Philosophy catalog 2020 - Brill

Page created by Veronica Ramirez
Philosophy catalog 2020 - Brill
         catalog 2020
Over three centuries of scholarly publishing
Philosophy catalog 2020 - Brill
Contents                                                                                    Products shown on cover page for quick reference
  1    Online Resources
  6    Aesthetics & Cultural Theory
  9    Asian Philosophy
11     Ethics & Moral Philosophy
13     History of Philosophy: Ancient
17     History of Philosophy: Medieval and
       Early Modern
19     History of Philosophy: 19th & 20th
       Century                                                                                     See page 6                                                                                      See page 9                         See page 12
20     Phenomenology & Existentialism
21     Philosophy of Language
22     Philosophy of Law
23     Philosophy of Religion
29     Philosophy of Science
30     Psychology & Philosophy
31     Social & Political Philosophy
36     Analytical Philosophy
                                                                                                   See page 20                                                                                     See page 23                        See page 29
37     Journals
53     Order Information and Contact Page

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Open Access upon publication. The Brill
Open publishing option enables authors                  See page 35                     See page 36                   See page 40
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Open option is available for all journals
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Philosophy catalog 2020 - Brill
Online Resources

                                                                                                                        For more information
                                                                                                                        Available since 2012
                                                                                                                        E-ISSN 2214-8647
                                                                                                                        Also available in print

                                                                                                                        Purchase Options and 2020 Prices
                                                                                                                        Online Subscription:
                                                                                                                        € 450 / $ 516
                                                                                                                        Outright Purchase:
                                                                                                                        € 2.688 / $3.108

                                                                      Brill’s New Pauly Supplements Online I
                                                                      Brill’s New Pauly Supplements Online brings together 6 major
                                                                      reference works for study of the ancient world and its reception
New Pauly Online                                                      in later centuries, including the acclaimed Historical Atlas of the
                                                                      Ancient World. Ranging from comprehensive lists of rulers and
Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World                                    dynasties that made their mark on history to the biographies of
                                                                      scholars throughout the ages who shaped our knowledge of the
Edited by Hubert Cancik and Helmuth                                   classics.
Schneider (Antiquity) and Manfred Landfester
                                                                      The collection consist of the following titles:
(Classical Tradition)

                                                                      1. Chronologies of the Ancient World
                                                                      2. Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts
New Pauly Online features the complete sets of both Brill’s New       3. Historical Atlas of the Ancient World
Pauly and Metzler’s Der Neue Pauly. The encyclopedic coverage         4. The Reception of Myth and Mythology
and high academic standard of the work, the interdisciplinary and     5. The Reception of Classical Literature
contemporary approach and clear and accessible presentation           6. The History of Classical Scholarship
have made the New Pauly the unrivalled modern reference
work for the ancient world. Fifteen volumes (Antiquity, 1-15) are                                                                                             1
devoted to Greco-Roman antiquity and cover more than two
thousand years of history, ranging from the second millennium
BC to early medieval Europe. Special emphasis is given to the

                                                                                                                                                           BRILL CATALOG 2020
                                                                                                                        For more information
interaction between Greco-Roman culture on the one hand,                                                                nps2
and Semitic, Celtic, Germanic, and Slavonic culture, and ancient                                                        E-ISSN 2468-3418
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam on the other hand.
                                                                                                                        Purchase Options and 2020 Prices
                                                                                                                        Online Subscription:
Five volumes (Classical Tradition, I-V) are uniquely concerned                                                          € 472 / $ 554
with the long and influential aftermath of antiquity and the                                                            Outright Purchase:
                                                                                                                        € 3.149 / $3.694
process of continuous reinterpretation and revaluation of the
ancient heritage, including the history of classical scholarship.
                                                                      Brill’s New Pauly Supplements Online II
New Pauly Online is the unique dual-language online version of
this standard reference work for students and scholars.               The English edition is only available as a set with the German
                                                                      version Der Neue Pauly Supplemente II Online. For more details
Features and Benefits                                                 see Brill’s New Pauly Supplements Online II & Der Neue Pauly
- Includes ALL volumes of Der Neue Pauly and Brill’s New Pauly        Supplemente II Online.
- Unique dual-language edition                                        Brill’s New Pauly Supplements Online II brings together seven
- Browsable alphabetical index in both German and English             reference volumes for study of the Ancient World and its
- Entries off er easy, direct access to basic information (names,     reception in later centuries. Two reception volumes focus on
  places, dates, objects) from all areas of Greek and Roman culture   the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods, while the volume
- Allows for basic and advanced searches                              about the reception of historical figures complements that about
- Fully cross-referenced including hyperlinks                         figures from mythology (vol. 4). The other four volumes are about
- Open Url (Uniform Resource Locator) which enables users to          Antiquity itself – including Early and Late Antiquity.
  easily find a copy of a resource that they would be allowed to
  access                                                              The collection consists of the following titles:
                                                                      7. Figures of Antiquity and their Reception in Art, Literature and
For more information
Available since 2007
                                                                      8. The Reception of Antiquity in Renaissance Humanism
E-ISSN 1574-9347                                                      9. Archaeology and History of Early Mediterranean Cultures
Also available in print                                               10. History and Culture of Byzantium
Purchase Options and 2020 Prices
                                                                      11. Greek and Roman Military History
Online Subscription: € 1,710 / $2,006                                 12. The Reception of Antiquity in the Enlightenment
Outright Purchase: € 10.202 / $11.968                                 13. The Germanic Peoples and Ancient Rome
Philosophy catalog 2020 - Brill
Online Resources

                     Brill’s Studies in Intellectual                                              Brill’s Encyclopedia of the
                     History Online                                                               Middle Ages Online
                     Supplement 2020
                                                                                                  Edited by Gert Melville, Technische Universität
                                                                                                  Dresden, Martial Staub, University of Sheffield
                                                                                                  English edition supervised by Francis G. Gentry and

                                                                                                  Tim Barnwell

                     The first online collection of Brill’s flagship series in intellectual       Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages offers an accessible
                     history (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History) presents new               yet engaging coverage of medieval European history and
                     approaches to history, the history of philosophy and theology,               culture, c. 500-c. 1500, in a series of themed articles, taking an
                     and the history of ideas. Special attention is given to the use of           interdisciplinary and comparative approach. Presenting a broad
    2                interdisciplinary methods and insights, such as those of cultural            range of topics current in research, the encyclopedia is dedicated
                     anthropology, semiotics and linguistic analysis. Occasionally                to all aspects of medieval life, organized in eight sections:
                     volumes contain papers of eminent scholars and proceedings of                Society; Faith and Knowledge; Literature; Fine Arts and Music;
                     conferences, which would otherwise be difficult to obtain.                   Economy; Technology; Living Environments and Conditions;

                                                                                                  and Constitutive Historical Events and Regions. This thematic
                     Includes the subseries Brill’s Studies in Art, Art History and               structure makes the encyclopedia a true reference work for
                     Intellectual History and Brill’s Texts and Sources in Intellectual           Medieval Studies as a whole.
                                                                                                  It is accessible and concise enough for quick reference, while
                     Brill´s Studies in Intellectual History Online, Supplement 2019 will         also providing a solid grounding in a new topic with a good level
                     include all titles published in the series Brill´s Studies in Intellectual   of detail, since many of its articles are longer than traditional
                     History with copyright year 2019.                                            encyclopedia entries. The encyclopedia is supported by an
                                                                                                  extensive bibliography, updated with the most recent works and
                                                                                                  adapted to suit the needs of an Anglophone audience.

                                                                                                  This is an English translation of the second edition (2013) of the
                                                                                                  well-known German-language Enzyklopädie des Mittelalters,
                                                                                                  published by Primus Verlag / Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.

