Report of the Canberra Delegation - Prepared by the LGA Secretariat in conjunction with the Delegates that attended the South Australian Local ...

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Report of the Canberra Delegation - Prepared by the LGA Secretariat in conjunction with the Delegates that attended the South Australian Local ...
Report of the Canberra Delegation

        Prepared by the LGA Secretariat in conjunction

             with the Delegates that attended the

South Australian Local Government Delegation to Canberra

                 on 11 & 12 September 2012


Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS

SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................3

   1.      Continued Engagement................................................................................................3
   2.      Funding Proposals........................................................................................................3
   3.      SA Local Government Policy Issues ............................................................................3

BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................5

AIMS OF THE DELEGATION..................................................................................................5

OUTCOMES OF THE DELEGATION......................................................................................6

   1.      Continued Engagement................................................................................................6
   2.      Funding Proposals........................................................................................................7
   3.      SA Local Government Policy Issues ............................................................................8

APPENDIX (1)........................................................................................................................17

APPENDIX (2)........................................................................................................................22

   93238                                 Local Government Association of South Australia                                         2
Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012


1.      Continued Engagement

        1.1. The LGA’s Federal Election engagement strategy has regard for individual
             relationships that Councils and regional groupings of Councils have with their
             Federal MPs.

        1.2   The LGA prepare information and briefing papers to support Councils to engage
              locally on issues.

        1.3   The LGA, in consultation with Councils, practical South Australian examples,
              across the regions, including metropolitan Adelaide, to demonstrate the issues for
              which engagement is being sought.

2.      Funding Proposals

        2.1   Identifying with Councils, Federal program areas that are currently restricting SA
              Local Government engagement and where enhancements could be made.

        2.2   Through the LGA’s Local Excellence program identify and promote the financial
              models that should be taken into account when considering the contributions that
              all spheres of government should make to projects in local or regional areas.

        2.3   Engaging with the State Government in joint proposals to the Federal

        2.4   Ensuring that the ALGA policy positions and initiatives are considered when
              developing election materials.

3.      SA Local Government Policy Issues

        3.1   The LGA continues to work with the ALGA on the issue of Constitutional
              Recognition of Local Government.

        3.2   All Mayors and Chairpersons write and meet with their local Federal MPs to
              encourage their support for recognition by Local Government.

        3.3   The LGA President and Council Mayors/Chairpersons also seek support from SA

        3.4   Further work be undertaken, with Councils, to identify specific current Federal
              program areas that could be enhanced or where new program areas could be

        3.5   Examples be identified in all regions of the State (in consultation with Councils) to
              demonstrate the scope of projects, including funding models and that these
              examples be used in all Federal Election materials.

        3.6   The LGA work with Councils on the preparation of the LGA’s submission to the
              FAGs review and ensure that all election materials continue to raise SA’s issues
              in relation to Identified Local Road funding.

        3.7   The LGA work with Regional LGAs and the Metropolitan Local Government
              Group to identify regional projects and activities that can be promoted in the
              Federal Election campaign.

     93238                      Local Government Association of South Australia                3
Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

   3.8. The recommendations in the LGA’s Regional Development discussion paper form
        the basis of ongoing work in relation to policy matters put forward in the

   3.9   The LGA propose, in consultation with Councils, a more detailed proposal for
         emergency management planning support and identify specific infrastructure
         projects in key regions of the State.

   3.10 The LGA review, with Councils and the State Government, preferred funding and
        delivery models for immunisation to take to the Federal Election.

   3.11 Proposals for the future of HACC funding be included in the LGA’s list of issues in
        the campaign, including having regard to progress with the Federal Government
        on its review.

   3.12 The LGA continue to promote the product stewardship scheme’s enhancements
        to take up other priority waste streams.

   3.13 The LGA continue discussions on the waste levy as a funding source for joint
        programs and explore proposals to put to State/Federal elections.

   3.14 Proposals and projects be identified in consultation with Councils to promote
        during the election campaign.

   3.15 Practical proposals and projects be identified, in consultation with Councils and
        regions, and promoted during the election campaign.

