Physicochemical and ecotoxicological assessment of the fraction of impurities present in washings obtained in ultrafiltration and nanofiltration

Page created by Christine Hughes
Desalination and Water Treatment                                                                          216 (2021) 104–117
      doi: 10.5004/dwt.2021.26849

Physicochemical and ecotoxicological assessment of the fraction of impurities
present in washings obtained in ultrafiltration and nanofiltration

Edyta Łaskawieca,*, Beata Fryczkowskab, Joanna Wyczarska-Kokota, Mariusz Dudziaka
 Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energy, Department of Water and Wastewater Engineering, Silesian University of
Technology, Konarskiego 18, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland, emails: (E. Łaskawiec), (J. Wyczarska-Kokot), (M. Dudziak)
 Faculty of Materials, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Textile and Polymer Materials Engineering,
University of Bielsko-Biala, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland, email:

Received 17 June 2020; Accepted 9 November 2020

                The washings remaining after rinsing the pressure filters in swimming pool facilities constitute a
                stream representing the full array of impurities found in these waters. To separate individual frac-
                tions of these impurities, pressure membrane processes, ultra-, and nanofiltration have been used.
                The washings from water circuits in pools of different intended use and with various impurities were
                analyzed. Six fractions were obtained, with an apparent molar mass of: >200;
E. Łaskawiec et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 216 (2021) 104–117                       105

