RESEARCH SUMMIT 2021 - Universidade de Aveiro

Page created by Chester Kennedy
RESEARCH SUMMIT 2021 - Universidade de Aveiro
RESEARCH SUMMIT 2021 - Universidade de Aveiro
Biology ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Biology and Ecology of Global Changes ........................................................................................ 7
Biomedicine................................................................................................................................... 9
Biochemistry................................................................................................................................ 12
Biorefineries ................................................................................................................................ 13
Biotechnology.............................................................................................................................. 13
Materials Science and Engineering ............................................................................................. 15
Food Science and Technology and Nutrition .............................................................................. 15
Political Science ........................................................................................................................... 16
Marine science, technology and management ........................................................................... 17
Language Sciences....................................................................................................................... 18
Rehabilitation Sciences ............................................................................................................... 18
Environmental Sciences and Engineering ................................................................................... 19
Business and economics.............................................................................................................. 19
Accounting................................................................................................................................... 21
DBI- Doctorate in Business and Innovation................................................................................. 21
Design .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Education..................................................................................................................................... 22
Civil Engineering .......................................................................................................................... 24
Refining, petrochemical and chemical engineering .................................................................... 24
Industrial engineering and management .................................................................................... 25
Electrical engineering .................................................................................................................. 26
Physical engineering.................................................................................................................... 28
Computer engineering ................................................................................................................ 29
Mechanical engineering .............................................................................................................. 30
Chemical engineering .................................................................................................................. 31
Cultural Studies ........................................................................................................................... 32
Literary Studies............................................................................................................................ 33
Physics MAP-Fis ........................................................................................................................... 33
Geosciences................................................................................................................................. 34
Gerontology and Geriatrics ......................................................................................................... 34
History of sciences and scientific education ............................................................................... 35
Information and communication in digital platforms ................................................................. 35
Computer Science MAP-i............................................................................................................. 36
Marketing and Strategy............................................................................................................... 37
Mathematics ............................................................................................................................... 37
Applied Mathematics .................................................................................................................. 38
Multimedia in Education ............................................................................................................. 38
Music ........................................................................................................................................... 39
Nanosciences and nanotechology............................................................................................... 41
Public Policies .............................................................................................................................. 42
Psychology ................................................................................................................................... 43
Chemistry .................................................................................................................................... 44
Sustainable Chemistry ................................................................................................................. 44
Energy systems and climate change ........................................................................................... 45
Telecommunications MAP-tele ................................................................................................... 46
Territory, risk and public policies ................................................................................................ 46
Translation and Terminology ...................................................................................................... 47
Tourism........................................................................................................................................ 47
Environmental Sciences and Engineering: Project ...................................................................... 48
Accounting: Project ..................................................................................................................... 48
DBI- Doctorate in Business Innovation: Project .......................................................................... 49
Industrial engineering and management: Project ...................................................................... 50
Chemical Engineering: Project .................................................................................................... 50
Information and communication in digital platforms: Project ................................................... 51
Public Policies: Project ................................................................................................................ 51
Energy systems and climate change: Project .............................................................................. 52
Telecommunications MAP-Tele: Project ..................................................................................... 52
Tourism: Project .......................................................................................................................... 53
PIIC@UA – 1st and 2nd Cycles ................................................................................................... 54

Schedule July 8th

Schedule July 8th
Schedule July 8th


Schedule July 9th

room 01, July 08th, from 09h00 to 11h50

Ana Carvalhais, Personal care products as emerging aquatic pollutants: Effects in key steps of
the reproduction cycle of the pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), 9h 5m in room 01 (Biology )
Cláudio Brandão, Mechanistic and functional studies on a novel Symbiodinium–driven
calcification process under current and future climatic conditions, 9h 10m in room 01 (Biology )
Ana Raquel Marçal, Generational transmission of pro-genotoxic/anti-genotoxic alterations
induced by pesticides - a path to predict the real impact on aquatic populations, 9h 15m in room
01 (Biology )
João Puga, Immediate post-fire response of native animal communities, 9h 20m in room 01
(Biology )
Diana Matos, MaISResist - Protecting MAize from cephalosporiosis: bacteria Induced Systemic
RESISTance, 9h 25m in room 01 (Biology )
Vitória Pereira, Squaring the circle of bivalves’ valorization: how to ensure food safety preserving
nutritional features?, 9h 30m in room 01 (Biology )
Felipe Lourenço, The use of endogenous insects to promote a more sustainable shrimp
aquaculture , 9h 35m in room 01 (Biology )
Maria Bartolomeu, Water physicochemical parameters and their influence in the Photodynamic
Inactivation of microorganisms, 9h 40m in room 01 (Biology )
Mariana Rodrigues, Single and combined effects of microplastics and adsorbed contaminants on
molecular and biochemical responses of freshwater species, 9h 45m in room 01 (Biology )
Sandra Hilário, The genus Diaporthe on blueberry plants in Portugal: from species diversity to
pathogenicity, 9h 50m in room 01 (Biology )
Telma Veloso, Application of the biorefinery concept to value the invasive species Procambarus
clarkii , 9h 55m in room 01 (Biology )
Daniela Figueiredo, Indoor-generated particulate matter: chemical signatures and associated
mutagenic and cytotoxic effects, 10h 0m in room 01 (Biology )
Niedja Santos, The role of emerging contaminants and environmental factors on fish personality,
10h 5m in room 01 (Biology )
Ana Filipa Nogueira, Toxicity assessment of realistic combinations of plastic nanoparticles and
three persistent environmental drug contaminants., 10h 10m in room 01 (Biology )
Patrícia Matos, Whole-Genome Sequencing of bacteria resistant to carbapenems from Ria de
Aveiro, 10h 15m in room 01 (Biology )
Magda Henriques, Mercury as a human reproductive toxicant, 10h 20m in room 01 (Biology )
Márcia Braz, Development of antibacterial bio-based materials for active food packaging
through phage incorporation, 10h 25m in room 01 (Biology )

