Our Community Volume One - Far North District Council

Page created by Martha Schultz
Our Community Volume One - Far North District Council
Volume One
Our Community

     FAR NORTH 2006
     FUTURE PLAN 2016
Our Community Volume One - Far North District Council
Artist Acknowledgement
                                                             Winner: 1st Place

                                                             Artist:     Dot Field

                                                             Title:      Our Dreams of the Future

                                                             Story behind the cover artwork:
                                                             The wave at the top of the painting represents the joining of
                                                             the two great oceans. The carving or ‘pikorua’, depicts the
                                                             assimilation of the different cultures within our region. To the left,
                                                             the mighty west coast and its native bush land are symbolised
                                                             by the koru fern. The rising sun represents the light of the future
                                                             in which our multi cultural society from both the East and West
                                                             Coasts, move forward together to achieve.

                                                             Council gratefully acknowledges the support of the following
                                                             Far North organisations/individuals who have contributed to
                                                             the production of this Volume:

                                                             •   Designco – design and print

                                                             •   Louise Cleveland (Paihia) – freelance writer

Business Excellence Award Winner 2001                        Category Winner 2004 Creative Places Awards - Procter Library
Carter Holt Harvey Forest Resources Environmental Award      “Celebrating Cultural Diversity”

Runner-up in the Local Government sector of the 2002         Most Improved National Sales by
Performance Excellence Study Awards                          Local Regional Office – I-Site
                                                             Kaitaia 2001/2002
Most Improved Regional Sales I-Site                          Kaitaia 2004/2005
Bay of Islands 2001/2002
Bay of Islands 2003/2004                                     University of Auckland Survey Feb 2005
Bay of Islands 2005                                          FNDC Ranked 7th out of 86 Local Government Websites
Management Unit Achieved ISO 9001 Accreditation May 2004
                                                             ACC Workplace Safety Management Programme, Tertiary Level
Design Category Winner 2000 Creative Places Award, Premier   accreditation April 2005
Winner - Hundertwasser Building “Urban and Landscape”
Our Community Volume One - Far North District Council
Introduction                                    2                                               Community Outcomes                                         31

Visions of Growth in the Far North               3                                              Council’s Contribution to Community Outcomes               36
   What is growth?                               3
   What’s Driving the Growth?                    5                                              Monitoring Outcomes - Key links with our District Plan     54
   The Costs and Impacts of Growth               6                                                 Environmental Indicators for Priority Issues            56
   Forecasts for Growth Areas of Our District    8                                                 Climate Change and Energy Efficiency                    57
   Growth and Our Infrastructure                 9
   Our Thinking So Far                          10                                              Engaging with the Community                                58
   Our Visitors                                 22
   Where To From Here?                          24                                              Delivering Our Plan                                        62

The Far North Economy                           25                                              Audit New Zealand                                          72
   Enterprise Northland                         25
   Northland Economic Report Card 2005          26                                              Appendix Infrastructure Maps                               75
   Big Business / Small Business                27
                                                     Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

                                                                                                                                                                Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

                                                                                                                                    Volume 1 - Draft Our Community                                         
Our Community Volume One - Far North District Council
What You Will Find
                   in this Volume
       Welcome to ‘Our Community’, Volume One of our Long
       Term Council Community Plan. Here we focus on some
       important issues influencing the future development of our district
       and our community.

                                                                                   OUR COMMUNITY
                                                                   VOLUME 1

                                                                              This is about the future of the Far North

                                                                              and how we all want it to grow.

                       COUNCIL ACTIVITIES                                                 SUMMARY                                     COUNCIL POLICIES
            VOLUME 2

                                                                                                                          VOLUME 4

                       More detail on what Council is doing                   A Summary of the Far North Future                      All of the policies Council works under.

                                                            2                                                                                                           4
                       and plans to do in the different activity              Plan 2006/2016. Contains the main                      Use this volume to check anything
                       areas.                                                 points from the plan and where to look                 about policy.
                                                                              if you feel you need more information.

                                                                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION
                                                                   VOLUME 3

                                                                              If you want all the facts and figures

                                                                              on where your $$$ are going, that’s
                                                                              where to look.

       • The Growth of our district and its implications in terms of
         increasing demand for infrastructure and council services.

       • The Far North Economy – Information from Enterprise
         Northland on the economic development of our region,
         together with a particular focus on the views of business
         people across the Far North – “Big Business / Small Busi-

       • Community Outcomes – the issues that you have told us,
         through consultation, are most important to you. Our analysis
         sets out how we and other key agencies currently contribute
         to delivering against these outcomes, what we are planning
         to do in the future, and how you will be able to assess our

       • Community Engagement – What we are doing to ensure our
         plan reflects the views of people across our community.
                                                                                                                                                                                Photo: Courtesy of Designco

       • Delivering our Plan – Some key information about the
         Council and how we will ensure that we deliver against this
         plan, including improving our customer services, reporting on
         our performance and managing risk.

   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
Our Community Volume One - Far North District Council
Visions of Growth
           in the F
                  ar North
What is growth?
So what is growth, and, what do Council mean when they talk        • New land and building developments (also puts       pressure on
about growth?                                                        existing Council services).
                                                                   • Increases or changes in the style or character       of business
Although population increase is readily associated by most as
being what ‘growth’ is, other things can also have a significant     activity.
influence. Growth can also arise from:                             • Seasonal fluctuations in areas that attract high     numbers of
                                                                     visitors and/or have a significant proportion        of holiday
• Changes in the structure of the population (eg more of a           homes and/or visitor accommodation.
  particular age group, for example older people, can mean
  increases in particular services from Council but not an         On top of factors internal to a district, growth is also subject to
                                                                   external influences such as changes in interest rates, employment
  increase in the overall number of people).                       rates, the value of the New Zealand dollar, business confidence,
• Changes in the composition of households (eg an increase in      and national trends around the immigration to and emigration
  single parent households can mean more households in the         from New Zealand.
  district but not more people).
• Fragmentation of landholdings (smaller sections can mean
  more houses in the same area putting more pressure on water
  and sewerage services).

                building consents
                value 2004 - 2005


                     Medium Low


                     Medium High


                     Very High

                                                                                                             Volume 1 - Our Community    
Our Community Volume One - Far North District Council
Why is Council Looking at

       Over recent years parts of the Far North District have been
       experiencing a sustained period of rapid growth. The bulk
       of this growth has been centred on the coastal areas on the
       Eastern side of the district. At the same time, in other areas of
       the district growth has been moderate or limited.

       This growth has placed increased pressure on existing
       infrastructure, as well as generating demand for new

       Maintenance and upgrading existing infrastructure and the
       provision of new infrastructure, in a timely manner, are core
       Council responsibilities.

