Medieval & Renaissance - Studies

Page created by Virgil Oconnor
Medieval & Renaissance - Studies
Medieval &

Medieval & Renaissance - Studies
Table of Contents

Society & Culture                                                                                                  3

Urban History                                                                                                    10

Crusades		                                                                                                       11

Languages & Literature                                                                                           12

Book History & Manuscript Studies                                                                                15

Art & Material Culture                                                                                           19

Architecture                                                                                                     24

Church History & Religion                                                                                        25

Music                                                                                                            30

Science & Philosophy                                                                                             31

Scandinavian Studies                                                                                             34

Bibliographies                                                                                                   36

                                                                                                              Cover Image:
                                    Master of the St. Bartholomew Altarpiece (Netherlandish, active about 1470 - 1510)
                                    The Meeting of the Three Kings, with David and Isaiah (recto); The Assumption of the
                                                                    Virgin (verso), before 1480, Oil and gold leaf on panel
                                                                                     62.8 × 71.5 cm (24 3/4 × 28 3/16 in.)
                                                                                    The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
                                                           Digital image courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content Program.
Medieval & Renaissance - Studies
Medieval &

Medieval & Renaissance - Studies

                                                        Tool in Pastoral Care: The Cases of Simone Fidati and
                                                        Richard Rolle in Fourteenth-Century England and
                                                        Italy – Xavier Biron-Ouellet / Hell: The Pleasure of the
                                                        Suffering of Others. From Visions of the Afterlife to
                                                        Religious Theatre – Elyse Dupras

                                                        Pleasure in God
                                                        Holy Gluttons: Bede and the Carolingians on the
                                                        Pleasures of Reading – Zachary Giuliano / On Leeks
                                                        and Onions – Pope Gregory VII and the Rejection of
                                                        Pleasure – Ken A. Grant / Intoxication and the Song
                                                        of Songs: Bernard of Clairvaux and the Rediscovery
                                                        of Origen in the Twelfth Century – Constant J. Mews
                                                                                                                   Writing History in
                                                        / Pleasure in Medieval Christian Mystical Literature:      Medieval Poland
                                                        The Analysis of John of Ruusbroec (1283-1381) and          Bishop Vincentius of Cracow and
                                                        Hadewijch (thirteenth century) – Robert Faesen / Index
Pleasure in the Middle Ages                                                                                        the ‘Chronica Polonorum’
Naama Cohen Hanegbi, Piroska Nagy (eds)                                                                            Darius von Güttner-Sporzyński (ed.)

Explores the manifold manifestations of                                                                            This work brings to light the importance of Poland in
pleasure in medieval culture and the various                                                                       the making of Europe. It presents an in-depth analysis
rationales to its appearance and use.                                                                              of the Chronica Polonorum, one of the greatest works
                                                                                                                   of the twelfth-century renaissance which profoundly
This volume explores the diverse manifestations                                                                    influenced history writing in Central Europe. It
and uses of pleasure in medieval culture. Pleasure                                                                 provides important insights into the development of
is a sensation, an affirmation, a practice, and is                                                                 the so-called peripheral regions of twelfth-century
at the core of the medieval worldview, no less                                                                     Europe and Poland’s engagement in the twelfth-
than pain. Applying a variety of methodological                                                                    century renaissance.
perspectives, the essays collected here analyse the
role of pleasure in relation to a variety of subjects
such as the human body, love, relationships,
education, food, friendship, morality, devotion,
and mysticism. They also integrate a wide range
of sources including literature (monastic to            xxiii + 386 p., 10 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,           xii + 289 p., 3 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017,
courtly), medical texts, illuminated prayer books,      ISBN 978-2-503-57520-9                                     ISBN 978-2-503-56951-2
iconography, and theatrical plays. Each document,       Hardback: € 100                                            Hardback: € 80
each discipline, and thus each essay combine to         Series: International Medieval Research, vol. 24           Series: Cursor Mundi, vol. 28
provide a complex and diversified picture of            Available                                                  Available
medieval joys and delights –­ a picture that shows
the extent to which pleasure is engrained in
the period’s culture. This collection shows how
pleasure in the Middle Ages is at once a coveted
feeling and a constant moral concern, both the
object and the outcome of a constant negotiation
between earthly and divine imperatives.

               Table of Contents

Pleasure in the Middle Ages: An Introduction –
Naama Cohen-Hanegbi and Piroska Nagy

Pleasured Bodies
Reflections on High Medieval Monastic Pleasures
– Esther Cohen / ‘It Is Full Merry in Heaven’:
The Pleasurable Connotations of ‘Merriment’ in
                                                          Slavery and the Slave                                    Water in Medieval
Late Medieval England – Philippa C. Maddern /             Trade in the Eastern                                     Intellectual Culture
The Pleasures and Joys of the Humoral Body in             Mediterranean                                            Case Studies from
Medieval Medicine – Fernando Salmon / Bodily
Pleasures: Late Medieval Medical Counsel in               (c. 1000-1500 CE)                                        Twelfth-Century Monasticism
Context – Naama Cohen-Hanegbi / Visual Pleasure           Reuven Amitai, Christoph Cluse (eds)                     James L. Smith
and the Illuminated Prayer Book – Maeve Doyle
/ Abbasid Concubines and Slave Courtesans in              This is a comprehensive collection of innovative         This volume provides a new contribution to the
adab Discourse: Cultural Mediators for an Ethical         studies on slavery and the slave trade in the eastern    understanding of twelfth-century monasticism
Appreciation of Pleasure – Karen Moukheiber               Mediterranean during the Middle Ages. This volume        and medieval intellectual culture by exploring the
/ Courts and Pleasures: The Neuroscience of               presents a multi-faceted and interdisciplinary           relationship between water and the composition of
Pleasure and the Pursuit of Favour in Twelfth-            approach to slavery and the slave trade in the Eastern   thought. It provides a fresh insight into twelfth-century
Century Courts – William M. Reddy                         Mediterranean region in the pre-modern period,           monastic philosophies by studying the use of water as
                                                          placing these into a larger historical and cultural      an abstract entity in medieval thought to frame and
Didactic Pleasures                                        context. It surveys the significance of slavery in the   discuss topics such as spirituality, the natural order,
Taking Pleasure in Virtues and Vices: Alcuin’s Manual     three monotheistic traditions, the involvement of        knowledge visualization, and metaphysics in various
for Count Wido – Barbara H. Rosenwein / Sin, the          Eastern and Western merchants and other agents           high medieval texts, including Godfrey of Saint-Victor’s
Business of Pleasure, and the Pleasure of Reading:        in the slave trade, and offers new interpretations       Fons Philosophiae, Peter of Celle’s letter corpus, and the
Exemplary Narratives and Other Forms of Sinful            concerning the nature of this commerce.                  Description of Clairvaux.
Pleasure in William Peraldus’s Summa de vitiis –
Richard Newhauser / The Role of Pleasure in the
                                                          487 p., 1 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                  xiv + 209 p., 8 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
Acquisition of Good Virtue: Giles of Rome’s Idea
                                                          ISBN 978-2-503-57019-8                                   ISBN 978-2-503-57233-8
of Education in his De regimine principum (c. 1279)
                                                          Hardback: € 125                                          Hardback: € 75
– Noëlle-Laetitia Perret / Pleasure as an Affective
                                                          Series: Mediterranean Nexus 1100-1700, vol. 5            Series: Cursor Mundi, vol. 30
                                                          Available                                                Available