   3.16 Given the Opposition position is for the removal of the Carbon Tax the LGA needs
        to identify programs (in consultation with Councils) that could still be undertaken
        to address the objectives of achieving low carbon.

   3.17 LGA continue to monitor the policy direction of the Liberal Party in relation to
        carbon reduction schemes.

   3.18 Proposals for enhancing current Government programs (in consultation with
        Councils) in the light of a continuing carbon tax with a returned government be
        explored and examples put forward.

   3.19 The LGA continue to cost a proposal for a future program for funding of CWSM.

   3.20 The LGA continue to lobby for a Murray Darling Basin Plan that incorporates the
        views of Local Government and ensures that SA communities are consulted and

93238                     Local Government Association of South Australia              4
Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012


In 2008 the (then) Prime Minister Kevin Rudd invited Mayors and Shire Presidents from
across Australia to attend a Local Government Summit in Canberra. More than 550 Local
Government representatives attended the summit. The event, although considered a
success, was only conducted one further time by Minister Albanese.

In light of the upcoming Federal election, the LGA State Executive Committee requested the
Secretariat coordinate a delegation of South Australian Mayors/Chairpersons and CEOs to
visit Canberra and meet with Federal MPs and Senators from all political parties including

Councils who registered interest in attending the delegation put forward the following list of
issues for discussion:
     Carbon Tax;
     Regional Development;
     Infrastructure;
     Water Security including the Draft Murray Darling Basin Plan;
     Waste Management;
     Financial Assistance Grants including SA’s Identified Local Roads; and
     The NBN Rollout.

The program was finalised in late August and on 11 and 12 September 2012 the LGA
President hosted a delegation of 25 Mayors/Chairpersons and CEOs in Canberra. Please
refer to appendix (1) for a list of the delegates.


The aims of the delegation were to:
    raise issues of importance to SA Local Government in the lead up to the Federal
    seek an early audience with key Federal MPs and Senators from all political parties to
       discuss these issues and gain feedback and engagement;
    demonstrate to Federal MPs and Senators that the LGA of SA and its members are
       keen to engage in policy development; and
    meet specifically with South Australian MPs and Senators.

Meetings were held at Parliament House with Labor, Liberal, Greens and Independent
Members of Parliament, Parliamentary Secretaries and Senators. Please refer to appendix
(1) for a copy of the program and appendix (2) for a copy of the post delegation press

Comprehensive briefing papers were prepared by the LGA Secretariat and circulated to LGA
SA delegates as well as Federal MPs and Senators prior to the delegation arriving in
Canberra. The finalised topics were:
         Recognising Local Government in the Australian Constitution
         Infrastructure
         Financial Assistance Grants (FAGs)
         Regional Development
         Emergency Management – Disaster Resilience
         Immunisation
         Waste Management – Product Stewardship
         Commonwealth Energy Efficiency Programs
         Climate Change Adaptation
         Managing Carbon
         Community Wastewater Management and Recycling
         Draft Murray Darling Basin Plan

  93238                         Local Government Association of South Australia           5
Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012


This section of the report discusses and makes recommendations on:
     the importance of ongoing engagement with Federal MPs and Senators in the lead
        up to the Federal Election;
     refining approaches to the Federal Government for funding in light of fiscal
        constraints; and
     the key issues that were addressed during the delegation plus areas for further work.

Also included are recommendations for consideration at the LGA’s AGM on 26 October
2012 shown in italics.

1.      Continued Engagement

        Delegates felt that engagement at the Federal level was worthwhile and that a further
        delegation may be required in the latter part of the LGA’s campaign in the lead up to
        the election. A working party, comprising the Mayors and CEOs that attended the
        delegation was set up to establish and monitor follow up tasks.

        In order to build on the discussions at the delegation and to further establish issues of
        importance to SA Local Government continued engagement is necessary and
        desirable. This engagement can be undertaken by Councils individually, via their
        regional associations, during any already established regular meetings with Federal
        MPs and collectively through to LGA.

