Page created by Cheryl Ayala
                ANGLING SOCIETY
                   2021 - 2022

              MEMBERS HANDBOOK
Sinah Lake

We must keep on
 protecting each other.

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COMMITTEE MEMBERS                                                                            CONTENTS

Chairman:                                   Barrie Pascoe                 07419 365757         General Water Rules                                       4
Vice Chairman:                              Jim Tann                      07864 144129         Abshot Pond, Titchfield. PO14 4LN                        26
Secretary:                                  Nicky Woods                   07340 211549         Alver Valley Lake, Gosport. PO13 9PA                     28
Treasurer:                                  Ian Snook                     07899 361999         Baffins Pond, Portsmouth. PO3 6HU                        30
Membership:                                 membership@portsmouthdas.club                      Brockhurst Moat, Gosport. PO12 4BJ                       32
Fisheries Officer:                          Steve Mottershead              07801 759479        Brownwich Pond, Titchfield. PO14 4HG                     34
Assistant Fisheries Officer:                Mark Davies                   07950 475288         Carron Row Farm, Titchfield. PO15 5DZ                    36
Grant Officer:                              Bob Mann                      07531 193138         Funtley Pond, Nr Fareham. PO17 5EP                       38
Charity Co-ordinator:                       Stephen Foster                07837 173236         River Hamble, Near Botley. SO32 2DA                      40
Deputy Disciplinary Chairman: Ade Batten                                  07851 662643         Lakeside 1000, Cosham. PO6 3EW                           42
Media Officer:                              David Le Gresley              07944 917293         Sinah Lake, Hayling Island. PO11 0BX                     46
Match Sec:                                  James Stokes                  07590 040945
                                                                                               Soake Pond, Denmead. PO7 6JA                             48
                                                                                               Stanbridge Ponds & River Rother, Petersfield. GU31 5RB   52
                        The Annual General Meeting
                                                                                               Tithe Barn (Top Lake) Titchfield. PO15 5RD               54
                                      To Be Held at
                        18th November 2021, 7:00pm
                                                                                               Tithe Barn (Bottom/Middle Lakes) Titchfield. PO15 5RD    56
                    Room 4, Buckland Community Centre                                          River Wallington. PO17 6LZ                               58
                Mallins Road, Buckland, Portsmouth. PO2 7BL
                                                                                               River Wallington, Pitymoor Lane                          60
                              NOTICE OF MOTIONS
                                                                                               Match Fixtures for 2020                                  62
  Section 9.3.2 of the Constitution, requires motions to be submitted in
  writing to the Hon. Secretary 21 days before the date of the meeting.                        Club Coaching/Junior Events                              64
                               Trophy Presentation                                             Guest Tickets                                            65
                                                                                               Exchange Books                                           66
General Disclaimer:
Members use the clubs waters, car parks and associated facilities (including fishing           Record of Captures                                       67
stations and steps) at their own risk. The club will not accept liability for any accidents,
loss, or damage incurred.                                                                      EMERGENCY CONTACTS                                       69
The club does not offer refunds on memberships which have been cancelled for any reason.
For further Health & safety see www.portsmouthdas.club/health-safety
                                              2                                                                               3
CLUB STATEMENT                                                                  9. (a)  No unauthorised use of any boat, this includes bait boats.
                                                                                   (b)  Absolutely no alterations to swims, bank sides and water levels.
The Portsmouth and District Angling Society will not accept nor tolerate           (c)  No damage to hedges & trees.
any violence, threatening, intimidating or abusive behaviour what so               (d)  No bonfires or disposable barbecues.
ever towards any of its Members in whatever capacity or at any time.               (e)  No introduction of baits or markers by wading, swimming or
Any such conduct will result in Disciplinary action being taken against                 boats of any description is allowed on all Club waters.
the offender which could include the immediate expulsion from the                   (f) The use of Mallets/Hammers is banned on all club waters.
Club and from all of its Venues with immediate effect and in exceptional
                                                                                10. No swim is to be occupied by either an angler or their tackle for a
circumstances may involve the Police and/or Legal proceedings being
                                                                                    period longer than 60 minutes whilst un-fished. This rule allows you to
brought against the offender/offenders by the Club.
                                                                                    reserve your swim, but not other swims for friends etc.
                                                                                11. (a) Members are responsible for all litter found in their swim. All litter
GENERAL WATER RULES                                                                 found in a swim on arrival must be cleared before starting to fish
                                                                                    and all litter must be taken away from the venue when leaving.
1. Ignorance of these rules cannot be used as an excuse for                         (b) Absolutely no excrement to be left on any water or its
   breaking them, and are all subject to disciplinary action.                           surrounds. Any members found leaving excrement will be
2. Paid up full or junior members ONLY allowed to fish, and juvenile                    booked and face disciplinary action.
   members only when accompanied by adult or associate (non                     12. NO RODS ARE TO BE LEFT BAITED IN OR OUT OF THE WATER
   fishing) members at all times. Juniors up to and including the age               SHOULD YOU LEAVE YOUR SWIM FOR ANY REASON.
   of 15 years may only night fish when accompanied by an adult or              13. No fishing other than from defined swim stations. No fishing
   associate member.                                                                outside of the boundaries shown on water maps.
3. All parking is at the car owners risk, the club is not liable.               14. No fishing 2 hours before matches, please check match fixtures
4. Maximum stay on water is 24hrs unless otherwise stated in an individual          before a visit to the water.
   water rule. At the end of this period, you are required to leave the venue   15. Audio/Visual equipment may be used only if earphones or
   for a minimum of 24 hours. This means you can only fish overnight once.          headphones are used.
   Night starts at 21.00hrs and ends at sunrise.
                                                                                Fish Welfare and Tackle
5. For health and safety reasons the club has banned the
                                                                                16. No fish coarse or game to be taken away from any water, all fish to be
   consumption and possession of all alcohol and recreational drugs
                                                                                    returned safely to water from which they were caught.
   from all waters listed in the club handbook.
                                                                                17. No keep nets to be used except in bonafide matches or for fishery
6. Any member who is asked to cease fishing, or leave the water,
                                                                                    management purposes. The retention of carp, pike and barbel is
   by a bailiff or landowner must do so immediately.
                                                                                    permitted for a maximum of 30 minutes provided they are retained in
7. Membership cards must be carried at all times. Failure to produce the            adequately sized purpose built sack.
   same to a bailiff or any other member of the Club when requested
                                                                                18. No fish are to be allowed to come into direct contact with the ground.
   will render that person liable to be asked to leave the water. All
   members must be in possession of a valid rod licence.                        19. Pike fishing can be carried out anytime throughout the season but
                                                                                    only when the following rules are obeyed.
8. Running, shouting and the use of inappropriate or bad language
   likely to cause offence to members, the general public and                       (a) Treble hooks when used must be semi barbless.
   landowners, and any other action deemed likely to bring the Club                 (b) Minimum breaking strain of line must be 15lbs.
   into disrepute is strictly forbidden.                                            (c) A wire trace must be used of at least 18in. length

