OWNERS' & TRAINERS' INFORMATION 2 - 4 APRIL 2020 - The Jockey Club

OWNERS' & TRAINERS' INFORMATION 2 - 4 APRIL 2020 - The Jockey Club


TIGER ROLL                              2 - 4 APRIL 2020
OWNERS' & TRAINERS' INFORMATION 2 - 4 APRIL 2020 - The Jockey Club
                         1.45   The Manifesto Novices’ Steeple Chase (Grade 1)                              2m 4f      £100,000
                         2.20   The Doom Bar Anniversary 4YO Juvenile Hurdle (Grade 1)                      2m 1f      £100,000

                         2.50   The Betway Bowl Steeple Chase (Grade 1)                                     3m 1f      £200,000

          (Thursday 2)
                         3.25   The Betway Aintree Hurdle (Grade 1)                                         2m 4f      £250,000
                         4.05   The Randox Health Foxhunters’ Steeple Chase (Class 2)                       2m 5f       £45,000
                         4.40   The Close Brothers Red Rum Handicap Steeple Chase (Grade 3)                  2m        £100,000

                         5.15   The Goffs UK Nickel Coin Mares’ Standard Open NH Flat (Grade 2)             2m 1f       £45,000
                                                                                                    TOTAL ON THE DAY   £840,000
                         1.45   The Ladies Day Handicap Hurdle (Grade 3)                                    2m 4f       £75,000
                         2.20   The Betway Top Novices’ Hurdle (Grade 1)                                    2m ½f      £100,000
                         2.50   The Betway Mildmay Novices’ Steeple Chase (Grade 1)                         3m 1f      £100,000
                         3.25   The Marsh Steeple Chase (Registered as the Melling) Grade 1                 2m 4f      £250,000

           (Friday 3)
                         4.05   The Randox Health Topham Steeple Chase (Grade 3)                            2m 5f       £140,000
                         4.40   The Doom Bar Sefton Novices’ Hurdle (Grade 1)                               3m ½f      £100,000

                         5.15   The Pinsent Masons Handicap Hurdle (cond’ and amat’) Class 2                2m ½f       £50,000
                                                                                                    TOTAL ON THE DAY   £815,000
                         1.45   The Gaskells Handicap’ Hurdle (Grade 3)                                     3m ½f       £75,000

                         2.25   The Betway Mersey Novices’ Hurdle (Grade 1)                                 2m 4f      £100,000
                         3.00   The Doom Bar Maghull Novices’ Steeple Chase (Grade 1)                        2m        £100,000

          (Saturday 4)
                         3.40   The Ryanair Stayers’ Hurdle (Registered as the Liverpool) Grade 1           3m ½f      £200,000

                         4.15   The Betway Handicap Steeple Chase (Listed)                                  3m 1f       £75,000
                         5.15   The Randox Health Grand National Steeple Chase (Grade 3)                   4m 2½f      £1,000,000
                         6.20   The Weatherbys Racing Bank Standard Open NH Flat (Grade 2)                  2m 1f       £45,000
                                                                                                    TOTAL ON THE DAY   £1,595,000
                                                                                                        GRAND TOTAL    £3,250,000
OWNERS' & TRAINERS' INFORMATION 2 - 4 APRIL 2020 - The Jockey Club
This handbook is intended as a useful      OWNERS’ AND TRAINERS’                     For Trainers who do not have a
source of information that will help you   CAR PARK                                  runner but would like a car park label,
prior to, and during The 2020 Randox       There is one car park for Owners,         please contact Carly Sage on
Health Grand National Festival.            Trainers and Jockeys at The Railway       0151 522 2959 or email at
                                           Club on Melling Road. There is a short    carly.sage@thejockeyclub.co.uk
Please ensure that you read all sections   walk to the Owners’ and Trainers’         by Friday 27 March. Please ensure that
of the booklet and bring it with you       Reception, which is on the inside of      you have a valid car park label.
to Aintree.                                the Racecourse. Melling Road is ONLY
                                           accessible by one route off the M57,      HORSEBOXES
ONCE AGAIN IN 2020                         Junction 6. Please follow the signs.      Entry for horseboxes is via the Seeds
• The PASS System will be in operation.                                              Lane entrance off Melling Road, and is
  All Owners and Trainers will require a   Sat Nav Postcode L9 0LD.                  signposted off Junction 6 of the M57.
  valid PASS card to gain badges.
• There will be one car park for Owners,   Two car park labels each, will be sent    Please follow the signs. Horseboxes will
  Trainers and Jockeys located off         out by Weatherbys to all Owners and       park in their normal lorry park, which is
  Melling Road.                            Trainers with an entry, at the five/six   close to the stabling area. It is important
• There will be one Badge Collection       day stage.                                that the driver knows the identity of the
  Point for Owners, Trainers                                                         horse(s) he or she is transporting.
  and Jockeys.                             Two car park labels will be sent to
• Everyone will be subject to security     Owners and Trainers after the second      TAXIS
  scanning.                                forfeit stage, who have a horse entered   If you plan to travel by taxi, a car park
                                           in the Randox Health Grand National.      label will still be required so that you
                                                                                     can access the Owners and Trainers
                                                                                     drop off point. Without the correct
                                                                                     label, you will not be given access.

