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Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica
2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1182-1188                                                                                                1182
DOI: 10.24205/03276716.2020.169


                                                                         Yanjie Li

                        Instrumental performance is a basic course for music students. The teaching effect of this
                    course can be improved by utilizing the audio-visual synaesthesia. This paper probes into the
                    psychological mechanism of audio-visual synaesthesia in the teaching of instrumental
                    performance. First, the basic theories of music and synaesthesia were introduced in details. Next,
                    30 first-year music students were selected for a synaesthesia experiment of instrumental
                    performance, with piano as the main instrument. The experimental data were discussed to
                    reveal the effects of synaesthesia on visual height, visual shape, light and shade, and sense of
                    movement. The research shows that the psychological mechanism of synaesthesia and the
                    synesthetic psychological response both vary from person to person; rhythm had the most
                    significant influence on sense of movement, the pitch exerted a very prominent influence on
                    visual height, while pitch and intensity greatly affected light and shade, as well as visual shape.
                    The research results provide reference for improving the teaching practice of instrumental
                        Key words: Audio-Visual Synaesthesia, Psychology, Instrumental Performance, Teaching.
                                                                            Received: 15-02-19 | Accepted: 11-08-19

     INTRODUCTION                                                                   1986). The occurrence process of this
                                                                                    mechanism has also aroused the interest of
    The instrumental performance is a very
important course in the study of music majors.                                      many scholars. Some scholars believe that
                                                                                    synaesthesia is a memory that originated in
The psychological mechanism of synaesthesia
                                                                                    human childhood, as a manifestation of self-
triggered by instrumental performance is a
general phenomenon. It plays a certain role in                                      imagination; other believe that synaesthesia,
improving the quality of instrumental                                               originated from human fantasy, is a spontaneous
                                                                                    response of the human brain that occurs
performance teaching to conduct a more in-
                                                                                    unconsciously, or a reaction triggered in a
depth study on the connection between the
psychological mechanism of synaesthesia and                                         particular situation. For this mechanism, there
                                                                                    still exist many controversies about whether it’s
the instrumental performance and also its
                                                                                    innate or acquired (Rentfrow, 2012; Van
                                                                                    Campen, 1999; Packer & Ballantyne, 2011). The
    The development of cognitive science has
promoted the study on the psychological                                             existing research is insufficient to explain the
                                                                                    existence of the synaesthesia psychological
mechanism of synaesthesia to a certain extent
                                                                                    mechanisms among different individuals. At
(Hargreaves, 1986; Krumhansl, 1995; Deutsch,
                                                                                    present, it is commonly believed that the
                                                                                    synesthetic     response    results   from    an
    Mudanjiang Normal College, Mudanjiang 157001, China.
                                                                                    abnormality in the brain region in charge of
                                                                                    emotions (Mcadams, 1996; Bore, 1929). Some
                                                                                    people in the crowd are aware of this response,

                                                                                   REVISTA ARGENTINA
                                                 2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1182-1188   DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
1183                                                             YANJIE LI

