Radiocarbon dating the appearance of modern humans and timing of cultural innovations in Europe: new results and new challenges

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Radiocarbon dating the appearance of modern humans and timing of cultural innovations in Europe: new results and new challenges
Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371

  Radiocarbon dating the appearance of modern humans and
   timing of cultural innovations in Europe: new results and
                         new challenges
                                     Nicholas J. Conard *, Michael Bolus
Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters, Universität Tübingen, Schloss Hohentübingen, 72070 Tübingen,

                                       Received 1 February 2002; accepted 18 November 2002


    New radiocarbon dates from the sites of Bockstein-Törle, Geißenklösterle, Hohle Fels, Hohlenstein-Stadel,
Sirgenstein, and Vogelherd in the Swabian Jura of southwestern Germany indicate that the Aurignacian of the region
spans the period from ca. 40–30 ka BP. If the situation at Vogelherd, in which skeletal remains from modern humans
underlie an entire Aurignacian sequence, is viewed as representative for the region, the dates from the Swabian Jura
support the hypothesis that populations of modern humans entered the region by way of the “Danube Corridor.” The
lithic technology from the lower Aurignacian of Geißenklösterle III is fully developed, and classic Aurignacian forms
are well represented. During the course of the Aurignacian, numerous assemblages rich in art works, jewelry, and
musical instruments are documented. By no later than 29 ka BP the Gravettian was well established in the region. These
dates are consistent with the “Kulturpumpe” hypothesis that important cultural innovations of the Aurignacian and
Gravettian in Swabia predate similar developments in other regions of Europe. The radiocarbon dates from
Geißenklösterle corroborate observations from other non-archaeological data sets indicating large global fluctuations
in the atmospheric concentrations of radiocarbon between 30 and 50 ka calendar years ago. These fluctuations lead to
complications in building reliable chronologies during this period and cause the “Middle Paleolithic Dating Anomaly”
and the “Coexistence Effect,” which tend to exaggerate the temporal overlap between Neanderthals and modern
 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Neanderthals; Homo sapiens sapiens; Chronostratigraphy; Swabian Jura; Middle and Upper Paleolithic; Cultural


                                                                          Over the last two decades considerable evidence
 * Corresponding author
   E-mail addresses:                   has accumulated indicating that modern humans
(N.J. Conard), (M. Bolus).               evolved in Africa, while fossil hominin remains
0047-2484/03/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Radiocarbon dating the appearance of modern humans and timing of cultural innovations in Europe: new results and new challenges
332                     N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371

from Europe document the in situ evolution of                rich research tradition stretching from the middle
Neanderthals out of earlier archaic populations              of the nineteenth century until today has produced
(Arsuaga et al., 1997; Bräuer, 1984; Bräuer and            the best record of these changes. The Swabian Jura
Smith, 1992; Rightmire, 1989; Smith and Spencer,             of southwestern Germany has been a major center
1984). The evidence from ancient DNA studies                 of Paleolithic research that is closely connected
(Krings et al., 1997; Ovchinnikov, 2000; Scholz              with excavations of O. Fraas, R. R. Schmidt, G.
et al., 2000a,b) supports this hypothesis, although          Riek, R. Wetzel, J. Hahn and others. Particularly
the interpretation of these data remains contro-             renowned are the sites in the Ach and Lone
versial (Templeton, 2002). Finds from scores of              Valleys, such as Vogelherd, Hohlenstein-Stadel,
European sites that provide Middle Paleolithic               Geißenklösterle, and Hohle Fels (Fig. 1), that
deposits and the chronostratigraphic framework               document the oldest universally accepted figurative
for the development and pan-European distribu-               art and musical instruments (Conard and Floss,
tion of Neanderthals are also consistent with the            2000; Hahn, 1986; Hahn and Münzel, 1995;
Out of Africa hypothesis. The central question at            Müller-Beck et al., 2001). These finds belong to the
present is not if modern humans evolved outside              Aurignacian period and are accompanied by the
Europe, but by what route they arrived, when, and            earliest stratified remains of modern humans in
by what processes their populations expanded                 Europe (Churchill and Smith, 2000a,b; Riek, 1932,
across Europe. Closely related to the question of            1934). This paper reports a series of AMS radio-
the advent and spread of anatomically modern                 carbon dates on bones from Middle Paleolithic,
humans is the source and timing of the spread of             Aurignacian and Gravettian deposits of the
fully modern behavior as demonstrated by the                 Swabian Alb and examines their implications for
complex technology and symbolic communica-                   the arrival and spread of modern humans and fully
tion recorded in many early Upper Paleolithic                modern cultural behavior in Europe. In Swabia
assemblages. These questions form the stage for              hominin remains are known from Middle and
intense international debate in contemporary                 Upper Paleolithic contexts. Although human
paleoanthropology (d’Errico et al., 1998). The               fossil material is not abundant in Swabia, so far
recent dating of European Neanderthals and                   Neanderthal remains have been found only in
Middle Paleolithic artifact assemblages in Iberia            association with Middle Paleolithic artifacts and
(d’Errico et al., 1998), Crimea (Chabai, 2000;               modern humans exclusively with Upper Paleolithic
Marks and Chabai, 1998; Pettitt, 1998), Croatia              artifacts (Table 1). Thus, as a working hypothesis,
(Smith et al., 1999), the northern Caucausus                 we assume for the purpose of this paper that
(Golovanova et al., 1999) and Georgia (Adler,                modern humans rather than Neanderthals made
2002; Adler and Tushabramishvili, in press) to               the Aurignacian assemblages of southern
around, and in some cases after, 30 ka BP raises             Germany.
further questions about the nature of the inter-                The archaeological record of southern Germany
action between modern and archaic hominins.                  shows a clear break between the latest Middle
Similarly, the appearance of initial Upper Paleo-            Paleolithic including several stratified and
lithic assemblages in the Levant (Azoury, 1986;              numerous unstratified Blattspitzen assemblages
Kuhn et al., 1999, 2001; Marks, 1983; Monigal,               and the earliest Upper Paleolithic characterized by
2001; Volkman, 1983), central and northeastern               Aurignacian assemblages rich in lithic and organic
Asia (Brantingham et al., 2001; Derevianko et al.,           tools, artworks and ornaments (Bolus, in press;
2001) suggests that new models to explain the                Bolus and Conard, 2001; Bolus and Rück, 2000;
population dynamics and the cultural develop-                Bosinski, 1967). Thus far no hominin remains have
ments of the early Upper Paleolithic are needed.             been found with Blattspitzen assemblages in south-
    Much research on the timing of the appearance            ern Germany. In the Swabian Jura where the
of modern humans and the development of com-                 research has been most intense, despite numerous
plex symbolic behavior, a key characteristic of              excavations, there are no examples of inter-
cultural modernity, has focused on Europe where a            stratification of Middle and Upper Paleolithic
Radiocarbon dating the appearance of modern humans and timing of cultural innovations in Europe: new results and new challenges
N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371                             333

Fig. 1. Map of Southwestern Germany with the principal sites mentioned in text. Ach Valley: (1) Sirgenstein-(2) Hohle Fels-(3)
Geißenklösterle-(4) Brillenhöhle; Lone Valley: (5) Bockstein (Bockstein-Höhle and Bockstein-Törle)-(6) Hohlenstein (Stadel and
Bärenhöhle)-(7) Vogelherd.