Medieval & Renaissance - Studies

                                                                                                                           SPECIAL OFFER
                                                                                                                                           The set of these 2 volumes: € 150
                                                                                                                                           instead of € 205 (Offer valid until 31/07/2018)

Temporality and Mediality                                 Languages of Power in Italy
in Late Medieval and                                      (1300-1600)
Early Modern                                              Daniel Bornstein, Laura Gaffuri,
                                                          Brian Jeffrey Maxson (eds)
Christian Kiening, Martina Stercken (eds)
                                                                                                                               The Villages of the Fayyum
                                                          This study includes a range of contributions discussing
This study provides a new approach to media and           the languages of power in medieval and early modern                  A Thirteenth-Century
mediality from the perspective of cultural history,       Italy in terms of politics, art, and religion. The essays            Register of Rural, Islamic Egypt
focusing on a variety of medieval and early modern        explore the languages in which power was articulated,
cultural forms. This interdisciplinary volume explores                                                                         Yossef Rapoport, Ido Shahar (eds)
                                                          challenged, contested, and defended in Italian cities and
the ways in which time is staged at the threshold         courts, villages, and countryside, between 1300 and
between the Middle Ages and the early modern                                                                                   Richly annotated and with a detailed introduction,
                                                          1600. The collection balances a broad geographic and                 this volume offers the first academic edition and
period. Proceeding from the reality that all cultural     chronological range with a tight thematic focus, allowing
forms are inherently and inescapably temporal, it seeks                                                                        translation of a first-hand account of the Egyptian
                                                          the individual contributions to engage in vigorous and               countryside, offering a key insight into the rural
to discover the significance of time in mediations and    fruitful debate with one another even as they speak to
communications of all kinds. The volume thus provides                                                                          economy of medieval Islam. By opening up this
                                                          some of the central issues in current scholarship.                   key source to scholars, it will be an indispensable
a new approach to media and mediality from the
perspective of cultural history.                                                                                               resource for historians of Egypt, of administration
                                                                                                                               and rural life in the premodern world generally,
                                                                                                                               and of the Middle East in particular.

x + 257 p., 50 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,              xvi + 245 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017,                                    approx. x + 600 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
ISBN 978-2-503-55130-2                                    ISBN 978-2-503-54038-2                                               ISBN 978-2-503-54277-5
Hardback: € 75                                            Hardback: € 75                                                       Hardback: € 125
Series: Cursor Mundi, vol. 32                             Series: Early European Research, vol. 10                             Series: The Medieval Countryside, vol. 18
Available                                                 Available                                                            In preparation

                                                                                                                               Rural Economy and Tribal
Pour la singulière affection                              La noblesse au service                                               Society in Islamic Egypt
qu’avons à luy                                            du prince                                                            A Study of al-Nābulusī’s
Études bourguignonnes offertes                            Les Saveuse: un hostel noble                                         ‘Villages of the Fayyum’
à Jean-Marie Cauchies                                     de Picardie au temps de l’Etat                                       Yossef Rapoport

Paul Delsalle, Gilles Docquier,                           bourguignon (v. 1380-v. 1490)                                        The Villages of the Fayyum is a unique and
Alain Marchandisse, Bertrand Schnerb (éd.)
                                                          Bertrand Schnerb                                                     unparalleled thirteenth-century Arabic tax register
                                                                                                                               of the province of the Fayyum in Middle Egypt. Based
Jean-Marie Cauchies a connu un parcours
                                                          L’encadrement de l’État bourguignon était fortement                  on this tax-register, this book utilises quantitative
académique et une carrière universitaire prestigieux
                                                          aristocratique. Les ducs de Bourgogne de la Maison                   research methods and spatial GIS analysis to
et exemplaires. Si ces études ne peuvent rendre
                                                          de Valois ont largement recruté leurs conseillers,                   provide a rich account of the rural economy of
compte de l’extrême diversité des thèmes auxquels
                                                          leurs capitaines et l’élite de leur entourage et de leur             the medieval Fayyum, the tribal organization of the
Jean-Marie Cauchies aura consacré ses travaux
                                                          hôtel au sein de la noblesse des pays sur lesquels ils               village communities, and their rights and duties in
bourguignons, lesquels relèvent aussi souvent, de
                                                          exerçaient leur autorité ou leur influence. L’étude de               relation to the military landholders. It also draws
façon fatalement imbriquée, des histoires du Hainaut
                                                          ce groupe familial qu’il est possible de suivre sur cinq             on the rich documentary evidence of the Fayyum,
et du droit, auxquels d’autres recueils d’hommage
                                                          générations, entre les années 1350 et les années 1490,               which stretches back to the Greco-Roman and early
sont consacrés ailleurs, elles se veulent l’expression,
                                                          est conçue comme une contribution à l’histoire des                   Islamic periods, to trace the transformation of the
à son égard, d’une admiration fondée et d’un riche
                                                          relations de la noblesse avec la Maison de Bourgogne.                Fayyum into a Muslim-majority and Arab province.
esprit de convivialité scientifique et humaine.
                                                                                                                               approx. 315 p., 3 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
600 p., 26 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017,                  approx. 356 p., 14 b/w ills, 12 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,       ISBN 978-2-503-57518-6
ISBN 978-2-503-56483-8                                    ISBN 978-2-503-55521-8                                               Hardback: € 80
Paperback: € 95                                           Paperback: € 83                                                      Series: The Medieval Countryside, vol. 19
Série: Burgundica, vol. 24                                Série: Burgundica, vol. 27                                           In preparation
Disponible                                                En préparation

                                                                                                                                                    FHG                                5
Medieval & Renaissance - Studies


                                                                                                                                      Boundaries in the Medieval
                                                                                                                                      and Wider World
                                                                                                                                      Essays in Honour of Paul Freedman
   Les Royaumes de Bourgogne                                        Talent / maltalent                                                Thomas Barton, Susan McDonough,
   jusque 1032 à travers la                                         La culture des émotions au seuil de                               Sara McDougall, Matthew Wranovix (eds)
   culture et la religion                                           la littérature française
                                                                                                                                      The articles in this collection delve into the Middle
   Anne Wagner, Nicole Brocard (éd.)                                Brîndusa Grigoriu
                                                                                                                                      Ages and the early modern period, exploring such
                                                                                                                                      topics as the religious culture, Spain, and the history
   Les Burgondes étendirent leur royaume dans la                    Face au manuscrit roman médiéval, face à l’œuvre
                                                                    francophone, il est loisible de rendre son droit de cité          of food. Together, these studies assess and explore
   vallée du Rhône, de la Durance et de la Saône. Leur                                                                                a range of different boundaries, both tangible and
   implantation est attestée par des sépultures peu                 à l’émotion : même si les humains qui ont façonné les
                                                                    premiers émotifs français sont morts depuis des siècles,          theoretical: boundaries relating to law, religion, peasants,
   nombreuses. Au VIe siècle, les clercs élaborent un cycle                                                                           historiography, and food, medicine, and the exotic.While
                                                                    même si les sciences humaines s’entraînent à les enterrer
   rassemblant les martyrs de Bourgogne. Au IXe siècle,                                                                               drawing important conclusions about their subjects,
                                                                    scientifiquement, il reste une place pour le vécu fictionnel,
   l’héritage de Lothaire II est divisé entre le futur duché        et ce vécu est riche en vies possibles ; il suffit d’interroger   the collected essays identify historical quandaries and
   de Bourgogne et les royaumes Bosonides de Provence               le mode d’emploi des affects, tel qu’il se dégage de chacun       possibilities to guide future research and study.
   et Rodolphiens de Transjurane, qui fusionnent au Xe              de ces récits fondateurs. Le livre propose une relecture
   siècle, états fondés sur des cultes dynamiques, des              des premiers récits français sous le signe des polarités
   monastères réformés et des évêchés puissants.                    émotionnelles médiévales du « talent » et du « maltalent ».