                                      4                                                                                5
(d) When live-baiting, only fish caught at the same venue on the           rods. Please note rule 19(i)
        same day may be used. No live fish can be taken from avenue         24. No fixed rigs, only free running leads or feeders to be used.
        or brought to a venue. No live-bait can be over 6ozs in weight.
                                                                            25. No tilley lamps at any time. Torches must not be shone outside swim
    (e) When dead baiting, only sea fish may be used.
                                                                                station area e.g. on or across the water, but may be used for safety
    (f) Disgorgers and or artery forceps must be carried and
                                                                                reasons when entering or leaving a swim stations.
        used when required.
    (g) No types of gag, gaffs or tailers to be used.                       26. Landing nets of an appropriate size must be set up for each individual
    (h) Junior and Juvenile member’s are not allowed to fish                    angler, at least one net minimum size of 20in.
        for pike unless accompanied and supervised by an                        Please note: The net must be appropriate for the size of the
        experienced adult member.                                               targeted species.
    (i) Braid may be used when spinning or lure fishing for pike and        27. NO TENTS, Only authentic angling shelters are permitted on any
        drop shotting.                                                          water.
20. Be aware that you can be asked to remove your tackle from the           28. Abuse of the booking system will result in disciplinary action being
    water at any time by a Club Bailiff to check that hooks, baits              taken.
    and/or rigs comply with club general and individual water rules.
    Failure to do so will result in you having to leave the water           29. The otter gate at Soake Pond must be locked at all times, and not
    immediately and disciplinary action.                                         just shut. This is vital to safeguard the fishery. Anyone caught leaving
21. (a) Unhooking mats must be used at all times (including matches)             it unlocked will be reported to disciplinary committee.
    on all waters, no fish are to come into contact with the ground.        30. No firearms of any sort are allowed on PDAS waters, including air guns
        Minimum size 90 x 60cm with adequate padding must be used.               and rifles. The only exception are those bailiffs who are engaged by
    (b) No nut baits on any water.                                               the committee for fishery and predation management purposes.
    (c) No pre-baiting on any water, except Brockhurst, and do not          31. Any water may close at short notice for Fishery Management
        discard any excess bait in or around any swim on all waters.             purposes.
    (d) 1 kilo maximum of any mix of bait per visit e.g., boilies, corn,
                                                                            32. No interfering with cormorant lines on any water. They are
        trout pellet, hemp, groundbait, etc, unless stated
                                                                                 there from September to April to protect the fishery.
        otherwise in an individual water rule.
    (e) All particle seed baits must have been soaked and boiled            33. Fish must not be handled with a dry cloth under any
        before use.                                                              circumstances.
    (f) All hooks must be micro-barb or barbless.                           34. Fish care solution to be carried at all times and used when
    (g) Disgorgers must be carried and used when required                        required.
    (h) All treble hooks must be semi barbless                              The Committee reserve the right to alter any rules as they may see
22. No more than two rods to be used, per angler except where               fit and to close any water at any time without prior notice. Revised
    otherwise specified in individual waters rules. Even then more          01/01/2021
    than one rod may only be used when it does not encroach on              Footnote: It may be worth remembering that many of these rules are designed to
    water required by another angler. No casting over halfway on            protect the fish stocks and your fishing, and some to protect the club from losing
    stillwaters, unless you are fishing opposite a non-defined              a fishery, however more have been because of problems and poor behaviour we
    fishing bank.                                                           have suffered in the past. Please fish and behave responsibly to help us reduce the
23. Braided mainline is banned on all Club waters, this does not            chance of these rules increasing.
    affect the use of braid for a terminal tackle and for spod and marker
                                   6                                                                                 7
NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS                                                    CONSTITUTION OF PORTSMOUTH & DISTRICT
                                                                                    ANGLING SOCIETY
COVID NOTICE - The Covid crisis can cause changes to our club
including temporary rules, swim closures and toilet availability.
Please check our website and read signage posted on waters.              1 NAME
                                                                           1.1 The name of the Society shall be:
DAY TICKETS - Day tickets are available for 4 Club waters: Funtley             PORTSMOUTH & DISTRICT ANGLING SOCIETY (PDAS)
Lake, Carron Row Farm (lakes 1 & 2 only), Brockhurst Moat and
Stanbridge Farm. Any restrictions are printed on the day tickets.        		  1.2.0 The address of the Society shall be that which is held
                                                                           		      with Barclays Bank.
Day tickets are available from most tackle shops and may be limited          1.3.0 The Society was formed in 1948.
at some times of the year.
                                                                         2 OBJECTIVES
Guest tickets are available on all other waters with the exception of
Brownwich and Soake Pond. For details of guest tickets see page 64.        2.1 The objectives of the Society are:
                                                                         		  2.1.1      To provide fishing waters.
GATE AND CAR PARKING - Access to car parks and some                          2.1.2      To promote good fellowship within the Society and
Club waters is via the Club combination locks the code is readily          		           with other angling clubs and Societies.
available from the Secretary, (secretary@portsmouthdas.club) on              2.1.3      To educate all members by practical tuition.
production of your Club membership number.                                   2.1.4      To promote competition within the Society and with
                                                                           		           other angling clubs and Societies.
BAILIFFS REPORTS - All bailiff’s are asked to report all incidents           2.1.5      To promote specimen angling.
which break the Club rules, including individual water rules. These          2.1.6      To encourage family pleasure angling.
reports are written and include details which are available to the           2.1.7      To promote conservation and the improvement of the
bailiff including, location, date/time, member membership no(s) and        		           environment.
offence(s). These reports do not necessarily invoke a disciplinary           2.1.8      To promote a good image of angling.
hearing, but can be held on file, to be considered if other offences
                                                                         3 PRESIDENTS & VICE PRESIDENTS
are committed.
                                                                           3.1 President and Vice Presidents shall be nominated and
DRY NETS - Members are both requested and advised that in the                  elected every five years at the A.G.M.
best interest of our fisheries that all nets, including carp sacks and     3.2 OFFICERS & COMMITTEE
unhooking mats, should be washed and fully dried before re-use.                The Management Committee consisting of:
A net fully dried in the sun should not transfer disease’s that may            Chairman                                                  )
occur from time to time in our and other fisheries. So please dry              Vice Chairman/Disciplinary Chairman                       )
your nets fully between fishing sessions.                                      Honorary Secretary/Membership Secretary                   )
                                                                               Treasurer                                                 )
DISCIPLINARY - Members found guilty at a Disciplinary                          Fisheries Officer (FMO)                                   )
committee hearing and banned from PDAS will not be eligible to                 Media Officer (To be appointed by Committee due to requirements of IT
be proposed onto the PDAS Management Committee at any time,                     knowledge - only needs to attend occasional meetings but must send in a
post re-joining PDAS.                                                           monthly report.)

