OUTLOOK 2021 - Petrol World

Page created by Gerald Bowen
OUTLOOK 2021 - Petrol World
WWW. PETROLWORLD .COM                OUTLOOK 2021                Issue 44 2021

                                    OUTLOOK 2021
                                       Future of Fuel Retail Part 2
                                       Country Profiles: UK & Ireland
                                       Maxol Group 100 Years
                                       Petros – Malaysia’s
                                       New Fuel Retail Brand
                                       WOCASS –
                                       Digital Technology & AI

OUTLOOK 2021 - Petrol World
There’s nothing
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Seriously. Not a thing.

We don’t want to brag, but our fuel management service is next level.
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© 2020 Dover Fueling Solutions. All rights reserved. DOVER, the DOVER D Design, DOVER FUELING SOLUTIONS, and other trademarks referenced herein are trademarks of Delaware Capital Formation,
Inc./Dover Corporation, Dover Fueling Solutions UK Ltd. and their affiliated entities, registered in the United States and various other countries. 17-DEC-20
OUTLOOK 2021 - Petrol World
Thank you for
    100 years of support
          We canʼt quite believe it ourselves.
Weʼve been at the heart of Irish communities since 1920.
   And as we look forward to exciting times ahead,
   weʼd like to thank all Maxol staff and customers
              for your continuing support.
OUTLOOK 2021 - Petrol World

                                                                  06   FUELWORLD
                                                                       OUTLOOK 2021

    04   WORLD VIEW
         Key stories from around the world


    24   EUROPE
    29   ASIA
    31   FEATURE: PETROS SARAWAK                                  11   THE FUTURE OF FUEL
                                                                       RETAIL — PART 2



                                                                       100 YEARS


         FUELWORLD Magazine online

                                                                  47   TECHNICHE: DIGITAL
                                                                       WITH SMART AI

FUELWORLD                                          OUTLOOK 2021                   Issue 44 2021
OUTLOOK 2021 - Petrol World

                + CONTACTS                                                       + EDITOR'S LETTER

                International Editor
                David Egan

                Shehryar Ahmad
                Giuseppe Bonaccorsi
                Tom Caldwell
                Hein Christina
                Brian Donaldson
                Stefan Forster
                Don Frieden
                Perez Genoves Lucia
                Francesco Masci
                Kevin McPartlan
                Ian Pearson                                                      Welcome to a special full packed Issue 44!
                Rod Prowse                                                       While most of the world remains in the grip of the Covid
                Mike Rubeis                                                      pandemic, the roll out of the vaccinations gives everybody
                Denis Tan
                                                                                 hope. As far as international stability in business is concerned,
                Art Director                                                     the arrival of the Biden administration also gives hope.
                Anja Coyne                                                       After a ‘Marathon’ (speedway) year of acquisitions, mergers
                                                                                 and partnerships, the trend is set to continue in 2021.
                Advertising Enquiries                                            For some its survival and for others consolidation; it is also
                                                                                 for the current and future opportunities that exist in the
                                                                                 transition of the world of convenience at the service station.
                Accounts Enquiries                                               The Future of Fuel Retail Part 2 follows the ‘Outlook 2021’
                info@petrolworld.com                                             feature on page 6 from Boston Consulting Group. Country
                                                                                 profiles of the UK and Ireland follow on page 14. FuelWorld
                subscriptions@petrolworld.com                                    is delighted to highlight Maxol Group Ireland 100 year’s
                                                                                 celebration on page 21. As promised, we have some unique
                Press Release / Editorial                                        photos and update on Petros Sarawak in Malaysia on page 31.
                                                                                 Our regular items include fuel retail and convenience
                or newsdesk@petrolworld.com
                                                                                 news from around the world as well as international
                Print                                                            product and supplier news. Also watch out for the “Digital
                Walsh Colour Print, Ireland                                      transformation with smart AI” article on page 47.
                                                                                 Finally, I have to report that due to the disruption of covid
                Published quarterly (four times a year) both the FuelWorld       and the world we currently live in, the publication of
                including World of Convenience at the Service Station, are       FuelWorld is being suspended till the end of 2021. Instead
                circulated to all key purchasing decision makers within the
                fuel value chain from Logistics (distribution), through retail   PW Media International has organised its resource and
                marketing to C-Store/G-Store across the globe. Additionally      efforts to produce market intelligence and news via its
                the vast majority of key personnel within companies supplying
                to these retail brands are recipients.                           main website.
                All material © 2021. No part of these publications or any        This gives me the opportunity to thank all those concerned
                other PetrolWorld material may be reproduced, stored in a
                retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means      with PW Media International for their efforts to date during
                without the prior written consent of the Publisher. Opinions     these surreal times. We will be making announcements
                and comments expressed herein are not necessarily those of
                the Publisher. All rates are correct at time of going to print   later this year for 2022 and this will also cover events.
                but are subject to change. Whilst every effort has been made     We expect a return to a new normal after September 2021.
                to ensure that all information contained in these publications
                is factual and correct at time of going to press, PetrolWorld
                cannot be held responsible for any inadvertent errors or         David Egan
                omissions contained herein.                                      International Editor

                Published by:

                                                                                 Paid Subscription
                                                                                 Required from
                                                                                 April 2021
                                              REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE

                PW MEDIA                      Suite 33-01. 33rd Floor
                International Ltd             Menara Keck Seng
                38 Brook Meadow               203 Jin Bukit Bintang
                Avoca                         55100 Kuala Lumpur
                Co. Wicklow
                Ireland                       Email: info@petrolworld.com

Issue 44 2021                                                    OUTLOOK 2021                                                          FUELWORLD
OUTLOOK 2021 - Petrol World
4          Section 1         Feature > World View

Snapshot stories from around the world

Gulf Brand Expands in Philippines

    Gulf Centro, Santiago City Philippines: The Gulf
    brand has been steadily expanding its fuel retail
    network in South East Asia.

Currently the Gulf brand is developing a fuel retail                email: marygrace@gulfoilphilippines.com The operations of
network of 33 sites within the Philippines. For more details        the Gulf Brand in Region 2 of the Philippines is managed by
on Gulf Philippines, contact Mary Grace Bartolome on                the DMaya Group which is owned by Lacerna family. 091020

Torre YPF Argentina HQ Valued US$400m For Sale

                                                                    The decision is part of the strategy of the oil company to
                                                                    raise funds and reduce costs in the new reality imposed
                                                                    by the global pandemic. There is also the practical reality
                                                                    that the heaadquarter building is no longer functional for
                                                                    current and fututre management operations. There are
                                                                    now more employees workign remotely than there is in
                                                                    the building.
                                                                    YPF’s corporate headquarters is a building of 33 floors
                                                                    and 160 meters high, inaugurated in 2008 by the then
                                                                    Repsol-YPF, and had been designed to house some
                                                                    2,000 employees.
                                                                    The work commissioned by the architect from Tucumán
                                                                    who died in July 2019 – also the author of buildings such
Torre YPF HQ, the work of iconic architect Cessar Pelli, is to be   as the Petronas Towers in Malaysia or the new Museum
sold by its owners YPF oil company. It has been reported by local   of Modern Art in New York – highlighted its outline on the
sources that eh company is expecting to sell the building for       Puerto Madero skyline with an unprecedented eucalyptus
us$400m. The Torre YPF building is situated in the Puerto Madero    garden planted inside the 26th to 31st floor that could be
district of Buenos Aires on Boulevard Macacha Guemes street.        seen from the street.    050121