in pool waters is to use water sources present in the facility,     nitrogen compounds in the pool water and turbidity [30].
for example, deep wells [2]. However, the main factor con-          To assess the content of DBPs, it is essential to determine
tributing to the deterioration of water quality in the pool         the concentration of dissolved organic carbon, which can be
basin and circulation is anthropogenic pollution, which             minimized in the circulation only by diluting the pool water
is introduced directly into the basin. DBPs are formed by           with a dose of fresh tap water [26,31].
the introduction of organic matter by bathers and the con-               Routes of exposure to DBPs may vary depending on the
tinuous process of water chlorination and UV irradiation            nature of the chemical [6]. For example, volatile THMs enter
[2,12,13]. Depending on the sources, it is estimated that           the human body through the respiratory tract and skin,
one bather releases 25–77 mL of urine and 200–1,000 mL of           and their presence has been confirmed in both the alveoli
sweat, which supply the pool water with numerous organic            and blood plasma [32–34]. In contrast, trichloramines and
compounds [6,14].                                                   tribromoamines migrate deep into the body through the
     The concentration and composition of DBPs precursors           skin [6,35]. Direct consumption (also in the form of aero-
related to human body secretions strongly depend on the             sols) and migration into the bloodstream is a characteristic
number of people using the pool basin (this value is usu-           of some chemical compounds, such as HAAs [6,33].
ally given as the number of people per hour or per square                The exposure assessment of compounds present in pool
meter), their hygiene habits, and the purpose of using the          water should include many variables, including the num-
pool (swimming, children, recreational, hot tub, and others)        ber of people in the basin and its cubage, the size of the
[2]. Pool waters have been confirmed to contain not only            swimming pool hall, water temperature, and the efficiency
urea or ammonia, but also uric acid, creatinine, creatine,          of the air circulation process [2,23].
lactic acid, citric acid, hippuric acid, uracil, ornithine, chlo-        Although many of the DBPs in the tested pool water
rides, sulfates, K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Zn2+, and amino acids         samples are present in concentrations below 1 mg/dm3,
– histidine, glycine, cysteine, asparagine, lysine, arginine,       their presence is still harmful to people using the swim-
and guanine [2,15–17]. Furthermore, the excreted urine con-         ming pool [36]. Chloroform contributes to the destruction
tains active ingredients and metabolized products of anal-          of the barrier function of the epidermis in people with sen-
gesics, antibiotics, and cosmetics compounds which also             sitive and/or atopic skin [37]. Moreover, eye irritation or
react with disinfectants [16,18–22].                                irritating smell often smelled during bathing is the effect
     More than 600 DBPs have already been identified in             of chloramines which, contrary to popular belief, are not
pool waters [23,24]. These compounds include various                the most harmful DBPs. The most dangerous effects of
chemical species, such as THMs, haloacetates, HAAs, halo-           DBPs are not noticed in many years of regular bathing.
nitriles, halogenobenzoquinones, chloroacetonitriles, and           Asthma, bladder cancer, and atopic dermatitis are being
halogenamides [2,24]. Therefore, it is necessary to extend          increasingly recognized as risks to the health of pool users
the physicochemical analysis with additional parameters             and facility employees [2,4,38,39]. It has also been con-
that will also allow to assess the potential harmfulness            firmed that microcontaminants of various enzymes, pro-
of DBPs. Furthermore, while determining the quality of              duced as DBPs, lead to the generation of oxidative stress
pool water, it is also essential to analyze the correlation of      in the cells of living organisms [40]. Research in the field
selected parameters.                                                of pool water quality assessment using toxicological tests
     In addition to turbidity, the additional parameters that       have revealed that some of these compounds have geno-
describe the relationship between water quality and the             toxic, cytotoxic, or mutagenic properties [12,36,40]. In this
presence of DBPs include the concentration of dissolved and         regard, contacting with haloacetonitriles poses a higher
total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen, organic nitrogen        risk than contact with THMs [4]. Furthermore, both organic
(considering the importance of urea-containing groups); the         and inorganic UV filter components have been reported
total content of inorganic salts (TDS) and the value of UV          to possess estrogenic and androgenic properties [18].
absorbance measured at 254 nm (UVA254) [25,26]. It should                Physicochemical analysis of washings, which are
also be remembered that the last parameter is not entirely          obtained in the backwashing process of porous filter beds,
selective to impurities from the group of DBPs. However,            may play an essential role in the comprehensive assess-
despite the limitation, the analysis based on UVA254 has            ment of pool water quality. The washings can be treated
been repeatedly used to control the quality of disinfected          as a stream reflecting the full range of pollutant fractions
water. The UV absorbance value is a measure of aroma-               present in the pool water. The washings are characterized
ticity and can be an indicator of the potential for THMs            by a large number of suspension and coagulant residues
and HAA formation in pool water, but it is not a direct             used during treatment [41]. The organic matter in the wash-
determinant of the concentration of DBPs [27].                      ings is primarily concentrated around particles larger than
     The concentration of carbon compounds in pool                  45 µm [41]. A large proportion of the 30 µm fraction, as well
water is directly related to the pool load of the basin and         as nanoparticles of approximately 955 nm in size, were also
the formation of DBPs, especially from precursors asso-             noted [42]. The presence of DBPs, high concentration of free
ciated with secretions of the human body. Therefore, the            chlorine, and pathogenic microorganisms, such as Giardia
concentration of TOC shows a strong correlation with the            lamblia and Cryptosporidium, have also been confirmed
concentration of DBPs in pool water [25,26,28]. The concen-         [42–48]. Less frequent are instances of significant exceed-
tration of THMs, heterocyclic aromatic amines, and HAAs             ance in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total
correlate with the number of bathers in the pool and the            phosphorus concentration [48,49].
concentration of TOC [12,13,29]. The concentration of TOC                One of the possibilities of separating such a diverse
also shows a strong correlation with the concentration of           group of impurities is to perform multistage membrane
106                          E. Łaskawiec et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 216 (2021) 104–117

