Proposed New Plymouth District Plan - 22 November 2019 A submission to the New Plymouth District Council

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Proposed New Plymouth District Plan - 22 November 2019 A submission to the New Plymouth District Council
Proposed New Plymouth
       District Plan
A submission to the New Plymouth District Council

            22 November 2019
Proposed New Plymouth District Plan - 22 November 2019 A submission to the New Plymouth District Council
Trustpower Limited (“Trustpower”) welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the New
Plymouth District Council (“the Council”) on its proposed District Plan.
This submission has been prepared in general accordance with Form 5 in Schedule 1 of the
Resource Management (Forms, Fees and Procedure) Regulations 2003. Section 1 and 2 of this
submission provides context for the submission points (specific provisions; submission; decision
sought) as set out in Appendix A of this submission.

Trustpower’s submission on the individual provisions of the Proposed District Plan is set out in
Appendix A of this document.

Trustpower could not gain an advantage in trade competition through this submission.

Trustpower wishes to be heard in support of its submission.

If others make a similar submission, Trustpower will not consider presenting a joint case with
them at the hearing.

For any questions relating to the material in this submission, please contact:

Shelby Managh
Environmental Advisor - Policy
Trustpower Limited

Address for Service:

108 Durham Street
Private Bag 12023
Tauranga 3143

Phone: 027 269 9488

Trustpower’s Submission                          2                               November 2019
on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan
1.0       Introduction and Overview
1.1       Trustpower is a leading hydro-electricity generator and retailer in New Zealand.
          Trustpower currently has 19 hydro-electricity power schemes (“HEPS”) and a total of 38
          hydro-electric power stations across New Zealand. Trustpower generates approximately
          8% of New Zealand’s total hydro electricity supply and serve approximately 270,000
          electricity and gas customers and 100,000 telecommunications customers.
1.2       New Zealand’s existing hydro-electricity generation infrastructure is a substantial and
          extremely valuable resource that makes a strong and ongoing contribution to New
          Zealand’s energy needs and its commitment to a low emissions economy.
1.3       Within the New Plymouth District, Trustpower owns and operates the Mangorei HEPS and
          the Motukawa HEPS. The regional consents for these two schemes are due for renewal in
          2021 and 2022 respectively.
1.4       The Mangorei HEPS was first used to supply power to New Plymouth in 1906, making it
          over 100 years old and identified as a heritage building. The station uses stored water
          from Lake Mangamahoe to generate an average annual output of 20.9 GWh.
1.5       The Motukawa HEPS has an average annual power output of 22 GWh. It was first
          commissioned in 1927 and utilises water from the Manganui and Waitara Rivers. Both
          schemes supply the New Plymouth District and the Taranaki Region.
1.6       Against this background, Trustpower has a strong interest in the development of relevant
          provisions which make up the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan, and also how the
          Council has implemented the National Planning Standards.

2.0       Trustpower’s General Submission
2.1       Trustpower generally supports the Council’s proposed District Plan as a whole. The
          Council is the first to have implemented the National Planning Standards and Trustpower
          holds that, for the most part, this has been successful. However, Trustpower has
          submitted on specific provisions of various chapters of the proposed District Plan.
2.2       Trustpower is most interested in the Energy, Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity and
          the Waterbodies Chapters of the proposed District Plan.
2.3       In the Energy Chapter, Trustpower supports both proposed objectives and recommends
          a new objective which recognises and provides for existing renewable electricity
          generation activities and their ongoing operations within the District.
2.4       While Trustpower supports most of the policies, and rules within this chapter, there are a
          few instances where these have not met Trustpower’s expectations in regards to the
          Resource Management Act (“RMA”), the National Planning Standards (“the Planning
          Standards”), or the National Policy Statement for Renewable Electricity Generation
2.5       In particular, Trustpower holds that the Energy Policies 15 – 17 should refer to new
          renewable electricity generation activities and this should be made clear within the
          policies. This is because the structures the policies appear to be referring to are existing
          lawfully established structures which cannot be moved or easily adjusted to account for
          the policies, nor should they be required to.
2.6       Trustpower has opposed the distinction between large-scale and small-scale renewable
          electricity generation activities as it is unnecessary and does not align with the Planning
          Standards. The Planning Standards do not differentiate between the two scales, and the

Trustpower’s Submission                           3                                November 2019
on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan
definition of ‘small scale renewable electricity generation’ was deleted in the final version
           as it was considered inappropriate to include an arbitrary power limit within the
           definition. Trustpower seeks that the proposed definition be amended to refer to small
           and community-scale generation as per the NPS-REG or deleted as per the Planning
2.7        Trustpower opposes Energy Rule 7. This rule appears to restrict existing renewable
           electricity generation activities which is contrary to both Policy 13 and the NPS-REG.
           Trustpower submits that this rule should pertain to new activities in a clear manner, and
           proposes the addition of new rules which refer to existing activities.
2.8        Trustpower has submitted on the Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity Chapter and
           generally supports the provisions within it. More specifically, Trustpower seeks the
           amendment of SNA: 260 so that it does not include Trustpower owned land which is part
           of the Mangorei HEPS tailrace; as well as recognising significant indigenous biodiversity
           as opposed to indigenous biodiversity as a whole.
2.9        Trustpower has submitted on the Historic Heritage Chapter due to the Mangorei Power
           Station being a historic heritage site.
2.10       Trustpower opposes the Waterbodies chapter as a whole and seeks its deletion, as well
           as the supporting Schedule 9, as this is beyond the functions of a District Council. It
           appears that the purpose of the chapter is to both identify and protect the values of
           waterbodies; neither of which is covered under section 31 of the RMA as functions of a
           territorial authority.
2.11       In identifying significant waterbodies and their values, the Council appears to have
           considered old plans, such as the Taranaki Regional Policy Statement 2010, unnotified
           plans, such as the Regional Freshwater Plan for Taranaki 2016, and the National Policy
           Statement for Freshwater Management, which is only relevant to District Councils when
           considering land use and subdivision consents. The Planning Standards also do not
           provide a chapter heading for “waterbodies”, indicating that this is not an anticipated
           function of a District Council.
2.12       Trustpower submits that the relevant values the Council is trying to manage within the
           Waterbodies chapter are already accounted for in their respective chapters. Natural
           hazards, activities on the surface of water, earthworks, ecosystems and indigenous
           biodiversity, public access, sites and areas of significance to Maori, and historic and
           cultural values already contain the relevant values and management of those values
           within their own chapters. This makes the addition of the Waterbodies chapter
           superfluous to the values which have already been accounted for, and should be deleted
           from the proposed District Plan.