FUELWORLD                                                   OUTLOOK 2021                                             Issue 44 2021
OUTLOOK 2021 - Petrol World
Feature > World View       Section 1    5

EG Group Acquires OMV Fuel Retail Business in Germany

OMV and EG Group reach agreement for EG Group to acquire the
OMV fuel retail business in Germany. The transaction is subject
to required regulatory approvals and closing is expected in 2021.
OMV, the international, integrated oil, gas and petrochemicals
company head-quartered in Vienna, Austria, and EG Group, a
leading global independent petrol forecourt convenience retail
operator, announced the agreement for EG group to acquire the
OMV filling station business in Germany.                                    Optimizing your fuel business
The purchase price amounts to €485m. As part of the agreement,              to the last drop!
EG Group will assume outstanding lease liabilities resulting in a
total enterprise value for the Business of approximately €614 mn.
The purchase price is subject to customary net working capital
and net debt adjustments.                                                   Full control of the fuel flow, from
The agreement encompasses 285 fuel service stations located                 the refinery to the end customer.
in Bavaria and Baden Württemberg in the south of Germany.                   Zero undetected leakage, thefts,
“We are delighted about the level of interest in our fuel retail            overdispensings or short deliveries.
business in Germany and to have reached an agreement with EG
Group. This marks a further step in our previously announced
2-billion-Euro divestment program and this transaction will
reduce OMV’s debt by approximately half a billion euros at the
time of closing”, said Rainer Seele, Chairman of the Executive
Board and CEO of OMV.
Mohsin Issa CBE and Zuber Issa CBE, co-Founders and co-CEOs
of EG Group, commented: “We are very pleased to be welcoming
the OMV Deutschland fuel retail sbusiness into EG Group. This
attractive portfolio of service stations with significant retail and
foodservice operations is an exciting opportunity to expand EG’s
footprint in Germany, a key European market where we see
significant growth potential for our Group.” 141220

Issue 44 2021                                                OUTLOOK 2021                                                FUELWORLD
OUTLOOK 2021 - Petrol World
6         Section 1            Feature > OUTLOOK 2021


    FuelWorld Outlook 2021
Introduction by David Egan
The role of the global fuel retail network is transforming itself          Consumers and motorist changing their daily schedules
into to a consumer lifestyle in the ‘World of Convenience at the           had a huge impact on service station visits and product
Service Station.’ This is and will continue to be the enduring             purchase. Loyalty programmes and apps took on new
appeal of fuel retail.                                                     importance. Food services expanded and developed quickly
                                                                           and will continue to do so in 2021. Tailoring the needs of
The above sentence was my final sentence in last year’s Outlook
                                                                           the consumer in the locality of the service station is crucial
for 2020. At the time, we were unaware of the impending Covid
                                                                           in 2021.
pandemic. In fact, it was late January, when I took note of what
was happening in Wuhan. At that time, I was concerned about                Fuel retailers with good operational practice, well trained
our event planned for Singapore, which was subsequently                    staff and strong leadership will stand to benefit the most
postponed and then cancelled.                                              during and after this pandemic. We are all aware now of
                                                                           the importance of technology, innovation, footfall, data for
While the coronavirus remains, the roll out of the vaccination
                                                                           decision making, mobile ordering, online sales, delivery
around the world will remain in the headlines for a great part of
                                                                           and pick up, drive thru, partnership with third parties and
this year. It is also the solution to allow a ‘new normal’ return to the
                                                                           new product and service offering. All these items have been
world. As stated in my recent editorials on our main news website,
                                                                           news items on our PetrolWorld.
the third quarter should be pivotal for international business.
The second half of the year should see a return to a new normal.           Acquisitions and consolidation of the different sectors within
                                                                           fuel retail has been a major feature of 2020 and will continue
For fuel retail, the pandemic has hastened the transition of
                                                                           in 2021. This subject is too big to be covered here, but is a key
the service station into a consumer lifestyle in the ‘World of
                                                                           subject that will feature in our digital information services.
Convenience at the Service Station,’ driven by the dramatic
change in consumer behavior as a consequence of the                        However it is the quality and experience of staff and
pandemic. Lower fuel sales have been replaced with rising                  management combined with a system of organization that will
sales of ancillary services and goods.                                     determine the results for all players in the market.
The consumer experience changed at the service station, initially          The opportunity continues for all service station retailers in
with regards to health and safety issues. This included the                2021 to continue and enhance their role in their community.
direction signs, keeping your distance and washing your hands.             Knowing your customers and footfall has never been so
Health and safety issues will linger on after the pandemic.                important.

FUELWORLD                                                          OUTLOOK 2021                                                 Issue 44 2021
OUTLOOK 2021 - Petrol World
Improve the customer journey
with SIQMA solutions

/ Smart checkout - SIQMA Smoove

/ Integrated EV charging - SIQMA Charge.Connect

OUTLOOK 2021 - Petrol World
8        Section 1          Feature > OUTLOOK 2021

                                     Stefan Forster                                                        Kevin McPartlan
                                     CEO                                                                   CEO
                                     Hectronic                                                             Fuels for Ireland

Blessing in disguise is probably the best description                 They say there is no education like adversity, and what adversity
of Hectronic’s business year 2020. Despite COVID-19                   we bore in 2020. Governments, citizens, researchers and
we are looking back at an overall successful year in the              international bodies recognised that Covid-19 posed a very
area of petrol station management. After a significant                grave threat and worked together to meet the global challenge
drop in sales in April/May the situation normalized in late           and to protect humanity. As inoculation programmes (hopefully)
summer. The decrease of the price for crude oil (and thus             begin to enable a return to normal life, it is essential that we
the temporarily increased margin) compensated the lower               learn the valuable lessons taught.
sales at the petrol stations.
                                                                      We must coordinate efforts across the public and private sector,
One development in recent months that COVID-19 has                    with NGOs and policy makers, at local, national and global levels,
certainly accelerated was interesting: The topic of                   to address the climate emergency with practical, coordinated
digitization has obviously experienced a boost - not only             and evidence-based programmes. As fuel providers, we have
in Germany, but in many other countries where Hectronic               very particular responsibilities. In Fuels for Ireland we have
is present. The customers have recognized the need for                committed to carbon neutrality by 2050, but we recognise another
this progress and put the digitization of their business at           concomitant responsibility - to continue to fuel transport, heating,
the top of the agenda. Innovative products such as our                agriculture, aviation, industry, maritime and logistics to and
payment app easy2fuel or the management of fleet cards                beyond that date.
have profited from this development. Apart from that,
                                                                      The route to this destination is, frankly, uncharted. We really
there was a growing demand for contactless payment.
                                                                      cannot be certain on what technologies, to what degrees and
Still: Even for digital products - usually requiring                  in which applications we will rely in coming decades. The
explanation - analog channels, i.e. face-to-face meetings on          network of EV charging points on forecourts will of course
site, are helpful and necessary to convince customers of the          continue to grow, but we are also increasing the ratio of
solutions. Video conferences, webinars and product videos             carbon-free biofuels which will be blended into petroleum
are certainly valuable but only partially replace the personal        stock for transport fuels, exploring the potential of hydrogen to
sales meeting.                                                        fuel heavy vehicles, monitoring international efforts to develop
                                                                      sustainable aviation fuels and thinking how they might impact
We have a positive outlook on the year to come, even
                                                                      on a market were 40% of homes rely on kerosene for heating.
though the second wave of COVID-19 and the related
second lockdown have made the economic situation                      Last year, Fuels for Ireland launched a vision document –
more difficult towards the end of the year. The aftermath             ‘Powering Today and Tomorrow’ in which we expressed our
will certainly be noticeable in the first months of 2021              commitment to carbon neutrality. We have invited Irish people
until things will hopefully normalize again. Even so, I am            and stakeholders to hold us to account and to check progress
convinced that we will remain very well positioned with               toward meeting our goals so we can expect to be asked some
our products, in particular with our digital offers. We will          tough questions in 2021 and beyond. We will be challenged to
concentrate on a variety of further developments with                 go on, go further and go faster on the route to our ultimate
respect to a user-friendly combination of fuel terminal               objective, and so the year ahead will be an interesting one.
and smartphone as well as on cloud-based solutions and
                                                                      We will work with Government, our colleagues in FuelsEurope,
conventional management tools. We are looking forward
                                                                      stakeholders and most importantly, Fuels for Ireland members
to 2021!
                                                                      to continue to power Ireland as it recovers from the public health
                                                                      and economic impact of Covid-19 while striving to reduce, and
                                                                      plot a route to neutralise, carbon emissions.