                     E-ISBN 9789004381070                                               
                                                                                                  E-ISSN 2213-2139
                                                                                                  Also available in print

                     Purchase Options and 2020 Prices                                             Purchase Options and 2020 Prices
                     Outright Purchase: € 4.212 / $4.941                                          Online Subscription: € 821 / $943
                                                                                                  Outright Purchase: € 2.688 / $3.108
Philosophy catalog 2020 - Brill
Online Resources

Brill’s Encyclopedia of                                                 The International Aristotle
Hinduism Online                                                         Bibliography
Editor-in-Chief: Knut A. Jacobsen, University of                        Presented and Maintained by Richard Ingardia, St
Bergen                                                                  John’s University, USA
Associate Editors: Helene Basu, University of

Münster, Angelika Malinar, University of Zürich,
and Vasudha Narayanan, University of Florida

Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism presents the latest research on all    The International Aristotle Bibliography Online is a comprehensive
the main aspects of the Hindu traditions. Its essays are original       research tool giving access to over 50,000 books, journal articles,
work written by the world’s foremost scholars on Hinduism.              book chapters, book reviews and dissertations on the philosopher
The encyclopedia presents a balanced and even-handed view               Aristotle and his influence. The bibliography covers more than             3
of Hinduism, recognizing the divergent perspectives and                 100 years of publication in a broad range of languages. As such, it
methods in the academic study of a religion that is both an             presents an invaluable resource for all those interested in (ancient)
ancient historical tradition and a flourishing tradition today. The     philosophy. Under the continued editorship of Richard Ingardia,

                                                                                                                                                BRILL CATALOG 2020
encyclopedia embraces the greatest possible diversity, plurality,       the bibliography will be updated every six months with hundreds
and heterogeneity, thus emphasizing that Hinduism encompasses           of the most recent publications, as well as with additional entries
a variety of regional traditions as well as a global world religion.    from previous years. The Aristotle Bibliography is the most
Presenting all essays and research from the heralded printed            complete database on Aristotelian scholarship available on the
edition, Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism is now available in a fully   web.
searchable, dynamic digital format. The service will include all
content from the six printed volumes.                                   Features and Benefits
                                                                        - International bibliography of publications in European languages
Features and Benefits                                                   on all aspects of Aristotle studies and closely related subjects
• Keyword and full-text search.                                         - Covering the period of 1900 to the present, with some earlier
• Navigate extensive hyperlinked cross-references.                      printed works
• Consult a comprehensive index of approximately 20,000 terms,          - 2 annual updates of hundreds of new entries
concepts, and personal and place names accompanied by short             - Over 50,000 records
explanations.                                                           - Search results can be printed, saved and exported
• View rich illustrations, maps, and photographs.

An online demo for Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism Online is
available on our YouTube channel:                                                
E-ISSN 2212-5019                                                        E-ISSN 1877-0460
Also available in print
                                                                        Purchase Options and 2020 Prices
Purchase Options and 2020 Prices                                        Online Subscription: € 484 / € 567
Online subscription: € 337 / $ 398                                      Outright Purchase: € 5.388 / $6.126
Outright Purchase: € 3.398 / $ 3.916                                    Annual Update Fee: € 248 / $ 290
Philosophy catalog 2020 - Brill
Online Resources

                     Library of Contemporary                                               Philosophy in the Islamic
                     Jewish Philosophers Online                                            World Online: 8th-10th
                     Editor-in-Chief: Hava Tirosh-Samuelson, Arizona
                     State University
                                                                                           Edited by Ulrich Rudolph, University of Zürich,
                     Editor: Aaron W. Hughes, University of Rochester

                                                                                           Rotraud Hansberger, LMU Munich and Peter
                                                                                           Adamson, LMU Munich

                     The Library of Contemporary Jewish Philosophers Online is the         Philosophy in the Islamic World Online: 8th - 10th Centuries is a
                     online version of Library of Contemporary Jewish Philosophers. It     comprehensive and unprecedented reference work devoted to the
                     showcases outstanding Jewish thinkers who have made lasting           history of philosophy in the realms of Islam in its formative period:
    4                contributions to constructive Jewish philosophy in the second         from its beginnings in the eighth century up to the tenth century
                     half of the 20th century. Each volume is devoted to one particular    AD. Both major and minor figures are covered, giving details of
                     thinker and is meant to show the thinker’s relationship to the        biography and doctrine, as well as detailed lists and summaries of
                     Jewish philosophical past and to contemporary Jewish existence.       each author’s works. It covers the period when philosophy began

                     Each volume follows the same structure: an overview essay, several    to blossom thanks to the translation of Greek scientific works into
                     seminal essays by the philosopher, an interview with the editors,     Arabic and the emergence of autochthonous intellectual traditions
                     and a select bibliography of 120 items. Together the volumes          within Islam. Philosophy in the Islamic World Online: 8th - 10th
                     in the Library of Contemporary Jewish Philosophers will feature       Centuries is of unparalleled significance to anyone doing serious
                     the diversity and vitality of contemporary Jewish philosophy,         research on philosophy in the Islamic world: a unique source for
                     will stimulate discussion on Jewish philosophical response to         both for specialists and graduate students.
                     contemporary challenges, and will chart new paths for Jewish
                     philosophy in the 21st century.                                       Philosophy in the Islamic World is also available in print, starting
                                                                                           with Volume 1 (the eighth to tenth centuries) as the first part of a
                     Available in print and electronically, the books in the Library       projected 4 Volume-set. This is the English version of the relevant
                     of Contemporary Jewish Philosophers will be ideal for use in          volume of the Ueberweg, the most authoritative German reference
                     diverse educational settings (e.g., college-level courses, rabbinic   work on the history of philosophy (Philosophie in der Islamischen
                     seminaries, adult Jewish learning, and interreligious dialogue).      Welt Band I: 8.–10. Jahrhundert., Basel: Schwabe, 2012).

                     ISBN 9789004379824                                                    E-ISSN 2543-2729

                     Purchase Options and 2020 Prices                                      Purchase Options and 2020 Prices
                     Outright Purchase: € 1.691 / $2.084                                   Outright Purchase: € 520 / $600
Philosophy catalog 2020 - Brill
Online Resources

Philosophia Antiqua Online                                              Religious Studies, Theology and
Edited by K.A. Algra, F.A.J. de Haas, J. Mansfeld, C.J.
                                                                        Philosophy E-Books Online
Rowe, D.T. Runia, Ch. Wildberg                                          Collection 2020
The online collection of Philosophia Antiqua the leading series         Brill’s Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy E-Books Online,

specializing in books on Ancient Philosophy, covering the entire        Collection 2019 is the electronic version of the book publication
history of the subject from the Presocratics through Plato, Aristotle   program of Brill in the field of Religious Studies, Theology and
and the Stoics to the Neoplatonists of late Antiquity. All volumes in   Philosophy in 2019.
the series have now been digitized and are included in this online
collection.                                                             Coverage
                                                                        Religious Studies, Theology, Philosophy, Christianity, History of
This collection contains volume 1 up and until volume 147 (titles       Religion, Religion & Society, Missionary Studies
published in 2017 are included).                                                                                                                   5
                                                                        Features and Benefits
The series has recently tended to emphasize areas that once used        - Full text search, advanced search functionality
to be underrepresented in the literature, for example Hellenistic       - Full text chapters presented in PDF format

