PUPIL PREMIUM STRATEGY & IMPACT STATEMENT - Balshaw's Church of England High ...

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PUPIL PREMIUM STRATEGY & IMPACT STATEMENT - Balshaw's Church of England High ...
                 "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." Matthew 7:12

                                                                    Non Sibi Sed Aliis
                                                                 ‘Aiming at Excellence’
This policy document and the content contained therein remains the responsibility of the Headteacher and Governing Body of the
school. No amendments can be made without their express instructions and they remain the final arbiters in any matters relating to it.

Review Date:                     Autumn Term 2018

Next Review Date:                Autumn Term 2019

Reviewed By:                      Miss A Hunkin

                                                                                  Policies (WS)
Pupil premium strategy statement: Balshaw’s Church of England High School

Balshaw’s Church of England High School works to achieve the best possible outcomes for all of its students. Closing the attainment gap that exists nationally
and within Balshaw’s between the attainment of disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students is a key priority. In doing this Balshaw’s realises that there
is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution, but develops strategies for individual pupils to make a difference as well as implementing strategies that have an evidence
base of success (EEF Toolkit, for example).

In order to close the attainment gap Balshaw’s has a number of basic underlying principles:

   1. Promote an ethos of high expectations for all students who are treated as individuals without an expectation that one group of students has less
      potential to succeed.
   2. The focus on closing the gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students comes from Quality First Teaching, Challenge for All,
      acknowledging that the place for learning to close the gap is in the classroom rather than bolt-on strategies.
   3. Decisions on intervention are based upon data and a response to the evidence using frequent tracking.
   4. Although a Pupil Premium Co-ordinator may have oversight of this cohort of students, the responsibility for closing the attainment gap is devolved to
      all teaching and support staff.

                                                                          Policies (WS)
1. Summary information
School                       Balshaw’s Church of England High School
Academic Year                2018-2019      Total PP budget                                    £142,332        Date of most recent PP Review                    Septem
                                            (plus, additional CLA funding £)                                                                                    ber
Total number of pupils (as   925            Number of pupils eligible for PP                   132             Date for next internal review of this strategy   Septem
at January 2018 census)                     (110 Ever 6 FSM, 10 Services, 12 CLA/Adopted)                                                                       ber

 2. Current attainment (results from August 2018)
                                                                                               Pupils eligible for PP                    Non-PP Pupils
                                                                                                    Balshaw’s                     Balshaw’s pupils (All national)
Grade 4 or above in English and Maths                                                                   61%                                 77% (63%)
Progress 8 score (predicted Sept 2018)                                                                  0.15                                 0.13 (0.0)
Attainment 8 score average (from 2017/18)                                                               44.6                                52.2 (44.6)
Progress 8 score in English (predicted Sept 2018)                                                       0.24                                0.14 (-0.03)
Progress 8 score in Maths (predicted Sept 2018)                                                         -0.03                               0.14 (-0.02)
%age achieving EBacc                                                                                   21.2%                                42% (24%)
Predicted P8 2019                                                                                       -0.12                                  0.17

                                                                               Policies (WS)
3. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP)
In-school barriers (issues to be addressed in school, such as poor literacy skills)
A.        Literacy and numeracy skills of year 7-9 are lower for PP than for other pupils.

B.        PP boys making less progress than girls
C.        Mid to high attaining pupils are making less progress than other pupils across KS4.

D.        Heightened awareness of PP cohort within every year group.
E.        Greater challenge in accessing extra-curricular activity and enrichment. Sometimes less able to access web-based material.

F.        Attendance
                                                               2017-2018                                   2016-2017
           Whole school                                        92.5%                                       93.6%
           PP                                                  91.3%                                       91.7%
           Non-PP                                              92.7%                                       93.9%
           PP girls v Non PP girls                             91.1% v 92.7%                               91.4% v 93.7%
           PP boys v Non PP boys                               91.6% v 92.3%                               91.9% v 93.5%
External barriers (issues which also require action outside school, such as low attendance rates)
  A.     Mindset and motivation – in some cases parental support.
 B.      Lack of support with homework, revision and independent learning.