FUELWORLD                                                      OUTLOOK 2021                                                 Issue 44 2021
Feature > OUTLOOK 2021              Section 1         9

                                     Don Frieden                                                         Brian Donaldson
                                     President & CEO                                                     CEO
                                     P97                                                                 Maxol

P97 Networks provides secure, cloud-based mobile commerce,          Given the year we have just had, predictions of any kind might
connected car and digital marketing solutions for quick             not be prudent! But, despite the many challenges presented by
service industries including gas stations, convenience stores,      2020, the outlook is one of cautious optimism.
carwashes and fast-food restaurants. Our PetroZone®                 Last year Maxol marked 100 years in business, a landmark
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platform enables secure payment        moment for the fourth-generation family business founded by the
processing, identity management and targeted digital offers         McMullans in 1920. Sadly, but understandably, with the exception
across millions of individual devices, connected cars and retail    of a wonderful tome, Maxol 1920–2020: Celebrating the First
locations so marketers can create truly unique consumer             Hundred Years of an Irish Family Company, celebrations
experiences. The key concept behind our MaaS vision is to           were put on hold. However, many other business initiatives are
offer consumers mobility solutions and services based on their      continuing at pace.
individual needs and wants.
                                                                    Since 2012, Maxol has invested €200M in new sites and the
Although the COVID-19 crisis slowed our business down in the        redevelopment of our existing network and a further €17M
first half of 2020, the conditions created by the pandemic led      investment is planned for 2021. In addition to its physical
to a pronounced increase in demand for the services rendered        infrastructure, Maxol continues to invest heavily in technology,
by our platform in the second half of the year. Specifically, the   which is playing a huge part in the evolution of the business and its
virus accelerated the global adoption of contactless payments,      237 forecourts. Pay-at-pump facilities are becoming increasingly
mobile commerce, and digital marketing solutions by several         important and we are trialling mobile payment technology,
years. Interestingly, the largest shifts are also the most likely   removing the need for traditional card readers. We have exciting
to stick after the pandemic, including working from home and        plans for a new loyalty programme app in early 2021, rewarding
a pronounced consumer preference for online purchasing and          customers with special discounts and incentives.
touchless transactions. Perhaps most relevant to P97, major
                                                                    The company is also diversifying its fuel offering. Our newly
oil companies facing declining revenues because of the crisis
                                                                    launched Premium fuel has fewer pollutants and offers
experienced a mindset shift on digital consumer engagement.
                                                                    improved vehicle performance, while reducing engine deposits.
Recently, on a NACS panel with other industry experts, we           Premium fuels will be available across 40 sites over the next
shared empirical evidence from our platform of this consumer        12 months and for each litre of premium fuel sold, Maxol offsets
shift in the convenience and fuel retailing vertical. Users,        tailpipe carbon emissions with renewable energy projects.
transactions, and fuel gallons purchased on P97’s mobile            Maxol is transitioning from being a fuel brand selling convenience
platform grew 3x since the March lockdowns, even as gasoline        products to a convenience food service brand selling fuel and
consumption in the United States fell 12% below 2019 levels.        new energies. Last year our ratio of fuel to food was at 60:40
Going forward, whether from liquid fuels or electric, privately     and over the next two years we will see this ratio reversed.
owned or shared vehicles, or from people-driven or autonomous       Diversification is central to Maxol’s future. Maxol moved into the
vehicles, achieving our vision means consumers benefit from         green electricity sector last summer with the launch of bright,
seamless customized experiences at every step of their journey.     a 100% green energy company in partnership with energy
For businesses, operating in the MaaS ecosystem means not just      entrepreneurs Ciaran and Stephen Devine.
navigating but integrating with a labyrinth of non-standardized     While Maxol has gone through many changes over the past
technologies, systems and functions: Mobile apps and tech           100 years there is one thing that will never change. Maxol’s
support, connected car programs, digital marketing and loyalty      success is predicated on its position in local communities.
programs, mobile payment aggregation, settlement, and               Our service stations are run by local people for local people,
integration with merchant’s point of sale and site systems.         employing local people; that has been our business model for
                                                                    100 years. We look forward to the next 100.

Issue 44 2021                                              OUTLOOK 2021                                                      FUELWORLD
10        Section 1           Feature > OUTLOOK 2021

                                       Shehryar Ahmad                                                      Tom Caldwell
                                       General Manager                                                     CTO
                                       Corporate                                                           Techniche
                                       BYCO Petroleum
                                       Pakistan Ltd

