Properties of concrete containing scrap-tire rubber - an overview

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Waste Management 24 (2004) 563–569

      Properties of concrete containing scrap-tire rubber – an overview
                                              Rafat Siddique, Tarun R. Naik                      *

        Department of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, College of Engineering and Applied Science, UWM Center for By-Products Utilization,
                                  University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, P.O. Box 784, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA
                                                             Accepted 2 January 2004


   Solid waste management is one of the major environmental concerns in the United States. Over 5 billion tons of non-hazardous
solid waste materials are generated in USA each year. Of these, more than 270 million scrap-tires (approximately 3.6 million tons)
are generated each year. In addition to this, about 300 million scrap-tires have been stockpiled. Several studies have been carried out
to reuse scrap-tires in a variety of rubber and plastic products, incineration for production of electricity, or as fuel for cement kilns,
as well as in asphalt concrete.
   Studies show that workable rubberized concrete mixtures can be made with scrap-tire rubber. This paper presents an overview of
some of the research published regarding the use of scrap-tires in portland cement concrete. The benefits of using magnesium
oxychloride cement as a binder for rubberized concrete mixtures are also presented. The paper details the likely uses of rubberized
Ó 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction                                                             meet the challenge of tire disposal problem have long
                                                                            been in development. The promising options are:
   More than 270 million scrap-tires are produced in                        (1) use of tire rubber in asphaltic concrete mixtures;
United States each year (Rubber ManufacturerÕs As-                          (2) incineration of tires for the production of steam and
sociation, 2000). In addition to this, more than 300                        (3) reuse of ground tire rubber in a number of plastic
million tires are currently stockpiled throughout the                       and rubber products. In addition, scrap-tires have been
United States (Rubber ManufacturerÕs Association,                           used as a fuel for cement kiln, as feedstock for making
2000). These stockpiles are dangerous not only due to                       carbon black, and as artificial reefs in marine envi-
potential environmental threat, but also from fire haz-                      ronment (Paul, 1985). Because of high capital invest-
ards and provide breeding grounds for rats, mice, ver-                      ment involved in it, using tires as a fuel is technically
mines and mosquitoes (Naik and Singh, 1991; Singh,                          feasible but economically not very attractive. The use of
1993). Over the years, disposal of tires has become one                     rubber-tires in making carbon black eliminates shred-
of the serious problems in environments. Landfilling is                      ding and grinding costs, but carbon black from tire
becoming unacceptable because of the rapid depletion                        pyrolysis is more expensive and has lower quality than
of available sites for waste disposal. For example                          that from petroleum oils (Paul, 1985). Table 1 shows
France, which produces over 10 million scrap-tires per                      some of the facts and figures published in 2000, as re-
year, will have a dwindling supply of landfills starting                     ported by the Rubber ManufacturerÕs Association
from July 2002, due to a new law that forbids any new                       (2000).
landfill in the country. Used tires are required to be                          A tire is a composite of complex elastomer formula-
shredded before landfilling. Innovative solutions to                         tions, fibers and steel/fiber cord. Tires are made of plies
                                                                            of reinforcing cords extending transversely from bead to
                                                                            bead, on top of which is a belt located below the thread.
      Corresponding author. Fax: +1-414-229-6958.                           Table 2 lists typical types of materials used to manu-
      E-mail address: (T.R. Naik).                            facture tires.