OWNERS' & TRAINERS' INFORMATION 2 - 4 APRIL 2020 - The Jockey Club
CAR PARKING AND TRAVEL DIRECTIONS CONT.                                                  OWNERS’ BADGES
DISABLED FACILITIES                        HELICOPTER FACILITIES                         OWNERS’ BADGES                           The badge, and associated wristband     In an effort to cater for large syndicates,
There are a limited number of car          An area, adjacent to Steeplechase car         The PASS System will be in operation     (which must be worn) will admit to      a restricted number of Owners’ and
park spaces for disabled visitors in       park, is provided for helicopter landing.     with one badge collection point at the   the Paddock and the (O&T) Pavilion      Trainers’ badges will be available for
the Owners and Trainers car park, if                                                     Owners’ and Trainers’ Reception in the   (please note that for 2020 badge and    sale on a strictly first come first served
arrangements are made in advance.          The site will be operated by Rotary           horsebox park within the Racecourse.     wristlets will be checked).             basis. Thursday £55, Friday £90 and
                                           Wing Limited, 109 Gilda Road, Worsley,        No badges will be sent or issued in                                              Grand National Day £120. Festival
Please supply your details; name,          Manchester, M28 4BP. Contact Philip or        advance and will only be available for   Please note: Due to restrictions on     Zone (formerly Tattersalls enclosure)
vehicle registration number and horse      Karen Pickford on 0161 799 6967, via          collection from Owners’ and Trainers’    space, badges will only be issued to    badges will also be on sale (subject to
name to Carly Sage by email at             email on cps@rotarywing.co.uk or by           Reception on the day of running.         Owners with declared runners.           availability): Thursday £30, Friday £47
carly.sage@thejockeyclub.co.uk             mobile on 07968 758 915.                                                                                                       and Grand National Day £70.
or on 0151 522 2959, before Friday                                                       ALLOCATION                               The Owners’ and Trainers’ badges for
27 March. These will be available on       Prior notice is required in advance           Single ownership & partnerships          The Randox Health Foxhunters’ Chase     METAL BADGES (ROA, NTF, PJA,
a first come, first served basis.          for landing facilities and insurance          Six badges and six wristbands            (Thursday), Randox Health Topham        RCA, BHA, JCO AND JOCKEY
Please ensure you bring your Blue          indemnity. Please contact Karen                                                        Chase (Friday) and Randox Health        CLUB BADGES)
Badge with you.                            Pickford on the above number. Particular      The Randox Health Grand National,        Grand National Chase (Saturday) will    These badges are NOT applicable at
                                           attention is to be paid to the rules of the   Topham and Foxhunters’ Steeple Chase     be a commemorative badge.               The Randox Health Grand National
TRAIN                                      air which govern the overflying of built-     Eight badges and eight wristbands                                                Festival and will not allow access to
For those arriving by train at Aintree     up areas. No landings will be permitted                                                Please note that for the above races    the racecourse. The ONLY badge that
Station, there is a courtesy car shuttle   30 minutes before the first race and          Owners’ and Trainers’ badges will also   no other Owners’ and Trainers’ badge    will admit to the Racecourse is the
which will transfer you to the Owners’     no take-offs will be permitted until 30       enable you to walk the course.           will permit access to the Parade Ring   badge issued from the Owners’ and
and Trainers’ Reception. Please go to      minutes after the last race.                                                           and the Winners’ Enclosure, following   Trainers’ Reception.
the Owners’ Information Point, located                                                                                            the race.
at the top of Grand National Avenue in     If you are arriving by helicopter,                                                                                             ACCOMMODATION
the Toby Carvery car park opposite the     please notify the Owners’ and Trainers’                                                                                        A list of hotels located near Aintree can
public entrance to the racecourse.         Reception in advance, so that your                                                                                             be found at www.visitliverpool.com
                                           badges are available upon landing.

