Oregon Birds The Journal of Oregon Birding and Field Ornithology Volume 45 Number 1, 2019 - Oregon Birding Association

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Oregon Birds The Journal of Oregon Birding and Field Ornithology Volume 45 Number 1, 2019 - Oregon Birding Association
Oregon Birds
The Journal of Oregon Birding and Field Ornithology
Volume 45 Number 1, 2019
Oregon Birds The Journal of Oregon Birding and Field Ornithology Volume 45 Number 1, 2019 - Oregon Birding Association
Oregon Birds
                                The Journal of Oregon Birding and Field Ornithology

                                Oregon Birds is a publication of the Oregon Birding Association, an Oregon not-for-profit
                                corporation. Two issues are produced each year, a full-color Year-in-Review issue in the
                                spring, and an issue in the fall with various articles about birds and birding.
                                Article deadline for the fall issue of Oregon Birds is August 1, 2019.
                                Please send articles and/or article ideas to Linda Burfitt at lburfitt@oregonbirding.org.

                                                  Spring Editor:   Selena Deckelmann
                                                    Fall Editor:   Linda Burfitt
                                           Photo Editor, Layout:   Diana Byrne
                                                          Maps:    Alan Woods

                           Contents of Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019

                         2018 in Review, Selena Deckelmann, Diana Byrne ............ 1
                                        OBA Annual Meeting, Kathy Krall ............ 17
                                       5-Mile-Radius Birding, Jen Sanford ............ 21
                                Western Snowy Plovers, Eleanor P. Gaines ............ 28
                          Oregon Bird Records Committee, Treesa Hertzel ............ 32
                           2018 Listing Results Summary, Paul T. Sullivan ............ 35
                                     Regional Field Notes, various authors ............ starting on page 2

                  Cover Photos                                                          OBA Membership
Front cover: This Eastern Bluebird is one of two that              Membership in OBA is open to everyone. Dues support events,
were found at the Dharma Rain Zen Center in Portland               publications, and special projects. Members receive issues
on Nov 25, 2018 by Eric Carlson. These are the first ever          of Oregon Birds in the mail twice a year. Field trips for OBA
reported in Oregon. Photo by Noah Strycker.                        members, led by expert birders, are offered at locations through-
                                                                   out Oregon. OBA annual meetings are held at some of Oregon’s
Back cover: This Sedge Wren is one of two that were                top birding sites with birding trips led by local experts. Annual
found near Florence at the Waite Ranch, in the McKenzie            membership fees:
River Trust. The first was found on Dec 13, 2018 by Rog-                              21 and under..................$21
er Robb, and a second one was found on Dec 21 by                                       Individual.....................$30
Adrian Hinkle. Photo by Noah Strycker.                                                 Family..........................$35
All photographs appearing in Oregon Birds are held in
copyright by the photographer, and are reproduced in               Join, renew, change your address, or make a tax-deductible
Oregon Birds with the permission of the photographer.              donation online at https://oregonbirding.org or you may send
                                                                   your information to our mailing address below.

                                                 Oregon Birding Association
                                                         PO Box 675
                                                 Lincoln City OR 97367-0675

                                                        ISSN 0890-2313
Oregon Birds The Journal of Oregon Birding and Field Ornithology Volume 45 Number 1, 2019 - Oregon Birding Association
2018 In Review

 by Selena Deckelmann
 and Diana Byrne
                                                                                                   Steller’s Eider, Jack WIlliamson

            elcome to the 2018 spring issue of Oregon Birds! This       Eastern Bluebird: Two male Eastern Bluebirds (photo front
            issue is devoted to regional reports, which include         cover), a first record for the west coast of the United States, were
            rarities as well as notable or unusual sightings of birds   discovered by Eric Carlson on Nov 25, 2018 at the Dharma Rain
across Oregon. We wish to thank our 15 regional editors for             Zen Center (DRZC) in Portland, Multnoham County, where
their detailed reports of 2018 bird sightings covering most of the      they stayed into March 2019. The lengthy presence of the two
counties in Oregon. We need additional regional field notes ed-         bluebirds drew hundreds of birders to the14-acre site, generating
itors for 2019 to cover Morrow, Umatilla, Harney, and Malheur           more than 180 eBird reports.
Counties. Please contact us if you are interested in sharing your
local birding knowledge as a regional editor.                           “DRZC folks are careful caretakers and stewards of the land, a
                                                                        brownfield that is being restored to a natural, native landscape,”
The many sightings and locations mentioned in the regional re-          wrote Oregon birder and member of the center, Mary Garrard, on
ports highlight the diversity of Oregon’s habitats and the exper-       OBOL. She contacted the DRZC to make sure the influx of bird-
tise of Oregon’s birders. We hope this issue will inspire you to        ers was not having a negative impact, and they replied that they
explore new places and see interesting birds in Oregon in 2019.         enjoyed exchanging greetings and watching birders enjoy the
                                                                        land, and they appreciated the respectful behavior of the birders.
The Bird of the Year award for 2018 goes to the rarest bird that
stayed the longest and was seen by the most birders. The winner         Sedge Wren: Roger Robb reported a Sedge Wren (photo back
is a three-way tie among three species, Steller’s Eider, Eastern        cover) on Dec 13, 2018 at Waite Ranch, Lane County, the third
Bluebird, and Sedge Wren.                                               Oregon record. Then on Dec 21, Adrian Hinkle determined that
                                                                        there was a second Sedge Wren. Immediately after the initial
Steller’s Eider: The early contender for the award was the              report, birders were asked to “chill for a couple of days” while
Steller’s Eider (photo above) spotted on Jan13, 2018 at Seaside         local birders with experience surveying this area for the trust
Cove, Clatsop County, by Adrian Hinkle and Mary Lynn “Em”               worked on a plan for access. Alan Contreras led coordination for
Scattaregia. They detected the flatter head shape of the Steller’s      visits by 67 people in December. And in the new year, Daniel
Eider among scores of scoters floating offshore. The fourth re-         Farrar picked up visit coordination duties, as the birds continued
cord for the state, it remained until at least Apr 26 and was seen      into March of 2019.
by more than 300 people, based on eBird reports.
                                                                        The two Sedge Wrens observed at Waite Ranch highlighted
The female Steller’s Eider appeared right in the middle of a            the local birding community’s involvement with conservation
popular surfing location. “Several sufers have paddled by pretty        efforts. Like the bluebirds, the wrens were on private land that is
close to the eider. It did not seem to bother her at all,” reported     being restored. This area is owned by the Mackenzie River Trust
Jeff Dillon on eBird. Mike Patterson provided local knowledge           and is a tidal estuary of the Siuslaw River. The restoration will
to help minimize the impact of so many birders visiting the site,       result in 211 acres of marsh, a 10-mile channel, and great habitat
writing on OBOL, “The surfing community has a high sense                for birds and salmon.
of ownership at Seaside Cove…They are having a good time
sharing the eider with bird-folk…but it’s important that we don’t       Enjoy the 2018 regional reports, and good birding in 2019!
wear out our welcome with inconsiderate behaviors.”

Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019                                                                                                       1
Oregon Birds The Journal of Oregon Birding and Field Ornithology Volume 45 Number 1, 2019 - Oregon Birding Association
North Coast Field Notes
                                        Clatsop and Tillamook
                                        by Wink Gross

