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PARKEXPLORER GEAUGA PARK DISTRICT ACTIVITY GUIDE Photo by Holly Sauder SPRING 2020 4 When the parks 7 Judge Grendell 14 Adventure camps 18 How can we all become a backdrop for names Pat Preston present summer fun for celebrate the 50th special family traditions Park Commissioner grades 5 through 10 anniversary of Earth Day?
UPCOMING EVENTS Mark your calendars! EARTH DAY Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day! Extravaganza Saturday, April 18 • 11 AM - 3 PM • The West Woods with Natural Resource • Wildlife presentations • Live animals • Nature craft Management • Amphibian/reptile displays • Bird banding • Garlic mustard challenge with prizes • Food truck 10th ANNIVERSARY Sunday, June 14 • The West Woods Challenge yourself to this one-of-a-kind trail run through wooded hills — cave garb encouraged. Also this year, all who complete the course earn a 10th anniversary commemorative medal! Register ahead & save at 10th ANNIVERSARY & 1-Mile Fun Walk Registration 7 AM • Costume Contest 8:30 AM • Race/Walk 9 AM ROPES Claridon Woodlands’ high ropes course opens Sunday, May 24 Hours: Friday through Monday, 10:30 AM - 6 PM (last group up at 5 PM) & BOATS Visit website under News & Headwaters Park’s kayak & canoe borrowing begins Sunday, May 31 Hours: Thursday through Monday, 10 AM - 6 PM (last boat out at 5 PM) Updates for details & restrictions Take home a free milkweed plant to help the troubled Monarch population! One pot per person, please. Milkweed Mother’s Day Giveaway: Sunday, May 10, 10 AM - 12:30 PM Giveaways at The West Woods Nature Center Father’s Day Giveaway: Sunday, June 21, 9:30 AM - Noon at Claridon Woodlands Nights Out Amphitheater concerts at Big Creek Park (BC) Outdoor movie nights at Observatory Park; or Claridon Woodlands (CW); 7 - 8:30 PM activities begin at 8 PM, movies at dark Chardon Polka Band 6/13 (BC) Jumanji: The Next Level (PG-13) 6/20 in the Parks A great way to spend Long Time Gone 7/18 (BC) Hiram Rapids Stumblers 8/15 (CW) The Pop Tarts 8/29 (BC) The Martian (PG-13) 7/11 Up (PG) 8/8 a summer evening! SPRING PROGRAMS on pages 8-13 • Registration is required in advance for • Programs are generally free of charge; those with fees UGA G Geauga Gems Trekking Series Program EM GEA S limited enrollment programs on a first are noted. Payment of fees must be made at the time of Fulfills one of the naturalist-led requirements toward your Trekking Series award come, first served basis. Registration registration with a credit/debit card. can be completed online or at • Registration fees are refundable up to five days prior to Nature’s Not To Be Missed - Program focused 440-286-9516. the event, or if the Park District cancels the program. on unique encounters with Nature • Programs may be cancelled in the event • If you or a member of your family has special needs, of severe weather or a storm warning. Fully Wheelchair/Stroller Accessible please call the Park District regarding available accessibility accommodations. Nature Scopes - Program recommended for our fifth-grade Nature Scopes students 2 PARKEXPLORER •
PARKEXPLORER A seasonal guide to the programs, special events and news of Geauga Park District Upcoming Events................................... 2 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Feature: A Long-Running Tradition......... 4 PROBATE/JUVENILE DIVISION GEAUGA COUNTY Park Spotlight: Big Creek Park................ 6 TIMOTHY J GRENDELL – JUDGE Introducing Our New Commissioner...... 7 Courthouse Annex, 2nd Floor Donor Recognition Nov to Jan............... 7 231 Main Street, Suite 200 · Chardon, Ohio 44024 April Programs....................................... 8 Voice: 440-279-1830 May Programs...................................... 10 June Programs...................................... 12 F RO M T H E B E N C H Summer Camp Schedule...................... 14 From the Executive Director................. 15 Dear Geauga County Friends and Neighbors, Park Locations & Amenities.................. 16 Geocaching.......................................... 17 Congratulations to Director Oros, the hardworking Park Staff, In Nature: Earth Day............................. 18 and the dedicated Park Board for another excellent “Frozen Fest,” Fun Page.............................................. 19 a highlight of winter in Geauga County. You know how much I love our Great Geauga County Parks! Let’s see what others in Geauga County are saying: Park Mission “As always Nora is just excellent! I cannot say enough about her. What an asset to the Geauga Park community. I will be at the next The mission of Geauga Park District is program.” (Timbertots: Searching for Squirrels) to preserve, conserve and protect the natural features of Geauga County “Frozen Fest was phenomenal! Every single employee & volunteer and to provide outdoor recreational was so great & really made it a fun day for the kids! Thank you for experiences to our residents of every age, putting this on!” (Frozen Fest) every ability and at all times of the year. “All of the volunteers at Frozen Fest were very helpful and caring. They took time to work with our grandchildren to make them feel special.” (Frozen Fest) Park Hours Daily 6 AM - 11 PM “Frozen Fest is supremely executed and the staff at The West Woods who are directly involved deserve a huge round of applause. The Big Creek Park’s Donald W. Meyer Center happiness that exudes from this day is second to none. Thank you!” is open weekdays 10 AM - 4:30 PM (Frozen Fest) The West Woods Nature Center As spring reawakens the natural wonders in our Parks, I hope you is open daily 10 AM - 4:30 PM and your family will take some time to use and enjoy them. Observatory Park is open daily till 1 AM from Memorial Day to Labor Day and till 11 PM Hope to see you at the Parks! from Labor Day to Memorial Day; its Robert McCullough Science Center Sincerely, and Oberle Observatory are open 2nd & 4th Fridays & Saturdays of each month 6 - 11 PM and every other Sunday of each month 1 - 4 PM Timothy J. Grendell Geauga County Probate/Juvenile Court Judge The Maple Highlands Trail is open daily dawn till dusk Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve Board of Park Commissioners Executive Director is open daily 6 AM - 9 PM For more information on your parks, programs or events Phone: 440-286-9516 Fax: 440-286-1285 Howard Bates Jackie Dottore Pat Preston John Oros Park Board Meetings Dates and times are subject to change. Find the current schedule on our website under About GPD, or call 440-286-9516. • PARKEXPLORER 3
