PARENTS' GUIDE - Weston College

Page created by Fernando Roberts
PARENTS' GUIDE - Weston College
PARENTS' GUIDE - Weston College

I am delighted to welcome you to Weston College.
We are an Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ College committed to
delivering the very best teaching and learning to our
students. We thrive on creating the very best learning
opportunities and are delighted that your son/daughter
has chosen us as their next place of learning.
Our College vision is ‘creating brighter futures’ and we aim
for all our students to leave us as well-rounded individuals
ready for further study or the world of work. To complement
the curriculum there are activities and events that take place
throughout the year to encourage students to develop in all
areas, not just academia.
We encourage all parents and carers to join with us to
support our students in their studies and in celebrating all
of their successes. The assistance you provide is essential
to their progress. This guide provides information that
enables you to ensure your son/daughter gets the very best
from Weston College and the course they are studying.
My colleagues and I look forward to working with you to
ensure that your son/daughter achieves their full potential,
maximises all opportunities available to them and enjoys their
time here at the College.
Weston College’s outstanding resources and reputation mean
that this is the very best time to join us. We have recently
built two new centres of excellence for our learners and have
also been named as a Centre of Excellence for mathematics.
That - combined with national awards including the Queen’s
Anniversary Prize for Further and Higher Education, the
Association of Colleges’ Beacon Award for Mental Health and
Wellbeing. We have recently been informed that two of our
learners have won places to compete at World Skills 2021 in
Shanghai - further demonstrating the we are able to work
with our learners to ensure they achieve success and have a
very bright future.
We look forward to working with you and your son/daughter
during their learning journey with us.

Dr Paul Phillips CBE
Principal and Chief Executive

PARENTS' GUIDE - Weston College

                                                           INSIDE THIS GUIDE
    Our mission Our values                           5
    Our partnership with you                         6
    How do we keep you informed?                     7
    Student code of conduct                          8
    How can you help your son/daughter at college?   9
    Support for students at college, including:
      Personal Tutors                                11
      Student welfare and pastoral support           13
      Learning support                               15
      Work Experience and Industry Placements        17
      Careers advice and guidance                    19
      Travelling to College                          20
      LibraryPlus                                    21
      Futures Academy                                22
      Microsoft Office at Weston College             23
    College calendar                                 24
    Frequently Asked Questions                       25
    Useful contacts                                  27

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OUR MISSION                                                                         OUR

                                                                                                                                                                                  OUR PARTNERSHIP WITH YOU
    ‘Creating Brighter Futures’ is the underpinning mission and purpose of the          PARTNERSHIP
                                                                                        WITH YOU
    Weston College Group. It is driven to achieve this for all its students and staff
    through the development of a learning and working culture that is inclusive,
    aspirational and focused on assuring success and progression.

                                                                                        We know how important the partnership         Alongside this, we will take every
                                                                                        is between the College and you in making      opportunity to celebrate your son/
                                                                                        your son/daughter’s time with us a success.   daughter’s successes. We have many
                                                                                                                                      events where parents/carers and
                                                                                        We believe that communication between         staff can appreciate students’ work.
                                                                                        home and College is vital to their            Events are also open to members of
                                                                                        progression and achievement. Therefore,       the public such as the Creative Arts
    We will put the Learner first.                                                      we will contact you if there are any          Summer Show.
                                                                                        concerns about attendance, punctuality,
    We will be Entrepreneurial in approach and innovative in our thinking.              effort or behaviour.                          In line with current child protection,
    We will be Ambitious and aspirational.                                                                                            safeguarding and data protection
                                                                                        We also welcome contact from you if you       legislation, we will not pass information
                                                                                        have any concerns or queries about your
    We will value Diversity and celebrate success.                                                                                    on to anyone who has not been
                                                                                        son/daughter’s progress.                      identified at enrolment as a student’s
    We will Enable collaboration and work in partnership.                               You can give feedback via your child’s        next of kin. If you have any queries
                                                                                        personal tutor in the first instance, or      about this, please contact us by using
    We will be Responsive to the needs of individuals, business and the community.
                                                                                        by contacting the relevant faculty.           the ‘useful contacts’ page at the back
    We will provide a Safe and sustainable place to study and work.                                                                   of this guide.
                                                                                        If you’d like more information about the
    We will be LEADERS in our field and have a reputation for excellence.               support we can offer, contact one of our
                                                                                        student welfare and support contacts
                                                                                        (see pages 13 and 14).

