Pricing Mortgage Stress. Lessons from Hurricanes and the Credit Risk Transfers - IE

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Pricing Mortgage Stress. Lessons from Hurricanes and
               the Credit Risk Transfers.

                Pedro Getey, Athena Tsouderouz and Susan M. Wachterx

                                              March 2021


          We hand-collect a unique database of Credit Risk Transfers (CRTs), linked to U.S.
      mortgages, to study how markets price default risk from natural disasters. Exploiting
      heterogeneous exposure of CRTs to default risk, we estimate the increases in CRT spreads
      due to the landfall of two major hurricanes. We calibrate a model of credit supply to match
      those estimates. Market-implied mortgage rates in counties more often hit by a hurricane
      are 13% higher than inland counties. Also, market-implied mortgage rates would have
      increased by 29% due to the Global Financial Crisis, and by 21% due to the covid-19

          Keywords: Climate Risk, CRT, Credit Risk, GSEs, Hurricanes, Mortgages.

     We thank David Echeverry, Scott Frame, Patricia Gabaldon, Carlos Garriga, Kris Gerardi, Vahid Saadi,
Franco Zecchetto and participants at MIT, Oxford, IE, and at the 2019 ASSA meeting. Research reported in this
paper was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MCIU), State Research
Agency (AEI) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Grant No. PGC2018-101745-A-I00.
     Email: IE Business School, IE University. Maria de Molina 12, 28006 Madrid, Spain.
+34 915689727.
     Email: IE Business School, IE University. Maria de Molina 12, 28006 Madrid,
Spain. +34 915689727.
     Email: The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. 302 Lauder-Fischer
Hall, 256 S. 37th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. +1 (610) 647-1042.

1       Introduction

     Housing and mortgage markets are exposed to the risk of natural disasters. An increasingly
large literature (see Giglio, Kelly and Stroebel 2021 for a survey) shows that climate risk is
incorporated in house prices. In this paper we analyze how such risks would be priced in
private mortgage markets. At the moment, there is intense government intervention in the U.S.
mortgage markets. For example, nearly half of the mortgage debt outstanding ($5.7 trillion)
is owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two agencies in conservatorship since
2008 (Lucas and McDonald 2010). Moreover, Ginnie Mae, a federal government corporation,
guarantees about $2.1 trillion mortgages.1 Thus, most mortgage credit risk in the U.S. is
directly or indirectly priced by the government.2

    If the government underprices mortgage credit risk from natural disasters, it provides incen-
tives for lenders to originate risky mortgages (as Elenev, Landvoigt and Van Nieuwerburgh 2016
theorize) and for households to live in areas exposed to climate risk. Moreover, mispricing en-
tails potential …scal costs for taxpayers. Such costs can be especially high in mortgage markets
because securitization may create incentives to lenders to sell their riskiest loans (Willen 2014).
In fact, Ouazad and Kahn (2019) …nd evidence suggesting that lenders sell their mortgages
with the worst climate risk to Fannie and Freddie (aka the Government Sponsored Enterprises
or GSEs).

    This paper exploits a hand-collected database of the new market for U.S. mortgage Credit
Risk Transfers (CRTs). We proceed in two steps. First, our identi…cation exploits that di¤erent
CRT securities have heterogeneous exposure to the mortgage defaults caused by a local, large
and unexpected shock, the Hurricanes Harvey and Irma that hit the U.S. coast in late August
and early September 2017 respectively. Second, we analyze a model of credit supply standard
in the macro-…nance literature calibrated to match our empirical estimates. We solve for equi-
librium mortgage rates and run simulations, as in Campbell and Cocco (2015) who instead
focus on credit demand.

   The CRTs are structured securities that the GSEs began issuing in 2013 to bring private
capital to mortgage markets (Levitin and Wachter 2020).3 The GSEs pay interest plus the
invested principal to the buyers of the CRTs. However, both payments depend on the credit
performance of an underlying pool of mortgages. If the mortgages default, the CRT investors
    As of December 31, 2019. (FHFA 2020; Ginnie Mae 2020).
    The U.S. government sets mortgage rates or g-fees to guarantee payments of mortgage-backed securities.
    By “CRTs”we refer to the synthetic notes: Fannie Mae’s Connecticut Avenue Securities (CAS) and Freddie
Mac’s Structured Agency Credit Risk securities (STACR). Finkelstein, Strzodka and Vickery (2018), Lai and
Van Order (2019) and Echeverry (2020) study di¤erent aspects of the CRT market.

su¤er those losses and receive smaller payments than planned. Hence, the GSEs are transferring
the credit risk of such mortgages to the investors who hold the CRTs.

   The Harvey and Irma hurricanes were unforeseen local events that suddenly generated large
expectations of credit losses. Harvey hit mostly in Houston and Irma in the southern part
of Florida. These two hurricanes rank in the top …ve of the costliest storms on record, with
damages of approximately $125 billion and $77 billion respectively (National Hurricane Center

    CRTs have heterogeneous exposure to the hurricanes because CRTs di¤er in the loan-to-
value (LTV) ratio and in the geographical composition of their reference pool. Moreover,
di¤erent tranches of the same CRT deal have di¤erent exposure to the default risk of the un-
derlying mortgage pool. This is the …rst paper to show and exploit these heterogeneities. All
CRTs are backed by pools of mortgages that in principle are geographically diversi…ed, as they
include mortgages from all U.S. states. However, this paper shows that such diversi…cation was
not perfect. Some CRTs had a higher share of mortgages in the hurricane damaged areas and
su¤ered larger delinquency rates. Markets discovered such fact as the hurricanes approached.
For example, the GSEs published supplementary disclosures about the aggregated principal
outstanding in each CRT mortgage pool that was in the hurricane a¤ected areas. Thus, mar-
kets were able to price higher exposure to mortgage credit risk as investors had available all
information about the characteristics of mortgages underlying the CRTs.

