Patient Information Guide - The Prince Charles Hospital

Patient Information Guide - The Prince Charles Hospital
The Prince Charles Hospital
       Patient Information Guide

                                                                         Please do not remove this folder
                                                                                        from the bedside

Our vision Leaders in health – partners for life
                                                            Our mission Promoting a healthier Queensland

                                                   The Prince Charles Hospital Rode Road, Chermside Qld 4032
                                                   Telephone: 07 3139 4000 •
                           The staff of The Prince Charles Hospital
                           Health Service District warmly welcome
                           you to the Hospital. Our staff are
                           committed to giving you the highest
                           possible standard of care and to
                           ensuring your stay is as comfortable
                           as possible. This Guide will help you
                           understand the hospital and the services
                           available to you during your stay here.
                           If you require any assistance or more
                           information, please ask our staff.
                           They are here to help you.

                           The Prince Charles Hospital is committed
                           to improving its service and is fully
                           accredited by the Australian Council on
                           Healthcare Standards. We value your
                           comments and feedback, as these allow
                           us to improve our service.

                           A feedback form is located in this folder
                           and we encourage you to complete this
                           form and return it to us.

                           The Prince Charles Hospital
                           Health Service District – Executive team

    Our mission Promoting a healthier Queensland

                The Prince Charles Hospital
The Prince Charles Hospital Health Service District
The Prince Charles Hospital Health Service District is one of Queensland Health’s 38 Health Service Districts,
providing public hospital and health services to the Queensland community.

Our services                                               Community Services Program
The Prince Charles Hospital Health Service District        ] Aged Care Assessment Services (ACAS)
provides the following programs:                           ] Alcohol and drug services
] Acute (hospital based)                                   ] Community health
] Aged and Disability Services                             ] Health services information line
] Community Services.                                      ] Home help
] Geriatric and Rehabilitation                             ] Home and Community Care (HACC)
] Mental Health.                                              resource unit
                                                           ] Indigenous health unit
Acute Program                                              ] Medical aids subsidy scheme
Cardiology Program                                         ] Palliative care
Comprises all cardiac (heart) medical wards                ] Sexual health clinic
                                                           Geriatric and Rehabilitation Program
] Cardiac Investigations Unit (CIU)
                                                           ] Acute dementia
] Children’s Ward
                                                           ] Acute geriatric assessment and management
] Coronary Care Unit (CCU)
                                                           ] Day rehabilitation ward
] Heart Transplant Services
                                                           ] Extended care Units 1 and 2.
] Heart Failure Services
                                                           ] Geriatric liaison service
] Wards 1A and 1B.
                                                           Mental Health Program
Thoracic (lung) and Clinical Support Program
                                                           Comprises a 60-bed acute inpatient facility
Comprises all respiratory medical wards
                                                           and community teams including:
and support services including:
                                                           ] Medium Secure Unit
] Biomedical Research
                                                           ] Mental Health East and West Wing
] Central Sterilising Department
                                                           ] Mental Health Extended Care
] Infection Control
                                                           ] Mobile Intensive Support Team
] Library
                                                           ] Mobile Assessment Team.
] Outpatients Department (OPD) and Elective
  Preadmission Clinic (EPAC)                               Aged and Disability Services Program
] Pharmacy                                                 Comprises the following services:
] Product Resources                                        ] Ashworth House Nursing Home, Zillmere
] Respiratory Investigations                               ] Eventide Nursing Home, Sandgate
] Wards 1C, 1D, 1E                                         ] Jacana Acquired Brain Injury Centre, Bald Hills
] Wound Management.                                           and Sandgate.
Critical Care and Surgical Program
Comprises all Critical Care and Surgical wards
] Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care Unit (CSICU)
] Day Procedure Unit
] Emergency Department
] General Intensive Care Unit (GICU)
] Main Operating Theatre
] Wards 2A, 2B and 2C.

