., wished the article mentioned                                                                            “valuable light
                                                                                                                       on the tumult” of
 even more of Warren’s policy positions,                                                                               Donald Trump’s
 particularly those on climate change, but to                                                                          second year
 Facebook user Paul Dukich, all those policies                                                                         in office.
 ran together as “more and more taxes.”
                                                   BEHIND THE PHOTO Last fall, a photo of                              SETTING
                                                   a Honduran mother and her children fleeing                          THE RECORD
  “CEOs ArE NOt OvErpAid” Tyler Cowen’s            tear gas near the U.S.-Mexico border went                           STRAIGHT ▶ In
  April 22 op-ed on executive pay was a            viral. Now, on, learn more about                           “Elizabeth Warren
                                                                                                                       Has a Plan for
  “great write-up on the pay discrepancy           Maria Lidia Meza Castro (above, standing),
                                                                                                                       That” (May 20),
  between a [CEO] and the average worker,”         the woman in the picture. Photographer
                                                                                                                       we misstated
                                                   Federica Valabrega met Castro days before
  tweeted @DeanClass. Fred Gibson of               that incident and recently visited her and her
                                                                                                                       where Warren first
                                                                                                                       worked as a special-
                           Tahlequah, Okla.,       family at their Washington, D.C.–area home.                         needs teacher. It
                           worried that a          Read more at                                was in New Jersey.
 ‘Highly                   “devastating
                                                                                           TALK TO US
  recommended              effect” of that
  perspective,             discrepancy would
                                                                        ▽                                              ▽
                                                             send an email:                                     follow us:
  especially if            be the “disconnect                           
                                                      Please do not send attachments                    @time (Twitter and Instagram)
  you disagree.’           between CEOs and
                           the rest of society.”
  on Twitter               On Cowen’s point                    Letters should include the writer’s full name, address and home
                           about CEO raises                     telephone and may be edited for purposes of clarity and space
                           tied to the value
  of a company, “Imagine tying teacher             Back Issues Contact us at or
                                                                                                                                              F E D E R I C A VA L A B R EG A

  compensation to the value of the organization    call 1-800-274-6800. Reprints and Permissions Information
                                                   is available at To request custom reprints,
  in which they teach,” wrote Susan Bosworth       visit Advertising For advertising rates and
                                                                                                                    Please recycle this
  Sheridan of Rockingham, Va. “I believe the       our editorial calendar, visit Syndication
                                                   For international licensing and syndication requests, visit
                                                                                                                    magazine and remove
                                                                                                                    inserts or samples
  answer is … priceless.”                                                         before recycling
For the Record
 ‘I think all
  juries are                             ‘I didn’t mind
 I don’t like                              explaining                                                                                     $850,871
                                                                                                                                       Annual potential fine faced
the secrecy
     of it.’                            photosynthesis                                                                                by Trump International Hotel
                                                                                                                                       & Tower in New York City if
                                                                                                                                       it is not upgraded to meet
                                                                                                                                      the city’s new environmental

                                       to you when you
CHELSEA MANNING, WikiLeaks                                                                                                               standards for buildings
whistle-blower released from
jail May 9, on why she won’t
comply with a new subpoena

 ‘His main                           were 12. But you’re                                                                                ‘All I can do
                                                                                                                                        is continue
 concern is
that turkey
                                     adults now, and this                                                                              to share the
                                                                                                                                      human impact
                                                                                                                                         of what it
  ends this
 week, and
                                      is an actual crisis.’
                                     BILL NYE, host of Bill Nye the Science Guy, urging viewers to take
                                                                                                                                       means to be
                                                                                                                                          RASHIDA TLAIB, Michigan

 he has not                              climate change more seriously, on the May 12 episode of
                                                    Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
                                                                                                                                      Congresswoman, on the
                                                                                                                                    May 13 episode of Late Night
                                                                                                                                    With Seth Meyers, addressing
  reached                                                                                                                          the controversy over a podcast
                                                                                                                                       in which she articulated
  his limit.’                                                                                                                       tension between the need to

                                             ‘WE’RE LOOKING FOR                                                                     provide a safe haven for Jews
                                                                                                                                     after the Holocaust and the
   assuring the public on
  May 13 that 94-year-old
                                             IRAN TO BEHAVE LIKE                                                                   consequences to Palestinians

  former President Jimmy                     A NORMAL COUNTRY.’
    Carter is expected to
 fully recover from surgery            MIKE POMPEO, U.S. Secretary of State, addressing escalating
   after breaking his hip             tensions with Iran on May 14; a year after the U.S. pulled out of                                         Constance Wu
 while preparing to go on a          the Iran deal, the State Department advised citizens not to travel                                     The actor caught flak for
      turkey-hunting trip                 to Iran and partially evacuated the U.S. embassy in Iraq                                         saying she wished sitcom
                                                                                                                                           Fresh Off the Boat hadn’t
                                                                                                                                           been renewed May 10 so
                                                                                                                                           she could take a new role

     46 million
                                                                                                                                                                                                           I L L U S T R AT I O N S B Y B R O W N B I R D D E S I G N F O R T I M E

                                                                                                                                                          BAD WEEK
     Number of Australian                                                                                                                                GOOD WEEK
     banknotes that were
     printed with responsibility
     misspelled “responsibilty”;
     the Reserve Bank of                                                                                                                             Wu-Tang Clan
     Australia apologized and said                                                                                                                 The hip-hop group
     the error would be corrected                                                                                                                   announced it’s
     for the next print run                                                                                                                       releasing a new EP
                                                                                                                                                      on May 17

10     Time May 27, 2019                                                                           S O U R C E S : A P ; C N N ; T H E G U A R D I A N ; N E W YO R K T I M E S; R O L L I N G S T O N E
     Soybean farms,
      like this one in
     Maryland, have
        been caught
       up in the U.S.-
     China trade war



                            PHOTOGR APH BY EDWIN REMSBERG
TheBrief Opener
TRADE                                                                       Year after year, it dumped cheap goods overseas and
                                                                            favored Chinese companies over foreign firms, siphoning
The real trade war:                                                         off intellectual property and trade secrets.
Whose rules will reign?                                                         China has used the illicit profits of that engagement to
                                                                            construct a direct challenge to the American-led postwar
By John Walcott                                                             order. China’s Belt and Road Initiative infrastructure plan
                                                                            includes 126 nations and 29 international organizations
            ay Gaesser, a soybean farmer in CorninG,                        and is producing global strategic benefits, from a 99-year