                                                                                                                                                BRILL CATALOG 2020
philosophy, the sceptical tradition, Galen and other non-Platonist      - DOI at title and chapter level
authors of later Antiquity, but this merely reflects a shifting         - Title lists available in different formats
focus in the field and is not a matter of deliberate policy. The        - MARC records provided at no extra charge
over-riding concern of the series is to promote scholarship of          - COUNTER-compliant usage statistics
the highest quality and originality, publishing work specifically       - View articles in HTML or pdf
oriented towards texts (editions, commentaries, translations), but      - Top quality content made available in user friendly format
also monographs, including both those that offer new readings           - Social book marking tools
of familiar – or less familiar – texts and those that explore the       - RSS, ToC, Subject, Search alerts
intersections between ancient and modern topics and approaches.
                                                                        This E-Book Collection is part of Brill’s Religious Studies, Theology
Volumes are published in English, French and German. The series         and Philosophy E-Books Online Collection.
includes edited volumes that show a clear and coherent focus, but
does not normally host Festschriften or Memorial volumes.
E-ISBN 9789004319752

Purchase Options and 2020 Prices
Outright Purchase: € 13.593 / $15.45

Supplement 2019
Philosophia Antiqua Online: Studies on
Ancient Philosophy                                            
                                                                        E-ISBN 9789004390898
(Please note that these titles are also available in our Classical
Studies E-Book collections)                                             Purchase Options and 2020 Prices
                                                                        Outright Purchase: € 6.240 / $7.095

E-ISBN 9789004390874
Vols. 151-153

Purchase Options and 2020 Prices
Outright Purchase: € 475 / US$ 580
Philosophy catalog 2020 - Brill
Aesthetics & Cultural Theory


                     Studies in Somaesthetics
                                                                                                                                 August 2019
                     Series Editor: Richard Shusterman, Florida Atlantic University,                                             Hardback (xii, 321 pp.)
                     USA                                                                                                         ISBN 9789004411128
                                                                                                                                 Price € 120 / US$ 144
                                                                                                                                 E-ISBN 9789004411135
                     This series aims to publish monographs and anthologies of new                                               E-Price € 120 / US$ 144
                     research in the interdisciplinary field of somaesthetics. The                                               Studies in Somaesthetics, 2
                     field can be briefly defined as the critical study and meliorative
                     cultivation of the soma as our medium of perceptual appreciation                   Bodies in the Streets: The
                     (aesthesis) and performance but also as the site of our expressive                 Somaesthetics of City Life
                     self-fashioning. Somaesthetics is, therefore, concerned with a wide
                     diversity of knowledge forms, discourses, social practices and
                                                                                                        Edited by Richard Shusterman, Florida Atlantic
                     institutions, cultural traditions and values, and bodily disciplines
                     that structure (or could improve) such somatic understanding and

                     ISSN: 2451-8646                                             Thirteen original essays explore the qualities and challenges
                                                                                                        of urban life (in Europe, Asia, and the Americas) from
                                                                                                        a variety of disciplinary perspectives that illustrate the
                                                                                                        aesthetic, cultural, and political roles of bodies in the city



                                              June 2019                                          April 2019                                             June 2019
                                              Paperback (xvi, 332 pp.)                           Paperback (xiv, 167 pp.)                               Hardback (xii, 264 pp.)
                                              ISBN 9789004396418                                 ISBN 9789004394308                                     ISBN 9789004398108
                                              Price € 85 / US$ 98                                Price € 59 / US$ 68                                    Price € 110 / US$ 127
                                              E-ISBN 9789004396401                               E-ISBN 9789004394315                                   E-ISBN 9789004398290
                                              E-Price € 85 / US$ 98                              E-Price € 70 / US$ 81                                  E-Price € 110 / US$ 127
                                              At the Interface / Probing                         At the Interface / Probing                             Value Inquiry Book Series /
                                              the Boundaries, 122                                the Boundaries, 119                                    Philosophy of Film, 332
                                              Imprint: Brill | Rodopi                            Imprint: Brill | Rodopi                                Imprint: Brill | Rodopi

                     Storytelling: Global                                  Writing Spaces                                     Plato and the Moving
                     Reflections on Narrative                              Writing as Transformative,                         Image
                                                                           Scholarly and Creative Practice
                     Tracy Ann Hayes, University of Cumbria                                                                   Shai Biderman, Tel Aviv University, and
                                                                           Esthir Lemi, University of Athens                  Michael Weinman, Bard College Berlin
                     Theresa Edlmann, University of South
                                                                           Ekaterina Midgette, College of Saint Rose
                     Africa, and Laurinda Brown, University                Jessica Seymour, HU University of Applied
                     of Bristol                                            Sciences, Utrecht

                     This book focuses on storytelling and                 Drawing from a variety of disciplines and          Plato and the Moving Image shows how
                     human life by exploring the possibilities             theoretical frameworks, we examine space           and why debates in the philosophy of film
                     of narrative approaches across numerous               and its influence on writing practice.             can be advanced through the study of the
                     disciplines and in diverse contexts; stories          Practitioners explore the effect of space on       role of images in Plato’s dialogues, and vice
                     are humanity’s oldest way of making                   their own writing, while others focus on           versa.
                     meaning of our past, present and future.              understanding how famous writers lived
                                                                           and worked, and how they used space in
                                                                           their stories.
Philosophy catalog 2020 - Brill
Aesthetics & Cultural Theory


Consciousness, Literature                                            November 2019                                       May 2019
and the Arts                                                         Hardback (x, 174 pp.)
                                                                     ISBN 9789004409538
                                                                                                                         Hardback (x, 206 pp.)
                                                                                                                         ISBN 9789004404434
                                                                     Price € 94 / US$ 113                                Price € 94 / US$ 113
Edited by Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe                                     E-ISBN 9789004409545                                E-ISBN 9789004404502
                                                                     E-Price € 94 / US$ 113                              E-Price € 94 / US$ 113
                                                                     Consciousness, Literature                           Consciousness, Literature
This series is a scholarly line of books
                                                                     and the Arts, 56                                    and the Arts, 55
consisting of monographs in the English                              Imprint: Brill | Rodopi                             Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
language, dealing with a wide variety of
areas, problems, and applications within        Stoicism and Performance                           Philosophizing Brecht
the broad field of consciousness studies in     A Joyful Materialism                               Critical Readings on Art,
relation to literature and the arts.
                                                                                                   Consciousness, Social Theory and
ISSN: 1573-2193       
                                                Cormac Power, Northumbria University               Performance
                                                at Newcastle
                                                                                                   Edited by Norman Roessler, Temple
                                                                                                   University, and Anthony Squiers, Tarrant
                                                                                                   County College and Universität Passau

                                                Power’s Stoicism and Performance offers            This interdisciplinary anthology unites
                                                new perspectives on contemporary                   scholars with the notion that Bertolt

                                                theatre and performance debates. By                Brecht is a missing link in bridging diverse
                                                introducing Stoicism as a performative             discourses in social philosophy and
                                                philosophy that radicalises forms of               aesthetics—an essential read for all those
                                                thinking and experience, key themes such           interested in Brecht as a socio-cultural
                                                as performativity, embodiment, emotion,            theorist and theatre practitioners.
                                                affect and spectatorship are re-examined.



