Retail Trends Report 2018 - Ubamarket

Page created by Sherry Dunn
Retail Trends Report 2018 - Ubamarket
Retail Trends Report

           Shop Smarter
Retail Trends Report 2018 - Ubamarket
It’s been a turbulent and challenging year for retail but with that comes significant opportunity.
Whereas online shopping has seen sustained investment over the past decade, it’s now apparent that
the in-store experience is making a prolific comeback! With statistics clearly demonstrating that getting
shoppers in to stores will result in increased basket sizes and a more loyal customer base, the emphasis
throughout 2018 and beyond will be squarely on enhancing the customer experience. This is clearly
evidenced by the World’s largest online retailer investing substantially in bricks and mortar.

It is therefore more important than ever that retailers solve and eradicate the age old problems that
have consistently been seen as a downside when compared with online shopping. It is statistically
proven that if retailers can combine all the major benefits of online shopping with the widespread
appeal of the in-store experience, then their customer base will grow, shopping frequency will
increase, and basket sizes will get exponentially bigger.

For the first time, a simple to use and seamless technological solution is now commercially available
to all retailers. Ubamarket® is an entirely white labeled app (native to both iOS and Android) which
enhances the entire in-store experience for everyone and solves all of the major peeves experienced
by shoppers in 2018. The app enables customers to write their shopping list (guiding them to
each item), scan & shop, receive personalized offers and pay in-app to eradicate queues forever.
Ubamarket® effectively provides retailers with their own market-leading branded solution, which will
give them a distinct advantage, instantly!

Ubamarket® brings every aspect of the shopping journey together in one simple, convenient and
affordable app without the need for any additional hardware, delivering a personalized experience to
customers which results in lower overheads, increased store visits and bigger basket sizes.

We would welcome the opportunity to work with you and we look forward to hearing from you in 2018!

                     Will Broome
                     Founder & CEO, Ubamarket Ltd.
Retail Trends Report 2018 - Ubamarket
The Retail Trends Report 2018, is an annual body of customer-centric research dedicated to
the current and future state of the nation’s grocery shop. Serving as the only analysis of its kind
to focus on the behavioural insights and key decision drivers that define consumer shopping
habits, the online and offline insights gathered are yet unseen by UK retailers.

Gathered over a two-year period - between 2016 and 2018 - the Trends Report dissects the
opinions and attitudes of over 2,000 UK adults across the nation - both in relation to their
specific shopping experiences and how these perceptions will inform their ongoing shopping
habits. Developed entirely around consumer sentiment towards the UK’s supermarkets, Retail
Trends 2018 provides progressive retailers a unique blueprint as to how future-facing technology
is effectively integrated with relevant in-store delivery.

  1      In-store Vs online retail

  2      Cashless Society - How customers will pay in 2018

  3      Brits LOVE loyalty (delivered in the right way)

  4      What your customers are REALLY doing in-store

  5      How Ubamarket benefits both retailers and customers

  6      Work with us
Retail Trends Report 2018 - Ubamarket
Retail Trends Report 2018 - Ubamarket


  Catering to the                 the death of the                    of shopping for food little
  ConvenienCe-                    high street and the                 and often continued. This
  Motivated                       PhysiCal shoPPing                   was partly fuelled by a nation
  ConsuMer                        exPerienCe                          that became more discerning
                                                                      about produce and interested