                                                                           Policies (WS)
4. Desired outcomes (desired outcomes and how they will be measured)                              Success criteria
A.    The gap in progress made by PP students against non-PP students to be reduced in English,   Data to show diminishing gap between
      Maths, Science and RS.                                                                      disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students.
B.    Increase extra-curricular involvement – revision, intervention and access to trips.         Participation in trips and activities in line with non-
                                                                                                  disadvantaged students (reward trips, visits, music
                                                                                                  group membership).
C.    Progress in literacy and numeracy to enable PP to access whole curriculum                   Established reading and literacy group. Early
                                                                                                  intervention in Maths and English. Access to
                                                                                                  additional sessions.
D.    Increase awareness and knowledge of individual PP pupils to meet needs.                     APH to regularly challenge and remind staff of the
                                                                                                  PP cohort and their attainment and progress.
E.    PP students without IT facilities at home to be provided with ICT equipment                 All PP students to have the same ability to access
                                                                                                  online support such as GCSEPod. MJD to regularly
                                                                                                  check PP usage of GCSEPod. All parents to have
                                                                                                  access to and be able to utilise classcharts.
F.    Attendance for PP pupils to be in line with Non-PP.                                         LL/AC to regularly check attendance figures and
                                                                                                  follow up attendance issues. Rewards and sanctions
                                                                                                  to be put in place for punctuality and attendance.
G.    The gap in progress made by PP boys against PP girls to reduce.                             Rewards in place for attendance at revision sessions
                                                                                                  to encourage boys to attend. Encouragement with
                                                                                                  extra responsibility and mentoring system in place to
                                                                                                  provide a positive role model.

                                                                      Policies (WS)
5. Planned expenditure
   Academic year                2018/19
     The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the Pupil Premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted
     support and support whole school strategies.
      i. Quality of teaching for all
    Desired outcome         Chosen action /                   What is the evidence             How will you ensure it is implemented              Staff lead   When will you
                            approach                          and rationale for this           well?                                                           review
                                                              choice?                                                                                          implementation?
    Co-ordinated            Continued work of PP co-          A voice to champion the          Line management meetings with PPG co-ordinator.    APH          Ongoing
    approach to             ordinator                         needs of PP students,            Spending review and impact evaluation.
    implementation and                                        holding staff accountable for
    monitoring of PP                                          PP progress through central
    initiatives and                                           co-ordination.
    challenge for quality
    of provision for PP
    students.               Weekly briefings to have          Increased staff awareness is     Strategies sent to all staff to implement within   APH/SLT      Ongoing in Learning
    Awareness of PP         regular Pupil Premium focus.      crucial to ensure Quality        lessons.                                                        Walks and Lesson
    students                PP passports produced and         First teaching for PP            Impact statements to be completed to evidence                   Observations
                            updated for staff to know         students.                        impact of strategies.
                            how best to target the needs                                       Pupil premium briefings to focus on strategies
                            of individual PP students.                                         and/or focus on certain pupils.
                            Lists of PP pupils in a central                                    PP group to feedback to departments termly.
                            place and accessible for staff.
                            PP students also identified on
                            class charts.
                            PP advocates to meet termly
                            to discuss pupils.

                                                                                             Policies (WS)
Literacy and            TAs work with small nurture      EEF research – reading          Tracking progress and improvement of students,    MCR/APH   Half termly
numeracy                groups in years 7-9 who are      comprehension strategies        lesson observation, QA of materials being used.
improvement for Low     withdrawn from MFL lessons       add 5+ months of progress
PA PP students.         to improve numeracy and          for students.
                        literacy- work for those
                        withdrawn from MFL year 7-

                        Reading groups within Years
                        7-9 and coaching using PP
                        pupils as 'teachers'.

                        Embed the use of Kumon as a
                        numeracy intervention to
                        accelerate progress of PP

New TA appointment      Increase capacity of TA3         Capacity to deliver one-to-     Scheduled lessons on timetable. Monitoring and    JSM/RL    Ongoing with annual
to provide capacity     with an additional TA in         one and small group tuition     tracking windows. Teacher assessment.                       evaluation.
for skilled Maths TA3                                    and intervention 5+ months
to work with                                             progress (EEF).
withdrawal and
support groups.

Engage parents and      GCSE Pod licence purchased       Engages parents in home         Monitoring of GCSEPod usage and parental          MJD       Weekly usage
students in learning    and all pupils in Year 10 and    learning (EEF 3+ months         engagement strategies.                                      evaluation during
and revision process.   11 shown how to access and       progress).                      Monitoring of parental access of classcharts.               Spring Term
                        Classcharts co-ordinator hired
                        and guide sent to parent on
                        how to utilise.

