Revolutionize your working rhythm - A HELVAR WHITEPAPER

Page created by Wesley Morrison
Revolutionize your working rhythm - A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
Revolutionize your
 working rhythm
     A H E LVA R W H I T E PA P E R

               MAY 2021
Revolutionize your working rhythm - A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
before we begin our journey...
                                                                                        check out these stats
                                                                                               2%             *
                                                                                                                                                                         73%                    *

                                                                                     of employees on average felt                                                of employees want flexible
                                                                                     that they were more efficient                                              remote-work options to stay
                                                                                      when working from home...
                                                                                                                                                                  *Work Trend Index by Microsoft - Mar 2021
                                                                                         *Survey by VOXEU - Jan-Feb 2021

   the office revolution
          is now
It’s a bold statement - let us explain what we mean...
At the beginning of Spring                 The office has always been one of
                                           the most valuable tools available for
                                                                                                                                                   the top two reasons
2020, life as we knew was
                                           businesses. Its primary purpose has
flipped upside down, offices               been to support us in performing our
around the world were left                 job roles to the best of our ability.
                                                                                                                                                   people say they want to be back in the office are:
empty and the rise of working              The office also reinforces a “feeling
from home (WFH) became a                   of belonging” by providing a “home”                                                                           1 to connect with colleagues
                                           for the company. It provides access
feature in the majority of our

                                           to fine-tuned, comfortable working                                                                       2 to feel a sense of shared purpose
lives.                                     and social spaces, which encourage                                                        *
                                           peak performance and are equipped
Country by country, we were forced         with everything we need to get the job
into a new way of working. Businesses      done.                                                     of leaders say their company is
had no choice but to evaluate and roll                                                              actively considering redesigning
out new working models, which went         In the past year however, it seems that                     office space for hybrid work
against the grain of many existing rigid   more people have found themselves                           *Work Trend Index by Microsoft - Mar 2021
working practices.                         working more efficiently from home,
                                           which begs the question...
Working from home was now the
first-time option for many of us, and a    ...what purpose will physical
year down the line, we find ourselves
                                           offices serve in the future?
questioning our new working rhythms.

                                                                                       So, what’s your opinion... Do you agree with the above?
Revolutionize your working rhythm - A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
what’s the hybrid
                                                                                      support to users in a comfortable,        February 2021). In a 2021 employee
                                                                                      ergonomic space. The office’s value       survey conducted by Lloyds Banking
                                                                                      in enabling these social interactions     Group, it was established that nearly