Lúcia Marciel, Photodynamic inactivation for           blood    disinfection   by   immobilized
photossensitizers, 10h 30m in room 01 (Biology )
Párástu Oskoei, Upconversion nanoparticles for multimodal therapy of melanoma, 10h 35m in
room 01 (Biology )
Fátima Santos , pErCEPT- Quantification of ConcEntration and time resolved Effects: towards an
Adverse Outcome PaThway, 10h 40m in room 01 (Biology )
Andreia Filipa Mesquita, Ecotoxicological and biochemical risks of xenobiotics on the health
status of marine aquatic environments , 10h 45m in room 01 (Biology )
Inês Macário, Application of the biorefinery concept in cyanobacterial blooms valuation, 10h
50m in room 01 (Biology )
Joana Santos, Effects of drought and contamination on freshwater macroinvertebrates, 10h 55m
in room 01 (Biology )
Carlos Silva, Ecotoxicological Effects of Emerging Contaminants in Lentic and Lotic Environments
, 11h 0m in room 01 (Biology )
Diana Dias, Wild mammals in Portugal: their faecal microbiome as a source of pathogenic
bacteria and antibacterial resistance., 11h 5m in room 01 (Biology )
Carina Sá, Application of microorganisms to enhance maize sustainability and tolerance to
drought, 11h 10m in room 01 (Biology )
Guilherme Jeremias, Developing epigenetic biomarkers of metal exposure in Daphnia, 11h 15m
in room 01 (Biology )
Libânia Queirós, Environmental friendlier Plant Protection Products, 11h 20m in room 01
(Biology )
Marta Silva, NoPlastic - Effects of nanoplastics on marine polychaetes: alone and in combination
with trace elements, 11h 25m in room 01 (Biology )
Davide Silva, Sustainable alternative aquafeeds for shrimp aquaculture, 11h 30m in room 01
(Biology )
PROMOTION OF SCIENTIFIC CULTURE - the importance of botanical symbols as ambassadors of
actions of dissemination / scientific dissemination and awareness / conservation / regional
environment, 11h 35m in room 01 (Biology )

Biology and Ecology of Global Changes
room 08, July 08th, from 14h00 to 16h25

Iracema Hussein, Challenges of artisanal fishing for the sustainability of fish stocks and the
production chain in Pemba Moçambique., 14h 5m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global

Catarina Malheiro, Sustainable Plant Protection Products - from conventional to novel practices,
14h 10m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Manuela Rodrigues, Mechanisms constraining distribution and demographic responses to
environmental change in migratory birds, 14h 15m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global
Fabiana Vieira, ARISE - Effects of free and encapsulated AnticanceR bIomoleculeS in zEbrafish,
14h 20m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Pedro Monteiro, Understand response mechanisms of two Pinus spp. to Brow-Spot Needle
Blight Disease, caused by Lecanosticta acicola, 14h 25m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of
global changes)
Alessia Cuccaro, Response of Mytilus galloprovincialis and Hediste diversicolor to cosmetic
chemicals, under climate change scenarios, 14h 30m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global
Vanessa Queirós, Antineoplastics ecotoxicological effects in estuarine bivalve species under a
changing environment, 14h 35m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Matthew Moreira, Climatic niche dynamics and diversification in lizards and snakes, 14h 40m in
room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Gonçalo Costa, Large carnivores in space and time – understanding wolf dynamics through non-
invasive methodologies, 14h 45m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Sara Sá, Marine macro-litter ingestion by deep diving cetaceans stranded in the Atlantic Iberian
coast, 14h 50m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Ana Sofia Tavares, Preliminary POP evaluation in bottlenose dolphins stranded in the Portuguese
coast , 14h 55m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Évila Damasceno, Effects of trabectedin on the biomarker activity and microbial community
structure of Danio rerio, 15h 0m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Carla Leite, The ecotoxicological impacts induced by mixtures of emerging pollutants in marine
species exposed to different climate change scenarios, 15h 5m in room 08 (Biology and ecology
of global changes)
Daniela Correia, Effects of fluoxetine exposure on Danio rerio: A biochemical and behavioral
perspective, 15h 10m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Maria Cristina Oliveira, Soil fungi and their ecological services in agricultural soils, 15h 15m in
room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)

Hugo Ferreira, Demographic processes of a long–distant migratory waterbird facing global
changes, 15h 20m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Madalena Andrade, Emerging and classical pollutants in a changing environment: impacts to
estuarine bivalves, 15h 25m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Sara Peixoto, Effects of Ag2S NPs and AgNO3 on the soil bacterial community related to the
nitrogen cycle, 15h 30m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Inês M. Duarte, An overview on jellyfish aquaculture: for food, feed, pharma and fun, 15h 35m
in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)

Andreia T. Pereira, The Meridional Harbour Porpoise in Portuguese Coastal Waters, 15h 40m in
room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Pedro Teixeira, Distribution and persistence of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and
carbapenemase genes in a highly polluted Portuguese river , 15h 45m in room 08 (Biology and
ecology of global changes)
Joana Prata, Microplastics: methodologies, sampling and ecotoxicity, 15h 50m in room 08
(Biology and ecology of global changes)
Ana Figueiredo, Breaking down barriers in One Health: an integrative approach to parasitic
diseases from Portugal to Africa, 15h 55m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Luisa Marques, Ascidians’ ability to remove dissolved and particulate organic matter in an
integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, 16h 0m in room 08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)
Francesca Coppola, Toxicologic effects in clams Ruditapes philippinarum exposed to remediated
seawater by GO-PEI previously contaminated with Hg under warming scenario, 16h 5m in room
08 (Biology and ecology of global changes)

room 15, July 09th, from 09h00 to 12h40

Patrícia Correia, Discovery of relevant molecular targets for neuronal regeneration, 9h 5m in
room 15 (Biomedicine )
Stephany Francisco , Characterization of protein aggregation profiles across the mammalian
lifespan , 9h 10m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Marisol Gouveia, Analysis of protein aggregation in plasma of patient with heart failure with
preserved ejection fraction, 9h 15m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Daniela Patrício, Development of an epididymal organoid: an innovative strategy to study and
modulate sperm function, 9h 20m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Soraia da Silva, Combinatory use of RPA and PARP1 inhibitors in breast cancer cell lines, 9h 25m
in room 15 (Biomedicine )