assemblages, and the technology and typology of                     remains of modern humans in Europe are from the
the Aurignacian assemblages show a radical                          base of the Aurignacian layer V from G. Riek’s
departure from all known Middle Paleolithic                         1931 excavation at Vogelherd (Churchill and
assemblages in the region (Bolus and Conard,                        Smith 2000a,b; Riek, 1932, 1934). The artworks
2001; Hahn, 1977).                                                  and musical instruments from the Aurignacian of
   Two models developed in Tübingen in connec-                     the Swabian Jura are among the earliest finds of
tion with the sites of the Swabian Jura are the                     this kind worldwide (Bolus and Conard, 2001;
Danube Corridor and Kulturpumpe models                              Hahn, 1986; Hahn and Münzel, 1995), and current
(Conard, 2002a,b; Conard and Floss, 2000;                           excavations continue to provide new evidence for
Conard et al., 1999). The former postulates that                    cultural innovation during the Upper Paleolithic
modern humans rapidly entered the interior of                       (Conard and Floss, 2000; Conard et al. 2002). New
Europe via the Danube Valley. The latter model                      results from Geißenklösterle and Hohle Fels
presents competing working hypotheses to explain                    have significantly expanded the range of known
the early advent of fully modern behavior and the                   ornament, mobile art, and lithic and organic tools
cultural innovations of the Aurignacian and                         from the Aurignacian and Gravettian of Swabia.
Gravettian in the Swabian Jura. The Danube                          Dates from several sites in the Swabian Jura
Corridor model is supported by the independent                      document Gravettian assemblages including dis-
confirmation of the early 14C dates of the                          tinctive lithic and organic artifacts by 29 ka BP.
Aurignacian from Geißenklösterle using TL meas-                    These rich assemblages predate similar assem-
urements on burnt flint (Richter et al., 2000).                     blages in Europe and correspond to a period when
Based on these measurements, some of the earliest                   the Aurignacian was still widespread in western
Aurignacian assemblages in Europe date to                           Europe (Bosinski, 1989; Delporte, 1998; Djindjian,
ca. 40 ka BP and come from the Swabian Jura                         1993; Djindjian et al., 1999). Determining the
of southwestern Germany. The earliest skeletal                      route of entry into Europe and the location of
Radiocarbon dating the appearance of modern humans and timing of cultural innovations in Europe: new results and new challenges
Table 1
Human remains from Middle Paleolithic, Aurignacian, and Gravettian deposits of the Lone and Ach Valleys

Site                 Arch. horizon   Fossil                                Anthropological          Archaeological   References
                                                                           determination            context
Lone Valley

                                                                                                                                                  N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371
                     “Schwarzes      diaphysis of a right                  Neanderthal              Mousterian       Völzing, 1938;
                     Moustérien”    femur                                 male? adult                               Kunter and Wahl, 1992
                     19–20 m         premolar                              modern H. s.?            Aurignacian      Hahn, 1977
                     spit 6                                                young adult
                     V (basis)       Stetten 1                             modern H. s.             Aurignacian      Riek, 1932;
                                     cranium with mandibula                male adult                                Gieseler, 1937;
                                     2 lumbar vertebrae                                                              Czarnetzki, 1983
                     V (basis)       Stetten 3                             modern H. s.             Aurignacian      Gieseler, 1937;
                                     humerus                               male                                      Churchill and Smith, 2000a
                     V (basis)       Stetten 4                             modern H. s.             Aurignacian      Czarnetzki, 1983
                                     left metacarpal
                     IV (top)        Stetten 2                             modern H. s.             ?                Riek, 1932;
                                     cranium                               male young adult                          Gieseler, 1937;
                                                                                                                     Czarnetzki, 1983
Ach Valley
                     VI              left upper canine                     modern H. s.             Aurignacian      Schmidt, 1910;
                                     left lower molar                      adult                                     Schliz, 1912
                     VI              right upper canine                    modern H. s.             Aurignacian      Schmidt, 1910;
                                                                           adult                                     Schliz, 1912
                     It              right upper deciduous                 modern H. s.             Gravettian       Hahn et al., 1990
                                     molar                                 child
                     It              deciduous molar                       modern H. s.             Gravettian       Haas, 1991
Hohle Fels
                     II              cranial fragment                      modern H. s.             Gravettian
                                                                           young adult?
                     II              right lower deciduous                 modern H. s.             Gravettian       Haas, 1991
                                     molar                                 juvenile
N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371                   335

centers of cultural innovations during the period              and archaeological context are well documented.
when Europe was occupied by both archaic and                   Samples from earlier excavations bear designations
modern hominids hinges to a significant extent on              for archaeological layers and in some cases spits
the reliable dating of late Middle Paleolithic and             within archaeological layers, but the specific con-
early Upper Paleolithic deposits. At present,                  texts of these specimens are less secure than the
despite well documented variations in 14C produc-              piece-plotted finds. In practice this means that high
tion in this period (Beck et al., 2001; van der Plicht,        resolution three dimensional coordinates are avail-
1999; Voelker et al., 2000), radiocarbon measure-              able for all AMS dates from Geißenklösterle and
ments provide the only broadly applicable means                Hohle Fels and are lacking for specimens from all
of dating find horizons in the critical period                 the other sites.
between 30 and 50 ka calendar years BP. The                       Tables 2 and 3 present the results of these
current study seeks both to test the Danube                    measurements as well as important previously
Corridor and the Kulturpumpe hypotheses as well                published results. While the majority of the dates
as to examine the strengths and limitations of the             included here are AMS dates, some conventional
radiocarbon dating in the period before 30 ka BP.              radiocarbon dates have also been included. We
                                                               have only excluded previous dates from unmodi-
                                                               fied cave bear bones, which, in general, appear to
Results                                                        have accumulated independent of human activi-
                                                               ties, and several dates on mixed bone samples
   To address these issues the accelerator radio-              submitted by J. Hahn before the advent of AMS
carbon facilities of the University of Kiel, Purdue            dating (Housley et al., 1997). Although Richter
and Oxford Universities produced 49 new radio-                 et al. (2000) suggest that systematic differences
carbon measurements on bones from Bockstein-                   exist between conventional and AMS dates, in our
Törle, Hohlenstein-Bärenhöhle, Hohlenstein-                 view when errors in collecting and processing
Stadel, and Vogelherd in the Lone Valley and                   samples are excluded, conventional and AMS
Geißenklösterle, Sirgenstein, and Hohle Fels in the           dates are comparable. Similarly we see no reason
Ach Valley. The majority of the newly dated                    to assume that dates on carefully prepared samples
specimens showed clear anthropogenic modifica-                 of bone, antler and charcoal should not be com-
tions including impact fractures and cut marks.                parable (Jöris et al., 2001). Thus we include exist-
Several additional dates were obtained directly                ing conventional dates along with the previous and
from bone artifacts. With the exception of one date            new AMS dates on bone, antler and charcoal in
on reindeer antler, all of the dates were made on              Tables 2 and 3. At present there are no data from
well preserved bone, and in every case the yield of            the Swabian Jura indicating that large systematic
collagen was significantly high to produce a reli-             errors preclude comparisons between these
able date. Ivory artifacts were not dated to maxi-             materials. The sample preparation and collagen
mize the comparability between the dates. In                   extraction using the Kiel, Purdue and Oxford
several cases fresh breaks on the faunal remains               protocols successfully removes lipids and carbon-
appear to be the result of anthropogenic bone                  ates through a combination of the use of organic
cracking for the extraction of marrow, but damage              solvents and acid and base washes (Hedges and
by large carnivores cannot completely be excluded              van Klinken, 1992; Longin, 1970; Hedges et al.,
as possible agents of modification. Hyenas, the                1989; Grootes, pers. comm. 2000). There is no
main non-human species associated with bone                    reason to believe that the previous handling of the
cracking (Zapfe, 1939), are absent or extremely                specimens or contamination with calcium carbon-
rare in the faunal assemblages under study. The                ate led to anomalous ages. This is not a trivial
specimens from fieldwork conducted by Hahn and                 point since the specimens from sites including
other researchers after 1973 were piece-plotted                Sirgenstein and Vogelherd have been handled to
during excavation to the nearest centimeter in                 varying degrees since their excavation in the first
three dimensions, and thus their exact provenience             half of the 20th century.
336                               N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371