R           Iowa, is on the front lines of the escalating
            trade war between the U.S. and China. Last fall,
            he was optimistic that the world’s two largest
economies would seal a deal that would keep his crops
moving to market in China. But as tit-for-tat tariffs have
                                                                            lease on a new Indian Ocean seaport in Sri Lanka to an
                                                                            overseas military base in Djibouti at the entrance to the
                                                                            Red Sea. China now publicly declares its goal of becoming
                                                                            the world’s dominant superpower and has used stolen
                                                                            technology to “[alter] the calculus of global power,”
made his soybeans less competitive, Gaesser, 66, says it                    according to a March report by the U.S. Navy.
will be hard for many growers to turn a profit this
year. “Farmers’ patience is growing thin,” he tells           ‘If someone             this situation leaves Americans facing
TIME. The question that really scares him: “Are                thinks their           something they have never seen before: an
we going to be in this for a long, long time?”              own race and              adversary that is an economic, technological and,
    The answer almost certainly is yes. President              civilization           increasingly,  military rival. But how to respond to
Donald Trump’s efforts to force China to                                              the rule breaking that enables that threat? With
buy more U.S. agricultural products, open
                                                                is superior           a similar abandonment of the rules, or renewed
up to foreign business and rewrite laws that               and insists on             attempts to impose them?
incentivize intellectual-property theft is part             remolding or                  Some Administration officials think sticking by
of a bigger challenge. It’s not just that the U.S.        replacing         other     the trade rules is a sucker’s game and believe eco-
and China—both of which announced billions                   civilizations,           nomic isolation through a permanent trade war is
of dollars’ worth of new tariffs in the first half           it would be a            the only way forward. “[Trump aide] Peter Navarro
of May—are competing over who will be the                 stupid idea and and [former adviser] Steve Bannon believe that the
world’s dominant economic, technological and               disastrous act.’ Chinese Communist Party is more vulnerable and
military power. It’s a question of who writes the                                     sensitive to economic harm than is the U.S.,” says
rules, not just for trade but also for disputed                   XI JINPING,         Zack Cooper of the American Enterprise Institute,
                                                              China’s President,
areas from cyberspace to outer space. And that            at a May 15 conference
                                                                                      who   meets with White House officials. Trump him-
struggle is just getting started.                                  in Beijing         self threatened to abandon the WTO last August.
    The first step for the U.S. is to decide for itself                                   But many traditional free traders are horrified
what rules it wants to play by. Trump has talked                                      at the idea of throwing those rules, built over a

                                                                                                                                               P R E V I O U S PA G E : V W P I C S/A P ; X I : L I U W E I B I N G — X I N H U A /S I PA U S A ; B A S K E T B A L L : M A R K B L I N C H — N B A E /G E T T Y I M A G E S
of abandoning the World Trade Organization (WTO),                                generation to American advantage, overboard. “The
which has been the arbiter of U.S.-China trade                                   entire Republican establishment is shaking in its boots,”
for nearly 20 years. He’s won applause in some                                      says GOP donor Dan Eberhart, CEO of Denver-based
quarters, including from Democrats on Capitol                                          drilling services company Canary, LLC. “Trump
Hill, for his go-it-alone approach, but others see                                      has picked a fight he may not be able to win, and
danger in the U.S.’s facing off with the Middle                                         it’s impossible to ascertain how this ends.” The
Kingdom on its own. “For seven decades                                                   politics are complicated by Democratic support
since World War II, a rules-based framework                                               for confrontation. Senate minority leader Chuck
led by Washington has defined world order,                                                Schumer, a New York Democrat, urged Trump
producing an era without war among great                                                   on May 5, “Don’t back down. Strength is the only
powers,” Harvard professor Graham Allison                                                  way to win with China.”
writes in his 2017 book, Destined for War:                                                    That may be, but not if China is stronger.
Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s                                                 Beijing has a skeptical view of international
Trap?. “Today, an increasingly powerful China is                                         rules, seeing the WTO as just another extension
unraveling this order, throwing into question the                                        of centuries-long mercantilist and colonialist
peace generations have taken for granted.”                                             Western policies. And getting it to play by the
    Much of the blame lies with Beijing. Successive                                   rules will likely take more than just a trade war with
Western leaders bet that “constructive engagement”                                   the U.S. For Iowa farmer Ray Gaesser, who backs
with China’s leaders would ease the world’s most                                    Trump, the answer is allies. “It would have been
populous nation into the liberal, free-trading world                                really good to find support from our fellow countries
order. After China joined the WTO in 2001 it made                                   who export to China and build a team to go after
occasional nods to Western trade rules, but as it                                   China,” he says, “rather than doing it unilaterally.”
gained economic clout, it increasingly resisted                                     —With reporting by alana abramson, brian
demands to transform its state-controlled economy.                                 benneTT and jusTin worland/washinGTon                   
12   Time May 27, 2019

