Risk Management and Challenges of Climate Change in Nigeria

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© Kamla-Raj 2013                                                               J Hum Ecol, 41(3): 221-235 (2013)

Risk Management and Challenges of Climate Change in Nigeria
                       Ann Ogbo1, Ndubuisi Ebele Lauretta2 and Wilfred Ukpere3

          Department of Management, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria
             E-mail: 1 2
      Department of Industrial Psychology & People Management, Faculty of Management,
                           University of Johannesburg, South Africa
                                  E-mail: wiukpere@uj.ac.za
KEYWORDS Disaster. Global Environment. Greenhouse. Sustainable Development. Temperatures

ABSTRACT The world’s climate is changing and will continue to change in the coming century at rates projected
to be unprecedented in recent human history. The risks associated with these changes are real but highly uncertain.
Societal vulnerability to the risks associated with climate change may exacerbate ongoing social and economic
challenges, particularly for those parts of society dependent on resources that are sensitive to cha nges in climate.
The main thrust of this paper is on the risk management and challenges of climate change in Nigeria. It reviews the
incidence of climatic change in Nigeria, the vulnerability of Nigeria as a nation to climate change, and the
consequences of climate change in Nigeria. The research design approach adopted in this work is the survey
research technique. The findings provided the following insights: first, that industrial releases, deforestation,
improper sewage disposals are human activities responsible for climate change; secondly, that flooding, drought,
erosion, make up the challenges resulting from climate change, and lastly that government/agencies in charge do
not really help to reduce the risk associated with climate change in Nigeria. Based on findings obtained , it can be
concluded that bush burning, over grazing, gas flaring, CO 2 are responsible for Nigeria climate change while creation
of environmental/climate refugees, threats to the future of children, reduction in economic growth, increases in
diseases, immediate setback on agriculture, loss of biodiversity are some of the challenges as a result of change in
climate. Essentially, Nigerian Government should provide solutions to manage the associated risk with climate
change in Nigeria like, afforestation programme, good policies, development of biotechnology, integrated climate
risk management, and technology that can capture at least 80% of carbon emitted by industries.

    INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND                              and nitrous oxide (N2O) into the atmosphere.
                                                             These GHGs are the primary causes of global
    Climate change refers to any change in cli-              warming. The global increases in CO2 concen-
mate overtime, whether due to natural variabili-             tration are due primarily to fossil fuel use and
ty or as a result of human activity (McCarthy                land use change, while those of CH4 and N2O are
2001: 2). It can also be seen as: “a change of               primarily due to agriculture. There is no doubt
climate which is attributed directly or indirectly           therefore that the earth is getting warmer and
to human activity that alters the composition of             human beings are mainly to be blamed (Spore
the global atmosphere and which is in addition               2008: 43). With reference to sub-Saharan Africa,
to natural climate variability observed over com-            there is growing interest on the likely impacts of
parable time periods (Parry 2007: 9).                        climate change on agriculture, economic growth
    Climate change has become a global issue in              and sustainable development. Incidences of cli-
recent times manifesting in variations of differ-            mate change include changes in soil moisture,
ent climate parameters including cloud cover,                soil quality, crop resilience, timing/length of grow-
precipitation, temperature ranges, sea levels and            ing seasons, yield of crops and animals, atmo-
vapour pressure (Ministry of Environment of                  spheric temperatures, weed insurgence, flood-
the Federal Republic of Nigeria (MoEFRN) 2003:               ing, unprecedented droughts, sea level rises and
43). The variations in climate parameters affect             many more. There are projections of increases
different sectors of the economy such as agri-               in rainfall in the humid regions of southern Ni-
culture, health, water resources, energy etc. The            geria, which are accompanied by increases in
main cause of climate change has been attribut-              cloudiness and rainfall intensity particularly
ed to anthropogenic (human) activities. For ex-              during severe storms. Similarly, the savannah
ample, the increased industrialization in the de-            areas of northern Nigeria were projected to ex-
veloped nations has led to the introduction of               perience less rainfall, which coupled with tem-
large quantities of greenhouse gases (GHGs),                 perature increases, reduces soil moisture avail-
including carbon (IV) oxide (CO2), methane (CH4)             ability. Increased temperatures and accompany-
222                                 ANN OGBO, NDUBUISI EBELE LAURETTA AND WILFRED UKPERE