       s sometimes happens, a strong candidate for “Bird of         Individuals were reported from Fort Stevens, Gearhart, Bay-
       the Year” occurred almost right at the start: the female     ocean, and Sitka Sedge State Natural Area. Latest was a single
       STELLER’S EIDER found by Adrian Hinkle at Seaside            bird at Nehalem Bay State Park on Sep 11 (Robert Martinez).
Cove on Jan 13. The fourth record for the state, it remained at     Three Solitary Sandpipers were at least two more than we
least until Apr 26.                                                 usually get: at Anderson Lane, Brownsmead, on Apr 28 (MP); at
                                                                    Nehalem Sewage Treatment Plant on May 1 (Beverly Hallberg);
A Sandhill Crane was at Idaville, Tillamook County, from Jun        and at Netarts Spit on May 16 (Glen and Malinda Chapman).
21 to 24. Mike Patterson found a Black-necked Stilt at Browns-
mead on Apr 7. Peter Barnes found an American Golden-Plover         Janet Phillips reported a single Parakeet Auklet from a Princess
at Necanicum Estuary on Aug 24. Snowy Plovers continued their       Cruise 65 miles off Rockaway on Apr 30. The 63 Tufted Puffins
recovery on the North Coast with 17 at Sitka Sedge State Natural    on Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach, Aug 11, were the most Tim
Area on Oct 21 (Wink Gross); 19 at Nehalem Bay State Park on        Halloran has seen in several years. He reported 26 active bur-
Nov 19 (Beverly Hallberg); and 15 during the Columbia Estuary       rows.
CBC on Dec 16 (fide Mike Patterson).
                                                                    Elegant Terns peaked at 30 at the Hammond Boat Basin on Sep
An adult Hudsonian Godwit was at Bayocean, Tillamook                14. Otherwise they went unreported in the region.
County, on Aug 11 (WG), and a juvenile bird found by Evan
Cain hung out near Fort Stevens parking lot D from Sep 14 until     A Yellow-billed Loon was at Wheeler on Nov 20 (photo next
at least Sep 20. Two Rock Sandpipers were at Barview Jetty on       page, upper right) (Beverly Hallberg).
Jan 1 (David Mandell, Jay Withgott). Baird’s Sandpipers were
widely reported, the high count being 30 at Necanicum Estuary       During the annual OBA meeting, an Oregon Pelagic Tours boat
on Aug 24 (Peter Barnes). David Bailey found a WHITE-               trip out of Garibaldi found a Flesh-footed Shearwater on Sep 29.
RUMPED SANDPIPER at Little Beach, Gearhart, on May 22               A Manx Shearwater was off Tierra del Mar on Oct 1 (WG).
(photo below). It lingered a couple of days. It was a banner year   Beverly Hallberg spotted a “dark, nighthawk-like” Leach’s
for Buff-breasted Sandpipers, which is to say there were some.      Storm-Petrel at Nehalem Bay State Park on Aug 10.
Steve Warner found three at Necanicum Estuary, on Aug 31. Two
were at Nehalem Bay State Park on Sep 4 (Ken Chamberlain).          David Bailey noted “a bright white booby with a large bright
                                                                    orange-yellow bill and black wedge-shaped tail and black border
                                                                    to the white wings” flying high over Gearhart on Oct 9. The bill
                                                                    color suggested NAZCA BOOBY as the likely (if that word can
                                                                    be applied in this case) species. If so, a first for Oregon, except
                                                                    for a deceased bird found on Sep 14 this year at South Beach
                                                                    State Park, Lincoln County. A BLUE-FOOTED BOOBY was
                                                                    observed at Cape Meares during the Oregon Birding Associa-
                                                                    tion meeting by Colby Neuman and Paul Sullivan on Sep 29. A
                                                                    lingering Brown Pelican was observed at Pacific City on Jan 1
                                                                    (Wayne Hoffman).

                                                                    Peggy Blair found a Snowy Egret along Whiskey Creek Road,
                                                                    Tillamook County, on May 20. Jimmy Billstine spied two Cattle
                                                                    Egrets along Boquist Rd., Tillamook County, on Dec 19. They
                                                                    remained well into the next year. An out of place for the date
                                                                    Sharp-shinned Hawk was at Cannon Beach on Jul 27 (Jeff Gilli-
White-rumped Sandpiper, Ed McVicker

Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019                                                                                                  2
Oregon Birds The Journal of Oregon Birding and Field Ornithology Volume 45 Number 1, 2019 - Oregon Birding Association
Diana Byrne spotted a Northern Goshawk over Beneke Creek
Road, Clatsop County, on Jun 30. Dave and Ellen Morrison saw
one along Moon Creek Rd., Tillamook County, on Nov 20. A
Swainson’s Hawk was over the Goodwill store (picking up or
dropping off?) in Tillamook on May 5 (David Mandell). Golden
Eagles were reported at Brownsmead on Feb 4 (Adrian Hinkle,
Mary Lynn “Em” Scattaregia and Andy Frank) and Netul Land-
ing on Mar 11 (MP).

Shawneen Finnegan and Dave Irons found a Lewis’s Wood-
pecker at Wireless Road, Astoria, on Apr 29. Two were at park-
ing lot D, Fort Stevens State Park, on May 1 (MP). Jack Doyle
found one on Cascade Head on May 7.

A Gyrfalcon was hunting Snow Geese at Brownsmead on Jan 6
(Kathleen Sayce).                                                  Yellow-billed Loon, Beverly Hallberg

Rich Hoyer spotted a Dusky Flycatcher at Cape Lookout on           Another was along Goodspeed Rd., Tillamook, on Dec 10 (John
May 18. At least eight Black Phoebes were found on the Colum-      Allen). Audrey Addison photographed a Sage Thrasher at
bia Estuary CBC on Dec 16 (fide MP). Adam Kotaich located          Goodspeed Rd. on Oct 20. WG heard a Northern Mockingbird at
a Say’s Phoebe in Astoria on Oct 8. A “possible” Eastern           Goodspeed Rd. on Nov 10. On the same day, another was found
Kingbird was at Nehalem on the rather early date of Apr 20         in Astoria (MP).
(Andrew Ferre). Another Nehalem “possibility” was a SCIS-
SOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER reported by Tate Pyle on Jun                 Tom Love heard an EASTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL over-
15.                                                                head at South Jetty Columbia River on Sep 30.

A Loggerhead Shrike found at the “Fisherman’s parking lot” of      White-winged Crossbills continued in the region from their
Fort Stevens State Park on Apr 9 lingered in the area for a week   invasion in the fall of 2017 with 25–30 hanging out at Good-
(Dave Irons, MP, Patti Teague).                                    speed Rd. (Even this observer eventually got to see them.) The
                                                                   last report was of a male photographed at Nestucca Bay National
A Bank Swallow was at Gearhart Ocean State Park on Jul 28          Wildlife Refuge on May 20 (Angela Calabrese).
(Eric Anderson). Craig Tumer found one at South Jetty Co-
lumbia River on Jul 30. Jay Withgott and David Mandell were        Up to 60 Lapland Longspurs were at South Jetty Columbia River
surprised to see 12 Barn Swallows at Tierra del Mar on Jan 1.      on Oct 13 (MP). That brings us to “The Bunting.” On Nov 25,
                                                                   MP found a pale bunting among a large flock of Snow Bun-
The White-breasted Nuthatch at Tierra del Mar was last seen        tings on Clatsop Beach. Affectionately known as the “Putative
on Feb 10 (Andrew Ferre). Isaac Denzer found a Blue-gray           McKAY’S BUNTING” (photo below), it was chased up and
Gnatcatcher (prob. eastern ssp., based on call) at Bayocean on     down the beach and sometimes photographed (and sometimes
Sep 8.                                                             not) by many birders over the next few weeks. The last eBird
                                                                   report was on Dec 15 by Skip Russell, who suggested that there
A Mountain Bluebird was at “Social Security Beach” (far north      were actually two “pale buntings”—which might explain a lot.
end of Fort Stevens State Park) from Apr 13 to 17 (MP).            Reports and photos have been submitted to OBRC to ponder.

Snow Buntings and putative McKay’s Bunting, Nagi Aboulenein

Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019                                                                                             3
Oregon Birds The Journal of Oregon Birding and Field Ornithology Volume 45 Number 1, 2019 - Oregon Birding Association
David Mandell saw a Grasshopper Sparrow along McDon-
ald Dike Rd. in Nehalem on Oct 21. Daniel Newberry found a
Clay-colored Sparrow at Seaside Cove on Sep 22. It or another    Lincoln County
was at the same location on Oct 15 (David Bailey). Clay-col-
ored Sparrows were also reported from Goodspeed Rd. on              Field Notes
Sep 30 (Jeff Harding) and Seaside Sewage Treatment Plant on
Oct 6 (Nick Mrvelj). Steve Warner spotted a Black-throated
Sparrow at Neawanna Mill Ponds in Seaside on May 12 (photo
below). It was refound the next day. A Lark Sparrow was at
Wireless Road, Sep 9 (MP). A Harris’s Sparrow was along
Aldrich Point Rd. in Brownsmead on Dec 29 (MP), and Audrey
Addison, Sarah Swanson and Max Smith found one on Boquist
Rd., Tillamook County, on Dec 31. (Nice way to finish out your
year lists!) Swamp Sparrows were particularly numerous: seven
were found on the Columbia Estuary CBC on Dec 16 (fide MP),          by Kai Frueh