Table 2
   C-dates with 1 uncertainties for the Lone Valley sites. The dates from Groningen (GrN) and Heidelberg (H) are conventional
radiocarbon dates, those from Kiel (KIA), Purdue (PL), and Zurich (ETH) are AMS dates

Lab. number        Arch. horizon        Material             Modification   Date              Cultural group    First publication
Lone Valley
H 4058-3355        VI                   mixed bone                          20 400220        Aurig./Grav.      Hahn, 1977
KIA 8956           VI                   long bone frgt.      fresh break    20 990+120/110   Aurig./Grav.
H 4058-3526        VI                   mixed bone                          23 440290        Aurig./Grav.      Hahn, 1983
KIA 8953           VI                   reindeer             fresh break    31 530230        Aurig./Grav.
H 4049-3356        VII                  mixed bone                          26 133376        Aurignacian       Hahn, 1977
KIA 8952           VII                  reindeer             fresh break    30 130+260/250   Aurignacian
H 4059-3527        VII                  mixed bone                          31 965790        Aurignacian       Hahn, 1983
KIA 8954           VII                  reindeer femur?      fresh break    44 390+990/880 Aurignacian/MP?
KIA 8955           VII                  horse metapodial     fresh break    46 380+1360/1170 Aurignacian/MP?
KIA 8967          brown loam            rib                  fresh break    26 080+140/130   Aurignacian?
KIA 8951          19 m, spit 6          reindeer humerus     impact         31 440250       Aurignacian
H 3800-3025       20 m, spit 6          mixed bone                          31 750+1150/650 Aurignacian        Hahn, 1977
ETH-2877           20 m, spit 6         reind. ulna + wolf                  32 000550        Aurignacian       Schmid, 1989
KIA 13077          20 m, spit 6         reindeer radius      fresh break    32 270+270/260   Aurignacian
KIA 8949           19 m, spit 7         reindeer?            fresh break    33 920+310/300   Aurignacian
KIA   8950         19 m,   spit   7     elk metatarsal       fresh break    36 910+490/460   Aurignacian
KIA   8948         19 m,   spit   8     horse? longbone      impact         41 710+570/530   Aurignacian?
KIA   8947         19 m,   spit   9     horse longbone       fresh break    42 410+670/620   Aurignacian?
KIA   8946         19 m,   spit   10    reindeer             fresh break    39 970+490/460   Aurignacian?
KIA 8945           19 m, spit 11        longbone             fresh break    40 220+550/510   Aurignacian?
KIA 8957           IV                   long bone frgt.      cutmarks       26 160150        Aurignacian?
H 4053-3211        IV                   mixed bone                          30 730750        Aurignacian       Hahn, 1977
GrN-6662           IV/V                 charred bone                        27 630830        Aurignacian?      Hahn, 1977
PL0001339A         IV/V                 horse tibia          cutmarks+      32 180960        Aurignacian
                                                             fresh break
PL0001342A         IV/V                 bovid-horse rib      cutmarks       34 1001100       Aurignacian
H 8498-8950        V                    mixed bone                          25 900260        Aurignacian?      Hahn, 1993b
H 8497-8930        V                    mixed bone                          27 200400        Aurignacian?      Hahn, 1993b
H 4054-3210        V                    mixed bone                          30 1621340       Aurignacian       Hahn, 1977
H 8500-8992        V                    mixed bone                          30 6001700       Aurignacian       Hahn, 1993b
N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371                        337

Table 2 (continued)

Lab. number     Arch. horizon   Material          Modification     Date              Cultural group   First publication
GrN-6661        V               charred bone                       30 650560        Aurignacian      Hahn, 1977
H 8499-8991     V               mixed bone                         31 3501120       Aurignacian      Hahn, 1993b
KIA 8968        V               tibia             impact           31 790240        Aurignacian
H 4056-3208     V               mixed bone                         31 9001100       Aurignacian      Hahn, 1977
PL0001338A      V               horse tibia       cutmarks         32 4001700       Aurignacian
KIA 8969        V               reindeer long     impact           32 500+260/250   Aurignacian
KIA 8970        V               horse long bone   impact           33 080+320/310   Aurignacian
PL0001337A      V               bovid-horse       cutmarks         35 810710        Aurignacian

   Although, as discussed below, considerable                    remains of mixed ages. Hahn at times submitted
variation in atmospheric radiocarbon concen-                     such mixed samples to avoid destroying finds that
trations have been documented during the Late                    he considered too valuable to date by conventional
Pleistocene, in our view accurate calibration                    means. A degree of mixing between strata is not
parameters are not yet available for the critical                surprising given that the deposits of the cave were
period between 30,000 and 50,000 calendar years                  excavated over a period of less then three months
ago (Richards and Beck, 2001). Thus, we present                  in the summer and fall of 1931 before careful
the radiocarbon ages in years before 1950 AD                     excavation methods and detailed studies of site
based on the Libby half-life without attempting to               formation processes were common. AMS dates of
calibrate them.                                                  single bones from layer IV have also yielded dates
                                                                 of Magdalenian age, indicating that Riek’s excava-
Lone Valley                                                      tion techniques did not succeed at rigorously sep-
                                                                 arating the archaeological units. Several dates,
   Dates from the Lone Valley provide new insight                including one new AMS date of ca. 26 ka BP,
into the chronostratigraphy of the area. Gustav                  suggest that a Gravettian component is also
Riek’s excavation from 1931 at Vogelherd (Riek,                  present at Vogelherd.
1934) documented the rich Aurignacian layers V                      Robert Wetzel’s excavations at Hohlenstein-
and IV, which contain numerous organic tools and                 Bärenhöhle running mainly from 1956–1961
a dozen small figurines carved from mammoth                      yielded a small artifact assemblage from a brown
ivory (Fig. 2). With the exception of one find from              loam with isolated Aurignacian elements (Fig. 3)
layer IV, the many split based bone points from                  including a carinated and a nosed end scraper, six
the site stem from layer V (Hahn, 1977; Riek,                    carinated burins, and one bone burnisher (Hahn,
1934). The wealth of finds indicates that the cave               1977). Hahn emphasizes the complex taphonomy
was occupied repeatedly during the Aurignacian.                  and partially reworked stratigraphy of this site.
Although the assemblages from these layers con-                  The Aurignacian layer overlies a richer Middle
tain some younger materials, all but one of the                  Paleolithic deposit (Beck, 1999). A single date
eight new AMS dates fall within the expected                     from the former layer yielded an age of ca. 26 ka
range for the Swabian Aurignacian. The newly                     BP and represents the first attempt to date the
dated finds from layer V yielded ages between 31                 layer. This age lies well outside the expected range
and 36 ka BP. These results tend to predate earlier              of the region’s Aurignacian and suggests the pres-
conventional radiocarbon dates from Vogelherd.                   ence of a Gravettian component at the site. Fur-
The relatively young conventional dates may well                 ther work is needed to date the small Aurignacian
result from bulk sampling of many small faunal                   assemblage from this site.
338                             N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371