   approx. 411 p., 83 b/w ills, 21 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,   approx. 330 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                               viii + 348 p., 7 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017,
   ISBN 978-2-503-57583-4                                           ISBN 978-2-503-57826-2                                            ISBN 978-2-503-56845-4
   Paperback: € 85                                                  Paperback: approx. € 80                                           Hardback: € 90
   Série: Culture et société médiévales, vol. 30                    Série: Culture et société médiévales, vol. 32                     Series: Europa Sacra, vol. 22
   En préparation                                                   En préparation                                                    Available

   L’homme médiéval et                                                Crime, châtiment et grâce                                       Performance and
   sa vision du monde                                                 dans les monastères au                                          Theatricality in the Middle
   Ruptures et survivances                                            Moyen Âge (XIIe-XVe siècle)                                     Ages and the Renaissance
   Ludo Milis, Jacques Fermaut (trad.)                                Elisabeth Lusset                                                Mark Cruse (ed.)

   Le Moyen Âge semble une période mentalement                        Ce livre analyse les crimes commis à l’intérieur des            This volume offers a panoramic mosaic of the world-
   très distante de notre époque. Est-ce vrai? L’auteur               monastères médiévaux et la manière dont les religieux           making role of theater and performance in medieval
   plonge dans les textes médiévaux, surtout les                      criminels étaient corrigés tant par les abbés, les évêques,     and early modern European societies. The studies
   sources narratives, pour détecter les structures                   les chapitres généraux des ordres religieux que par les         gathered here examine material from Austria, England,
   profondes des pensées et des sentiments. Il se                     organes de la curie romaine. Il compare, à l’échelle            France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, and
   sert de citations pour faire revivre les valeurs et                de l’Europe, les établissements de moines, chanoines            Spain from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century.
   normes de l’époque tel que les contemporains                       réguliers et moniales, qu’ils appartiennent à un ou à           Addressing confession and private devotion, urban
   les ont formulées. Milis explore d’abord l’attitude                une nébuleuse moins définie sur le plan juridique.              theater and pageantry, royal legitimacy and religious
   vis-à-vis de Dieu, d’autres divinités et religions,                L’ouvrage éclaire sous un angle nouveau les processus           debate, and a wide range of genres and media, this
   et les problèmes qui en sont issus au sein des                     de construction institutionnelle et de réforme des              volume offers a panoramic mosaic of the world-
   sociétés et civilisations médiévales.                              ordres religieux entre les XIIe et XVe siècles.                 making role of theater and performance in medieval
                                                                                                                                      and early modern European societies.

   179 p., 28 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017,
   ISBN 978-2-503-57343-4                                             406 p., 210 x 270 mm, 2017,                                     approx. 225 p., 23 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
   Paperback: € 49                                                    ISBN 978-2-503-56765-5                                          ISBN 978-2-503-57987-0
   Série: Culture et société médiévales, vol. 31                      Paperback: € 120                                                Hardback: approx. € 75
   Disponible                                                         Série: Disciplina Monastica, vol. 12                            Series: Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, vol. 41
                                                                      Disponible                                                      In preparation

Medieval & Renaissance - Studies

                                                            Part II: Social Performance
                                                            The ‘Slime of Vice’ and the ‘Passions of the Mind’:
                                                            Emotional Histories in the Anglo-Norman World
                                                            – Lindsay Diggelmann / Courting Nassau Affections:
                                                            Performing Love in Orange-Nassau Marriage
                                                            Negotiations – Susan Broomhall and Jacqueline Van
                                                            Gent / ‘[D]id ringe at oure parish churche... for joye
                                                            that the Queene of Skotts ... was beheaded’: Public
                                                            Performances of Early Modern English Emotions –
                                                            Dolly Mackinnon

                                                            Part III: Religious Performance
                                                            Emotion, Place and Memory at the Royal Abbey of
                                                                                                                            Daily Life on the
                                                            St Denis – Megan Cassidy-Welch / Boosting the                   Istrian Frontier
                                                            Emotional Power of New Liturgy: The Hidden Sides                Living on a Borderland in
                                                            of Things in Giotto’s Crib at Greccio – Richard Read
Performing Emotions                                         / Discursive Affect and Emotional Prescriptiveness: On
                                                                                                                            the Sixteenth Century
                                                                                                                            Robert Kurelić
in Early Europe                                             the ‘Man of Sorrows’ in Fourteenth-Century Italian
                                                            Painting – Lachlan Turnbull / Martin Luther’s Heart –
Philippa Maddern †, Joanne McEwan,                                                                                          The microcosm of Istria was riddled with tensions
Anne M. Scott (eds)                                         Susan C. Karant-Nunn
                                                                                                                            and disputes over imprecise boundaries that failed
                                                            Part IV: Recreating Emotional Performance                       to delineated vital forests and pastures, leading to
New perspectives on the performance of pre-
                                                            ‘Laughing at Death’: Emotional Excess in The Duchess            frequent bouts of violence. Yet, at the same time,
modern emotions from international experts.
                                                            of Malfi in Performance – Steve Chinna / Select                 the inhabitants of Istria worked and married across
                                                            Bibliography / Index                                            state boundaries, creating a complicated network of
Drawing on a range of interdisciplinary approaches
                                                                                                                            identities and producing a trove of everyday human
and innovative methodologies, this collection
                                                                                                                            stories. This book brings to light the colorful mosaic of
contributes ground-breaking new scholarship in the
                                                                                                                            frontier life at the very end of the Middle Ages.
burgeoning field of emotions studies by examining
how medieval and early modern Europeans
communicated and ‘performed’ their emotions.
Rejecting the notion that emotions are ‘essential’
or ‘natural’, this volume seeks to pay particular
attention to cultural understandings of emotion             xxx + 296 p., 25 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                  approx. 250 p., 8 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
by examining how they were expressed and                    ISBN 978-2-503-57237-6                                          ISBN 978-2-503-55186-9
conveyed in a wide range of historical situations.          Hardback: € 90                                                  Hardback: approx. € 75
The contributors investigate the performance and            Series: Early European Research, vol. 11                        Series: Studies in the History of Daily Life (800-1600), vol. 7
reception of pre-modern emotions in a variety of            Available                                                       In preparation
contexts – in literature, art, and music, as well as
through various social and religious performances
– and in a variety of time periods ranging from the
twelfth to the eighteenth centuries. These studies
provide both case-studies of particular emotions
and emotional negotiations, and examinations
of how their categorisation, interpretation, and
meaning has changed over time.
The contributors provide new insights into the
expression and performance of pre-modern
emotions from a wide range of disciplinary fields,
including historical studies, literature, art history,
musicology, gender studies, religious studies,
and philosophy. Collectively, they theorise the
performativity of medieval and early modern
emotions and outline a new approach that takes
fuller account of the historical specificity and cultural     Droit subjectif ou droit                                      Episcopal Power and Local
meanings of emotions at particular points in time.            objectif ?                                                    Society in Medieval Europe,
                 Table of Contents
                                                              La notion de ius en droit                                     900-1400
                                                              sacramentaire au XIIe siècle                                  Peter Coss, Chris Dennis,
                                                              Thierry Sol                                                   Melissa Julian-Jones, Angelo Silvestri (eds)
Introduction: Performing Emotions in Medieval and
Early Modern Worlds – Philippa Maddern, Joanne                                                                              The purpose of this volume is to examine the
Mcewan and Anne M. Scott                                      En s’interrogeant sur la validité et la licéité des
                                                                                                                            foundations of episcopal power in medieval Europe
                                                              sacrements célébrés par les clercs hérétiques,
                                                                                                                            by considering its functioning and development at the
Part I: Emotional Performativity in Music,                    schismatiques ou simoniaques, le cas des ordinations
                                                                                                                            level of local society. This collection of essays derives
Literature and the Visual Arts                                absolues et le pouvoir de lier et délier des prélats
                                                                                                                            from papers delivered at a conference at Cardiff
Emotion, Time and Music at Cambrai Cathedral –                hérétiques, le droit sacramentaire offre un champ
                                                                                                                            University in May 2013, and is divided into three
Matthew Champion / ‘Affecting glory from vices’:              d’analyse privilégié. Dans ces situations se trouve
                                                                                                                            sections focusing on the construction of episcopal
Negotiating Shame in Prostitution Texts, 1660–                problématisé le rapport entre la situation personnelle
                                                                                                                            power in local society, the ways in which it was
1750 – Emily Cock / Pageant, Spectacle, Dread and             du ministre et sa fonction au service de l’Église, c’est-
                                                                                                                            augmented, and the different forms through which it
Love in Piers Plowman, Brueghel’s Triumph of Death            à-dire entre une situation subjective de « possession
                                                                                                                            was expressed. The essays have a broad geographical
and the Good Samaritan Window of Bourges                      personnelle » du sacrement de l’ordre et une
                                                                                                                            scope and include studies focused on English, French,
Cathedral – Anne M. Scott / Affected Bodies and               situation de distribution des sacrements au service
                                                                                                                            Italian, and Icelandic dioceses.
Bodily Affect: Visualizing Emotion in Renaissance             de la communauté des fidèles.
Plague Images – Louise Marshall
                                                              331 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017,                                   xi + 293 p., 2 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017,
                                                              ISBN 978-2-503-57602-2                                        ISBN 978-2-503-57340-3
                                                              Paperback: € 80                                               Hardback: € 80
                                                              Série: Medieval and Early Modern Political Theology, vol. 2   Series: Medieval Church Studies, vol. 38
                                                              Disponible                                                    Available

