Q2-2022 Commodities ETP Report - USCF ...

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Q2-2022 Commodities ETP Report - USCF ...
Commodities ETP Report

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Q2-2022 Commodities ETP Report - USCF ...
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  A G R I C U LT U R E                           Ticker
                                                                            AUM       BROAD COMMODITY                                         Ticker
  Product Name                                              Ratio                     Product Name                                                           Ratio

 PowerShares DB Agriculture                        DBA     0.85%             1.87 B   United States Commodity Index Fund                      USCI           1.10%           350.19 M

 Teucrium Wheat                                   WEAT     1.00%          485.91 M    USCF SummerHaven Strategy No K-1                        SDCI           0.70%             10.63 M

 Teucrium Corn                                    CORN     1.76%          221.39 M    PowerShares Opt Yld Div Cmmdty                          PDBC           0.62%               7.90 B

 iPath Blmbrg Coffee SIdx                           JO     0.45%           81.37 M    First Trust Intl Tactical Commdty Strtgy                 FTGC          0.95%               4.23 B

 Teucrium Soybean                                 SOYB     1.15%           63.62 M    iShares S&P GSCI Commodity                               GSG           0.75%               2.13 B

 iPath Blmbrg Grains                               JJG     0.45%           56.11 M    iPath Blmbrg Commodity                                    DJP          0.70%               1.16 B

 iPath Blmbrg Cotton SIdx TR TN                    BAL     0.45%           38.71 M    ETFS BloombergAllComm Strategy K-1 Free                   BCI          0.25%               1.06 B

 iPath Blmbrg Sugar SIdx                           SGG     0.45%           29.37 M    Direxion Auspice Broad Comm Strategy                     COM           0.72%           400.25 M

 Teucrium Agricultural                            TAGS     0.13%           28.98 M    GraniteShrs Blmberg CmdtyBroadStratNoK-1                COMB           0.25%           370.50 M

 iPath Blmbrg Cocoa SIdx                           NIB     0.75%           26.85 M    iShares Bloomberg Roll Sel Brd Cmdty                    CMDY           0.28%           359.02 M

 Teucrium Sugar                                   CANE     1.14%           25.36 M    WisdomTree Continuous Commodity                          GCC           0.55%           349.10 M

 iPath Blmbrg Agriculture SIdx TR TN               JJA     0.45%           25.28 M    ETFS BloombergAllCommLngrDtdStrtK-1Free                  BCD           0.29%           241.96 M

 iPath Blmbrg Livestock SIdx TR TN                COW      0.45%           21.09 M    ELEMENTS LinkedToRogersIntlCommIdx AgrTR                  RJA          0.75%           227.53 M

 iPath Blmbrg Softs SIdx TR TN                     JJS     0.45%           15.52 M    First Trust Alt Absolute Return Strtgy                   FAAR          0.95%           166.48 M

 ELEMENTS LinkedTo MLCX GrainsIndx TR              GRU     0.75%           15.27 M    ELEMENTS Rogers Intl Commdty                              RJI          0.75%           154.66 M

 DB Agriculture Long                               AGF     0.75%            0.78 M    WisdomTree Managed Futures Strategy                     WTMF           0.65%           145.72 M

 DB Agriculture Short                              ADZ     0.75%            0.11 M    GS Connect S&P GSCI Enh Comm TotRet                      GSC           1.25%             98.26 M

  Median Expense Ratio:                                    0.75 %                     Hartford Schroders Commodity Strategy                   HCOM           0.89%             66.50 M

                                                                                      iPath Pure Beta Broad Commodity                          BCM           0.60%             54.13 M

                                                                                      iPath S&P GSCI Total Return Index                        GSP           0.75%             44.84 M
             Total Assets Under Management                                            iShares Commodity Curve Carry Strategy                  CCRV           0.40%             38.91 M
                                     (By category)
                                                                                      Harbor All-Weather Inflation Focus                      HGER           0.68%             37.59 M

                                                                                      ELEMENTS LinkedToRogersIntlCommIdxEngyTR                 RJN           0.75%             15.22 M
   $140 B                                                              Metals
                                                                     $129.94 B        DB Commodity Double Short                                DEE           0.75%              0.04 M

   $120 B                                                                             Median Expense Ratio:                                                  0.71%
                                                                                                                © 2022 ETFguide, LLC Reproduction without written consent strictly prohibited.

