One-Class Collaborative Filtering

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One-Class Collaborative Filtering

      Rong Pan1        Yunhong Zhou2      Bin Cao3      Nathan N. Liu3      Rajan Lukose1
                                   Martin Scholz1 Qiang Yang3
                       HP Labs, 1501 Page Mill Rd, Palo Alto, CA, 94304, US
              Rocket Fuel Inc. Redwood Shores, CA 94065
       Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
                              {caobin, nliu, qyang}

                      Abstract                                   zon.com1 , DVDs at Netflix2 , News by Google 3 etc.
                                                                 The central technique used in these systems is collabo-
   Many applications of collaborative filtering (CF),            rative filtering (CF) which aims at predicting the pref-
such as news item recommendation and bookmark rec-               erence of items for a particular user based on the items
ommendation, are most naturally thought of as one-               previously rated by all users. The rating expressed in
class collaborative filtering (OCCF) problems. In these          different scores (such as a 1-5 scale in Netflix) can be ex-
problems, the training data usually consist simply of bi-        plicitly given by users in many of these systems. How-
nary data reflecting a user’s action or inaction, such as        ever, in many more situations, it also can be implicitly
page visitation in the case of news item recommenda-             expressed by users’ behaviors such as click or not-click
tion or webpage bookmarking in the bookmarking sce-              and bookmark or not-bookmark. These forms of im-
nario. Usually this kind of data are extremely sparse            plicit ratings are more common and easier to obtain.
(a small fraction are positive examples), therefore am-             Although the advantages are clear, a drawback of
biguity arises in the interpretation of the non-positive         implicit rating, especially in situations of data spar-
examples. Negative examples and unlabeled positive ex-           sity, is that it is hard to identify representative negative
amples are mixed together and we are typically unable            examples. All of the negative examples and missing
to distinguish them. For example, we cannot really at-           positive examples are mixed together and cannot be
tribute a user not bookmarking a page to a lack of inter-        distinguished. We refer to collaborative filtering with
est or lack of awareness of the page. Previous research          only positive examples given as One-Class Collabora-
addressing this one-class problem only considered it as          tive Filtering (OCCF). OCCF occurs in different sce-
a classification task. In this paper, we consider the one-       narios with two examples as follows.
class problem under the CF setting. We propose two
                                                                   • Social Bookmarks: Social bookmarks are very
frameworks to tackle OCCF. One is based on weighted
                                                                     popular in Web 2.0 services such as In
low rank approximation; the other is based on negative
                                                                     such a system, each user bookmarks a set of web-
example sampling. The experimental results show that
                                                                     pages which can be regarded as positive examples
our approaches significantly outperform the baselines.
                                                                     of the user’s interests. But two possible explana-
                                                                     tions can be made for the behavior that a user did
                                                                     not bookmark a webpage. The first one is, the
                                                                     page is of the users’ interest but she did not see
                                                                     the page before; the second one is the user had
1   Introduction                                                     seen this page but it is not of her interest. We
                                                                     cannot assume all the pages not in his bookmarks
                                                                     are negative examples. Similar examples include
   Personalized services are becoming increasingly in-               social annotation, etc.
dispensable on the Web, ranging from providing search              1
results to product recommendation. Examples of                     2