D    isruptive technologies
     and the rise of online
                                   The high-street is a British
                                  institution, but the act of
                                  physical shopping has been
                                                                      in home cooking, which also
                                                                      coincided with the emergence
                                                                      of items such as artisanal
shopping have long been
cited as the British high-        under threat since online retail    foods and craft beers.
street’s main challengers.        came to prominence. In 2012,
                                  Saatchi & Saatchi discovered
Mobile apps have transformed
conventional industries, such     that one in six UK stores were
                                                                      83% of consumers
as taxi services, banking and     boarded up, with footfall           changed their
clothing retail; however,         down by 10% over three-
despite their common              years. During that time, a          shopping habits
introduction as a means of        quarter of high-streets around
diminishing the need for a        the country were failing, with
storefront or bricks and mortar   an additional 11% in decline.       the rise of
outlets, industry research is     Throughout this post-financial      online retail
proving this to be a widely       crisis period, online shopping
misunderstood notion.             was just one of several               The online model was once
Culminating over the course       significant contributing factors    flagged as a real disruptor
of the last five years, the UK    that prompted UK shoppers to        in the retail world, however
consumers desire for physical     deviate from one large weekly       research from IGD indicated
supermarkets has in-fact          shop at a warehouse-style           that adoption may not have
reached an all-time high - in     supermarket.                        been as widespread as first
the case of the food-retail                                           anticipated. In 2014 the
space – it is positioned at the     Prior to that, the financial      online market accounted
epicentre of a steadily           crisis of 2008 had instigated       for just 4.4% of total sales,
evolving omni-channel             a wave of ‘segmented                with forecasts expecting this
experience. This desire           shopping’, where the weekly         figure to reach only 8.3% in
however can only be catered       ‘big shop’ was superseded by        2019. Nevertheless, in 2015,
for effectively if retailers      smaller, more frequent visits       appetite for online food retail
understand how to navigate        to convenience stores, in a         appeared to be rising, as the
the ubiquitous crossover          bid to minimise food wastage        UK ranked in the top two
between digital and physical      and tighten budgets. Research       largest online grocery markets
retail appropriately. In          by Sainsbury’s in 2012 found        in the world, second only
isolation, both online and        that 83% of consumers had           to China, with the industry
offline models serve an           changed their shopping habits       valued at £9.57 billion a year.
inherently flawed shopping        at this time in response to         By 2020, online sales are
experience, with a clear and      squeezed family finances.           forecast to reach £17.2 billion.
distinct call to action for       However, in the wake of the         That same year, 11% of UK
retailers to innovate around      financial crisis and as Britain’s   consumers did the bulk of
the actual trends and             economy began to recover            their grocery shopping online,
behaviours defining a future-     from the recession, the habit       compared to just 6% in 2011.
proof supermarket of 2018
Additional research from            Sales at ‘open all                Despite the expectations
Barclays in 2015 also found that                                      attached to online grocery
more Britons were using mobile       hours’ convenience               shopping as the disruptor of
devices to shop for groceries.                                        British retail, those who do buy
The UK bank discovered that
                                     stores rose by 1.8%              groceries online are far from
although clothing is the most        in 2015/16,                      satisfied. A staggering 71%
commonly purchased item on a                                          of online shoppers said they
mobile device – amounting to         reaching                         are frustrated with their online
£2.3 billion in 2014 (predicted      £37.8 billion                    supermarket experience to the
to rise to £7.8 billion in five                                       point of nearly abandoning
years) – more money is spent                                          the model altogether. In a
on food and groceries – £2.6         the failings of                  nationally representative
billion in 2014 (forecast to reach   online retail                    sample, that is the equivalent of
£8.8 billion in 2019).                                                over 36 million UK adults.
                                       The online market may have
The UK is ranked in                  increased in size in recent       Britain’s online food shoppers
                                     years and have further scope     also voiced their most
the top two largest                  for growth in the near future,   significant inconveniences in
online grocery                       but whether the model has the    the Ubamarket survey, with the
                                     strength to undermine in-store   biggest grievance emerging
markets in the                       shopping altogether is yet to    as the consumer’s inability to
world                                be seen. Independent research
                                     commissioned by Ubamarket
                                                                      select their own fresh produce
                                                                      when shopping online, with
  The increased spend online         found that 43% of the UK does    38% of respondents stating
in recent years reinforced the       not buy food online. Although    this.
on-going trend of the ‘top up        the majority have purchased
shop’ which continued into           goods over the internet, there
the first half of 2016. Research     is still a large proportion of   71% of online
from Mintel reported that
more British families were
                                     shoppers yet to be swayed by
                                     the online model.
                                                                      shoppers said
abandoning the big warehouse-                                         they are frustrated
style supermarkets. Instead,
families were buying bulk items      43% of the UK                    with their online
online or at budget brands,
                                     does not buy                     supermarket
then performing smaller shops
at convenience stores. As a          food online                      experience
result, sales at ‘open all hours’
convenience stores rose by
1.8% in 2015/16, reaching
£37.8 billion. The market is
expected to expand by a
further 13% in the next five
years, and is set to hit £43.8
billion by 2020.