        In terms of continued engagement, the LGA State Executive Committee resolved at its
        20 September 2012 meeting:
         for the LGA President to write to each representative the Canberra Delegation met
            with thanking them for their time and summarising the issues raised;
         the LGA President with representation from the working party, where appropriate,
            holding follow-up meetings with relevant Ministers, Shadow Ministers,
            Parliamentary Secretaries, Independent MPs, and minor Parties to present and
            discuss the policy documents;
         specific meetings occurring with SA Members and Senators; and
         the LGA Secretariat preparing a communications plan to guide the approach by the
            LGA and Councils in raising issues in the lead up to the Federal Election to be
            endorsed by the Senior State Executive Committee.

        The LGA will progress these recommendations, however it is considered valuable to
        work with all Councils on the next phase of the campaign. It is therefore recommended

        1.2. The LGA’s Federal Election engagement strategy has regard for individual
             relationships that Councils and regional groupings of Councils have with
             their Federal MPs.

        1.2. The LGA prepare information and briefing papers to support Councils to
             engage locally on issues.

        1.3. The LGA, in consultation with Councils, document practical South
             Australian examples, across the regions, including metropolitan Adelaide,
             to demonstrate the issues for which engagement is being sought.

     93238                     Local Government Association of South Australia               6
Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

2.      Funding Proposals

        It was clear that in all of our discussions with Federal MPs and Senators, regardless of
        what political party was before us, that there was concern about the availability of funds
        for new programs.

        The Government provided the clear message that funding is tight and the Opposition
        communicated a similar understanding.

        It is therefore appropriate that any proposals that South Australian Local Government
        puts forward, consideration be given to:
         repackaging programs to meet new and emerging needs;
         defining where it is appropriate for local communities, through their rate
             contributions, to be funding collaborative activities with other Councils and/or other
             spheres of government;
         defining the proportion of funding that should be contributed by Local Government
             to a collaborative project alongside other spheres of government;
         discontinuing some programs in order to create other more targeted arrangements;
         better financial relationships which may include reference to GST payments.

        It is recommended to the sector that in our next phase of the Federal Election
        campaign emphasis be given to:

        2.1   Identifying with Councils, Federal program areas that are currently
              restricting SA Local Government engagement and propose changes.

        2.2   Through the LGA’s Local Excellence program identify and promote the
              financial models that should be taken into account when considering the
              contributions that all spheres of government should make to projects in
              local or regional areas.

        2.3   Establish the models for engaging with the State Government in joint
              proposals to the Federal Government.

        2.4   Ensuring that the ALGA policy positions and initiatives are considered
              when developing election materials.

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Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

3.       SA Local Government Policy Issues

         Set out below (in shaded areas) are each of the issues that the LGA Delegation raised
         for discussion in Canberra in September 2012. Also included are the broad
         recommendations made to support discussions. Included under each issue are further
         proposals for activities to take into the next phase of the delegation.


Issue:                    Deciding on timeframes to give a referendum the best chance of


Support be given for an open debate about the timing of a referendum which takes into
account the costs and incorporates as far as possible, views regarding indigenous
recognition and have confidence in the ALGA managing our interests with the Australian
Government on this matter.

         Since the delegation the Federal Government has announced that the recognition of
         Aboriginal Australians in the Australian Constitution will not proceed at the next Federal
         Election as further preparation is required.

         The ALGA Board has called on the Federal Government to establish a Parliamentary
         Committee to commence more formalised consideration of the issue particularly in light
         of the recommendations for recognition of Local Government, by the Federal
         Government’s Panel. These recommendations in effect support the proposal of the
         ALGA, which is financial recognition.

         It was also clear to those participating in the delegation that more work needed to be
         done to garner the support of South Australian MPs and Senators.

         It is therefore proposed that as part of the LGA’s ongoing Federal Election campaign:

         3.1   The LGA continues to work with the ALGA on the issue of Constitutional
               Recognition of Local Government.

         3.2   All Mayors and Chairpersons write and meet with their local Federal MPs to
               encourage their support for recognition by Local Government.

         3.3   The LGA President and Council Mayors/Chairpersons also seek support
               from State MPs.

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Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

Title:                   INFRASTRUCTURE

Issue:                   Sustainable Management of Local Government and Community
                         Infrastructure in South Australia


Regional Airports
A specific infrastructure fund be introduced (that can be matched with funds from Local
Governments and in some cases State Government) for regional airports or reshaping
current infrastructure funding programs to include a specific stream for regional airports.