filtration (membrane fractionation). On the basis of the               Modern ecotoxicological tools offer many possibilities
knowledge about the size of particles present in washings          for extensive analyses, including determining the relation-
and swimming pool water, pressure processes such as                ship in terms of the sensitivity of different organisms to
microfiltration, ultrafiltration, and nanofiltration can be        the same toxic substance.
used for separating impurities [50]. The separated impurity            The present study aimed to perform a comprehensive
fractions in the form of permeate and retentate can be char-       analysis of the quality of washings samples from multi-use
acterized using molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) mem-               swimming pool circuits. A detailed assessment of the quality
branes or by assigning apparent molar mass to describe the         of the washings was determined by means of membrane frac-
fractions of pollutants [51,52].                                   tionation with ultrafiltration and nanofiltration processes.
     High genotoxicity is associated with a low molar mass         It allowed to assess of the physicochemical and ecotoxico-
of DBPs [53–55]. Most DBPs have a molar mass below                 logical quality of raw washings and separated fractions of
1,000 g/mol [12,56]. For example, the fraction above 1,000 g/      impurities.
mol may be only 14%, while the fraction below 200 g/mol
is approximately 30% [12]. However, although lower molar           2. Research materials and experimental methods
mass DBPs often show higher cytotoxicity, the latest reports
also reveal the harmfulness of unregulated high molar mass         2.1. Research objects
pollutants [2,56].                                                      The study investigated washings obtained after washing
     Numerous specialized toxicological analyses have              the filter beds, as well as permeates, obtained from mem-
investigated the effects of DBPs. The use of simple screening      brane fractionation processes, and concentrated retentates.
tests should also be considered as they can reduce costs and       Selected parameters of pool water treatment circuits are
do not require specialized staff to perform them [49,57–59].       presented in Table 1. Washings from the circuits for a swim-
An assessment of pool water and washings quality, including        ming lessons pool (SWP), a hot tub (HT), and a common tod-
the use of ecotoxicology tools, could be such an alternative.      dler pool and hot tub (TP + HT) were analyzed. Each circuit
     Ecotoxicology can be approached comprehensively.              was located in a different facility. All pressure filters had
The effect of the level of contamination on indicator organ-       sand or zeolite multilayer beds with a hydroanthracite layer.
isms is assessed according to the overall response to a                 In all circuits, the water was treated using the follow-
diverse range of toxic or potentially toxic substances in          ing processes: contact coagulation – pressure filtration – pH
terms of chemical nature and concentration. The results of         correction (sulfuric acid) – disinfection (sodium hypochlo-
these analyses may be inferred in terms of risks posed by the      rite, produced in the membrane electrolysis process).
contact of the toxicant with the environment [60].                      The washings were collected immediately after the
     The group of organisms used in ecotoxicological analyses      facilities were closed. The beds were rinsed in plastic canis-
includes bacteria, plants and animals. The classifications         ters without leaving an air gap. The samples were analyzed
of ecotoxicological quality (or ecotoxicity classification)        in the morning for selected physicochemical parameters
consider toxic effects in terms of toxicity units (TU) or          described in section 2.2 (physicochemical analysis).
percentages by referring to reference samples (without
the analyzed toxicant) and the level of significance of the        2.2. Physicochemical analysis
results. Most of these types of classification relate their val-
ues to the results obtained in more than one biotest using             An analysis of selected physicochemical parameters
different organisms [60–63].                                       of raw and fractionated washings was performed. The pH
     The first of the commercial biotests, which was based         and redox potential were determined by the potentiomet-
on miniaturization, speed, and simplicity of performance           ric method, while the conductivity was determined by
was the luminescence inhibition test of lyophilized bacte-         conductometry (multiparameter meter inoLab® 740/WTW,
ria Aliivibrio fischeri [64]. A decrease in the amount of light    measuring and analytical technical equipment, (Wroclaw,
emitted (inhibition of bioluminescence) implies a slowdown         Poland)). The turbidity of the samples was determined
in metabolic processes and is an indicator of the relative         using a portable device turbidimeter TN-100/EUTECH
toxicity of the test sample. Compounds present in the sam-         Instruments (Waltham, USA). The absorbance of the fil-
ples can also stimulate metabolism, thereby resulting in           tered samples was determined using a single beam spec-
increased light output [62,65,66]. Most of the tested toxicants    trophotometer (UV VIS Cecil 1000, Analytik Jena AG, Jena,
show similar sensitivity towards higher organisms, includ-         Germany). The free and total chlorine and potassium con-
ing crustaceans and fish [67,68].                                  centrations were determined colorimetrically using cuvette

Table 1
Characteristics of pool circuits and sources of washings for membrane fractionation