0956-053X/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
564                                       R. Siddique, T.R. Naik / Waste Management 24 (2004) 563–569

Table 1                                                                   Table 3
Some facts and figure concerning tires in USA (Rubber Manufac-             Typical composition of manufactured tires by weight (Rubber Man-
turerÕs Association, 2000)                                                ufacturerÕs Association, 2000)
  Facts                                                Figures              Composition (wt%)                 Automobile        Truck
                                                                                                              tire              tire
  Number of scrap-tires generated annually             270 million
  Approximate weight of scrap-tires                    3.6 million tons     Natural rubber                    14                27
  Number of scrap-tires in stock piles                 300 million          Synthetic rubber                  27                14
  Number of tires processing facilities                498                  Carbon black                      28                28
  Scrap-tires used in civil engineering applications   30 million           Steel                             14–15             14–15
  Scrap-tires processed into ground rubber             18 million           Fabric, filler, accelerators and   16–17             16–17
  Scrap-tires used for fuel                            125 million            antiozonants
  Number of states with scrap-tires legislation/       48
  Number of states that ban whole tires from           33
                                                                          2.3. Shredded/chipped tires
  Number of states that ban all scrap-tires from       12
    landfills                                                                 Tire shreds or chips involve primary, secondary or
  Number of states with no landfill restrictions        5                  both shredding operations. The size of the tire shreds
                                                                          produced in the primary shredding process can vary
                                                                          from as large as 300 to 460 mm (12–18 in.) long by 100–
Table 2                                                                   230 mm (4–9 in.) wide, down to as small as 100–150 mm
Typical materials used in manufacturing tire (Rubber ManufacturerÕs       (4–6 in.) in length, depending on the manufacturerÕs
Association, 2000)                                                        shredder model and the condition of the cutting edges.
      1.   Synthetic rubber                                               Production of tire chips, normally sized from 76 (3 in.)
      2.   Natural rubber                                                 to 13 mm (0.5 in.), requires both primary and secondary
      3.   Sulfur and sulfur compounds                                    shredding to achieve adequate volume (quantity) re-
      4.   Phenolic resin
      5.   Oil
                                                                          duction (Read et al., 1991).
             (i) Aromatic
            (ii) Naphthenic                                               2.4. Ground rubber
           (iii) Paraffinic
      6.   Fabric                                                            Ground rubber for commercial applications may be
            (i) Polyester
           (ii) Nylon
                                                                          nominally sized as large as 19 mm (or 3/4 in.) to as small
      7.   Petroleum waxes                                                as 0.15 mm (No. 100 sieve). It depends upon the type of
      8.   Pigments                                                       size reduction equipment and intended applications. The
            (i) Zinc oxide                                                processed used tires in ground rubber applications are
           (ii) Titanium dioxide                                          typically subjected to two stages of magnetic separation
   9.      Carbon black
  10.      Fatty acids
                                                                          and to screening. Various size fractions of rubber are
  11.      Inert materials                                                recovered (Heitzman, 1992). Some processes/markets
  12.      Steel wires                                                    term 30 mesh rubber as crumb rubber.

                                                                          2.5. Crumb rubber
2. Classification of scrap-tires
                                                                              Crumb rubber consists of particles ranging in size
2.1. Scrap-tires                                                          from 4.75 (No. 4 Sieve) to less than 0.075 mm (No. 200
                                                                          Sieve). Generally, the following methods are used to
   They can be managed as a whole tire, as slit tire, as                  convert scrap-tires into crumb rubber. These methods
shredded or chopped tire, as ground rubber or as a                        are: (i) cracker mill process, (ii) granular process and
crumb rubber product. A typical automobile tire weighs                    (iii) micro-mill process. The cracker mill process tears
20 lb, whereas a truck tire weighs about 100 lb. Table 3                  apart or reduces the size of tire rubber by passing the
gives the major materials used to manufacture tires by                    material between rotating corrugated steel drums. This
percentage of total weight of the finished tire that each                  process produces an irregularly shaped torn particles
material represents.                                                      having large surface area. The size of these particles
                                                                          varies from 5 to 0.5 mm (No. 4–No. 40 Sieve) and is
2.2. Slit-tires                                                           commonly known as crumb rubber.
                                                                              Granular process shears apart the rubber with re-
   These are produced in tire cutting machines. These                     volving steel plates, producing granulated crumb rubber
machines can slit the tire into two halves or can separate                particles, ranging in size from 9.5 (3/8 in.) to 0.5 mm
the sidewalls from the thread of the tires.                               (No. 40 Sieve) (Heitzman, 1992).