Table 3
   C-dates with 1 uncertainties for the Ach Valley sites. The dates from Bern (B), Heidelberg (H), and Pretoria (Pta) are
conventional radiocarbon dates, those from Kiel (KIA), Oxford (OxA), and Zurich (ETH) are AMS dates

Lab. number        Arch. hor.         Material            Modification   Date                 Cultural group     First publication
Ach Valley
OxA-5157           Ip                 hare pelvis                        24 360380           Gravettian         Housley et al.,
OxA-4855           Ir                 reindeer phalange                  27 000550           Gravettian         Housley et al.,
OxA-4857           Ir                 horse rib           cutmarks       27 500550           Gravettian         Housley et al.,
OxA-4856           Ir                 horse radius                       30 950800           Gravettian         Housley et al.,
OxA-5227           Is                 horse femur                        28 050550           Gravettian         Housley et al.,
OxA-5226           It                 reindeer tibia      impact         26 540460           Gravettian         Housley et al.,
OxA-5229           It                 mammoth rib         cutmarks       27 950550           Gravettian         Housley et al.,
OxA-5228           It                 mammoth rib                        28 500550           Gravettian         Housley et al.,
OxA-4592           It                 reindeer phalange                  29 200460           Gravettian         Hahn, 1995
OxA-4593           It                 bone                               29 200500           Gravettian         Hahn, 1995
OxA-5706           Ia                 red deer antler                    29 220500           Gravettian         Richter et al., 2000
OxA-5161           Ic                 reindeer            impact         30 300750           Gravettian         Housley et al.,
                                      metacarpal                                                                 1997
H 4147-3346        IIa                mixed bone                         30 625796           Upper              Hahn, 1983
                                      sample                                                  Aurignacian
H 4279-3534        IIa                mixed bone                         31 525770           Upper              Hahn, 1983
                                      sample                                                  Aurignacian
OxA-5707           IIa                horse scapula       impact +       33 200800           Upper              Richter et al., 2000
                                                          cutmarks                            Aurignacian
OxA-5160           IIa                hare tibia                         33 7001100          Upper              Hahn, 1988
OxA-4594           IIa                reindeer? humerus                  36 8001000          Upper              Hahn, 1995
KIA 8960           IIb                mammoth rib         impact         29 800240           Upper
Pta-2361           IIb                charred bone                       31 070750           Upper              Hahn, 1983
KIA 8958           IIb                horse humerus       impact         31 870+260/250      Upper
Pta-2270           IIb                charred bone                       31 8701000          Upper              Hahn, 1983
OxA-5708           IIb                mammoth                            32 300700           Upper              Richter et al., 2000
                                      cranium                                                 Aurignacian
PtA-2116           IIb                charred bone                       32 680470           Upper              Hahn, 1983
OxA-5162           IIb                hare pelvis                        33 2001100          Upper              Housley et al.,
                                                                                              Aurignacian        1997
H 4751-4404        IIb                mixed bone                         33 700825           Upper              Hahn, 1983
                                      sample                                                  Aurignacian
OxA-6256           III                reindeer tibia      impact         30 100550           Lower
N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371                          339

Table 3 (continued)

Lab. number     Arch. hor.         Material           Modification   Date               Cultural group   First publication
KIA 8963        III                long bone          impact         31 180+270/260    Lower
H 5118-4600     III                mixed bone                        34 1401000        Lower            Hahn, 1983
                                   sample                                               Aurignacian
H 5316-4909     III                mixed bone                        36 5401570        Lower            Hahn, 1983
                                   sample                                               Aurignacian
OxA-5163        III                ibex mandible                     37 3001800        Lower            Housley et al.,
                                                                                        Aurignacian      1997
OxA-4595        III                horse femur                       40 2001600        Lower            Hahn, 1995
OxA-6629        IIIa               reindeer                          30 300550         Lower
                                   metatarsal                                           Aurignacian
OxA-6628        IIIa               reindeer                          30 450550         Lower
                                   metatarsal                                           Aurignacian
ETH-8268        IIIa               bone                              33 100680         Lower            Hahn, 1995
OxA-5705        IIIa               reindeer                          33 1501000        Lower
                                   metatarsal                                           Aurignacian
ETH-8269        IIIa               bone                              33 500640         Lower            Hahn, 1995
OxA-6255        IIIa               rhino humerus                     32 900850         Lower
KIA 13075       IIIa               reindeer tibia     impact         34 330+310/300    Lower
KIA 13074       IIIa               reindeer tibia     impact         34 800+290/280    Lower
ETH-8267        IIIa               bone                              37 8001050        Lower            Hahn, 1995
KIA 8962        IIIb               rib                impact         28 640+380/360    Lower
KIA 8961        IIIb               reindeer humerus   fresh break    33 210+300/290    Lower
KIA 13076       IIIb               reindeer tibia     impact +       34 080+300/290    Lower
                                                      cutmarks                          Aurignacian
KIA 8959        IIIb               femur              fresh break    34 220+310/300    Lower
KIA 16032       IIIb               roe deer           impact         36 560+410/390    Lower
                                   metacarpal                                           Aurignacian
OxA-6077        GH 17              ibex tibia                        32 050600         sterile
OxA-6076        IV                 red deer tibia                    33 6001900        Middle
Hohle Fels
OxA-4599        IIc                reindeer antler    tool (decor.   28 920400         Gravettian       Hahn, 1995
OxA-5007        IIc                reindeer antler    tool (decor.   29 550650         Gravettian       Housley et al.,
                                                      adze)                                              1997
KIA 8964        IId                rib                               29 560+240/230    Aurignacian
KIA 8965        IId                reindeer antler                   30 010220         Aurignacian
KIA 16040       IIe                horse pelvis       impact +       30 640190         Aurignacian
OxA-4979        III                Salix charcoal                    27 600800         Aurignacian      Housley et al.,
340                          N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371

Table 3 (continued)

Lab. number     Arch. hor.         Material          Modification     Date              Cultural group   First publication
OxA-4601        III                bone                               30 550550        Aurignacian      Hahn, 1995
KIA 16038       III                reindeer femur    impact +         29 840210        Aurignacian
KIA 16039       III                reindeer tibia    impact           31 140+250/240   Aurignacian
OxA-4980        IV                 Salix + Betula                     28 75050         Aurignacian      Housley et al.,
                                   charcoal                                                              1997
OxA-4600        IV                 reindeer                           31 100600        Aurignacian      Hahn, 1995
KIA 16035       IV                 horse femur       tool             33 090+260/250   Aurignacian
KIA 13079       II                 bone              tool (point)     27 250+180/170   Gravettian
KIA 13080       III                bone              tool             30 210220        Aurig./Grav.
KIA 13081       IV                 mammoth rib       tool             28 400200        Aurignacian
KIA 13082       V                  bone              tool (point)     26 730+170/160   Aurignacian
KIA 13083       VI                 bone              tool (awl)       30 360+230/220   Aurignacian
B-492           VII                charred bone                       >25 000           Gravettian       Riek, 1973
B-491           VIII               charred bone                       >29 000           ?                Riek, 1973