    To do the analysis, we hand-collect a unique database of CRTs by combining information
from di¤erent data sources: data on all issuances of CRTs from Bloomberg, price data from
the secondary CRT market from Thomson Reuters Eikon, data on delinquencies in each CRT
reference pool from the GSEs, loan-level characteristics and credit performance data from Fred-
die Mac and annual hurricane occurrences in the U.S. counties from the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA).

    In the …rst part of the paper we perform a di¤erence-in-di¤erence analysis. We measure how
markets change the price of those CRTs with higher exposure to the defaults to be caused by
Harvey and Irma. The hurricanes impacted thousands of households and led to a considerable
surge in mortgage delinquencies. Later on, government intervention prevented a surge in mort-
gage defaults, but, our identi…cation is anchored on the fact that, when the hurricanes made
landfall, markets expected large mortgage losses. A signal of these heightened loss expectations
is that, a month after these hurricanes, the Association of Mortgage Investors asked the GSEs
    There is an increasingly large literature that uses hurricanes as exogenous shocks because it is impossible to
predict well in advance the exact location, timing and severity of individual hurricanes. See for example, Rehse
et al. (2019), Schüwer, Lambert and Noth (2019), Cortés and Strahan (2017), or Dessaint and Matray (2017).

to remove natural catastrophe risk from the CRTs because they were afraid of large spikes in
mortgage defaults (Yoon 2017).

   We show the validity of our identi…cation by showing that the parallel trends identifying
assumption is perfectly satis…ed in our setting. CRTs with di¤erent exposure to the hurricanes’
default risk behaved similarly until shortly before the landfall of the hurricanes.

    We …nd signi…cant increases in the yields (that is, decreases in prices) for those CRTs more
exposed to credit risk. For example, for junior tranches from those CRTs geographically more
exposed to the hurricanes, whose underlying mortgages have LTVs above 80, the hurricanes
increase spreads relative to Libor by 72.9 basis points. This is an 11% increase relative to the
average spread of 646 basis points two weeks before the hurricanes.5 Consistent with the theory,
the results weaken as we look into those tranches less exposed to risk. For example, we …nd no
signi…cant e¤ect of the hurricanes on mezzanine tranches. We show evidence in the direction
that the results are not driven by increased liquidity risk, nor increased prepayment risk.

    In the second part of the paper we use the previous results to calibrate a model of mortgage
credit supply. This provides a structural way to extrapolate from mortgage defaults into the
market price of mortgage credit risk. Then we simulate how markets would price default risk
from natural disasters. First, we study di¤erences in the exposure to hurricanes among U.S.
counties. We …nd that the market-implied price of mortgages in counties that are hit almost
every year by a tropical storm or hurricane, for example in Florida or Louisiana, would have
been 13% higher than counties far from the Atlantic coast. Second, we simulate time series
of market-implied mortgage rates and implied guarantee fees (g-fees), given historical default
rates. We …nd that during the …rst quarter of 2020, covid-19 would have increased the mortgage
rates by 21%, if these rates re‡ected market pricing of credit risk.

    This paper contributes to two literatures. First, it contributes to the literature that studies
…nancial consequences of natural disasters. Recent papers have shown the impact of natural
disasters on mortgage credit markets (see for example, Ouazad and Kahn 2019; Cortés and
Strahan 2017; Chavaz 2016; Berg and Schrader 2012 and Morse 2011). By exploiting geograph-
ical heterogeneity due to hurricanes, the literature has shown e¤ects of hurricanes on bank
stability (Schüwer, Lambert and Noth 2019), on Real Estate Investment Trusts trading (Rehse
et al. 2019), on stock returns (Lanfear, Lioui and Siebert 2019), on housing prices (Ortega and
Taspinar 2018), and on managers perception of disaster risk (Dessaint and Matray 2017). The
climate …nance literature has shown that geographical exposure to climate risk is priced in mu-
nicipal bonds (Goldsmith-Pinkham et al. 2020), house prices (Bernstein, Gustafson and Lewis
    The reaction of investors is consistent with a rational reaction to negative shocks when investors have
information about the geographic locations of mortgages (Pavlov, Wachter and Zevelev 2016).

2019), and long-term interest rates (Giglio et al. 2021), while it causes more delinquencies and
foreclosures (Issler et al. 2019). Our contribution is to implement the …rst study of the e¤ects
of default risk due to hurricanes on mortgage pricing.

    Second, this paper contributes to the housing …nance literature, especially related to the
reform of the American housing …nance system. Papers like Lucas and McDonald (2010),
Jeske, Krueger and Mitman (2013), Frame, Wall and White (2013), Elenev, Landvoigt and
Van Nieuwerburgh (2016), Hurst et al. (2016), Gete and Zecchetto (2018) and Fieldhouse,
Mertens and Ravn (2018) have analyzed di¤erent topics related to the GSEs. Pavlov, Schwartz
and Wachter (2020) and Stanton and Wallace (2011) study how mortgage credit risk was not
re‡ected in the prices of credit default swaps during the 2008 …nancial crisis, pointing out the
failure of transferring credit risk to the market. Our estimates also speak more broadly to the
literature that studies the macroeconomic e¤ects of credit risk (e.g. Campbell and Cocco 2015;
Garriga and Hedlund 2020). To our knowledge, this is the …rst paper to estimate the pricing
of mortgage credit risk in the new market for CRTs.