such systems include recommending products at Ama-                 3

• Clickthrough History: Clickthrough data are             study various weighting and sampling approaches using
    widely used for personalized search and search re-      several real world datasets. Our proposed solutions
    sult improvement. Usually a triple < u, q, p >          significantly outperform the two extremes (AMAN and
    indicates a user u submitted a query q and clicked      AMAU) in OCCF problems, with at least 8% improve-
    a page p. It is common that pages that have not         ment over the best baseline approaches in our experi-
    been clicked on are not collected. Similar to the       ments. In addition, we show empirically that these two
    bookmark example, we cannot judge whether the           proposed solution frameworks (weighting and sampling
    page is not clicked because of the irrelevance of its   based) for OCCF have almost identical performance.
    content or redundancy, for example.                        The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
                                                            the next section, we review previous works related to
    There are several intuitive strategies to attack this
                                                            the OCCF problems. In Section 3, we propose two ap-
problem. One approach is to label negative examples
                                                            proaches for OCCF problems. In Section 4, we empir-
to convert the data into a classical CF problem. But
                                                            ically compare our methods to some baselines on two
this is very expensive or even intractable because the
                                                            real world data sets. Finally, we conclude the paper
users generating the preference data will not bear the
                                                            and give some future works.
burden. In fact, users rarely supply the ratings needed
by traditional learning algorithms, specifically not neg-
ative examples [23]. Moreover, based on some user           2     Related Works
studies [14], if a customer is asked to provide many
positive and negative examples before the system per-       2.1    Collaborative Filtering
forms well, she would get a bad impression of it, and
may decline to use the system. Another common solu-
                                                                In the past, many researchers have explored collabo-
tion is to treat all the missing data as negative exam-
                                                            rative filtering (CF) from different aspects ranging from
ples. Empirically, this solution works well (see Section
                                                            improving the performance of algorithms to incorporat-
4.6). The drawback is that it biases the recommen-
                                                            ing more resources from heterogeneous data sources [1].
dation results because some of the missing data might
                                                            However, previous research on collaborative filtering
be positive. On the other hand, if we treat missing as
                                                            still assumes that we have positive (high rating) as well
unknown, that is, ignore all the missing examples and
                                                            as negative (low rating) examples. In the non-binary
utilize the positive examples only and then feed it into
                                                            case, items are rated using scoring schemes. Most pre-
CF algorithms that only model non-missing data (as
                                                            vious work focuses on this problem setting. In all the
in [24]), a trivial solution arising from this approach
                                                            CF problems, there are a lot of examples whose rat-
is that all the predictions on missing values are posi-
                                                            ing is missing. In [2] and [19], the authors discuss the
tive examples. All missing as negative (AMAN) and
                                                            issue of modeling the distribution of missing values in
all missing as unknown (AMAU) are therefore two ex-
                                                            collaborative filtering problems. Both of them cannot
treme strategies in OCCF.
                                                            handle the case where negative examples are absent.
    In this paper, we consider how to balance the ex-
                                                                In the binary case, each example is either positive or
tent of treating missing values as negative examples.
                                                            negative. Das et al. [8] studied news recommendation,
We propose two possible approaches to OCCF. These
                                                            while a click on a news story is a positive example, and
methods allow us to tune the tradeoff in the interpre-
                                                            a non-click indicates a negative example. The authors
tation of so-called negative examples and actually re-
                                                            compare some practical methods on this large scale bi-
sult in better performing CF algorithms overall. The
                                                            nary CF problem. KDD Cup 2007 hosted a “Who rated
first approach is based on weighted low rank approx-
                                                            What” recommendation task while the training data
imation [24]. The second is based on negative exam-
                                                            are the same as the Netflix prize dataset (with rating).
ple sampling. They both utilize the information con-
                                                            The winner team [15] proposed a hybrid method com-
tained in unknown data and correct the bias of treat-
                                                            bining both SVD and popularity using binary training
ing them as negative examples. While the weighting-
based approach solves the problem deterministically,
the sampling-based method approximates the exact so-
