NUNNERY NEWS October 2019 Issue 25 @NunneryWood -

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NUNNERY NEWS October 2019 Issue 25 @NunneryWood -
NUNNERY NEWS October 2019                          Issue 25                                                             @NunneryWood

    P7                                                                P14                                                                    P18

       Progress Scores: Top
        of National Tables!

Once again, Nunnery is delighted that our          best in the country. Our progress scores, 0.57       has performed against other schools locally and       on responsibilities on a daily basis. The term
fantastic class of 2019 students have gained a     in 2018 and 0.52 in 2019, are the highest of         nationally.                                           has so far seen an extensive number of trips and
great set of GCSE results. Scores for English      the Worcester schools and put us in the top                                                                activities that are an integral part of school life.
and Maths are way above national averages and      10 - 12% of schools in the whole country. We         The excellent results have given the students a       Already this term we have had theatre trips,
almost a third of grades overall were at grade 7   have an irresistible belief that every child can     boost at the start of the year and something to       geography field visits, dance trips, STEM and
or above. That is the old fashioned A grades or    succeed and strive for every student, regardless     aspire towards. However, there is so much more        computing visits to name just a few! Trips to
A*s.                                               of academic ability to get the very best that they   to life at Nunnery Wood than exam results. The        Boppard, France and a trip to New York and
                                                   can in order to access the next stage of their       new Year 7s have settled into their new school        Washington go out over half term. Not to men-
Attainment 8, which is the quality of grades       education, whether academic or vocational.           and routine and are loving their new school.          tion the exciting learning opportunities that take
across the board, is 52. This is significantly     These excellent GCSE results follow a great          There are clubs and activities on offer to all        place in all lessons each day.
above the national average. However, more          Ofsted report at the end of the last term and so     students every day of the week, with something
importantly, our progress scores, which across     Nunnery starts the new school year with a huge       to appeal to all interests, whether sporting,         Don’t forget to keep up with the life of the
the board are superb, show that every one of our   amount of positivity!                                musical, artistic or academic. The new Eco Club       school on a daily basis by following us on
students and the progress they make matters to                                                          is getting off to a flying start and the parliament   Twitter @NunneryWood and Instagram @Nun-
us.                                                Final progress scores will be published online at    is already busy making plans for the year. The        neryWoodHS and Facebook @NunneryWoo-
                                                   new prefect team has been very busy, support-         dHighSchool.
Progress 8, puts the school amongst the very       uk. This will show exactly how Nunnery Wood          ing events such as open evening, as well taking
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@NunneryWood                                       Great Start                                          New Art Block                                      Careers and SMSC
                                                   The arrival of new Year 7 students at the start      We are a few months away from our new Art          You will sometimes receive letters about SMSC
                                                   of an academic year is a rejuvenating moment         facilities being opened. Work is progressing       days, or careers events but may not realise quite
Facebook                                           for the entire school community. We have been
                                                   blessed again with a fantastic group of young
                                                                                                        well and we are due to start using the new
                                                                                                        classrooms from the new year. One of the most
                                                                                                                                                           how major part this part of school-life is for our
                                                                                                                                                           students. Our most recent SMSC saw well over
/nunnerywoodhighschool                             people who have injected energy and positivity       exciting features of the block will be display     40 groups or businesses coming in to work with
                                                   into the school. We have managed the transi-         areas that will showcase the superb work that      our students in mock interview, CV writing or
                                                   tion process a little differently this year, with    our students produce. This will conclude the       helping them with health or relationships. Over
Instagram                                          our Year 7s spending break and lunchtimes in
                                                   their own areas. By the time you read this, they
                                                                                                        £2.25 million of investment that has been put
                                                                                                        into the school site.
                                                                                                                                                           the year, over 70 organisations are active with
                                                                                                                                                           students and in this way, we build their ability
@NunneryWoodHS                                     will have been allowed access to the entire          Open Evening                                       to thrive in the world beyond the school. If you
                                                   school site. However, we feel that the interim       If you attended this year’s Open Evening, you      were involved in these activities at any time, I’d
                                                   arrangements have given many of them a sense         will know that it was extremely busy – we          like to thank you on behalf of the entire school.
                                                   of security while they find their feet in our busy   believe well over a thousand visitors. Our         Students remember these experiences long after
                                                   school.                                              student-helpers promote our school brilliantly;    they have left school.
                                                                                                        their enthusiasm, courtesy and positivity saying
                                                                                                        everything we would wish to communicate
                                                                                                        about Nunnery.

                                                   Head Boy & Head Girl
Message from
                                                   James Thatcher & Lucy Evans                          Eco has been something that has been left dor-     list of things to do covering all around the
                                                   HEAD BOY / HEAD GIRL                                 mant for far too many years and, finally, with     school. One thing is certainly for sure, we will
                                                                                                        the brilliant enthusiasm of Mrs Beard we have      definitely be having a lot to do in the next year.

the editors
                                                                                                        begun looking at becoming a better school,
                                                   A Note from the Head Boy and Girl                    both environmentally and socially, and there are
                                                                                                        many new schemes now in place to get as much
                                                   This has been the first half term for us as Head     as we can.
Editor: James Thatcher - I have enjoyed            Boy and Girl and we are certainly beginning
working in the Nunnery News again this term,       to get to grips with our new role in school life,    Each year group now has its own select charity
especially with organising and helping the other   but with most of a huge list of meetings over        to represent. Everything from, the Teenage
students. We have got into a good routine this     with it is only just the beginning for our plan of   Cancer Trust to Women’s Refuge is now being
year and I hope you enjoy reading this issue.      Nunnery.                                             looked at in each year with the umbrella charity
                                                                                                        of St Richard’s Hospice being championed in
Deputy Editor: Nawal Jamshid -I have been          After years of promising we have finally sorted      each year. However, just because these are the
getting to grips with being the deputy editor      out the parliament and divided it into various       set charities doesn’t mean that they will be the
of the Nunnery News this term. I have really       sections to allow rules and ideas to be shared       only ones being supported as various other
enjoyed producing each of the issues and look      and passed more quickly and simply. These new        charities, such as Oscar Bird or the RNIB will
forward to even better ones in the future! We      subgroups include; charity, eco, justice, mental     be popping up throughout the year for everyone
always welcome new contributions and meet in       health, charity, the canteen, and sports and with    to support.
IT3/2 after school on a Tuesday.                   a select team of representatives supporting each
                                                   section it is sure to be great.                      And these points are only the start of a whole

A message from Miss Speechley...
We hope that you enjoy this edition of the         The team always has fresh ideas of what to           ute to the paper. Mr Morrison is always on hand    As always, you can submit your stories by email
Nunnery News. It is packed full of all of the      include in the paper and are ever short of things    to spot any spelling, punctuation or grammatical   to Keep up
achievements and successes of our students.        to report on. Each term seems to have more and       errors and has been encouraging student to care-   to date daily.
The news has been brought to you by an ever        more events and celebrations to include, this        fully proof work before submitting it. As always
expanding team of journalists. Led by James        edition is certainly no exception. The newsroom      a huge thank you to him as well as Mr Hancock      Twitter: @NunneryWood
Thatcher, head boy, the team has gone from         is a hive of activity on a Tuesday after school,     for his production and Mrs Van Der Klein in        Instagram: @NunneryWoodHS
strength to strength and now are confident in      in addition to other students choosing to write in   supporting students in getting news and pictures   Facebook: @NunneryWoodHighSchool
planning and producing articles for the paper.     their own free time and still be able to contrib-    for the edition.
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A Warm Welcome from Nunnery Wood