   The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sections 2 and 3 describe the CRTs and the
database. Section 4 presents the di¤-in-di¤ analysis to estimate the impact of the hurricanes
on the market pricing of credit risk. Section 5 analyzes the model of credit supply. Section 6

2     Overview of Credit Risk Transfers

2.1    Background

     The GSEs are exposed to signi…cant credit risk because they guarantee the timely pay-
ment of principal and interest of the mortgage-backed securities (MBS) that they issue. The
2008 …nancial crisis caused large credit losses for the GSEs and they have been in conservator-
ship since September 2008. Conservatorship directly exposes the U.S. taxpayers to the risk of
signi…cant mortgage defaults.

    Directed by the FHFA, the GSEs started to issue CRTs in July 2013. These transactions are
agreements with private investors who would share the credit risk on mortgage loans underlying
agency MBS. The CRT securities are Freddie Mac’s Structured Agency Credit Risk (STACR)
securities and Fannie Mae’s Connecticut Avenue Securities (CAS). CRTs are the main credit
risk mitigation instrument used by the GSEs. CRTs have gained a broad investor base and are
a liquid market. Up to the second quarter of 2017, which is the period we are focusing on, CRT

securities provided GSEs with loss protection on about $1.3 trillion of mortgage loans (FHFA

2.2    CRT structure

     The CRTs are notes with …nal maturity of 10 or 12.5 years. CRTs have referenced 30-
year …xed rate mortgages, which represent the majority of the mortgages securitized into MBS.
CRTs o¤er investors the rights to cash‡ows from a reference pool of mortgages that underlie
recently securitized agency MBS. The notes pay monthly a share of the mortgage principal to
the investors plus interest. The principal balance of a CRT note is a percentage of the total
outstanding principal balance of the reference pool. Each reference pool consists of around
140 million mortgages, with total unpaid principal of approximately $30 billion at the time of
issuance. The GSEs disclose the characteristics and performance over time of the underlying
mortgage pools as well as of the individual loans. Investors have complete information.

   The mortgage reference pools contain mortgages on houses in all U.S. states. The highest
number of mortgages is usually in the states of California, Texas, Florida, Illinois, Georgia and
Virginia. Reference pools are split into two groups: high or low LTV. The high LTV pools only
contain mortgage loans with LTV ratios from 80% to 97%. The low LTV pools only contain
mortgage loans with LTV ratios between 60% and 80%.

    Figure 1 shows a sample CRT transaction. The outstanding principal balance at issuance
is divided into tranches with di¤erent levels of seniority. The most senior tranche is entirely
retained by the GSEs. Next in seniority are typically two or three mezzanine tranches, followed
by a subordinated (“junior”) tranche. These tranches are sold to investors. A second subor-
dinated tranche (“…rst loss”) was retained by the GSEs in the early CRT transactions, but it
has been sold to investors since 2016. A typical allocation of the outstanding principal balance
is 94.5%-96% to the most senior tranche retained by the GSEs, 3.5%-4% to the mezzanine
tranches, and 0.5%-1.5% to the junior tranches. The GSEs also retain a vertical slice of each
of the tranches sold to investors, as a mechanism to reduce the GSE’s moral hazard in the
selection of mortgages (Lai and Van Order 2019).

    The cash‡ows from the mortgages in the reference pool are used to repay the tranches ac-
cording to the seniority pecking order. Once the outstanding principal balance of the most
senior tranche is paid, the next tranche in seniority starts to be paid. The losses on mortgages
in the reference pool are used to reduce the principal balance of the most subordinate tranche
outstanding. Once the outstanding principal balance of the most subordinate tranche is elim-

inated, the next most subordinate tranche starts to have its principal balance reduced by the
mortgage losses.

    CRTs pay as interest one month U.S. Dollar Libor plus a ‡oater spread. Figure A1 shows the
historical spreads of the CRTs in the primary market. The price ‡uctuations signal what private
capital markets would charge for sharing the credit risk supported by the GSEs (Wachter 2018).
The CRT performance is directly linked to the risk of default of the underlying mortgages. The
spread is higher for the junior tranches. For example up to August 2017, the junior tranche
paid, on average, a spread of 8 percentage points whereas the mezzanine tranches paid, on
average, a spread of 3 percentage points.

3         Data

     We assemble a unique database by combining information at the security level from multiple
data sources. First, we collect data about the mortgages in the CRTs reference pool from the
GSEs (Fannie Mae 2020; Freddie Mac 2020). The GSEs disclose the features and performance
of the mortgage loans in the reference pool. Speci…cally, for all CRTs issued up to August 15,
2017, we collect the LTVs, geographical composition and delinquencies of the mortgages in the
reference pool. We also collect the supplementary data made public by the GSEs showing the
share of the principal balance of the CRT deals that was potentially a¤ected by the hurricanes.6
Then, from Bloomberg, we gather data of all CRT issuances. We record issuance dates, the
seniority of the tranches and those retained by the GSEs, the principal balance per tranche,
and the ‡oater spread paid by each tranche. Our sample contains 163 CRT securities in total.
Table 1 summarizes the main characteristics. Table 2 presents summary statistics of the key
variables for the junior CRTs. The high-LTV CRTs have higher spreads at issuance and higher
yield spreads in the secondary market, consistent with higher credit risk.

   Moreover, we collect the complete history of yields in the secondary CRT market from
Thomson Reuters Eikon, which we merge with the CRT characteristics. We cross-validate
these data with data on CRT secondary prices from TRACE. We also use the 1-month US
Dollar Libor rates from Thomson Reuters Eikon to calculate the spread over Libor. We use
these panel data of daily CRT yields for the di¤erences-in-di¤erences estimations, over di¤erent
time windows around the dates of the hurricanes.

