Passport to Sixth Form Name: _ - Herne Bay High School

Page created by Samuel Manning
Passport to Sixth Form Name: _ - Herne Bay High School
Level 3 National Extended Certificate
           in Travel and Tourism

      Passport to Sixth Form
Name: ________________________             1
Passport to Sixth Form Name: _ - Herne Bay High School
Passport to T&T Sixth Form
                     Check List

Use this list to make sure you have everything you need to hand in in July in order to
start your Level 3 BTEC in Travel and Tourism in September.

         Essay about ‘Travel and Tourism in the Media’, page 7.

         Complete at least 6 sections of the ‘Learning Log’, page 8.

         Completed ‘Glossary of Key Terms’, page 9 - 11.

         Filled in ‘A-Z of Travel and Tourism Industry’, page 12.

         Leaflet on ‘The History of British Airways’, page 13.

         Research on ‘A Travel an Tourism Job Role’, page 14.

          Highlighted ‘True or False’ sheet, page 15.

         ‘Become a Travel Influencer’, page 16.

         ‘Extension Task – Travel and Tourism in a Pandemic’
         page 17-19.
Passport to Sixth Form Name: _ - Herne Bay High School

What will I be studying?                     Page 4
Recommended TV Programmes                    Page 5
Other Recommended Watching
and Key Websites                             Page 6
T&T and The Media Task                       Page 7
Learning Log                                 Page 8
T&T Key Word Glossary                        Page 9 - 11
Travel and Tourism A-Z Challenge             Page 12
The History of British Airways (BA)          Page 13
Travel and Tourism Job Role Research Task Page 14
True or False                                Page 15
Become a Travel Influencer                   Page 16
Extension Task - Travel and Tourism in a Pandemic
                                       Pages 17 - 19

Passport to Sixth Form Name: _ - Herne Bay High School
What will I be studying?
The Travel and Tourism industry in the UK is growing and is of major importance to the economy.
This qualification gives a broad introduction to the Travel and Tourism industry, with an emphasis on
core knowledge and fundamental skills that are transferable across other sectors. You will study four
units in total, 2 in Year 12 and 2 in Year 13. You will be assessed by examination and coursework
tasks. You will also develop personal qualities essential for career development and progression
within the sector and learn the appropriate knowledge and skills including locational geography,
customer service, business skills and industry practices.

Year 12 BTEC Travel and Tourism
• UNIT 1 – The World of Travel and Tourism - This unit provides you with the foundation to study
  other units in Travel and Tourism. You will explore the key components and scale of the industry,
  using data to analyse key trends and their impact. This unit is externally assessed by a 1.5 hour
  written exam.
• UNIT 3 – Principles of Marketing in Travel and Tourism – During this unit you will investigate the
  use of marketing in Travel and Tourism organisations and how to meet customer expectations in
  order to inform a promotional campaign of your own design. This unit is assessed internally.

Year 13 BTEC Travel and Tourism
• UNIT 2 – Global Destinations - This unit will enable you to investigate and analyse information
  regarding the features and appeal of global destinations, travel planning, an the factors and trends
  affecting the changing popularity of global destinations. This unit is assessed under supervised
  conditions. You will be given information two weeks before a supervised assessment period to
  carry out research.
• UNIT 9 – Visitor Attractions – You will develop your analytical skills further in this unit as you
  investigate the nature and role of both built and natural visitor attractions, their commercial
  success, appeal, response to diverse visitor needs and the importance of delivering a memorable
  visitor experience.

Passport to Sixth Form Name: _ - Herne Bay High School
Recommended Watching for Travel and Tourism   5
Passport to Sixth Form Name: _ - Herne Bay High School
Travel and Tourism Reading

Lonely Planet -
Travel Mole -
Travel Weekly -
World Travel Guide -
Visit Britain -
Office of National Statistics -
  Recommended Watching for Travel and Tourism   6
Passport to Sixth Form Name: _ - Herne Bay High School
Travel and Tourism in
the Media
Hopefully you now have had some time to watch some of the videos from
Channel 4 and 5 and also one of the series of BBC 2’s Race Across the World.

Out of the different media programs you have watched you need to select
one which stood out to you.

You are going to take on the role of a Travel Writer who is writing a review
about the show.

This review needs to be at least 1 page of A4 and has to write an in-depth
analysis into the program and commenting on its suitability.

Remember you are trying to engage an audience.

Also have a look at the recommend websites and become familiar with

Passport to Sixth Form Name: _ - Herne Bay High School
Learning Log
      Record what you have been reading/viewing. In order to show what you have been
completing in order to prepare you for the course. Use the lists on the previous slides you
have been given for guidance on what you could you watch and read.