                                                                                                            security flaw
                                                                                                           The instant-messaging
                                                                                                              service WhatsApp
                                                                                                           announced on May 13
                                                                                                           that hackers had been
                                                                                                           able to inject spyware
                                                                                                                into phones by
                                                                                                            exploiting a security
                                                                                                             flaw. The company,
                                                                                                              which is owned by
                                                                                                             Facebook, urged its
                                                                                                             1.5 billion users to
                                                                                                            update their apps as
                                                                                                              soon as possible.
FOLLOW THE BOUNCING BALL On May 12, in the final seconds of the Eastern Conference
semifinals, Kawhi Leonard of the Toronto Raptors arced a prayer toward the ceiling. The shot caught
the rim, somehow, and bounced on the basket—once, twice, three times, four times. The arena fell
silent, awaiting a season’s fate. Finally, the ball dropped in. Bedlam. Toronto beat Philadelphia in the       Trump
NBA’s first Game 7 to end on a buzzer beater; we’ll be wondering how that one fell forever.                  welcomes
                                                                                                            far-right PM
THE BULLETIN                                                                                                  President Donald
                                                                                                           Trump called Hungary’s
As rationing begins, Cuba braces for                                                                         authoritarian Prime
economic impact from Venezuela crisis                                                                       Minister Viktor Orban
                                                                                                             “highly respected”
                                                                                                             and said he is doing
fallouT from The power sTruGGle in                       FROM AFAR Those imports are at the heart            a “tremendous job”
Venezuela can be felt far beyond its borders,            of the problem. Cuba imports two-thirds             during the European
perhaps nowhere more than in Cuba. The                   of its food each year, and Díaz said it’s had      leader’s May 13 visit
U.S. has said Havana’s support for strong-               to find new sources since Washington has            to the White House.
man Nicolás Maduro is helping him stay                   expanded sanctions amid controversy over             Human-rights and
                                                                                                            democracy advocates
in power in Caracas; as punishment, the                  Havana’s relationship to Maduro. (Cuba de-        have criticized Orban’s
Trump Administration has imposed sanc-                   nies military involvement in Venezuela but          embrace of far-right
tions on Cuba. While Havana has pushed                   recently signaled openness to helping ne-          actions and rhetoric.
back on the accusation, it seems the island              gotiate peace there.) Last month the Trump
cannot escape the effects of the Venezuela               Administration also announced it will limit
conflict. Cuba announced new rations on                  money Cuban Americans can send family                Drones hit
food and hygiene products on May 10, stok-               there and allow U.S. citizens to sue for prop-        Saudi oil
ing fears of a worsening economic crisis.                erty seized after Cuba’s 1959 revolution.             pipeline
LIMITED SUPPLY Cuba’s Interior Commerce                  BE PREPARED It’s not just food. Cuba’s             Saudi Arabia said on
Minister, Betsy Díaz Velázquez, said the                 economy grew in the late 1990s and early              May 14 that an oil
country would start restricting the purchase             2000s thanks in part to an influx of oil from     pipeline in its Eastern
                                                                                                             Province had been
of basics such as chicken, rice, beans and hy-           Venezuela, supplies of which have also col-           struck by a drone
giene products like soap, to ensure “equal               lapsed in recent months as the situation          attack. Houthi rebels
distribution” for all. Rationing had already             there worsens. But many Cubans remember              in Yemen said they
begun in some parts of Cuba, and shoppers                the depression that followed the fall of the       had launched cross-
have complained for weeks of empty shelves               Soviet Union and worry that food and fuel          border drone attacks
                                                                                                            against the kingdom,
and long lines. But the new policy will apply            shortages may be a sign of more trouble to             which has been
across the country and likely have a particu-            come. “It’s not about returning to the harsh-       involved in Yemen’s
larly intense effect on Cuba’s burgeoning                est phase of [the economic crisis] of the            ongoing civil war—
private businesses, which often rely on state-           ’90s,” Communist Party head Raúl Castro              and in backing the
run stores for supplies because of the govern-           said last month. “Although we do have to be        coalition fighting the
                                                                                                           Houthis—since 2015.
ment’s domination of imports and exports.                ready for the worst.” —abiGail abrams
TheBrief News
                                  POSTCARD                                              has been pushed back to Oct. 31, and the U.K.
                                  The Godfather of                                      must, by law, vote for candidates in the Euro-
              NEWS                                                                      pean legislature.
             TICKER               Brexit returns to rile                                    That was enough to bring the Brexit Godfa-
                                  up the U.K.                                           ther, who left UKIP completely last year, back
       Top court                                                                        into politics. In April, he launched the Brexit
      okays Apple                 When The sun shines on ClaCTon-on-sea                 Party to compete in the E.U. elections. His
     antitrust case               on the east coast of England, the town comes          message is again one of insurgent anger. “We
                                  alive with sunbathers, kids playing arcade ma-        have openly and willfully been betrayed by our
        The U.S. Supreme
     Court on May 13 said it      chines and shopkeepers hawking beach balls            government,” he told the pro-Leave crowd in
      would let an antitrust      on the sand-swept promenade. But the sky on           Clacton to cheers and applause.
       case against Apple         a recent spring morning was overcast, and it              It appears to be working. According to one
     move forward, allowing       hung over a different sort of crowd.                  poll, 34% of voters plan to back Farage in the
      consumers to sue the
                                      Hundreds gathered at Clacton’s pier on            E.U. elections, ahead of both May’s Conserva-
     company over the 30%
     commission it takes on       April 23, many bearing pro-Brexit placards            tives and the official opposition Labour Party.
     App Store sales, which       and wearing Union Jack pins. As the man they              The victory would be mostly symbolic,
       the plaintiffs say is      had come to see, Nigel Farage, stepped up to          as any elected lawmakers would stand down
      an abuse of its power.      speak, a local politician hailed him by a nick-       once Brexit finally happens. But for May, who
     Apple argued that only
                                  name: the Godfather of Brexit.                        has been fending off calls to resign for months,
     app developers should
        bring such a suit.            Farage’s lobbying was indeed instrumen-           a poor performance in E.U. elections might
                                  tal to the U.K.’s decision to leave the European      be the final straw for her premiership. For her
                                  Union in the referendum of June 2016, espe-           Conservative Party, it threatens to echo the
                                  cially his vociferous anti-migrant sentiment.         impact that Farage had on policy as the leader
         CO2 hits                 But days after the result, he abruptly resigned       of UKIP in the early 2010s: emboldening
      record levels               his position as leader of the U.K. Indepen-           Euroskeptics and pushing the government
     in atmosphere                dence Party (UKIP). “My political ambition,”          rightward. And for the country, it could add
                                  he said at the time, “has been achieved.”             yet another wrinkle in the stuttering political

                                                                                                                                                 B E E R : G E T T Y I M A G E S; C O N W AY: C B S/G E T T Y I M A G E S; L I P T O N : D O N A L D S O N C O L L E C T I O N / M I C H A E L O C H S A R C H I V E S/G E T T Y I M A G E S; R I H A N N A : G E T T Y I M A G E S
        Scientists said on
        May 11 that levels            Now Farage is back and touring the Brexit         process to bid the E.U. farewell.
         of atmospheric           heartland in search of another political upset.           No political upset could possibly match
      carbon dioxide, which       This time the target is the European Parlia-          the scale of Farage’s victory in 2016. But as
        contributes to the
       greenhouse effect,
                                  ment elections scheduled for May 23.                  seagulls circled over Clacton, he warned that
       reached highs last             Had Britain left the E.U. on March 29, as         2019 could be the start of something at least
         seen more than           originally planned, the vote would not be hap-        comparable. “Do you believe that this politi-
       3 million years ago,       pening here. But in the months leading up to          cal class now needs to be swept aside and re-
        at which point sea        the date, Prime Minister Theresa May could            placed by better people?” The crowd roared
     levels were some 50 ft.
        higher than today.
                                  not persuade lawmakers to ratify her E.U.             yes. “Well that is what we are going to do!”
       CO2 now makes up           exit deal and asked for a delay. Now Brexit                —Billy Perrigo/ClaCTon-on-sea, u.K.
      415 molecules out of
      every million in the air,
      up from 400 in 2013.