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, Byco immediately                  As the world remains in the grip of Covid-19, fuel retailers
sprung to action by supporting local struggling communities             and their suppliers continue to search for new ways to
in villages near its refinery in Hub, Balochistan, during the           operate throughout 2021, often having to reinvent how they
lockdowns by distributing rations, masks hand sanitizers. Byco          do business. New Covid-secure working practices have
instituted social distancing SOP’s and other precautionary              imposed additional costs on the industry and these will not
measures at all its offices retail outlets and other installations.     be going away. Minimising risk for staff and customers, social
To combat climate change, Byco is Pakistan’s first oil company          distancing measures, sanitisation and additional cleaning are
to declare its intention of becoming carbon neutral by the              all part of the new cost of doing business.
year 2030. Byco’s major initiative in this goal is to plant trees
                                                                        To remain competitive in 2021, retailers are looking for ways
using the Miyawaki Method developed by renowned Japanese
                                                                        to offset this unplanned expenditure, by re-examining where
botanist Dr Akira Miyawaki, using his theory of Potential
                                                                        incremental savings can be achieved in other parts of the
Natural Vegetation (PNV). Supporting the United Nations
                                                                        business – what can be done more efficiently? With around
Sustainable Development Goals towards water conservation,
                                                                        8% of fuel retail total expenses allocated to repairs and
Byco has begun installing reverse osmosis plants to recycle
                                                                        maintenance, driving this number down is an ever more vital
water at its retail outlet car washes.
                                                                        mission for retailers around the globe.
Byco Petroleum is Pakistan’s only vertically integrated oil
company. Byco is poised for success as Pakistan’s economy               Techniche has been at the forefront of maintaining the critical
grows. Representing 37% of Pakistan’s total petroleum                   assets of global fuel retailers for over 20 years, at over
refining capacity of 156,000 barrels per day, Byco produces             40,000 sites in 39 countries. This year we are working with
a wide range of refined products. Founded in 1995 with the              customers on new and innovative ways to either fine-tune or
vision to make Pakistan self-sufficient in energy production,           reinvent asset maintenance strategies to cut maintenance
Byco today satisfies more than a quarter of Pakistan’s total            costs further. By applying technology to manage, monitor
petroleum demand.                                                       and analyse critical assets more effectively, the performance
                                                                        of assets is optimised. Predictive maintenance, advanced
To maximize sales of its refinery products, Byco developed its
                                                                        analytics and automation will all be playing an increasingly
own retail network, now among the top six in the country in
                                                                        vital role in this quest for maximum ROI.
terms of presence. Byco Petroleum owns and operates 408
retail service stations across Pakistan. Byco has similarly             During 2021, retailers also need to examine the maturity of
launched a full range of automotive lubricants under the                their maintenance operations overall. Many are still relying on
brands CNERGY (for gasoline engines), INTELU (for diesel                out-dated spreadsheets and remaining in a purely ‘reactive’
engines), and BYKER 4T (for motorcycle engines).                        asset management mode, or don’t have an accurate inventory
Byco has also exhibited its farsightedness recently by                  of critical assets so can’t see what they’re meant to be
preparing to launch an aromatics plant in response to the               protecting. For example, is your ATG (Automated Fuel Gauge)
need to modernize and diversify its business operations.                accessible from the Internet? A very scary thought. Recent
In 2020, amidst the challenging situation of the Covid-19               projects by Techniche have revealed that many operators’
pandemic and extreme price volatility in international                  forecourts are vulnerable and exposed to the Internet and they
petroleum prices, Byco announced ambitious upgrade plans to             didn’t even realise.
install a DHDS (diesel hydro de-sulphurising) unit and a fluid          By managing and maintaining assets better in 2021 and
catalytic cracking (FCC) unit. Despite a challenging year in            beyond, fuel retailers will not only offset the unexpected costs
2020, Byco has shown tremendous resilience and is poised to             of Covid-19 but also drive growth and increase sales through
rise strongly as Pakistan and its economy scale new heights.            maximum asset uptime and a better customer experience.

FUELWORLD                                                        OUTLOOK 2021                                              Issue 44 2021
Feature > The Future of Fuel Retail — Part 2               Section 1        11

The Future of Fuel Retail – Part 2                                                                                       COVER STORY

For Big Oil, Retail
Is the New Black
By Mirko Rubeis, Managing Director and Partner at Boston Consulting Group (BCG),
Giuseppe Bonaccorsi, Managing Director and Partner at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) &
Francesco Masci, Principal at Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
The oil and gas (O&G) industry has never      volatility and possible decline of their        Fuel retailers have increasingly
faced a more challenging business             traditional businesses. Fuel retail will be a   focused on building out their nonfuel
environment than it does today. As            key growth vector for oil companies in the      offerings, using daily touchpoints to
COVID-19 shakes fossil fuel demand and        coming years, complementing their other         address B2C and B2B customer needs.
accelerates the transition to alternative     diversification and sustainability efforts.     Digital solutions enable retailers to
forms of energy, many O&G companies                                                           further monetize these millions of daily
have endured their most unprofitable          The benefits to players that have moved         touchpoints, transforming fuel retail from
year in decades. Gasoline demand has          early in these areas confirm the value          a vehicle-centric model to a customer-
dropped significantly in recent months        available in fuel retail, even during a         centric model and expanding their
as a result of restrictions on movement       pandemic. International oil companies           accessible value pools. (See Exhibit 1.)
and as more people work from home             with a large fuel retail footprint have
                                                                                              In addition, fuel retailers can use their
and rely more heavily on e-commerce.          recorded very good financial results
                                                                                              sites to pursue strategic real estate
Demand in Q2 and Q3 of 2020 in OECD           in recent quarters in their marketing
                                                                                              plays. For example, they can exploit
countries was 19% lower than in the           divisions, thanks to increasing their
                                                                                              these sites as logistic hubs for last-mile
corresponding quarters of 2019 for            margins during a period of declining
                                                                                              delivery, leveraging the proximity of their
gasoline, and 11% lower for diesel,           oil prices, and to successfully
                                                                                              network to B2C customers—both for
where a surge in logistical activities        repositioning their C-store concept
                                                                                              their C-stores and in partnership with
linked to e-commerce partially sustained      as a safer neighborhood shopping
                                                                                              e-commerce platforms—to grow their
demand. As demand has fallen, so has          option (often complementing online
                                                                                              offering of instant deliveries, which are
foot traffic in service station convenience   purchases), thereby increasing nonfuel
                                                                                              possible only through a well-distributed
stores (C-stores) in most markets.            revenues. Overall, the return on capital
                                                                                              network of micro-hubs. For B2B
                                              employed by oil companies that have
                                                                                              customers, fuel retailers can leverage
One thing is certain: the competitive         invested substantially in fuel retail
                                                                                              data accumulated from years of serving
landscape for service stations is             exceeds 20%.
                                                                                              commercial fleets to offer insights into
changing even more rapidly than
                                                                                              utilization and maintenance, offering
industry observers had previously             Benefits of Investing in                        new added-value services and cross-
expected, and the risk for players            Fuel Retail                                     selling other products (their own, such
that don’t adopt innovative business
                                              Players that invest in the future of fuel       as lubricants, or from third parties).
models is even greater now than it was
                                              retail will be able to reap the benefits
when we discussed the situation in our                                                        Expanding into new value pools will
                                              along four key dimensions.
previous report “Is There a Future for                                                        significantly increase the nonfuel
Service Stations?”                            Tap into new B2C and B2B value pools.           component of retailers’ income and
                                              Fuel retail is the only O&G business that       reduce the volatility that is typical of the
Counterintuitively, that’s why this is a      has direct access to end customers—             O&G business, allowing companies to
critical time for O&G companies to invest     both B2C and B2B—and therefore is the           diversify away from hydrocarbons.
even more in fuel retail. By exploiting       only O&G business with an enormous
nonfuel value pools, bolstering the           amount of customer data. In times when          Bolster energy transition efforts.
transition to different forms of energy,      oil demand is uncertain, companies can          Companies should take this opportunity to
and pursuing new avenues of growth, fuel      use this data to identify adjacent spaces       invest in the alternative fuel ecosystem
retailers can help themselves diversify       to generate more value for customers            shaped by electric vehicles (EVs),
away from hydrocarbons and offset the         and provide new revenue streams.                shared mobility, and other emerging

Issue 44 2021                                              OUTLOOK 2021                                                         FUELWORLD
12       Section 1          Feature > The Future of Fuel Retail — Part 2

                                                                   global size of a company’s retail network, as measured by the
                                                                   number of service stations, and brand value, as determined by
                                                                   independent agencies. (See Exhibit 2.)
                                                                   Oil companies are considering repositioning their brand
                                                                   as broader energy companies that have global net-zero
                                                                   emissions aspirations. In this context, an extensive retail
                                                                   network can provide the visibility and brand equity to
                                                                   communicate new brand attributes quickly and effectively.
                                                                   This repositioning, in combination with a redesign of the
                                                                   product portfolio, may help attract business partners,
                                                                   investors, and talent. It may also help improve employee
                                                                   satisfaction and retention.