         working model?
                                                                                      and collaborative moments suggests        80% of its workforce wanted to WFH
                                                                                      that transformative office spaces will    for at least three days a week, leading
                                                                                      endure for decades to come.               the company to reduce its office space
                                                                                                                                by 20% over two years. HSBC has
                                                                                      There is also the concern for business    also announced a 40% cut in its office
                                                                                      leaders that without a physical           footprint.
Over the last year, companies              Now that the world is familiar             office, instilling and crystallising
worldwide have been grappling              with video communications tools,           brand values, beliefs and working         However, this approach does not fit
                                           it removes the need for physical           practices will become difficult, if not   all businesses. In March 2021, Google
with the evolving circumstances
                                           presence in the office. It enables local   be impossible to achieve, remotely.       announced that it will “keep growing
around the workforce.                      working hubs to thrive and allows the      With no central hub, the question is      our offices across the US” as they
                                           option of a hybrid working model for       whether there is a fixed abode for the    expect demand for office presence
Despite, arguably, higher productivity     those that want the benefits of both       company to truly call home?               to increase, whilst capping remote
levels and the removal of time-            WFH and the office.                                                                  working. But it’s not just the likes
consuming commutes, WFH also                                                          Prior to the pandemic, many               of Google who are encouraging a
brought specific remote work issues                                                   companies allowed restricted remote       return to the office - Amazon, Wells
to the forefront. Feelings of isolation,
                                           What are the driving factors
                                           behind the office return?                  working, but will we see a return to      Fargo and Goldman Sachs have told
the blurring of work-life boundaries                                                  such a regimented structure? Staff        their employees that they expect
and a lack of collaboration have been                                                 surveys by some of the UK’s largest       a staggered return as the regions
some of the common concerns raised         Since the dawn of the “Social Office”,
                                           we’ve seen a growing development           employers highlight that UK staff         ease out of lockdowns and return to
since the global office departure.                                                    prefer a hybrid working rhythm,           normality.
                                           in collaborative, multi-functional
                                           spaces that are dynamic and                whereby they can work from both
In the recent ‘Work Experience
                                           promote collaboration. This kind           home and the office at their choosing     From recent findings, it seems
Diagnostic Study’ conducted in                                                        as opposed to reverting to full-time
September 2020 by Steelcase                of working environment shapes                                                        apparent that the hybrid working
                                                                                      office work (Financial Times, 28
Research, the top two reasons people       the entire employee experience,                                                      model is here to stay.
gave for wanting to be back in the         providing a sense of belonging and
office were:                               greatly influencing teamwork and
• To connect with colleagues, and,
                                           Of course, WFH has reduced
• To feel a sense of shared purpose        commuting time and costs for many
with the organisation.                     whilst supporting a better work-
                                           life balance for some; however,
Disconnected from the previous             celebrating a team win together
structure and routines of going into       can’t be truly experienced whilst
the office, the pandemic shone a light     you sit at home, alone. Larger
on new working rhythms. It gave            discussions, events, and team-based
birth to alternative work conditions       activities are just a few examples
and opened new expectations of             where face-to-face interactions
flexibility. So, with working from         trump remote working. The ease of
the office removed, it extended the        sitting beside a colleague to bounce
possibility to work from home or           ideas between one another can
work from a café or work from a hub        enhance creativity when completing
- effectively taking personal working      complex tasks or projects. The
styles with you as you travel.             most successful offices are those
                                           which provide resources and
Revolutionize your working rhythm - A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
returning to a
            safe workspace
‘Social distancing’ — this                  It comes as no surprise that
recently coined phrase is now               technology is evolving at an ever-
                                            increasing pace. It impacts every
ever-present in today’s society.
                                            touchpoint of our lives today — our
                                            homes, daily routines, health, and
For office working, this has meant a
                                            workplaces. Smart technology has
limit to the numbers of people allowed
                                            enabled the creation of intelligent
in an office at any one time. With fewer
                                            offices that are sustainable, cognitive
people in an office, social distancing
                                            and adaptable. We now have spaces
is somewhat easier to abide by. The
                                            which actively work to enhance our
pandemic has taught us to get used to
                                            wellbeing whilst aiding concentration
social distancing. Seeing people shake
                                            and removing unnecessary
hands or even hug, can be perceived
                                            distractions. Automated smart lighting
by some as odd or even careless.
                                            controls and automatic HVAC systems,
We’ve adapted to stay clear of other
                                            for example, remove the need to think
people. However, offices need to be
                                            about changing the temperature
regarded a safe place, that is, if we are
                                            or light levels, providing us with a
to successfully return to some sort of
                                            responsive and automatic experience.
                                            Lighting related sensors can be used
We want to avoid touching the same
                                            to monitor occupancy and spaces
surfaces as everybody else. The most
                                            can be adapted to accommodate the
obvious surfaces include switches
                                            numbers of people attending certain
and door handles. Luckily, intelligent                                                capacity requires the collection and     Being able to see the problem areas
                                            areas in an office. To understand
lighting can support our new                                                          analysis of data. Having data means      and times of high occupancy can also
                                            the number of occupants in a space
requirement.                                                                          we can build the intelligence of the     help instruct people on when the best
                                            compared to the maximum occupant
                                                                                      system. Occupancy data enables you       time to attend the office might be to
                                                                                      to monitor, alert and predict. This      avoid busier periods.
                                                                                      provides possibilities for guidance on
                                                                                      how spaces can be adjusted. HR and       Occupancy data can also be used to
                                                                                      Facility managers can benefit from       help with activities such as cleaning.
                                                                                      “space utilisation” data. By better      Cleaners can be dispatched to focus
                                                                                      understanding occupancy levels over      areas that have been in use rather
                                                                                      a period, decision-makers can easily     than cleaning unoccupied spaces. This
                                                                                      see if there is a challenge with the     not only saves time but is a proactive
                                                                                      available space for safe working.        way of working in a time when
Revolutionize your working rhythm - A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
hygiene is of such critical importance.    in a professional office, it might not
Occupancy data can also support            be the right solution for a number of
using UV-C at the right time, and at       reasons – these systems are designed
the right place. UV-C light inactivates    for homes, and do not consider
viruses and bacteria through               commercial data protection.
damaging molecules like nucleic acids
and proteins. This makes the germ          Gesture control has been tested for
incapable of performing the processes      years; however, it hasn’t been fully
that it needs to survive. Using UV-C       adapted for proper use. For when
light for killing pathogens has become     personal lighting control is needed,
more and more commonplace in               logical user interfaces include mobile
recent months. Since UV-C (depending       devices and computers. As office
on dose and frequency) can be              users typically have both computers
harmful for people, typical solutions      and mobile phones, no two users
either aim UV-C light to upper parts of    need to operate the same interface.
a room or take care that the space is      Mobile phones provide the ability to
empty when UV-C is used.                   control lighting via Bluetooth. Control
                                           for specific luminaires can also be
Normal office lighting does not strictly   managed by scanning a QR code or
require any user interfaces. However,      placing a phone over an NFC tag.