ing decrease in water availability reduce the          human agency. While the adverse impacts of
length of growing seasons and yield potential          climate change on society may increase disaster
and hence the areas suitable for agriculture, fur-     risk, disasters themselves erode environmental
ther adversely affecting food security over the        and social resilience, and thus increase vulnera-
continent (Thornton et al. 2006: 23-27). It is now     bility to climate change (O’Brien et al. 2008: 3).
clear that most adverse climatic and environ-          Climate change – and the likely increase in di-
mental impacts that occur today are manifesta-         sasters – threatens to block pathways out of
tions of man’s inadvertent modifications to cli-       poverty in developing countries especially those
mate on local and to a limited extent, regional        in Africa. Any increase in disasters, whether large
scale in some activities of the distant past. Nat-     or small, will threaten development gains and
ural and human induced global environmental            hinder the implementation of the Millennium
change belongs to the class of risk with high          Development Goals (ISDR 2008: 55). In the com-
probability of occurrence and damage potential         ing decades, climate change is expected to exac-
but in such a remote future that for the time be-      erbate the risks of disasters, not only from more
ing no one is willing to perceive the threat. Al-      frequent and intense hazard events but also
though the probability of occurrence and the           through greater vulnerability to the existing haz-
damage potential are well known and clear, there       ards (ISDR 2008: 59). Approaches toward the
is always a time lag between trigger and conse-        management of climate change impacts have to
quence which create a fallacious impression of         consider the reduction of human vulnerability
security. Most disasters (including flood,             under changing levels of risk. A key challenge
droughts, desertification, land degradation, sub-      and opportunity therefore lies in building a bridge
sidence, etc.) are not random events without           between current disaster risk management ef-
underlying causes; they are sudden manifesta-          forts aimed at reducing vulnerabilities to extreme
tions of slow but continuous degradation pro-          events and efforts to promote climate change
cesses (UNEP-GRID-Arendal 2005: 3).                    adaptation (Olorunfemi 2008; Few et al. 2006).
     Broad scientific agreement now exists that        The long term horizon of climate change and
continued accumulation of heat-trapping                current scientific uncertainties pose special chal-
“greenhouse” gases in the atmosphere is con-           lenges. Strategies that address challenges rec-
tributing to changes in the global climate, and in     ognise that there is no best solution. In this
the climates of regions around the world (Cros-        sense, climate change provides new incentives
son 1997: 1-3). An analysis of temperature             for the need to plan ahead and to anticipate ex-
records shows that the earth has warmed an             treme events and trends (Zevenbergen et al.
average of 0.60C over the past 100 years (Envi-        2008: 23). Within the context of extreme weather
ronment Canada 2008: 1). The warming is real           events especially flooding, this means that man-
and significant though its intensity has varied        agement strategies must meet the present needs
from decade to decade, from region to region           while providing a path of adjustment for the fu-
and from season to season, and been mainly             ture.
caused by greenhouse gases (Crosson 1997: 1-               Nigeria, like many other countries, is exposed
3). There is a growing consensus in the scientif-      to climate change-induced dangers of desertifi-
ic literature that over the coming decades, high-      cation, erosion, flooding and other ecological
er temperatures and changing precipitation lev-        problems. Considering the strong nexus between
els caused by climate change will be unfavour-         climate change and development, Nigeria is high-
able for crop growth and yield in many regions         ly at risk in the area of food and nutrition, pover-
and countries (Yesuf et al. 2008: 12). To what         ty and hunger reduction, and most importantly,
extent this will be the case in Nigeria particularly   economic development. Consequently, Nigeria’s
in the southeast rainforest zone where both tem-       efforts and actions must be informed by these
perature and precipitation approach extremes has       realities.
not received much research interest. Disaster
risk and climate change are two threats to hu-         Research Problem
man well-being that reinforce each other. Hence,
they represent some of the greatest challenges            The study, therefore, seeks to ascertain the
to humankind in this century. Disaster risk is an      extent to which climate change has affected Ni-
intrinsic characteristic of human society, arising     geria and the possible risk management strate-
from the combination of natural and human fac-         gies adopted to manage the challenges associ-
tors and subject to exacerbation or reduction by       ated with the changes in climate. Despite that
RISK MANAGEMENT AND CHALLENGES OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN NIGERIA                                            223

there is favourable climate, yet there are some          Nigerian environment could be managed to an
challenges that Nigeria is facing as a result of         acceptable level.
climate change. Among those problems are:                    In order to achieve this, the research attempts
  Persistent droughts, flooding, and off-sea-           to achieve the following key specific objectives:-
    son rains have sent growing season out of               To identify whether deforestation, indus-
    orbit on a country dependent on rain-fed                   trial releases, improper sewage disposals
    agriculture.                                               are some of the major factors that are re-
  Alarm bells are ringing with lakes drying up,               sponsible for climate change in Nigeria.
    increased risk of death, hunger, migration              To identify the various challenges such as
    and a reduction in river flow in the different             flooding, drought, erosion, sea level rise
    parts of the country resulting in low water                and effects that climate change poses on
    supplies for use in agriculture, hydro power               the country.
    generation and other users.                             To proffer solutions/ways to manage the
  Increase in greenhouse gasses such as car-
    bon dioxide and other gases which is prob-                 associated risks of climate change in Nige-
    lem to human existence.                                    ria.
  More than 100,000 farming families move
    southwards as a result of the desertification        Theoretical Foundation
    which is the resultant effect of climate
    change in the country.                                    Climate change is a global problem that re-
  Increasing incidence of disease, declining            quires global solutions and is also one of the
    agricultural productivity, and rising number         most important issues on the global political
    of heat waves in Nigeria.                            agenda, with a series of efforts to find solutions
    Climate change often appears very esoteric           through international negotiations. Climate
but in Nigeria it is real and this call for scientific   change has become a global issue in recent times
study of this kind. Therefore, this research work        manifesting in variations of different climate pa-
will endeavour to examine those areas responsi-          rameters including cloud cover, precipitation,
ble for climate change, the challenges and pos-          temperature ranges, sea levels and vapour pres-
sible risk management strategies to finding so-          sure (Ministry of Environment of the Federal
lutions to the changes.                                  Republic of Nigeria (MoEFRN) 2003: 43). The
                                                         variations in climate parameters affect different
Research Questions                                       sectors of the economy such as agriculture,
                                                         health, water resources, energy etc. The main
   Given the statement of problem outlined               cause of climate change has been attributed to
above, it becomes necessary to ask the follow-           anthropogenic (human) activities. For example,
ing questions.                                           the increased industrialization in the developed
   To what extent has deforestation, industri-          nations has led to the introduction of large quan-
     al releases, improper sewage disposals as           tities of greenhouse gases (GHGs), including
     a result of human activities been responsi-         carbon (IV) oxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and ni-
     ble for climatic changes in Nigeria.
   Does flooding, drought, erosion, tropical            trous oxide (N2O) into the atmosphere. These
     storm, sea level rises pose the challenges/         GHGs are the primary causes of global warming.
     threatening results of climate change in            The global increases in CO2 concentration are
     Nigeria as a country.                               due primarily to fossil fuel use and land use
   Do Government/Agencies efforts help to               change, while those of CH4 and N2O are primari-
     reduce the risks associated with climate            ly due to agriculture. There is no doubt there-
     change and are there solutions proffered            fore that the earth is getting warmer and human
     by them to manage the associated risks of           beings are mainly to be blamed (Spore 2008: 4).
     climate change in Nigeria.                          With reference to sub-Saharan Africa, there is
                                                         growing interest on the likely impacts of climate
Research Objectives                                      change on agriculture, economic growth and
                                                         sustainable development. The world has risen
   The broad objective of the research is to             to the challenge and has started to put in place
identify ways and means by which climate                 legal and institutional mechanisms and measures
change in Nigeria and its risk/challenges in the         to collectively tackle the issues of climate
224                                 ANN OGBO, NDUBUISI EBELE LAURETTA AND WILFRED UKPERE

