Ontario's Online Gaming Liberalization - Looking into the Crystal Ball - COVER STORY - IMGL

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Ontario's Online Gaming Liberalization - Looking into the Crystal Ball - COVER STORY - IMGL


               Ontario’s Online
               Looking into the Crystal B
Ontario's Online Gaming Liberalization - Looking into the Crystal Ball - COVER STORY - IMGL


Ball   The 2019 Ontario budget, released
       in April of 2019 by the Progressive
       Conservative government, was
       noteworthy for a variety of reasons.
       Those in the iGaming industry
       immediately zoned in on one
       segment which lamented the
       fact that Ontarians are currently
       spending $500-million per year
       mostly on grey-market websites for
       online gaming.

                                   FALL/WINTER 2019 | 5
      Consequently, the budget states that the       with which companies in the U.K. can             variation of it, stands a strong chance of
      government wants to ensure that “the           operate in this space, the government has        being adopted by the OLG.
      people of Ontario have access to safe and      a highly active enforcement body and a
      legal gambling options” and that they          targeted regulatory framework to ensure          Likelihood of a Liberalized Ontario
      plan to do that by the establishment of a      safe gaming and intended to protect the          iGaming Regime?
      “competitive market for online gambling        public interest.2 The U.K. has stringent         The U.K. and Denmark are just two
      that will reflect consumer choice while        advertising standards through the                possible models that Ontario can draw
      protecting consumers who play on these         Advertising Standards Association (ASA)          inspiration from and the industry is mature
      websites”.1                                    that limit where iGaming ads can be placed       enough now so that the OLG and AGCO
                                                     and to whom they can be targeted.                will not have to re-invent the wheel to get
      The Ontario Monopoly                              Ontario may also emulate the Danish           a liberalized framework rolling. But how
      The vow to create a competitive market         hybrid iGaming model. In preparing this          will it drive this initiative forward?
      for online gambling is a marked shift          article, we spoke with Troy Ross, President         Ontario’s iGaming offering is currently
      from the current iGaming regime in             of TRM Public Affairs, a leading Canadian        tied to some degree to those of other
      Ontario. Currently, the Ontario Lottery        public affairs consultancy in gaming and         provinces. Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba
      and Gaming Corporation (OLG) and               other regulated industries, who shared his       and British Columbia share player liquidity
      the Alcohol and Gaming Commission              belief that there are strong indicators that     for some games such as progressive slot
      of Ontario (AGCO) are tasked with the          Ontario is leaning towards some version          games like IGT’s Mega Jackpots. While
      administration and regulation of iGaming       of Denmark’s model. Denmark’s online             terminating the shared liquidity with
      in Ontario. The OLG is a Crown                 gambling regime is noteworthy because            those provinces is likely possible, it is also
      Corporation owned by the government of         it has not capped the number of online           possible that the province is restricted from
      Ontario. Companies wishing to provide          licensees it allows. Denmark has allowed         doing so by agreement or political reasons.
      their iGaming solutions to Ontario             licensees to offer a wide range of gambling         In addition, despite disappointing
      register with the AGCO and enter into a        products while still tightly enforcing           results commercially, Ontario’s iGaming
