Page created by Helen Ramirez

100% ON-CAMPUS -

College Operations Guide for Faculty and Staff:
Post-COVID Phase VI

Clickable Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................4
WORKING ON CAMPUS ...................................................................................................................... 5
ACCESS TO THE COLLEGE ...................................................................................................................5
Wearing of a Mask – Faculty and Staff .............................................................................................. 5
Wearing of a Surgical Mask - Students .............................................................................................. 6
Health Issues ......................................................................................................................................6
EMERGENCY PROTOCOL .................................................................................................................... 7
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................7
Laptops for Faculty and Staff .............................................................................................................7
   Returning Computers, Furniture or Accessories ...........................................................................7
Information Security .......................................................................................................................... 8
COURSES DURING PHASE VI - FALL SEMESTER ..................................................................................8
Course Modalities .............................................................................................................................. 8
IT Support for Students ...................................................................................................................... 8
Regular Academic Activities and College Operations ........................................................................9
College and Academic Policies ...........................................................................................................9
Continuing Education ......................................................................................................................... 9
SERVICES ..........................................................................................................................................10
Financial Services ............................................................................................................................. 10
Human Resource Services ................................................................................................................10
Information Technology (IT) ............................................................................................................10
   Octopus for IT Help Tickets ..........................................................................................................10
Student Services ............................................................................................................................... 10
Communications .............................................................................................................................. 11
   Strategy and Planning Services ....................................................................................................11
   Media and Marketing Services ....................................................................................................11
   VTV Services .................................................................................................................................11
Web Services ................................................................................................................................ 11
   Social Media Services ................................................................................................................... 12
QUESTIONS ......................................................................................................................................12
Hello Everyone,

I hope you were able to take some well-deserved vacation over the past few months and feel somewhat
rejuvenated as we commence the Fall 2021 semester.

The Quebec Government recently updated the restrictions to allow for the implementation of Plan A for
the Fall semester. As we enter Phase VI of the pandemic (Fall 2021), we will be able to commence in-
person learning and activities on a college-wide basis for the first time since March 2020.

The fact that we can commence the semester in-person is welcome news; however, we must continue to
be vigilant and practice the highest standards of safety. We are hopeful that we will be able to maintain
Plan A the entire semester, but we will be working closely with the Ministry and the health authorities to
monitor the evolution of the pandemic and, if necessary, adjust our operations.

Please refer to this Guide to fully understand all aspects of Phase VI including the restrictions and
requirements that apply to staff and students. Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask
your immediate supervisor.

I would like to thank each of you once again for your perseverance and dedication to Vanier and its
students during this extremely difficult period. The fall semester will be challenging but we will address
those challenges as a community and with the same resilience and commitment demonstrated over the
past 18 months.

Have a wonderful, safe semester.


John McMahon
Director General
During Phase VI – beginning the week of August 23rd -- all faculty and staff are expected to
be back on campus, fulltime. Any requests to work remotely for medical reasons must be
submitted to the Human Resources Department as well as to your immediate supervisor.

Filling out the COVID Access Form is no longer necessary, nor is scanning your Vanier ID card to
access a building. However, we ask that symptomatic people remain home and report to security
at and their immediate supervisor. Please use the COVID online
assessment tool if you are unsure and follow the directives given based on your situation:

All entrances will be open.

Disinfecting your hands upon entering a building and using a surgical mask is still mandatory.
Please see the section on masks for more information on where to obtain a surgical mask.
However, when outdoors, wearing a mask is not required if physical distancing is respected.

Step-and-Pull devices are installed on washroom doors to minimize contact with handles.

Plexiglas sheets remain installed at service points such as the Student Services Offices,
Registrar, the library, the Sport Complex counter, etc.

There is no longer a restriction on the number of people allowed in an elevator at any one time.

As always, study space and computers are available to students. All club rooms, music practice
rooms, etc. that were previously off limits are once more accessible, some with capacity
limitations to ensure one-meter distancing can be respected.