                                                                        Caught short
      Barr opens                           On May 9, Party City announced the closure of 45 stores. Among the factors affecting the
       review of                         business was a global shortage of helium gas, which the chain said had “negatively impacted”
     Russia inquiry                        its ability to meet demand for balloons. Here, other surprising shortages. —Ciara Nugent

      U.S. Attorney General
                                    BRUSHES DOWN                SILK STOCKING                                                BEER BLIGHT
      William Barr has told
                                     Amid its postwar          In the late 1980s,                                            A large British
        Connecticut’s top
                                     housing boom in            China suffered a                                          wholesaler had to
      federal prosecutor to
                                   1946, Australia ran       lack of the silkworm                                      ration its beer supply
      investigate how the
                                  low on paintbrushes,          cocoons used to                                            in the summer of
     Russia probe began, a
                                   forcing the national       make raw silk. The                                            2018, after the
     move President Trump
                                     air force to fly to    Journal of Commerce                                           temporary closure
       wanted but that law-
                                    civil war–stricken        traced the issue to                                       of several European
      enforcement officials
                                    China to find and       rising demand for the                                         fertilizer factories
       say is unnecessary.
                                  bring home 25 metric        fabric and damage                                         led to a shortage of
     This is the third known
                                  tons of pig bristles to   to the mulberry trees                                      CO2, needed to make
       Justice Department
                                     make new ones.              the worms eat.                                          lager effervescent.
     inquiry into the Russia

14   Time May 27, 2019
ENDORSED                                                                                            ANNOUNCED
The Christchurch
Call, New Zealand
                                                                                                    A ‘seismic shift’
Prime Minister                                                                                      for fashion
Jacinda Ardern’s plan
to push platforms to                                                                                LVmH is tHe Largest
help eliminate online                                                                               luxury-goods conglomerate in
extremism, by 18
governments and
                                                                                                    the world, and it just got a bit
top tech firms, on                                                                                  bigger—in an unprecedented
May 15. The U.S. did                                                                                way. On May 10, Rihanna
not join due to free-                                                                               confirmed the launch of a
speech concerns.                                                                                    new fashion house, under
EXTENDED                                                                                            her Fenty brand, that will be
Sri Lanka’s                                                                                         part of the prestigious LVMH
nationwide curfew                                                                                   stable, alongside names like
for a second night                                                                                  Dior and Givenchy. Fenty will
on May 14, after                                                                                    be the group’s first label led by
anti-Muslim violence
sparked by the                                                                                      a woman of color.
Easter bombings.                                                                                        The deal reflects Rihan-
                                                                                                    na’s brand power, affirmed
PLEADED                                                                                             by the successes of her inclu-
Guilty, by actor Felic-
ity Huffman, who
                                                                                                    sive cosmetics brand Fenty
admitted on May 13                                                                                  Beauty and lingerie line Sav-
that she arranged for                                                                               age X Fenty, which tapped
her daughter’s SAT                                                                                  consumer markets most lux-
exam to be altered                                                                                  ury brands don’t reach.
as part of the college-
admissions scandal
                                                                                                    Perhaps more significant,
revealed this spring.                                                                               it reflects a change in the
                                                                                                    highest strata of the fashion
TESTIFIED                                                                                           world. Brands like those in
That the New York                                                                                   LVMH have long asserted an
City police officer who      Lipton poses for a portrait circa 1967, shortly before The Mod Squad
killed Eric Garner in                             made her a household name                         aspirational aesthetic rooted
2014 used a pro-           DIED
                                                                                                    in European power; historian
                                                                                                    Rhonda Garelick says the
                           Peggy Lipton
hibited choke hold
on him, by an NYPD                                                                                  deal represents “a seismic
training official during
the officer’s disciplin-   Counterculture icon                                                      shift” in the way the fashion
                                                                                                    world thinks about prestige.
ary trial May 14.          By Kyle MacLachlan                                                       “We must not overlook the
      DIED                 Peggy LiPton’s Performance as JuLie Barnes on The Mod                    potent symbolism,” she says,
      Actor Tim            Squad made a huge impact on my whole generation. The show                “of a woman of color, from a
      known for
                           was decidedly not meant for our parents, and Peggy, who died             former European colony in
      his role on          on May 11 at 72, was a revelation. She represented a type of per-        the Caribbean, rising to helm
     The Carol             son not seen on television before, the quintessential example of a       a new luxury brand from this
   Burnett Show, on        new kind of woman, young and hip, with a resilience that comple-         iconic French company.”
May 14 at age 85.          mented a truly gentle spirit.                                                         —wiLder daVies
RE-ELECTED                    Later, she played a more personal, yet equally influential,
President Cyril            role in my life, when we worked together on Twin Peaks. Peggy
Ramaphosa and              brought mystery and strength in equal measure to the character
the African National       of Norma, who ran the Double R Diner. She radiated a sense of
Congress, by South
                           purpose, and her performance on the show in many ways mir-
African voters on
May 11.                    rored Peggy the unique individual. She was always gracious and
                           ever thoughtful, and moved to her own rhythm. She was wise and
ENDED                      seemed all-knowing, and I instinctively felt that her world was
An annual Austrian         full and complete—and far more fascinating than she would ever
ball that raises
money for HIV/AIDS         reveal to the rest of us.
causes, as progress           When she poured you a coffee at the counter at the Double R,
on treatment has           her smile and calming voice made everything feel all right with
made it harder to find     the world. And she made one hell of a cherry pie.
                           MacLachlan is an actor