Roads and Transport Corridors
Permanent funding arrangements be determined to enable Local Government to facilitate
and ensure a well managed and sustainable transport system with appropriate access and
levels of service for all communities.

Delivery of NBN to Regional South Australia
A coordinated approach to National Broadband Network Extension applications be
established through engagement with Local Government and regional development
structures (such as RDAs).

Waste Water/Storm water Opportunities
Support for stormwater harvesting and re-use projects in South Australia be enhanced.

         The above recommendations were provided as examples of the types of infrastructure
         challenges in SA. They were not presented as the only areas where support would be

         During discussions on the general issues of infrastructure there was considerable
         discussion regarding funding. It is clear that innovative solutions will be required,
         including with the private sector. There was also discussion regarding the reshaping of
         current programs and the value of continuing some programs.

         It would appear that storm water infrastructure funding linked to water recycling and the
         challenges of the Murray Darling Basin is a fruitful area for further work to be
         undertaken and policy proposals put forward.

         The Federal Minister for Regional Development & Local Government also highlighted
         his interest in working with Councils to consider recommendations resulting from the
         Ernst & Young Report into Infrastructure 2012, for more information please refer to LGA
         Circular 39.9.

         It is therefore proposed that as part of the LGA’s ongoing Federal Election campaign:

         3.4   Further work be undertaken, with Councils, to identify specific current
               Federal program areas that could be enhanced or where new program areas
               could be proposed.

         3.5   Examples be identified in all regions of the State (in consultation with
               Councils) to demonstrate the scope of projects, including funding models
               and that these examples be used in all Federal Election materials.

  93238                         Local Government Association of South Australia               9
Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

Title:                   FINANICAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS (FAGs)

Issue:                  South Australian Councils are seeking resolution to the
                        inequitable funding allocation of Identified Local Road Grant
                        funding to SA which is a component of the FAGs


That current supplementary Identified Local Road Grant allocation to South Australian Local
Governments be institutionalised within the Australian Government FAGs program.

Review of the equity and efficiency of the total current funding of the FAGS program should
ensure that the distribution of this funding is based on the relative needs of Local
Government in States and Territories for local roads rather than the current historical share.

         Following release of the briefing papers the FAGs Review was announced by the
         Federal Minister for Local Government. The LGA is preparing a submission to the
         Review (refer LGA Circular 36.8).

         3.6   The LGA work with Councils on the preparation of the LGA’s submission to
               the FAGs review and ensure that all election materials continue to raise
               SA’s issues in relation to Identified Local Road funding.

Title:                   REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT

Issue:                  Developing criteria and processes for working in regions.


The Australian Government work with Local Government and regional structures in South
Australia to develop the criteria and processes for determining when a program or issue will
be dealt with through a regional development structure or Local Government. It is anticipated
the project methodologies could then be applied to other States.

         It is clear that under the current government RDAs will continue to play a role in
         commenting on proposals from Councils and communities in relation to the Regional
         Development Australia Fund. Since the delegation the Federal Government has
         entered into an MOU with the LGA and State Government and the Mayors of the Upper
         Spencer Gulf Region (Port Pirie, Port Augusta, Whyalla) to generate economic and
         social growth. This MOU should also support the Councils in surrounding areas
         benefiting from economic growth in the Upper Spencer Gulf.

         The LGA’s discussion paper on Regional Development has now been finalised and
         endorsed by SAROC and MLGG and will be distributed to relevant Federal politicians
         with particular emphasis on the recommendations related to Federal Government

         3.7   The LGA work with Regional LGAs and the Metropolitan Local Government
               Group to identify regional projects and activities that can be promoted in
               the Federal Election campaign.

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Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

         3.8   The recommendations in the LGA’s Regional Development discussion
               paper form the basis of ongoing work in relation to policy matters put
               forward in the campaign.


Issue:                   There is inadequate funding at the Federal and State levels to
                         allow realistic implementation of strategies to support disaster
                         resilience in communities


Greater allocation of funds to conduct emergency management planning.