                                                                                                the vision of the
there are situations where users           However, if we are working in the
want to tailor the settings or select      same place for long periods of time,
different lighting scenes to their own     a computer/laptop may be a more

                                                                                                  future office
preferences. One option is to use          logical user interface for lighting.
user interfaces which are designed
to be easy to clean. The alternative       As technology continues to
is touchless UI, whereby lighting is       advance, we will continue to
controlled by voice or gesture control.
                                           reap the benefits. Technology
Voice control is already being used in     enables safety and comfort -
home environments with the likes of        ultimately creating a seamless
Alexa, Cortana and Google. However,        user experience.                          So, once the pre-requisites for          boost our wellbeing. But how would
                                                                                     returning to the office are met,         someone know if their workplace is
                                                                                                                              ticking the right boxes when it comes
                                                                                     what do we envision for the
                                                                                                                              to human-centric design?
                                                                                     future office?
                                                                                                                              The WELL Building Standard is a
                                                                                     Whilst WFH during the pandemic,          globally recognised certification
                                                                                     we’ve become accustomed to the           which tells us exactly that. It offers
                                                                                     conditions of homeworking. We            an excellent framework to design a
                                                                                     are creatures of habit, so what will     people-focused workplace, ensuring
                                                                                     encourage us to return to the office     that people are kept at the centre of
                                                                                     since we are now used to these home      office design and development.
                                                                                                                              WELL is grounded in a body of
                                                                                     It’s simple. The decision to return to   evidence-based research that
                                                                                     the office will come down to whether     explores the connection between our
                                                                                     the office can provide value on top of   buildings and the health and wellness
                                                                                     the homeworking conditions.              impacts on the people inside these
                                                                                     A starting point for consideration       buildings. To be awarded a WELL
                                                                                     could be whether the chosen working      V2 Certification by the International
                                                                                     place is designed to support and
Revolutionize your working rhythm - A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI),       systems. The result of this is a people-
rigorous testing is required to        centric place to work.
ensure that the building meets all
ten performance requirements: Air,     But wellbeing isn’t the only factor
Water, Nourishment, Light, Movement,   that needs to be considered. Office
Thermal Comfort, Sound, Materials,     spaces also need to be sustainable
Mind and Community.                    and cost-efficient to use and maintain.
                                       And this is clear from the presence of
During this whitepaper, we delve       empty offices. What is the value of the
deeper into the concept of light,      office compared to its cost? Can an
going through the very basics of       office with optimised conditions also
good lighting and touching upon how    be efficient where square meters are
lighting can support wellbeing and     used efficiently? We believe that this is
optimal working rhythms. In addition   where smart technology provides the
to this, we’ll also reflect on other   most benefits.
aspects including air and movement.
                                       Smart technology helps to provide
In future buildings, we believe        optimal conditions whilst encouraging
that systems will support perfect      energy efficiency and minimal
working conditions. They use data      wastage. Sensors continually monitor
to seamlessly interact and work        an environment and collect and collate
together, collecting insights from     data, which can then be processed
a wide variety of different building   into insights and predictions, such as