                                                                                       Policies (WS)
Improve outcomes in        Tassomai accounts purchased         research                          Monitoring of usage by PP students.                       JAM
Science and explore        for Year 10 and 11 PP                                                 Higher progress 8 outcomes by PP students in
the use of Tassomai.       students                                                              Science.

Increased staff            CPD for staff                       Staff need to be aware of         Evaluation of impact of CPD                               JSM          Annual
awareness of PP                                                Closing the Gap agenda, the
students and                                                   school’s strategy for Closing
strategies to improve                                          the Gap and the most
attainment.                                                    effective tools to use in
                                                               achieving these outcomes.
Students able to           Make a Difference (external         Parental engagement (as           Student Voice feedback.                                   DDM          Annual
understand how they        supplier) revision strategy         above).                           Student’s confidence in applying revision
learn and revise.          workshop for students and           Metacognition – students          strategies.
Parents able to            parents.                            learning about how they
actively support                                               learn (EEF 8+ months)
                                                                                                                                                  Total budgeted cost £73,607

 ii. Targeted support
Desired outcome            Chosen action /                     What is the evidence              How will you ensure it is implemented                     Staff lead   When will you
                           approach                            and rationale for this            well?                                                                  review
                                                               choice?                                                                                                  implementation?
All students to have       Students identified as not having   Equal access to online            Any PP student unable to access web at home provided      APH/RT       Annually
access to web-based        access to the web at home to be     resources required for PP         with data dongle and PC/laptop if necessary.
learning outside school.   provided with equipment to          students – especially with        Students to be monitored and tracked regularly by staff
                           make this possible.                 regard to use of GCSEPod          to make sure they have access to all equipment and

PP students to be able     Provide music tuition costs for     Impact of music tuition on        CL for Music will actively encourage participation in     RAB/APH/CL   Annually
to access extra-           PP students. Pay for all            raising attainment well-          music groups by PP students.
curricular music           additional activities that PP       documented in EEF research.

                                                                                               Policies (WS)
students can be involved in                                             All departments fully made aware that funds are
                          (Rewards afternoons, trips etc.)                                        available to allow Pp Students to have trips paid for.

                                                                                                  Parents made fully aware of PP funding and that their
                                                                                                  child/children have access to this.

PP students to attend     Provide payment for pupils going   Pupils access to trips will          Regular feedback from pupils who have attended trips        CL/APH      Annually
extracurricular trips     on school trips.                   improve social skills.               on impact and enjoyment.
                                                                                                  Parents to be made aware of access to funding for trips
                          Enterprise and HE trips for Year   Learning enterprise and              through letter home.
                          9-10 PP pupils to improve          business skills will improve
                          employability and increase         employability and pupils
                          awareness of HE.                   receive an additional

Outstanding               Specific monitoring of PP          Links between poor attendance        Daily monitoring of attendance and contact with parents.    LL/AC/APH   Termly
attendance for PP         students by SLT and work with      and lower outcomes for               Rewards for good attendance of PP students across the
students                  PP students and their              students with PA.                    school.
                          Use of SIMS Lesson Monitor to
                          track and report absence of PP

Able to use data          SISRA licence renewed.             Ability to analyse progress data     Use of SISRA as a data analysis tool to track PP students   DDM/APH     Ongoing with annual
effectively to target                                        of PP students and subgroups         at class, departmental, leadership and governance level.                licence renewal.
appropriate students,                                        of disadvantaged students
monitor trends and                                           required to implement
identify subgroups.                                          strategies for Closing the Gap.

PP students able to       Student Welfare and Support        Behaviour interventions can          Student feedback about the impact of counselling and        AMW /       Termly
access appropriate        Manager to work one to one         add 4+ months progress.              mentoring sessions.                                         RS/APH
advice about careers      with pupils.                       Referrals to the Student             PP students aware of post-16 study, training and
and counselling service                                      Welfare and Support Manager          employment routes.
if required.              Pupils to have access to a         will include PP students whose       Help and support with revision.
                          mentor in school for emotional     behaviours for learning impede
                          and academic support.              their progress.