      commercial agreement with the OLG to           regulations, and still offering a state owned    portal PlayOLG.ca is responsible for a
      become a provider through its PlayOLG.         and operated iGaming platform.                   considerable number of jobs which the
      com platform. This can often be a slow            Until 2012 the state-owned Danske Spil        province may be reluctant to eliminate.
      and expensive process and companies            had a monopoly over gambling activities          Furthermore, PlayOLG.ca has directed
      navigating it are often frustrated that,       with local or international companies            approximately $45 million to the Ministry
      despite making the good investment in          trying to access the Danish market were          of Health and Long-Term Care for
      obtaining appropriate registration with        restricted from offering games and               problem gambling prevention, treatment
      the AGCO and offering their solutions          sports betting services. The 2012 Danish         and research;4 government revenue that
      through PlayOLG.com, they face                 Gaming Act was passed with the purpose           the province likely will not want to
      competition in the Ontario market against      of liberalizing while still tightly regulating   jeopardize by terminating its iGaming
      a sizeable, unregulated market.                the gaming market in Denmark. These              offering while it waits for a new
                                                     new regulations allowed for private              regime to take traction and generate
      New Models to Consider                         operators to have access to the Danish           replacement revenue for the province.
      A “competitive market for online               iGaming market.                                     Of f u r t her not e, t he O nt a r io
      gambling,” as mentioned in Ontario’s              Additionally, the Danish Gaming               government has had a request for
      budget, suggests a shift to competition        Act has a focus on protecting underage           proposal (RFP) out for a sports betting
      being allowed for new B2C market               individuals and other vulnerable people.         platform since 2017 without having
      participants. A prominent model that           The Danish Gambling authority, tasked            chosen a solution.
      Ontario may choose to emulate is the U.K.      with the role of licensing and regulating           Taking all of these factors into
      model. As we know, the U.K. iGaming            their iGaming market, has undertaken             consideration (the jobs and revenue at
      regime is significantly more liberalized       strict measures against illegal iGaming,         stake, the game liquidity ties to other
      and nimbler than its counterparts in           including measures such as blocking              provinces and the time it has taken the
      Canada. They allow for both B2B and            payments and ISP disruptions. They               province to find certain solutions for
      B2C licenses, opening the UK market to         also have banned advertisements that             its platform) it would make sense for
      private companies that develop, market         promote gambling.3 Consequently, the             Ontario to adopt a Danish hybrid style
      and operate their own iGaming platforms        Denmark model is widely admired.                 model. This would enable it to continue
      in competition with one another and            Given the messaging of the Ontario               operating its platform and maintain
      subject to a regulatory framework intended     Progressive Conservative Party, and              jobs, revenue and ties to other provinces
      to protect the public interest.                for commercial reasons set out below,            while moving forward with licensing
         Despite the greater flexibility and speed   it seems as if this model, or some               other B2C providers and taxing their