Diogo Neves, The role of NAD metabolism in neurons, 9h 30m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Dhvani Hitendra Kuntawala, Identifying Novel Molecular Targets for Myotonic Dystrophy type 1
(DM1), 9h 35m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Margarida Ferreira, Protein aggregation and the mouse aging transcriptome, 9h 40m in room 15
(Biomedicine )
Cátia D. Pereira, Unraveling the molecular mechanisms deregulated in response to LAP1
dysfunction, 9h 45m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Rita Melo-Miranda, Modulation of inflammation and the gut microbiota to improve ageing
outcomes, 9h 50m in room 15 (Biomedicine )

Maria Cachide, Alzheimer’s disease risk gene BIN1 specifically associates with common
comorbidities , 9h 55m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Steven Alves, The influence of insulin resistance in Alzheimer’s disease, 10h 0m in room 15
(Biomedicine )
Marta Dias, Synaptic mechanisms regulating Alzheimer's disease progression, 10h 5m in room
15 (Biomedicine )
Beatriz Ferreira, Plasmacytoid dendritic cell activation during ER stress, 10h 10m in room 15
(Biomedicine )
Magda Correia, Metabolic-driven histone marks remodeling during transdifferentiation of
fibroblasts into induced cardiac-like myocytes (iCLMs), 10h 15m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Bruno Ramos, Exploring the peroxisome-dependent antiviral immune signaling, 10h 20m in
room 15 (Biomedicine )
Sara Pereira, NAPRT gene (de)regulation in cancer and beyond, 10h 25m in room 15
(Biomedicine )
Carla Oliveira, The role of protein mistranslation in fungal pathogenesis, 10h 30m in room 15
(Biomedicine )
Inês Sousa, Unravelling the roles of proteotoxic stress on genome diversification and disease,
10h 35m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
André Nadais, The role of Metal Induced Protein Phosphorylation in neuropathology related
protein aggregation, 10h 40m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Ana Poim, Elucidating the role of tRNA-modifications in Human diseases , 10h 45m in room 15
(Biomedicine )
Brigite Cabrita, Defining the meiotic roles of chromatin remodelling proteins, 10h 50m in room
15 (Biomedicine )
Paulo Antas, Deciphering the interplay between autophagy and Toll-like receptor 9 and 7
activation , 10h 55m in room 15 (Biomedicine )

Tânia Martins, Novel exosomal Aβ-binding proteins as biomarker candidates for Alzheimer’s
disease, 11h 0m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Sara Dias, Microbial shifts during an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, 11h 5m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Diana Ribeiro, Impact of tRNA modifications for pathogenicity and host responses upon
influenza A virus infection, 11h 10m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Joana Santiago, Unraveling the impact of age and bisphenol A exposure in sperm molecular
profile, 11h 15m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Luís Perpétuo, Development and application of a novel multiplex platform to support the
management of coronary artery disease through urine and plasma sample analysis, 11h 20m in
room 15 (Biomedicine )
Ana Rita Guimarães, Recoding the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome through codon ambiguity,
11h 25m in room 15 (Biomedicine )

Bárbara Matos, Developing a new PCa treatment: modulation of protein phosphatase 1
complexes using bioportides, 11h 30m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Sílvia Moreira, Carbamates exposure in male infertility: cellular and molecular mechanisms, 11h
35m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Tânia Lima, A Bioinformatics Pipeline for the Discovery of Non-Invasive Biomarkers for Prostate
Cancer, 11h 40m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Diogo Tomé, The effect of mesenchymal stem cells secretome on axon regeneration and post-
injury synapse formation , 11h 45m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Alexandre Nunes, Unfolding the interplay between viruses and cellular proteostasis, 11h 50m in
room 15 (Biomedicine )
Pedro O. Corda, Protein Phosphatase 1 (PP1) as a target for drug treatment against SARS-CoV-2
infection, 11h 55m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Fátima Monteiro, Inhibition of SETD7 methyl-transferase activity impairs mammary epithelial
cell differentiation and lactogenesis, 12h 0m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Mariana Marques, Cellular responses to viral infections, 12h 5m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Vanessa Ferreira, Inter-organelle crosstalk in Hepatitis C virus infection: in pursuit of novel
antiviral targets, 12h 10m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Marisa Pereira, Identification of novel therapeutic targets to modulate proteostasis in humans,
12h 15m in room 15 (Biomedicine )
Sandra Magalhães, A spectroscopic study of age-related changes in protein conformation in
biological samples, 12h 20m in room 15 (Biomedicine )

room 02, July 08th, from 11h05 to 12h45

Joana Lopes, Agrifood byproducts-derived blisters: an innovative circular economy for
developing biodegradable packages, 11h 10m in room 02 (Biochemistry)
Tatiana Silva, Toxicometabolomics of particulate matter (PM): towards mechanistic insights and
new biomarkers, 11h 15m in room 02 (Biochemistry)
Ana Sofia Dias, Establishment and characterization of cellular models to modulate breast cancer-
associated macrophages , 11h 20m in room 02 (Biochemistry)
João Carvalho, Development of nanostructured microcarrier-based bioinks from protein
nanofibrils for improved 3D-bioprinting, 11h 25m in room 02 (Biochemistry)
Sónia Pedro, Deep eutectic solvents comprising active pharmaceutical ingredients for
incorporation in biopolymer-based drug delivery systems, 11h 30m in room 02 (Biochemistry)

Gonçalo Oliveira, Microwave-assisted extraction of coffee byproducts-derived polysaccharides
suitable for paper coating, 11h 35m in room 02 (Biochemistry)
Francisco José Santos, Exploiting the role of long non-coding RNAs in the direct conversion of
fibroblasts into induced neural stem cells, 11h 40m in room 02 (Biochemistry)