By 2020, online
sales are forecast
to reach
£17.2 billion
how the uK's online shoppers feel
                                    about their online food shop
                                    The UK’s online shoppers aired the following
             71%                      frustrations, that would potentially deter
                                        them from internet grocery shopping:
       of online shoppers
      are not satisfied with           38%                                                 Over two fifths of UK
     internet grocery retail                                       29%
                                                                                            adults do not shop
                                     I am not able to select                               for groceries online
                                     my own fresh produce         I receive unwanted
       43%                           = 10,690,890 people          replacement items
                    31%                                          = 8,145,440 people
  Women are more frustrated
  with not being able to select
                                            18%                     12%                  There are long waiting
    their own fresh produce
                                                                                           times before items
        online than men
                                       The items I buy are                                  can be delivered
                                                                  The delivery slots      = 1,527,270 people
                                      poor quality (bruised,
                                                                   are inconvenient
                                    discoloured or misshapen)
       33%          22%               = 5,599,990 people
                                                                 = 3,563,630 people

          Young people
     (aged 18-34) are more                                           16%                   I am confronted with
    frustrated with receiving
                                           10%                                           too many options when
  unwanted replacement items                                         I receive the          I search for an item
      than older shoppers             It is difficult to check       wrong items           = 3,563,630 people
          (aged over 55)               dietary information       = 4,581,810 people
                                      = 3,054,540 people

What’s in-store for                    66% of UK adults                        that UK shoppers are motivated
PhysiCal shoPPing?                                                             by saving money or adhering
                                       – the equivalent                        to a budget. 8.1 million people
  The inconvenience of the                                                     (16% of the survey) said the
online shop has driven some
                                       of 33.4 million                         difficulty in tracking their spend
UK consumers back to the               people – have                           was an issue with in-store food
store. In March 2016 a survey                                                  shopping. In addition, 19% of
found that a substantial 78% of        said they are                           Britons – 9.6 million people –
Britons still prefer to shop in-       frustrated with                         find themselves buying items
store and that only 20% favour                                                 they do not need or already
the online experience. And yet,        the supermarket                         have, which was ranked the
irrespective of the proportion                                                 second largest irritation
of shoppers that prefer to go          buying goods in-store.                  by UK shoppers.
to the supermarket, the in-store       Amongst the UK shoppers
model is not without its flaws.        surveyed, the most significant
                                       in-store peeve proved to be             17.8 million people
  Ubamarket’s survey discovered        long checkout queues, with              said that waiting
that 66% of UK adults – the            35% of consumers – 17.8
equivalent of 33.4 million             million people – agreeing that          times could deter
people – have said they are
frustrated with the supermarket
                                       waiting times could deter them
                                       from in-store grocery shopping.
                                                                               them from in-store
and would potentially stop             The survey also demonstrated            grocery shopping
The same survey also revealed              – the latter of which could be             The inconvenience of
that 15% of consumers – 7.6                 used at 85 of the USA’s top               online shopping that sent
million people – find it easy to            100 retailers and influence               frustrated consumers back to
miss out on promotional deals               $44 billion in retail sales in            the convenience store is still
and discounts, which could                  2016. European retailers                  not being remedied by new
prove problematic for shoppers              such as Tesco and Waitrose                technology, as reflected by
actively trying to save.                    trialled similar services in 2014,        results from the Ubamarket
                                            and in 2016, French retailer              survey. The research found
 The lines between online and               Carrefour began to utilise                that 15% of shoppers, or 7.6
offline are beginning to blur               costly LED lighting systems that          million UK consumers, said
in food retail, predominantly               transmit promotional codes to             their biggest grievance in-store
to increase awareness of                    smartphones via lightwaves.               was the struggle to find items
in-store promotions. In a                   However, none of the former               quickly and without assistance.
bid to personalise in-store                 technologies are focused on
shopping, retailers are starting            enhancing the in-store user               7.6 million
to implement Bluetooth and                  experience or improving
Beacon technology to send                   efficiency.                               consumers
customers targeted promotions                                                         struggle to find
                                                                                      items in-store

                    Britain’s Biggest frustrations towards in-store shopping
                                    UK shoppers aired the following frustrations that would
                                    potentially deter them from in-store grocery shopping:

     I have to wait in long                                             66%
     queues at the check-
       out = 17,818,150
                                          15%                                                   18-34 year olds said
                                                                   of Britons are frustrated     buying items they
                                                                    by in-store shopping         already have or do
                                       I struggle to find the
                                                                                                not need was a big
                                        items I want on the
          16%                           shelves quickly and
                                                                                                frustration in-store,
                                                                                                 compared to 13%
                                       without assistance =           44%                            of over 55s
     I find it difficult to track            7,636,350
          my total spend
           = 8,145,440                                             In London, people are
                                                                     more impatient in-
                                         15%                       store – 44% cited long
                                                                                                 24%           11%
                                                                   check-out queues as a
          19%                            It is easy to miss         major frustration (9%       Young people (aged
                                        out on promotional         above the UK average)        18-34) are more than
       I find myself buying             deals and discount                                     twice as likely as older
     items I already have or            offers = 7,636,350                                      shoppers (over 55) to
            do not need                                                                        find it difficult to track
            = 9,672,710                                                                           their total spend
the deManding

  Neither the online or offline               how the uK feels about their
grocery shopping experience
                                              grocery shopping experience
is fulfilling the needs of the UK
consumer. Although we are
now more engaged with our                30%
food, discerning about produce
and more budget conscious,              Grocery shopping                   28%
convenience overrides our               is one of the most
decisions whilst inefficiencies       inconvenient things I
                                                                          Grocery shopping
in the food buying experience         have to do each week
                                                                         is my least favourite
are evidently leaving shoppers             = 13,976,512                 shopping experience
frustrated. This is apparent to                                         (when compared with
such an extent that the failures                                         other forms of retail)
of both models prompted over                                                = 13,088,712
a quarter (28%) of UK shoppers,
or 13 million people, to say that
grocery shopping is their least             I have reduced
                                          the frequency with
favourite shopping experience
                                         which I buy groceries
compared to other forms of                 either online or in
retail. Consumer sentiment also                                             18%
                                             a supermarket
revealed that 30% of shoppers                = 12,429,203
– equating to 13.9 million                                              I feel let down by the
                                                                           grocery shopping
people – said that grocery
shopping was one of the least                                                = 8,446,785
convenient parts of their week.
However, one of the most                    36%
notable findings to emerge                                                 33%
from the Ubamarket survey           of 18-34 year olds said
was that 27% have reduced           grocery shopping was            of 18-34 year olds
the frequency of their grocery        their least favourite         have reduced the
shops – that is 12.4 million that      type of shopping                frequency of
are turning their backs on the       = 4,667,292 people            their grocery shops
supermarket.                                                       = 4,261,441 people