                                                                                                                                                       BRILL CATALOG 2020
Philosophy, Literature,                                              September 2019
                                                                     Hardback (x, 117 pp.)
                                                                                                                         June 2019
                                                                                                                         Hardback (xxx, 209 pp.)

and Politics                                                         ISBN 9789004375321
                                                                     Price € 99 / US$ 119
                                                                                                                         ISBN 9789004367333
                                                                                                                         Price € 121 / US$ 140
                                                                     E-ISBN 9789004410275                                E-ISBN 9789004401983
Edited by J.D. Mininger, LCC                                         E-Price € 99 / US$ 119                              E-Price € 121 / US$ 140
                                                                     Value Inquiry Book Series /                         Value Inquiry Book Series /
International University                                             Philosophy, Literature, and                         Philosophy, Literature, and
                                                                     Politics, 339                                       Politics, 334
Philosophy, Literature, and Politics (PLP)                           Imprint: Brill | Rodopi                             Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
offers studies of literature and literary
history in the context of philosophical and     Wind and Whirlwind:                                Audacity of the Spirit
political ideas. The series also spans the
discursive territory in which philosophy is
                                                Utopian and Dystopian                              Vitali I. Betaneli, USSR Academy of
produced by literature and vice-versa.          Themes in Literature and                           Sciences, and Peter R. Weisensel,
PLP is a special series in VIBS, the Value      Philosophy                                         Macalester College
Inquiry Book Series.
                                                Ágnes Heller, New School of Social
                         Research New York, and Riccardo

                                                In Wind and Whirlwind Ágnes Heller and             Audacity of the Spirit by A.F. Losev
                                                Riccardo Mazzeo analyse utopias and                demonstrates the merits of the dialectical
                                                dystopias in the works of philosophers and         method to understand antiquity, history,
                                                novelists and highlight the importance             culture and philosophy. The book is a
                                                to find one’s way avoiding the charming            guide to dialectics for beginners and a
                                                destructive traps.                                 major philosopher’s summing-up of his
                                                                                                   reflections to a general audience. It is
                                                                                                   an English translation from the Russian
                                                                                                   original Дерзание духа (Politizdat Moskva,
                                                                                                   1988), translated by Peter R. Weisensel and
                                                                                                   Vitali I. Betaneli.
Philosophy catalog 2020 - Brill
Aesthetics & Cultural Theory

                                              November 2019
                                              Hardback (approx. 263
                                              pp. with 45 ills.)                                  March 2019                                          March 2020
                                              ISBN 9789004410411                                  Hardback (xvi, 298 pp.)                             Hardback
                                              Price € 130 / US$ 156                               ISBN 9789004377592                                  ISBN 9789004411388
                                              E-ISBN 9789004410428                                Price € 127 / US$ 153                               Price € 99 / US$ 119
                                              E-Price € 130 / US$ 156                             E-ISBN 9789004392946                                E-ISBN 9789004411418
                                              Avant-Garde Critical                                E-Price € 127 / US$ 153                             E-Price € 99 / US$ 119
                                              Studies, 38                                         Cross/Cultures, 209                                 Faux Titre, 438
                                              Imprint: Brill | Rodopi                             Imprint: Brill | Rodopi                             Imprint: Brill | Rodopi

                     Anarchism and the Avant-                                Philosophical Foundations                          Silence, Implicite et
                     Garde                                                   of the African Humanities                          Non-Dit chez Rousseau /
                     Radical Arts and Politics in                            through Postcolonial                               Silence, the Implicit and
                     Perspective                                             Perspectives                                       the Unspoken in Rousseau
                     Carolin Kosuch, University of Göttingen,                Edited by Helen Yitah, University of               Edité par/edited by Brigitte Weltman-
                     Göttingen                                               Ghana, and Helen Lauer, University of              Aron, University of Florida, Ourida
                                                                             Dar es Salaam                                      Mostefai, Brown University, et/and Peter
                                                                                                                                Westmoreland, University of Florida

                     Anarchism and the Avant-Garde: Radical                  These essays by scholars in postcolonial           Silence, Implicite et Non-Dit chez Rousseau/

                     Arts and Politics in Perspective offers a fresh         studies demonstrate that the humanities’           Silence, the Implicit, and the Unspoken in
                     approach to the encounter of the classical              relevance lies, not in creating a “world           Rousseau explores the role of silence in
                     anarchisms (1860s−1940s) and the artistic               culture” to address the world’s problems,          Rousseau’s work, the ways silence operates,
                     and literary avant-gardes of the same                   but in critical analyses of alterity,              and different approaches to it that
                     period, probing its dimensions and limits.              difference, and how the Other is perceived,        Rousseau takes.
                                                                             defined and subdued.


                                                                                                   September 2019                                     June 2019
                                             August 2019                                           Paperback (approx. 180                             Hardback (xiv, 365 pp.)
                                             Hardback (xx, 326 pp., 79                             pp.)                                               ISBN 9789004398337
                                             full color ill.)                                      ISBN 9789004405905                                 Price € 127 / US$ 147
                                             ISBN 9789004372832                                    Price € 59 / US$ 71                                E-ISBN 9789004398344
                                             Price € 81 / US$ 98                                   E-ISBN 9789004408760                               E-Price € 127 / US$ 147
                                             E-ISBN 9789004404649                                  E-Price € 70 / US$ 84                              Value Inquiry Book Series
                                             E-Price € 81 / US$ 98                                 At the Interface / Probing                         / Contemporary Russian
                                             Studies in Art & Materiality,                         the Boundaries, 128                                Philosophy, 333
                                             2                                                     Imprint: Brill | Rodopi                            Imprint: Brill | Rodopi

                     Conceptualism and                                       Bodies in Flux                                     A Philosophy of the
                     Materiality                                             Embodiments at the End of                          Possible
                     Matters of Art and Politics                             Anthropocentrism                                   Modalities in Thought and Culture

                     Edited by Christian Berger, The                         Hanan Muzaffar, American University                Mikhail Epstein, Emory University
                     Courtauld Institute of Art, London                      of Kuwait, and Barbara Braid, Szczecin

                     Conceptualism and Materiality. Matters                  This volume discusses fluidity of the post-        In this book, Mikhail Epstein offers a
                     of Art and Politics underscores the                     human bodies on various cultural and               systematic theory of modalities (possible,
                     significance of materials and materiality               social examples – from the cyber relations         actual, necessary) and their impact on the
                     within Conceptual art and conceptualism                 to others and to self, through fragmented,         philosophy and culture of modernity and
                     more broadly. It challenges the notion of               prosetheticised, monstrous or augmented            postmodernity, focusing on the creative
                     conceptualism as an idea-centered, anti-                body, to the dis/utopian fantasies.                potentials of possibilistic thinking for the
                     materialist enterprise, and highlights the                                                                 humanities.
                     political implications thereof.
Asian Philosophy


Modern Chinese
Philosophy                                                              April 2020
                                                                        Hardback (approx. 364 pp.)
                                                                                                                            March 2020
                                                                                                                            Hardback (approx. 463 pp.)
                                                                        ISBN 9789004423657                                  ISBN 9789004421578
Edited by John Makeham, La Trobe                                        Price € 149 / US$ 179                               Price € 138 / US$ 166
                                                                        E-ISBN 9789004423664                                E-ISBN 9789004421646
University                                                              E-Price € 149 / US$ 179                             E-Price € 138 / US$ 166
                                                                        Modern Chinese Philosophy,                          Modern Chinese Philosophy,
This series collects authoritative, innovative                          20                                                  19
and informative studies in Chinese
philosophy from the late Qing period to          Becoming Human                                      The Annotated Critical
contemporary times, including research           Li Zehou’s Ethics                                   Laozi
on New Confucian philosophy, modern                                                                  With Contemporary Explication
Buddhist philosophy, Chinese Marxist             Jana S. Rošker, University of Ljubljana
philosophy, modern Daoist philosophy, as
                                                                                                     and Traditional Commentary
well as works of a comparative nature.
                                                                                                     Chen Guying, Peking University, Paul
ISSN: 1875-9386                                                               J. D’Ambrosio, East China Normal
                                                                                                     University, and Xiao Ouyang, Wuhan

                                                 This book offers a critical introduction            Chen Guying’s Laozi includes some of the

                                                 of Li Zhou’s ethics. Li, who is among the           most significant traditional commentary
                                                 most influential contemporary Chinese               and influential contemporary scholarship.
                                                 philosophers, takes Chinese ethics as a             This book completely changed Laozi
                                                 basis for his elaborations on Western ideas,        studies in China, and its English translation
                                                 aiming to develop a new global ethics.              gives scholars a unique inroad to Chinese
                                                                                                     perspectives on the Laozi.