Pool                   Symbol       Pool capacity      Number of       Filter diameter     Filter bed type
                                    (m3)               filters         (mm)
Swimming               SWP          121.10             2               1,250
                                                                                           Sand multilayer with hydroanthracite
Hot tub                HT           3.70               1               2,000
Toddler + hot tub      TP+HT        24.90 + 4.00       1               1,800               Zeolite multilayer with hydroanthracite
E. Łaskawiec et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 216 (2021) 104–117                             107

tests. Nitrates, ammonium nitrogen, total nitrogen, sulfur,         (MWCO) to separate selected fractions of impurities pres-
COD, cyanuric acid, phenol index, aluminum, and adsorb-             ent in raw washings. Several membrane filtrations were
able organic halogens (AOX) were determined spectro-                performed in a multistage (dead-end) system. The diagram
photometrically (UV-VIS Spectroquant® Pharo 300, Merck,             of the continuous processes is shown in Fig. 1. Filtration
Dramstadt, Germany). The concentration of TOC was deter-            was performed in a 380 mL filtration cell equipped with
mined by catalytic combustion (TOC-L series, Shimadzu,              a magnetic stirrer at a constant temperature of 20°C; the
Kyoto, Japan).                                                      active filtration surface of the membrane was 38.5 cm2.
                                                                    The membrane filtration tests were performed in the fol-
2.3. Ecotoxicological assessment                                    lowing sequence: membrane conditioning with deionized
                                                                    water – washings filtration – membrane rinsing (in the
    Toxicity analysis was performed using the screening test        direction of filtration) and, at every stage: UF I – UF II – NF.
procedure of the MicrotoxOmni System in the Microtox®               Transmembrane pressure was 0.2 and 1.0 MPa in ultrafil­
Model 500 (Tigret) analyzer, which acts as both an incu-            tration and nanofiltration processes, respectively (Fig. 1).
bator and a photometer. Percent inhibition relative to the              Selected ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membranes
untreated toxicant control in pool water samples and/or             with different separation capacities were used to separate
washings was measured after 5 and 15 min of exposure time.          the impurity fraction. Table 3 presents the characteristics of
The effect of toxicity was defined as the percentage inhibi-        the membranes. Separated fractions of impurities with dif-
tion of bioluminescence of A. fischeri (E, %). The results of       ferent apparent molar masses were subjected to physico­
toxic effect values were used for an exposure time of 15 min.       chemical and ecotoxicological assessment.
    The ecotoxicological tests of the samples were repeated
every time and in triplicate.
                                                                    2.5. Membrane imaging following membrane
    Due to the high sensitivity of the method and significant
                                                                    fractionation processes
values of the standard deviation, it was decided to carry
out the test using the second indicator organism.                       The stability of membrane materials and the degree of
    The toxicity assessment of the tested pool water sam-           their contamination were assessed by imaging using the
ples was also based on the mortality test for the crustacean        scanning electron microscopy (SEM), tj. JSM 5500LV (JEOL,
larvae A. salina. The organisms were obtained from a test           Japan) at the Institute of Textile and Polymer Materials
culture conducted according to the methods based on the             Engineering of the University of Bielsko-Biała. This stage
experiments presented in the literature [69,70]. The studies        was to assess the share of negative phenomena during
were performed at the second/third stage of larvae develop-         the fractionation of pool water, which could contribute to
ment, which is considered to be most sensitive to toxicants         distorting the results of the analyses.
[70]. The analyzed samples were added to the test wells, and
10 larvae were then introduced into the wells. The number
                                                                    2.6. Additional tools for analysis of results
of dead and/or immobilized organisms was determined
after 24 and 48 h of incubation. The toxicity effect E was             Analysis of physicochemical results was based on the
calculated for each sample of the tested pool water and             data analysis package in Microsoft Excel. Average values
the control sample constituting a brine solution for crusta-        (M), standard deviation (SD), and correlation coefficient (r)
cean farming. The results of toxic effect values were used          were calculated.
for an exposure time of 48 h. All biotests were performed
after assessing the chlorine concentration in the samples           3. Results and discussion
(total chlorine ≤ 0.1 mg Cl2/L). The ecotoxicological tests
of the samples were repeated every time and in triplicate.          3.1. Physicochemical quality of the fractionated washings
    Toxicity effect (E, %) for the biotests was determined
                                                                        Pool water quality is constantly monitored for chem-
from the following relationship: E = (100·(EK – ET))/EK,
                                                                    ical and organic impurities. The basic physicochemical
where EK is the observed effect for the control sample and
                                                                    para­meters of the pool water are measured several times
ET is the observed effect for the test sample (raw washings,
                                                                    a day or are monitored in a continuous manner. However,
permeate, and retentate).
                                                                    raw washings are usually treated as wastewater and intro-
    The results were related to the duration of observation
                                                                    duced into the sewage system despite the fact that the
in a given test. A system used to classify toxicity was based
                                                                    water quality of raw washings generally reflects the water
on the amount of the observed effect of toxicity (E) induced
in the indicator organism [62,63]. The toxicity classification
used in the interpretation of the results is one of the standard
ones. It enables assigning the obtained results to a specific       Table 2
class proving a toxic effect or no toxicity. Toxicity classes       Toxicity classification system [63,64]
with the corresponding percentages are given in Table 2.
                                                                     E, %                                              Toxicity class