                                                                                                           Mr Bache                                            Miss Davis
Miss Wright                                           Mr Burren
                                                                                                           I joined Nunnery in September 2019 as a teach-      My name is Miss Davis and I have joined Nun-
I joined Nunnery Wood in September as a Phys-         What seems to be an age ago, I decided to            er of MFL. I have a huge passion for my sub-        nery Wood as a Music teacher. I’ve been teach-
ical Education Teacher, previously teaching in        change from working as a Graphic Designer to         jects; French and Spanish. I lived and studied in   ing at a small school in the Cotswolds, and am
Tewkesbury for two years. The sport facilities at     becoming a teacher of Design and Technology.         France (Montpellier) and lived and worked in        excited to be part of a much bigger community
Nunnery Wood are fantastic, allowing the pupils       I really enjoy helping students to tap into their    Spain (Ibiza and Málaga). In Spain I worked in      here. I am really looking forward to getting
to have a huge range of opportunity and choice.       amazing imagination and creativity and my            several primary schools and a high school where     involved with all of Nunnery’s events, including
Outside of school I coach an u12 Girls football       subject can certainly showcase this.                 I was an English language assistant. Everyone       The Addams Family and Young Voices! Outside
team, play football, badminton and rounders.          I am so pleased to have moved to Nunnery             here has been so lovely and welcoming since         of school I run a music club for primary school
Thank you to all the staff and pupils for making      Wood as it has amazing facilities, great staff and   I started last month. Outside of school I enjoy     age children, and my two main hobbies are bak-
me feel so welcome and settled!                       everything is student-centred.                       cooking and have a golden retriever called          ing and walking in the countryside.
                                                      Outside of school, I particularly enjoy out-         Edward who turns two this October. I’m also
                                                      door sports such as biking, surfing and rock         trying to learn Norwegian!
                                                      climbing-as well as gymnastics and martial arts.
                                                      I enjoy pushing myself and indeed others to be
                                                      the best they can be.

Open Evening 2019
Open evening was another huge success. We             arts department impressed everyone, and the
received the highest number of visitors that we       challenges in computing engaged adults and
have ever had and they did not leave disap-           children. In history students helped visitors to
pointed! Each department showcased what they          decide on the most significant individuals from
offer to students and visitors were able to have      the past. The art department, despite being in
either a guided group tour of the facilities or to    temporary rooms exhibited amazing work and
wander around at their leisure. Students from all     allowed people to have fun in their own interac-
year groups were on hand to welcome visitors,         tive activities. The DT department encouraged
to show them around and to answer any ques-           visitors to get involved and have a go at making
tions that they had. Visitors to the school were      keyring, whilst there were musical performanc-
extremely impressed with the facilities that our      es around the school as well as within the music
students use, especially the state of the art thea-   department. The EP department drew in the
tre studio, top class sporting facilities including   crowds, especially when they had the chance to
the fitness suite and all weather track, modern-      take time out and meditate! When asked to give
ised DT and science departments along with a          feedback on what they had seen, we were told
huge investment programme of more areas such          “The facilities looked amazing and there were
as the art block, to keep the learning environ-       lots of helpful teachers. The students were a
ment first class. Visitors were able to visit the     credit to the school.’ ‘All of it! Everything was
languages department café and try continental         superb’ “I wish I had facilities like this when I
treats, along with the cakes and bread on offer       went to school, I love the fitness suite’. Open
in the Food and Nutrition department. The             day was held the following morning and gave
experiments in science were popular as were the       visitors the opportunity to tour the school whilst
exploding volcanoes in geography. Harry Potter        lessons were taking place to see exactly what
welcomed guests to the Library, which had             goes on each and every day at Nunnery Wood.
become Hogwarts and the English and Maths             Again, these visits proved to be busier than we
departments showcased exciting activities, com-       had previously experienced.
plete with costumes in the English department
as always! The showcases by the performing
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'Heart Hero Awards'
                                                   all adults are Automatically 'Opted In' to the
                                                   donor registration scheme, unless they choose
                                                   to opt out. The evening provided an opportu-
                                                   nity for Anna to thank Max in person for his
                                                   campaigning, as the new law will increase the
                                                   chances of Anna, and many others, receiving
                                                   life saving organ transplants.

                                                   The Worcestershire BHF Fundrasiing Group
Year 10 Student Anna Hadley attended the           nominated Anna for her efforts in raising funds
British Heart Foundation 'Heart Hero Awards' at    for BHF but also awareness of the lack of child
the Globe Theatre in London and was presented      donors. In 2018 Ann appeared on the front page
with a Young Heart Hero award, for raising over    of Worcester news several times, gave live
£8000 since her diagnosis of heart failure. The    interviews on BBC H&W radio, appeared on
money raised has been shared equally between       BBC Midlands Today and the Drivetime show
BHF and Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity.      on Radio 5 Live. There are currently plans for
At the awards Anna received the red carpet         her story to be published in National Sunday
treatment and mingled with stars including host    Newspapers and appear on SKY News on 29th
Vernon Kay, Sarah Ferguson (Duchess of York)       September for World Heart Day, so keep an eye
Glenn Hoddle, Gaby Roslyn, Penny Lancaster         out for Anna on TV and in the news.
and a host of sporting celebrities.
                                                   Ann has completed two sponsored walks, a
Anna also met with Max Johnson, the little         sponsored bike ride and taken part in many
boy from Cheshire who received Kiera Ball's        charity collections. As such she was also com-
donated heart following a tragic car accident in   mended by the Institute of Fundraising at theor
Devon, in 2017. The game-changing "Max and         national awards ceremony.
Kiera's Law" comes into force in 2020 so that

Worcestershire Good Citizen’s Award
                                                                                                     Ewan Buchanan presented with A Worcester-             £50 to thank him for his efforts.
                                                                                                     shire Good Citizen’s Award
                                                                                                                                                           Ewan said, “I’m quite surprised to nominated
                                                                                                     Year 9 student, Ewan Buchanan has been                for this award as there were so many people
                                                                                                     awarded a Worcestershire Good Citizen’s Award         across 3 Counties who were nominated. I
                                                                                                     by the West Mercia Police. Ewan has been              feel very proud. It was a very lovely evening
                                                                                                     recognised for his tireless fundraising efforts for   to celebrate the hard work and dedication of
                                                                                                     Worcester’s homeless community. Ewan was              young people across West Mercia. I am really
                                                                                                     presented his award at a ceremony on Tuesday          honoured that I have been recognised along side
                                                                                                     15th October.                                         others who are doing amazing things”

                                                                                                     Ewan was invited by West Mercia Police by
                                                                                                     letter to attend a special Awards Ceremony            Ewan’s Dad, Adam Buchanan said, “We are
                                                                                                     which took place at the Police Headquarters           extremely proud of Ewan and it’s lovely to see
                                                                                                     just outside of Worcester. The evening was held       all of his hard work recognised, alongside some
                                                                                                     to celebrate the achievements of ten inspiring        really exceptional young people”
                                                                                                     young people across Herefordshire, Worcester-
                                                                                                     shire and Shropshire who are doing great things
                                                                                                     in their local communities. The awards were
                                                                                                     presented by the High Sheriff of Worcestershire,
                                                                                                     Edward Holloway, and was attended by the As-
                                                                                                     sistant Chief Constable, Martin Evans.
                                                                                                     He was presented with a specially commis-
                                                                                                     sioned certificate and a voucher to the value of