       Council also has an important role in promoting the sustainable
       development of both existing and developing communities.
       Growth, particularly in terms of land and building
       development, doesn’t come for free. It places a cost burden on
       existing ratepayers, developers and new ratepayers to fund the
       costs of infrastructure necessary for that new development to
       take place. This is in addition to maintaining existing levels of
       service to the community.

       The challenge for Council is to gain improved understanding of
       the growth issues in the district so that it is able to better respond
       to them in a strategic manner.

                                                                                Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
Our Community Volume One - Far North District Council
What’s Driving the Growth
Contributing factors toward
growth in the Far North

Coast, Climate and Kai                                             • The Far North is one of the summer holiday capitals of New
                                                                     Zealand, alongside the Coromandel, Bay of Plenty, Taupo
The Far North boasts many attractions:                               and Nelson-Marlborough.
                                                                   • Some of the tourists and holidaymakers return to stay for good
• Nature and the endless coast. From lush native forest,             or are excellent advocates for the Far North.
  rolling pastures, secluded pohutukawa-fringed bays, to the
  best swimming and surfing beaches in New Zealand.                Lifestyle Migration
• A subtropical climate. The sun keeps on shining in the
  “winterless” north.                                              Everyone wants a slice of the lifestyle:
• Cosmopolitan marinas and anchorages. The Far North is a
  boating, diving and fishing mecca.                               • People want to live where people know and care about their
• Lively bars, cafes and restaurants. A strong developing            neighbours.
  “good food” culture.                                             • Aucklanders who are sick and tired of waiting in traffic, never
• Culture and heritage. The Far North is truly the birthplace of     seeing their children and paying the escalating costs of living
  a nation.                                                          in the city.
                                                                   • Ex-pat kiwis who are returning home with fond memories of
Tourism and Summer Holidays                                          summer holidays at the bach and on the beach.
                                                                   • Retiring baby boomers who want warmth, comfort and safe
Every year we welcome thousands of visitors:                         small communities.
                                                                   • Urban Mãori who are returning home to their ahi kaa
• The Bay of Islands remains one of New Zealand’s                    (home fires).
  premier destinations alongside Queenstown. Practically, this     • People from the UK, Southern Africa, the US and Europe who
  stretches from the Bay of Islands itself to Ninety Mile Beach      know the good life when they see it.
  and the Cape.

                                                                                                                                       Photo: Courtesy of The Far North District Council

                                                                                                              Volume 1 - Our Community                                                     
Our Community Volume One - Far North District Council
The Costs and Impacts of Growth
                                   A number of other factors also contribute to growth within the      Growth doesn’t come for free. It costs money to provide
                                   Far North District:                                                 the additional services associated with growth, such as
                                                                                                       infrastructure. This can place a financial burden on both
                                   • A growing national and regional economy                           ratepayers and developers.

                                   • New development brings more people and with it, the need          It is also important to protect and improve the natural/coastal
                                     for infrastructure to service the new developments                landscape, urban amenity and cultural heritage of the district
                                                                                                       from the impacts of growth. This also costs money alongside
                                   • More improved roads and highways                                  providing necessary infrastructure for new developments.

                                   • Better airports and cheaper flights
                                                                                                       Council collects development contributions from developers to
                                   • Better marinas                                                    help fund the costs of providing the necessary infrastructure for
                                                                                                       new development to take place.

                                   What are Council’s responsibilities when it comes to growth?

                                   More Infrastructure                                                 Helping Communities Develop

                                   Council provides all sorts of infrastructure for the community.     Council also has an important role in promoting the development
                                   Drinking water, roads, stormwater drainage, sewerage schemes,       of growing communities on the East Coast, as well as existing
                                   airports, marinas, libraries, community halls, information          communities in the rest of the district. We’ve had a look where
                                   centres, reserves and walkways and sporting grounds. The list       major growth is happening and it fits into 5 main areas:
                                   goes on. The growth is placing increased pressure on existing       • Kerikeri
                                   infrastructure and in turn, generating demand for new               • Bay of Islands
                                   infrastructure. It is Council’s responsibility to maintain and      • Doubtless Bay
                                   upgrade existing infrastructure and build new infrastructure in a   • Ahipara and Pukenui-Houhora
                                   timely way.                                                         • Opononi-Omapere
     Photo: Courtesy of Designco

   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
Our Community Volume One - Far North District Council
Photo: Courtesy of Designco   Photo: Courtesy of Designco   Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

Volume 1 - Our Community

Our Community Volume One - Far North District Council
Forecasts for Growth Areas of our District
       We estimate that by 2021, the Far North’s usually resident                      The reason we are concentrating on these major growth areas
       population could increase by more than 17, 000 people. In the                   is because our forecasts show that over the next 20 years these
       previous section we’ve mentioned that some major growth areas                   areas will account for 74% of the district’s population growth
       in the district have emerged - Kerikeri, Bay of Islands, Doubtless              and around 72% of growth in household units, even though a
       Bay, Ahipara and Pukenui-Houhora and Opononi-Omapere.                           large amount of houses are used for holiday homes and visitor
       We have initially focused on producing growth forecasts for                     accommodation.
       these areas.

                                                     District Population Growth to Forecast                                            Forecast
                                                     Based on Number of New Dwelling Units                                             Actual








                  Census 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

                              Population      2001     2021                                            Household Units     2001      2021

                                  Kerikeri   7,830   14,975   That’s 7,145 more                                Kerikeri   3,351      6,424        That’s 3,073 more

                            Bay of Islands   7,120    9,958   That’s 2,838 more                          Bay of Islands   3,426      4,810        That’s 1,384 more

                            Doubtless Bay    6,030    7,873   That’s 1,843 more                          Doubtless Bay    3,063      4,008        That’s 945 more

         Ahipara and Pukenui-Houhora         4,150    4,990   That’s 840 more             Ahipara and Pukenui-Houhora     1,674      2,065        That’s 391 more

                       Opononi-Omapere        620       838   That’s 218 more                        Opononi-Omapere           282    399         That’s 117 more
                                                                                                                                                                      Photo: Courtesy of Designco

   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
Growth & Our Infrastructure
Managing the Growth                                                                                                             STOP PRESS:

We have to provide infrastructure with enough capacity for these                                                                Provisional results from Census 2006 confirm the trends
houses and apartments whether they’re full of people or not. If                                                                 outlined in Council’s Growth Forecast. These results are based
we don’t, our infrastructure may not cope during the holiday                                                                    on the population count on Census night, including visitors but
season and peak times when visitors flock to the Far North.                                                                     excluding the usually resident population away from their
                                                                                                                                homes. Detailed analysis cannot be undertaken until Statistics
Paying for Growth                                                                                                               New Zealand completes its analysis of census data and
                                                                                                                                releases figures late in 2006.
We think growth should pay for growth. We can help to do this
by charging a fair contribution on the consents developers need                                                                 Strong growth shows in the Kerikeri area, Waihau Valley -
to develop land or construct buildings. We’ll use the money we                                                                  Hupara Road, Omapere/Opononi, and Doubtless Bay through
get to provide necessary infrastructure at an affordable price.                                                                 to Ahipara. Moderate growth has been experienced in
This should also help protect the natural/coastal landscape,                                                                    Kaitaia, Kaikohe and the central districts. Declines in population
urban amenities and cultural heritage of the district from the                                                                  show in the Hokianga, Moerewa and Kawakawa, Houhora,
possible impacts of development.                                                                                                Paihia and Russell.