FEATURING PARK FRIENDS A Long-Running Tradition By Dorothy Inghram (Davis) and Ramie Allard (Inghram) Photos provided by the family M ore than 90 years ago, in July of 1927, the Covert family came together in a Chardon Methodist church to visit with relatives from as far away as California. After that first family reunion, the Coverts recognized a need to come together each year, God willing, on the last Sunday of July to share a meal, enjoy the outdoors, play games and visit with relatives who they often didn’t see but once a year. Today, this reunion carries the name Covert-Davis Reunion, as Miss Mary Covert was married to James Davis, and the descendants of these two families find it important to come together and record their 1930 Reu nion 2019 Reu nion history. They have continued the tradition of meeting annually on the last Sunday of July since 1927. For many years, the reunion was fit the needs best of the growing During the war years, the families held in Willoughby Hills at Cleveland family. Its shelters, playgrounds, agreed that the reunion should Metroparks’ Squire’s Castle. Then open spaces and natural habitats be postponed until after the war, the families decided they were were certainly a draw to continue as many of the young men were outgrowing the location with the reunion tradition. The West away from home. Three children respect to shelter and picnicking Woods, Big Creek Park, The Rookery, (two in Geauga County and one in space and sought out alternative Sunnybrook Preserve, Orchard Hills California), now in their 80s and 90s, locations further east in Geauga Park and Frohring Meadows, most from the Covert and Davis families County. recently, have all taken rank among that started this long-running event Rain or shine, the multiple options the parks chosen. are still attending today. of the Geauga County park system Each year the families came together 4 PARKEXPLORER •
to share a potluck meal, play The meal is always a pleaser, with one of the park benches. A more games and eat fresh fruit pies some timeless favorite recipes recent highlight of this tradition and ice cream to wrap up the returning each year. Games is the homemade/homegrown day. In the early days, games for continue to be key in drawing item auction. Propagated plants, the children included a peanut/ this competitive family together. crocheted afghans, canned goods, candy toss on the grass and No matter how old or young, we up-cycled bird houses and famous relay races. Adults would play a are always in it to win it! Today’s fudge are some of the favorite very competitive baseball game, games include sack relay races, returning items that bring in accompanied by fresh-squeezed a water balloon toss, tug o’ war money for the following year and lemonade to quench the thirst of and a raw egg toss. Scavenger another wonderful reunion. all those playing in the hot sun. hunts along the trails and through This year, the Covert-Davis Following the games, the adults the woods entertain the children, Reunion will celebrate its 91st would sit together and record the while adults have the business year at Frohring Meadows. We’ve history of the year gone by, taking meeting or indulge in a cornhole watched this park from its infancy minutes and updating births, tournament or family history trivial of grass growing in with no trees deaths and marriages in a leather- pursuit game. Minutes are written to a pleasant balance of shade bound folio (still in use today). each year, and officers are elected from the sun and open space A hat would be passed to collect on alternate years to take care of to run, play and roll down hills. money for prizes for the children’s upcoming reunion details such as Geauga Park District has done a games, as well as the ice cream the park reservation, shelter set- beautiful job of preserving these that had been kept cool by dry ice. up and organizing games and ice open spaces for the enjoyment of Most of the reunions would end cream. generations to come. Our families by dusk, just as mosquitoes began Recently, the family sold printed continue to come from as far to arrive on the scene. T-shirts with a maple leaf logo to away as California for this long- Many old traditions of this family its members to raise funds for a running family reunion. Come on reunion remain intact to this day. 90-year commemorative plaque for out and start your own! • PARKEXPLORER 5
Park Spotlight Spend Some Time at Big Creek Park T here’s good reason Big Creek Park has a fabulous reputation attracting many species of songbirds that migrate from the among hikers. tropics to nest in mature forests. Small streams divide the uplands, exposing glacial deposits and bedrock in their ravines. This trail system is one of the best in the county, with nine routes And clay slumps and floodplains are home to many distinctive totaling 3.8 miles that present a choose-your-own-adventure for plant species, which Geauga County can feel proud to protect. all ages and abilities, including some that were greatly improved at the end of 2019! Facilities here include the brand new Deep Woods Lodge and two shelters, all reservable, as well as the Donald W. Meyer Wildflowers abound this time of year. In fact, two of the trails Administrative Center (open weekdays 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) are even named for them. For a good challenge, search the map and Frances S. Hall Amphitheater, home of summertime on our website for the mile-long Hemlock Trail. The statewide performances. Watch for announcements this spring when Buckeye Trail travels a portion of the park. And if that’s still not reservations open for the new “tree house camping” facility, too! enough of a hike for you, take your vehicle over to one of the separate Tupelo Pond/Bridge Trail entrances for two more trails You might also make it a point to schedule a springtime with 2.9 miles to explore! scavenger hunt seeking the unique new playground near Maple Grove Shelter, new fishing piers, campgrounds, activity Then there’s the view. Totaling 644 acres, Big Creek Park is field backstop, sand volleyball court and tetherball for a bisected south to north by Big Creek, creating a landscape of complete tour of this awesome park close to home. varied relief. Most of the land is a rich beech-maple woods, Field Notes: Woodland walks provide the best chance of seeing a variety of wildflowers this spring. Get Photo by Teresa Runion Photo by Anne Lynch out there! 6 PARKEXPLORER •
Introducing new commissioner Pat Preston bring his diverse knowledge, appreciation for nature, and Pat Preston, Through his business, Preston business experience to the owner of has been a mainstay in the Board. Preston community and has supported “My philosophy on these Superstore many community organizations, unelected local board positions in Burton, including Cardinal Local School is that there should not be was sworn District, UH Geauga, the only a few people who are in by Judge Newbury Bicentennial, St. Helen appointed for a lifetime, and Tim Grendell, Computer Lab and Geauga their three-year terms are as a Commissioner of the Geauga Park County STARS for Autistic designed to give other residents District on December 30, 2019, for a term children. He even sponsored an opportunity to play a role in commencing January 1, 2020 and ending the Geauga County stop on the decision making process for December 31, 2022. Preston took over for the Experimental Aircraft the parks that they pay for with Andrej Lah, who completed his term on Association’s (EEA) national Air their hard-earned tax dollars. December 31, 2019. Tour of its 1920s Ford Tri-Motor I am confident that with this A Geauga County resident for nearly aircraft. new addition to the Board, 30 years, Preston has a long history of Judge Grendell reflected on his it will continue to balance dedication to the community. Preston latest appointment this way: preservation and conservation said of running Preston Superstore, “It is “Pat Preston understands the with recreational uses of the a lot of responsibility and we take it very great benefits that our County parks, and continue to make