28% of UK                                             25%
shoppers, or
                                              of 18-34 year olds felt
13 million people                            let down by the grocery
                                               shopping experience
said grocery                                       = 3,246,812
shopping is their
least favourite
27% have                             half of 2016 (27% who have           82% of 18-34 year
reduced the                          reduced their food shopping),
                                     this has correlated with the         olds would use a
frequency of their                   rise of takeaway apps and            solution combining
grocery shops                        delivery services. According
                                                                          the benefits of online
                                     to 2015 research, expenditure
The high number of                   on takeaways such as pizza,          with in-store shopping
disillusioned younger                curry and Chinese food is set to
consumers (18-34 year olds) is a     rise by 28% by the end of the        little and often, the 2016 findings
troubling statistic for the future   decade to hit £7.6 billion a year.   from Ubamarket suggest that
of food retail. Given that this      In the first half of 2015, the       consumer peeves are resulting
age bracket will serve as our        UK’s largest takeaway business       in over a quarter of UK adults
next generation of shoppers,         JustEat saw sales increase           reducing the frequency of
the British high-street and the      54%, whilst in 2016 Deliveroo        their online and offline food
online supermarket model are         witnessed 25% Month-on-month         shopping. This was reflected by
both reliant on their satisfaction   growth.                              data from the Confederation
in order to prosper. As around                                            of British Industry (CBI) which
4.2 million young shoppers           The correlation between              showed that retail sales
have already reduced the             the rise of delivery services        dropped sharply in the weeks
frequency of their food shops        and the decline in food              following the EU referendum
and are subsequently turning         shopping overall illustrates         and, in July 2016, the BDO
their backs on the supermarket,      a clear disconnect between           monthly High Street Sales
this does not bode well for          consumers’ appetite for ease         Tracker recorded 0% growth,
food retail’s prospects. When        and the stores’ inability to         confirming a sixth successive
asked if consumers would             deliver. We are clearly a nation     month of no growth for British
embrace a hybrid solution that       of demanding shoppers that           retailers. The reduction in
combined the efficiency of           seek quality but above all           visits to the supermarket and
online retail and the benefits       convenience; as reflected by         shopping online has also
of in-store shopping, with the       the 38% of online shoppers           coincided with the decline in
addition of automatic loyalty        who are frustrated by being          sales for the UK’s ‘big four’
points, this age group was           unable to select their own           supermarkets. In August 2016,
the most receptive. Over four        fresh produce and the 66%            data from Kantar Worldpanel
fifths (82%), or 11.9 million 18-    of Britons frustrated by the         revealed that all four of the UK’s
34 year olds, would use such         supermarket. The 69% of UK           major stores saw sales decrease
a product, whilst 69% of UK          adults and 82% of 18-34 year         in a 12-week period. Although
adults overall would welcome a       olds that would embrace a            discount chains Lidl (+12.2%)
solution like this.                  hybrid solution combining            and Aldi (+10.4%) enjoyed a
                                     the benefits of online with the      successful three months, Tesco
Although as of June 2016,            in-store shopping experience         (-0.4%), Sainsbury’s (-0.6%),
Waitrose began to implement          is testament to this. A failure      Morrisons (-1.8%) and Asda
an app to allow shoppers to          to acknowledge the needs             (-5.5%) all witnessed a decline
scan barcodes as they shop           of the disillusioned shopper         in sales figures. These are
in-store, very few food retail       could reduce footfall at             troubling statistics for a country
brands have embraced a               bricks and mortar outlets            once citied as a “nation of
solution to fully acknowledge        and minimise spend online,           shopkeepers” and if we are to
the consumer’s grievances            driving consumers to the other       revive grocery retail in a period
towards the in-store user            amenities such as food delivery      of decline, then listening to
experience. As the in-store and      services.                            the needs of the consumer and
online experiences have failed                                            responding with innovation that
to meet shoppers’ needs and          Although initial statistics          meets their demands could be
prompted a decline in grocery        postrecession saw us shopping        the solution.
shopping towards the latter
          UK shoppers reveal that traditional checkouts are fast becoming redundant
THREE QUARTERS of shoppers abandon purchases due to long queues – a fifth refuse cash-only retailers
                    Rapid payment and mobile solutions key for millennials

             73%                                                                                20%
 73% of UK consumers – 37.5 million                                                20% of UK adults say in-app payments
people – have changed their mind and         Over 10 million people (20%) will      are their favourite method of paying
decided not to buy something having        consciously avoid shops, restaurants,                  for items
  seen the size of a queue in a shop.       newsagents, cafés or bars that only    This rises to 34% among 18-34 year olds
 53% of shoppers find queues the                        accept cash
most frustrating thing about the retail

                                                       48%                                      41%
                                                                                    21.1 million people (41%) believe all
                                            Nearly half (48%, or 24.6 million
                                                                                     payments will be done via mobile
32% of people pick an online or high-     people) hate using self-scan machines
                                                                                            devices in the future
street retailer based on how easy it is
            to pay for items                                                          The figures jumps to 53% among

Shoppers across the UK are                restaurants, newsagents, cafes           of all shoppers, rising to over a
turning away from time-                   or bars that only accept cash.           third of millennials.
consuming face-to-face                    Moreover, 32% of Brits actually
interactions with check out               select online or high-street             Will Broome, CEO of
staff in favour of rapid payment          retailers based on how easy it is        Ubamarket, commented on
methods. With supermarkets                to pay for items.                        the findings:
slow to adapt, today’s research
has found 37.5 million (73%)              The nation’s frustration towards         “Over the past decade, major
shoppers across the nation                outdated in-store queuing is             retailers have taken some
have changed their mind and               also revealed to be directed             strides to use tech to improve
decided not to buy something              towards self-scan machines,              in-store shopping. However,
after seeing the size of a                with 48% of shoppers frustrated          today’s research reveals that
shop’s queue.                             by the current iteration of              long payment queues remain
                                          self-payment infrastructure in           a significant challenge, ruining
Furthermore the survey also               Britain’s retail outlets.                millions of shopping trips and
revealed that ease of payment                                                      costing the sector significant
has become make or break for              In app payment is found to               revenue. Despite the rise of
retailers seeking to gain and             be a timely solution, with               online shopping, it is clear that
maintain shoppers’ custom.                41% of us – the equivalent of            retailers must invest in their
Ubamarket’s research found                21.1million Brits expecting that         in-store shopping experience
that retailers risk frustrating           all payments will be processed           to maintain shoppers’ loyalty
would be customers by                     via mobile devices in the future.        in the competitive market of
maintaining archaic payment               According to the research, in            2017.”
methods – over 10 million of              app payment is already the
us will consciously avoid shops,          preferred method for one fifth
              Cash is a currency of the past: UK shoppers turn back on self-checkouts, cashiers
                                   and notes in favour of in-app payments
                           Cash-only retailers lose out on TEN MILLION consumers
                  Nearly half the nation believe all payments will be made in-app by 2022