Infrastructure                                                                                                                  An interesting note; the number of occupied dwellings has
                                                                                                                                dropped markedly in Paihia and Russell. That, together with
Growth should match-up with infrastructure. That means that                                                                     the obvious building boom in apartments would suggest a major
development should only take place if it can independently                                                                      shift in use from residential to tourist related accommodation and
support itself with its own infrastructure, or if it is close enough to                                                         holiday homes in these areas.
the infrastructure of existing settlements that it can ‘hook’ into it.
This will help us decide where to build new infrastructure in the
future and how and when to invest in it.

Council is looking to put better systems in place for forecasting
growth in the district and how that may affect infrastructure. Part
of that will be structure plans (concepts of what an area might                                                                      Population        2001        2021
look like in the future) and possible changes to the District Plan
to reflect those plans.
                                                                                                                                         District    56,400      73,823         That’s 17,423 more

The main thing is we want to do our best to match-up the growth
with the way we fund and provide infrastructure. So we’ve
done some preliminary growth forecasts for the population and
houses so that the infrastructure we are planning to provide has
enough capacity.

                                                                                                                                Household Units        2001        2021

                                                                                                                                         District    23,661      31,860          That’s 8,199 more
                                                                          Development: Courtesy of Far North District Council

                                                                                                                                                                          Volume 1 - Our Community   
Our Thinking So Far
        Pressures in different parts of
        the District

        The different growth pressures in different parts of the Far North             2009/2019 LTCCP, linked to further development of our
        pose a variety of challenges for council services. We have done                Activity Management Plans.
        some preliminary thinking on what this means for our key service
        areas as set out below. We will be developing our thinking as                  They are best estimates and don’t override the District Plan.
        part of the review of the District Plan and preparation for our                Any development will be subject to the provisions of the District

        Kerikeri / Waipapa

         Background / Assumptions / Principles                                  Current thinking / Areas for further work

         • Currently there are differing opinions about future growth           Water / Wastewater:
           in Kerikeri and the surrounding area. Without a considered           • There will be constraints on new sewerage connections until 2010,
           long term plan there is the potential for disjointed future            limited by the capacity of current plant
           development. We are developing structure plans for key               • Subject to consents there is the potential to develop a new scheme east
           areas, linked to our activity management plans. Council                of Kerikeri capable of servicing the projected growth in population.
           has also established new management responsibilities to
           coordinate the responses of council departments to growth
                                                                                • Roading will need to respond to the need for central
           issues. We see the area between Kerikeri and Paihia as a
                                                                                  bypasses in Kerikeri and access to developing industrial/urban/
           significant area for future growth and development, extending
                                                                                  commercial areas around Kerikeri and Waipapa
           from current development in the Inlet Road area of Kerikeri
                                                                                • Potentially a new road between Kerikeri and Paihia will be required
                                                                                  and this could be a focus for future development in the area (within the
         • There will be further commercial development around                    timeframe of sewerage upgrades)
           Waipapa. It will be important to avoid a “ribbon
           development” effect, which will be more difficult to support
                                                                                • Further Stormwater provision will be required to cope with expansion
           from an infrastructure point of view
                                                                                   around Waipapa and further development along Inlet Road
                                                                                Community Facilities:
         • We are sensitive to the need to protect sensitive coastal
                                                                                • If the Kerikeri / Paihia link goes ahead we will plan for additional
           margins and areas with high kiwi populations. This will
                                                                                  reserves. This will also apply as Waipapa develops commercially
           constrain future development in the Opito Bay area
                                                                                • The need for additional medical facilities and other community
                                                                                  facilities (including an information centre by the end of the ten year
         • We are sensitive to potential treaty claims affecting future           plan) is also recognised
           development in Waitangi Forest
                                                                                There are a number of complex issues in the Kerikeri-Waipapa area to be
                                                                                addressed, mainly due to the rapid change that the area has
         • Kerikeri Airport will be upgraded and expanded to cater for          experienced in recent years. Key issues for Council investment in this
           increased business and tourist traffic, including charter flights.   planning include:
           There will be a consequent need for flight paths and noise
                                                                                • provision of water and sewerage
           contours to be protected.
                                                                                • traffic and parking issues (heritage bypass, potential CBD bypass,
                                                                                  possible one way system)
         • Council will initiate detailed structure places for the Kerikeri-
                                                                                • walking and cycling
           Waipapa area in 2006/2007. As a signatory to the Urban
           Design Protocol, Council is conscious that a coordinated             • implications to the District Plan
           design approach is necessary to ensure that the design of            • main street development
           buildings, places, spaces and networks that make up our              • possible new link road between Paihia and Kerikeri
           towns, work for all of us, both now and in the future.
                                                                                • recreation and amenity spaces and values including provision of
                                                                                  sports fields and the future amenity use of the Kerikeri domain.

10   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
Infrastructure Study - Kerikeri / Waipapa

                                                                                                                           Kiwi Zone

                                                                                Heritage Bypass

                                                Expansion                                                                                    Future


                                                                                                                                       Kerikeri - Waitangi
                                                                                                                                       Link Road

                                       Subdivision Intensification    Subdivision Urban Spread    Restricted Development   Future Intensification
                                                                      10-20 year
                                       Sewerage Expansion             Water Expansion             Stormwater Expansion
Photo: Courtesy of Clive Crombie

                                                                                                                                                Volume 1 - Our Community   11
Doubtless Bay / Mangonui / Taipa

         Background / Assumptions / Principles                                Current thinking / Areas for further work

         • More work is required to confirm potential growth figures,         Water / Wastewater:
           which look high. Although significant growth is projected,         • There are currently 24 pumping stations serving this area
           demand for additional services may be limited if growth              and one treatment plant in Taipa. Treatment plant upgrade is
           represents largely holiday accommodation and second                  already in our plans
           homes, rather than permanent residency.                            • Need for a contingency plan to ensure continuation of water
                                                                                supply in the light of population growth
         • Coastal hazards will influence / limit future growth
         • There is the potential for commercial development at               • Potential need for bypass off State Highway 10 at Coopers
           Taipa                                                                Beach. This issue is also being considered by Transit New
         • Mangonui / Coopers Beach / Cable Bay / Taipa need to
           be considered as a single development area with Mangonui           Community Facilities:
           at its heart                                                       • Information centre and library provision included towards the
                                                                                end of our ten year plan
         • Council has identified Doubtless Bay as a priority for structure   • Need for further consideration of local retail, social,
           planning                                                             educational and medical facilities or reliance on Kerikeri,
                                                                                Waipapa, Kaitaia