   $100 B

                                                                                                 Number of Products by Category
   $80 B                                                                                                          (In descending order)

   $60 B

   $40 B
                                                      Broad                             BROAD COMMODITY
                                                     $19.62 B
   $20 B

                                   Energy                                                          ENERGY                                         18
                                  $7.51 B
             3.00 B
                                                                                              AGRICULTURE                                       17

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       ENERGY                                                    Ticker
                                                                                                    AUM          M E TA L S                                           Ticker
       Product Name                                                            Ratio                             Product Name                                                         Ratio

      United States Oil Fund                                     USO          0.83%                   3.22 B     United States Copper Index Fund, LP                   CPER           1.08%               272.35 M

      United States NatGas Fund                                  UNG          1.35%               392.95 M       USCF Gold Strategy Plus Income                       GLDX            0.45%                  3.38 M

      United States Brent Oil Fund                               BNO          1.13%               278.10 M       SPDR Gold Shares                                       GLD           0.40%                 67.70 B

      United States 12 Month Oil Fund                             USL         0.88%               144.03 M       iShares Gold                                           IAU           0.25%                 32.04 B

      United States Gasoline Fund, LP                            UGA          1.02%               111.89 M       iShares Silver                                         SLV           0.50%                 13.79 B

      United States 12 Month NatGas Fund, LP                     UNL          0.90%                23.73 M       SPDR Gold MiniShares                                  GLDM           0.10%                   5.21 B

      KFA Global Carbon                                          KRBN         0.78%                   1.39 B     ETFS Physical Swiss Gold                              SGOL           0.17%                   2.77 B

      PowerShares DB Oil                                          DBO         0.75%               520.77 M       ETFS Physical Silver                                   SIVR          0.30%                   1.20 B

      ProShares UltraShort Bloomberg Crude Oil                    SCO         0.95%               405.70 M       ETFS Physical Platinum                                 PPLT          0.60%                   1.18 B

      Credit Suisse X-Links CrdOilCovCall TN                     USOI         0.85%               263.98 M       ETFS Physical Precious Metals Basket                  GLTR           0.60%                   1.16 B

      ProShares UltraShort Bloomberg NatGas                      KOLD         1.88%               243.69 M       GraniteShares Gold Trust                               BAR           0.17%                   1.04 B

      PowerShares DB Energy                                       DBE         0.75%               226.58 M       PowerShares DB Base Metals                             DBB           0.75%               683.11 M

      KraneShares California Carbon Allowance                    KCCA         0.79%               141.66 M       VanEck Merk Gold                                      OUNZ           0.25%               674.68 M

      ProShares K-1 Free Crude Oil Strategy                      OILK         0.67%                89.27 M       Perth Mint Physical Gold                              AAAU           0.18%               663.22 M

      KraneShares European Carbon Allowance                      KEUA         0.79%                29.42 M       ETFS Physical Palladium                                PALL          0.60%               450.44 M

      iPath Blmbrg NatGas SIdx TR TN                              GAZ         0.45%                21.04 M       Credit Suisse X-Links Silver CovCall TN               SLVO           0.65%               199.43 M

      iPath Blmbrg Energy SIdx TR TN                              JJE         0.45%                  6.54 M      PowerShares DB Precious Metals                         DBP           0.75%               133.31 M

      ELEMENTS LinkedTo MLCXBiofuelsIdx TR                        FUE         0.75%                  2.66 M      Credit Suisse X-Links Gold Cov Call TN                 GLDI          0.65%               125.67 M

       Median Expense Ratio:                                                  0.81%                              iPath Blmbrg Copper SIdx TR TN                          JJC          0.45%               108.08 M
                                                                                                                 PowerShares DB Gold                                    DGL           0.75%                 71.09 M
                                                                                                                 iPath Blmbrg Nickel SIdx TR TN                         JJN           0.45%                 66.68 M


           Dynamic                                                                                               GraniteShares Platinum Trust                          PLTM           0.50%                 55.06 M

                                                                                                                 iPath Gold                                            GBUG           0.00%                 41.78 M

           Inflation Hedge                                              USCF SummerHaven Dynamic                 iPath Blmbrg Tin SIdx TR TN                             JJT          0.45%                 40.40 M
CY                                                                      Commodity Strategy No K-1 Fund
                                                                                                                 abrdn Bloomberg Indust Mtls Strat K1 Free             BCIM           0.39%                 39.83 M