                                 Our vision Leaders in health – partners for life

The Prince Charles Hospital
Aboriginal and Torres Strait                            Alcohol and drugs
Islanders liaison service                               Alcohol and illicit drugs can interfere with your
The Prince Charles Hospital campus has an               medical treatment and are not permitted in the
Indigenous Liaison Officer available to answer any      hospital. A counselor is available if you would like
questions that you or your family may have about        to talk to someone about your alcohol or drug use.
your care, treatment, the hospital or any assistance    If you are using any of these substances please
you may need after you are discharged. If you           inform your doctor or nurse.
would like to speak to the Indigenous Liaison
Officer please ask your nurse or they can be            Allergies
contacted via telephone on 3139 5062.                   If you are allergic to anything please notify
                                                        the nursing and medical staff immediately.
Accommodation for relatives
There are a number of hotels and motels located         Allied health
in the local area. If you require further information   The term ‘allied health’ refers to a group of
hotel and motel brochures are available from the        professional staff who provide a range of highly
main reception desk in the foyer of the hospital        skilled services to both patients and their carers.
or at the reception desk in the ward areas.             They include physiotherapists, social workers,
Accommodation is arranged for parents who               occupational therapists, speech therapists,
have children admitted in the Children ward.            dieticians, psychologists, pharmacists,
                                                        radiographers and podiatrists.
Admission details
Please notify the hospital if there has been any        Alternative medicines
changes to your details e.g. address, telephone         Alternative medicines such as vitamins and
number, general practitioner, health insurance          minerals, and herbal therapies can affect or
details or next-of-kin.                                 counteract other traditional medicines. Please
                                                        notify your doctor if you are currently taking
Advanced health directive                               any of these medicines.
An Advanced Health Directive is a document in
which you give general instructions about your          Ambulance
future health care. Medical staff can refer to it if    The Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS)
you become too ill to make decisions for yourself.      can only bring you into hospital in emergency
Please advise nursing and medical staff if you have     situations or, if your local doctor telephones them.
an Advanced Health Directive and provide                Please remember when you are discharged from
a copy for your chart.                                  hospital you will need to organise your own
At times a patient may not be able to provide this      transport home. If your condition requires the
information. If a relative or carer is aware of the     attention of trained ambulance officers the hospital
existence of an Advanced Health Directive or Power      doctor may authorise transport home via
of Attorney please inform the nursing and medical       ambulance. If you have any questions regarding
staff. If you would like more information or would      your transport home after admission to The Prince
like to make an Advanced Health Directive please        Charles Hospital please ask your nurse.
discuss this with your local general practitioner.
You must be over 18 years of age to make an             Banking services
Advance Health Directive.                               An automatic teller machine that accepts most
It is also important that a person acting as Power of   cards is located in the main foyer of the hospital.
Attorney for your health matters informs the            EFTPOS is available at the Breeze Café but some
medical or nursing staff of their status.               conditions do apply. Branches of most major banks
                                                        are located at Chermside shopping centre or along
                                                        Gympie Road at Chermside.

                                 Our mission Promoting a healthier Queensland

                                               The Prince Charles Hospital
Bed allocation                                            Disabled facilities – toilets
The bed that you are allocated depends on how sick        and parking
you are or what type of illness you have. Your bed        Disabled toilets and designated parking areas
allocation may change during your stay. This is the       are available throughout the hospital campus.
case whether you are a public or private patient.
                                                          Disabled parking is on the ground floor of the
                                                          multi-storey carpark, with ramp access to the main
Bus services                                              hospital building and Private Practice Clinic. Spaces
The Brisbane City Council provides a bus service –        are also allocated adjacent to the Extended Care,
No.354 to the main entrance of the hospital, linking      Palliative Care and Day Procedure facilities.
the hospital with Chermside and Brookside shopping
centres. Bus timetables are available on the
information stand in the ground floor waiting             Discharge
area near the main reception area.                        Discharge planning will commence on the day
                                                          of your admission, and you and your family are
For more information on other bus services, please        involved in this planning. It is our aim for patients
contact Transinfo on 13 1230.                             to be discharge by midday on the day of discharge.
                                                          Patients are asked to consider this when planning
Chapel                                                    their transport home.
The hospital chapel is located on the ground floor.       Please check with your nurse to confirm your
Services are held regularly and all denominations         discharge time. If you can not be collected by this
are welcome. The palliative care unit also has a small    time you may be discharged to the transit lounge,
chapel.                                                   located on the ground floor, to wait for your
                                                          transport home. You will need to take your private
Compliments and complaints                                x-rays, any items in trust, travel documents,
Your feedback is important to us. Patients who            information for community services and discharge
have any questions or concerns regarding their care       medications with you. Please remember to return
or service provided should ask staff for assistance.      the key to your bedside drawer.
Problems can normally be resolved immediately.            If you have any special needs when you return
However, if you require further assistance, please        home, please discuss these with your doctor
contact the District Liaison Officer on 3139 4479.        or nurse prior to your discharge. A discharge
The officer will provide information, answer your         summary will be sent to your nominated General
questions, discuss your suggestions and investigate       Practitioner (GP) and a copy also given to you.
complaints. The Nurse Unit Manager (Head Nurse)           This will contain relevant information regarding
can also assist you.                                      your stay at The Prince Charles Hospital.
                                                          You may also be given, or sent, an Outpatient
Diabetes service                                          or Private Practice Clinic appointment following
A community diabetes care service provides                your discharge. It is important that this
education and support to enable people to actively        appointment is kept.
participate in the management of their condition and
make safe choices about their health and well being.
The diabetes educator is available for outpatients
                                                          Emergency department
                                                          The Prince Charles Hospital Emergency Department
who have specific diabetes management concerns.
                                                          provides emergency care to the community. As the
Please ask your nurse about this service. This service
                                                          Hospital is a specialised hospital, most treatment
can be contacted on 3139 4751.
                                                          in the Emergency Department is provided to people
                                                          with heart and lung conditions. However, all people
                                                          who present to the department will be assessed,
                                                          stabilised and referred or transferred to other
                                                          hospitals if required.