                                                                                                                                                Photo: Courtesy of The Far North District Council

12   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
Infrastructure Study - Doubtless Bay / Mangonui / Taipa


                 Proposed Sewerage
                 Treatment Plant                               Rural Living

    Subdivision Intensification   Street Lights   Recreation

    Stormwater Upgrade            Footpath

                                                                                                  Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

                                                                              Volume 1 - Our Community                                       13
Whatuwhiwhi / Tokerau / RANGIPUTA

         Background / Assumptions / Principles                            Current thinking / Areas for further work

         • Coastal hazard issues may constrain growth                     Water / Wastewater:
                                                                          • Upgrade of Wastewater treatment plant included in our ten
         • A number of factors will have an effect on future                year plans
           development – land availability, Mãori land issues,            • New Water treatment plant included in our ten year plans
           Department of Conservation land, District Plan restrictions,
           need to preserve outstanding natural landscape, potential      Roading:
           for flooding                                                   • Access issues through flood zone need to be addressed
                                                                          • Route security works included in LTCCP
         • Need to consider post Treaty settlement Mãori Trust
           development aspirations                                        Community Facilities:
                                                                          • Potential need for commercial area and              sports
                                                                            field development
                                                                          • Potential for maritime facilities to be developed

                                                                                                                                         Photo: Courtesy of Designco

14   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
Infrastructure Study - Whatuwhiwhi / Tokerau / Rangiputa

                                                                      Carrington Estate


    Intensification              Urban Spread         Street Lights                       Sewerage Upgrade

    Stormwater Upgrade 0 - 10 year                    Recreation

                                                                                                                    Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

                                                                                                Volume 1 - Our Community                                       15
Bay of Islands Townships

         Background / Assumptions / Principles                             Current thinking / Areas for further work

         • Potential for integrated development of Inner Bay area, or      Water / Wastewater:
           separate development in separate communities                    • Upgraded Sewage Treatment Plant in Waitangi Forest could
                                                                             service the whole area. Options to be costed for sewage
         • Different potential development scenarios may be                  transfer from Russell peninsula – pipe or bridge
           envisaged:                                                      • Water treatment plant from Waitangi River has plenty of
         		       Integrated development of the whole area –                 capacity. Secondary sources identified in ten year plan -
         		       potentially the more costly scenario in infrastructure     new water supply to inner Bay area, including Russell and
         		       terms                                                      Okiato, to be investigated – sourced from Kawakawa River
         		                                                                  or Kerikeri Irrigation
         		       Restricted development focusing on preserving the        • Water distribution and sewerage system upgrades for Haruru
         		       uniqueness of individual communities – would mean          Falls included in our ten year plans
         		       less development on the Russell peninsula and more
         		       on the Opua / Paihia side                                Roading:
                                                                           • Possible bridge linking Russell peninsula to be considered
         • Paihia development likely to be tourist-driven rather than        further. This is not a fait accompli but it is one of a number
           residential and marked by intensification rather than             of factors that need to be considered in thinking about
           spread                                                            infrastructure requirements. All this will be subject to further
                                                                             consultation in the future.
         • Council has identified Paihia as a priority for structure       • Further roading provision in our ten year plans
           planning.                                                       • Need for realignment of State Highway 11 / Puketona Road
                                                                             (Haruru Falls). Link road between Paihia and Kerikeri could
                                                                             divert development away from Puketona and out to Kerikeri

                                                                           Community Facilities:
                                                                           • Limited recreation land at Paihia. Will need to source
                                                                             land further out at Haruru Falls or Waitangi National Trust
                                                                             (Bledisloe Domain)
         For more details on the individual townships please refer         • Paihia cemetery capacity limited to 10-15 years
         to the appendix.

                                                                                                                                                Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

16   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
Infrastructure Study - Bay of Islands Townships


           Kerikeri - Waitangi
           Link Road

                                       Haruru Falls


                                                                                                         Aucks Road



    Subdivision Intensification   Subdivision Urban Spread      Subdivision Urban Spread         Road Upgrade
                                  0-10 year                     10-20 year

                                                                                                                            Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

                                                                                                        Volume 1 - Our Community                                       17

         Background / Assumptions / Principles                          Current thinking / Areas for further work

         • Intensification of growth towards Kaitaia – commuter town    Water / Wastewater:
                                                                        • Ten year plan includes bringing water supply out from
         • Council has identified Ahipara as a priority for structure     Kaitaia
           planning                                                     • Sewerage upgrade in next ten years

                                                                        • Road upgrade in next ten years

                                                                                                                                  Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

18   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
Infrastructure Study - Ahipara

                                                                                                             Likely Expansion
                                                                                                             10-20 Years


    Subdivision Intensification   Subdivision Urban Spread   Subdivision Urban Spread   Proposed Sewerage Upgrade
                                  0-10 year                  10-20 year
    Stormwater Upgrade            Road Upgrade               Recreation                 Street Lights

    Facilities/Halls/Community    Footpath

                                                                                                                                Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

                                                                                                            Volume 1 - Our Community                                       19
Koutu / Omapere / Opononi

         Background / Assumptions / Principles                          Current thinking / Areas for further work

         • Limited numbers of development applications in Hokianga      Water / Wastewater:
           as a whole                                                   • Security of water supply in summer to be addressed in ten
                                                                          year plans
         • Constraints on development include coastal erosion,
           topography, flooding issues                                  Community Facilities:
                                                                        • Maritime / parking issues - Opononi reclamation and car
                                                                          park to address

                                                                        Roading / Drainage:
                                                                        • Traffic congestion in summer period to be addressed –
                                                                          response will be partly dependent on Transit New Zealand’s
                                                                          preferred approach
                                                                        • Some flooding issues to address

         For more details on the individual townships please refer to
         the appendix.

