R&C Trendwatch Elections in key emerging markets heighten 2014 risks

Page created by Geraldine Robinson
R&C Trendwatch
December 2013

Elections in key emerging
markets heighten 2014 risks

 Executive summary                  Introduction
                                    A number of major emerging market countries will hold national elections in 2014,
 • Upcoming national elections
                                    including Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa, and Turkey. The stakes are high
   in emerging markets may
                                    for both consumer goods companies and retailers.
   result in stalled decision-
   marking in the short term        In several cases, such as in India and Indonesia, politicians seeking office may,
                                    if elected, enact protectionist or nationalist policies that discriminate against
 • In certain markets new
                                    foreign firms. In other cases, such as in Brazil and South Africa, more business-
   leadership may enact
                                    friendly policies are expected. The next government in Turkey will probably fall
   nationalistic or protectionist
                                    somewhere in-between. Retail and consumer goods firms will want to be aware of
                                    what these electoral cycles mean for their prospects in both the short and medium
 • Global retail and consumer       term, and make their investment and risk management decisions accordingly.
   goods companies will
   want to consider potential       Brazil
   political risks                  Post-election infrastructure investments likely
                                    According to PwC’s 16th Global CEO Survey, retail and consumer goods
                                    companies view Brazil as one of the top five markets most crucial for growth.
                                    President Dilma Rousseff is strongly favored to win reelection next October.
                                    According to a poll released in October, she leads among likely voters in all
                                    election scenarios.

                                    This publication is produced in collaboration with Eurasia Group
                                    (www.eurasiagroup.net). Eurasia Group is a leading political
                                    risk research and consulting company.
Key emerging market elections in 2014

    Country         Type                Date                       Expected outcome                            Effect on R&C policy
    Brazil          Legislative;        October 5                  • Ruling PT will maintain majority          The government will muddle through with
                    Presidential        (October 26 runoff)          coalition in congress                     only limited economic reforms before
                                                                   • Rousseff will be reelected as president   the election, but the next government
                                                                                                               will tackle some of the economy’s
    India           Parliamentary       By May 31                  • Opposition BJP will win and lead a        Policymaking will remain stalled ahead of
                                        (Date TBD)                   coalition government with Narendra        the elections, and the current restrictive
                                                                     Modi as prime minister                    rules on FDI in multibrand retail are likely
                                                                                                               to persist under the new government,
                                                                                                               although it is likely to implement a
                                                                                                               watered-down GST.
    Indonesia       Legislative;        April 9; July 9            • Opposition Golkar and PDI-P will likely   The government is likely to restrict
                    Presidential                                     win the most seats                        imports and strengthen domestic
                                                                   • A likely three-way race between Bakrie    sourcing requirements, although it
                                                                     (Golkar), Megawati/Joko (PDI-P), and      may open the management of some
                                                                     Prabowo (Gerindra coalition)              infrastructure to FDI.
    South Africa    Parliamentary       April-July                 • Ruling ANC will win with a smaller        Populist policies, including stronger
                                        (Date TBD)                   majority than they currently have         affirmative action, will be implemented
                                                                   • Zuma will likely remain president         during the campaign, with more
                                                                                                               business-friendly policies likely after the
    Turkey          Local;              March 30;                  • Ruling AKP will win local elections       Broad policy continuity is expected,
                    Presidential        July-August (Date          • Erdogan will win the presidency           although the economic reform agenda
                                        TBD)                                                                   will be stalled until the electoral cycle is
                                                                                                               concluded in 2015.