OWNERS' & TRAINERS' INFORMATION 2 - 4 APRIL 2020 - The Jockey Club
TRAINERS                                      IRISH TRAINERS WITH RUNNERS                   STABLING & STABLE STAFF
Two Trainers’ badges and wristbands           As with British trainers, no admission        ACCOMMODATION
will be issued to Trainers upon               badges will be sent out in advance            All stabling and accommodation must
production of a current PASS card.            of the Randox Health Grand National           be booked, in advance, for The Randox
Please note: badges will only be              Festival. On production of a current          Health Grand National Festival.
issued to the authorised, named PASS          Irish Trainers’ licence, each Irish Trainer
Card holder.                                  with a runner will be issued with two         ANY QUERIES?
                                              badges for that day. Badges may only          If you have any queries regarding
We appreciate how frustrating it can be       be collected from the Owners’ and             badges, please call the Owners’
for Trainers to be stopped by security        Trainers’ Reception.                          Information Line which will be open at
stewards and asked to show their                                                            the following times:
badges, especially when trying to access      IRISH TRAINERS
the Parade Ring or Weighing Room.             WITHOUT RUNNERS                               Owners’ Information Line 0151 522 2959
We very much hope you will understand         Arrangements have been made with              Email carly.sage@thejockeyclub.co.uk
that security arrangements mean that          the Irish Trainers Federation for Irish
this procedure will be politely, but firmly   Trainers, who do not have runners, to         Monday 30 March
enforced throughout the Festival.             apply to the IRTA in advance of the           to Wednesday 1 April
                                              Festival to ensure a badge for entry is       9:00am - 5:30pm
METAL BADGES (ROA, NTF, PJA,                  available upon arrival.                       Thursday 2 and Friday 3 April
RCA, BHA, JCO AND JOCKEY                                                                    7:00am - 3:00pm
CLUB BADGES)                                  Please note: no badges will be                Saturday 4 April
These are NOT applicable at the               issued to Irish Trainers who do not           6:00am - 3:00pm
Randox Health Grand National Festival         have runners, unless they have applied
and will NOT allow access to the              in this way and are for the named
racecourse. The ONLY badge and                trainer only.
wristband that will grant access to the
racecourse are those issued from the
Owners’ and Trainers’ Reception.

OWNERS' & TRAINERS' INFORMATION 2 - 4 APRIL 2020 - The Jockey Club
STABLING                                  GALLOPS                                  Located on the ground floor of the             Owners and Trainers will receive a
Full stable security, with BHA            The fibre-sand exercise gallop will be   Goffs UK Owners’ and Trainers’ Pavilion,       ‘Complimentary Lunch Voucher’, as well
stable access control and CCTV, will      available daily from 8am to 10am.        the Owners’ and Trainers’ Restaurant,          as a complimentary drink upon arrival.
operate from noon on Wednesday                                                     ‘1839’, overlooks the Parade Ring. If you
1 April. Applications for stables and     STABLE STAFF                             wish to reserve a table in this facility,      OWNERS’ AND TRAINERS’ BARS
accommodation, stating the day and        ACCOMMODATION                            please contact: Linda White on                 The main Owners’ and Trainers’ bar is
time of arrival and departure,            Trainers must state the name of          07920 471 836 or email to                      situated in The Goffs UK Owners’ and
should be sent via email to               ALL their stable staff when booking      linda.white@jockeyclubcatering.com             Trainers’ Pavilion, overlooking the Parade
amy.martin@thejockeyclub.co.uk            accommodation for the Randox                                                            Ring. Owners’ and Trainers’ badges will
or via phone 0151 522 2938.               Health Grand National Festival.          An Owners’ and Trainers’ badge and             allow access to all ground floor bars and
                                          Accommodation is limited and must        wristband will be required to gain             terraces in all grandstands.
Trainers with runners on the second and   be booked in advance. We are unable      admission.
third days are advised that it may not    to provide accommodation to                                                             OWNERS’ AND
be possible to provide boxes for horses   stable staff under the age of 18.        Please ensure that you have arranged           TRAINERS’ LIAISON
before 6pm on the evening prior to the    Accommodation will be available          your badge allocation with Carly Sage          After each race, a racecourse liaison
second and/or third day.                  as follows:                              on 0151 522 2959 before booking.               person will be located in the pull-up
                                                                                                                                  area for any Owner, Trainer or Lad/
NON-PERMIT HOLDERS                        One Horse One Lad/Lass.                  Tables can only be reserved by                 Lass wishing to enquire about the
Owners with horses running in             Two or more horses One Lad/Lass          owners/trainers who have runners on            whereabouts of their horse.
The Randox Health Foxhunters’             per horse, plus one Head Lad/Lass.       the day. If your horse is not declared
Steeple Chase on the Thursday, who                                                 to run, your table reservation will be         DISABLED SEATING
do not have a permit to train, must                                                cancelled.                                     There is an allocation of seats in the
ensure that their staff bring with them                                                                                           grandstands (subject to availability),
photographic identification.                                                       O’SULLEVAN’S BUFFET                            where there are lifts for Owners
                                                                                   This facility is located on the first floor.   requiring these facilities. Please ensure
                                                                                                                                  you have arranged disabled seats with
                                                                                                                                  Carly Sage on 0151 522 2959 or