lution with much lower computational costs for large        2.2    One-class Classification
scale sparse datasets.
    Our contributions are summarized as follows. First         Algorithms for learning from positive-only data have
we propose two possible frameworks for the one-class        been proposed for binary classification problems. Some
collaborative filtering problem and provide and char-       research addresses problems where only examples of
acterize their implementations; second, we empirically      the positive class are available [22] (refer to one-class
classification) where others also utilize unlabeled exam-   3.1   Problem Definition
ples [16]. For one-class SVMs [22], the model is describ-
ing the single class and is learned only from positive         Suppose we have m users and n items and the pre-
examples. This approach is similar to density estima-       vious viewing information stored in a matrix R. The
tion [4]. When unlabeled data are available, a strat-       element of R takes value 1, which represents a positive
egy to solve one-class classification problems is to use    example, or ‘?’, which indicates an unknown (missing)
EM-like algorithms to iteratively predict the negative      positive or negative example. Our task is to identify po-
examples and learn the classifier [28, 17, 26]. In [9],     tential positive examples from the missing data based
Denis show that function classes learnable under the        on R. We refer to it as One-Class Collaborative Fil-
statistical query model are also learnable from positive    tering (OCCF). Note that, in this paper, we assume
and unlabeled examples if each positive example is left     that we have no additional information about users
unlabeled with a constant probability.                      and items besides R. In this paper, we use bold capi-
   The difference between our research and previous         tal letters to denote a matrix. Given a matrix A, Aij
studies on learning from one-class data is that they aim    represents its element, Ai. indicates the i-th row of A,
at learning one single concept with positive examples.      A.j symbolizes the j-th column of A, and AT stands
In this paper, we are exploring collaboratively learning    for the transpose of A.
many concepts in a social network.
                                                            3.2   wALS for OCCF
2.3    Class Imbalance Problem
                                                               Our first approach to tackle the one-class collabora-
   Our work is also related to the class imbalance prob-
                                                            tive filtering problem is based on a weighted low-rank
lem which typically occurs in classification tasks with
                                                            approximation [11, 24] technique. In [24], weighted
more instances of some classes than others. The one-
                                                            low-rank approximations (wLRA) is applied to a CF
class problem can be regarded as one extreme case of
                                                            problem with a naive weighting scheme assigning “1” to
a class imbalance problem. Two strategies are used
                                                            observed examples and “0” to missing (unobserved) val-
for solving the class imbalance problem. One is at the
                                                            ues, which corresponds to the AMAU. Another naive
data level. The idea is to use sampling to re-balance
                                                            method for OCCF is to treat all missing values as neg-
the data [3] [18]. Another one is at the algorithmic
                                                            ative examples. However, because there are positive
level where cost-sensitive learning is used [10] [27]. A
                                                            examples in missing values, this treatment can make
comparison of the two strategies can be found in [20].
                                                            mistakes. We address this issue by using low weights
                                                            on the error terms. Next, we propose the weighted al-
3     Weighting & Sampling based Ap-                        ternating least squares (wALS) for OCCF. We further
      proaches                                              discuss various weighting schemes different from naive
                                                            schemes AMAU ([24]) and AMAN.
    As discussed above, AMAN and AMAU (no missing              Given a matrix R = (Rij )m×n ∈ {0, 1}m×n with m
as negative) are two general strategies for collaborative   users and n items and a corresponding non-negative
filtering, which can be considered to be two extremes.      weight matrix W = (Wij )m×n ∈ Rm×n  +   , weighted low-
We will argue that there can be some methods in be-         rank approximation aims at approximating R with a
tween that can outperform the two strategies in OCCF        low rank matrix X = (Xij )m×n minimizing the objec-
problems; examples include “all missing as weak nega-       tive of a weighted Frobenius loss function as follows.
tive” or “some missing as negative”. In this section, we                          X                   2
introduce two different approaches to address the issue                   L (X) =     Wij (Rij − Xij ) .         (1)
of one-class collaborative filtering. They both balance                            ij
between the strategies of missing as negative and miss-
ing as unknown. The first method uses weighted low          In the above objective function L (X) (Eq. (1)),
rank approximations [24]. The idea is to give differ-       (Rij − Xij ) is the common square error term often
ent weights to the error terms of positive examples and     seen in low-rank approximations, and Wij reflects the
negative examples in the objective function; the sec-       contribution of minimizing the term to the overall ob-
ond one is to sample some missing values as negative        jective L (X). In OCCF, we set Rij = 1 for positive
examples based on some sampling strategies. We first        examples; for missing values, we posit that most of
formulate the problem and introduce the main notation       them are negative examples. We replace all the miss-
in this paper. In the next two subsections, we discuss      ing values with zeros. As we have high confidence on