Date    Title                       Summary of content                   My thoughts

Passport to Sixth Form Name: _ - Herne Bay High School
Task: Research and define the following words which are central to your BTEC Travel and Tourism Level 3
course. Then, draw a symbol to summarise the term and help you remember it.

        Term                                  Definition                                Symbol



Domestic Tourism

 Inbound Tourism

Outbound Tourism




    Road Travel

    Rail Travel
Passport to Sixth Form Name: _ - Herne Bay High School
Term            Definition   Symbol

     Sea Travel

      Air travel

 Natural Attractions

Heritage Attractions


   Purpose Built

 Mass Market Tour

   Specialist Tour

 Retail Travel Agent

Business Travel Agent
Term           Definition   Symbol

Call Centre Travel

Web Based Travel


Tourism Promotion

  Tourist Boards

Trade Associations

Regulatory Bodies

Ancillary Services

Research    a list
         a list    of Travel
                of Health andand Tourism
                              Social Care jobs
                                           jobs/and termsterms
                                                 medical  for each  letterletter
                                                               for each     of the  alphabet:
                                                                                 of the alphabet

A                                             N
B                                             O
C                                             P
D                                             Q
E                                             R
F                                             S
G                                             T
H                                             U
I                                             V
J                                             W
K                                             X
L                                             Y
M                                             Z                                          12
History of British
                         Airways (BA)
                   Make a leaflet outlining the history
                           of British Airways.

                     You could include sections on:
                        1. When did they start ?
                    2. What type of airline are they
                           (Low cost, scheduled or
                       3. What does this mean?
                    4. What jobs role are available
                             with British Airways?
                         5. Where did they fly to
                        compared to now? Can you
                              find a route map?
                     6. What is short haul and long
                                  haul travel?
                   7. Can you research a timeline of
                             their development.
                      8. What is the history of the
                     9. Why do they always go on
                      10. What is significant about
                       London Heathrow Terminal 5?
Areas to help you with your research:
1. British Airways 24/7- Access all Areas – Documentary:

2. A Very British Airline – Documentary:
3. British Airways - Website:

T&T Job Role Research Task

     Choose a job role from the following:

                 • Travel Writer
              • Travel Influencer
                 • Holiday Rep
                 • Cabin Crew
                  • Tour Guide
             • Hotel Receptionist
                • Tour Operator
                 • Travel Agent
         • Tourism Promotor/Marketer

You could also choose your own idea from Travel
         and Tourism roles if you prefer.

   Create a fact file for your chosen job role
              You could include:

            • A Day in the Life of……
     • General Roles and Responsibilities
 • Routes into the Role/Qualifications Required
                • Skills & Qualities
             • Average Pay/Salary
               • Where they Work
              • Who they Work with
• And anything else you think may be suitable.

True or False?
Colour code the statements in order to show if they are true
or false.
          True               False

      All inclusive
          travel                       Bleisure travel is
         covers                         a new form of
      everything                            travel.
      apart from

          The UK’s                          Traveling
         coastline is                      enjoyment
       around 7.760                         is called
       miles long true                        travel.
          or false.

                                                 5 countries
           Visit Britain                        make up the
          promote UK                                 UK.

Become a Travel Influencer
Unfortunately, it looks like our summer holiday plans for
this year will be cancelled. However, while we look forward
to future holidays which we can blog about, have you been
on a previous holiday that you would recommend to
someone else? It can be in the UK or abroad.

Globe-trotting Instagram influencers are changing the way
we think about the world. It’s your chance to now be one
by writing a blog on your favourite destination.

                   • Why is it your favourite?
                        • Where is it?
              • Why should people travel there?
  • If you can include some of your own photos which you
                           have taken.

Extension Task:
As this is an extension task you can complete as much of this as you like or are
able to but this level of thinking and also detail will help build the skill required
               for Distinction or Distinction* in your Level 3 course.

         Travel and Tourism in a Pandemic
        The Travel and Tourism Industry and COVID 19: Coronavirus

    A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease. The COVID 19:
    Coronavirus is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It
    was first identified in December 2019 in China. The World Health
    Organisation (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a pandemic
    on the 11th March 2020, this means COVID-19 has spread worldwide.
    The UK has been told to self-isolate since 23rd March 2020.

    Government Coronavirus information: Focus on Travel Section -

    At the moment, we are living through a time when Travel and
    Tourism organisations are facing great uncertainty, many have since
    seen huge decrease in their profits and have had to let employees go.

    You would have seen on the news constant stories about how Travel
    and Tourism organisations are being affected especially airlines –
    Including low cost airlines Ryanair and easyjet and other airlines like
    Virgin atlantic and British Airways.