                                                                                   predictive occupancy. They can identify   Many companies would now love
                                                                                   where and how to improve conditions       to adapt their spaces for varying
                                                                                   even before any individual triggers the   personal preferences, for a new type
                                                                                   need. And when different solutions        of use, for less or more people, and
                                                                                   in a building interact with each other,   for different sizes of teams, for both
                                                                                   wellbeing and energy benefits can         in offices and virtual use.
                                                                                   be far greater than we can anticipate
                                                                                   now.                                      So, the priority in office development
                                                                                                                             should be that the future offices
                                                                                   We’ve spoken about people, wellbeing      need to be adaptable, and they
                                                                                   centricity, and how future offices can    need to adapt without hassle,
                                                                                   also be efficient at the same time, but   increasingly aided and automatically
                                                                                   there is also a third element which       by the intelligence provided by smart
                                                                                   we envision that is crucial for future    technology.
                                                                                   offices — adaptability.
                                                                                                                             But before we jump into this,
                                                                                   We tend to design spaces based            let’s start from the basics of
                                                                                   on what we have learned about
                                                                                                                             good lighting which can often be
                                                                                   them. But if the last twelve months
                                                                                   have taught us anything, it’s             overlooked...
                                                                                   that it is so difficult to forecast
                                                                                   the future in the world where
                                                                                   speed of change accelerates.
Revolutionize your working rhythm - A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
CRI in an office needs to be scored at     and there should be minimal lighting
                                                                                    least 80 CRI. There is a strong focus      differences between adjacent
                                                                                    placed on how highly red (R9) is rated,    surfaces.
                                                                                    since it indicates how accurately
                                                                                    we can see skin tones. The WELL            These attributes are all measured as
                                                                                    Standard suggests that R9 should           part of the WELL Standard, in addition
                                                                                    always score greater than 50.              to considerations around workstation
                                                                                                                               positioning and minimising daylight
                                                                                    The selected luminaire and its position    glare.
                                                                                    will ultimately define where light is
                                                                                    available. Selecting the correct type of   Ultimately, we all appreciate the
                                                                                    luminaires and the luminaire locations     ability to tune our environments, and
                                                                                    are the key competence of a lighting       lighting is one of the easiest elements
                                                                                    designer. It’s also essential to take      in an office that we can adjust to suit
                                                                                    care that there is a high-quality LED      our ever-changing needs. Let’s make
                                                                                    driver that doesn’t flicker. Glare can     it a daily conscious observation and
                                                                                    be reduced by selecting the suitable       demand better lighting conditions.
                                                                                    optics and by using fully or partly
                                                                                    indirect lighting. The uniformity of       After all, we typically only truly
                                                                                    lighting should also be considered         appreciate good lighting when it isn’t

 what is good lighting
  in office spaces?
It’s easy to get caught up with          rendering depend on the spectrum
new and exciting technology, but         of the light. Some luminaires have
                                         two or more different light sources.
we shouldn’t forget the basics of
                                         By using a lighting control system,
good lighting!                           the characteristics of light can be
                                         changed. For example, Tunable White
We need the right type of light at       luminaires typically have two different
the right time to perform at our         LED types, and by varying the output
best. The light source defines both      of those, the characteristics of the
colour temperature (how “warm” or        light changes. Colour rendering is
“cool” light is, measured in Kelvin)     expressed as a rating between 1 – 100
and colour rendering (how different      against the Colour Rendering Index
colours are perceived based on light).   (CRI). The higher the CRI rating, the
                                         better the colour rendering ability. The
Colour temperature and colour
Revolutionize your working rhythm - A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
good lighting meets                                                                the evening hours. Many studies have
                                                                                      highlighted the negative impact on
                                                                                                                                                 effectively support the user’s overall
                                                                                                                                                 mood, mental and physical health and