the two solutions in details.                               the observed positive examples where Rij = 1, we set
the corresponding weights Wij to 1. In contrast, differ-                        Algorithm 1 Weighted Alternating Least Squares
ent from the simple treatment of missing as negative,                           (wALS)
we lower the weights on “negative” examples. Generally                          Require: data matrix R, weight matrix W , rank d
we set Wij ∈ [0, 1] where Rij = 0. Before discussing                            Ensure: Matrices U and V with ranks of d
the weighting schemes for“negative” examples, we show                             Initialize V
how to solve the optimization problem argminX L (X)                               repeat
effectively and efficiently.                                                        Update U i. , ∀i with Eq. (6)
   Consider the decomposition X = U V T where U ∈                                   Update V j. , ∀j with Eq. (7)
R       and V ∈ Rn×d . Note that usually the number                               until convergence.
of features d ≪ r where r ≈ min (m, n) is the rank                                return U and V
of the matrix R. Then we can re-write the objective
function (Eq. (1)) 3 as Eq. (2)
                                                                                where Wgi. ∈ Rn×n is a diagonal matrix with the ele-
                       X                      2
         L (U , V ) =      Wij Rij − U i. V Tj. .    (2)                        ments of W i. on the diagonal, and I is a d × d identity
                           ij                                                   matrix.
                                                                                                              ,V )
                                                                                  Fixing V and solving ∂L(U∂U i.   = 0, we have
To prevent overfitting, one can append a regularization
term to the objective function L (Eq. (2)):                                                                          X            −1
                                                                                           gi. V
                                                                                U i. = Ri. W              gi. V + λ
                                                                                                       V TW                j Wij    I    ,
                       X                       2
      L (U , V ) =         Wij Rij − U i. V Tj.                                                                           ∀1 ≤ i ≤ m. (6)
                            +λ kU k2F + kV k2F ,                         (3)    Notice that the matrix V T W    gi. V + λ P Wij I is
                                                                                strictly positive definite, thus invertible. It is not dif-
or                                                                                                                                  gi. V
                                                                              ficult to prove that without regularization, V T W
                      X                                       2
                                                                                can be a degenerate matrix which is not invertible.
     L (U , V )   =         Wij            Rij − U i. V Tj.
                                                                                   Similarly, given a fixed U , we can solve V as follows.
                                                                                                                 X         −1
                                     + λ kU i. k2F + kV j. k2F          . (4)               g.j U U T W
                                                                                V j. = RT.j W            g.j U + λ       i Wij I      ,
In Eq. (3) and Eq. (4), k.kF denotes the Frobenius                                                                           ∀1 ≤ j ≤ n, (7)
norm and λ is the regularization parameter which, in
practical problems, is determined with cross-validation.                        where W g.j ∈ Rm×m is a diagonal matrix with the
Note that Eq. (4) subsumes the special case of regu-                            elements of W .j on the diagonal.
larized low-rank approximation in [21, 30]. Zhou et                                Based on Eq. (6) and Eq. (7), we propose the follow-
al. [30] show that the alternating least squares (ALS)                          ing iterative algorithm for wLRA with regularization
[11] approach is efficient for solving these low rank ap-                       (based on Eq. (4)). We first initialize the matrix V
proximation problems. In this paper, we extend this                             with Gaussian random numbers with zero mean and
approach to weighted ALS (wALS). Now we focus on                                small standard deviation (we use 0.01 in our experi-
minimizing the objective function L (Eq. (4)) to illus-                         ments). Next, we update the matrix U as per Eq. (6)
trate how wALS works.                                                           and then update the matrix V based on Eq. (7). We
   Taking partial derivatives of L with respect to each                         repeat these iterative update procedures until conver-
entry of U and V , we obtain                                                    gence. We summarize the above process in Algorithm
    1 ∂L (U , V ) X                                                           1 which we refer to as Weighted Alternating Least
                  =     j Wij U i. V j. − Rij Vjk                               Squares (wALS). Note that for the objective function
    2 ∂Uik
          X                                                                   Eq. (3) with a uniform
                                                                                                     P regularization
                                                                                                                       term, we only
      +λ                                                                                                                      P
               j Wij Uik , ∀1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ k ≤ d.     (5)                       need to change both     j Wij in Eq. (6) and (   i Wij )