seriously. We also contribute where we Parks provide to Geauga County our County’s Parks even better can to make things better.” residents. Mr. Preston will than ever.” POETRY & PROSE · 3 AGE CATEGORIES · GET PUBLISHED · WIN $ PRIZES Plus, save the date for the 29th Annual Enter Geauga Park District’s 25th Annual Nature Writing Contest Entries accepted through May 1 Sunday, August 2, at Big Creek Park, Get your application at including a new-and-improved Nature or at The West Woods Nature Center or Big Creek Park’s Meyer Center Writing Winners Coffeehouse event! Thank You Debbie Remias John & Meta Dennis Trust Memorial Bench Plaque - Beartown Lakes Reservation Unrestricted donation 500.00 39,000.00 to All of Our Scott & Carol Kenney Geauga Walkers Group Unrestricted donation Unrestricted donation 75.00 100.00 Generous Christopher Reeder Engraved paver - The West Woods Nature Center In memory of George L. Reeder 375.00 Donors Cleveland Foundation Junction Auto Sales Louise Foster Lewis & Ruth Affelder Fund Caveman Crawl sponsorship K9 donation 470.75 500.00 150.00 Donations to April Oros K9 donation 50.00 Geauga Park District Geauga Park District patrons Interstate Towing & Transport K9 donation K9 donation 150.00 400.00 November 2019 Edward Carrol K9 donation 75.00 through January 2020 • PARKEXPLORER 7
APRIL Adventure/Discovery Arts Astronomy Kids Seniors 11 Timbertots: Feathered 2 Sunset Nature Stroll 5 Hypertufa Trough Friends (Ages 3 - 5 w/adult) Thursday, April 2, 7- 8:30 PM UGA G Workshop Saturday, April 11, 3 - 4 PM EM GEA Big Creek Park, Meyer Center S Orchard Hills Park Sunday, April 5, 2- 5 PM, See description for April 10. Registration required. Enjoy a beautiful stroll through the park around Claridon Woodlands sunset. We’ll watch for wildlife as some are settling down for the night, while others are Fee: $33 (county resident), $37 (out of county resident) Join artisan Cyndi Konopka 11 Nassau Night Sky Viewing just getting up. Registration required. to create a planter from cement, peat moss Saturday, April 11, 7-11 PM and vermiculite. Fee covers most supplies Observatory Park, Nassau 4 Hunter Education (see participant supply list). Dress for mess. Observe the wonders of the night sky using a Course (Day 1) Refreshments served. Registration required. giant research-grade telescope! If inclement weather, join us for a planetarium presentation in Saturday, April 4, 9 AM - 3 PM 6 Geauga Skywatchers the McCullough Science Center instead. Big Creek Park, Meyer Center Club: The Moon Training on hunter safety, archery, ammunition, ethics and conservation during Monday, April 6, 6:30 - 7:30 PM 12 Annual Spring this two-day course. Attendance both days Bainbridge Public Library Bird Walk Series (also April 11) is required. Quiz given at the Phases, eclipses and moonwalks; explore the Sunday, April 12, 7:30- 9:30 AM end of the course. Under age 18 must be moon in fascinating detail. Learn about the Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve accompanied by an adult. Registration is library’s new telescope-lending program and how See birds as they return to prime breeding habitat required through the Ohio Division of Wildlife to use a telescope to view the moon. Registration during spring migration. Experienced leaders will at required at assist with observation and identification. Dress for the weather; bring binoculars and bird guide. At 4 Spring Exploration 7 The Full Frog Moon different locations April 19, 26, May 3, 10 and 17. of the Upper Chagrin UGA G Tuesday, April 7, 7:30 - 8:30 PM EM GEA 14 Geauga Walkers S Saturday, April 4, Observatory Park 10 AM - Noon & 1-3 PM, Offsite Come and learn what makes a full moon, Tuesday, April 14, 1- 2:30 PM Hike where marsh marigolds, Virginia bluebells meet a few frogs, and observe the rising Headwaters Park, Route 322 Lot and other wildflowers carpet the wetlands “Frog Moon” using the park telescopes! Naturalist-led hike 1 to 1 ½ miles long for active bordering the Chagrin River. A challenging seniors. Call Geauga Senior Center for full hike with muddy paths and stream crossings. Wear sturdy, waterproof footwear. Park your 10 Timbertots: Feathered schedule, 440-279-2126. Also April 28. vehicle and be driven to the start of the hike Friends (Ages 3 - 5 w/adult) 16 Elderberries: Nature in a park van. Details provided to those who Friday, April 10, 10 -11 AM & register. Registration required. Photography & Bird Walk 1 - 2 PM, The West Woods Join Nora the Explorer to discover the amazing Thursday, April 16, 9 -11:30 AM 4 Egg Hunt: Nature Style lives of birds! Partly outdoors, weather Frohring Meadows, Katydid Lodge Saturday, April 4, 1:30 -3 PM permitting; dress accordingly. Older or younger Discuss tips on how to capture great images, The West Woods siblings not considered registered participants. followed by a bird walk. Begins with pancake Registration required. Also April 11. breakfast. A collaboration with Geauga Celebrate spring by following clues indoors Department on Aging and University Hospitals and out to hidden eggs and fun facts. Find them all and get a fun prize! Drop in anytime 10 Earthquakes in Ohio Geauga Medical Center. Registration required. during program hours. Scavenger hunts for Friday, April 10, 7 - 8 PM preschool and school age children. Observatory Park 17 Astrotots: Satellites, Learn the history of Ohio’s earthquakes, Robots & Probes, Oh My! 5 Bald Eagle Hike followed by telescope viewing until 11 PM, (Ages 3 -5 w/adult) Friday, April 17, Sunday, April 5, 12- 1:30 PM weather permitting. Also April 24. 10 -11 AM & 1-2 PM, Observatory Park & 2:30 - 4 PM, Headwaters UGA G Oodles of machines have been rocketed into space. 11 Hunter Education EM GEA Park, Boathouse Discover cool facts about them and create a fun space S Course (Day 2) craft designed by Commander Melvin, our Astrotot Learn amazing facts about Bald Eagles mascot. Registration required. Also April 18. and hike to an active nest, rain or shine, Saturday, April 11, 9 AM - 3 PM hopefully to observe eagle activity! Should be able to hike two miles over rolling terrain. Big Creek Park, Meyer Center 17 April Evening Adventure Registration required. See description for April 4. Registration Friday, April 17, 7:30 - 9 PM UGA G EM GEA required through the Ohio Division of Wildlife S at Eldon Russell Park 5 Warbler Warm-up A woodcock air show accompanied by Spring Sunday, April 5, 2- 3:30 PM 11 Nature Trek UGA G Peeper piping, Barred Owl bantering, beaver EM GEA The West Woods, Nature Center tail slapping and Great Blue Heron flapping will S Fitness Hike culminate in a spring evening hike for families. Noted local birders present techniques for ID’ing spring warblers using color patterns, Saturday, April 11, 10 - 11:30 AM habitat, behaviors and song. For novice to Walter C. Best Wildlife Preserve, 18 Early Morning intermediate birders with handouts provided. Route 44 Lot Winnowing Walk Walk follows to find early songbird migrants. Welcome springtime by exploring around a Saturday, April 18, 7- 8:30 AM A collaboration with the Audubon Society of lake on a paved trail. Held rain or shine, so Greater Cleveland. Frohring Meadows dress accordingly. Registration required. Witness the amazing courtship flight of a seldom seen wetland species, the Common Snipe. Males perform their unique winnowing displays with 8 PARKEXPLORER • the sunrise as a backdrop.