                                                                                                                                                  FHG                                         7
Medieval & Renaissance - Studies

                                                                                                                                                            HAUT MOYEN ÂGE

                                                                                                                                              BOOK SERIES
Medieval MasterChef                                                    Chevaux, chiens, faucons
Archaeological and Historical                                          L’art vétérinaire antique et
Perspectives on Eastern Cuisine                                        médiéval à travers les sources
and Western Foodways                                                   écrites, archéologiques et                                                Genre et compétition dans
Joanita Vroom, Yona Waksman,                                           iconographiques                                                           les sociétés occidentales du
Roos van Oosten (eds)
                                                                       Anne-Marie Doyen,                                                         haut Moyen Âge (IVe-XIe siècle)
                                                                       Baudouin Van den Abeele (éd.)                                             Sylvie Joye, Régine Le Jan (éd.)
The focus of this collection of studies is on cuisine
and foodways in the Mediterranean and north-                           Les articles, rédigés par des chercheurs d’horizons                       Il s’agit d’une réflexion historiographique et
western Europe during Medieval and Post-Medieval                       divers – philologues, historiens, historiens de l’art –,                  conceptuelle sur le genre à la fin de l’Antiquité
times. The scope of the contributions encompasses                      apportent un éclairage multiple et contrasté sur l’art                    et au haut Moyen Âge accompagnée d’études de
archaeological and historical perspectives on eating                   de soigner les animaux dans l’Antiquité et le Moyen                       cas historiques et archéologiques. Si les études
habits, cooking techniques, diet practices and table                   Âge européens et attestent le regain d’intérêt que                        de genre utilisent abondamment les notions de
manners in the Byzantine Empire, the Islamic World,                    connaît son étude. À côté des acquis que présentent                       discrimination ou d’inégalités, il est plus rare qu’elles
the Crusader States, Medieval and Renaissance Europe                   d’ores et déjà ces recherches, celles-ci soulèvent                        abordent à proprement parler celle de compétition.
and the Ottoman Empire. The volume offers a state                      maintes questions et montrent à quel point l’histoire                     Le présent volume aborde ce thème avec pour but
of the art of an often still hardly known territory in                                                                                           de mettre en lumière la manière dont les périodes
                                                                       de la médecine vétérinaire tire profit d’un horizon
gastronomical archaeology, which makes it essential                                                                                              de forte compétition sociale influent sur la place et
                                                                       élargi et décloisonné.
reading for scholars and a larger audience alike.                                                                                                la redéfinition des attributs sexués, en même temps
                                                                                                                                                 que l’importance relative donnée à ceux-ci dans les
400 p., 53 b/w ills, 32 col. ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2017,                 481 p., 17 b/w ills, 16 col. ills, 160 x 240 mm, 2018,
                                                                                                                                                 situations de rivalité ou de compétition.
ISBN 978-2-503-57579-7                                                 ISBN 978-2-9600769-9-8
                                                                                                                                                 186 p., 16 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
Paperback: € 95                                                        Paperback: € 55
                                                                                                                                                 ISBN 978-2-503-57607-7
Series: Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology, vol. 2   Série: Textes, Etudes, Congres, vol. 28
                                                                                                                                                 Paperback: € 65
Available                                                              Disponible
                                                                                                                                                 Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 29
                                                                                                                                                 En préparation

The Age of Affirmation                                                 Church, Censorship and                                                    Assassin des pauvres
Venice, the Adriatic and the                                           Reform in the Early Modern                                                L’Église et l’inaliénabilité des
Hinterland between the                                                 Habsburg Netherlands                                                      terres à l’époque carolingienne
9th and 10th Centuries                                                 Violet Soen, Dries Vanysacker,                                            Gaëlle Calvet
Stefano Gasparri, Sauro Gelichi (eds)                                  Wim François (eds)
                                                                                                                                                 Assassins des pauvres : telle est l’accusation
                                                                       This volume takes a refreshing perspective on the                         portée par les évêques carolingiens contre ceux
This volume refers to the “age of consolidation” of
                                                                       themes of church and reform in this region from                           qui s’emparent des biens fonciers des églises au
Venice in the 9th and 10th centuries. All the twelve
                                                                       the late fifteenth century onwards. The first part                        IXe siècle. En s’emparent des biens inaliénables des
papers of the volume consider a Venetian reality as
                                                                       interrogates the dynamics of repression and censorship                    églises, les « ravisseurs » deviennent eux-mêmes
already formed, even in its early days; a social, economic
                                                                       in matters of religion. A second part focuses on more                     et encourent l’excommunication, c’est-à-dire
and political community which, at this moment in time,
                                                                       internal impulses for Catholic Reform in the sixteenth                    l’exclusion de la communauté chrétienne, aussi
reinforces its urban aspect, and creates the basis for
                                                                       century, especially those created by the Council of                       longtemps qu’ils ne viennent pas à résipiscence.
the growth that will characterize its history after the
                                                                       Trent. As such, this volume helps to contextualise the                    Cependant, derrière un discours parfois très dur à
tenth century.
                                                                       Counter-Reformation of the seventeenth century in a                       l’encontre des spoliateurs, se cache une réalité des
                                                                       long-term perspective, identifying the myriad of actors                   échanges beaucoup plus complexe.
                                                                       and motives behind this Catholic revival.