Year 7 Students Achieve Their Bronze Crest Award
The CREST award scheme is the only nation-
ally recognised accreditation scheme for STEM
project work. It provides enrichment activities
to inspire and engage young people in STEM.
CREST offers students the chance to participate
in hands on science through investigations and
enquiry based learning, supporting them to
solve real-life STEM challenges.
One team Designed and Made their Own Fizzy
Drink whilst the other team Designed, Pro-
gramed and made their own Robot.
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30 Years Dedication to Youth Rugby
PE teacher Mr Bannister has recently been           Mr Bannister who up until recently was on
awarded Honorary Life Membership of the             the advisory board at Worcester Warriors, has
England Rugby Schools’ Football Union. At-          coached, selected, and managed teams at re-
tending a function in London, the award was         gional, county, divisional, and national level and
given to acknowledge his service to schools’        the award is in recognition of this fact. “I have
rugby for over more than 30 years.                  enjoyed spotting local talent and remember see-
                                                    ing the likes of Matt Mullen, Joe Shaw, George
Mr Bannister said “I knew something was being       Robson, Graham Kitchener, and Jordan Crane
planned as over the past couple of years I have     all come through the system. They have all gone
been regularly approached to attend several         on to greater things proving the system works.
England internationals as a VIP guest but due       There will be several players at the Rugby
to other commitments I have been unable to          World Cup this year who I coached at England
attend. Then earlier this year I was contacted      Schools’ and if Joe Marler, Jamie George, and
by someone at Twickenham asking if I was            Kyle Sinckler play together it will be a sort of
attending the England Schools’ Annual General       World Cup front row hat trick! Each one of
Meeting and was told that if I was, my accom-       them comes with a great story that I share with
modation would be paid for by the RFU. When         friends over a beer and although It makes me
I said I would be attending they told me that I     feel old it’s a nice way to finish my teaching
would be receiving this award.”                     career, and I am very honoured to receive the
                                                    award”, he added.
Mr Bannister first started coaching rugby at
the school when he moved to Worcester from
Manchester in 1988 and regularly prepared the
year 11 team before the annual Floodlit Rugby
Tournament held at Sixways where they would
play against other local high schools. In 1992
when the school decided to extend the PE
department from four teachers to five Mr Ban-
nister was appointed.

Honours Board Celebrates Successes
A new board of recognition has been installed        Head Boy, James Thatcher said, "Becoming            to meet new people, get involved in the wider      Anna Hadley (2018 winner) added " I feel
in the main foyer at school. This board displays    head boy is an honour. It is a highly coveted        community and encourage students to improv-        really honoured to receive this award and very
the names of all former and current head boys       post across the county and I am privileged to be     ing their school environment. I am incredibly      thankful to be able to represent Adam Hus-
and head girls. In addition to that it also dis-    classed amongst some brilliant people who have       thankful for this opportunity and feel a great     sain for his loss. Thank you to everyone who
plays the names of students who have received       held the post before me at our school. I couldn't    sense of pride to be Nunnery Wood’s current        nominated me."
the Adam Hussain Award.                             be happier." Lucy Evans, Head Girl said that,”       Head Girl.”
                                                    Being Head Girl is one of the best privileges                                                           James Thatcher- "I think this is a very good
The Adam Hussain Award recognises students          you can be awarded. The opportunities that are       Ewan Buchanan (2019 Adam Hussain Award             award because it honours those who have gone
who have shown care for others and a willing-       offered are once in a life and rather enjoyable.     Winner) said "It was great to be nominated         the extra mile to do things for other people, oth-
ness to be involved in community projects. The      Though the job itself requires a lot of responsi-    for two years in a row and really surprising to    erwise, they may not have got that recognition
award is a tribute to former Nunnery Wood stu-      bility, the sense of achievement awarded from        receive the 2019 award. It was really nice and I   they deserve and they are deserving winners."
dent Adam Hussain. Tragically, Adam suffered        acting as the student voice is beyond compare.       wasn't expecting it."
an asthma attack and died. At the time he was       I love doing what I do since it’s an opportunity
training with the National Citizenship Service.
He demonstrated care for others and was a very
compassionate and dedicated young man. In
order to receive this high accolade, students
are nominated by their peers and teachers, a
decision is then made to decide on the overall
winners. We were inundated with nominations
and overwhelmed by the level of community
and charity work that students undertake. The
awards this year went to Ewan Buchanan for his
extensive work with helping the homeless, even
meeting with his MP to make improvements to
facilities available. He also organises collec-
tions of Easter Eggs and Christmas gifts for the
homeless as well as being a regular volunteer at
the homeless shelter. 2018’s winner was Anna
Hadley, who has completed numerous char-
ity events and events to raise awareness and
funds for organ donation and the British Heart
Foundation. Anna herself is awaiting a heart
transplant, but is constantly campaigning and
fundraising to help others.

ePraise Awards
NUNNERY Wood aims to encourage and                  and beyond our expectations’. Commendable            evidence to support coloured tie applications.
celebrate the success of all its students in all    effort can be recognised in lessons (e.g. Class
areas of school life, and to ensure that personal   discussion, work completed etc.) and also out        This platform can be accessed by students
commitment and achievement is celebrated and        of lessons (homework, service to the school,         through their portal page so that they can track
rewarded.                                           enrichment clubs etc.). Students also receive a      the points and achievement badges that have
Since its launch with year 7 students in April      weekly point for 100% attendance for the week.       been awarded to them by different teachers
2018 we have used an online platform called                                                              across the curriculum. Student’s progress can
ePraise to award merit points and achievement       Teachers can also award achievement badges           also be accessed through the parental portal so
badges for students. Merits are awarded in          on ePraise to students for contributing in a         that parents/carers can track from home how
subject areas for ‘commendable effort within        particular event/activity. Students can collect      their son/daughter is progressing.
the subject where students have gone above          these badges throughout the year and will form
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STEM: Creative Careers
STEM: Creative Careers, Malvern Festival of           the inspirational Dr Bal Choda from Aston           of how a supercar is manufactured as well as       get a career in this sort of industry”
Innovation                                            Martin who delivered a presentation about           providing careers guidance for other routes such
Friday 12th October 2019 @ Malvern College            how these iconic sports cars are designed           as apprenticeships”                                Ben Graham-Kevan 11.6 said “I am inspired, I
                                                      for stunning looks and engineered for high                                                             never realised there were so many job oppor-
On Friday 11th October 2019, eager Year 10            performance. He spoke to students about career      Audrey Struthers 10.3 said, “I never realised      tunities in STEM, especially some of the more
and 11 STEM students went out to Malvern              options in Engineering as well as what is was       that there were so many components that went       creative roles that can use design and graphics
College to listen about the opportunities avail-      like to be an engineer. He stressed to students     into making a car and all the career opportuni-    as well as science, maths and enginnering”
able in STEM careers. The Year of Engineering         the importance of education, not being afraid to    ties available in engineering and STEM”
is a UK government campaign which celebrates          learn from their mistakes and having a dream
the world and wonder of engineering dur-              to aim for. Dr Bal Choda shared with students       Youcef Barka 11.9 said “I never realised how
ing 2019. From spaceships to ice skates, the          some staggering statistics that by 2022 the UK      important STEM was and how it allows you to
bubbles in chocolate bars to life saving cancer       will have a shortage of over 1.8million new
treatment, engineering touches every part of our      STEM professionals needed in the sector. He
lives. However, not enough young people think         also said that sadly less than 7% of engineers
it’s a world for them. As a result, the industry is   are currently female.
struggling to recruit future talent. What’s more,     Dr Bal Choda is the lead engineer and innovator
young people are missing out on the chance to         with over 20 years’ experience at Aston Martin
make a positive difference to both their futures,     Lagonda Ltd, and described the design process,
that of the planet and everything that calls it       systems engineering, and innovation that goes
home.                                                 into the creation of an Aston Martin sports car.
Miss Lott took out a selection of year 10 and         @bchoda, @astonmartin
11 students interested in science, technology,        If you want any further guidance about a career
engineering, and design to hear about applying        in STEM or engineering, please contact Mrs
for these subjects in the real world to hopefully     Gwynne.
inspire them to pursue an exciting career in the
all-important creative economy.                       Emmanuel Adesola 11.7 said “this was an
                                                      inspiring trip with lots of information about the
Students also had the opportunity to hear from        development and design engineering process