Sources: IMF World Economic Outlook, World Bank World Development Indicators

The election is also unlikely to                            structural issues such as high taxes and            After the election, the new government
significantly shift the balance of                          burdensome regulations that create                  will push harder on meaningful
power in the legislature. If Rousseff                       economic inefficiencies.                            economic policy adjustments. This will
wins, she is expected to retain a large                                                                         be the case regardless of who wins,
governing coalition in the legislature.                     Despite this outlook, there have been               but an opposition candidate would be
If an opposition candidate were to                          some limited policy reforms. These                  more likely to tackle these challenges
win, then Rousseff’s coalition would                        include the central bank’s recent                   more assertively. Infrastructure
probably fragment, and most of the                          cycle of rate hikes intended to fight               investment will remain an important
centrist parties would pledge support                       inflation, the government’s plan to                 priority regardless of who wins. The
for the new government in exchange                          reduce subsidized lending from public               government aims to attract private
for earmarks and jobs in the new                            banks to non-strategic sectors, and                 sector investment to construct 10,000
administration.                                             the aggressive turn to the private                  kilometers of new rail lines, upgrade
                                                            sector in transportation infrastructure             7,500 kilometers of federal highways,
With annual inflation at 5.8% and the                       projects. In the run-up to the election,            auction airports to private investors,
government’s gross debt-to-GDP ratio                        the government is also likely to                    and overhaul Brazil’s ports to boost
exceeding 60%, pressure is mounting                         maintain tax incentives that encourage              capacity and improve logistics. If
for an economic policy adjustment.                          investment in housing, durable                      successful, these efforts would reduce
But with politicians focused on                             goods, and telecommunications                       costs for retailers and consumer goods
campaigning, major change will                              infrastructure, as well as tax cuts                 firms operating in and sourcing from
have to wait until after the election.                      related to labor costs in key industries            Brazil.
Instead, the government will continue                       including retail.
to muddle through without tackling

2                                                                                                                                                    R&C Trendwatch
...the BJP and many of India’s regional parties have stymied
                                                        the full implementation of two key reforms that could spur
                                                        dramatic new retail expansion: the goods and services tax
                                                        (GST) and FDI in multi-brand retailing.

India                                                   substantive policy changes before
                                                        May—or even after the election. In
                                                                                                    to withdraw approval for multi-brand
                                                                                                    retail investment altogether, given
Reforms benefiting foreign                              either election scenario, the resulting     the damage such a move would cause
retailers still face internal                           ruling coalition would likely prove         to India’s already tattered investment
hurdles                                                 too weak to push through many of the        reputation. As such, the status quo is
                                                        long-delayed economic reforms that          likely to linger for at least several years
The outlook for multi-brand retail                      would put the economy back on track.        after the election.
in the country remains cloudy. The                      This is also likely to prolong the policy
next general election, which must be                    uncertainties that retailers currently      If implemented, a GST would
held by May, is likely to see Gujarat’s                 face, as the BJP and many of India’s        substantially reduce compliance costs
controversial chief minister Narendra                   regional parties have stymied the full      and sourcing delays for consumer
Modi and his Bharatiya Janata                           implementation of two key reforms           goods producers and retailers alike,
Party (BJP) leverage a plurality of                     that could spur dramatic new retail         taking a notable step toward giving
seats to form a fragmented coalition                    expansion: the goods and services tax       India a domestic common market.
government. If the BJP underperforms                    (GST) and FDI in multi-brand retailing.     Although the BJP supports the GST
expectations, India will instead likely                                                             in principle, a BJP-led government is
be led by a hodgepodge of regional                      Although India formally allowed 51%         likely to make a series of concessions
parties in a so-called Third Front                      FDI in multi-brand retail operations in     to the states to grant them more
government.                                             September 2012, strict conditions have      independent revenue-raising
                                                        seen the country fail to attract any such   autonomy, thereby diluting the impact
Campaigning will heat up as the                         investment. Small retailers and traders     on taxes and increasing the tax
election approaches, subsuming the                      make up a core BJP constituency, and        challenge for businesses, at least in
policy discourse in New Delhi. Long-                    the party has vociferously opposed          the medium term. Concessions under
pending reforms will likely continue                    any opening of the Indian market. But       discussion include allowing states to
to languish as the opposition BJP                       while the new government is unlikely        enact the reform at different times,
obstructs the ruling Indian National                    to ease any of the major restrictions       apply it to different baskets of goods, or
Congress party’s legislative agenda.                    that have kept international retailers      levy different tax rates.
As a result, retail and consumer                        from opening stores, it is also unlikely
goods firms should not expect any