Trustpower Limited

Shelby Managh
Environmental Advisor - Policy

Trustpower’s Submission                            4                                 November 2019
on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan
Appendix A: Trustpower’s Detailed Submission

 Chapter&              Support/          Trustpower’s Reasons for Submission                            Relief Sought
 Provision             Oppose

 Adjacent              Support           Trustpower supports the listed definitions.                    Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                                                                                        District Council:
                                                                                                        1. Retain the definitions as notified.
 Exploratory wind
 Maintenance and
 National grid
 Network utilities
 or network utility
 Building              Support           Trustpower supports these definitions as they are consistent   Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         with the RMA.                                                  District Council:
                                                                                                        1. Retain the definitions as notified.
 Functional need

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                       5                                                         November 2019
 Network Utility
 Operational Need
 Attachment            Support           Trustpower supports that attachment includes structure,          Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         pipe, equipment or cable that is externally fixed to the         District Council:
                                         building or item to perform a particular function including
                                                                                                          1. Retain the definition as notified.
                                         customer connections in relation to electricity.
 Biodiversity offset   Support in        Trustpower supports the definition wording in that only the      Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              residual significant adverse effects should be considered for    District Council:
                                                                                                          1. Amend the definition as follows:
                                         Trustpower considers that this should refer to indigenous
                                                                                                          means a measurable conservation outcome resulting from
                                         biodiversity only.
                                                                                                          actions designed to compensate for significant residual adverse
                                                                                                          indigenous biodiversity effects arising from activities after
                                                                                                          avoidance, remediation, and mitigation measures have been
                                                                                                          taken. The goal of indigenous biodiversity offsets is to achieve
                                                                                                          no net loss and preferably a net gain of indigenous biodiversity
 Energy Activities     Support in        Hydropower schemes include the use of lakes and rivers in        Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              addition to the use of land and/or buildings. Therefore, it is   District Council:
                                         appropriate to include lakes and rivers in the definition of
                                                                                                          1. Amend the definition as follows:
                                         energy activities.
                                                                                                          means the use of land, lakes, rivers and/or buildings for:
                                                                                                          renewable electricity generation activities: and/or
                                                                                                          oil and gas activities (petroleum prospecting, petroleum
                                                                                                          exploration and petroleum production).

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                          6                                                             November 2019
New definition -                        Trustpower considers that a new definition is required to      Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 Highly Vulnerable                       support ECO-P7                                                 District Council:
                                                                                                        1. Insert a new definition as follows:
                                                                                                        Includes nationally critical, nationally endangered and nationally
                                                                                                        vulnerable species as outlined in the Department of
                                                                                                        Conservation’s conservation status of taxa in the current New
                                                                                                        Zealand Threat Classification listing.
 Large scale           Oppose            Trustpower considers that 20kW is an arbitrary unit to         Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 renewable                               separate large and small-scale renewable electricity           District Council:
 electricity                             generation activities.
                                                                                                        1. Amend the definition as follows:
                                         This definition has the potential to incorrectly group
 activities                                                                                             means electricity generation activities utilising renewable
                                         domestic or community scale generation with larger
                                                                                                        energy sources with a capacity of 20kW or greater for the
                                         schemes designed to export electricity to local distribution
                                                                                                        purpose of exporting electricity directly into the a distribution
                                         networks or the national grid.
                                                                                                        network or the National Grid. It includes all ancillary
                                                                                                        components and activities such as substations,
                                                                                                        climate/environmental monitoring equipment, earthworks,
                                                                                                        roading, maintenance buildings, temporary concrete batching
                                                                                                        plants, internal transmission and fibre networks, vegetation
                                                                                                        clearance, and site rehabilitation works.
 New definition -                        Trustpower considers that a new definition is required to      Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 Mast                                    support ENGY S1 and S4.                                        District Council:
                                                                                                        1. Insert a new definition as follows:
                                                                                                        means any tower or similar structure, (excluding those
                                                                                                        associated with electricity lines) designed to carry antennas to
                                                                                                        facilitate radio-communication and/or telecommunication,
                                                                                                        including those supporting renewable electricity generation
                                                                                                        activities. It also includes any supporting guy wire and
                                                                                                        associated attachment.
 Small scale           Oppose            Trustpower considers that 20kW is an arbitrary unit to         Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 renewable                               separate large- and small-scale renewable electricity          District Council:
 electricity                             generation activities.
                                                                                                        1. Insert a new definition as follows:
                                         This definition has the potential to incorrectly group
                                         domestic or community scale generation with larger

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                         7                                                             November 2019
schemes designed to export electricity to local distribution   Has the same meaning as defined in the National Policy
                                         networks or the national grid.                                 Statement for Renewable Electricity Generation (2011).
                                         The National Policy Statement for Renewable Electricity
                                         Generation 2011 (NPS-REG) defines small and community-
                                         scale distributed generation as including connection to a
                                         distribution network.
                                         Trustpower seeks relief that the definition of small-scale
                                         renewable energy is consistent with the NPS-REG.
 District-wide Matters (Strategic Objectives)
 HC-1                  Support in        Trustpower support the intent of the objective but oppose      Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              the use of the term protect due to its legal meaning.          District Council:
                                                                                                        1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                                                                                        The district's heritage and cultural values contribute to the
                                                                                                        district's sense of place and identity, and are recognised and
 HC-2                  Support in        Trustpower support the intent of the objective but oppose      Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              the use of the term protect due to its legal meaning.          District Council:
                                                                                                        1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                                                                                        The cultural, spiritual and/or historical values associated with
                                                                                                        historic heritage and sites and areas of significance to Māori are
                                                                                                        protected where practicable.
 NE-6                  Support           Trustpower support an integrated management approach.          Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                                                                                        District Council:
                                                                                                        1. Retain the provision as notified.
 UFD-24                Support in        Trustpower support the intent of the objective but oppose      Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              the use of the term protect due to its legal meaning.          District Council:
                                                                                                        1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                                                                                        Productive, versatile land and natural, physical and cultural
                                                                                                        resources located within rural areas that are of significance to
                                                                                                        the district are protected and maintained recognised.