Then we have                                                                    in Eq. (7) to 1.

       1 ∂L (U , V )
                                                                                3.2.1   Weighting Schemes: Uniform, User Ori-
       2 ∂U i.                                                                          ented, and Item Oriented
       1 ∂L (U , V )        ∂L (U , V )
     =                ,...,                                                     As we discussed above, the matrix W is crucial to the
       2     ∂Ui1             ∂Uid
                           X                                                performance of OCCF. W = 1 is equivalent to the case
     = U i. V T Wgi. V + λ                    g
                                j Wij I − Ri. W i. V ,                          of AMAN with the bias discussed above. The basic idea
Table 1. Weighting Schemes                                    Negative Example Sampling   Matrix Reconstruction by ALS

                    Pos Examples      “Neg” Examples                                 e (1)
                                                                                     R                            b (1)

    Uniform           Wij = 1              Wij P
                                                                  R                  e (2)
                                                                                     R                            b (2)
                                                                                                                  R                   b
 User-Oriented        Wij = 1          Wij ∝ j Rij
 Item-Oriented        Wij = 1         Wij ∝ m − i Rij
                                                                                      ...                          ...

                                                                                     e (l)
                                                                                     R                            b (l)

of correcting the bias is to let Wij involve the credibility
of the training data (R) that we use to build a collab-           Figure 1. A diagram that illustrates an ensem-
orative filtering model.d For positive examples, they             ble based on negative exampling sampling
have relative high likeliness to be true. We let Wij = 1          for OCCF
for each pair of (i, j) that Rij = 1. For missing data, it
is very likely that most of them are negative examples.
For instance, in social bookmarking, a user has very           based on negative example sampling for OCCF as
few web pages and tags; for news recommendation, a             shown in Figure 1. In phase I, we sample negative
user does not read most of the news. That is why pre-          examples from missing values. Based on an assumed
vious studies make the AMAN assumption although it                                                                     e (i)
biases the recommendations. However, we notice that            probability distribution, we generate a new matrix R
the confidence of missing values being negative is not         including all positive examples in R. In phase II, for
as high as of non-missing values being positive. There-        each Re (i) , we re-construct the rating matrix R b (i) by a
fore, essentially, we should give lower weights to the         special version of wALS which we discuss in Section 3.2.
“negative” examples. The first weighting scheme as-            Finally, we combine all the R b (i) with equal weights gen-
sumes that a missing data being a negative example             erating a matrix R  b which approximates R. We refer to
has an equal chance over all users or all items, that is,      this method as sampling ALS Ensemble (sALS-ENS).
it uniformly assign a weight δ ∈ [0, 1] for “negative” ex-
amples. The second weighting scheme posits that if a           3.3.1    Sampling Scheme
user has more positive examples, it is more likely that
she does not like the other items, that is, the missing        Since there are too many negative examples (compared
data for this user is negative with higher probability.        to positive ones), it is costly and not necessary to learn
The third weighting scheme assumes that if an item             the model on all entries of R. The idea of sampling
has fewer positive examples, the missing data for this         can help us to solve the OCCF problem. We use a
item is negative with higher probability. We summarize         fast (O (q)) random sampling algorithm [25] to generate
these three schemes in Table 1. A parameter for the            new training data R  b from the original training data R
three schemes is the ratio of the sum of the positive          by negative example sampling given a sampling proba-
example weights to the sum of the negative example             bility matrix P b and negative sample size q. As OCCF
weights. We will discuss the impact of the parameter           is a class-imbalanced problem, where positive examples
in Section 4.6. In the future, we plan to explore more         are very sparse, we transfer all positive examples to the
weighting schemes and learn the weight matrix W it-            new training set. We then sample negative examples
eratively.                                                     from missing data based on P    b and the negative sample
                                                               size q.
3.3    Sampling-based ALS for OCCF                                 In this algorithm, P b is an important input. In this
                                                               paper, we provide three solutions which correspond to
   As we state above, for one-class CF, a naive strategy       the following sampling schemes:
is to assume all missing values to be negative. This
implicit assumption of most of the missing values being         1. Uniform Random Sampling: Pbij ∝ 1. All the miss-
negative is roughly held in most cases. However, the               ing data share the same probability of being sam-
main drawback here is that the computational costs                 pled as negative examples.
are very high when the size of the rating matrix R                                                       P
                                                                2. User-Oriented Sampling: Pbij ∝         i I[Rij = 1],
is large. wALS has the same issue. We will analyze                 that is, if a user has viewed more items, those items
its computational complexity in the next subsection.               that she has not viewed could be negative with
Another critical issue with the naive strategy is the              higher probability.
imbalanced-class problem discussed in Section 2.3.                                                          P
   In this subsection, we present a stochastic method           3. Item-Oriented Sampling: Pb(i, j) ∝ 1/ j I[Rij =
1], which means that if an item is viewed by less    4     Experiments
      users, those users that have not viewed the item
      will not view it either.                             4.1        Validation Datasets