Greater allocation of funds for infrastructure projects.

         Discussions in relation to this matter during the delegation focussed on the National
         Disaster Resilience Agreement and the focus on resilience rather than “fixing up” after
         a disaster and the definition of “essential public assets”. There was also discussion
         about the interaction between State and Federal governments in addressing disaster
         management issues and the importance of having accurate risk profiles. Early warning
         systems were also discussed.

         3.9   The LGA propose, in consultation with Councils, a more detailed proposal
               for emergency management planning support and identify specific
               infrastructure projects in key regions of the State.

Title:                   IMMUNISATION

Issue:                   The funding provided to Councils by the Federal Government for
                         the provision of immunisation services is significantly below that
                         provided to doctors and as a result some Councils are looking
                         into discontinuing their programs.


Local Government in South Australia receives an equitable (to the private sector) funding
model for the delivery of immunisations. This may include being provided with a Medicare
Provider Number for remuneration for immunisation services in the same way as a GP.

         It was clear from our discussions that legislative change would be required to enable
         Councils to receive a Medicare Provider Number so this proposal is not likely to
         proceed. Future proposals, to improve South Australia’s position, would need to seek
         changes to the Federal/State Agreement on immunisation funding.

         There was also considerable discussion regarding general public health issues,
         including the future arrangements for HACC funding that is highlighted in LGA Circular
         33.4 and for which discussions are occurring with the Federal Minister.

         It was clear from discussions with the Opposition that the HACC program was likely to
         continue and there was interest in the views of Local Government in relation to any
         program reviews.

  93238                         Local Government Association of South Australia            11
Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

         3.10 The LGA review, with Councils and the State Government, preferred funding
              and delivery models for immunisation to take to the Federal Election.

         3.11 Proposals for the future of HACC funding be included in the LGA’s list of
              issues in the campaign, including having regard to progress with the
              Federal Government on its review.


Issue:                    The consequences of increasing expectations                  on   Local
                          Government to collect all waste streams.


A 10-year program for implementation of a product stewardship scheme be developed that
features a schedule of waste streams to be covered, consultation and implementation
timeframes, and what type of scheme it will be.

The following waste streams be prioritized for product stewardship schemes:
        • all e-waste not covered by the television and computer scheme;
        • oil;
        • tyres;
        • furniture (including mattresses); and
        • treated timber (including Copper Chrome Arsenate and Creosote).

Co-regulatory schemes be preferred over voluntary schemes in order to ensure

         General discussion was conducted on current container deposit legislation and the
         positive outcomes achieved by South Australia in the area of product stewardship.
         Discussions on this topic also emphasised issues associated to the changing waste

         The Opposition’s position to abolish the carbon price and the direct implications that
         this would have on land fills was discussed. There were also discussions regarding the
         land fill waste levy in SA and its collection/use in comparison to other states. General
         discussions took place on possible joint State/Federal/Local proposals linked to the
         income generated from the State waste levy. It was emphasised by the Federal MPs
         that the landfill levy is a State issue albeit that it provides a funding stream for joint

         3.12 The LGA continue to promote the product stewardship scheme’s
              enhancements to take up other priority waste streams.

         3.13 The LGA continue discussions on the waste levy as a funding source for
              joint programs and explore proposals to put to State/Federal elections.

  93238                         Local Government Association of South Australia               12
Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012


Issue:                   The LGA is concerned by the assessment process used by the
                         Commonwealth to assess energy efficiency project applications.
                         The current methodology is considered inappropriate and
                         perversely penalizes South Australia for generating renewable


Regardless of the funding mechanism (carbon price or alternative), the LGA recommends
that Australian Government programs targeted at Local Government are maintained and
enhanced to assist Councils and their communities transition to a low carbon future.

Australian Government energy efficiency funding programs should be assessed using
National Grid Emission Intensity factors so as to provide equitable opportunities between
States to gain funding.

         The delegation heard the views of MPs on the matter of the Carbon Price with the
         Opposition clearly reinforcing their position to remove the ‘tax’.

         Discussion took place on the current energy efficiency funding program, specifically the
         application of the national grid emission intensity factor which impacts on SA’s access
         to funding.