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                         8                                                             November 2019
Energy, Infrastructure and Transport - Energy
 ENGY-O1               Support           Trustpower support the recognition of and provision for          Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         energy activities.                                               District Council:
                                                                                                          1. Retain the provision as notified.
 ENGY-O2               Support           Trustpower supports this policy as it recognises the             Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         technical, locational and operational constraints, as hydro-     District Council:
                                         electric generation activities can only be located where the
                                                                                                          1. Retain the provision as notified.
                                         resource is available.
 New objective in                        Trustpower considers that a new objective is required which      Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 ENGY section                            reflects the requirements of the NPS-REG. Policies E1-E4 of      District Council:
                                         the NPS-REG state that regional policy statements and
                                                                                                          1. Insert a new objective as follows:
                                         regional and district plans shall include objectives, policies
                                         and methods (including rules within plans) to provide for the    Optimise the use of New Plymouth’s renewable energy resource
                                         development, operation, maintenance and upgrading of new         by recognising and providing for the development, operation,
                                         and existing renewable electricity generation activities using   maintenance and upgrading of new and existing renewable
                                         a variety of resources, to the extent applicable to that area.   electricity generation activities.
 ENGY-P12              Oppose            Trustpower considers the policy needs to be strengthened in      Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         order to appropriately reflect section 7(j) of the RMA, give     District Council:
                                         effect to the objectives and policies of the NPS-REG and
                                                                                                          1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                         support central government’s target of 90% of electricity
                                         generated from renewable sources by 2025. Renewable              Provide for the use and development of renewable energy
                                         energy resources (such as hydro) are essential to supplying      resources including allowing activities associated with the
                                         the energy needs of the District and should be recognised        investigation, identification and assessment of potential sites
                                         accordingly.                                                     and energy sources for renewable electricity generation.
 ENGY-P13              Support           Trustpower supports the policy as it recognises the              Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         importance of existing renewable electricity generation          District Council:
                                         activities, and support the recognition of the effects
                                                                                                          1. Retain the provision as notified.
                                         management hierarchy for addressing adverse effects.
 ENGY-P14              Support in        Trustpower supports this policy provided the definition of       Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              small-scale renewable electricity generation activities is       District Council:
                                         changed as per the above submission point.
                                                                                                          1. Retain the provision as notified.
 ENGY-P15              Support in        Requiring renewable electricity generation activities to be      Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              setback from sensitive activities and community facilities       District Council:

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                        9                                                               November 2019
could impact Trustpower assets if any modifications to the        1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                         schemes are required.
                                                                                                           Manage the location, size and height of structures, setbacks
                                         Trustpower agrees that the location, size, height of              from sensitive activities, and storage of hazardous substances
                                         structures, setbacks from sensitive activities and storage of     associated with new renewable electricity generation activities.
                                         hazardous substances should be managed for new
                                         renewable electricity generation activities, but disagree that
                                         the same standard should be applied to setbacks from
                                         sensitive activities when referring to existing renewable
                                         electricity generation activities which may require
                                         modifications/ variations to consents. A new reverse
                                         sensitivity clause as per the NPS-REG is therefore sought.
 New policy in                           Trustpower considers that a new policy is required in order       Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 ENGY section                            to avoid adverse effects on existing renewable electricity        District Council:
                                         generation infrastructure and to give effect to Policy D of the
                                                                                                           1. Insert a new policy as follows:
                                         NPS-REG. Policy D states that decision-makers shall, to the
                                         extent reasonably possible, manage activities to avoid            Avoid reverse sensitivity effects by avoiding subdivision, use and
                                         reverse sensitivity effects on consented and on existing          development in a location or form that constrains the use,
                                         renewable electricity generation activities.                      operation, maintenance and upgrading of existing lawfully
                                                                                                           established renewable electricity generation activities.
                                         In this regard, it is important to ensure that new land use or
                                         resource use activities do not impinge on the full operation
                                         of infrastructure that is critical to New Plymouth and/or New
 ENGY-P16              Oppose            The word “avoid” is too restrictive. While existing consented     Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         activities are provided for, any modifications to existing        District Council:
                                         renewable electricity generation activities would need to be
                                                                                                           1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                         assessed against this policy. Trustpower supports the avoid,
                                         remedy or mitigate hierarchy.                                     Avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects locating new
                                                                                                           renewable electricity generation activities may have when
                                         Due to the nature of hydro-electric power schemes, they are
                                                                                                           located within or adjacent to:
                                         often located within or adjacent to these types of
                                         landscapes and environments in order to locate where the              1.   Outstanding natural features and landscapes
                                         renewable resource is available.
                                                                                                               2.   The coastal environment; and
                                         Trustpower seeks more flexible wording which allows for
                                                                                                               3.   Historic heritage and scheduled features.
                                         these activities to continue to take place in these
                                         environments while addressing any significant adverse

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                         10                                                              November 2019
effects to ensure the areas the Council seeks to protect are
                                         still provided for.
 ENGY-P17              Oppose            This policy applies to large scale renewable electricity        Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         generation activities.                                          District Council:
                                         Trustpower supports that any locational, logical or technical   1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                         constraints to developing, upgrading, operating or
                                                                                                         Require new large-scale renewable electricity generation
                                         maintaining the activity should be given regard to as
                                                                                                         activities to demonstrate consider they are located
                                         renewable electricity generation activities must be located
                                                                                                         appropriately having regard to the effects of the activity in
                                         alongside the resource.
                                                                                                         relation to its proposed location, and:
                                         Trustpower opposes having regard to the duration or
                                                                                                             1.   any locational, logistical or technical constraints to
                                         frequency of the activities effects as renewable electricity
                                                                                                                  developing, upgrading, operating or maintaining the
                                         generation is a 24/7 operation.
                                                                                                             2.   the location of existing structures and infrastructure
                                                                                                                  including, but not limited to, roads, navigation and
                                                                                                                  telecommunication structures and facilities, and
                                                                                                                  connections to distribution networks, and the efficient
                                                                                                                  use of land;
                                                                                                             3.   the scale and intensity, duration or frequency of the
                                                                                                                  activity’s effects;
                                                                                                             4.   the design and site layout of the activity and its ability
                                                                                                                  to internalise effects;
                                                                                                             5.   earthworks and construction effects;
                                                                                                             6.   adverse amenity, visual, traffic generation, safety, light
                                                                                                                  overspill, shadow and noise effects;
                                                                                                             7.   adequate separation distances from sensitive activities
                                                                                                                  and identified features to ensure conflict between
                                                                                                                  activities, adverse effects and reverse sensitivity effects
                                                                                                                  are minimised; and
                                                                                                             8.   use of adaptive management measures.
 ENGY-P18              Support           Trustpower support the approach that decommissioned             Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         infrastructure should be removed, and land remediated.          District Council:
                                         However, we note there is no further support of this policy