while others have no way of realizing this (Evans,
Mcpherson, & Davidson, 2013; Appleton,                                           Influence of pitch
Christenson, Kim et al., 2006).                                                  Pitch is the vibration frequency of the sound,
    This paper analyses the psychological factors                            and the level of the vibration is that of the pitch.
for the psychological mechanism of synaesthesia                              Music with lower pitch gives a feeling of lowness,
in instrumental performance and also gives                                   reliability, heaviness and roughness; music with
suggestions for its application. The research                                a higher pitch brings a clear, bright, high and
findings can provide some opinions and                                       passionate feeling. The vibration frequency of
suggestions for instrumental performance                                     the sound has a completely different effect on its
teaching.                                                                    psychology. In the psychological mechanism of
                                                                             synaesthesia, the influence of pitch is mainly
                                                                             reflected in the visual sense. The concert with
   THE BASIC       THEORY     OF    MUSIC             AND                    higher pitch is reminiscent of the brighter
SYNAESTHESIA                                                                 picture, while the music with lower pitch is just
                                                                             the opposite. Therefore, the combination of high
    The relationship between music and
                                                                             and low pitch is usually used to describe the
psychological mechanism of synaesthesia
                                                                             opposition between light and darkness.
    Music is a very expressive art form that not
only provides an auditory enjoyment, but also                                    Visually, changes in pitch will also change the
                                                                             appreciator's association with height. The higher
indirectly offers an aesthetic experience of sight,
                                                                             the pitch, the higher the height of the space in
smell and taste through vision. This
phenomenon of triggering other sensory                                       the appreciator 's association; the lower the
                                                                             pitch, the lower the height of the space that the
responses from a single sensation is called
                                                                             viewer associates.
"synaesthesia", i.e., the concomitant sensation.
                                                                                 In addition, the pitch also has a certain
In fact, audio sense can trigger visual, olfactory,
and gustatory response, while the visual,                                    impact on the inner mood of the appreciator.
                                                                             Music with a higher pitch can stimulate the lister
olfactory, and auditory senses can also in turn
                                                                             in better spirit, and low music usually makes the
trigger an auditory response.
                                                                             viewer feel sad and restrained.
    Music is one of the best art forms to cultivate
human sentiments and aesthetics. The concert
                                                                                 Influence of sound intensity
has a certain influence on the psychological and
                                                                                 The sound intensity mainly refers to the
cognitive behaviours of human beings. The
psychological mechanism of synaesthesia will                                 intensity and loudness of the music, i.e., the
                                                                             amplitude of the vibration. The influence of
bring high-level and rich aesthetic enjoyment,
                                                                             sound intensity on the listener's synaesthesia is
making the multiple senses of human beings
                                                                             also mainly reflected in the visual sense. The
simultaneously edified. Unlike pure sound
stimulation, the synesthetic response brought by                             sound intensity of different intensity can be used
                                                                             to describe the shape, volume, position and
music deepens the connection between the
                                                                             brightness of the imaginary objects. With the
senses more closely. Therefore, the concert
gives people a feeling different from the simple                             higher sound intensity in the music, the
sound. The non-auditory feeling and inner                                    imaginary object shall be larger for the
                                                                             appreciator, and on the contrary, it shall be
experience brought by music is rich and complex,
                                                                             smaller; a music with a higher intensity is used
with a certain subjective colour. In the actual
music playback, humans do not necessarily                                    to describe the bulky object, and that with a
                                                                             lower music is used to describe a light object; a
resonate with the whole song, but are often
                                                                             music with a weaker sound intensity describes a
inspired by certain segments and elements, and
                                                                             farther object, and a music with a stronger sound
different changes will bring about different
synesthetic changes.                                                         intensity describes a closer object.
                                                                                 In music appreciation, human physiological
    This paper mainly studies the psychological
                                                                             indicators, such as heart rate and EEG, will
mechanism of audio-visual synaesthesia.
                                                                             change with the sound intensity, which will lead
   The influence of musical elements on                                      to the changes of positive emotion, negative
                                                                             emotion and positive and negative emotion.
   Pitch, intensity, rhythm and beats are the
basic constitutive elements of music.

                                                                         REVISTA ARGENTINA
                                    2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1182-1188      DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA

    Influence of rhythm                                                         specific experimental scheme is as follows:
    The rhythm of music mainly refers to various
combination of the messy beats into different                                       The effect of synaesthesia on visual height
forms and then the integration of paragraphs                                        In terms of the effect of synaesthesia on
with different lengths but certain repeatability,                               visual height, the pitch factor was mainly
as the basis of one piece of music. The rhythm of                               considered in this study. Before the experiment,
music determines the changes in the music,                                      the teacher guided the students to observe the
which will have an impact on human’s sense of                                   differences between the left and right sides
movement. The rhythm exists in everything of                                    graphics in Figure 1. It can be seen from Figure
nature, and the movement of everything has its                                  1, the left and right were very simple graphics,
own melody and rhythm. The rhythm is regular,                                   and the main difference between the two was
and the use of rhythm in music can be                                           that the height of the yellow bar was different:
reminiscent of the movement of things. A music                                  the bar in the left was higher than that the right.
with slow rhythm will be reminiscent of a still                                     After the students fully understood the
thing, and a music with fast rhythm will be                                     graphics, the teacher played two pitches on the
reminiscent of moving things.                                                   piano. After the performance ended, the
    In terms of emotions, the rhythm composed                                   students need to select the graphics that match
of long sounds makes people feel sad and quiet,                                 the different pitches.
while the rhythm composed of short sounds
causes people to be excited and happy.                                            Figure 1. The effect of synesthesia on height