              20%                                      20%                                      73%

20% of UK adults say in-app payments         Over 10 million people (20%) will      73% of UK consumers – 37.5 million
 are their favourite method of paying      consciously avoid shops, restaurants,   people – have changed their mind and
               for items                    newsagents, cafés or bars that only    decided not to buy something having
                                                        accept cash                  seen the size of a queue in a shop
This rises to 34% among 18-34 year olds
                                                                                     53% of shoppers find queues the
                                                                                    most frustrating thing about the retail

              32%                                      48%                                       41%

32% of people pick an online or high-       Nearly half (48%, or 24.6 million       21.1 million people (41%) believe all
street retailer based on how easy it is   people) hate using self-scan machines      payments will be done via mobile
            to pay for items                                                                devices in the future
                                                                                     The figures jumps to 53% among

Shoppers across the UK are                Ubamarket’s research found               In app payment is found to be
turning away from time-                   that retailers risk frustrating          a timely solution; 41% of us –
consuming checkout queues and             would-be customers by                    the equivalent of 21.1million
towards rapid payment methods,            maintaining archaic payment              people – expect that all
new research has found.                   methods – over 10 million of             payments will be processed via
                                          us (20%) will consciously avoid          mobile devices in the future.
The 2018 Retail Trends report             shops, restaurants, newsagents,          According to the research, in
found that 73% of shoppers                cafés or bars that only accept           app payment is already the
across the nation – the                   cash. Moreover, 32% of Brits             preferred method for one fifth
equivalent of 37.5 million                actually select online or high-          of all shoppers, rising to over a
people – have changed their               street retailers based on how            third of millennials.
mind and decided not to buy               easy it is to pay for items.
something after seeing the
size of a shop’s queue. The               The nation’s frustration
nationally representative study           towards outdated in-store
by the retail app also revealed           payments also extends to
that ease of payment has                  self-scan machines, with 48%
become a make-or-break factor             of UK shoppers frustrated by
for retailers seeking to gain and         the current iteration of self-
maintain shoppers.                        payment infrastructure in
                                          Britain’s retail outlets.
                      Half of UK consumers choose a retailer because of loyalty points
           A points- obsessed nation: 13 MILLION are clueless on the value of their loyalty cards,
          with 30 MILLION signed up to more than THREE schemes a third losing track of how many
                                        schemes they’re signed up to
          £6 BILLION sits gathering dust in loyalty accounts – 12.8 million Brits regularly forget their
                              loyalty cards and slam the system as “inefficient”

• 	Over 30 million UK adults (59%) have   • 25% of UK adults say they have no             • 21% of shoppers across the UK –
   signed up to more than three loyalty      idea how many points they have on                10.78 million people – say they prefer
   cards with different retailers            their loyalty cards or how they would            to shop online so they can track their
                                             find out                                         spend and automatically receive
•46% of consumers – 23.62 million                                                           loyalty points
  people – said they will choose a         • £6 billion sits unclaimed in loyalty
  retailer based on the points they can      accounts with the UK’s leading                 • This figure rises to 35% among those
  earn through a store’s loyalty scheme      retailers                                        aged between 18 and 34
• However, 30% of shoppers say they       • 12.83 million people regularly forget
  have lost track of how many loyalty         their loyalty cards, causing frustration at
  schemes they are a member of                that the “inefficient” card-based system