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                          11                                                             November 2019
provided in the proposed District Plan through a permissive     1. Retain the provision as notified.
 New Rule                                Trustpower requests a new rule is inserted to provide for the   Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         removal of decommissioned renewable electricity                 District Council:
                                         generation infrastructure, as provided for the in policy
                                                                                                         1. Insert a new rule as follows:
                                         direction outlined in policy ENGR-P18.
                                                                                                         Removal of decommissioned renewable electricity generation
                                                                                                         infrastructure including:
                                                                                                         1. the removal of all surface equipment, all concrete surfacing,
                                                                                                         steel and cables as required
                                                                                                         2. all associated vegetation clearance, earth disturbance and
                                                                                                         sediment discharge
                                                                                                         Rural Production Zone: Permitted Activity
                                                                                                         1. The activity is managed to minimise adverse effects as far as
                                                                                                         practicable; and
                                                                                                         2. No later than six months from the removal of
                                                                                                         decommissioned infrastructure:
                                                                                                             •    the area shall be stabilised, filled and/or recontoured in
                                                                                                                  a manner consistent with the surrounding land; and
                                                                                                             •    replanted with vegetation which is the same as, or of
                                                                                                                  similar species to, that which existed on the site prior
                                                                                                                  to the electricity generation activity taking place,
                                                                                                                  except that where the site was vegetated with any
                                                                                                                  plant pest, the site may be replanted with indigenous
                                                                                                                  vegetation, and preference should be given to local
                                                                                                                  genetic stock; or
                                                                                                             •    if vehicle access is required, sealed, paved, metalled or
                                                                                                                  built over.
                                                                                                         2. Any similar or consequential amendments.
 ENGY-R5               Support in        Trustpower supports this rule in part provided the definition   Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              of small-scale REG activities is changed.                       District Council:

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                        12                                                              November 2019
Trustpower recommends a wording change so that the              1. Amend the rule as follows:
                                         energy effects standards only apply to new small scale
                                                                                                         New small scale renewable electricity generation activities,
                                         renewable electricity generation activities. A new rule is
                                                                                                         including its on-going operation, maintenance and repairs, and
                                         proposed to provide for lawfully established activities where
                                         maintenance, repair and/or upgrade works are required.
                                                                                                         All zones - Activity status: PERMITTED
                                                                                                             1.   all Energy Effects Standards are complied with; and
                                                                                                             2.   all applicable underlying zone Effects Standards are
                                                                                                                  complied with.
                                                                                                         Activity status where compliance not achieved: Restricted
 ENGY-R6               Support           Trustpower supports the permitted status of this activity in    Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         the Rural Production Zone.                                      District Council:
                                                                                                         1. Retain the provision as notified.
 ENGY-R7               Oppose            This rule is contrary to ENGY-P13 which is to allow the         Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         ongoing operation, maintenance and upgrading of existing        District Council:
                                         renewable electricity generation activities, provided adverse
                                                                                                         1. Amend the rule as follows:
                                         effects are appropriately avoided, remedied or mitigated.
                                                                                                         New large-scale renewable electricity generation activities,
                                         The rule should refer to new large-scale renewable
                                                                                                         including its ongoing operation, maintenance and repairs, and
                                         electricity generation activities only. Trustpower proposes a
                                         new rule to provide for work relating to the on-going
                                         operation, maintenance, replacement or upgrading of             (1) Rural Production Zone
                                         lawfully established existing large scale and small scale
                                                                                                         Activity status: DISCRETIONARY
                                         renewable electricity generation activities.
                                                                                                         All other zones
                                         The NPS-REG also directs decision makers to recognise and
                                         provide for renewable natural resources with particular         (2) Activity Status: NON-COMPLYING
                                         regard to the maintenance of the generation output.
 New Rule in ENGY                        Trustpower considers that a new rule is required to provide     Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 section                                 for the maintenance, minor upgrading and replacement of         District Council:
                                         existing lawfully established renewable electricity
                                                                                                         1. Insert a new rule as follows:
                                         generation infrastructure. Avoiding the need for resource
                                         consent for these lawfully established activities will ensure

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                         13                                                           November 2019
that regionally significant infrastructure can continue to       Any work or activity associated with the on-going operation,
                                         function with minimal disruption and existing use rights are     maintenance, replacement or upgrading of any existing lawfully
                                         provided for.                                                    established renewable electricity generation activity.
                                         This approach gives effect to the Objective and Policies B       Rural Production Zone: Permitted
                                         and E1-E4 of the NPS-REG.
                                                                                                          Any work or activity associated with the on-going operation,
                                                                                                          maintenance, replacement or upgrading of any existing lawfully
                                                                                                          established renewable electricity generation activity shall be
                                                                                                          exempt from the setback requirements within NH R8, NH R9,
                                                                                                          NH R10 and NH R11.
 ENGY-S1               Support           Trustpower supports the performance standard of this             Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         activity.                                                        District Council:
                                                                                                          1. Retain the provision as notified.
 ENGY-S2               Support in        Trustpower supports that these small-scale hydro turbines        Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              are exempt from priority water body rules, however               District Council:
                                         earthworks associated with small scale hydro turbines
                                                                                                          1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                         should also be excluded.
                                                                                                          Small scale hydro turbine requirements.
                                         Given it is recommended that the waterbodies chapter is
                                         deleted in its entirety and the aspects of the rules which are       1.   Maximum gross floor area of any
                                         within territorial authorities’ function are shifted into the             associated building or structure (excluding structures w
                                         relevant chapters, Trustpower suggests the rule references                ithin the bed of a river and/or existing dam structures):
                                         are updated accordingly.                                                  50m2.
                                         Trustpower also opposes not allowing any structures within           2.   Minimum setbacks:
                                         esplanade reserves or strips, as structures are required to be
                                                                                                                        a.   No associated building or structure shall be
                                         located adjacent to rivers/lakes as part of hydropower
                                                                                                                             located within an existing esplanade
                                                                                                                             reserve or strip.
                                                                                                              3.   Any building or structure associated with small-scale
                                                                                                                   hydro turbines shall be exempt from the setback from
                                                                                                                   a priority waterbody in WB R1, WB R2, or WB R3 NH
                                                                                                                   R8, NH R9, NH R10 or NH R11.
 ENGY-S4               Support in        Trustpower consider that a mast to be set back from the          Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              site’s boundaries of at least 10 times the mast’s height is      District Council:

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                          14                                                             November 2019
unduly onerous. Further, there is no definition of mast         1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                         included in the plan.
                                                                                                         Exploratory wind generation requirements.
                                                                                                         Wind monitoring masts must comply with the following
                                                                                                         1. Minimum mast setbacks:
                                                                                                               •      from the site's boundaries a distance of at least 200 m
                                                                                                                      at least 10 times the mast's height (except where any
                                                                                                                      adjoining site is in common ownership with the site
                                                                                                                      where the turbine is located or where prior to the mast
                                                                                                                      being erected, the written approval of owners and
                                                                                                                      occupiers of any property that adjoins a site boundary
                                                                                                                      where the minimum mast setback will not be achieved
                                                                                                                      has been obtained and is clearly endorsed on all
                                                                                                                      relevant building plans provided to the Council); and
                                                                                                          2.       Maximum duration of activity: five years; and/or
                                                                                                          3.       Removal of mast and all associated structures/equipment:
                                                                                                                   no later than two months after the cessation of wind
                                                                                                                   monitoring activities for any reason.
 Energy, Infrastructure and Transport – Network Utilities
 NU-O1, NU-O2,         Support           Trustpower supports these as overarching objectives.            Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 NU-O3                                                                                                   District Council:
                                         Trustpower also supports the avoid, remedy or mitigate
                                         hierarchy in NU-O2.                                             1. Retain the provisions as notified.
                                         Trustpower supports the recognition of the functional need
                                         and operational need of network utilities in NU-O2, and that
                                         the positive effects of network utilities are recognised at a
                                         local, regional and national level.
 NU-P1, NU-P3,         Support           Trustpower supports this group of Policies within the           Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 NU-P6, NU-P8                            Network Utilities Chapter.                                      District Council:
                                         Trustpower supports NU-P1 as it recognises the importance       1. Retain the provisions as notified.
                                         of the development of network utilities, and existing
                                         network utilities.

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                        15                                                                November 2019
Trustpower supports NU-P3 as it promotes increased
                                         utilisation of renewable resources in accordance with the
                                         NPS (REG) and central government’s target of 90% of
                                         electricity generated from renewable sources by 2025.
                                         Trustpower also supports that NU-P6 provides for ensuring
                                         that the safe and efficient operation, maintenance, repair,
                                         upgrading or development of the national grid is not
 NU-P4                 Support in        Trustpower supports that the significant adverse effects of      Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              network utilities are managed.                                   District Council:
                                         However, the location of network utilities cannot always be      1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                         controlled, and network utilities often have a functional
                                                                                                          Manage the adverse effects of network utilities, including
                                         need to be situated at a location.
                                                                                                          effects on natural and physical resources, amenity
                                         The height and bulk of network utilities also cannot always      values, sensitive activities, and the health, safety and wellbeing
                                         be controlled.                                                   of people and communities by:
                                                                                                              1.    controlling, where practicable, the height, bulk and
                                                                                                                    location of network utilities;
 NU-P5                 Support in        Trustpower supports the avoid, remedy or mitigate                Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              hierarchy and the recognition that the location of a network     District Council:
                                         utility can be constrained by functional or operational needs.
                                                                                                          1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                         Trustpower also supports that the impact of not operating,
                                                                                                          Ensure that network utilities avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse
                                         repairing, maintaining, upgrading, removing or developing
                                                                                                          effects on the environment, while recognising the functional
                                         the network utility is considered.
                                                                                                          need or operational needs of the network utility, and having
                                         Trustpower opposes having regard to the time, duration or        regard to:
                                         frequency of the activities effects as network utilities are a
                                                                                                              1.    the extent to which adverse effects have been
                                         24/7 operation.
                                                                                                                    addressed through site, route or method selection
                                                                                                                    and/or the extent to which the network utility is
                                                                                                                    constrained by functional or operational needs;
                                                                                                              2.    the necessity of the network utility, including:
                                                                                                                     a.   the need to quickly repair and restore disrupted

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                          16                                                              November 2019
b.   the impact of not operating, repairing,
                                                                                                                           maintaining, upgrading, removing or developing
                                                                                                                           the network utility;
                                                                                                               3.    the time, duration or frequency of adverse effects:
 NU-R1, NU-R2,         Support           Trustpower supports these Rules within the Network                Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 NU-R3, NU-R10,                          Utilities chapter.                                                District Council:
 NU R-18
                                                                                                           1. Retain the provisions as notified.
 Natural Environmental Values - Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity
 District Plan Map     Support in        Trustpower supports the mapping of SNAs in the District,          Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 Significant           Part              however this SNA needs to be brought back to the                  District Council:
 Natural Area                            boundary, as it is encroaching onto an operational area of
                                                                                                           1. Amend the Boundary of SNA:260 as follows:
 (SNA: 260)                              the existing hydro-electric power scheme.
                                                                                                           Amend the map so that SNA:260 follows the property boundary
                                                                                                           (shown in red below) rather than the current extension into the
                                                                                                           Mangorei Scheme tail race.

 ECO-O1                Support in        Trustpower supports this policy, as it considers that it should   Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              only be significant indigenous vegetation which should be         District Council:
                                         the subject of protection, as opposed to all an any
                                                                                                           1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                         indigenous vegetation.
                                                                                                           Areas of significant indigenous vegetation and significant
                                                                                                           habitats of indigenous fauna are protected from inappropriate

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                         17                                                              November 2019
An amendment is recommended state what it is to be               subdivision, use and development, and where appropriate,
                                         protect form, being from inappropriate subdivision, land use     enhanced.
                                         and development.
 ECO-O2                Support in        Trustpower supports this policy, in that is should only be       Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              significant indigenous vegetation and habitat which should       District Council:
                                         be the subject of protection.
                                                                                                          1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                         The use of the word “maintained” appears to provide for
                                                                                                          Indigenous biodiversity is maintained and, where appropriate,
                                         offsetting or other levels of mitigation which would
                                         contribute to no net loss of biodiversity. Trustpower
                                         recommends an amendment to provide further clarity.              In this context, maintenance includes offsetting where there is
                                                                                                          no net loss of biodiversity; and enhancement includes offsetting
                                                                                                          where there is a net gain of biodiversity.
 ECO-O3                Support           The use of “recognised and provided for” is in line with s6 of   Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         the RMA.                                                         District Council:
                                                                                                          1. Retain the provision as notified.
 ECO-P1                Support in        Trustpower supports the mapping of significant indigenous        Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              vegetation and indigenous habitat, as the mapping of these       District Council:
                                         areas provides certainty for resource users as to the land
                                                                                                          1. Retain the provision as notified.
                                         potentially affected by the overlays and where land use
                                         activities and development may face additional restrictions.
                                         However as outlined above at the Mangorei Scheme, SN 260
                                         extends past the property boundary into the tail race.
                                         Provided SN 260 is amended as requested above, and the
                                         SNA’s do not impede renewable energy activities/structures
                                         this policy is supported.