400 p., 48 b/w ills, 22 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                                                                                           approx. 400 p., 2 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
ISBN 978-2-503-57925-2                                                 vi + 240 p., 14 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017,                             ISBN 978-2-503-57793-7
Paperback: € 75                                                        ISBN 978-2-503-56751-8                                                    Paperback: € 80
Series: Seminari del Centro interuniversitario per la storia e         Paperback: € 65                                                           Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 30
l’archeologia dell’alto medioevo, vol. 8                               Series: Bibliothèque de la Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, vol. 101      En préparation
Available                                                              Available

Medieval & Renaissance - Studies

                                                            Deuxième partie. Construction des espaces
                                                            politiques : regards croisés
                                                            Katharina Winckler, Konkurrierende Bischöfe und
                                                            ihre Herrschaftsbereiche in den Ostalpen des 7. und
                                                            8. Jahrhunderts / Michel Margue, Au nom du comte.
                                                            Quelques réflexions sur les modes d’inscription
                                                            du pouvoir comtal dans l’espace lotharingien (Xe
                                                            - XIIe siècle) / Anne Lunven, L’espace du diocèse à
                                                            l’époque carolingienne : l’apport des formules de
                                                            datation des actes du cartulaire de Redon / Claire
                                                            Garault, La Vita sancti Machutis par Bili : reflets des
                                                            enjeux territoriaux liés au pouvoir épiscopal dans
                                                            les années 870 en Haute Bretagne / Didier Panfili,
                                                            Comitatus vs pagus. Espaces, territoires, pouvoirs en
                                                            Septimanie, Toulousain, Quercy et Rouergue (fin             Rivaliser, coopérer dans les sociétés
                                                            VIIIe-fin XIe siècle) / Miriam Czock, Burgen als Orte       du haut Moyen Âge (500-1100)
Genèse des espaces                                          der Herrschaft und räumlicher Macht : Schwaben              Régine Le Jan, Geneviève Bührer-Thierry,
politiques (IXe-XIIe siècle)                                als Herrschaftsraum im 10. Jahrhundert / Pierre             Stefano Gasparri (éd.)
                                                            Bauduin, La perception d’une principauté territoriale :
Autour de la question spatiale                              l’exemple de la Normandie (Xe-XIe siècle) / Thomas          Ce livre est centré sur la « coopétition », un concept
dans les royaumes francs et post-                           Kohl, Maine, Normandie und Anjou – die Integration          qui désigne la capacité des acteurs à rivaliser et à
carolingiens                                                einer Grafschaft in die Nachbarterritorien / Claire         coopérer simultanément. Il prend en compte les jeux
                                                            Lamy, Pagus et classement des archives à l’abbaye de        d’échelle, les relations entre le centre et la périphérie,
Geneviève Bührer - Thierry,
Steffen Patzold, Jens Schneider (éd.)                       Marmoutier (XI-XIIe siècles)                                entre l’ici-bas et l’au-delà, mais aussi la capacité des
                                                                                                                        autorités à développer le consensus et à susciter la
                                                            Conclusions                                                 confiance sans laquelle on ne peut prendre le risque
Depuis le XIXe siècle, les historiens français et
                                                            Jens Schneider, Territorium revisited: Zusammenfassung      de coopérer avec un rival. Il embrasse les différents
allemands racontent une histoire fondamentalement           und Ausblick                                                espaces et le temps long. Il éclaire ainsi d’un jour
différente de la transition entre le monde carolingien      Index                                                       nouveau le jeu de la compétition dans les sociétés du
et les Xe-XIIe siècles : pour les premiers, l’apparition                                                                premier Moyen Âge.
de principautés « territoriales » dans le monde
post-carolingien est avant toute chose le signe de
la désagrégation des institutions carolingiennes
et représente une mutation fondamentale dans                324 p., 23 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                    approx. 404 p., 2 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
l’organisation des pouvoirs. Pour les seconds, il n’y       ISBN 978-2-503-57473-8                                      ISBN 978-2-503-57634-3
a pas de véritable solution de continuité dans un           Paperback: € 80                                             Paperback: € 80
système où le pouvoir a toujours reposé non sur             Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 28                              Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 31
la domination d’un territoire mais sur l’importance         Disponible                                                  En préparation
des liens interpersonnels entre le roi et l’aristocratie,
et cela dès l’époque carolingienne. Le but de cet
ouvrage est de montrer comment l’importance
dévolue au caractère territorial du pouvoir –
largement remis en question par la recherche
actuelle – a influé sur la manière dont on raconte
l’histoire de l’empire carolingien et des royaumes
post-carolingiens à l’Est et à l’Ouest du Rhin, grâce
à plusieurs mises au point historiographiques et à de
nombreuses études de cas.

Geneviève Bührer-Thierry est professeure d’Histoire
du Moyen Âge à l’université Paris1-Panthéon-Sorbonne
et membre du LAMOP UMR 8589. Steffen Patzold
                                                            Charlemagne : les temps,                                    La construction sociale du
est professeur d’Histoire du Moyen Âge à l’université       les espaces, les hommes                                     sujet exclu (IVe-XIe siècle)
Eberhard-Karl de Tübingen. Jens Schneider est               Construction et déconstruction                              Discours, lieux et individus
docteur en Histoire du Moyen Âge et Ingénieur de            d’un règne                                                  Sylvie Joye, Maria Cristina La Rocca,
Recherches au laboratoire ACP de l’Université Paris-                                                                    Stéphane Gioanni (éd.)
                                                            Rolf Grosse, Michel Sot (éd.)
Est-Marne la Vallée.
                                                                                                                        L’exclusion sociale apparaît comme un sujet dramatique
                                                            Les articles de ce volume ne commémorent                    dans les sociétés anciennes, que l’on se représente plus
                 Table des matières                         pas en Charlemagne le père de l’Europe ni le                volontiers fondées sur la communauté et la solidarité.
                                                            fondateur d’empire, mais ils situent le demi-siècle         Les quatorze contributions rassemblées dans ce
Geneviève Bührer-Thierry, Steffen Patzold,                  de son gouvernement dans un jeu d’échelle spatial           volume interrogent les traces et les conséquences
Introduction                                                et temporel qui fait la part des traditions et des          de l’exclusion aussi bien dans les sources textuelles
                                                            innovations et qui donne une meilleure place aux            qu’archéologiques, du IVe au XIe siècle. Elles montrent
                                                            périphéries et aux laboratoires qu’elles ont pu             en particulier comment discours et pratiques de
Première partie. Épistémologie du territoire
                                                            constituer. Par une relecture et une déconstruction         la justice ou des institutions chrétiennes peuvent
Jérôme Monnet, Le territoire comme télépouvoir.             des sources les plus variées, le règne, la période et les
Bans, bandits et banlieues entre territorialités                                                                        marquer le statut ou le corps du sujet, et comment
                                                            acteurs sont reconsidérés dans toute leur complexité        celui-ci réagit face à l’exclusion, quitte à faire de celle-ci
aréolaire et réticulaire / Sebastian Brather,               chronologique et spatiale.                                  un élément revendiqué de son identité.
„Räume“ in der Mittelalterarchäologie. Zugänge
und Fragestellungen / Florian Mazel, De quoi la
principauté territoriale est-elle le nom ? Réflexion
                                                            approx. 605 p., 145 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,           approx. 350 p., 9 b/w ills, 7 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
sur les enjeux spatiaux des principautés « françaises »     ISBN 978-2-503-57797-5                                      ISBN 978-2-503-57605-3
(Xe-début XIIe siècle) / Christian Heinemeyer,              Paperback: € 95                                             Paperback: approx. € 75
Territorium und Territorialisierung. Ein Konzept der        Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 34                              Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 33
deutschen Forschung und seine Problematik                   En préparation                                              En préparation