Wearing of a Mask – Faculty and Staff
Based on current CNESST protocols, those individuals sharing an office must be able to
maintain a distance of two (2) meters in order to remove their masks. However, if a distance
of two meters cannot be maintained, then a surgical mask must be worn as per CNESST

Procedural masks will be provided at all entrances and departments will also have access to
them. There will be masks available at the Deans’ offices for faculty and departments will
also keep an inventory.

Teachers can remove their masks to teach, provided they are static in front of the class and
are able to keep a two (2) meter distance with others. Teachers and technicians in
laboratories must keep the surgical mask on.

Since wearing a mask is not possible when eating, you must maintain a distance of two
metres from others while doing so.

If your department requires masks, please fill-out an Octopus request to maintenance and
service – maintenance request – delivery, with the quantity needed. Allow 48 hours for
Plexiglass has been installed in service points and locations where an employee interacts
with the public or students. When behind the physical barrier, you can remove your mask,
provided you are also physically distant from the people on the other side of the plexiglass.
Physical barriers will not be installed in shared offices or where physical distancing is
possible. The configuration of some rooms does not allow for the installation of plexiglass.
In this circumstance, employees are to wear a surgical mask whenever two-meter distancing
cannot be respected.

Please note that the following measures should still be respected:
• Hand washing
• Respecting physical distancing
• Isolation at home if you are sick

Wearing of a Surgical Mask - Students
Procedural masks must be worn at all times by students while inside the College, including
in classrooms and labs. They will be available at entrances for students.

While no physical distancing will be required in classrooms, a one (1)-meter distance must be
maintained in all common areas. In certain cases, such as in the fitness room, the cafeteria or in
singing courses, a two (2)-meter distance has to be maintained.

However, two-meter distancing will be required in specific cases: in gyms, between tables and
seats in eating areas and for some activities such as singing classes. In such instances, the
mask can be removed.

In common areas, a one-meter distance should be maintained between students when

Health Issues
Employees who have a medical condition that prevents them from wearing a surgical mask on
Vanier College’s grounds must make an appointment to meet with the Director of Human
Resources, via

Employees must have validated that their medical condition corresponds to the exceptions
covered by the exemption and will need to complete and sign a Medical Declaration Document
certifying that the information provided in the declaration is true. Please note that a false
declaration could result in disciplinary measures from the College and could expose you to legal

With the completed and duly signed Medical Declaration Form, when on the premises of Vanier
College, you agree to have in your possession a copy of the signed document, and you
acknowledge and agree to produce that document if asked by a member of the Vanier College

If you have a medical condition that would require any other accommodation, please contact
your human resources representative.
An emergency protocol has been put in place in the event that someone from the Vanier
Community gets infected with COVID-19 (see Appendix A).

If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms while at the College, we ask you to leave the
premises and go home. Please send an email to the Vanier Security at and call the Health Authorities at 514-644-4545. We also ask that
you email security if you start experiencing flu-like symptoms when at home or away from the
College and/or if you have been in contact with someone who started experiencing symptoms or
was diagnose with COVID-19.

Please note that you can use the Self-assessment Tool provided by Santé Québec in order to
determine whether you need to get tested. If you have any questions regarding your situation,
please email and wait for a response prior to coming on campus.

If you test positive for COVID-19, you must let security know by sending an email at and the College will activate the emergency protocol with the
tracing procedure. The areas identified as being where the infected person was will be closed
and disinfected. The people identified as being close contacts (medium and high risk) will be
contacted individually by the College and requested to self-isolate and call the health authorities.
You have the duty and responsibility to share information about the details of the few days prior
to your first symptoms or test with the school representative and public health authorities. Failing
to answer honestly or withholding information may result in disciplinary measures from the
College. Update messages will be sent to the community throughout the process.

Please note that if you are not contacted individually, you will not be requested to quarantine.
The contact information of the people identified as low and moderate risk will be shared with the
health authorities. If you are identified as a moderate risk contact, will need to follow the health
authorities’ instructions.

