Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead - Annual Audit Letter 2009/10 November 2010 AUDIT

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Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead - Annual Audit Letter 2009/10 November 2010 AUDIT

Royal Borough of Windsor and
Annual Audit Letter 2009/10
November 2010
The contacts at      Background
                     This Annual Audit Letter summarises the key issues arising from our 2009/10 audit of the Royal Borough of Windsor and
connection with
this report are:     Maidenhead (the Council). Although this letter is addressed to the Members of the Council, it is also intended to communicate
                     these issues to key external stakeholders, including members of the public. The letter will also be published on the Audit
Neil Thomas          Commission website at It is the responsibility of the Council to publish the letter on the Council’s
Partner              website at In the letter we highlight areas of good performance and also provide recommendations to help you
KPMG LLP (UK)        improve performance. A summary of our key recommendations is summarised in Appendix A. We have reported all the issues in
                     this letter to you throughout the year and a list of all reports we have issued is provided in Appendix B.
Tel: 020 7311 1379
Neil.thomas@kpmg.    Scope of our audit
                     The statutory responsibilities and powers of appointed auditors are set out in the Audit Commission Act 1998. Our main
Nick Rolfe           responsibility is to carry out an audit that meets the requirements of the Audit Commission's Code of Audit Practice (the code)
Manager              which requires us to report on:

Tel: 020 7311 4064                                                                         We conclude on the arrangements in place for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness (‘value
                      Use of Resources (UoR)                                                                         for money’) in your use of resources.
                      Financial Statements                                                 We provide an opinion on your accounts.
John Lester
Assistant Manager
KPMG LLP (UK)        Fees
Tel: 020 7311 6662   Our fee for 2009/10 was £183,000 excluding VAT (2008/09: £205,000). This includes £125,000 for the financial statements audit,
John.lester@kpmg.    £55,000 for Use of Resources and £3,000 for Whole of Government Accounts work. Our work on the certification of grants and                returns has not yet been completed, and we are therefore unable to state the overall cost of this work. We estimate this cost to be

                      This report is addressed to the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (the Council) and has been prepared for the sole use of the Council. We take no responsibility to any
                     member of staff acting in their individual capacities, or to third parties. The Audit Commission has issued a document entitled Statement of Responsibilities of Auditors and Audited
                           Bodies. This summarises where the responsibilities of auditors begin and end and what is expected from the audited body. We draw your attention to this document.
                           External auditors do not act as a substitute for the audited body’s own responsibility for putting in place proper arrangements to ensure that public business is conducted in
                               accordance with the law and proper standards, and that public money is safeguarded and properly accounted for, and used economically, efficiently and effectively.
                     If you have any concerns or are dissatisfied with any part of KPMG’s work, in the first instance you should contact Neil Thomas who is the engagement lead to the Council or Trevor
                       Rees, the national contact partner for all of KPMG’s work with the Audit Commission. After this, if you still dissatisfied with how your complaint has been handled you can access
                      the Audit Commission’s complaints procedure. You can contact the Complaints Unit by phone (0844 798 3131), by email (, through the audit
                        commission website (, by textphone/minicom (020 7630 0421), or via post to Complaints Unit, Audit Commission , Westward
                                                                                    House, Lime Kiln Close, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, BS34 8SR.

                      © 2010 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership, is a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative, a
                       Swiss entity. All rights reserved. This document is confidential and its circulation and use are restricted. KPMG and the KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity.   1

Use of Resources        Use of Resources                         In May 2010 the government announced that the Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) would be
                        assessment                                    abolished. The Audit Commission subsequently confirmed that work related to CAA should cease
                                                                      with immediate effect. This included work for UoR scored assessments at local authorities. However,
                                                                      there is no change to the requirement in the statutory Code of Audit Practice for auditors to issue a
                                                                      VFM conclusion.
                                                                 At the time of the announcement, the vast majority of UoR work for 2010 had already been completed
                                                                      and this therefore informed our 2009/10 VFM conclusion.
                                                                 We identified that improvements could be made in workforce planning and strategies. Plans have
                                                                      been considered at a local level but focus on the Authority as a whole could be made to identify the
                                                                      future shape of the workforce. This will help to formally identify where there might be gaps in the
                                                                      workforce and link to the future service provision of the Authority. From assessment of managing the
                                                                      finances, the cost of staff have been built into financial plans.

                        Specific risk based                      We originally intended to undertake a review centring on social services as part of our use of
                        reviews                                       resources work. Following scoping of that work we identified that it would not be necessary for us to
                                                                      reach our use of resource conclusion however as the Authority believed there to be benefit from the
                                                                      assignment we reduced our audit fee for the work but proposed an additional assignment outside of
                                                                      the audit plan which is currently underway.