                                                                   How to Win
                                                                   Investing in fuel retail can be an attractive opportunity, but
                                                                   it’s not for the faint of heart because it requires transforming
                                                                   the business model and developing capabilities that most fuel
                                                                   retailers have not yet mastered.
                                                                   Today, the traditional business model for service stations is at
                                                                   risk because of lower transportation fuel demand and because
                                                                   of substitution risk from alternative fuels and alternative
                                                                   mobility models. In order to succeed, fuel retailers must
                                                                   transform their business model in three dimensions:
green transportation solutions. Fuel retailers can leverage        • Offering. Leveraging their deep customer understanding,
their network presence and their direct knowledge                     companies need to reposition themselves as mobility,
                                                                      logistics, and even real estate companies that offer a
of customers to win in these new mobility value pools. Besides
                                                                      broader range of products and services, exploiting their data
the obvious value of diversification, investing in alternative
                                                                      and network locations as sources of competitive advantage.
fuels supports the company’s broader energy transition                They also need to play a key role in alternative fuels (EVs,
efforts, which accelerated during the pandemic.                       hydrogen, and biofuels), even outside the service station.
Fuel retailers can provide a range of new green offerings—            Leading companies have already begun to do this.
from EV charging to hydrogen and biofuels—in line with their       • Asset Portfolio and Network. Players must reassess their
pledge to support decarbonization. Companies that invest in          service station networks in light of anticipated future
energy transition upstream, such as hydrogen production or           mobility trends. Doing so will enable them to buy and sell
biofuels, can place their output in their retail outlets. Energy     assets proactively, purchasing today the sites that will
transition can also help companies expand beyond the service         become mobility hubs tomorrow and divesting the sites
stations. For example, players such as BP and Total are              that are high performing today but may become marginal
                                                                     tomorrow (for example, fuel-only urban sites that EVs will
planning to build many new EV charging points, which will
                                                                     challenge). Companies can also reassess and optimize their
eventually greatly outnumber their fuel retail sites.
                                                                     mix of company- and dealer-owned stations, using the same
Support placement of refined products and trading activities.
The International Energy Agency warns that, by 2030, some          • Organization and Capabilities. Fuel retailers should
14% of today's refining capacity in advanced economies will be       start preparing the organization to cope with the new
at risk of lower utilization or closure. At a time when demand       challenges—from holistically managing data among
for refined products is increasingly challenged, oil companies       loyalty programs and different payment systems and
may find it important to have their service stations create an       lines of business to building new capabilities in digital
                                                                     and alternative fuels. Five or ten years from now, the
internal demand for diesel and gasoline. In addition, selling
                                                                     organization of fuel retailers will look significantly different
nonfuel items and other services will add value to the volumes
                                                                     from the way it looks today, and building capabilities in new
of refined products sold through the fuel retail network. For        areas can take time, so companies should start to hire talent
companies with a strong trading arm, these “shorts” of refined       and review their key processes today.
products from the fuel retailers can be very valuable in trades,
complementing their long positions from refineries and             In the years to come, fuel retail will be less focused on
providing great opportunities for arbitrage in terms of quality,   gasoline and diesel, and more focused on a holistic mobility
time, or geography.                                                play, alternative fuels, and a much broader nonfuel offering.
                                                                   Fuel retailers that successfully make this transformation
Boost brand and enterprise value. Fuel retail is a brand           will reap the benefits of securing new nonfuel value pools,
builder for oil companies. It reinforces the brand and has         accelerating their energy transition efforts, strengthening their
marketing synergies with other business lines such as              brand, and securing a profitable channel for their remaining
lubricants. Our analysis finds a direct correlation between the    refined products.

FUELWORLD                                                   OUTLOOK 2021                                               Issue 44 2021
14              Section 1                           Feature > Country Profile UK


Country Profile –
UK Competitive Landscape
By Rod Prowse
                                                                                                                     These changes were but a modest
                                          UK- Market Profile                                                         prelude to what the 2000’s would herald.
                                                                                                                     In several respects, the competitive
UK                                     Population            Size SqKm        Motor Vehicles*   Service Stations**   landscape is now much changed from
                                                                                                                     that which was in place 25 years ago.
England                             56,286,961               130,309          29,605,870                6411

Scotland                              5,463,300                77,911          2,760,252                 845         Key trends that can be summarised
                                                                                                                     as ‘take-aways’ from the changing
Wales                                 3,152,879                20,736          1,721,329                 535
                                                                                                                     landscape are:
North Ireland                         1,893,667                13,793          1,080,589                 561
                                                                                                                     1. The ‘Majors’ have retreated from their
*35,168,040 (2019) as at April 2020 total motor vehecies was 40.4m
** 8390 Total no. of service stations as at January 2020
                                                                                                                        former dominant position prevailing
                                                                                                                        in the second half of the 20th century,
The downstream competitive landscape                                 by Bayford & Co. Save Group itself                 when they supplied circa 55-60% of the
in the UK displayed remarkable stability                             went in to liquidation in 2001, the                inland market- an exception being in the
in the 25-30 years up to the 1990’s. The                             administrators divesting of the sites.             aviation fuel sector, where they continue
first change came in 1990 with the sale                                                                                 to dominate at the country’s two main
                                                                     This was followed, in 1997, with the               airports, Heathrow and Gatwick.
by US company, Amoco, of its refining
                                                                     BP acquisition of Mobil’s European
and distribution/ marketing interests                                                                                2. The refinery network has diminished in
                                                                     downstream assets and, in the same
to French company, Elf- who had first                                                                                   size from 12 facilities in 1990 to 6 now.
                                                                     year, by Shell acquiring Gulf Oil’s refining
entered the market in 1975 with the
                                                                     and distribution/marketing interests on         3. The middle ‘tier’ of the landscape
purchase of Isherwoods’ Petroleum VIP
                                                                     the latter’s market exit.                          has seen a significant ‘shrinkage’
business from Oxy.
                                                                                                                        in the number of participants, from
                                                                     Also, during this decade, three refineries
In 1995 the Burmah retail network                                                                                       nine 25 years ago to a current five,
                                                                     closed- Shell Teesport and Shellhaven
was acquired by Save Group and its                                                                                      as a result of withdrawals, take-overs
                                                                     and Gulf, Milford Haven.
commercial/wholesale fuels’ business                                                                                    and consolidation.