change. The most prominent of these are the            quent and intense hazard events but also
United Nations Framework Convention on Cli-            through greater vulnerability to the existing haz-
mate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Proto-              ards (ISDR 2008: 59). Approaches toward the
col. But since it is also a local phenomenon, in-      management of climate change impacts have to
terventions to cope with climate change impacts        consider the reduction of human vulnerability
require the engagement of stakeholders at na-          under changing levels of risk. A key challenge
tional and local levels. Adaptation requires the       and opportunity therefore lies in building a bridge
active involvement of different actors and re-         between current disaster risk management ef-
sponses at multiple levels.                            forts aimed at reducing vulnerabilities to extreme
     Broad scientific agreement now exists that        events and efforts to promote climate change
continued accumulation of heat-trapping                adaptation (Olorunfemi 2008; Few et al. 2006).
“greenhouse” gases in the atmosphere is con-           The long term horizon of climate change and
tributing to changes in the global climate, and in     current scientific uncertainties pose special chal-
the climates of regions around the world (Cros-        lenges. Strategies that address challenges rec-
son 1997: 1-3). An analysis of temperature             ognise that there is no best solution. In this
records shows that the earth has warmed an             sense, climate change provides new incentives
average of 0.60C over the past 100 years (Envi-        for the need to plan ahead and to anticipate ex-
ronment Canada 2008: 1). The warming is real           treme events and trends (Zevenbergen et al.
and significant though its intensity has varied        2008: 23). Within the context of extreme weather
from decade to decade, from region to region           events especially flooding, this means that man-
and from season to season, and been mainly             agement strategies must meet the present needs
caused by greenhouse gases (Crosson 1997: 1-           while providing a path of adjustment for the fu-
3). There is a growing consensus in the scientif-      ture. Climate change, which is attributable to the
ic literature that over the coming decades, high-      natural climate cycle and human activities, has
er temperatures and changing precipitation lev-        adversely affected productivity in Nigeria (Zi-
els caused by climate change will be unfavour-         ervogel et al. 2006: 8). Available evidence shows
able for crop growth and yield in many regions         that climate change is global, likewise its impacts;
and countries (Yesuf et al. 2008: 12). To what         but the most adverse effects will be felt mainly
extent this will be the case in Nigeria particularly   by developing countries, especially those in
in the southeast rainforest zone where both tem-       Africa, due to their low level of coping capabili-
perature and precipitation approach extremes has       ties (Nwafor 2007: 2; Jagtap 2007: 6). Nigeria is
not received much research interest. Disaster          one of these developing countries (Odjugo 2010:
risk and climate change are two threats to hu-         47-55). As the planet warms, rainfall patterns shift,
man well-being that reinforce each other. Hence,       and extreme events such as droughts, floods,
they represent some of the greatest challenges         and forest fires become more frequent (Zoellick
to humankind in this century. Disaster risk is an      2009: 7), which results in poor and unpredict-
intrinsic characteristic of human society, arising     able yields, thereby making farmers more vul-
from the combination of natural and human fac-         nerable, particularly in Africa (UNFCCC 2007: 9).
tors and subject to exacerbation or reduction by       Farmers (who constitute the bulk of the poor in
human agency. While the adverse impacts of             Africa) face prospects of tragic crop failures,
climate change on society may increase disaster        reduced agricultural productivity, increased hun-
risk, disasters themselves erode environmental         ger, malnutrition and diseases (Zoellick 2009: 5).
and social resilience, and thus increase vulnera-      It is projected that crop yield in Nigeria may fall
bility to climate change (O’Brien et al. 2008: 3).     by 10-20% by 2050 or even up to 50% due to
Climate change and the likely increase in disas-       climate change (Jones and Thornton 2003: 54),
ters threaten to block pathways out of poverty         particularly because Nigerian agriculture is pre-
in developing countries especially those in Afri-      dominantly rain-fed and hence fundamentally
ca. Any increase in disasters, whether large or        dependent on the vagaries of weather. As the
small, will threaten development gains and hinder      people of Nigeria strive to overcome poverty
the implementation of the Millennium Develop-          and advance economic growth, this phenome-
ment Goals (ISDR 2008: 55). In the coming de-          non threatens to deepen vulnerabilities, erode
cades, climate change is expected to exacerbate        hard-won gains and seriously undermine pros-
the risks of disasters, not only from more fre-        pects for development. Therefore, there is a need
RISK MANAGEMENT AND CHALLENGES OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN NIGERIA                                        225