                                  Our vision Leaders in health – partners for life

The Prince Charles Hospital
Enduring Power of Attorney                              Accommodation charges are set under the Health
An Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal agreement      Services Act and are subject to change without
giving someone else the power to make decisions         notice. Professional, prosthesis and medical charges
on your behalf. ‘Enduring’ simply means that the        are set by your service providers and may vary from
power continues even if you lose the capacity to        provider to provider. For information on charges for
make decisions for yourself. There are two types,       hospital accommodation, please contact our Finance
one for financial decisions and one relating to         Department on 3139 4207. For information on
decisions about your medical treatment. You can         charges for professional and medical services please
give an Enduring Power of Attorney to anyone by         contact your doctor or our Private Practice Clinic
filling out an approved form and having it signed       on 3139 4207.
by a Justice of the Peace, Commissioner of              Sometimes patients are required to have additional
Declarations, lawyer or notary public. Your             investigations such as dental treatment or
nominated attorney will be required to complete         optometry, which are not covered by the hospital.
the acceptance section. If you need advice please       If you have any questions about this, please ask
consult your solicitor.                                 the medical or nursing staff.

Electrical appliances                                   Fire emergency
You are not permitted to use personal electrical        Each ward at The Prince Charles Hospital has staff
appliances e.g. electric razors, radio/CD players,      who are trained to deal with fire emergencies. In the
etc. while in the hospital. On the rare occasion        event of an emergency – stay calm and please follow
this equipment is required, all equipment must          staff directions at all times.
be checked by the hospital engineering staff before
use. This is to ensure your safety and that of other
patients and staff. Please ask your ward staff if you   Flowers
require any further information.                        Flowers are welcome. Restrictions do apply in
                                                        specialised areas such as the Intensive Care and
                                                        Coronary Care Units. Please check with nursing staff.
Fees and charges                                        Flowers can be purchased from the Breeze Café,
On or before admission, patients must choose to
be treated as a public or private shared patient by     the hospital’s main food outlet.
completing a form.
                                                        Food services
Public patients                                         The Hospital’s menu system operates one day
] receive no accounts for their treatment or           ahead of delivery. For example, menus completed on
  accommodation, unless staying for more than           Monday are for Tuesday’s meals. Your menu will be
  35 days without an acute care certificate             delivered to you and collected during the day. New
] receive medical treatment by hospital                admissions will receive a standard meal until their
  allocated staff                                       personal menu is collected for the following day.
] are accommodated in public ward beds                 Completing the menu
] are subject to public waiting lists                  Please use the lead pencil provided to filling the
                                                        appropriate ‘bubble’ against your selection. If you
Private shared patients                                 have any special dietary requirements dietitians
] have the doctor of their choice                      and speech therapists are available for consultation.
] are subject to minimal waiting times
                                                        If you are transferred to another ward Food Services
  for admission                                         will attempt to transfer your completed menu to your
                                                        new location. If you have any questions about your
] are charged for both treatment and                   food please ask your nurse or food service assistant.

                                 Our mission Promoting a healthier Queensland

                                                The Prince Charles Hospital
Meal times                                                 Infection control
Meal times vary depending on the ward or unit              The hospital takes the protection and safety
you are in. As a guide breakfast is served from            of its patients, staff and visitors very seriously.
7am, lunch from 12pm and dinner from 5pm.                  Infection control information is displayed
Morning tea is served from 10am and afternoon              throughout the hospital. If you have any questions
tea from 2pm.                                              regarding infection control please ask the nursing
Patient trolley service
A patient trolley service is operated daily with           Note: All visitors must wash their hands before and
assorted food, sweets, phone cards, magazines              after visiting the ward areas.
and newspapers for purchase.

Vending machines                                           Information – general
Cold drinks, snacks and confectionary are available        Administration staff are located at most ward area
from vending machines outside the Breeze Café.             reception desks and the main reception desk at the
                                                           entrance of the hospital to answer any queries. You
Breeze Café and shop                                       can also call 5888 on your bedside phone to speak
The Breeze Café and shop is located on the ground          with the Manager of Front of House Services. If you
floor adjacent to the Main Acute Building. The Café        require more information on any aspect of your care
serves hot and cold meals, sandwiches, drinks and          or facilities available, please speak with your nurse,
snacks. A selection of toiletries, flowers, stamps,        doctor or allied health professional.
phone cards, and magazines are also available
from the shop. Funds from the Breeze Café go to            Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation which               The Prince Charles Hospital has two ICUs.
supports vital medical research.                           The Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care Unit (CSICU)
Hours of service (subject to change)                       located on Level 2 of the Main Acute Building,
                                                           manages both children and adults after cardiac
The Breeze Café and shop is open from 7am
to 6.30pm everyday (except Christmas Day).
                                                           The General Intensive Care Unit (GICU) is located
                                                           on Level 1 and manages adult patients with
Health promotion – taking                                  complex cardiac and thoracic medical and surgical
responsibility for your own health                         problems.
Queensland Health supports promoting a healthier
                                                           Interpreter services
The hospital has a philosophy of health promotion          Interpreter services are available for non-English
for staff, patients and relatives. Please ask the staff    speaking and hearing impaired patients. Please
for advice about how you can ensure a healthy              discuss this with the nurse caring for you.
lifestyle for you and your family. Interested patient
and their relatives can take advantage of hospital
programs on cardiac and respiratory rehabilitation.        Laundry
Please help yourself to information pamphlets              There is a washing machine on each floor of the
at the reception areas. Alternatively there is an          Main Acute Building for limited personal use.
education channel on Channel ‘O’ of your television        Please follow the instructions on use and care
provided for you and your family to assist you             of the machine.
in having a healthier life and in supporting your
preparation for discharge. This service is free            Leaving the ward area
and is supported by The Prince Charles Hospital            Please always tell the nurse or ward staff caring
Foundation. Your nurse or doctor may assist you            for you before leaving the ward area.
in the session relevant to you and your family.