   Five new AMS dates on material from Wetzel’s                     Gravettian sequence and to test whether or not
excavations in 1953, 1955, and 1956 at Bockstein-                   the region was occupied during the Last Glacial
Törle provide radiometric ages from this site                      Maximum. Borges de Magalhães’s (2000) reanaly-
which yielded small Aurignacian and Gravettian                      sis of the assemblages from Bockstein-Törle indi-
assemblages (Hahn, 1977; Wetzel, 1954). Table 2                     cates that layer VII belongs to the Aurignacian
includes four previous radiocarbon dates from                       and that, based on the presence of backed blades
mixed bone samples. The majority of these dates                     and the absence of Aurignacian artifacts, layers
appears to be too young, perhaps as a result of                     VI-IV should be attributed to the Gravettian. The
errors in sampling. A reindeer metatarsus that was                  attribution of layer VII to the Aurignacian rests
cracked open in a fresh state and one mixed bone                    mainly on the presence of multiple bone points and
sample produced radiocarbon ages between 30–                        carinated and busked burins (Fig. 4). While single
32 ka BP for the Aurignacian layer VII. An AMS                      carefully made bone points are known from both
date on a reindeer radius and ulna with fresh                       the Middle Paleolithic of Vogelherd and the Große
breaks from Layer VI, which Hahn described as                       Grotte, they are rare prior to the Aurignacian.
either Aurignacian or Gravettian, yielded an age of                 Similarly, the diverse forms of carinated and
ca. 31.5 ka BP. Three other dates from layer VI                     busked burins from layer VII are unknown in
including one AMS measurement gave ages                             the Swabian Middle Paleolithic. Two AMS
between 20 and 24 ka BP suggesting the use of the                   dates from layer VII yielded ages in excess of 44 ka
site in the period shortly preceding and perhaps                    BP. Rather than advocate an extremely early
during the Last Glacial Maximum. More sys-                          Aurignacian, we view these dates as evidence
tematic study of the later phases of the                            for the poor separation of the Aurignacian and
Swabian Gravettian are needed to establish the                      underlying Middle Paleolithic deposits from layer
chronostratigraphic framework for the region’s                      VIII. While at most other Swabian sites a sterile
N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371                                341

Fig. 2. Aurignacian of Vogelherd cave. (5, 7–9, 15–16): Vogelherd IV-(1–4, 6, 10–14, 17–21): Vogelherd V. (1–2) carinated end
scrapers-(3, 5, 7) nosed end scrapers-(4) busked burin-(6) pointed blade-(8) splintered piece-(9–10) laterally retouched blades-(11)
carinated burin-(12) double burin on truncation-(13–14) ivory figurines-(15) bone awl-(16) bone decorated on both sides-(17–19) bone
points with split bases-(20) retoucher made of a cave bear canine-(21) bâton percé of ivory. After Hahn, 1977 (1–12, 15–21); drawing
(13–14): A. Frey.
342                           N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371

Fig. 3. Aurignacian of Hohlenstein-Bärenhöhle. (1, 6) carinated burins-(2) double burin-(3) double end scraper-(4) side scraper-(5)
retouched blade. After Hahn, 1977.

horizon separates the latest Middle Paleolithic and                  spit in which the Löwenmensch lay, fall in the range
earliest Aurignacian layers, this is not the case at                 of ca. 32 ka BP (Schmid, 1989). New dates from
Bockstein-Törle (Wetzel, 1954).                                     this spit confirm these dates. Modified bones from
   The Aurignacian finds from Ludwig Bürger’s                       the underlying 20 cm spits 7–11 yielded dates
excavation at Bocksteinhöhle in 1883–84 (Bürger,                   from ca. 34–42 ka BP. Taken at face value these
1892) have not yet been dated. Although this                         dates along with dates from Geißenklösterle, sug-
assemblage contains a split-based point, two per-                    gest a continual human presence in the region in
forated bear canines and typical Aurignacian lithic                  the critical period around 40 ka. These samples
artifacts (Fig. 4), due to the early date of the                     come from the rear of the cave in an area rich in
excavation, little information about the stratigra-                  anthropogenically processed faunal remains but
phy of the site is available (Hahn, 1977; Schmidt,                   poor in diagnostic artifacts. Middle Paleolithic
1912).                                                               finds are lacking, but the cracked bones cannot be
   Considerable emphasis was placed on dating                        readily attributed to a cultural group. A single core
the deposits from Robert Wetzel and Otto                             from spit 9 is a small blade core (Fig. 5.18) and
Völzing’s excavations before and after World War                    suggests an association with the Upper Paleolithic.
II at Hohlenstein-Stadel, best known for its
Middle Paleolithic and Aurignacian deposits. Par-                    Ach Valley
ticularly noteworthy is the presence of the anthro-
pomorphic Löwenmensch figurine, which was                              New dates from the early Upper Paleolithic
excavated in 1939 from the sixth 20 cm spit from                     of the Achtal focused on materials from Robert
20 meters deep inside this tunnel-shaped cave.                       Rudolf Schmidt’s 1906 excavation at the
Wetzel’s excavation also yielded an assemblage of                    Sirgenstein and the ongoing excavations at Hohle
Aurignacian lithic and organic artifacts (Fig. 5).                   Fels and Geißenklösterle. Beginning with
Previous conventional radiocarbon dates, from the                    Schmidt’s work at Sirgenstein, the now traditional
N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371                                343

Fig. 4. Aurignacian of Bockstein-Törle VII (1–15) and Bocksteinhöhle (16–19). (1–2, 16) busked burins-(3, 6) carinated burins-(4, 8)
end scrapers-(5) splintered piece-(7, 10) laterally retouched blades-(9) perforated tooth-(11–12) ivory rods-(13–14) bone points with
massive bases-(15) distal bone point fragment-(17) end scraper-burin-(18) perforated cave bear canine-(19) bone point with split base.
After Hahn, 1977.
344                           N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371

Fig. 5. Aurignacian of Hohlenstein-Stadel. (1–17, 19–20): max. depth 1,20 m-(18): depth 1,60 m-1,80 m. (1–5) perforated fox
canines-(6, 8, 12) carinated end scrapers-(7) ivory bead-(9–10, 13) burins on truncation-(11, 17) laterally retouched blades-(14) bone
retoucher-(15) burnisher-(16, 19) bone points-(18) blade core-(20) ivory figurine. After Hahn, 1977 (1–7, 9, 13–17, 19), Hahn in
Schmid, 1989 (8, 10–12), and Schmid, 1989 (20).
N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371                   345