for concerted efforts toward tackling this men-      ities. The location and size of, and the character-
ace.                                                 istic relief in Nigeria gave rise to a variety of
    The constant reportage of disasters occur-       climates ranging from tropical maritime climate
ring in Nigeria in the print and electronic media    characterized by the rainforest along the coastal
signals the enormous vulnerability of Nigerians      and southern section to the tropical hinterland
to day-to-day natural and human-induced haz-         climate associated with the Sahel in the north
ards. Recent Nigerian history is replete with var-   eastern section of the country. One irony in cli-
ious accidents and mishaps which reveal the          mate change as a global problem is that devel-
lack of preparedness of this populous State to       oping countries who contribute the least to
deal with emergencies. Nigeria’s inadequate di-      cause the problems are the most vulnerable to
saster management systems were even more             its impact. They are the most vulnerable because
                                                     they are least endowed with resources and tech-
harshly exposed when the nation endured a se-        nology to combat the problem and their econo-
ries of air crashes from 2005 to 2006 and beyond.    mies are based largely on natural resources –
All the violent conflicts and civil disturbances     dependent sectors that are climate sensitive.
which ubiquitously flared up in many parts of        Nigeria happens to be one of those countries.
the country over the past decade were charac-        Mendelsohn et al. (2000: 17-20) and Mendelsohn
terised by the slow response of the security,        et al. (2006: 35-40) argue that the primary reason
emergency and relief agencies to crisis spots,       that poor countries are so vulnerable is their
and the consequent needless prolongation of          location. Countries with low latitudes start with
the suffering of those who had been affected by      very high temperatures. There are various rea-
them. As Nigeria marked the tenth anniversary        sons why Nigeria is vulnerable to climate change
of the 2002 Ikeja ammunition depot explosion         apart from being a developing country. For in-
disaster, and as the world continues the mop up      stance; it is established that every country is
activities following the recent massive earth-       affected by climate change, but the degree with
quake devastation of Haiti, it has become imper-     which it is impacted to produce damage differs,
ative for Africa’s most populous State to radi-      depending on geographical circumstances, the
cally reorganise its disaster response capability,   capacity with which to withstand the impact and
and to prepare a specific plan to improve the        the nature of the economy. Nigeria’s vulnerabil-
response capacities of the local people, improve     ity to climate change comes both from being
their livelihood in everyday life, for example, by   located in the tropics, and from various socio-
strengthening and improving housing quality,         economic, demographic, and policy trends limit-
gainful employment and access to income. The         ing its capacity to adapt to change. NEST (2003:
urgency of these tasks has been made even more       5-16), and Ayuba et al. (2007: 19) indicate that
compelling by the fact that the country is re-       constant loss of forest cover and biodiversity in
portedly within an earthquake-prone zone             Nigeria is linked to global warming and climate
(Muanya 2010: 24-34). That Nigeria lacks the         change. Nigeria is a country already being
most basic standards of disaster risk preven-        plagued by diverse ecological problems which
tion, management and reduction is a subject that     have been directly linked to changing climate.
has received considerable attention. By inter-       They are of the opinion that the effects will be
                                                     more pronounced due to existing low level of
national standards, oil pipes ought to be re-        coping capabilities in Nigeria and other parts of
placed after 15 to 20 years, but most pipelines in   Africa (Ibid).
use in Nigeria are about 20 to 25 years old, mak-         Integrated climate risk management, as a con-
ing them vulnerable to corrosion and leakage. In     cept, would address both the hazards and vul-
some cases, the pipes are laid above ground          nerabilities which configure particular risk sce-
level without adequate surveillance, exposing        narios and would range in scale from actions to
them to wear and tear and other dangers. It is       manage the local manifestations of global cli-
also noted that most of the facilities were con-     mate risk, through to global measures to reduce
structed between the 1960s and early 1980s to        hazard (for example, by reducing greenhouse gas
the then prevailing standards.                       emissions) and to reduce vulnerability (by in-
    Nigeria is vulnerable to climate change im-      creasing the social and economic resilience of
pacts due to its geography, climate, vegetation,     vulnerable countries such as SIDS, for exam-
soils, economic structure, population and set-       ple). Integrated climate risk management would
tlement, energy demands and agricultural activ-      need to include elements of anticipatory risk
226                                 ANN OGBO, NDUBUISI EBELE LAURETTA AND WILFRED UKPERE

management (ensuring that future development                               DATA ANALYSIS
reduces rather than increases risk), compensa-
tory risk management (actions to mitigate the               This section concentrates on the analysis of
losses associated with existing risk) and reac-        the data collected for this research work in tabu-
tive risk management (ensuring that risk is not        lar form, in order to aid in the proper understand-
reconstructed after disaster events). Moreover,        ing of the respondents views pertaining to typ-
it will have to take into account both potential       ical issues raises in the questionnaires. A total
impacts on socio-economic and environmental            of 136 questionnaires were distributed to the
systems. Integrated climate risk management            respondents out of which 130 were validly re-
could provide a framework to allow the disaster        turned.
community to move beyond the still dominant
focus on preparedness and response and for             Demographic Information of Respondents
the adaptation to climate change community to
move beyond the design of hypothetical future              Demographic information was collected to
adaptation strategies. In some regions, such as        establish the number, gender and age distribu-
the Caribbean and the South Pacific, synergy
                                                       tion of respondents as explained in Table 1.
such as this is already being achieved. Howev-
er, urgent actions must be taken at the interna-       Table 1: Respondents’ response rate
tional, national and local levels if integrated cli-
mate risk management is to move from a concept         Total ques-     %      Retur-         %      Differ-       %
to practice and serve to reduce risks and protect      tionnaires              ned                  ence
development.                                                                  questio-
             RESEARCH METHODS                                          10 0   13 0          95.59    6          4.41
                                                       Source: Field Survey 2011
    After considering the problem and purpose
of this study, the survey research technique
design was chosen, because it will provide an-             Table 1 shows that 6 questionnaires were
swers to questions relating to climate change.         not valid representing 4.41%. The remaining 130
The survey approach appeared best suited for           questionnaires were valid and represent 95.59%
this work since it is not feasible to interview the    of the total questionnaires distributed.
entire population. Furthermore, in surveys, there
are fixed sets of questions, and responses are         Table 2: Gender distribution of the respondents
systematically classified, so that quantitative        Options                No. of respondents Percentage
comparisons can be made. Answers to these                                         (No.)             (%)
questions are found in the secondary data or by
conducting surveys. Therefore two major sourc-         Male                          44                        33.85
es were employed in the quest to gather infor-         Female                        86                        66.15
mation for the study. They were both secondary         Tota l                  13 0                           1 00 .0 0
and primary sources.                                   Source: Field Survey 2011
    Structured questionnaire was used to source
the primary data. The researcher followed a se-           Table 2 shows that the numbers of female
quence of logical steps to develop a good ques-        respondents are more than that of male respon-
tionnaire that would accomplish the research           dents.
objectives. One hundred and thirty people drawn
from Enugu State in Nigeria were given the ques-       Table 3: The age distribution of the respondents
tionnaire to complete. The respondents were            Options                No. of respondents Percentage
promised a copy of the summary results of the                                      (No.)           (%)
findings to entice them to participate. This ap-
proach appears to have created much interest,          20 -2 5yrs                     25                       19.23
and the willingness to participate might have          26 – 35yrs                     35                       36.92
                                                       36yrs – above                  70                       53.85
been lower otherwise. Frequency table and per-
centages were used to analyze the data collect-        Tota l                        13 0                     1 00 .0 0
ed from the survey.                                    Source: Field Survey 2011
RISK MANAGEMENT AND CHALLENGES OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN NIGERIA                                                    227