R. Siddique, T.R. Naik / Waste Management 24 (2004) 563–569                             565

3. Management option                                              in slump with increase in rubber content as a percentage
                                                                  of total aggregate volume. They further noted that at
3.1. Disposal                                                     rubber contents of 40%, slump was almost zero and
                                                                  concrete was not workable manually. It was also ob-
   Disposing of scrap-tires in landfills is becoming un-           served that mixtures made with fine crumb rubber were
acceptable because of rapid depletion of available sites          more workable than those with coarse tire chips or a
for waste disposal. Approximately 45% of 270 million              combination of tire chips and crumb rubber.
tires are disposed off in landfills, stockpiles or illegal
dumps. As of the year 2000, 48 states of the 50 United            4.1.2. Air content
States have legislation/regulations related to landfilling.           Fedroff et al. (1996) have reported higher air content
Thirty three states ban whole tires from disposal in              in rubcrete mixtures than control mixtures even without
landfills. Twelve states ban all forms of scrap-tires from         the use of air-entraining admixture (AEA). Similar ob-
being disposed off in landfills. Five states have no                servations were also made by Khatib and Bayomy
landfill restrictions on disposal of tires. Thirty states          (1999). This may be due to the non-polar nature of
charge for landfilling tires, whereas seven states allow           rubber particles and their tendency to entrap air in their
monofills (Rubber ManufacturerÕs Association, 2000).               rough surfaces. Also when rubber is added to a concrete
                                                                  mixture, it may attract air as it has the tendency to repel
3.2. Recycling                                                    water, and then air may adhere to the rubber particles.
                                                                  Therefore, increasing the rubber content results in
   According to the data available for the year 2000,             higher air contents in rubcrete mixtures, thereby de-
about 15 million of the 270 million scrap-tires generated         creasing the unit weight of the mixtures.
yearly are exported, 10 million are recycled into new
products, 20 million are processed into ground rubber,            4.1.3. Unit weight
125 million are used as tired-derived fuel and 30 million            Because of low specific gravity of rubber particles,
in civil engineering applications (Rubber Manufac-                unit weight of mixtures containing rubber decreases with
turerÕs Association, 2000). Ground rubber is used in              the increase in the percentage of rubber content.
making rubber products such as floor mats, carpet                  Moreover, increase in rubber content increases the air
padding, vehicles mudguards, plastic products and as a            content, which in turn reduces the unit weight of the
fine aggregate addition (dry process) in asphalt courses.          mixtures. The decrease in unit weight of rubcrete is
Crumb rubber is also used as an asphalt binder modifier            negligible when rubber content is lower than 10–20% of
(wet process) in hot mix asphalt pavements (Naik et al.,          the total aggregate volume (Khatib and Bayomy, 1999).
1995; Naik and Singh, 1995). Over 30 million tires go to
the retreaders, who retread about one-third of the tires          4.2. Hardened properties
received (Scrap Tire Management Council, 1998).
                                                                  4.2.1. Compressive and tensile strength properties
                                                                     Several authors (Ali et al., 1993; Rostami et al., 1993;
4. Research findings                                               Eldin and Senouci, 1993; Topcu, 1995) reported the
                                                                  compressive strength results of rubberized concrete.
   Early investigations on the use of discarded tires in          Results of various studies indicate that the size, pro-
asphalt mixtures have been very encouraging. Results              portions and surface texture of rubber particles notice-
showed that rubberized asphalt had better skid resis-             ably affect compressive strength of rubcrete mixtures.
tance, reduced fatigue cracking and longer pavement life          Eldin and Senouci (1993) reported that concrete mix-
than conventional asphalt (Khosla and Trogdon, 1990;              tures with tire chips and crumb rubber aggregates ex-
Raghvan et al., 1998; Khatib and Bayomy, 1999;                    hibited lower compressive and splitting tensile strengths
Fedroff et al., 1996).                                             than regular portland cement concrete. There was ap-
                                                                  proximately 85% reduction in compressive strength and
4.1. Fresh concrete properties                                    50% reduction in splitting tensile strength when coarse
                                                                  aggregate was fully replaced by coarse crumb rubber
4.1.1. Slump                                                      chips. However, a reduction of about 65% in compres-
   Raghvan et al. (1998) have reported that mortars               sive strength and up to 50% in splitting tensile strength
incorporating rubber shreds achieved workability (de-             was observed when fine aggregate was fully replaced by
fined as the ease with which mortar/concrete can be                fine crumb rubber. Both of these mixtures demonstrated
mixed, transported and placed) comparable to or better            a ductile failure and had the ability to absorb a large
than a control mortar without rubber particles.                   amount of energy under compressive and tensile loads.