2.4. Determination of the apparent molar mass by
108                          E. Łaskawiec et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 216 (2021) 104–117

quality in the entire system [32,47,49]. According to our            the temperature, presence of contaminants, or its transport.
results, the raw washings collected from the selected pool           Furthermore, pH of the pool water in turn affects the effi-
water treatment systems were characterized by a similar              ciency of the coagulation process and the rate and efficiency
water quality (Table 4). The pH of the raw washings ranged           of the disinfection process [1].
between 6.82 and 7.36, and its lowest level was recorded                 In this study, the specific conductivity of the raw wash-
for the samples collected from the swimming pool system              ings ranged from 868.72 µS/cm (common TP + HT circula-
(Table 4). It is noteworthy that pH of the pool water is an          tion, multi-layer filter with a zeolite layer) to 1,102.00 µS/
important indicator of the water quality as it shows the use         cm (SWP circulation and multi-layer sand filter). The
of disinfectants and the formation of DBPs. It is assumed            specific conductivity value provides information regard-
that high usage of disinfectants is a result of incorrectly          ing the total content of inorganic salts in the raw wash-
conducted filtration process, which often manifests itself           ings, including the proportion of contaminants that are
into high pH of the pool water (above 7.8). Thus, it is possi-       of anthropogenic origin. The redox potential of the raw
ble to reduce the usage of DBPs with an efficient filtration         washings ranged between 286 and 652 mV (Table 4),
of the pool water (optimum pH should be in the range of              and it is recommended that this value should be close to
7.2–7.4), when the coagulation is conducted on a contin-             750 mV for pool water [72]. The control of this parameter
uous basis [1,71]. The pH of the pool water circulating in           is extremely important from the point of view of the rate
the system undergoes fluctuations due to the changes in              of destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. It is assumed
                                                                     that the risk of bacteriological contamination of water
                                                                     decreases with the increase of the redox potential from
                                                                     770 to 800 mV. Moreover, a large amount of disinfectant
                                                                     and a small amount of contamination translate into a high
                                                                     value of the redox potential [47]. It is recommended that the
                                                                     redox potential should be close to 800 mV [47].
                                                                         Furthermore, the following factors facilitate the forma-
                                                                     tion of DBPs due to their relationship with contaminants
                                                                     of anthropogenic origin: DOC and TOC, respectively, total
                                                                     nitrogen, organic nitrogen (taking into account the impor-
                                                                     tance of the units present in urea), potassium, combined
                                                                     chlorine, and the absorbance value at 254 nm (UV254) [1,3–
                                                                     7,25,26]. However, it should be noted that the absorbance
                                                                     value of the raw washings does not entirely reflect the level
                                                                     of DBPs present in the water. Generally, disinfected water
                                                                     quality control is assumed based on the absorbance value
                                                                     at 254 nm. The absorbance value at this wavelength is a
                                                                     measure of aromaticity and it may be the indicator of the
                                                                     potential of formation of THMs and HAAs in pool water.
                                                                     However, it is not a direct determinant of the concentration
                                                                     of DBPs [69].
                                                                         During the disinfection, some chlorine is used to destroy
                                                                     the bacteria, some to oxidize the organic compounds, some
                                                                     remain unbound, and the rest form chloramines (analyzed
                                                                     in terms of the bound chlorine parameter) by combin-
                                                                     ing with ammonium nitrogen. Maintaining the concen-
                                                                     tration of bound chlorine at a low level is a big problem
                                                                     for many objects under analysis [8].
                                                                         One of the indicators of pollution associated with
                                                                     physical activity in swimming pool water may be the
                                                                     measurement of potassium concentration. It is estimated
                                                                     that as much as 90% of potassium in the human body is
Fig. 1. Membrane fractionation process for raw washings [72].        excreted in the urine (the average value is 100 mmol/d) [73].