   For the model simulations, we obtain the hurricane occurrences in each county from 2000 to
2019 from FEMA, which we merge with loan-level characteristics and credit performance data
        These data, although not at the loan level, allowed investors to use new …lters for regions of interest.

from Freddie Mac. Our sample contains one million mortgage loans originated from 2000 to
2019, covering all the U.S.

    We use the time series of the single-family guarantee fees from 1991 to 2019 from the
GSEs Financial Reports, and the historical delinquency rates from 1991 to 2021 for single-
family residential mortgages from FRED. We also collect the time series of the average 5-year
certi…cate of deposits (CD) rates from 1991 to 2021 from Bankrate7 , and origination costs at
speci…c dates from the FHFA Monthly Interest rate Survey (FHFA 2020).

4       Empirical Analysis

    In late August 2017 Hurricane Harvey made landfall on the U.S. coast. Harvey was followed
by Hurricane Irma in early September 2017. Harvey hit mostly Houston, while Irma hit the
southern part of Florida. Harvey and Irma were a large and unexpected shock to local mortgage

4.1     Heterogeneities in exposure to mortgage default caused by the

     CRTs are supposed to be geographically diversi…ed as they are backed by mortgages from all
U.S. states. However, Figure 2 shows that such diversi…cation is not perfect. Those CRTs with
a higher share of mortgages in the hurricane damaged areas (Houston and Southern Florida)
experienced a substantially higher share of delinquencies.

    Figure 3 shows that the spreads of CRTs that were more geographically exposed to the
hurricanes reacted more than those less exposed CRTs. Days after the landfalls investors had
information about the geographical concentration of their holdings to hurricane a¤ected areas.
Moreover, Figure 3 shows that the parallel trends assumption for the di¤erence-in-di¤erence
identi…cation is satis…ed. The spreads of the two CRT groups show similar dynamics before the
…rst landfall.

   In addition to the geographical composition of their reference pool, CRTs are also heteroge-
neous in the LTV of the mortgages in the pool. Figure 4 shows that, following the hurricanes,
     Bankrate is an American consumer …nancial services company. (
     Papers such as Cortés and Strahan (2017), Dessaint and Matray (2017), Schüwer, Lambert and Noth (2019)
and Rehse et al. (2019) also use hurricanes as exogenous shocks.

CRTs whose underlying pools had higher LTV ratios (81-97%) su¤ered higher delinquencies
than CRTs whose pools had low LTV ratios (61-80%).

    It is important to discuss that most of the increase in delinquencies shown above …nally
did not translate into defaults and foreclosures. The federal government and the GSEs granted
extraordinary and immediate mortgage and foreclosure relief options to the households living
in the hurricane a¤ected counties (see for example, Bakel 2017; Freddie Mac 2017a; Freddie
Mac 2017b). Thus, delinquencies peaked in April 2018 and then decreased. Nevertheless, even
if the hurricanes did not cause major ex-post surge in defaults, ex-ante markets were stressed
as we will discuss in Figures 5 to 6.

   Figure 5 plots the spreads of the junior CRTs, issued in 2017, by the two groups of high
and low LTV. The trends were broadly parallel, before the news about Hurricane Harvey. As
expected, the high-LTV CRTs have on average higher spreads, due to higher credit risk. At the
time of the …rst news about Hurricane Harvey there was a sharp increase in the spread of both
groups, with the high LTV group increasing the most. Markets clearly priced higher credit risk.

    A third source of heterogenous exposure to credit risk is tranching because losses are allo-
cated inversely to the seniority of the tranche. Figure 6 shows spreads in the junior tranches.
It shows that investors reacted immediately when Hurricane Harvey made landfall and asked
for higher compensation for taking the credit risk. The spreads stayed high after the landfall
of Hurricane Irma. It took about two months for spreads to revert back to the pre-hurricane
levels. Figure A2 shows that, while the junior tranches showed an average increase in spreads
close to one percentage point, the mezzanine tranches showed an increase in spreads of 0.2
percentage points on average.9

    Finally, a fourth dimension of exposure to risk is the remaining life of the CRT. The worst
scenario for investors would be to su¤er losses in newly issued CRTs which did not yet have time
to make the expected payments of principal and interest. Investors are more exposed to credit
risk in those CRTs with the larger length of time until maturity. Figure 7 plots the spreads of
CRTs that were issued less than seven months before the hurricanes. The CRT spreads react
to the …rst news of Hurricane Harvey and even more after the landfalls. The recently issued
CRT took about three months to recover their pre-hurricane levels.
    The …gures in this section plot the CRTs from Freddie Mac, as they all have higher geographical exposure
to the hurricanes compared to the CRTs from Fannie Mae. Figure A3 shows how the average spreads from
Freddie’s junior CRTs compare with Fannie’s junior CRTs.

4.2    Speci…cation

    We study a di¤erence-in di¤erence methodology with panel data of daily CRT spreads in
the secondary market. The treatment group are those CRTs with the highest geographical
exposure to the hurricane-a¤ected areas, and the control group are those CRTs with the lowest
geographical exposure. We perform the di¤-in-di¤ analysis on di¤erent samples, that is, for high
and low LTVs, and for junior and mezzanine tranches. Thus, we compare di¤erent dimensions
that generate heterogeneity in CRT exposure to credit risk.