Fully Accessible Nature Scopes APRIL 18 Astrotots: Satellites, 19 Nature Trek UGA G 26 Lake Erie Bluffs EM GEA Robots & Probes, Oh My! Fitness Hike Birding Van Trip S (Ages 3-5 w/adult) Saturday, Sunday, April 19, 1 - 2:30 PM Sunday, April 26, 6:45 - 11:15 AM April 18, 10 -11 AM, Observatory Park Swine Creek Reservation, Woods Edge The West Woods See description for April 17. Registration Learn some cool Nature facts while burning Bring binoculars, spotting scopes and cameras required. calories! Should be able to hike at least three to explore this unique habitat for spring miles. Rain or shine; dress accordingly; bring migrating birds. Reserve a seat on the van or 18 Signs of Spring Hike UGA G water. Registration required. drive yourself and meet at Lake Erie Bluffs; EM GEA S Dress for the weather with sturdy footwear and Saturday, April 18, 9:30 -11:30 AM The West Woods, Turkey Ridge Shelter 23 Maple Town bring a snack and water. See website for trip details. Registration required. Hike in search of sights and sounds of spring before Tune Traders celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! Dress Thursday, April 23, 7-10 PM 26 Annual Spring for the weather with sturdy footwear; 2-3 miles The West Woods, Nature Center with hills, rain or shine. Registration required. Bird Walk Series Come to play, sing or simply enjoy as audience. Musicians of all levels, genres and instruments Sunday, April 26, 7:30 - 9:30 AM 18 Earth Day Celebration are welcome. Short performances followed by The Rookery Saturday, April 18, 11 AM - 3 PM sharing of songs and tunes in the round. Snacks See description for April 12. At different The West Woods to share welcome. locations 19, May 3, 10 and 17. Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day with live animals, bird banding, wildlife presentations, 24 Earthquakes in Ohio 26 Hidden Gems Hike: UGA G EM GEA S a garlic mustard challenge with prizes, a Nature Friday, April 24, 7- 8 PM Explore Whitlam Woods craft, a food truck and more! See website for Observatory Park Sunday, April 26, 1- 3 PM schedule of events. See description for April 10. Whitlam Woods 18 Scout Day: Junior Girl 24 Meet the Artist Discover this often-overlooked hidden gem of a park as we hike its beautiful hemlock ravines, Scouts - Geocacher Badge Friday, April 24, 7 - 9 PM rain or shine. Ability to hike two miles over hilly Saturday, April 18, 9:30 - 11:30 AM The West Woods, Nature Center terrain. Registration required. The Rookery, Great Blue Heron Lodge A morning of high-tech hide and seek as you Meet photographer Jim Trombo and view his breathtaking collection of Nature photographs 26 The Sky Tonight work toward your badge. Bring your own GPS presented on canvas. Refreshments served. Planetarium Show unit or enabled device, or use ours. Registration Show runs through July 21. Sunday, April 26, 2-3 PM required by phone only at 440-279-0880. Observatory Park 18 Scout Day: Wolf Cubs Join us for a planetarium presentation about what to watch for in the night sky this week. Finding Your Way Elective Building open house 1-4 PM. Also view the Saturday, April 18, 1-3 PM sun using our safe solar-viewing equipment, The Rookery, Great Blue Heron Lodge weather permitting. Discover how to use a map and compass to locate objects and go on a hike. Registration required 25 Lesser Celandine, 28 Geauga Walkers by phone only at 440-279-0880. An Undesirable Beauty Tuesday, April 28, 1 - 2:30 PM Saturday, April 25, 12:30 - 1:30 PM The Rookery 18 Nassau Astronomy Night Orchard Hills Park, Lodge See description for April 14. with CVAS Saturday, April 18, The abundant and beautiful flowers of lesser 7-11 PM, Observatory Park, Nassau celandine disguise an invasive, aggressive menace 29 Geauga Cyclists Join members of the Chagrin Valley Astronomical to other wildflowers, gardens and lawns in your Kickoff & Safety Meeting Society to take in the wonders of the night sky neighborhood. Join park staff to learn how to get Wednesday, April 29, 4 - 5 PM using our amazing 36-inch-telescope! Discover rid of this plant, benefit your local wildlife, and this amazing facility and all it has to offer. help spread the word among your neighbors. Chardon Heritage House, Cancelled if cloudy. 111 E Park St, Chardon, OH 44024 25 Wildflowers & Invasives Ages 55 and older, join us for a bike safety session 19 Annual Spring Backcountry Hike UGA G as we kick off a new biking group: the Geauga Cyclists! Review basic bike safety in advance of EM Bird Walk Series GEA S Saturday, April 25, 1:30 - 3:30 PM our weekly Geauga Cyclists rides, set for each Sunday, April 19, 7:30-9:30 AM Orchard Hills Park, Lodge Wednesday at 4 PM at Mountain Run Station. Frohring Meadows A rugged off-trail hike into woodland ravines. See description for April 12. At different locations See spring wildflowers and view the invasive, 29 The Rookery Through 26, May 3, 10 and 17. aggressive lesser celandine. Must be capable the Seasons Hike: Spring of several miles of off-trail hiking. Dress for the Wednesday, April 29, 6:30 - 8 PM 19 Bald Eagle Van Trip weather; wear sturdy boots for wet terrain. The Rookery, Great Blue Heron Lodge Registration required. Sunday, April 19, Noon - 4 PM Enjoy spring wildflowers such as white trout The West Woods 25 Nassau Night Sky Viewing lily and anemones on this easy hike, one in Learn amazing facts about Bald Eagles. Search for a series to discover the changing flora along eagle activity and nests located in Geauga County. Saturday, April 25, 7-11 PM the Interurban Trail. A collaboration with the Should be able to hike at least 1/2 mile over Observatory Park, Nassau Native Plant Society of Northeastern Ohio. rolling terrain. Bring binoculars, spotting scopes Astronomical Station Registration required. and cameras, a snack and water. Registration See description for April 11. • PARKEXPLORER 9 required.