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HOW DO WE KEEP                                                                                    READY TO LEARN:

                                                                                                                                                                                                 READY TO LEARN
    YOU INFORMED?                                                                                     STUDENT CODE
    The College will contact you by email or
    phone if we have any concerns about your
                                                      The first takes place in the first half term
                                                      of the academic year and provides you
                                                                                                      OF CONDUCT
    son or daughter’s academic progress or            with an opportunity to meet your child’s
    attitude to learning.                             Personal Tutor, review how they have
                                                      settled into the College and discuss any        The College is committed to developing           Safeguarding and child protection
    We have high expectations of ourselves            areas of concerns you might have.               the academic, technical, personal and
    and for our students. We expect students                                                          social skills that are needed to prepare         All schools and Colleges have a legal
                                                      You will be provided with the contact                                                            responsibility to work with outside
    to attend all learning sessions linked to their   details of your child’s Personal Tutor as       young people for the world of work. We
    study programme, be prepared for theory                                                           expect students to develop and exhibit           agencies, for example Social Care, to
                                                      part of the letter inviting you to this event                                                    safeguard a young person’s welfare.
    and practical sessions and engage with            and a copy of your child’s timetable. You       behaviours that are representative of a
    their learning.                                                                                   professional working environment.                The College also has a legal duty to
                                                      can find faculty contact details on the back                                                     prevent students from being drawn
    Attendance is critical to learning and            cover of this guide.                            We promote a culture of Ready to Learn at        into terrorism.
    progress, missing just 5% of lessons across       Later in the year you will receive a progress   Weston College where we ask students to
    the course of the academic year equates                                                           commit fully to their programme of study,        Weston College has clear protocols,
                                                      report for your child and an opportunity to                                                      systems and approaches to ensure
    to losing 30 hours of learning time. All          attend a meeting to review their progress       at the same time ensuring they respect
    unexplained absence will be followed up                                                           themselves, other people, the environment        students are safe. A team of Designated
                                                      on their study programme.                                                                        Safeguarding Officers and First
    by the Personal Tutor or a member of our                                                          and others right to learn. Students are
    Welfare and Retention Team.                       This normally takes place between February      required at all times to adhere to the College   Response Officers are in place to deal
                                                      half term and the Easter break.                 ‘code of conduct’. Students who contravene       with safeguarding issues. All staff
    Students are required to contact the faculty                                                      the code of conduct will be subject to our       receive annual update training on
    absence hotline before 8.30am if they are         If you have any worries or concerns about                                                        safeguarding and PREVENT.
                                                                                                      disciplinary policy and procedure.
    unable to attend College for any reason           your child’s progress, please contact us
    (absence hotline number can be found              at the earliest opportunity. All the key                                                         Our safeguarding of children and adults
    at the back of this guide).                       contact numbers can be found at the back                                                         at risk policy and procedure can be
                                                      of this guide.                                                                                   downloaded from the College website.
    You will be invited to a minimum of two
    parent/carer meetings per year.

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                                                                                                       Attendance, punctuality

                                                                                                                                                      HOW CAN YOU HELP
                                                                                                       and attitude to learning
                                                                                                       We expect students to attend all sessions

                                                                                                       on their study programme. Maths and
                                                                                                       English is a mandatory part of a student’s
                                                                                                       study programme if they have not

                                                                                                       achieved a grade 4 at GCSE.
                                                                                                       Punctuality is critical. It is an important
                                                                                                       employability skill. Students who are late
                                                                                                       will miss key learning time and disrupt the