    Our identi…cation assumption is that, prior to the 2017 hurricanes, the geographical exposure
of the CRT mortgage pools to counties in major disaster areas was not correlated with the
perceived credit risk of the CRT notes. The parallel trends in the …gures discussed in Section
4.1 validate the assumption. Thus, the “treatment” is the …rst trading date after the landfall
of Hurricane Irma on September 11th 2017. This speci…cation aims to capture the combined
e¤ects of the two hurricanes, since Hurricane Irma hit the U.S. two weeks after Hurricane
Harvey. We estimate

                       Si;t =   0   +   1 Tt   +   2 Ei   +    3 Tt Ei   + Ci + Dt + ui;t ;     (1)

where i indexes securities and t denotes days. Si;t is the spread of CRT i at time t calculated as
the yield to maturity minus the one month U.S. Dollar Libor. Tt is the treatment variable that
takes the value of one for t on and after the …rst trading date after Hurricane Irma’s landfall, and
zero otherwise. Ei is the percentage of CRT unpaid principal balance geographically exposed
to Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma combined, as reported by the GSEs.

    We include cross-sectional and time series controls. The cross-sectional controls Ci are the
‡oater spread to account for the riskiness of the security; an indicator for the issuer, Fannie
Mae or Freddie Mac; and issuance year dummies to capture both di¤erences in the spread of
the issuance year cohorts of CRTs and di¤erent time to maturity. The time series controls
Dt isolate the e¤ect of the timing of the hurricanes from other potential economic in‡uences
happening at the same time. The time series controls are the 10-year treasury rates, in line
with the original time to maturity of the CRTs, and 2-year treasury rates to re‡ect shorter
maturities. We estimate the model for time windows of 2 to 7 weeks before and after the
treatment date.

4.3     Results

     Table 3 presents the estimates of speci…cation (1) for the junior tranches and di¤erent
LTVs. Spreads increase signi…cantly after the hurricanes for CRTs with larger exposure to the
hurricanes for time windows between 2 and 7 weeks after Hurricane Irma’s landfall. To put
the results into perspective, two weeks after the landfalls the yield spreads of the junior CRT
tranche with high LTV and the maximum exposure to the hurricane a¤ected areas increase on
average by 0.76 percentage points more compared to the junior CRT tranche with the minimum

    To address concerns that the results might be a¤ected by liquidity risk, we control in the
previous speci…cation for the daily trading volume of the junior CRTs.11 Table A1 shows that
the results remain broadly unchanged compared to the baseline results in Table 3. Any changes
in trading volume are not driving the changes in credit spreads. Moreover, qualitative evidence
from the overall transaction volume (Figure A4) does not show any sign of illiquidity at the
time of the hurricanes.

    Another concern might be that the risk premia increase not because of higher default risk
but because of higher prepayment risk. For example, as insurance contracts pay out for dam-
aged homes in the areas a¤ected by a hurricane, households might use the insurance payment
to prepay their mortgages. If the CRT market was pricing prepayment risk, we would expect
the risk premium to increase over time, as insurance pays out. However, we observe the oppo-
site trend, a sharp increase in the risk premium post-hurricanes and then a gradual decrease,
consistent with the observed pattern of delinquencies. This pattern shows that the increased
spreads are due to increased credit risk and not due to increased prepayment risk.

    Table A2 shows that the mezzanine tranches reacted very little to the hurricanes. This result
is easy to rationalize: since the CRTs are geographically diversi…ed and the hurricanes were
local shocks, the hurricanes were not systemic enough to put at risk the mezzanine tranches.
That is, if losses on the principal balance of a CRT remain below 1.5% then junior tranches are
enough to absorb them and all other tranches are safe.

    Table 4 summarizes the key takeaway from the empirical exercise. It shows the estimated
change in the spread of junior CRTs with average geographical exposure to the hurricanes,
after the hurricanes’landfall, for time windows 2 to 7 weeks before and after the landfall. For
example, for a 2-week window the junior tranche with high LTV had an increase in spread
    0.106 (from Table 3) x (9.30-2.16) (from Table 2) = 0.76 pp.
    Due to data limitations, we do not have available bid-ask spreads for the CRTs. Speci…cally, debt securities
issued by the GSEs are not eligible for reporting in the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE).

equal to 0:729 percentage points (pp): That is, 0:106 (interaction coe¢ cient from Table 3) 6:47
(average exposure from Table 2)+0:043 (landfall coe¢ cient from Table 3). Table 4 also shows
the change in the one month U.S. Dollar Libor. Overall, the results show how markets increase
the pricing of credit risk during a period of market stress.

5     Simulations in a Model of Credit Supply

     In the previous section we analyzed how markets price mortgage credit risk following major
hurricanes. In this section we build on those estimations to study two related questions: 1) How
U.S. mortgage rates implied by the CRT market would change after a shock to credit risk; and
2) How market-implied rates compare to the rates set by the GSEs. We analyze two types of
credit shocks. First, hurricanes in the geographical dimension. There are large cross-sectional
di¤erences in the exposure to hurricane risk. Second, shocks that increase default risk like the
COVID pandemic or the Global Financial Crisis. For these shocks we focus on the time-series
dimension. In all cases we analyze a model of mortgage credit supply calibrated to be consistent
with the empirical results from Section 4. Since the CRT market contains information on the
supply of credit our modeling approach focuses on the lenders. Campbell and Cocco (2015)
follow a similar approach but instead focusing on credit demand.