                                                                                                                                                         BRILL CATALOG 2020
                                                 Numen Book Series
                       February 2019
                       Hardback (XIV, 333)                                                                                  August 2019
                       ISBN 9789004396296
                                                 Series Editors: Steven Engler, Mount                                       Hardback (viii + 273 pp.)
                       Price € 171 / US$ 206     Royal University, Calgary, Canada,                                         ISBN 9789004405332
                       E-ISBN 9789004396302      Richard King, University of Kent, UK,                                      Price € 124 / US$ 149
                       E-Price € 171 / US$ 206                                                                              E-ISBN 9789004407886
                       Modern Chinese
                                                 Kocku von Stuckrad, University of                                          E-Price € 124 / US$ 149
                       Philosophy, 18            Groningen, The Netherlands, Gerard                                         Numen Book Series, 163
                                                 Wiegers, University of Amsterdam, The
Philosophical Horizons                           Netherlands                                         Buddhist Apologetics in
Metaphysical Investigation in                                                                        East Asia
Chinese Philosophy                               The Numen Book Series publishes scholarly
                                                                                                     Countering the Neo-Confucian
                                                 monographs and edited volumes on
                                                 the historical, comparative, and cross-
                                                                                                     Critiques in the Hufa lun and the
Yang Guorong, East China Normal                                                                      Yusŏk chirŭi non
University, Paul J. D’Ambrosio, East             cultural study of religions throughout the
China Normal University, Ady Van den             world, from antiquity to the present. The
Stock, Ghent University, Dan Sarafinas,          series publishes both methodologically              Uri Kaplan
University of Macau, Sharon Y. Small,            contextualized historical research
East China Normal University, and                and theoretical and methodological
Stefano Gandolfo, University of Oxford           contributions to the study of religion.

In Philosophical Horizons Yang draws freely      ISSN: 0169-8834              This book examines the Buddhist responses
from Confucian, Daoist, and Buddhist texts,                                                          to the Neo-Confucian critiques of their
alongside great Western philosophers to                                                              tradition. It presents full translations of two
provide penetrating discussions of some                                                              dominant Buddhist apologetic essays—the
of the most important issues in modern                                                               Hufa lun, written by a Chinese politician,
philosophy—especially those topics related                                                           and the Yusŏk chirŭi non, authored by a
to comparative and Chinese philosophy.                                                               Korean monk.
Asian Philosophy

                                             December 2019
                                             Hardback (approx. 358
                                             pp.; incl. 23 figures and
                                             5 tables)                                                                                                  March 2019
                                             ISBN 9789004352551                                    April 2020                                           Hardback (xii, 288 pp.)
                                             Price € 130 / US$ 157                                 Hardback (approx. 550 pp.)                           ISBN 9789004390577
                                             E-ISBN 9789004415492                                  ISBN 9789004422803                                   Price € 79 / US$ 95
                                             E-Price € 130 / US$ 157                               Price € 149 / US$ 179                                E-ISBN 9789004392908
                                             Post-Western Social                                   E-ISBN 9789004423626                                 E-Price € 79 / US$ 95
                                             Sciences and Global                                   E-Price € 149 / US$ 179                              Science and Religion in
                                             Knowledge, 3                                          Sinica Leidensia, 146                                East Asia, 2

                     Confucianism and                                    Powerful Arguments                                     Science and Confucian
                     Reflexive Modernity                                 Standards of Validity in Late                          Statecraft in East Asia
                     Bringing Community back to                          Imperial China
                     Human Rights in the Age of Global                                                                          Edited by Francesca Bray, University
                                                                         Edited by Martin Hofmann, Heidelberg                   of Edinburgh, and Jongtae Lim, Seoul
                     Risk Society
                                                                         University, Joachim Kurtz, Heidelberg                  National University
                                                                         University, and Ari Daniel Levine,
                     Sang-Jin Han, Seoul National University
                                                                         University of Georgia

                     Confucianism and Reflexive Modernity                The essays in Powerful Arguments                       Science and Confucian Statecraft in East
                     criticizes the paradigm of Asian Value              reconstruct the standards of validity                  Asia explores science and technology
                     Debate and defends a balance between                underlying argumentative practices in                  in premodern East Asian government,

                     individual empowerment and flourishing              a wide array of late imperial Chinese                  questioning how the Confucian concern for
                     community for human rights in the context           discourses, ranging from historiography,               legitimate and efficient state governance
                     of global risk society from an enlightened          philosophy, law and religion to natural                shaped the practices of science and
                     post-Confucianism perspective.                      studies, literature, and the civil                     technology in premodern East Asia.
                                                                         examination system.

10                   Philosophy of Law


                     History of European Political and
                     Constitutional Thought
                                                                                                                                      February 2020
                     Series Editors: Erica Benner, Yale University, Cesare Cuttica,                                                   Hardback (approx. 216 pp.)
                     Université Paris 8, László Kontler, Central European University,                                                 ISBN 9789004392144
                     Mark Somos, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law                                                      Price € 94 / US$ 113
                                                                                                                                      E-ISBN 9789004420335
                     and International Law                                                                                            E-Price € 94 / US$ 113
                                                                                                                                      History of European Political and
                                                                                                                                      Constitutional Thought, 2
                     This series promotes the study of European traditions of political
                     and constitutional thought from classical antiquity to the                     Jean-Jacques Rousseau
                     twentieth century.                                                             The Division of Labour, The Politics of the Imagination
                                                                                                    and The Concept of Federal Government
                     ISSN 2589-5966                                    

                                                                                                    Michael Sonenscher, King’s College, Cambridge

                                                                                                    This is a book about why Jean-Jacques Rousseau can be seen as one
                                                                                                    of the first theorists of the concept of civil society and a key source
                                                                                                    of the idea of a federal system.
Ethics & Moral Philosophy


Human-Animal Studies
                                                                       October 2019                                         March 2019
Series Editor: Kenneth Shapiro, Animals                                Hardback (xii, 436 pp.)                              Hardback (xxxviii, 711 pp.)
& Society Institute                                                    ISBN 9789004358867                                   ISBN 9789004356184
                                                                       Price € 133 / US$ 160                                Price € 156 / US$ 188
                                                                       E-ISBN 9789004415072                                 E-ISBN 9789004391192
The purview of the book series includes                                E-Price € 133 / US$ 160                              E-Price Open Access
any topic that allows exploration of the                               Human-Animal Studies, 23                             Human-Animal Studies, 22
relation between human and nonhuman
animals in any setting, contemporary             Cognitive Kin, Moral       Animal Experimentation:
or historical, from the perspective of           Strangers? Linking Animal Working Towards a
various disciplines within both the
social sciences and humanities. Among            Cognition, Animal Ethics & Paradigm Change
the broad areas included are: 1. applied         Animal Welfare
uses of animals (research, education,                                                                 Kathrin Herrmann, Center for
medicine, agriculture), 2. animals in            Judith Benz-Schwarzburg , Messerli                   Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT)
the popular culture (entertainment,              Research Institute, Vienna                           and Kimberley Jayne, Animal Defenders
companion animals, animal symbolism),            Translated and prepared by Mark Kanak.               International
3. wildlife and the environment, 4. socio-       Edited by Susana Monsó, Evan White
political movements, public policy and           and Judith Benz-Schwarzburg
the law.