and at least three were at Goodspeed Rd. in November (mult.
                                                                         n Nov 9, two Tundra Swans were seen on the Salishan
                                                                         Nature Trail (Tara Choate). Seven were seen on Idaho
                                                                         Flats on Nov 17 (Chuck Philo, Howard Shippey, Steve
A Yellow-headed Blackbird was at Wireless Rd. on May 29
                                                                 Holzman, Rachel Holzman, Marty and Jennie Bray). On May 25,
(MP). The Hooded Oriole was at its usual (undisclosed) loca-
                                                                 two Blue-winged Teal were seen at Salmon River Estuary (Dawn
tion in Seaside on Jan 12 (MP).
                                                                 Villaescusa). Another one was seen in Beaver Creek on Jul 1
                                                                 (Laura Paulson). A male Eurasian Green-winged Teal was seen
A Northern Waterthrush was at Brownsmead from Jan 2 to
                                                                 on the north end of Alsea Bay on Jan 14 (Evan Hayduk).
at least Apr 21 (MP). Perhaps the same individual returned on
Oct 6 (fide Harry Nehls). Dominic Norris found a Black-and-
                                                                 A California Quail was seen in Beaver Creek Natural area on
white Warbler at Cape Lookout on Jul 20. Another was at Fort
                                                                 May 5 (MJB). Another one was along Elk City Rd. on Jun 16
Stevens on Sep 8 (MP). A Nashville Warbler, uncommon at the
                                                                 (Jamie Simmons, Jim Anderson). And one was seen in Harlan on
coast, was along Pentilla Road, Brownsmead, on Feb 18 (MP).
                                                                 Jun 23 (Isaac Denzer).
Palm Warblers swarmed the region with many reports, including
five at Jackson Road, Brownsmead, on Dec 27 (MP) and four on
                                                                 A late Clark’s Grebe was reported on Jul 8 at Yaquina Head
Beachwood Street during the Tillamook CBC on Dec 15 (Kathy
                                                                 (Ethan and Neil Denton). Another Clark’s Grebe was reported
                                                                 at Yachats State Park on Jul 27 (Elizabeth Laver-Holencik, Will
                                                                 Wright, Kim Nelson, Barbara Dolan). On Jul 29, two Clark’s
Two male Lazuli Buntings were at Wireless Road, Apr 29
                                                                 Grebes were reported from Yaquina Head (Joshua Meyers and
(Shawneen Finnegan, Dave Irons, Nick Mrvelj).
                                                                 Linnnea Basden).
                                                                 Common Nighthawks were seen in numerous places throughout
                                                                 the county including in Makai (near Ona Beach State Park) on
MP - Mike Patterson
                                                                 May 24 (MJB); H.B. Van Duzer Park on Jun 18 (Roy Gerig); a
WG - Wink Gross
                                                                 forest road just east of Lincoln City on Jun 20 (Dawn Villaescu-
CBC - Christmas Bird Count
                                                                 sa); Beaver Creek Natural Area on Jun 24 (Laura Paulson); Drift
OBRC - Oregon Bird Records Committee
                                                                 Creek Camp on Jun 26 (Isaac Denzer) and Jun 27 (Jonathan
                                                                 Reimer-Berg); and Burnt Woods on Jul 17 (Adrian Hinkle). And
                                                                 over 11 were heard or seen along North Beaver Creek Rd. on
                                                                 Aug 8, and two were heard there again on Aug 9 (AH, Hendrik
                                                                 Herlyn, Oscar Haper).

                                                                 A Sora was heard on May 9 at Beaver Creek Natural Area
                                                                 (MJB). Another Sora was seen at Beaver Creek Natural Area on
                                                                 Dec 30 (SH, RH).

                                                                 A Sandhill Crane was photographed along Beaver Creek on
                                                                 Feb 17 (Stephen Rossiter, Jenifer Roth, MJB). A flyover Sand-
                                                                 hill Crane was seen at Siletz Bay National Wildlife Refuge on
                                                                 Jul 4 (Tim Shelmerdine).

                                                                 A Black-necked Stilt was photographed at Agate Beach on May
Black-throated Sparrow, Diana Byrne                              6 (CP, MJB).

Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019                                                                                             4
Oregon Birds The Journal of Oregon Birding and Field Ornithology Volume 45 Number 1, 2019 - Oregon Birding Association
Snowy Plovers bred in the county suc-
cessfully for the second year in a row. A
Long-billed Curlew was seen at Agate
Beach on May 1 (Roy Lowe). Another
one was seen from Yaquina Head on
May 5 (ID, Kai Frueh). And one was
seen on May 14 at Moolack Creek (Paul
Sullivan). A probable BAR-TAILED
GODWIT was seen at Ona Beach
State Park on Aug 5 (Karen and Jim
Fairchild). A late Marbled Godwit was
seen at Hatfield Marine Science Center
on Jan 1 (Mike Wheeler). One was also
seen in December of 2017. Six late
Marbled Godwits were reported on Dec
30 at HMSC (Jim Fairchild). A very
late Black Turnstone was seen along
Smelt Sands State Park on Jun 21 (Mary
Lynn “Em” Scattaregia). A very late
Red Knot was seen at Salishan Nature
Trail on Nov 30 (Russ Namitz). A Ruff
showed up along the bay of Waldport                                Short-tailed Albatross, Audrey Addison
on Jan 2 (Evan Hayduk). It was seen in a variety of other places
including Beaver Creek Natural Area and Eckman Lake (mult.         Another late Mew Gull was seen at Adobe Resort in Yachats on
observers). It was last seen along Beaver Creek on Feb 12 (Russ    Jul 22 (Joshua Galpern). There were many sightings of Glaucous
Morgan). Another Ruff (photo below) showed up at HMSC              Gulls at the beginning and end of the year, including those at
on Sep 11 and stayed until Sep 27 (mult. observers). An early      Yaquina River South Jetty, Newport Public Fishing Pier, Yaquina
Baird’s Sandpiper was photographed between South Beach State       Bay North Jetty, Yachats, and Seal Rock. A particularly late one
Park and OB on May 5 (ID, Kai Frueh). A Buff-breasted Sand-        was photographed on May 6 at NJ (KF, ID). It was seen again
piper was reported from HMSC on Sep 24 (Casey Storey). An          on the May 19 OPT boat trip on the way into the bay. The only
early Semipalmated Sandpiper was photographed at HMSC on           Elegant Tern in Lincoln County was seen at South Beach State
Apr 28 (ID) with a flock of Western Sandpipers. Another early      Park on May 2 (Roy Lowe).
one was seen on the beach between South Beach State Park and
OB on May 5 (ID, KF). Three Western Sandpipers were at the         A SHORT-TAILED ALBATROSS was seen on the Dec 8
Yaquina Bay oyster farms on Jan 1 (Mike Wheeler). Two were         OPT boat trip (photo above) along with three to five Laysan
seen at Eckman Lake on Jan 3 (Mike Wheeler). This year there       Albatrosses. Seven Murphy’s Petrels were seen off the Lincoln
were very few Solitary Sandpipers seen in Lincoln County, with     County coast from the Emerald Princess cruise ship on Apr 29
only one seen at Beaver Creek Natural area on Sep 1. A Willet      (Paul Lehman). A little later that day, there were 10 seen off the
was seen at HMSC on May 15 (CP). One was photographed              Emerald Princess (mult. observers). Another Murphy’s Petrel
there again on May 25 (Elizabeth Laver-Holencik).                  was seen on May 7 off the Emerald Princess (Bruce Rideout,
                                                                   Larry Cartwright, Pete Janzen).
On Nov 21 a possible THICK-BILLED MURRE was seen off
Boiler Bay (Craig Tumer). Two early Ancient Murrelets were
seen at Yaquina Head on Aug 8 (David Yake). Four were there
on Aug 10 (Ken Chamberlain). A very high count of 425 Ancient
Murrelets was seen off Spanish head on Dec 16 (PP). Two Par-
akeet Auklets were seen on Dec 8 (OPT). Two Parakeet Auklets
were seen off BB on Dec 14 (PP). Another Parakeet Auklet was
seen off BB on Dec 20 (PP). A possible CRESTED AUKLET
was also seen off BB on Dec 14 (PP).

An adult Franklin’s Gull was seen off BB on Apr 23 (PP).
Another one was photographed at Undersea Gardens in Newport
on Jun 16 (Nicholas Martens, Maureen Leong-Kee). On Nov
17, two Franklin’s Gulls were seen flying past Boiler Bay (PP).
On Oct 29 an adult Franklin’s Gull was seen off BB (PP). A late
Mew Gull was seen at HMSC on Jul 4 (Louisa Evers).
                                                                   Ruff, Nagi Aboulenein