FUELWORLD                                                                           OUTLOOK 2021                                                   Issue 44 2021
Feature > Country Profile UK        Section 1      15

4. The market position of the wholesalers/   Retail Sector:                               have been around 36 billion litres over
   importers has substantially grown from    Stability has been a key feature of the      the past 5 years, now comprising 55%
   around a 7% share at the start of the     forecourt sector over the past decade,       diesel: 45% petrol. The small declines
   millennium to between 35-40% now-         in terms of site numbers and overall         in petrol over 2015- 2018 seem to have
   and even higher in ground transport       fuels’ volumes. In particular, the sharp,    reversed (+0.5%) last year; by the same
   fuels (circa 45%). Two companies have     progressive decline in outlet numbers        token, diesel demand, which peaked in
   featured especially prominently:          witnessed over prior decades has             2018, showed a modest (1.5%) reduction
                                             slowed markedly, as follows:                 last year; as a percentage of the total
  Greenergy, which started in 1992,                                                       new model sales, diesel cars have
  is now the market leader, with             1980    =   25,527                           fallen from a peak of 48% in 2015 to 26%
  national distribution coverage and         1990    =   19,465                           in 2019.
  a particularly strong position in the      2000    =   13,043                           At the end of 2019 there were 257
  supply of products to supermarkets,        2010    =   8,892                            unmanned sites, of which 159 are at
  especially Tesco & Sainsbury.              2019    =   8,400                            Asda supermarkets. As a percentage of
  Supermarkets as a group now supply
                                                                                          the total network(3%), this is far below
  around 45% of the road fuels’ market       The ‘profile’ of the sector, as it was at
                                                                                          levels in some mainland European
  ( vs. around 6% in 1990). Greenergy        the end of2019, can be summarised in
                                                                                          countries e.g. Benelux (30-40%) and
  is now majority( 85%) owned by             the following table:
                                                                                          Scandinavia (50%+).
  Canadian infrastructure fund,
                                             Market leader is Tesco, with around 16%,
  Brookfield Business Partners.                                                           Just under 90% of the forecourt network
                                             followed in short order by BP (15%),
                                                                                          have shops, which retail £4.1 bln/
                                             Shell (14%), Esso (12%) and Sainsbury
  Certas Energy is a wholly owned                                                         year- equivalent to circa £550,000 per
                                             (10%). Total forecourt fuel volumes
  subsidiary of Dublin based FTSE100                                                      outlet; C-stores, which account for 30%
  company, DCC, which entered
  the market in 2001 by buying BP                                                            Average
                                             Ownership             Outlet Numbers          Fuel volume           Market Share
  equity distributor, Scottish Oils,                                                     (Million litres/year)
  and then, over the ensuing 15
  years, embarked on an ambitious            Supermarkets                 1,588                   10.2                 45%
  distributor acquisition programme,
  which included the equity distributor      Dealers                      5,454                     2.4                37%
  businesses of Shell (Shell Direct),
                                             Oil company                  1,358                     4.9                18%
  Texaco and Total (TotalButler).

Issue 44 2021                                             OUTLOOK 2021                                                   FUELWORLD
16       Section 1           Feature > Country Profile UK

of the ‘shop estate’, generate by far the      shows a cumulative rise of 38% over the       At the end of 2019 there were 25,702
highest average turnover, at an average        past 5 years. In addition, each of the past   electric charging points at 9,529
of £1.1 mln/year, which accounts for           two years have seen the addition of just      locations- of which there were 1,083
almost 60% of total forecourt shop sales.      over 30 new build sites.                      points on 441 devices located at 334
Spar is significantly the largest ‘symbol                                                    forecourts. Pressure to improve and
group’, represented at 15% of outlets and      One of the noteworthy developments            expand the charging infrastructure
accounting for 17% of shop sales. There        in the sector over recent years has           has been growing and this is expected
are still just under 800 sites (9%) with       been the continued expansion of large         to intensify. The Government has
no shop and 189 (2%) with kiosk only, of       dealer groups, defined as those with          set an ambitious target for the
which 80% are independent dealer outlets.      networks in excess of 100 sites. This         development of a public charging
                                               can be clearly illustrated in the two         network, promoting the concept
While fuel margins have recently been
                                               tables below, which compare the               of ‘destination charging’ e.g at
buoyant, earnings from non-fuels’
                                               position in 2015 with the current one.        supermarkets, hotels, gyms, car
activities now generally comprise the
                                                                                             parks, etc.; with this in mind, Tesco
lion’s share of forecourt totals.
                                               These sites comprised 22% (18%) of the        plans to install 2,400 charging points
Continued confidence in the sector is          total UK site network, 33% ( 27%) of the      at 600 of its stores. The expectation is
evident from the 3% increase in average        independent dealer sites and supply           that eventually most charging will be
site value in 2019, according to the Barber    circa 21% (18%) of overall forecourt fuel     done at home/in residential localities/
Wardlow Property Value Index; this index       volumes (2015 figures in brackets).           streets/roads.

                              2015                                                            END 2019
 GROUP                                   SITE Nos.                 GROUP                                      SITE Nos.

 Malthurst Retail                                                  Motor Fuel Group
                                         463                                                                   904
 Holdings (MRH)                                                    (MFG)
 Motor Fuel Group                        385                       EuroGarages (EG)                            360

 EuroGarages (EG)                        354                       Rontec/Snax 24                              245

 Rontec/Snax 24                          214                       Applegreen (1)                              163

 Co-op                                   146                       Co-op                                       145

  TOTAL                                 1,562                      TOTAL                                      1,817

 Note (1) Includes 35 Welcome Break MSA sites.

FUELWORLD                                                      OUTLOOK 2021                                              Issue 44 2021
Feature > Country Profile UK         Section 1      17

UK Fuel Retail Network as Jan 2020

                                   No of   No of
Brand                              Sites   Sites         Coco      Company                   Area(s) of operation

BP                                 1223    1231          328       BP Oil UK Ltd             UK
ESSO                               1218    1184          198       Esso Petroleum            UK & Channel Islands
                                                                   Company Ltd.
SHELL                              1085    1053          564       Shell UK Oil Products     UK
TEXACO                             716     713                     Valero Energy             England, Wales,
                                                                                             Northern Ireland
GULF                               438     455           65        Certas Energy             England, Wales and
JET                                311     326           9         Phillips66 Ltd            England, Wales and
MURCO                              180     182           3         Motor Fuels Group         England , Wales and
PACE                               139     146           5         Certas Energy             England, Wales and
"Various"*                         105     110           1         Certas Energy             UK
MAXOL                              97      96            30        Maxol Oil Ltd.            Northern Ireland
APPLEGREEN/LOW PRICES ALWAYS       106     102           106       Applegreen plc.           England,
SOLO                               62      63            1         Solo Petroleum            Northern Ireland
HARVEST ENERGY/BREEZE/TOTAL        82      79            14        Harvest Energy            England, Scotland
GLEANER                            53      55            12        Gleaner Oils Ltd          Scotland
CIRCLE K (Formerly TOPAZ - 36 sites 47     48            1         Circle K                  Northern Ireland
still branded TOPAZ)
ESSAR                               73     65                      Essar Oil                 England and Wales
STAR                               37      37            1         Nicholl Fuel Oils Ltd     Northern Ireland
UK                                 25      30                      Certas Energy             England and Wales
RIX                                22      28                      Rix Petroleum Ltd.        Scotland and Northern
THAMES                             28      28            1         Thames Petroleum          Scotland and Northern
                                                                   (Scotland) Ltd            England
GO                                 23      23            10        LCC Oil                   Northern Ireland
OIL4WALES/OLEW DROS GYMRU          19      19            3         Oil4Wales Ltd.            Wales
LOCAL FUELS/PRICEWATCH POWER       10      7             10        Pricewatch Limited        Sussex
DRAGON                             10      10                      NWF Fuels Ltd.,           Wales
EVF                                9       9             1         Ellan Vannin Fuels        Isle of Man
BWOC                               9       9                       B.W.O.C. Ltd.             West of England
HIGHLAND FUELS                     13      13            1         Highland Fuels            Scotland
MANX                               8       8                       Manx Petroleum            Isle of Man
NWF                                6       6                       NWF Fuels Ltd.,           England
OAK PETROLEUM                      4       6                       Oakley's Fuel Oils Ltd.   England and Wales
HELTOR                             6       7                       Heltor Ltd                Devon and Cornwall
FLARE                              4       5                       Flare (1980) Ltd          England