3.3.2    Bagging                                              We use two test datasets to compare our proposed
                                                           algorithms with possible baselines. The first dataset,
After generating a new training matrix by the above        the Yahoo news dataset, is a news click through record
algorithm, we can use a low-rank matrix R  b to approx-
       e                        e                 b can    stream4 . Each record is a user-news pair which con-
imate R using wALS. Because R is stochastic, R             sists of the user id and the URL of the Yahoo news
also be biased and unstable. A practical solution to the   article. After preprocessing to make sure that the
problem is to construct an ensemble. In particular, we     same news always gets the same article id, we have
use the bagging technique [6] (Algorithm 2).               3158 unique users and 1536 identical news stories. The
                                                           second dataset is from a social bookmarking site. It
Algorithm 2 Bagging Algorithm for OCCF                     is crawled from The data contains
Require: matrix R ∈ Rm×n , matrix P   b ∈ Rm×n , sam-      246, 436 posts with 3000 users and 2000 tags.
 ple size q, number of single predictor ℓ
Ensure: Reconstructed matrix R  b                          4.2        Experiment setting and Evaluation
 for i = 1 : ℓ do                                                     Measurement
    Generate a new training matrix R   fi by negative
    example sampling (Section 3.3.1 )                         As a most frequently used methodology in machine
    Reconstruct Rci from Rfi by ALS [30]                   learning and data mining, we use cross-validation to
 end for                                                   estimate the performance of different algorithms. The
  b = 1 PR
             ci                                            validation datasets are randomly divided into training
       ℓ i=1                                               and test sets with a 80/20 splitting ratio. The train-
 return R  b                                               ing set contains 80% known positive examples and the
                                                           other elements of the matrix are treated as unknown.
                                                           The test set includes the other 20% known positive and
3.4     Computational Complexity Analysis                  all unknown examples. Note that the known positives
                                                           in the training set are excluded in the test process.
   Next, we analyze the running time of wALS and           The intuition of good performance of a method is that
sALS-ENS. Recall that U is a m × d matrix, V is a          the method has high probabilities to rank known posi-
n×d matrix, and d ≤ min{m, n}. For wALS,                   tives over unknown examples most of which are usually
                                           each step      negative examples. We evaluate the performance on
of updating U (or M ) takes time O d2 nm (based on
Eqs. 6 and 7). The total running time of wALS is           the test set using MAP and half-life utility which will
                                                          be discussed below. We repeat the above procedure
                    O d2 nt mn                             20 times and report both mean and standard devia-
                                                           tion of the experimental results. The parameters of
assuming that it takes nt rounds to stop.                  our approaches and the baselines are determined by
   For sALS-ENS similarly, assuming that ALS takes         cross-validation.
on-average nt rounds to stop, and the number of NES           MAP (Mean Average Precision) is widely used in
predictors is ℓ, then its total running time is            information retrieval for evaluating the ranked docu-
                                                          ments over a set of queries. We use it in this paper
          O d2 ℓnt (nr (1 + α) + (m + n) d) .
                                                           to assess the overall performance based on precisions
   In practice, nt , ℓ, α are small constants (nt ranges   at different recall levels on a test set. It computes the
from 20 to 30, ℓ ≤ 20, and α ≤ 5), and (n + m) d ≤         mean of average precision (AP) over all users in the test
nr (1 + α). Therefore the running time of wALS             set, where AP is the average of precisions computed at
is O(mn), while the running time of sALS-ENS is            all positions with a preferred item:
O(nr ). Thus sALS-ENS is more scalable to large-                                PN
                                                                                      prec (i) × pref (i)
scale sparse data compared to wALS. To be pre-                         APu = i=1                          ,      (8)
cise,                                                                             # of preferred items
    the running time     ratio of wALS to sALS-ENS
            mn                                             where i is the position in the rank list, N is the number
is ℓ(nr (1+α)+(n+m)d)     . When the data is very sparse
                                                          of retrieved items, prec (i) is the precision (fractions of
  mn ≪ 1 , then ALS-ENS takes less time to finish than
wALS; otherwise, wALS is faster.                               4 We   thank “NielsenOnline” for providing the clickstream data.
retrieved items that are preferred by the user) of a cut-      algorithm, namely the one-class SVM [22] into our pool
off rank list from 1 to i, and pref (i)is a binary indicator   of baseline methods. The idea is to create a one-class
returning 1 if the i-th item is preferred or 0 otherwise.      SVM classifier for every item, which takes a user’s rat-
    Half-life Utility (HLU): Breese et al. [5] introduced      ings on the remaining set of items as input features
a half-life utility [13] (“cfaccuracy” [12]) to estimate       and predicts if the user’s rating on the target item is
of how likely a user will view/choose an item from a           positive or negative. The set of training instances for
ranked list, which assumes that the user will view each        a SVM classifier consists of the rating profiles of those
consecutive item in the list with an exponential decay         users who have rated the target item, which should
of possibility. A half-life utility over all users in a test   consists of positive examples only in the one-class col-
set is defined as in Eq. (9).                                  laborative filtering setting, which could be used to train
                               P                               a one-class SVM classifier for each target item.
                     R = 100 P u max ,                   (9)
                                u u                            4.4    Impact of Number of Features
where Ru is the expected utility of the ranked list for
user u and Rumax is the maximally achievable utility if
                                                                  Figure 2 shows the impact of the number of features
all true positive items are at the top of the ranked list.
                                                               (parameter d) on SVD and wALS. We can see for SVD,
According to [5], Ru is defined as follows.
                                                               the performance will first increase and then drop as we
                         X       δ (j)                         increase the number of features. But for wALS, the
                  Ru =                    ,            (10)    performance is much more stable and keeps increas-
                                                               ing. The performance of wALS usually converge at
   where δ (j) equals 1 if the item at position j is pre-      around 50 features. In our following experiments, we
ferred by the user and 0 otherwise, and β is the half-life     will use the optimal feature number for SVD (10 for
parameter which is set to 5 in this paper, which is the        Yahoo news data and 16 for user-tag data) and wALS
same as in [5].                                                (50).