revenue at point of consumption to                                          Future Lottery, ruled that the Criminal                                  Games renewed its instant games
increase government tax revenue.                                            Code prohibits internet lotteries directed                               partnership with the OLG through July
                                                                            or made available to purchasers outside                                  2022, which includes offerings on OLG’s
What about the other Provinces?                                             the province.5 Prince Edward Island had                                  iGaming platforms.7 It would make sense
Given the size of the Ontario market, this                                  proposed to license a charity to operate an                              for Scientific Games to request preferential
shift will undoubtedly impact the other                                     online lottery that would have accepted                                  treatment under a proposed new regime
Canadian provinces.                                                         customers internationally and throughout                                 in light of this, and certainly preferential
   Will other provinces follow suit?                                        the rest of Canada. The Earth Future                                     treatment over foreign operators who have
PlayOLG revenue between May 2017 and                                        Lottery was intended to operate in all                                   been active in the Ontario market without
May 2018 was $73.1 million, well behind                                     provinces of Canada despite not being                                    having registered with the AGCO. The
the revenue of $180 million brought in                                      licensed by any of those provinces except                                province will have to iron out these and
by B.C.’s PlayNow, despite B.C. having                                      Prince Edward Island. Both the Court                                     countless other details prior to adopting
a third of the population. The need to                                      of Appeals in Prince Edward Island and                                   the new regime; a time consuming
shift to an alternative model in B.C. may                                   the Supreme Court of Canada found this                                   undertaking to say the least.
therefore not be as acute. Loto-Québec                                      to be prohibited by the Criminal Code.                                      The best bet at this point, based on
may similarly not feel an acute commercial                                  This ruling could at least stem the tide of                              all available information, is that the
need to shift to a new regime. However, if                                  players eager to play in Ontario from other                              government will move towards a Danish
Ontario’s new regime shows extraordinary                                    provinces. If Ontario does not require it                                inspired system that places an emphasis
return to the province, these won’t be                                      on its own volition, other provinces could                               on consumer choice, responsible play and
easily ignored.                                                             take legal action to attempt to compel the                               consumer protection. However, as of this
   As discussed above, should Ontario                                       province of Ontario to require its iGaming                               writing they have published no expected
completely abandon its platform the                                         licensees to implement geolocation and                                   timeline for rollout.
immediate effect on other provinces                                         geo-fencing technology to ensure that                                       Ontarians spend an estimated $500
would be the reduced liquidity in certain                                   Ontario restrict its licensees to only offer                             million per year on offshore, grey market
games and the possible negative impact                                      their solutions to players playing from                                  gaming websites.8 As the Ontario iGaming
on revenue that would result to other                                       inside Ontario.                                                          regime liberalizes, it is likely much of this
provinces. A more material repercussion                                                                                                              spending will move back into the province.
could be that a liberalized Ontario                                         OLG’s ETA?                                                                  These developments make Ontario
iGaming framework could also attract                                        The process of iGaming liberalization                                    an essential market to monitor. It has a
more companies to Ontario eager to take                                     in Ontario is still in its infancy, which                                population of 14.5 million, almost double
advantage of the expanded opportunities,                                    has limited the amount of information                                    that of New Jersey and almost equal in size
bringing with them jobs and investment                                      available to predict exactly how the shift                               to that of the Netherlands. The ability to
dollars. Certainly, other provinces will take                               will occur. The Ontario government has                                   reach out more effectively to a market of
note of such positive economic spin-offs.                                   said that as a first stage, they are focusing                            that size and value in a more unrestricted
Some may feel compelled to compete for                                      on speaking with industry stakeholders to                                manner for the first time is a sea change
jobs and consider liberalizing their markets                                develop and shape the market.6 It is possible                            in our Canadian iGaming industry and
for that reason alone.                                                      that current gaming licences may transfer                                cannot be ignored. CGL
   Another question that arises in a possible                               to the new regime. This would certainly
opening up of the Ontario market is                                         be a concern for companies who have                                      Ron Segev is the founding Partner of Segev
whether or not new Ontario market                                           recently navigated through the process of                                LLP, a full-solutions business law firm
participants can take business directly away                                obtaining registration with the province                                 recognized worldwide as a leading online
from other province’s — BCLC’s Playnow.                                     and negotiating a vendor agreement                                       gaming and betting law firm, and having
com or Loto-Québec’s EspaceJeux.com,                                        with the OLG. Those companies may                                        an expertise in technology, commercial,
for example. Will Ontario be pulling                                        argue that they should have preferential                                 regulatory, compliance, finance and securities
players away from other provincial                                          treatment over other companies as a result                               law. He is a General Member of the
platforms?                                                                  of having navigated through the process.                                 International Masters of Gaming Law and
   The April 2002 Supreme Court of                                          For example, on May 24, 2019, after the                                  recognized as a leading gaming lawyer by
Canada decision in Reference re Earth                                       Ontario Budget was released, Scientific                                  Chambers & Partners.

1. http://budget.ontario.ca/pdf/2019/2019-ontario-budget-en.pdf             6. http://budget.ontario.ca/pdf/2019/2019-ontario-budget-en.pdf
2. https://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/about/Who-we-are-and-              7. https://www.gamblinginsider.ca/casino-news/olg-extends-instant-win-
   what-we-do/How-we-regulate-the-gambling-industry.aspx                       game-deal-with-sg/
3. http://cphpost.dk/news/113666.html                                       8. https://calvinayre.com/2018/10/11/business/ontario-online-gambling-
4. https://www.playolg.ca/content/olg/en/info-support/olg-gives-back.html      revenue-rising/
5. https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/2040/index.do

                                                                                                                                                                                        FALL/WINTER 2019 | 7
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