   Khatib and Bayomy (1999) investigated the work-                Khatib and Bayomy (1999) and Topcu (1995) also
ability of rubcrete and reported that there is a decrease         showed that the addition of coarse rubber-chips in
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concrete lowered the compressive strength more than               TALC (tire-added latex concrete) as a substitute for fine
the addition of fine crumb rubber. However, results re-            aggregates or styrene–butadiene rubber (SBR) latex
ported by Ali et al. (1993) and Fattuhi and Clark (1996)          while maintaining the same water–cementitious materi-
indicate the opposite trend.                                      als ratio. TALC showed higher flexural and impact
   Studies have indicated that if the rubber particles            strengths than those of portland cement, latex modified
have rougher surface or given a pretreatment, then                concrete and rubber-added concrete. Pictures taken us-
better and improved bonding may develop with the                  ing the SEM seem to support that there was better
surrounding matrix, and, therefore, that may result in            bonding between crumb rubber and portland cement
higher compressive strength. Pretreatments may vary               paste due to latex. TALC showed potential as a viable
from washing rubber particles with water to acid etch-            construction material that is less brittle than other types
ing, plasma pretreatment and various coupling agents              of concrete.
(Naik and Singh, 1991). In acid pretreatment, rubber                 Biel and Lee (1996) reported that the type of cement
particles are soaked in an alkaline solution (NaOH) for           noticeably affects the compressive strength of rubcrete.
5 min and then rinsed with water. This treatment en-              They used two types of cement, magnesium oxychloride
hances the strength of concrete containing rubber par-            cement and portland cement, in making rubcrete. The
ticles through a microscopic (a very small) increase in           percentage of fine aggregate substitution varied from 0%
the surface texture of the rubber particles. Eldin and            to 90% by weight. It was observed that 90% loss in
Senouci (1993) soaked and thoroughly washed rubber                compressive strength occurred for both portland cement
aggregates with water to remove contaminants, while               rubber concrete (PCRC) and magnesium oxychloride
Rostami et al. (1993) used water, water and carbon                cement rubber concrete (MOCRC) when aggregates
tetrachloride solvent, and water and a latex admixture            (90% of fine aggregate and 25% of total aggregate) were
cleaner. Results showed that concrete containing water-           replaced by untreated rubber. Magnesium oxychloride
washed rubber particles achieved about 16% higher                 cement concrete exhibited approximately 2.5 times the
compressive strength than concrete containing untreated           compressive strength of portland cement concrete for
rubber aggregates, whereas this improvement in com-               both inclusion of rubber and without inclusion of rub-
pressive strength was 57% when rubber aggregates                  ber in the concrete. In terms of splitting tensile strength,
treated with carbon tetrachloride were used.                      portland cement concrete specimens made with 25% of
   Segre and Joekes (2000) have worked on the use of              rubber by total aggregate volume retained 20% of their
tire rubber particles as addition to cement paste. In their       splitting tensile strength after initial failure, whereas the
work, the surface of powdered tire rubber (particles of           magnesium oxychloride cement concrete specimens with
maximum size 35 mesh, 500 lm) was modified to in-                  the same rubber content retained 34% of their splitting
crease its adhesion to cement paste. Low-cost proce-              tensile strength. They further noted that use of magne-
dures and reagents were used in the surface treatment to          sium oxychloride cement may provide high strength and
minimize the final cost of the modified material.                   better bonding characteristics to rubber concrete, and
   Among the surface treatments tested to enhance the             rubber concrete made with magnesium oxychloride ce-
hydrophilicity of the rubber surface, a sodium hydroxide          ment could possibly be used in structural applications if
(NaOH) solution gave the best result. The particles were          rubber content is limited to 17% of the total volume of
surface-treated with NaOH saturated aqueous solutions             the aggregate.
for 20 min before using them in concrete. Then, scan-
ning electron microscopy (SEM) and measurements of                4.2.2. Shrinkage
water absorption, density, flexural strength, compressive             A limited amount of literature is available concerning
strength, abrasion resistance, modulus of elasticity and          the plastic shrinkage of concrete containing rubber
fracture energy were performed using test specimens (W/           particles. Preliminary results reported by Raghvan et al.