 ECO-P2                Oppose            Trustpower opposes the requirement for “maintenance of           Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         all indigenous habitats and ecosystems”. In addition, the        District Council:
                                         requirement to enhance or restore should be a voluntary
                                                                                                          1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                         action, especially where this is offered by a resource consent
                                         applicant, and where this may occur on privately owned

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                         18                                                            November 2019
This policy may unnecessarily restrict renewable electricity      Maintain Encourage the maintenance of indigenous habitats
                                         generation activities in areas of indigenous habitat and          and ecosystems which are not identified as significant natural
                                         ecosystems, including lakes and rivers which contain              areas by:
                                         indigenous species. The word ‘maintain’ does appear to
                                                                                                               1.   minimising fragmentation or reduction in the extent of
                                         provide for offsetting or other levels of mitigation which
                                                                                                                    indigenous vegetation or habitats of indigenous fauna;
                                         would contribute to there being no net loss of habitats and
                                         ecosystems. Further text is recommended to provide clarity.           2.   encouraging the maintenance, or voluntary
                                                                                                                    enhancement or restoration maintaining and, where
                                                                                                                    appropriate, enhancing or restoring the functioning of
                                                                                                                    ecological corridors, linkages, dunes and indigenous
                                                                                                                    coastal vegetation and wetlands;
                                                                                                               3.   minimising adverse effects on indigenous biodiversity
                                                                                                                    which is significant to tangata whenua;
                                                                                                               4.   restricting the modification or disturbance of coastal
                                                                                                                    indigenous vegetation, dunes, estuaries and wetlands;
                                                                                                               5.   recognising the benefits of active management of
                                                                                                                    indigenous biodiversity, including voluntary pest and
                                                                                                                    stock control and/or formal legal protection.
                                                                                                           Maintenance includes offsetting where there is no net loss of
                                                                                                           biodiversity and enhancement includes offsetting where there is
                                                                                                           a net gain of biodiversity.
 ECO-P3, ECO-P4,       Support           Trustpower supports the use of the word “manage” in ECO-          Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 ECO-P5                                  P3 as this indicates that some activities may occur within        District Council:
                                         sites containing significant natural areas provided, they are
                                                                                                           1. Retain the provisions as notified.
                                         suitable and significant adverse effects are avoided,
                                         remedied or mitigated.
                                         Trustpower supports the exclusions encompassed in (1) (2)
                                         and (3) in ECO-P4. The maintenance of indigenous
                                         vegetation around Trustpower schemes for existing
                                         infrastructure, tracks, and fences is essential for the ongoing
                                         operation within the district.
                                         Trustpower supports ECO-P5 with the hierarchy avoid,
                                         remedy or mitigate and having regard to whether significant

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                          19                                                            November 2019
residual adverse effects can be addressed through
                                         biodiversity off-setting.
 ECO-P6                Support in        Trustpower supports the use of offsetting residual significant   Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              adverse effects where avoidance, remedy, or mitigation is        District Council:
                                         not appropriate. It is recommended that the word
                                                                                                          1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                         ‘significant’ is included in the text so that only more than
                                         minor adverse effects are considered for offsetting. This        Ensure that where indigenous biodiversity offsets are proposed
                                         should also relate to indigenous biodiversity.                   to manage residual significant adverse effects from an activity
                                                                                                          on indigenous vegetation:
                                         Trustpower have recommended that a definition of ‘highly
                                         vulnerable’ is included in the definitions section.                  1.   where possible, all other adverse effects have been
                                                                                                                   appropriately avoided, remedied and or mitigated;
                                                                                                              2.   the goal of the biodiversity offsets is no net loss and,
                                                                                                                   preferably, a net gain of indigenous biodiversity;
                                                                                                              3.   the conservation outcomes are measurable and
                                                                                                              4.   the offset is not proposed to compensate for more
                                                                                                                   than minor adverse effects on highly vulnerable and
                                                                                                                   irreplaceable indigenous biodiversity components; and
                                                                                                              5.   the biodiversity offsets are in accordance with best
                                                                                                                   practice, including but not limited to New Zealand
                                                                                                                   Government guidance on biodiversity offsetting.
 ECO-P7                Oppose in         Trustpower generally supports the policy. However, the           Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              policy should be amended towards protecting, enhancing           District Council:
                                         and restoring areas of significant indigenous biodiversity
                                                                                                          1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                                                                                          Encourage the protection, maintenance, enhancement and
                                                                                                          restoration of significant indigenous biodiversity by:
                                                                                                              1.   providing funding and advice to landowners to actively
                                                                                                                   manage significant indigenous biodiversity, including
                                                                                                                   by way of fencing and planting;
                                                                                                              2.   allowing a bonus allotment when subdividing if a
                                                                                                                   significant natural area within the same property is
                                                                                                                   legally protected as part of the subdivision;

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                        20                                                               November 2019
3.   promoting the creation of connections and ecological
                                                                                                                corridors between areas of significant indigenous
                                                                                                           4.   promoting the use of eco-sourced species from the
                                                                                                                relevant ecological district;
                                                                                                           5.   supporting opportunities for tangata whenua to
                                                                                                                exercise their customary responsibilities as mana
                                                                                                                whenua and kaitiaki in restoring, protecting and
                                                                                                                enhancing areas of significant indigenous biodiversity;
                                                                                                           6.   supporting initiatives by landowners, community
                                                                                                                groups and others to protect, restore and maintain
                                                                                                                significant natural areas.
 ECO-R1                Support in        Trustpower supports this rule which gives effect to ECO-P4.   Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              Trustpower also considers that there should be provision to   District Council:
                                         remove vegetation associated with the construction of new
                                                                                                       1. Amend the rule as follows:
                                         fences for safety purposes under this rule.
                                                                                                       Indigenous vegetation disturbance within a scheduled
                                                                                                       significant natural area, not otherwise provided for in this table
                                                                                                       All zones Activity status: PERMITTED
                                                                                                       Where the vegetation disturbance is:
                                                                                                           1.   within an area subject to an Open Space Covenant
                                                                                                                under the Queen Elizabeth II National Trust Act 1977, a
                                                                                                                Ngā Whenua Rahui Kawenata, a Conservation
                                                                                                                Covenant under the Reserves Act 1977 or the
                                                                                                                Conservation Act 1987 or a Heritage covenant under
                                                                                                                the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014
                                                                                                                and the vegetation disturbance is provided for in that
                                                                                                                covenant or order; and/or
                                                                                                           2.   necessary for the maintenance and repair of existing
                                                                                                                tracks, fences, drains, structures and infrastructure,
                                                                                                                including network utilities; and renewable electricity
                                                                                                                generation activities and/or