                                   Our vision Leaders in health – partners for life

The Prince Charles Hospital
Lounge rooms                                            Medications
Each ward area has a patient lounge room for your       Any medications brought into hospital are locked
comfort. We would appreciate if you could please        in the top draw of your bedside locker. Please
keep these areas neat and tidy.                         remember to take these medications home with
                                                        you on discharge.
Mail                                                    ] On discharge public patients will be provided
Mail is delivered daily, Monday to Friday. Mail            with 5 days supply of medication.
should be addressed as followed:                           It is important that you return to your General
       Name                                                Practitioner (GP) before your medications run
       Ward                                                out, so they can review your medications and
       c/o The Prince Charles Hospital                     provide you with further prescriptions.
       Rode Rd                                          ] On discharge, private patients may be provided
       Chermside Qld 4032                                  with a prescription by their doctor
Stamps can be purchased from the Breeze Café               to take to a pharmacy of their choice.
or patient service trolley. Mail can be posted in       ] Prior to leaving hospital it is important that
the post box located at the front entrance of the          you understand how and when to take your
hospital or can be given to ward staff (with correct       medications, and their side effects. If you have
postage).                                                  any questions please ask your doctor, nurse
                                                           or pharmacist. You can also ring the hospital
                                                           pharmacist on 3139 4107 after you are
Maps                                                       discharged if you have any questions or
Maps of the hospital campus are located at the
                                                           alternatively ring your General Practitioner (GP).
front of this guide.

                                                        Mobile phones
Media                                                   Mobile phones are not to be used within the
The Hospital has a media policy which indicates         hospital buildings, as they can interfere with
that all media inquiries that come to the Hospital      sensitive medical equipment.
must be handled through the Public Affairs Unit.
This includes all inquiries from television,            Hospital staff are issued with cordless phones
newspaper and radio stations. If you would like         that do not interfere with sensitive equipment.
to invite media into the Hospital to speak with you
or a family member at the hospital, this must be        Multicultural services
arranged through the Public Affairs Unit. The Public    A multicultural resource officer is available to assist
Affairs Unit can also provide you with advice if the    you if you have any specific religious or cultural
media contacts you during your stay in hospital.        needs. The officer can be paged through switch
If you would like to contact the Public Affairs Unit,   by dialing 9, or by telephoning 3139 4479.
please ask the nursing staff in your ward to ring
extension 4382.
                                                        Newspapers and magazines
                                                        Newspapers can be purchased from the Breeze
Medical certificates                                    Café and the patient trolley service. Charlies
Medical certificates are available on request from      Angels, the hospital’s volunteer service also
your doctor.                                            provide a mobile trolley service for lending
                                                        magazines and other reading material.
Medical records
Your medical records are strictly confidential and      Noise
are only accessed by professional staff providing       Please consider other patients and keep noise
your care. There is a process in place if you want      to a minimum. Ear pieces are available for
to see your medical records. Please ask your            televisions and radios/CD players, and we
doctor.                                                 encourage you to use them.

                                Our mission Promoting a healthier Queensland

                                              The Prince Charles Hospital
Nurse call system                                          Pacemakers
Patients in the Main Acute Building should call            It is important that you notify your allied health
for nursing assistance by pressing the green               professionals that you have a pacemaker as some
‘call’ button once, located on the entertainment           electrical equipment used in these areas may
handset. Alternatively you can use the green               affect your pacemaker.
call panel on the walls in the bedrooms, showers,
toilets or lounge areas.
Patients in the Palliative Care Unit and Extended          Visitor and patient parking is available undercover
Care Units should press the white ‘call’ button once.      in the multi-storey carpark located adjacent to the
The call button is attached to a white cord that plugs     main entrance of the hospital. Parking fees apply.
into the bedside panel.                                    A drop off / pick up area is available at the front
Please do not let children press these buttons.            entrance of the Main Acute Building. The parking
                                                           bays at the front of the hospital are for emergency
                                                           parking only.
Nutrition and dietetics                                    Parking for the Palliative Care and Extended Care
Hospital dietitians are available to discuss special
                                                           Units is located at the back of the hospital adjacent
diet requirements with you and your family at the
                                                           to these facilities. Parking fees apply to this carpark
request of your doctor.
                                                           and correct change is required.