                                                                                                                                       Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

20   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
Infrastructure Study - Koutu / Opononi / Omapere




    Subdivision Intensification   Subdivision Urban Spread
                                  10-20 year

                                                                                  Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

                                                              Volume 1 - Our Community                                       21
Our Visitors                                                            Tourism Investment in

                                                                                Northland’s tourism industry is experiencing an unparalleled
        Visitors and Commercial Visitor                                         period of investment, with more than $40 million spent on new
        Accommodation                                                           and expanded facilities in the past two years. According to
                                                                                regional tourism agency Destination Northland, a number of
                                                                                further projects are planned, with some already working through
        The district gets plenty of visitors each year and has to have          the resource consent process.
        plenty of commercial visitor accommodation to accommodate
        them.                                                                   Destination Northland manager Robyn Bolton said the
                                                                                benefits are being shared throughout the region, with major
        Aside from the forecasts we’ve done for population and                  developments in the Hokianga, at Tutukaka and at Doubtless
        households, we think it is important to do some forecasts for           Bay joining those in the Bay of Islands. “Northland’s economic
        visitors and the commercial visitor accommodation they will             development and tourism strategies have provided a platform
        need.                                                                   for strong regional development, and have also helped to
                                                                                secure Government involvement, which in turn has given investors
        Like the district’s many holiday homes, most commercial visitor         confidence in the region. “This sort of investment paves the way
        accommodation is not filled to capacity for most of the year but        for an increase in visitor numbers and length of stay, which
        it definitely does get full during summer. This has a big impact         translates into higher earnings for Northland,” said Ms Bolton.
        on our services and infrastructure.
                                                                                The largest of Northland’s new tourism projects over the past two
        This is very important for us. We have to provide infrastructure        years was the construction of Oceans Resort Tutukaka, at close
        that has enough capacity for commercial visitor accommodation           to $30 million. The complex contains 28 hotel rooms and 35
        as if it’s full of people, whether it’s full or not. If we don’t our    apartments, along with conference facilities and retail shops.
        infrastructure won’t cope with the heaviest demands.
                                                                                General manager Stephan Rudich says Oceans has created 30
        We know that the Bay of Islands gets most of the district’s             new full-time positions, along with indirect employment in the
        visitors and has the most commercial visitor accommodation.             shops. “We have been well-received by the Auckland leisure
        Just because most visitors stay in the Bay of Islands that doesn’t      market and we’re starting to really get ahead in the conference
        mean they don’t go and see the rest of the district – particularly      market.” Oceans has already hosted product launches and
        places like Tane Mahuta, Ninety Mile Beach, and the Cape.               conferences for major corporates, including some household
        Visitors also venture into other growth areas of the district. This
        is because some of the tourists and holidaymakers return to             On the Hokianga, the former Omapere Tourist Hotel became
        stay for good in those areas. With that in mind we think that           the Copthorne Hokianga in April 2005. The existing units were
        commercial visitor accommodation is distributed across the              upgraded, 12 new beachfront rooms were added and a health
        district on the following basis:                                        spa built, at a total cost of almost $1.5 million.

                                                                                General Manager Shane Lloydd said the arrival of the
                                                                                international Copthorne brand has been a big plus for the
                              Kerikeri      10.0 %                              Hokianga. “Having the Copthorne name has brought a
                        Bay of Islands      70.0 %                              lot of confidence to inbound tour operators and coach tour
                                                                                companies. We are really rapt to have made it into some major
                        Doubtless Bay       10.0 %
                                                                                brochures overseas, which is going to be huge for us in terms of
         Ahipara and Pukenui-Houhora         2.5 %
                                                                                our 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 seasons.”
                    Opononi-Omapere          7.5 %
                                                                                In the Far North, last year saw the opening of Carrington
                                                                                Resort’s multi-million dollar Karikari Estate winery, which includes
                                                                                tasting facilities and café/function areas overlooking Great
                                                                                Exhibition Bay. Karikari Estate has won 14 medals in its first two
        However, because of all the uncertainty we have kept our                vintages and now exports to China, the United States and Japan.
        visitor forecasts for the district as a whole. We’ll be able to split   Together, Carrington Resort and Karikari Estate employ a core
        the forecasts for the different areas of the district as the data       staff of about 60 people, with extra staff taken on during vintage
        improves into the future.                                               (harvesting) and pruning.

        We have only been able to base our forecasts on current visitor         Another new Northland facility is the $7 million theatre and
        and commercial visitor accommodation trends. So the forecasts           convention complex ‘The Centre’ at Kerikeri. Opened in July
        are pretty rough. Again, we’ll be able to do better as the data         2005 The Centre plays host to an increasingly impressive list
        improves into the future.                                               of cultural and community events, as well as conferences and a
                                                                                range of other functions.

22   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
Visitors: 2001-2021
                                                                                                                              total visitors to far north district
                                                                                                                              2001 - 2021
In 2001:
There were 475,166 visitors
(not including day-trippers).

By 2021:                                                                   1,200,000
We think there will be 1,059,247 visitors.                                 1,000,000

                                             Visitor Numbers
That’s 584,081 more.                                                        600,000
                                                                                                                             2001                    2011                  2021

Commercial Visitor
Accommodation Units:                                                                        Commercial Visitor Accommodation Units in Far North District
2001-2021                                                                                   2001 - 2021

In 2001:
There were 6,825 commercial visitor                                          25,000
accommodation units (e.g. a room in a
                                             Visitor Accommodation Units

hostel/motel/lodge/hotel).                                                   20,000

By 2021:
We think there will be 11,087
commercial visitor accommodation units.                                        5000

That’s 4,262 more
                                                                                                                             2001                    2011                  2021
                                                                                  Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

                                                                                                                                                                                         Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

                                                                                                                                                                     Volume 1 - Our Community                                       23
Where to From Here?
        Far North Growth Strategy

        Our next major task will be to put together a Far North Growth     A Detailed Strategy and Action Plan, which will set out:
        Management Strategy. It will be a public document which will
        set out everything we think about the district’s growth and what   • What we are going to do to manage growth, including
        we will do to manage it. This will include the things we have        priority actions
        talked about above:
                                                                           • Where the growth is likely to occur
                                                                           • How much it will cost and where the money will come from
        a) Growth Drivers                                                  • The timeframe for beginning and finishing the things we will
                                                                             be doing to manage growth
        b) The Costs and Impacts of Growth
                                                                           • How we will monitor our progress, and what we will do to
        c) Our Growth Management Responsibilities                            solve problems if we strike any along the way
                                                                           • When and how we will review the Strategy
        d) Our Growth Forecasts
                                                                           We think it’ll be one of the most important things we’ll be doing
        e) Our Policies on Growth                                          over the next few years. We are aiming to publish the strategy
                                                                           by 2008/2009.

                                                                                                                                               Photo: Courtesy of Designco

24   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
The Far North Economy
Below we continue to explore growth within the Far North. We            Northland’s popularity with visitors continues and the region has
present you with the results from the 2005 Enterprise Northland         again held first place for visitor nights and second place for
Report and introduce you to business owners and operators               visitor arrivals. Northland has also emerged as a leader in
throughout the district, who will give us insights into their visions   new home construction, with more dwelling consents (both by
for the future growth of our community.                                 number and value) than any other comparable region.
                                                                        Consumer confidence in Northland has also outshone the other
                                                                        regions, perhaps with good reason as growth in economic

Enterprise Northland
                                                                        activity was again third equal.