   Table 3 shows that the age bracket that re-             Table 6: Solution to the problem of climate change
sponded to the questionnaire is between 36 years           Options              No. of respondents         Percen-
- above with 53.85% followed by ages 26-35                               Male       Fe ma le   Total        tage
years with 26.92% and the least age is 20-25 years                                                          (% )
with 19.23%.                                               Yes           16            39            55      42.31
                                                           No            24            36            60      46.15
                                                           No response    4            11            15      11.54
Awareness Level of Climate Change
                                                           Tota l        44            86          13 0     1 00 .0 0
   This section was undertaken to probe the                Source: Field Survey 2011
awareness level of respondents, in order to as-
certain their perception about climate change.                Table 6 shows that to many of the business
The analysis and interpretation is as under:               people, farmers and few students, anything cli-
                                                           mate is a natural phenomenon beyond human
Table 4: Awareness of respondents about climate            control and as such cannot be solved by man
change                                                     but by God. Hence, when asked whether they
Options               No. of respondents       Percen-     think the problem of climate change can be
                Male      Fe ma le    Total
                                                tage       solved at all, 42.31% responded in affirmative
                                                (% )       and most of them are educated and know much
Yes              39         61        10 0      76.92      about climate change and think it can be solved,
No                5         25         30       23.08      46.15% responded negative, while 11.54% did
Tota l           44         86        13 0     1 00 .0 0   not respond to this question.
Source: Field Survey 2011
                                                           Table 7: Problems of climate change affects you
                                                           as an indiv idual
   Table 4, shows that when the respondents
were asked whether they know what climate                  Options            No. of respondents           Percen-
change is all about, 76.92% of the people inter-                         Male       Female         Total
viewed responded in affirmative, while 23.08%                                                               (% )
responded to the contrary.                                 Yes           29            67           96        73.85
                                                           No            15            19           34        26.15
Table 5: K nowledge about climate change                   Tota l        44            86          13 0     1 00 .0 0
                                                           Source: Field Survey 2011
Options               No. of respondents      Percen-
                Male      Fe ma le    Total    (% )            Table 7 shows that when asked whether they
It is the         17             28    45       34.62      think the problem of climate change affects them,
  weather                                                  73.85% responded positively, while 26.15% be-
 condition                                                 lieved that the problem of climate change does
It is the                                                  not affect them in any way.
  of weather
  at a parti-                                              The Impact of Human Activities on
  cular time      8              17    25       19.23      Climate Change
No response       19             41    60       46.15
Tota l            44             86   13 0     1 00 .0 0        This section takes into consideration the
Source: Field Survey 2011                                  impact of human activities such as overgrazing,
                                                           bush burning, extraction of fuel wood, pesticide
    Table 5, also shows that when respondents              use, gas flaring on climate change, as analyzed
were asked what they know about climate                    in Table 8.
change, 34.62% of the people responded that it                  Table 8 shows 114 respondents represent-
has to do with the weather condition, 19.23%               ing 87.69% of the valid returned questionnaires
say it is the change in weather condition at a             believed that excess grazing of animals like cat-
particular time, while 46.15% did not respond to           tle, burning of bush, removal of fuel wood, con-
this question.                                             tinuous use of pesticide, gas flaring leads to
228                                      ANN OGBO, NDUBUISI EBELE LAURETTA AND WILFRED UKPERE

changes in climate in our country, while 16 re-                  Ta ble 10 reveals that 107 respondents repre-
spondents representing 12.31% of the returned                senting 90% agreed that removal or cutting down
questionnaire said no to that postulation.                   of trees or forest from a place, releases of waste
                                                             products from industries, improper getting rid
Table 8: Improper land use causes change in cli-             of waste products can lead to change in climate,
mate                                                         while 23 respondents representing 10% dis-
Options             No. of respondents
               Male         Female       Total     (%)       Challenges from Climate Change

Yes            39            75          11 4     87.69          This section considers the various challeng-
No              5            11           16      12.31      es emanating from climate change. It also looks
Tota l         44            86          13 0    1 00 .0 0
                                                             at the risks associated with the phenomenon as
                                                             explicated in the following tables:
Source: Field Survey 2011
                                                             Table 11: Creation of environmental/climate ref-
     Table 8 shows 114 respondents represent-                ugees, threats to the future of children, increase
ing 87.69% of the valid returned questionnaires              in diseases co uld be some of the c hallenges/r isk
                                                             re sulting from climate c hange
believed that excess grazing of animals like cat-
tle, burning of bush, removal of fuel wood, con-             Options          No. of respondents              Percen-
tinuous use of pesticide, gas flaring leads to                             Male       Female       Total       tage
changes in climate in our country, while 16 re-                                                                 (%)
spondents representing 12.31% of the returned                Yes            34           72        10 6         81.54
questionnaire said no to that postulation.                   No             10           14         24          18.46
                                                             Tota l         44           86        13 0       1 00 .0 0
Table 9: Abse nce of gree nho use gases may re-
duce climate c hange                                         Source: Field Survey 2011