Occupational therapy                                       Pastoral care and chaplaincy
Occupational therapists are a valued member of
                                                           Pastoral carers are available to all patients, and
the allied health team. They can provide assistance
                                                           their family and friends. Denominational chaplains
to help you perform everyday tasks, both at home
                                                           may be called by your nurse, at any time. Gideon
and in your work environment. They advise on
                                                           Bibles are located in the bedside lockers. If you
practical ways to modify your lifestyle to better
                                                           have any special cultural needs please contact
manage your injury or illness. If you require assistance
                                                           your nurse.
in this area please let your doctor know, as a doctor’s
referral is required for this service.
                                                           Patient election
                                                           Every patient has the opportunity to choose or elect
Organ and tissue donation                                  to be treated as either a public or private patient
Organ and tissue donation is a personal choice
                                                           upon admission. Your choice will affect which
and it is important that you discuss your intentions
                                                           doctor treats you while you are in hospital and the
with your family. You can register your intention to
                                                           costs, if any, that you will incur. If you would like
donate after your death on the Australian Organ
                                                           more information please contact your ward
Donor Register. For information about registering
                                                           receptionist or phone patient services on
your decision to donate you can call the free number
                                                           extension 4799.
on 1800 777 203 or visit any Medicare office. For
more information you can call Queenslanders Donate
on 3240 2350.                                              Patient enquiries
                                                           For patient enquiries please telephone 3139 4799.
If you require review following discharge, an              Patient feedback
appointment will be given to you prior to leaving,         Please provide us feedback on all aspects of the
or will be posted out to you within one week. It is        care and service that you received by completing
important that you keep this appointment. If you           the form provided in back of this folder. Please
are unable to attend this appointment please contact       return the form in the envelope provided.
the outpatients department to cancel or reschedule
your appointment. The outpatients department is
located on the ground floor of the hospital’s Main
Acute Building.

                                  Our vision Leaders in health – partners for life

The Prince Charles Hospital
Patient handling                                          The hospital accepts payment by cash, cheque
To provide care for our patients and also prevent         or major credit cards. For information on payment
injury to our staff we have implemented ‘Safe             for hospital accommodation please contact our
Manual Handling Procedures’. The policy states            Finance Department on 3139 4207.
that “the manual lifting of patients is eliminated
                                                          Other charges
in all but exceptional or life threatening situations.”
                                                          Private patients receive separate accounts for
(Royal College of Nursing, 1996, Code of Practice
                                                          medical and professional services, and for some
for Manual Handling, London as cited in Patient
                                                          tests such as medical imaging and pathology.
Manual Handling Guidelines, (2001), Queensland
                                                          Details on the estimated level of charges can be
Health. Hospital staff use specific aids including
                                                          obtained from your doctor or the Manager of the
hoists/slings, slide sheets and walking belts to
                                                          Private Practice Clinic on 3139 4207.
move, transfer or position patients. If you have
any queries regarding this practice please speak          Benefits are payable by Medicare and, in some
to your nurse.                                            cases, payment gaps may be met by your insurer.
                                                          Short payments for any reason will be payable
                                                          by the patient. The Private Practice Clinic accepts
Patient identification bracelet                           payment by cash, cheque, EFTPOS and major credit
We ask that you wear your patient identification          cards.
bracelet during your hospital stay. Patients with
known allergies will wear a red bracelet. Patients        For details on benefits payable by your insurer you
who are identified as having a risk of falling will       will need to contact your health fund.
wear a blue bracelet.
                                                          Personal items
Payment                                                   No personal toiletries or tissues are provided by
                                                          the hospital. It is therefore your responsibility to
Public patients
                                                          provide these items. The hospital does provide
Public patients do not pay for accommodation
                                                          hospital gowns, towels and washers for use while
or services.
                                                          you are an inpatient.
Private patients – Accommodation
] Uninsured patients are requested to pay a              Physiotherapy
  deposit of up to 7 days accommodation charge            Physiotherapists provide pre and post-operative
  on or before admission. For stays over 7 days,          management for cardiothoracic (heart-lung) and
  weekly payment in advance is required.                  orthopaedic surgical patients. They also provide
] Insured patients (those with private health            clinical services and rehabilitation for cardiac
  cover) can arrange to have their hospital               and thoracic medical patients.
  accommodation account submitted directly
  to their health fund. Patients who wish to do           Private/share accommodation
  so should provide proof of membership and               Patients are allocated rooms according to the type
  membership details and sign an Assignment               of care you need, with single rooms being allocated
  of Benefit form on or before admission.                 to patients who require specific types of care. Your
Patients who do not have insurance to cover the           room allocation may change and you may be
total cost of hospitalisation are required to pay the     moved to a shared room during your stay at The
shortfall component on or before admission. The           Prince Charles Hospital.
component could be due to and excess on your
policy, a pre-existing condition not covered by your
policy or the treatment occurring within the health
fund’s qualifying period. For details of benefits
payable by your insurer contact your health fund.