Cm, water-to-cementitious materials ratio as 0.36) con-           (1998) suggest that incorporation of rubber shreds (two
taining 10% of powdered rubber or rubber treated with             different shapes of rubber particles as constituents of
10% NaOH. The test results showed that the NaOH                   mortar: (i) granules about 2 mm in diameter and (ii)
treatment enhances the adhesion of tire rubber particles          shreds having two sizes which were, nominally, 5.5
to cement paste, and mechanical properties such as                mm  1.2 mm and 10.8 mm  1.8 mm (length  diame-
flexural strength and fracture energy were improved                ter)) to mortar help in reducing plastic shrinkage
with the use of tire rubber particles as addition instead         cracking in comparison to control mortar. They further
of substitution for aggregate. The reduction in the               reported that control specimens developed cracks hav-
compressive strength (33%) was observed, which is                 ing an average width of about 0.9 mm, while the average
lower than that reported in the literature.                       crack width for specimens with a mass fraction of 5%
   Lee et al. (1998) developed ‘‘tire-added latex con-            rubber shreds was about 0.4–0.6 mm. It was also re-
crete’’ to incorporate recycled tire rubber as a part of          ported that onset time of cracking was delayed by the
concrete. Crumb rubber from used tires was used in                addition of 5% rubber shreds. Mortar without rubber
R. Siddique, T.R. Naik / Waste Management 24 (2004) 563–569                             567

shreds cracked within 30 min, while mortar with 15%              in its body) seemed to decrease with an increase in
fraction by mass cracked after 1 h. It was further indi-         rubber content. However, Topcu and Avcular (1997a,b)
cated that the higher the content of rubber shreds, the          have recommended the use of rubberized concrete in
smaller the crack length and width, and the onset time of        circumstances where vibration damping is required.
cracking was more delayed.                                       Similar observations were also made by Fattuhi and
                                                                 Clark (1996).
4.2.3. Toughness and impact resistance                              Topcu and Avcular (1997a,b) reported that the im-
   Tantala et al. (1996) investigated the toughness              pact resistance of concrete increased when rubber ag-
(toughness is also known as energy absorption capacity           gregates were incorporated into the concrete mixtures.
and is generally defined as the area under load–deflec-            The increase in resistance was derived from the en-
tion curve of a flexural specimen) of a control concrete          hanced ability of the material to absorb energy. Eldin
mixture and rubcrete mixtures with 5% and 10% buff                and Senouci (1993) and Topcu (1995) also reported
rubber by volume of coarse aggregate. They reported              similar results.
that toughness of both rubcrete mixtures was higher                 Hernandez-Olivares et al. (2002) have reported that
than the control concrete mixture. However, the                  addition of crumb tire rubber volume fractions up to 5%
toughness of rubcrete mixture with 10% buff rubber (2–6           in a cement matrix does not yield a significant variation
mm) was lower than that of rubcrete with 5% buff                  of the concrete mechanical features, either maximum
rubber because of the decrease in compressive strength.          stress or elastic modulus.