                                                                                                                                               FHG                                     9
Medieval & Renaissance - Studies

Netherlandish Culture                                                                                                             Village Community
of the Sixteenth Century                                                                                                          and Conflict in
Urban Perspectives                                                                                                                Late Medieval Drenthe
Ethan Matt Kavaler,
Anne-Laure Van Bruaene (eds)
                                                                 Medieval Urban Culture                                           Peter C.M. Hoppenbrouwers
                                                                 Andrew Brown, Jan Dumolyn (eds)
                                                                                                                                  Based on a careful reading of normative sources
The authors of this volume examine various fields of                                                                              and thousands of short verdicts given by the so-
cultural discourse in the Netherlands of the sixteenth           This volume explores the specificity of the urban
                                                                                                                                  called ‘Etstoel’ or high court of justice in Drenthe,
century: the political, commercial, religious, artistic,         culture in western Europe during the period
                                                                 c. 1150-1550. Since the mid-twentieth century,                   this book focuses on three types of conflict: conflicts
and sensory domains, and less obviously metaphysical                                                                              between villages, feud-like violence, and litigations
properties like time and space. What defined the Low             many studies have complicated the association,
                                                                 traditionally made, between the medieval growth                  about property. These coincide with three levels of
Countries were not its borders and its territories but                                                                            involvement: that of village communities as a whole,
                                                                 of towns and the birth of a modern, secular
its cities, and their economies dominated political                                                                               that of kin groups, and that of households. The
                                                                 world; but few have given any attention to what
relations. Among the topics treated are differing                                                                                 resulting, comprehensive analysis provides a rigorous
                                                                 actually made urban culture ‘urban’. This volume
notions of urban topography, the dialogue between                                                                                 interrogation of generalized notions of the pre-
                                                                 begins by placing medieval ‘urban culture’ within its
city and court, issues of censorship, and the sensory                                                                             industrial rural world, offering a snapshot of a typical
                                                                 spatial context, to consider how urban conditions
and psychological response to texts and images.                  determined the perception and representation                     peasant society in late medieval Europe.
                                                                 of the city-dweller. Contributors examine a
                                                                 variety of urban cultures, from the political to
                                                                 the artistic, from London and Bruges to Florence
xvi + 388 p., 110 b/w ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2018,                  and Venice, and beyond Europe. They show how                     approx. 375 p., 14 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
ISBN 978-2-503-57582-7                                           urban culture involved a process of interaction                  ISBN 978-2-503-57539-1
Paperback: € 99                                                  with other discourses (royal, noble, ecclesiastical)             Hardback: € 100
Series: Studies in European Urban History (1100-1800), vol. 41   and that it was not monolithic: the relationship                 Series: The Medieval Countryside, vol. 20
Available                                                        between urban environments and the cultures                      In preparation
                                                                 they generated were hybrid, fluid and dynamic.

                                                                 Andrew Brown is an Associate Professor in the School
                                                                 of Humanities, Massey University, New Zealand.
                                                                 Jan Dumolyn is Senior Lecturer in the Department of
                                                                 History (Henri Pirenne Institute of Medieval Studies),
                                                                 Ghent University.

                                                                                   Table of Contents

                                                                 Andrew Brown and Jan Dumolyn, Conceptual and
                                                                 Historiographical Problems of Medieval Urban Culture
                                                                 / Claire Judde de Larivière, The Urban Culture of the
                                                                 Ordinary People. Space and Identity in Renaissance
                                                                 Venice (15th-16th Centuries) / Mark Amsler, Memory,
                                                                 Text and Space in Late Medieval London / Peter
Resident Aliens in                                               Howard, Making a City and Citizens: The ‘Fruits’ of              Village Elites and Social
                                                                 Preaching in Renaissance Florence / Barbara Rouse,
Later Medieval England                                           Nuisance Neighbours and Persistent Polluters: the                Structures in the Late
Mark Ormrod, Nicola McDonald,
Craig Taylor (eds)
                                                                 Urban Code of Behaviour in Late Medieval London / E.             Medieval Campine Region
                                                                 Amanda McVitty, Prosecuting Treason in Lancastrian
                                                                                                                                  Eline Van Onacker
                                                                 London: the Language and Landscape of Political
The essays collected in this volume identify and                 Dissent, 1407-1417 / Lindsay Diggelmann, Chronicles
analyse the presence of immigrants in late medieval                                                                               This study explores the social structures and the
                                                                 and Crowds: Accounts of Urban Unrest in Norman
England. Drawing on unique evidence from the alien                                                                                characteristics of inequality of the Campine (Kempen),
                                                                 Cities, 1090-1160 / Roger Nicholson, “Cursed
subsidies collected in England between 1440 and                  ymagynacion”: Late Medieval London, Urban Chronicles             a communal peasant region situated to the northeast
1487 and other newly accessible archival resources,              and the Topologies of Treason / Chris Jones, Connecting          of the sixteenth-century ‘metropolis’ of Antwerp.
and deploying a wide range of historical and cultural            the Urban Environment with Political Ideas in Late               Looking past standard societal measurements such
methods, they reveal the considerable contribution               Capetian France / Constant Mews, Christian-Jewish                as property distribution, this work combines a wide
of foreign-born people to the economy, society and               Exchanges within the Urban Culture of Twelfth-Century            variety of sources to grasp the nuances of inequality
culture of England in the age of the Black Death, the            France and England / Johan Oosterman, Discovering                in a communal society. It therefore takes into account
Hundred Years War and the Wars of the Roses.                     New Media. Anthonis de Roovere and the Early Printing            other economic factors such as control over the
                                                                 Press / Katrien Lichtert, Port Cities and River Harbours:        commons, and market integration. It also focuses on
                                                                 A Peculiar Motif in Antwerp Landscape Painting c.                political and social inequality, shedding light on aspects
                                                                 1490-1530 / Kim Phillips, Europe Looks East: Chinese             of inequality in village politics, social life, and poor relief.
                                                                 Cities in Medieval Travel Writing, c. 1298-c. 1440

                                                                 vi + 213 p., 10 b/w ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2017,
xi + 223 p., 14 b/w ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2018,                    ISBN 978-2-503-57742-5                                           xli + 319 p., 7 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017,
ISBN 978-2-503-57054-9                                           Paperback: € 81                                                  ISBN 978-2-503-55459-4
Paperback: € 81                                                  Series: Studies in European Urban History (1100-1800), vol. 43   Hardback: € 100
Series: Studies in European Urban History (1100-1800), vol. 42   Available                                                        Series: The Medieval Countryside, vol. 17
Available                                                                                                                         Available