MAY Adventure/Discovery Arts Astronomy Kids Seniors 10 Annual Spring 2 Nature Explorers: All 6 Geauga Cyclists Bird Walk Series About Birds (Ages 6-7 & 8-11) Weekly Ride Sunday, May 10, 7:30 - 9:30 AM Saturday, May 2, 1-3 PM Wednesday, May 6, 4- 5:30 PM Big Creek Park, Aspen Grove See description for May 3. Also May 17 at Big Creek Park, Deep Woods Lodge Mountain Run Station different location. Find migratory birds returning to their spring/ Ages 55 and older, join this senior bike group summer homes, play bird games, and other activities indoors and out. Drop-off program. riding The Maple Highlands Trail each Wednesday at 4 PM. Bring your own bike, helmet and water, 10 Mother’s Day Registration and waivers required. and meet in the parking lot for an escorted ride! Milkweed Giveaway Also May 13, 20 & 27. Sunday, May 10, 10 AM - 12:30 PM 2 Bilingual Chinese/ The West Woods English Wildflower Walk 7 Full Moon Hike UGA G EM Give your mom a gift to benefit Monarch GEA S Saturday, May 2, 2-3 PM Thursday, May 7, 8:30- 9:30 PM Butterflies. Stop by anytime between the The West Woods Observatory Park specified hours and pick up a free pot of native Explore the woods and wetlands after dark. A two- milkweed and/or plant your own seeds to take Learn the surprising variety of Ohio’s native home and grow. One pot per person. spring wildflowers conducted in Mandarin mile hike over level terrain, searching for nocturnal wildlife, then see the rising full moon through Chinese and English! Whatever language you speak, you’ll discover something new. telescopes, weather permitting. Registration 10 Wildflower Registration required. required for hiking portion. Wanderings Walk 8 Homeschool Days: Bees Sunday, May 10, 1- 2:30 PM 3 Annual Spring Headwaters Park, Rt. 322 Entrance Bird Walk Series & Blossoms (Ages 5-7 & 8-12) A naturalist-led hike to one of the best locations Sunday, May 3, 7:30- 9:30 AM Friday, May 8, 2-3:30 PM in the Park District to find spring-blooming Eldon Russell Park Claridon Woodlands wildflowers, 1½ miles along gently rolling Learn about pollinators and their importance terrain. See birds during spring migration as they return home to prime breeding habitat. through hands on activities. Sample some honey Experienced leaders will assist with too! Adults may attend (need not register) or 12 Geauga Walkers observation and identification. Dress for the drop off child with waiver. Mostly outdoors; Tuesday, May 12, 1- 2:30 PM dress for the weather. Registration required. weather; bring binoculars and bird guide. Big Creek Park, Deep Woods Also May 10 and 17 at different locations. 8 Exoplanets Naturalist-led hike 1 to 1½ miles long for active seniors. Call Geauga Senior Center for full 3 Late Afternoon Friday, May 8, 7- 8:30 PM schedule, 440-279-2126. Observatory Park Tea & Wildflower Walk Weird worlds have been discovered outside of 13 Geauga Cyclists Sunday, May 3, 4-5:30 PM Big Creek Park, Deep Woods Lodge our solar system. Learn about exoplanets and Weekly Ride how you can participate in the search for more, Enjoy a variety of teas and pastries similar to followed by night sky viewing using the park Wednesday, May 13, 4 -5:30 PM the British “afternoon tea” time, then go for telescopes until 11 PM, weather permitting. Mountain Run Station a short hike to look at wildflowers in bloom. See description for May 6. Rain or shine. Registration required. 9 Ansel’s Cave Hike: Spring Exploration UGA G 15 Mid-May Migrants 4 Geauga Skywatchers EM GEA Evening Bird Walk S Saturday, May 9, 9 -11 AM Club: Astrolabes - Part 1 The West Woods Friday, May 15, 7 - 8:30 PM Monday, May 4, 6:30-7:30 PM Naturalist-led two-mile hike exploring spring Holbrook Hollows, Horse Parking Lot Geauga West Library sights and sounds at Ansel’s Cave, rain or shine – Enjoy an evening bird walk and discover what Learn about our oldest multifunction a rare opportunity to go into this restricted area! mid-May migrants are passing through this new computer, the astrolabe, and discover Registration required. park. Bring binoculars and bird field guide. the secrets it holds. Also learn about the library’s telescope-lending program and 9 Wildlife-Friendly 16 Hidden Gems Hike: basics on how to use a telescope to view Backyards Van Trip the moon. Registration required at https:// Discovering the UGA G EM GEA Saturday, May 9, 1- 4 PM Wonders of Spring! S The West Woods Saturday, May 16, 9 - 11 AM 5 Magee Marsh Visit two local backyards which have been The Rookery Birding Van Trip transformed into wildlife sanctuaries. Explore each backyard alongside the homeowners. Dress Discover natural springtime wonders along the Tuesday, May 5, 6 AM - 6 PM beautiful trails of The Rookery! Outdoors, so for the weather. Registration required. dress for the weather. Registration required. The West Woods Fee: $10 (Geauga county resident), $25 9 Nassau Night Sky Viewing 16 Campfire Cooking: (out-of-county resident) Visit one of the best Saturday, May 9, 9 -11 PM bird-watching spots in the country to witness Forks & Foil spring migration along the shores of Lake Observatory Park, Nassau Saturday, May 16, 11 AM -1 PM Erie. Transportation provided. Naturalists will Observe the wonders of the night sky using a giant assist with bird identification. Bring binoculars, research-grade telescope! If weather prevents sky Big Creek Park, Maple Grove water and sack lunch. Registration required. viewing, enjoy a planetarium presentation in the Get inspired for your next camping adventure! McCullough Science Center instead. Learn to create foil meals packed with sausage, onions, peppers and other veggies. Hot dogs on 10 PARKEXPLORER • standby for picky eaters. Registration required.
Fully Accessible Nature Scopes MAY 16 Geauga Gems 22 Timbertots: Flower Fun 27 Geauga Cyclists Trekking Series Hike UGA G (Ages 3-5 w/adult) Friday, May 22, Weekly Ride EM GEA S Saturday, May 16, 2- 4 PM 10-11 AM & 1-2 PM, Headwaters Wednesday, May 27, 4-5:30 PM Big Creek Park, Tupelo Pond Park, Crystal Lake Picnic Area Mountain Run Station, Parking Lot Explore the beautiful Creek Trail on this Find out how flowers can be fun with colors, See description for May 6. naturalist-led hike. Hike is at least three miles counting and exploration! Program outdoors, over hilly terrain rain or shine; dress accordingly dress accordingly. Registration required. 27 After Work Wildflower Walk and bring water. Registration required. 22 Exoplanets Wednesday, May 27, 6:30 - 8 PM 16 Nassau Astronomy Beartown Lakes Reservation Friday, May 22, 7- 8:30 PM Enjoy a walk to find late-blooming spring Night with CVAS Observatory Park wildflowers along wooded trail and wetland Saturday, May 16, 7-11 PM See description for May 8. areas. A collaboration with the Native Plant Observatory Park, Nassau Society of Northeastern Ohio. Registration Join members of the Chagrin Valley Astronomical 23 Timbertots: Flower Fun required. Society to take in the wonders of the night sky (Ages 3-5 w/adult) using our amazing 36-inch-mirrored telescope! Saturday, May 23, 10-11 AM, 28 Maple Town Tune Traders Discover this amazing facility and all it has to Big Creek Park, Deep Woods Thursday, May 28, 7-10 PM offer. Cancelled if cloudy. The West Woods See description for May 22. Registration required. Come to play, sing or simply enjoy as audience. 17 Annual Spring Musicians of all levels, genres and instruments Bird Walk Series 23 Hound Hike/Pack Walk are welcome. Short performances followed by sharing of songs and tunes in the round. Snacks Sunday, May 17, 7:30- 9:30 AM with the Chagrin Valley to share welcome. Swine Creek Reservation, Woods Edge Beagles See description for May 3. Also May 10 at different location. Saturday, May 23, 10 AM - Noon 30 Exploring the Preserve: Sunnybrook Preserve Backcountry Hike UGA G EM GEA 17 Lake Kelso Kayak S Bring your dog for a spring walk on woodland Saturday, May 30, 10 AM -Noon trails with the wiggly-waggly pack of the & 1:30 - 3:30 PM Sunday, May 17, 1- 2:30 PM Chagrin Valley Beagles, and some dog training Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve fun led by professional dog trainers. Walkers Stafford Preserve in Chesterland Enjoy wildlife and the beautiful surroundings without dogs also welcome. See website for Off-trail hike into a mature woodland. See spring of these tranquil waters. Basic skills required; details. Registration required; arrive a few wildflowers, ravines, streams and the history of instruction not given. Held rain or shine except minutes early to check in. the land. Rugged, wet terrain; must be physically thunderstorms. Wear shoes to get wet or muddy capable of several miles of off-trail hiking. Wear and bring drinking