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Oregon Birds The Journal of Oregon Birding and Field Ornithology Volume 45 Number 1, 2019 - Oregon Birding Association
Rock Wren, John Sullivan                                        Lapland Longspur, Jacob Mathison
On May 11, four Murphy’s Petrels were seen off the Newport      (Brian Westman) and one was seen on Idaho flats the same day
coast (David Pearson). Five Hawaiian Petrels were seen off      (Annika Anderson). A Say’s Phoebe was at HMSC on Mar 11
the coast of Lincoln County on May 11 (David Pearson). Two      (Nick Mrvelj). Chuck Philo saw one there on Mar 28 and the last
COOK’S PETRELS were seen on the morning of Apr 26 off           one was seen there on Apr 4 (Nancy Stotz). An Ash-throated
the Lincoln County coast (mult. observers). A Flesh-footed      Flycatcher was photographed at HMSC on Jun 10 (Pam Otley,
Shearwater was seen on the Aug 12 OPT boat trip. A GREAT        SH, RH).
SHEARWATER was photographed on the Sep 15 OPT boat
trip.                                                           A Northern Shrike showed up at the LNG Tank in Newport on
                                                                Oct 16 and stayed well into the new year (mult. observers). A
A NAZAKA BOOBY was found dead at South Beach State              Red-eyed Vireo was photographed about 25 miles east of OB
Park on Sep 14 by James Billstine and reported to the Oregon    on Aug 25 (SH, RH). Wayne Hoffman saw a Blue Jay at South
Bird Records Committee by Robert Lockett, Jim Danzenbak-        Beach State Park on Jun 16. It was not refound. Two Horned
er, and Wayne Hoffman for Oregon’s first record. A BROWN        Larks were seen at South Beach State Park on Nov 12 (Jeff
BOOBY was picked up at South Beach State Park and brought       Bolsinger). A Rock Wren was discovered by Eric Pratt at Yach-
to Newport aquarium on Apr 8. Another was photographed at       ats on Nov 25 (photo above left) (Eric, Andrew and Bruce Pratt,
Yaquina Head on Apr 12 (SH, RH, MJB, Travis Smith, Wayne        John Sullivan). On Aug 19 a Townsend’s Solitaire was seen a
Hoffman). A Booby sp. was seen from Spanish Head on Sep 28      little east of OB (Eric Horvath). Two were seen there on Aug
(PP), but could not be identified to species.                   22 (Laura Paulson). One was seen a little farther east on Aug 25
                                                                (SH, RH, CP, MJB). A very early Swainson’s Thrush was heard
A single American White Pelican was seen just south of Depoe    at the Newport aquarium on Apr 17 (Sally Hill). One was heard
Bay on May 14 (Cody Smith). On May 15, a flock of American      around the same date in 2017. Two Gray Catbirds were seen
White Pelicans was seen flying over the Yaquina Bay Bridge      along Beaver Creek Rd. starting on Jul 1 (MJB). One was seen
(CP). On May 23, 11 were present on the mudflats of HMSC        there until Jul 18 (mult. observers). A Northern Mockingbird
(Tamara Baumberger). They were seen again on May 24 (Joshua     was seen at OB on Jun 8, 11, 14 and 15 (MJB).
Meyers, Linnaea Basden, Annika Anderson, CP). They were last
seen on May 25 (CP). An American White Pelican was seen at      A White-winged Crossbill was seen along Beaver Creek on Jan
Salishan Nature Trail on Nov 11 (Camden Bruner, Casey Hase,     2 (Will Wright). A Lesser Goldfinch was seen at the Salishan
John Gardiner).                                                 Nature Trail on Sep 9 (ID). One was also reported in Newport on
                                                                Sep 9 (RH). On Oct 6, two were at the Salishan Nature Trail, and
A Green Heron was seen at the Toledo Port Docks starting in     at least one was in Cutler City (OH, HH, KF, Jacob Mathison). A
December of 2017 and continuing until at least Feb 10 (CP). A   Lesser Goldfinch was seen at HMSC on Dec 17 (SH). On Dec
possible Black-crowned Night-heron was seen on Jun 13 along     18 it was seen again (Mike and MerryLynn Denny).
Highway 20 (CP).
                                                                The Lapland Longspur that was found on Dec 30, 2017, at NJ
A Spotted Owl was photographed in Lincoln County around         (photo above right) stayed there until Feb 21 (mult. observers).
Aug 27 (Brandon Green). Exact date and location were not dis-   A Lapland Longspur was found across the bay on Mar 11 at Ya-
closed because this is an endangered species.                   quina River South Jetty, and was probably the same bird due to
                                                                plumage. It was seen there by many observers until Apr 9. Two
An early Olive-sided Flycatcher was seen at Beaver Creek Nat-   were seen in South Beach on Sep 27 (K. C. Anderson). One was
ural Area on Apr 15 (MJB). A Dusky Flycatcher was seen near     at HMSC on Oct 10 (Daniel Farrar, Lydia Cruz). One was seen
Eddyville on Aug 8 (AH, HH, OH). A Say’s Phoebe was found       at Yaquina River South Jetty on Oct 12 (Audrey Addison). On
at HMSC on Mar 9 (Carolyn Storey). Two were there on Mar 10     Oct 16, three Lapland Longspurs were seen at the Newport LNG
                                                                Tank. Seven were seen that day at NJ (CP).
Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019                                                                                            6
Oregon Birds The Journal of Oregon Birding and Field Ornithology Volume 45 Number 1, 2019 - Oregon Birding Association
On Oct 26, a Lapland Longspur was seen in Yachats (Joshua and
Terry Little). One Lapland Longspur was photographed at NJ on
Nov 1 (Russ Morgan). And one was seen at NJ on Nov 17 (Aar-
on Beerman). Three Snow Buntings were seen at NJ on Nov 16
(Russ Morgan, Nolan Clements, Courtney Kelly Jett). Two were
there on Nov 17 (Jonathon Dachenhaus), on Nov 18 (Aaron and
Gloria Beerman, MJB), and on Nov 19 (Sylvia Maulding). One
was at NJ on Dec 8 (Courtney Kelly Jett, Audrey Addison). And
a Snow Bunting was seen at NJ on Dec 30 (HH, AH, MLS,
Courtney Kelly Jett, Audrey Addison).

A Brewer’s Sparrow was seen in Waldport on Apr 28 (Jenni-
fer Hayduk). It was probably the Timberline subspecies. An
extremely late Golden-crowned Sparrow was reported from
Newport on Jun 11 (Rebecca Cheek).
                                                                  Black-and-white Warbler, Dave Irons
A Yellow-breasted Chat was recorded on Jun 16 north of Logs-
den (Jamie Simmons, Jim Anderson). Two were there again on        Like most years, a few Lazuli Buntings were seen in Lincoln
Jun 18 (Russ Namitz). Two were seen at Moonshine Park on Jun      County – but they are pretty hard to come by. One was reported
19 (Janet Lamberson). Another Yellow-breasted Chat was heard      from Yachats on May 7 (Andy Frank); another was seen in Nash-
near Nashville on Jul 14 (AH, MLS). One was heard again on        ville on Jul 17 (AH, MLS); and one was photographed between
Jul 17 (HH). One was also heard that same day at Moonshine        Harlan and OB on Aug 9 (H, HH, OH). One was seen at OB on
park (HH).                                                        Aug 22 (MJB). It was seen again on Aug 23 (Lori Quay).

A Black-and-white Warbler was found on the west end of
Beaver Creek Rd. on Jan 6, and it continued until Apr 5 (mult.    ABBREVIATIONS:
observers). It was seen off and on and was fairly hard to find.   AH - Adrian Hinkle            PP - Phil Pickering
A Black-and-white Warbler was found at OB on Nov 24. It           CP - Chuck Philo              RH - Rachel Holzman
continued well into the new year (photo above) (mult. observ-     HH - Hendrik Herly            SH - Steve Holzman
ers). A Nashville Warbler was seen at OB on Oct 27 (MJB). A       ID - Isaac Denzer             BB - Boiler Bay
Gray-headed Orange-crowned Warbler was seen on Dec 28 in          KF - Kai Frueh                HMSC - Hatfield Marine Sci-
Lincoln City (AH, MLS). A very well-documented Magnolia           MJB - Marty and Jennie Bray   ence Center Nature Trail
Warbler was found at OB on Nov 2 (Russ Morgan), and it            MLS - Mary Lynn “Em”          NJ - Yaquina Bay North Jetty
continued well into the new year (photo below) (mult. observ-     Scattaregia                   OB - Ona Beach State Park
ers). A Yellow Warbler was reported from Newport on Dec           OH - Oscar Harper             OPT - Oregon Pelagic Tours
28 (Ross Hubbard). A very out-of-season Hermit Warbler was
photographed on Jan1 along Hidden Valley Rd. (Mike Wheeler).
A late Wilson’s Warbler was seen at D River wayside on Oct 3
(Tim Teal).

Magnolia Warbler, Bing Wong

Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019                                                                                           7
Oregon Birds The Journal of Oregon Birding and Field Ornithology Volume 45 Number 1, 2019 - Oregon Birding Association
South Coast Field Notes
                                      Coos and Curry
                                      by Tim Rodenkirk

        Trumpeter Swan was on a private ranch near Cape          A Sandhill Crane was observed on a ranch near Cape Blanco on
        Blanco from Dec 10 through the end of the year (Terry    May 22 (TW) and another was on a ranch west of Langlois on
        Wahl). Cinnamon Teal (one or two broods), Northern       Dec 22 and was still present into late January 2019 (TW, TR).
Shoveler (one brood), and Gadwall (20+ broods) all bred again
on the North Spit of Coos Bay (Tim Rodenkirk). Two Cinnamon      The only Black Swifts reported were on May 21, when four
Teal were found on the Dec 16 Coos Bay CBC (Harv Schubothe,      were at New River (TR) and two were over Bandon (Harv
Barb Taylor) and one was found on the Port Orford CBC (TW).      Schubothe). A Rufous or Allen’s Hummingbird (immature or fe-
A male Barrow’s Goldeneye was present in the Empire area of      male) was at a feeder in Langlois during the Dec 22 Port Orford
Coos Bay from Mar 6 to 9 (Roger Robb, TR). A hybrid male         CBC (TR). A single, displaying male Calliope Hummingbird
Common x Barrow’s Goldeneye was present from at least Mar        appeared in Eden Valley, Siskiyou National Forest, on Apr 22,
17 to 25 further up the bay in North Bend (TR).                  the only “regular” spot for this species on the south coast (TR).