    Overall, the pandemic has seen many negative impacts on the
    industry. Which you can see on the next page. But there have been
    some positives to the environment and eco tourism.

Negative Impacts:
• Internationally border barriers have gone up.
• The UK Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO) – From 23rd March 2020 –
  There is to be 30 Days no travel for UK tourists.
• Flight Bans – Leads to airline problems, Virgin Atlantic are seeking bailout
  in coming days and all of easyJet’s fleet of planes have been grounded.
• Travelled most affected: Business Travellers.
• Future customers told to keep paying for holidays in order to qualify for
  full refunds.
• Travel and Tourism organisations have made changes to their booking
  conditions in order to benefit them rather than the customer.
• Across the world there have been empty streets and sights as major
  cities go into lockdown.
• Disneyland Resorts Worldwide close.
• Coronavirus is also impacting other visitor attractions. Locally the world-
  famous Canterbury Cathedral landmark relies on tourists for income, it
  now could go bankrupt.
• Coronavirus has also impacted on Kent’s Port Lympne and Howlett’s wild
  animal parks as they have had to launch an appeal to help fund £1.5
  million animal food bill.
• Also affected our large restaurant chains, Chiquito’s Mexican chain have
  recently appointed an administrator for all three branches in Kent.
• Significant tourist events cancelled from sport to theatre to music.
• London’s Westend shuts down – No shows.
• Tokyo Olympics Delayed till 2021.
• Long delays with Travel Organisations and insurance companies call
  centres due to tourists tying to cancel, move holidays and to make

Positive Impacts:
• Air quality is improving in countries under coronavirus quarantine as nitrogen dioxide has
  dropped in Spain, Italy and China.
• Significant changes in Venice in terms of pollution.
• Package Holidays – Should get tourists home due to protection measures.
• Dozens of elephants previously used for carrying tourists in parks in Thailand have been set free,
  this has also led to Thailand removing wooden seats from all animals backs permanently.
• Cabin crew staff specifically from Virgin and easyJet are being offered work in the NHS Nightingale
  Hospital in London (Excel Centre).

Task 1: Pandemic T&T Industry Recovery

Put together you own plan on how you think an area of the Travel and Tourism industry can recover.
Areas to consider include:

•   Airlines
•   Hotels
•   Visitor Attractions
•   Package Holiday Companies

Task 2: A Specific Travel and Tourism Organisation

You now need to undertake some of your own research on a specific Travel and Tourism

You need to recommend how your chosen organisation is going to recover from this pandemic.

Things to consider:

- Should they rebrand?
- Do the need to consider their staff levels?
- Should they travel to different countries? Where and Why?

Organisations you could write about include: TUI, Jet 2, Virgin atlantic, Ryanair, easyjet, British
Airways, Hilton Hotels,, Whitbread Group, VUE Cinema Group or of course you can
select your own.

BTEC Travel and Tourism

 MAP Workbook
Name: ………………………………………………

Map 1: The United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
Have you been on holiday in the UK? The United Kingdom has so much to offer. From the beautiful
sunny south coast of Cornwall and Devon, a city break in London or a mountainous getaway in the
Highlands of Scotland, the UK has something for everyone.

   1. On the UK Map located over the page, locate the following cities on the map. Label these with a
      red dot and the city beside the dot.

        London                        Liverpool                       Bristol
        Edinburgh                     Manchester                      Coventry
        Cardiff                       Brighton                        Northampton
        Belfast                       Derry                           Ipswich
        Dublin                        Leicester                       Leeds
        Birmingham                    Newcastle                       York
        Glasgow                       Lincoln                         Inverness
        Isle of Man                   Canterbury                      Cork

   2. On the same map please locate a yellow dot representing the major UK airports, as well as that,
      have a go at naming the three letter codes for each of the airports named below.

     Name of Airport                                   Three letter Airport Code
    London Heathrow
     London Gatwick
     London Stansted
 Liverpool John Lennon
      East Midlands

   3. On the map using an orange dot, locate 5 major seaports.
   4. On the map using a black pencil, draw on line to indicate 3 major motorways.

Map 2: Europe
Europe has a lot to offer, whether you want to romantic cities of Paris and Venice or artistic cities such as
Barcelona. Europe has lots to offer.

   1. In the table below, fill in the correct country next to its capital city, along with the currency (money)
      they use and the language they speak there.