    circadian lighting
                                                                                      sleep when looking at mobile phones                        productivity levels.
                                                                                      or watching television shortly before                      Of the current nine WELL Standard
                                                                                      bedtime – this is because these                            Preconditions and Optimisations
                                                                                      screens emit cooler blue light that can                    for Light, L03 relates to Circadian
                                                                                      make it harder for our bodies to sleep.                    Lighting. This optimisation
                                                                                                                                                 recommends that certain light levels
A term becoming rapidly more               evolution, this process has relied
                                                                                      Mobile devices now even have settings                      are achieved for a minimum of four
widespread is ‘circadian lighting’         solely on natural light, however as
                                                                                      that can reduce the amount of bluish                       hours a day (by midday latest) at a
                                           we’ve moved into the modern age,
- which means lighting specially                                                      light entering the user’s eye to combat                    height of 18 inches above the work-
                                           where typically we spend 80-90% of
tuned to support our natural               our time indoors often without access
                                                                                      these issues. It’s even more important                     plane for all workstations in regularly
body-clocks. But the question                                                         to take care that there is no light in                     occupied spaces (see table below).
                                           to natural light, it’s common for our
                                                                                      our bedrooms when we are sleeping,
is, can office lighting truly have         circadian rhythms to be disrupted.
                                                                                      as this can interfere with the natural                      Depending on the amount of EML
such a big part to play in our             This can result in trouble sleeping and
                                                                                      process. For some of us, it might                          (Equivalent Melanopic Luxes) or
day-to-day body regulation?                make it harder to stay alert.
                                                                                      be wise to invest in black-out blinds                      M-EDI(D65) (Melanopic Equivalent
                                                                                      which are designed to effectively                          Daylight Illuminance), a workplace can
Sleep is critical in terms of recharging   Typically, lighting should be adjusted
                                                                                      reduce this impact.                                        get more points for their certification.
your body. But did you know that           throughout the day according to
the quality of your sleep might be         our bodies to enhance an optimal
                                           circadian rhythm. For most people,         So, how can office lighting                                In practice, this means that spaces
influenced by the lighting in your                                                                                                               may require light sources which are
                                           this means a lot of light and/or cooler    support our circadian rhythm?
workplace?                                                                                                                                       capable of producing cooler light and/
                                           light during the morning hours and
                                                                                      Since light is the main driver of the                      or brighter light at different times of
Our bodies operate on a body clock –       gradually shifting to lower lighting
                                                                                      visual and circadian systems, and                          the day.
our circadian rhythm - the natural,        levels towards the evening. This would
                                           be true for both at home and in an         since all light - not just sunlight
internal process that regulates the                                                                                                              Additionally, since this particular
                                           office environment.                        - can contribute to circadian
sleep–wake cycle and repeats roughly                                                                                                             condition is measured by the light
                                           For diurnal individuals (those who         photoentrainment, all spaces should
every 24 hours.                                                                                                                                  which reaches our eyes, designers
                                           truly get active after 6pm) it’s wise      take lighting strategies into account to
                                                                                                                                                 should focus on other variables,
This circadian rhythm is extremely         to avoid strong lighting levels and/
sensitive to light. Throughout human       or cooler temperature light during

                                                                                     For workstations used during the daytime, electric lighting is used to achieve the following thresholds:

                                                                                      a. The following light levels are achieved for at least four hours (beginning by noon at the latest) at
                                                                                      a height of 18 inches above the work place for all workstations in regularly occupied spaces:

                                                                                        Tier      Threshold                                                                           Points
                                                                                          1      At least 150 EML        The project achieves at least 120 EML [109 M-EDI(D65)] and     1
                                                                                                 [136 M-EDI(D65)]        L05 Part 1 or L06 Part 1

                                                                                          2      At least 240 EML        The project achieves at least 180 EML [163 M-EDI(D65)] and     3
                                                                                                 [218 M-EDI(D65)]        L05 Part 1 or L06 Part 1

                                                                                      b. The light levels are achieved on the vertical plane at eye level to simulate the light entering the
                                                                                      eye of the occupant.