                                                                        While it has been a great period for Northland, there are
                                                                        challenges as there are for the country as a whole. Interest
                                                                        rates, exchange rates and fuel costs are likely to show their
Northland’s economic report                                             effect over the coming year. The key strategic tasks remain to
card confirms steady progress                                           create a high value workforce by raising qualification levels,
towards sustainable growth                                              both school and post school; to improve our infrastructure and to
                                                                        attract and grow investment.

Northlanders have enjoyed the benefits of a bubbling national           The economic report card tracks performance since 2002
economy over the past year, according to the region’s third             towards the goals identified in Northland’s regional econom-
annual economic report card.                                            ic strategy, Northland Forward Together – Kokiri Ngatahi Tai
                                                                        Tokerau, with comparisons against a peer group of eight similar
As Northland’s regional economic development agency,                    regions. The outcomes for the last 3 years are summarised on
Enterprise Northland is responsible for implementing the                the following page.
strategy, with the key objective: ‘Northland will be recognised
within five years [from 2002] as a top-performing regional
economy of its type in New Zealand, by being a leading (with-
in the top three) destination for visitors, a leading region for
sustainable business development, and by being a leading
region for Mãori business successes.’

A recent report from Enterprise Northland tells us a number
of surprising facts about growth in the district. “The rising
national economy has meant that in some instances, even by just
maintaining our position against other regions, Northlanders
are considerably better off”, said Enterprise Northland Chief
Executive Brian Roberts. Last year Northland was eighth out of
eight regions for average weekly income. This year we are fifth
– the average Northlander is taking home $70 a week more
than they were last year, and in dollar terms that increase is
more than double the national average.

“However, that’s primarily a reflection of a tight labour
market – our rankings on the unemployment rate, labour force
participation and school leaver qualifications show there is still
                                                                                                                                            Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

room for improvement”, said Mr Roberts. Northlanders also
spent more during the year. The region moved from eighth
place to sixth equal for new motor vehicle registrations and
annual retail spend per person increased from just over $11,000
in 2004 to almost $13,000 in 2005.

                                                                                                                 Volume 1 - Our Community                                              25
Northland Economic Report Card 2005
                           Economic Indicator      2005 Ranking     2004 Ranking                                              2003 Ranking

                    Regional Economic Activity          3rd Equal        3rd Equal                                                 3rd Equal

                          Consumer Confidence                 1st                                             3rd                        1st

                                  Visitor Nights              1st                                                       1st              1st

                                Visitor Arrivals             2nd                                       2nd                              2nd

                                 Length of Stay              3rd                                       2nd                              3rd

           Total Building & Construction (value)             2nd                                                        1st             3rd

             No Qualifications (school leavers)               7th        6th Equal                                                       8th

                           Unemployment Rate                  9th                                                  9th                   9th

                       Average Weekly Income                  5th                                                  8th                   8th

        A full copy of the economic report card, Northland: State
        of the Economy 2005 can be found on the Enterprise
        Northland website www.enterprisenorthland.co.nz. For further
        information: Brian Roberts, Enterprise Northland, 09-438 5110
        or 0274-958 308
                                                                            Photo: Courtesy of Fullers Bay of Islands

                                                                                                                                               Photo: Courtesy of Footprints Waipoua

26   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
Big Business / Small Business
Examples of what is happening within our communities

Last year we introduced you to big business and small                   Our aim was to give an insight into the district from a community
business owners throughout the Far North District. You met the          point of view. To let you know why these people have moved
Patel Family, owners of Kerikeri’s only dairy. Chris Nathan and         to become, and continued to grow as part of our beautiful
John Ellegard, Founder and Managing Director of Olivado                 district. This year, we will continue the journey focusing on other
and the Lloydd Family, owner operators of the Omapere Hotel             businesses throughout the Far North. Working together to shape
and Holiday Camp on the Hokianga. We also introduced                    the future of our district.
you to Evan Williams a Mataka Developer, Vince Burgess from
Juken NZ, Kaitaia’s largest employer and Jim Burgin, one of the
developers behind the development in Waipapa.

Koro Carman - Footprints Waipoua                                        Jim Clark – Far North Packers

The stunning landscape of the Hokianga has sadly long been              The Far North has long been recognised as wonderful citrus
overshadowed by its glamorous eastern neighbour, the Bay of             growing country, and is increasingly gaining a reputation for its
Islands. However, recent investment by the Copthorne Group              wine. What many may not realise is that the warm sunny climate
in Omapere indicates increasing commercial interest in the              makes it the perfect place for growing avocados. Moreover,
Hokianga. The purchase of a Millennium Copthorne franchise              with national production almost doubling this year avocados are
by Shane and Pip Lloydd has turned the old Omapere hotel and            already a big growth industry for the country, and the region.
holiday camp into an international tourist hotel, and is bringing
not only more holidaymakers, but conference delegates to the            The Far North region will produce fifty percent more
Hokianga.                                                               avocados this year than last. Production is forecast to reach
                                                                        almost half a million trays this year, out of 3.4 million produced
And the spin-offs are already becoming evident for the local            nationally. Owner of the Far North’s largest pack house, Jim Clark
community. Koro Carman, who was raised in Rawene, has made              says “We’re recognised as the most productive and efficient
the journey back home to start up his own business “Footprints          part of New Zealand for growing avocados. The warm Spring
Waipoua”. Now the proud employer of five Mãori guides, and              temperatures are ideal.”
operating out of the Copthorne, Koro and his team take people
on guided day and night walks around the largest and oldest             Also ideal is the plentiful supply of cheap water derived from
Kauri forest in the world.                                              wells bored below the sea floor. “The growth potential here is
                                                                        huge,” says Jim. “I see our production trebling in the future, with
Using a wide variety of props and interactive tools, the guides         new investors coming on board all the time.”
aim to bring the forest and its history alive. “We paint a picture
of what the forest was like, both in prehistoric times, and when        When Jim Clark started farming avocados in 1975 at his
it formed a playground for our ancestors,” says Koro. “The aim          Oro Verde orchard, he was only the second orchardist in the
is to show visitors why rare environments like this are still needed    Kaitaia area. Only 9 years ago the largest orchard spanned
today.”                                                                 12 hectares. Now new ventures are being developed with
                                                                        240-320 hectares going into production.
Koro has been operating for 11 months, and says he and his
group of local shareholders hope to be profitable within 3 years.       However, although Kiwis may be enjoying avocados at under
“Up until now the Hokianga just hasn’t been set up as a tourist         $1 in the supermarket, as with mandarins, export is critical to
destination. It has been very difficult to attract visitors when they   the industry’s success. Far North Packers export 80 - 85% of the
haven’t even heard of it!”. But he is hopeful that the arrival of the   crop to Australia, Japan, the US and Singapore. Fortunately the
Copthorne, and the increasing popularity of Northland gener-            fruit produced in this region is larger than elsewhere, and with
ally will generate the numbers he needs to keep the accountants         the concentration on the excellent commercial “Hass” variety,
happy. And people like him need to make it work. Hokianga’s             Far North avocados are in increasing demand overseas.
unemployment rate stands at over 20% which saddens Koro.
“Coming home I see a lot of people I’ve known all my life who           As for living and working in the Far North, Californian-born Jim
just don’t have a job, which makes me a wee bit sad.”                   has the last word. “I live in Paradise. Why should I move?!”