5.1     Setup

     We model mortgages as long-term loans with real payments.12 Mortgage lenders are risk
neutral and compete loan by loan.13 We denote by rtd the cost of funds for lenders (e.g.
deposits or warehouse funding) at time t; and by rtw the operating costs (e.g. origination and
servicing costs) per mortgage. Both costs are proportional to the mortgage size (Mt ). We
denote mortgage rates by rtm :

    The outstanding loan amount Mt decays geometrically at rate < 1. The parameter
proxies for the duration of the mortgage. That is, the mortgage amount outstanding in period
t is a fraction of last period,
                                         Mt = M t 1 :                                    (2)
     We assume real payments to abstract from the in‡ation channels studied in Garriga, Kydland and Sustek
     These assumptions are standard in the macro-…nance literature, see Garriga and Hedlund (2020) for example.
The risk neutrality assumption is relaxed because risk-aversion will be captured in the calibration of the loan
recovery parameter that we discuss below.

For example, if   = 0 then the mortgage is a one-period contract.

    The mortgage payment that the borrower makes every period (xt ) covers both the part of
the principal that has to be repaid, (1    )Mt 1 ; plus the interest on the outstanding mortgage,
rtm Mt 1 . That is,
                                     xt = (1     + rtm )Mt 1 :                                (3)

   We assume that borrowers default every period with exogenous probability 0           t    1: In
case of default the lender recovers a fraction 0 < t < 1 of the value of the house (Ph Ht ) posted
as collateral. The parameter t is the recovery rate. Therefore, the value Vt of a long-term
mortgage is

                                        1                                                  1
             Vt = (1     t )(xt   +           Vt+1 ) +    t   min   t P h H t ; xt   +           Vt+1 ;   (4)
                                      1 + rtd                                            1 + rtd

where the …rst term on the right-hand side is the expected revenue if the borrower pays the
loan. That is, the probability of repayment, 1        t , multiplying the payment (xt ) and the
                                                            1                                   d
discounted value of the mortgage the following period 1+r     d Vt+1 . We use the deposit rate rt
as the discount rate. The second term is the probability of the borrower’s default multiplying
the recovery value of the house. Since the recovery value of the house might be larger than the
value of the mortgage, the minimum operator ensures that borrowers in default do not overpay.
That is, in case of borrower’s default the maximum received by the lender is the discounted
value of the mortgage.

    Equation (4) determines implicitly the value of a long-term mortgage as the present dis-
counted sum of the future expected revenue generated by the mortgage. Equation (4) requires
as inputs the values that we take as exogenous in the model: mortgage size, default probability,
recovery fraction, home values and discount rates. It also needs the endogenous mortgage rate.
We determine such endogenous rate by assuming that competition amongst lenders ensures that
mortgage rates adjust so the expected revenue from lending covers the lenders’costs. That is,

                                         Vt = (1 + rtd + rtw )Mt       1                                  (5)

Or, in words, mortgage rates ensure that the future expected revenue generated by the mort-
gage covers the costs of funds for the lenders (deposit costs) plus operating costs. Solving
endogenously for mortgage rates is the goal of the model. That is why we refer to it as a model
of credit supply.

   Once we have mortgage rates, then we can de…ne the market implied guarantee fees (rtg ) as

the excess of the mortgage rate over the cost of funds and origination cost of the lender. In
other words, the guarantee fee is the part of the mortgage rate that compensates for the credit
risk. That is,
                                       rtg = rtm rtd rtw :                                  (6)

5.2     Calibration

    Before parameterizing the model, it is useful to divide both sides of (4) by Vt to eliminate
loan values in case of default, and instead work with the inverse of the loan-to-value ratio

                                                 Ph H t
                                                             l;    8t:

We also assume that lenders’ costs are constant, rtd = rd and rtw = rw . This is a reasonable
assumption since likely these costs were not a¤ected by the hurricanes. The hurricanes will
impact default and recovery rates and these will lead to mortgage rate changes. We set as
t = 0 the time of the shock of the hurricanes’landfall. We denote the pre-hurricane values with
t = 1 and the post-hurricane values with t = 0.14

    We split the model parameters into two groups: parameters that we calibrate exogenously
and parameters that we select such that the model targets the empirical estimates from Section
4.3. Table 5 summarizes our strategy.

    We begin by explaining how we obtain the values of the exogenous parameters. We set
the loan-to-value ratio to be 82.3%, which is the average ratio for GSE guaranteed mortgages
in 2017. l = PhVH t
                      = 1:215 is the inverse of the loan-to-value ratio. While this value is at
origination, we assume this for the life of the mortgage. In case of default, we assume that the
lender will recover this constant multiple of the loan value (1:215) times the recovery rate 0 .
Our goal is to match the average borrower with average leverage.15

    Moreover, we set as exogenous parameters:       = 0:95 is the mortgage amortization rate,
selected to match as close as possible the outstanding balance decay of a 30-year …xed-rate,
…xed-payment mortgage. rd = 0:91% is the average …ve-year CD rate in July 2017, the month
before the landfalls. The mortgage annual operating costs are set to be equivalent to the
origination costs for the GSE mortgages, but paid in 30 years. That is, the mortgage origination
  14                                        (1+r m )(1+r d )+r w
                                                   1                     1          (1+r m )(1+r d )+r w
     Then, equation (4) becomes (1        1 ) (1+r d +r w )(1+r d ) + 1 l = (1    0 ) (1+r d +r w )(1+r d ) + 0 l :
                                                                                         0                       0

     It is widely shown that the risk of default increases with leverage (see, for example, Schwartz and Torous
1993; Garriga and Schlagenhauf 2009; Mayer, Pence and Sherlund 2009; Corradin 2014; Corbae and Quintin
2015; Ganong and Noel 2017).