                                                 Judith Benz-Schwarzburg investigates                 The 51 experts who have contributed
ISSN: 1573-4226        
                                                 whether non-human animals share                      to Animal Experimentation: Working
                                                 complex socio-cognitive abilities like               Towards a Paradigm Change critically
                                                 culture, language and theory of mind with            review current animal use in science,
                                                 humans. She questions our supposedly                 resent new and innovative non-animal
                                                 human uniqueness and explores how                    approaches to address urgent scientific
                                                 cognitive kinship matters for animal ethics.         questions, and offer a roadmap towards
                                                                                                      an animal-free world of science.                        11


                                                                                                                                                           BRILL CATALOG 2020
Studies in Islamic Ethics
                                                                       November 2019                                        November 2018
Studies in Islamic Ethics is a double-blind                            Hardback (xiv, 226 pp.)                              Hardback (xiv, 340 pp.)
peer-reviewed book series that covers all                              ISBN 9789004406407                                   ISBN 9789004392120
                                                                       Price € 72 / US$ 87                                  Price € 82 / US$ 99
aspects of ethics in the Islamic world, both
                                                                       E-ISBN 9789004417342                                 E-ISBN 9789004392137
historical and contemporary. The series                                Open Access                                          Open Access
welcomes volumes in English, French, and                               Studies in Islamic Ethics, 2                         Studies in Islamic Ethics, 1
ISSN: 2589-3947        
                                                 Migration and Islamic                                Islamic Ethics and the
                                                 Ethics                                               Genome Question
                                                 Issues of Residence, Naturalization
                                                 and Citizenship                                      Edited by Mohammed Ghaly, Hamad
                                                                                                      Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
                                                 Edited by Ray Jureidini, Hamad Bin
                                                 Khalifa University, Doha and Said Fares
                                                 Hassan, Al-Azhar University, Cairo

                                                 Migration and Islamic Ethics, Issues of              Islamic Ethics and the Genome Question
                                                 Residence, Naturalization and Citizenship            is one of the first academic works, which
                                                 contains various cases of migration                  examine the field of genomics from an
                                                 movements in the Muslim world from                   Islamic perspective. The contributions
                                                 ethical and legal perspectives to argue              in the volume also accommodate and
                                                 that Muslim migration experiences can                interact with critical insights from outside
                                                 offer a new paradigm of how the religious            the Islamic tradition.
                                                 and the moral can play a significant
                                                 role in addressing forced migration and
Ethics & Moral Philosophy

                                             October 2019
                                             Paperback (approx. 275       Values in Bioethics                                                          November 2019
                                                                                                                                                       Hardback (x, 272 pp.)
                                             pp.)                                                                                                      ISBN 9789004409569
                                             ISBN 9789004365827                                                                                        Price € 110 / US$ 132
                                             Price € 65 / US$ 79          Edited by Matti Häyry, The University of                                     E-ISBN 9789401201780
                                             E-ISBN 9789004409262         Manchester and Tuija Takala, University                                      E-ISBN 9789004409576
                                             E-Price € 65 / US$ 79                                                                                     E-Price € 110 / US$ 132
                                                                          of Helsinki
                                             At the Interface / Probing                                                                                Value Inquiry Book Series /
                                             the Boundaries, 103                                                                                       Values in Bioethics, 172
                                             Imprint: Brill | Rodopi      Values in Bioethics, co-sponsored by the                                     Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
                                                                          International Association of Bioethics,
                     Perspectives on Evil                                 makes available original philosophical                 Moral Conflicts of Organ
                     From Banality to Genocide                            books in all areas of bioethics, including             Retrieval: A Case for
                                                                          medical and nursing ethics, health care
                     Edited by Kanta Dihal, Leverhulme                    ethics, research ethics, environmental                 Constructive Pluralism
                     Centre for the Future of Intelligence,               ethics, and global bioethics.                          Second Revised and Expanded
                     University of Cambridge                                                                                     Edition
                                                                          ISSN: 0929-8436                 
                                                                                                                                 Charles C. Hinkley II, Northwest Vista

                     This interdisciplinary study takes a real-life                                                              In this revised edition of Moral Conflicts
                     look at evil deeds and evil nature, from                                                                    of Organ Retrieval: A Case for Constructive

                     the Global Financial Crisis to the Rwanda                                                                   Pluralism, Charles Hinkley develops
                     Genocide and beyond. The authors share                                                                      and applies the moral philosophy of
                     their personal and poignant views on evil.                                                                  constructive pluralism to issues and
                                                                                                                                 conflicts related to organ transplantation.



                     Value Inquiry Book Series                                                      February 2020
                                                                                                    Hardback (ix, 258 pp.)
                                                                                                    ISBN 9789004420359
                     Edited by J.D. Mininger, LCC                                                   Price € 165 / US$ 198                              September 2019
                     International University                                                       E-ISBN 9789004420366                               Hardback (xii, 182pp.)
                                                                                                    E-Price € 165 / US$ 198                            ISBN 9789004338555
                                                                             Cover available soon   Value Inquiry Book Series,                         Price € 158 / US$ 190
                     The Value Inquiry Book Series (VIBS) is an                                     343                                                E-ISBN 9789004396944
                     international scholarly program, founded                                       Imprint: Brill | Rodopi                            E-Price € 158 / US$ 190
                     in 1992 by Robert Ginsberg, that publishes
                     philosophical books in all areas of value            The Ethics of                                          Naturalism and Democracy
                                                                          Homelessness:                                          A Commentary on Spinoza’s
                     ISSN: 0929-8436              Philosophical Perspectives                             “Political Treatise” in the Context of
                                                                          Second, revised edition                                His System

                                                                                                                                 Edited by Wolfgang Bartuschat, Stephan
                                                                          G. John M. Abbarno, D’Youville College
                                                                                                                                 Kirste and Manfred Walther. Translated
                                                                                                                                 by James Fontini

                                                                          The Ethics of Homelessness is a compilation            Naturalism and Democracy, first published
                                                                          of essays analysing the philosophical, legal           in German in 2014, presents a long-awaited
                                                                          and social implications of the seemingly               commentary on Spinoza’s Political Treatise
                                                                          intractable condition that people endure               (Tractatus politicus). It gives a detailed
                                                                          without a home, where their fundamental                analysis of Spinoza’s latest theory of State
                                                                          human rights, autonomy and privacy are                 and Law, with special attention to his
                                                                          compromised. Authors use literature and                democratic approach.
                                                                          arguments to demonstrate the failings of
                                                                          public policy.
History of Philosophy: Ancient


Brill’s Companions to                                                    August 2019

Classical Reception                                                      Hardback
                                                                         (xxviii, 693 pp.)
                                                                                                                                 June 2019
                                                                                                                                 Hardback (xviii, 1010 pp.)
                                                                         ISBN 9789004280403                                      ISBN 9789004396746
Volumes in the series deal with subjects                                 Price € 198 / US$ 238                                   Price € 219 / US$ 253
pertaining to the broad field of Classical                               E-ISBN 9789004409446                                    E-ISBN 9789004396753
                                                                         E-Price € 198 / US$ 238                                 E-Price € 219 / US$ 253
reception including, but not limited to                                  Brill’s Companions to                                   Brill’s Companions to
reception of art, literature, architecture,                              Classical Reception, 20                                 Classical Reception, 18
history, religion, political thought, and
intellectual thought (including volumes            Brill’s Companion to                                  Brill’s Companion to the
on influential Classical scholars and              the Reception of Plutarch                             Reception of Socrates
the history of classical scholarship) in
later centuries and in various scholarly           Edited by Sophia Xenophontos,                         Edited by Christopher Moore, The
disciplines. The Series will show a                University of Glasgow, and Katerina
systematic coverage of subjects.
                                                                                                         Pennsylvania State University
                                                   Oikonomopoulou, University of Patras
Written by the foremost specialists in the
respective fields, they aim to provide full-       Brill’s Companion to the Reception of                 Brill’s Companion to the Reception of
balanced accounts at an advanced level, as         Plutarch offers the first comprehensive               Socrates, edited by Christopher Moore,
well as synthesis of debate and the state of       analysis of Plutarch’s rich reception                 provides three-dozen studies of nearly
scholarship.                                       history from the high Roman Empire,                   2500 continuous years of philosophical

                                                   Late Antiquity and Byzantium to the                   and literary engagement with Socrates as
                                                   Renaissance, Enlightenment, and the                   innovative intellectual, moral exemplar,
ISSN: 2213-1426        
                                                   modern era, across various cultures in                and singular Athenian.
                                                   Europe, America, North Africa, and the
                                                   Middle East.