                                 Our mission Promoting a healthier Queensland

                                                The Prince Charles Hospital
Research and The Prince Charles                           Social work
Hospital Foundation                                       Social workers provide counseling, information
The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation was                and support, and can help you with financial
established in 1986 with the aim of raising funds         entitlements, accommodation, access to support
and generating community support, to ensure the           networks and with planning for future care.
hospital continues to be a world class facility for       A social worker is available for all patients and their
treatment and research.                                   families. Please ask your nurse to contact the social
                                                          worker if you require assistance in this area.
The Foundation raises money to create research
facilities, supports research projects and funds
research personnel. There is a major focus on             Speech pathology
cardiovascular and respiratory disease as well            Speech pathologists assess and treat speech
as psychiatry, geriatrics and orthopaedics.               and swallowing disorders. A medical referral is
                                                          required for this service.
If you would like to donate to The Prince Charles
Hospital Foundation the office is located on Level 1
of the Administration Building and is open 9am to         Staff identification
5pm Monday to Friday. Please phone 3139 4636 for          All staff members of The Prince Charles Hospital
more information. A donation envelope is available        are required to wear an official photo identification
in all ward areas.                                        card detailing their name and position.
                                                          As a patient, you have the right to ask a staff
Security                                                  member to show their identification card.
The hospital [provides a 24-hour security service
throughout the campus. The Duty Security Officer          Support groups
can be contacted on 31394833.                             Please see your nurse if you would like more
                                                          information on any of the support groups visiting
Shopping centres                                          our hospital. Some of our specialty services have
There is a major shopping centre located at the           support groups. Some of these include:
corner of Hamilton Road and Gympie Road at
Chermside. This shopping centre has a number              Heart Patient Support Association
of banks, large department stores and specialty           (HeartSupp)
shops. There is also a smaller shopping centre            HeartSupp members are volunteer visitors who
located at the corner of Rode Road and Appleby            have been patients in this hospital and now
Road at Chermside. This centre has a supermarket,         regularly visit patients. HeartSupp provides
pharmacy, a post office and a number of specialty         a non-medical support service that complements
shops.                                                    the medical and educational services of the Cardiac
                                                          Surgical Unit at The Prince Charles Hospital.

Smoking policy                                            Heart to Heart Cardiac Support Group
The Prince Charles Hospital supports a smoke free         Heart to Heart is a support group for families of
environment.                                              children who have a heart condition. The groups
                                                          aims to provide support, friendship and a listening
Smoking is not permitted in hospital buildings            ear, if needed.
or at the front entrance to the hospital.
Please respect the signs that indicate a ‘Smoke Free
Zone’. Smoking is only permitted in the designated
                                                          Taxi services
                                                          Free taxi phones are located in the foyer of the
gazebos – adjacent to the Breeze Café and next to
                                                          hospital. A taxi rank is located adjacent to the
the multistory carpark at the Entrance. Brochures
                                                          Allied Health entrance of the Main Acute Building
and support are available to assist you to give up
                                                          at the front of the hospital. Visitors to mental
smoking. Please speak with your nurse if you
                                                          health, extended care and the palliative care units
require any further information.
                                                          can ask reception staff for assistance.

                                  Our vision Leaders in health – partners for life

The Prince Charles Hospital
Telephones                                               Uniforms
Bedside phones                                           Medical Officers
Bedside telephones are installed at most bedsides        Consultants, Registrars and Resident Medical
in the Main Acute Building. Depending on your            Officers wear regular clothing or business attire.
condition incoming calls will be put through to the      Some medical officers will wear a white coat.
bedside phone between 8am to 8pm.
Patients cannot be phoned directly. Relatives            The Executive District Director of Nursing and
and visitors calling patients who have bedside           Program Nursing Directors wear civilian clothing.
phones should telephone 3139 4799 and ask
for the patient by name.                                 Level 3 and 4: Nurse Unit Managers and Clinical
                                                         Nurse Consultants. Female nurses wear a navy blue
To make external phone calls, patients must              skirt/dress/pant and a printed shirt with the
purchase a Telstra Phoneaway Card from the               corporate print or civilian clothing. Males wear navy
Breeze Café or from the Phoneaway Card                   blue pants/shorts and a blue shirt or civilian
dispensers on the first and second floor of the          clothing.
Main Acute Building. To use the Phoneaway Card
dial 0 18933 from your bedside phone and follow          Level 2, 1 and Enrolled Nurses: Nurses who provide
the voice prompts.                                       bedside care to you. Female nurses wear navy blue
                                                         pants/skirt/shorts and printed shirt with the
The Telstra Homelink service is also available if        corporate print. Males wear navy blue pants/shorts
you have this service on your home phone number.         and a blue or blue/white checked shirt.
Dial 0 1800 911 548 and follow the voice prompts.
The cost of the call is debited to your home phone       Assistants in Nursing wear navy blue skirt/pants/
number. If you have a Telstra Telecard you can           shorts and a light blue shirt with a small strip of
access the service by dialing 0 18918.                   the corporate print across the top of their pocket.