Elections in key emerging markets heighten 2014 risks                                                                                         3
Indonesia                                 Other policies needed to ensure
                                          sustainable economic growth, such
                                                                                               It is unlikely that such nationalistic
                                                                                               policies will be tempered after the
No matter who wins,                       as further cuts to fuel subsidies, are               election, regardless of who wins, as
a protectionist agenda on                 unlikely ahead of the elections. Instead,            most possible presidential candidates
non-energy imports is likely              given the government’s concerns over                 have espoused both nationalist and
                                          a growing current account deficit,                   populist policies to some degree.
One of the world’s fastest-growing        which is being driven by increasingly                Indonesia’s elites generally agree that
consumer markets, Indonesia has           expensive fuel imports, it is possible               the country should attempt to move
both parliamentary elections in April     that authorities will attempt to clamp               up the value chain, so the government
and a presidential vote in July. The      down on non-oil and gas imports.                     will likely push for growth in domestic
parliamentary elections are shaping       This move could exert pressure on                    manufacturing. Companies in the
up to be a contest among the four         them to require greater domestic                     electronics sector will be at particular
main parties, with the Golkar Party       manufacturing or import-substitution.                risk, as consumer demand for these
and the Indonesian Democrat Party-        Either result could dramatically hike                products continues to rise.
Struggle (PDI-P) likely to win more       the operating costs for companies in
seats than President Susilo Bambang       Indonesia.
Yudhoyono’s Democrat Party (PD) and
the Gerindra party. The presidential
election remains wide open, as formal     Economic growth forecast to pick up as elections approach
nomination of candidates must await       12%
parliamentary election results.

Decision-making is likely to stall
ahead of the elections, with candidates
for legislative seats starting their
campaigning in early January. The          8%
most important exception could be a
decision to allow foreign companies
to manage Indonesia’s airports and         6%
ports. Even though foreign firms would
still be precluded from owning such
facilities, allowing foreign managers
could improve Indonesia’s struggling
transportation networks. This
would help retailers and consumer
goods firms by reducing supply
chain bottlenecks that are common          0%
throughout the country.                               Brazil             India           Indonesia       South Africa       Turkey

                                                                 2010            2011         2012      2013*       2014*

                                           *Forecast data
                                           Source: IMF World Economic Outlook, October 2013

4                                                                                                                           R&C Trendwatch
South Africa                                            elections. Although initiatives like
                                                        the youth employment tax incentive
ANC internal strife                                     are positive for firms, the government      A large, affluent consumer
resulting in negative policy                            will also implement policies that           market, but needed reforms
environment                                             hurt businesses—such as restricting         unlikely until 2015
                                                        contract workers and punishing
South Africa remains the traditional                    affirmative action violations.              Turkey’s large and increasingly affluent
entry point for investment in sub-                                                                  population has made it a promising
Saharan Africa and is now becoming                      Factionalism within the ANC and             market for retail and consumer goods
a conduit to the large and growing                      its labor allies will continue to drive     companies. Despite recent social
consumer class on the continent.                        indecisive, and in some cases injurious,    unrest, it appears that the ruling
But elections that will be scheduled                    policies. An example is the recent          Justice and Development Party (AKP)
between April and June could drive                      round of revisions to the Broad Based       is well-placed to win all upcoming
anti-business initiatives because the                   Black Economic Empowerment code,            elections.
ruling African National Congress                        a set of affirmative action policies that
(ANC) is in its weakest position since                  applies to all firms operating in South     In local polls to be held in March, the
coming to power in 1994.                                Africa and is intended to increase          key battle between the AKP and the
                                                        black ownership, management,                main opposition Republican People’s
The ANC will win the elections, but the                 and employment. These will be               Party (CHP) will be the municipal
party’s share of the vote will probably                 implemented over the next 12 months         elections in Istanbul, which the ruling
fall. The passing of Nelson Mandela                     and will likely cause many companies        party is likely to win. Next summer,
should provide a burst of nostalgic                     to incur significant costs to meet the      the still-popular Prime Minister Recep
support for the party, but it will still                new criteria and maintain their current     Tayyip Erdogan is likely to win the
lose (mostly urban) votes to opposition                 status.                                     presidential election if he runs. And
parties, including the liberal (and                                                                 the AKP is also likely to win the June
historically white-led) Democratic                      The outlook for after the elections,        2015 parliamentary elections given
Alliance and the new, ultra-populist                    however, is more promising for the          that the opposition parties remain
Economic Freedom Fighters, led                          business environment. Although              extremely weak and uninspiring. Policy
by former ANC youth leader Julius                       statist factions within the ANC will        continuity, therefore, is generally
Malema.                                                 continue their efforts to hobble            expected to prevail after the elections.
                                                        structural change, basic reforms and
The ANC and its allies, including                       more effective capital expenditures         Despite the government’s strength,
the Congress of South African Trade                     will be easier for the ANC to pass after    however, political risks are set to
Unions (Cosatu), are suffering from                     the elections, creating a moderately        escalate through the end of the
deep internal schisms. To keep Cosatu                   improved economic outlook for late          electoral cycle in mid-2015, mainly
in its camp, the ANC government                         2014 and 2015.                              because of Erdogan’s increasingly
will appease labor in the lead-up to                                                                authoritarian and uncompromising