Options             No. of respondents           Percen-         Table 11 shows that 106 respondents repre-
                                                  tage       senting 81.54% of the respondent agreed that
              Male          Female       Total
                                                   (%)       climate change results in creation of environ-
Yes            30            70          10 0     76.92      mental/climate refugees by displacing people
No             14            16           30      23.08      from their settlements, children and youths who
Tota l         44            86          13 0    1 00 .0 0   are the future hope of any nation are the most
                                                             vulnerable group of this threats, and health and
Sources: Field Survey 2011
                                                             life styles of people are also affected by climate
    Table 9 reveals that 100 respondents repre-              change, while 24 respondents representing
senting 76.92% of the respondents were in sup-               18.46% thought otherwise.
port that absence of greenhouse gases such as                Table 12: Reduction in economic growth, immediate
CO2 and methane, tilling of the soil, volcanic               setback on agriculture, loss of biodiversity are few
eruptions, burning of fossil fuels may reduce                of the c hallenges face as a re sult o f c hange in
                                                             c l im a t e
climate change while 30 respondents represent-
ing 23.08% of the respondents disagreed with
                                                             Options             No. of respondents           Percen-
this view.                                                                                                     tage
                                                                            Male         Female       Total
Table 10: Poor human activities lead to climate
change                                                       Yes            37           83        12 0         92.31
Options          No. of respondents      Percen-             No              7            3         10           7.69
                                          tage               Tota l         44           86        13 0       1 00 .0 0
             Male       Female     Total   (%)
                                                             Source: Field Survey 2011
Yes            30            77          10 7       90
No             14             9           23        10           From the responses as shown in Table 12,
Tota l         44            86          13 0     10 0       the 120 respondents representing 92.31% agreed
Source: Field Survey 2011                                    that climate change could cut economic growth,
RISK MANAGEMENT AND CHALLENGES OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN NIGERIA                                                    229

poor yield of agricultural products, changes in             Table 15: Agencies in charge of climate change
ecosystems (crops/animals) are forced to adapt              and g ove rnment at all leve ls (lo cal, state and
                                                            fe der al) have enlightene d Nige rians/put much
and those that cannot adapt are dying out, while            efforts on the so lutions to climate change
10 other respondents representing 7.69% dis-
agreed.                                                     Options                No. of respondents       Percen-
                                                                             Male       Female      Total    tage
Table 13: Flooding, erosion, drought, windstorm                                                               (%)
ar e not most (some) of the gr eatest risk/chal-
lenges faced by Nigerians due to climate change             Yes              9             2         11        8.46
                                                            No              35            84        11 9      91.54
Options            No. of respondents           Percen-     Tota l          44            86        13 0    1 00 .0 0
               Male         Female   Total       tage       Source: Field Survey 2011

Yes            9             6        15          11.54         From Table 15, only 11 respondents repre-
No            35            80       11 5         88.46     senting 8.46% believe that agencies in charge of
Tota l        44            86       13 0       1 00 .0 0   climate change and Government at all levels
Source: Field Survey 2011                                   have enlightened Nigerians more on the solu-
                                                            tions of climate change such as promoting re-
    The Table 13 reveals that 15 respondents                search work, establishing functioning commis-
representing 11.54% were in agreement that                  sion/agencies, creation of public awareness,
flooding, erosion, drought, windstorm are not               while 119 respondents representing 91.54%
most (some) of the greatest risk/challenges faced           thought otherwise.
by Nigerians due to climate change, While the               Table 16 : Good po lic ies have bee n utilize d/
other 115 respondents representing 88.46% dis-              implemented to bring solutions to the menace of
agreed.                                                     climate change in Niger ia

                                                            Options            No. of respondents           Percen-
Government Policies and Efforts to Combat                                                                    tage
Climate Change in Nigeria                                                   Male        Female      Total     (%)
                                                            Yes              20         26           46       35.38
   This section takes into consideration the                No               24         60           84       64.62
policies and efforts made by the government to              Tota l           44         86          13 0    1 00 .0 0
tackle climate change in Nigeria, as analyzed in            Source: Field   Survey 2011
Table 14.
                                                                 Table 16 shows that 46 respondents repre-
Table 14: Government provided facilities to alle-           senting 35.38% agreed that these programmes
viate climate c hange
                                                            like reforestation, afforestation, continuous main-
Options            No. of respondents           Percen-     tenance of infrastructures, biotechnology de-
               Male      Female         Total    tage       velopment, good policies have been implement-
                                                  (%)       ed to bring solutions to the menace of climate
                                                            change in Nigeria, while 84 respondents repre-
Yes            10         10          20          15.38
No             34         76         11 0         84.62
                                                            senting 64.62% answered that question in the
Tota l         44         86         13 0       1 00 .0 0
                                                            negative directions.
Source: Field Survey 2011
   Table 14 shows that 20 respondents repre-                    Climate change or global warming has be-
senting 15.38% would say yes to that, while 110             come a new reality, with deleterious effects: sea-
respondents representing 84.62% would say no                sonal cycles are disrupted, as are ecosystems;
that government/agencies have not provided                  and agriculture, water needs and supply, and
good roads, power lines, dykes, bridges, regular            food production are all adversely affected. Glo-
pest and disease control, better management of              bal warming (climate change) also leads to sea-
forest resources as part of the solutions to man-           level rise with its attendant consequences, and
age climate change in Nigeria.                              includes fiercer weather, increased frequency