TheBrief TIME with ...
Ex–NFL player                                                                never good at math.’ But people don’t joke about
                                                                             being illiterate. Being mathematically illiterate is
John Urschel gave                                                            quite a dangerous thing.”
up the game for a Ph.D.—                                                     GrowinG up in Buffalo, n.y., Urschel began his
and a life—in math                                                           love affair with numbers early. When his attorney
By Sean Gregory                                                              mother took him shopping, she’d let him keep the
                                                                             change if he calculated the 8% sales tax before the
                                                                             cashier rang it up. The summer before eighth grade,
One recenT afTernOOn in cambridge, mass.,                                    he audited a calculus class at the University at Buf-
John Urschel and I strolled along the Charles                                falo, where his dad, a surgeon, was pursuing a mas-
River on the way to his office at MIT, where he’s                            ter’s in economics. Soon, the junior high kid was
pursuing a Ph.D. in mathematics. We were passing                             helping college students finish problem sets.
some of the MIT athletic facilities when I asked                                 He also fell for football. Urschel writes that
Urschel a seemingly mundane question. Where’s              URSCHEL           when he was in high school, he and his father, who
the football field? Urschel’s response was quick:          QUICK             played collegiately in Canada, banged helmets in
“You’re looking at it.”                                    FACTS             the backyard. In today’s concussion-conscious
    Now, I’m no MIT math major. But I’m bright                               world, doctors frown upon this kind of head-to-
enough to know I was staring straight at a baseball                          head contact. Even so, Urschel says, “These are ac-
                                                           Trophy case
diamond. Such a slip would have been innocent              In 2013,          tually some of my fondest moments with my dad.”
enough, if Urschel hadn’t spent three seasons as an        Urschel, who          Urschel earned a football scholarship to Penn
offensive lineman for the Baltimore Ravens.                earned a 4.0      State, where he majored in math. By the time the
    In the summer of 2017, Urschel announced he            GPA at Penn       Ravens selected him in the fifth round of the 2014
was retiring from the NFL, at age 26, to pursue            State, won        NFL draft, he had his master’s degree and had
                                                           the Campbell
his mathematics doctorate full time. His decision          Trophy,           published a paper in a top linear-algebra journal.
came two days after the Journal of the American            known as the      (Urschel specializes in graph theory, the branch
Medical Association published a study showing              “academic         of advanced math that studies the connectivity
that chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a             Heisman.”         of networks.) After a rookie season in which he
degenerative disease, had been found in the brains                           started three games, plus two in the playoffs, he
                                                           No tackling
of 110 of 111 ex–NFL players examined by Boston            Urschel, who      felt ashamed that he was putting off his Ph.D. work
University researchers. Yes, the findings factored         did not play      until he finished pro football. “I felt like I was sell-
into Urschel’s decision. But he insists they didn’t        tackle football   ing myself short,” he says. So he applied to MIT’s
tip the scales. He had been thinking hard about            until high        Ph.D. program and was accepted. The Ameri-
stepping away, as he was already taking classes at         school, is a      can Mathematical Society named a theorem after
                                                           proponent of
MIT. Still, the media painted Urschel’s choice as          flag football     Urschel and his co-author. “Let G be a finite con-
more evidence that smart young pros, fearing brain         for kids.         nected undirected weighted graph without self-
trauma, were fleeing the game. Urschel’s story             “There are        loops . ..,” the Urschel-Zikatanov theorem begins.
proved irresistible: the MIT mathematician had             so many               Before the 2015 season, Urschel had suffered a
calculated that the NFL just wasn’t worth it.              alternative       concussion that left him unable to process high-
                                                           ways to play
    After I inform Urschel that no, he wasn’t              football at       level math for a few months, but he returned to the
looking at a football field, he smiles. “I just don’t      that age that     field. By the summer of 2017, he was weighing his
pay attention,” he says. But Urschel doesn’t object        are really        options more closely. He was settling into Ph.D.
when I cite his slip as a signal that he’s left football   fun and           life, and Thomas was pregnant. Pounding heads
far behind. Nearly two years after retiring, he            enjoyable.”       seemed unappealing. Then that CTE study was
says that while he misses the paycheck—who                 Film theory       released. Two days later, he informed Baltimore
wouldn’t?—he hasn’t felt a single pang of regret           Urschel’s         coach John Harbaugh that he was retiring, think-
on football Sundays, when he’s wrestling with              favorite math     ing no one would notice. But his phone rang off the
theorems instead of 300-lb. linemen. “It’s a pretty        movie is Good     hook. He didn’t go outside for days. “It was one of
cool life,” he says. “I wake up in the morning, I          Will Hunting.     the most unpleasant moments of my life,” he says.
walk to my office. I think all day.”                                             A couple of years removed, Urschel insists he
    Urschel dedicates much of his new memoir,                                doesn’t worry that any potential symptoms of
Mind and Matter: A Life in Math and Football—                                CTE—forgetfulness, mood swings, depression—
written with his partner, the journalist Louisa                              will hinder his career. Sure, as an offensive lineman
Thomas—to espousing the importance of problem-                               he absorbed hits to his head. But he points out that
solving. “It’s a strange thing,” says Urschel in the                         just because more than 99% of the brains exam-
living room of the Cambridge apartment he shares                             ined in the study had CTE doesn’t mean more than
with Thomas and their year-old daughter, Joanna.                             99% of all ex-players do. Such studies have a self-
“Some people will sort of joke about, ‘Oh, I was                             selection bias: many players offer up their brains
16   Time May 27, 2019
because they think they may be damaged. So how                            of probability tree diagrams in chalk: let’s just say
                      many players does he suspect have CTE? “It’s not                          if your team’s down 14 with five minutes to go and
                      epsilon close to zero,” he says. “And it’s not some                       scores a touchdown, the coach needs to go for two.
                      large constant fraction of 100. You know what I’m                             Urschel would rather spend his time promoting
                      saying? It’s bounded away from both.”                  ‘Being             math. He visits classrooms around the country. In
                                                                              mathema­          early May he spoke at the National Math Festival
                      Books with titles like Partial Differential Equa-                         in D.C. He recommends books about calculus via
                      tions in Action and Hierarchical Matrices populate
                                                                              tically           his Twitter feed. “I could obsess over a problem for
                      Urschel’s MIT office, along with the usual grad-        illiterate        days, for weeks, thinking of nothing else, the way
                      student fare that fuels late-night research: cans of    is quite a        someone might obsess over a girl,” he writes in his
                      black beans, sardines and StarKist tuna. Urschel        dangerous         own book. “But no girl I had ever met brought me
                      geeks out about the math department’s espresso          thing.’           the singular sense of engagement that I got from
                      machine and the equations that fill hallway chalk-     JOHN URSCHEL,      proving something difficult.”
                      boards. Math can be as cutthroat as football: Ur-      lamenting the          He also wants athletes, at all levels, to know
                      schel won’t share the subject of his dissertation,     frequency with     they don’t need to compromise their intellect.
                      lest competition come after it. “But anything on the   which people       “The United States, more than any other culture,
                                                                             joke about being
                      chalkboard,” he says in the hall, “is fair game.”                         has the strange marriage of athletics and academ-
                                                                             bad at math
                          Sports teams, which have been staffing up their                       ics,” Urschel says. “I thought it was important to
                      analytics operations, have come calling with of-                          show that this is something that really can co-

                      fers. But academic life holds much more appeal.                           exist.” He’s 350 miles from Baltimore but might as
                      When I ask him to explain the math of the two-                            well be 35,000. Urschel turns off the office lights,
                      point conversion, he does with reluctance. “This is                       and heads home to eat dinner and finish up some
                      as low-level as you get,” he says. He draws a series                      work. More equations await.                           