         There was also discussion on the large cost of public lighting to South Australian
         Councils and the need to assist Councils in transitioning to alternative low energy

         Liberal party policy on “green army” initiatives were raised as an area where Local
         Government would have a clear role and proposals were welcomed.

         3.14 Establish preferred proposals for energy efficiency and environmental
              management, in consultation with Councils, to promote during the election

  93238                         Local Government Association of South Australia             13
Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

Title:                   CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION

Issue:                   Climate change poses a number of significant issues for Local
                         Government particularly in understanding the long term impacts
                         and assessing the most appropriate actions to build resilience.


That the Federal Government considers the establishment of a program to provide funding
for the establishment of Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (IVA) studies and the
preparation of regional climate adaptation plans.

This program should include Government support in developing a climate adaptation
community of knowledge in Australia and coordinate and facilitate National research and
policy findings.

This program should facilitate a coordinated National climate adaptation community effort to
respond to key challenges such as addressing barriers to effective climate adaptation.

         Local Government in SA was recognised by the Federal MPs as having undertaken
         considerable work in this area and in some instances leading the nation on Local
         Government issues, responses and research.

         3.15 Practical proposals and projects be identified, in consultation with Councils
              and regions, that can be implemented to address climate change and
              promoted during the election campaign.

Title:                   MANAGING CARBON

Issue:                   Local Government is a key stakeholder in delivering Federal
                         Government policy objectives relating to carbon, particularly in
                         relation to energy efficiency, renewable energy and land use.


Regardless of the funding mechanism (carbon price or alternative) it is recommended that
Federal Government programs targeted at Local Government are maintained and enhanced,
and further programs developed to assist Councils and their communities’ transition to a low
carbon future.

The LGA is keen to actively engage with the Federal Government to develop and coordinate
mutually beneficial programs in South Australia that deliver CEF policy objectives.

In a similar way that a small proportion of the South Australian Solid Waste Levy 3 is returned
to the Local Government sector the LGA recommends the Federal Government works with
the LGA to develop funding programs to assist for Local Government in the delivery of low
carbon waste management solutions.

         The Opposition maintained their position for the removal of the carbon price.

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Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

   Federal Government representatives were keen to be informed of any evidence based
   negative impacts of the carbon price and to receive feedback on further options to
   minimise these impacts.

   3.16 Given the Opposition position is for the removal of the Carbon Tax, the LGA
        identify programs, in consultation with Councils, to address the objectives
        of achieving low carbon.

   3.17 The LGA continue to monitor the policy direction of the Liberal Party in
        relation to carbon reduction schemes.

   3.18 The LGA identify, in consultation with Councils, proposals for enhancing
        current Government programs in the light of a continuing carbon tax with a
        returned government.

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Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012


Issue:                   Provision of ongoing funding to support South Australian
                         Councils in the provision of Community Wastewater Management
                         infrastructure, including reuse rather than disposal).


South Australian Local Government seeks a funding partnership with the Federal
Government for the “re-use” component of new schemes that are funded under the State
Government program.

         Discussions centered around the successful past funding relationship in this area and
         the original recommendation seemed appropriate to pursue.

         3.19 The LGA continue to cost, in consultation with Councils, a proposal for a
              future program for funding of CWSM.

Title:                   Murray-Darling Basin Plan

Issue:                   A plan needs to be implemented to ensure the long term
                         environmental, social and economic future of the Murray-Darling


That the Commonwealth Government continue to work with State and Local Government to
ensure that communities in South Australia are transitioned in to and throughout the new
management regime; and

That funding opportunities for South Australian communities are made available to assist
with the transition phase to a new water economy.

         The group emphasised the desirability for there to be a plan albeit with adjustments as
         it is rolled out.

         The importance of storm water infrastructure being appropriately supported in key
         areas was an important issue for Councils in SA and the delegation emphasised this.

         3.20 The LGA continue to lobby for a Murray Darling Basin Plan that
              incorporates the views of Local Government and ensures that SA
              communities are consulted and protected.