nomenclature based on designating archaeologi-                tions between 1958 and 1960. The current phase
cal units with Roman numerals in increasing                   of excavation has run semi-continuously since
order from top to bottom of a sequence became                 1977 under Hahn’s and later under Conard and
established.                                                  Uerpmann’s direction. Here rich Gravettian find
   AMS dates were taken on samples from two                   horizons in archaeological complex II have been
bone points, two bone burnishers, and a bone awl              documented in detail (Conard et al., 2001; Schiegl
from the Aurignacian and Gravettian layers at                 et al., 2001). The layer IId directly below the
Sirgenstein (Hahn, 1977; Schmidt, 1910, 1912).                rich Gravettian layer IIc yielded a mammoth
The dates fall in the range of ca. 27–30 ka BP.               ivory figurine similar to those known from the
They suggest a degree of mixing between the                   Aurignacian of the Swabian Jura. Both dated
archaeological units, but are consistent with the             bones from layer IId produced dates of ca. 30 ka
cultural attribution of the assemblages from layers           BP and suggest a degree of temporal continuity
II–VI to the Gravettian and Aurignacian. While                between the Aurignacian and Gravettian (Conard
split-based bone points are lacking, bone tools and           and Floss, 2000). Dates of materials from the
carinated and nosed end scrapers are present in               underlying layers III and IV lie in the range of
layers III–V (Fig. 6). The dates from Sirgenstein             ca. 28–33 ka BP and also suggest a continuous
suggest a continual occupation of the Swabian                 occupation between the Aurignacian and
Jura between the Aurignacian and Gravettian.                  Gravettian. Excavations in 2001 and 2002 demon-
   Thus far no new dates have been obtained from              strated the presence of rich Aurignacian layers
the small Aurignacian assemblage, which contains              in still deeper deposits, but these finds have yet to
two bone points (Fig. 7.1–2), or from the much                be dated. Aurignacian finds from Hohle Fels
richer overlying Gravettian horizons (Fig. 7.3–35)            include diverse carinated and busked burins,
from Riek’s excavations at Brillenhöhle from                 nosed and carinated scrapers, laterally retouched
1955–1963 (Riek, 1973). The only two radiocarbon              Aurignacian blades, ivory beads and pendants,
dates available at present are conventional                   and diverse bone tools (Fig. 8). Particularly
measurements that provide a minimum age of                    remarkable is the rich assemblage from archaeo-
25 ka for burnt bone from the Gravettian fireplace            logical horizon IV, which contains an ivory
of layer VII and a minimum age of 29 ka for burnt             figurine depicting a bird, numerous ivory orna-
bone from the underlying fireplace at the top of              ments and much refuse from ivory working
layer VIII. Two pairs of lithic refits between layer          (Conard et al., 2002).
VII at Brillenhöhle with artifacts from layer IIb at            The main Gravettian deposits from Hohle Fels
Hohle Fels, as well as six lithic refitting complexes         date to 29 ka BP, although two conventional dates
between layer VII at Brillenhöhle and well dated             on mixed samples of bones submitted by Hahn
Gravettian deposits at Geißenklösterle, layers               (1981, 1983) have produced much younger ages.
Ia, Ib and It, demonstrate the existence of a                 The Gravettian assemblages from Hohle Fels and
Gravettian occupation at about 29 ka BP in                    other Swabian sites are usually easy to distinguish
Brillenhöhle (Scheer, 1986, 1993). Although Riek             from Aurignacian assemblages (Hahn, 1992;
did not publish the exact position of the two bone            Scheer, 1985, 2000). They usually lack typical
points from layer XIV, they lay at least 70 cm and            Aurignacian scrapers, burins and laterally re-
perhaps as much as 170 cm below the fireplace of              touched pieces. The Gravettian assemblages are
layer VIII. Unless one advocates an unusually high            characterized by increased bi-directional opposing
rate of sedimentation, the two bone points from               platform blade production, Gravette and micro-
the Aurignacian layer XIV must be considerably                Gravette points, backed blades and bladelets,
older then 29 ka BP.                                          and Font Robert points. Ivory tear-drop-shaped
   The excavations at Hohle Fels have a long                  pendants, perforated teeth, and bone tools are
history dating back to Oscar Fraas’s and Theodor              common, while figurative art is thus far limited to
Hartmann’s work in the 1870 s and include                     engravings (Fig. 9). Particularly noteworthy are
Gertrud Matschak’s and Gustav Riek’s excava-                  A. Scheer’s (1986, 1993) successful refittings of
346                            N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371

Fig. 6. Aurignacian of Sirgenstein cave. (1–2, 5–6, 9, 11–12, 14, 21): Sirgenstein IV-(3–4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18–20): Sirgenstein V-(8, 15, 17):
Sirgenstein VI. (1–2, 7) carinated end scrapers-(3, 6) nosed end scrapers-(4) pointed blade-(5) end scraper-(8, 12) dihedral burins (9, 13)
burins on truncation-(10) borer-(11) ivory bead-(14) carinated burin-(15) bone awl-(16) truncated blade-(17) laterally retouched
blade-(18) splintered piece-(19–20) bone points-(21) burnisher. After Hahn, 1977.
N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371                                   347

Fig. 7. Aurignacian of Brillenhöhle XIV (1–2) and Gravettian of Brillenhöhle VII (3–35). (1) bone point (with split base?)-(2) bone
point-(3–5) Gravette points-(6–10) micro-Gravette points-(11–12, 18) end scrapers-(13, 16) burins-(14–15) burins combined with end
scrapers-(17) ventrally retouched bladelet-(9) truncated blade-(20) blade retouched on both ends-(21) fragment of an ivory
figurine-(22–24, 26–27) teardrop-shaped ivory pendants-(25, 28) perforated canines-(29) bone tube-(30–31, 35) bone projectile
points-(32) bone rod (decorated?) with incisions-(33) bone awl-(34) bâton percé of ivory. After Hahn, 1977 (1–2) and Riek, 1973 (3–35).
348                          N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371

Fig. 8. Aurignacian of Hohle Fels near Schelklingen. (1, 9–11, 15, 19, 21): AH III-(2–8, 12–14, 16–18, 20): AH IV-(22–23): AH V. (1)
perforated bear incisor-(2) perforated upper eyetooth from red deer-(3) roughout for ivory beads-(4) half-finished ivory bead-(5–7)
double perforated ivory beads-(8–9) burins-(10) truncated blade-(11) busked burin-(12–13) disc-shaped ivory beads-(14) pointed
blade-(15) carinated burin-(16) double nosed end scraper-(17) blade with Aurignacian retouch-(18) blade pointed at one end and
truncated at the other-(19) bone awl with intense polishing-(20) fragment of a bone point-(21) worked mammoth rib-(22) nosed end
scraper-(23) end scraper combined with a pointed end. After Conard et al., 2002 (1–7, 11–18, 22–23); drawings by D. Punčochář.
N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371                                349

Fig. 9. Gravettian of Hohle Fels near Schelklingen. (1–4) Gravette points-(5) micro-Gravette point-(6–7) backed bladelets-(8) Font
Robert point (9, 13) burins-(10) borer-(11) end scraper-(12) bladelet core-(14) decorated bone point-(15) pointed blade-(16) decorated
hare humerus-(17–19) ivory pendants-(20) bâton percé of antler-(21) pendant made of a bear canine-(22) decorated antler adze. After
Conard et al., 2001 (1–3, 11–12), Conard and Uerpmann, 1999 (4–5, 7–8, 13–14, 16–19, 21), Conard et al., 2000 (6, 9–10, 15), and
Scheer, 1994 (22).
350                      N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371