Coos County’s fourth White-winged Dove was in North Bend         The January mid-winter Snowy Plover count found 128 in Coos
from Dec 20 to 27 (Adrian Hinkle et al.). Three Black-footed     County (Dave Lauten, Kathy Castelein). Snowy Plovers success-
Albatrosses were observed from Cape Arago on Dec 15, the day     fully bred again at Floras Lake and attempted unsuccessfully to
before the Coos Bay CBC (Jim Danzenbaker, Dan and Anne           breed in Gold Beach. Up to six were present during the winter of
Heyerly). Murphy’s Petrels were reported from cruise ships       2017/2018 and again in the winter of 2018/2019 in Gold Beach
in Curry County on the following dates: two on Apr 28 (Paul      (Dolores Steinlicht, Neil Holcomb et al.). A high count of 304
Lehman et al.), three on May 3 (David Sonneborn, Bill Shelmer-   migrating Marbled Godwits was reported from NSCB on Apr
dine), and one on May 11 (Nancy Christensen). In Coos County     22 (DL, KC). The high count of Red Knots was 15 on May 11
there was one reported from a cruise ship on May 3 (David Son-   at NSCB (DL, KC). There were two reports of Buff-breasted
neborn, Bill Shelmerdine) and two on May 11 (PL et al.).         Sandpiper, both from NSCB: one from Sep 1 to 3 (Nagi Abou-
                                                                 lenein, Tahgrid Elmeligui); and another from the same site on
HAWAIIAN PETREL reports from cruise ships include: one on        Sep 5 (TR). There were only two Solitary Sandpiper reports: one
May 11, Curry County, (David Rankin) and one in Coos Coun-       near Cape Blanco at the Wahl ranch on Jul 30 (TW); and another
ty on the same day (Nancy Christensen). There was a single       at New Lake on Sep 3 (TW). A single Wandering Tattler over-
COOK’S PETREL reported, off Coos County on May 11 (Nancy         wintered in Bandon during the winter of 2017/2018 and again
Christensen).                                                    during the winter of 2018/2019 (mult. observers). A single Willet
                                                                 also overwintered both winters along the downtown Coos Bay
                                                                 shoreline. It is the last survivor of a flock that numbered eight in
                                                                 2000 (TR). One to two Rock Sandpipers overwintered in Bandon
                                                                 during the winter of 2017/2018. They have become very hard to
                                                                 find in recent years (mult. observers).

                                                                 A juvenile Wilson’s Phalarope was found on NSCB on Jul 15;
                                                                 they have bred at this site in the past but it is unclear whether
                                                                 this bird bred there or was a migrant (TR). A South Polar Skua
                                                                 was found alive on the beach at New River on the unusual date
                                                                 of Jun 19 (DL, KC). It was found dead a few days later further
                                                                 north (Joe Metzler).

                                                                 The south coast’s first LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL
                                                                 was a one-day wonder in Curry County on Nov 2 (photo left)
                                                                 (Russ Namitz). It was a slow year for Elegant Terns with only
                                                                 three Curry County reports and one Coos County report, all
Lesser Black-backed Gull, Russ Namitz                            single digit numbers (mult. observers).

Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019                                                                                                8
Turkey Vultures overwintered again during the winters of
2017/2018 and 2018/2019 in the Coquille Valley. The first
wintering birds were noted in 2012/2013 and they have been
regular every winter since (mult. observers). No Turkey Vultures
were noted in the Catching Slough pastures of Coos Bay during
either winter; they were first noted overwintering in the Catch-
ing Slough area during the winter of 2011/2012. A Swainson’s
Hawk was observed in the Langlois area on Nov 10 (TW), and
one was also seen in Langlois during the fall of 2017 (TR, Jeff

Two Burrowing Owls overwintered in separate locations at
the Bandon Dunes Golf Course complex during the winter of
2018/2019 (Norm and Karen Shorts). A Long-eared Owl was
heard repeatedly calling in the Siskiyou National Forest at about
4,500 ft. elevation near Fishhook Peak before dawn on Jul 1.        Eastern Kingbird, Trevor Hook
This area was burned over later in the summer by a wildfire
(TR). Up to three Short-eared Owls have overwintered at the Ni-
les’tun Unit of Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge in both       The south coast’s first ever Black-billed Magpie frequented a
the winters of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 (mult. observers). This      private ranch near Langlois from mid-October through at least
species has not been regular anywhere in Coos County for years.     Jan 2, 2019 (fide TW). Two Barn Swallows were seen at Bandon
                                                                    Dunes Golf Course on Jan 2 (Norm Shorts) and a single was at
A Lewis’s Woodpecker graced the NSCB on May 15. This                NSCB on Dec 4 (TR).
species is reported about once or twice a decade in Coos County
(DL, KC, TR). At least three Acorn Woodpeckers were on the          A pair of White-breasted Nuthatches was seen feeding young
east side of Mt. Bolivar, the only spot they are “regular” as       in the very southeast end of Curry County in the Siskiyou Na-
migrants in Coos County, on May 13 (TR). A Yellow-bellied           tional Forest for a first Curry County breeding record (Romain
Sapsucker was videotaped in Charleston on Oct 13 (Kathleen          Cooper, Christie Dunn). A Rock Wren was photographed in a
Kravik). The Prairie Falcon found on the Dec 30, 2017 Coquille      Pistol River yard on May 24 (Trevor Hook). A singing Rock
Valley CBC lingered through at least Jan 13, 2018 (Romain           Wren was found up around 3,000 ft. elevation in the Coast
Cooper et al.).                                                     Range of Coos County along Highway 42 near the Douglas
                                                                    County line on May 27 (W. Douglas Robinson). In the same
A Tropical Kingbird overwintered at the Wahl ranch near Cape        area there were several Purple Martins breeding in snags left
Blanco from Nov 24, 2017 through Jan 17, 2018, the latest on        from a slash burn (TR). Another singing Rock Wren was at Mt.
record for Curry County (TW). Another was photographed in           Bolivar on Jun 24, where this species has been found singing
the Empire area of Coos Bay on Jan 6 for the first ever Coos        six of the last 11 springs (TR). A Blue-gray Gnatcatcher was
County January record (Kathleen Kravik). During the fall of         in a Brookings neighborhood on Dec 21 (Russ Namitz). A
2018 there were only four Tropical Kingbirds reported: two in       Townsend’s Solitaire was observed in a Brookings yard on Sep 3
Curry County (photo next page, upper left); and two in Coos         (Mark Stevens). Northern Mockingbirds (possibly two) wintered
County, the lowest total in several years (mult. observers). Two    in Brookings and Arago during the winter of 2018/2019 (mult.
Eastern Kingbirds were at Pistol River on Jun 1 (photo above)       observers).
(Trevor Hook) and another was photographed at the Heads in
Port Orford on Aug 29 (Charlie Quinn et al.).

A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was photographed on NSCB on
May 25 (photo right) (DL, KC). Say’s Phoebes overwinter regu-
larly in Curry County but not in Coos County until recently: one
was present in Coos County in the Coquille Valley near Norway
during the winter of 2017/2018 (TR); and one overwintered near
the Quarry on Bethel Mountain Rd. in southwest Coos County
both winters (TR). A Dusky Flycatcher overwintered on the
Wahl ranch from Dec 2, 2018 through at least Feb 2, 2019, a first
Curry County winter record. There is also a Coos County winter
record (TW et al.). A Loggerhead Shrike was found on Apr 14 on
a private ranch west of Langlois (Rick McKenzie). One or two
Northern Shrikes wintered in Coos County during 2017/2018
and 2018/2019 but none were reported in Curry County either
winter.                                                             Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Adam Kotaich

Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019                                                                                             9
There was a Yellow-headed Blackbird at the Wahl ranch in
                                                                     Curry County on May 22 (TW). A COMMON GRACKLE was
                                                                     photographed coming to a feeder in Bandon on May 15 (Alan
                                                                     Brockway). A first winter male Bullock’s Oriole was observed
                                                                     in Brookings on Feb 3 and was likely overwintering (TR). Coos
                                                                     County’s fourth Northern Waterthrush was on NSCB on Sep
                                                                     22 (Dave Haupt, Lars Norgren). A singing Tennessee Warbler
                                                                     Jun 9 on NSCB was the third Coos County record, the first two
                                                                     records being winter birds (TR). A Nashville Warbler and a Vir-
                                                                     ginia’s Warbler were found in the same Brookings yard on Dec
                                                                     19 (Adrian Hinkle). One Common Yellowthroat overwintered in
                                                                     the Coquille area during the winter of 2017/2018 (TR). During
                                                                     the winter of 2018/2019 up to three Common Yellowthroats
                                                                     overwintered at Millicoma Marsh, with singles near Coquille
                                                                     and in Langlois (TR et al.).