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                       21                                                             November 2019
3.   necessary to remove vegetation that endangers human
                                                                                                                   life or existing buildings or structures; and/or
                                                                                                              4.   required for the construction of new fences and trap
                                                                                                                   lines for conservation purposes to exclude stock or pest
                                                                                                                   animals, and associated pest management work, or for
                                                                                                                   human safety purposes and/or
                                                                                                              5.   gathering plants in accordance with Māori customs and
                                                                                                                   values; and/or
                                                                                                              6.   the removal or clearance of manuka or kanuka only,
                                                                                                                   which is under 25 years old.
                                                                                                        Where compliance is not achieved the disturbance would fall
                                                                                                        under a NON COMPLYING ACTIVITY.
 ECO-R4                Oppose in         This rule applies when constructing or maintaining tracks      Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              and fences inside an SNA which are not for the purpose of      District Council:
                                         conservation or pest control (ECO-R1)
                                                                                                        1. Amend the rule as follows:
                                         Trustpower considers it appropriate for fences constructed
                                                                                                        Tracks and fences within a significant natural area
                                         for human safety purposes to also be excluded from this
                                         rule.                                                          All zones Activity status: RDIS
                                                                                                              1.   the tracks and fences are not for conservation, pest
                                                                                                                   control or human safety purposes.
                                                                                                        Matters over which discretion is restricted:
 Historic and Cultural Values – Historic Heritage
 HH-O1                 Oppose in         Trustpower generally supports this as an overarching           Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              objective, however, has concerns about the implications that   District Council:
                                         protecting the features would include (i.e. the Mangorei
                                                                                                        1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                         Power Station is a scheduled heritage building).
                                                                                                        Historic heritage is recognised, and where appropriate
                                                                                                        protected and maintained.

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                       22                                                              November 2019
HH-O2                 Support           Trustpower supports this as an overarching objective for         Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         heritage buildings in the district.                              District Council:
                                                                                                          1. Retain the provision as notified.
 HH-O3                 Support           Trustpower supports this as an overarching objective for         Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         heritage buildings in the district. The Mangorei Power           District Council:
                                         Station is a scheduled heritage building so it is important
                                                                                                          1. Retain the provision as notified.
                                         that the active use of it is imbedded into the objectives,
                                         setting a precedent for the policies and rules to follow.
 HH-P3                 Oppose in         Trustpower supports the intent of this policy.                   Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part                                                                               District Council:
                                         However, Trustpower considers that the policy should allow
                                         for remedy and mitigation where avoidance is not possible.       1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                                                                                          Protect and maintain heritage buildings, items and character
                                                                                                          areas from inappropriate activities by:
                                                                                                          3. requiring activities on, in or surrounding heritage buildings,
                                                                                                          items and character areas to avoid adverse effects on historic
                                                                                                          heritage values where practicable, and where avoidance is not
                                                                                                          practicable, to remedy or mitigate adverse effects.
 HH-P4, HH-P5,         Support           Trustpower supports the grouped Historic Heritage Policies.      Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 HH-P7, HH-P8,                                                                                            District Council:
                                         Trustpower supports that HH-P4 allows for the maintenance
 HH-P9, HH-P10,
                                         and repair of heritage buildings. For the Mangorei Power         1. Retain the provisions as notified.
                                         Station, this allows for the active use of the building to
                                         ensure it remains a safe and competent building to work in.
                                         Trustpower supports HH-P9, specifically subsection (6), as
                                         this allows for appropriate additions/alterations where the
                                         addition or alteration contributes to the on-going use of the
                                         Trustpower supports HH-P10, specifically subsection (4), as
                                         this allows for appropriately located new buildings and/or
                                         additions and alterations where the new building or addition
                                         or alteration contributes to the on-going use of the building.

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                         23                                                              November 2019
HH-R1, HH-R2          Support           Trustpower supports these rules as notified, as Historic        Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 and HH-R3                               Heritage needs to be able to be maintained and utilised         District Council:
                                         without undue restrictions.
                                                                                                         1. Retain the rules as notified.
 New rule in HH                          Trustpower seeks a new rule to provide for ancillary            Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 section                                 activities. The Mangorei hydro-electric power station is an     District Council:
                                         active functioning power station, and a heritage site. It may
                                                                                                         1. Insert a new rule as follows:
                                         require ancillary structures that are necessary to support is
                                         ongoing use and functioning as a power station, which is        Activities ancillary to the functioning and use of a scheduled
                                         also in line with HH-O3.                                        heritage building or item including:
                                                                                                             -    Erection of a structure
                                                                                                             -    Installation of an impervious surface area (excluding
                                                                                                             -    Relocation of a structure
                                                                                                         Activity status: CONTROLLED
                                                                                                             1.   all underlying zone Effects Standards are complied
                                                                                                         Matters over which control is restricted:
                                                                                                             1.   The importance attributed to the heritage building or
                                                                                                                  item by the wider community and Heritage New
                                                                                                                  Zealand Pouhere Taonga;
                                                                                                             2.   Whether the location, size, height and/or design of the
                                                                                                                  new structure will impact on the setting of the heritage
                                                                                                                  building or item and/or whether it will compromise its
                                                                                                                  heritage values;
                                                                                                             3.   Whether there are opportunities to enhance the
                                                                                                                  physical condition of the heritage building or item, its
                                                                                                                  heritage values and the public’s appreciation of those
                                                                                                             4.   The extent to which the existing topography or
                                                                                                                  vegetation will mitigate the effects of the new

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                         24                                                             November 2019
structure on the setting of the heritage building or
                                                                                                                     item; and
                                                                                                                5.   The ability to mitigate the effects of the new structure
                                                                                                                     on the setting of the heritage building or item with
                                                                                                                     landscaping or vegetation.
 HH-R4                 Oppose in         Trustpower agrees that the Council should have measures in       Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              place to control what new structures should be placed on         District Council:
                                         sites with scheduled heritage buildings from a district wide
                                                                                                          1. Amend the rule as follows:
                                         perspective. This is also in line with HH-P5 which Trustpower
                                         support.                                                         Relocation of a structure onto a site containing a scheduled
                                                                                                          heritage building or item. Except where the structure is ancillary
                                         However, the Mangorei site could have different
                                                                                                          to the purpose and use of the heritage feature
                                         considerations from that of other heritage sites, in that any
                                         structures built would not directly detract from the buildings   Activity status: RESTRICTED DISCRETIONARY
                                         heritage value, but would be in line with its purpose and use
                                         as a power station, which is also in line with HH-O3.
 HH-R7                 Oppose in         As above, Trustpower agrees that the Council should have         Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              measures in place to control what alterations/additions to       District Council:
                                         the exterior of scheduled heritage buildings occur from a
                                                                                                          1. Amend the rule as follows:
                                         district wide perspective. This is also in line with HH-P5
                                         which Trustpower support.                                        Alterations and additions to the exterior of a scheduled heritage
                                                                                                          building or item and/or to scheduled interior elements
                                         However, the Mangorei site could have different
                                                                                                          identified in SCHED2. Except where the addition/alteration is
                                         considerations from that of other heritage sites, in that any
                                                                                                          ancillary to the purpose and use of the heritage feature
                                         alterations and additions would not directly detract from the
                                         buildings heritage value, but would be in line with its          All zones Activity status: DISCRETIONARY
                                         purpose and use as a power station, which is also in line with
 New Rule in HH                          The Mangorei site is an active functioning heritage site and     Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 section                                 may require ancillary structures that are necessary for its      District Council:
                                         purpose and use as a power station, which is also in line with
                                                                                                          1. Insert a new rule as follows:
                                                                                                          Alterations and additions to the exterior of a scheduled heritage
                                                                                                          building or item and/or to scheduled interior elements
                                                                                                          identified in SCHED2 ancillary to the functioning and use of the
                                                                                                          scheduled heritage building or item.