                                                                                                       learning of others.
                                                                                                       The College has a clear policy and
                                                                                                       procedure regarding attendance and
                                                                                                       punctuality. Unexplained absence will
                                                                                                       be followed up with Parents/Carers as
                                                                                                       will persistent lateness or behaviour
    College encourages students to be more             Personal organisation                           that suggest a poor attitude to learning.
    independent and develop the personal                                                               Students who are unwell or have a genuine
                                                       Students will have different equipment
    organisational skills needed for modern                                                            reason for absence must contact the
                                                       and kit requirements dependent on the
    day life. The College recognises that                                                              faculty absence hotline (see back cover
                                                       academic or technical area in which they
    making the transition from school to                                                               of this guide for details).
                                                       are studying. These will be made clear
    College is a big step for some students.
                                                       to students at both welcome days and            Each student will have an Electronic
    Getting to College, getting used to the            through our correspondence to students          Learning Plan (eILP) which they can
    College environment, meeting new people,           about their enrolment to College. Students      access online. Students can access their
    understanding expectations will require            need to ensure they have the right kit          attendance records, targets, tutorial
    support from both the College and you as           and equipment for each class. Their             records, assessment outcomes and
    Parents/Carers. Here are just a few ways in        participation in the class and subsequent       timetable. Encourage your son/daughter
    which you can help us to support your son/         progress may be hindered without the right      to share this with you so you can review
    daughter whilst at College:                        kit and equipment.                              their progress and performance with them
                                                                                                       and proactively raise any concerns you
    Time management                                    Students will be required to complete
                                                                                                       might have with the College.
                                                       homework, assignments and assessments
    The College day typically operates from            on a regular basis. Students will be provided   Course and career progression
    9.00am-5.00pm for full time students. A            with an assessment plan. Students will have
    student’s timetable will generally require         access to resources online. Students will be    The Careers Advice team is available to
    them to be in College to attend up to 20           provided with a planner to record work set      provide advice and guidance. This includes
    hours of timetabled classes each week.             and key assessment deadlines. Students will     information on College courses, including
    Students will have gaps in their timetable or      quickly find their progress and attainment      changing course, future careers and
    ‘free periods’ which they can use for private      is impacted if they do not keep up with         employability advice and university options.
    study or independent work. The College has         the work set by their teacher. We would
    outstanding facilities to support independent      ask Parents/Carers to gain an awareness         Find out more about the Careers Advice
    study and students are encouraged to make          of the study programme requirements and         team on page 19.
    use of LibraryPlus facilities for this which are   assessment schedule so they can help their
    available on all sites.                            son/daughter keep on top of their college
    We will give you access to a copy of your          work. Parents/carers should contact the
    son/daughter’s timetable and we would              College if they would like more information
    welcome your support in ensuring that they         or clarity on assessment schedules and/or
    attend all classes and are ready to learn.         programme requirements.

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PARENTS' GUIDE - Weston College

                                                                                                      PERSONAL TUTORS
     Every student has a Personal Tutor who            Pastoral support
     is responsible for their academic and
     pastoral support. They are the first point        •C
                                                         heck that your son/daughter feels safe
     of contact for students and are responsible        and secure in the College environment,
     for the delivery of the collegiate tutorial        giving due regard to the College’s
     programme and associated scheme of                 Safeguarding Policy
     work. They will oversee the student’s             •D
                                                         iscuss with students any issues relating
     whole learning experience.                         to their progress and achievement, and
     Your son/daughter’s Personal Tutor will            where appropriate, refer them to the
     support them in the following ways:                Welfare team for specialist support or
                                                        Careers Advice team for guidance on
     Academic support                                   careers, university and changing course

       et and review SMART (Specific,                 •L
                                                         iaise with parents/carers where
      Measurable, Achievable, Realistic,                appropriate to ensure positive outcomes
      Time-bound) and challenging targets,              are recognised and areas of concern are
      ensuring your son/daughter makes                  highlighted.
      progress and achieves at least their             Administrative support
      minimum grades for their chosen
      course of study                                  •E
                                                         nsure all tutorial records are complete
                                                        and up-to-date, using the eILP
       evelop career action plans, stimulate
      ambition and support your son/                   •L
                                                         iaise, as appropriate, with other members
      daughter’s progress                               of the teaching team, student support
                                                        services and management to ensure
     • Monitor and review attendance and attitude      that all students in their tutor group are
        to learning, interviewing where appropriate.    enabled and empowered to achieve their
                                                        potential at Weston College.