4.3     Baselines                                              4.5    Sampling and Weighting Approaches
   We evaluate our approaches weighting/sampling
negative examples by comparing with two categories                In Section 3, we introduced two approaches to
of baselines treating all missing as negative (AMAN)           OCCF based on sampling and weighting. For each ap-
or treating all missing as unknown (AMAU).                     proach, we proposed three types of schemes, that is uni-
                                                               form, user-oriented and item-oriented. In this section,
4.3.1    AMAN                                                  we will compare the three schemes for both sampling
                                                               and weighting.
In AMAN settings, most traditional collaborative fil-             Table 2 compares these schemes. Among the weight-
tering algorithms can be directly applied. In this             ing schemes, the user-oriented weighting scheme is the
paper, we use several well-known collaborative filter-         best and the item-oriented weighting scheme is the
ing algorithms combined with the AMAN strategy                 worst. The uniform weighting lies in between. This
as our baselines, which include the alternating least          may be due to the imbalance between the number
squares with the missing as negative assumption (ALS-          of users and the number of items. For the current
AMAN), singular value decomposition (SVD) [29], and            datasets, the number of users is much larger than the
a neighborhood-based approach including user-user              number of items.
similarity[1] and item-item similarity algorithms[1].
                                                               4.6    Comparison with Baselines
4.3.2    AMAU
Following the AMAU strategy, it is difficult to adapt             Figure 3 shows the performance comparisons of dif-
traditional collaborative filtering algorithms to obtain       ferent methods based on the missing as unknown strat-
non-trivial solutions, as we discussed in Section 1. In        egy (Popularity and SVM), methods based on the miss-
this case, ranking items by their overall popularity is a      ing as negative strategy (SVD and ALS-AMAN) and
simple but widely used recommendation method. An-              our proposed methods(wALS,
                                                                               P              sALS).
                                                                                                 P The x-axes α is
other possible approach is to convert the one-class col-       defined as α = ( ij∈Rij =0 Wij )/( ij∈Rij =1 Wij ). For
laborative filtering problem into a one-class classifica-      comparison consideration, given α, the negative sam-
tion problem. In this paper, we also include one such          pling parameter q in Algorithm 2 (sALS-ENS) is set
11                                                                       15

