Non invasive Fat Removal Procedures for the Stomach

Page created by John Kenney Kenney
Non invasive Fat Removal Procedures for the Stomach

When you have tried to go for reduce belly fat through exercise and diet without any luck, then you need to look for another
alternative. You do not have to go for surgery to remove belly fat there are many non invasive stomach fat removal procedures
that you can try. You can change your lifestyle by using non surgical procedures. If you are looking for ways to remove belly fat,
here are some ways that you choose from.


Coolsculpting treatment is suitable for getting rid of the stubborn belly fat. It is non invasive fat removal treatment that is FDA
approved that freeze fat using cold temperatures. The fat eventually dies and is eliminated through the liver. The body gets rid of
the dead fat cells to give the body you have always dream of.

Cooslculpting makes it number one in the list since it is a popular choice in eliminating excess fat. There is no anesthesia, no
needles and no surgery. You also do not have to do any preparation to undergo the procedure. You may need repeat sessions
depending on the fat accumulation in the treatment area. There are minor side effects which are redness, swelling and bruising
from the coldness of the applicator being used. These side effects go away after a few weeks.

Laser liposuction

The laser liposuction used lasers and light therapy to heat the layer of fat. It uses very high temperatures. The fat cells that have
been melted are absorbed into the lymphatic system. The result is a tummy tuck without undergoing surgery. Laser liposuction
eliminates dimpled skin and improves elasticity.


Zerona is a non invasive fat removal procedure that uses laser technology to get rid of fats. It uses laser to emulsify the fat tissue
and dissolve them. You will go through six procedures that last 20 minutes each. To get the best results, you need to follow a strict
diet before and after the procedure. The procedure costs about $1200 to $1700.


Thermitight is one of the non invasive fat reduction treatments used in removing belly fat. The procedure uses heat in melting
the fat. It heat the sub-dermal layer with different wave length. It provokes the collagen which helps in smoothing out the skin. You
will have to go with bandages that help with the swellings. You can go ahead with your daily activities without any problem. The
procedure uses infrared cameras that help in regulating the amount of heat that go into the skin. The cost for the procedure is
about $1500 to $4000.


Sculpsure is FDA approved to eliminate stubborn fat on the flanks, belly fat, outer thighs and inner thighs. It removes fat through
hyperthermia fat reduction. It takes about 25 minutes. You will see results from the procedure within six to twelve weeks. You can
go back to your daily routine like daily chores, work and even exercises.

You can get your belly fat gone within a month by choosing any of the above non invasive fat reduction procedures. You can
talk to your doctor to know about the suitable procedure for your belly fat.

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