                                                                     A singing Northern Parula was near Floras Lake on Sep 15 (W.
                                                                     Douglas Robinson, Jenna Curtis, Will Wright, Kim Nelson). A
                                                                     record 44 Palm Warblers were found on the Dec 22 Port Orford
                                                                     CBC (TW et al.). A Hermit Warbler was found in a Coos Bay
                                                                     neighborhood on Jan 28 (TR). A Wilson’s Warbler in Bandon on
                                                                     Mar 21 was an overwintering bird or the earliest spring arrival
Tropical Kingbird, Alan Contreras                                    on record for Coos County (David Rankin). A male Rose-breast-
                                                                     ed Grosbeak was briefly glimpsed at Agate Beach in Port Orford
White-winged Crossbills were heard on Jan 7 at Cape Arago            on Jun 11 (Joni Dawning). Coos County’s latest Black-headed
and Jan 28 at Lost Lake (TR), with the latest report at Bullards     Grosbeak was seen coming to a feeder through Oct 6 (Bob
Beach State Park on Mar 27, when a female was observed (Kev-         Fields).
in Spencer). Lapland Longspurs are regular in the fall but much
rarer during spring migration. There was one near Cape Blanco
on May 1 (TW) and another on NSCB on May 21 (DL, KC). The            ABBREVIATIONS:
Jul 9 Lapland Longspur on NSCB was the first ever July record
for Coos County (DL, KC). A Snow Bunting was photographed            DL, KC - Dave Lauten and Kathy Castelein
on Nov 14 in a very unusual location: in a burn area on the Siski-   TW - Terry Wahl
you National Forest east of Gold Beach (Trevor Hook).                CBC - Christmas Bird Count
                                                                     NSCB - North Spit of Coos Bay
There were only two Clay-colored Sparrows reported during fall
migration, one in Gold Beach (photo below) and one at Arizona
Beach State Recreation Site (Alan Contreras, Daniel Farrar). An-
other one showed up at a feeder up Elk River in early December,
where it appeared to be overwintering (Jim and Carrie Rogers).
Coos County’s fourth Brewer’s Sparrow was photographed at
Face Rock Wayside in Bandon on Oct 8 during a period of heavy
fog (Robert Doster). Possible breeding Vesper Sparrows were
heard singing up Bethel Mountain in southwest Coos County
on Apr 20 and in the open agriculture fields south of Powers on
May 12 (TR, Barb Taylor et al.). A migrant Vesper Sparrow was
found in the Winchuck wetlands on Oct 13 (Caleb Centanni, No-
lan Clemens, Alan Contreras). A Lark Sparrow was on a private
ranch near Cape Blanco on Sep 23 (TW). A Lark Bunting near
Cape Blanco on Jul 18 was about the sixth Curry County record
(TW). A Red Fox Sparrow was found on the Dec 22 Port Orford
CBC in Langlois (Lars Norgren, Courtney Kelly Jett). Coos
County’s latest ever White-throated Sparrow lingered until May
26 in North Bend (Barb Taylor). First-year Harris’s Sparrows
were overwintering on the Wahl ranch near Cape Blanco from
Dec 10 through the end of the year (TR, TW), and at Millico-
ma Marsh from Dec 13, 2018 through at least Feb 2, 2019 (TR
et al.). The Jul 7 Golden-crowned Sparrow in Bandon was the
latest on record for Coos County (DL, KC).
                                                                     Clay-colored Sparrow, Audrey Addison

Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019                                                                                               10
Portland Area Field Notes
                                         Columbia, Washington,
                                         Multnomah, and
                                         Clackamas Counties
                                         by Sarah Swanson

        single Ross’s Goose was reported with a flock of Snow        the one found at Oxbow Park on Nov 17 (Mary Lynn “EM”
        Geese at Rentenaar Rd., Sauvie Island, on Jan 30 (Steve      Scattaregia). Red-necked Grebes also returned to TL, with a
        Nord, Zach Schlanger). A Brant was seen at Tualatin          high count of two on Nov 1 (Joseph Blowers). One stayed in the
River National Wildlife Refuge from Mar 10 to 11 (Ken Cham-          Willamette River near Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge until Apr
berlain) and on Apr 24 (Peyton Cook) and another was spotted at      15 (Ken Vanderkamp). Clark’s Grebes were found wintering in
RR on Nov 3 (Maureen Leong-Kee, Nicholas Martens).                   their usual habitat across the area. Two of them stayed at Sauvie
                                                                     Island into July, as reported by many observers.
White-winged Scoters were abundant along the Columbia
River in the later part of 2018, with a high count of 16 seen from   A very rare visitor to Portland, a Common Poorwill, was heard
Hayden Island on Nov 7 (Thomas Magarian). One was seen at            on Mount Tabor from Apr 27 to May 1 (Tom McNamara, Audrey
Timothy Lake on May 22, and up to three were present in early        Addison). Another was photographed on a road on Larch Mt. on
November (Joseph Blowers). A female Black Scoter was report-         May 18 (Ian Shriner).
ed at Hayden Island on Oct 25. Another was seen from Sauvie
Island from Dec 5 to15 (Philip Kline, Peyton Cook et al.). A         There were no reports of Black Swifts in Portland this year.
Long-tailed Duck was seen at Prescott Peach County Park from         One individual was reported at Little Crater Lake on Jun 23 (KC
Nov 17 to 19 (PK). Unusual for the location, an immature Bar-        Anderson).
row’s Goldeneye was photographed at Fernhill Wetlands on Sep
1 (Steve Nord). Red-breasted Mergansers were again found             A Calliope Hummingbird was seen on MT from May 25 to 26
along the Columbia River in the winter, and also at Hagg Lake,       (photo below) (John Powell).
FW, Whitaker Ponds, Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge, and TL.
                                                                     This year was an exciting one for shorebirds in the Portland area.
Red-necked Grebes were present in their usual winter locations       An eBird high count of five Black-necked Stilts for Washington
along the Columbia River and in Hagg Lake. Less expected was         County was photographed on Apr 23 at TRNWR (Steve Nord).
                                                                     One was seen at Vanport Wetlands on May 3 by the Multnomah
                                                                     Madness Birdathon Team, and Eric Bergman saw two there on
                                                                     May 17. An American Avocet was seen at TRNWR on May
                                                                     18 by Jeff Dillon and photographed by others. One was also
                                                                     present at FW from Aug 9 to 12 (Stefan Schlick). Three were
                                                                     photographed at Broughton Beach on Sep 15 (Andy Frank). The
                                                                     first American Golden-Plover in years to visit Portland was
                                                                     photographed at BB on Oct 24 (Duke Tufty). A Whimbrel was
                                                                     a rare visitor to SI on Jun 1 (PK). Three Long-billed Curlews
                                                                     also visited the island on Aug 8 (Peyton Cook). Force Lake had
                                                                     a wild couple of weeks in October. First, a Red Phalarope was
                                                                     seen from Oct 1 to 6 (Andy Frank). That disappeared, but was
                                                                     replaced by a Ruff from Oct 7 to 10 (Chris Armstrong, Isaac
                                                                     Denzer). While looking for the Ruff, Audrey Addison found a
                                                                     Sharp-tailed Sandpiper on Oct 7 that was seen in the area until
                                                                     Oct 10. Sanderlings were seen in their customary locations at
                                                                     SI and BB, but a more surprising find was the two immature
                                                                     birds photographed foraging near the high jump at Sherwood
                                                                     High School on Sep 5 (Ben Davis). Very rare for the area, an
                                                                     impressive five Buff-breasted Sandpipers were at Sauvie
                                                                     Island and enjoyed by many from Sep 5 to 11 (Zach Schlanger).
                                                                     One was also at FW on Aug 23 (Bob Lockett, Ed McVicker). A
                                                                     movement of Red-necked Phalaropes in early April produced
Calliope Hummingbird, John Powell                                    sightings at Scappoose Bottoms, FW, and TRNWR.

Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019                                                                                                 11
A Snowy Egret was seen by many at Smith and Bybee Wetlands
                                                                   from Jul 15 to Aug 14 (Ken Vanderkamp). One to two Black-
                                                                   crowned Night-Herons continue to be seen at Koll Wetlands
                                                                   outside of the breeding season. There were also sightings of one
                                                                   to two birds at FW and nearby Beal Wetlands from March to
                                                                   April and from July to December. A single bird flew over SW
                                                                   Portland on May 28 (Eric Bergman).

                                                                   A White-faced Ibis was seen at Vanport Wetlands from Aug 1 to
                                                                   2 (Isaac Denzer).

                                                                   Out-of-season Turkey Vultures were widespread across the area
                                                                   in early 2018, but less so at the end of the year. An early Osprey
                                                                   was seen on Feb 3 along the Portland south waterfront (Jeff
                                                                   Hayes). Late ones were seen in November at Hagg Lake and
                                                                   Sauvie Island.