Sara Valente, Polysaccharide-based nano-in-microparticles for plasmid DNA pulmonary delivery,
11h 45m in room 02 (Biochemistry)
Daniela Couto, Unravelling the impact of growth conditions in polar lipidome of selected
microalgae and their bioactivities, 11h 50m in room 02 (Biochemistry)
Ana Silva, Development of cellulose-based motors for biomedical applications , 11h 55m in room
02 (Biochemistry)
Inês Guerra, Fatty acid β–oxidation disorders: Lipidomics as a tool to decode changes in patients
lipid profile, 12h 0m in room 02 (Biochemistry)
Dmitry Evtyugin, Bioactive compounds from sulphite pulp production streams for applications
in functional food and cosmeceutical industries, 12h 5m in room 02 (Biochemistry)
Tiago Conde, MiAL (MicroAlgae Lipids) - Exploitation of microalgae lipidome: a lipidomics
strategy to bioprospect anti-inflammatory phytochemicals, 12h 10m in room 02 (Biochemistry)
José Pereira, ProtoSyn: A modern approach to protein design, 12h 15m in room 02
Tatiana J. Carneiro, Metabolic profile of the in vivo response to a potential anticancer drug -
Pd2(spermine), 12h 20m in room 02 (Biochemistry)

Helena Ferreira, A lipidomic perspective of autoimmune diseases, 12h 25m in room 02

room 02, July 08th, from 09h20 to 10h35

Fábio Silva, New paper functionalization strategies by superficial photopolymerization, 9h 25m
in room 02 (Biorefineries )
Helena Gomes, Production and upgrading of producer gas from biomass gasification, 9h 30m in
room 02 (Biorefineries )
Sandra Raquel Dias, Hot water soluble dialdehyde cellulose as a powerful platform for novel bio-
based products, 9h 35m in room 02 (Biorefineries )
Fernanda Vieira, Production of new polymeric materials from lignin, 9h 40m in room 02
(Biorefineries )
Celso Cardoso, Development of new technologies for the removal of phosphorus from pulp mill
circuits, 9h 45m in room 02 (Biorefineries )

Cátia Oliveira, Chemical characterization and biological evaluation of extracts from residual
biomass of Eucalyptus globulus and Acacia dealbata, 9h 50m in room 02 (Biorefineries )
Bruno Valente, Biobased thermoplastic composites with high cellulose incorporation, 9h 55m in
room 02 (Biorefineries )
Patricia Figueiredo, Separation, fractionation and modification of technical lignin from Kraft
pulping for advanced applications, 10h 0m in room 02 (Biorefineries )

Vítor H. Rodrigues, Subcritical and supercritical technologies for the production of natural
extracts from forest biomass, 10h 5m in room 02 (Biorefineries )
Mariana Amândio, Production of cellulosic sugars and bioethanol, 10h 10m in room 02
(Biorefineries )
Inês Rocha, Fractionation of kraft black liquor using aqueous biphasic systems, 10h 15m in room
02 (Biorefineries )

room 22, July 09th, from 14h00 to 16h00

Andreia Silva, Development of functional food targeting cardiometabolic risk, 14h 5m in room
22 (Biotechonology)
Gabriela Kovaleski, Solid phase extraction of bacteriorhodopsin and application in luminescent
solar concentrators, 14h 10m in room 22 (Biotechonology)
Sara Santos, Human plasma derived hydrogels for myocardial tissue engineering , 14h 15m in
room 22 (Biotechonology)
Ana Paço, Biotechnological tools for plastic waste remediation using marine fungi, 14h 20m in
room 22 (Biotechonology)
Bruno Godinho, Poly (glycerol sebacate) (PGS): a base for new materials , 14h 25m in room 22
Cátia Monteiro, Bioengineering humanized 3D co-culture osteosarcoma models in static and
dynamic microenvironment for therapy development, 14h 30m in room 22 (Biotechonology)
Samuel Patinha, Macroalgae as bio-factories, 14h 35m in room 22 (Biotechonology)
Carlos Pinto, Hyperbaric inactivation - a nonthermal approach to inactivate Alicyclobacillus
acidoterrestris endospores, 14h 40m in room 22 (Biotechonology)
Luís Ferreira, Development of Decellularized-Matrix Based Organotypic in vitro 3D Tumor
Models, 14h 45m in room 22 (Biotechonology)
Pedro Lavrador, Dynamic Control across Adaptable Hydrogels and Engineered Cell Assemblies,
14h 50m in room 22 (Biotechonology)

Maria Mendes, Enzymatically degradable hydrogel-based systems to control cell’s
microenvironment and migration, 14h 55m in room 22 (Biotechonology)
Matias Cardoso, Shikonin-loaded biopolymeric nanocarriers for macrophage targeting and
inflammasome modulation, 15h 0m in room 22 (Biotechonology)
Ana Rita Sousa, Pancreatic islet transplantation using mesenchymal stem cells as a long-lasting
microenvironment modulator, 15h 5m in room 22 (Biotechonology)
Lúcia Santos, Magnetic responsive plataforms to control cell behavior for tissue engineering
applications, 15h 10m in room 22 (Biotechonology)

Maryam Ghasemzadeh Hasankolaei, Liquefied microcapsules as dynamic microbioreactors for
bone regeneration , 15h 15m in room 22 (Biotechonology)
Adriana Pais, Natural phenolic compounds – gut microbiota dynamics: a reciprocal modulation
approach for personalized nutrition, 15h 20m in room 22 (Biotechonology)
Daniela Bispo, Metabolic markers of osteogenic differentiation of MSCs by NMR metabolomics,
15h 25m in room 22 (Biotechonology)
Mehrzad Zargarzadeh, Innovative Biomedical System Based on Enzymatically Degradation of
Hydrogels, 15h 30m in room 22 (Biotechonology)
Joana Sousa, 3D anisotropic scaffolds for spinal cord regeneration, 15h 35m in room 22
Ricardo Ferreira, Valorization of Opuntia ficus-indica L. through an integrated production of high
value products, 15h 40m in room 22 (Biotechonology)