                        Our conclusion                           We issued an unqualified value for money conclusion for 2009/10. This means that we are satisfied
                                                                      that you have put into place proper arrangements for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness
                                                                      in your use of resources.

                   © 2010 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership, is a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative, a
                    Swiss entity. All rights reserved. This document is confidential and its circulation and use are restricted. KPMG and the KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity.   2

Financial              Annual accounts                          Our audit identified a total of 5 numerical audit adjustments. Only two of these impacted on the
Statements                                                           financial outturn of the Authority. The others were movements between reserves and the balance
                                                                     sheet. The impact of these adjustments was to:
                                                                      Have no impact on the general fund account as at 31 March 2010;
                                                                      Increase the deficit on the income and expenditure account for the year by £1,972K; and
                                                                      Decrease the net worth of the Authority as at 31 March 2010 by £1,085K.

                                                                There were no significant matters which we were required to report to ‘those charged with
                                                                The quality of the draft set of accounts and the supporting working papers was good. Officers on the
                                                                     most part dealt efficiently with audit queries and the audit process was been completed within the
                                                                     planned timescales.

                       Annual                                   No significant adjustments were required to the Annual Governance Statement.

                       Our conclusion                           We issued an unqualified opinion on your accounts on 28 September 2010. This means that we
                                                                     believe the accounts give a true and fair view of the financial affairs of the Council and of the income
                                                                     and expenditure recorded during the year.

Recommendations        High risk                                We have raised 4 recommendations as a result of our 2009/10 audit work, but none of these were
                       recommendations                               deemed to be high risk. Recommendations are summarised in Appendix A.
                                                                The Authority has implemented the three out of eight of the recommendations in our ISA 260 Report
                                                                     2008/09 relating to the financial statements. None of these were considered high risk areas, but we
                                                                     encourage prioritisation of these.

Public Interest                                                 We did not issue a report in the public interest or exercise other audit powers in 2009/10.

Fraud                                                           This work is complete and has not identified any matters which we wish to draw to your attention.

                  © 2010 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership, is a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative, a
                   Swiss entity. All rights reserved. This document is confidential and its circulation and use are restricted. KPMG and the KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity.   3

High profile issues        Economic                                 Following the Comprehensive Spending Review announcement in October 2010, there is now greater
                           Downturn and                                  clarity on the spending cuts that will affect local government. Local authorities will face 7.1% annual
                           pressure on the                               cuts representing 26% reductions over the next four years. Although this is less than many
                           public sector                                 commentators had predicted, this still represents one of the biggest cuts for any part of the public
                                                                         sector. Detailed analysis will be required as further details of these funding cuts are clarified - the real
                                                                         impact will not be known until the government departments produce their business plans in
                                                                         November and organisations have a chance to digest the Chancellor’s messages.
                                                                    The Authority has been preparing for cuts of this magnitude for some time. Facing up to these
                                                                         challenges will require revolutionary transformation of public sector services, rather than tinkering.
                                                                         Strong leadership from Members and senior management will be essential.

                           International                            The Authority has made good progress towards implementing IFRS, including restatement of the
                           Financial                                     opening balance sheet position. A review of leases has been undertaken and an external contractor
                           Reporting                                     has been engaged to assist in the IFRS restatement. They are undertaking the detailed work in
                           Standards (IFRS)                              restatement.
                                                                    The closing balance sheet has already been restated for 2008-09 as a practice exercise and for the
                                                                         three years of comparatives required for the first year of full restatement. We have considered the
                                                                         work performed and approach but have not audited the figures. The approach taken seemed
                                                                         consistent with other authorities and progress made is in line with the timeline for full restatement in

                      © 2010 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership, is a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative, a
                       Swiss entity. All rights reserved. This document is confidential and its circulation and use are restricted. KPMG and the KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity.   4
Future audit work
Changes to next year’s value for work programme
 Given the scale of the pressures facing public bodies in the current economic climate, the Audit Commission has reviewed its work programme for
   2010/11 onwards. As part of this exercise, the Commission has been discussing possible options for a new approach to local value for money (VFM)
   audit work with key national stakeholders. From 2010/11 we will therefore apply a new, more targeted and better value approach to our local VFM
   audit work. This will be based on a reduced number of reporting criteria specified by the Commission, concentrating on:
  ­ securing financial resilience; and

  ­ prioritising resources within tighter budgets.