water. Registration required 23 Maple Highlands UGA G sturdy boots with good traction. Registration required. Directions sent after registration. beginning May 10. Life vests also required. Trail Walk EM GEA S 19 Blackbrook Audubon: Saturday, May 23, 2- 4 PM 31 Horseback Trail Ride The Wildlife of Bass Lake Mountain Run Station, Chardon (Walk, Trot & Canter) Tuesday, May 19, 7- 9 PM Rotary Shelter Sunday, May 31, 10 -11:30 AM A two-mile spring hike from Mountain Run Observatory Park, Cygnus Shelter Big Creek Park, Meyer Center Station to South Street and back again to Bring your own horse to enjoy the spring Nature enthusiast Chris Parker has documented discover the sights and sounds that surround the wonderful wildlife that occurs at Bass woodlands from the saddle on this naturalist-led us. Registration required. trail ride at a walk, trot and canter. See details on Lake Preserve. Join him to experience his close encounters with Bald Eagles, river otters, website. Registration required. mink, osprey, swans, loons, Prothonotary 23 Nassau Night Sky Viewing Warblers and much more. A collaboration with Saturday, May 23, 9 - 11 PM 31 Horseback Trail Ride Blackbrook Audubon Society. Observatory Park, Nassau (Walk Only) See May 9 for description. Sunday, May 31, 1-3 PM 20 Geauga Cyclists 24 The Sky Tonight Observatory Park, Grounds Weekly Ride Bring your own horse to enjoy the spring Wednesday, May 20, 4 - 5:30 PM Planetarium Show woodlands from the saddle on this walk-only Mountain Run Station Sunday, May 24, 2- 3 PM naturalist-led trail ride. See details on website. See description for May 6. Observatory Park Registration required. A planetarium presentation about what to 21 Elderberries: watch for in the night sky. Building open house 31 Frog Fest Hike Welcome to a Woodland 1-4 PM. Also view the sun using our safe solar- Sunday, May 31, 8-9:30 PM viewing equipment, weather permitting. The West Woods Thursday, May 21, 11:30 AM-1:30 PM, UGA G EM GEA Enjoy the sights and sounds of S Claridon Woodlands 26 Geauga Walkers spring as we hike the Discovery Trail Go on a treasure hunt for mysterious boxes with examples of diverse wildlife to learn their Tuesday, May 26, 1- 2:30 PM in search of frog activity along the trail The West Woods, Affelder House and in woodland breeding pools, rain or ecological connections. Light lunch served. shine, so dress for the weather. A collaboration with Geauga Department on Naturalist-led hike 1 to 1 ½ miles long for Approximately 1/2 mile. Flashlights Aging and University Hospitals Geauga Medical active seniors. Call Geauga Senior Center for recommended. Registration required. Center. Registration required. full schedule, 440-279-2126. • PARKEXPLORER 11
JUNE Adventure/Discovery Arts Astronomy Kids Seniors 13 Dragon-Hunting Van Trip: 1 Geauga Skywatchers 6 Basic Learn to Canoe Morgan Park, Portage County Club: Astrolabes - Part 2 (Ages 10+ w/adult) Saturday, June 13, 12:30 - 4:30 PM Monday, June 1, 6:30 -7:30 PM Saturday, June 6, 1- 4 PM The West Woods Geauga West Library Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve Hike in one of Portage County’s newer parks in Learn basic handling techniques for safe search of dragonflies and damselflies, exploring Learn about our oldest multifunction canoeing on flat water. Ages 10+ w/adult. meadows, wetlands and surrounding habitats. computer, build your own working astrolabe, Phone registration begins May 30. Wear shoes Bring lunch and water. Registration required. and discover the secrets it holds. Also learn to get wet or muddy, and bring water and a about the library’s new telescope-lending program and some basics on how to use a change of clothes. Registration required. 13 Nights Out in the Parks: telescope to view the moon. Registration Chardon Polka Band required at 7 Forest Exploration UGA G Saturday, June 13, 7- 8:30 PM & History Hike Big Creek Park, Amphitheater EM GEA 3 Geauga Cyclists S Sunday, June 7, 11 AM -Noon Enjoy your favorite polka tunes with a twist! Weekly Ride Swine Creek Reservation, Refreshments served. Inside if inclement weather. Wednesday, June 3, 4-5:30 PM Woods Edge Mountain Run Station Explore the forest and learn about this park’s 13 Nassau Night Sky Viewing Ages 55 and older, join this senior bike history and unique features. Approximately Saturday, June 13, 9-11 PM group riding The Maple Highlands Trail each 1.5 miles of easy to moderate trail. Observatory Park, Nassau Wednesday at 4 PM. Bring your own bike, Registration required. Observe the wonders of the night sky using helmet and water, and meet in the parking lot this facility’s giant research-grade telescope! for an escorted ride! Also June 10,17 & 24. 7 Family Fun at the Park! A planetarium presentation in the McCullough Sunday, June 7, 1- 2:30 PM Science Center if inclement weather. 5 Evening Hike UGA G EM Swine Creek Reservation, Lake Side GEA 14 Caveman Crawl 5K S Friday, June 5, 7- 8 PM Celebrate warm weather with a day outside Observatory Park in the park. Explore the pond, a meadow Trail Run & 1-Mile Fun Walk June brings late sunsets. Join us for a two- and a playground! Some activities might be Sunday, June 14, 7-11 AM mile evening hike to look and listen for in wet/muddy areas; dress appropriately. The West Woods crepuscular wildlife at Observatory Park, then Registration required. stick around for the full moon program at 9 Fee: $20 for advance registration Earn a commemorative 10th anniversary PM if you’d like. Registration required. 7 Polliwog Paddle medal just for finishing this year’s one-of-a- 5 The Full Family Canoe (Ages 5+ w/adult) kind 5K - cave costumes encouraged! Details Sunday, June 7, 2 - 4 PM, Eldon and registration at Strawberry Moon Registration forms also at The West Woods Russell Park, Horwath’s Landing Nature Center and Big Creek Park’s Meyer Center. Friday, June 5, 9-10 PM Families with children 5 years and older, take Walkers welcome! Proceeds benefit the Chip Observatory Park an easy-paced, short-distance canoe float on Henry Institute for Outdoor Adventure. June’s full moon is “The Strawberry Moon.” the wildlife-rich Upper Cuyahoga River. Phone Come and get a taste of some strawberries and their history, then watch the full moon registration begins May 31 at 440-279-0880. Registration required. 14 Veteran’s rise using park telescopes! Appreciation Picnic 9 Geauga Walkers: Sunday, June 14, 1- 4 PM 6 Basic Learn to Kayak Summer Picnic Big Creek Park, Deep Woods Lodge (Ages 10+ w/adult) Tuesday, June 9, 12 - 2:30 PM Celebrate our veterans on Flag Day with a special Saturday, June 6, 9 AM - Noon Frohring Meadows picnic to say thank you for serving our country! Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve Veterans, with up to one guest each, are welcome Naturalist-led hike 1 to 1 ½ miles long for active to enjoy food and fun at this new lodge in Big Learn basic kayak-handling techniques seniors. Annual picnic with a short hike at noon Creek Park. Registration required. for safe kayaking on flat water. Under 18 followed by a potluck lunch at 1 PM, bring a must be accompanied by an adult. Phone registration begins May 30. Wear shoes to dish to share. Call Geauga Senior Center for full schedule, 440-279-2126. 14 Cuyahoga Kayak get wet or muddy, and bring water and a (Age 12+ w/adult) Sunday, June 14, change of clothes. Registration required. 10 Geauga Cyclists 1:30 - 4 PM, Eldon Russell Park 6 National Trails Days: Weekly Ride Explore the wilds of the Upper Cuyahoga River, home to a wondrous variety of birds and Hike Around the Reservoir Wednesday, June 10, 4 -5:30 PM beasts. Must have experience. Under 18 must Saturday, June 6, 10 AM - 2 PM Mountain Run Station be accompanied by an adult. Registration See description for June 3. Also June 17 & 24. required beginning June 7. Headwaters Park, Rte 608 UGA G EM GEA Main Parking Lot 12 How Far Are the Stars? 16 Toddler Time: Sensing S Take a seven-mile hike around the Summer (Ages 1-2 w/adult) the East Branch Reservoir, including the Friday, June 12, 7- 8:30 PM preserve side not normally open to the Observatory Park Tuesday, June 16, 10-11 AM public. Wooded lanes offer the possibility of Find out how humans figured out the distance Walter C. Best Wildlife Preserve, wildlife sightings including eagles and osprey. to the stars! If weather permits, program will Sunset Shelter Pack a lunch and water bottle. A short be followed by night sky viewing until 11 PM. Enjoy the start of summer with your little portion of the walk will be on Routes 608 Also June 26. one as we see, smell and touch summertime and 322. Registration required. in the park. Strollers and carriers welcome! 12 PARKEXPLORER • Registration required.