Materials Science and Engineering
room 03, July 08th, from 11h45 to 12h55

Paulo Brites, Agri-food byproducts as a source of biomolecules for sustainable bioplastic
packaging production through blown extrusion, 11h 50m in room 03 (Materials science and
Tiago Silva, Processing and characterization of complex concentrated alloys produced by powder
metallurgy, 11h 55m in room 03 (Materials science and engineering)
Alice Marciel, Hybrid thin films with electrochromic response , 12h 0m in room 03 (Materials
science and engineering)
Rui Pinho, KNN thin films as candidate for energy harvesting, 12h 5m in room 03 (Materials
science and engineering)
Aneeta Jaggernauth, Atomic layer deposition of high-k dielectric films for diamond transistors,
12h 10m in room 03 (Materials science and engineering)
Talita Ramos, Vacuum and temperature influence on UC emission in Gd2O3: Yb3+, Er3+, 12h
15m in room 03 (Materials science and engineering)

João Carvalheiras, Multifunctional red mud-based alkali-activated materials for acid mine
drainage sludge treatment, 12h 20m in room 03 (Materials science and engineering)
Filipe Martins, T-RTM development: thermoplastic composites production for autoparts, 12h
25m in room 03 (Materials science and engineering)
Inês Oliveira, Hybrid Nanostructures of Carbon/Metal Oxides for Solar-Driven Abatement of
Organic Pollutants, 12h 30m in room 03 (Materials science and engineering)
Parisa Amirkhizi, A Quest for High Performance Ceramic Thermoelectric Modules, 12h 35m in
room 03 (Materials science and engineering)

Food Science and Technology and Nutrition
room 05, July 08th, from 09h00 to 10h05

Soraia Silva, The study of pine nut skin potential as a functional food ingredient, 9h 5m in room
05 (Food science and technology and Nutrition )
Alexandre Fonseca, HealthyPassion: from Purple Passion Fruit bioprospection to development
of a functional food for asthmatics, 9h 10m in room 05 (Food science and technology and
Nutrition )
Ana Circuncisão, Increasing of the value of European brown macroalgae through its application
as food imgredients in functional foods, 9h 15m in room 05 (Food science and technology and
Nutrition )
Renata Amaral, Use of emerging processing technologies to functionally modulate
biodegradable films and coatings, 9h 20m in room 05 (Food science and technology and
Nutrition )
Fernanda Silva, FunctionalCoffee: In vitro gastrointestinal digestion-fermentation of coffee for
validation of its hypocholesterolemic potential as a functional food, 9h 25m in room 05 (Food
science and technology and Nutrition )
Vasco Lima, Impact of pH and water activity on food preservation by hyperbaric storage, 9h 30m
in room 05 (Food science and technology and Nutrition )
Álvaro Lemos, Shelf-life extension of pasteurized and ready-to-eat foods by hyperbaric storage
at room temperature, 9h 35m in room 05 (Food science and technology and Nutrition )
Ana Ribeiro, Innovative Sequentially Combined Processing Technologies to Improve the Quality
of Egg Pasteurized Products, 9h 40m in room 05 (Food science and technology and Nutrition )
REFRIGERATION, 9h 45m in room 05 (Food science and technology and Nutrition )

Political Science
room 16, July 09th, from 10h20 to 11h05

Diamantino Raposinho, Políticas públicas locais de gestão do património cultural em cidades
Património Mundial, 10h 25m in room 16 (Political science )
João Moniz, Drawing Lines in the Sand: position-taking and polarisation in the European
Parliament, 10h 30m in room 16 (Political science )
ZHONGPU FAN, The Self-Governance’s Process in Chinese Villages – Case Hezhai and Case
Nanhai, 10h 35m in room 16 (Political science )
Irena Djordjevic, Acting as policy entrepreneurs during COVID-19: The Case of Serbian Think
Tanks, 10h 40m in room 16 (Political science )

Tiago Conceição, The Radical Left in Latin America: A perceptional approach, 10h 45m in room
16 (Political science )
Pedro Lourenço, Managing Intra-Party Factionalism: the case of Iberian Radical Left Parties, 10h
50m in room 16 (Political science )

Marine science, technology and management
room 01, July 08th, from 11h50 to 13h05

Tamara M. Stuij, Assessing the effects of temperature, ultraviolet radiation and turbidity on
prokaryotic communities in carbonate reef sediments, 11h 55m in room 01 (Marine science,
technology and management )
Maria João Ferreira, Rhizosphere Engineering of Salicornia ramosissima with Plant-Growth
Promoting Bacteria (PGPB), 12h 0m in room 01 (Marine science, technology and management )
Humberto Pereira, Climate change impact on estuarine aquaculture activity along the
Portuguese coast, 12h 5m in room 01 (Marine science, technology and management )
João Pinheiro, Salt intrusion modeling in Aveiro Lagoon under morphological and climatic
changes, 12h 10m in room 01 (Marine science, technology and management )
Elisabet R. Cruz, Modeling the physical processes that underlie Harmful Algal Blooms in North-
Western Iberian shelf and Rias Baixas, 12h 15m in room 01 (Marine science, technology and
management )
Pedro Costa, Phage Therapy in Bivalve Depuration, 12h 20m in room 01 (Marine science,
technology and management )
Cátia Vieira, Photodynamic inactivation of Escherichia coli on Sea Bass Fillets, 12h 25m in room
01 (Marine science, technology and management )

Ana Cabral, Using natural geochemical fingerprints to expose illegal, unregulated and
unreported (IUU) fisheries: Seahorses as a case study, 12h 30m in room 01 (Marine science,
technology and management )
Joana Rodrigues, Interactions between microplastics and pollutants in the aquatic environment
and their ecotoxicological effects, 12h 35m in room 01 (Marine science, technology and
management )
Simão Correia, Host-parasite interactions: new insights on trematode impacts on their bivalve
hosts and how to predict outbreaks, 12h 40m in room 01 (Marine science, technology and
management )
Simão Maia, Spiny lobsters in a changing ocean- how phyllosomata of commercially important
species will cope with warmer and more acidic oceans, 12h 45m in room 01 (Marine science,
technology and management )

Daniela Rodrigues, Improving the lipid profile of Black Soldier Fly for aquafeeds, 12h 50m in
room 01 (Marine science, technology and management )

Language Sciences
room 06, July 08th, from 12h45 to 13h00

Tatiana Pereira, Effects of Pragmatic Intervention Programme in Language Impairment, 12h 50m
in room 06 (Language sciences)