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Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

                      APPENDIX (1)


93238        Local Government Association of South Australia     17
Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

          TUESDAY 11 & WEDNESDAY 12 SEPTEMBER 2012


     Meetings with Government Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries, Opposition
                  Spokespersons, Minor Parties and Independents

In attendance:

Mayor Kym McHugh            LGA President
Wendy Campana               LGA Chief Executive Officer
Emily White                 Director Intergovernmental Relations & Regional Development

Adelaide                       Lord Mayor Stephen Yarwood
Barossa                        Mayor Brian Hurn OAM
Berri Barmera                  CEO David Beaton
Copper Coast                   Mayor Paul Thomas
Grant                          Mayor Richard Sage
                               CEO Trevor Smart - apology
Karoonda East Murray           Mayor Kevin Burdett
Light                          CEO Brian Carr
Loxton Waikerie                Mayor Leon Stasinowsky
Mitcham                        Mayor Michael Picton
Naracoorte & Lucindale         Mayor Erika Vickery
Onkaparinga                    Mayor Lorraine Rosenberg
Playford                       Mayor Glenn Docherty
Pt Pirie                       Mayor Brenton Vanstone
Prospect                       Mayor David O'Loughlin
Tea Tree Gully                 Mayor Miriam Smith
Wakefield Regional             CEO Cate Atkinson
Wattle Range                   Mayor Peter Gandolfi
                               CEO Frank Brennan
Yankalilla                     Mayor Malcolm Schlein
Yorke Peninsula                Mayor Ray Agnew OAM
                               CEO Andrew Cameron

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Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

DAY 1:       TUESDAY 11 SEPTEMBER 2012
6.30 am.     Depart Adelaide to Canberra

8.50 am      Arrive Canberra

11.00 am     Leave for Parliament House
11.30 am     LGA Briefing

12.00 noon   Luncheon with SA Federal MPs and Senators

             The Hon Mark Butler                          Member for Port Adelaide; Minister for
                                                          Mental Health and Ageing; Minister for
                                                          Social Inclusion; Minister Assisting the
                                                          Prime Minister on Mental Health Reform
             Patrick Secker                               Member for Barker
             Dr Andrew Southcott                          Member for Boothby
             Steve Georganas                              Member for Hindmarsh
             Jamie Briggs                                 Member for Mayo
             Rowan Ramsey                                 Member for Grey
             Nick Champion                                Member for Wakefield
             Tony Zappia                                  Member for Makin
             Amanda Rishworth                             Member for Kingston

             Senator David Fawcett
             Senator Sean Edwards
             Senator Don Farrell
             Senator Alex Gallacher - apology
             Senator Sarah Hansen-Young - apology
             Senator the Hon Penny Wright
             Senator Anne Ruston

2.00 pm      Attendance at Question Time

3.30 pm      Meeting with Tony Rolfe adviser to The Hon Peter Dutton, Shadow
             Minister for Health & Ageing.

4.30 pm      The Hon Greg Hunt MP, Shadow Minister for Climate Action,
             Environment and Heritage

4.50 pm      The Hon Tony Abbott MP, Leader of the Opposition, Member for

5.00 pm      The Hon Anthony Albanese, Leader of the House; Minister for
             Infrastructure and Transport

5.30 pm      The Hon Simon Crean, Minister for Regional Development and Local

7.30 pm      Dinner, including debriefing
             Speaker Glenn H Milne - "The state of politics Federally"

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Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012


7.00 am    Breakfast and Briefing

10.00 am   Senator Barnaby Joyce, Leader of the Nationals in the Senate; Shadow
           Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Water
10.30 am   The Hon Warren Truss MP, Leader of the Nationals, Shadow Minister for
           Infrastructure and Transport

11.00 am   The Hon Nicola Roxon, Attorney-General
11.30 am   The Hon Tony Burke MP, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water,
           Population and Communities

12noon     Lunch and Debriefing (Independents invited to this luncheon)
           Tony Windsor MP
           Senator Nick Xenophon

2.00 pm    Question Time – The Senate

3.30 pm    Debrief – “Where to from here”

 93238                  Local Government Association of South Australia       20
Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