                                                                                                Policies (WS)
Year 7 PP students         PPG co-ordinator to meet PP          The summer school last year          Use Balshaw’s staff to plan and deliver the literacy and   APH           Annual
more confident             students and identify strengths      showed improvement in                numeracy lessons.
learners able to           and possible support needs.          numeracy and literacy
transition well into the                                        outcomes from entry and exit         Engage PP students as early as possible after secondary
secondary                  Run a summer school with a           tests.                               school allocation.
environment.               focus on literacy, numeracy and      Pupils also became more
                           team building.                       confident in making new              Feedback through questionnaires from both parents and
                                                                friends,and felt the transition      pupils.
                           Year 7 PP pupils to be given a       from primary to secondary was
                           mentor within school for the first   a less worrying experience after     Regular monitoring of PP students during the first term
                           term to regularly meet with and      attending Summer school.             in Year 7 to ensure a smooth transition.
                           discuss how they are getting on
                           and for staff to identify any

Year 10 and 11 access      Students purchased revision          PP pupils less access to             Record kept of all pupils who have been provided with      Curriculum    Termly
to additional revision     guides, workbooks and revision       resources that will help aid         extra resources. Tracking progress of each pupil each      leaders/APH
materials, resources       cards for their subject areas.       their revision.                      term.
and interventions                                                                                    Curriculum leaders to analyse progress and identify any
                           Early intervention sessions and      Early intervention and targeted      barriers.
                           small group sessions specifically    support will improve GCSE            Rewards for PP pupils who attend revision sessions.
                           targeting PP pupils in Year 10       grades for pupils.
                           and 11.

                                                                                                                                                     Total budgeted cost £63,228

iii. Other approaches
Desired outcome            Chosen action /                      What is the evidence                 How will you ensure it is implemented                      Staff lead    When will you
                           approach                             and rationale for this               well?                                                                    review
                                                                choice?                                                                                                       implementation?
Increased knowledge of     Establish Pupil Premium Best         To identify strategies that have     Pupil Premium are a focus through departmental             APH / JSM     Termly
best practice and up-to-   Practice group within the Red        worked well at other schools.        discussion.
date research.             Rose Teaching Alliance.
                                                                                                     PP Network meetings take place.

                                                                                                   Policies (WS)
Attendance at relevant CPD and    To create forums for discussing     Attendance at relevant CPD
                       PP conferences.                   and reviewing PP strategies
                                                         with peers.
                       Establish a Pupil premium
                       advocate within each
                       department to share best
                       practice amongst all

Administration of PP   Time within the admin team,       Back end support required to        Admin staff working at maximum efficiency.           MF          Ongoing.
funds                  photocopying, meeting time etc.   administrate initiatives.

                                                                                                                                          Total budgeted cost £6500

 6. Review of expenditure
Previous Academic Year                                             2017-18
  i. Quality of teaching for all
Desired outcome              Chosen action /                  Estimated impact: Did you meet the success criteria? Include impact                      Lessons learned         Cost
                             approach                         on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate.                                           (and whether you will
                                                                                                                                                       continue with this
Co-ordinated approach        Pupil premium co-                Directed focus enabled pupils needs to be identified early and                           Role to be continued.   £4,259
to implementation and        ordinator to continue            interventions put in place.
monitoring of PP             focus on pupil premium           Staff made aware of pupils and therefore more monitoring of these
initiatives and              students within school.          pupils has been put in place.
challenge for quality of     Allocated time for PP
provision for PP             co-ordinator to carry
students.                    out role.

                                                                                           Policies (WS)
Heightened Awareness    Weekly emails and star     Staff fully aware of PP pupils and what focus is needed for each pupil.           Spotlight briefing       N/A
of PP students          of the week. Pupil         Pupils therefore get more support where they need it.                             instead of emails to
                        passports produced for                                                                                       be used to direct
                        staff to know how best                                                                                       focus of pupils and
                        to target the needs of                                                                                       strategies.
                        individual PP students.                                                                                      Passports to be put
                                                                                                                                     on classcharts rather
                                                                                                                                     than sent out so staff
                                                                                                                                     always have access to
Literacy and numeracy   TA’s work with small       This is one of the most significant spends within the PP budget, but it crucial   Maintain good            £63,932
improvement for Low     nurture groups in years    to the impact upon support, wellbeing and progress of PP students as well         communication
PA PP students.         7-9 who are withdrawn      as SEND students.                                                                 between TAs and
                        from MFL lessons to                                                                                          classroom teachers
                                                   Maintaining a team of TA3s who can plan, prepare and deliver specialist
                        improve numeracy and                                                                                         and ensure that PP
                                                   intervention and nurture groups allows for us to create a more appropriate
                        literacy- work for those                                                                                     co-ordinator and
                                                   curriculum for those PP students that need it and to run targeted
                        withdrawn from MFL                                                                                           SENDCO work closely
                                                   intervention and revision for those who need to be accelerated because of
                        year 7- 9. Continued       their ability.                                                                    to target provision
                        appointment of                                                                                               and deployment of
                        specialist TA3 English                                                                                       TAs.
Additional teaching     Appoint staffing in        This strategy altered as the year progressed because of changes to the            Be flexible and be      £28,692
time for a Maths        Maths above                curriculum. It was deemed better to keep the TA doing targeted                    prepared to change
intervention teacher    curriculum requirement     intervention and use the additional maths teacher to have an                      and adapt initial plans
(50% of salary cost)    to provide small group     additional maths set which would allow a better class: teacher ratio              to suit the need and
and new maths           support.                   and more resource could be put into PP students directly.                         demand.
teacher appointment
to replace TA3