    Influence of beats
    The beat is to realize the different speeds of
music playback. The influence of beat on
synaesthesia is also mainly reflected in the sense
of movement. Faster music beats make people
think of faster things, and slower music beats are
reminiscent of slower things.
    In terms of emotions, the fast-beat music
stimulates people's high spirit, the medium-beat
music makes people feel warm and comfortable,
and the slow-beat music leads to a sad and
peaceful feeling.
    The relationship between synaesthesia and
music has brought a lot of inspiration to music
teaching. If the inner feelings caused by the
synesthetic psychological mechanism and the
                                                                                   It’s assumed that:
common feelings of human beings can be fully
                                                                                   If the student matches the left graphic with
applied in music teaching, then music teaching
                                                                                the treble, it’s recorded as T1;
will get twice the result with half the effort.
                                                                                   If the student matches the right graphic with
                                                                                the treble, it’s recorded as F1;
                                                                                   If the student matches the left graphic with
                                                                                the bass, it’s recorded as F2;
                                                                                   If the student matches the right graphic with
                                                                                the bass, it’s recorded as T2.
   Experimental design                                                             The specific matching types are shown in
   With a wide range of sounds, the piano is                                    Table 1.
capable of playing a variety of music. It has a high
popularity. Thus, this paper chooses the piano as                               Table 1. Height experiment results matching
the main instrument in the synaesthesia                                         table
experiment of instrumental performance.
   30 freshmen were selected from the                                                                       Left side       Right side
Conservatory of Music as experimental subjects,                                         Treble                 T1               F1
of which the ratio of boys to girls was 16:14. The                                       Bass                  F2               T2

                                                                               REVISTA ARGENTINA
                                             2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1182-1188   DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
1185                                                             YANJIE LI

                                                                             right sides in Figure 1. It can be seen from Figure
    The effect of synaesthesia on visual shape                               1, the left and right were both rectangles. The
    In terms of the effect of synaesthesia on                                main difference between the two was that the
visual height, this paper mainly considers the                               colours of the two were different: the left
influence of sound intensity. Before the                                     graphic was white and the right was black. White
experiment, the teacher guided the students to                               is a bright colour that brings a bright feeling,
observe the differences between the left and                                 while black is a dim colour that gives a deep
right sides in Figure 2. It can be seen from Figure                          feeling.
2 that the left was a yellow rectangle with a black
border; the right was a yellow triangle with a                                Figure 3. The effect of synaesthesia on light
black border. The main difference between the                                 and shade
two was that the shape of the rectangle gives a
heavy, reliable feeling, and the triangle gives a
light feeling.
    After the students fully understood the
graphics, the teacher played the same piano
piece with different sound volumes. When the
playback ended, the student needed to select
the graphic that matches the two playbacks.

 Figure 2. The effect of synaesthesia on

                                                                                 When the experimental results are
                                                                             statistically analysed, the classification method
                                                                             of the test results was still similar to that in Table

                                                                                 The effect of synaesthesia on sense of
                                                                                 In terms of the effect of synaesthesia on
                                                                             sense of movement, this paper mainly considers
                                                                             the rhythm factor. Before the experiment, the
                                                                             teacher guided the students to observe the
   When statistically analysing the experimental                             difference between the upper side and the lower
results, the classification method of the test                               side graphic in Figure 4. It can be seen that the
results was similar to that for the effect of                                upper graph showed water in a stationary state,
synaesthesia on the visual height, as shown in                               and the lower graph indicated water in a flowing
Table 2.                                                                     state.

Table 2. Height experiment results matching                                   Figure 4. The effect of synaesthesia on the
table                                                                         sense of movement
                        Left side      Right side
    High intensity         T1              F1
    Low intensity          F2              T2

   The effect of synaesthesia on light and shade
   In terms of the effect of synaesthesia on
visual light and shade, this paper mainly
considers the pitch factor. Before the
experiment, the teacher guided the students to
observe the differences between the left and

                                                                         REVISTA ARGENTINA
                                    2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1182-1188      DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA

    When the experimental results are
statistically analysed, the classification method                                  According to statistics, in the experiment
of the test results was still similar to that above,                            about the effect of synaesthesia on visual light
as shown in Table 3.                                                            and shade, there were 23 students belonging to
                                                                                T1, 24 belonging to T2, 7 belonging to F1, and 6
Table 3. Height experiment results matching                                     belonging to F2.
                                                                                  Figure 7. Results of the visual light and
                     Upper side               Lower side                          shade experiment
    Slow-paced          T1                       F1
    Fast-paced          F2                       T2

   Analysis and application of experimental
   The experimental results of the four
experiments      were    analysed     statistically
according to Tables 1-3, as shown in Figures 5-8.
   According to statistics, in the experiment
about the effect of synaesthesia on visual height,
there were 28 students belonging to T1, 22
belonging to T2, 2 belonging to F1, and 8
belonging to F2.                                                                   According to statistics, in the experiment on
                                                                                the effect of synaesthesia on sense of
 Figure 5. Results of the visual height                                         movement, there were 25 students belonging to
 experiment                                                                     T1, 27 belonging to T2, 5 belonging to F1, and 3
                                                                                belonging to F2.