Rehabilitation Sciences
room 14, July 08th, from 16h05 to 17h25

Ana Almeida, Effectiveness of Body Weight Support Treadmill Training on Gait in Patients with
Multiple Sclerosis, 16h 10m in room 14 (Rehabilitation sciences)
Cláudia Marques, Clinical reasoning in neurological physiotherapy: Why we do what we do? A
Bobath Concept perspective , 16h 15m in room 14 (Rehabilitation sciences)
Sandra Silva, Development of a modified backpack to minimize postural changes in school
children, 16h 20m in room 14 (Rehabilitation sciences)
Lurdes Gonçalves , The contribute of workplace health promotion in workers performance and
absenteeism: An occupational health intervention on manufacturing industry, 16h 25m in room
14 (Rehabilitation sciences)
Joana Pinto, Characterization of the institutionalized elderly population to guide physical
therapy practice, 16h 30m in room 14 (Rehabilitation sciences)
Rosa Andias, Chronic neck pain in high school students: characterization and effectiveness of
pain neuroscience education and exercise , 16h 35m in room 14 (Rehabilitation sciences)

Patrícia Rebelo, PICk UP – PersonalIsed CommUnity-based Physical activities for patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 16h 40m in room 14 (Rehabilitation sciences)
Ana Cláudia Lopes, Impact of a program of infant and young child feeding practices in the
reduction of pediatric mortality and nutrition outcomes in emergencies - Easybite Project, 16h
45m in room 14 (Rehabilitation sciences)
Ellen Pereira Nery, Chronic Pain And Cognitive Function In Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain:
Association And Impact On Rehabilitation Outcomes, 16h 50m in room 14 (Rehabilitation
Maria Cunha, SCIMBIONT – Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: gut dysbiosis and immune
biomarkers as functional prognosis tools and new therapeutic targets, 16h 55m in room 14
(Rehabilitation sciences)
Ana Machado, Pulmonary rehabilitation during acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease: a mixed-methods approach, 17h 0m in room 14 (Rehabilitation sciences)
Sara Souto-Miranda, Core Outcome Set for pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) , 17h 5m in room 14 (Rehabilitation sciences)

Environmental Sciences and Engineering
room 09, July 08th, from 15h15 to 16h25

Bruno Augusto, Should future cities be compact or sprawled? Development of an eco-indicator
to assess future urban planning strategies, 15h 20m in room 09 (Environmental sciences and
room 09 (Environmental sciences and engineering)
Daniel Blanco-Ward, Ozone uptake by Mediterranean grapevines: a modelling approach, 15h
30m in room 09 (Environmental sciences and engineering)
Jose Antonio Mayoral Chavando, Gasificação e pirólise de misturas de biomassa e CDR, 15h 35m
in room 09 (Environmental sciences and engineering)
Fábio Matos, Assessing the effects of nature based solutions on water quality and related
ecosystem services, 15h 40m in room 09 (Environmental sciences and engineering)
Martinho Martins, Short-term impact of bench terrace construction on soil fertility , 15h 45m in
room 09 (Environmental sciences and engineering)
Ismael Casotti Rienda, Non-exhaust emissions from motor vehicles, 15h 50m in room 09
(Environmental sciences and engineering)
Sílvia Coelho, Assessing air quality in cities under climate change scenarios: a source
apportionment approach, 15h 55m in room 09 (Environmental sciences and engineering)
Ana Ascenso, Nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation: impact on heat island
effect and air quality, 16h 0m in room 09 (Environmental sciences and engineering)

Mohammadreza Khalaj, Copper-based nanomaterials to treat soils contaminated by forest fires
in Portugal , 16h 5m in room 09 (Environmental sciences and engineering)
Nuno Ribeiro, Smart valorisation of organic side streams for food and feed by the Black Soldier
Fly using a circular economy approach, 16h 10m in room 09 (Environmental sciences and

Business and economics
room 20, July 09th, from 11h45 to 13h10
INSTITUIÇÕES DE ENSINO SUPERIOR EM ANGOLA, 11h 50m in room 20 (Business and
FUTURE PROSPECTS, 11h 55m in room 20 (Business and economics)

Diogo Ribeiro, Analysis of the investor profile in Portugal , 12h 0m in room 20 (Business and
Adriana Nishimura, European Investment Funds, Portugal 2020 and Public Sector
Modernisation, 12h 5m in room 20 (Business and economics)
Salvador Fonseca, A força de microfinanças na drástica redução da pobreza e no
empoderamento das pessoas. “O modelo Financeiro Tridimensional” Caso de São Tomé e
Príncipe, 12h 10m in room 20 (Business and economics)
Isabel Costa, Evolution of research in the solid urban waste management sector in Brazil, 12h
15m in room 20 (Business and economics)
Anthony Macedo, Essays on Sports Economics: The European Super League of Football, 12h 20m
in room 20 (Business and economics)
John Agyekum Addae, Risk-Taking Behavior: Interplay of Risk Governance, Board Feminism,
Competition and Charter Value , 12h 25m in room 20 (Business and economics)
Altaf Akbar, HRM Practices and Performance: Conceptualization and Identification of HRM
Practices that Lead to High Performance in Higher Educational Institutes of Portugal, 12h 30m
in room 20 (Business and economics)
VEHICLES, 12h 35m in room 20 (Business and economics)
João Almeida, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Low-Density Territories, 12h 40m in room 20
(Business and economics)
Vera Magalhães, Ageing Europe: Understanding the challenges and the opportunities of living
longer in the Households Energy Use, 12h 45m in room 20 (Business and economics)

José Ferreira, Essays on the Effects of Energy Poverty on Finantial Economic Devolopment, 12h
50m in room 20 (Business and economics)
Ana Hungara, The Life of Consumption Communities: A Study on Vegan Communities, 12h 55m
in room 20 (Business and economics)
Adriana Gradim, Creation of intellectual capital through knowledge management in
international assignments, 13h 0m in room 20 (Business and economics)

room 18, July 09th, from 09h00 to 10h10

Mónica D'Orey, The subsequent measurement of goodwill, 9h 5m in room 18 (Accounting)
Henrique Cabirta, The Holy House Mercy in Bahia: Accounting and the use of Slave Labor - A
Case study, 9h 10m in room 18 (Accounting)
Cláudia Conceição, Essays on the application of the Integrated Reporting, 9h 15m in room 18