The siege of
Tripoli and
shifting alliances
While The World’s aTTenTion
has been everywhere else, Libya
remains in chaos. The capital city,
Tripoli, home of the government rec-
ognized by the U.N., is under siege
by the forces of General Khalifa Haf-
tar, who already controls much of
the country’s east. Almost six weeks
of fighting has killed more than
450 people, wounded more than
2,000 and displaced 66,000,
according to the U.N.
    Haftar, a naturalized U.S. citizen
who rose in influence after help-
ing oust Muammar Gaddafi in 2011,
launched an offensive to wrest Trip-
oli from the Government of National
Accord on April 4. Although Euro-
pean, U.S. and Gulf leaders have all
endorsed the U.N.-backed admin-
istration, Haftar’s Libya National
Army has received support from
Egypt, the UAE, Russia and France.
In a phone call with Haftar in April,
President Trump appeared to signal
a shift in U.S. policy, praising his role
in fighting terrorism and talking of
a “shared vision” for Libya’s future.
    Magnum photographer Lorenzo
Meloni first went to Libya after the
uprising that led to the death of Gad-
dafi. His latest series of photographs
depicts the exhaustion of fighters who
have again been called to the front
line. Many on the ground told him
of the betrayal they felt after having
been backed by U.S. airstrikes as they
ousted ISIS from Sirte in 2016, only
to be abandoned now. Libya has now
become “a small Syria,” Meloni says.
“There is fighting but no progress.” —
Joseph hincks

Forces allied with the U.N.-backed
government reload ammo on the front
line outside Tripoli, Libya, in April

▶ For an extended version of this
photo essay, visit

18   Time May 27, 2019
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By Ian Bremmer

      Nearly three decades after
      the Cold War’s end, it’s no
longer clear that American-style
liberal democracy has carried the
day. Xi Jinping has consolidated
power in China on a scale not
seen since Mao. Vladimir Putin
has served longer than any other
Russian leader since Stalin. Even
many democracies are being
undermined by populism. ▶


TheView Opener
    Democracy remains the form of govern-            countries, but they say that U.S. democracy
ment most likely to create lasting security and      safeguards the rule of law more effectively
prosperity. A few oil-producing nations aside,       than their own democracies do. Most citizens              SHORT
the world’s wealthiest countries are democra-        in authoritarian countries do not like U.S. for-
                                                                                                              ▶ Highlights
cies, and democracies are also less likely to go     eign policy, but they do want greater political        from stories on
to war with one another.                             freedom in their own countries.             
    For these reasons, Americans have long               The findings from these countries suggest
believed that if all the world’s countries were      that while democracy remains a popular as-            What went
to become democracies, everyone would live           piration around the world, “attraction” will          down easy
safer and more prosperous lives. But is U.S.-        prove more effective than “promotion” as a
style democracy the right path for all?              way to help democracy expand.                         A new JAMA study
    A new study conducted by the Eurasia                 The report argues that the U.S. has made           found that after
                                                                                                         Philadelphia imposed
Group Foundation (EGF) has produced in-              four main mistakes in fostering democracy          a soda tax, “purchases
teresting findings on public attitudes in other      abroad. U.S. policymakers have focused on              dropped by 38%
countries toward the U.S. and its system of          the laws and institutions of other countries        compared to the year
government. Based                                                             but not their politi-       before, translating
on surveys of citizens                                                        cal cultures. They’ve        to almost a billion
                                                                                                        fewer ounces [sold],”
in eight countries—                 Brazilians     on U.S.    ideas           assumed that people         writes TIME’s Jamie
Brazil, China, Egypt,            about democracy they like                    will forgo near-term       Ducharme. One study
India, Nigeria, Poland,                                                       security and stability
                                34.6%                   22.4%
                                                                                                          author called these
Germany and Japan—                                                            for the chance to vote.   policies a “no-brainer.”
the report, authored by          Laws are better       Checks on power        They’ve used military
Mark Hannah, found               when politicians        ensure nobody        intervention to pro-
support in all these           are responsive                gets too         mote democratic val-       Who’s held in
countries for democ-              to voters                   powerful        ues without account-        contempt
racy but mixed atti-                                                          ing for the problems
tudes toward the U.S.                                                         this approach creates.         Martin London,
and its democracy.                                                            And they’ve ignored         a former attorney for
                                                                                                         Spiro Agnew, analyzes
    A few interesting                                                         the values and inter-     the possible outcomes
data points:                                                                  ests of those they hope      of holding Attorney
  Brazilians appear                                                           to persuade.
                                  19%                    24%
                                                                                                        General William Barr in
disappointed with                                                                 The survey also        contempt of Congress
their own democ-               Everyone, including      The protection        finds that allowing       over the Mueller report
                                                                                                        and concludes that the
racy, but some 70%                  minorities,          of individual        foreign-born people        most likely is: “Those
have a favorable view           is treated equally        liberties is        to study and live in           who will decide
of American ideas of                by the state           important          the U.S. can help to        the fate of Trump’s
democracy.                                                                    promote democracy:           presidency are the
  Respondents in                                                              support for American       people who gave him
                                                                                                          a chance in the first
China were three times as likely to want their       ideas of democracy is driven largely by             place ... the voters.”
system of government to become more like             immigration and direct connections to
the American system as less like it.                 diaspora communities. People who report
  About 80% of Indians surveyed have a very          having had family members or close friends
or somewhat favorable view of the U.S. and           who have lived in America in the past five          When joy is a
of the American people, in part because 70%          years are significantly more likely to have          concern
of them have recently had a close friend or          positive views.                                      When Dani McClain,
family member living in the U.S.                         That’s one reason U.S. policymakers            author of the new book
  Those surveyed in Germany and Japan,               would be more successful if they found the            We Live for the We,
longtime U.S. allies, were least enthusiastic        modesty to promote democracy around the            became pregnant, she
                                                                                                           strategized so that
about U.S.-style democracy. More than half           world without the explicit American packag-          as a black parent in
of Germans reported an unfavorable view.             ing and with the humility to acknowledge             America, she would
    The survey found that in wealthy coun-           that the U.S. has often failed to live up to de-     not raise her child to
tries, opposition to President Trump and             mocracy’s highest ideals. Democracy’s appeal         be afraid. “For black
perceptions of income inequality drove               comes in the power it gives individuals to set      families,” she writes,
                                                                                                           “engaging in joyful
unfavorable opinions of the U.S. Respon-             their own course. America should accept that
                                                                                                        practices is necessary
dents overwhelmingly favor democracy as              each country will need to find its own path         to our survival, to our
practiced in their own countries. Those in           to adopt democracy.                                  ability to fully claim
emerging-market democracies dislike the ac-                                                                  our humanity.”
tive role the U.S. sometimes plays in other          Bremmer is founder and board president of EGF
24   Time May 27, 2019
                                                                                                                             A warning from the past                                                                             QUICK TALK
                                                                                                                             on restrictive abortion laws                                                                        John Chester
                                                                                                                             By Leslie J. Reagan                                                                                 The filmmaker discusses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the 200-acre farm he and
                                                                                                                             On may 14 The alabama SenaTe paSSed lifesaving treatment for the complica-                          his wife Molly started, with
                                                                                                                             the nation’s most extreme abortion bill.            tions that can follow abortions when the        the support of investors,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to grow food in a way that
                                                                                                                             If it goes into effect, it would ban abortion       procedure is poorly performed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 regenerates the land;
                                                                                                                             almost entirely in the state—in every stage             In at least one case, police surrounded
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 it is the subject of his
                                                                                                                             of pregnancy—and make it a felony for               several women as they left their provider,      documentary The Biggest
                                                                                                                             providers to perform the procedure.                 arrested them and took them to a doctor         Little Farm.
                                                                                                                                 It would also send Alabama back to              who performed gynecological exams on
                                                                                                                             the 19th century. The state first made              them, overseen by police, for evidence.         What’s wrong with how
                                                                                                                             abortion a crime a bit more than 150 years          Some women in such situations were told         America grows its food?
                                                                                                                             ago, and others passed similar measures             that if they did not testify, they could        In the last 260 years,
                                                                                                                             through the middle of that century. These           be subject to prosecution. As far as is         we’ve lost a third of our
                                                                                                                             laws punished everyone involved in abor-            known, those patients were not charged,         topsoil. We’ve destroyed
                                                                                                                             tion: providers and assistants; partners            but others throughout history have been.        46% of our forests. It would
                                                                                                                             who helped pay; even advertisers. All                   Making abortion illegal never meant         be very shortsighted to
                                                                                                                             faced jail and fines. And though some               abortion didn’t happen. Women of every          think that the ecosystem
                                                                                                                             antiabortion                                                                    class, marital      of this planet will be able
                                                                                                                             commentators                                                                    status, religion    to support any kind of
                                                                                                                             claim women                                                                     and race still      farming, let alone any
                                                                                                                             were not pun-                                                                   obtained them.      type of economy.
                                                                                                                             ished when                                                                      Before Roe, hos-
                                                                                                                             abortion was                                                                    pitals had en-      Eggs from your farm are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 $15 a dozen. What would
                                                                                                                             illegal, many                                                                   tire wards for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 we do about people who
                                                                                                                             statutes explic-                                                                patients expe-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 need to eat for less money?
                                                                                                                             itly included                                                                   riencing sepsis     We’ve become O.K. with
                                                                                                                             them too.                                                                       after shoddy        a $3 carton of eggs
                                                                                                                                 Alabama’s                                                                   or self-induced     and treating chickens
                                                                                                                             new legislation                                                                 abortions. Chi-     inhumanely and eating
                                                                                                                             follows other                                                                   cago’s Cook         eggs that are more nutrient-
                                                                                                                             restrictive mea-                                                                County Hospi-       deficient. But we need
                                                                                                                             sures around the              Protesters rally against Alabama’s new            tal had 5,000       to ask: What is the value
                                                                                                                             U.S.—like the                 abortion bill in Montgomery on May 14             patients annu-      of humane treatment?
                                                                                                                             Georgia “heart-                                                                 ally in the abor-   Of nutrient density? Of
                                                                                                                             beat” law, which bans abortion before               tion ward—women who were bleeding,              not extracting from our
                                                                                                                             many women even know they’re preg-                  infected and sometimes dying. That fact         environment?
                                                                                                                             nant. Because Roe v. Wade guarantees                is part of why the American College of
P R O T E S T: M I C K E Y W E L S H — U S A T O D AY N E T W O R K / R E U T E R S; C H E S T E R : G E T T Y I M A G E S