This year’s Retail Trends Report           their loyalty cards and would not                online so they can easily track their
research reveals the true extent           know how to find out. The findings               spend and receive loyalty points
of the UK’s love-hate relationship         come as research shows that a                    automatically. Millennials are even
with retail loyalty schemes. The           massive £6 billion sits unclaimed                more likely to turn away from in-
white label supermarket app                in loyalty accounts with the UK’s                store shopping, with 35% of those
commissioned a survey among                leading retailers. Furthermore,                  aged between 18 and 34 saying
more than 2,000 UK adults,                 a huge number of people also                     they prefer to go online for the
uncovering that the majority of            stated that they are frustrated                  loyalty benefits it provides.
consumers (59%) are signed up              with card-based loyalty schemes.
to at least three different loyalty        With a quarter of shoppers (25%,                 Will Broome, Founder and CEO
schemes. Moreover, almost half             or 12.83 million people) saying                  of Ubamarket, commented on the
(46%) of shoppers said they choose         they regularly forget their loyalty              findings:
to buy items in certain shops over         card, consumers have claimed that                “Loyalty schemes have a huge
others based on the points they            the current system is “inefficient”              amount to offer consumers –
can earn through a store’s loyalty         and needs changing – this figure                 that is why so many of us are
scheme.                                    jumps to 38% among millennials.                  signed up to vast numbers of
                                           CLUMSY LOYALTY SYSTEMS                           them and are drawn to certain
CONSUMERS COMMITTED                        PUSH SHOPPERS OUT OF                             retailers over others. But the way
YET CLUELESS ON POINTS                     STORE AND ONLINE                                 people collect, track and reclaim
COLLECTED                                  Furthermore, a huge number                       points through these schemes is
However, despite the significant           of people also stated that they                  horribly out-dated.”
impact loyalty schemes evidently           are frustrated with card-based
have on consumers’ spending                loyalty schemes. With a quarter of
habits, Ubamarket’s nationally-            shoppers (25%, or 12.83 million
representative study uncovered             people) saying they regularly
mass frustration with the current          forget their loyalty card, consumers
system. Three tenths (30%) of UK           have claimed that the current
adults – the equivalent of                 system is “inefficient” and needs
15.4 million people – say they             changing – this figure jumps to
have lost track of how many loyalty        38% among millennials. As a
schemes they are a member of,              result of the inefficiencies of in-
while 25% said they have no idea           store loyalty schemes, 21% of UK
how many points they have on               adults said they are opting to shop
CONSUMERS                              consumers have claimed that the
COMMITTED YET                          current system is “inefficient”
                                       and needs changing – this figure
CLUELESS ON POINTS                     jumps to 38% among millennials.                     Over 30 million UK adults
COLLECTED                                                                                (59%) have signed up to more
                                                                                          than three loyalty cards with
                                       As a result of the inefficiencies                        different retailers
However, despite the significant       of in-store loyalty schemes, 21%
impact loyalty schemes evidently       of UK adults said they are opting
have on consumers’ spending            to shop online so they can easily                            46%
habits, Ubamarket’s nationally-        track their spend and receive
representative study uncovered         loyalty points automatically.                       46% of consumers – 23.62
mass frustration with the current      Millennials are even more likely                  million people – said they will
                                                                                         choose a retailer based on the
system. Three tenths (30%) of UK       to turn away from in-store                        points they can earn through a
adults – the equivalent of 15.4        shopping, with 35% of those                           store’s loyalty scheme
million people – say they have         aged between 18 and 34 saying
lost track of how many loyalty         they prefer to go online for the
schemes they are a member                                                                           30%
                                       loyalty benefits it provides.
of, while 25% said they have
no idea how many points they           Will Broome, Founder and CEO                    However, 30% of shoppers say they
                                                                                       have lost track of how many loyalty
have on their loyalty cards and        of Ubamarket, commented on                        schemes they are a member of
would not know how to find out.        the findings:
The findings come as research
shows that a massive £6 billion        “Shopping apps with in-built                               25%
sits unclaimed in loyalty accounts     loyalty schemes are an easy way
with the UK’s leading retailers.       to overcome these issues. No                      25% of UK adults say they have
                                       more worrying about if you’ve                      no idea how many points they
                                                                                           have on their loyalty cards or
Furthermore, a huge number             remembered your loyalty card                          how they would find out
of people also stated that they        and no more being left in the
are frustrated with card-based         dark about how many points
loyalty schemes. With a quarter        you have; in-app loyalty means                               £6
of shoppers (25%, or 12.83             you will effortlessly amass and
million people) saying they            reclaim loyalty benefits, which is                  £6 billion sits unclaimed in
regularly forget their loyalty card,   why retailers must move towards                   loyalty accounts with the UK’s
consumers have claimed that the        this solution.”                                           leading retailers
current system is “inefficient”
and needs changing – this figure                                                                  12.83
jumps to 38% among millennials.
                                                                                      12.83 million people regularly forget
PUSH SHOPPERS OUT OF                                                                their loyalty cards, causing frustration at
STORE AND ONLINE                                                                    that the “inefficient” card-based system