   Based on their investigations on use of rubber shreds
(having two sizes which were, nominally, 5.5 mm  1.2            4.2.4. Freezing and thawing resistance
mm and 10.8 mm  1.8 mm) and granular (about 2 mm                    Savas et al. (1996) carried out investigations to study
in diameter) rubber in mortar, Raghvan et al. (1998)             the rapid freezing and thawing (ASTM C 666, Proce-
reported that mortar specimens with rubber shreds were           dure A) durability of rubber concrete. Various mixtures
able to withstand additional load after peak load. The           were made by incorporating 10%, 15%, 20% and 30%
specimens were not separated into two pieces under the           ground rubber by weight of cement used for the control
failure flexural load because of bridging of cracks by            mixture. Based on their studies, they concluded that:
rubber shreds, but specimens made with granular rubber           (i) rubcrete mixtures with 10% and 15% ground rubber
particles broke into two pieces at the failure load. This        (2–6 mm in size) exhibited durability factors higher than
indicates that post-crack strength seemed to be en-              60% after 300 freezing and thawing cycles, but mixtures
hanced when rubber shreds are used instead of granular           with 20% and 30% ground rubber by weight of cement
rubber.                                                          could not meet the ASTM standards (durability factor);
   Khatib and Bayomy (1999) reported that as the                 (ii) air-entrainment did not provide improvements in
rubber content is increased, rubcrete specimens tend to          freezing and thawing durability for concrete mixtures
fail gradually and failure mode shape of the test speci-         with 10%, 20% and 30% ground tire rubber and (iii)
men is either a conical or columnar (conical failure is          increase in scaling (scaling gives an evaluation of the
gradual, whereas columnar is more of shreds having two           surface exposed to freezing and thawing cycles as mea-
sizes which were, nominally, 5.5 mm  1.2 mm and 10.8            sured by the loss of weight) increased with the increase
mm  1.8 mm (length  diameter) sudden failure). At a            in freezing and thawing cycles.
rubber content of 60%, by total aggregate volume, the                Benazzouk and Queneudec (2002) studied the freeze–
specimens exhibited elastic deformations, which the              thaw durability of cement–rubber composites through
specimens retained after unloading.                              the use of two types of rubber aggregates. The types of
   Eldin and Senouci (1993) demonstrated that the                the aggregates were: compact rubber aggregate (CRA)
failure mode of specimens containing rubber particles            and expanded rubber aggregates (ERA). Volume-ratio
was gradual as opposed to brittle. Biel and Lee (1996)           of the aggregates ranged from 9% to 40%. The results
reported that failure of concrete specimens with 30%,            showed improvements in the durability of the composite
45% and 60% replacement of fine aggregate with rubber             containing 30% and 40% rubber by volume. Improve-
particles occurred as a gradual shear that resulted in a         ment in the durability of the composite containing ERA
diagonal failure, whereas failure of plain (control) con-        type aggregates is better than composite made with
crete specimens was explosive, leaving specimens in              CRA aggregates. The finding is more distinct for ERA
several pieces.                                                  type.
   Goulias and Ali (1997) found that the dynamic                     Paine et al. (2002) investigated the use of crumb
modulus of elasticity and rigidity decreased with an in-         rubber as an alternative to air-entrainment for providing
crease in the rubber content, indicating a less stiff and         freeze–thaw resisting concrete. Three sizes of crumb
less brittle material. They further reported that damp-          rubber, 0.5–1.5, 2–8 and 5–25 mm, were used. Test re-
ening capacity of concrete (a measure of the ability of          sults showed that there is potential for using crumb
the material to decrease the amplitude of free vibrations        rubber as a freeze–thaw resisting agent in concrete. The
568                               R. Siddique, T.R. Naik / Waste Management 24 (2004) 563–569

crumb rubber concrete performed significantly better               Also, the tensile and flexural strengths of the TRA
under freeze–thaw conditions than plain concrete, and             mortar specimens were higher than those of the control
the performance of crumb rubber concrete in terms of              specimens.
scaling was similar to that of air-entrained concrete.

                                                                  7. Use of scrap-tire rubber in flowable fill
5. Uses of rubber concrete (rubcrete)
                                                                     Pierce and Blackwell (2003) in their recently published
    Fattuhi and Clark (1996) have suggested that rub-
                                                                  paper have highlighted the use of crumb rubber in
crete could possibly be used in the following areas:
                                                                  flowable fill. In their investigation, they replaced sand
  (i) where vibration damping is needed, such as in foun-
                                                                  with crumb rubber to produce flowable fill. Experimental
      dation pad for rotating machinery and in railway
                                                                  results indicate that crumb rubber can be successfully
                                                                  used to produce a lightweight (1.2–1.6 g/cm3 ) flowable fill
 (ii) for trench filling and pipe bedding, pile heads, and
                                                                  with excavatable 28-day compressive strengths ranging
      paving slabs and
                                                                  from 0.02 to 0.09 MPa. Based on their investigation, they
(iii) where resistance to impact or blast is required such
                                                                  have concluded that a crumb rubber-based flowable fill
      as in railway buffers, jersey barriers (a protective
                                                                  can be used in a substantial number of construction
      concrete barrier used as a highway divider and a
                                                                  applications, such as bridge abutment fills, trench fills
      means of preventing access to a prohibited area)
                                                                  and foundation fills.