Romildo Silva, Effective and Potential Implications of Blockchain Technology for Auditing, 9h
20m in room 18 (Accounting)
Rita Vieira, Preparing a Systematic Review in Financialization Politics and CEOs’ Compensation
Mechanisms , 9h 25m in room 18 (Accounting)
Susana Nunes, The relationship of ESG disclosures to organizational performance and in results
management, 9h 30m in room 18 (Accounting)
Mehdi Gholamzadeh, The effect of growth opportunities and systematic risk on cash holdings in
Tehran Stock Exchange listed companies, 9h 35m in room 18 (Accounting)
Tiago Jorge, Critical accounting Research – a contribute for a new accounting model, 9h 40m in
room 18 (Accounting)
Filipe Duarte, The disclosure of innovation in the annual report and accounts and its impact on
the cost of capital and market value, 9h 45m in room 18 (Accounting)
Carlos Lopes, Corporate Scandals and Corporate Governance: An Index Analysis, 9h 50m in room
18 (Accounting)
Isaac Antwi, The Effect of Corporate Governance on Market Value and Earnings Quality:
Evidence from Ghana, 9h 55m in room 18 (Accounting)
Drae Bent, #BlackAccountantsMatter: An Investigation of Black Representation in Accounting
and the Impacts on Promoting Diversity. , 10h 0m in room 18 (Accounting)

DBI- Doctorate in Business and Innovation
room 23, July 09th, from 14h00 to 14h55

James Wang, Investigation on Microcavity Laser and Silicon Photonic Transceiver, 14h 5m in
room 23 (DBI - Doctorate in Business innovation)

Miguel Teixeira, Traceability for Industrial Environments based on a High Tamper Proof System
Enabled by Blockchain Technology, 14h 10m in room 23 (DBI - Doctorate in Business innovation)
Ana A. Silva, Additive Manufacturing for Smart Plastics , 14h 15m in room 23 (DBI - Doctorate in
Business innovation)
Américo Santos, Innovation and Performance: Trends in the digital era, 14h 20m in room 23 (DBI
- Doctorate in Business innovation)
Alexandre Rios Paulo, Leveraging Smart Factories: A digital transformation on the shop floor of
a Felt Hat Bodies Industry, 14h 25m in room 23 (DBI - Doctorate in Business innovation)
MÉTODOS DE CONSOLIDAÇÃO”, 14h 30m in room 23 (DBI - Doctorate in Business innovation)
Maria João Lopes, Orchestration Framework to Support Decision Making in Value Stream
Oriented Organizations, 14h 35m in room 23 (DBI - Doctorate in Business innovation)

room 13, July 08th, from 14h00 to 14h55

Valéria Boelter, Augmented catalogue in the museum experience: a design perspective, 14h 5m
in room 13 (Design)
Cristiane Menezes, The experience of the new: about people’s relationship with artefacts, 14h
10m in room 13 (Design)
Lígia Afreixo, Food Design as a tool for social development, 14h 15m in room 13 (Design)
Rita Cruz, Design furniture for contemporary scenarios and environments of collaborative
workplaces. Design Factory Aveiro case study., 14h 20m in room 13 (Design)
Liliana Neves, From the interpretation of the project to virtual reality for the preservation of
Portuguese domestic interior design , 14h 25m in room 13 (Design)
Ana Marques, Bringing Augmented Reality to Information Design, 14h 30m in room 13 (Design)
Filipe Bento, Wild-land Firefighter-athlete: an answer to the Protection vs Comfort dichotomy
through the Design of a Protective Equipment, 14h 35m in room 13 (Design)
Mariana Almeida, Cooperativa Árvore Poster Collection: Progress Notes from an Ongoing
Investigation II, 14h 40m in room 13 (Design)

room 06, July 08th, from 10h30 to 12h45

Francisco Parrança da Silva, Global Citizenship Education through Intercomprehension in the
first years of schooling, 10h 35m in room 06 (Education)
Bruna Batista, Educating for biocultural diversity in first years of schooling: a path to
sustainability, 10h 40m in room 06 (Education)
Erika Ribeiro, STEAM and creative thinking: a formative proposal for initial primary teacher
training, 10h 45m in room 06 (Education)
Patrícia Christine Silva, Teaching experimental sciences program in primary education: from
curricular organization to learning assessment, 10h 50m in room 06 (Education)
Ângela Espinha, Going digital and keeping intercultural connection, 10h 55m in room 06
06 (Education)
support from the National System of Early Childhood Intervention, 11h 5m in room 06
Emilce Pacheco, FUNDING POLICIES FOR RESEARCH CENTERS: a study at a Portuguese university,
11h 10m in room 06 (Education)
Maria João Vasconcelos, Music Education in Secondary School: didactic contributions to quality
education, 11h 15m in room 06 (Education)
Eugénia Taveira, Adaption to Telework and health education of higher education workers in the
Covid-19 pandemic, 11h 20m in room 06 (Education)
Isabel Abelheira, Transnational Mobility of Non-Higher Education Students in Portugal: a case
study, 11h 25m in room 06 (Education)
Márcia Leardine, Programa Intergeracional: Territórrios do Sentir-se, 11h 30m in room 06
Marina Mota, Comics as a tool for Science Communication and Education: developing an
interactive learning resource , 11h 35m in room 06 (Education)
Ana Traqueia, Social In(ex)clusion pathways in Vocational Education and Training: towards a
socio-educational proposal with and to its protagonists, 11h 40m in room 06 (Education)
Cristina Felizardo, Grief Counseling: the specialized training in the portuguese context, 11h 45m
in room 06 (Education)
Andrea Ulhoa, Interculturalidade na formação contínua de professores: O caso do Projeto
Escolas Interculturais Bilíngues de Fronteira , 11h 50m in room 06 (Education)