Furthermore, a huge number of
people also stated that they are
                                             21% of shoppers across the UK – 10.78 million people
frustrated with card-based loyalty           – say they prefer to shop online so they can track their
schemes. With a quarter of                       spend and automatically receive loyalty points
shoppers (25%, or 12.83 million                    This figure rises to 35% among those aged
people) saying they regularly                                   between 18 and 34
forget their loyalty card,

54%                                          49%                                       53%                                                               59%
USE LISTS                                    PURCHASE                                  PRIORITISE                                                        IGNORE
I enter the supermarket                      IMPULSIVELY                               CONVENIENCE                                                       ADVERTISING
with a pre-written/thought-                  I enter the supermarket                                                                                     In-store advertising
out list, and find it difficult                                                        I select the supermarket I visit based
                                             with a roughly pre-written                                                                                  such as promotional
to remember what I need                                                                on the speed, convenience and
                                             list but around half of my                                                                                  activity on aisles or
to buy without it                                                                      efficiency of shopping in that store
                                             shop is made from other                                                                                     till-points don’t really
                                                                                       over factors such as reduced-price or
                                             items not on the list based                                                                                 influence my purchase
                                                                                       a well-known chain. Convenience is
                                             on impulse purchases                                                                                        decisions
                                                                                       the most important things for me

                BAKERY                                                JAMS                                                  SWEETS                                           FRUIT

                                                                             47%                                          ICE CREAM
                                                                             AVOID SELF
                                                                             CHECKOUTS                                                WANT APP
                                                                             I avoid self-checkout machines
                                                                             whenever possible as they are
                                                                             complicated and they often                               17.5 million
                                                                             go wrong                                                 shoppers want one
                                  RESPOND                                                                                             app for the end to
                                  TO OFFERS                                                                                           end supermarket-
                                                                                                                                      shop, stating
                                  I am much more likely to add                                                                        logging into
                                  additional items to my basket                                                                       multiple apps in one
                                  that I did not originally set out                                                                   store for purchase,
                                  to buy if they are on a                                                                             loyalty tracking and
                                  promotional offer                                                                                   live-offers stops
                                                                                                                                      them from returning
                                                                                                                                      to that store

                            KEY FEATURES



    INCREASE BASKET SIZE                     SCAN AS YOU GO


      TARGETED OFFERS                       AUTOMATIC LOYALTY






“The World’s most sophisticated retail app.”

Working with Ubamarket is simple. We offer a licencing structure, bespoke app modules to match
your requirements and full technical support. Working with Ubamarket enables you to have your own
branded app live in store within weeks.

• Our software solution integrates with any existing EPOS system and hardware.
• Our design team creates your white label solution according to your brand guidelines
• We integrate our own loyalty programme or integrate with your existing loyalty provider
   (loyalty is optional)
• We provide full store mapping of all products and locations across all stores
• We provide on-going access to real time behaviour pattern data

We are continually developing the app, launching new features and innovating the customer experience.
Your white label app will enable you to stay ahead of the game in a fast-moving digital world where
shoppers expect the best.

We would be delighted to discuss your requirements and look forward to working with you in 2018.

                                  home          list       shop                       home      list      shop

                                           Shop Smarter                        Milk                                     SKIP
                                                                               Aisle 2, left

                                 MR A SMITH
                                 000000 0000 0000 0000
                                 You have 1640 points worth £16.40

                                        START SHOPPING

                                          SHOPPING LIST

                                                                                  1/2                        £0.62

                                         TODAY’S OFFERS

                                         SPECIALLY SELECTED FOR YOU             scanned        Checkout     in basket
                            Top Floor
             Top Floor
                            42 Bruton Place
             42 Bruton Place
                            Mayfair, London W1J 6PA
             Mayfair, London W1J 6PA

         42 Bruton Place
    Mayfair, London W1J6PA
     Tel: +44 20 7015 2250

          Will Broome
      CEO and Founder:
     Tel: +44 7767 688866

           Fiona Ferrer
 Head of Customer Engagement
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