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                                                                                                     STUDENT WELFARE
     Welfare                                        Counselling
     Welfare offers learners the opportunity to     Counselling offers an opportunity to talk
     access information, advice and support for     about personal issues in a private and
     a wide range of issues which could impact      relaxed setting with someone who plays no
     on learning including - relationships, low     other role in a learner’s life. Counselling is
     thoughts & emotional worries, substance        confidential and could help with relationship
     misuse, attendance concerns. The service is    issues, self-esteem, personal loss, anxiety/
     available daily on a drop-in or appointment    stress, decision making and moving on.
     basis.                                         Service available by appointment only, to
                                                    book please see the campus Welfare Officer
     Knightstone Campus (Kate/Emma)
                                                    or contact admin.
     01934 411 595/648
     South West Skills Campus (Heidi/Ellie)         01934 411 506
     01934 411 750/184
     Loxton Campus (Denise)
                                                    Providing specialist mental health support
     01934 411 623
                                                    to learners who have been diagnosed with a
     Health and Active Living Skills Centre         mental health condition, or to those whose
     (Emma/Ellie)                                   mental health is impacting severely upon
     01934 411 648/184                              their lives.                           01934 422 769
     Healthcare Advisors offer support and          Additionally, every learner’s
     guidance to learners with medical healthcare   email address provides them with free 24/7
     plans, sexual health advice, support to stop   access to Big White Wall. This is an online
     smoking and First Aid                          mental health support service, which is
                                                    approved by the NHS and provides support
     Knightstone Campus (Luci)                      and information.
     01934 411 535
     South West Skills Campus (Victoria)
     01934 411 658
     Loxton Campus and Health and Active
     Living Skills Centre (Charlotte)
     01934 411 640
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PARENTS' GUIDE - Weston College
                                                                                                     Accessing learning support                       Support options

                                                                                                                                                                                                LEARNING SUPPORT
                                                                                                     To access learning support, a referral will      Once the initial needs assessment

                                                                                                     need to be made to our learning support          has been completed, our specialist
                                                                                                     team and an initial needs assessment will        practitioners will work with the
                                                                                                     be completed to establish the exact              student and their tutors to provide
                                                                                                     support required.                                an individualised support

                                                                                                                                                      programme, which could include:
                                                                                                     A referral to discuss potential additional
                                                                                                     support can be made at any of the                • Specialist teaching and in-class

                                                                                                     following stages:                                   support
                                                                                                       ducation Health and Care Plan                 • Small group workshops
                                                                                                                                                      • Specialist equipment and assistive

                                                                                                       chool referral/educational health and            technology support
                                                                                                      care plan
                                                                                                                                                      • Mentoring
                                                                                                     • Pre-entry identification (during interview)
                                                                                                                                                      • Diagnostic assessments
                                                                                                     • Applications/enrolment/admission
                                                                                                                                                      • Exam access arrangements
                                                                                                     • Parent or carer referral
     Weston College’s innovative and unique          We offer support in a wide range                                                                 • Note taking
     specialist support model ensures staff          of specialist areas, which include:             • As part of a transition programme
     have the specific skills and knowledge                                                          • Screening assessment                           • Communication support
                                                     • Assistive technology
     they need to deliver high quality and
                                                                                                     • Self-referral                                  • Differentiation
     personalised support to empower                 • Autism spectrum
     student’s independence.
                                                     • Deaf and hard of hearing                      • Tutor referral                                 • Speech and language therapy
     Ofsted says that our support for students       • Behaviour 4 learning (EBD/ADHD/ADD)           • Professional referral.                         • Extensive transition plan
     is “outstanding”, and that our support
     workers are “highly experienced and             • Mental health                                                                                  • Weston Bay, our residential training
     very well qualified, with specific areas of                                                                                                         facility for students on the autism
                                                     • Specific learning difficulties
     expertise.” Our staff work closely with the                                                                                                         spectrum.
     faculty teams to assess our students’ special   • Speech and language therapy
     educational needs and disabilities (SEND),      • Visual impairment
     and to then implement a wide range of
                                                     • Profound and complex learning difficulties.
     support programmes which meet the
     requirements of our students’ education,
     health and care plans (EHCP).

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PARENTS' GUIDE - Weston College

                                                                                                  WORK EXPERIENCE
     Your son/daughter will gain work               • Level 1 - an ‘individualised’ approach
     experience as part of their study                based on learner readiness
     programme at Weston College.                   • Level 2 – Minimum of five days
     Work experience, and longer industry             or 37 hours
     placements, bridge the gap between             • Level 3, year 1 – Minimum of five days
     education and employment, and                    or 37 hours
     help students:
                                                    • Level 3, year 2 – Minimum of 315 hours
     • Make decisions on potential careers            over 45-60 days.
     • Prove themselves to employers                (These expectations apply only where
     • Develop attitudes and behaviours             work experience is not a mandatory part
       expected at work                             of a student’s technical qualification.)