STEM: Next Generation Innovators Day
STEM: Next Generation Innovators day, Mal-            puter simulated cricket and carrying out virtual    planetarium presentation learning all about
vern Festival of Innovation                           reality dissections as well as working hydraulics   engineering, it has made me realise that STEM
Tuesday 8th October 2019 @ Three Counties             systems to prevent a water flood. Students also     is involved in all the technology we use today
Showground, Malvern                                   worked in pairs to programme minicomputer           and how important it is.
                                                      boards to complete a hardware control task
On Tuesday 8th October 2019, Year 9 enthu-            using Python code, see how many watts they          Nicole Bailey 9.X said “I was really motivated
siastic STEM students went out to Malvern             could generate on a bicycle and were given the      by the presentation given by Yasmin Ali, she
Festival of Innovation. A day showcasing crea-        opportunity to explore galaxies through the         has had an amazing career and it has made me
tive science, technology, and entrepreneurship        Planetarium Dome, hearing about astrophysics        consider chemical engineering in the future.”
for senior school students. Students listened to a    from students at the University of Birmingham's
keynote speech delivered by Yasmin Ali a lead-        School of Physics and Astronomy.
ing innovator in chemical engineering from the
Department of Business, Energy and Industrial         Thomas Pemberton 9.3 said I was inspired by
Strategy.                                             the 360o space engineering dome and was now
                                                      considering a possible career in engineering
Students also had the opportunity to take part in
some engineering games such as playing com-           Isabella Harmer 9.8 said, I really enjoyed the
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Nunnery Selected to Host Prestigious Careers Event
Nunnery Wood High School was selected to             John Yarman, Deputy Chief Executive of the          recognition for careers support at Nunnery.          employment & training options after Year 11.”
host a prestigious careers event in which the       Careers Enterprise Company, Gary Woodman,            Great results are important to us but so is giving
school was able to showcase the fantastic work      Chief Executive, Worcestershire LEP Matt             students experiences and guidance that will          Gary Woodman commented, “We were de-
that has been going on to develop careers edu-      Tope, Careers Hub Manager, Worcestershire            motivate and inspire.”                               lighted to be able to show the Deputy Chief
cation for all students. It was also an opportu-    LEP Janina Neumann, Enterprise Adviser and                                                                Executive of Careers and Enterprise Company
nity for The Careers and Enterprise Company,        owner of Janina Neumann Design.                      Matt Tope said, “The visit was extremely in-         just some of the exceptional work that is taking
in partnerships with Worcestershire LEP (Local                                                           formative and it was exciting to hear about how      place here in Worcestershire’s schools. It was a
Enterprise Partnership) to gain an insight into     The visitors were taken for a tour of the school,    much “Meaningful” careers activity is being un-      pleasure to visit Nunnery Wood High School in
the impact of the work taking place and how the     led by Head teacher Mr Powell and Deputy             dertaken within the school as they work towards      particular to highlight how the Worcestershire
school has responded to the National Careers        Head teacher Mr Williams.                            the achievement of the Gatsby Benchmarks’            Careers Hub is helping to deliver meaningful
Strategy, which was launched by the Govern-          During the tour, the group was able to see the      John Yarham said, “I really enjoyed the visit        careers activity. This activity will certainly help
ment in 2017 and sets out mandatory careers         excellent facilities and education provided,         and learning all about your great work on ca-        to prepare schools and their pupils to thrive in
education and training. This represents a very      whilst gaining a deeper understanding of the         reers and enrichment more generally.”                the future world of work.”
big change in how careers education is deliv-       broad range of careers education opportunities
ered in schools and how it forms a vital part of    available to all students, within lessons and        Debbie Gwynne said, “Working with the                Janina Neumann said, “It has been great to work
the curriculum. The event took place on Friday      though specialist support. They saw students ex-     Careers Enterprise Company on achieving the          alongside Nunnery Wood to develop various
13th September.                                     celling in science and English lessons and were      Gatsby Benchmarks has enabled us to focus our        career opportunities that act as stepping stones
                                                    put on the spot during a maths lesson when           careers delivery in school’. Students have many      to help build their careers paths.”
Nunnery Wood was able to demonstrate excel-         asked if they could solve a complex problem!         opportunities during their time at Nunnery
lent progress in careers education. Deputy Head     They also saw the state of the art fitness suite     Wood High School to learn more about future
teacher, Mr Williams said, “So far, we are very     in full use with Year 11 students. Later in the
proud that we have achieved 100% completion         day the group met with students where they dis-
of 6 out of the 8 new Gatsby Careers Educa-         cussed the experiences they have had of careers
tion Benchmarks, and are looking to review our      education and guidance in school. The Year 11
offer to achieve all 8 targets. The school has a    students described and explained the enormous
superb record of offering excellent education       offer of extra- curricular opportunities available
and preparing students for their futures. For the   to them and how this helps to support future
last 3 years almost 100% of students who left       career choices, whilst the Year 10 students
Nunnery Wood progressed into further educa-         discussed the impact of careers lessons, options
tion, training or employment, a figure which is     guidance, careers interviews and the Worcester
significantly above the national average. The       Skills Show. Year 11 pupil, James Thatcher,
school is passionate about fully preparing stu-     Head boy said, “It was nice to discuss about
dents for further education and employment.”        what is open to us in terms of careers. I don’t
As well has striving to achieve the best possible   think we realise how much is open to us.”
academic outcomes, the school employs a full        Year 10 pupil, Nawal Jamshid said, “It was
time careers coordinator, Mrs Debbie Gwynne,        interesting to see how decisions were made and
who uses her extensive links with local industry    the stages that they have to go through to make
and commerce to ensure students are prepared        them.”
for life after Nunnery Wood. Visitors to the
school included:                                    Mr Powell said, “It’s great to receive national