 We will determine a local programme of VFM audit work based on our audit risk assessment, informed by these criteria and our statutory
  responsibilities. We will no longer make annual scored judgements relating to our local VFM audit work. Instead we will report the results of all the
  local VFM audit work and the key messages for the audited body in our annual report to those charged with governance and in a clear and accessible
  annual audit letter.
Future audit arrangements
 In August 2010 the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government announced proposals to abolish the Audit Commission. The proposed
   abolition will be from 2012 and the government will seek legislation in this session of Parliament.
 One consequence of the abolition is that the Audit Commission has now changed the proposed appointed auditor to the Council; it was originally
   intended for KPMG to rotate from this audit and the Audit Commission take the appointment from 1 April 2010. The Audit Commission are now
   proposing that KPMG are appointed for the two year period to 31 March 2012 to avoid having to change auditors twice in two years.
 There is no immediate change to the current audit arrangements. We will keep you informed about the future audit programme and any changes to
   audit arrangements.

                      © 2010 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership, is a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative, a
                       Swiss entity. All rights reserved. This document is confidential and its circulation and use are restricted. KPMG and the KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity.   5
Appendix A: Key Recommendations
This appendix                                                                                                                       Management Response / Responsible                                                  Date to follow up and
summarises all       #        Risk                    Summary of recommendation
                                                                                                                                           Officer / Due Date                                                          report to Audit Panel
raised in 2009/10.
These were raised                           Revaluation of properties                                                           Agreed. The 6 properties have been                                                    February 2011
within our ISA 260
                                            We recommend a plan is put in place at the                                          reviewed to confirm their value has not
report to those                                                                                                                 changed significantly since the last formal
                                            beginning of the year for all properties that
charged with
                     1                     are due to be revalued and this is checked                                          valuation. The 5 year plan will be checked
presented to the                            back to the properties that are due for                                             periodically to prevent reoccurrence.
Audit Panel in
September 2010.
                                            valuation in the cycle.                                                             Ralph Brown - Immediately

                                            Journal authorisation review                                                        The control has not been removed; a review                                            February 2011
                                            We recommend reviews of journals over                                               will continue to be carried out and signed
                                            £50K should continue to be reported to                                              off by the Finance Partners and Corporate
                     2                     group accountants and reviewed on a                                                 Group Accountant.
                                            monthly basis and positive confirmation
                                            required. Our testing identified non-
                                            compliance with the control in place.

                                            Capital budget reporting                                                            Greater efforts will be made to profile                                               February 2011
                                            To improve reporting over the capital                                               budgets when loaded and improved
                                            programme, variances and slippage should                                            reporting of slippage and variances will be
                     3                     be routinely reported. Action plans should                                          included in service monitoring reports..
                                            be identified as to how the programme will                                          Richard Bunn - Immediately
                                            get back on track, and how the process will
                                            be managed and improved going forwards.

                                            Positive confirmation of staff listings                                             Staff listings are sent to Managers on a                                              February 2011
                                            We recommend a mechanism for ensuring                                               monthly basis. A mechanism to allow
                     4                     budget     holders       provide      positive                                      budget holders to confirm the accuracy of
                                            confirmation to the accuracy of staff listings                                      the listings will be investigated
Low Risk       
Medium Risk                                monthly or quarterly is put in place.                                               Richard Bunn - December 2010
High Risk      

                     © 2010 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership, is a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative, a
                      Swiss entity. All rights reserved. This document is confidential and its circulation and use are restricted. KPMG and the KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity.         6
Appendix B: Summary of Reports issued
This appendix                                                                                                                          2010
summarises the
reports we issued                                                                                                                    January
since our last      Audit Plan                        The Audit Plan set out our
Annual Audit
                    (February 2010)                   approach to the audit of the
                                                      Council’s Use of Resources and                                                February
                                                      Financial Statements .                                                                                          Certification of                 This report summarised the
                                                                                                                                                                      Grants &                         outcome from our certification
                                                                                                                                      March                           Returns                          work on the Council’s 2008/09
                                                                                                                                                                      (February 2010)                  grants and returns.





                    Report to those                   The Report to Those Charged with                                                                                Audit Report                   The Audit Report included our audit
                    charged with                      Governance summarised the                                                                                                                      opinion for the year, the Value for
                                                                                                                                  September                           (September
                    governance                        results of our audit for 2009/10                                                                                                               Money conclusion and our Audit
                    (September                        including key issues and                                                                                                                       Certificate.
                    2010)                             recommendations raised as a
                                                      result of our observations.
                                                      We also provided the mandatory
                                                      declarations required under                                                  November                           Annual Audit                        This Annual Audit Letter
                                                      auditing standards as part of this                                                                              Letter                              provides a summary of the
                                                      report.                                                                                                         (November 2010)                     results of our audit for 2009/10.

                    © 2010 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership, is a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative, a
                     Swiss entity. All rights reserved. This document is confidential and its circulation and use are restricted. KPMG and the KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity.         7
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