     • Apply the personal and social skills         At Level 2, work experience does not
       they need in the workplace                   necessarily need to be related to the
                                                    student’s course – although this is
     • Broaden their understanding of a             preferable.
       particular industry or job role
                                                    At Level 3, the placement must be with
     • Apply theoretical and technical skills       a business or organisation that is directly
       they develop at College                      related to student’s course.
     • Find out what career opportunities are       The longer-term industry placements
       available within a particular sector.        can be spread out over a number of
                                                    weeks, or completed in a ‘block’. Ideally,
     We are fully committed to helping students
                                                    it will fit around the student’s timetable,
     find and secure an appropriate placement.
                                                    but can also take place during evenings,
     However, students are expected to take
                                                    weekends or in holidays.
     some responsibility for researching,
     identifying and applying for relevant          If a ‘block’ placement is the only option,
     opportunities.                                 we can also make arrangements for a
                                                    student to make up for any lessons or
     We also understand that parents and carers
                                                    learning they miss.
     often have contacts with employers through
     their own personal and family networks. With   Students must also consider the logistics
     that in mind, we encourage you to support      of any work placement, as they are
     your son/daughter and, where possible, help    expected to make their own way to the
     them identify an appropriate employer with     placement and bear the cost however
     whom to gain work experience.                  some support may be available to
                                                    students for this.
     Students are expected to undertake a
     minimum ‘amount’ of work experience,           For more information please
     depending on the level of their study          contact the work placement team on
                                                    01934 411 411

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CAREERS,                                       TRAVELLING

                                                                                                                                               TRAVELLING TO COLLEGE
     ADVICE                                         TO COLLEGE
     GUIDANCE                                       By bus
                                                    Weston College offers a subsidised bus
                                                                                                   By train
                                                                                                   All 16 and 17 year-olds in education
                                                    pass to all full time students. Students are   can get a new railcard that offers
     The College’s Careers and Advice team          entitled to one subsidised pass per term       significant discounts of up to 50% off
     offer advice and guidance on future            (three term year). Bus passes are available    train travel. We will release details of
     careers, university options and College        for purchase from the online college shop      this as soon as they are confirmed.
     courses.                                       and all Weston College receptions.
     Throughout the year they run events            There are two types of bus pass
     and advice sessions for Weston College         available depending on where you
     students on the following:                     travel from and which service you use.
     • 1 :1 careers guidance and tutorials         All information on our routes and which
        vailable for drop-ins regarding career      one you’ll need can be found at
        options, CV structure and much more

     • Choosing a course
       an offer information, advice and guidance
       for school students making a decision        First bus pass                                 Bakers Dolphin bus pass
       about their College pathway, and for
       current College students wishing to change   Weston College use the First Bus mTicket.      The College puts on its own coach
       direction                                    What students need to do:                      service via Bakers Dolphin, travelling
                                                                                                   to each of the College’s campuses
       areer Fest                                  •P
                                                      urchase bus pass voucher code from          from the below locations. Exact
      an opportunity for students to speak           Weston College                                details of stops again can be found
      to employers, universities and training       • Download First Bus mTicket app               on the College website.
      providers, as well sit on a number of talks
      so thy can make an informed choice on         •C
                                                      reate mTicket account and link voucher      • Portishead
      their next steps                               code to your account and use the QR           • Clevedon
                                                     code on the app when boarding a First
       CAS support                                                                                • Nailsea
      tutorial sessions which focus on how           Bus service.
                                                                                                   • Bridgwater
      to apply for university through UCAS,         There are currently three types
      university funding, personal statements       First Bus passes available to full             • Blagdon and surrounding villages
      and 1:1 appointments. We also take            time students:
      students to annual UCAS conventions                                                          Five Day Pass
                                                    Five Day Pass                                  Monday to Friday term time only:
       igher education and employer visits         Monday to Friday term time only:               £70 per term
      we offer the opportunity to meet and visit    £70 per term
      education institutions and employers to
      get a taste of what university and work       Seven Day Pass
      life is like                                  Monday to Sunday including half term
     More information on the College’s careers      (but not Christmas and Easter holidays):
     programme can be found on the website          £110 per term
                                                    Apprenticeship Bus Pass
                                                    Monday to Sunday
                                                    (valid for a 17 week period): £70