Public phones                                            Wardspersons
Public phones are located on the Ground Floor in         Wardspeople wear dark green pants/shorts
the lobby, the rehabilitation/allied health area, and    and a green and white checked shirt.
the Day Hospital.
                                                         Catering and Food Service Officers
                                                         Catering and Food Services Officers wear dark
Television hire                                          green culottes/trousers/skirt and a white printed
A patient television hire service is available. Please   shirt.
ask your nurse or ward staff for more information.
                                                         Administration Staff
                                                         Administration staff do not have a mandatory
Transit lounge                                           uniform, but many choose to wear tan or navy
The transit lounge is for:                               pants/skirt and a navy or white top.
] patients who have been discharged from
  ward areas and are awaiting transport home             Values
] outpatients awaiting ambulance transport              We ask that you join us in valuing our staff. Please
                                                         respect staff, other patients and visitors. The staff
] patients who have been admitted and are
                                                         of The Prince Charles Hospital and Health Service
  awaiting bed availability
                                                         District aim to sustain your trust and value
] emergency room patients awaiting pathology            professionalism, teamwork, performance
  results and/or ambulance transport.                    accountability, quality and recognition.
The transit lounge is staffed by a registered nurse
from 8.30am to 4.00pm. It is located on the ground
floor near the Emergency Department. Please ask
the nurse if you have any questions regarding this

                                Our mission Promoting a healthier Queensland

                                               The Prince Charles Hospital
Valuables                                                    Volunteers – Charlies Angels
Valuables and large sums of money should not                 The Prince Charles Hospital volunteer group, also
be bought into hospital.                                     known as ‘Charlies Angels,’ are volunteers who
                                                             provide support to you and your family. ‘Charlies
If required, valuables can be place in the hospital
                                                             Angels’ are easily identified as they wear a bright
Trust Office. This can be arranged through your nurse.
                                                             yellow shirt. Charlies Angels can be contacted by
If valuables are placed in trust it is preferred that
                                                             ringing 5297 on your bedside phone.
valuables are returned during normal business hours
(Monday to Friday: 9am – 12.30pm and 1pm – 4pm).
If money is placed in the Trust Office it will be returned   Waiting areas
to you in the form of a cheque. Upon request up to           Waiting areas are available on Level 1 and Level 2
$200 cash can be returned to you and the balance             at the reception areas. There are small waiting
in the form of a cheque.                                     areas outside the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit,
A lockable draw to keep your belongings is available         General Intensive Care Unit and Coronary Care.
in most bedside lockers. Please ask your nurse for           Please be mindful of other visitors in these areas.
the key and don’t forget to return it on discharge.
The hospital cannot accept responsibility for any loss       X-ray
or damage to personal property kept at the bedside.          The X-ray department provides a range of services.
                                                             If you are pregnant please notify your doctor or
                                                             nurse prior to having an x-ray. Please take any
Veterans                                                     private x-rays home with you, on discharge.
The Prince Charles Hospital is pleased to be involved
in the Veterans Hospital Visiting Scheme. A brochure
on the service is available from ward staff.
Patients with the Department of Veteran Affairs
(DVA) who have a ‘Gold Card’ can elect to be admitted
as a private shared patient. All costs incurred with                    
treatment, including selecting your own doctor, are                       
covered by DVA. If you have any questions relating                     
to health cover with DVA please contact the Manager,              
Front of House Services on 3139 5888.                                    
                                                                 !     !
Visitors and visiting hours                                          
Visitors are welcome and are an important part                "  #     # 
of your support during hospital. Visiting hours are           $ !     %&   
flexible however prior to 10am patients may have                 ' 
procedures planned and visitors may be asked to wait
in the waiting areas while that occurs. Visitors are          "   '      
reminded to consider the needs of other patients in                  
the room. Visitors may be asked to leave the ward for         (   %)  
short periods during medical and nursing procedures
and in emergency situations. If visitors wish to visit
during other times please discuss this with your nurse.
                                                              .# ' ! 
Children are welcome to visit however children under             '   
12 years of age must be supervised by an adult at all         ! +//0/1,2

                                   Our vision Leaders in health – partners for life

The Prince Charles Hospital
No Smoking
                No SmokingPolicy
                                                                       The Prince Charles Hospital buildings
                                                                       and grounds are a smoke free
                                                                       Health Service and Workplace.
                                                                       Recent legislation bans smoking in the
                                                                       Buildings and Grounds of the campus.(1)
                                                                         Health Services Act Section 51.(1): A person must not smoke on
                                                                       health services land other than in a designated smoking area.