OWNERS' & TRAINERS' INFORMATION 2 - 4 APRIL 2020 - The Jockey Club
AINTREE RACECOURSE FACILITIES MAP                          41

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Information                                           Ford Activation (Open to All)
                                               STEEPLECHASE CAR PARK                                                  THE EMBANKMENT                                                                                                                                       Ticket Collection Point                               McCoy’s (Private Hospitality)
                                MELLING ROAD                                                                                                                            NE

                                                                                                               41                                            SE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Toilets                                               Chi Chi Activation (Open to All)
                                                                                      MELLING ROAD

                                                                                                                             40                                                                                                                                            Bar                                                   Grand National Merchandise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              OWNERS & TRAINERS CAR PARK
                                                                                                                                                                      MELLING ROAD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Food                                                  Aintree History (Open to All)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Cash Machines                                         Randox Health Activation (Open to All)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              OWNERS & TRAINERS                      MEL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Betting Ring Manager                                  Garden Club and Red Rum Bar
                                                                                                                                                                                  38                                                                           ROA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RECEPTION                                                 Entertainment                                         Red Rum Garden (Open to All)
                                                                                                                                                GRAND NATIONAL                    HOSPITALITY PAVILION
                                                                                                                                                START LINE                                                           37
                                                                                                                                                            39                                                                                                             Grand National Trophies                               Red Rum Bronze
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Disabled Viewing                                      Sharps Brewery (Open to All)
                                                                                                                                                                                                      SILVER BIRCH                                                         Betting                                               The Horse Comes First
                                                                                                                                                                                                           LORD SEFTON STAND                                               Grand National Course Tour                            Tiger Roll Suite (Private Hospitality)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           First aid                                             Parade Ring
                                                                                                                                                                                  EARL OF DERBY STAND
                                                                                                                                       12                                                                                                                                  Course Crossing Point                                 Art School (Private Hospitality)
1                3                                                                  PRINCESS ROYAL STAND
        2                   4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Left Luggage                                          The Goffs Owners’ & Trainers’ Suite
              WEST TIP          5                                                                                                           QUEEN MOTHER STAND                                                                                  34         35
                                                                                                           LORD DARESBURY STAND
                         CHAIR PAVILION                                                                                                                                                                                                 30                                 Commemorative Bronze Statue                           (Lower Floor 1839 Restaurant, Upper - O’Sullevan’s)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GREEN ROOM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              29                                           Pharmacy                                              Winners’ Enclosure
                                                   6                                                                                                                                                                                            31                    33   West Tip Entrance                                     Alan Lee Media Centre (Restricted Access)
                                                                                                              10                                                  18         17                                                                                            West Tip Bar (Private Hospitality)                    Green Room (Private Hospitality)
                                                                                                     8                                  14                                                                             25
                                               7                                                                             13                                                        19                                                                                  West Tip Grandstand (Private Racecourse Viewing)      Weighing Room
                                                                                                               16                                                                                                                                                     32
                                                          AINTREE PAVILION                                                                       15                                                                                                                        Unreserved Seating (Plus Decking Area)                Station Entrance
                                                                                                                 15     11
                                                                                                                                                                                  20        21   22   23                                   27                              Chair Pavilion (Open to All)                          Sefton Arms Entrance
                                                                                                     9                        GR