College Open Days 2019 - 2020
Christopher Whitehead Sixth Form                    Monday 11th November 2019 - 6pm                      Tuesday 12th November 2019 - 5pm – 7.0pm             Royal Grammar School Worcester
Thursday 24th October 2019 - 6.30Pm-8.30pm          Tuesday 3rd December 2019 - 6pm                      Thursday 6th February 2020 - 5pm – 7.30pm            Saturday 16th November 2019 - 9am - 12.30pm
                                                    Wednesday 8th January 2020 - 6pm
Evesham College (Wcg)                               Saturday 25th January 2020 - 10am                    Kings School Sixth Form Worcester                    Tudor Grange Academy Sixth Form
Thursday 21st November 2019 - 5.30pm-8pm            Thursday 13th February 2020 - 6pm                    Saturday 9th November                                Wednesday 5th February 2020 - 7pm - 9pm
Wednesday 22nd January 2020 - 5.30pm-8pm            Thursday 12th March 2020 - 6pm
Wednesday 1st April 2020 - 5.30pm-8pm                                                                    King Edward Vi College Stourbridge                   Worcester Sixth Form College
                                                    Hereford Sixth Form College                          Thursday 17th October 2019 – 6.15pm – 9pm            Thursday 24th October 2019 - 5pm -8pm
Hartpury College                                    Wednesday 23rd October 2019 - 5pm-8pm                Saturday 19th October 2019 – 10am – 2pm              Tuesday 12th November 2019 - 6pm - 9pm
Saturday 12th October 2019                          Saturday 8th February 2020 - 9.30am-12.30pm                                                               Saturday 9th February 2019 - 10am - 1pm
Saturday 9th November 2019                          Thursday 30th April 2020 - 5.30pm-7.30pm             Malvern Hills College (Wcg)
                                                                                                         Tuesday 19th November 2020 - 5.30pm – 8pm            Can’t Find What You Need?
Heart Of Worcestershire College (How)               Herefordshire And Worcestershire Group               Thursday 23rd January 2020 - 5.30pm - 8pm
Saturday 19th October 2019 - 11am – 2pm             Training Association (Hwgta) - Apprentice-           Tuesday 31st March 2020                              Come To The Careers Lunch Time Drop In Ses-
Wednesday 22nd January 2020 - 5pm - 8pm             ships                                                                                                     sion in the Careers Office With Mrs Gwynne.
Saturday 21st March 2020 - 11am - 2pm               Tuesday 25th February 2020 - 4pm – 7pm               Pershore College (Wcg)
Wednesday 6th May 2020 - 5pm – 8pm                  Saturday 16th May 2020 - 10am – 2pm                  Saturday 23rd November 2019 - 10am -1pm
                                                                                                         Saturday 25th January 2020 - 10am -1pm
Hereford College Of Arts (Hca)                      Kidderminster College                                Thursday 2nd April 2020 - 5.30pm-8pm
Saturday 12th October 2019 - 10am                   Monday 14th October 2019 - 5pm – 7.30pm
NUNNERY NEWS October 2019 Issue 25 @NunneryWood -
8 // Nunnery News

What are You Doing to Help the Environment?
James Thatcher                                      comes new projects to undertake. Each year          tions around the school and with the litter they     equipment and parts of the school uniform at a
YEAR 11                                             now has their own project to do to cover as         collect there will also be a competition to design   lower price for people to get.
                                                    much of the school as possible and it is impor-     and make a mural or piece of artwork that will
                                                    tant that you help out in whatever year group       be displayed in the new art block.                   However, don’t think that the staff get out of it
The eco department needs your help.                 you are in.                                                                                              as they will all be making staff pledges about
                                                                                                        Year 9 will be looking at collecting reusable        what they want to achieve in the school, and I
As we all know the past few years haven’t been      The challenge for Year 7 is to design and create    bottles and containers to use in the canteen and     am sure you students will be making sure that
the best for eco development in the school and      a greenhouse out of collected plastic bottles.      they will be heading a new campaign to encour-       they stick to them.
certain measures have been forgotten and left       Although this does sound an unusual thing           age those around school to get involved with
aside, but now maths teacher Mrs Beard is           to do it will reduce the number of single use       bringing in their own containers. Again there        So everybody has something to do, but you
taking the helm of the schools environmental        bottles thrown away and will also get everyone      will be a competition to get people involved         have to make sure that you get involved and
issues and is launching a series of new ideas.      involved with the school environment and re-        which will mean that people design and create        help out your year group. If you have any ques-
                                                    cycling. There will also be a competition to see    their own containers for the school to use.          tions speak to Ms Beard in MA4 or your form
The eco council has been relaunched after a         how many bottles each Year 7 form can collect.                                                           eco rep.
considerable absence and this year it is full of                                                        Years 10 and 11 will be joining together to cre-
new ideas (literally thousands) and with that       Next Year 8 will begin with doing litter collec-    ate a second hand stall selling revision guides,

School Strike for the Climate                                                                                                                                Pride 2019
Delfini Pagan                                       the strike. Then we made our way down the           their opinion on climate change and the govern-
YEAR 8                                              street, shouting phrases like ‘no more coal. No     ment’s response to it. It was an enlightening
                                                    more oil. Keep the carbon in the soil’ and many     experience for many and hopeful an even more
                                                    more. We marched around for a while then went       enlightening experience for the government.
On Friday 20th September, thousands of chil-        back to the statue where students got to express
dren across the world skipped school to protest
the lack of action against climate change in the
government. The movement was inspired by
Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old environmental
activist from Sweden. It started when she was
15. Greta took time off school and stood outside
Swedish parliament alone, holding up a sign
calling for stronger climate action. Since then,
there has been multiple strikes all demonstrating
how much students care for the climate and for                                                                                                               Carys Slimming & Iris James-Smith
their future.                                                                                                                                                YEAR 8

Worcester’s strike was one of the smaller
strikes. Students such as Alfie Walsh from 7.10
and I represented Nunnery wood although there                                                                                                                This years’ Pride festival, taking place in the
were many other schools who attended, some                                                                                                                   heart of Worcester, was a spectacular sight.
of them were from further away from Worcester                                                                                                                With everything from drag acts, to activist
. Mr. Powell was kind enough to allow us to                                                                                                                  marches, it had it all!
leave and supported the protest. We met at the
Elgar Statue and there were a series of motiva-                                                                                                              It kicked off with a march through the streets of
tional speeches made by the organizers of the                                                                                                                Worcester, and wrapped up at the Corn Market
event and some from politicians who supported                                                                                                                car park, where the main stage, entertainment

Combating Gender Steroetypes
                                                                                                                                                             and stalls were.