                                                                                                                 iShares Gold Strategy                                  IAUF          0.25%                 35.09 M

                                                                                                                 ProShares UltraShort Gold                              GLL           1.37%                 33.65 M
          For an additional copy of a Prospectus for        Commodity trading is highly specula-
          any of the Funds that USCF serves as a            tive. Commodities and futures gener-                 iPath Blmbrg Aluminum SIdx TR TN                       JJU           0.45%                 30.98 M
          general partner or sponsor of, contact: ALPS      ally are volatile and are not suitable
          Distributors, Inc., 1290 Broadway, Suite          for all investors. Investing in any of the           iPath Blmbrg Indstrl Metals SIdx TR TN                 JJM           0.45%                 30.55 M
          1100, Denver, Colorado 80203 or call              Funds is speculative and involves a high
          800.920.0259 or download a copy of a Fund’s       degree of risk. Investing in commodity
          Prospectus from www.uscfinvestments.com.          interests subject each Fund to the risks of
                                                                                                                 Pacer iPath Gold Trendpilot ETNs                      PBUG           0.65%                 24.12 M
          Please read any Prospectus carefully              its related industry. An investor may lose all
          before investing.                                 or substantially all of an investment. These         PowerShares DB Silver                                  DBS           0.75%                 20.40 M
                                                            risks could result in large fluctuations in the
          Commodity Disclosures:                            price of a particular Fund’s respective units.       iPath Silver                                          SBUG           0.00%                 14.42 M
          The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has      Funds that focus on a single sector gener-
          not passed upon the merits of participating in    ally experience greater volatility. For further      ELEMENTS LinkedToRogersIntlCommIdxMetTR                RJZ           0.75%                  9.75 M
          these pools nor has the Commission passed on      discussion of these and additional risks
          the adequacy or accuracy of any Prospectus.       associated with an investment in the Funds           iPath Blmbrg Precious Metals SIdx TR TN                 JJP          0.45%                  7.10 M
                                                            please read the respective Fund Prospectus
          Neither the Securities and Exchange               before investing.
          Commission“SEC”, nor any State Securities                                                              iPath Blmbrg Platinum SIdx TR TN                      PGM            0.45%                  6.79 M
          Commission has approved or disapproved            Leveraged and inverse exchange-traded prod-
          the securities offered in any Prospectus or       ucts are not suitable for all investors and should   DB Gold Double Short                                   DZZ           0.75%                  4.70 M
          determined if a Prospectus is truthful or         be utilized only by investors who under­stand
          complete. Any representation to the contrary is   leverage risk and who actively manage their in-      DB Gold Short                                          DGZ           0.75%                  3.23 M
          a criminal offense.                               vestment.
                                                                                                                 iPath Blmbrg Lead SIdx TR TN                            LD           0.75%                  2.14 M
          These Funds are not mutual funds or       †
                                                     USCF funds are distributed but not affiliated
          any other type of Investment Company      with ALPS Distributors, Inc.                                 DB Base Metals Short                                   BOS           0.75%                  0.25 M
          within the meaning of the Investment
          Company Act of 1940, as amended, and ALPS Distributors, Inc. is not affiliated with any
          are not subject to regulation thereunder. of the other products listed here.
                                                                                                                 Median Expense Ratio:                                                0.45%
                                                                                                                                             © 2022 ETFguide, LLC Reproduction without written consent strictly prohibited.
Q2-2022 Commodities ETP Report - USCF ...
Dynamic Commodities                                                                                       Inflation Hedge

                                                 USCF SummerHaven Dynamic
                                                 Commodity Strategy No K-1 Fund

We advise you to consider a fund's objectives, strategies, risks, charges and expenses carefully before
investing. The Prospectus contains this and other information. Download a copy of a fund's Prospectus at
www.uscfinvestments.com. Please read the Prospectus carefully before investing.
Fund distributed by ALPS Distributors, Inc.
Commodities and futures generally are volatile and are not suitable for all investors. The fund is speculative and
involves a high degree of risk. An investor may lose all or substantially all of an investment in SDCI. Funds that
focus on a single sector generally experience greater volatility. SDCI and its design mark, service mark and
trademark are owned by United States Commodity Funds LLC.
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