Fully Accessible Nature Scopes JUNE 17 Timbertots: Bees & 27 Tree Frogs, Blossoms (Ages 3-5 w/adult) Tadpoles & Toadlets Wednesday, June 17, 10 -11 AM Saturday, June 27, 1-3 PM & 1-2 PM, Frohring Meadows The West Woods, Turkey Ridge Explore the amazing lives of bees and other Discover the tiny toads and tree frogs near animals that help flowers to bloom through their springtime pools, and dip into the water fun activities and exploration! Older or younger with provided nets to find aquatic life while we siblings will not be considered registered 23 Geauga Walkers share some natural history of these amazing participants. Registration required. Also June 20. creatures. Tuesday, June 23, 1-2:30 PM 17 Geauga Cyclists Observatory Park 27 Nassau Night Sky Viewing Naturalist-led hike 1 to 1 ½ miles long for active Weekly Ride seniors. Call Geauga Senior Center for full Saturday, June 27, 9-11 PM Wednesday, June 17, 4 - 5:30 PM schedule, 440-279-2126. Observatory Park, Nassau Mountain Run Station See description for June 13. See description for June 3. Also June 10 & 24. 24 Grandparents in the Park: School’s Out! 27 Moth Madness 18 Elderberries: Wednesday, June 24, 1 - 2:30 PM Saturday, June 27, 10 PM - 1 AM Dragon Hunting Holbrook Hollows Holbrook Hollows Bring your curiosity and a flashlight to the Thursday, June 18, 9-11:30 AM Celebrate the beginning of summer with Old Ironsides Trail to see what species have Swine Creek Reservation, Lodge your grandchildren and a Nature scavenger hunt, craft and snack! Mostly outdoors;dress been attracted to our lights. Naturalists will No suit of armor needed for these dragons! An be monitoring them all night. Cameras also for the weather; sandals and flip flops not up-close chance to see the wonders and variety welcome to capture awesome images of some recommended. Please bring a snack to share. of these winged residents. Program begins night-flying insects! Registration required. with breakfast. A collaboration with Geauga Department on Aging and University Hospitals 24 Geauga Cyclists 28 Horseback Trail Ride Geauga Medical Center. Registration required. Weekly Ride (Walk, Trot & Canter) 20 Welcoming Summer Walk Wednesday, June 24, 4 - 5:30 PM Sunday, June 28, 10 AM - Noon Mountain Run Station Holbrook Hollows Saturday, June 20, 10-11:30 AM UGA G EM GEA See description for June 3. Also 10 & 17. Bring your horse for this naturalist-led walk, S Orchard Hills Park trot and canter trail ride, moving out together Take a guided hike to discover this unique at a faster pace. See details on website. park’s many habitats: pond, fields and 24 The Rookery Through Registration required. orchards. Approximately 1.5 miles on a gravel the Seasons Hike: Summer trail. Registration required. Wednesday, June 24, 6:30- 8 PM 28 The BUZZ About 20 Timbertots: Bees & The Rookery Native Pollinators Enjoy blooming wildflowers such as native Sunday, June 28, 1- 2:30 PM Blossoms (Ages 3-5 w/adult) honeysuckle, on this walk along the Interurban The West Woods Saturday, June 20, 3 - 4 PM Trail. A collaboration with the Native Plant Society Not only are insect pollinators important, they Orchard Hills Park, Lodge of Northeastern Ohio. Registration required. are also remarkable – and important to our See description for June 17. Registration lives! Let’s explore the world of cuckoo bees, required. 25 Maple Town Tune Traders orchard mason bees, leaf-cutter bees and so Thursday, June 25, 7-10 PM many more. After our indoor presentation, take 20 Movie Night: The West Woods, Nature Center a short walk to look for active pollinators. “Jumanji: The Next Level” Come to play, sing or simply enjoy as audience. Musicians of all levels, genres and instruments 28 Horseback Trail Ride Saturday, June 20, 8-11:30 PM Observatory Park are welcome. Short performances followed by (Walk Only) sharing of songs and tunes in the round. Snacks Pre-show activities begin at 8 PM and include Sunday, June 28, 1- 3:30 PM to share welcome. the Geauga County Public Library’s Fun Bus. Holbrook Hollows Free popcorn and lemonade. Bring blankets and lawn 26 How Far Are The Stars? Bring your own horse for this walk-only naturalist-led trail ride, enjoying the summer chairs. Will be shown indoors Friday, June 26, 7- 8:30 PM woodlands from the saddle at a leisurely pace if inclement weather. Movie Observatory Park in the company of other riders. See website for is rated PG-13. Night sky See description for June 12. details. Registration required. viewing after the movie, weather permitting. 26 Epic Firefly Adventure 28 The Sky Tonight 21 Father’s Day Friday, June 26, 9-11 PM Planetarium Show Swine Creek Reservation, Lodge Sunday, June 28, 2-3 PM Milkweed Giveaway Fun for all on this good ol’ fashioned lightning Observatory Park Sunday, June 21, 10 AM - Noon bug hunt. Help capture these elusive insects to A planetarium presentation about what to Claridon Woodlands fill a giant jar with light. Begins inside with an watch for in the night sky. Building open house Dad likes plants too! To aid the struggling amusing presentation on firefly biology. Then 1-4 PM. Also view the sun using our safe solar- Monarch Butterfly population, we’ll hand out grab a provided net and head outside! viewing equipment, weather permitting. free pots of native milkweed for you to plant. One pot per person. • PARKEXPLORER 13