Table 3
Membrane characteristics according to the manufacturer’s data

 Process           Membrane symbol              Manufacturer                 Membrane material                        MWCO, Da
                   (V5) YMV53001                Synder filtration™           Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)           200,000
                   (V3) YMV33001                Synder filtration™           PVDF                                     30,000
 NF                (NF90) YMNF903001            DOW FILMTEC™                 Polyamide-TFC*                           200–300
*TFC: thin film composite.
E. Łaskawiec et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 216 (2021) 104–117                             109

Table 4
Physicochemical data of raw washings

Parameter, unit                                                                          Pool water cycle
                                                              SWP                             HT                         TP + HT
pH, –                                                         6.82                            7.36                       7.20
Conductivity, µS/cm                                           1,102.00                        966.80                     868.72
Redox potential, mV                                           286                             652                        429
Turbidity, NTU                                                37.00                           21.00                      11.00
Absorbance UVA254 (filtered samples), m−1                     16.90                           14.20                      8.20
Free chlorine, mg Cl2/L                                       0.42                            0.36                       0.28
Total chlorine, mg Cl2/L                                      0.96                            0.85                       0.69
Potassium, mg K/L                                             4.80                            3.80                       4.10
Nitrates, mg NO3−/L                                           3.50                            3.10                       2.80
Ammonium nitrogen, mg N–NH4/L                                 0.20                            0.10                       0.20
Total nitrogen, mg N/L                                        8.20                            7.50                       8.00
Sulfur, mg SO42–/L                                            96                              92                         98
COD, mg O2L                                                   25                              >15                        >15
Cyanuric acid, mg C3H3N3O3/L                                  4.10                            3.50                       4.00
Phenol index, mg C6H6O/L                                      0.48                            0.32                       0.42
Aluminum, mg Al/L                                             0.70                            0.64                       0.71
AOX, mg Cl/L                                                  2.92                            2.84                       2.17
TOC, mg C/L                                                   8.15                            2.55                       5.95
SWP: swimming pool water; HT: hot tub; TP: toddler pool; NTU: nephelometric turbidity units; COD: chemical oxygen demand;
AOX: adsorbable organic halogens; TOC: total organic carbon.

The concentration of potassium ions in the collected              parameters point to the contribution of the contaminants
samples ranged from 3.80 to 4.80 mg K/L.                          of anthropogenic origin and coagulation products in the
    A relatively low concentration of nitrogen compounds          washings (high turbidity and residual aluminum). The pres-
was also noted in the tested samples [48].                        ence of cyanuric acid in the samples is also associated with
    Among the parameters specified in Table 4, one                the use of coagulants in the swimming pool facilities [77,78].
needs to pay attention to the TOC content, which ranges
between 2.55 mg C/L (HT) and 8.15 mg C/L (SWP;                    3.2. Physicochemical characteristics of the selected
Table 5). The values obtained are relatively low, considering
                                                                  contaminant fractions in the washings
the concentrations recorded in the source data (3–125 mg
C/dm3) [2,74]. Furthermore, the level of AOX may consti-              For each contaminant, 12 filtration cycles were con-
tute an indirect assessment of low-molecular compounds            ducted. Figs. 2a and b show values of the mean concen­
in the sample, which provides information about the               tration of TOC and the mean total concentration of AOX.
genotoxic potential of the analyzed pool water [75].                  The TOC content in the fraction containing compounds
    According to the results, after the coagulation process       with high apparent molecular weight (>200 kDa) differed
was conducted on the raw washings, there was a great              depending on the origin of the washing; the highest and
amount of residue left behind. Turbidity of the raw wash-         the lowest levels of TOC were recorded for SWP and HT
ings ranged from 11 NTU (TP + HT) to 37 NTU (SWP),                samples (7.87 ± 0.79 and 2.25 ± 0.17 mg C/L, respectively)
which was mainly caused by the presence of disintegrated          (Fig. 2a). The level of AOX in the fraction containing
flocculent particles stemming from the coagulation process.       compounds with molecular weight >200 kDa was simi-
In addition, the level of aluminum that remained after the        lar in all the tested samples (2.85 ± 0.17, 2.51 ± 0.15, and
coagulation process was in the range of 0.64–0.71 mg Al/L         2.23 ± 0.10 mg Cl/L for SWP, HT, and TP + HT, respectively).
(Table 4).                                                        The first stage of ultrafiltration (UF), resulted in a concen-
    The quality of raw washings depends on a range of fac-        trated retentate (a fraction with apparent molecular weight
tors, such as length of the filtration cycle, type and num-       >200 kDa) with colloids, macromolecular compounds, and
ber of filters, rinsing method, quality of the supplied water,    post-coagulation sediments [79,80]. However, the treated
the technology used, and hydraulic conditions of the pool         permeate that was separated (a fraction with apparent
[47]. Moreover, their quality varies during rinsing, with the     molecular weight 200 kDa was 0.76, 0.34, and 0.57 NTU respectively for SWP,
from the swimming pool. The values of the physicochemical         HT, and TP + HT systems. UV absorbance at 254 nm for this
110                          E. Łaskawiec et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 216 (2021) 104–117