                                  8                                                                               9
Grant Officer                                                        4.3.3   Organisation of the exchange books and ensuring
     Charity Co-ordinator                                               		        they are delivered to each respective Club and their
     Competition Secretary                                              		        books are delivered to Manning’s and Paul Champion.
     Assistant to FMO                                                     4.3.4   Recording of all disciplinary matters as and when
     Deputy Disciplinary Officer                                        		        they receive them from Disciplinary Chairman and/or
     Three Floating Members                                             		        Deputy Disciplinary Chairman.
		  3.2.1   The position of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer 		          4.3.5   To provide a list of banned members and those who
  		        shall be elected by the membership at the A.G.M, 		         		        have to apply to the Committee and to the
  		        but can only be nominated from the existing 		              		        Membership Secretary.
  		        Management Committee.                                         4.3.6   To liaise with the Media Officer regarding future
                                                                          4.3.7   To transact the administration of the Society, including
     The Constitution may only be amended by a General
                                                                        		        updating the constitution as and when necessary.
     Meeting. Motions affecting the Constitution of the Society
     will only be carried if more than two thirds of the votes cast     4.4 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY
     are in favour of the motion.                                     		  4.4.1 To be responsible of issuing memberships and the
4 DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE                                      		      posting of such memberships.
                                                                          4.4.2 To keep a full and accurate database of all members.
                                                                          4.4.3 To record the membership in a breakdown of types of
		  4.1.1   With the Chairman rests the authority of the Society.       		      membership.
  		        His her prime concern is to chair and control the 		          4.4.4 To ensure the shops are regularly visited to supply
  		        meetings of the Management Committee, Annual 		             		      them with everything they need to deal with
  		        General and Extraordinary Meetings                          		      membership renewals and new members.
    4.1.2   The day to day decision making in between 			                 4.4.5 To bank monies from membership fees, day tickets
  		        Management Committee meetings, with the other 		            		      and guest tickets.
  		        officers as and when necessary.                               4.4.6 To ensure the Club keys are cut and supplied as and
    4.1.3   He/she is a signatory for the bank accounts and the         		      when necessary.
  		        approval of expenses.                                         4.4.7 There will be no need to attend committee meetings
 4.2 VICE CHAIRMAN / DISCIPLINARY CHAIRMAN                              		      for this role but will send details of membership each
		 4.2.1 As above in the absence of the Chairman.                       		      month to the Secretary and Treasurer.
   4.2.2 To chair disciplinary meetings and pursue judicial               4.4.8 To liaise with the Media Officer to print any necessary
 		      consistency.                                                   		      forms for membership renewals.
                                                                          4.4.9 To have access to the membership account details.
                                                                        4.5 TREASURER - Responsible to the Society for all financial
		  4.3.1   Point of contact for the Club by answering all emails           matters, to keep books and to have the books annually audited.
  		        and phone calls regarding Club matters.
    4.3.2   To attend committee meetings and report 				              		  4.5.1 A signatory on bank accounts and expenses.
  		        correspondence etc.                                           4.5.2 All books of accounts are subject to annual audit by
                                                                        		      at least two auditors appointed at the A.G.M and in
                                10                                                                    11
the presence of both the Chairman and Secretary.                          4.7.2 To answer for the Society when bad publicity occurs.
    4.5.3     The final accounts are to be published and signed by                		  4.7.3   The creation of a Public Relations Policy for the Society
  		          the Treasurer and the two auditors.                                   		        with the approval of the Management Committee.
    4.5.4     All banking and investment accounts, have withdrawal                    4.7.4   The creation of Marketing media for the club and it’s
  		          limitations requiring the additional signatures of the                		        activities.
  		          Chairman, Vice-Chairman or Honorary Secretary.                          4.7.5   To maintain and oversee the club web site and forum
    4.5.5     The Treasurer is specifically responsible for all 		                  		        and all digital media.
  		          questions of tax.                                                       4.7.6   To maintain and implement the brand of the club and
    4.5.6     The Treasurer is responsible for the prudent and                      		        to ensure that the brand is upheld.
  		          effective investment of cash balances.                                  4.7.7   To be accountable to the Treasurer for any
    4.5.7     The Treasurer is finally responsible for correct and 		               		        expenditure incurred in his duties
  		          timely payment of all expenses, receipts of income
                                                                                    4.8 GRANT OFFICER
  		          and the financial operation of the Society.
    4.5.8     Bank / Cheque & Investment Accounts & Signatories                   		  4.8.1   To carry out the research of any grants suitable to the
  		          No 1. General Account of Society; Signatories, any 		                 		        PDAS.
  		          Two (2) of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary or                        4.8.2   To apply for and report on all applications in progress.
  		          Treasurer No 2. Investment Deposit Account;                             4.8.3   To liaise with and update the Committee to ensure
  		          Signatories, Treasurer and any One (1) of Chairman,                   		        projects are progressing at an expected rate.
  		          Vice Chairman or Secretary.                                             4.8.4   To be responsible to the Treasurer for any expenses
                                                                                    		        incurred in the process of obtaining a grant.
                                                                                    4.9 CHARITY CO-ORDINATOR
		  4.6.1     Responsible for the upkeep of waters, fish stocks,
  		          tool stocks, development of and implementation of                   		  4.9.1   To be responsible to the Committee for all charity
  		          Fisheries Policy approved by the Management                           		        fund raising co-ordination.
  		          Committee.                                                              4.9.2   To research and present to the Committee suitable
    4.6.2     To call and chair Pond Wardens and Bailiffs meetings                  		        charities to be supported each year
  		          two (2) times per year                                                  4.9.3   To liaise with the chosen charity and update the
    4.6.3     Accountable for any PDAS monies held.                                 		        Committee on the progress of support
    4.6.4     Answerable for the actions of Pond Wardens and Bailiffs.                4.9.4   To be accountable to the Treasurer for all collected
    4.6.5     To review in conjunction with the Pond Wardens, water                 		        charity funds and for any incurred expenses
  		          rules and make recommendations to the Management                      4.10 COMPETITION SECRETARY
  		          Committee, for the alteration of water rules.			                    		  4.10.1 To plan and administer a program of competitions for
    4.6.6     ASSISTANT TO THE FMO                                                  		       the Society.
  		          To assist the FMO in the day-to-day duties.                             4.10.2 To administer all matters appertaining to competitions.
  4.7 MEDIA OFFICER (To be appointed by Committee due to IT skills requirement)       4.10.3 To call, hold and chair meetings of the match group.
		  4.7.1 To plan and carry out press coverage of Society                             4.10.4 Accountable to the Treasurer for the finance of the
  		      activities and events where possible and to gain 		                       		       competitions.
  		      good publicity.
                                      12                                                                          13
4.11   DEPUTY DISCIPLINARY OFFICER                                         		          result of the correct discharge of their respective
		  4.11.1    To assist the Disciplinary Chairman in the day-to-		         		          duties on its behalf except such loss as arises from
  		          day duties regarding disciplinary matters.                   		          their respective wilful default. Liability of the
    4.11.2    To stand in as the Disciplinary Chairman in his 		           		          Trustees will be limited to the assets of the Society.
  		          absence and pursue judicial consistency.                     4.14 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ELECTED - Sub Committees
    4.11.3    To monitor and improve where necessary the 		                     and other posts, responsible to the management
  		          structure of disciplinary matters within PDAS                     committee as follows.
    4.11.4    To provide a level of consistency of disciplinary 		       		  4.14.1 Disciplinary Committee - Is to be elected at the first
  		          matter with PDAS.                                            		       Management Committee after the A.G.M. and is to
  4.12 THREE FLOATING COMMITTEE MEMBERS                                    		       consist of: The Vice Chairman and Three (3) other
		     4.12.1 To assist in all committee duties as seen necessary          		       members.
  4.13 The committee will appoint a Junior Officer who will be 		        5 PROCEDURES FOR OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS
       responsible for the coaching of children and other                  5.1 All members must at all times speak through the Chair. In
       members wherever necessary. Due to the need of a level                  the event of any disruption during the meeting the
       2 coaching qualification, this post will not be elected, but 		         Chairman has the right to ask the member(s) to leave, or to
       the holder will be appointed the committee and will be                  close the meeting.
       responsible to the committee.                                       5.2 ELIGIBILITY for OFFICE
  4.14 TRUSTEES OF THE SOCIETY:                                          		  5.2.1    No member shall be eligible for office who has already
		  4.14.1    The number of Trustees of the Society shall be four.         		         been on the Management Committee during the
    4.14.2    The Trustees shall hold office until death, resignation      		         previous year, and has not attended two-thirds of the
  		          or removal from office by a resolution passed at an          		         monthly meetings of that year, unless reasonable
  		          Extraordinary or Annual General Meeting.                     		         cause has been shown for absence.
    4.14.3    There shall be vested in the Trustees all the property         5.2.1    Is a Committee member of another Freshwater
  		          of the Society other than cash which will be under           		         Angling Society.
  		          the control of the Treasurer.                                  5.2.3    Officers or Committee Members who have resigned
    4.14.4    The Trustees may deal with the property so vested            		         or been removed for any reason, will not be eligible
  		          in them by way of sale, mortgage, charge and lease           		         for re-election for two (2) years.
  		          or otherwise as directed by the Management                     5.2.4    Resignations must be in writing to the Secretary.
  		          Committee. Such direction by the Management                    5.2.5    Any vacant post may be filled with a co-opted
  		          Committee shall be given by a resolution passed by           		         member recommended by the Management
  		          a majority vote at a duly convened meeting.                  		         Committee. Co opted members shall retire at the next
    4.14.5    A certificate signed by the Chairman of the meeting          		         A.G.M and will be eligible for re-election.
  		          shall be conclusive evidence that such a resolution            5.2.6    Members nominated for election must declare all
  		          was correctly passed.                                        		         outside involvements, which could lead to a conflict
    4.14.6    The Trustees shall not personally be liable for loss 		      		         with their ability to serve the Society. In addition, any
  		          of any kind whatsoever suffered by the Society as a          		         conflicting involvements taken up whilst they are a