      10                                                                       14




                     SVD                                                        9            SVD
                     wALS−Uniform                                                            wALS−Uniform
       5             wALS−UserOriented                                          8            wALS−UserOriented
                     wALS−ItemOriented                                                       wALS−ItemOriented
       4                                                                        7
           0    10   20    30   40       50   60   70   80    90   100              0   10    20    30   40      50   60   70   80   90   100
                                # of Features                                                            # of Features
                                                             (a) Yahoo news data
      14                                                                       28

      13                                                                       26

      12                                                                       24


      11                                                                       22

      10                                                                       20
                     SVD                                                                     SVD
                     wALS−Uniform                                                            wALS−Uniform
       9                                                                       18
                     wALS−UserOriented                                                       wALS−UserOriented
                     wALS−ItemOriented                                                       wALS−ItemOriented
       8                                                                       16
           0    10   20    30   40       50   60   70   80    90   100              0   10    20    30   40      50   60   70   80   90   100
                                # of Features                                                            # of Features
                                                         (b) User-Tag data
                                              Figure 2. Impact of number of features

                                            Yahoo              News                               User-Tag
                                      sALS-ENS                     wALS                   sALS-ENS          wALS
                                     MAP HLU                   MAP HLU                  MAP     HLU     MAP    HLU
                  Uniform            9.55  13.98                9.56  14.05             13.33   25.81   13.35  25.89
               UserOriented          9.80 14.42                9.82 14.39               13.44 25.90 13.48 25.94
               ItemOriented          9.42  13.76                9.41  13.83             13.03   25.32   13.07  25.43
                     Table 2. Comparisons of different weighting and sampling schemes
to α × nr , where nr indicates the number of total posi-     other weighting and sampling schemes and to identify
tive examples. The baseline popularity will not change       the optimal scheme. We also plan to study the rela-
with the parameter α, therefore it is shown in a hori-       tionship between wALS and sALS-ENS theoretically.
zontal line in the figures. The same holds for the base-
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                      8                                                                 12


                                                         USER_USER                                                           USER_USER
                     6.5                                 ITEM_ITEM                      10                                   ITEM_ITEM
                                                         SVD                                                                 SVD
                                                         ALS−AMAN                        9                                   ALS−AMAN
                     5.5                                 sALS                                                                sALS
                                                         sALS−ENS                        8                                   sALS−ENS
                                                         wALS−UserOriented                                                   wALS−UserOriented
                     4.5                                                                 7
                           1   2   4   6    8       10      12       14      16              1   2   4   6      8       10      12       14      16
                                                α                                                                   α

                                                     POP              OCSVM             POP                  OCSVM
                                           MAP      3.4528             2.2545   HLU 5.3461                    2.5958
                                                                     (a) Yahoo news data




                     10                                                                 18


                      9                                                                 16
                                                         USER_USER                                                           USER_USER
                                                         ITEM_ITEM                      14
                                                         SVD                                                                 SVD
                                                         ALS−AMAN                       12                                   ALS−AMAN
                                                         sALS                                                                sALS
                                                         sALS−ENS                                                            sALS−ENS
                                                         wALS−UserOriented               8
                           1   2   4   6    8       10      12       14      16              1   2   4   6      8       10      12       14      16
                                                α                                                                   α

                                                    POP             OCSVM               POP                  OCSVM
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