              HISTORIES OF THE

                                                                         From Carrickfergus                                                     Crusade Preaching
                                                                         to Carcassonne                                                         and the Ideal Crusader
                                                                         The Epic Deeds of Hugh de Lacy                                         Miikka Tamminen
                                                                         during the Albigensian Crusade                                         This book explores the creation of the ideal crusader
                                                                         Paul Duffy, Tadhg O’Keeffe,                                            in thirteenth-century society. It presents, for the
   Environment, Colonisation,                                            Jean-Michel Picard (eds)                                               first time, a study of the crusade model sermons
   and the Baltic Crusader                                               This book brings to light new research linking de Lacy to a
                                                                                                                                                of the thirteenth century as a corpus in its entirety.
                                                                                                                                                The book considers various dimensions of crusade
   States                                                                conspiracy with the French king and details his subsequent             ideology and the values associated with crusading in
   Terra Sacra I                                                         exile and participation in the Albigensian Crusade in the              thirteenth-century society – the qualities that were
                                                                         south of France.The combined papers in this volume detail              appreciated and valued by contemporaries, and the
   Aleksander Plukowski (ed.)
                                                                         this remarkable story through interrogation of the historical          traits that were considered disadvantageous in a
                                                                         and archaeological evidence. The ensemble of papers                    crusading context. The expectations, the aspirations,
   This is the first of two Terra Sacra volumes, which                                                                                          and the concerns of crusade preachers with regard
                                                                         describe the two realms within which de Lacy operated,
   share the aim of changing our understanding                                                                                                  to the conduct and the quality of the crusaders are
                                                                         the wider political machinations which led to his exile, the
   of the environmental impact of crusading and                                                                                                 also explored.
                                                                         Cathar heresy, the defensive architecture of France and
   colonization in northeastern Europe. The present
                                                                         Languedoc and the architectural influences transmitted
   volume provides a detailed inter-disciplinary
                                                                         throughout this period from one realm to another.
   comparison of the environmental transformations
   associated with the emergence of the crusader
   states of Livonia and Prussia.                                        xxii + 358 p., 61 b/w ills, 22 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,          approx. 400 p., 9 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
                                                                         ISBN 978-2-503-56781-5                                                 ISBN 978-2-503-57725-8
   approx. 450 p., 234 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018,                     Hardback: € 89                                                         Hardback: € 95
   ISBN 978-2-503-55132-6                                                Series: Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, vol. 5   Series: Sermo, vol. 14
   Hardback: approx. € 100                                               Available                                                              In preparation
   Series: Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, vol. 2
   In preparation

   Ecologies of Crusading,                                               Curia and Crusade                                                      The Fourth Lateran Council
   Colonization, and Religious                                           Pope Honorius III and the Recovery                                     and the Crusade Movement
   Conversion in the                                                     of the Holy Land: 1216-1227                                            The Impact of the Council of 1215
   Medieval Baltic                                                       Thomas W. Smith                                                        on Latin Christendom
   Terra Sacra II                                                                                                                               and the East
   Aleksander Plukowski (ed.)                                            Grounded in extensive original research into the                       Jessalynn L. Bird, Damian J. Smith (eds)
                                                                         manuscripts of Honorius’s letter registers, this study
   This second Terra Sacra volume draws together a                       develops a revisionist interpretation of how the                       This book, bringing together an international team of
   series of case-studies on Livonia and Prussia that                    curia marshalled the crusading movement to recover                     scholars, is the first to deal with Fourth Lateran and
   provide a unique snapshot of recent research into                     the Holy Land. It provides new insights into crusade                   the crusades in entirety and argues for the centrality
   environmental change during the Baltic Crusades                       diplomacy, papal theology, the roles of legates, and                   of the council in the history of the crusades. It will be
   and also explore long-term trends in landscape                        the effectiveness of crusade taxation. Also included, is               of interest not only to scholars of the history of the
   organization and environmental exploitation.                          a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the                     crusades but also to those interested in the history of
   The volume covers various key themes such as                          papal chancery and its documents, which will be of                     the religious life of the Middle Ages as well to students
   building-construction in the conquered territories;                   particular use to students and those approaching the                   of the particular areas and themes under discussion.
   food supply to the houses of the Teutonic Order.                      medieval papacy for the first time.

   approx. 500 p., 299 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018,
   ISBN 978-2-503-55133-3                                                xii + 393 p., 27 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017,                         approx. 300 p., 2 col. ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2018,
   Hardback: approx. € 110                                               ISBN 978-2-503-55297-2                                                 ISBN 978-2-503-58088-3
   Series: Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, vol. 3   Hardback: € 93                                                         Hardback: approx. € 80
   In preparation                                                        Series: Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, vol. 6   Series: Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, vol. 7
                                                                         Available                                                              In preparation

                                                                                                                                                                       FHG                                        11

                                                                  Le Livre de Thezeo                                           Vernacular Translators
                                                                  Traduction anonyme                                           in Quattrocento Italy
                                                                  du XVe siècle du ‘Teseida’                                   Scribal Culture, Authority,
French in Medieval Ireland,                                       de Boccace                                                   and Agency
                                                                  Édition critique                                             Andrea Rizzi
Ireland in Medieval French
                                                                  Zachary Smith
The Paradox of Two Worlds                                                                                                      This book provides a richly documented study of
Keith Busby                                                                                                                    vernacular translators as agents within the literary
                                                                  Le texte de la version française du Teseida, Le livre
                                                                                                                               culture of Italy during the fifteenth century. Through a
                                                                  de Thezeo, est conservé dans quatre manuscrits et
A major study of interest to historians of                                                                                     fresh and careful examination of these early modern
                                                                  un fragment. Le présent travail présente la première
medieval Ireland and specialists in medieval                                                                                   translators, Rizzi shows how humanist translators went
                                                                  édition critique de la traduction française du livre du
French.                                                                                                                        about convincing readers of the value of their work
                                                                  jeune Boccace. Il est connu surtout par les splendides
                                                                                                                               in disseminating knowledge that would otherwise be
                                                                  enluminures du manuscrit 2617 de Vienne (W1),
This book is a ground-breaking study of the                                                                                    inaccessible to many. The translators studied in this
                                                                  souvent décrites et reproduites, et la beauté du décor
cultural and linguistic consequences of the English                                                                            book include not only the well-known ‘superstars’ such
                                                                  justifie les nombreuses études auxquelles il a donné lieu.
invasion of Ireland in 1169, and examines the                                                                                  as Leonardo Bruni, but also little-known and indeed
                                                                  Le présent travail fournit la première édition critique du
ways in which the country is portrayed in French                                                                               obscure writers from throughout the Italian peninsula.
                                                                  Livre de Thezeo et présente une étude complète de sa
literature of the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth             tradition textuelle et du travail du traducteur français.
centuries. Works such as La geste des Engleis en
Yrlande and The Walling of New Ross, written in
                                                                  834 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                                  x + 236 p., 5 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017,
French in a multilingual Ireland, are studied in their
                                                                  ISBN 978-2-503-57573-5                                       ISBN 978-2-503-56785-3
literary and historical contexts, and the works of
                                                                  Paperback: € 120                                             Hardback: € 75
the Dominican friar Jofroi de Waterford (c. 1300)
                                                                  Série: Bibliothèque de Transmédie, vol. 5                    Series: Late Medieval and Early Modern Studies, vol. 26
are shown to have been written in Ireland, rather
                                                                  Disponible                                                   Available
than Paris, as has always been assumed.
After exploring how the dissemination and
translation of early Latin texts of Irish origin
concerning Ireland led to the country acquiring a
reputation as a land of marvels, this study argues
that increasing knowledge of the real Ireland did
little to stymie the mirabilia hibernica in French
vernacular literature. On the contrary, the
image persisted to the extent of retrospectively
associating central motifs and figures of Arthurian
romance with Ireland. This book incorporates
the results of original archival research and is
characterized by close attention to linguistic details
of expression and communication, as well as
historical, codicological, and literary contexts.