                                                                                               for additional information, click here to visit WELL
Revolutionize your working rhythm - A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
Helvar Light over Time®
including lumen output, timing and the     lighting is set to high intensity bright     Helvar’s lighting profile creation and
position of luminaires and surfaces of     white light, this isn’t beneficial to the
                                                                                         implementation tool, designed to
work planes.                               circadian rhythm of users working
                                           in the late evening. It would also use       balance the artificial lighting in our
As white surfaces reflect more light       excess energy when a dimmer light           daily environment and provide a more
                                                                                                                                 NATURAL                                 ALERTNESS
than darker surfaces, this should be       would be more than appropriate for                  natural lighting cycle.
taken into account when designing          the time of day and availability of
offices to maximise the level of           daylight.
                                                                                              Click here to read more
available light. Even the colour of work
surfaces can affect the spectrum of        The best strategy to achieve optimal               about Light over Time
reflected light.                           conditions day in, day out, would be to
                                           implement a lighting control solution
                                                                                                     Watch the video
Circadian lighting design is an            that automatically sets the lighting to
interesting topic when it comes to         the appropriate intensity and colour                                                                WELLBEING
lighting controls. A common strategy       temperature throughout the day. This
employed by companies is to use            can be a general solution if working
occupancy/movement sensors to              hours in the space are regular. If
ensure that lighting is dimmed when a      employee working hours typically vary,
space is empty.                            a personalised solution might be more         Helvar ActiveAheadTM
However, this typically won’t help with
                                           suitable. This would support every
                                           user’s circadian rhythm, regardless
                                                                                        Personalised Solutions
light intensity or colour temperature      of working hours, and reduce energy
                                                                                         Through our solutions, users have
adjustments. For instance, if the          usage in an intelligent way.
                                                                                         the ability to fine-tune and select        Circadian Wellbeing: This rhythm is designed to boost..

                                                                                        the lighting rhythms to match their
     At Helvar, we have innovative tools to help implement                                        individual needs.
      the perfect circadian lighting for users of the space!
Revolutionize your working rhythm - A HELVAR WHITEPAPER
quality does not worsen in an instant.   ventilation, it is almost certain that the
                                                                                       Instead, there is typically a slow       air quality will degrade quite rapidly.
                                                                                       build-up which ultimately triggers the   Systems that measure occupancy in
                                                                                       HVAC system after crossing a certain     real-time can subsequently forecast
                                                                                       threshold.                               the expected impact on air quality and
                                                                                                                                direct the HVAC system accordingly.
                                                                                       The goal of a primary intervention

intelligent sensing to
                                                                                       technique is to instead anticipate       It is also worth thinking about
                                                                                       the build-up in advance and take         secondary interventions. If the air
                                                                                       appropriate action ahead of time.        quality has unfortunately already

support performance
                                                                                       When executed correctly, the indoor      degraded, the occupants must be
                                                                                       air quality in the space should          informed as soon as possible in case
                                                                                       theoretically never worsen, since the    the HVAC system cannot adequately
                                                                                       system continues to spring into action   improve the conditions. These alerts
                                                                                       proactively. Occupancy seems to be       can be generated via handheld devices
                                                                                       the most useful leading indicator        or through some common interface
As mentioned above, future                space for user health and wellbeing          of air quality. If a space is highly     like a wall screen panel or emergency
office spaces should have a               - before the conditions even start to        occupied and does not have adequate      lighting. Pretty clever stuff, right?
                                          have an adverse impact.
surprisingly notable impact on
the wellbeing of occupants.               Harmful indoor compounds, especially
                                          CO2, are a great example of such an
By combining data from various            intervention. Prolonged exposure