                                                                                                                             the right to an abortion before viability,          Obstetricians and Gynecologists                 What can consumers do
                                                                                                                             the point at which a fetus can potentially          opposes the new restrictive laws. Dozens        to help restore the soil?
                                                                                                                             survive outside the womb, these laws are            of medical historians have also released        Go to farmers’ markets.
                                                                                                                             sure to be challenged as unconstitutional           a statement outlining the historical con-       And I think composting is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the seat-belt, no-smoking,
                                                                                                                             and therefore likely to be put on hold.             sequences of such legislation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 recycle mission of this
                                                                                                                             But if Roe is overturned, as many suspect               If those laws are upheld, we can expect
                                                                                                                             it will be, history tells us a lot about what       many of the old methods of enforcement                  ÑBelinda Luscombe
                                                                                                                             we can expect.                                      to be re-enacted. Unlike the Americans
                                                                                                                                 Once that wave of 19th century abor-            of the 19th century, we already know
                                                                                                                             tion bans went into effect, police and              what that looks like. But we have another                         Chester, an
                                                                                                                             prosecutors threatened, arrested, interro- thing they didn’t, too: a large, organized                                advocate for
                                                                                                                             gated, investigated and occasionally pros- movement fighting to keep that from                                       biomimicry
                                                                                                                             ecuted women for the crime of abortion.             happening.                                                      in agriculture
                                                                                                                             Police and doctors routinely questioned
                                                                                                                             women who miscarried to determine if                Reagan is a professor at the University
                                                                                                                             they’d had an abortion. If the patient re-          of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and the
                                                                                                                             fused to answer, the doctor might refuse            author of When Abortion Was a Crime
A vigil for the slain
   Saudi journalist
   was held in
   Istanbul on Oct. 25


                BY JOSH MEYER

                                             free speech he championed against the
                                             autocratic Saudi Crown Prince Moham-