                                                                        Policies (WS)
Engage parents and         GCSE Pod licence           GCSE POD used regularly to watch podcasts and revise by many pupils       MJD to monitor more       £250
students in learning       purchased.                                                                                           closely the usage of
and revision process.                                                                                                           PP students
Increased staff         CPD for staff                 CPD on strategies linked to T&L to help pupils to learn more              Termly strategies         £4,585
awareness of PP                                       efficiently.                                                              emailed/shown in
students and strategies                               Strategies used in classes regularly by staff and focus on PP pupils in   staff room for staff to
to improve attainment.                                class improves result of PP pupils                                        use in classrooms.
                                                                                                                                Impact forms to be
                                                                                                                                filled in to evidence
                                                                                                                                and record impact on
                                                                                                                                PP pupils
Students able to           Make a Difference          Students learn how to revise efficiently and therefore improve results. To continue.                £1,200
understand how they        (external supplier)
learn and revise.          revision strategy
Parents able to actively   workshop for students
support revision.          and parents.
 ii. Targeted support

Desired outcome            Chosen action /            Estimated impact: Did you meet the success criteria? Include impact       Lessons learned           Cost
                           approach                   on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate.                            (and whether you will
                                                                                                                                continue with this
Increased attendance       Student passport with     Students given personalised revision timetables helped with                Continue with             £3,128
of Year 11 to              reward on completion. awareness of how and when to revise. Extra intervention sessions               approach.
revision/intervention.     Regular contact with      built in to registration and lunchtimes specifically aimed at PP pupils.
Greater ability to         home. Directed time
                           provided for staff to run

                                                                          Policies (WS)
provide one-to-one       small group and one-to-
and small group work.    one intervention work
All students to have     Students identified as   Laptops provided for those pupils who needed them. Chances within      More monitoring of    £416
access to web-based      not having access to the school to use computers to access revision resources.                  online revision
learning outside         web at home to be                                                                               through GCSEPod by
school.                  provided with                                                                                   MJD
                         equipment to make this
PP students to be able   Provide music tuition     Music lessons provided, and exams paid for.                           Continue with         £8,099
to access extra-         costs for PP students.    Increased number of PP students taking part in concerts and events.   approach.
curricular music         Pay for all additional    Improved self-esteem and confidence from playing an instrument.
activities.              activities that PP
                         students can be
                         involved in (Rewards
                         afternoons, trips etc.)
Outstanding              Employment of             Attendance tracked by LL and followed through.                        More focus on          £4,345
attendance for PP        Attendance                                                                                      punctuality to school
students                 Improvement Worker                                                                              as well as attendance.
                         to monitor and work                                                                             Transport to be
                         with PP students and                                                                            provided for any
                         their attendance. Use                                                                           persistent absentees.
                         of SIMS Lesson Monitor
                         to track and report
                         absence of PP students.
Able to use data         SISRA licence renewed.    Tracking of pupils regularly allows for early intervention            Continue              £213
effectively to target
appropriate students,

