Race Booklet www.gorgeousseries.com - Gorgeous Series

Page created by Charlotte Carpenter
Race Booklet www.gorgeousseries.com - Gorgeous Series
Race Booklet
Race Booklet www.gorgeousseries.com - Gorgeous Series
            5% off a 2nd relay in 2018
                   10% off a 3rd
                20% off a 4th and
          30% off your 5th relay in 2018!

   Saturday, May 19 – Gorgeous Portland Pub Relay
   The first relay of our Gorgeous season is simple, short, and above all, fun! The course runs
   26.57 awesome miles covering six legs, stopping at six amazing Portland Pubs. The 2018
   event starts and finishes at Stormbreaker Brewing, but there’s a catch, we don’t tell runners
   the rest of the course. Scavenger hunt meets relay – Gorgeous!

   Sunday, June 10 – Gorgeous Hood to Hood Relay
   The day begins Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood, and takes teams on road around the
   mountain, through the pines and over the rivers, up to the Cooper Spur Resort, and down
   through the orchards to the north with views of Mt. Adams. Runners finish by winding
   down the Historic Old Columbia River Highway, into downtown Hood River to Waterfront
   Park on the banks of the mighty Columbia River!

   Sunday, July 15 – Gorgeous Wine Country Relay
   Teams get a tour of the Willamette Valley vineyards, Wine Enthusiast’s 2016 wine region of
   the year. The course starts in Dundee and winds along beautiful vineyards, past Century
   Farms, and takes in the breathtaking views of Yamhill County. Most of the exchanges are at
   wineries, which offer runners tastings along the route. The course comprises of 12 legs
   covering 48 miles, and concludes with a wine tasting party at Carlton Winemakers Studio.

   Sunday, September 16 – Gorgeous Relay
   This is the one that started it all -- running from east of Cascade Locks into the heart of
   Portland. We were heartbroken as the Eagle Creek fire spread through the Columbia River
   Gorge in 2017. Gorgeous Relay was cancelled for the year, but our generous runners came
   together to celebrate, raise funds, and declare our support for one of the most gorgeous
   places in the world. Please join us in 2018 as we come back to the Gorge to support its
   communities and show our dedication to this magic place!

   Saturday, October 6 – Gorgeous Coast Relay
   This one day, one van, one Gorgeous Coast Relay spans from the Astoria Column to Cannon
   Beach taking in lush forests, panoramic vistas, the beach, and coastal wildlife. It’s our most
   adventurous relay. In addition to running on road and on off-road paved trail, it includes
   legs on sand, unpaved trail, and one hardcore-uphill-single-track-roots-and-all trail. The day
   finishes at Public Coast Brewing, celebrating Oregon’s Wild, 100% Public coast.
Race Booklet www.gorgeousseries.com - Gorgeous Series
Greetings Gorgeous Runners:

       Welcome to the Gorgeous Portland Pub
Relay and the start of the 2018 Gorgeous
Relay season! Gorgeous Portland Pub Relay is
all about fun with friends, and not taking
anything too seriously. We know you’ll hold
up your end of the bargain!

       We wouldn’t have been able to pull this
off without a lot of help. Vacasa is our lodging
partner, with listings that highlight the
gorgeous parts of Oregon. Sean and the gang
at Foot Traffic keep all of us running strong.
And thanks to Stormbreaker Brewing for
hosting our Start and Finish line this year!
You’re in for some great beer and great food.

       We’d also like to highlight JOIN, the beneficiary of the Gorgeous Portland Pub Relay.
JOIN is dedicated to supporting the efforts of homeless individuals and families to move off
the streets and into permanent housing. JOIN’s unique and highly effective model helps
between 10 and 15 homeless people, including families with children, move into permanent
housing each week.

     And last but never least, we want to thank the Gorgeous Gurus! Gorgeous Gurus are
ambassadors of the Gorgeous Series and are experts at sharing what it means to be
Gorgeous Runners with all of us.

      Thank you for joining us for the 2018 edition of the Gorgeous Portland Pub Relay! We
hope you and your team have a Gorgeous Day!

Kerry Loehr and Traci Manning
Gorgeous Series Co-Directors
Race Booklet www.gorgeousseries.com - Gorgeous Series
2018 Gorgeous Portland Pub Relay RACE RULES

We don't like being jerks, but we can all agree that life requires at least some rules.
Violation may result in disqualification.

Absolute No No's:
1. No open containers on course. Don't do it, don't even think about it. We will disqualify
   you and your entire team for eternity. Also known as the “don't be an asshole and ruin
   the event for everyone rule.”
2. If you didn't provide a volunteer, you cannot start the race, no exceptions. It's not fair to
   all the teams that did, and it’s just unsafe not to have enough volunteers on course.
   Alternatively, if your volunteer doesn't show up the day of the race, you will not get
   finish medals/pint glasses, and may be disqualified from future races.
3. No Littering. Leave no Trace. Clean up after yourselves and others.
4. Vans – Don't drive like a crazy person – for the safety of everyone please keep your roll
   slow and be aware of your surroundings. Make all Gorgeous Runners look good.
5. Vans – One per team - No RVs / Buses – please don't make us take out a tape measure
   and tell you your train has too long of a caboose! If you're not sure, ask.
6. Runners – DO NOT BREAK TRAFFIC LAWS! This is NOT a timed event so there is no hurry
   - obey all traffic signals, do not jaywalk or otherwise run into traffic.

We DISCOURAGE the following:
1. Wearing of two headphones. We aren't yet saying no, but this may come to pass. This is
   not a closed course and nothing matters more than runner safety.
2. Parking your vehicles in such a way that any part of it is in a pedestrian, bicycle or vehicle
   travel lane. Pull all the way off. Leave room for other cars and runners. Be aware of your
3. Lingering too long in a small exchange. Instead we suggest you spend the time
   supporting your runner on course.
4. Play that funky music! Do NOT break 80 decibels!!!!

We very highly ENCOURAGE the following:
1. Runners – take a look at your leg map before you start running! Be safe.
2. Show your love to the fantastic Portland Pubs that are hosting us! Buy some chow – or a
   pint if you aren’t driving. And thank and TIP the staff!!!!
Race Booklet www.gorgeousseries.com - Gorgeous Series
Gorgeous Portland Pub Relay
                         Saturday, May 19, 2018

LEG 1 - 3.78                         LEG 2 – 3.84

LEG 3 – 4.86                         LEG 4 – 5.4

LEG 5 – 3.92                         LEG 6 – 4.77

Start and Finish at:   Stormbreaker Brewing
                       832 N Beech St., Portland

Van and Finish Volunteer parking starting at 2:30 pm at:
                       Boise/Elliott School
                       620 N Fremont,
                       enter parking lot at N Fremont & N Kerby
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