UNBRANDED/OTHER                    613     710           15

Total                              6781    6863          1379

Source: Experian Catalist

Issue 44 2021                                   OUTLOOK 2021                                               FUELWORLD
18        Section 1           Feature > Country Profile UK

Where will this leave the forecourt sector?
Clearly, it will have a key , continuing role
in ‘en-route’ charging; with this in mind,
both BP and Shell have ambitious plans
                                                Rod Prowse
for charging points on their networks.
                                                                        Rod Prowse has worked
The established ‘modus vivendi’ of the
                                                                        for 30 years across the full
forecourt sector will probably not change
                                                                        spectrum of the downstream
markedly for another 10 or so years -
                                                                        oil sector, in both the UK
but will doubtless be faced with static to
                                                                        and internationally. This
gradually declining fossil fuels’ sales.
                                                                        has included leadership
A major conundrum is how this will
                                                                        positions in both the retail
impact other forecourt revenue streams
                                                                        and wholesale fuels’
(shop/c-store/ car wash, etc.) i.e. how
                                                                        businesses. Rod has been
closely are these correlated? This will be
                                                                        an associate consultant for
driven by factors such as location, local
                                                                        KBC Technology and has
footfall and alternative provision. The
                                                                        been involved in projects
sector could have a key role in providing
                                                                        with companies based
locations to supply alternative (e.g.
                                                                        in a number of different
hydrogen) or e-fuels. The key challenge
                                                                        countries including Australia
will be to remain ‘relevant’ by ensuring
                                                                        Argentina, Benelux, Bosnia,
that it has/develops a sustainable
                                                                        Malaysia, Portugal, South
business model.
                                                                        Africa , and USA.
Those who prosper will be the ones who
most successfully adapt to and navigate                                 Rod has also served as
the ‘energy transition’ by positioning                                  non- executive director on
themselves to take best advantage of                                    a number of companies
the opportunities it offers AND, where                                  including Delek Petroleum.
necessary, to pursue and develop entirely
new/ different revenue streams.

FUELWORLD                                                OUTLOOK 2021                        Issue 44 2021
Feature > Country Profile IRELAND           Section 1       19

                                                                                                               COVER STORY

Country Profile – Ireland
Fuel Retail
Introduction from David Egan
                                                                                      European Union and dividing Ireland into
                       IRELAND Market Profile                                         two, Northern Ireland being part of the UK.
   Population                                          4,921,500                      Apart from Brexit and Covid, Ireland
                                                                                      has also seen the Irish Petroleum
   Size                                                    70,273
                                                                                      Industry Association transition into
   Motor Vehicles                                      3,087,195                      “Fuels For Ireland”.

   Service Stations                                           1797                    Fuels for Ireland - the organisation
                                                                                      representing companies which provide
                                                                                      energy for transport, heating, business,
Every 5 years, I have completed a          market comparable to the large markets     agriculture, maritime and aviation -
country profile on the UK and Ireland.     of Europe. The Celtic countries            has set out its plans for the industry to
                                           were not just smaller but had the          become carbon neutral by 2050.
Three of these have been published
                                           same demography and distribution
internationally. Before the UK left the                                               The organisation’s ambitious plans
European Union, I divided the profile as                                              are contained in a new strategy called
the Celtic Countries and England.          Compiling the country profile this time,   ‘Powering today and tomorrow.’ This
                                           I have had to revert to the traditional    outlines how forecourt operators,
In business terms, this made sense,
                                           politic borders, separating UK from the    home heating suppliers and other fuel
as England is a key international

Issue 44 2021                                          OUTLOOK 2021                                                   FUELWORLD
20       Section 1           Feature > Country Profile IRELAND

                                                                                             of biofuels, however. Emissions-free
  DCC Energy (Certa Brand) acquired                                                          hydrogen-fuelled vehicles are likely to
  all Tesco sites in Ireland in 2020                                                         play a big role, and plans are in place
                                                                                             to establish up to 80 hydrogen fuel
                                                                                             stations by 2030. Other exciting new
                                                                                             fuel technologies are also going to
                                                                                             present major opportunities for fuelling
                                                                                             transport while slashing emissions,
                                                                                             including compressed natural gas (CNG)
                                                                                             and e-fuels.
                                                                                             Transport is not the only area where
                                                                                             major changes are afoot. When it comes
                                                                                             to our home heating needs, Ireland
                                                                                             remains highly dependent on oil, with
                                                                                             almost 700,000 homes being heated
                                                                                             using kerosene-fired heating systems.
                                                                                             To help boost efficiency and bring about
                                                                                             emissions reductions, 20,000 boiler
                                                                                             upgrades are carried out every year
                                                                                             which deliver an average CO2 reductions
                                                                                             of almost 20%. Given that 400,000
                                                                                             older and less efficient oil boilers are
                                                                                             in service nationwide, large-scale
                                                                                             reductions in emissions are possible
                                                                                             in the coming years, and technological
providers are changing how they do              According to the Sustainable Energy
                                                                                             improvements will likely lead to
business to become more sustainable,            Authority of Ireland, 97% of Ireland’s
                                                                                             significant changes in the liquid fuels
while continuing to play a crucial role in      transport energy needs in 2018 were
                                                                                             mix in the coming decades.
powering Irish life.                            met using oil-based products.
                                                                                             Kevin McPartlan said that Fuels for
These transformational changes mean             To meet the needs of Irish motorists,
                                                                                             Ireland welcomes the new coalition’s
that by 2050, the products which Fuels          more and more forecourt operators
                                                                                             commitment to achieving major
for Ireland provides will be carbon             are now supporting electric vehicle
                                                                                             emissions reductions and energy
neutral, with the industry playing a key        charging. The total number of EV
                                                                                             efficiency gains over the next decade, and
role in the objective of making Ireland         charging points has increased by 50% in
                                                                                             he called on the Government to enter into
carbon neutral.                                 the last five years and plans are in place
                                                                                             dialogue with industry stakeholders to
                                                to expand this significantly.
“Fossil fuels cannot be the basis of                                                         ensure that they succeed.
Ireland’s long-term energy plans, or            Liquid fuels are being progressively
                                                                                             “Everyone realises that the country
the basis of our industry’s long-term           transformed as the amount of biofuel
                                                                                             cannot change overnight given the
business strategy,” said Kevin McPartlan,       which can be added to motor fuel
                                                                                             essential role that our members’
CEO of Fuels for Ireland. “This document        increases, 330,000 tonnes of carbon
                                                                                             products currently play in sustaining
is about setting out our vision for how         emissions are already prevented annually
                                                                                             our economy and supporting our
our members can support Ireland’s               by blending zero-carbon biofuels into
                                                                                             way of life. But the technological
efforts to become carbon neutral by 2050.       petrol and diesel. To accelerate this
                                                                                             improvements and innovations already
                                                process, Fuels for Ireland is calling on
“The liquid fuels we provide are being                                                       underway are transforming liquid fuels,
                                                the new Government to mandate the
transformed. With the right supports,                                                        and the pace of change is going to
                                                doubling of ethanol in petrol sold in
Fuels for Ireland can play a leading role in                                                 accelerate. Working together, we will
                                                Ireland as a matter of urgency.
making Ireland’s energy transition a reality.                                                become carbon neutral by 2050 while
Remarkable improvements in engine               The current E5 blend means that              continuing to provide Irish people with
technology and efficiency have already          ethanol makes up 5% of the petrol which      the fuel they need.
transformed how we use fuels, now the           is used in Ireland’s cars. Doubling the
                                                                                             “To bring this positive change about
challenge will be how to change our overall     amount of ethanol used by switching to
                                                                                             as quickly as possible, we want all
fuel mix to dramatically cut and ultimately     E10 would result in an annual reduction
                                                                                             solutions to be on the table, because we
eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.”            in CO2 emissions of 90,000 tonnes:
                                                                                             want all our citizens to have the fuels
                                                which would be the equivalent of taking
The strategy, ‘Powering today and                                                            they need for the lives they lead: now and
                                                50,000 cars off the road.
tomorrow,’ sets out what this challenge                                                      long into the future,” he concluded.
will involve, given Ireland’s current           The transformation of liquid fuels
reliance on oil and other fossil fuels.         goes far beyond the greater utilisation               Website: www.fuelsforireland.ie