19                                                                                                 Accurate at time of print (February 2020)      20
LIBRARYPLUS                                                                                 FUTURES

                                                                                                                                                                                              FUTURES ACADEMY
     LibraryPlus is the College’s award-winning
     vibrant learning space, with a welcoming
     team of specialist support staff to help
     students access the resources they need.       The LibraryPlus team offers a wide variety   The Futures Academy programme is an             Individual Development (I.D)
     Our students will find a wide range of         of study support to students at Weston,      important part of your son/daughter’s           Programme
     technology available to hire and use,          including:                                   Level 3 qualification at Weston College.
                                                                                                                                                 All provision types need to design a
     including drop-in PCs, tablet devices and      • One-to-one study, research and revision    The programme brings together ways of           curriculum which develops the whole
     digital cameras.                                 guidance                                   working digitally on various course and         learner. Developing the character of
     LibraryPlus offers a comprehensive                                                          industry-related activities. It also provides   a learner will better prepare them
                                                    • Assignment support
     selection of books, DVDs, magazines and                                                     students with opportunities to demonstrate      for their next steps, society and will
     course specific resources, all available for   • Technology help and support                their digital expertise – for example, the      impact positively on their academic
     loan from any campus. Online resources                                                      Microsoft Office Specialist Certification.      progress. The College’s I.D Programme
                                                    • Basic IT tuition including Microsoft 365
     are also available including eJournals and                                                                                                  will focus on developing three core
                                                      guidance.                                  As part of the programme, students will get
     eBooks with guidance on how to access                                                                                                       skills for all learners on Level 2
                                                                                                 to meet guest speakers working in industry
     these provided by the LibraryPlus team.        For more information:                                                                        programmes:
                                                                                                 and establish relationships with potential
                                                                   employers.                                      • Time management
                                                    01934 411 493                                                                                • Communication
                                                                                                 Learning Mentors will also be on hand to
                                                                                                 help students improve their study skills and    • Personal behaviour management.
                                                                                                 provide one-to-one support with course          In addition to the core skills, curriculum
                                                                                                 requirements.                                   areas will determine a set of skills,
                                                                                                                                                 behaviours and attitudes required
                                                                                                                                                 to support learners to progress onto
                                                                                                                                                 their intended destination within their
                                                                                                                                                 subject area. These skills are threaded
                                                                                                                                                 through all aspects of a learner’s

21                                                                                                                                                                                              22
STUDYING WITH                                                                              COLLEGE

                                                                                                                                                                              COLLEGE CALENDAR
     MICROSOFT TEAMS                                                                            CALENDAR
     AND OFFICE 365                                                                             September                                  The College may in some
                                                                                                                                           instances finish earlier than
                                                                                                Start of term: Monday 7th September 2020
                                                                                                                                           the dates listed here.
     Get ready to go digital!                     Need help?                                    October                                    At the time of publishing, the
     At Weston College, our learners will use     Help and advice for using Microsoft Office    Half term: Monday 26th October 2020        College has not yet confirmed
     Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Office         365 and Teams is available through the                                                   exact term dates for the 2020-21
     365 apps to access course resources,         Weston College Learning Technology team       December                                   academic year. Once done so,
     communicate with their course tutor, work                                                  End of term: Friday 18th December 2020     these will posted on our website
     with other students on their course and
     much more!                                                                                 January
                                                  Not feeling confident? Students can book
     Microsoft Teams and Office applications      a one-to-one IT Basics session with a         Start of term: Monday 4th January 2021
     including Teams, Word, Excel and             LibraryPlus Learning Advisor
     PowerPoint can all be downloaded for
     FREE! For the duration of their course,                                                    Half term: Monday 15th February 2021
     Weston College learners can download
     Microsoft Office applications on up to       Get certified!                                April
     five personal devices (including Windows,    Weston College learners have the              End of term: Friday 1st April 2021
     Android and Apple).                          opportunity to complete a range of
                                                  Microsoft Certifications during their         Start of term: Tuesday 20th April 2021
     Learners can login at with    time at Weston College. The Microsoft
     their unique Weston College email address                                                  May
                                                  Office Specialist Certification is a way of
     and password to find a wide range of tools   demonstrating your proficiency in using the   Half term: Monday 31st May 2021
     and features, including:                     Microsoft applications Excel, PowerPoint
     Microsoft Teams – For accessing course       and Word 2016.
     resources, submitting homework,                                                            End of term: Friday 9th July 2021
     communicating with tutor and other
     learners on the course
     OneNote - For digital notetaking
     OneDrive – Online cloud storage
     Outlook - Email and calendar