fraction ranged between 2.16 (HT) and 0.41 m−1 (TP + HT).          with 30 kDa–300 Da apparent molecular weight, an increase
The fraction containing compounds with molecular weight            in the level of TOC was observed for all the tested sam-
E. Łaskawiec et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 216 (2021) 104–117                        111

Furthermore, the TOC content showed strong correlation                value and turbidity were found for fractions 200 kDa molecular weight (especially for                     Analysis of the individual fractions obtained from
the washings from the swimming pool system) (Figs. 3a–f).             membrane filtration should take the structure of the uti-
However, no correlation between TOC and absorbance                    lized membrane into account. The filtration was performed

    (a)                                                        (b)

   (c)                                                         (d)

   (e)                                                         (f )

Fig. 3. Correlation of the selected physicochemical parameters in contaminant fraction with >200 kDa, for washings from the
swimming pool system: (a) total organic carbon (TOC) and UVA254, (b) TOC and turbidity; hot tub: (c) TOC-UVA254, (d) TOC-turbid-
ity; common system for toddler pool and hot tub: (e) TOC-UVA254, (f) TOC-turbidity.
112                       E. Łaskawiec et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 216 (2021) 104–117

               (a)                                              (b)

               (c)                                               (d)


Fig. 4. Scanning electron microscopic images of ultra- and nano-filtration (UF and NF, respectively) membranes used in
the process of membrane fractionation UF-I (V5) YMV53001 (MWCO = 200 kDa): (a) after conditioning, (b) after filtration,
UF-II (V3) YMV33001 (MWCO = 30 kDa), (c) after conditioning, (d) after filtration; NF (NF 90) YMNF903001 (200–300 Da):
(e) after conditioning, (f) after filtration.
E. Łaskawiec et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 216 (2021) 104–117                        113

in the dead-end flow, where the stream flows perpendic-             weight ranging from 200–30 kDa to
114                           E. Łaskawiec et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 216 (2021) 104–117




Fig. 5. Comparison of washings toxicity from systems: (a) swimming pool (SWP), (b) hot tub (HT), and (c) common circulation of
toddler pool and hot tub (TP + HT, respectively).

      that there was a significant share of halogenated organic         respectively. None of the analyzed samples showed any
      compounds.                                                        toxic effects.
•     The relationship between the function/type of circulation     •   No significant correlation was found between TOC con-
      and the concentration of TOC was demonstrated, with               centration and turbidity or absorbance in UVA254 ultra-
      the highest concentrations of TOC being in the samples            violet. This is important information because the value
      taken from the swimming pool, and the lowest in the hot           of ultraviolet absorbance is often equated with the
      tub. The use of ultra- and nanofiltration membranes with          concentration of DBPs.
      various resolution properties allowed for the isolation of    •   There was no link between the increased level of TOC
      permeates and retentates from apparent molar masses:              and the increased toxic effect.
E. Łaskawiec et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 216 (2021) 104–117                                      115

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