                                                                                                                                                                 BRILL CATALOG 2020
Brill’s Plato Studies Series
                                                                         April 2019                                              November 2018
Edited by Gabriele Cornelli, Brasilia,                                   Hardback (viii, 332 pp.)                                Hardback (x, 190 pp.)
                                                                         ISBN 9789004398986                                      ISBN 9789004390010
Brazil, and Gábor Betegh, Cambridge,                                     Price € 154 / US$ 185                                   Price € 121 / US$ 146
United Kingdom                                                           E-ISBN 9789004398993                                    E-ISBN 9789004390027
                                                                         E-Price € 154 / US$ 185                                 E-Price € 121 / US$ 146
                                                                         Brill’s Plato Studies Series,                           Brill’s Plato Studies Series,
Brill’s Plato Studies Series aims to gather                              3                                                       2
together the most recent and relevant
contributions, in order to identify debates        Thinking, Knowing, Acting: The Gatekeeper
and trends within the study of Plato and           Epistemology and Ethics    Narrative Voice in Plato’s
to provide a holistic understanding of
the wide range of issues related to Plato’s
                                                   in Plato and Ancient       Dialogues
philosophy. Of special significance for the        Platonism
                                                                                                         Margalit Finkelberg, Tel Aviv University
series will be the examination of Plato’s
literary style and its relationship to his         Edited by Mauro Bonazzi, Utrecht
theoretical project as, perhaps, one of the        University, Angela Ulacco, Albert-
central problems in the study of Plato and         Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, and
Ancient Philosophy as a whole.                     Filippo Forcignanò, University of Milan
ISSN: 2452-2945         
                                                   Thinking, Knowing, Acting: Epistemology               In The Gatekeeper: Narrative Voice in Plato’s
                                                   and Ethics in Plato and Ancient Platonism             Dialogues Margalit Finkelberg offers the
                                                   aims to offer a fresh perspective on the              first narratological analysis of all of Plato’s
                                                   correlation between epistemology and                  transmitted dialogues. The book explores
                                                   ethics in Plato and the Platonic tradition            the dialogues as works of literary fiction,
                                                   from Aristotle to Plotinus, by investigating          giving special emphasis to the issue of
                                                   the social, juridical and theoretical                 narrative perspective.
                                                   premises of their philosophy.
History of Philosophy: Ancient


                     Brill’s Plutarch Studies
                     Editors: Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta, University of Groningen, and Delfim F. Leão, University of Coimbra

                     Plutarch is still a key figure for our understanding of the first              might be discussed.
                     centuries of the Common Era. The series intends both to bring
                                                                                                    ISSN: 2451-8328        
                     together the most significant Plutarch scholarship of recent years,
                     as well as to provide a forum in which new approaches

                                                                                                  November 2019
                                                                                                  Hardback (lxxx, 270 pp.)
                                             December 2019                                        ISBN 9789004408036                                 October 2019
                                             Hardback (xvi, 548 pp.)                              Price € 113 / US$ 136                              Hardback (xiv, 361 pp.)
                                             ISBN 9789004415683                                   E-ISBN 9789004409750                               ISBN 9789004404359
                                             Price € 177 / US$ 213                                E-Price € 113 / US$ 136                            Price € 149 / US$ 179
                                             E-ISBN 9789004415980                                 Brill’s Plutarch Studies                           E-ISBN 9789004404472
                                             E-Price € 177 / US$ 213                              / Brill’s Plutarch Text                            E-Price € 149 / US$ 179
                                             Brill’s Plutarch Studies, 4                          Editions, 3                                        Brill’s Plutarch Studies, 2

                     Quelques aspects du                                   Plutarco: La virtù delle                           A Man of Many Interests:

                     platonisme de Plutarque                               donne (Mulierum virtutes)                          Plutarch on Religion, Myth,
                     Philosopher en commun, tourner sa                     Introduzione, testo critico,                       and Magic
                     pensée vers Dieu                                      traduzione italiana e note di                      Essays in Honor of Aurelio Pérez
                                                                           commento                                           Jiménez
                     Françoise Frazier
                     Edited by Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta,                   A cura di Fabio Tanga, Università degli            Edited by Delfim Leão, University of
14                   University of Groningen                               Studi di Salerno                                   Coimbra, and Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta,
                                                                                                                              University of Groningen

                     Françoise Frazier’s Quelques aspects du               Questo volume contiene edizione critica,           The title of this volume A Man of Many

                     platonisme de Plutarque: Philosopher en               traduzione italiana e note di commento al          Interests: Plutarch on Religion, Myth, and
                     commun, Tourner sa pensée vers Dieu                   trattato di Plutarco Mulierum Virtutes. Il         Magic. Essays in honour of Aurelio Pérez
                     includes 20 essays on several philosophical           testo tradotto e commentato è preceduto            Jiménez is first and foremost a coalescing
                     tractates in Plutarch’s Moralia. Interesting          da una introduzione generale sull’opuscolo         homage to Plutarch and to Aurelio, and
                     both for Classists and Historians of Religion         e da alcuni capitoli dedicati alla tradizione      to the way they have been inspiring (as
                     alike, the chapters provide an in-depth               testuale, alla fortuna, allo stile, al rapporto    master and indirect disciple) a multitude
                     interpretation of several essential aspects           con i modelli letterari, i Moralia e la            of readers in their path to knowledge, here
                     of Plutarch’s philosophical dialogues that            tematica femminile dell’opera.                     metonymically represented by the scholars
                     pays special heed both to the divine and the                                                             who offer their tribute to them.
                     communication between God and humans.                 This volume is a critical edition of the
                     The book includes three sections. While the           Mulierum Virtutes, accompanied by an               The analysis developed throughout the
                     first is mainly concerned with Plutarch’s             Italian translation and commentary.                several contributions favors a philological
                     Amatorius, the second focuses on Plutarch’s           In addition, introductory chapters                 approach of wide spectrum, i.e., stemming
                     relationship to Plato, especially in his              provide an overview of the work’s                  from literary and linguistic aspects, it
                     myths of the afterlife. The third part, finally,      textual transmission, its reception and            projects them into their cultural, religious,
                     deals with an important investigation that            style, as well as its gender thematics, its        philosophical, and historical framework.
                     occupied Professor Frazier lately, namely             relationship to earlier literary models and        The works were organized into two broad
                     the concept of pistis in the religious context        its place within the Moralia as a whole.           sections, respectively devoted to the Lives
                     of the first centuries CE.                                                                               and to the Moralia.
History of Philosophy: Ancient


Studies in Platonism, Neoplatonism, and the Platonic Tradition
Edited by Robert M. Berchman, Foro di Studi Avanzati Gaetano Massa. Roma, and John. F. Finamore, University of Iowa

Originally conceived, the series covers studies in Platonism,            subseries publishes works, historically and thematically, across the
Neoplatonism, and the Platonic Tradition, which means it covers          whole “Platonic tradition.”
ancient philosophy in general but also the tradition in its medieval,
modern, and post-modern “horizons.” This means that the                  ISSN: 1871-188X       