Gravettian lithic artifacts between Hohle Fels,               cobbles A9 and A14, that about 7% of the artifacts
Geißenklösterle and Brillenhöhle mentioned                  have moved between archaeological horizons II
above, thereby demonstrating that these sites were            and III, and that 60% of the pieces have not moved
used contemporaneously around 29 ka BP. No                    from their original subunit. The remaining 33% of
clear stratigraphic or chronological break is visible         the material have moved between subunits of
between earliest Gravettian and latest Aurignacian            horizon III. Of these finds 29% have migrated
horizons.                                                     upward and 4% have migrated downward (Hahn,
   Geißenklösterle is the site from the Swabian              1988: 74). In Hahn’s view while the mixing is not
Jura that has been the focus of the most lively               trivial, the Aurignacian deposits have not lost their
debate on the dating of the Aurignacian (Bolus                stratigraphic integrity. After carefully consulting
and Conard, 2001; Hahn, 1988; Richter et al.,                 the documentation from Hahn’s excavation, we
2000; Zilhão and d’Errico, 1999). Fieldwork by               conclude, as Hahn (1988: 84) himself alluded to,
Hahn and others from 1973 – 1991 and Conard                   that “excavator error”—that is the inability of ex-
and colleagues starting in 2000 have yielded the              cavators to clearly separate stratigraphic horizons—
best studied sequence in the region. Excluding                contributed to apparent mixing between archaeo-
obvious outliers, such as isolated Magdalenian                logical horizons. Hahn also consistently refrained
dates from the uppermost Gravettian, and dates                from correcting false stratigraphic assessments
on cave bear bones and other non-archaeological               made during excavation. Given that the layers
materials, 47 radiocarbon dates are available on              of the site are characterized by subtly stratified
finds from the Middle Paleolithic horizon IV,                 deposits of limestone rubble in a silty matrix, it
the lower Aurignacian complex III, the upper                  is indeed difficult to achieve a completely clean
Aurignacian complex II, and the Gravettian                    separation between the archaeological horizons.
complex I.                                                       Both Hahn’s excavations and the current exca-
   The lower Aurignacian (Fig. 10) is character-              vations have documented the presence of well
ized by typical Aurignacian unidirectional blade              defined horizontal features including lithic scatters,
production and over 200 stone tools, including                areas rich in worked bone and ivory, and concen-
numerous carinated and nosed end scrapers,                    trations of burnt bone, ash and ochre. Such
burins and splintered pieces, as well as worked               features are largely intact and provide additional
bone, ivory and antler artifacts (Hahn, 1988).                evidence for a lack of large scale mixing between
Artworks and flutes, which are present in the                 the main Aurignacian horizons (Conard and
upper Aurignacian, are thus far lacking in the                Malina, 2002; Hahn, 1988, 1989).
excavation of the lower Aurignacian of horizon                   Fortunately over 30,000 piece-plotted objects
III. The lower Aurignacian has yielded eight                  including hundreds of refitted finds make it poss-
perforated ornaments.                                         ible to plot profile projections of refitting artifacts.
   The upper Aurignacian (Fig. 11) includes a                 In response to claims by Zilhão and d’Errico
diverse lithic assemblage rich in splintered pieces,          (Zilhão, 2001; Zilhão and d’Errico, 1999) that
end scrapers, diverse burins, and very few Dufour             considerable mixing has occurred between hori-
bladelets. Many organic tools, numerous per-                  zons II and III, we have examined over 30 refitting
forated ornaments, four mammoth ivory sculp-                  complexes. The plots (Figs. 12–14) demonstrate
tures and two small bone flutes have been                     the outstanding context of the Aurignacian finds
recovered from horizon II (Hahn, 1986, 1988;                  from Geißenklösterle and show that only a small
Hahn and Münzel, 1995).                                      portion of the finds underwent significant vertical
   Hahn’s careful refitting and taphonomic studies            displacement. Based on taphonomic grounds it
reveal a degree of mixing between the stratigraphic           is inconceivable that numerous Aurignacian
complexes II and III. Hahn (1988: 48–84) describes            elements from horizon III have been reworked
at length the possible sources of mixing, including           downward from archaeological horizon II.
cryoturbation, bioturbation and excavation error              Similarly, there is no sign of significant reworking
and estimates, based on refitting sequences from              of Middle Paleolithic materials upward across the
N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371                                    351

Fig. 10. Aurignacian of Geißenklösterle, archaeological horizon III. (1–3) perforated fox canines-(4–5) ivory pendants-(6) ivory
bead-(7) grooved bone-(8) tool resembling a carinated end scraper-(9–10) carinated end scrapers-(11–12) nosed end scrapers-(13, 17)
burins-(14, 21) bone points-(15) end scraper-(16) splintered piece-(18) ivory rod (projectile point?)-(19) worked ivory splinter-(20) blade
core with refitted blades. After Hahn, 1988 (1–2, 4–5, 7–21) and Hahn, 1989 (3, 6).
352                           N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371

Fig. 11. Aurignacian of Geißenklösterle, archaeological horizon II. (1–3) end scrapers-(4) pointed blade-(5) laterally retouched
blade-(6, 10–11) splintered pieces-(7) busked burin-(8) burin on truncation-(9) truncated blade-(12) antler pendant-(13) Dufour
bladelet-(14, 20, 22) ivory figurines-(15–19) ivory beads-(21) bone flute-(23) decorated bone-(24) bone point with split base-(25) bâton
percé of ivory. After Hahn 1986, (14, 20, 22) and Hahn, 1988 (1–13, 15–19, 23–25).
N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371                   353

largely sterile geological layer 17 that separates           the organic tools from horizon II include split-
the uppermost Middle Paleolithic horizon IV                  based bone points made from reindeer antlers,
from the lowermost Aurignacian horizon III.                  awls and burnishers made from bone, and mobile
Additionally, unpublished micromorphological                 art, ornaments, and points without split bases
studies by Gerlinde Dippon and Paul Goldberg                 made from mammoth ivory (Liolios, 1999). Each
(pers. comm., 2002) also refute Zilhão and                  of these raw materials reflects a unique method of
d’Errico’s claims that considerable mixing has               production, which leads to specific tools as end
taken place between the archaeological horizons at           products. In contrast, horizon III is somewhat
Geißenklösterle.                                            poorer in organic artifacts and lacks split-
    Beyond the taphonomic arguments against sig-             based points and mobile art. Within the lower
nificant mixing between Aurignacian horizons II              Aurignacian deposit, there is no rigorous corre-
and III, several key arguments against mixing                spondence between raw materials, methods of tool
result from technological and typological                    production, or the finished tool types. Ivory is also,
studies of the deposits (Hahn, 1988; Liolios and             by far, the dominant raw material in horizon III
Teyssandier, in press). For example, Hahn and                (Münzel, 1999). Furthermore, perforated carni-
Teyssandier have demonstrated that horizon III is            vore teeth are the most common form of orna-
characterized by a complete and coherent chain of            ment in horizon III and are lacking in the upper
lithic reduction beginning with whole cobbles and            Aurignacian of horizon II.
extending to the systematic uni-directional produc-             Due to the critical debate over the stratigra-
tion of blades, which were then modified into                phic integrity of the Aurignacian horizons at
diverse tool types. Horizon II, on the other hand,           Geißenklösterle, we undertook a new dating initia-
is characterized by incomplete chains of lithic              tive that included 17 new AMS measurements
reduction and less intense production of blades.             from Kiel and Oxford. These radiocarbon dates
The upper Aurignacian is also characterized by a             span the period from ca. 29–37 ka BP (Fig. 15).
broader spectrum of raw materials and a higher               Assuming that there are no significant systematic
proportion of more distant raw materials. In con-            errors between radiocarbon labs, the new dates
trast to horizon III where complete reduction                document relatively early Aurignacian occupations
chains are well documented, horizon II includes              in the region. Six 14C dates from three accelerator
more numerous examples of the presence of blades             and one conventional lab fall in the range between
that were produced outside the area of excavation            36–40 ka BP. A conventional radiocarbon date
(Liolios and Teyssandier, in press). Teyssandier             from a mixed bone sample of 36,0003560 ka BP
also stresses that the lithic artifacts within the           (Hahn, 1988) has been excluded from Table 3 due
many sub-units of horizons II and III are balanced           to its large standard deviations These early dates
from a typological point of view. Thus carinated             are roughly consistent with the mean age of
and nosed scrapers dominate the tool assem-                  40.21.5 ka BP based on Richter et al.’s (2000) six
blages in the lower Aurignacian sub-units, while             thermoluminescence dates on burnt flints from
splintered pieces, pointed blades, and laterally             horizon III. These TL dates range between 38.3
retouched blades are limited almost exclusively              and 44.7 ka and have standard deviations between
to the stratigraphic sub-units of the upper                  2.1 and 5.6 ka. Based on the taphonomic and
Aurignacian deposits. These clear technological              archaeological arguments mentioned above, we
and typological signatures would not be visible if           find no basis, at present, to reject these six radio-
significant mixing had occurred at the site.                 carbon dates. Additionally, the dates cannot be
    An examination of the organic artifacts in the           rejected simply on the basis of their ages, because
Aurignacian horizons at Geißenklösterle also                most forms of contamination or deviations in
documents coherent patterns in the assem-                    atmospheric radiocarbon content would tend to
blages that are inconsistent with high levels of             yield ages that are too young rather than anoma-
taphonomic mixing (Liolios, 1999; Liolios and                lously too old. While Hahn did not systematically
Teyssandier, in press; Münzel, 1999). For example,          record data on anthropogenic modification of
Fig. 12. Geißenklösterle. Aurignacian refitting group A9. Core of Jurassic chert with refitted blades and flakes.