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     Can my son/daughter withdraw from                For advice and guidance on changing course,       Can I get a copy of my son/daughter’s
     College without my consent?                      or if the four week deadline has passed           timetable?
                                                      and they feel they need to make a change,
     If aged 18 and under, we will inform you if                                                        They will be issued with their timetable
                                                      students should contact the Careers Advice
     your son/daughter has decided to withdraw                                                          during induction week.
                                                      team (details on the back of this booklet).
     from College. In 2015 the Government
     raised the participation age (RPA) meaning                                                         Their timetable can also be accessed
                                                      Can I take my son/daughter on holiday in
     students have to stay in education, training                                                       electronically on the eILP via their log
                                                      term time?
     or employment with training until their 18th                                                       in. Alternatively, you can contact their
                                                      We do not encourage or authorise holidays         faculty to request a copy.
                                                      taken in term time; your son/daughter will
     How will I be kept informed of my son/           be marked absent and will miss out on vital       A copy will also be provided by the
     daughter’s progress?                             learning time.                                    faculty as part of the letter providing key
                                                                                                        information, including your opportunity
     You will receive progress reports up to          Can my son/daughter get careers advice at         to attend a ‘meet the tutor’ evening in
     twice a year and have the opportunity to         College?                                          October.
     meet your son/daughter’s tutor and subject
                                                      We have a specialist staff in our Careers
     teachers at our parents’ events. You can
                                                      Advice team who work with students to
     also log onto your son/daughter’s eILP to
                                                      ensure they get the best support possible
     see this information. The portal displays
                                                      with applications for employment and higher
     information regarding students attendance
     and attainment.
                                                      Students receive a suite of tutorials on topics
     Who do I contact if I am concerned about
                                                      such as UCAS, careers and progression,
     my son/daughter’s progress?
                                                      and have access to highly qualified careers
     Always contact your son/daughter’s Personal      advisers who can help them choose the best
     Tutor first if you have any concerns about       progression route for them and their career.
     progress, unless it is safeguarding related in
     which case reception can direct your enquiry     My son/daughter has a learning difficulty.
     to an appropriate member of staff.               Can they get help and support at College?
                                                      We have an experienced team which works
     If your son/daughter’s Personal Tutor is
                                                      with students with learning support needs.
     unavailable please contact the relevant
                                                      Students who need an assessment for a
     faculty, contact details can be found on the
                                                      specific learning difficulty, exam concessions,
     back of this guide.
                                                      equipment or specialist support can access
     Can my son/daughter drop or change a             this through the College’s Additional
     subject/course?                                  Learning Support team.
     We do not encourage students to drop             Will my son/daughter have access to the
     subjects as it can have a negative impact        resources they need to achieve on their
     on their ability to progress. However, if they   course?
     really do wish to make a change, we will
                                                      We have excellent, state-of-the-art, facilities
     understand and support them. As long as
     they identify their desire to change course in   for our students to use, to ensure they
     the first four weeks it should be possible to    get the most out of their College course.
     change.                                          For example, our industry standard Grove
                                                      Restaurant, Hair and Beauty salons, our
                                                      Health and Active Living Skills Centre and
                                                      our brand new facility out at Puxton Park.

25                                                                                                                                                    26
Reception                                                     Loxton Campus

01934 411 411                                                 Creative Arts                                        01934 411 669

                                                              Sixth Form
Student Services                                              01934 411 666

01934 411506                                        

English and Maths                                             South West Skills Campus

01934 411 545                                                 Advanced Engineering and Computing
                                                              01934 411 194
Knightstone Campus
                                                              Building Automotive and Civil Engineering
Professional Studies, Access to HE and                        01934 411 792
Animal Science                                      
01934 411 567
07910 686 628
                                                              Health and Active Living
                                                              Skills Centre
Service Sectors                                               Health Science
01934 421250                                                  01934 411 520                     

Inclusive Practice                                            Sport
01934 411 697                                                 01934 421 251
07773 969 344                                       


                                                              01934 411 751

Disclaimer: All details correct at the time of going to print. It is advised to check the website   WC_MAC_27
for the most up to date information. © 2019 Weston College Group
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