Elections in key emerging markets heighten 2014 risks                                                                                      5
manner. In addition, the extended           growth levels. These measures                          After the elections, the policy
period of campaigning means changes         included higher risk weightings for                    environment in Turkey is likely to
that are needed to improve the political    credit card loans and consumer loans.                  improve, and Erdogan’s populist
and economic climate in Turkey are          Furthermore, consumer financing                        rhetoric is expected to moderate. At
likely to be sidelined. Most importantly,   firms will be subject to the same                      the same time, Erdogan’s dominant
a new, consensus-based constitution         reserve requirement ratios as banks,                   position in the political system is likely
will not be adopted, with the AKP and       and credit card limits will be capped at               to weaken if he is elected president,
the CHP instead potentially agreeing        400% of monthly income. Additional                     because without a constitutional
on very limited revisions to the existing   measures against consumer loans may                    change, he will have less power than
constitution. Reforms to tackle the         emerge in the coming months, such as                   he currently does as prime minister.
economy’s structural problems, such         introducing down payments. Limiting                    As a result, his ability to intervene
as restricting the informal economy,        consumer credit will likely constrain                  in domestic politics is likely to be
boosting R&D and the savings rate,          consumer spending in 2014.                             somewhat constrained.
increasing flexibility in the labor
market, and improving value-added           Business environments are slowing improving
domestic production, are also likely
to be shelved. Foreign companies            75
                                                                                                                                             South Africa
operating in Turkey should not expect
any vast improvement in the business
operating environment any time soon.

On the other hand, one important,                                                                                                            Turkey
near-term, economic policy initiative
will advance: slowing the rate of
loan growth in order to reduce the          60
current account deficit. In October,
the government adopted a set of                                                                                                              Indonesia
measures to curb demand for imported        55
products and limit consumer credit
                                            50                                                                                               Brazil

                                                       2010                2011                2012                2013               2014

                                            Note: An economy’s score is on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 represents the lowest performance and 100
                                            represents the best performance.
                                            Source: World Bank Doing Business 2014

6                                                                                                                                       R&C Trendwatch
John G. Maxwell                                              Eurasia Group
Global Retail & Consumer Leader                              Courtney Rickert McCaffrey
john.g.maxwell@us.pwc.com                                    Senior Analyst, Comparative Analytics
                                                             New York headquarters
Susan Eggleton                                               149 Fifth Avenue, 15th Floor
Global Retail & Consumer Marketing                           New York, NY 10010
susan.eggleton@us.pwc.com                                    +1 212 213 3112

Mike Brewster
Global Retail & Consumer Marketing

Denis Smith
Global Retail & Consumer Marketing

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