                                  14                                                                      15
member of the Management Committee must be                 more continuous years is entitled to free Society membership
 		        declared to the Management Committee immediately.          whilst continuing to serve on the Committee.
6 MANAGEMENT                                                        		  7.1.1 All members must supply one (1) current passport
 6.1 The business of the Society shall be conducted by the            		       photograph, complete an application form and pay an
     Management Committee, which shall consist of the                 		       annual subscription current at the time. The committee
     Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary            			reserve the right to refuse anyone’s membership.
     Treasurer, Fisheries Officer, Media Officer, Competition           7.1.2 Any member who pays and joins PDAS agrees to the club
     Secretary, Deputy Disciplinary Officer, Grant Officer and 		     		       statement regardless of signing the application form.
     one other Committee Member.                                        7.1.2		Any member seen or reported to bring the PDAS
                                                                      		       into disrepute via Social Media (all variants) could be
 6.2 For the purpose of conducting the business of the Society
                                                                      		       subject to disciplinary proceedings.
     during a meeting, 6 of the members of the Management
     Committee shall form a quorum.                                   7.2 SUBSCRIPTIONS:
 6.3 All discussions by the Management Committee, or its sub        		  7.2.1    Subscriptions and entrance fees are fixed by the
     committees, are confidential.                                    		         Societies Management Committee.
                                                                        7.2.2    The annual subscription shall become due from the
                                                                      		         1st April and run until the season ends on the 31st
 7.1 Society has nine categories of membership:                       		         March of the next year.
		   - Adult (18 years and over)                                        7.2.3    Should at any time your payment for membership be
     - Senior Citizen - Disabled (Registered Disabled)                		         refused by Bank, Post Office, etc. Your membership
     - Ordinary Student (18 years and over in full time               		         shall cease immediately and you will not be allowed
 Education)                                                           		         to enter or fish any of the Society’s waters until such
     - Members Honorary Life Member*                                  		         time as full payment plus an administration fee of £5
     - Committee Member**                                             		         has been made and cleared by the Society’s bank.
     - Junior (12 to 17 years of age inclusive)                       7.3 EXPULSION FROM SOCIETY
     - Juvenile (up to and including 11 years)
                                                                    		  7.3.1    The Committee shall expel from the Society any
		   Juvenile members are only allowed to fish when                   		         member for conduct, which in their opinion is
     accompanied by a adult or associate member. Juniors              		         injurious or tends to be injurious to the interests of
     up to and including the age of 15 years may only night           		         the Society or its objective or its members, but before
     fish when accompanied by an adult member or                      		         expelling a member the Disciplinary Committee shall
     associate member. Relevant age is taken from your date           		         inquire into the members conduct and the member
     of birth on the day you join in all categories.                  		         shall be given a reasonable opportunity to defend and
		   - Associate (non-fishing member).                                		         justify himself/herself either in writing or by appearing
 *Honorary Life Members shall be nominated by the                     		         before the Disciplinary Committee as the member
 Management Committee and or by the members present at the            		         shall elect. The Committee’s power to expel shall be
 A.G.M., and endorsed by the A.G.M.                                   		         on a majority vote of those present at the inquiry.
 **Having been a member of the Society’s Committee for 2 or             7.3.2    All members have a right of appeal to the Management