                                                                                          the thought of the day
sensors, including occupancy data,        to dangerous levels of CO2 can lead
real-time decisions and interventions     to fatigue, headaches, decreased
can be made to optimise indoor            productivity and other physiological

                                                                                         from our data scientist
conditions in a way that benefits the     issues.
occupants of the space.
                                          Many HVAC systems are designed to
There are various possible

                                          react to worsening indoor conditions.
interventions which the system can        They can, for example, trigger
take, but the most valuable is one that   increased ventilation to reduce rising
occurs proactively.                                                                      The universality of IoT (Internet of Things) devices and the exponential
                                          levels of CO2. However, the problem
                                          with this approach is that it suffers
                                                                                           increase in computational power in the last decade have made the
This is where the system essentially      from delayed reaction times. The air           conversation nuanced on how and where to deploy intelligence. It is a
makes a decision to optimise the                                                          multi-dimensional trade-off between cost, complexity and latency.

                                                                                          Simple decision-making algorithms can easily reside on low-cost IoT
                                                                                         chips, allowing the system to execute commands instantaneously. This
                                                                                          comes at the expense of complexity. Significantly more complex and
                                                                                       advanced algorithms can be deployed on the cloud. However, this usually
                                                                                       incurs a running expenditure and has a higher latency as well, depending
                                                                                                                on the resources involved.

                                                                                       When planning the architecture of an intelligent system, it is important to
                                                                                        consider the complexity of the system, the expected response times and
                                                                                       whether existing tools and hardware can actually support the application.
                                                                                       Often, a reasonable approach involves both edge IoT devices and the cloud
                                                                                              to enable resource sharing, ease the complexity constraints,
                                                                                                          and improve decision-making speed.
our closing remarks                                                                        our contributors
                                                                                                   Thank you to the contributors from the Helvar team!
It seems evident that the hybrid          requirement will be actualised
working model is here to stay. The
way we use our offices is changing
                                          through use of smart building
                                          solutions, including intelligent lighting
                                                                                                           HENRI JUSLÉN
rapidly, and the aforementioned           systems. Smart, connected lighting                                FUTURE LIGHTING
‘office revolution’ seems to already be   plays an integral role in the evolution
upon us.                                  of offices spaces and in maintaining
                                          healthy working rhythms. The
The shift in our way of working has       development of innovative tools and
highlighted our desire for versatility.   methods mean that we’re now better                               JAS KANDOLA
The consensus is that offices play an     able to support our circadian rhythms
integral part in our society, providing   than ever before.                                                 MARKETING
a central hub for businesses to
crystallise their core values and         At Helvar, we believe the best
acting as ergonomic, dynamic spaces       working experience happens when
for people to collaborate, socialise,     technologies integrate seamlessly,
and concentrate. Importantly,             benefiting our wellbeing whilst                                  LARS HELLSTRÖM
offices can offer conditions designed     optimising spaces - achieved by
holistically for employee wellbeing.      continuously harnessing data over                                 STRATE GY & BU S INE SS D E VE LO PM EN T
                                          time to generate valuable insights for
Of course, there is a prerequisite        years to come.
- offices need to be safe. This vital
                                                                                                           OMAR NASIR
                                                                                                            DATA S C IE NC E

                                                                                                           SAM KILEY
     We’re Turning Everyday Places into Brighter Spaces.
 Throughout 2021, we’re celebrating our centennial anniversary. Our journey of
  innovation and reinvention has enabled us to develop market-leading future-
            proof lighting solutions across office projects worldwide.                                     SUSANNE LEHTINEN
          To learn more about how Helvar can help you create
               Brighter Spaces, speak to our team today!
                                                                                        To speak to the Helvar team regarding any content in this whitepaper, any
              visit                                                    press queries, or simply for further information or discussion, please contact
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