                                                                                                                                                             Pride events began following riots in Stonewall
                                                                                                                                                             in America when there were a series of raids on
                                                                                                                                                             the gay community by police, prompting upset.
On Monday 15th July Nunnery Wood High               industry. Ann talked about taking opportunities     Students said the talk was “interesting and          This event led to the Pride movement which has
School welcomed Ann Pickering the Human             to make yourself stand out to employers. People     inspiring. It helped me understand what it is        campaigned for equal rights and inclusion for
Resources Director for O2 UK into school to         form an opinion about you in the first 30 sec-      like in the workplace and showed me how to           members of the LGBTQ+ communities. Homo-
speak to their Year 9 and 10 girls on combating     onds of meeting you so therefore she stressed       achieve my full potential”                           sexuality was illegal in England until 1964 and
gender stereotypes in determining kids’ future      that it was important that opinion is a good one.                                                        the 2010 Equality Act says everyone must be
ambitions.                                                                                              “I found it useful finding out more about ap-        treated equally in law regardless of race, gender,
                                                    Ann spoke about the opportunities for women         prenticeships with O2 and that there is more to      sexuality or anything else.
Ann talked to pupils about her journey onto         in Tech and engineering roles is growing. She       O2 than just being a phone company and I think
the board of O2 and that out of the nine board      highlighted that there is a shortage of female      I would like to work with O2 in the future”
members five were female with responsibilities      entering these job roles and O2 are one of the
in marketing, HR, digital innovation, corpo-        companies who are looking to address this           “I thought the talk was very motivational and
rate affairs and finance. She talked about the      issue.                                              helped me realise that all experience in work is
importance of work experience whether this                                                              good and useful experience. It also helped me
was babysitting, volunteering or paid positions     Nunnery Wood Students found it an inspira-          realise that there are more women in certain
that developed skills that could be transferred     tional talk that will make them think about         jobs than I thought.”
into the workplace. As no one knows what skills     interview techniques and career paths in the
would be required in the ever changing digital      future.
NUNNERY NEWS October 2019 Issue 25 @NunneryWood -
Nunnery News // 9

EGX Trip
On Thursday 18th October the Computing              people behind many of the games that they play    bring their portfolios of work to gain feedback    Though it was a very long day the feedback
Department took over a hundred year 10 and          and how these people started in the industry.     and advice from employers and the Universities.    from students was very positive with Year 10
11 students (those that had opted for IMedia,                                                                                                            already asking if the trip was happening again
Computing or Media in Key stage 4) to London        The show had many Universities there that         As well as the academic opportunities all of the   next year!
for the biggest computer gaming show in the         were showcasing their courses and this allowed    major gaming consoles providers were present
country.                                            students to meet and talk to future possible      and this allowed our students access to games      Only those opting for Computer Science or Ime-
                                                    educational providers to allow them to make in-   often six months before release. Our students      dia will be allowed to go on this trip next year.
The trip gave Nunnery Wood students the             formed A Level choices in order to gain places    had the opportunity to experience both conven-
opportunity to not only look at and play new        within the University and to allow them to gain   tional game playing and Virtual Reality Gaming
games but to see the latest technology in action.   positions in an ever expanding and highly paid    (including the latest Iron Man VR game – not
The trip allowed pupils to meet the creative        industry. It was possible for our students to     out until February 2020).

If Politicians Were Avengers!
 Gabriel Boxall & photos by Edward Darby
NUNNERY NEWS October 2019 Issue 25 @NunneryWood -
Nunnery News // 10

Commando Joes Comes to Nunnery High
Nunnery was delighted to be contacted recently      they will take their increased confidence and       and self confidence. These where the things we      Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta team, I was a
by the Outward Bounds Trust of Sheffield &          resilience into lessons.”                           learnt over the course of the week. Over all,       part of Delta team. One of my favorite activities
Hallam University to take part in a research                                                            if Commander Joes does return to the school,        was when we were paired with Charlie Team
project which they are conducting. They were        Theo Jakeman, who participated in the program       and you’re selected, please go, it’s a really fun   to build our bridge out of tires, planks and
looking into the impact of outdoor education on     said, “ Earlier this year, some peers and I took    experience and you will enjoy it a lot.”            other materials. It was a fun experience but is
student achievement and Nunnery was chosen          part in activities organised and provided by                                                            something I’d only do once. Overall, it was an
to participate.                                     Mr Haines and a company called Commando             Melanie Mariga, who also participated said          eventful week with some interesting people who
                                                    Joes. We took part in something called “Opera-      that,” My experience with Commando Joe was          I had not had chance to get to know before.”
24, Year 9 pupils participated in a range of team   tion Blackout” which was a fictional blackout       interesting. We did a series of activities based
working, problem solving challenges with a          across the UK and the end goal was to get to        on the main mission: Great Britain suffers a na-
company called ‘Commando Joes’.                     the relief centre to turn the power back on.        tionwide power failure and we had to get power
                                                    These missions where about 4 key attributes:        back within 12 “missions”. The last mission
Mr Haines said, “It was a great success. The        1, communication skills, 2, leadership skills, 3,   was a presentation, which teachers attended and
pupils enjoyed the challenges and we hope that      team work and finally, developing self esteem       watched as we presented in our given teams-

Geography River Trip                                                                                    Jekyll & Hyde
190 keen geographers completed a field visit                                                            Erin Bloodworth & Anjuna Duke                       the original, this included two female parts.
as part of their GCSE geography course. They                                                            YEAR 10                                             This changed the storyline rather a lot because
were investigating rivers from source to mouth.                                                                                                             it added a romantic side to the story which was
They were also learning to use geographical                                                                                                                 interesting but not to our preference. Also, the
equipment and specific skills. They visited                                                             On Wednesday 11th September, a large group of       addition of masks was quite confusing because
Leigh Bank in Suckley and Smith End Green.                                                              Year 10 students went to the Crescent Theatre,      we are still not sure as to what they symbolised.
In Suckley they visited the Nappen paper Mill                                                           Birmingham to watch a performance of Jekyll         Overall, it was beneficial to have a visual repre-
Nature Reserve. The weather was not kind to all                                                         and Hyde. Similar to the original novella, the      sentation on an interpretation of the text.
of the groups as it was a particularly wet week,                                                        cast was of only a few people, however unlike
however, with wellies and waterproofs the trips
went ahead and the students have now com-
pleted this part of their course.

                                                                                                        Macbeth Theatre Trip
The Woman in Black Trip
                                                                                                        Nawal Jamshid                                       Banquo was played by a black woman but still
                                                                                                        YEAR 10                                             had the same role. ’

                                                                                                                                                            ‘I really liked how they used music in the play it
Olivia Chatterton                                   the man (Arthur) was incredibly boring at tell-     On Thursday the 3rd of October, year 10             was different but also made it more modern and
YEAR 8                                              ing stories at his old age so the actor took over   students went to see a performance of Macbeth       interactive.’
                                                    as Arthur.                                          at the Everyman theatre in Cheltenham. We ar-
                                                                                                        rived and settled in the theatre at around 7. The   ‘ I thought it was really cool how they used the
The Woman in Black trip was a huge roller-          There was ear pitching screams which jumped         production of the performance was of a very         same set but made it seem like different ones
coaster of scares and an ending that makes you      scared everyone. There is also a point in his       high standard. It was interesting to see how they   through lighting and props .’
question everything.                                house where he took a flash light and then shone    had adapted the play to be performed on the
                                                    it on the woman in black’s face and shocked         stage. We arrived in back in Worcester around
Spoiler alert!                                      everyone.                                           half ten.
If you are reading the Woman in Black, you
may want to stop reading.                           These incredibly talented actors only used a         Some opinions on the performance were: ‘i re-
                                                    limited amount of props and there was only          ally enjoyed the performance and found seeing
This is a play that is in a play, this seems con-   three of them!                                      Macbeth really helpful’.
fusing but the man who has suffered hired an
actor to help him live out his story. However,                                                          ‘One thing I really liked about the play was that
Nunnery News // 11