                                                                                                                  Volume 1 - Our Community    27
Mark Rose - Carrington Golf Estate &                                    Phil Butler - Springbank Orchards
        Karikari Winery

        Set amidst 1215 hectares of some of our most beautiful                  “I love this job. I may not have made a profit yet, but I’m
        coastline, the Carrington Estate has been described by the New          convinced I will before I die!”. So speaks Phil Butler,
        Zealand Herald as a “new shining star” of the wine and hospi-           Kerikeri orchardist and die-hard supporter of the Far North and its
        tality industry. It comprises a luxury Lodge, with both suites and      lifestyle.
        self-contained villas, a restaurant whose nationwide reputation
        is burgeoning, an international-ranked tournament golf course,          Phil was born in England, educated in Canada, but raised his
        and the gold-medal winning Karikari Vineyard.                           family in Rotorua before moving to Kerikeri in 1992. When
                                                                                he took on Springbank orchard then it was a 7 hectare site
        It was conceived in 1995 by American Paul Kelly, and                    growing 14 different cultivars. Now he grows exclusively what
        painstakingly constructed over an eight year period. Relaxed            the area is increasingly famous for; satsuma mandarins, and has
        and “kiwi” in its style, the Estate is attracting not only golfers,     doubled the orchard’s area.
        and lovers of gourmet food and wine, but winning the battle for
        conference business as well.                                            He concedes that making money in orcharding is tough. Price
                                                                                pressure in the domestic marketplace means that NZ’s two major
        And why the Karikari peninsula? The answer is simple according          supermarkets pay just $2.00 a kilo for mandarins, which means
        to General Manager Mark Rose, “It’s the most beautiful piece of         operators like Phil only break even in domestic sales. His major
        land in New Zealand. That’s why!”                                       cost is labour, and his major problem is finding reliable workers
                                                                                prepared to work for what he can realistically afford.
        Sipping an award-winning glass of Pinotage on the winery
        terrace with a panoramic view of the wetlands, sandhills and            “If you look at the low cost of labour in competing South
        the ocean, you can see what he means. For wine, food and                American countries, we’re sitting on a high wall in a strong
        scenery, Karikari competes with the best that Hawke’s Bay               wind” he says, smiling ruefully. “An increase in the minimum
        has to offer. Fifty percent of the Estate’s revenue is derived          wage would be the death knell for us.”
        from the Vineyard already, and with the US and China on the
        customer list, Karikari’s winemakers are well on the way to putting     However, exporting mandarins is a lucrative business, and
        Northland on the international wine map.                                one that he and others in the area have banded together to
                                                                                exploit. “The way forward is to gain the critical mass to export to
        Environmental sustainability is important to Paul Kelly and his         countries like Japan, and through the establishment of the
        team too. Three hundred and sixty four hectares of wetlands             Northland Mandarin Group, working closely with Kerifresh,
        have been created, and the Estate is home to New Zealand’s              we’ve done that.” Getting a good price for his top-quality export
        largest nesting population of the rare dotterill. “We want sus-         crop is where future profitability lies.
        tainable development for the Far North,” says Mark Rose, “no-
        one wants to see this area carved up by sharp-suited Auckland           And the advantages of growing mandarins in this region are
        developers.”                                                            overwhelming. Phil lists the perfect climate, the availability
                                                                                of plentiful and cheap high quality water, and proximity to a
        The development has also given a much needed boost to the               world-class pack house facility, namely Kerifresh. The “Keri”
        local economy. The golf course and vineyard were built by               brand is essential too, as it is synonymous with high quality fruit
        locals, and are worked by them too. Eighty percent of                   the world over.
        Carrington staff are drawn from the immediate area.
                                                                                “All in all, I’m very positive,” he concludes, “and I love the
        Accessibility is, however, a problem. Remoteness adds to                life!”
        Carrington’s unique beauty but also to its costs. The restaurants
        use as much local produce as possible, including beef and eels
        from the Estate farms, Whangaroa oysters, Karikari scallops
        and Mahoe cheese, but there is no doubt that supply costs are
        relatively high. “That’s the price you pay for million dollar views,”
        concludes Mark Rose, “and one we believe is worth paying!”.
                                                                                                                                                      Photos: Courtesy of
                                                                                                                                                      Carrington Estate

28   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
Kit Nixon – Fullers                                                                                                  Suzanne Hall – Living Nature

Fullers hardly needs an introduction to Northlanders. It is one of                                                   Living Nature is one of Northland’s most famous brands, and
the country’s leading tour operators, employing 100 staff in the                                                     one of its most astonishing success stories. Founded in a Kerikeri
Bay of Islands and boasting an annual turnover of 16 million                                                         kitchen by Suzanne Hall in 1987, it is regarded globally as one
dollars. As such, the company’s success acts as a barometer for                                                      of the most comprehensive, truly natural skin care ranges.
the region’s tourist industry.
                                                                                                                     The company now boasts 80 staff, and exports over 200
The good news is that revenue is forecast to be 8% higher this                                                       beauty and skincare products to the UK, Australia, Russia,
year, and CEO Kit Nixon is bullish about the region’s prospects:                                                     Korea, Malaysia, Germany, Holland and the US. It is still
“We see huge potential for growth in our business, both through                                                      however based in the Bay of Islands, a place which Suzanne
local sales agents and offices, and through tour companies.”                                                         Hall holds very dear.
80% of customers are international visitors, from Australia, the
UK, the US and central Europe, and the perception is that                                                            She says that when she arrived in Kerikeri aged 19 to study art
Northland is “an absolute must” as part of any trip to New                                                           she had an immediate connection with the place and people:
Zealand.                                                                                                             “It felt like home and I wanted to raise my family here. I love it
                                                                                                                     for its beaches, trees, rivers, people – its nature in a pure form.
The bad news is that rising fuel prices have become a                                                                Kerikeri is my favourite place in the whole world, it restores and
problem for a tour company whose business revolves around diesel                                                     inspires me – I love it”.
guzzling boats and coaches. “It certainly is a problem,”
admits Kit Nixon, “we, and other operators, have been forced to                                                      Suzanne and Living Nature’s international Board are also
increase our prices for this coming season.”                                                                         passionate about supporting and encouraging local
                                                                                                                     communities, and very aware that owning and operating a
Sustainability is also a big issue for the company. For those who                                                    business in the region has a huge impact on the local economy.
criticise Fullers for its “bums-on-seats” approach to tourism, or                                                    “At Living Nature we are proud to be exporting world-leading
for spoiling our pristine environment, Mr Nixon has an answer                                                        skincare from Kerikeri....our aim and my challenge to all other
ready. “Fullers has come on in leaps and bounds in the last                                                          New Zealanders is to create value-added products and support
couple of years. Our staff are fantastic ambassadors for the                                                         rural communities.”
Bay’s environment, and they communicate that to every visitor.
We’ve even worked with other operators on a “Sustainability                                                          The inspiration for Living Nature’s unique natural range of
Charter”.                                                                                                            skincare and cosmetics comes directly from nature, and many
                                                                                                                     of the raw ingredients come directly from the Kerikeri area.
No-one would deny that Fullers are good ambassadors for                                                              The company promotes its New Zealand heritage through
Northland too. The company has a sizeable team dedicated to                                                          harnessing the natural healing and hydrating properties of local
marketing its tours and cruises overseas, and works tirelessly to                                                    plants such as Harekeke, Kumerahou, Kelp and other naturally
raise its profile, and that of the region overseas.                                                                  sourced Northland ingredients such as Manuka Honey and Oil,
                                                                                                                     and Halloysite Clay.
But in order to prosper in the longer term, he believes the
region needs not only sustainable tourism, but an improved                                                           Operating in the Far North does naturally have its
infrastructure too. “The council has a huge role to play. It is                                                      disadvantages. Suzanne points out that freight and transport
critical for the future of our business, and that of the region, that                                                costs are obviously greater. The company has also found that
issues such as improving roads, sewerage provision and waste                                                         key upper management are often difficult to locate in Kerikeri, as
disposal are looked at long and hard. We are delighted to see                                                        are a number of key business suppliers. However, Living Nature
a long term plan coming together.”                                                                                   has overcome this problem to some extent with a support office
                                                                                                                     in Auckland.