                      October 2019                                      July 2019                                         December 2019
                      Hardback (vi, 218 pp)                             Hardback (xii, 218 pp.)                           Hardback (approx. 624 pp.)
                      ISBN 9789004414303                                ISBN 9789004407596                                ISBN 9789004389915
                      Price € 116 / US$ 140                             Price € 105 / US$ 126                             Price € 215 / US$ 259
                      E-ISBN 9789004414310                              E-ISBN 9789004408272                              E-ISBN 9789004389922
                      E-Price € 116 / US$ 140                           E-Price € 105 / US$ 126                           E-Price € 215 / US$ 259
                      Studies in Platonism,                             Studies in Platonism,                             Studies in Platonism,
                      Neoplatonism, and the                             Neoplatonism, and the                             Neoplatonism, and the
                      Platonic Tradition, 24                            Platonic Tradition, 23                            Platonic Tradition, 21

Studies in Hermias’                             Porphyry’s On the Cave                             Plato’s Timaeus and the

Commentary on Plato’s                           of the Nymphs in its                               Missing Fourth Guest
Phaedrus                                        Intellectual Context                               Finding the Harmony of the
Edited by John Finamore, University             K. Nilüfer Akçay, Trinity College Dublin
of Iowa, Christina-Panagiota Manolea,                                                              Donna M. Altimari Adler, University of
Hellenic Open University , and Sarah                                                               St. Mary of the Lake
Klitenic Wear, Franciscan University of                                                                                                                   15

Studies in Hermias’ Commentary on               Neoplatonic allegorical interpretation             In Plato's Timaeus and the Missing Fourth

                                                                                                                                                       BRILL CATALOG 2020
Plato’s Phaedrus is a collection of twelve      expounds how literary texts present                Guest, Donna M. Altimari Adler proposes
essays that consider aspects of Hermias’        philosophical ideas in an enigmatic and            a new Timaeus scale structure. She finds
philosophy, including his notions of the        coded form, offering an alternative path           the harmonic cosmos, mathematically,
soul, logic, and method of exegesis. The        to the divine truths. The Neoplatonist             at 35 A-36 D, regarding the text as a
essays also consider Hermias’ work in the       Porphyry’s On the Cave of the Nymphs is            number generator. Plato's primary number
tradition of Neoplatonism, particularly         one of the most significant allegorical            sequence, she argues, yields a matrix
in relation to the thought of Iamblichus        interpretation handed down to us from              defining a sophisticated harmony of the
and Proclus. The collection grapples with       Antiquity. This monograph, exclusively             spheres. She stresses the Decad as the
the question of the originality of Hermias’     dedicated to the analysis of On the Cave           pattern governing both human perception
commentary—the only extant work of              of Nymphs, demonstrates that Porphyry              and the generation of all things, in the
Hermias—which is a series of lectures           interprets Homer’s verse from Odyssey              Timaeus, including the World Soul and
notes of his teacher, Syrianus.                 13.102-112 to convey his philosophical             musical scale symbolizing it. She precisely
                                                thoughts, particularly on the material             identifies Plato's "fabric" and its locus
                                                world, relationship between soul and               of severance and solves other thorny
                                                body and the salvation of the soul through         problems of textual interpretation.
                                                the doctrines of Plato and Plotinus. The
                                                Homeric cave of the nymphs with two
                                                gates is a station where the souls descend
                                                into genesis and ascend to the intelligible
                                                realm. Porphyry associates Odysseus’ long
                                                wanderings with the journey of the soul
                                                and its salvation from the irrational to
                                                rational through escape from all toils of the
                                                material world.
History of Philosophy: Ancient

                                             February 2020                                   December 2019
                                             Hardback (approx. 250                           Hardback (viii, 539 pp.)                         June 2019
                                             pp.)                                            ISBN 9789004416130                               Paperback (xii, 190 pp.)
                                             ISBN 9789004405035                              Price € 125 / US$ 151                            ISBN 9789004408104
                                             Price € 102 / US$ 123                           E-ISBN 9789004416147                             Price € 115 / US$ 139
                                             E-ISBN 9789004412675                            E-Price € 125 / US$ 151                          Proceedings of the Boston
                                             E-Price € 102 / US$ 122                         Mnemosyne, Supplements,                          Area Colloquium in Ancient
                                             Metaforms, 17                                   429                                              Philosophy, 34

                     Antiquity and                                     The Economics of                                 Proceedings of the Boston
                     Enlightenment Culture                             Friendship                                       Area Colloquium in
                     New Approaches and Perspectives                   Conceptions of Reciprocity in                    Ancient Philosophy
                                                                       Classical Greece                                 Volume XXXIV (2018)
                     Edited by Felicity Loughlin, University
                     of St Andrews, and Alexandre Johnston,            Tazuko Angela van Berkel, University of          Gary M. Gurtler, S.J., Boston College, and
                     Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa                  Leiden                                           Daniel P. Maher, Assumption College

                     This volume explores the place of antiquity       In The Economics of Friendship, Tazuko           Volume 34 contains papers and
                     in Enlightenment Europe. It considers             Angela van Berkel offers an account of           commentaries presented to the
                     the contexts, questions, and agendas that         emerging social theory on reciprocity,           Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient

                     shaped eighteenth-century engagements             philia and charis in the Greek world of the      Philosophy during academic year 2017-
                     with the ancient world, shedding new light        5th and 4th centuries B.C.                       18. Works: Parmenides, Metaphysics, IX.8,
                     on familiar figures and recovering forgotten                                                       Nicomachean Ethics, I.12. Topics: meaning
                     chapters in this European story.                                                                   of “one,” generation and activity, language
                                                                                                                        and techne, Epicurean pity, praising and



                     Investigating Medieval
                     Philosophy                                                             September 2019
                                                                                            Hardback (xviii, 310 pp.)
                                                                                                                                              November 2019
                                                                                                                                              Hardback (x, 398 pp.)
                                                                                            ISBN 9789004408463                                ISBN 9789004408470
                                                                                            Price € 121 / US$ 146                             Price € 138 / US$ 166
                     Managing Editor: John Marenbon,                                        E-ISBN 9789004408777                              E-ISBN 9789004413030
                     Editorial board: Margaret Cameron,                                     E-Price € 121 / US$ 146                           E-Price € 138 / US$ 166
                     Nadja Germann, Simo Knuuttila, Martin                                  Investigating Medieval                            Investigating Medieval
                                                                                            Philosophy, 14                                    Philosophy, 13
                     Lenz, and Christopher J. Martin
                     This series aims to provide a peer-reviewed       Robert Kilwardby’s Science                       Medieval Perceptual
                     forum for very high-quality monographs            of Logic                                         Puzzles
                     and coherent collective volumes on                A Thirteenth-Century Intensional                 Theories of Sense Perception in the
                     medieval philosophy, written in such a
                                                                       Logic                                            13th and 14th Centuries
                     way as to make them comprehensible and
                     interesting to mainstream philosophers and
                     historians of philosophy in Anglophone            Paul Thom, University of Sydney                  Edited by Elena Băltuță, Babeș-Bolyai
                     philosophy departments.                                                                            University

                                                                       Thom interprets Kilwardby’s science              Medieval Perceptual Puzzles: Theories
                     ISSN: 1879-9787        
                                                                       of logic as a logic of intensions with           of Sense Perception in the 13th and 14th
                                                                       its own proof theory and semantics.              Centuries is an anthology of texts offering
                                                                       This comprehensive reconstruction of             an in-depth analysis of Latin medieval
                                                                       Kilwardby’s logic shows the medieval             theories of sense-perception. The volume
                                                                       master to be one of the most interesting         offers historical and systematic approaches
                                                                       logicians of the thirteenth century.             to themes and questions that have shaped
                                                                                                                        the medieval accounts of sense-perception.
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