and intensity of storms, floods, hurricanes,          is no formal institutional structure at state and
droughts, increased frequency of fires, poverty,      local government levels to address climate
malnutrition and series of health and socio-eco-      change. Even then, the capacity of SCCU to drive
nomic consequences. It has a cumulative effect        and coordinate national climate change re-
on natural resources and the balance of nature.       sponse is weak. There are very few people with
    The impact of climate change can be vast. In      proven competencies in the Unit and facilities
Nigeria, this means that some stable ecosystems       remain inadequate. Furthermore, the national
such as the Sahel Savanna may become vulner-          institutions, including the SCCU, are not prop-
able because warming will reinforce existing pat-     erly funded.
terns of water scarcity and increasing the risk of        Unlike Ghana, Nigeria has not been able to
drought in Nigeria. As well, the country’s aquat-     develop a structured approach to climate change
ic ecosystems, wetlands and other habitats will       adaptation. Ghana was able to do this through
create overwhelming problems for an already           the implementation of Netherlands assisted Cli-
impoverished populace. Preliminary studies on         mate Adaptation Programme (NCAP) that en-
the vulnerability of various sectors of the Nige-     abled the country to undertake detailed vulner-
rian economy to Climate Change were conduct-          ability assessment of various sectors. The im-
ed by NEST. The sectors evaluated were based          plementation of NCAP has also enabled Ghana
on seven natural and human systems identified         to develop a National Climate Change Adapta-
by the IPCC, and condensed into five. They are:       tion Strategy. Nigeria has no National Climate
    Human settlements and health;                    Change Policy and Strategy that should have
    Water resources, wetlands, and freshwater        presented Nigeria’s current and future efforts to
     ecosystems;                                      address climate change vulnerability and adap-
    Energy, industry, commerce, and financial        tation and therefore made risk management dif-
     services                                         ficult. The First National Communication was
    Agriculture, food security, land degradation,    produced November, 2003. The closest Nigeria
     forestry, and biodiversity; and                  is to having an acceptable adaptation response
    Coastal zone and marine ecosystems.              framework is a working document on Adapta-
    The study determined that virtually all of the    tion Strategies of Action prepared by HBS for
sectors analyzed manifested some evidence of          the Special Climate Change Unit (SCCU) of the
vulnerability to climate change. None were un-        Federal Ministry of Environment, the Nationally
affected, nor will remain unaffected in future by     Designated Authority for climate change in Ni-
changes to climatic conditions. In fact more re-      geria. But there is no clear indication that the
cent assessment, although in regional and glo-        document has been adapted as a national plan
bal scale, not only corroborate the patterns es-      of action.
tablished by CN-CCCDP reports but captured                There are many ways that climate change
more disturbing scenarios using more embrac-          could affect Nigerians especially citizens of Enu-
ing and sophisticated approaches (Parry et al.        gu State. Some of the impacts will be direct, oth-
2007: 3). Indications are that the climate system     ers will be indirect. Urban populations are grow-
is more sensitive than originally thought.            ing and contributing to environmental degrada-
    In general, Nigeria has many policies, strate-    tion, loss of biodiversity, environmental decay,
gies and plans that can address general adapta-       and water/air/environmental pollution. Nigeria
tion measures in some climate change vulnera-         will be affected by climate change in a variety of
ble sectors such as agriculture, water resources,     ways. Urban and rural population concentrations
forests and ecosystems, and coastal marine en-        will be disrupted, particularly along the coast-
vironment. However, the policy framework to           line due to sea-level rise and related phenome-
align human development and climate change            na. Also deforestation, industrial releases, im-
response efforts through adaptation is largely        proper sewage disposals are some of the major
undeveloped in the country. The country’s in-         factors that are responsible for climate change
stitutional capacity to respond effectively to cli-   in Nigeria. It was also observed that flooding,
mate change is weak. Apart from the SCCU in           drought, erosion, sea level rise are the various
the Federal Ministry of Environment and a few         challenges and effects that climate change pos-
institutions at the national level (for example,      es on the country. Government / agencies in
NIMET and the Climate Centre in Minna), there         charge have not proffered solutions/ways to
RISK MANAGEMENT AND CHALLENGES OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN NIGERIA                                         231

manage the associated risks of climate change          that would enable Nigeria mitigate and adapt to
in Nigeria.                                            climate change difficulties but little has been
    Some settlements are known to have already         done in that regard.
relocated farther inland from their original sites         For example, the Climate Change Commission
in response to sea incursion over some decades.        bill that seeks the establishment of a climate
Population displacement and migration from, and        change commission that would coordinate cli-
to, various human settlements will arise from ei-      mate change responses and action for the coun-
ther or both of drought incidence in the North-        try is one issue that has lingered for so long in
ern states of the country and accelerated sea          the legislative process and is still suffering de-
level rise in the coastal regions. Rises in sea-       lay. Many environmental stakeholders are be-
level will also threaten urban and rural infrastruc-   ginning to describe the delay as a show of lack
ture facilities in low lying coastal regions           of concern of the danger posed by climate
    Extreme climate conditions such as high            change.
wind, heavy rainfall, heat and cold can result in
wide-ranging scenarios such as tropical storms,                          CONCLUSION
floods, landslides, droughts and sea-level rise.
Climatic catastrophes induce populations to be             With an estimated population of about 140
displaced (or decimated by death), which in turn       million people spread over a total area of 923,800
can lead to conflict and civil unrest. As well, the    square kilometres, Nigeria is one of the most
public health infrastructure would be eroded if        populous nations and one of the largest coun-
resources are diverted from its maintenance to         tries in Africa. This high population makes Ni-
disaster recovery. Communities and government          geria a high potential contributor to global warm-
would be burdened with having to make repara-          ing and consequently, climate change. Her pro-
tions to individuals for property damage and           ductive activities are mainly agricultural and to
loss, unemployment, clean-up, and reduced so-          an extent industrial which contribute substan-
                                                       tial amount of greenhouse gases into the atmo-
cioeconomic viability of the communities affect-
                                                       sphere thereby accelerating climate change.
                                                       Even current estimates indicate that emissions
    Changes in weather and climate have been           from combined livestock population of over 44
known to profoundly influence water resourc-           million led to the emissions of over 1115g of
es, a factor that increases the vulnerability of       methane (CH4). Also, rice production led to the
humans to infection. Generally, water resources        emissions of 1090g CH4, while savannah burn-
involve all forms of fresh water needed for life’s     ing generated 109g CH4, 3.4g N20, and 2890g CO
necessities, ranging from domestic needs to            (Federal Ministry of Environment 2010: 45).
drinking, washing and cleaning, to agricultural        These GHGs generated from several industrial
needs involving food processing and irrigation,        processes in one way or the other finds its way
to other general needs.                                into the atmosphere thereby increasing the threat
    Climate change is surely one phenomenon            of climate change in Nigeria. As long as these
that has tested the Nigerian government and so         situations abound, so many activities in space
far, the government has failed the test looking at     are at one risk or the other. Present and future
the low level preparedness of the country in tack-     activities need to be planned and executed in
ling the imminent dangers of climate change.           space such that the future is not jeopardized.
Apart from various workshops and seminars to           The issue of adapting the ways we live to cli-
pay lip services to the many problems climate          mate change which includes planning for our
change poses to the nation, some experts have          urban and rural environment is being placed cen-
said Nigeria still has no structure or any coordi-     tre stage by recent flood events around the
nated mechanism in place to tackle the challenge       world and particularly in Nigeria. Hence, profes-
of climate change in the country.                      sionals in the building domain need to consider
    The International Centre for Energy, Envi-         very carefully what they build and where they
ronment and Development (ICEED) and Nigeri-            build it. Though the issue of climate change is
an, environmental group Non Governmental Or-           becoming recognized by spatial planners with
ganization (NGO), have continued to call on the        respect to flood risk, but its wider implications
Federal Government to put in place mechanisms          for biodiversity and water resources are neces-
232                                  ANN OGBO, NDUBUISI EBELE LAURETTA AND WILFRED UKPERE