                               16                                                                    17
Committee following a decision made by the                     		         absence. 4. That if the accused is not going to attend,
 		         Disciplinary Committee, if in their opinion they feel that     		         it would be in their interest to send in a written
 		         they have been judged unfairly. All appeals must be            		         statement pertaining to the charges. 5. That it is the
 		         in the hands of the Honorary Secretary within fourteen         		         accused responsibility to provide anywitnesses
 		         (14) days of the member receiving the Disciplinary             		         supporting his/her case and to notify the secretary
 		         Committee’s decision (See also 8.4 Appeals)                    		         before the date of the hearing of any witnesses he
   7.3.3    An expelled member shall forfeit all rights and 		             		         she intends to call. 6. That failure to respond will not
 		         privileges of membership immediately upon expulsion            		         delay the disciplinary process.
 		         but shall remain liable for any dues or debts to the             8.2.5    The accused member and the originator of the
 		         society which remain payable or were incurred before           		         complaint may make a written deposition to the
 		         the date of expulsion. The expelled member shall be            		         Disciplinary Committee and or call any witnesses.
 		         liable to forfeit all claims to prizes, etc., and any other      8.2.6    The disciplinary Committee shall be available to sit
 		         claims upon the Society.                                       		         monthly on the Wednesday evening following two or
8 MEMBERSHIP CARDS                                                         		         nine days after an ordinary committee meeting, if
                                                                           		         these day are not available then the next available
 The Membership card and Bailiffs card remains the property of
                                                                           		         date suitable for all parties involved.
 PDAS at all time.
                                                                           8.3 THE HEARING - The hearing shall take place on either the
 8.1 DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE - Is chosen from members of the
                                                                               first or second available prescribed Wednesday, or the
     Management Committee and is to consist of, The Vice
                                                                               nearest available evening (see above) providing that the
     Chairman (or any other officer in his absence) plus Three (3)
                                                                               accused is notified not less than seven days prior to the
     other members. The 3 other members will contain not more
                                                                               hearing and not more than 28 days after the alleged
     than One (1) other Officer.
                                                                               offence(s). If seven days notice cannot be given the hearing
 8.2 DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE PROCEDURES:                                        must be carried over to the following month.
		  8.2.1   The Disciplinary Committee (D/C) will meet to consider        		   If the accused is not sent notification within 28 days of the
  		        all written complaints.                                            alleged offence(s), disciplinary procedure may only
    8.2.2   Allegations of mis-behaviour by Society members 		                 continue at the discretion of the Management Committee,
  		        must be put in writing and addressed to the Honorary               and only then if the meeting takes place within four months
  		        Secretary.                                                         of when the alleged offence(s) took place
    8.2.3   The Honorary Secretary will pass the complaint to
                                                                          		  8.3.1   In exceptional cases where a period of four months
  		        the Vice-Chairman within 21 days. The D/C Chairman
                                                                            		        has elapsed without action being taken, the
  		        will advise the Hon Sec of two dates and time for the
                                                                            		        committee reserve the right to actively legislate
  		        hearing and will in turn notify the accused member(s)
                                                                            		        against an offending member
  		        of the same.
                                                                              8.3.2   If the accused have not admitted guilt then the D/C
    8.2.4   The Vice Chairman will in his letter to the accused
                                                                            		        will hear: 1. The Complainant, 2. The Accused
  		        confirm: 1. The complaint in full. 2. The time and date
                                                                            		        Member(s), 3. Any witnesses for the complainant. 4.
  		        of the hearing. 3. Offer the accused a date and if he/
                                                                            		        Any witnesses for the accused.
  		        she does not respond then they will be judged in their
                                                                              8.3.3   The D/C may recall any person for further discussion
                                 18                                                                       19
either one at a time or together.                          		        amend meeting arrangements in the best interest of
   8.3.4    If the accused is a juvenile or junior then all            		        the Society and such amendments shall be
 		         correspondence will be sent to the parent or               		        immediately notified to members.
 		         guardian, who will also be invited to the hearing. The       9.1.2   There shall be a meeting of the Management
 		         parent should be informed that they may sit in but         		        Committee on the first Monday of each month.
 		         may not take part until requested by the Chairman.           9.1.3   STANDING ORDERS (Management Committee)
   8.3.5    Members found guilty at a Disciplinary Committee           		        1. Open the meeting
 		         Hearing, will be informed at the hearing of the            		        2. Apologies
 		         decision of the Committee and the penalties, which         		        3. Minutes of the last Meeting
 		         start as of that time and may be required to forfeit       		        4. Matters arising
 		         their membership card.                                     		        5. Correspondence
 8.4 APPEALS - To the Management Committee against the 		              		        6. Secretary’s Report
     Disciplinary Committee’s decision must be made in writing         		        7. Treasurer’s Report
     to the Society’s Honorary Secretary within 14 Days.               		        8. Fisheries Manager’s Reports
                                                                       		        9. Competition Secretary’s Report
		  8.4.1   Both accused, defendant and associate have the
                                                                       		        10. Media Officers Report
  		        right to appeal against a Disciplinary Committee
                                                                       		        11. Grant Officers Report
                                                                       		        12. Special Items
    8.4.2   The Management Committee will consider the appeal
                                                                       		        13. Any Other Business
  		        at an Appeal Hearing organised by the Honorary
                                                                       		        14. Date of next meeting
  		        Secretary. 14 Days notice of the appeal hearing will
                                                                       		        15. Chairman closes the meeting.
  		        be given to; 1. The Management Committee, 2. The
  		        Complainant. 3. The Accused.                               9.2 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS (A.G.M)
    8.4.3   The D/C Chairman will present the findings of the D/C    		  9.2.1 All motions must be proposed and seconded before
  		        at the Appeal Hearing and may call and present 		          			being voted upon. (Amendments take precedence to
  		        witnesses. The Accused are entitled to present their       		      the Motion.) All Ordinary Members (as defined at 7.1.1
  		        case. Questions may be asked as required. The              		      present shall be entitled to vote, and in the event of
  		        appeal will be decided upon a majority vote of the         		      the voting being equal, the Chairman has a casting
  		        Management Committee present, excluding the D/C            		      vote. The rules may only be altered by an Annual
  		        Chairman. The Management Committee are                     		      General Meeting, except as prescribed in 11. Motions
  		        empowered to maintain, reduce or increase penalties        		      affecting the Constitution of the Society will only be
  		        imposed by the Disciplinary Committee.                     		      carried if more than two thirds of the votes cast, are in
9 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE                                                 		      favour of the motion. Voting will be by membership
                                                                       		      card or in the case of a ballot, on production of a
 9.1 All motions must be proposed and seconded before being
                                                                       		      membership card.
     voted upon (Amendments take precedence to the Motion.)
                                                                         9.2.2 The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be
     Chairman has casting vote.
                                                                       		      held on the 3rd Thursday of November.
		   9.1.1 The Management Committee shall have power to                  9.2.3 In each year when the Officers and Committee shall