                  Table of Contents                               Luigi Pulci in Renaissance                                   Text, Transmission, and
                                                                  Florence and Beyond                                          Transformation in the
                                                                  New Perspectives on his                                      European Middle Ages,
Chapter 1. In confusionem linguarum: Ground Zero                  Poetry and Influence                                         1000-1500
                                                                  James K. Coleman, Andrea Moudarres (eds)                     Carrie Griffin, Emer Purcell (eds)
Chapter 2. Verba volant, scripta manent: The Texts
                                                                  This volume – the first collection of critical essays        These essays are concerned primarily with the
Chapter 3. Mirabilia hibernica: The Wondrous Isle                 dedicated to Pulci – offers a comprehensive                  different ways in which European writers, translators,
                                                                  reassessment of Pulci’s work and legacy, shedding new        and readers engaged with texts and concepts, and with
Chapter 4. Historia et fabula: The Two Irelands                   light on the cultural and literary traditions that Pulci     the movement and exchange of those texts and ideas
                                                                  draws from and subverts, the social and political forces     across boundaries and geographical spaces. Texts are
Chapter 5. Familia hibernica: The Importance of                   that shaped Pulci’s work, and the breadth of Pulci’s
Being Irish                                                                                                                    examined not in isolation but in direct relation and
                                                                  influence from the Renaissance to the present day.           as responses to wider European culture; several of
Conclusion                                                                                                                     the contributions theorize the translation of works.
                                                                                                                               Together the essays reconstruct an outward-looking,
                                                                                                                               networked, and engaged Europe in which people used
                                                                                                                               texts in order to communicate, discover, and explore,
                                                                                                                               as well as to record and preserve.
x + 516 p., 20 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017,
ISBN 978-2-503-57021-1                                            vi + 239 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                             approx. 275 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
Hardback: € 110                                                   ISBN 978-2-503-57439-4                                       ISBN 978-2-503-56740-2
Series: Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe, vol. 27   Hardback: € 75                                               Hardback: € 80
Available                                                         Series: Cursor Mundi, vol. 29                                Series: Cursor Mundi, vol. 34
                                                                  Available                                                    In preparation


Le prime edizioni greche                                             La letteratura di istruzione
a Roma (1510-1526)                                                   nel Medioevo germanico
Luigi Ferreri, Saulo Delle Donne,                                    Studi in onore di Fabrizio D. Raschellà
Anna Gaspari, Concetta Bianca
                                                                     Maria Rita Digilio, Marialuisa Caparrini,
                                                                     Fulvio Ferrari (eds)
                                                                                                                                                 Medievalism and Political
Il presente volume è dedicato allo studio delle
diciannove edizioni stampate a Roma dal 1510 al
                                                                                                                                                 Rhetoric in Humanist
                                                                     I saggi contenuti nel volume danno un quadro variegato
1526, in larga parte editiones principes, e dell’edizione            del fermento d’interessi, curiosità, riflessioni che le                     Historiography from the
fiorentina della Tabula Cebetis. Di queste edizioni
vengono pubblicate tutte le pièces liminari in esse
                                                                     popolazioni germaniche, non solo nei primi secoli della                     Low Countries (1515-1609)
                                                                     loro storia, hanno dedicato a un tema centrale per lo
presenti, accompagnate da una traduzione italiana,                                                                                               Coen Maas
                                                                     sviluppo di qualunque comunità culturalmente evoluta,
e vengono forniti volta per volta una dettagliata                    come è la condivisione del sapere e la formazione
presentazione dell’edizione e un esame filologico                                                                                                Considering that humanist scholars often referred
                                                                     delle generazioni future, e costituiscono l’omaggio e il
inteso ad appurare le fonti manoscritte utilizzate.                                                                                              to the Middle Ages as a period of darkness and
                                                                     saluto della comunità accademica, non solo italiana, a
                                                                                                                                                 ignorance, it is surprising that early modern
                                                                     Fabrizio D. Raschellà, a conclusione della sua carriera.
                                                                                                                                                 historians were, in fact, highly interested in this
                                                                                                                                                 period. Focusing on Latin works by (humanist)
                                                                                                                                                 historians from Holland and Brabant, the central
                                                                                                                                                 argument of this book is that this choice of
                                                                                                                                                 medieval subject matter and the way in which
                                                                                                                                                 these historians described their provinces’
449 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                                          x + 330 p., 8 b/w ills, 165 x 240 mm, FIDEM, 2018,                          medieval past served a highly political agenda.
ISBN 978-2-503-57029-7                                               ISBN 978-2-503-57927-6                                                      The case studies in this book bring forward some
Hardback: € 95                                                       Paperback: € 49                                                             key characteristics of early modern medievalism, a
Series: Europa Humanistica, Répertoires et inventaires, vol. 2       Series: Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, vol. 87                              subject that has recently attracted a lot of scholarly
Available                                                            Available                                                                   attention. These chapters show how concepts
                                                                                                                                                 of the medieval were used as rhetorical tools,
                                                                                                                                                 how and why medieval forms and ideals were
                                                                                                                                                 appropriated, and how the classical heritage was
                                                                                                                                                 invoked in the representation of the medieval.
                                                                                                                                                 In focusing on political rhetoric, the historians’
                                                                                                                                                 position in the political arena is shown to be
                                                                                                                                                 a catalyst for new developments in the study
                                                                                                                                                 of the past rather than a menace to objective
                                                                                                                                                 historiography. They made medieval history serve
                                                                                                                                                 life by (re)discovering in the past the desire for
                                                                                                                                                 financial control, the rulers’ majestic power, the
                                                                                                                                                 legal right to govern oneself, or the resistance
                                                                                                                                                 against tyrannical oppression that had always been
                                                                                                                                                 constitutive of their communities’ selves.

L’entrée d’Alexandre le Grand                                        Toward a Historical                                                         Table of Contents:

sur la scène européenne                                              Sociolinguistic Poetics of
Théâtre et opéra                                                     Medieval Greek
(fin du XVe-XIXe siècle)                                             Andrea Massimo Cuomo, Erich Trapp (eds)
Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas,
Catherine Dumas (éd.)                                                How can historical sociolinguistic analyses of
                                                                     Medieval Greek aid in the interpretation of Medieval
À partir de la fin du XV siècle et surtout des XVI et XVII
                           e                               e     e
                                                                     Greek texts? This is the main question addressed
siècles, le plus spectaculaire renouvellement esthétique             by the papers collected in this volume. Historical
de la figure d’Alexandre le Grand vient de la création               sociolinguistics (HSL) is a discipline that combines
d’un théâtre, puis d’un opéra, qui lui sont consacrés. Cet           linguistic, social, historical, and philological sciences, and
ouvrage constitue le premier volume collectif consacré               suggests that a language cannot be studied apart from
aux réinventions d’Alexandre et de son entourage en
                                                                     its social dimension. This volume collects some of the
héros dramatiques et lyriques. Il réunit dix-neuf articles
sur les littératures et les spectacles français, néo-latins,         papers presented at two international conferences,
espagnols, italiens, anglais, germaniques et néo-helléniques,        held in Vienna, on historical sociolinguistics and late
et se termine par des répertoires des œuvres fançaises,              Byzantine historiography.
espagnoles, italiennes, anglaises et germaniques.

Table des matières:
                                                                                                                                                 xix + 541 p., 25 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
451 p., 3 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017,                              viii + 233 p., 11 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2017,                             ISBN 978-2-503-55711-3
ISBN 978-2-503-56981-9                                               ISBN 978-2-503-57713-5                                                      Hardback: € 125
Paperback: € 85                                                      Paperback: € 65                                                             Series: Proteus, vol. 7
Série: Alexander redivivus, vol. 9                                   Series: Byzantioς. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, vol. 12   Available
Disponible                                                           Available

                                                                                                                                                                    FHG                            13
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