sary for integration into plans. However, there         and practices together. The second focuses on
seems to be a lack of engagement of the plan-           the impact of future climate change on risk but
ning profession with climate change networks.           fails to make the connection with currently ex-
     The growing trend of disasters in Nigeria has      isting climate related risk events and patterns.
implications for national sustainability. This is       At the same time, both approaches are divorced
because disasters, irrespective of the causal fac-      both in concept and in terms of the institutional
tors are associated with diverse externalities such     arrangements and programming mechanisms at
as mortalities, loss of income, home, farmlands,        the national and international levels. If develop-
social networks, livelihoods and infrastructure.        ment is to be protected and advanced in coun-
     The climate change and variability are likely      tries affected by climate risks, an integrated ap-
to worsen the prospects for poverty eradication         proach to climate risk management needs to be
unless action is taken to become response-ca-           promoted, building on successful approaches
pable. This requires a focus on reducing vulner-        piloted by the disaster risk management com-
ability, achieving equitable growth and improv-         munity but mainstreamed into national strate-
ing the governance and institutional context in         gies and programmes. Addressing and manag-
which poor people live.                                 ing climate risk as it is manifested in extreme
     In effect, the existing poverty reduction strat-   events and impacts in the here and now is the
egies are continuously challenged by climate            most appropriate way of strengthening capaci-
change which often time deepens poverty. The            ties to deal with changing climate in the future.
country lacks capacity to anticipate and respond
to climate change and variability related risk.                       RECOMMENDATIONS
There is no adequate information on seasonal
forecast of climate variability to enable prepared-          Nigeria should focus more on economic ac-
ness to climate related disaster and thus early         tivities that are tertiary in nature which generate
warning facilities are grossly underutilized.           little greenhouse gases; development should be
     Strategies to reduce vulnerability should be       limited in areas likely to be flooded; the citing of
rooted in vulnerability analysis and greater un-        new facilities and the location of infrastructure
derstanding of both household-level and macro           should not be very close to the sea in order for
response options that are available to decrease         them to be free from sea level rise; already threat-
the exposure to climate risk. Increasing the re-        ened infrastructure /facilities should be relocat-
sponse-capability of Nigeria will require infor-        ed soonest; Nigeria should develop a technolo-
mation on seasonal forecast to enable the pre-          gy that can capture at least 80% of carbon emit-
paredness to climate variability as well as longer      ted by industries which are discharged into the
term climate prediction data to ensure that strat-      atmosphere; the spaces in rural areas and urban
egies to reduce vulnerability also reflect the un-      centres should be earmarked or apportioned for
derlying longer-term climate trends.                    rigorous and extensive tree planting; there
     Climate related risk, aggravated by process-       should be a heightened public awareness on
es of global economic and climatic change pos-          the danger associated with climate change; re-
es a central unresolved development issues for          settlements should be encouraged in certain ar-
many countries, particularly but not exclusively        eas of the country;
for SIDS. Unless such risks can be managed and               Nigeria should develop a cleaner source of
reduced, the achievement of the UN Millennium           energy instead of it’s over dependence on fossil
Goals will be a mirage. Current approaches to-          fuel energy that generate greenhouse gases.
wards managing disaster risk and adaptation to          While already existing energy production facili-
climate change fail for different reasons to ad-        ties should be physically protected with barri-
dress the issue. The first is still predominantly       ers; agencies responsible for the environment
focused on response to disaster events and fails        should enforce laws and regulations, particular-
to address the configuration of hazards, vulner-        ly with respect to urban planning and develop-
abilities and risks. Moreover, mono hazard ap-          ment and adherence to industrial standards as
proaches still prevail in contexts more and more        well as erection of structures or utilities in eco-
typified by synergy and complexity and there is         logically sensitive areas; town and cities should
still a great deal to do in order to bring risk man-    be well planned and free of industrial and mu-
agement and sustainable development concerns            nicipal wastes; there should be a decentraliza-
RISK MANAGEMENT AND CHALLENGES OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN NIGERIA                                             233

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congestion and high level of gas emissions/ex-       cies and Principles, published in February 1997.
haust emissions; industries should be relocated      It is pertinent to note that very salient and ro-
to more favourable sites. While appropriate lo-      bust issues were discussed which were of Na-
cation for new industries be mapped out; drains      tional attention.
should be constructed in and around coastal
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