           TUESDAY 11 & WEDNESDAY 12 SEPTEMBER 2012

Meeting                                               Issues
The Hon Peter Dutton MP                               No 6 - Immunisation
Shadow Minister for Health & Ageing
(Meeting with Tom Fleming or Tony Rolfe –

The Hon Greg Hunt MP                                  No 7 - Waste Management - Product
Shadow Minister for Climate Action,                   Stewardship
Environment & Heritage                                No 9 - Climate Action Adaptation
                                                      No 8 - Commonwealth Energy Efficiency
                                                      No 10 - Managing Carbon

The Hon Anthony Albanese                              No 2 Infrastructure
Leader of the House;
Minister for Infrastructure & Transport
The Hon Simon Crean MP                                No 1 - Recognising Local Government in the
Minister for Regional Development & Local             Australian Constitution
Government                                            No 4 - Regional Development
                                                      No 3 – Financial Assistance Grants

The Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP                            No 8 Commonwealth Energy Efficiency
Cabinet Secretary; Parliamentary Secretary            Programs
for Climate Change & Energy Efficiency;               No 9 Climate Change Adaptation
Parliamentary Secretary for Industry &                No 10 Managing Carbon
Senator Barnaby Joyce, Leader of the                  No 1 - Recognising Local Government in the
Nationals in the Senate; Shadow Minister for          Australian Constitution
Regional Development, Local Government                No 3 – Financial Assistance Grants
and Water                                             No 4 - Regional Development
                                                      No 11 - Community Waste Water &
                                                      No. 12 Murray Darling Basin Plan (new

The Hon Warren Truss MP                               No 2 - Infrastructure
Leader of the Nationals, Shadow Minister for
Infrastructure & Transport

The Hon Nicola Roxon MP                               No 5 - Emergency Management Disaster
Minister for Emergency Management                     Resilience

The Hon Tony Burke MP                                 No 11 - Community Waste Water &
Minister for Sustainability, Environment,             Recycling
Water, Population & Communities                       No 12 Murray Darling Basin Plan (new

  93238                      Local Government Association of South Australia                21
Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

                         APPENDIX (2)


93238           Local Government Association of South Australia     22
Report of the Canberra Delegation - September 2012

Media Release
Date: 12 September 2012
Pages:      1

                       Canberra receives Councils’ message
The South Australian Local Government Association's two day delegation to Canberra has highlighted
common problems, revealed the need to streamline and cut red tape between the spheres of
Government and shown up areas where more research and information needs to be gathered.

LGA President, Mayor Kym McHugh, led the 25 member delegation of Mayors and Chief Executive
Officers, to Canberra to meet with Government, Opposition and Independent Members of the Federal
Parliament to remind Federal politicians of the importance of South Australia to the nation.

"South Australia was well represented on this trip," Mayor McHugh said. "Delegates provided a cross
section of Local Government in SA, small, medium and large Councils, metropolitan and rural.

"Some have the Murray Darling Basin Plan firmly in their sights, others are facing climate change
adaptation management and disaster management issues, others have concerns about the level of
funding for immunisation programs.

"All issues and interests were well represented and we achieved what we set out to do, to showcase
SA Local Government, warts and all, to discuss the space we are in and must continue to occupy, the
issues we are facing and the politics that have to be worked with."

Mayor McHugh said the clear message from both the Government and the Opposition is that money is
in short supply.

"It is very clear that there is no pot of gold," he said. "So we have to look at working smarter and more
efficiently. We have to look at where we can partner with the State and Federal governments and
where we will have to bite the bullet and go it alone.

"This visit has certainly given us a greater insight and understanding of the issues facing the current
and future Federal Government and it was a timely visit, sort of an early intervention into the minds of
our policy makers while political agendas and programs are being put in place for the next Federal

"Our group approach, has achieved a greater awareness, at the Federal level of our concerns but we
have some work to do as well to gather more and better information to press our case in areas of
waste management, climate change, immunisation and other issues.

"We have been reassured that the Federal door is wide open to us and we are encouraged by the
tremendous hearing we have had and information we have received from the Government, Opposition
and Independent Members that we have met with this week."

For further information contact: Media Officer Mary Ann Stenberg 0428 860 274

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