                               20                                                                    21
be elected and the accounts for the previous year           		  9.4.2   At an A.G.M., the Chairman or in his/her absence, the Vice
 		         shall be presented after having been certified correct        		        Chairman or in the absence of both, a committee member
 		         by the Auditors.                                              		        elected by the members present shall take the Chair.
   9.2.4    All Motions or Rule changes or additions will be                9.4.3   All members must at all times speak through the Chair.
 		         operative from the start of the following year, except if     		        In the event of any disruption during the meeting the
 		         agreed by the A.G.M.                                          		        Chairman has the right to ask the member(s) to leave,
 9.3 NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETINGS:                                          		        or to close the meeting.
		  9.3.1   Notice of the date, time and place of any General 		        9.5   STANDING ORDERS (A.G.M.)
  		        Meeting, other than Annual General Meeting shall be         		  1.      Open the Meeting
  		        sent to each member of the Society at their last                2.      Apologies
  		        known address or email address at least 14 days                 3.      Minutes of last A.G.M
  		        before the date of the meeting. Notice of the date,             4.      Matters arising
  		        time and place of the Society’s Annual General                  5.      Chairman’s Report.
  		        Meeting shall be included in the Yearly Handbook.               6.      Secretary’s Report.
    9.3.2   Notice of Motions, to be moved at a General Meeting             7.      Treasurer’s Report
  		        shall be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary         8.      Fisheries Manager’s Report
  		        at least twenty one (21) days before the date of the            9.      Competition Secretary’s Report
  		        meeting and shall be signed by the proposer and                 10.     Media Officers Report
  		        seconder, and at least eight (8) Society members. All           11.     Grant Officers Report
  		        Motions, unless withdrawn, shall be included in the             12.     Election of Officers & Committee
  		        business of the meeting and notice shall be sent to each        13.     Election of Auditors. (2 in no)
  		        member of the Society at his/her last known address at          14.     Motions
  		        least ten day before the date of the meeting.                   15.     Any Other Business must be handed to the Chairman or
    9.3.3   Accidental omission to give notice to, or non-receipt         		        Secretary before the start of the meeting, and will be put
  		        of notice by any member shall not invalidate any of           		        to the members for their acceptance to the agenda.
  		        the proceedings of the meeting.                               9.6 EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING: (E.G.M.)
 9.4 PROCEEDINGS AT GENERAL MEETINGS:                                         The Secretary shall on the instructions of the Committee or
		  9.4.1   A minimum of 5% of Ordinary Members shall form a                  on the written requisition of 20 ordinary members call an
  		        quorum at any General Meeting. No meeting shall                   E.G.M. of the Society of which 14 days clear notice shall be
  		        become incompetent to transact business for want of               sent to each member of the Society. Such notice to specify
  		        a quorum arising after the chair has been taken. If               the business to be transacted and no business other than
  		        there is no quorum present the meeting shall stand                that stated on the notice shall be considered. All motions or
  		        adjourned to the week following at the same time and              rule changes or additions will be operative from the start of
  		        the meeting so adjourned may proceed to business                  the following year, except if 20 agreed by the E.G.M. The
  		        providing 20 ordinary members or more are present,                meeting may only proceed to business providing 20
  		        not counting committee members.                                   ordinary members or more are present not counting
                                                                              committee members.
                                22                                                                       23
9.6.1 The Management Committee may, if it feels that the
  		       motion calling an E.G.M is a Non Competent Motion,
  		       refer the motion for legal advice prior to calling the
     9.6.2 Committee Members and Officers may be voted off
  		       the Management Committee at an E.G.M provided 14
  		       days clear notice of such intent is given.9.7
  ADMISSION TO ANY MEETING of the Society at which
     voting takes place, i.e. A.G.M./E.G.M. will be on production
     of membership card for the current year, non-members
     may attend when accompanied by a member, but not                    We carry a comprehensive range of tackle and bait to suit
     participate in the meeting.                                         most anglers. Our bait selection is one of the best on the
10 AFFILIATION                                                           South Coast.
  The Society may be affiliated to such associations as may be
  decided by the Committee
                                                                         A warm friendly atmosphere, backed up with customer
                                                                         service that is second to none.
  The Management Committee have the power to make, amend                 Pay us a visit and see for yourself!!
  and/or alter the general water or personal conduct rules without
  prior notice.                                                             Fresh maggots, worms and caster
  11.1 The Management Committee have the power to close any                 Hand rolled and well known brands of boilies
       water without prior notice.
12 DISSOLUTION OF THE SOCIETY                                               Quality frozen baits
  A Motion to dissolve the Society may only be carried at an                Impressive stock of ground baits and hook baits
  A.G.M. or E.G.M. on a unanimous vote. Upon the motion                     Huge choice of rods, reels and terminal tackle
  of dissolution being passed the Chairman, Secretary and
  Treasurer in office at that meeting shall become the Trustees of
  the assets of the Society. The Trustees shall convert at best the
  assets of the Society into cash, discharge all liabilities including
  the Trustees reasonable expenses. Then distribute the balance          “Mannings, by far the best in town”
  equally amongst the “Ordinary Members” of the Society.
  Membership of the Society will be taken from a date six (6)                 33A London Road, Widley, Hampshire. PO7 5AS
  months before the motion for the dissolution was passed. No
  memberships, new or renewals will be issued from the date the
  motion is received by the committee.
                                                                                      Tel. 02392 373073
Revised A.G.M. 20/12/17

                                 24                                                                  25
Pond Warden - Steve Mottershead Tel. 07801 759479

                                                                      178a - 178b West Street, Fareham. PO16 0EQ
                                                                      Tel. 01329 220354
                                                                      Open Monday - Friday, 9am - 6pm

                                                                      • Coarse, game and sea tackle
                                                                      • Local knowledge and advice
                                                                      • Live and frozen bait
A classic shallow farm pond with 10 swims all with features such
as lilies or reeds. The water contains a large head of true crucian   • Shimano dealer
carp, rudd, roach, perch and specimen tench (largest 7lb). The        • Daiwa main dealer
water is recognised by the National Crucian Society as Class A -
being managed as a premium true crucian water.                        • Nash, Eustace, Gold Label and Fox
ALL general water rules apply plus:                                   • Drennan, Solar and Gardiner Tackle
1. Groundbait is banned at this water.                                • Fly tying materials
                                                                      • Rods built to your requirements
No close season on this water, however it may be necessary to
close the water for fishery management purposes at short notice       roverstackle@gmail.com
                                 26                                                        27
Pond Warden - Derek Page Tel. 07788 716219

A 2 acre lake in a wildlfie sanctuary containing a large head of
Carp to 24lb, Tench, Roach, Rudd and Perch. The club has added
some large and sought after carp to this water.
All general water rules apply plus the following:
1. Barbless hooks only.
2. Please take your litter home or use the bin near the gate
Maximum stay on water 24hrs
Please be aware access from Cherque Way is via a
combination lock (council controlled and subject to change).
Combination is available from the PDAS Secretary. Entrance to
the lake is controlled by the Club Combination lock.
Please be aware of speed bumps and pedestrians on Sandhill
Lane. Obey the speed limit at all times.
Parking is available inside the clubs gates. Parking
information is displayed at the entrance to the lake.

No close season exists on this water, however this water may
close at short notice for fishery management purpose.
                                 28                                29
Pond Warden - Dave Le Gresley Tel: 07944 917293

A 7 acre inner city pond which is undergoing works to secure the
future well being of fish and wildlife. There is a large head of carp
up to 20lb, along with roach, rudd and gudgeon. It also offers
superb access to wheelchair users and less-abled anglers. Public
toilets are available at Tangiers Road/Neville Road corner of the
All general water rules apply plus the following:
1. No groundbait.
2. Natural baits only, maggots, casters, worms, corn, and
   hemp only, no other baits are permitted.
3. 0.5kg bait limit per day / visit.
4. No floating baits.
5. No fishing outside of the defined fishing areas.
6. No scheduled closed season, however the water may be
   unavailable for fishery management and other purposes -
   Notices will be posted via the club forum.
7. Any snagged terminal tackle must be reported immediately to
   the Pond Warden.
8. Great care must be taken of all wildfowl, any problems i.e. a
   duck or swan with hook or line or appears to be distressed
   please call the Pond Warden.
9. Fishing is from 0700hrs until dusk.
10.Fishing is only permitted from the PDAS badges on the edge of
   swims, 10 anglers MAX.
11 Only closed maggots feeders may be used. No open ended
   feeders of any type.
In the event of a problem please use contact details above.

No Day Ticket fishing is available on this water.
                                 30                                     31
Pond Warden - Paul Champion 07780 731409

This moat is managed as a general mixed fishery, which holds a
small head of large carp, small head of tench, bream, roach, rudd,
perch and pike.
All general water rules apply plus the following:
1. Fishing is ONLY permitted from one of the purpose built swims.
2. No angler’s shelters of any type may be setup outside of the
   swim or on the path and the area above the swim. The area
   above the swim must be kept clear at all times.
3. No digging and or damage to vegetation of any kind is
4. Pre-baiting is allowed on this water, maximum of 1 kilo
5. Raking of swims is allowed on this water but all weed must be
   piled neatly out of the water, but raking may only be carried out
   with consideration of any anglers already fishing nearby.
6. Pike fishing only between 1st October and 31st March.
7. Maximum stay on the water is 24 hours.
B, C & D.