costs for the GSEs mortgages were 1:17% in July 2017. Assuming these costs are paid in 30
years, as part of the interest on the principal outstanding, we set the annual operating rate to
be the rate that would give the same amount of interest over the life of the mortgage. This is
rw = 0:074%.16

    We calibrate exogenously both the level of default probability pre-hurricanes and the change
caused by the hurricanes. For this, we use data on delinquencies, since this is what market
participants are able to observe. Actual defaults take months or even years before they are
…nalized and are available in public data. CRT investors can infer default risk from reported
delinquencies within the pool of mortgages that back up the CRTs. To convert delinquencies
to defaults, we assume that the expected default rate is 50% of the delinquency rate. This is
an accurate simple approximation to the data.17

    We set the expectations of default to be consistent with the experience of CRTs with high
LTV before the hurricanes. According to the data in Figure 4, in CRTs with high LTV,
from July 2015 to July 2017 the serious delinquencies (delinquent for 120 days) increased, on
average, by 0.0356 percentage points per year. Right before the hurricanes, in July 2017, the
average remaining time to maturity was eight years. Then we assume that CRT investors
expect a delinquency rate of 0.285% (or 0.0356 8) and a expected default rate of 0.143% (or
0.285%/2) of the total mortgage pool: Since junior tranches are on average 1.5% of the mortgage
pool, then CRT investors of junior tranches with high LTV expect defaults of          1 =9.51%

(0.143% 100=1:5) when they buy a CRT right before the hurricanes.

    Figure 4 shows that for high-LTV CRTs, the share of unpaid principal due to delinquencies
was 0.235% in July 2019, when the cumulative delinquencies went back to follow the pre-shock
trend.18 Based on the previous extrapolation, the delinquencies in July 2019 would have been
0.176% (0.105% in July 2017 + 0.071 pp two years later) in the absence of a shock. That is,
the hurricanes caused expectations of delinquencies to increase by 0.0437 pp (0.235%-0.176%).
An implicit assumption is that the hurricanes caused a one-time level increase in delinquencies
and then delinquency rates followed the pre-hurricane trend, consistent with the data in Figure
4. The equivalent increase in the default rate in the mortgage pool is 0.0218 pp (0.0437/2),
and the corresponding increase for the junior tranches is 1.46 pp (0.0218 100=1:5). That
is, CRT investors of junior tranches with high LTV expect that the hurricanes would cause
     This is based on the previous assumption of constant mortgage depreciation rate = 0:95:
     For example, in the nation-wide single-family loan dataset of Freddie Mac, out of the loans that became
delinquent for 120 days, 30% of the underlying properties become owned by the lender later on, 20% continue
to be delinquent for more than 2 years. The other 50% of the delinquent loans resume the payments at some
point in time. Guren and McQuade (2020) show similar patterns in their data.
     We ignore the hump in delinquencies that followed immediately after the hurricane. A substantial number
of delinquencies were reversed, likely due to the hurricane assistance measures.

0        1   = 1:46 pp increase in the default rate.

   We take the level of mortgage rates pre-hurricanes from the data and calibrate the model to
match the change in the mortgage rates. The expectations during the two weeks before the shock
due to the hurricanes kept the average spreads of junior CRTs with high LTV at 7:21 percentage
points. The one-month U.S. Dollar Libor was 1:232% at the beginning of August 2017. Thus
we select the pre-hurricane mortgage rate in our model to be rm1 = 7:21 + 1:232 = 8:442%:

    Our …rst calibration target is the change in the market implied mortgage rate, obtained from
the change in the CRT yield in the private market due to the hurricanes. We model the payment
of risky CRTs, consisting of the junior tranches of a mortgage pool, like a risky mortgage. Table
4 says that the increasing credit risk expectations caused by the hurricanes lead to an increase
in the mortgage rate of r0m rm1 = 0:728 percentage points (that is, 0:729 change in spread
  0:001 change in Libor). This increase shows how much additional compensation investors
demand to take on the increased credit risk. That is, this is the rate change that investors
demand to be compensated for the credit risk they are taking on.

    The object of the calibration strategy is to …nd the link between recovery values and default
probabilities that match the estimates from Section 4.3. The GSEs use a simple step-function
to describe the relationship between and , for example as a feature of …xed-severity CRTs
(see Freddie Mac 2015). We approximate this step function with a continuous one by assuming:

                                                 t   =1       a tb ;                          (7)

where a > 0 and 0 < b < 1 are the parameters to calibrate. The exponent b is smaller than one
to ensure a convex function.

    Since we are calibrating two parameters, a and b in (7) ; we need a second target. We
calibrate to match the slope of (7) to be equal to the average slope at the probability of default
 0 before the hurricanes’landfall. The slope is:

                                             d   t              b 1
                                                     =    ab    t   :                         (8)
                                             d   t

We target it to be       0:5 at t = 0.19

      We solve equations (??) and (8) for a and b:
    Slope = ( 02        01 )=( 02     01 )  =    (0:6  0:75)=(0:35 0:05)  =     0:5, where the
values are consistent with Freddie Mac’s step function that links severity to defaults

Our solution derives that the expectations of the recovery rate are linked to the expected
default probabilities in the following way: t = 1 0:519 t0:007 : The values are consistent with the
estimations of recovery rates by the GSEs at levels higher than the historical average, since in
our model the recovery rate captures not only expectations of losses, but also risk preferences.
For example 0.1% probability of default corresponds to a 90% recovery rate, whereas 10%
probability of default corresponds to a 82% recovery rate.

5.3     Simulations

    We analyze two types of credit shocks. First, we study geographical di¤erences at the
county level in the probabilities of default due to the frequency of Atlantic hurricanes. Second,
we analyze changes over time of the default probabilities due to the Global Financial Crisis and
the COVID-19 pandemic.