                                                                   Northern Goshawks are regularly seen in the higher elevations
                                                                   around Portland, but one seen at Graham Oaks Nature Park on
                                                                   Mar 28 by Craig Tumer was unexpected. A Swainson’s Hawk
                                                                   was photographed at the Portland Airport fire station on Jun
                                                                   1 (Norm Edelen). Another was seen at Delta Park on Oct 2. A
Slaty-backed Gull, Peyton Cook                                     Rough-legged Hawk unexpectedly hung around the fire station
                                                                   from Mar 21 to Sep 8 (Craig Tumer).
In the midst of shorebird excitement at SI, Max Smith spotted a
juvenile Parasitic Jaeger that was seen traveling around Stur-     A Long-eared Owl was heard near Scappoose on Dec 27 (PK).
geon Lake from Sep 5 to 16. Initially mistaken for that bird was
a juvenile Long-tailed Jaeger that was seen in the same area       An Acorn Woodpecker was seen in a yard in Rainier from
from Sep 8 to 15. Another Parasitic Jaeger was photographed        May 13 to 14 (Jack Holley). It was a big year for Yellow-bellied
from BB on Sep 14 (Zach Schlanger, Ken Vanderkamp).                Sapsuckers with four sightings across the area. The overwin-
                                                                   tering bird from 2017 at Commonwealth Lake was last seen on
Sabine’s Gulls were less common than last year, but were still     Mar 14 (photo next page, upper right). Another was seen along
seen at multiple locations along the Columbia River and at SI      the Crown Zellerbach Trail from Mar 5 to 12 (PK). One was in
from late August into September. A Franklin’s Gull was report-     the Irving Park area of Portland from Nov 8 to 25 (Jay Withgott).
ed at SI on Jun 14 (Brodie Cass Talbot). A SLATY-BACKED            The fourth was seen along the Springwater Corridor in Gresham
GULL was a rare sighting in Rainier from Feb 18 to 19 (photo       on Dec 31 (Peter Barnes). A Red-naped Sapsucker was photo-
above) (Nick Mrvelj, Colby Neuman).                                graphed at Pittock Mansion on Apr 22 (Angela Calabrese, Molly
                                                                   Sultany). Another was seen along a trail in Sherwood by many
Two Black Terns were photographed at Jackson Bottom on May         visitors from Oct 4 through the end of the year (Rick Bennett).
14 (Nels Nelson) and seen again on May 25 (PK). Common
Terns were seen at several locations along the Columbia River      A Gray Flycatcher was an unexpected visitor to the North
and at Sauvie Island in August and September.                      Portland yard of Nick Mrvelj on May 1. This was another good
                                                                   year for Say’s Phoebes in the area, with many seen in spring
Pacific Loons were at Hagg Lake on Jan 13 (Rick Bennett) and       across the area and one overwintering at FW until Feb 15. An
along the Portland waterfront on Feb 27 (Kent Coe). They were      Ash-throated Flycatcher was photographed in Ivor Davies Park
seen in the winter by many observers at Hayden Island, TL, and     on Apr 30 (Joseph Blowers). Another was reported at Sandy Riv-
BB. Red-throated Loons followed a similar pattern with many        er Delta on Jun 18 (Linda Magnuson). No Eastern Kingbirds
sightings along the Columbia River and reports of two from TL      were reported from their previous breeding site at Sandy River
from Oct 24 to 25 (Joseph Blowers, W. Douglas Robinson).           Delta, but one was seen on June 6 at Powell Butte and another
                                                                   was photographed by Eric Carlson at Dharma Rain Zen Center
A Pelagic Cormorant was seen on Feb 18 at Hayden island            on Jun 21.
(Adrian Hinkle, Mary Lynn “Em” Scattaregia). High counts of
American White Pelicans were impressive this year including        Several species of swallows were found out of season in the
a large gathering one week that produced counts of 100 over the    area. A Violet-green Swallow was seen at Smith and Bybee
Columbia Slough on Nov 2 (Andy Frank), 200 at Oaks Bottom          Wetlands on Nov 1 (Zach Schlanger). Another was photographed
Wildlife Refuge on Nov 4 (Ezra Cohen), and 120 at TRNWR on         on Nov 6 with a Rough-winged Swallow at River Island Natural
Nov 6 (Rick Bennett). An immature Brown Pelican was seen           Area (Aaron Beerman). Wintering Barn Swallows seemed to be
from BB on Jun 12 (Craig Tumer).                                   more widespread and abundant than usual at both the beginning
                                                                   and end of the year. Reports came in from wetlands across the

Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019                                                                                               12
Portland area and from sites along the Columbia River. A high
count of 50 was seen at Smith and Bybee Wetlands on Nov 10
(Ken Vanderkamp).

Two Pygmy Nuthatches were seen along the Trolley Trail along
the Willamette River on Jun 9 (Lawry Sager). A Rock Wren was
seen at MT on Apr 27 (Ken Vanderkamp).

A Blue-gray Gnatcatcher was found along a trail in NE Port-
land on Nov 30 and persisted there through the end of the year
(Casey Cunningham).

Two male EASTERN BLUEBIRDS, a first record for the west
coast of the U.S., were discovered by Eric Carlson (photo below)
on Nov 25 at the Dharma Rain Zen Center. They stayed into
2019, being seen by many excited visitors. Mountain Bluebirds
again visited Powell Butte in March and April with a high count
of 11 on Mar 31 by Adrian Hinkle and Mary Lynn “Em” Scat-
taregia. Another was heard at Larch Mt. on May 2 (Wink Gross).
Townsend’s Solitaires are commonly found in the mountains
near Portland, but they visited the low elevation parts of the
Portland area primarily in spring, when two were seen at MT.
Single birds were also seen across the area in January, August,    Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Bill Tice
and September.
                                                                   A Brewer’s Sparrow was photographed at Harbor View Park on
Northern Mockingbirds were absent from the Portland area           May 6 (Nick Mrvelj). A Vesper Sparrow was photographed on
in 2017, but reappeared in 2018 with three sightings. One was      Powell Butte on Mar 15 (Brodie Cass Talbot). A Harris’s Spar-
found on Jan 1 near Oregon Episcopal School and remained           row was seen at RR on Jan 6 (Lindsay Willrick) and another was
until Apr 9 (Dwight Porter). Another was photographed at Salish    photographed in a yard in St. Helens on Dec 18 (Tom Myers). A
Ponds on May 26 (Aleks and Danielle Weir). Another was re-         third stayed with a flock of sparrows near Company Lake from
ported from Cooper Mountain on Jun 24 (Martha Wild).               Jan 27 to Apr 21 (Justin Cook).

A single Common Redpoll was reported at FW on Jan 22 (Steve        Two female Yellow-headed Blackbirds were early visitors to SI
Nord), and a flock of six was seen at Company Lake near Trout-     on Mar 3 (mult. observers).
dale on Mar 10 (Justin Cook). A Snow Bunting was reported in
a Clackamas yard on Apr 2 (Marty Wallauer).                        A Northern Waterthrush lurked along RR from Oct 26 to Dec
                                                                   3 (Linnaea Basden, Joshua Meyers). The continuing VIRGIN-
An American Tree Sparrow was seen at RR from Jan 29 to             IA’S WARBLER in a NE Portland yard was seen until Feb 6.
31 (PK). A Clay-colored Sparrow was reported at FW on Sep          Palm Warblers made quick visits to the area, being seen on
10 (Stefan Schlick) and another was at MT on Sep 30 (Mary          Oct 14 at Hayden Island (Nick Mrvelj, Peyton Cook), on Nov
Lynn “Em” Scattaregia). Sightings of early Chipping Sparrows       4 at Harbor View Park (Peter Barnes), and on Dec 23 at RR by
included a flock of four seen in North Portland on Apr 7 (PK).     a Christmas Bird Count group (Courtney Kelly Jett). A winter
                                                                   Black-throated Gray Warbler was heard at Oaks Bottom Wild-
                                                                   life Refuge on Nov 9 (Brodie Cass Talbot). A Wilson’s Warbler
                                                                   was reported at Commonwealth Park on Feb 28 (Julian Hwa).

                                                                   A SUMMER TANAGER was photographed in a NE Portland
                                                                   yard on Nov 7 (Chad Crouch).