No close season exists on this water, however we reserve
the right to close it at for fishery management purposes
throughout the year.
                                  32                                   33
BROWNWICH POND, TITCHFIELD. PO14 4HG                                     Please note that a draw may take place for swims if more than
Pond Warden - Roy Adams Tel. 07899 930611                                one person wants the same swim

This is a 4-acre specimen carp fishery set in beautiful surroundings
where peace and tranquillity can be found. This water is aimed at the
more serious carp angler and the swims are positioned and designed
not to encourage ‘social’ fishing. There is also a good head of rudd,
perch and pike.
All general water rules apply plus the following:
1. To fish this water you are required to book a swim before fishing,
by phoning Manning’s Tackle shop on 02392 373073. Phone calls are
during shop hours ONLY, Monday to Saturday or the hours advertised
should they be changed. Swims are booked for 24hrs, 1700hrs to
1700hrs in summertime and 1500hrs to 1500hrs in the wintertime.
These times are in line with the same days as when BST is adjusted.
No access to the water before 1630hrs in the summer and 1430hrs
in the winter. Members must be off the water before 1430hrs (winter)
and 1630hrs (summer). Booking times will change on the same day
as when the clocks are adjusted to BST summertime/wintertime.
MAXIMUM STAY ON THE WATER IS 24HRS. 2. Maximum of 1 kg
of bait can be used in a 24hr session. No baiting towards end of
session. 3. Access is via Brownwich Farm Road (15MPH SPEED
LIMIT) and parking is only on the south east side of the lake as shown
on the water map. 4. No member other than Club Officials may visit
the water for any reason unless they are booked in to fish, or on an
official work party. No parking of vehicles on pond surrounds, lanes
or neighbouring barns. 5. Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times. 6.
No casting more than half way across the lake or into adjoining swims’
7. No vehicles are to be driven over the dam unless on fishery
management business. Access to water and car park is by club
lock only. All gates must be locked after use.
8. No guest tickets 9. Maximum of 2 rods from any one swim 10.
To increase the bio-security measures on this water, mats, nets
and slings are provided on this venue. Please use responsibly
and try to dry equipment whenever possible. DO NOT remove this
equipment from the fishery and that all equipment must be returned
to swim where it originated from. DO NOT bring your own unhooking
equipment onto the fishery as you will be asked to leave.                        Closed season 1st May to 15th June inclusive
                                   34                                                                 35
CARRON ROW FARM, TITCHFIELD. PO15 5DZ                                 All general water rules apply plus the following:
Pond Warden - Mike Alsop Tel. 07715 273667                            1. Only club members may fish overnight.
A prolific set of ponds in very pleasant and safe surroundings,       2. Maximum stay on the lakes 24hrs.
with easy access.                                                     3. Juniors up to and including the age of 15 years may only
                                                                         night fish when accompanied by an adult or associate
Lake 1:		Plenty of bites for all types of fishing, with small carp,      member.
		tench and bream being the main species                              4. One or more lakes may be closed at any one time for fishery
Lake 2: Mixed fishery with medium carp and huge bags of tench.           management work and matches, see notice board on site.
Lake 3: Specimen carp pond (No day ticket holders).                   5. Beware of children and horses on the track, from the main
Lake 4: General fishery producing large mixed bags and plenty 		         road there is a 5 mph speed limit.
        of bites. Used for the junior club (No day ticket holders).   6. Parking is in car park A, B and C. No parking on the track or
Lake 5: Closed for fishing.                                              grass. Car park C is for lake 5 anglers only. No overnight parking
There are 3 more small stock ponds, (do not fish).                       in C.
                                                                      7. The house, gardens and all buildings around the lakes are
                                                                         strictly out of bounds.
                                                                      8. No dogs allowed off the lead, (except the land owners dogs).
                                                                      9. Special Rule: Do not feed any of the dogs on the site.
                                                                      Please note that lakes 3 and 4 are for members only. No day
                                                                      tickets allowed.

                                                                      This water will remain open for fishing throughout the year.
                                36                                                                      37
Pond Warden - John (Jock) Stevenson Tel. 07843 757529

This water is owned by PDAS and is of around 3 acres. It is set in
the village of Funtley and was originally part of the famous ‘Funtley
Reds’ brickyard. It has a good head of carp, tench, roach, bream,
perch, pike and ide, which gives most anglers a great days sport
throughout the year.
All general water rules apply plus the following:
1.   Due to limited parking members are to park with care to others.
2.   Do not use the residents drives to turn your vehicle round
3.   Care must be taken to protect all waterfowl.
4.   Please refrain from parking on the grass verge.

This water is open all year round but may close at short notice
for fishery management reasons.
                                  38                                    39
River Warden - Andy Murphy Tel. 07505356412

A lovely quiet and unspoilt stretch of the upper Hamble which
offers both fly and coarse fishing for those anglers who enjoy
travelling light. It contains a good head of wild trout, grayling,
chub, roach and dace, and also enjoys an annual run of sea
trout. The river runs through a mixture of farmland, water
meadows and woodland where fish can be found both in the
shallow glides and deep pools. Most years see a substantial
mayfly hatch in late spring.
All general water rules apply plus the following:
1. Fishing on the east bank only from A to B (no fishing past the
   railway bridge).
2. Access is only via the pedestrian gate in Wangfield Lane, which
   is locked with the club lock. All gates must be kept shut and
   access kept clear at all times.
3. Fishing 1 hr before sunrise to 1 hr after sunset only.

Closed season for coarse 15th March to 15th June inclusive.
Fly-fishing for trout is permitted from 3rd April.

                                  40                                 41

                                                                                                                                                                           Please be aware that the car parking arrangements may change again so please check for the latest news
                                                                        Garage and Village Hotel. Proceed to gate barriers “A” (once through) proceed down road to Black

                                                                        The new entrance is via the A27 turning left into Lakeshore Drive (new road) between the Porche
Pond Warden - Nev Jones Tel. 07508 139775
and Ant Jones Tel. 07938 185904

This large and very productive water offers great sport for all
anglers. It has a large head of fish including large Mirror and                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ive
Common Carp, Crucian, Bream, Roach, Rudd, Chub and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               re

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 s ho
specimen Perch to over 2lb.

All Gates are to be left in the state you find them (either locked or
unlocked). Please note that there is no, weight limit on vehicles
therefore remember to park in designated areas not on the grass.
1. Maximum of 3 kilo of bait per 24 hours.
2. Maximum stay on the water is 24 hours.
3. Fishing is only allowed on the South bank
4 Subject to certain rules - there are 3 car parks which can be
  used by all PDAS members on the South side of the lake.
  There are also specific PDAS parking bays where anglers are
  able park directly behind their swim (off the track - not on the
The Rules are:
5. Sunday to Friday member’s cars can park using the specific

                                                                        gates and post at East end of lake.
   PDAS parking bays where anglers are able park directly
   behind their swim (off the track - not on the grass). If the
   specific car parks are full, then members must park on the

                                                                                                                                                                           on the website and forum.
   north side of the lake using bona-fide Car Parks. This includes
   members who are fishing through the night.
6. Saturday - members can park up in the specific car parks
   before 08.30, however no cars may be moved until after 10:30.
   If the car parks are full, then anglers must park on the north
   side of the lake using bona-fide Car Park. No vehicle access to
   the water between 08.30 and 10:30.