Tomásia Mataruca Nhazilo, Diversidade linguística e cultural no ensino e aprendizagem de língua
portuguesa em Moçambique, 11h 55m in room 06 (Education)

Carolina Lúgaro, Plurilingual program for the deaf: paths towards inclusion, empowerment and
active citizenship , 12h 0m in room 06 (Education)
room 06 (Education)
Raquel Carinhas, Responsible research: an experience with a intercultural and collaborative
research partnership, 12h 10m in room 06 (Education)
Ricardo Torres, Research on Education for Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Portugal:
Contributions to its sustainability, 12h 15m in room 06 (Education)
Sara Santos, Images of languages and the Other in a school community, 12h 20m in room 06
Raquel Ramos , Breaking down walls and building bridges between nature and kindergarten, 12h
25m in room 06 (Education)
Marta Fortunato, Reading and writing game in the teaching of English in a collaborative
environment: a case study in Primary education, 12h 30m in room 06 (Education)

Civil Engineering
room 16, July 09th, from 09h00 to 09h50

LIGHT STEEL FRAMING BUILDINGS , 9h 5m in room 16 (Civil engineering)
Ali Alhameedi, BIM-based on concrete bridges life cycle management, 9h 10m in room 16 (Civil
Susana Ferreira, Partition walls: Innovative approach through sandwich panel, 9h 15m in room
16 (Civil engineering)
Fábio Simões, Circular economy approach to construction materials incorporating paper & pulp
industry wastes, 9h 20m in room 16 (Civil engineering)
Margarida Ferreira, Guidelines for Artificial Nourishments Interventions: Improving Design
Processes, 9h 25m in room 16 (Civil engineering)
Élio Maia, Fire design of tapered steel members, 9h 30m in room 16 (Civil engineering)
room 16 (Civil engineering)

Refining, petrochemical and chemical engineering
room 02, July 08th, from 10h35 to 11h05

António Ribeiro, Síntese e caracterização estrutural e fotofísica de materiais dendrímeros-
lantaanídeos em WOLED, 10h 40m in room 02 (Refining, petrochemical and chemical
engineering )
Isabel Correia, Development of Novel Formulations for Bathroom Hardware, 10h 45m in room
02 (Refining, petrochemical and chemical engineering )
Laura Holz, Electrochemical reduction of N2O, 10h 50m in room 02 (Refining, petrochemical and
chemical engineering )

Industrial engineering and management
room 19, July 09th, from 10h55 to 12h25

Maryam Hajishams, Impact of energy cost management on the financial performance of
companies by application of exergy concept, 11h 0m in room 19 (Industrial engineering and

Pedro Campos, Development of supply chain management strategies for the Angolan cement
industry, 11h 5m in room 19 (Industrial engineering and management)
Ricardo Ferreira de Mascarenhas, PDS - O estado (possível) da arte, 11h 10m in room 19
(Industrial engineering and management)
Tiago Almeida, Digital Transformation for Organizational System of Engagement: Delivery Model
and Assurance, 11h 15m in room 19 (Industrial engineering and management)
Cristiana Teixeira, From a Start-Up to a SME: Development and Test of a Transition Support
Framework for R&D Companies, 11h 20m in room 19 (Industrial engineering and management)
Bruno Machado , Urban Logistics Optimization, 11h 25m in room 19 (Industrial engineering and
Roberto Rivera, Digital Transformation Process in Convenience Stores Retail, 11h 30m in room
19 (Industrial engineering and management)
Cláudio Rodrigues, Strategies for Deployments of Next Generation Optical Networks, 11h 35m
in room 19 (Industrial engineering and management)
Ângela Brochado, Bottleneck Identification & Prediction in Manufacturing Systems, 11h 40m in
room 19 (Industrial engineering and management)
Sara Castro, Process Management and Digital Twin: Capacity-building support tool within the
scope of Industry 4.0, 11h 45m in room 19 (Industrial engineering and management)

Pedro Teixeira, Information systems for the development of tourism in the digital era: A
framework for Accessible Tourism, 11h 50m in room 19 (Industrial engineering and
Alfredo Silva, Absenteeism and Ergonomics in the Cork Industry: some insights and tools to
improve working conditions, 11h 55m in room 19 (Industrial engineering and management)
Diogo Correia, The Citizen as a Key Stakeholder of Smart Cities and Industry 4.0: Study and
Development of Decision Support Frameworks, 12h 0m in room 19 (Industrial engineering and
Asefi Sedigheh , social and Economic Geography - Other : social-ecological periurban ecosystem,
12h 5m in room 19 (Industrial engineering and management)

Electrical engineering
room 04, July 08th, from 09h00 to 12h15

Ana Tavares, Packaging of Photonic Integrated Circuits, 9h 5m in room 04 (Electrical engineering)
Bernardo Lopes, A GaAs Active On-Chip Antenna for SATCOM Applications, 9h 10m in room 04
(Electrical engineering)
Fábio Barbosa, Disaster resilient network design and resource management of elastic optical
networks, 9h 15m in room 04 (Electrical engineering)

Sanket Chaudhary, Design and Characterization of Power Amplifiers for Emerging Technologies,
9h 20m in room 04 (Electrical engineering)
Raul Arruela, Phase Shifters based on Metamaterial Transmission Lines for Millimeter Wave
Beamformers, 9h 25m in room 04 (Electrical engineering)
André Perdigão, Optimization of industrial communication systems based on 5G, 9h 30m in
room 04 (Electrical engineering)
Beatriz Oliveira, Adaptive Transceivers for Elastic Access Networks, 9h 35m in room 04 (Electrical
Catarina Belchior, Next Generation RF Power Amplifier Design Using Artificial Intelligence, 9h
40m in room 04 (Electrical engineering)
Romil Patel, Simplified Coherent Transceiver for Optical Communication Networks, 9h 45m in
room 04 (Electrical engineering)
Fábio Coutinho, FPGA Acceleration of ML Algorithms for 6G Physical Layer, 9h 50m in room 04
(Electrical engineering)
Maryam Sajedin, Energy Efficient Power Amplifier for Next Generation Mobile Handset, 9h 55m
in room 04 (Electrical engineering)

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