Photos by Abby Smith Get out for some fun! REGISTRATION REQUIRED AT 440-286-9516 Junior Naturalist Adventure Day Camps 9 AM-4 PM - $150/week 9 AM-4 PM - $150/week (out-of-county $175/week) (out-of-county $175/week) Youth entering grades 5 - 7 Teens entering grades 8 - 10 Youth entering grades 5-7 Mondays - Fridays: Mondays - Fridays: Monday-Friday, June 22-26 June 8 -12; July 6-10; July 13-17; June 15 - 19 Ready to explore and learn how to be a July 27- 31; August 3 - 7 July 20 - 24 naturalist? Sign up for this exciting week Are you adventure ready!? When you sign up for Get ready for an exciting week of exploring, of exploring streams, lakes and forests one of these exciting weeks, you're in for a great biking, kayaking, fishing, archery, sending for exciting wildlife: macro-invertebrates, time exploring, hiking, biking, kayaking, fishing, rockets high into the sky and tackling the birds, amphibians, insects and more! sending rockets high into the sky and more! ropes course at Claridon Woodlands! All camps except X-Treme X-TREME Days 9 AM-4 PM - $30/day (out-of-county $35/day) Days begin and end each Teens entering grades 8-10 day at The West Woods. Thursday, July 9 Thursday, July 16 Transportation provided to other park locations X-treme: Kayak Adventure X-treme: High Ropes Adventure for activities facilitated Eldon Russell Park Claridon Woodlands by highly qualified staff. The wilds of the Upper Cuyahoga River are home to a Meet camp staff at Claridon Woodlands to Waivers required of each wondrous variety of birds and beasts. Embark on a 10-mile explore the high ropes course that towers participant, and other adventure discovering plants and wildlife in and along the more than 30 feet high and features details are sent upon river. Meet camp staff at Eldon Russell Park and arrange for 10 exciting challenge elements – an registration. Each camper pick-up at Camp Hi Canoe Livery in Hiram. adventurous day for sure! must daily bring lunch, Thursday, July 30 water and a raincoat in a backpack. Sunscreen X-treme: Biking Adventure and insect repellent also Claridon Woodlands suggested. More equipment Claridon Woodlands is home base for provided and included this biking adventure. Join camp staff in the fee. Financial to ride north to Mountain Run Station, assistance available; please then south to Tare Creek Parkway along call for details. The Maple Highlands Trail, an adventure totaling 22 miles! 14 PARKEXPLORER •
From the Desk of THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Family Traditions in Nature I Photo by Holly Sauder hope you enjoyed the article about the Covert-Davis family reunions in this edition of your Park Explorer. Reading about the lasting legacy of these gatherings reminded me that we truly live in a special county. With a heritage and legacy dating back to 1927 in Chardon, there must be something special about Geauga County and this family that keeps bringing people back. I was thrilled to read about the role Geauga Park District has played in creating a special place for these reunions, and to hear stories about their interactions with Nature. It was also fun hearing about their time spent playing in the parks: on park playgrounds and utilizing our shelters, creative games and activities crafted by the family, and of course all of that great food that comes with family gatherings. At the same time, this family recognizes the importance of protecting our diverse habitats and ecosystems for many reunions to come. These happy memories speak volumes to the role parks play in people’s lives, and Geauga Park District couldn’t be more proud to host the Covert- Davis family reunion. How exciting to hear they are celebrating their 91st year at Frohring Meadows this year. We hope this tradition of Photo by Jim family and fun continues for years to come. Marquardt We are entering a new decade. What a perfect time to start a family tradition of your own. Your parks are waiting for you and your family to craft a lasting legacy, and one of 25 open parks is waiting to host. With these plans, you will get the opportunity to hike trails to see beautiful spring wildflowers, hear a variety of songbirds, and take a moment to relax and soak in the spring sunshine on a park bench. As winter turns to spring, a variety of naturalist programs and recreational offerings also await you. Whatever your spring venture, we hope you get out often. Get out and play! Get out and enjoy your Geauga parks! John Oros Executive Director Photo by Grace Rybak Cove rt-Da vis Re union • PARKEXPLORER 15
Join Geauga Cyclists! Seniors ages 55 and older, bring your bike, helmet and water bottle to become part of a fun, FREE group that rides Wednesday afternoons along The Maple Highlands Trail. Our goal is to make your ride a little more enjoyable, as well as provide someone to ride with who can help if you have a problem. Each ride will be led by someone from one of the collaborative partners. Cycling is one of the best exercises for aging bodies; it works your cardiovascular system to keep your heart healthy. And because cycling is a low-impact sport, it also reduces strain on your joints while you exercise. For more information, come to the Kickoff & Safety Meeting on Wednesday, April 29, at 4 PM at the Chardon Heritage House on Chardon Square. Details on page 9. Park Locations and Amenities ICONS LISTED AT RIGHT IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR Bass Lake Preserve 11445 Lakeview Road, Munson, 44024 NO TRAILS AVAILABLE; BOATING BY PERMIT ONLY Beartown Lakes Reservation 18870 Quinn Road, Auburn/Bainbridge, 44023 TOTAL TRAIL MILEAGE: 2.8 Bessie Benner Metzenbaum Park 7940 Cedar Road, Chester, 44026 TOTAL TRAIL MILEAGE: 1.0 Big Creek Park 9160 Robinson Road, Chardon, 44024 TOTAL TRAIL MILEAGE: 3.8 Facility reservations are available - call or visit website for details Big Creek Park - Horse Trail 12000 Woodin Road, Chardon, 44024 Big Creek Park - Tupelo Pond 9373 Ravenna Road, Chardon, 44024 TOTAL TRAIL MILEAGE: 2.9 Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve 15681 Old Rider Road, Burton/Newbury, 44021 TOTAL TRAIL MILEAGE: 1.7 Chickagami Park 17957 Tavern Road, Parkman, 44021 TOTAL TRAIL MILEAGE: 1.6 Claridon Woodlands 11383 Claridon Troy Road, Claridon, 44033 TOTAL TRAIL MILEAGE: 2.2 Eldon Russell Park 16315 Rapids Road, Troy, 44021 TOTAL TRAIL MILEAGE: 1.3 Frohring Meadows 16780 Savage Road, Bainbridge, 44023 TOTAL TRAIL MILEAGE: 3.5 Headwaters Park 13365 Old State Road, Claridon/Huntsburg, 44021 TOTAL TRAIL MILEAGE: 3.3 Holbrook Hollows 7250 Country Lane, Bainbridge, 44023 TOTAL TRAIL MILEAGE: 2.8 The Maple Highlands Trail (TMHT) TOTAL TRAIL MILEAGE: 21.1 City of Chardon: 1.2 and City of Middlefield: 0.5 Access to trail also from Claridon Woodlands, Headwaters Park & Swine Creek Reservation; horses permitted on south section only Mountain Run Station - Access to TMHT 12601 Chardon Windsor Road, Hambden, 44024 MILEAGE OF LINK ACCESSING TMHT: 0.4 16 PARKEXPLORER •
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