                                 42                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 43

7. Blue badge holding members may park behind their swims in
   the day (subject to suitable ground conditions). Preferably on a
   specific parking area.
8. Anglers may park behind their swims (subject to suitable ground
   conditions) at Bona-fided angling organised Charity, Memorial or
   Match events which are agreed with Lakeside. PDAS will manage
   vehicle access and movements for these events.
9. Certain Lakeside events may mean all angling access is
   unavailable for a defined time. 10. PDAS representatives (bailiffs
   and fishery team members) may access the water at any
   time (subject to rule 6 above) to carry out bailiffing and water
   management activities. 11. Security Patrol 24 hrs a day and have
                                                                           COMPLETE RANGE OF PACKAGES MADE
   final say. 12. No fly-fishing. 13. Night fishing is for members only.          UP FOR BEGINNERS

                                                                                GOOD QUALITY FROZEN
                                                                                    & FRESH BAIT

                                                                               INSURANCE QUOTES GIVEN

                                                                            COMPLETE RANGE OF RODS, REELS,
                                                                               CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES

                                                                               1 The Precinct, Gosport
                                                                                   (next to the police station)

                                                                             TEL. 02392 529107
This water will remain open throughout the year.

Pond Warden - Bob Mann Tel. 07531 193138

This mature gravel pit in Hayling Island adjoins the golf course and
is around 15 acres in size. It offers great sport for all anglers alike.
There is a large head of quality large Mirror and Common Carp,
Tench, Bream to double figures, Perch, Roach, Rudd and decent
double sized Pike.
All general water rules apply plus the following:
1. Car parking is only in 2 angling car parks, accessed via club
    combination locks. ALL gates must remain locked when not in use.
2. The out of bounds areas marked on the map are STRICTLY
    ENFORCED. All wildfowl and fauna are strictly protected.
3. Two rods per member only permitted, unless a 3rd rod
    supplement is purchased allowing a 3 rod usage.
4. Maximum of 5kg of bait per 48 hour session.
5. No overnight fishing from Gun Emplacement area (Tates).
    Fishing only from dawn to dusk (April to October) and 2hrs
    before Dawn, 2 hrs after Dusk (November to March).
6. Float fishing and lure fishing only from Gun Emplacement area
    (25 metres from bank only).
7. No access at all through the golf course car park.
8. No fishing past any markers which are placed in swims when
    water levels are low.
9. Fish welfare is paramount. Due to the nature of the lake bed and
    weed, anglers must fish the water only in their swim area, and
    remain in their swims.
10. Fishing in front of Golf Club house is allowed from Dawn to
    Dusk (no distance fishing allowed). 25 metres from bank only.
11. Anglers on North/South bank and anglers on Gun Emplacement
    area (Tates) must be mindful of each other when fishing
Maximum stay of 48hrs on this lake

No close season on this water however it may be necessary to
close the water for fishery management purposes at short notice.
                                  46                                       47
Pond Warden - Ade Batten Tel. 07851 662643
This water is owned by PDAS and is a stunning and very well
managed pond. It contains a good head of decent sized carp, a large
head of tench, quality roach, perch over 2lb, rudd and pike.
1. To fish Soake Pond you are required to book a ticket before
   attending the water, you must do this by contacting the Pond
   Warden by calling or by text on: 07851662643
   Please contact during the following hours only: Monday to
   Saturday: 9am to 6pm. Sundays: 9am to 1pm.
   You MUST NOT attend the venue until your booking has been
   confirmed by the Pond Warden either by telephone or text.
   Tickets available are as follows:
   12hr Day Ticket Monday to Thursday: 9am to 9pm with no access
   to the venue before 8.30am.
   No 12hr tickets are available Friday to Sunday inclusive.
   24hr Ticket Monday to Sunday inclusive run from 1st May to 31st
   October, 5pm to 5pm with no access to the venue before 4.30pm.
   November 1st to February 28th tickets run from 3pm to 3pm with
   no access to the venue before 2.30pm.
   Please ensure you inform The Pond Warden of the correct ticket
   time (12hr or 24hr) you wish to fish so the correct booking can be
   made on your behalf.
   You are NOT permitted to return to the venue for a period of 24hrs
   after fishing either a 12hr or 24hr booking.
   Any tickets booked must be cancelled by calling/texting The Pond
   Warden if you are unable to attend the venue after making any

   This water will be closed March 1st to April 30th inclusive

                                       48                               49
Pond Warden - Ade Batten Tel. 07851 662643

2. The maximum stay on the venue is either 24hrs or 12hrs
   dependant on the ticket booked.
3. If you are unable to fish after making any bookings, you MUST
   cancel the bookings immediately.                                                                 PC Repairs & Upgrades
4. Abuse of the ticket/booking system will lead to disciplinary
5. No swim is to be occupied before your booking times, as
   explained in water rule1, and no tackle is to be taken on to the
   water for any reason whatsoever before those times set out.
6. No member other than Club Officials may visit the water for
   any reason whatsoever unless they are booked in to fish, or
   attending an official work party.
7. ALL gates MUST be kept locked at all times when not in use.          New
8. Do not climb or interfere with the otter fencing whatsoever.        Ever Stock
9. No dogs are permitted on this water.                                    y we
10. No guest tickets.
11. Absolutely no weed raking, no alterations to the water, swim
    stations, bank side vegetation or surrounding grounds
12. No spodding on this water.

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Pond Warden - Pete Woodward Tel. 07879 836315

Lily Pond: Mixed fishery with small carp, tench, bream, roach,

                                                                                                                                        A Stanbridge Farm
perch and rudd.
Long pond: Fun carp fishery (all sizes up to small doubles)
River Rother tributary: Narrow with pools and weirs holding
trout, gudgeon, roach and rudd.
Access to Ponds via the Gate by vehicle across the field
when ground is firm only. If not, you must park vehicles in the
Stanbridge Farmyard. If you are going to access via the field with

your car, park just inside the farm entrance and cross over the
road to open the date or you will be leaving your vehicle sticking
out on the main road. Please be aware that this road is quite fast,

                                                                                      Sussex Road
so please take care and be alert. When driving across the field,
please try and take a higher route so and the lower levels of the
field are very soft.

Access to the tributary can be made from either A or B. The northern

                                                                                                 o t h e r Tribu
end is indicated by the end of the field and Southern end (across the
B2146) adjacent to a public footpath. Both ends are signed.
A shows where you pull into Stanbridge Farm, our gate is

                                                                                              R iver R
opposite this so please be careful when crossing to open the
gate. B shows the entrance to the Ponds, please be aware that
the fence is electrified - you can unhook the fence with the blue
handle - you do so at your own risk.
All general water rules apply plus the following:
1. The entrance field may contain cattle, ensure all gates and
   fences are secured.

Lily pond is still fishable with cormorant netting in place, it is

                                                                                                                               POND B
just a bit restrictive.

No closed season on the two ponds. The river tributary stretch
is closed from 15th March to 15th June inclusive.
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