The College reserves the rights to ask someone to remain away from the College under certain
circumstances, even if the person is cleared to resume activities by the health authorities. For
instructions on home isolation, click here.

For a list of testing centres, click here.

Laptops for Faculty and Staff
All laptops must be returned as soon as possible. Also, please return to the office any
equipment or furniture you may have brought home.

To return borrowed equipment, please follow the instructions below.

Returning Computers, Furniture or Accessories

Simply bring your equipment back to the IT Center in D-145. Return your furniture to your office
and advise your supervisor that you have done so.

Anyone not specifically authorized to primarily work from outside the College must return the
equipment previously borrowed under the COVID Lending Program.
Information Security
The standards to protect information and computer assets are evolving quickly. The College
must deploy MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) in order to fully protect our data and systems.

The current date of activation for students is August 25th; until then their account will work with
the credentials already provided to them. Students were advised to pay close attention to their
MIOs for the instructions on how to activate MFA on their College accounts.

More information and detailed procedures for students will follow on Omnivox. They can contact
the helpdesk for support as of August 25th.

Please note that this is mandatory and students will not be able to access their accounts
if this is not done. Again, please refer them to the helpdesk if this happens.

MFA will be deployed to faculty and staff in the week of September 20th and specific instructions
will be provided in in advance.

Emergency stages have ended and after spending over a year in the Transition stage, we are
now in Stage 4 (resuming regular activities). Our goal is to maximize presence on campus to
allow students to meet the learning objectives set for them and to provide an environment that
supports their success.

To address this aim, implement approaches to create relationships, a sense of belonging and a
caring environment for students. A crucial element of the pedagogical relationship and the
learning process is frequent feedback.

For all the information on ensuring academic continuity, the Academic Continuity Plan is
available online at the Faculty Hub.

Course Modalities
With Plan A in place, all courses are Traditional (TR). Traditional courses require in-person
attendance as per the schedule. Students will meet with teachers on campus on the specified
days and times.

This modality applies to regular classes and labs.

IT Support for Students
Below are ways for students to access computers and related equipment.

Purchasing a laptop. Since the needs may differ depending on the program, students who
want to purchase a laptop should review the IT recommendations available here:

Financial support for purchasing a laptop. If students need information on the various
financial aid options, they can contact the Financial Aid Office: services/financial-aid-office

Use of computer labs. Resource rooms will be available; you can find them at:
Library. The Library lends students laptops (for the day) as well as Wacom tablets and
webcams (each for three weeks). To be fair to all students and to ensure the needed access to
technology, the computers available in the resource rooms or lent out by the Learning Commons
are prioritized to:
        • Students who do not have access to a computer at home;
        • Students who have limited access to a computer at home;
        • Students who have a computer that may need an upgrade and is not adequate for
             course work

Please remember that apart from a day loan, the College will not be lending laptops to students.

Regular Academic Activities and College Operations
Following the College closure on March 13, 2020, many college dossiers were put on hold
during the pandemic to prioritize academic continuity and student success. As activities
transition back to normal, we must collectively work on pursuing important College priorities
that in the long term will affect students, staff and the College.

College policies will apply as usual for Fall 2021, except for the planned transition semester
for the implementation of IPESA. Committees and departments are expected to work as
usual during the 2021-2022 academic year. Academic Priorities have been established and
shared at Academic Council. They will be shared again with all at the beginning of the fall

Departments and Program committees are also expected to follow annual timelines for the
application of the Program Management Policy, work plans and consultations.

Multiple training sessions are planned for the fall. Employees and departments should plan
time for these. They include, but not limited to:
        • Consultation on the Space deficit project, including the new building
        • Sexual violence prevention training
        • Emergency protocols training
        • Sensitivity; Equity, Diversity and Inclusion or anti-racism training lines for the
            application of the Program Management Policy, workplans and consultations.