                                                                                  Figure 8. Results of the sense of movement

   According to statistics, in the experiment
about the effect of synaesthesia on visual shape,
there were 21 students belonging to T1, 25
belonging to T2, 9 belonging to F1, and 5                                           It can be seen from Figures 5-8 that factors
belonging to F2.                                                                such as pitch, intensity and rhythm have
                                                                                different effects on students' visual height,
 Figure 6. Results of the visual shape
                                                                                shape, visual light and shade, and sense of
 experiment                                                                     movement. The sum of T1 and T2 can indicate
                                                                                the difference in the degree of influence of
                                                                                different factors on students' visual height,
                                                                                shape, visual light and shade, and sense of
                                                                                movement. The results are shown in Figure 9.
                                                                                    Figure 9 shows that the influence of rhythm
                                                                                on the sense of movement was the most
                                                                                significant, followed by the influence of the pitch
                                                                                on the visual height, and the influence of the
                                                                                sound intensity on the shape and the influence

                                                                               REVISTA ARGENTINA
                                             2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1182-1188   DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
1187                                                             YANJIE LI

of the pitch on the light and shade may be invalid                               (1) The psychological mechanism of
for some students.                                                           synaesthesia is a psychological reaction that
                                                                             triggers other sensory associations by a single
 Figure 9. Comparison of experimental                                        sensory stimulus. Some people's psychological
 results                                                                     mechanisms are sensitive, while some are
                                                                             relatively insensitive;
                                                                                 (2) In the experiment of the synaesthesia
                                                                             psychological reaction triggered by the
                                                                             instrumental performance, the pitch had a
                                                                             significant influence on the visual height, i.e., the
                                                                             higher the pitch, the higher the visual position
                                                                             that the appreciator can imagine, and the
                                                                             brighter the imaginary colour. In the experiment
                                                                             about the effect of pitch on visual height, 83.3%
                                                                             of    the     students    showed      the     above
                                                                             characteristics, which proved that the
                                                                             psychological mechanism of synaesthesia had a
                                                                             significant influence on the visual height; in the
                                                                             experiment about the effect of pitch on visual
    In the teaching of instrumental performance,                             light and shade, 78.3% students showed the
it plays a certain role in the improvement of                                above characteristics, proving that the effect of
teaching quality by fulling using the                                        synesthetic psychological mechanism on visual
psychological mechanism of synaesthesia. Based                               light and shade is slightly worse than that on
on the above research results, the following                                 visual height;
application recommendations are proposed:                                        (3) In the experiment of the synaesthesia
    (1) To mobilize students' visual imagination                             psychological reaction triggered by the
and change different visual positions or visual                              instrumental performance, the sound intensity
shading, the teachers need to alternately use                                had a significant influence on the visual shape;
different pitches for performance;                                           the higher the sound intensity, the thicker the
    (2) To mobilize students' visual imagination                             visual shape that the appreciator can imagine. In
and transform different visual shapes, the                                   the experiment about the effect of sound
teachers need to alternately use different sound                             intensity on visual shape, 76.7% of the students
intensity;                                                                   showed the above characteristics, which proved
    (3) To mobilize the students' imagination in                             that     the    psychological    mechanism         of
sense of movement, the teachers need to                                      synaesthesia had a significant influence on the
alternately     use    different    rhythms    for                           visual shape;
performance.                                                                     (4) In the experiment of the synaesthesia
    Teachers should make full use of the                                     psychological reaction triggered by the
influence of pitch, intensity and rhythm on vision                           instrumental performance, the rhythm had a
and dynamic vision, and make rich changes                                    significant influence on the sense of movement,
through different sound intensity, rhythm and                                and the faster the rhythm, the stronger the
pitch, so as to deepen the impression of students                            athleticism that the appreciator can feel. In the
in teaching.                                                                 experiment about the effect of rhythm on sense
                                                                             of movement, 86.7% showed the above
                                                                             characteristics, which proved that the
   CONCLUSIONS                                                               psychological mechanism of synaesthesia had a
                                                                             significant impact on sense of movement.
    This paper summarizes the basic theory of
synaesthesia psychological mechanism. Then, it
designs and implements experiments on the
effects of synaesthesia on visual height, shape,
light and shade, and sense of movement. Finally,                                2018 Basic Scientific Research Project of
through analysis for the experimental data, the                              Heilongjiang Provincial advanced institution “A
following conclusions have been drawn:                                       Study on the Musical Instrument Playing Techniques
                                                                             of Transplantation and Adaptation Works on the

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                                                                                REVISTA ARGENTINA
                                              2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1182-1188   DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
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