FUELWORLD                                                      OUTLOOK 2021                                               Issue 44 2021
Feature > MAXOL Group 100 Years             Section 1      21

                                                                                                           COVER STORY

MAXOL Ireland
Celebrates 100 Years
100% Irish, 100% family-owned and celebrating 100 years in business
                                      Ireland. Moreover, it remains a 100%        critical to his success. However, it was
                                      family-owned Irish company of some          his tenacity and business savvy that
                                      22 shareholders, 21 of whom are third       drove him to turn luck and good fortune
                                      and fourth generation McMullans and         into opportunity. After the First World
                                      one who is married to a McMullan. How       War petrol was rationed in Ireland but he
                                      many other Irish family companies have      discovered that, with a bit of adaptation,
                                      managed to celebrate their centenary?       Benzol could be used as fuel for motor
                                      The list is a short one.                    cars. He bought a supply and shipped it
                                                                                  back to Belfast, much to the delight of
                                      As businessmen, William and JG achieved     people whose cars had been off the road
                                      unparalleled success; William left          for years because of the war.
                                      school at 12 to work in a pharmacy
It all started 100 years ago when     selling domestic household oils. In his     In 1920 with the business prospering,
two brothers, William and James       late teens, he moved to London to work      William spotted the potential of oil
Gowan (JG) McMullan exercised         for a chemist in Putney and lived with      rather than just paraffin. He travelled by
their pioneering vision and today,    JG, who worked for the Post Office.         boat to London and began doorstepping
Maxol has retained its title as one                                               major oil companies. One of them was
of the most forward-thinking and      William had a knack of being in the right   the Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Company
innovative companies of its kind in   place at the right time, and this proved    where his persistence in organising a

Issue 44 2021                                     OUTLOOK 2021                                                    FUELWORLD
22       Section 1         Feature > MAXOL Group 100 Years

meeting with the head honcho paid off,       Maxol’s environmental journey has          player Jacob Stockdale, Maxol’s first-
and the McMullans secured the exclusive      evolved over many years as the             ever brand ambassador.
rights to sell Mex petrol in Ireland.        company continuously looks to reduce
                                             its environmental footprint and make       Investment
In 1936, William secured the exclusive       the greener option the easier option for   Since 2012, the company has invested
rights to sell and distribute Calor          its customers. It was one of the first     almost €200M in both new sites and the
Gas across the island of Ireland,            retailers to offer 100% compostable        redevelopment of its existing network.
securing his legacy as the person            cups and lids, discounts are provided      Despite the ongoing pandemic, last year
who introduced liquefied petroleum           to customers who use a reusable            saw a company investment of almost
gas to Ireland. The business grew            cup when purchasing hot drinks,            €20M across 16 sites including Dolphins
fast, particularly in areas where            and the company has been installing        Barn, Ballinteer, Dooradoyle, Ardbrae
there was no electricity and people          compostable and recyclable bins            and Newbridge.
were still dependent on candles and          across its service stations to support
open fires. Always enterprising, the         customers’ recycling efforts.              Maxol’s first greenfield location
company was not only selling the                                                        since 2016 was opened at Rathnew
gas, but the cookers too. During             Last October, Maxol announced a
                                                                                        in Wicklow following an investment
the 1960s, the McMullans sold their          new carbon offsetting programme in
                                                                                        of €3.75M, creating 20 new jobs. A
interest in the gas business in what         association with Greenprint, that aims
                                                                                        further €14M investment is planned
would become the first of several            to offset 100% of carbon emissions with
                                                                                        for this year.
high-profile diversifications for the        its new premium fuel range – another
company the most recent of which             exciting step towards greener motoring.    Fuel V food?
was announced last summer. In July                                                      At the core of Maxol’s business model
2020, the company entered the green          A sporting chance
                                                                                        is its transition from being a fuel brand
energy market with the establishment         Sport has played a central role in
                                                                                        selling convenience products to a
of bright, which now supplies 100%           Maxol’s rich history stretching back
                                                                                        convenience food service brand selling
green electricity to households across       to the 1920s when it sponsored the
                                                                                        fuel and new energies for mobility. Last
Ireland. Bright is a joint venture           Ards TT, the fastest race in Britain
                                                                                        year its ratio of fuel to food shifted from
with Evermore Energy, a renewable            and Ireland and the Irish Grand Prix.
                                                                                        60:40 to nearer to 50:50 and a further
energy company founded by energy             Amateur boxing, rally driving and
                                                                                        shift in favour of food is anticipated over
entrepreneurs Ciaran and Stephen             the GAA have all benefited from
                                                                                        the next 12 months.
Devine. The partnership between the          Maxol’s patronage and for almost
two family-owned companies supports,         30 years, the company has sponsored        Maxol works with respected brands to
and drives, Maxol’s sustainability and       the Irish Universities Rugby Union’s       deliver high quality food products and
diversification strategies. The formation    series of multi-grade competitions.        offerings and is a strong supporter
of bright is only the second joint venture   Maxol’s long association with rugby        of other Irish companies with 63% of
in Maxol’s 100-year history – the first      continues to this day, including its       its bakery and deli goods supplied by
being with Kosangas in 1954.                 collaboration with professional rugby      indigenous producers.

FUELWORLD                                                  OUTLOOK 2021                                               Issue 44 2021
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