                                             med bin Salman rages on.
                                                 The fight is about more than just a
                                             group of exiled dissidents standing up
                                             against one Middle Eastern tyrant. Some
                                             experts in national security view the un-
                                             folding battle as part of a larger, defining
                                             war of our time: the contest for control
                                             of information. “What’s happening in
                                             Saudi Arabia today is seen by an increas-
                                             ing number of governments around the
                                             world as a road map for how the future
                                             will look,” says Bill Marczak of Citizen
                                             Lab, a cybersecurity and human-rights
On April 25, TwO men frOm The                investigative project at the University of
Norwegian Police Security Service            Toronto.
knocked on Iyad el-Baghdadi’s door               That helps explain why the Saudi
in the capital, Oslo. The bearded,           threats have drawn the attention of in-
bespectacled activist is sometimes           ternational authorities. The U.N. offi-
confused with his political opposite,        cial charged with investigating and re-
the ISIS leader of the same name. (His       porting extrajudicial executions, Agnès
Twitter page announces, nOT ThAT             Callamard, has called for urgent action
BAghdAdi.) But the men at the door           to protect the safety of individuals she
were there for a different kind of danger.   says are directly threatened by Riyadh.
The officers flashed their badges and got    “I have sent appeals to two govern-
to the point: Baghdadi’s life, they told     ments regarding information I had re-
him, could be at risk. They urged him to     ceived of credible threats against indi-
come with them right away.                   viduals in their jurisdictions,” Callamard
    Followed by a second team watching       tells TIME, “asking them to take all nec-
for tails, Baghdadi was driven by the        essary steps to protect them and their
officers to a safe location with an          families.” Callamard says she wants “all       OMAR ABDULAZIZ
electronically shielded room where the       governments” to be on the lookout for          The Saudi dissident, who has
agents told the longtime democracy           similar, unreported threats. In the U.S.,      asylum in Canada, joined forces
                                                                                            with Khashoggi to undermine
activist what was going on. In recent        House Intelligence Committee chairman          Saudi digital surveillance and
months, Baghdadi has continued               Adam Schiff tells TIME his committee           harassment, especially on Twitter.
the fight begun by Jamal Khashoggi,          is investigating the latest Saudi threats
the Saudi journalist and Washington          and will “consider what actions the U.S.       ‘EVERY SINGLE
Post columnist who was killed and            should take in response.”                       PROJECT THAT WE
dismembered on Oct. 2 by a hit team              The new threats illuminate Khashog-         STARTED I’M
from Riyadh. Now the CIA had warned          gi’s extraordinary legacy. He started his       GOING TO KEEP
the Norwegians that Baghdadi was in          dissident effort hesitantly, a review of        WORKING ON.’
danger, he and officials in Norway and       text messages and other communica-
the U.S. tell TIME. “Saudi Arabia wants      tions made available to TIME reveals.
to stop my work, even if they need to get    By the fall of 2018, when he traveled to
physical to do it,” Baghdadi says.           the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to make
    He is not alone. In recent weeks, U.S.   arrangements for his upcoming mar-             lot of Arab dissidents to just be more ac-
intelligence and law-enforcement offi-       riage, Khashoggi was discreetly but            tive, in general,” said Mohamed Soltan,
cials have sent out similar warnings to      deeply involved in projects involving          an Egyptian-American human-rights ac-
Arab activists in Canada and the U.S.,       a loose network of pro-democracy and           tivist and a Khashoggi friend who spent
two people who received them and other       human-rights activists around the globe,       nearly two years in a Cairo prison. “It
sources familiar with the matter tell        including Baghdadi and others.                 gave people so much more courage to be
TIME. Dissidents based in Europe, the            It was in Istanbul that the Saudi          more outspoken.”
Middle East and North America are ner-       death squad lay in wait, but if Khashog-           The dissidents’ projects have endeav-
vously exchanging warnings about hack-       gi’s horrific murder was intended to cow       ored to reclaim social media—especially
ing attempts—and worse. A troubling          other activists, it had the opposite effect.   Twitter, the most influential public forum
picture has emerged: eight months after      “The attention that was given to Jamal’s       in the Saudi political universe—as an open
Khashoggi’s death, the fight for political   case definitely reignited the hope for a       space for political dissent. Authoritarians
28   Time May 27, 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         From asylum in Norway, the
                                                                                                                             like the crown prince fight back with elec-   family was in danger as well. “It seems                   Arab Spring activist presses on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     with projects to undo autocrats’
                                                                                                                             tronic surveillance and domination of         that I am physically safe in Norway but                    malign influence in both social
                                                                                                                             social media. Experts at detecting spy-       that I am vulnerable if I travel, says                              and traditional media.
                                                                                                                             ware infections in mobile phones report       Baghdadi. “My family resides in Malay-
                                                                                                                             “a new wave of suspicious occurrences         sia; they are refugees, my parents and                     ‘JAMAL’S IDEA
                                                                                                                             among Saudi activists that are not easily     sister. They said don’t go there. Don’t                 WAS A WATCHDOG
                                                                                                                             explained other than by the presence of       travel outside the E.U. And tell them to                      TO JAM THE
                                                                                                                             hacking or surveillance,” says Marczak,       get out immediately.”                                     NARRATIVES OF
                                                                                                                             who works with Saudi dissidents.                 Khashoggi, for his part, saw it com-                        THE SAUDI
I M A G E S; A B D U L A Z I Z : F R A N Ç O I S O L L I V I E R — T H E W A S H I N G T O N P O S T/G E T T Y I M A G E S

                                                                                                                                Authorities now worry that MBS, as         ing. “The message is clear,” he wrote in                         REGIME.’
P R E V I O U S PA G E S : G E T T Y I M A G E S; B A G H D A D I : O L E B E R G - R U S T E N — A F P/G E T T Y

                                                                                                                             the crown prince is known, is stepping up     one of his final columns on the Saudi ty-
                                                                                                                             his counterattack, despite the U.S. having    rant. “No independent voice or counter-
                                                                                                                             publicly judged him as almost certainly       opinion will be allowed.”
                                                                                                                             responsible for Khashoggi’s death. A                                                      from his condo in a nondescript Virginia
                                                                                                                             similar warning to the one given Baghdadi     Few would have guessed, when                suburb he had taken a shine to a decade
                                                                                                                             was passed through the Canadian Security      Khashoggi arrived in Washington in          earlier when he was a spokesperson for
                                                                                                                             Intelligence Service to the Royal Canadian    June 2017, that the war would reach         the Saudi embassy.
                                                                                                                             Mounted Police regarding the Saudi            this point. Khashoggi didn’t fit the           Even in exile, Khashoggi remained an
                                                                                                                             dissident Omar Abdulaziz, who worked          stereotype of a high-living Saudi           establishment figure. He had left Saudi
                                                                                                                             with Khashoggi, three sources familiar        expatriate. His only new blazer was from    Arabia abruptly, after a critical jab at the
                                                                                                                             with the episode tell TIME. Abdulaziz         Men’s Wearhouse (he declined the deep       Riyadh government for its embrace of
                                                                                                                             says he has been instructed not to discuss    discount for the second one that came       Donald Trump cost him his column at
                                                                                                                             his situation, but that he recently began     with it). He lugged around a thermos        the pan-Arab newspaper Al-Hayat. But
                                                                                                                             taking security precautions.                  for his strong, home-brewed coffee and      he was not in the business of defying
                                                                                                                                Baghdadi says he was warned his            waited a year to buy a car. He worked       the royal court. He told friends that his
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