                                                                   PK - Philip Kline
                                                                   BB - Broughton Beach
                                                                   FW - Fernhill Wetlands
                                                                   MT - Mount Tabor
                                                                   RR - Rentenaar Rd., Sauvie Island
                                                                   SI - Sauvie Island
Eastern Bluebird, Eric Carlson                                     TL - Timothy Lake
                                                                   TRNWR - Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge

Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019                                                                                            13
Marion and Yamhill County
              Field Notes
                                         by Pamela Johnston

          uring migration in 2018, Greater White-fronted Geese       Trumpeter Swans appeared in both Marion and Yamhill Coun-
          appeared on the Willamette Valley floor and travelled      ties. Following a report from south of Turner, Bill Tice found
          over the east edge of the Coast Range in both spring and   three of them on Jan 3. On Jan 21, Vic Brockett photographed
fall. A flock passed high over Linda Fink’s farm at Grand Ronde      Trumpeter Swans at Turner, and on Mar 29 HF saw one on
Agency on Apr 14. A large number were on the ground on Apr           Wapato Lake.
15 at ANWR (Fred Stephens, Mike Unger). On Apr 20, a flock
of 200 flew over Pamela Johnston’s house northwest of McMin-         The storm wigeon morph of American Wigeon first seen on Dec
nville. On Sep 24, Roy Gerig found 40 or more at ANWR, and           23, 2017 at Huddleston Pond in Willamina was reported for
on Sep 30 a flock of 75-100 were laughing their way over LF’s        the last time on Jan 7, 2018 (BT). At ANWR, RG found a pair
farm. The last report, on Oct 15, was from YSTP (Harry Fuller).      of Blue-winged Teal on May 8, and MU and a Salem Audubon
                                                                     Society group saw one May 27. On Jun 12, Kay Fagan and FS
Snow Geese were found tucked into flocks of Cackling Geese           counted six Blue-winged Teal there (MU). Canvasback moved
and Canada Geese. HF and Rob Schulman saw three Snow                 through Yamhill County in spring and fall. HF saw some on Mar
Geese at YSTP on Mar 29. On Nov 6, as a flock of Cackling            29 at Wapato Lake, and PTS saw three on Nov 7 at SSP. On Apr
Geese was settling at dusk in a field between Hwy 18 and Kreder      15 at ANWR, FS and MU located a single Cinnamon Teal along
Rd., Don Albright saw four white geese (presumably Snow              Buena Vista Rd. On Apr 24 a Salem Audubon Society group saw
Geese). From Nov 10 to 11, Grant Canterbury saw flocks of            some Cinnamon Teal (MU). By May 8, RG said there were more
Snow Geese flying near his Silverton yard. On Nov 29, on a tip       of them than any other water bird. Numbers were lower on May
from LF, Paul Sullivan found a Snow Goose in a flock of 300          11 when HF saw three there. HF observed one at YSTP on Sep
white-cheeked geese at Rock Creek Rd. David Mandell picked           2.
out two Ross’s Geese from about 500-600 Cackling Geese on
Apr 18 at Duckflat Rd. RG found a Ross’s Goose nearly hidden         On Oct 31, Isaac Denzer found photos on eBird that he real-
in enormous flocks of Cackling Geese on Apr 24 at ANWR.              ized were of a female BLACK SCOTER, and alerted Oregon
                                                                     Birders Online. The photos were taken by Jim and Jeanette Scott
                                                                     that morning at Huddleston Pond in Willamina. Quinton Nice
                                                                     followed up, and PTS refound it on Nov 1, and it was also pho-
                                                                     tographed by Bill Tice (photo left). Tom Love enjoyed seeing the
                                                                     Black Scoter close up on flat water. It was not found on Nov 2.

                                                                     After a gap of several years, a pair of Mountain Quail came to
                                                                     PJ’s yard on May 21, leading fluffy young; they continued until
                                                                     Nov 19. On Aug 13, John Thomas and Pam Reid saw a Moun-
                                                                     tain Quail family near Silver Falls State Park. Two adults with
                                                                     nine young were crossing Powers Creek Loop Rd., near Ham-
                                                                     mond Creek. LF counted 60 California Quail by her barn, near
                                                                     Grand Ronde Agency, on Nov 2. From French Creek Rd. above
                                                                     Detroit, RG heard Mountain Quail and Sooty Grouse on Apr
                                                                     9, as did Jim Kopitzke and Jeff Harding on Jun 5. On Apr 20,
                                                                     above Detroit along USFS Rd. 2225, RG saw a Ruffed Grouse
                                                                     and heard five or more Sooty Grouse.

                                                                     RG found an early Western Grebe on the Willamette River near
                                                                     Salem on Feb 2. PTS saw three Western Grebes at McGuire
                                                                     Reservoir on May 20.

Black Scoter, Bill Tice

Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019                                                                                                14
On Mar 7, the first Band-tailed Pigeons came to Karen Hoyt’s
feeders seven miles west of Carlton. The last report was on Oct
21 from Steven Burock, five miles northwest of McMinnville.

On May 27, Roger Freeman heard a Common Nighthawk at
his home outside Silverton, and saw another there on Jun 18.
One was seen day-roosting at Keizer Rapids Park by MU and a
Salem Audubon Society group on Jun 26. Shane Pruett saw 15
flying at MBIP on the evening of Jul 26. On Jul 30, Tim Johnson
found at least a dozen over the river at MBIP, high numbers for
the area. In the second half of June, LF detected them at dusk
over Agency Creek. PTS found some flying on Jul 8 at dusk by
Greenacres Rd.

Vaux’s Swifts used roosting sites both new and old in late
summer. Near sunset on Aug 22, DA found roughly 150 circling
near Heiser Farms on Grand Island. On Sep 12, HF saw 250
Vaux’s Swifts going into the chimney of Cooperative Ministries
in McMinnville. On Sep 17, John Thomas and Grant Canterbury
counted 1654 Vaux’s Swifts using the chimney of the Palace
Theater, Silverton, usually a hot spot for swift migration.

On Oct 13, Roger Freeman heard some very distant and high-         Western Kingbird, Tim Johnson
flying Sandhill Cranes over the western Cascade foothills from
his home near Silverton. He counted 16 circling and gaining        On Mar 15, Patrick Gallagher spotted an active Great Blue Her-
altitude over Silverton on Oct 20. They are not regularly found    on rookery near Mill Creek in Salem. On Mar 25, HF noticed an
in Yamhill County, but on Oct 22, Karen Hoyt spotted a low fly-    occupied rookery, visible from I-5 south of the Brooks exit. Rog-
ing Sandhill Crane over Kuehne Rd. From her home four miles        er Freeman saw two adult Black-crowned Night-Herons flying
north of Silverton, Pam Reid heard cranes flying south on Nov 8.   separately, heading toward Silverton Reservoir on Jun 26.

A Black-Necked Stilt was at Duckflat Rd, when Joel Geier saw it    Feb 12 was the earliest date for Turkey Vulture in PTS’s Yamhill
on Apr 4. One American Avocet was at ANWR on Sep 21 (RG).          records. The last report came from LF on Sep 29, with a kettle of
At Sheridan Southside Park on Aug 13, a workman told PTS           25 over Grand Ronde Agency.
that he had seen an interesting bird on his morning rounds. His
description fit Long-billed Curlew, a second Yamhill record; the   On Mar 29 Jack Williamson saw an Osprey pair on a nest plat-
first was in 2010. At Sheridan on Aug 23, PTS found a Baird’s      form near Dominic Rd. and Hwy 214; and HF and Rob Schul-
Sandpiper. A Pectoral Sandpiper was seen on Aug 28 at ANWR         man found a pair on a nest platform near Gaston. At the ANWR
by RG. He saw three more in the shorebird flock there on Sep       observation point, two White-tailed Kites entertained Joshua
20. On Aug 14, Clay Crofton, Kay Fagan, FS, and MU were            Little on Oct 27.
at ANWR when they found one Solitary Sandpiper. RG joined
them in the sighting. On the morning of Mar 25, RG discovered      LF reported Red-shouldered Hawks several times in Yamhill
an adult Sabine’s Gull on Mission Pond in Salem. A first record    County: on Jan 12 at Corbett Acres; on Jan 17 on private proper-
in Marion County, it was seen by multiple observers through Apr    ty near Grand Ronde Agency; and on Mar 5 on private property
2. Two Sabine’s Gulls were at SSP on Apr 8, reported by Aaron      off Willamina Creek Rd, harassing a Red-tailed Hawk.
                                                                   Lars Norgren had the high number of 12 Rough-legged Hawks
While RG was crossing the bridge in Salem Riverfront Park on       along De Jong Rd. on Jan 3. One was at Baker Creek Rd. and
Feb 2, he saw a Red-throated Loon on the Willamette River. On      Pheasant Hill Rd., seen on Jan 5 by HF. John Shewey saw a
Apr 20, while at Detroit Flats, RG found one Common Loon.          Rough-legged Hawk at Salem Airport from Turner Rd. on Sep
From May 21 to 22, PTS reported possibly two pairs and a lone      29, and on Oct 27 RG sighted one from the ANWR observation
bird on McGuire Reservoir. On Jun 5, JH and Jim Kopitzke           platform.
found one in breeding plumage on Detroit Reservoir.
                                                                   RG and Jack Presley saw an adult Northern Goshawk at ANWR
60 American White Pelicans visited ANWR where RG saw them          on Sep 5. A Barred Owl called near LF’s home by Grand Ronde
on Sep 21. American Bitterns were tuning up at ANWR starting       Agency on Apr 4; a pair duetted on May 17; and one called
Apr 15, when FS and MU heard a serenade along Buena Vista          again on Sep 9 and 12. A Barred Owl was also heard at MBIP on
Rd. American Bittern reports from ANWR continued through the       Jun 4 by MU and a Salem Audubon Society group.
breeding season.

Oregon Birds Volume 45 (1) - 2019                                                                                              15
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