     Fig. 13. Geißenklösterle. Aurignacian refitting group A11. Refitted blades of black alpine quartzite.
N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371                               355

  Fig. 14. Geißenklösterle. Aurignacian refitting group A16. Refitted blades and flakes of Jurassic chert, among them two tools.

                      Fig. 15. Geißenklösterle. The stratigraphic position of the AMS radiocarbon samples.

these samples, he deliberately dated specimens                      quent work by S. Münzel (1999) demonstrates that
from species including horse, reindeer and ibex                     these species played an important role in the
that he viewed as important game animals. Subse-                    hunting economies of the Upper Paleolithic at
356                     N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371

Geißenklösterle. Noteworthy is the variation in the         sions (Baumgartner et al., 1998). Studies of 14C in
dates from the Aurignacian of Geißenklösterle and           North Atlantic planktonic foraminifera (Voelker
the fact that the two available AMS radiocarbon              et al., 2000), Japanese varves (Kitagawa and van
dates from the Middle Paleolithic lie between 32             der Plicht, 1998), and stalagmites in the Bahamas
and 34 ka, while four ESR dates on ibex and                  (Beck et al., 2001) show variations in the abun-
rhinoceros teeth yield a mean age of 43.34.0 ka             dance of atmospheric radiocarbon during OIS 3.
(Richter et al., 2000). The individual ESR dates             Voelker et al. (2000) and Beck et al. (2001) have
range from 35.7 to 52.7 ka with standard devia-              documented changes in 14C concentrations in con-
tions of between 4.8 and 7.7 ka. In the following            nection with geomagnetic minima and perhaps in
section we address possible explanations for these           association with changing patterns of ocean circu-
observations in more detail.                                 lation (Figs. 17, 18). The changes in North Atlantic
   Finally the AMS dates for the rich Gravettian             planktonic foraminifera reflect extreme peaks in
layers of Geißenklösterle (Scheer, 1989, 1993,                C production that correspond to temporal off-
2000) range almost exclusively from ca. 27–30 ka             sets of more than 6,000 years and perhaps as much
BP with many dates falling in the vicinity of 29 ka          as 10,000 years. Given that the marine signal for
BP (Fig. 16). No AMS dates on anthropogenically                C variation is attenuated due to reservoir effects,
modified material from Gravettian layers postdate            we must expect even greater fluctuations in radio-
26 ka BP: The only two radiocarbon dates for the             carbon concentrations in terrestrial archives
Gravettian after 26 ka BP are a single conventional          including archaeological sites. Richards and Beck
mixed bone sample submitted by Hahn (1983)                   (2001) have arrived at similar conclusions based on
prior to the advent of routine AMS dating, and an            their analysis of the radiocarbon record from a
AMS date on a hare pelvis. This and other bulk               stalagmite in the Bahamas.
bone dates must be viewed with caution, since                   Unfortunately, these major global fluctuations
Hahn often dated numerous, somewhat scattered,               in radioisotope production, transport and deposi-
highly fragmentary bones that he considered                  tion lie in the period from 30 to 50 k calendar years
expendable. Thus at Geißenklösterle, little if any          ago when modern humans arrived in Europe and
secure evidence exists for late Gravettian occupa-           numerous important innovations of the Upper
tions. While the Lone Valley has yielded few                 Paleolithic occurred. This period is also of great
Gravettian assemblages, the Ach Valley has pro-              importance for studying the late MSA and early
duced multiple Gravettian assemblages with the               LSA in Africa and cultural processes including
most intense period of occupation focusing around            those related to the early population dynamics in
29 ka BP.                                                    Australia and other parts of the Old World. Thus
                                                             researchers must view radiocarbon dates in this
                                                             period with great caution. The full extent of the
The “Middle Paleolithic Dating Anomaly” and the              chronostratigraphic problems researchers face
“Coexistence Effect”                                          when using 14C must be acknowledged before
                                                             better interpretations of the origins of modern
   The data summarized above demonstrate that                humans in Europe can be developed. This problem
the seemingly mundane aspects of building local              is particularly acute in the period around 40 ka
chronostratigraphic sequences must be addressed              calendar years ago, near the time of the Laschamp
with rigor and in the knowledge that simple                  magnetic excursion and the probable arrival of
answers cannot be expected. The available data               modern humans in some parts of Europe (Laj
show enormous fluctuations in the production and             et al., 2002). Similar, but apparently less extreme
deposition of radioisotopes in various media over            variations in radiocarbon production occur several
the period from 30–50 k calendar years ago.                  thousand years later, perhaps in connection with
Recent studies document major peaks in the pro-              the Mono Lake excursion.
duction of 36Cl and 10Be in connection with the                 For years researchers in Tübingen sought to
Mono Lake and Laschamp geomagnetic excur-                    explain the odd patterns in the radiocarbon
N.J. Conard, M. Bolus / Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2003) 331–371                                 357

Fig. 16. Gravettian of Geißenklösterle. (1–2) micro-Gravette points-(3–10) backed bladelets-(11) flechette-(12, 14) end scrapers-(13,
15–17) burins-(18) refitted blade sequence-(19–22, 24–26) ivory pendants-(23) perforated fox canine-(27) bone demonstrating the use
of groove and splinter technique-(28-29) needle-like tool fragments of bone-(30) burnisher-(31) shaft segment of antler-(32) antler
point with incisions. After Hahn et al., 1985 (1–10, 12, 14–15, 17–18, 20, 22, 25–31) and Scheer, 1989 (11, 13, 16, 19, 21, 23–24, 32).
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