                                                                                                                     And this Bay of Islands company is going from strength to
                                                                                                                     strength. This year Living Nature has expanded into key
                                                                                                                     pharmacy chains here and overseas, and the international
                                                                                                                     appeal and quality of the company’s products was confirmed
                                                                                                                     with Air New Zealand now stocking them on its long-haul
                                                                                                                     network, increasing the global exposure of Living Nature, and
                                                                                                                     of Kerikeri, still further.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Photos: Courtesy of Living Nature Kerikeri (right)
                                                                        Photos: Courtesy of Fullers Bay of Islands

                                                                                                                                                                                           and Destination Northland

                                                                                                                                                               Volume 1 - Our Community                                                         29
Lindsay & James Faircliff – Ceramics Café

        Amongst the rash of new businesses that have sprung up
        in Kerikeri in the last year one stands out from the rest as
        offering something completely new in Northland. Despite its name,
        Lindsay and James Faircliff’s Ceramics Cafe is not just another
        cafe or shop, but a place where children and adults can explore
        their creativity through painting and pottery.

        For the cost of the item you choose, be it a vase, teapot or
        plate, plus a $5.00 fee for use of materials, you can design and
        create your own piece of pottery, which will then be
        professionally glazed and fired.

        Open since September, the Cafe is proving popular for rainy
        days and birthdays. “Children take to it very easily,” says
        Lindsay, “especially those between 8 and 12 years old.” Adults
        are catered for too, with “Ladies Ceramics Evenings” already
        well established.

                                                                                     Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland
        Company directors Lindsay and James are new imports to
        the region too. The couple hail from South Africa, but are thrilled
        to make Kerikeri their home. “Having travelled around New
        Zealand this place was obvious. Its warmer, the people are
        lovely, and it has a nice feeling to it.” The town is also growing,
        which made it attractive as a location for their new business.

        Although very popular in Europe, the concept of painting your
        own ceramics is relatively new here. The Faircliffs believe there
        are only two other such cafes in the North Island. However, if
        they are successful they would look at expanding. “This is my
        passion,” admits Lindsay, “I love the fact I’m helping people to
        create something unique every day.”

                                                                                    Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland
                                                   Photos: Ceramics Cafe Kerikeri

30   Far North Future Plan 2006/2016
Community Outcomes
Background                                                             Past work on Community
One of the requirements in the Local Government Act 2002
is the process for identifying community outcomes and                  Through the 2004 transitional LTCCP process and the
including these in an LTCCP. Outcomes are what the community           production of the 2005/2006 Annual Plan, we consulted
considers important for their wellbeing. Typically these will          on the following high level statements reflecting the overall
extend past what people consider being Council’s core                  aspirations of the district. As a lead up to the 2006
business.                                                              LTCCP, we undertook further consultation – mail outs and
                                                                       personal interviews. 89% of respondents considered the
This section of our plan sets out:                                     statements below to be a reflection of their vision for the Far
• The priority community outcomes for our district
• How these outcomes were identified                                   •   Shared Spirit of Northland
• How Council currently contributes to these outcomes                  •   Wellbeing for All
  (including working with partners – other local and regional          •   Sustainable Environment
  organisations, Mãori, central government organisations,              •   Valuable Workforce
  other agencies and the private sector)                               •   Thriving Economy
• What we are proposing to do in the future to contribute              •   Partnership & Collaboration
  further to priority outcomes and thus to the social,
  environmental, economic and cultural aspects of community
                                                                       The wording around these aspirations has been integrated into
  wellbeing                                                            the following paragraph and provides the community context for
• How the outcomes relate to other key Council strategies and          the outcome areas and actions within the document:
• How we will measure progress against community outcomes
                                                                           “Far North people have a sense of pride in their
Councils are required to work with communities to identify                 district, and want strong, healthy and safe
outcomes, but the Act makes clear that progressing outcomes is             communities.    Development is supported as long
a collective, community-wide initiative, with councils playing a           as it respects the region’s natural resources and
role in facilitating the process. Full consultation for community          allows the commnity to access them. Education and
outcomes must take place at least every 6 years as a minimum               decent jobs are vitally important, as is partnership and
requirement (i.e. for every second LTCCP).                                 collaboration between government agencies, council
                                                                           and the community.”
Outcomes are useful for both communities and councils. They
provide a starting point for people to express their differing
opinions on what they would want their communities to be like
and encourage people to be involved in local affairs.

For Council, knowing what the district wants and what they
think is important, helps planning processes, aligns activities
with community aspirations, promotes better co-ordination and
application of resources, and encourages collaboration. This
                                                                                                                                         Photo: Courtesy of Destination Northland

also holds true in terms of the relationship with other councils
in the Northland Region. If the aspirations of communities
are similar throughout Northland, then it makes sense for all
councils to work together strategically to further the outcomes.
With this in mind, consistency is important when linking to regional
outcomes. Similarly, outcomes identified by the Far North
District residents should be reflected in, or reinforce, the overall
vision of Northland as a region.

                                                                                                               Volume 1 - Our Community                                             31
You can also read