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                        25                                                                November 2019
This rule does not apply to:
                                                                              1.   Fire alarm panels.
                                                                              2.   Security alarms.
                                                                              3.   Security lighting.
                                                                              4.   Sprinkler inlets.
                                                                              5.   Communication equipment.
                                                                              6.   An attachment provided the attachment is not to a
                                                                                   primary frontage, architectural feature and/or detail
                                                                                   that contributes to the heritage building or item's
                                                                                   historic heritage values.
                                                                          Activity status: CONTROLLED
                                                                              1.   all underlying zone Effects Standards are complied
                                                                          Matters over which control is restricted:
                                                                              1.   The importance attributed to the heritage building or
                                                                                   item by the wider community and Heritage New
                                                                                   Zealand Pouhere Taonga;
                                                                              2.   Whether the location, size, height and/or design of the
                                                                                   new structure will impact on the setting of the heritage
                                                                                   building or item and/or whether it will compromise its
                                                                                   heritage values;
                                                                              3.   Whether there are opportunities to enhance the
                                                                                   physical condition of the heritage building or item, its
                                                                                   heritage values and the public’s appreciation of those
                                                                              4.   The extent to which the existing topography or
                                                                                   vegetation will mitigate the effects of the new
                                                                                   structure on the setting of the heritage building or
                                                                                   item; and

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan   26                                                    November 2019
5.   The ability to mitigate the effects of the new structure
                                                                                                                  on the setting of the heritage building or item with
                                                                                                                  landscaping or vegetation.
 Hazards and Risks – Natural Hazards
 NH-O1, NH-O2          Support           Trustpower supports both objectives for natural hazards.      Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                                                                                       District Council:
                                                                                                       1. Retain the provisions as notified.
 NH-P2                 Support           Trustpower supports that certain activities are managed in    Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         identified natural hazards areas.                             District Council:
                                                                                                       1. Retain the provision as notified.
 NH-P4                 Support in        Trustpower considers it appropriate to demonstrate risks      Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                       part              will be minimised to an acceptable level.                     District Council:
                                         However, there is no definition of development and            1. Amend the provision as follows:
                                         therefore this rule could encompass REG activities. Point 8
                                                                                                       Require activities locating in identified natural hazard areas, or
                                         requires that new development must be located and
                                                                                                       areas which have potential to be affected by a natural hazard,
                                         designed to minimise the potential for natural hazards.
                                                                                                       to demonstrate any risks to people, property and the
                                         Renewable electricity activities must be located alongside    environment will be minimised to an acceptable level, having
                                         the resource. For example hydro-electric power schemes        regard to the effects of the activity, and:
                                         have a functional need to be located adjacent to
                                         waterbodies. Therefore, it is recommended that the policy
                                         includes the words ‘where practicable’.                       8.         ensuring new development is, where practicable,
                                                                                                                  located and designed to mitigate the potential for
                                                                                                                  natural hazards, and does not accelerate or worsen any
                                                                                                                  material damage to that land, or displace to other land
                                                                                                                  or structures, resulting from erosion, subsidence,
                                                                                                                  debris flow, surface water flooding; and
 NH-P5                 Support           Trustpower supports this adaptive approach for managing       Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         natural hazards in the district.                              District Council:
                                                                                                       1. Retain the provision as notified.
 NH-R13                Support           This is the only rule which applies to the volcanic hazard    Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
                                         area which the Motukawa and Mangorei schemes are              District Council:

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                         27                                                            November 2019
located. Trustpower supports that renewable electricity          1. Retain the provision as notified.
                                         generation activities are not defined as hazard sensitive
 New rules in NH                         Trustpower supports that natural hazards are considered in       Trustpower seeks the following relief from the New Plymouth
 section to provide                      relation to activities adjacent to waterbodies provided the      District Council:
 for proposed                            proposed on-going, maintenance, replacement or upgrading
                                                                                                          1. Insert new rules as follows:
                                         rule for lawfully established renewable electricity generation
 deletion of rules
                                         activities is adopted which exempts activities to the set        NH R8 Erection of a building or structure on a site containing or
 in WB section.                                                                                           adjoining a natural waterbody or significant waterbody
                                         backs within these rules.
                                         It is considered that structures associated with renewable       NH R9 Relocation of a building or structure onto a site
                                         electricity generation activities should also be provided for    containing or adjoining a natural waterbody or significant
                                         as a permitted activity within these rules but are not           waterbody
                                         required to comply with the setbacks (many structures have
                                                                                                          NH R10 Addition to a building or structure on a site containing
                                         a functional need to be located adjacent to waterbodies).
                                                                                                          or adjoining a natural waterbody or significant waterbody
                                         The rules sought to be included in this chapter, replace
                                                                                                          Is a PERMITTED activity in Rural Zones.
                                         those which were notified as being in the Waterbodies
                                         chapter. Trustpower is seeking deletion of the Waterbodies       Where:
                                         chapter, but recognises that some rules have a function and
                                                                                                          1.        any building is set back at least 10 metres from a
                                         should be retained, but in the appropriate chapter locations.
                                                                                                          significant waterbody, or
                                                                                                          2.      any building is set back at least 5 metres from any
                                                                                                          other natural waterbody.
                                                                                                          Is a PERMITTED activity in Open Space and Recreation Zones,
                                                                                                          Residential Zones, General Industrial Zone and Special Purpose
                                                                                                          1.        any building is set back at least 10 metres from a
                                                                                                          significant waterbody.
                                                                                                          1.      This rule applies to wastewater pump stations but does
                                                                                                          not apply to pump stations used for other purposes.
                                                                                                          2.       For rivers and streams, the setback shall be measured
                                                                                                          from the closest bank. The setback does not apply on land

Trustpower’s Submission on the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan                         28                                                              November 2019
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