         Capital City                  Country                     Currency i               Languages Spoken


Europe (Continued)
 2. On the blank map of Europe, label every country, make sure you are checking your spelling of the
 3. Label using a pen the different seas and oceans that are in Europe.
 4. In the space below name a country that would be good for people to go on holiday in summer, then
    give a reason why. (2 marks)

    Country Chosen:


 5. Choose 3 flags from countries in Europe. Draw and colour the three blank flags. Label each country
    so that your teacher can check your work. (3 marks)

Map 3: Africa
Africa is the second largest continent and has lots to offer from the pyramids in Egypt, the hustle and
bustle of the bazaars of Morocco as well as South African countries and its cosmopolitan cities. Africa has
lots of things to offer.

     1. On the blank map of Africa, label every country clearly with a pencil.
     2. On the map, label the oceans that surround Africa.
     3. On the map, using a red dot to indicate them, locate the following capital cities. You will need the
        internet to help you.

                      African Country                                    Capital City
                       Burkina Faso

     4. Find three flags from African countries and draw and colour them below. Label each country so
        that your teacher can check your work.

Map 4: North America
Whether you go to the busy cities of New York or Washington DC or relax in wine country in California, the
United States has lots to offer you as a tourist. Let’s find out more.

   1. On the map on the next page, label every state in the United States.
   2. Label the oceans what are either side of the United States. They are…..

       ……………………………………….Ocean & ……………………………………………..Ocean.

   3. The United States has some really famous monuments. Can you name some of them below?

         1                           2                                                           3

        4                                        55

Map 5: Central America & the Caribbean
This area is known to have some of the best beaches in the world. Many people go on exotic cruises
around the Caribbean and take in islands such as Jamaica, Haiti, The Dominican Republic and Cuba.

Mexico, Honduras and Nicaragua are also home to some of the world best coffee and tobacco trades.

   1. On the map on the next page, label every country using an atlas to help you.
   2. Label the oceans that surround this area.
   3. Find a flag for a Central American country. Draw and colour in the flag below. Don’t forget to label
      which country is so that your teacher can check

Map 6: Canada
Canada offers us as tourists some of the most breath-taking scenery in the world. It is a prime location for any budding skier and some of the cities are fast
becoming the hotspots for trendy up market holidays.

1. On the outline map of Canada, label the all the provinces of Canada.

2. What is the capital of Canada?

3. Find out some other key cities in Canada that you could/would like to visit?

 1.                                                      3.
 2.                                                      4.

4. As mentioned before, Canada is a prime skiing location. Find out some of the hotspots of skiing in Canada and write them down below. (After that, mark
them on your map)




Map 7: South America
South America is home to some of the most beautiful wildlife and home to several of the world’s most
famous football teams. Both the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics happened on this
continent, making it a special few years for South America and the people that live there.

   1. On the blank map, label every country using an atlas to help you.
   2. Label the oceans that surround the continent.
   3. Brazil held the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics. But where did the last
      tournaments happen. In the tables below, fill them out with the correct countries that hosted and
      that will host the FIFA World Cup and the Summer Olympics.

             Year the FIFA World Cup was held                     Country it was held in






            Year the Summer Olympics was held                     Country it was held in






Map 8: Asia
Asia is the largest and most populated continent on Earth (Approx. 4.3 billion people around 60% of the
world’s population.

   1. On the blank map, label every country using an atlas to help if you need it. (If the countries are too
      small to label, number them and create a number key in the corner of the page).
   2. Label the oceans (use an atlas if you need help).
   3. In the table below, you will find some countries. You must use the internet or an atlas to find their
      capital city.

                         Country                                    Capital City
                      Saudi Arabia
                      The Maldives

   4. Asia has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Using the internet; research some beach
      resorts in Asia, find pictures of them and stick them to the bottom of this page, then label them.

Map 9: Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific
Located in the Southern Hemisphere, Australasia’s main countries are Australia and New Zealand; these
are both extremely popular destinations for people visiting their families who emigrated. It also includes
the Pacific Islands such as Tuvalu, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands.

   1. On the blank map of Australia, label each territory along with its capital city. Fill in the table below
      as you go along.
                       Territory                                   Capital City
                    Western Australia

                    Southern Australia


                    New South Wales



   3. Now look at the blank map of New Zealand. Label the North and South Island along with the main
      cities as well as the capital.
   4. On the flag below, please colour in a flag of either Australia or New Zealand.

How do you think you have done?




                                  Peer Assessment
   Swap your workbook with one of your classmates. Ask them to look at your work and assess
  what they think you did well in, and what you may need improvement on. Let them fill out the
                                       WWW and EBI below.



Use the space below for notes, or to add extra information to some of the exercises you are working on.

Use the space below for notes, or to add extra information to some of the exercises you are working on.

Use the space below for notes, or to add extra information to some of the exercises you are working on.

Use the space below for notes, or to add extra information to some of the exercises you are working on.

You can also read