                                                                                                                                  AN                                                                                                       OWNERS & TRAINERS
                                                                                                                                    D                                                                                    26
                                                                                                                                          TIO                                                                                                   SUITE                      Festival Zone Food Court (Open to All)                Meet The Horse
                                                                                                                                             NA                                                              24          ART SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       D                                   Drive 3 Entrance                                      Saddling Boxes and Pre-Parade Ring
                                                                                                                                                    VE                                                TIGER ROLL SUITE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Princess Royal Food Court (Open to All)               Silver Birch (Private Hospitality)
                                                                             COUNTY CAR PARK                                                                                                                      OR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           County Car Park & VIP Entrance                        Owners’ and Trainers’ Reception
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sales Upgrades and Information                        Hospitality Pavilion (Private Hospitality)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Grand National Avenue Entrance                     39 Grand National Start Line
www.jockeyclub.co.uk/aintree                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Finishing Line                                        Seeds Lane Entrance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Embankment Entrance (Saturday Only)
OWNERS' & TRAINERS' INFORMATION 2 - 4 APRIL 2020 - The Jockey Club
4             GRADE 1
  from just four boutique sales
                                                OTHER INFORMATION
                                                Further to the British Horseracing
                                                Authority’s (BHA) decision to allow the
                                                sponsors to have the option of exclusive
                                                access to all the Owners’ and Jockeys’
                                                branding sites and attendants’ clothing
                                                                                             The sponsors will pay the Owners
                                                                                             of horses, who display the sponsors’
                                                                                             logo on Owners’ silks and paddock
                                                                                             sheet/rug, taking part in The Randox
                                                                                             Health Grand National £1,250, plus VAT,
                                                                                             each. In the other 20 (twenty) races,
                                                                                                                                           Horses, and those in charge of them,
                                                                                                                                           are admitted and received on the terms
                                                                                                                                           that neither Aintree Racecourse, The
                                                                                                                                           Jockey Club, nor their servants are liable
                                                                                                                                           for any damage, loss or injury to such
                                                for races at the Grand National Festival,    a sponsorship payment of £210, plus           horses or persons, while in or about
                                                the sponsors, Aintree Racecourse, the        VAT, will be made to each Owner who           the Racecourse premises or stabling,
                                                Racehorse Owners’ Association and the        displays the sponsor’s logo. It is possible   from whatever cause arising, including
                                                professional Jockeys’ Association have       that in one race the sponsors will allow      damage, loss or injury caused by the
                                                reached agreement for this option to         logos promoting a charity to be worn          negligence of any servant or agent of
                                                apply in all races. The sponsors have        instead of their own. If this is the case,    Aintree Racecourse/ The Jockey Club.
                                                exercised the exclusivity option in all 21   the sponsorship payments will still be
                                                (twenty-one) races scheduled to take         made to the Owners. Subject to the            GOING REPORTS
                                                place during The 2020 Randox Health          Rules of Racing, the sponsors will make       Enquiries should be made to
                                                Grand National Festival.                     a payment of £173.59 per ride to each         Sulekha Varma, the Clerk of the Course
                                                                                             Jockey who displays the sponsor’s logo.       on 0151 523 2600. If the office is not
                                                For all races during The 2020 Randox                                                       open, recorded information will be
Gr.1 winner                  Gr.1 winner                                                     Any Owners wishing to make further
SAMCRO                       FIDDLERONTHEROOF   Health Grand National Festival the                                                         available on this line or contact Sulekha
                                                sponsors will display their logo on          enquiries about these arrangements            on 07715 640 525.
                                                Owners’ silks, Jockeys’ branding             please contact Sulekha Varma

www.TheAintreeSale.com                          sites, paddock cloths and attendants’
                                                clothing. All logos will be supplied
                                                                                             (Clerk of the Course) on 0151 523 2600,
                                                                                             or alternatively the Information Line on
                                                by the sponsors. In addition, for            0151 522 2959 or
              2 April 2020                      The Randox Health Grand National the         carly.sage@thejockeyclub.co.uk
                                                sponsor will provide a branded paddock

OWNERS' & TRAINERS' INFORMATION 2 - 4 APRIL 2020 - The Jockey Club
Owners Information Line
                     0151 522 2959

 Monday 30 March to Wednesday 1 April 9:00am - 5.30pm
     Thursday 2 and Friday 3 April 7:00am - 3:00pm
          Saturday 4 April 6:30am to 3:00pm


                   Aintree Fixtures 2020
                       Friday 15 May
                      Friday 12 June
                    Sunday 25 October
                   Saturday 7 November
                   Saturday 5 December

Aintree Racecourse, Ormskirk Road, Aintree, Liverpool L9 5AS

OWNERS' & TRAINERS' INFORMATION 2 - 4 APRIL 2020 - The Jockey Club
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