                                         Smoking Area
                                                                       Designated areas where smoking
                                                                       is permitted have been provided
                                                                       and they are:
                                                                        in the GAZEBO adjacent to the
                                                                         Multistorey Car Park
                            $IBSMFT)PTQJUBM                            in the GAZEBO adjacent to the
                                                                         Breeze Café
             &OUSZ .BJO

  Smoking                                                                       Please ensure smoking

      Area                           1BJE1VCMJD

                                                                                 is restricted to these

                                                                                   designated areas.

               We welcome your assistance in advising your visitors of our non-smoking policy.

                                               Our vision Leaders in health – partners for life

             The Prince Charles Hospital
TV Education Channel Program – Channel ‘O’
“Healthier Lifestyle” – Changes for Everyone

Start Time Title                                                   Start Time Title
 9.00 am   Research Foundation                                      3.00 pm   Research Foundation
           The Prince Charles Hospital Health Service District                The Prince Charles Hospital Health Service District
 9.01 am   Listen To Your Heart                                     3.01 pm   Pre-Surgery
           Caring for your heart. Heart Foundation                            The Prince Charles Hospital
 9.11 am   Angioplasty + Stent.                                     3.08 pm   Informed Consent
           A guide for patients and their families                            12 important questions to ask about your surgery
           Coronary artery and peripheral vascular disease          3.25 pm   Research Foundation
 9.25 am   Research Foundation                                      3.26 pm   Heart Disease
 9.26 am   Implantable Cardiac Device                                         Surgical education
           Explanation tape on implantable cardiac device
                                                                    3.41 pm   Taking Control Of Your Life After A Heart Attack Or
 9.53 am   Research Foundation                                                Heart Surgery
 9.54 am   Pacemakers                                                         Cardiac rehabilitation programs
           Explanation tape on pacemakers                           4.04 pm   Research Foundation
10.11 am   Research Foundation                                      4.05 pm   Sharing Health Care
10.12 am   Helping You Understand Heart Failure                               Regain control of your life
           Explanation tape on heart failure                        4.26 pm   Listen To Your Heart
10.26 am   Research Foundation                                                Caring for your heart. Heart Foundation
10.27 am   Diabetes                                                 4.36 pm   Research Foundation
           Diabetes management
                                                                    4.37 pm   Heart Disease
10.52 am   How To Take Your Pulmozyme                                         Medical education
           Explanation tape on pulmozyme
                                                                    4.52 pm   Helping You Understand Heart Failure
11.00 am   Research Foundation                                                Explanation tape on heart failure
11.01 am   Asthma Care
                                                                    5.06 pm   Research Foundation
           Explanation tape on asthma care
                                                                    5.07 pm   Stress And Humour
11.16 am   How To Use Inhaled Respiratory Medication Devices
                                                                              by Patricia Cameron-Hill, Dr Shayne Yates
           Explanation tape on inhaled respiratory medication
           devices                                                  5.42 pm   Research Foundation
11.26 am   Spiriva Handihaler                                       5.43 pm   Living With Rheumatoid Arthritis
           Training video for spiriva handihaler                              Explanation tape on rheumatoid arthritis
11.32 am   Research Foundation                                      5.58 pm   Research Foundation
11.33 am   Home Oxygen Concentrators
                                                                    5.59 pm   Blood Pressure
           Explanation tape on home oxygen concentrators
                                                                              High blood pressure
11.48 am   Research Foundation
                                                                    6.34 pm   Research Foundation
11.49 am   Weigh Management
           Dietary advice                                           6.35 pm   Pre-Surgery
                                                                              The Prince Charles Hospital
11.24 am   Research Foundation
                                                                    6.42 pm   Informed Consent
12.25 pm   Eating For Health
                                                                              12 important questions to ask about your surgery
           An easy guide for shopping and cooking low-fat meals
                                                                    6.50 pm   Heart Disease
12.43 pm   Staying Positive
                                                                              Surgical education
           by Patricia Cameron-Hill, Dr Shayne Yates
                                                                    7.11 pm   Research Foundation
 1.18 pm   Research Foundation
                                                                    7.12 pm   Speaking From Experience
 1.19 pm   Understanding Chemotherapy
                                                                              Heart surgery in later years
           Explanation tape on chemotherapy
                                                                    7.49 pm   Clexane
 1.45 pm   Research Foundation
                                                                              A simple guide to self-administration
 1.46 pm   Understanding Radiation Therapy
           Explanation tape on radiation therapy                    8.00 pm    Research Foundation

 2.14 pm   Research Foundation                                                Heart Of Gold
                                                                              Heart transplant
 2.15 pm   Living With Stress
           by Patricia Cameron-Hill, Dr Shayne Yates                          Springtime Sunset
 2.50 pm   Research Foundation                                                Relaxation techniques

 2.51 pm   END OF SESSION 1                                                   GOODNIGHT

                                          Our vision Leaders in health – partners for life

The Prince Charles Hospital
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