5.3.1   Geography-based subsidies

      Figure 8 shows the occurrence of hurricanes and tropical storms in each U.S. county es-
timated with data from the last 20 years. Then, we estimate a logit model of the probability
of mortgage delinquencies of more than 120 days, based on the hurricane frequency and an
extensive list of mortgage characteristics. This estimation uses a random sample of 50,000
single-family mortgage loans originated per year, for the years 2000 to 2019. Table 6 shows
the results of the logistic regression. When a mortgage becomes delinquent for more than
120 days, we consider it delinquent and ignore what happens next, e.g. the property is fore-
closed, mortgage payments resume, or the mortgage becomes delinquent again. The results
show that one more hurricane every two years, increases the probability of delinquency by 0.54
(e0:283=2 =(1 + e0:283=2 )):

    Finally, we use the results of the logistic regression to estimate the probability of delinquen-
cies in each county on average. We then input these probabilities into the credit supply model,
to estimate the mortgage rate implied by the probabilities of default. Figure 9 shows our model
estimations. Counties that are on the path of a tropical storm or hurricane almost every year
have market-implied mortgage rates 13% higher (from 2.39% to 2.70%) than the counties less
exposed to hurricanes.

5.3.2   Subsidies during crises

     We simulate mortgage credit risk in the U.S. in the last thirty years. As a proxy for credit
risk we use the mortgage delinquency rate, shown in Figure 10. From the early 1990s to the end
of 2006 the delinquency rates were approximately constant and slightly decreasing from 3.3%
to 1.9%. Then a big jump brought the delinquency rates to 11.5% at the beginning of 2010.
Delinquencies remained at levels close to 10.5% up to mid-2012 before they started decreasing.
The rates reached their lowest level after the Great Recession at 3.4% at the beginning of 2020.
However, there are signs of increases in the second quarter to 2020 due to the crisis caused by

    Table 7 shows the results of the simulation exercise for two notable periods of increasing
credit risk. First, during the Great Recession, the default rates exploded from 1.35% in July
2007 to 5.24% in July 2011. For this exercise we hold constant the funding cost at the level it
was in July 2007 (3.94% 5-year CD rate and 0.47% origination cost). The change in the default
rates would have caused an increase in mortgage rates of 1.38 percentage points from the initial
level of 4.74% (an increase by 29%) if the rates re‡ected market pricing of risk.

    Figure 11 plots the market-implied g-fees derived from our model and the actual adminis-
trative g-fees over the last 30 years. While our model predicts values of market-implied g-fees
identical to the actual administrative g-fees charged in 2005, the market-implied g-fees are …ve
times higher than the actual ones during the period from 2008 to 2012. That is, the increase in
credit risk during the Great Recession was not captured by the g-fees that the GSEs charge to
the lenders to guarantee mortgage payments. An increase in the administrative g-fees by the
FHFA from 2012 onwards was minimal compared to the pricing of credit risk by the market.
However, the drop in credit risk after 2016 and until early 2020 resulted in the g-fees to be
higher than the market price.

    The next simulation exercise in Table 7 concerns the increase in credit defaults due to
the Covid pandemic. For this exercise the funding costs stay constant at the January 2020
level (1.14% 5-year CD rate and 1.05% origination cost). The Mortgage Bankers Association
estimated that the average mortgage default rates increased from 1.58% to 3.34% in the second
quarter of 2020. This increase in default rates would have caused an increase in mortgage rates
of 21% if rates re‡ected market pricing of risk.

   Figure A5 shows the market-implied mortgage rates derived by our model and the simulation
exercise, …rst keeping the funding costs constant, and second varying the funding cost as the
5-year CD rate. The market-implied mortgage rates, when accounting for funding cost, follow
the trend of the CD rates, from 1991 up to 2007. Then, the increased default probabilities force

the market-implied mortgage rates to deviate from the trend, as the market demands higher
compensation for the increased credit risk.

6    Conclusions

     This paper analyzed the market for Credit Risk Transfers (CRTs) and the Harvey and Irma
Hurricanes that hit the U.S. in 2017. We showed that markets priced the credit risk generated
by the hurricanes. For this analysis, we created a unique database of CRT securities. Then, we
exploited that CRTs are heterogenous in their credit risk exposure to the hurricanes. We found
that for the riskiest CRTs the hurricanes increased spreads by 11% of the average spreads before
the landfall. Then, we calibrated a model of credit supply to match the previous estimates. We
used the model to estimate how changes in default probabilities change the cost of mortgage
credit as priced in the private market of CRTs. For example, for the Global Financial Crisis
market-implied mortgage rates would have increased by 29%, and for the covid-19 crisis by
21%. In the cross-section market pricing of hurricane risk would have made rates 13% more
expensive in riskiest U.S. counties. Our results inform the literature that studies credit risk in
private markets, as well as the debate about housing …nance reform.


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   Figure 1. Example Credit Risk Transfer transaction. The …gure shows an example
of CRT transaction linked to a reference pool of loans. Credit losses on the reference pool
reduce the obligation of the GSE to pay interest and repay principal on the CRT securities.
This example contains a junior tranche (Class B) and two mezzanine tranches (Class M-1 and
M-2). The credit losses are allocated to tranches starting with the most subordinate tranche,
while repayments are allocated starting from the most senior tranche. A vertical slice of each of
the tranches is retained by the GSEs, while the remaining credit risk is sold to investors. The
most senior tranche (Class A) is a reference tranche and is fully retained by the GSEs. Source:

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