Dying to Drive                                                                                          Inspired by Languages
                                                                                                        Abi Hinton & Nicole Bates                           entertaining part of the day was watching the
Year 11 students attended a hard hitting course,   The session began with the reconstruction of a       Y E A R 11                                          French Bake Off that was really funny. Even
which is a multi-agency road safety scheme         fatal road traffic collision involving all of the                                                        though it was in French, the group was able to
aimed at reducing death and serious injury         blue light services, their response and the ripple                                                       understand parts of it. There was also the op-
amongst young road users in Herefordshire and      effect of such a collision.                          Languages students went to RGS Worcester to         portunity to learn about paintings and English
Worcestershire.                                                                                         participate in a languages day run by Ox-           language before looking at Italian and French.
                                                   After the reconstruction, key safety messages        ford University. There were lots of different       Overall it was a really enjoyable and useful day
The event involved a realistic road traffic        were be reinforced through group activities. The     activities to do throughout the day. The students   and gave students an understanding of what it
collision reconstruction followed by powerful      workshops will focus on the causes of RTCs           learned about studying languages at university      would be like to continue study languages.
interactive workshops.                             such as not wearing seatbelts, driving whilst        as well as the culture of other countries. An
                                                   impaired and driving with distractions.
The scheme is attended by Year 11 students
because they will currently be car passengers      Various skills are considered that may help
and soon become young drivers.                     young people to avoid potentially dangerous
                                                   situations. The students all found the event
In 2017, more than 3,000 year 11 students at-      extremely informative and challenged them to
tended Dying2Drive - helping to prepare them       take the issues seriously. Although hard hitting,
to be safer drivers in the near future.            they also enjoyed the day.

Talented Artist - Ella Ford, Year 11
Nunnery News // 12

A ‘Scrumdiddlyumptious’ Library Club to Celebrate
Roald Dahl’s Birthday
Library Club returned at the start of the new      When the bell rang bringing the party to a close
term with a ‘fizz bang whollop’ to celebrate the   everyone agreed they’d had a ‘scrumdiddly-
birthday of one of our favourite authors, Roald    umptious’ time!
                                                   Erin Kemp 8.9 said, “I loved the Roald Dahl
Students from all year groups joined in with a     day at Library Club. We did loads of activities
fun selection of activities; from word searches    like colouring book marks, hunting for a golden
to quizzes, bookmark colouring to creating BFG     ticket etc. It was the highlight of my day.”
ears! An audio book of Matilda was on in the
background for those who were happy to just sit    Isobel Bath 8.9 said, “I loved Roald Dahl
quietly and relax.                                 Library Club because he is a funny author. On
                                                   Roald Dahl day there were lots of activities and
Students also had the opportunity to search the    we learning about his books. This year’s theme
bookshelves for hidden ‘golden tickets’, which     was ‘Matilda’ and I think it was a great theme
of course, was duly rewarded with chocolate!       for his birthday.”

Beeline Storytelling Festival
On Tuesday 15th October, 60 Year 7 students        vote for their top six books: Mocking Jay by       ‘I really enjoyed the festival, I thought it was
attend the Beeline Storytelling Festival at the    Suzanne Collins was the most popular! Did you      very imaginative and exciting. My favourite
University of Worcester. We had an exclusive       know there are over 270,000 books in the Hive?     part was when the story telling took place.
performance from the amazing story teller Ben                                                         The man was very funny and I think he told
Haggarty who took us on a journey through          Here are what some of the Year 7s had to say       his stories very well. I had the chance I would
ancient Greece with a story about Kings and        about their visit:                                 definitely go again.’
Greek Gods. Ben finished off with a grue-
some but very entertaining story from Scotland     ‘I enjoyed the storyteller because he told us      ‘I really enjoyed the storytelling festival and
reminding us that we should always think about     very funny stories about people who lost their     my favourite part was when the storyteller told
the consequences.                                  feet and then have warm them up by the fire.       the story about the man who chopped off a dead
                                                   After the storytelling we went to the Hive and     man’s feet so he could steal his boots!’
This year we also visited the Hive and took part   we did some activities where you could read
in a Book Blitz session where the students were    the blurb of books and rate how much you liked
able to explore a wide variety of genres and       them.’

Join the Brand New                                                                                    Cowell Book Signing
Bananagrams Club!
Bananagrams is an exciting word game and now       ing games together, but to develop their word
you have got the chance to join with students      power! The club is already attracting many
around the globe and play to win top prizes. The   students and looks forward to growing, with
new club is run by Mrs Kurkus in the Eng-          everyone welcome.
lish department. Since 2015 250,000 students
throughout the US and UK have Gone Wild            BANANAGRAMS, is played by millions
With Words in their classrooms. Join thou-         worldwide in over 30 countries and in 16 dif-
sands of students around the world in a quest to   ferent languages. So why not give it a try? See
have fun, make friends, and most importantly,      Mrs Kurkus for further details on how to get
develop a love of word play.                       involved.
Bananagrams began as a small family-run board
games company based in Rhode Island, USA.
At Nunnery Wood, Mrs Kurkus was keen to
encourage students not only to enjoy play-
                                                                                                      Sophie Cockeram                                    on school trips to meet her and get a photo with
                                                                                                      YEAR 8                                             her.

                                                                                                                                                         Most people, however, wanted to get their
                                                                                                      Hundreds flocked to Worcester as there was a       hands on her new book which is the third book
                                                                                                      booking signing with the legendary author and      in her most recent series ‘The Wizards of Once’.
                                                                                                      illustrator, Cressida Cowell!                      These fantasy tales follow the adventures of
                                                                                                                                                         ‘Xar’ who is the rebellious son of the great
                                                                                                      She is the author of the ‘How to Train Your        wizard enchanter ‘Encanzo’; and ‘Wish’ who is
                                                                                                      Dragon’ series which is now a major motion         a timid warrior princess hiding powerful magic
                                                                                                      picture and TV series, although I believe you      from her magic-hating mother, ‘Queen Syco-
                                                                                                      cannot beat the books themselves.                  rax’. Who knows what will unfold in her next
                                                                                                                                                         intriguing story.
                                                                                                      She has been on a tour of the UK, meeting fans
                                                                                                      and signing books. A few primary schools went
Nunnery News // 13