      and bunkers.
    Rubcrete because of its light unit weight (density
ranges from 900 to 1600 kg/m3 ) may also be suitable for
architectural applications such as: (i) nailing concrete;         8. Conclusions and recommendations
(ii) false facades; (iii) stone backing and (iv) interior
construction.                                                     1. The reduction in compressive strength of concrete
    Topcu and Avcular (1997a,b) have suggested that                  manufactured with rubber aggregates may limit its
rubber-concrete may be used in highway construction as               use in some structural applications, but rubberized
a (i) shock absorber, in sound barriers; (ii) sound                  concrete also has some desirable characteristics such
boaster (which controls the sound effectively) and (iii) in           as lower density, higher impact and toughness resis-
buildings as an earthquake shock-wave absorber.                      tance, enhanced ductility and better sound insula-
However, research is needed before definite recommen-                 tion. The properties cited in the prior sentence can
dations can be made.                                                 be advantageous for various construction applica-
                                                                     tions (driveways and roadway applications, and
                                                                     flowable fill as subbase material). If tire-rubber could
6. Use of scrap-tire ash in mortar                                   be used in applications that demand concrete charac-
                                                                     teristics associated with rubberized concrete, then
   Al-Akhras and Smadi (2002) studied the properties                 disposal of used tires could be reduced to a large
of tire-rubber ash (TRA) mortar. Tire rubber chips were              extent.
obtained and burned at a controlled temperature of 850            2. It is also possible to make high-strength rubber con-
°C for 72 h. The residue of tire-rubber chips (ash) was              crete using magnesium oxychloride cement, which
collected. TRA was utilized as partial replacement of                gives better bonding characteristics to rubber and sig-
sand in five percentages ranging from 0% to 10% with                  nificantly improves the performance of rubcrete.
an increment of 2.5% by weight of sand. Based on the                 Moreover, adhesion between rubber particles and
test results, they concluded that: (1) as the TRA content            other constituentÕs materials can be improved by
increased, the workability of the fresh mortar decreased.            pre-treating the rubber aggregates with magnesium
This behavior is due to the increase in the cementitious             oxychloride.
materials in the mortar mix, due particularly to the              3. More research is required to optimize the particle
large surface area of the added TRA; (2) both initial                size, percentage of rubber, type of cement, use of
and final setting time increased with the increase in                 chemical and mineral admixtures, and methods of
TRA content. The initial setting time increased from                 pretreatment of rubber particles on the characteristics
145 min for the control paste mix to 220 min for 10%                 of concrete.
TRA paste mix. The final setting time increased from               4. Ash from rubber obtained from combustion tires
270 min for control paste mix to 390 min for 10% TRA                 could be used in mortar and concrete. However, sig-
paste mix; (3) The TRA specimens showed higher                       nificant research is needed in this direction.
compressive strengths at various curing periods up to 90          5. Scrap-tire rubber could be successfully used in flow-
days compared with those of the control specimens.                   able fill (Pierce and Blackwell, 2003).
R. Siddique, T.R. Naik / Waste Management 24 (2004) 563–569                                            569

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                                                                               University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, 93 pp.
Al-Akhras, N.M., Smadi, M.M., 2002. Properties of tire rubber ash           Naik, T.R., Singh, S.S., Wendorf, R.B., 1995. Applications of scrap-
    mortar. In: Dhir, R.K. et al. (Ed.), Proceedings of the International      tire rubber in asphaltic materials: state of the art assessment.
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