College and Academic Policies
Some College policies may require adjustments to this plan. For the academic sector, please see
the new IPESA, including the annex on the Institutional Standards for the use of Webcams. There
are also two newly updated IT policies: the Information Security Policy and the Acceptable Use of
Information Technology, Computing Resources and Computer Facilities Policy.

Continuing Education
The Continuing Education team will provide students and teachers with specific information for
Attestation (ACS) and DCS programs on the teaching methods that will be offered. The team of
pedagogical counsellors, in collaboration with teachers, will analyze the program and course
content and communicate to the students how courses will be offered during the 2021-22
academic year.

Three options will be suggested: traditional (TR) (100% on campus), blended (BL) and online
(OL). For the online mode, portions of the course will be done synchronously, and other
portions will be done asynchronously. For blended courses, some portions of the course will be
offered in class or in a lab, and the rest will be online.
Financial Services
All services offered to the community by the Finance Department will be performed at the
College. The counter will be open.

Human Resource Services
As of the Fall 2021 semester, all services to faculty and staff will be available in person. Drop-in
services will be available.

For details as to whom to contact for what services, please follow this link:

Information Technology (IT)
Vanier College IT Support Services offers urgent or immediate remote support for staff and
faculty. This is web-based video conferencing tool with a local, desktop client and a mobile app
that allows users to meet online, with or without video. Click the link below:

Hours of operation:

Monday to Friday

9:00 am – 4:00 pm EST

Octopus for IT Help Tickets

A reminder that all IT support requests need to be submitted via Octopus as this ensures that
we properly track and help you:

Student Services
Counter service in Student Services (C-203) reopened as of August 3, 2021. All services and
activities are available in-person. A grid describing each service and provides contact information
may be found here, and on the Student Hub of the Vanier website.

Activities for athletic teams will adhere to current directives and restrictions. The government
announced that extracurricular activities for students and sports will be “only available to students
who have been appropriately vaccinated.”

Visit Vanier Student Services for more information.
Communications will continue to deliver the following services, in person and on campus.

Strategy and Planning Services

•   Developing communication plans and strategies to support the strategic orientations of the
•   Overseeing the organization of major College events.
•   Editing and proofing documents and presentations
•   High school visits (presence at high schools – depends how the guidance counsellors
    plan their events; might be online)
•   Organizing events
•   Arranging Student-for-a-Day visits
•   Managing the Vanier Open House

Media and Marketing Services

•   Planning and implementing activities pertaining to media, public relations, publicity (both
    internal and external), advertising and marketing
•   Advising on the marketing and branding of the College and specific programs
•   Writing and distributing news releases and internal releases
•   Publishing Intercom
•   Meeting with and interviewing various persons or students as they relate to news items
    and media releases
•   Assisting with internal and/or external publicity for various events, activities or
•   Advising on and coordinating advertising and marketing of programs and events.

VTV Services

•   Planning and coordinating videos
•   Writing scripts
•   Coaching and mentoring students
•   Editing videos
•   Managing the VTV YouTube account, monitoring activity, providing support to
    departments and programs
•   Filming at events
•   Interviewing teachers/students/guests

Web Services

•   Updating department/program websites
•   Creating new website
•   Creating and testing new plugins
•   E-mail marketing
•   SEO for all websites
•   Preparing reports for marketing campaigns
•   Setting up forms; preparing new forms
•   Finding new services to add to our platform (by request)
•   Adding events to the events manager platform; overseeing event calendar posts,
    adding/changing events
•   Advising staff/faculty on what new features they need and implement it on the website
•   Website updates, analysis, research, design
•   Resolving technical issues
•   Training on WordPress, Omnivox
•   Developing guidelines
•   Preparing digital displays to be shown on campus

Social Media Services

•   Monitoring activity, additions/changes of information on Omnivox
•   Managing social media accounts, monitoring activity, providing support to departments
    and events
•   Online promotion

Should you have questions about any aspect of this guide please contact your director
or dean. You may also send questions to
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