Everyone Gets Behind Oscar!                                                                                                                                    Sponsored
Rose Williams and Eleanor Drew                       With all of this support, the target of £500,000     The student librarians were selling the books at
YEAR 9                                               was reached thanks to the whole community.           lunchtimes Another was Caleb who said that
                                                     Oscar has already had one stem cell transplant       “there were goIsabella Harmer said, “I’m glad
                                                     but unfortunately it failed and the type he          that we have been able to raise that much for
                                                                                                                                                               Carys Slimming
                                                     needs is very specific and rare. He is needing       him. It was an all-round enjoyable event.
                                                                                                                                                               YEAR 7
The staff and students at Nunnery Wood have          this money that, the whole community have
joined the local community and have got              been raising to have this specific treatment in      Erin Kemp added “I enjoyed taking part be-
behind a local appeal to raise funds for local       Singapore, which then hopefully will save his        cause it was for a good cause. Also, my friends
                                                                                                                                                               We did it! Although it was challenging, and it
boy Oscar Saxleby-Lee, to raise vital funds for      life. Oscars parents Olivia Saxelby and Jamie        took part in this event and we had a good time.”
                                                                                                                                                               took an insane amount of self-control, Carys
him to receive life saving medical treatment in      lee are shocked because of how much that the
                                                                                                                                                               Slimming, Sophie Cockeram, Delfini Pagan, Iris
Singapore. The family needed to raise £500,000       community has helped. Even though Oscar has          Joshua Capewell said that “It was an amazing
                                                                                                                                                               James-Smith, and Alec Woolven, managed to
for his treatment after this failed in the UK. The   already reached his target, all extra money will     atmosphere with lots of chatting and negotiat-
                                                                                                                                                               complete a whole 24 hours silent!
family appealed to the public locally and nation-    go to the charity to help other children requiring   ing, discussing prices and recommending books.
ally to help. People have been selling wrist         treatment. The school library club raised money      With so many people helping and contributing
                                                                                                                                                               In addition to this, we raised almost £200 for the
bands, badges, cakes and raffle tickets. Local       for Oscar by organising a book sale. Books           to this wonderful charity occurrence.”
                                                                                                                                                               Oscar Fund! Oscar Saxelby-Lee has an aggres-
businesses held events. Oscar will be having         from a price range of 20p and £1 and a grand
                                                                                                                                                               sive form of leukemia, which has returned after

                                                                                                          Charity Chop
life saving treatment with the fund raising the      total of £129.22 The sale was an absolute hit
                                                                                                                                                               his stem cell transplant in May. People around
community has done. In school different year         with tutors encouraging students to donate or
                                                                                                                                                               the world have been striving to achieve their
groups raised money in different ways.               visit the book sale.
                                                                                                                                                               goal of £500,000 for his treatment in Singapore.

Supporting Local Charities
                                                                                                          During the summer holiday Summer Gale in 8.3         Fortunately, they have reached their goal, but
                                                                                                          decided to do a courageous thing.                    that only covers the cost of the treatment. It
                                                                                                          She decided she was going to chop her curly          doesn’t factor in the flight there, the after treat-
                                                                                                          locks for her dad and all the children who have      ment and accommodation in Singapore.
Mrs Telger and Markus Telger, Year 9, have                                                                cancer. She also sent her 9-inch chunk of hair
committed a huge amount of time and effort to                                                             to the Little Princess Trust. She decided to set     There have been multiple fundraisers around the
supporting St Richards’ Hospice, which is one                                                             up a sponsor page up for the cause. She initially    school, including the book sale in the library,
of the schools chosen charities this year as well                                                         aimed to raise £150 but instead she raised a         a few cake sales and, of course, our sponsored
as other local charities. Since September the                                                             whopping £655.50.                                    silence. If you would like to give donations,
pair have been unstoppable. In September they                                                             She said that: “I thought that the causer was        there is a mobile number, which you can text to
completed the Pershore Plum Cycle Challenge,                                                              a good need. I also have a great friend who is       give to this fund. It really is a good cause, as he
which raised money for local charities. They                                                              going through the same thing right now so I did      is only five years old.
completed 23 miles in 2 hours and 20 minutes,                                                             it for the both of us and I hope in the future all

                                                                                                                                                               Let Them Eat
which was a team best. They followed this                                                                 of this suffering will end for everyone in the
up with the Donought Dash for St Richards                                                                 world.”
Hospice. This event was also attended by other

members of staff, including Mrs Coggind and
Mrs Dawson, who achieve a personal best
time for the 5km race. The event raised over
£6000 for the hospice. Not content with this,
Mrs Telger and Markus took to the streets of
Worcester to collect money for St Richards
Hospice. Watch this space to see what they will
be up to next!

Charity Runners
Sophie Cockeram                                      What is EB? It’s a life-threatening disease          more than £3000 for children with EB, it was a
YEAR 8                                               which affects hundreds of children. This means,      complete success. It was worth the struggle of
                                                     from a young age, the poor children have very        the run!”
                                                     sensitive skin which develops large blisters
Coming in at 18 minutes, Iris James Smith,           whenever anything touches them. The treatment        Did we inspire you to start raising money for        The staff at Nunnery Wood did not take much
Sophie Cockeram and Delfini Pagan completed          is very expensive and there is no cure. Sophie’s     other fantastic charities like DEBRA? Come           persuading to participate in the McMillan coffee
the Worcester Run for charity. Wearing their         5-year-old cousin has EB so he encouraged the        on, get moving!                                      morning on 27th September. This is a nation-
purple DEBRA T-shirts, they ran 3.2 kilometers       whole family to get up and running.                                                                       wide event that raises money for MacMillan
to raise money DEBRA (a charity that supports                                                                                                                  Cancer Support. Staff either bought or baked

Cards for Charity
children with EB).                                   Delfini Pagan 8.6 said, “We raised a total of                                                             cakes for the event. There was a competitive
                                                                                                                                                               spirit in the staff room, with members of staff
                                                                                                                                                               competing to be crowned bake off champion.
                                                                                                                                                               It was a close race won by Miss Lott, closely
                                                                                                                                                               followed by Mr Raistrick. A raffle was also held
Year 11 and Year 8 students have been pro-            Mrs Binnersley was very moved by this so
                                                                                                                                                               with Mr Kurkus taking the prize. A total of £140
ducing birthday cards to cheer up a teenager         turned to her year team for help! She gave an
                                                                                                                                                               was raised.

                                                                                                          Girl Guides Fund Raising
who they have never met who has a rare and           assembly to year 11 about having hope for your-
life limiting illness. Mrs Binnersley, Year 11       selves and giving hope to others and launched
assistant year team leader, saw an article in        a year 11 competition for each form to produce
the newspaper about the 13 year old boy from         a card and all sign it. Some year 8 forms heard
Bolton. From birth, his parents had no idea          about it and also created a card.
whether he would ever reach his teenage years.                                                            Year 10 student, Maddy Hadley and 11 of her
He is now confined to a wheelchair because of        Mrs Binnersley said ‘The cards produced and          friends from Girl Guides are busy fundraising        maddy-hadley
severe epidermolysis bullosa, which results in       the messages he students sent were incredible so     so that they can visit Romania next summer
painful skin blisters, sores and has even caused     heartfelt I thought it would be fantastic for him    to teach children to speak English. Maddy and
his fingers to fuse together.                        to receive well wishes off those his own age’.       11 other Girl guides walked the Malvern Hills
Rhys says he wishes “a butterfly would come                                                               on September 28th for their 9 mile walking
and take him away” and his devastated mum is                                                              challenge to raise funds for their planned trip to
desperate to show him he has something to fight                                                           Romania next year. Maddy said, “We thought it
for.                                                                                                      would be fun to dress up as Vampires to com-
His mum said: “The last few months, he’s had                                                              plete our challenging walk from one end of the
enough of life.                                                                                           Malverns to the other.
“He’s had enough of being in pain with the
sores. He just wants to give up, he doesn’t want                                                          Maddy has raised £150 so far towards her
to fight anymore. What do you do as a mum?”                                                               groups’ target of £1,800.
He is turning 14 on 21st Sept and his mum
made a plee to people to send Rhys birthday                                                               If you would like to support the Girl Guides,
cards and well wishes to try and show him there                                                           please use the link below to donate:
is still hope and something to live for.
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