                                                                      Policies (WS)
monitor trends and
identify subgroups.
PP students able to       Student Welfare and       RS has allowed additional support socially and emotionally for PP        Continue with          £12,846
access appropriate        Support Manager           pupils. Helps to build confidence and for pupils to know they can talk   approach and
advice about careers      appointed.                to someone within school. Careers advice allows pupils to know           develop in line with
and counselling service                             options.                                                                 The Gatsby Principles.
if required.
iii. Other approaches
Desired outcome           Chosen action /           Estimated impact: Did you meet the success criteria? Include impact      Lessons learned            Cost
                          approach                  on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate.                           (and whether you will
                                                                                                                             continue with this
Provide a space for PP    Refurbishment of old      Allows pupils privacy to speak with PP co-ordinator. This room has not   Look at ways that the £2,122
students to access        ICT network office as a   had as much impact as hoped for. Although it provides privacy away       room can be used to
support and meet with     Pupil Premium             from normal student thoroughfares and a nice environment, its            deliver intervention in
the PP Coordinator to     Intervention room.        location is too far from the teaching base of the current PP co-         alternative ways to
discuss progress.                                   ordinator and students must go there specifically rather than            benefit PP students.
                                                    dropping in on their way past.
Administration of PP      Time within the admin                                                                              Digital communication      £6,143
funds                     team, photocopying,                                                                                is used as much as
                          meeting time etc.                                                                                  possible, but some
                                                                                                                             information is delivered
                                                                                                                             more effectively in hard

                                                                       Policies (WS)
1. Additional detail
PPG has been used to support a range of strategies and interventions. The EEF/Sutton Trust Toolkit has been used to inform some of the choices made (small
group tuition, effective deployment of TAs, mentoring and parental involvement).

DEL was appointed to the role of Pupil Premium Coordinator in February 2016 until December 2017 and APH from January 2018. It was felt that the role was
needed in school to address the ‘gap’ between Pupil Premium (PP) students and the remainder of the cohort.

1) Reminders to staff about who our PP students are.

Maintenance of accurate PP lists. All staff to be able to access lists. Creation of a Pupil Premium board in the Staff Room to ensure staff have a visual display
of who PP students are and this is regularly updated. Email reminders of strategies and monthly spotlight briefing focuses attention onto PP.

2) Meetings with Year 11 PP students and intervention/revision monitoring and holiday revision work.

Set up a monitoring system for current Year 11. Meet with all the students individually to let them know that PP Co-ordinator was acting as another level of
support within school and available to help them in planning revision/intervention timetables as well as monitoring and facilitating their usage of GCSE Pod.
Contact with home to ensure parents/carers were aware of what PP Co-ordinator role was and encourage their involvement in monitoring attendance at
extra revision and intervention sessions. Year 11 pupils given a personalised revision timetable with focus on subjects where they were off track. Year 11 PP
provided with additional revision guides/workbooks and revision cards as well as equipment they needed. Many subjects including English, Maths and
Science held additional intervention sessions with small groups of PP students. Pupils rewarded for their attendance at these sessions.

3) Year 7 intervention with Year 10 'coaches' in Maths

After identifying on the EEF Peer tutoring adds 5+ months to progress of pupils, Maths set up a peer coaching system between Year 7 and Year 10. Year 7
pupils who were most off track identified (some PP some Non-PP) and Year 10 coaches selected (most PP). The Year 10 pupils supported and coached Year 7
pupils with additional sessions twice a week during registration. The sessions have shown to have improved confidence in both the Year 7 and Year 10's and
improvement of their basic Maths skills. The social skills have benefited the Year 10's and they have been able to take ownership of the sessions.

                                                                         Policies (WS)
4) Year 7 reading club in English

With the success of the Maths coaching, English introduced similar sessions but with reading. Year 10 pupils selected to help with the reading skills of Year 7
PP students. Year 7 confidence has grown in reading but also socially by having the confidence to sit and read with an older year group.

5) Year 9-10 Geography peer coaching

Geography also introduced a peer coaching session with PP pupils from Year 10 holding extra sessions with Year 9 pupils who were opting to take Geography
as a GCSE. Again, pupil's confidence has grown not only within the subject area but also socially and in communicating.

6) Work for holidays.

Pupils identified as off track after each tracking report and subjects encouraged to provide work for pupils over each holiday.

When Year 10 tracking data available, emulate the work done with Year 11 with the current Year 10. Each PP student will be given work to take home
focussing on the areas they are currently under performing in. PP Co-ordinator will meet with the Year 10 cohort, detail exactly what the role is and build the
relationship and help when it comes around to planning their intervention/revision timetables in Year 11. Encourage subjects to start working on
intervention in September with PP students using tracking and assessment data to prioritise.

7) Termly strategies

 Sending of emails, displaying PP logo with strategies that staff can use in their classrooms to help make progress with PP students. A different focus each
term e.g. highlighting students on seating plans and sitting students within reach so that help can be given quickly should it be needed). The idea is that staff
have enough time within a term to implement these strategies and can see a visible impact. Impact statements to be filled in at the end of each term to
monitor and evidence impact.

                                                                         Policies (WS)
You can also read